GB/T标准翻译 - 英文版 2

GB/T 25871-2010 结球生菜 预冷和冷藏运输指南 Lettuce - Guide to precooling and refrigerated transport
GB/T 25872-2010 马铃薯 通风库贮藏指南 Potatoes - Guidelines for storage in artificially ventilated stores
GB/T 25873-2010 结球甘蓝 冷藏和冷藏运输指南 Round-headed cabbage - Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport
GB/T 25874.2-2010 纺织机械与附件 筘齿用钢片 第2部分:淬硬钢片 Textile machinery and accessories - Strip steel for dents of reeds - Part 2: Hardened strip steel
GB/T 25875-2010 草原蝗虫宜生区划分与监测技术导则 Guideline for segmentating and monitoring the inhabitable area of locust and grasshopper in grassland
GB/T 25876-2010 牛早期胚胎性别的鉴定 巢式PCR法 Method of nested PCR for sex identification of early cattle embryo
GB/T 25877-2010 淀粉胶电泳同工酶分析 Starch gel electrophoresis isozyme analysis
GB/T 25878-2010 对虾传染性皮下及造血组织坏死病毒(IHHNV)检测 PCR法 Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method for infectious hypodermal and haematopoietic necrosis virus (IHHNV)
GB/T 25879-2010 鸡蛋蛋清中溶菌酶的测定 分光光度法 Determination of lysozyme in chicken egg white - Spectrophotometry
GB/T 25880-2010 毛皮掉毛测试方法 掉毛测试仪法 Measurement of fallen hair for fur - Method of instrument for fallen hair
GB/T 25881-2010 牛胚胎 Bovine embryo (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 25882-2010 青贮玉米品质分级 Quality grading for silage maize
GB/T 25883-2010 瘦肉型种猪生产技术规范 Technical regulation of lean-type breeding pig production
GB/T 25884-2010 蛙类形态性状测定 Measurement of characters for batrachia
GB/T 25885-2010 羊毛纤维平均直径及其分布试验方法 激光扫描仪法 Measurement of the mean and distribution of fibre diameter for wool - The laserscan fiber diameter analyser
GB/T 25886-2010 养鸡场带鸡消毒技术要求 Technical requirements for living disinfection on chicken farms
GB/T 25887-2010 奶牛脊椎畸形综合征检测 PCR-RFLP法 Method of PCR-RFLP for detecting complex vertebral malformation in dairy cattle
GB/T 25888-2010 月鳢 Snakehead
GB/T 25889-2010 机器状态监测与诊断 声发射 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - Acoustic emission
GB/T 25894-2010 疏散平面图 设计原则与要求 Escape and evacuation plan - Design principles and requirements
GB/T 25895.1-2010 水域安全标志和沙滩安全旗 第1部分:工作场所和公共区域用水域安全标志 Water safety signs and beach safety flags - Part1: Specifications for water safety signs used in workplaces and public areas
GB/T 25897-2010 超导电性:铌-酞复合超导体剩余电阻比测定 Superconductivity: Residual resistance ratio measurement of Nb-Ti composite superconductors
GB/T 25898-2010 仪器化纳米压入试验方法 薄膜的压入硬度和弹性模量 Instrumented nanoindentation test - Indentation hardness and modulus of thin film
GB/T 25917-2010 轴向加力疲劳试验机动态力校准 Axial force-applied fatigue testing machines dynamic force calibration
GB/T 25918-2010 便携式水表校验仪 Portable calibration instrument for water meters
GB/T 25920-2010 饮用冷水水表塑料表壳及承压件技术规范 Plastic body and pressured parts of the meter for cold potable water - Technical specifications
GB/T 25921-2010 电气和仪表回路检验规范 Electrical and instrumentation loop check
GB/T 25922-2010 封闭管道中流体流量的测量 用安装在充满流体的圆形截面管道中的涡街流量计测量流量的方法 Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits - Flowrate measurement by means of vortex shedding flowmeters inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full
GB/T 25923-2010 在线气体分析器 技术条件 Specification of on-line gas analyzers
GB/T 25924-2010 在线气体分析器 试验方法 Test methods of on-line gas analyzers
GB/T 25925-2010 工业自动化仪表 公称工作压力值系列 Industrial-process measurement and control instruments - Values of nominal working pressure
GB/T 25926-2010 工业自动化仪表盘 接线接管图的绘制方法 Industrial-process measurement and control instrument panels - Methods of drawing the wiring and piping diagrams
GB/T 25927-2010 工业自动化仪表盘 盘面布置图的绘制方法 Industrial-process measurement and control instrument panels - Methods of drawing the arrangement plan of panel area
GB/T 25928-2010 过程工业自动化系统出厂验收测试(FAT)、现场验收测试(SAT)、现场综合测试(SIT)规范 Automation systems in the process industry - Factory acceptance test (FAT), site acceptance test (SAT), and site integration test (SIT)
GB/T 25929-2010 红外线气体分析器 技术条件 Specification of infrared gas analyzers
GB/T 25930-2010 红外线气体分析器 试验方法 Test method of infrared gas analyzers
GB/T 25931-2010 网络测量和控制系统的精确时钟同步协议 Precision clock synchronization protocol for networked measurement and control systems
GB/T 25932-2010 铸造高温合金母合金通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy master alloys for castings
GB/T 25933-2010 高纯金 High-purity gold
GB/T 25937-2010 子午线轮胎一次法成型机 Radial ply tyre single stage building machine
GB/T 25938-2010 炼胶工序中小料自动配料称量系统 Automatic weighing system for small chemicals in rubber mixing process
GB/T 25939-2010 密闭式炼胶机上辅机系统 Up-stream equipment system for rubber internal mixer
GB/T 25940-2010 定负荷国际橡胶硬度计 IRHD dead-load testers
GB/T 25941-2010 塑料真空成型机 Plastic vacuum forming machine
GB/T 25942-2010 核级银-铟-镉合金棒 Nuclear grade silver-indium-cadmium rods
GB/T 25943-2010 铝土矿 检验取样精度的实验方法 Aluminium ores - Experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling
GB/T 25944-2010 铝土矿 批中不均匀性的实验测定 Aluminium ores - Experimental determination of the heterogeneity of distribution of a lot
GB/T 25945-2010 铝土矿 取样程序 Aluminium ores - Sampling procedures
GB/T 25946-2010 铝土矿 取样偏差的检验方法 Aluminium ores - Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling
GB/T 25947-2010 铝土矿 散装料水分含量的测定 Aluminium ores - Determination of the moisture content of bulk material
GB/T 25948-2010 铝土矿 铁总量的测定 三氯化钛还原法 Aluminium ores - Determination of total iron content - Titanium trichloride reduction method
GB/T 25949-2010 铝土矿 样品制备 Aluminium ores - Preparation of samples
GB/T 25950-2010 铝土矿 成分不均匀性的实验测定 Aluminium ores - Experimental determination of the heterogeneity of constitution
GB/T 25952-2010 散装浮选镍精矿取样、制样方法 Methods for sampling and sample preperation of flotation nickel conentrates in bulk
GB/T 25953-2010 有色金属选矿回收铁精矿 Nonferrous metals mineral processing and iron concentrate recovering
GB/T 25954-2010 钴及钴合金废料 Scraps of cobalt and cobalt alloy
GB/T 25955-2010 钽及钽合金废料 Scraps of tantalum and tantalum alloy
GB/T 25959-2010 照明节电装置及应用技术条件 The power saving unit for lighting and technical requirements of application
GB/T 25961-2010 电气绝缘油中腐蚀性硫的试验法 Standard test method for corrosive sulfur in electrical insulating oils
GB/T 25962-2010 高速条件下汽车轮毂轴承润滑脂漏失量测定法 Standard test method for determining the leakage tendencies of automotive wheel bearing grease under accelerated conditions
GB/T 25963-2010 含脂肪酸甲酯中间馏分芳烃含量的测定 示差折光检测器高效液相色谱法 Determination of aromatic hydrocarbon types in middle distillates containing fatty acid methyl esters - High performance liquid chromatography method with refractive index detection
GB/T 25964-2010 石油和液体石油产品 采用混合式油罐测量系统测量立式圆筒形油罐内油品体积、密度和质量的方法 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Determination of volume,density and mass of the hydrocarbon content of vertical cylindrical tanks by hybrid tank measurement systems
GB/T 25965-2010 材料法向发射比与全玻璃真空太阳集热管半球发射比试验方法 Test methods of normal emittance of materials and hemispherical emittance of all-glass evacuated collector tubes
GB/T 25966-2010 带电辅助能源的家用太阳能热水系统技术条件 Specification of domestic solar water heating systems with electrical auxiliary heat source
GB/T 25967-2010 带辅助能源的家用太阳能热水系统热性能试验方法 Test methods for thermal performance of domestic solar-plus-supplementary water heating systems
GB/T 25968-2010 分光光度计测量材料的太阳透射比和太阳吸收比试验方法 Test methods of solar transmittance and solar absorptance of materials by spectrophotometry
GB/T 25969-2010 家用太阳能热水系统主要部件选材通用技术条件 Specification of material selecting for main parts of domestic solar water heating system
GB/T 25973-2010 工业企业清洁生产审核 技术导则 Cleaner production audit in industrial enterprises - Technical guidance
GB/T 25975-2010 建筑外墙外保温用岩棉制品 Rock wool products for exterior insulation and finish systems(EIFS)
GB/T 25976-2010 船舶和海上技术 救生设备示位灯 产品的试验、检查和标志 Ship and marine technology - Position-indicating lights for life-saving appliances - Testing,inspection and marking of production units
GB/T 25977-2010 除雪车 Snow blower
GB/T 25978-2010 道路车辆 标牌和标签 Road vehicle - Plate and label
GB/T 25979-2010 道路车辆 重型商用汽车列车和铰接客车 横向稳定性试验方法 Road vehicles - Heavy commercial vehicle combinations and articulated buses - Lateral stability test methods
GB/T 25980-2010 道路车辆 旅居挂车和轻型挂车的连接球 尺寸 Road vehicles - Coupling balls for caravans and light trailers - Dimensions
GB/T 25981-2010 护栏清洗车 Guardrail cleanout vehicle
GB/T 25982-2010 客车车内噪声限值及测量方法 Permissible levels and test methods of bus internal noise
GB/T 25983-2010 歧管式催化转化器 Manifold catalytic converter
GB/T 25985-2010 汽车防盗装置的保护 Protective of devices against unauthorized use of motor vehicles
GB/T 25986-2010 汽车用液化天然气加注装置 Filling device of natural gas vehicles
GB/T 25987-2010 装甲防暴车 Armoured anti-riot-vehicle
GB/T 25988-2010 道路车辆 牵引旅居挂车或轻型挂车的牵引连接装置 机械强度试验 Road vehicles - Towing vehicle coupling device to tow caravans or light trailers - Mechanical strength test
GB/T 25992-2010 整体硬质合金和陶瓷直柄球头立铣刀 尺寸 Solid ball-nosed end mills with cylindrical shanks made of carbide and ceramic materials - Dimensions
GB/T 25993-2010 透水路面砖和透水路面板 Permeable paving bricks & permeable paving flags
GB/T 25994-2010 蜂窝陶瓷 Honeycomb ceramics
GB/T 25995-2010 精细陶瓷密度和显气孔率试验方法 Test methods for density and apparent porostiy of fine ceramics
GB/T 25996-2010 绝热材料对奥氏体不锈钢外部应力腐蚀开裂的试验方法 Test method for thermal insulations on external stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 25997-2010 绝热用聚异氰脲酸酯制品 Polyisocyanurate products for thermal insulation
GB/T 25998-2010 矿物棉装饰吸声板 Mineral wool decorating and acoustic ceilings
GB/T 25999-2010 泥浆泵用金属-陶瓷缸套 Ceramic liner with steel sleeve for mud pump
GB/T 26000-2010 膨胀玻化微珠保温隔热砂浆 Thermal insulating mortar mixed with expanded and vitrified beads
GB/T 26001-2010 烧结路面砖 Fired paving units
GB/T 26002-2010 燃气输送用不锈钢波纹软管及管件 Stainless steel pliable corrugated tubing and fittings used in gas piping systems
GB/T 26003-2010 无负压管网增压稳流给水设备 Non-negative pipe system pressure-increasing water supply equipment
GB/T 26004-2010 表面喷涂用特种导电涂料 Special conductive coatings on surface spraying
GB/T 26005-2010 草酸钴 Cobalt oxalate
GB/T 26006-2010 船用铝合金挤压管、棒、型材 Aluminium alloys extruded tubes,bars,rods,and profiles used for ships
GB/T 26007-2010 弹性元件和接插件用铜带 Copper and copper alloys - Strip for springs and connectors
GB/T 26008-2010 电池级单水氢氧化锂 Battery grade lithium hydorxide monohydrate
GB/T 26009-2010 电光源用铌锆合金无缝管 Niobium-Zirconium alloys seamless tube for electric light source
GB/T 26010-2010 电接触银镍稀土材料 Ag-Ni-RE electrical contact materials
GB/T 26011-2010 电缆护套用铅合金锭 Lead alloy for cable sheath bond
GB/T 26012-2010 电容器用钽丝 Tantalum wire for capacitors
GB/T 26013-2010 二氧化锡 Tin Dioxide
GB/T 26014-2010 非建筑用铝合金装饰型材 aluminium alloy extruded profiles used for decoration excluding architecture
GB/T 26015-2010 覆合用铜带 Copper strip for clad
GB/T 26016-2010 高纯镍 High purity nickel
GB/T 26017-2010 高纯铜 High purity copper
GB/T 26018-2010 高纯钴 High purity cobalt
GB/T 26019-2010 高杂质钨矿化学分析方法 三氧化钨量的测定 二次分离灼烧重量法 Methods for chemical analysis of high impurity tungsten mineral - Determination of tungsten trioxide content - Twice separation and igniting gravimetric method
GB/T 26020-2010 金废料分类和技术条件 Classification and specification for gold metal scraps
GB/T 26021-2010 金条 Gold bar
GB/T 26022-2010 精炼镍取样方法 Sampling of refined nickel
GB/T 26023-2010 抗射线用高精度钨板 High precision tungsten plates of resisting ray
GB/T 26024-2010 空调与制冷系统阀件用铜及铜合金无缝管 Seamless copper and copper alloys tube for valves on air-conditioning and refrigeration system
GB/T 26025-2010 连续铸钢结晶器用铜模板 Specifications for copper mould plates of continuous casting
GB/T 26026-2010 硫醇甲基锡 Methyltin mercaptide
GB/T 26027-2010 铝及铝合金大规格拉制无缝管 Aluminium and aluminium alloys drawn seamless tubes for large circumscribed circle diameter of cross section
GB/T 26028-2010 铝蒸发料 Evaporated aluminum material
GB/T 26029-2010 镍、钴、锰三元素复合氧化物 Nickel cobalt manganese composite oxide
GB/T 26030-2010 镍及镍合金锻件 Nickel and nickel alloys forgings
GB/T 26031-2010 镍酸锂 Lithium nickel oxide
GB/T 26032-2010 镍蒸发料 Evaporated nickel material
GB/T 26033-2010 偏钨酸铵 Ammonium metatungstate
GB/T 26034-2010 片状铜粉 Flake copper powder
GB/T 26035-2010 片状锌粉 Flake zinc powder
GB/T 26036-2010 汽车轮毂用铝合金模锻件 Aluminium alloys die forgings for motor-wheel
GB/T 26037-2010 深冲用粉末冶金钽板 Powder metallurgic tantalum sheets for deep-drawning
GB/T 26038-2010 钨基高比重合金板材 Tungsten base,high-density alloy plates
GB/T 26039-2010 无汞锌粉 Mercury-free zinc powder
GB/T 26040-2010 锡酸钠 Sodium stannate
GB/T 26041-2010 限流熔断器用银及银合金丝、带材 Silver and silver alloy wire/strip for flow-limited fuse
GB/T 26042-2010 锌及锌合金分析方法 光电发射光谱法 Methods for analysis of zinc and zinc alloys - The optical emission spectrometry
GB/T 26043-2010 锌及锌合金取样方法 Zinc and zinc alloys - Method of sampling - Specifications
GB/T 26044-2010 信号传输用单晶圆铜线及其线坯 Single crystal round copper wire and drawing stock for signal transmission
GB/T 26045-2010 蓄电池板栅用铅钙合金锭 The lead calcium alloys ingot for the accumulator cell slab lattice
GB/T 26046-2010 氧化铜粉 Copper oxide powder
GB/T 26047-2010 一次柱式锂电池绝缘子 Insulators of primary lithium Battery for pillar
GB/T 26048-2010 易切削铜合金线材 Free-cutting copper alloy wire
GB/T 26049-2010 银包铜粉 Silver-coated copper powder
GB/T 26050-2010 硬质合金 X射线荧光测定金属元素含量 熔融法 Hardmetals - Determination of contents of metallic elements by X-ray fluorescence - Fusion method
GB/T 26051-2010 硬质合金 钴粉中硫和碳量的测定 红外检测法 Hardmetals - Determination of sulfur and carbon contents in cobalt metal powders - Infrared detection method
GB/T 26052-2010 硬质合金管状焊条 Tubular welding rods of tungsten carbide
GB/T 26053-2010 硬质合金喷焊粉 Spray welding powder for cemented carbide
GB/T 26054-2010 硬质合金再生混合料 Reproduced composition powder of cemented carbide
GB/T 26055-2010 再生碳化钨粉 Reproduced tungsten carbide powder
GB/T 26056-2010 真空热压铍材 Vacuum hot press beryllium material
GB/T 26057-2010 钛及钛合金焊接管 Titanium and titanium alloy welded tube
GB/T 26058-2010 钛及钛合金挤压管 Extruded tube of titanium and titanium alloys
GB/T 26059-2010 钛及钛合金网板 Titanium and titanium alloy halftone
GB/T 26060-2010 钛及钛合金铸锭 Titanium and titanium alloy ingots
GB/T 26061-2010 钽铌复合碳化物 Tantalum-niobium composite carbides
GB/T 26062-2010 铌及铌锆合金丝 Niobium and niobium-zirconium alloy wire
GB/T 26063-2010 铍铝合金 Beryllium aluminum alloy
GB/T 26064-2010 锂圆片 Lithium wafers
GB/T 26065-2010 硅单晶抛光试验片规范 Specification for polished test silicon wafers
GB/T 26066-2010 硅晶片上浅腐蚀坑检测的测试方法 practice for shallow etch pit detection on silicon
GB/T 26067-2010 硅片切口尺寸测试方法 Standard test method for dimensions of notches on silicon wafers
GB/T 26068-2010 硅片载流子复合寿命的无接触微波反射光电导衰减测试方法 Test method for carrier recombination lifetime in silicon wafers by non-contact measurement of photoconductivity decay by microwave reflectance
GB/T 26069-2010 硅退火片规范 Specification for silicon annealed wafers
GB/T 26070-2010 化合物半导体抛光晶片亚表面损伤的反射差分谱测试方法 Characterization of subsurface damage in polished compound semiconductor wafers by reflectance difference spectroscopy method
GB/T 26071-2010 太阳能电池用硅单晶切割片 Mono-crystalline silicon as cut slices for photovoltaic solar cells
GB/T 26072-2010 太阳能电池用锗单晶 Germanium single crystal for solar cell
GB/T 26073-2010 有毒与可燃性气体检测系统安全评价导则 Safety guideling for the evaluation of toxic and flammable gas detection systems
GB/T 26074-2010 锗单晶电阻率直流四探针测量方法 Germanium monocrystal-measurement of resistivity-DC linear four-point probe
GB/T 26075-2010 抽油杆用圆钢 Steel bars for sucker rods
GB/T 26076-2010 金属薄板(带) 轴向力控制疲劳试验方法 Metal sheets and strips - Axial-force-controlled fatigue testing method
GB/T 26077-2010 金属材料 疲劳试验 轴向应变控制方法 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Axial-strain-controlled method
GB/T 26078-2010 金属材料 焊接残余应力 爆炸处理法 Metallic materials - Welding residual stresses - Method with explosion treatment
GB/T 26079-2010 梁式吊具 Beam-type lifting device
GB/T 26080-2010 塔机用冷弯矩形管 Roll-forming rectangle steel tube for tower crane
GB/T 26081-2010 污水用球墨铸铁管、管件和附件 Ductile iron pipes,fittings and accessories for sewage applications
GB/T 26084-2010 船舶电气橡胶制品通用技术条件 General specification for electric rubber products of ship
GB/T 26085-2010 船舶防污漆锡总量的测试及判定 Test method and determination of total tin in antifouling paints for ship
GB/T 26086-2010 救生设备用反光膜 Retro-reflective sheeting for use on life-saving appliances
GB/T 26087-2010 小艇 锚泊、系泊和拖曳 强力点 Small craft - Anchoring,mooring and towing - Strong points
GB/T 26088-2010 造船 推进用水冷四冲程柴油机 Shipbuilding - Water-cooled four cycle diesel engines for propelling
GB/T 26089-2010 船用柴油发动机使用手册编写要求 Guidelines for instruction of marine diesel engines
GB/T 26090-2010 齿轮齿距测量仪 Gear circular pitch measuring instrument
GB/T 26091-2010 齿轮单面啮合整体误差测量仪 Gear single-flank meshing integrated error measuring instrument
GB/T 26092-2010 齿轮螺旋线测量仪 Gear helix measuring instrument
GB/T 26093-2010 齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪 Gear dual-flank meshing measuring instrument
GB/T 26094-2010 电感测微仪 Inductive length measuring instrument
GB/T 26095-2010 电子柱电感测微仪 Electronic column micrometer
GB/T 26096-2010 峰值电感测微仪 Peak inductance micrometer
GB/T 26097-2010 数显电感测微仪 Inductive length measuring instrument with digital display
GB/T 26098-2010 圆度测量仪 Roundness measuring instrument
GB/T 26100-2010 机械产品数字样机通用要求 General principles of digital mock-up for mechanical products
GB/T 26101-2010 机械产品虚拟装配通用技术要求 General technology requirements of virtual assembly
GB/T 26102-2010 计算机辅助工艺设计 导则 Guideline for computer aided process planning
GB/T 26104-2010 WGJ 型接中间轴鼓形齿式联轴器 WGJ crowned teeth couplings with interconnecting shaft
GB/T 26105-2010 防锈油防锈性能试验 多电极电化学法 Test of rust preventive oil for rust preventing ability -Electrochemical measurement with wire beam electrode
GB/T 26106-2010 机械镀锌层 技术规范和试验方法 Mechanically deposited coatings of zinc - Specification and test methods
GB/T 26107-2010 金属与其他无机覆盖层 镀覆和未镀覆金属的外螺纹和螺杆的残余氢脆试验 斜楔法 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Test for residual embrittlement in both metallic-coated and uncoated externally-threaded articles and rods - Inclined wedge method
GB/T 26108-2010 三价铬电镀 技术条件 Trivalent chromium electroplating - Specification
GB/T 26109-2010 水基防锈液防锈性能试验 多电极电化学法 Test of aqueous protective fluids for rust preventing ability - Electrochemical measurement with wire beam electrode
GB/T 26110-2010 锌铝涂层 技术条件 Specification of zinc-aluminium flake coatings
GB/T 26111-2010 微机电系统(MEMS)技术 术语 Micro-electromechanical system technology - Terms
GB/T 26112-2010 微机电系统(MEMS)技术 微机械量评定总则 Micro-electromechanical system technology - General rules for the assessment of micro-mechanical parameters
GB/T 26113-2010 微机电系统(MEMS)技术 微几何量评定总则 Micro-electromechanical system technology - General rules for the assessment of micro-geometrical parameters
GB/T 26114-2010 液体过滤用过滤器 通用技术规范 Filter for liquid filtration - General technical specification
GB/T 26115-2010 离心式 纸浆泵 Centrifugal pulp pump
GB/T 26116-2010 内燃机共轴泵 试验方法 Internal combustion engine coaxial pump test method
GB/T 26117-2010 微型电泵 试验方法 Testing method of micro electricpump
GB/T 26119-2010 绿色制造 机械产品生命周期评价 总则 Green manufacturing - Life cycle assessment for mechanical products - General
GB/T 26120-2010 低压不锈钢螺纹管件 Pipework - Stainless steel threaded fittings
GB/T 26121-2010 可曲挠橡胶接头 Flexible rubber joint
GB/T 26124-2011 临床化学体外诊断试剂(盒) In vitro diagnostic reagent(kit) for clinical chemistry
GB/T 26125-2011 电子电气产品 六种限用物质(铅、汞、镉、六价铬、多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚)的测定 Electrical and electronic products - Determination of six regulated substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers)
GB/T 26126-2010 中小型煤粉工业锅炉用煤技术条件 Specifications of pulverized coal for small and medium-sized industrial boilers
GB/T 26127-2010 车用压缩煤层气 Compressed coalbed methane as vehicle fuel
GB/T 26128-2010 稀缺、特殊煤炭资源的划分与利用 Classification and utilization of scarce and special coal resources
GB/T 26129-2010 消防员接触式送受话器 Contact-type transmitter-receiver headset for fireman
GB/T 26135-2010 高压清洗机 High Pressure cleaning unit
GB/T 26136-2010 超高压水切割机 Ultra-high pressrue waterjet cutting machine
GB/T 26137-2010 高炉煤气能量回收透平膨胀机热力性能试验 Thermodynamic performance testing for blast furnace gas energy recovery turbo-expander
GB/T 26140-2010 无损检测 测量残余应力的中子衍射方法 Non-destructive testing - Standards test method for determining residual stresses by neutron diffraction
GB/T 26143-2010 液压管接头 试验方法 Connectors for hydraulic fluid power - Test methods
GB/T 26144-2010 法兰和对夹连接钢制衬氟塑料蝶阀 Liner fluoroplatics for flanged ang wafer steel butterfly valve
GB/T 26145-2010 排污阀 Drain valve
GB/T 26146-2010 偏心半球阀 Eccentric stmi-ball valve
GB/T 26147-2010 球阀球体 技术条件 Specification for ball of ball valve
GB/T 26149-2010 基于胎压监测模块的汽车轮胎气压监测系统 TPM Sensor Module based tire pressure monitoring systems for motor vehicles
GB/T 26150-2010 免洗红枣 Exempts washes Chinese jujube
GB/T 26151-2010 基于XML的电子商务发票报文 E-business invoice message based on XML
GB/T 26152-2010 基于XML的电子商务订单报文 E-business order message based on XML
GB/T 26154-2010 装配机器人 通用技术条件 General specifications of assembly robots
GB/T 26158-2010 中国未成年人人体尺寸 Human dimensions of Chinese minors
GB/T 26159-2010 中国未成年人手部尺寸分型 Hand sizing system of Chinese minors
GB/T 26160-2010 中国未成年人头面部尺寸 Head-face dimensions of Chinese minors
GB/T 26161-2010 中国未成年人足部尺寸分型 Foot sizing system of Chinese minors
GB/T 26165-2010 经济贸易展览会 术语 Trade exhibition - Terminology
GB/T 26166-2010 ±800kV直流系统用穿墙套管 Wall bushings for ±800kV DC power systems
GB/T 26167-2010 电机专用设备检测方法 Inspection method for electrical machine of special equipment
GB/T 26169-2010 电气绝缘材料耐电痕化和电蚀损的评定方法 旋转轮沉浸试验 Electrical insulating materials - Method to evaluate the resistance to tracking and erosion - Rotating wheel dip test
GB/T 26170-2010 电气绝缘系统 热、电综合应力快速评定 Electrical insulation systems - Short-time evaluation of combined thermal and electrical stresses
GB/T 26171-2010 电线电缆专用设备检测方法 Inspection methods for electric wires and cables of special equipment
GB/T 26173-2010 超级压光纸 Super calendered paper
GB/T 26174-2010 厨房纸巾 Kitchen towel
GB/T 26175-2010 弹射玩具动能测试方法 Test method to determine the kinetic energy of projectile toys
GB/T 26176-2010 豆浆机 Soymilk maker
GB/T 26177-2010 辐射度计和光度计性能的评价方法 Methods of characterizing the performance of radiometers and photometers
GB/T 26178-2010 光通量的测量方法 The measurement of luminous flux
GB/T 26179-2010 光源的光谱辐射度测量 The spectroradiometric measurement of light sources
GB/T 26180-2010 光源显色性的表示和测量方法 Method of measuring and specifying colour rendering of light sources
GB/T 26181-2010 家用和类似用途CO2制冷剂热泵热水器用全封闭型电动机-压缩机 Hermetic motor-compressors for household and similar heat pump water heater using CO2 refrigerant
GB/T 26182-2010 家用和类似用途保健按摩椅 Household and similar healthful massage chair
GB/T 26183-2010 家用和类似用途多功能吊顶装置 Household and similar multi-function ceiling appliances
GB/T 26184-2010 绝对发光强度分布的测量方法 The measurement of absolute luminous intensity distributions
GB/T 26185-2010 快热式热水器 Instantaneous water heater
GB/T 26186-2010 冷阴极荧光灯 性能要求 Cold cathode fluorescent lamps service - Performance requirements
GB/T 26187-2010 美纹纸 Crepe paper for masking tape
GB/T 26188-2010 漂白碱法麦草浆 Bleached straw pulp
GB/T 26189-2010 室内工作场所的照明 Lighting of indoor work places
GB/T 26190-2010 双向拉伸聚苯乙烯窗口薄膜 Biaxially oriented polystyrene window film
GB/T 26191-2010 双向拉伸聚苯乙烯扭结薄膜 Biaxially oriented polystyrene twist film
GB/T 26192-2010 双向拉伸聚丙烯可涂覆合成纸薄膜 Coatable biaxially oriented polypropylene film for synthetic paper
GB/T 26193-2010 玩具材料中可迁移元素锑、砷、钡、镉、铬、铅、汞、硒的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Determination of the content of migration of Sb,As,Ba,Cd,Cr,Pb,Hg and Se from toy material by ICP-MS
GB/T 26194-2010 蓄冷系统性能测试方法 Method of testing the performance of cool storage systems
GB/T 26195-2010 烟花爆竹 烟火药中砷的测定 Fireworks and firecracker - Determination of arsenic in pyrotechnic composition
GB/T 26196-2010 烟花爆竹 烟火药中碳含量的测定 高频-红外吸收法 Fireworks and firecrackers - Determination of carbon content in pyrotechnic compositions - High frequency-infrared absorption method
GB/T 26197-2010 烟花爆竹用硫化锑 Antimony sutfide for fireworks and firecracker
GB/T 26198-2010 烟花爆竹用铁粉 Fireworks and firecracker - Iron powder
GB/T 26199-2010 医用包装原纸 Medical packaging base paper
GB/T 26200-2010 应急呼叫器 Emergency caller
GB/T 26201-2010 育苗纸 Seedling-growing paper
GB/T 26202-2010 纸管纸板 Core-board
GB/T 26203-2010 纸和纸板 内结合强度的测定(Scott型) Paper and Board - Determination of internal bond strength (Scott type)
GB/T 26204-2010 纸面石膏板护面纸板 Plaster liner board
GB/T 26205-2010 制冷空调设备和系统 减少卤代制冷剂排放规范 Refrigerating and air-conditioning equipment and systems - Specification for reducing the release of halogenated refrigerants
GB/T 26206-2010 注水式足部按摩器 Injecting water foot massager
GB/T 26215-2010 高压直流输电系统换流阀阻尼吸收回路用电容器 Capacitors of damping absorption circuit for HVDC transmission systems converters
GB/T 26217-2010 高压直流输电系统直流电压测量装置 DC voltage measuring device for HVDC transmission system
GB/T 26219-2010 电器附件 Y型电线组件和Y型互连电线组件 Electrical accessories - Y-splitter cord sets and Y-splitter interconnection cord sets
GB/T 26220-2010 工业自动化系统与集成 机床数值控制 数控系统通用技术条件 Industrial automation systems and integration - Numerical control of machines - General requirements for numerical control systems
GB/T 26221-2010 基于状态的维护系统体系结构 Condition - based maintenance system architecture
GB/T 26222-2010 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 内容包装 Information technology - Learning, education and training - Content packaging
GB/T 26223-2010 信息技术 软件重用 重用库互操作性的数据模型 基本互操作性数据模型 Information technology - Software reuse - Data model for reuse library interoperability: Basic interoperability data model
GB/T 26224-2010 信息技术 软件生存周期过程 重用过程 Information technology - Software life cycle processes - Reuse processes
GB/T 26225-2010 信息技术 移动存储 闪存盘通用规范 Information technology - Mobile storage - General specification of flash disk
GB/T 26226-2010 信息技术 蒙古文变形显现字符集和控制字符使用规则 Information technology - Mongolian presentation forms character set and use rules of controlling characters
GB/T 26227-2010 信息技术 自动识别与数据采集技术 条码原版胶片测试规范 Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code master test specifications
GB/T 26229-2010 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 无线高速率超宽带媒体访问控制和物理层规范 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Wireless high rate ultra wideband MAC and PHY specification
GB/T 26230-2010 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 无线高速率超宽带媒体访问控制和物理层接口规范 Information Technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - MAC-PHY Interface for Wireless high rate ultra wideband
GB/T 26231-2010 信息技术 开放系统互连 OID的国家编号体系和注册规程 Information technology - Open systems interconnection - National numbering system and registration procedures for object identifier (OID)
GB/T 26232-2010 基于J2EE的应用服务器技术规范 Technical specification of application server based on J2EE
GB/T 26233-2010 信息技术 蒙古文类文字通用编辑软件的基本要求 Information technology - Basic requirement for the mongolian universal editor software
GB/T 26234-2010 信息技术 文档处理与相关通信 标准通用置标语言(SGML)系统的符合性测试 Information technology - Document processing and related communication - Conformance testing for standard generalized markup language (SGML) systems
GB/T 26235-2010 信息技术 信息处理用蒙古文词语标记 Information technology - Mongolian word and expression marks for information processing
GB/T 26238-2010 信息技术 生物特征识别术语 Information technology - Terminology for biometrics
GB/T 26239-2010 软件工程 开发方法元模型 Software engineering - Metamodel for development methodologies
GB/T 26240-2010 系统工程 系统工程过程的应用和管理 Systems engineering - Application and management of the systems engineering process
GB/T 26241.1-2010 信息技术 增强型通信运输协议 第1部分:单工组播运输规范 Information technology - Enhenced communication transport protocol - Part 1: Specification of simplex multicast transport
GB/T 26244-2010 信息技术 组管理协议 Information technology - Group management protocol
GB/T 26245-2010 计算机用鼠标器通用规范 General specification of mouse for computer
GB/T 26246-2010 微型计算机用机箱通用规范 General specification of case for microcomputer
GB/T 26249-2010 电子工业用气体 硒化氢 Gases for electronic industry - Hydrogen selenide
GB/T 26250-2010 电子工业用气体 砷化氢 Gases for electronic industry - Arsine
GB/T 26251-2010 氟及氟氮混合气 Fluorine and mixed gases of fluorine-nitrogen
GB/T 26252-2010 VHF/UHF频段地面数字电视广播频率规划准则 Frequency planning criteria for digital terrestrial television broadcasting in the VHF/UHF bands
GB/T 26253-2010 塑料薄膜和薄片水蒸气透过率的测定 红外检测器法 Determination of water vapour transmission rate for plastics-filmand sheeting - Infrared detection sensor method
GB/T 26254-2010 家用和类似用途保健按摩垫 Household and similar healthful massage cushion
GB/T 26256-2010 2.4GHz频段无线电通信设备的相互干扰限制与共存要求及测试方法 Interference, coexistence and corresponding measurement methods of 2.4GHz wireless telecommunications equipment
GB/T 26257-2010 手柄电话助听器耦合技术要求和测量方法 The requirements of hearing aids compatibility and measurement methods for telephone handset
GB/T 26258-2010 废弃通信产品有毒有害物质环境无害化处理技术要求 Technical requirements of environmentally innocuous disposal for hazardous substances in disused telecommunication equipment
GB/T 26259-2010 废弃通信产品再使用技术要求 Technical requirements of reuse for the waste telecommunication equipment
GB/T 26260-2010 接入网设备与远端模块电源系统的综合再利用 Synthetic reuse of power supply system for access network equipment and remote module
GB/T 26261-2010 旧通信设备鉴定通用技术要求 General technical requirements of used telecommunication equipment appraisal
GB/T 26262-2010 通信产品节能分级导则 Guide for classification of telecommunication equipment energy efficiency
GB/T 26263-2010 通信用风能电源系统 The power system of wind energy for telecommunication
GB/T 26264-2010 通信用太阳能电源系统 The photovoltaic power system for telecommunication
GB/T 26265-2010 反垃圾信息技术要求 Technical requirements for anti-spam
GB/T 26266-2010 反垃圾电子邮件设备测试方法 Test specification for anti-spam email equipment
GB/T 26267-2010 反垃圾电子邮件设备技术要求 Technical requirement for anti-spam email equipment
GB/T 26268-2010 网络入侵检测系统测试方法 Test method for network intrusion detection system
GB/T 26269-2010 网络入侵检测系统技术要求 Technical requirements for network intrusion detection system
GB/T 26270-2010 数字电视接收设备标准测试信号 Standard test signals for digital television receiving equipment
GB/T 26271-2010 地面数字电视接收设备亮度与色差信号重合度技术要求及测量方法 Technology requirements and measurement methods for the coincidence of luminance and color difference signal of terrestrial digital TV receiver equipment
GB/T 26272-2010 地面数字电视调谐器基本性能要求和测量方法 Basic performance requirment and test method of terristrial digital television tuner
GB/T 26273-2010 地面数字电视接收设备音视频同步性技术要求及测量方法 Technology requirements and measurement methods for audio and video synchronization of terrestrial digital TV receiver equipment
GB/T 26274-2010 数字电视码流分析仪通用规范 General specification for transport stream analyzer of digital television
GB/T 26276-2010 工程机械子午线轮胎无损检验方法 X-射线法 Test method of non-destructive inspection for earth-mover radial tyres - X-ray method
GB/T 26277-2010 轮胎电阻测量方法 Test method for measuring electrical resistance of tyres
GB/T 26278-2010 轮胎规格替换指南 Tyre size substitution guide
GB/T 26279-2010 石墨坩埚 Graphite crucible
GB/T 26280-2010 凿岩用硬质合金整体钎 Integral drill steels for rock drilling
GB/T 26281-2010 水泥回转窑热平衡、热效率、综合能耗计算方法 Calculating methods for heat balance, heat efficiency and comprehensive energy consumption of cement rotary kiln
GB/T 26282-2010 水泥回转窑热平衡测定方法 Measuring methods of heat balance of cement rotary kiln
GB/T 26283-2010 锆及锆合金无缝管材 Zirconium and zirconium alloy seamless tubes
GB/T 26284-2010 变形镁合金熔剂、氧化夹杂试验方法 Experimental method for flux inclusions and oxide in wrought magnesium alloys
GB/T 26285-2010 超细钴粉 Superfine cobalt powder
GB/T 26286-2010 电解用异型导电铜板 Current-carrying copper profiled plate for electrolysis
GB/T 26287-2010 电热水器用铝合金牺牲阳极 Aluminium alloys sacrificial anode for electrical water heater
GB/T 26288-2010 二氯二氨钯 Dichlorodiammine palladium(II)
GB/T 26289-2010 高纯硒化学分析方法 硼、铝、铁、锌、砷、银、锡、锑、碲、汞、镁、钛、镍、铜、镓、镉、铟、铅、铋量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of high purity selenium - Determination of boron,aluminum,iron,zinc,arsenic,silver, tin,antimony,tellurium,mercury, magnesium,titanium,nickel,copper,gallium,cadmium,indium,lead and bismuth contents - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 26290-2010 红色黄铜无缝管 Seamless red brass pipe
GB/T 26291-2010 舰船用铜镍合金无缝管 Copper-nickel seamless pipe for ships
GB/T 26292-2010 金锗蒸发料 Gold-germanium evaportation material
GB/T 26293-2010 铝电解用炭素材料 冷捣糊和中温糊 未焙烧糊捣实性的测定 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Cold and tepid ramming paste - Determination of rammability of unbaked paste
GB/T 26294-2010 铝电解用炭素材料 冷捣糊中有效粘合剂含量、骨料含量及骨料粒度分布的测定 喹啉萃取法 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Cold-ramming paste - Determination of effective binder content and aggregate content by extraction with quinoline,and determination of aggregate size distribution
GB/T 26295-2010 铝电解用炭素材料 预焙阳极和阴极炭块 四点法测定抗折强度 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Prebaked anodes and cathode blocks - Determination of flexural strength by the four-point method
GB/T 26296-2010 铝及铝合金阳极氧化膜和有机聚合物涂层缺陷 Defects for anodic oxide coatings and organic polymer coatings on aluminum and its alloys
GB/T 26298-2010 氯铂酸 Hydrogen hexachloroplatinum (Ⅳ)
GB/T 26299-2010 耐蚀用铜合金板、带材 Copper alloy sheet and strip for anti-corrosion
GB/T 26300-2010 镍、钴、锰三元素复合氢氧化物 Nickel cobalt manganese composite hydroxide
GB/T 26301-2010 屏蔽用锌白铜带 Copper-nickel-zine alloy strips for shield
GB/T 26302-2010 热管用无缝铜及铜合金管 Seamless copper and copper alloys tube for heat pipe
GB/T 26304-2010 锡粉 Tin powder
GB/T 26305-2010 氧化镍化学分析方法 镍量的测定 电沉积法 The method for chemical of nickel oxide - Determination of nickel content - Electrolytic depositiono method
GB/T 26306-2010 易切削铜合金棒 Free-cutting copper alloy rod and bar
GB/T 26307-2010 银靶 Silver target
GB/T 26308-2010 银废料分类和技术条件 Classification and specification for silver metal scraps
GB/T 26309-2010 银蒸发料 Silver evaporation material
GB/T 26311-2010 再生铜及铜合金棒 Rods and bars of recycling copper and copper alloys
GB/T 26312-2010 蒸发金 Gold for evaporating
GB/T 26313-2010 铍青铜无缝管 Copper-beryllium alloy seamless tube
GB/T 26314-2010 锆及锆合金牌号和化学成分 Designation and composition of zirconium and zirconium alloys
GB/T 26315-2010 市场、民意和社会调查 术语 Market, opinion and social research - Vocabulary
GB/T 26316-2010 市场、民意和社会调查 服务要求 Market,opinion and social research - Service requirement
GB/T 26317-2010 公司治理风险管理指南 Guidelines for corporate governance risk management
GB/T 26318-2010 物流网络信息系统风险与防范 Logistics network information systems risk and prevention
GB/T 26319-2010 国际货运代理单证标识符编码规则 Coding rules for international freight forwarding documents'identifier
GB/T 26320-2010 国际货运代理信息交换规范 Codex of information interchanges for international freight forwarding operation
GB/T 26321-2010 国际货运代理业务数据元 International freight forwarding business data elements
GB/T 26322-2010 工业循环冷却水中亚硝化菌的测定 MPN法 Examination of nitrite bacteria in industrial circulating cooling water - MPN test
GB/T 26323-2010 色漆和清漆 铝及铝合金表面涂膜的耐丝状腐蚀试验 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to filiform corrosion on aluminium and aluminium alloys
GB/T 26324-2010 羟基亚乙基二膦酸 1-Hydroxyethylidene-1,1-diphosphonate acid
GB/T 26325-2010 控制技术 测量仪表的命名规则 Control technology - Rules for the designation of measuring instruments
GB/T 26327-2010 企业信息化系统集成实施指南 Implementation guide for enterprise informationization system integration
GB/T 26328-2010 生物化学分析仪器用干涉滤光片 Optical interference filters for biochemical analyzer
GB/T 26329-2010 由过程伴生气体驱动的气动仪表 安全安装和操作规程指南 Pneumatic instruments driven by associated process gas - Safe installation and operating procedures-Guidelines
GB/T 26330-2010 银、银合金/铜、铜合金复合带材 Silver or silver alloy/copper or copper alloy clad strips
GB/T 26331-2010 光学薄膜元件环境适应性试验方法 Optical coatings environmental durability test methods
GB/T 26332.1-2010 光学和光学仪器 光学薄膜 第1部分:定义 Optics and optical instruments - Optical coatings - Part 1:Definitions
GB/T 26333-2010 工业控制网络安全风险评估规范 Evaluation specification for security in industrial control network
GB/T 26334-2010 膜式燃气表安装配件 Fittings for installation of diaphragm gas meters
GB/T 26335-2010 工业企业信息化集成系统规范 Specification of industry enterprise informationization integration system
GB/T 26336-2010 工业通信网络 工业环境中的通信网络安装 Industrial communication networks - Installation of communication networks in industrial premises
GB/T 26339-2010 眼科光学与设备 电子助视器 Ophthalmic optics and instruments - Electro-optical devices for enhancing low vision
GB/T 26340-2010 可调式康复训练床 Adjustable rehabilitation training bed
GB/T 26341-2010 残疾人残疾分类和分级 Classification and grading criteria of disability
GB/T 26342-2010 国际运尸 木质棺柩 International carrying corpse - Xylogen coffin
GB/T 26343-2010 学生健康检查技术规范 Technical standard for physical examination for students
GB/T 26346-2010 康复训练器械 股四头肌训练椅 Rehabilitation training instrument - Quadriceps training chair
GB/T 26347-2010 蚊虫抗药性检测方法 生物测定法 Test methods of mosquito resistance to insecticides - Bioassay methods
GB/T 26348-2010 蚊虫抗药性检测方法 不敏感乙酰胆碱酯酶法 Test methods of mosquito resistance to insecticides - Test methods of insensitive acetylcholinesterase for the mosquito
GB/T 26349-2010 蝇类抗药性检测方法 家蝇不敏感乙酰胆碱酯酶法 Test methods of fly resistance to insecticides - Test methods of insensitive acetylcholinesterase for Musca domestica
GB/T 26350-2010 蝇类抗药性检测方法 家蝇生物测定法 Test methods of fly resistance to insecticides - The bioassay methods for Musca domestica
GB/T 26351-2010 蜚蠊抗药性检测方法 德国小蠊不敏感乙酰胆碱酯酶法 Test methods of cockroach resistance to insecticides - Test methods of insensitive acetylcholinesterase for Blattella germanica
GB/T 26352-2010 蜚蠊抗药性检测方法 德国小蠊生物测定法 Test methods of cockroach resistance to insecticides - The bioassay methods for Blattella germanica
GB/T 26353-2010 旅游娱乐场所基础设施管理及服务规范 Infrastructure management and service specifications for places of tourist entertainment
GB/T 26354-2010 旅游信息咨询中心设置与服务规范 Standard of setting-up and services of tourist information centre
GB/T 26355-2010 旅游景区服务指南 Guidelines for service in tourist attractions
GB/T 26356-2010 旅游购物场所服务质量要求 The requirements of service quality in tourist shopping spot
GB/T 26357-2010 旅游饭店管理信息系统建设规范 Construction standards of management information system for toursit hotel
GB/T 26358-2010 旅游度假区等级划分 Resort rating
GB/T 26359-2010 旅游客车设施与服务规范 Facility and service specifications of tourist coach
GB/T 26360-2010 旅游电子商务网站建设技术规范 Tourism e-commerce website development technology criterion
GB/T 26361-2010 旅游餐馆设施与服务等级划分 The demarcation and evaluation of facility and service for tourist restaurants
GB/T 26362-2010 国家生态旅游示范区建设与运营规范 Construction and operation guidelines for prototype-zone of national ecotourism attractions
GB/T 26363-2010 民族民俗文化旅游示范区认定 Evaluation of national & folklore culture tourism attraction
GB/T 26364-2010 旅游汽车公司资质等级划分 Qualification and gradation on tourist coach companies
GB/T 26365-2010 游览船服务质量要求 Requirements on services of sightseeing cruise ships
GB/T 26374-2010 接运遗体服务 Service for receiving and carrying corpse
GB/T 26375-2010 社会捐助款物管理和使用规范 Rules on management of donation
GB/T 26376-2010 自然灾害管理基本术语 Basic terms on natural disaster management
GB/T 26377-2010 逆反射测量仪 Retroreflectometer
GB/T 26378-2011 粗梳毛织品 Woolen fabircs
GB/T 26379-2011 纺织品 木浆复合水刺非织造布 Textiles - Woodpulp spunlaced nonwoven
GB/T 26380-2011 纺织品 丝绸术语 Textile - Terminology for silk
GB/T 26381-2011 合成纤维丝织坯绸 Synthetic filament weaved gray fabrics
GB/T 26382-2011 精梳毛织品 Worsted fabric
GB/T 26383-2011 抗电磁辐射精梳毛织品 Worsted fabric with radioresistance
GB/T 26384-2011 针织棉服装 Knitted wadded garments
GB/T 26385-2011 针织拼接服装 Knitting patchwork clothing
GB/T 26388-2011 表面活性剂中二噁烷残留量的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of dioxane residues in surfactants - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 26389-2011 衡器产品型号编制方法 Method of classified type of weighing instrument products
GB/T 26390-2011 浸渍纸层压木质地板用表层耐磨纸 Wear-resisting paper for laminate floor covering
GB/T 26391-2011 马桶垫纸 Toilet seat paper
GB/T 26392-2011 慢回弹泡沫 复原时间的测定 Slow recovery foam - Determination of recovery time
GB/T 26393-2011 燃香类产品有害物质测试方法 Test methods for harmful matter of burnable incense
GB/T 26394-2011 水性薄膜凹印复合油墨 Water based gravure lamination ink for film
GB/T 26395-2011 水性烟包凹印油墨 Water based gravure ink for cigarette packing
GB/T 26396-2011 洗涤用品安全技术规范 Technical specification for safety of soaps and detergents
GB/T 26397-2011 眼科光学 术语 Ophthalmic optics - Terminology
GB/T 26398-2011 衣料用洗涤剂耗水量与节水性能评估指南 Evaluation guide of water costing and saving for laundry detergents
GB/T 26399-2011 电力系统安全稳定控制技术导则 Technical guide for electric power system security and stability control
GB/T 26407-2011 初级农产品安全区域化管理体系 要求 Regional management system of primary agricultural product safety - Requirements
GB/T 26408-2011 混凝土搅拌运输车 Concrete truck mixer
GB/T 26409-2011 流动式混凝土泵 Mobile concrete pump
GB/T 26411-2010 海水中16种多环芳烃的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of 16 polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons in seawater by GC-MS
GB/T 26412-2010 金属氢化物-镍电池负极用稀土系AB5型贮氢合金粉 RE-base AB5 hydrogen storage alloy powder used in negative pole of nickel-metal hydride batteries
GB/T 26413-2010 重稀土氧化物富集物 Heavy rare earth oxide enrichment
GB/T 26414-2010 钆镁合金 Gadolinium-Magnesium alloy
GB/T 26415-2010 镝铁合金 Dysprosium-Iron alloy
GB/T 26417-2010 镨钕合金及其化合物化学分析方法 稀土配分量的测定 Chemical analysis methods of praseodymium-neodymium alloy and the compounds - Determination of REO relative contents
GB/T 26420-2010 林业检疫性害虫除害处理技术规程 Disinfestation technical rules of forest quarantine pest insect
GB/T 26421-2010 印楝苗木质量分级 Quality grading of Azadirachta indica seedling
GB/T 26422-2010 印楝种子质量分级 Classification of azadiractin indica seed quality
GB/T 26423-2010 森林资源术语 Terminology of forest resources
GB/T 26424-2010 森林资源规划设计调查技术规程 Technical regulations for inventory for forest management planning and design
GB/T 26425-2010 饲料中产气荚膜梭菌的检测 Method for determination of Clostridium perfringens in feeds
GB/T 26426-2010 饲料中副溶血性弧菌的检测 Method for determination of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in feeds
GB/T 26427-2010 饲料中蜡样芽孢杆菌的检测 Method for determination of Bacillus cereus in feeds
GB/T 26428-2010 饲用微生物制剂中枯草芽孢杆菌的检测 Method for determination of Bacillus subtilis in feeds
GB/T 26429-2010 设备工程监理规范 Plant engineering consulting service specification
GB/T 26430-2010 水果和蔬菜 形态学和结构学术语 Fruits and vegetables - Morphological and structural terminology
GB/T 26431-2010 甜椒 Sweet pepper
GB/T 26432-2010 新鲜蔬菜贮藏与运输准则 Guidelines for storage and transportation technique of vegetables
GB/T 26433-2010 粮油加工环境要求 Environmental requirement for grain and oilseed processing plant
GB/T 26435-2010 中华绒螯蟹 亲蟹、苗种 Chinese mitten-handed crab - Brooders and larvae
GB/T 26436-2010 禽白血病诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for avian leukosis
GB/T 26437-2010 畜禽饲料有效性与安全性评价 强饲法测定鸡饲料表观代谢能技术规程 Feed efficacy and safety evaluation - Guidelines for the determination of apparent metabolizable energy for chickens by the force feeding method
GB/T 26438-2010 畜禽饲料有效性与安全性评价 全收粪法测定猪饲料表观消化能技术规程 Feed efficacy and safety evaluation - Guidelines for the determination of apparent digestible energy for pigs by the total collection method
GB/T 26439-2010 鲮 Mud carp
GB/T 26440-2010 欧洲鳗鲡 European eel
GB/T 26441-2010 饲料添加剂 没食子酸丙酯 Feed additive - Propyl gallate
GB/T 26442-2010 饲料添加剂 亚硫酸氢烟酰胺甲萘醌 Feed additive - Menadione Nicotinamide Bisulfite
GB/T 26443-2010 安全色和安全标志 安全标志的分类、性能和耐久性 Safety colours and safety signs - Classification, performance and durability of safety signs
GB/T 26449-2010 辐射式水力旋流分级机组 Radiation hydraulic cyclone sizing units
GB/T 26450-2010 环境管理 环境信息交流 指南和示例 Environmental management - Environmental communication - Guidelines and examples
GB/T 26454-2011 造纸用单层成形网 Paper machine single layer forming fabric
GB/T 26455-2011 造纸用多层成形网 Paper machine multi-layer forming fabric
GB/T 26456-2011 造纸用异形丝干燥网 Woven paper machine dryer fabric with special shape yarn
GB/T 26457-2011 造纸用圆丝干燥网 Woven paper machine dryer fabric with round yarn
GB/T 26458-2011 脂肪烷基二甲基氧化胺 Fatty alkyl dimethyl amine oxides
GB/T 26459-2011 纸、纸板和纸浆 返黄值的测定 Pulp, paper and board - Determination of the post color number
GB/T 26460-2011 纸浆 零距抗张强度的测定(干法或湿法) Pulps - Determination of zero-span tensile strength,wet or dry
GB/T 26461-2011 纸张凹版油墨 Gravure ink for paper
GB/T 26462-2011 种子发芽纸 Germinating test paper
GB/T 26463-2011 羰基合成脂肪醇 Oxo s ynthetic fatty alcohol
GB/T 26464-2011 造纸无机颜料亮度(白度)的测定 Determination of brightness(whiteness) for paper inorganic pigments
GB/T 26466-2011 固定式高压储氢用钢带错绕式容器 Stationary flat steel ribbon wound vessels for storage of high pressure hydrogen
GB/T 26467-2011 承压设备带压密封技术规范 Generic specification for online leak sealing technology of pressure equipments
GB/T 26468-2011 承压设备带压密封夹具设计规范 Generic specification for online leaksealing clamps of pressure equipment
GB/T 26470-2011 架桥机通用技术条件 General specification for launching machine
GB/T 26471-2011 塔式起重机 安装与拆卸规则 Tower crane - The rules of installation and disassembly
GB/T 26472-2011 流动式起重机 卷筒和滑轮尺寸 Mobile cranes - Drum and sheave sizes
GB/T 26473-2011 起重机 随车起重机安全要求 Cranes - Safety requirements for loader cranes
GB/T 26474-2011 集装箱正面吊运起重机 技术条件 Container reach stacker - Specifications
GB/T 26475-2011 桥式抓斗卸船机 Bridge type grab ship unloader
GB/T 26476-2011 机械式停车设备 术语 Mechanical parking system - Vocabulary
GB/T 26478-2011 氨用截止阀和升降式止回阀 Globe valves for ammonia and lift check valves
GB/T 26479-2011 弹性密封部分回转阀门 耐火试验 Fire test for soft-seated quarter-turn valves
GB/T 26480-2011 阀门的检验和试验 Valve inspection and testing
GB/T 26481-2011 阀门的逸散性试验 Valve test for fugitive emissions
GB/T 26482-2011 止回阀 耐火试验 Fire type-testing requirement for check valves
GB/T 26486-2011 数控开卷矫平剪切生产线 NC lvelling and shearing line
GB/T 26487-2011 壳体钣金成型设备 通用技术条件 Sheet metal forming equipment - General specifications
GB/T 26489-2011 纳米材料超双亲性能检测方法 Methods for measuring super amphiphilicity of nanomaterials
GB/T 26490-2011 纳米材料超双疏性能检测方法 Methods for measuring super hydrophobicity of nanomaterials
GB/T 26491-2011 5XXX系铝合金晶间腐蚀试验方法 质量损失法 Determination of intergranular corrosion of 5XXX series aluminum alloys by mass loss
GB/T 26493-2011 电池废料贮运规范 Store and transport regulation of battery scraps
GB/T 26494-2011 轨道列车车辆结构用铝合金挤压型材 Aluminium alloys extruded profiles used for structural material of railway vehcle carbodies
GB/T 26495-2011 镁合金压铸转向盘骨架坯料 Magnesium alloy die casting for steering wheel armature
GB/T 26496-2011 钨及钨合金废料 Scraps of tungsten and tungsten alloys
GB/T 26497-2011 电子天平 Electronic balance
GB/T 26498-2011 工业自动化系统与集成 物理设备控制 尺寸测量接口标准(DMIS) Industrial automation systems and integration - Physical device control - Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard (DMIS)
GB/T 26500-2011 氟塑料衬里钢管、管件通用技术要求 General technical specification for pipes and fittings lined with fluoroplastics
GB/T 26501-2011 氟塑料衬里压力容器 通用技术条件 General technical specification for pressure vessels lined with fluoroplastics
GB/T 26506-2011 悬臂筛网振动筛 Vibration screen with cantilever mesh
GB/T 26507-2011 石油天然气工业 钻井和采油设备 地面油气混输泵 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Ground oil-gas transportation pump
GB/T 26510-2011 防水用塑性体改性沥青 Plastic modified bitumen for waterproof
GB/T 26513-2011 润唇膏 Lip moisturizer
GB/T 26514-2011 互叶白千层(精)油,松油烯-4-醇型[茶树(精)油] Oil of Melaleuca, alternifolia,terpinen-4-ol type(Tea Tree oil)
GB/T 26516-2011 按摩精油 Massage essential oil
GB/T 26517-2011 化妆品中二十四种防腐剂的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of 24 preservatives in cosmetics by high performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 26518-2011 高分子增强复合防水片材 Reinforced and composite polymeric sheets for water proof
GB/T 26520-2011 工业氯化钙 Calcium chloride for industrial use
GB/T 26521-2011 工业碳酸镍 Nickel carbonate for industrial use
GB/T 26522-2011 精制氯化镍 Refined nickelous chloride
GB/T 26523-2011 精制硫酸钴 Refined cobaltous sulfates
GB/T 26524-2011 精制硫酸镍 Refined nickel sulfates
GB/T 26525-2011 精制氯化钴 Refined cobaltous chloride
GB/T 26526-2011 热塑性弹性体 低烟无卤阻燃材料规范 Thermoplastic elastomer - Specification for low-smoke halogen-free flame retardant materials
GB/T 26527-2011 有机硅消泡剂 Silicone defoaming agent
GB/T 26528-2011 防水用弹性体(SBS)改性沥青 Styrene butadiene styrene(SBS) modified bitumen for waterproof
GB/T 26530-2011 地理标志产品 崂山绿茶 Product of geographical indication - Laoshan green tea
GB/T 26531-2011 地理标志产品 永春老醋 Product of geographical indication - Yongchun aged vinegar
GB/T 26532-2011 地理标志产品 慈溪杨梅 Product of geographical indication - Cixi bayberry
GB/T 26533-2011 俄歇电子能谱分析方法通则 General rules for Auger electron spectroscopic analysis
GB/T 26534-2011 山杏封沙育林技术规程 Technical regulations for setting apart sand area for Armeniaca sibirica growing
GB/T 26535-2011 国家重要湿地确定指标 Indicators for the identification of national important wetlands
GB/T 26536-2011 竹条 Bamboo strip
GB/T 26542-2011 陶瓷砖防滑性试验方法 Test methods for anti-slip property of ceramic tile
GB/T 26543-2011 活体动物航空运输包装通用要求 General requirements of live animals package for air transportation
GB/T 26544-2011 水产品航空运输包装通用要求 General requirements of aquatic products package for air transportation
GB/T 26546-2011 工程机械减轻环境负担的技术指南 Construction machinery - Guide to reduce environmental burden
GB/T 26547-2011 螺纹紧固件用回转式工具 性能试验方法 Rotary tools for threaded fasteners - Performance test method
GB/T 26549-2011 涡轮增压器可变喷嘴环 通用技术条件 Turbocharger variable nozzle ring - General specifications
GB/T 26550-2011 粮食干燥机同比热效率的测试与评价 Testing and appraising of similitude thermal efficiency for grain dreyer
GB/T 26551-2011 畜牧机械 粗饲料切碎机 Livestock machinery - Fodder chopping
GB/T 26552-2011 畜牧机械 粗饲料压块机 Livestock machinery - Fodder model cuber
GB/T 26553-2011 印刷机械 热敏型计算机直接制版机 Printing machinery - Thermal computer-to-plate plate-setter
GB/T 26554-2011 印刷机械 卷筒纸柔版印线分切机 Printing machinery - Web-fed flexo ruling machine
GB/T 26555-2011 印刷机械 网版印刷铝合金网框 Printing machinery - Screen printing alloy of alumina screen frame
GB/T 26556-2011 承压设备带压密封剂技术条件 Generic specification for online leak sealing sealant of pressure equipment
GB/T 26558-2011 桅杆起重机 Derrick cranes
GB/T 26559-2011 机械式停车设备 分类 Mechanical parking system - Classification
GB/T 26560-2011 机动工业车辆 安全标志和危险图示 通则 Powered industrial trucks - Safety signs and hazard pictorials - General principles
GB/T 26561-2011 搬运6m及其以上长度货运集装箱的平衡重式叉车 附加稳定性试验 Counterbalanced trucks handling freight containers of 6m length and above - Additional stability tests
GB/T 26562-2011 自行式坐驾工业车辆踏板的结构与布置 踏板的结构与布置原则 Construction and layout of pedals of self-propelled sit-down rider-controlled industrial trucks - Rules for the construction and layout of pedals
GB/T 26563-2011 电熔氧化锆 Fused zirconia
GB/T 26564-2011 镁铝尖晶石 Magnesium aluminate spinel
GB/T 26565-2011 水泥基绝热干混料 Cementitious dry mix thermal insulation
GB/T 26566-2011 水泥生料易烧性试验方法 Test method for burnability of cement raw meal
GB/T 26567-2011 水泥原料易磨性试验方法(邦德法) Test method for grindability of cement raw materials - Bond method
GB/T 26568-2011 农业用硫酸镁 Magnesium sulfate for agricultural use
GB/T 26571-2011 特种气体储存期规范 Specification for the shelf life of a specialty gas
GB/T 26572-2011 电子电气产品中限用物质的限量要求 Requirements of concentration limits for certain restricted substances in electrical and electronic products
GB/T 26590-2011 粮油机械 重力谷糙分离机 Grain and oil machinery - Gravity paddy separator
GB/T 26591-2011 粮油机械 糙米精选机 Grain and oil machinery - Husked rice separator
GB/T 26592-2011 无损检测仪器 工业X射线探伤机 性能测试方法 Non-destructive testing instruments - Properties test methods of industrial X-ray apparatus
GB/T 26593-2011 无损检测仪器 工业用X射线CT装置性能测试方法 Non-destructive testing instruments - Properties test method for performance of industrial X-ray computed tomography(CT)equipment
GB/T 26594-2011 无损检测仪器 工业用X射线管性能测试方法 Non-destructive testing instruments - Properties test methods of industrial X-ray tube
GB/T 26595-2011 无损检测仪器 周向X射线管技术条件 Non-destructive testing instruments - Specification for panoramic X-ray tube
GB/T 26596-2011 光学和光学仪器 大地测量仪器 术语 Optics and optical instruments - Geodetic and surveying instruments - Vocabulary
GB/T 26597-2011 光学纤维传像元件试验方法 Testing method of fiber optic devices for image transmission
GB/T 26598-2011 光学仪器用透明导电薄膜规范 Transparent conductive thin film speciation for optical instruments
GB/T 26600-2011 显微镜 光学显微术用浸液 Microscopes - Immersion liquids for light microscopy
GB/T 26601-2011 显微镜 光谱滤光片 Microscopes - Spectral filters
GB/T 26602-2011 工业用2-吡咯烷酮 2-Pyrrolidone for industrial use
GB/T 26603-2011 N,N-二甲基苯胺 N,N-Dimethy aniline
GB/T 26604-2011 肉制品分类 Classify for meat products
GB/T 26605-2011 车用燃料用二甲醚 Dimethyl ether for motor vehicle fuel
GB/T 26606-2011 工业用氰乙酸甲酯 Methyl cyanoacetate for industrial use
GB/T 26607-2011 工业用邻苯基苯酚 0-phenyphenol for industrial use
GB/T 26608-2011 工业用回收一氯甲烷 Recovered methyl chloride for industrial use
GB/T 26609-2011 工业用乙酸异丁酯 Isobutyl acetate for industrial use
GB/T 26611-2011 阿拉善双峰驼 Alashan camel
GB/T 26612-2011 纯血马DNA亲子鉴定技术规程 Procedures of Thoroughbred parentage verification with DNA testing techniques
GB/T 26613-2011 呼伦贝尔羊 Hulunbeier sheep
GB/T 26614-2011 麻黄属种子质量分级 Quality grading of the Chinese ephedra(Ephedra L.) seeds
GB/T 26615-2011 籽粒苋种子质量分级 Quality grading of the princes-feather (Amaranthus hypochondriacus L.)seeds
GB/T 26616-2011 裘皮 獭兔皮 Furs - Rex skin
GB/T 26617-2011 皖西白鹅 WANXI white goose
GB/T 26618-2011 派琴虫病诊断操作规程 Protocol of diagnosis for Perkinsosis
GB/T 26619-2011 斑节对虾 Giant tiger prawn
GB/T 26620-2011 钝吻黄盖鲽 Marbled flounder
GB/T 26621-2011 日本对虾 Kuruma prawn
GB/T 26622-2011 畜禽粪便农田利用环境影响评价准则 Criteria for environmental impact assessment of the animal manure land application
GB/T 26623-2011 畜禽舍纵向通风系统设计规程 Design requirements of tunnel ventilation system for animal housing
GB/T 26624-2011 畜禽养殖污水贮存设施设计要求 Design specifications for wastewater storage facility of animal farm
GB/T 26625-2011 粮油检验 大豆异黄酮含量测定 高效液相色谱法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of soybean isoflavone - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 26626-2011 动植物油脂 水分含量测定 卡尔费休法(无吡啶) Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of water content - Karl Fischer method (pyridine free)
GB/T 26628.1-2011 粮油检验 储粮真菌标准图谱 第1部分:曲霉属 Inspection of grain and oils - Standard atlas of stored grain fungi - Part 1:Aspergillus
GB/T 26629-2011 粮食收获质量调查和品质测报技术规范 Practice for the investigation and forecast of grain harvest quality
GB/T 26630-2011 大米加工企业良好操作规范 Good manufacturing practice for rice processing enterprise
GB/T 26631-2011 粮油名词术语 理化特性和质量 Grain and oil terminology - Physicochemical properties and quality
GB/T 26632-2011 粮油名词术语 粮油仓储设备与设施 Terminology of grain and oil - Storage equipment and establishment
GB/T 26633-2011 工业用高粱 Sorghum for industrial use
GB/T 26634-2011 动植物油脂 脱色能力指数(DOBI)的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of the deterioration of bleachability index (DOBI)
GB/T 26635-2011 动植物油脂 生育酚及生育三烯酚含量测定 高效液相色谱法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of tocopherol and tocotrienol contents by high-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 26636-2011 动植物油脂 聚合甘油三酯的测定 高效空间排阻色谱法(HPSEC) Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of polymerized triglycerides content by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (HPSEC)
GB/T 26637-2011 镁合金锻件 Magnesium-alloy forgings
GB/T 26638-2011 液压机上钢质自由锻件 复杂程度分类及折合系数 Classification of complexity and equivalent coefficient of open die forgings on hydraulic press
GB/T 26639-2011 液压机上钢质自由锻件 通用技术条件 General specifications for open die forgings on hydraulic press
GB/T 26641-2011 无损检测 磁记忆检测 总则 Non-destructive testing - Magnetic memory testing - General principles
GB/T 26642-2011 无损检测 金属材料计算机射线照相检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for computed radiography of metallic materials
GB/T 26643-2011 无损检测 闪光灯激励红外热像法 导则 Non-destructive testing - Infrared flash thermography - Guideline
GB/T 26644-2011 无损检测 声发射检测 总则 Non-destructive testing - Acoustic emission testing - General principle
GB/T 26646-2011 无损检测 小型部件声发射检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method of acoustic emission testing of small parts
GB/T 26648-2011 奥氏体铸铁件 Austenitic iron castings
GB/T 26649-2011 镁合金汽车车轮铸件 Magnesium alloy castings for automobile wheels
GB/T 26650-2011 摩托车和电动自行车用镁合金车轮铸件 Magnesium alloy castings for electric bicycle and motorcycle wheels
GB/T 26651-2011 耐磨钢铸件 Abrasion-resistant steel castings
GB/T 26652-2011 耐磨损复合材料铸件 Abrasion-resistant composite materials castings
GB/T 26653-2011 排气歧管铸铁件 Exhaust manifold iron castings
GB/T 26654-2011 汽车车轮用铸造镁合金 Casting magnesium alloys for automobile wheels
GB/T 26655-2011 蠕墨铸铁件 Compacted(vermicular)graphite iron castings
GB/T 26656-2011 蠕墨铸铁金相检验 Metallographic test for compacted(vermicular )graphite cast irons
GB/T 26657-2011 砂型烘干炉能耗评定 Evaluation of energy consumption for sand mold baking oven
GB/T 26658-2011 消失模铸件质量评定方法 Evaluation methods of lost foam castings quality
GB/T 26659-2011 铸造用再生硅砂 Reclaimed silica sand for foundry
GB/T 26660-2011 SWC大型整体叉头十字轴式万向联轴器 Large SWC universal coupling with whole fork
GB/T 26661-2011 SWP大型十字轴式万向联轴器 SWP universal coupling with spider
GB/T 26662-2011 磁粉制动器 Magnetic brake
GB/T 26663-2011 大型液压安全联轴器 Large type hydraulic pressure safety coupling
GB/T 26664-2011 金属线簧联轴器 Metallic line spring coupling
GB/T 26665-2011 制动器 术语 Brake vocabulary
GB/T 26666-2011 地面数字电视广播传输系统实施指南 Implementation guidelines for transmission system of digital terrestrial television broadcasting
GB/T 26667-2011 电磁屏蔽材料术语 Terminology for electromagnetic shielding materials
GB/T 26669-2011 电工电子产品环境意识设计 术语 Environmentally conscious design for electrical and electronic products - Glossary
GB/T 26670-2011 中小型电机环境意识设计导则 Guide of eco-design for medium and small size electric motors
GB/T 26671-2011 电工电子产品环境意识设计评价导则 Guide for environmentally conscious design assessment of electrical and electronic products
GB/T 26672-2011 道路车辆 带调节器的交流发电机试验方法 Road vehicle - Alternators with regulators - Test methods
GB/T 26673-2011 道路车辆 点火系统电气特性试验方法 Road vehicles - Ignition systems - Electrical performance and function test methods (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 26674-2011 道路车辆 起动机电气特性试验方法 Road vehicle - Electrical performance of starter motors - Test methods
GB/T 26675-2011 机床电气、电子和可编程电子控制系统 绝缘电阻试验规范 Electrical,electronic and programmable electronic control systems of machine tools - Specification of insulation resistance test
GB/T 26676-2011 机床电气、电子和可编程电子控制系统 耐压试验规范 Electrical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems of machine tools - Specification of withstanding voltage test
GB/T 26677-2011 机床电气控制系统 数控平面磨床辅助功能M代码和宏参数 Electrical control system of machine tools - Miscellaneous function M code and macro parameter of CNC surface grinding machine
GB/T 26678-2011 机床电气控制系统 数控平面磨床的加工程序要求 Electrical control system of machine tool - The requirements of processing program for CNC surface grinding machines
GB/T 26679-2011 机床电气、电子和可编程电子控制系统 保护联结电路连续性试验规范 Electrical ,electronic and programmable electronic control systems of machine tools - Specification of the continuity of the protective bonding circuit test
GB/T 26680-2011 永磁同步发电机 技术条件 Techinical requirements for permanent magnet synchronous generator
GB/T 26681-2011 地面数字电视标准测试发射机技术要求和测量方法 Technical requirements and methods of measurement for standard testing transmitter of digital terrestrial television
GB/T 26682-2011 地面数字电视标准测试接收机技术要求和测量方法 Technical requirements and methods of measurement for standard testing receiver of digital terrestial television
GB/T 26683-2011 地面数字电视接收器通用规范 General specification for digital terrestrial set-top box
GB/T 26684-2011 地面数字电视接收器测量方法 Methods of measurement for digital terrestrial set-top box
GB/T 26685-2011 地面数字电视接收机测量方法 Methods of measurement for digital terrestrial television receiver
GB/T 26686-2011 地面数字电视接收机通用规范 General specification for digital terrestrial television receiver
GB/T 26689-2011 冰箱、冰柜用硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料 Rigid polyurethane cellular plastics used in refrigerators and freezers
GB/T 26690-2011 丙烯酸涂布双向拉伸聚丙烯薄膜 Acrylic coated biaxially oriented polypropylene film
GB/T 26691-2011 改性聚乙烯醇涂布双向拉伸薄膜 Modified polyvinyl alcohol coated biaxially oriented film
GB/T 26692-2011 管形荧光灯用无频闪电子镇流器 性能要求 Frequency-flick-free a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps - Performance requirements
GB/T 26693-2011 计时仪器 手表机心的形状、尺寸和名称 Timekeeping instruments - Movements - Types, dimensions and nomenclature
GB/T 26694-2011 家具绿色设计评价规范 Green design and evaluation standards for furniture
GB/T 26695-2011 家具用钢化玻璃板 Thermally toughened glass panels for furniture
GB/T 26696-2011 家具用高分子材料台面板 Polymer board for furniture
GB/T 26697-2011 金卤灯用低频方波电子镇流器 Low-frequency square wave electronic ballasts for metal halide lamps
GB/T 26698-2011 考试用铅笔和涂卡专用笔 Pencils and mechanical pencils for exam
GB/T 26699-2011 考试用圆珠笔 Ball pens for exam
GB/T 26700-2011 门体填充用硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料 Rigid polyurethane(PUR)cellular plastics used for doors filling
GB/T 26701-2011 模型产品通用技术要求 General technical requirements for model products
GB/T 26702-2011 皮革和毛皮 化学试验 富马酸二甲酯含量的测定 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of dimethyl fumarate content
GB/T 26703-2011 皮鞋跟面耐磨性能试验方法 旋转辊筒式磨耗机法 Determination of abrasion resistance for top piece of leather shoes -Rotation cylindrical drum method
GB/T 26704-2011 铅笔 Pencils
GB/T 26705-2011 轻型印刷纸 Low density printing paper
GB/T 26706-2011 软体家具 棕纤维弹性床垫 Upholstered furniture - Palm fiber elastic mattress
GB/T 26707-2011 手表和怀表 时针、分针和秒针的配合直径 Wrist and pocket watches - Fitting diameters for hour,minute and second hands
GB/T 26708-2011 双向拉伸聚丙烯激光全息防伪膜 Laser holographic anti-counterfeiting biaxially oriented polypropylene film
GB/T 26709-2011 太阳能热水器用硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料 Rigid polyurethane foam for solar water heaters
GB/T 26710-2011 玩具安全 年龄警告图标 Safety of toys - Graphical symbol for age warning labelling
GB/T 26711-2011 微孔笔头墨水笔 Microporous nib pens
GB/T 26712-2011 卫生洁具及暖气管道用直角阀 Supply stops for sanitary appliance and steam pipe
GB/T 26713-2011 鞋类 化学试验方法 富马酸二甲酯(DMF)的测定 Footwear - Chemical tests - Determination of dimethyl fumarate (DMF)
GB/T 26714-2011 油墨圆珠笔和笔芯 Ball point pens and refills
GB/T 26715-2011 沼气阀 Biogas valve
GB/T 26716-2011 钟表 防磁手表 Horology - Magnetic resistant watches
GB/T 26717-2011 自来水笔及其笔尖 Fountain pens and nibs
GB/T 26718-2011 城市轨道交通安全防范系统技术要求 Technical requirements for safety system of urban mass transit
GB/T 26719-2011 企业用水统计通则 The general principles of water statistics in enterprises
GB/T 26720-2011 服务业清洁生产审核指南编制通则 General principles of stipulating the guidelines for cleaner production audit in service sectors
GB/T 26723-2011 冷轧钛带卷 Cold rolled titanium strip coil
GB/T 26724-2011 一次电池废料 One-off battery scraps
GB/T 26725-2011 超细碳化钨粉 superfine powder of tungsten carbide
GB/T 26726-2011 超细钨粉 superfine powder of tungsten
GB/T 26727-2011 铟废料 Scraps of indium
GB/T 26728-2011 高效单缸柴油机 技术条件 Efficient single cylinder diesel engines - Requirements
GB/T 26729-2011 农业灌溉设备 地表灌溉用聚氯乙烯(PVC)低压管 技术规范和试验方法 Agricultural irrigation equipment - PVC above-ground low-pressure pipe for surface irrigation - Specifications and test methods
GB/T 26731-2011 废轮胎加工处理 Treatment and processing of waste tyre
GB/T 26732-2011 轮胎翻新工艺 Process for retreading of tyres
GB/T 26733-2011 玻璃纤维湿法毡 Glass fibre wet-laid mat
GB/T 26734-2011 玻璃纤维无捻粗纱 浸润剂溶解度的测定 Textile-glass rovings - Determination of solubility of size
GB/T 26735-2011 玻璃纤维增强热固性树脂喷淋管 Glass fiber reinforced thermosetting resin spray pipe
GB/T 26736-2011 道路车辆 制动衬片 耐水、盐水、油和制动液性能试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake linings - Test method for resistance to water,saline solution,oil and brake fluid
GB/T 26737-2011 道路车辆 制动衬片 锈蚀对铁偶合面粘结影响的试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake linings - Test method for seizure to ferrous mating surface due to corrosion
GB/T 26738-2011 道路车辆 制动衬片摩擦材料 产品确认和质量保证 Road vehicles - Brake lining friction material - Product definition and quality assurance
GB/T 26739-2011 道路车辆 制动衬片 材料内剪切强度试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake linings - Test method for internal shear strength of lining material
GB/T 26740-2011 道路车辆 制动衬片 盘式制动衬块 试验后表面和材料缺陷的评价方法 Road vehicles - Brake linings - Disc brake pads - Evaluation of surface and material flaws after testing
GB/T 26741-2011 机动三轮车用制动器衬片 Brake linings for motor tricycle
GB/T 26742-2011 建筑卫生陶瓷用原料 粘土 The row materials for architectural and sanitary ceramics - Clay
GB/T 26743-2011 结构工程用纤维增强复合材料筋 Fiber reinforced composite bars for civil engineering
GB/T 26744-2011 结构加固修复用玻璃纤维片材 Glass fiber sheet for strengthening and restoring structures
GB/T 26745-2011 结构加固修复用玄武岩纤维复合材料 Basalt fiber composites for strengthening and restoring structures
GB/T 26746-2011 矿物棉喷涂绝热层 Sprayed mineral wool insulation
GB/T 26747-2011 水处理装置用复合材料罐 Fiber reinforced plastics tanks for water treatment units
GB/T 26748-2011 水泥助磨剂 Cement grinding aids
GB/T 26749-2011 碳纤维 浸胶纱拉伸性能的测定 Carbon fiber - Determination of tensile properties of resin-impregnated yarn
GB/T 26750-2011 卫生洁具 便器用压力冲水装置 Sanitary ware - Pressure assistant water flushing devices
GB/T 26751-2011 用于水泥和混凝土中的粒化电炉磷渣粉 Ground granulated electirc furnace phosphorous slag powder used for cement and concrete
GB/T 26752-2011 聚丙烯腈基碳纤维 PAN-based carbon fibre
GB/T 26757-2011 节能自愿协议技术通则 General technical rules for voluntary agreement of energy conservation
GB/T 26758-2011 铅、锌冶炼企业节能规范 The specification for energy conservation of lead, zinc smelting enterprise
GB/T 26759-2011 中央空调水系统节能控制装置技术规范 The technical specification for energy-saving control device for water system of central air-conditioning
GB/T 26760-2011 酱香型白酒 Jiang-flavour Chinese spirits
GB/T 26761-2011 小曲固态法白酒 Xiaoqu traditional Chinese spirits
GB/T 26762-2011 结晶果糖、固体果葡糖 Crystalline fructose and solid fructose-glucose
GB/T 26763-2011 波音和空客系列飞机飞行品质监控项目规范 Flight operational quality assurance events and deviation limits for Boeing and Airbus aircraft
GB/T 26764-2011 多功能路况快速检测设备 Multifunctional high-speed highway condition monitor
GB/T 26765-2011 机动车安全技术检验业务信息系统及联网规范 Specifications for power-driven vehicle safety inspection business information system and networking
GB/T 26766-2011 城市公共交通调度车载信息终端 On-board information terminal of urban public transit dispatching
GB/T 26767-2011 道路、水路货物运输地理信息基础数据元 Basic data elements of geographic information for freight transportation by road and waterway
GB/T 26768-2011 道路、水路货物运输基础数据元 Basic data elements of freight transportation by road and waterway
GB/T 26769-2011 路面损坏视频检测方法 Video-based detecting method for pavement surface distress
GB/T 26770-2011 停车诱导信息集 Parking guidance information sets
GB/T 26771-2011 微波交通流检测器的设置 The setting specification for microwave traffic detector
GB/T 26772-2011 运输与仓储业务数据交换应用规范 Data interchange specification between transportation and warehousing
GB/T 26773-2011 智能运输系统 车道偏离报警系统 性能要求与检测方法 Intelligent transport systems - Lane departure warning systems - Performance requirements and test procedures
GB/T 26774-2011 车辆运输车通用技术条件 Technical specification for car transport vehicles
GB/T 26775-2011 车载音视频系统通用技术条件 General technical specification for audio video system on board
GB/T 26776-2011 道路车辆 3.5 t以上的商用车报警系统 Road vehicles - Alarm systems for commercial vehicles of maximum authorized total mass greater than 3.5t
GB/T 26777-2011 挂车支撑装置 Semitrailer landing gears
GB/T 26778-2011 汽车列车性能要求及试验方法 Combination of vehicle performance requirements and test method
GB/T 26779-2011 燃料电池电动汽车 加氢口 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Refuelling receptacle
GB/T 26780-2011 压缩天然气汽车燃料系统碰撞安全要求 The safety requirement of fuel system for compressed natural gas vehicle in the collision
GB/T 26781-2011 海区浮动助航标志配布导则 Directives on the layout of floating aids to navigation
GB/T 26784-2011 建筑构件耐火试验 可供选择和附加的试验程序 Fire resistance test for elements of building construction - Alternative and additional procedures
GB/T 26785-2011 细水雾灭火系统及部件通用技术条件 General technical specifications for water mist extinguishing systems and components
GB/T 26789-2011 产品生命周期管理服务规范 Product lifecycle management services specification
GB/T 26790.1-2011 工业无线网络WIA规范 第1部分:用于过程自动化的WIA系统结构与通信规范 Industrial wireless network WIA specification - Part 1: WIA System architecture communication specification for process automation (WIA-PA)
GB/T 26791-2011 玻璃比色皿 Glass cells
GB/T 26792-2011 高效液相色谱仪 High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 26793-2011 库仑法微量水分测定仪 Coulometry micro water teller
GB/T 26794-2011 膜式燃气表用计数器 Indexes for diaphragm gas meters
GB/T 26795-2011 数控定量水表 Numerical batch control water meter
GB/T 26797-2011 E1、E2、F1、F2、M1、M1-2、M2、M2-3、M3等级砝码 Weights of classes E1、E2、F1、F2、M1、M1-2、M2、M2-3、and M3
GB/T 26798-2011 单光束紫外可见分光光度计 Single beam UV/VIS spectrophotometer
GB/T 26799-2011 点胶机 通用技术条件 General specifications of dispenser
GB/T 26800-2011 电导电极 Conduction electrodes
GB/T 26801-2011 封闭管道中流体流量的测量 一次装置和二次装置之间压力信号传送的连接法 Fluid flow in closed conduits - Connections for pressure signal transmissions between primary and secondary elements
GB/T 26807-2011 硅压阻式动态压力传感器 Silicon piezoresistive dynamic pressure sensors
GB/T 26808-2011 恒温槽与恒温循环装置 低温恒温槽 Thermostatic baths and circulators - Refrigerated baths
GB/T 26809-2011 恒温槽与恒温循环装置 低温恒温循环装置 Thermostatic baths and circulators - Refrigerated circulators
GB/T 26810-2011 可见分光光度计 Visible spectrophotometer
GB/T 26811-2011 离子选择电极 Ion selective electrodes
GB/T 26812-2011 离子选择电极校准溶液制备方法 Preparation method of reference solutions for the measurement of ion selective electrodes
GB/T 26813-2011 双光束紫外可见分光光度计 Double beam UV/VIS spectrophotometer
GB/T 26814-2011 微波消解装置 Microwave digestion equipment
GB/T 26815-2011 工业自动化仪表术语 执行器术语 Terminologies for industrial-process measurement and control instruments - Terms of final controlling elements
GB/T 26816-2011 信息资源核心元数据 Information resource core metadata
GB/T 26817-2011 企业信用调查报告格式规范 基本信息报告、普通调查报告、深度调查报告 Specification of business credit information reports - Basic credit information report, standard report, indepth report
GB/T 26818-2011 个人信用调查报告格式规范 基本信息报告 Specification of consumer credit information reports - Basic credit report
GB/T 26819-2011 信用主体标识规范 Specification of credit subject identifiers
GB/T 26820-2011 物流服务分类与编码 Classification and coding for logistics service
GB/T 26821-2011 物流管理信息系统功能与设计要求 Functions and design requirements of logistics management information system
GB/T 26823-2011 基于信用原则控制检出质量的零接收数计数抽样检验系统 Acceptance sampling procedures by attributes - Accept-zero sampling system based on credit principle for controlling outgoing quality
GB/T 26824-2011 纳米氧化铝 Nano-alumina
GB/T 26825-2011 FJ抗静电防腐胶 Static-resistance FJ anticorrosive glues
GB/T 26826-2011 碳纳米管直径的测量方法 Measurement for diameter of carbon nanotubes
GB/T 26827-2011 波片相位延迟测量装置的校准方法 Calibration method for measurement equipment of wave plate phase retardation
GB/T 26828-2011 多光谱减反射膜规范 Specication for multispectral antireflection coatings
GB/T 26829-2011 脉冲激光测距仪测距参数的室内测试方法 Indoor method for testing measurement range of pulse laser rangfinders
GB/T 26830-2011 无损检测仪器 高频恒电位工业X射线探伤机 Non-destructive testing instruments - High frequency constant potential X-ray equipment
GB/T 26832-2011 无损检测仪器 钢丝绳电磁检测仪技术条件 Non-destructive testing instruments - Specifications for the wire rope electromagnetic tester
GB/T 26833-2011 无损检测仪器 工业用X射线管通用技术条件 Non-destructive testing instruments - General specification for X-ray tube for industrial detecting
GB/T 26834-2011 无损检测仪器 小焦点及微焦点X射线管有效焦点尺寸测量方法 Non-destructive testing instruments - Measurement of effective focal spot size of mini and micro focus X-ray tubes
GB/T 26835-2011 无损检测仪器 工业用X射线CT装置通用技术条件 Non-destructive testing instruments - General specification for industrial X-ray computed tomography(CT)equipment
GB/T 26836-2011 无损检测仪器 金属陶瓷X射线管技术条件 Non-destructive testing instruments - Specification for metal ceramic X-ray tube
GB/T 26837-2011 无损检测仪器 固定式和移动式工业X射线探伤机 Non-destructive testing instruments - Stationary type and movable type industrial X-ray radiographic equipment
GB/T 26838-2011 无损检测仪器 携带式工业X射线探伤机 Non-destructive testing instruments - Portable industrial X-ray radiographic equipment
GB/T 26839-2011 电子商务 仓单交易模式规范 Electronic commerce - The specification for warehouse receipt trading mode
GB/T 26840-2011 电子商务 药品核心元数据 Electronic commerce - Core metadata for medicine
GB/T 26841-2011 基于电子商务活动的交易主体 企业信用档案规范 Transaction subject based upon activities of electronic commerce - Specification for enterprise credit archive
GB/T 26842-2011 基于电子商务活动的交易主体 企业信用评价指标与等级表示规范 Transaction subject based upon activities of electronic commerce - Specification for enterprise credit assessment index and credit grade
GB/T 26843-2011 地毯背衬剥离强力的测定 Carpet - Determination of resistance to delamination of the backing
GB/T 26844-2011 地毯利用威特曼鼓轮和六足滚筒产生外观变化试验 Carpet-Production of changes in appearance by means of vettermann drum and hexapod tumbler testers
GB/T 26845-2011 地毯毯面外观变化的评价 Carpet-Assessment of changes in appearance
GB/T 26846-2011 电动自行车用电机和控制器的引出线及接插件 Lead-out wire and connector of motor and controller used for electric bicycles
GB/T 26847-2011 纺织铺地物 词汇 Textile floor covering - Vocabulary
GB/T 26848-2011 家具用天然石板 Natural slate for furniture
GB/T 26849-2011 太阳能光伏照明用电子控制装置 性能要求 Electronic controllers for solar photovoltaic (PV) lighting - Performance specifications
GB/T 26850-2011 浴室地毯 Carpets using in bathroom
GB/T 26852-2011 CAx系统中机电和电气应用之间的互操作要求 Requirements concerning the interoperability between electromechanical and electrical applications in CAx-systems
GB/T 26855-2011 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 证书策略与认证业务声明框架 Information security technology - Public key infrastructure - Certificate policy and certification practice statement framework
GB/T 26856-2011 中文办公软件基本要求及符合性测试规范 Specification for the basic requirements and conformity test of Chinese office software
GB/T 26858-2011 基于联邦模型的P2P网络管理方法 Federation based solution for Peer-to-Peer network management
GB/T 26862-2011 电力系统同步相量测量装置检测规范 Test specifications for synchrophasor measurement unit for power systems
GB/T 26863-2011 火电站监控系统术语 Terminology of monitoring and control system of thermal power station
GB/T 26864-2011 电力系统继电保护产品动模试验 The dynamic test of the power system protective products
GB/T 26866-2011 电力系统的时间同步系统检测规范 Testing specifications of time synchronism systems for power system
GB/T 26867-2011 铜铬电触头技术条件 Specification for CuCr electrical contact
GB/T 26868-2011 高压滤波装置设计与应用导则 The guide for design and application of high-voltage power filters
GB/T 26869-2011 标称电压高于1000V低于300kV系统用户内有机材料支柱绝缘子的试验 Insulator-Test on indoor post insulator of organic material for systems with nominal voltages greater than 1000V up to but not including 300kV
GB/T 26870-2011 滤波器和并联电容器在受谐波影响的工业交流电网中的应用 Industrial a.c. networks affected by harmonics - Application of filters and shunt capacitors
GB/T 26871-2011 电触头材料金相试验方法 Metallographic examination of electrical contact materials
GB/T 26872-2011 电触头材料金相图谱 Metallographic atlas of electrical contact materials
GB/T 26873-2011 火花试验机 Spark tester
GB/T 26874-2011 高压架空线路用长棒形瓷绝缘子元件特性 Characteristics of ceramic insulator units of the long rod type for high-voltage overhead lines
GB/T 26876-2011 中华鳖池塘养殖技术规范 Technical specifications for pond Chinese soft-shelled turtle
GB/T 26879-2011 粮油储藏 平房仓隔热技术规范 Grain and oils storage - Technology regulation of heat insulation in warehouse
GB/T 26880-2011 粮油储藏 就仓干燥技术规范 Grain and oil storage - Regulation for in-bin drying
GB/T 26881-2011 粮油储藏 通风自动控制系统基本要求 Grain and oil storage - Basic requirements for auto-control system of ventilation
GB/T 26883-2011 粮油机械 单螺旋榨油机 Grain and oil machinery - Single screw press
GB/T 26884-2011 粮油机械 浸出器 Grain and oil machinery - Extractor
GB/T 26885-2011 粮油机械 螺旋清仓机 Grain and oil machinery - Sweep auger
GB/T 26886-2011 粮油机械 压力曲筛 Grain and oil machinery - Pressure screen
GB/T 26887-2011 粮油机械 蒸脱机 Grain and oil machinery - Desolventizer
GB/T 26888-2011 粮油机械 磁选器 Grain and oil machinery - Magnetic separator
GB/T 26889-2011 粮油机械 淀粉气流干燥机 Grain and oil machinery - Starch flash dryers
GB/T 26890-2011 粮油机械 磨辊磨光拉丝机 Grain and oil machinery - Grinding and fluting machine
GB/T 26891-2011 粮油机械 双螺旋榨油机 Grain and oil machinery - Twin-screw press
GB/T 26892-2011 粮油机械 玉米破糁脱胚机 Grain and oil machinery - Corn degerminator
GB/T 26893-2011 粮油机械 圆筒初清筛 Grain and oil machinery - Cylindric precleaner
GB/T 26894-2011 粮油机械 振动清理筛 Grain and oil machinery - Vibration separator
GB/T 26895-2011 粮油机械 重力分级去石机 Grain and oil machinery - Gravity grading stoner
GB/T 26896-2011 粮油机械 砻碾组合米机 Grain and oil machinery - Combine husker and whitener united rice mill
GB/T 26897-2011 粮油机械 铁辊碾米机 Grain and oil machinery - Iron roll rice whitener
GB/T 26898-2011 大花惠兰盆花质量等级 Product grade for potted cymbidium
GB/T 26899-2011 结构用集成材 Structural glued laminated timber
GB/T 26900-2011 空气净化用竹炭 Bamboo charcoal for air-purification
GB/T 26901-2011 李贮藏技术规程 Storage practice for plums
GB/T 26902-2011 热带、亚热带生态风景林建设技术规程 Technical regulation for tropical and subtropical landscape ecological forest
GB/T 26903-2011 水源涵养林建设规范 Technical regulations on conserving water forests construction
GB/T 26904-2011 桃贮藏技术规程 Storage practice for peaches
GB/T 26905-2011 杏贮藏技术规程 Storage practice for apricots
GB/T 26906-2011 樱桃质量等级 Grades of cherries
GB/T 26907-2011 油茶苗木质量分级 Seedling quality grading of Camellia oleifera
GB/T 26908-2011 枣贮藏技术规程 Storage practice for fresh Chinese jujubes
GB/T 26909-2011 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 核桃属 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Juglans(Juglans L.)
GB/T 26910-2011 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 柳属 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability -Willow (Salix L.)
GB/T 26911-2011 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 山茶属 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Camellia (Camellia L.)
GB/T 26912-2011 竹木复合地板生产线验收通则 Acceptance generality for production line of Bamboo-Wooden compound floor
GB/T 26913-2011 竹炭 Bamboo charcoal
GB/T 26914-2011 棕榈藤名词术语 Rattan terminology
GB/T 26915-2011 太阳能光催化分解水制氢体系的能量转化效率与量子产率计算 Determination of energy conversion efficiency and quantum yield for hydrogen production in the solar photocatalytic water splitting system
GB/T 26916-2011 小型氢能综合能源系统性能评价方法 Methods for performance evaluation of small-size integrative hydrogen energy system
GB/T 26917-2011 真空过滤系统中絮凝剂助滤效果测定方法 Dtermination method of filter aiding effect of flocculants in vacuum filtration system
GB/T 26918-2011 选煤厂 煤的转筒泥化试验方法 Coal preparation plant - Test methods for degradation in water of raw coal feed in drum
GB/T 26919-2011 选煤厂 煤泥水自然沉降试验方法 Coal preparation plant - Methods for the natural falling testing of slurry
GB/T 26921-2011 电机系统(风机、泵、空气压缩机)优化设计指南 The guide of design optimization for motor systems(fans,pumps,air compressors)
GB/T 26922-2011 服务业节水型单位评价导则 Guide for evaluating water saving users in service industry
GB/T 26923-2011 节水型企业 纺织染整行业 Water saving enterprises - Dyeing and finishing of textile industry
GB/T 26924-2011 节水型企业 钢铁行业 Water saving enterprises - Iron and steel industry
GB/T 26925-2011 节水型企业 火力发电行业 Water saving enterprises - Fossil fired plant
GB/T 26926-2011 节水型企业 石油炼制行业 Water saving enterprises - Petroleum refining
GB/T 26927-2011 节水型企业 造纸行业 Water saving enterprises - Pulp and paper making industry
GB/T 26928-2011 节水型社区评价导则 Guide for evaluating water saving community
GB/T 26929-2011 压力容器术语 Terminology for pressure vessels
GB/T 26931-2011 锆及锆合金废料 Scraps of zirconium and zirconium alloy
GB/T 26932-2011 充电电池废料废件 Rechargeable battery scraps
GB/T 26933-2011 钢制通用集装箱封闭槽型顶板 Corrugated roof panel for steel general cargo containers
GB/T 26934-2011 集装箱电子标签技术规范 Freight containers-radio frequency identification-license plate tag
GB/T 26935-2011 集装箱钢材表面处理和涂料施工规范 Preparation of steel substrates and paints application for freight containers
GB/T 26936-2011 集装箱自粘标贴 Marking decals for freight containers
GB/T 26937-2011 统计集装箱量的换算单位 Conversion unit of quantitative analysis for freight containers
GB/T 26938-2011 牛胚胎生产技术规程 Standard for production technology of bovine embryo
GB/T 26939-2011 种羊鉴定术语、项目与符号 Identification of the terminology, projects and symbols of sheep and goat stud
GB/T 26940-2011 牡蛎干 Dried oyster
GB/T 26942-2011 环形线圈车辆检测器 Loop vehicle detector
GB/T 26943-2011 升降式高杆照明装置 High mast lighting system with raising and lowering equipment
GB/T 26945-2011 集装箱空箱堆高机 Empty container handler
GB/T 26947-2011 手动托盘搬运车 Hand pallet trucks
GB/T 26951-2011 焊缝无损检测 磁粉检测 Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particle testing
GB/T 26952-2011 焊缝无损检测 焊缝磁粉检测 验收等级 Non-destructive testing of welds - Magnetic particle testing of welds - Acceptance levels
GB/T 26953-2011 焊缝无损检测 焊缝渗透检测 验收等级 Non-destructive testing of welds - Penetrant testing of welds - Acceptance levels
GB/T 26954-2011 焊缝无损检测 基于复平面分析的焊缝涡流检测 Non-destructive testing of welds - Eddy current testing of welds by complex-plane analysis
GB/T 26955-2011 金属材料焊缝破坏性试验 焊缝宏观和微观检验 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds
GB/T 26956-2011 金属材料焊缝破坏性试验 宏观和微观检验用侵蚀剂 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Etchants for macroscopic and microscopic examination
GB/T 26957-2011 金属材料焊缝破坏性试验 十字形接头和搭接接头拉伸试验方法 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Tensile test on cruciform and lapped joints
GB/T 26959-2011 装箱机 Casing machine
GB/T 26960-2011 半自动捆扎机 Semi automatic strapping machine
GB/T 26961-2011 不透性石墨设备水压试验方法 Hydraulic pressure test method of graphite lined equipment
GB/T 26962-2011 高频电磁场综合水处理器技术条件 Specifications for high-frequency electromagnetic field comprehensive water treatment device
GB/T 26964-2011 振动筛 筛板磨耗 Vibrating screen - Wear consumption of screen plate
GB/T 26965-2011 圆锥破碎机 能耗指标 Cone crusher - Energy consumption index
GB/T 26966-2011 矿井提升机 提升能效检测方法 Mine hoists - Test method for energy efficiency in hoist
GB/T 26967-2011 一般用喷油单螺杆空气压缩机 Oil injected single screw air compressor for general use
GB/T 26968-2011 饲料机械 产品型号编制方法 Feed machinery - Editorial nominating method for model designation
GB/T 26970-2011 家用分体双回路太阳能热水系统技术条件 Specification for remote-storage double-loop domestic solar water heating systems
GB/T 26971-2011 家用分体双回路太阳能热水系统试验方法 Test methods for remote-storage double-loop domestic solar water heating systems
GB/T 26972-2011 聚光型太阳能热发电术语 Vocabulary of concentrating solar thermal power
GB/T 26973-2011 空气源热泵辅助的太阳能热水系统(储水箱容积大于0.6m3)技术规范 Specification of solar water heating systems assisted with air-source heat pump(for capacity of water tank more than 0.6 m3)
GB/T 26974-2011 平板型太阳能集热器吸热体技术要求 Specification for absorber of flat plate solar collector
GB/T 26975-2011 全玻璃热管真空太阳集热管 All-glass heat pipe evacuated solar collector tube
GB/T 26976-2011 太阳能空气集热器技术条件 Specifications of solar air collectors
GB/T 26977-2011 太阳能空气集热器热性能试验方法 Test methods for the thermal performance of solar air collectors
GB/T 26979-2011 天然气藏分类 The classification of natural gas pool
GB/T 26980-2011 液化天然气(LNG)车辆燃料加注系统规范 Liquefied natural gas (LNG) vehicular fueling systems code
GB/T 26981-2011 油气藏流体物性分析方法 Test method for reservoir fluid physical properties
GB/T 26982-2011 原油蜡含量的测定 Crude petroleum - Determination of wax content
GB/T 26983-2011 原油硫化氢、甲基硫醇和乙基硫醇的测定 Determination of sulfureted hydrogen,methyl mercaptan and ethyl mercaptan in crude oil
GB/T 26984-2011 原油馏程的测定 Test method for distillation characteristics of crude oil
GB/T 26985-2011 原油倾点的测定 Standard test method for pour point of crude oils
GB/T 26986-2011 原油水含量测定 卡尔.费休电位滴定法 Crude petroleum - Determination of water - Potentiometric Karl Fischer titration method
GB/T 26987-2011 道路车辆 路面摩擦特性测定 Road vehicles - Measurement of roadsurface friction
GB/T 26988-2011 汽车部件可回收利用性标识 Marks for recoverability of automobile parts
GB/T 26989-2011 汽车回收利用 术语 Automobile recovery - Terminology
GB/T 26990-2011 燃料电池电动汽车 车载氢系统 技术条件 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Onboard hydrogen system - Specifications
GB/T 26991-2011 燃料电池电动汽车 最高车速试验方法 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Maximum speed test method
GB/T 26992-2011 主题公园服务规范 Specification for services on theme park
GB/T 26993-2011 奶粉定量充填包装机 Filling and packaging machine for milk powder
GB/T 26994-2011 塑杯成型灌装封切机 Plastic cup forming filling sealing machine
GB/T 26995-2011 塑料瓶冲洗灌装旋盖机通用技术条件 General specification for rinsing-filling-capping machine of plastic bottle
GB/T 26996-2011 非正规教育与培训的学习服务 学习服务提供者基本要求 Learning services for non-formal education and training - Basic requirements for service providers
GB/T 26997-2011 非正规教育与培训的学习服务 术语 Learning services for non-formal education and training - Terminology
GB/T 26998-2011 职业经理人考试测评 Examinations & assessment for professional managers
GB/T 26999-2011 职业经理人相关术语 Terminology for professional managers
GB/T 27001-2011 合格评定 公正性 原则和要求 Conformity assessment - Impartiality - Principles and requirements
GB/T 27002-2011 合格评定 保密性 原则和要求 Conformity assessment - Confidentiality - Principles and requirements
GB/T 27003-2011 合格评定 投诉和申诉 原则和要求 Conformity assessment - Complaints and appeals - Principles and requirements
GB/T 27004-2011 合格评定 信息公开 原则和要求 Conformity assessment - Disclosure of information - Principles and requirements
GB/T 27005-2011 合格评定 管理体系的使用 原则和要求 Conformity assessment - Use of management systems - Principles and requirements
GB/T 27007-2011 合格评定 合格评定用规范性文件的编写指南 Conformity assessment - Guidance for drafting normative documents suitable for use for conformity assessment
GB/T 27023-2008 第三方认证制度中标准符合性的表示方法 Methods of indicating conformity with standards for third-party certification systems
GB/T 27025-2008 检测和校准实验室能力的通用要求 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
GB/T 27027-2008 认证机构对误用其符合性标志采取纠正措施的实施指南 Guidelines for corrective action to be taken by a certification body in the event of misuse of its mark of conformity
GB/T 27028-2008 合格评定 第三方产品认证制度应用指南 Conformity assessment - Guidance on a third-party certification system for products
GB/T 27040-2010 合格评定 合格评定机构和认可机构同行评审的通用要求 Conformity assessment - General requirements for peer assessment of conformity assessment bodies and accreditation bodies
GB/T 27043-2012 合格评定 能力验证的通用要求 Conformity assessment - General requirements for proficiency testing
GB/T 27053-2008 合格评定 产品认证中利用组织质量管理体系的指南 Conformity assessment - Guidance on the use of an organization's quality management system in product certification
GB/T 27301-2008 食品安全管理体系 肉及肉制品生产企业要求 Food safety management system - Requirements for meat and meat product establishments
GB/T 27302-2008 食品安全管理体系 速冻方便食品生产企业要求 Food safety management system - Requirements for quick frozen convenience food product establishments
GB/T 27303-2008 食品安全管理体系 罐头食品生产企业要求 Food safety management system - Requirements for canned food product establishments
GB/T 27304-2008 食品安全管理体系 水产品加工企业要求 Food safety management system - Requirements for fish and fishery product processing establishments
GB/T 27305-2008 食品安全管理体系 果汁和蔬菜汁类生产企业要求 Food safety management system - Requirements for fruit and vegetable juices producing establishments
GB/T 27306-2008 食品安全管理体系 餐饮业要求 Food safety management system - Requirements for catering services
GB/T 27307-2008 食品安全管理体系 速冻果蔬生产企业要求 Food safety management system - Requirements for quick frozen fruits and vegetable product establishments
GB/T 27308-2011 合格评定 信息技术服务管理体系认证机构要求 Conformity assessment - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of IT service management systems
GB/T 27320-2010 食品防护计划及其应用指南 食品生产企业 Food defense plan and guidelines for its application - Food processing establishments
GB/T 27341-2009 危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系 食品生产企业通用要求 Hazard analysis and critical control point(HACCP)system - General requirements for food processing plant
GB/T 27342-2009 危害分析与关键控制点(HACCP)体系 乳制品生产企业要求 Hazard analysis and critical control point(HACCP)system - Requirements for dairy processing plant
GB/T 27401-2008 实验室质量控制规范 动物检疫 Criterion on quality control of laboratories - Animal quarantine
GB/T 27402-2008 实验室质量控制规范 植物检疫 Criterion on quality control of laboratories - Plant quarantine
GB/T 27403-2008 实验室质量控制规范 食品分子生物学检测 Criterion on quality control of laboratories - Molecular biological testing of food
GB/T 27404-2008 实验室质量控制规范 食品理化检测 Criterion on quality control of laboratories - Chemical testing of food
GB/T 27405-2008 实验室质量控制规范 食品微生物检测 Criterion on quality control of laboratories - Microbiological testing of food
GB/T 27406-2008 实验室质量控制规范 食品毒理学检测 Criterion on quality control of laboratories - Food toxicology test
GB/T 27407-2010 实验室质量控制 利用统计质量保证和控制图技术 评价分析测量系统的性能 Quality control in laboratories applying statistical quality assurance and control charting techniques to evaluate analytical measurement system performance
GB/T 27408-2010 实验室质量控制 非标准测试方法的有效性评价 线性关系 Quality control in laboratories evaluating validity of non-standard test method practice for a linear relationship
GB/T 27409-2010 医学实验室能力验证的应用 Application of proficiency testing in the medical laboratory
GB/T 27410-2010 消费类产品中有毒有害物质检测实验室技术规范 Technical specification for laboratories of testing hazardous substances in consumer products
GB/T 27411-2012 检测实验室中常用不确定度评定方法与表示 Routine methods for evaluation and expression of measurement uncertainty in testing laboratory
GB/T 27412-2012 基于核查样品单次测量结果的实验室偏倚检出 Detection of laboratory bias using single test result from check standard
GB/T 27413-2012 石油产品检测实验室质量控制与质量评估 Quality control and quality estimation in petroleum products testing laboratory
GB/T 27500-2011 pH值测定用复合玻璃电极 Combined glass electrodes for the measurement of pH value
GB/T 27501-2011 pH值测定用缓冲溶液制备方法 Preparation method of buffer solutions for the measurement of pH value
GB/T 27502-2011 电导率测量用校准溶液制备方法 Preparation method of reference solutions for the measurement of conductivity
GB/T 27503-2011 电导率仪的试验溶液 氯化钠溶液制备方法 Test solutions of electrolytic conductivity analyzer - Preparation method of sodium chloride solutions
GB/T 27504-2011 压力表误差表 Pressure gauge error table
GB/T 27505-2011 压力控制器 Pressure controller
GB/T 27506-2011 机械称量式烘干法水分测定仪 Mechanical weighing moisture analyzer of oven drying
GB/T 27507-2011 35mm和70mm电影倒片轴 尺寸 Rewind spindles for 35mm and 70mm motion picture - Dimensions
GB/T 27508-2011 70mm、35mm和16mm电影放映画面跳动和晃动等级测定方法 Method for determining the degree of jump and weave in 70mm、35mm and 16mm motion-picture projected images
GB/T 27509-2011 透射式投影器 投影台尺寸 Overhead projectors - Projection stages dimensions
GB/T 27510-2011 DLP、CRT、LCOS及LCD投影电视屏幕中的菲涅尔透镜 Fresnel lens in DLP,CRT,LCOS and LCD projection television screen
GB/T 27511-2011 35mm幻灯片 双画幅和单画幅规范 35mm filmstrips - Specifications for double-frame and single-frame formats
GB/T 27512-2011 埋地钢质管道风险评估方法 Risk assessment for buried steel pipeline
GB/T 27513-2011 载人低压舱 Hypobaric chamber for human occupancy
GB/T 27514-2011 沙地草场牧草补播技术规程 Technical regulation of reseeding on sandy grassland
GB/T 27515-2011 天然割草地轮刈技术规程 Technical regulation for rotational mowing on natural grassland
GB/T 27516-2011 驼绒藜属植物栽培技术规程 Technical regulation for ceratoides cultivation
GB/T 27517-2011 鉴别猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒高致病性与经典毒株复合RT-PCR方法 A multiplex RT-PCR method to differentiate the highly pathogenic and classical porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
GB/T 27518-2011 西尼罗病毒病检测方法 Diagnostic of West Nile Virus infections
GB/T 27519-2011 畜禽屠宰加工设备通用要求 General requirements for livestock slaughtering equipment
GB/T 27520-2011 暗纹东方鲀 Obscure puffer
GB/T 27521-2011 猪流感病毒核酸RT-PCR检测方法 RT-PCR assay for swine influenza virus nucleic acid
GB/T 27522-2011 畜禽养殖污水采样技术规范 Technical specifications for waste water sampling of livestock and poultry farm
GB/T 27523-2011 卷烟 主流烟气中挥发性有机化合物(1,3-丁二烯、异戊二烯、丙烯腈、苯、甲苯)的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法 Cigarettes - Determination of volatile organic compounds (1,3-butadiene, isoprene, acrylonitrile, benzene, toluene) in mainstream smoke - GC-MS method
GB/T 27524-2011 卷烟 主流烟气中半挥发性物质(吡啶、苯乙烯、喹啉)的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法 Cigarettes - Determination of semi-volatile compounds (pyridine, styrene, quinoline) in mainstream smoke - GC-MS method
GB/T 27525-2011 卷烟 侧流烟气中苯并[a]芘的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法 Cigarette - Determination of Benzo(a)pyrene in sidestream smoke - GC-MS method
GB/T 27526-2011 PROFIBUS过程控制设备行规 PROFIBUS profile for process control devices
GB/T 27527-2011 禽脑脊髓炎诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for avian encephalomyelitis
GB/T 27528-2011 口蹄疫病毒实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法 Real-time RT-PCR for detection of foot and mouth disease virus
GB/T 27529-2011 马接触传染性子宫炎诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for contagious equine mctritis
GB/T 27530-2011 牛出血性败血病诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for bovine haemorrhagic septicaemia
GB/T 27531-2011 病毒性脑病和视网膜病病原逆转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)检测方法 Protocol of reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR) for the pathogen of Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy
GB/T 27532-2011 犬瘟热诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for canine distemper
GB/T 27533-2011 犬细小病毒病诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for canine parvovirus disease
GB/T 27535-2011 猪流感HI抗体检测方法 The detection method of hemagglutination inhibition antibody against swine influenza
GB/T 27536-2011 猪流感病毒分离与鉴定方法 Isolation and identification of swine influenza virus
GB/T 27537-2011 动物流感检测 A型流感病毒分型基因芯片检测操作规程 Animal influenza detecting technique - Protocol of DNA microarray examination for influenza A virus subtypes
GB/T 27538-2011 动物流感检测 A型H1N1流感病毒中HA、NA的焦磷酸测序检测方法 Animal influenza detection - Method of pyrosequencing for HA and NA in influenza Virus A (H1N1)
GB/T 27539-2011 动物流感检测 A型流感病毒通用荧光RT-PCR检测方法 Animal influenza detection - Method of real-time RT-PCR for detection of influenza virus A
GB/T 27540-2011 猪瘟病毒实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法 Method of the real-time RT-PCR for the detection of classical swine fever virus
GB/T 27541-2011 货运缆车技术规范 Technology code for freight funiculars
GB/T 27542-2011 蓄电池托盘搬运车 Battery pallet trucks
GB/T 27543-2011 手推升降平台搬运车 Pedestrian controlled platform trucks
GB/T 27544-2011 工业车辆 电气要求 Industrial trucks - Electrical requirements
GB/T 27545-2011 水平循环类机械式停车设备 Level circulating mechanical parking system
GB/T 27546-2011 起重机械 滑轮 Sheaves for cranes
GB/T 27547-2011 升降工作平台 导架爬升式工作平台 Elevating work platforms - Mast-climbing work platforms
GB/T 27548-2011 移动式升降工作平台 安全规则、检查、维护和操作 Mobile elevating work platforms - Safety principles, inspection, maintenance and operation
GB/T 27549-2011 移动式升降工作平台 操作人员培训 Mobile elevating work platform - Operator (driver) training
GB/T 27551-2011 金属材料焊缝破坏性试验 断裂试验 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Fracture test
GB/T 27552-2011 金属材料焊缝破坏性试验 焊接接头显微硬度试验 Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials - Microhardness testing of welded joints
GB/T 27554-2011 滚动轴承 带座外球面球轴承 代号方法 Rolling bearings - Insert bearing units - Identification code
GB/T 27555-2011 滚动轴承 带座外球面球轴承 技术条件 Rolling bearings - Insert bearing units - Specifications
GB/T 27556-2011 滚动轴承 向心轴承定位槽 尺寸和公差 Rolling bearings - Radial bearings,retaining slots - Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 27557-2011 滚动轴承 直线运动滚动支承 代号方法 Rolling bearings - Linear motion rolling bearings - Identification code
GB/T 27558-2011 滚动轴承 直线运动滚动支承 分类 Rolling bearings - Linear motion rolling bearings - Classification
GB/T 27559-2011 滚动轴承 机床主轴用圆柱滚子轴承 Rolling bearing - Cylindrical roller bearings for spindles of machines
GB/T 27560-2011 滚动轴承 外球面球轴承铸造座 技术条件 Rolling bearings - Cast housings for insert bearings - Specifications
GB/T 27561-2011 苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物(SBS)胶粘剂 Styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymers(SBS)adhesives
GB/T 27562-2011 工业氯化亚铜 Cuprous chloride for industrial use
GB/T 27563-2011 工业用N-甲基-2-吡咯烷酮 N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone for industrial use
GB/T 27564-2011 工业用三异丙醇胺 Triisopropanolamine for industrial use
GB/T 27565-2011 工业用烷基烯酮二聚体 Alkyl ketene dimer for industrial use
GB/T 27566-2011 工业用一异丙醇胺 Monoisopropanolamine for industrial use
GB/T 27567-2011 工业用吡啶 Pyridine for industrial use
GB/T 27568-2011 轨道交通车辆门窗橡胶密封条 Rubber gasket for doors & windows in railway vehicles
GB/T 27569-2011 氢氟酸生产技术规范 Production technical regulation for Hydrofluoric acid
GB/T 27570-2011 室温硫化甲基硅橡胶 Methyl silicone rubber for vulcanization at ambient temperature
GB/T 27571-2011 输送混凝土用橡胶软管及软管组合件 Rubber hose and hose assemblies for conveying concrete
GB/T 27572-2011 橡胶密封件 110℃热水供应管道的管接口密封圈 材料规范 Rubber seals - Joint rings for pipelines for hot-water supply up to 110℃ - Specification for the materials
GB/T 27573-2011 乙酸乙烯酯-乙烯共聚乳液 Vinyl acetate-ethylene copolymer emulsion
GB/T 27574-2011 睫毛膏 Mascara
GB/T 27575-2011 化妆笔、化妆笔芯 Cosmetic pencil and cartridge
GB/T 27576-2011 唇彩、唇油 Lip gloss,lip oil
GB/T 27577-2011 化妆品中维生素B5(泛酸)及维生素原B5(D-泛醇)的测定 高效液相色谱紫外检测法和高效液相色谱串联质谱法 Determination of vitamin B5(pantothenic acid) and provitamin B5 (D-fantothenol) in cosmetics by HPLC/UV and HPLC MS/MS
GB/T 27578-2011 化妆品名词术语 Terminology of cosmetics
GB/T 27579-2011 精油 高效液相色谱分析 通用法 Essential oils - Analysis by high performance liquid chromatography - General method
GB/T 27580-2011 精油和芳香萃取物 残留苯含量的测定 Essential oils and aromatic extracts - Determination of residual benzene content
GB/T 27581-2011 电磁屏蔽膜 化学镀铜溶液 镍离子和铜离子含量测定方法 Electromagnetic interference shielding Film - Electroless copper plating solution - Method of determining concentration of Ni2+ and Cu2+
GB/T 27582-2011 光学功能薄膜 等离子电视用电磁波屏蔽膜 屏蔽效能测定方法 Optical functional films - Electromagnetic interference shielding film for plasma TV - Determination of shielding effectiveness
GB/T 27583-2011 光学功能薄膜 反射眩光性能测试方法 Optical functional films - Determination of reflected glare
GB/T 27584-2011 光学功能薄膜 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)薄膜 受热后尺寸变化测定方法 Optical functional films - Polyethylene terephthalate(PET) film - Determination of dimensional change on heating
GB/T 27586-2011 山葡萄酒 V.amurensis wines
GB/T 27587-2011 日用陶瓷耐微波加热测试方法 Test method for the resistance to microwave heating of domestic ceramicware
GB/T 27588-2011 露酒 Lu Jiu
GB/T 27589-2011 纸餐盒 Paper container set for food
GB/T 27590-2011 纸杯 Paper cup
GB/T 27591-2011 纸碗 Paper bowl
GB/T 27592-2011 反应染料 轧染固色率的测定 Reactive dyes - Determination of degree of fixation in pad dyeing
GB/T 27593-2011 纺织染整助剂 氨基树脂整理剂中游离甲醛含量的测定 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries - Determination of free formaldehyde content of amino resin agent
GB/T 27594-2011 分散染料 原染料相对强度的测定 分光光度法 Disperse dyestuffs - Determination of relative strength of presscakes - Spectrophotometer method
GB/T 27595-2011 胶粘剂 结构胶粘剂拉伸剪切疲劳性能的试验方法 Adhesives - Test methods for fatigue properties of structural adhesives in tensile shear
GB/T 27596-2011 染料 颗粒细度的测定 显微镜法 Dyestuffs - Determination of particle fineness - Microscope method
GB/T 27597-2011 染料 扩散性能的测定 Dyestuffs - Determination of diffusibility
GB/T 27598-2011 照相化学品 无机物中微量元素的分析 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法 Photographic chemicals - Measurement methods of the trace elements in the inorganic compounds - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES)
GB/T 27600-2011 纸箱成型机 Carton former machine
GB/T 27601-2011 工业电雷管抗杂散电流试验方法 Test method of resisting stray current for industrial electric detonator
GB/T 27602-2011 工业电雷管射频感度测定 Measurement of radiofrequency sensitivity for industrial electric detonator
GB/T 27603-2011 工业电雷管射频阻抗测定 Measurement of radiofrequency impedance for industrial electric detonator
GB/T 27604-2011 移动应急位置服务规则 Mobile emergency location service rule
GB/T 27605-2011 卫星导航动态交通信息交换格式 Dynamic traffic information exchange format for satellite navigation
GB/T 27606-2011 GNSS兼容接收机数据自主交换格式 GNSS compatible receiver independent exchange format
GB/T 27609-2011 农业节水灌溉设备 评价方法 Agricultural water saving irrigation equipment - Evaluate methods
GB/T 27610-2011 废弃产品分类与代码 Classification and code of waste product
GB/T 27611-2011 再生利用品和再制造品通用要求及标识 General requirements and labeling for recycled and remanufactured products
GB/T 27613-2011 液压传动 液体污染 采用称重法测定颗粒污染度 Hydraulic fluid power - Fluid contamination - Determination of particulate contamination by the gravimetric method
GB/T 27614-2011 生物防治物和其他有益生物的输入和释放准则 Guidelines for import and release of biological control agents and other beneficial organisms
GB/T 27615-2011 有害生物报告指南 Guidelines for pest relporting
GB/T 27616-2011 有害生物风险分析框架 Framework for pest risk analysis
GB/T 27617-2011 有害生物风险管理综合措施 The use of integrated measures in a systems approach for pest risk management
GB/T 27618-2011 植物有害生物调查监测指南 Guidelines for surveillance of pests
GB/T 27619-2011 植物有害生物发生状况确定指南 Guidelines for determination of pest status
GB/T 27620-2011 植物有害生物根除指南 Guidelines for pest eradication programmes
GB/T 27621-2011 马鼻肺炎病毒PCR检测方法 Protocol of PCR for equine rhinopneumonitis virus
GB/T 27622-2011 畜禽粪便贮存设施设计要求 Design specifications for animal manure storage facility
GB/T 27624-2011 养殖红鳍东方鲀鲜、冻品加工操作规范 Manufacturing practice for processing of fresh and frozen cultured Takifugu rubripes
GB/T 27625-2011 红鳍东方鲀人工繁育技术规范 The specification of the technology of artificial breeding for Takifugu rubripes
GB/T 27626-2011 粮油机械 螺旋精选机 Grain and oil machinery - Spiral separator
GB/T 27627-2011 粮油机械 碟片精选机 Grain and oil machinery - Disc separator
GB/T 27628-2011 粮油检验 小麦粉粉色、麸星的测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of color and bran speck in wheat flour
GB/T 27629-2011 毛绒束纤维断裂强度试验方法 Determination of breaking tenacity of animal fibre bundles
GB/T 27630-2011 乘用车内空气质量评价指南 Guideline for air quality assessment of passenger car
GB/T 27633-2011 琯溪蜜柚 Guanxi pummelo
GB/T 27634-2011 传染性囊病病毒核酸检测方法 Protocol of nucleic acid detection for infectious bursal disease (gumboro disease) virus
GB/T 27635-2011 斑点叉尾鮰嗜麦芽寡养单胞菌检测操作方法 Protocol of identification of stenotrophomonas maltophilia from ictalurus punctatus rafinsque
GB/T 27636-2011 冻罗非鱼片加工技术规范 Code of practice for quick frozen tilapia fillets
GB/T 27637-2011 副结核分枝杆菌实时荧光PCR检测方法 Real-time PCR method for the detection of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis
GB/T 27638-2011 活鱼运输技术规范 Code of practice for live fish transportation
GB/T 27639-2011 结核病病原菌实时荧光PCR检测方法 Real-time PCR method for the detection of Tuberculosis pathogenic organisms
GB/T 27640-2011 马痘诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for horsepox disease
GB/T 27641-2011 马螨病诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for horse mange
GB/T 27642-2011 牛个体及亲子鉴定微卫星DNA法 Bovine individual and parental identification using microsatellite DNA
GB/T 27643-2011 牛胴体及鲜肉分割 Beef carcass and cuts
GB/T 27644-2011 禽疱疹病毒2型荧光PCR检测方法 Protocol of real-time PCR for detecting Gallid Hepers Virus 2
GB/T 27645-2011 黄脊竹蝗防治技术规程 Technical regulation for controling Ceracris kiangsu Tsai
GB/T 27646-2011 牡丹盆花 Flowering potted plants of tree peony(Paeonia × suffruticosa)
GB/T 27647-2011 湿地生态风险评估技术规范 Technical standards for wetland ecological risk-benefit assessment
GB/T 27648-2011 重要湿地监测指标体系 Indicators for important wetland monitoring
GB/T 27649-2011 竹木复合层积地板 Bamboo and wood laminated composite flooring
GB/T 27650-2011 棕榈藤种实采收及处理技术规程 Technical regulations for harvesting and processing of rattan fruits and seeds
GB/T 27651-2011 防腐木材的使用分类和要求 Use category and specification for preservative-treated wood
GB/T 27652-2011 防腐木材化学分析前的预处理方法 Methods of pretreatment for chemical analysis of preservative-treated wood
GB/T 27653-2011 防腐木材中季铵盐的分析方法 两相滴定法 Methods for analysis of quaternary ammonium compounds in preservative-treated wood - 2-Phase titration
GB/T 27654-2011 木材防腐剂 Wood preservatives
GB/T 27655-2011 木材防腐剂性能评估的野外埋地试验方法 Method of evaluating wood preservatives by field tests with stakes
GB/T 27656-2011 农作物支护用防腐小径木 Preservative-treated pole for supporting use in agriculture
GB/T 27657-2011 树莓 Raspberry
GB/T 27658-2011 蓝莓 Blueberry
GB/T 27659-2011 无籽西瓜分等分级 seedless watermelon grade
GB/T 27660-2011 光学传递函数 用于办公复印机用镜头 Optical transfer function - Lenses for office copiers
GB/T 27661-2011 激光棒单程损耗系数的测量方法 Test methods for single-pass loss coefficient of laser robs
GB/T 27662-2011 激光光束指向和位置稳定性测试方法 Test methods for pointing and positional stability of laser beam
GB/T 27663-2011 全站仪 Total station
GB/T 27665-2011 掺钕钇铝石榴石激光棒激光性能测量方法 Test methods for lasing capability of Nd:YAG laser rods
GB/T 27666-2011 制造用激光器光束质量的评价和测试方法 Evaluation and test method for beam quality of manufacturing laser system
GB/T 27667-2011 光学系统像质评价 畸变的测定 Quality evaluation of optical systems - Determination of distortion
GB/T 27669-2011 无损检测 超声检测 超声检测仪电性能评定 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic inspection - Evaluating electronic characteristics of ultrasonic test instruments
GB/T 27670-2011 车辆热交换器用复合铝合金焊管 Clad aluminium alloy welded tubes for heat exchangers of vehicles
GB/T 27671-2011 导电用铜型材 Copper profiles for electrical purposes
GB/T 27672-2011 焊割用铜及铜合金无缝管 Copper and copper alloy seamless tube for welding and cutting
GB/T 27673-2011 硫化铜、铅、锌和镍精矿 散装干物料质量损失的测定 Copper,lead,zinc and nickel concentrates - Determination of mass loss of bulk material on drying
GB/T 27674-2011 硫化铜、铅和锌精矿 试样中湿存水分的测定 重量法 Copper,lead and zinc sulfide concentrates - Determination of hygroscopic moisture in the analysis sample - ?Gravimetric method
GB/T 27675-2011 铝及铝合金复合板、带、箔材牌号表示方法 Designation system for aluminium and aluminium alloys composite sheets, strips and foils
GB/T 27676-2011 铝及铝合金管形导体 Aluminium and aluminium alloy tube bus conductors
GB/T 27677-2011 铝中间合金 Aluminium hardeners
GB/T 27678-2011 湿法炼锌企业废水循环利用技术规范 The technical specification of waste water recycle fo hydrometallurgical zinc enterprise
GB/T 27679-2011 铜、铅、锌和镍精矿 检查取样精密度的实验方法 Copper, lead, zinc and nickel concentrates - Experimental methods for checking the precision of sampling
GB/T 27680-2011 铜、铅、锌和镍精矿 检查取样误差的实验方法 Copper,lead ,zinc and nickel concentrates - Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling
GB/T 27681-2011 铜及铜合金熔铸冷却水零排放和循环利用规范 Specification on zero emissions and recycling of cooling water during melting and casting for copper and copper alloy
GB/T 27682-2011 铜渣精矿 Copper slag concentrate
GB/T 27683-2011 易切削铜合金切削废屑回收规范 Specifications for recovery of cutting filings of free-cutting copper alloys
GB/T 27684-2011 钛及钛合金无缝和焊接管件 Seamless and welded fittings for titanium and titanium alloy
GB/T 27685-2011 便携式铝合金梯 Portable aluminium alloy ladders
GB/T 27686-2011 电子废弃物中金属废料废件 The metal scraps in waste electrical and electronic equipment
GB/T 27687-2011 钼及钼合金废料 Scraps of molybdenum and molybdenum alloy
GB/T 27688-2011 铌及铌合金废料 Scraps of niobium and niobium alloy
GB/T 27689-2011 无动力类游乐设施 儿童滑梯 No power type of amusement devices - Children slide
GB/T 27690-2011 砂浆和混凝土用硅灰 Silica fume for cement mortar and concrete
GB/T 27691-2011 钢帘线用盘条 Wire rod for steel cord
GB/T 27692-2011 高炉用酸性铁球团矿 Acidity iron pellet for blast furnace
GB/T 27693-2011 工业车辆安全 噪声辐射的测量方法 Safety of industrial trucks - Test methods for measuring noise emissions
GB/T 27694-2011 工业车辆安全 振动的测量方法 Safety of industrial trucks - Test methods for measuring vibration
GB/T 27696-2011 一般起重用4级锻造吊环螺栓 Forged steel eyebolts grade 4 for general lifting purposes
GB/T 27697-2011 立式油压千斤顶 Hydraulic bottle jacks
GB/T 27699-2011 钢质管道内检测技术规范 Steel pipeline in-line inspection technical specification
GB/T 27702-2011 信息与文献 信息检索(Z39.50)应用服务定义和协议规范 Information and documentation - Information retrieval(Z39.50) - Application service definition and protocol specification
GB/T 27703-2011 信息与文献 图书馆和档案馆的文献保存要求 Information and documentation - Document storage requirements for archive and library materials
GB/T 27705-2011 BCTMP系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in BCTMP system
GB/T 27706-2011 PRC-APMP系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency of PRC-APMP system
GB/T 27707-2011 草浆备料系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in the raw material preparation system of straw pulp
GB/T 27708-2011 充气玩具通用技术要求 General technical requirements of inflatable toys
GB/T 27709-2011 带二氧化氯的四段漂白系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in four stages bleaching system with chlorine dioxide
GB/T 27710-2011 地漏 Floor drain
GB/T 27711-2011 叠网造纸机系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in Horizontal Gap paper machine system
GB/T 27712-2011 非木浆多效蒸发系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in multiple effect evaporating system of non-wood pulp
GB/T 27713-2011 非木浆碱回收燃烧系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in alkali recovery combustion system of non-wood pulp
GB/T 27714-2011 废纸脱墨浆系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in deinked pulp(DIP) system
GB/T 10002.3-2011 给水用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)阀门 Valves made of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U)for water supply
GB/T 27715-2011 工业用3-甲基吡啶 3-methylpyridine for industrial use
GB/T 27716-2011 横管式连续蒸煮系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in horizontal-tube continuous cooking system
GB/T 27717-2011 家具中富马酸二甲酯含量的测定 Determination of dimethyl fumarate of furniture
GB/T 27718-2011 间歇蒸煮(立锅)系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in batch cooking (vertical digester) system
GB/T 27719-2011 胶粘复合机 Glue laminating machine
GB/T 27720-2011 卡米尔连续蒸煮系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in Kamyr continuous cooking system
GB/T 27721-2011 磨石磨木浆系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in stone ground wood system
GB/T 27722-2011 木浆备料系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in the raw material preparation system of wood pulp
GB/T 27723-2011 皮鞋跟面扭转强度试验方法 Test method for torsional strength of top piece attachment
GB/T 27724-2011 普通长网造纸机系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in fourdrinier paper machine system
GB/T 27725-2011 热塑性塑料蝶阀 Butterfly valves of thermoplastics materials
GB/T 27726-2011 热塑性塑料阀门压力试验方法及要求 Thermoplastics valves - Pressure test methods and requirements
GB/T 27727-2011 筛选、CEHP四段漂白系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in screening and CEHP bleaching system
GB/T 27728-2011 湿巾 Wet wipes
GB/T 27729-2011 手工枪刺胶背地毯 Hand-made, gun-tufted and latex backed carpet
GB/T 27730-2011 玩具产品中富马酸二甲酯含量的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)法 Determination of dimethyl fumarate in toys - Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method
GB/T 27731-2011 卫生用品用离型纸 Release paper for sanitary products
GB/T 27732-2011 洗涤筛选、氧脱系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in washing, screening and oxygen delignification system
GB/T 27733-2011 心电图纸 Electrocardiograph recording paper
GB/T 27734-2011 压力管道用聚丙烯(PP)阀门 基本尺寸 公制系列 Polypropylene(PP)valves for pipes under pressure - Basic dimensions - Metric series
GB/T 27735-2011 野营帐篷 Camping tents
GB/T 27736-2011 制浆造纸企业生产过程的系统能量平衡计算方法通则 The general calculation method of the system energy equilibrium in pulp and paper production process
GB/T 27737-2011 制氧站系统能量平衡及能量效率计算方法 Calculation method of energy equilibrium and energy efficiency in oxygen generation station system
GB/T 27738-2011 重力式自动装料衡器 Automatic gravimetric filling instruments
GB/T 27739-2011 自动分检衡器 Automatic catchweighing instruments
GB/T 27740-2011 流延聚丙烯(CPP)薄膜 Cast polypropylene(CPP) film
GB/T 27741-2011 纸和纸板 可迁移性荧光增白剂的测定 Paper and board - Determination of migratable fluorescent whitening agents
GB/T 27743-2011 变压器专用设备检测方法 Inspection method for transformer of special equipment
GB/T 27744-2011 超高效三相永磁同步电动机技术条件(机座号132-280) Specification for premium efficiency three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor(frame size 132~280)
GB/T 27745-2011 低压电器通信规范 Communication specification for low-voltage electrical apparatus
GB/T 27746-2011 低压电器用金属氧化物压敏电阻器(MOV)技术规范 Technical specification for metal oxide varistors(MOV)used in low-voltage apparatus
GB/T 27747-2011 额定电压72.5 kV及以上交流隔离断路器 High-voltage alternating current disconnecting circuit-breakers for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above
GB/T 27749-2011 绝缘漆耐热性试验规程 电气强度法 Test procedure for thermal endurance of insulating varnishes - Electric strength method
GB/T 27750-2011 绝缘液体的分类 Classification of insulating liquids
GB/T 27751-2011 银镍石墨电触头技术条件 Specification for AgNiC contact
GB/T 27752-2011 铀、钚和重铬酸钾标准溶液浓度的确认 Validation of the strength of uranium reference solution, plutonium reference solution and potassium dichromate reference solution
GB/T 27754-2011 家用纺织品 毛巾中水萃取物限定 Home textiles - The limited of water extraction material within towel
GB/T 27755-2011 光学水印防伪技术条件 Technical requirements of optical watermark anti-counterfeit
GB/T 27756-2011 pH值测定用玻璃电极 Glass electrodes for the measurement of pH value
GB/T 27757-2011 pH值测定用参比电极 Reference electrodes for the measurement of pH value
GB/T 27759-2011 流体流量测量 不确定度评定程序 Measurement of fluid flow - Procedures for the evaluation of uncertainties
GB/T 27760-2011 利用Si(111)晶面原子台阶对原子力显微镜亚纳米高度测量进行校准的方法 Test method for calibrating the z-magnification of an atomic force microscope at subnanometer displacement levels using si (111) monatomic steps
GB/T 27761-2011 热重分析仪失重和剩余量的试验方法 Standard test method of mass loss and residue measurement validation of thermogravimetric analyzers
GB/T 27762-2011 热重分析仪质量示值校准的试验方法 Standard test method for mass scale calibration of thermogravimetric analyzers
GB/T 27763-2011 声学 评价工作间声学性能的空间声场分布曲线的测量方法及参量表述 Acoustics - Measurement and parametric description of spatial sound distribution curves in workrooms for evaluation of their acoustical performance
GB/T 27765-2011 SiO2、TiO2、Fe3O4及Al2O3纳米颗粒生物效应的透射电子显微镜检测方法 Testing methods of SiO2, TiO2, Fe3O4 and Al2O3 nanoparticles biological effect by transmission electron microscope (TEM)
GB/T 27766-2011 二维条码 网格矩阵码 Two-dimensional barcode - Grid matrix code
GB/T 27767-2011 二维条码 紧密矩阵码 Two-dimensional barcode - Compact matrix code
GB/T 27768-2011 社会保险服务 总则 Social insurance services - General principles
GB/T 27769-2011 社会保障服务中心设施设备要求 The facility and equipment requirements of social security service centre
GB/T 27770-2011 病媒生物密度控制水平 鼠类 Criteria for vector density control - Rodent
GB/T 27771-2011 病媒生物密度控制水平 蚊虫 Criteria for vector density control - Mosquito
GB/T 27772-2011 病媒生物密度控制水平 蝇类 Criteria for vector density control - Fly
GB/T 27773-2011 病媒生物密度控制水平 蜚蠊 Criteria for vector density control - Cockroach
GB/T 27774-2011 病媒生物应急监测与控制 通则 Vector surveillance and control in emergencies - General rules
GB/T 27775-2011 病媒生物综合管理技术规范 城镇 Guidelines for integrated vector management - Urban
GB/T 27776-2011 病媒生物综合管理技术规范 食品生产加工企业 Guidelines for integrated vector management - Food processing enterprise
GB/T 27777-2011 杀鼠剂安全使用准则 抗凝血类 Standards for safety application of rodenticides - Anticoagulant
GB/T 27778-2011 杀鼠剂现场药效测定及评价 毒饵 Field efficacy test methods and criterions of rodenticides - Rodenticides bait
GB/T 27779-2011 卫生杀虫剂安全使用准则 拟除虫菊酯类 Standards for safety application of public health insecticides - Pyrethroid insecticides
GB/T 27780-2011 杀鼠器械实验室效果测定及评价 粘鼠板 Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health equipment - Rodent sticky trap
GB/T 27781-2011 卫生杀虫剂现场药效测定及评价 喷射剂 Field efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides - Spray fluid
GB/T 27782-2011 卫生杀虫剂现场药效测定及评价 气雾剂 Field efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides - Aerosol
GB/T 27783-2011 卫生杀虫剂现场药效测定及评价 杀蟑毒(胶)饵 Field efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides - Cockroach bait
GB/T 27784-2011 卫生杀虫剂现场药效测定及评价 总则 Field efficacy test methods and criterions of public health insecticides - General principles
GB/T 27785-2011 卫生杀虫器械实验室效果测定及评价 电子灭蚊蝇器 Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health equipment - Electronic trap for mosquitoes and flies
GB/T 27786-2011 卫生杀虫器械实验室效果测定及评价 粘蝇带(纸) Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health equipment - Sticky tape or paper for flies
GB/T 27787-2011 卫生杀虫器械实验室效果测定及评价 粘蟑纸 Laboratory efficacy test methods and criterions of public health equipment - Cockroach sticky trap
GB/T 27788-2011 微束分析 扫描电镜 图像放大倍率校准导则 Microbeam analysis - Scanning electron microscopy - Guidelines for calibrating image magnification
GB/T 27792-2011 层压复合垫片材料分类 Classification for laminated composite gasket materials
GB/T 27793-2011 抄取法无石棉纤维垫片材料 Beater addition non-asbestos gasket materials
GB/T 27794-2011 电力电缆用承插式混凝土导管 Socket type concrete conduits for electric cable
GB/T 27795-2011 非金属垫片腐蚀性试验方法 Test method for corrosion testing of non-metallic gaskets
GB/T 27796-2011 建筑用秸秆植物板材 Straw plates used in buildings
GB/T 27798-2011 有机膨润土 Organoclay
GB/T 27799-2011 载货汽车用复合材料覆盖件 Fabric reinforce plastic cover panel of trucks
GB/T 27800-2011 静密封橡胶制品使用寿命的快速预测方法 Determination of the life for static sealing rubber products
GB/T 27801-2011 碳酸亚乙烯酯 Vinylene carbonate
GB/T 27802-2011 二氧化氯固体释放剂 Solid composition releasing chorine dioxide
GB/T 27803-2011 二氧化氯固体释放剂分析方法 Analysis method for solid composition releasing chorine dioxide
GB/T 27804-2011 氟化钙 Calcium fluoride
GB/T 27805-2011 工业磷酸脲 Urea phosphate for industrial use
GB/T 27806-2011 环氧沥青防腐涂料 Tar epoxy anti-corrosion coatings
GB/T 27807-2011 聚酯粉末涂料用固化剂 Curing agent for polyester powder coatings
GB/T 27808-2011 热固性粉末涂料用饱和聚酯树脂 Saturated polyester resins for thermosetting powder coatings
GB/T 27809-2011 热固性粉末涂料用双酚A型环氧树脂 Bisphenol A epoxy resins for thermosetting powder coatings
GB/T 27810-2011 色漆和清漆用漆基 凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC) 用四氢呋喃做洗脱剂 Binders for paints and varnishes - Gel permeation chromatography(GPC) - Tetrahydrofuran(THF) as eluent
GB/T 27811-2011 室内装饰装修用天然树脂木器涂料 Natural resin coatings for woodenware for indoor decorating and refurbishing
GB/T 27812-2011 水处理剂 多氨基多醚基亚甲基膦酸(PAPEMP) Water treatment chemicals - Polyamino Polyether Methylene Phosphonate (PAPEMP)
GB/T 27813-2011 无水氟化钾分析方法 Analytical methods of anhydrous potassium fluoride
GB/T 27814-2011 无水碳酸镁 Anhydrous magnesium carbonate
GB/T 27815-2011 工业乳状氢氧化钙 Lime water for industrial use
GB/T 27816-2011 色漆和清漆用漆基 玻璃化转变温度的测定 Binders for paints and varnishes - Determination of glass transition temperature
GB/T 27817-2011 化学品 免疫毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of immunotoxicity
GB/T 27818-2011 化学品 皮肤吸收 体外试验方法 Chemicals - Testing method for skin absorption-in vitro
GB/T 27819-2011 化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞转化试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vitro mammalian cell transformation
GB/T 27820-2011 化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞姊妹染色单体交换试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vitro mammalian cells sister chromatid exchange
GB/T 27821-2011 化学品 细菌DNA损伤或修复试验方法 Chemicals - Bacterial DNA damage or repair test
GB/T 27822-2011 化学品 黑腹果蝇伴性隐性致死试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of sex - Linked recessive lethal in Drosophila Melanogaster
GB/T 27823-2011 化学品 急性经皮毒性 固定剂量试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of acute dermal toxicity - Fixed dose procedure
GB/T 27824-2011 化学品 急性吸入毒性 固定浓度试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of acute inhalation toxicity - Fixed concentration procedure
GB/T 27825-2011 化学品 皮肤吸收 体内试验方法 Chemicals - Test method for skin absorption - In vivo
GB/T 27826-2011 化学品 神经发育毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of developmental neurotoxicity
GB/T 27827-2011 化学品 体内姊妹染色单体交换试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vivo sister chromatid exchange
GB/T 27828-2011 化学品 体外皮肤腐蚀 经皮电阻试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vitro skin corrosion - Transcutaneous electrical resistance test(TER)
GB/T 27829-2011 化学品 体外皮肤腐蚀 膜屏障试验方法 Chemicals - In vitro test of skin corrosion - Membrane barrier method
GB/T 27830-2011 化学品 体外皮肤腐蚀 人体皮肤模型试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vitro skin corrosion - Human skin model test
GB/T 27831-2011 化学品 遗传毒性 酿酒酵母菌基因突变试验方法 Chemicals - Genetic toxicology - Test method of Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene mutation
GB/T 27832-2011 化学品 遗传毒性 酿酒酵母菌有丝分裂重组试验方法 Chemicals - Genetic toxicology - Test method of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitotic recombination
GB/T 27835-2011 化学品危险性分类试验方法 12m跌落试验 Test method for hazard classification of chemicals - 12m drop test
GB/T 27836-2011 化学品危险性分类试验方法 外部火烧(篝火)试验 Test method for hazard classification of chemicals - External fire (bonfire) test
GB/T 27837-2011 甲酸及其混合物危险特性分类方法 Test method for hazard classification of formic acid and formic acid mixtures
GB/T 27838-2011 烷基磺酸和芳基磺酸类物质危险特性分类方法 Test method for hazard classification of alkylsulphonic acids and arylsulphonic acid mixtures
GB/T 27839-2011 肼水溶液类物质危险特性分类方法 Test method for hazard classification of hydrazine aqueous solution
GB/T 27840-2011 重型商用车辆燃料消耗量测量方法 Fuel consumption test methods for heavy-duty commercial vehicles
GB/T 27841-2011 工业用化学品 具有高溶解性的固体和液体水溶性测定 烧瓶法 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of hydrosolubility of solids and liquids with high solubility - Flask method
GB/T 27842-2011 化学品 动态表面张力的测定 快速气泡法 Chemicals - Test method for dynamic surface tension - Fast-bubble technique (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 27843-2011 化学品 聚合物低分子量组分含量测定 凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC) Chemicals - Determination of the low molecular weight content of a polymer using Gel permeation chromatography(GPC)
GB/T 27844-2011 化学品 聚合物在水中的溶解/析出特性 Chemicals - Solution/extraction behaviour of polymers in water
GB/T 27845-2011 化学品 土壤粒度分析试验方法 Chemicals - Test method for particle-size analysis of soils
GB/T 27846-2011 化学品 黏度测定Hoppler落球式黏度计法 Chemicals - Measurement of viscosity using the Hoppler falling-ball viscometer
GB/T 27847-2011 石油产品 闪点测定 阿贝尔-宾斯基闭口杯法 Petroleum products - Determination of flash point - Abel-Pensky closed tester
GB/T 27848-2011 液态沥青和稀释沥青 闪点测定 阿贝尔闭口杯法 Liquid asphalt and derivatives - Determination of flash point - Abel closed tester
GB/T 27849-2011 化学品 降解筛选试验 化学需氧量 Chemicals-Degradation screening test - Chemical oxygen demand
GB/T 27850-2011 化学品 快速生物降解性 通则 Chemicals-Ready biodegradability-General considerations
GB/T 27851-2011 化学品 陆生植物 生长活力试验 Chemicals - Terrestrial plant test - Vegetative vigour test
GB/T 27852-2011 化学品 生物降解筛选试验 生化需氧量 Chemicals - Biodegradation screening test - Biochemical oxygen demand
GB/T 27853-2011 化学品 水-沉积物系统中好氧厌氧转化试验 Chemicals - Aerobic and anaerobic transformation in aquatic sediment systems test
GB/T 27854-2011 化学品 土壤微生物 氮转化试验 Chemicals - Soil microorganisms - Nitrogen transformation test
GB/T 27855-2011 化学品 土壤微生物 碳转化试验 Chemicals - Soil microorganisms - Carbon transformation test
GB/T 27856-2011 化学品 土壤中好氧厌氧转化试验 Chemicals - Aerobic and anaerobic transformation in soil test
GB/T 27857-2011 化学品 有机物在消化污泥中的厌氧生物降解性 气体产量测定法 Chemicals - Anaerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in digested sludge - By measurement of gas production
GB/T 27858-2011 化学品 沉积物-水系统中摇蚊毒性试验 加标于水法 Chemicals - Sediment-water chironomid toxicity test - Spiked water method
GB/T 27859-2011 化学品 沉积物-水系统中摇蚊毒性试验 加标于沉积物法 Chemicals - Sediment-water chironomid toxicity test - Spiked sediment method
GB/T 27860-2011 化学品 高效液相色谱法估算土壤和污泥的吸附系数 Chemicals - Estimation of the adsorption coefficient (Koc) on soil and on sewage sludge using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
GB/T 27861-2011 化学品 鱼类急性毒性试验 Chemicals - Fish acute toxicity test
GB/T 27862-2011 化学品危险性分类试验方法 气体和气体混合物燃烧潜力和氧化能力 Testing method for classification of chemical hazards - Fire potential and oxidizing ability of gases and gas mixtures
GB/T 27863-2011 危险货物包装 跌落试验冲击台要求 Packaging for dangerous goods - The requirement for impact surface of impact test by dropping
GB/T 27864-2011 危险货物包装 中型散装容器振动试验 Packaging for dangerous goods - Vibration test of intermediate bulk containers
GB/T 27865-2011 危险货物包装 包装、中型散装容器、大包装 GB/T 19001的应用指南 Packaging for dangerous goods - Packagings,intermediate bulk containers and large packagings - Guidelines for the application of GB/T 19001
GB/T 27866-2011 控制钢制管道和设备焊缝硬度防止硫化物应力开裂技术规范 Specification of controlling weld hardness of carbon steel and low alloy steel piping and equipment to prevent sulfide stress cracking
GB/T 27867-2011 石油液体管线自动取样法 Petroleum liquid - Automatic pipeline sampling
GB/T 27868-2011 可生物降解淀粉树脂 Starch-based biodegradable resin
GB/T 27869-2011 电袋复合除尘器 Electrostatic-fabric integrated precipitator
GB/T 27870-2011 净化空气用光催化剂 Photocatalyst for air purification
GB/T 27871-2011 垃圾填埋压实机 Sanitary landfill compactor
GB/T 27872-2011 潜水曝气机 Submersible aerator
GB/T 27873-2011 废弃产品处理企业技术规范 The technical specification on recycler for waste products
GB/T 27874-2011 船舶节能产品评定方法 Measurement method of energy saving products for marine
GB/T 27875-2011 港口重大件装卸作业技术要求 Technical requirements for project and heavy lift cargoes handling in port
GB/T 27876-2011 压缩天然气汽车维护技术规范 Technical specification for the maintenance of compressed natural gas vehicle
GB/T 27877-2011 液化石油气汽车维护技术规范 Technical specification for the maintenance of liquefied petroleum gas vehicle
GB/T 27878-2011 船舶节能产品使用技术条件 Technical specification of energy saving products for marine
GB/T 27879-2011 公路收费用费额显示器 Patron external display for toll collection of highway
GB/T 27880-2011 热棒 Thermoprobe
GB/T 27882-2011 活体动物航空运输载运 Carriage requirement of live animals for air transport
GB/T 27883-2011 容积式空气压缩机系统经济运行 Economical operation for displacement air compressor system
GB/T 27884-2011 煤基费托合成原料气中H2、N2、CO、CO2和CH4的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of hydrogen、nitrogen、carbon monoxide carbon dioxide and methane in the coal-based F-T synthesis feed gas - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 27885-2011 煤基费托合成尾气中 H2、N2、CO2和C1~C8烃的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of hydrogen、nitrogen、carbon monoxide carbon dioxide and C1~C8 hydrocarbons in the coal-based F-T synthetic tail gas - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 27886-2011 工业企业用水管理导则 Guides on management of water using for industry enterprises
GB/T 27889-2011 船舶和海上技术 导航术语、缩略语、图形符号和概念 Ships and marine technology - Terms, abbreviations, graphical symbols and concepts on navigation
GB/T 27890-2011 船用超低温不锈钢承插焊接头 Marine cryogenic stainless steel socket welding fittings
GB/T 27891-2011 碳钢卡压式管件 Carbon steel press-fittings
GB/T 27892-2011 船舶与海上技术 机舱易燃油料系统 易燃油料泄漏预防 Ship and marine technology - Machinery-space flammable oil systems - Prevention of leakage of flammable oil
GB/T 27893-2011 天然气中颗粒物含量的测定 称量法 Natrual gas - Determination of particles content - Gravimetric method
GB/T 27895-2011 天然气烃露点的测定 冷却镜面目测法 Natural gas - Determination of the hydrocarbon dew point - Cooled mirror method
GB/T 27896-2011 天然气中水含量的测定 电子分析法 Test method for water vapor content of natural gas using electronic moisture analyzers
GB/T 27902-2011 电气火灾模拟试验技术规程 Technical rules for electrical fire simulation experiment
GB/T 27903-2011 电梯层门耐火试验 完整性、隔热性和热通量测定法 Fire resistance test for lift landing doors - Methods of measuring integrity,thernal insulation and heat flux
GB/T 27904-2011 火焰引燃家具和组件的燃烧性能试验方法 Testing method for fire characteristics of furniture and subassemblies exposed to flaming ignition source
GB/T 27906-2011 救生抛投器 Life-saving projectile launcher
GB/T 27908-2011 管理体系绩效改进 持续改进的程序和方法指南 Performance improvement of management systems - Guidelines for procedures and methodology for continual improvement
GB/T 27910-2011 金融服务 信息安全指南 Financial services - Information security guidelines
GB/T 27911-2011 银行业 安全和其他金融服务 金融系统的安全框架 Banking - Security and other financial services - Framework for security in financial systems
GB/T 27912-2011 金融服务 生物特征识别 安全框架 Financial services - Biometrics - Security framework
GB/T 27913-2011 用于金融服务的公钥基础设施 实施和策略框架 Public key infrastructure for financial services - Practices and policy framework
GB/T 27914-2011 企业法律风险管理指南 Guidelines on enterprise legal risk management
GB/T 27915-2011 组合式塑料托盘 Assembled plastic pallet
GB/T 27916-2011 百货店等级划分及评定 Classification and evaluation of department stores
GB/T 27918-2011 地理信息 基于位置服务 参考模型 Geographic information - Location based services - Reference model
GB/T 27919-2011 IMU/GPS辅助航空摄影技术规范 Specifications for IMU/GPS supported aerial photography
GB/T 27921-2011 风险管理 风险评估技术 Risk management - Risk assessment techniques
GB/T 27922-2011 商品售后服务评价体系 Evaluation system for after-sales service of commodity
GB/T 27923-2011 物流作业货物分类和代码 Goods classification and code for logistics operation
GB/T 27924-2011 工业货架规格尺寸与额定荷载 Sizes and load ratings for industrial rack
GB/T 27925-2011 商业企业品牌评价与企业文化建设指南 Evaluation of business enterprise brand and guide of enterprise culture construction
GB/T 27927-2011 银行业务和相关金融服务 三重数据加密算法操作模式 实施指南 Banking and related financial services - Triple DEA - Modes of operation - Implementation guidelines
GB/T 27929-2011 银行业务 采用对称加密技术进行报文鉴别的要求 Banking - Requirements for message authentication using symmetric techniques
GB/T 27930-2011 电动汽车非车载传导式充电机与电池管理系统之间的通信协议 Communication protocols between off-board conductive charger and battery management system for electric vehicle
GB/T 27931-2011 银行业务 往账对账 Banking -Nostro accounts reconciliation
GB/T 27932-2011 地震灾害间接经济损失评估方法 Assessment methods of earthquake-caused indirect economic loss
GB/T 27933-2011 震后恢复重建工程资金初评估 Preliminary cost estimation of post-earthquake rehabilitation of engineering structures
GB/T 27936-2011 出版物发行术语 Publication distribution terminology
GB/T 27938-2011 滑动轴承 止推垫圈 失效损坏术语、外观特征及原因 Plain bearings - Thrust washers - Terms, appearance of damage and cause of failure
GB/T 27939-2011 滑动轴承 几何和材料质量特性的质量控制技术和检验 Plain bearings - Quality control techniques and inspection of geometrical and material quality characteristics
GB/T 27940-2011 制冷用容积式单级制冷压缩机并联机组 Single-stage positive displacement refrigerant compressors parallel unit for commercial refrigeration application
GB/T 27941-2011 多联式空调(热泵)机组应用设计与安装要求 Code of design and installation for multi-split air conditioning (heat pump)system
GB/T 27942-2011 汽车空调用小排量涡旋压缩机 Small capacity scroll compressor for automotive air condition
GB/T 27943-2011 热泵式热回收型溶液调湿新风机组 Heat pump driven liquid desiccant outdoor air processor with heat recovery
GB/T 27944-2011 60°干密封管螺纹 Dryseal pipe threads with the thread angle of 60 degrees
GB/T 27946-2011 热处理工作场所空气中有害物质的限值 Limited value of hazardous substance in the air of heat treatment working place
GB/T 27949-2011 医疗器械消毒剂卫生要求 Hygienic requirements for medical items disinfection
GB/T 27956-2011 中期天气预报 Medium--range weather forecast
GB/T 27957-2011 冰雹等级 Grade of hail
GB/T 27958-2011 海上大风预警等级 Grade of marine wind warning
GB/T 27959-2011 南方水稻、油菜和柑桔低温灾害 Low temperature disaster of southern rice,rapeseed and orange
GB/T 27960-2011 以太网POWERLINK通信行规规范 Ethernet POWLINK communication profile specification
GB/T 27961-2011 气象服务分类术语 Weather service classification terminology
GB/T 27962-2011 气象灾害预警信号图标 Graphical symbols for meteorological disaster warning signal icon
GB/T 27963-2011 人居环境气候舒适度评价 Climatic suitability evaluating on human settlement
GB/T 27964-2011 雾的预报等级 Grade of fog forecast
GB/T 27965-2011 应急气象服务工作流程 Emergency meteorological service workflow
GB/T 27966-2011 灾害性天气预报警报指南 Guide to disastrous weather forecast and warning
GB/T 27967-2011 公路交通气象预报格式 Format of weather forecast on highway traffic
GB/T 27968-2011 拍卖企业的等级评估与等级划分 Grade assessment and classification for auction enterprises
GB/T 27969-2011 建筑卫生陶瓷单位产品能耗评价体系和监测方法 The system of assess and the method of monitor for the energy consumption per unit products of architecture and sanitary ceramics
GB/T 27970-2011 非金属垫片材料烧失量试验方法 Test method for weight loss of non-metallic gasket materials upon exposure to elevated temperatures
GB/T 27971-2011 非金属密封垫片 术语 Non-metallic gaskets - Terms
GB/T 27972-2011 干挂空心陶瓷板 Dry-hanging hollow ceramic slab
GB/T 27973-2011 硅灰的化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of volatilized silica
GB/T 27974-2011 建材用粉煤灰及煤矸石化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of fly ash and coal gangue as building material
GB/T 27975-2011 粒化高炉矿渣的化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of granulated blastfurnace slag
GB/T 27976-2011 水泥工业管磨装备 Tube mill equipment for cement industry
GB/T 27977-2011 水泥生产电能能效测试及计算方法 Test and calculation methods of electricity efficiency of cement production
GB/T 27978-2011 水泥生产原料中废渣用量的测定方法 Determination of the waste content in the raw mix of cement
GB/T 27979-2011 氧化铝耐磨陶瓷复合衬板 Alumina ceramic wear-resistant composite lining board
GB/T 27980-2011 马病毒性动脉炎诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for equine viral arteritis
GB/T 27981-2011 牛传染性鼻气管炎病毒实时荧光PCR检测方法 Real-time PCR method for the detection of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus
GB/T 27982-2011 小反刍兽疫诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for peste des petits ruminants
GB/T 27983-2011 饲料添加剂 富马酸亚铁 Feed additive - Ferrous fumarate
GB/T 27984-2011 饲料添加剂 丁酸钠 Feed additive - Sodium butyrate
GB/T 27985-2011 饲料中单宁的测定 分光光度法 Determination of tannin in feeds - Spectrophotometry
GB/T 27986-2011 摩拉水牛种牛 Murrah buffalo breeding stock
GB/T 27987-2011 尼里-拉菲水牛种牛 Nili-Ravi buffalo breeding stock
GB/T 27988-2011 咸鱼加工技术规范 Code of practice for salted fish
GB/T 27989-2011 小型水轮发电机基本技术条件 Fundamental technical requirements for small hydraulic generators
GB/T 27990-2011 生物芯片基本术语 Fundamental terms for biochips
GB/T 27991-2011 河流泥沙测验及颗粒分析仪器基本技术条件 Fundamental technical requirements for sediment measurement and particle size analysis instrument in open channel
GB/T 27993-2011 水位测量仪器通用技术条件 General technical conditions for stage measuring instruments
GB/T 27994-2011 水文自动测报系统设备通用技术条件 General technical conditions for equipments of automatic system for hydrological data acquisition and transmission
GB/T 27996-2011 全地面起重机 All terrain crane
GB/T 27997-2011 造船门式起重机 Shipbuilding gantry crane
GB/T 27998-2011 平衡式起重机 Balance crane
GB/T 28101-2011 城市公共休闲服务与管理 基础术语 Urban public leisure service and management - Basic terminology
GB/T 28102-2011 城市公共休闲服务与管理导则 Guidelines for city public leisure service and management
GB/T 28003-2011 城市中央休闲区服务质量规范 Standard of service quality specifications of central recreation district
GB/T 28004-2011 纸尿裤(片、垫) Disposal diapers
GB/T 28005-2011 纸内裤 Paper underpants
GB/T 28006-2011 家用卫生杀虫用品 气味等级 Domestic sanitary insecticide - Odor grade
GB/T 28012-2011 报废照明产品 回收处理规范 Specification of waste lighting products recycling and disposal
GB/T 28013-2011 非连续累计自动衡器 Discontinuous totalizing automatic weighing instruments
GB/T 28014-2011 家用和类似用途电保温板性能测试方法 Methods for measuring the performance of electric warming plates for household and similar purposes
GB/T 28015-2011 家用卫生杀虫用品 烟尘量试验方法 Domestic sanitary insecticide - Test method of smoke dust
GB/T 28016-2011 金合金首饰 金含量的测定 重量法 Gold alloy jewellery - Determination of gold - Gravimetric method
GB/T 28017-2011 耐压式计量给煤机 Pressure mode weighing coal feeder
GB/T 28018-2011 生物分解塑料垃圾袋 Biodegradable plastic refuse sack
GB/T 28019-2011 饰品 六价铬的测定 二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法 Adornment - Determination of Chromium(Ⅵ)- 1, 5-Diphenylcarbohydrazide spectrophotometric method
GB/T 28020-2011 饰品 有害元素的测定 X射线荧光光谱法 Adornment - Determination of baneful elements - X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
GB/T 28021-2011 饰品 有害元素的测定 光谱法 Adornment - Determination of baneful elements - Method of spectrometry
GB/T 28022-2011 玩具适用年龄判定指南 Age determination guidelines for toys
GB/T 28023-2011 絮用纤维制品抗菌整理剂残留量的测定 Determination of the antimicrobial agent residues for products with filling materials
GB/T 28024-2011 絮用纤维制品异味的测定 Determination of sensory odours for products with filling materials
GB/T 28025-2011 絮用纤维制品余氯测试方法 水萃取法 Determination of the residual chlorine in products with filling materials - Water extraction method
GB/T 28027-2011 轨道交通 供电系统和机车车辆运行匹配 Railway applications - Technical criteria for the coordination between power supply and rolling stock to achieve interoperability
GB/T 28028-2011 牵引旋转电机换向的评定和编码准则 Criteria for assessing and coding of the commutation of rotation electrical machines for traction
GB/T 28030-2011 接地导通电阻测试仪 Earth continuity tester
GB/T 28031-2011 信息技术 办公设备 图像扫描设备规格表中包含的最基本内容 Information technology - Office equipment - Minimum information to be specified for image scanners
GB/T 28032-2011 静电成像墨粉用树脂 The copolymer used to toner for electrostatic copier
GB/T 28033-2011 单色激光打印机印品质量综合评价方法 Methods of comprehensive evaluation for prints quality of monochrome laser printer
GB/T 28034-2011 数字式静电复印(打印、传真)设备用有机光导鼓技术条件 Specification of organic photoconductive drum for digital electroststic copying( Printing, Faxing)equipment
GB/T 28035-2011 软件系统验收规范 Software system acceptance specification
GB/T 28036-2011 信息处理 面向起止和同步字符传输的字符结构 Information processing - Character structure for start/stop and synchronous character oriented transmission
GB/T 28037-2011 信息技术 投影机通用规范 Information techology - General specification for projectors
GB/T 28038-2011 信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集 蒙古文 通用键盘字母数字区布局 Information technology - Universal multiple-octet coded character set - Universal keyboard layout of the alphanumeric zone for Mongolian
GB/T 28039-2011 中国人名汉语拼音字母拼写规则 The Chinese phonetic alphabet spelling rules for Chinese names
GB/T 28040-2011 产品数据字典的维护规范 Maintenance specification for product data dictionary
GB/T 28041-2011 基于电子商务活动的交易主体 个人信用评价指标体系及表示规范 Transaction subject based upon electronic commerce activities - The specification for personal credit assessment index system and ranking symbols
GB/T 28042-2011 基于电子商务活动的交易主体 个人信用档案规范 Transaction subject based upon electronic commerce activities - The specification for personal credit archive
GB/T 28043-2011 利用实验室间比对进行能力验证的统计方法 Statistical methods for use in proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons
GB/T 28044-2011 纳米材料生物效应的透射电子显微镜检测方法通则 General guide of detection method for nanomaterial biological effect by transmission electron microscope (TEM)
GB/T 28045-2011 道路车辆 42V供电电压的电气和电子设备 电气负荷 Road vehicles - Electrical and electronic equipment for a supply voltage of 42V - Electrical loads
GB/T 28047-2011 厅堂、体育场馆扩声系统听音评价方法 Method of listening evaluation of sound reinforcement of auditorium gymnasium and stadium
GB/T 28048-2011 厅堂、体育场馆扩声系统验收规范 Code for acceptance of quality of sound reinforcement system of auditorium gymnasium and stadium
GB/T 28049-2011 厅堂、体育场馆扩声系统设计规范 Code for sound reinforcement system design of auditorium, gymnasiums and stadium
GB/T 28054-2011 钢质无缝气瓶集束装置 The bundles of seamless steel gas cylinders
GB/T 28055-2011 钢制管道带压封堵技术规范 Technical standard for hot tapping and plugging on steel pipeline
GB/T 28056-2011 烟道式余热锅炉通用技术条件 General specification for gas pass heat recovery boiler
GB/T 28057-2011 氧气转炉余热锅炉技术条件 Specification for oxygen converter heat recovery boiler
GB/T 28058-2011 海洋生态资本评估技术导则 Technical directives for marine ecological capital assessment
GB/T 28060-2011 进出境货物木质包装材料检疫管理准则 Guidelines for phytosanitary regulating wood packaging material
GB/T 28061-2011 鳞球茎花卉检疫规程 Phytosanitary rule of imported floral bulbs and tubers
GB/T 28062-2011 柑桔黄龙病菌实时荧光PCR检测方法 Detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus using the real-time fluorescent PCR
GB/T 28063-2011 菜豆荚斑驳病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Bean pod mottle virus
GB/T 28064-2011 蚕豆染色病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Broad bean stain virus
GB/T 28065-2011 地中海实蝇生物芯片检测方法 Biochip detection of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann)
GB/T 28066-2011 丁香假单胞杆菌豌豆致病型检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi ( Sackett ) Young et al.
GB/T 28067-2011 甘蔗黄叶病毒实时荧光RT-PCR检测方法 Detection of sugarcane yellow leaf virus using the real-time RT-PCR
GB/T 28068-2011 柑桔溃疡病菌实时荧光PCR检测方法 Detection of Xanthomonas citri subsp. Citri using the real-time fluorescent PCR
GB/T 28069-2011 根螨检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of bulb mites (Rhizoglyphus spp.)
GB/T 28070-2011 黑麦草腥黑粉菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Tilletia walkeri Castlebury&Carris
GB/T 28071-2011 黄瓜绿斑驳花叶病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
GB/T 28072-2011 梨黑斑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Alternaria gaisen K. Nagano
GB/T 28073-2011 南芥菜花叶病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Arabis mosaic virus
GB/T 28074-2011 苹果蠹蛾检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Cydia pomonella (L.)
GB/T 28075-2011 萨氏假单胞杆菌菜豆生致病型检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. phaseolicola ( Burkholder ) Gardan et al.
GB/T 28076-2011 三叶斑潜蝇检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess)
GB/T 28077-2011 双棘长蠹检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Sinoxylon anale Lesne
GB/T 28078-2011 水稻白叶枯病菌、水稻细菌性条斑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae ( Ishiyama ) Swings et al. 、Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola ( Fang et al. ) Swings et al.
GB/T 28079-2011 水稻稻粒黑粉病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Tilletia horrida Tak.
GB/T 28080-2011 小麦印度腥黑穗病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Tilletia indica Mitra
GB/T 28081-2011 烟草环斑病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Tobacco ringspot virus
GB/T 28082-2011 榆枯萎病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Ophiostoma novo-ulmi Brasier and Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) Nannf.
GB/T 28083-2011 栎枯萎病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt
GB/T 28084-2011 棉花黄萎病菌检疫检测与鉴定 Detection and identification of Verticillium dahliae Kleb.
GB/T 28085-2011 苍耳(属)(非中国种)检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthium spp. ( non-native species )
GB/T 28086-2011 长针线虫属(传毒种类)检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Longidorus spp. as virus vectors
GB/T 28087-2011 刺茄检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Solanum torvum Swartz
GB/T 28088-2011 刺萼龙葵检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Solanum rostratum Dunal
GB/T 28089-2011 葱类黑粉病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Urocystis cepulae Frost
GB/T 28090-2011 假苍耳检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Iva xanthifolia Nutt.
GB/T 28091-2011 剑线虫属(传毒种类)检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xiphinema spp. as virus vectors
GB/T 28092-2011 落叶松枯梢病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Botryosphaeria laricina (K. Sawada) Y. Z. Shong
GB/T 28093-2011 马铃薯银屑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Helminthosporium solani Dur. & Mont.
GB/T 28094-2011 芒果细菌性黑斑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae (Patel et al.) Robbs et al.
GB/T 28095-2011 木层孔褐根腐病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Phellinus noxius (Corner) G. Cunn.
GB/T 28096-2011 木薯细菌性萎蔫病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis (Bondar) Vauterin et al.
GB/T 28097-2011 苹果黑星病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Venturia inaequalis (Cooke) Wint.
GB/T 28098-2011 青杨脊虎天牛检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xylotrechus rusticus (Linnaeus)
GB/T 28099-2011 水稻细菌性条斑病菌的检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola ( Fang et al. ) Swings et al.
GB/T 28100-2011 香石竹细菌性萎蔫病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Burkholderia caryophylli ( Burkholder ) Yabuuchi et al.
GB/T 28103-2011 小麦线条花叶病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Wheat Streak Mosaic virus
GB/T 28104-2011 小楹白蚁检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Incisitermes minor (Hagen)
GB/T 28105-2011 榆蛎蚧检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Lepidosaphes ulmi (L.)
GB/T 28106-2011 郁金香黄色疱斑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. oortii Collins & Jones
GB/T 28107-2011 枣大球蚧检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Eulecanium gigantea (Shinji).
GB/T 28108-2011 匍匐矢车菊检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Centaurea repens L.
GB/T 28109-2011 薇甘菊检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Mikania micrantha Kunth
GB/T 28110-2011 疣果匙荠检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Bunias orientalis L.
GB/T 28111-2011 乳化炸药用酯类乳化剂试验方法 Test method of ester emulsifier for emulsion explosive
GB/T 28112-2011 硅橡胶中挥发性甲基环硅氧烷残留量的测定 Determination of residual dimethylcyclosiloxane volatiles in silicone rubber
GB/T 28113-2011 工业用双酚A Bisphenol A for industrial use
GB/T 28114-2011 镁质强化瓷器 Magnesium reinforced porcelain ware
GB/T 28115-2011 高石英瓷器 High-silica porcelain ware
GB/T 28116-2011 抗菌骨质瓷器 Antibacterial bone china
GB/T 28117-2011 食品包装用多层共挤膜、袋 Multi-layer co-extrusion films and pouches for food packaging
GB/T 28118-2011 食品包装用塑料与铝箔复合膜、袋 Plastics and aluminum foil laminated films and pouches for food packaging
GB/T 28119-2011 食品包装用纸、纸板及纸制品 术语 Paper、board and paper product for food package - Terms
GB/T 28120-2011 面粉纸袋 Paper sacks for flour
GB/T 28121-2011 非热封型茶叶滤纸 Tea bag paper of non heat seal type
GB/T 28122-2011 液晶显示器(LCD)用聚乙烯醇(PVA)膜 厚度测定方法 Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) films for liquid crystal display(LCD)-Determination of thickness
GB/T 28123-2011 工业氦 Industrial helium
GB/T 28124-2011 惰性气体中微量氢、氧、甲烷、一氧化碳的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of trace hydrogen,oxygen,methane and carbon monoxide in the inert gases - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 28135-2011 农药酸(碱)度测定方法 指示剂法 Testing method of acidity(alkalinity) for pesticides - Indicator method
GB/T 28136-2011 农药水不溶物测定方法 Testing method of material insoluble in water for pesticides
GB/T 28137-2011 农药持久起泡性测定方法 Testing method of persistent foaming for pesticides
GB/T 28158-2011 国际贸易业务的职业分类与资质管理 Occupational classification and qualification management of international trade
GB/T 28159-2011 电子级磷酸 Electronic grade phosphoric acid
GB/T 28160-2011 数字电视广播电子节目指南规范 Specification of electronic programme guide for digital television broadcasting
GB/T 28161-2011 数字电视广播业务信息规范 Specification of service information for digital television broadcasting
GB/T 28163-2011 含碱性或其它非酸性电解质的蓄电池及蓄电池组 便携式密封蓄电池和蓄电池组的机械试验 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Mechanical tests for sealed portable secondary cells and batteries
GB/T 28164-2011 含碱性或其它非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组 便携式密封蓄电池和蓄电池组的安全性要求 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them, for use in portable application
GB/T 28165-2011 热打印机通用规范 General specification for thermal printer
GB/T 28167-2011 信息技术 XML元数据交换(XMI) Information technology - XML metadata interchange(XMI)
GB/T 28166-2011 馈纸式扫描仪通用规范 General specification for sheetfed scanner
GB/T 28168-2011 信息技术 中间件 消息中间件技术规范 Information technology - Specification for message-oriented middleware
GB/T 28169-2011 嵌入式软件 C语言编码规范 Embedded software - C language coding specification
GB/T 28171-2011 嵌入式软件可靠性测试方法 Embedded software reliability testing method
GB/T 28172-2011 嵌入式软件质量保证要求 Embedded software quality assurance requirement
GB/T 28173-2011 嵌入式系统 系统工程过程应用和管理 Embedded systems - Application and management of the systems engineering process
GB/T 28175-2011 信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集 德宏傣文 通用键盘字母数字区布局 Information technology - Universal multiple-octet coded character set - Universal keyboard layout of the alphanumeric zone for Dehong Dai
GB/T 28176-2011 信息技术 通用多八位编码字符集 西双版纳新傣文 通用键盘字母数字区布局 Information technology - Universal multiple-octet coded character set - Universal keyboard layout of the alphanumeric zone for New Xishuang Banna Dai
GB/T 28178-2011 极低水平放射性废物的填埋处置 Landfill disposal for very low level radioactive waste
GB/T 28179-2011 电工电子产品环境意识设计 环境因素的识别 Environmentally concious design for electrical and electronic product - Indentification of environmental aspects
GB/T 28180-2011 变压器环境意识设计导则 Guide of eco-design for power and distribution transformers
GB/T 28181-2011 安全防范视频监控联网系统信息传输、交换、控制技术要求 Security and protection video monitoring network system technical specification for information transport, switch and control
GB/T 28182-2011 额定电压52kV及以下带串联间隙避雷器 Surge arresters containing series gapped structures with rated voltage 52 kV and less
GB/T 28183-2011 客车用燃料电池发电系统测试方法 Test methods of fuel cell power system for bus
GB/T 28185-2011 城镇供热用换热机组 Urban heating unit with heat exchanger
GB/T 28186-2011 纺织机械 染整机器 公称速度 Textile machinery - Dyeing and finishing machines - Nominal speeds
GB/T 28187-2011 纺织机械 染整机器 卷绕装置用方轴尺寸 Textile machinery - Dyeing and finishing machines - Square bars for winding devices - Dimensions
GB/T 28188-2011 纺织品 马尾衬布回弹性的测定 环状挂重法 Textiles - Determination of elasticity of horsetail hair interlining - Loop with hanging weight
GB/T 28189-2011 纺织品 多环芳烃的测定 Textiles - Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
GB/T 28190-2011 纺织品 富马酸二甲酯的测定 Textiles - Determination of dimethyl fumarate
GB/T 28191-2011 表面活性剂 洗涤剂 对酸解稳定的阴离子活性物 痕量的测定 Surface active agents - Detergents - Anionic active matter stable to acid hydrolysis - Determination of trace amounts
GB/T 28192-2011 表面活性剂 洗涤剂 在酸性条件下可水解和不可水解的阴离子活性物的测定 Surface active agents - Detergents - Determination of anionic-active matter hydrolyzable and non-hydrolyzable under acid conditions
GB/T 28193-2011 表面活性剂中氯乙酸(盐)残留量的测定 Determination of chloroacetic acid(chloroacetate) contents in surfactants
GB/T 28194-2011 玻璃 双线法线热膨胀系数的测定 Glass - Double liner method for determination thermal coefficient expansion
GB/T 28195-2011 玻璃软化点测试方法 Determination of softening point for glass
GB/T 28196-2011 玻璃退火点和应变点测试方法 Determination of annealing point and strain point for glass
GB/T 28197-2011 测量光源颜色用三刺激值色度计的表征方法 Methods for characterising tristimulus colorimeters for measuring the colour of light
GB/T 28198-2011 窗用动力通风器 Ventilator for windows
GB/T 28199-2011 电热油汀 Oil-filled radiator
GB/T 28200-2011 钢制储物柜(架)技术要求及试验方法 Technical requirements and test methods of steeliness storage units(rack)
GB/T 28201-2011 合成洗衣粉生产能耗评定规范 Assessment code for energy consumption of laundry powders manufacture
GB/T 28202-2011 家具工业术语 Furniture industry terminology
GB/T 28203-2011 家具用连接件技术要求及试验方法 Technical requirements and test methods of furniture connectors
GB/T 28204-2011 家用和类似用途膜状电热元件 Household and similar used film electric heating elements
GB/T 28205-2011 家用和类似用途水族箱 Aquariums for household and similar application
GB/T 28206-2011 可堆肥塑料技术要求 Specification for compostable plastic
GB/T 28207-2011 离型原纸 Release base paper
GB/T 28208-2011 脉冲光辐射源光谱辐射测量方法 Spectroradiometry of Pulsed Optical Radiation Sources
GB/T 28209-2011 硼硅酸盐玻璃化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of borosilicate glasses
GB/T 28210-2011 热敏纸 Thermal paper
GB/T 28211-2011 实验室玻璃仪器 过滤漏斗 Laboratory glassware - Filter funnels
GB/T 28212-2011 实验室玻璃仪器 冷凝管 Laboratory glassware - Condensers
GB/T 28213-2011 实验室玻璃仪器 培养皿 Laboratory glassware - Petri dishes
GB/T 28214-2011 实验室玻璃仪器 吸量管颜色标记 Laboratory glassware - Pipettes colour coding
GB/T 28215-2011 温度计用玻璃 Glass for thermometer bulbs
GB/T 28216-2011 消费品质量安全因子评估和控制 通则 General principles - Assessment and control on consumer products quality safety factors
GB/T 28217-2011 眼镜片磨边机 Lens edger
GB/T 28218-2011 纸浆 纤维长度的测定 图像分析法 Pulps - Determination of fibre length by automated optical analysis - Image analysis method
GB/T 28219-2011 智能家用电器的智能化技术通则 General rules of intelligentization technology for intelligent household appliances
GB/T 28220-2011 公共图书馆服务规范 Public library service specifications
GB/T 28222-2011 服务标准编写通则 General principles for development of service standards
GB/T 28223-2011 救助管理站服务 Service of administration and relief shelters
GB/T 28224-2011 流浪未成年人救助保护机构服务 Service of relief and protection centre for minor vagrants
GB/T 28225-2011 灾区农户住房倒塌或损坏数量抽样核查方法 Sampling & verifying method on the number of collapsed or damaged rural dwellings in natural disaster-affected areas
GB/T 28226-2011 地名信息交换格式 Information exchange format on geographical names
GB/T 28228-2011 入出境船舶压舱水中单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌的检验方法 Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in ballast water of entry-exit ships
GB/T 28229-2011 入出境船舶压舱水中致泻大肠埃希氏菌的检验方法 Detection of diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in ballast water of entry-exit ships
GB/T 28230-2011 膜过滤法测定入出境船舶压舱水中大肠菌群 Enumeration of coliforms in ballast water of entry-exit ships by membrane filtration
GB/T 28236-2011 染色体畸变估算生物剂量方法 Method of chromosome aberration analysis for biological dose assessment
GB/T 28237-2011 竞技体操赛台安装验收规范 Inspection specification for artistic gymnastic podium of installing
GB/T 28238-2011 体育用品售后服务的要求 Requirements for after-sale services of sporting goods
GB/T 28246-2012 高炉煤气能量回收透平膨胀机 Top gas pressure recovery turbine expander
GB/T 28247-2012 盘形齿轮铣刀 Rotary gear milling cutters
GB/T 28248-2012 印制板用硬质合金钻头 Cemented carbide drills for printed boards
GB/T 28249-2012 带轮滚刀 型式和尺寸 The types and dimensions of timing belt wheel hobs
GB/T 28250-2012 带模滚刀 型式和尺寸 The types and dimensions of timing belt mold hobs
GB/T 28251-2012 带轮滚刀和带模滚刀 技术条件 The technical specifications for timing belt wheel hobs and timing belt mold hobs
GB/T 28252-2012 磨前齿轮滚刀 Hobs for pre-grinding gear
GB/T 28253-2012 挤压丝锥 Thread forming tap
GB/T 28254-2012 螺尖丝锥 Spiral pointed taps
GB/T 28255-2012 内容屑丝锥 Taps with the hollow interior to deposit the swarf
GB/T 28256-2012 梯形螺纹丝锥 Trapezoidal taps
GB/T 28257-2012 长柄螺母丝锥 long shank nut taps
GB/T 28258-2012 制药机械产品分类及编码 Classification and codes for pharmaceutical machinery products
GB/T 28259-2012 石油天然气工业 井下设备 井下安全阀 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Downhole equipment - Subsurface safety valve equipment
GB/T 28262-2012 火工品及药剂专用测试仪 Special testing equipment of explosive and medecament
GB/T 28264-2012 起重机械 安全监控管理系统 Lifting appliances - Managing system of safety monitoring
GB/T 28266-2012 承压设备无损检测 射线胶片数字化系统的鉴定方法 Non-destructive testing of pressure equipment - Qualification of radiographic film digitization systems
GB/T 28268-2012 滚动轴承 冲压保持架技术条件 Rolling bearings - Specifications of pressed cages
GB/T 28269-2012 座椅用蛇形弹簧 技术条件 Zigzag spring for seat - Technical specifications
GB/T 28270-2012 智能型阀门电动装置 Intelligent valve electric actuator
GB/T 28271-2012 米制超细牙螺纹 公差 Metric screw threads with extra fine pitch - Tolerances
GB/T 28272-2012 米制超细牙螺纹 系列和基本尺寸 Metric screw threads with extra fine pitch - Series and basic dimensions
GB/T 28273-2012 管、板液压成形工艺分类 Process classification of tube and sheet hydroforming
GB/T 28274-2012 硅基MEMS制造技术 版图设计基本规则 Silicon-based MEMS fabrication technology - The basic regulation of layout design
GB/T 28275-2012 硅基MEMS制造技术 氢氧化钾腐蚀工艺规范 Silicon-based MEMS fabrication technology - Specification for KOH etch process
GB/T 28276-2012 硅基MEMS制造技术 体硅溶片工艺规范 Silicon-based MEMS fabrication technology - Specification for the dissolved wafer process
GB/T 28277-2012 硅基MEMS制造技术 微键合区剪切和拉压强度检测方法 Silicon-based MEMS fabrication technology - Measurement method of cutting and pull-press strength of micro bonding area
GB/T 28280-2012 滑动轴承 质量特性 机器能力及过程能力的计算 Plain bearings - Quality characteristics - Calculation of machine and process capabilities
GB/T 28281-2012 滑动轴承 质量特性 统计过程控制(SPC) Plain bearings - Quality characteristics - Statistical process control (SPC)
GB/T 28282-2012 计算机辅助工艺设计 系统功能规范 Specification for function of computer aided process planning system
GB/T 28284-2012 节水型社会评价指标体系和评价方法 Index system and methods for assessment of water-saving society
GB/T 28285-2012 飞机氧气系统术语 Terminology for oxygen system of airplane
GB/T 28287-2012 足部防护 鞋防滑性测试方法 Foot protection - Test method for footwear slip resistance
GB/T 28288-2012 足部防护 足趾保护包头和防刺穿垫 Foot protection - Toecaps and penetration-resistant inserts
GB/T 28289-2012 铝合金隔热型材复合性能试验方法 Test methods for composite performances of aluminium alloy thermal barrier profiles
GB/T 28290-2012 电镀锡钢板表面铬量的试验方法 Methods for determination of surface chromium on electrolytic tinplate
GB/T 28291-2012 电镀锡钢板表面涂油量试验方法 Methods for determination of surface oil on electrolytic tinplate
GB/T 28292-2012 钢铁工业含铁尘泥回收及利用技术规范 The technical specification for recycling and utilization of Fe-bearing dusts and sludges in iron and steel industry
GB/T 28293-2012 钢铁渣粉 Ground iron and steel slag
GB/T 28294-2012 钢渣复合料 Steel slag composite material
GB/T 28295-2012 高温合金管材通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy tubes
GB/T 28296-2012 含镍生铁 Pig iron containing nickel
GB/T 28297-2012 厚钢板超声自动检测方法 Thicker steel plates - Method for automatic ultrasonic testing
GB/T 28298-2012 焦化重油 Coking heavy oil
GB/T 28299-2012 结构用热轧翼板钢 Hot-rolled flange plate for construction
GB/T 28300-2012 热轧棒材和盘条表面质量等级交货技术条件 Surface quality classes for hot-rolled bars and rods technical delivery conditions
GB/T 28369-2012 铁合金 评价品质波动和检查取样精度的试验方法 Ferroalloys - Experimental methods for the evaluation of the quality variation and methods for checking the precision of sampling
GB/T 28370-2012 长途客车内空气质量检测方法 Detect methods for the air quality inside long distance coach
GB/T 28371-2012 铁合金 检查样品缩分精度的试验方法 Ferroalloys - Experimental methods for checking the precision of sample division
GB/T 28372-2012 铁合金 取样和制样总则 Ferroalloys - Sampling and preparation of samples-General rules
GB/T 28382-2012 纯电动乘用车 技术条件 Battery electric passenger cars - Specifications
GB/T 28383-2012 卷筒料凹版印刷机 Web gravure press
GB/T 28384-2012 平台式平型网版印刷机 Flat-type planographic screen-process press
GB/T 28385-2012 印刷机械 锁线机 Printing machinery - Drilling and sewing machine
GB/T 28386-2012 印刷、纸加工、造纸机械和辅助设备的噪声测量方法 准确度等级2和3 Noise measurement methods for printing, paper converting, paper making machines and auxiliary equipment - Accuracy grades 2 and 3
GB/T 28390-2012 幕墙铝型材高速五面加工中心 High speed five-side machining center for curtain wall aluminium alloy profiles
GB/T 28391-2012 建筑施工机械与设备 人力移动式液压动力站 Building construction machinery and equipment - Manually mobile hydraulic power units
GB/T 28392-2012 道路施工与养护机械设备 热风式沥青混合料再生修补机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Hot-air recirculating-type asphalt pavement hot recycling and maintenance machine
GB/T 28393-2012 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青碎石同步封层车 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Synchronous chips seal truck
GB/T 28394-2012 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青路面微波加热装置 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - The microwave heating device for asphalt pavement
GB/T 28397-2012 煤炭矿区循环经济评价指标及计算方法 Evaluation indexes and computation of circular economy for coal mining area
GB/T 28398-2012 煤炭企业能源消费统计规范 Norms of energy consumption statistics for coal enterprises
GB/T 28399-2012 商品车辆滚装专用码头滚装作业安全操作规程 The safty rules for handling in Ro-Ro terminal
GB/T 28400-2012 钕镁合金 Neodymium magnesium alloy
GB/T 28405-2012 农用地定级规程 Regulations for classification on agriculture land
GB/T 28406-2012 农用地估价规程 Regulations for valuation on agriculture land
GB/T 28407-2012 农用地质量分等规程 Regulation for gradation on agriculture land quality
GB/T 28408-2012 防护服装 防虫防护服 Protective clothing - Repellent shield clothing
GB/T 28409-2012 个体防护装备 足部防护鞋(靴)的选择、使用和维护指南 Personal protective equipment - Guide for the selection, use and maintenance of footwear
GB/T 28410-2012 风力发电塔用结构钢板 Structural steel plate for wind power tower
GB/T 28411-2012 高温合金精铸结构件通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy investment structural castings
GB/T 28412-2012 高温合金精铸叶片通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy investment cast airfoils
GB/T 28413-2012 锅炉和热交换器用焊接钢管 Welded carbon steel tubes for boilers and heat exchangers
GB/T 28414-2012 抗震结构用型钢 Structural section steels with improved seismie resistance
GB/T 28415-2012 耐火结构用钢板及钢带 Fire-resistant structural steel plate and strip
GB/T 28416-2012 人工大气中的腐蚀试验 交替暴露在腐蚀性气体、中性盐雾及干燥环境中的加速腐蚀试验 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Accelerated corrosion tests involving alternate exposure to corrosion-promoting gases, neutral salt-spray and drying
GB/T 28417-2012 碳素轴承钢 Carbon bearing steel
GB/T 28418-2012 土壤水分(墒情)监测仪器基本技术条件 Fundamental technical requirements for soil moisture-monitoring instruments
GB/T 28419-2012 风沙源区草原沙化遥感监测技术导则 Guide of remote sensing monitoring for sandstorm source
GB/T 28420-2012 电子收费 OBE-SAM数据格式和技术要求 Electronic toll collection - Data and technical specification of OBE-SAM
GB/T 28421-2012 电子收费 基于专用短程通信的电子收费交易 Electronic toll collection - ETC transaction for DSRC
GB/T 28422-2012 电子收费 关键信息编码 Electronic toll collection - Key information coding
GB/T 28423-2012 电子收费 路侧单元与车道控制器接口 Electronic toll collection - Interface between roadside unit and lane controller
GB/T 28424-2012 交通电视监控系统设备用图形符号及图例 Graphical symbols and cutline for use in equipment of TV monitoring system for traffic
GB/T 28425-2012 智能运输系统 消息集模板 Intelligent transport systems - Message set template
GB/T 28426-2012 大型超声波钢轨探伤车 Rail flaw detection vehicle
GB/T 28427-2012 电气化铁路27.5kV单相交流交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆及附件 27.5kV single-phase AC XLPE insulation cable and accessories for electrification railway
GB/T 28428-2012 电气化铁路27.5kV和2×27.5kV交流金属封闭开关设备和控制设备 27.5kV and 2×27.5kV AC metal-enclosed switchgear and controlgear for electrification railway
GB/T 28429-2012 轨道交通1500V及以下直流牵引电力电缆及附件 DC Traction power cables and accessories up to 1500V for urban rail transit
GB/T 28430-2012 数字电视系统数据广播技术规范 Technical specification of data broadcasting in digital television system
GB/T 28431-2012 地面数字电视传送流复用和接口技术规范 Specification for transport stream multiplexing and interfaces in digital terrestrial television
GB/T 28432-2012 地面数字电视广播单频网规划准则 Planning criteria for single frequency networks of digital terrestrial television broadcasting
GB/T 28433-2012 地面数字电视广播单频网技术要求 Technical requirements for single frequency network of digital terrestrial television broadcasting
GB/T 28434-2012 地面数字电视广播单频网适配器技术要求和测量方法 Technical requirements and measurement methods of digital terrestrial television broadcasting single frequency network adapter
GB/T 28435-2012 地面数字电视广播发射机技术要求和测量方法 Technical specifications and methods of measurement for digital terrestrial television broadcasting transmitters
GB/T 28436-2012 地面数字电视广播激励器技术要求和测量方法 Technical requirements and measurement methods of digital terrestrial television broadcasting exciter
GB/T 28437-2012 地面数字电视广播监测技术规程 Technical specifications of monitoring for digital terrestrial television broadcasting
GB/T 28439-2012 热转印色带通用规范 General specification for thermal transfer ribbons
GB/T 28441-2012 车载导航电子地图数据质量规范 Data quality specification for navigation electronic map in vehicle
GB/T 28442-2012 导航电子地图数据分类与编码 Data classification and coding for navigation electronic map
GB/T 28443-2012 导航电子地图图形符号 Symbols of navigation electronic map
GB/T 28444-2012 导航电子海图应用存储格式 Application storage format for navigational electronic chart
GB/T 28445-2012 个人位置导航电子地图数据质量规范 Data quality specification for navigation electronic map in personal position
GB/T 28447-2012 信息安全技术 电子认证服务机构运营管理规范 Information security technology - Specification on the operation management of a certificate authority
GB/T 28448-2012 信息安全技术 信息系统安全等级保护测评要求 Information security technology - Testing and evaluation requirement for classified protection of information system
GB/T 28449-2012 信息安全技术 信息系统安全等级保护测评过程指南 Information security technology - Testing and evaluation process guide for classified protection of information system security
GB/T 28450-2012 信息安全技术 信息安全管理体系审核指南 Information security technology - Guidelines for information security management system auditing
GB/T 28451-2012 信息安全技术 网络型入侵防御产品技术要求和测试评价方法 Information security technology - Technical requirements and testing and evaluation approaches for network-based intrusion prevention system products
GB/T 28452-2012 信息安全技术 应用软件系统通用安全技术要求 Information security technology - Common security technique requirement for application software system
GB/T 28453-2012 信息安全技术 信息系统安全管理评估要求 Information security technology - Information system security management assessment requirements
GB/T 28454-2012 信息技术 安全技术 入侵检测系统的选择、部署和操作 Information technology - Security techniques - Selection, deployment and operations of intrusion detection systems
GB/T 28455-2012 信息安全技术 引入可信第三方的实体鉴别及接入架构规范 Information security technology - Entity authentication involving a trusted third party and access architecture specification
GB/T 28456-2012 IPsec协议应用测试规范 Testing specification for applications of IPsec protocol
GB/T 28457-2012 SSL协议应用测试规范 Testing specification for applications of SSL protocol
GB/T 28458-2012 信息安全技术 安全漏洞标识与描述规范 Information security technology - Vulnerability identification and description specification
GB/T 28459-2012 公共用纺织品 Public textiles
GB/T 28460-2012 马尾衬布 Horsetail hair interlining
GB/T 28461-2012 碳纤维预浸料 Carbon fiber prepreg
GB/T 28462-2012 机织起绒合成革基布 Woven napping fabric for synthetic leather
GB/T 28463-2012 纺织品 装饰用涂层织物 Textiles - Coated fabrics for furnishings
GB/T 28464-2012 纺织品 服用涂层织物 Textiles - Coated fabrics for clothing
GB/T 28465-2012 服装衬布检验规则 Inspection rules for garment interlinings
GB/T 28466-2012 涤纶长丝绣花线 Polyester filament embroidery threads
GB/T 28467-2012 涤纶绣花线色卡 Color card of polyester embroidery threads
GB/T 28468-2012 中小学生交通安全反光校服 Traffic safety uniforms with reflective fabrics for primary and secondary students in schools
GB/T 28470-2012 工业过程测量和控制系统用电动和气动模拟计算器性能评定方法 Methods of evaluating the performance of electrical and pneumatic analogue computing unit for use in industrial process measurement and control systems
GB/T 28479-2012 国际贸易单证分类与代码 Classifications and codes for international trade documents
GB/T 28483-2012 地毯用环保胶乳 羧基丁苯胶乳及有害物质限量 Environmentally friendly rubber latex for carpet application--Carboxylated styrene-butadiene rubber latex and limitation of hazardous substances
GB/T 28484-2012 电鸣乐器压缩与扩展类音效装置通用技术条件 General specification for compression and expansion equipment of electrophones
GB/T 28485-2012 镀层饰品 镍释放量的测定 磨损和腐蚀模拟法 Coated adornment - Detection of nickel release - Method for simulation of wear and corrosion
GB/T 28486-2012 防霉剂中富马酸二甲酯含量的测定 Determination of dimethyl fumarate in mildew preventives
GB/T 28487-2012 贵金属及其合金链 抗拉强度的测定 拉伸试验法 Precious metal alloys chains - Determination of tensile strength - Method of tensile testing
GB/T 28488-2012 机制地毯用毛纺纱线 Yarn for machine-made carpets
GB/T 28489-2012 乐器有害物质限量 Limits of hazardous substances for musical instruments
GB/T 28490-2012 钮扣分类及术语 Button classification and terminology
GB/T 28491-2012 钮扣通用技术要求和检测方法 天然贝壳类 Button general technical requirements and testing methods - Natural shell button
GB/T 28492-2012 钮扣通用技术要求和检测方法 铜质类 Button general technical requirements and methods - Copper button
GB/T 28493-2012 瓶装、罐装和其它封装饮料自动售货机性能试验方法 Test method for rating vending machines for bottled, canned, and other sealed beverages
GB/T 28494-2012 热塑性塑料截止阀 Globe valves of thermoplastics materials
GB/T 28495-2012 竹木玩具通用技术条件 General technical requirements for bamboo and wooden toys
GB/T 28497-2012 同步数字体系(SDH)上传送IP的LAPS技术要求 The specification of IP over SDH using LAPS
GB/T 28498-2012 在同步数字体系(SDH)上传送以太网帧的技术要求 Technical requirements of ethernet over SDH
GB/T 28500-2012 900/1800MHz TDMA 数字蜂窝移动通信网No.7 ISUP信令技术要求 Technical requirements of 900/1800MHz TDMA digital cellular mobile network signaling system NO.7 ISUP
GB/T 28501-2012 IP电话路由协议(TRIP)技术要求 Technical requirements of telephony routing over IP ( TRIP )
GB/T 28502-2012 No.7信令与IP互通的技术要求 Technical requirement of interworking between No.7 signalling and IP
GB/T 28503-2012 No.7信令与IP互通适配层技术要求消息传递部分 (MTP)第二级用户适配层(M2UA) Technical requirements of adaptation layer of No.7 signalling interworking with IP MTP2 user adaptation layer
GB/T 28505-2012 国内No.7信令方式技术要求 2Mbit/s高速信令链路 Technical specification of national No.7 signaling system 2Mbit/s high speed link
GB/T 28506-2012 国内No.7信令方式技术要求 GSM移动电话用户部分(MTUP) Technical specification for national No.7 signalling system - GSM mobile telephone user part (MTUP)
GB/T 28507-2012 互联网文本语音展现通用描述规范 Description guidelines for voice exhibition of web documents
GB/T 28508-2012 基于公用电信网的宽带客户网络总体技术要求 General technical requirements for broadband customer network based on telecommunication network
GB/T 28509-2012 绝缘外径在1mm以下的极细同轴电缆及组件 Ultrafine coaxial cables with insulation diameter below 1mm and cable assemblies
GB/T 28510-2012 流控制传送协议(SCTP) Technical specification of stream control transmission protocol
GB/T 28512-2012 用于IP网络的Diameter基础协议 Diameter base protocol for IP network
GB/T 28513-2012 使用低比特率视频通信的手语和唇读实时会话应用配置 Application profile-Sign language and lip-reading real-time conversation using low bit-rate video communication
GB/T 28516-2012 反垃圾电子邮件网关技术要求 Technical requirement for anti-spam Email gateway
GB/T 28517-2012 网络安全事件描述和交换格式 Network incident object description and exchange format
GB/T 28518-2012 煤矿用阻燃通信光缆 Flame resistant optical fibre cables for communication for mine
GB/T 28519-2012 通信产品能耗测试方法通则 General principles of energy consumption test methods for telecommunication equipment
GB/T 28520-2012 通信局站用智能热交换系统 Intelligent heat exchanger for telecommunication stations/sites
GB/T 28521-2012 通信局站用智能新风节能系统 Intelligent energy saving system by fresh air for telecommunication stations/sites
GB/T 28522-2012 通信终端产品可回收利用率计算方法 Method of calculating recoverability rate of telecommunication terminal equipment
GB/T 28523-2012 通信网络设备可回收利用率计算方法 Method of calculating recoverability rate of telecommunication infrastructure equipment
GB/T 28524-2012 媒体网关控制协议(MGCP) Media gateway control protocol(MGCP)
GB/T 28528-2012 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机型号编制方法 Model compilation method of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
GB/T 28529-2012 平板式制动检验台 Platform brake tester
GB/T 28530-2012 国际货运代理系列单证 单证数据项 Aligned series of international freight forwarding documents - Documentary data entry
GB/T 28531-2012 运输通道物流绩效评估与监控规范 Guideline on transport corridor performance measurement and monitoring
GB/T 28532-2012 承运人标识符编码规则 Code rule for carrier identifier
GB/T 28534-2012 高压开关设备和控制设备中六氟化硫(SF6)气体的释放对环境和健康的影响 The health and environmental impact on release of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) used in high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 28535-2012 铅酸蓄电池隔板 Separators for lead-acid batteries
GB/T 28536-2012 核电厂机械设备老化管理大纲编制导则 Guidelines for formulating the ageing management programme of mechanical equipment in nuclear power plants
GB/T 28537-2012 高压开关设备和控制设备中六氟化硫(SF6)的使用和处理 Use and handling of sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) in high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 28538-2012 眼科光学 接触镜和接触镜护理产品 兔眼相容性研究试验 Ophthalmic optics?Contact lenses and contact lenses care products - Determination of biocompatibility by ocular study with rabbit eyes
GB/T 28539-2012 眼科光学 接触镜和接触镜护理产品 防腐剂的摄入和释放的测定指南 Ophthalmic optics - Contact lenses and contact lens care products - Guidelines for determination of preservative uptake and release
GB/T 28540-2012 铀尾矿(渣)氡-222析出率估算方法 Estimating method of radon-222 emanation rate from uranium tailings
GB/T 28541-2012 ±800kV高压直流换流站设备的绝缘配合 Insulation co-ordination for equipments of ±800kV high voltage direct current converter stations
GB/T 28542-2012 道路车辆应急起动电缆 Road vehicles jump-start cables
GB/T 28543-2012 电力电容器噪声测量方法 Noise measurement of power capacitors
GB/T 28544-2012 封装闪烁体光输出和固有分辨率的测量方法 Measurement methods of light output and intrinsic resolution for housed scintillators
GB/T 28545-2012 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机更新改造和性能改善导则 Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines - Guideline for rehabilitation and performance improvement
GB/T 28546-2012 大中型水电机组包装、运输和保管规范 Specification for package, transportation and storage of large and medium hydraulic units
GB/T 28547-2012 交流金属氧化物避雷器选择和使用导则 Selection and application recommendations of metal oxide surge arresters for a.c. systems
GB/T 28548-2012 核电厂主回路水压试验技术导则 Guideline of nuclear power plant primary circuit hydraulic tests
GB/T 28549-2012 核电厂调试阶段核岛管道与主设备支吊装置验证要求 Verification requirement of supports in nuclear island during nuclear power plant commissioning
GB/T 28550-2012 核电厂调试阶段管道验证要求 Piping verification requirement during nuclear power plant commissioning
GB/T 28551-2012 核电厂离心泵组调试技术导则 Technical guideline of centrifugal pump set commissioning for nuclear power plant
GB/T 28552-2012 变压器油、汽轮机油酸值测定法(BTB法) Determination of acid number in transformer oils and turbine oils by BTB method
GB/T 28553-2012 汽轮机 蒸汽纯度 Steam turbines - Steam purity
GB/T 28554-2012 工业机械电气设备 内带供电单元的建设机械电磁兼容要求 Electrical equipment of industrical machines - Electromagnetic compatibility for the construction machinery with internal electrical power supply
GB/T 28555-2012 废电器电子产品回收处理设备技术要求 制冷器具与阴极射线管显示设备回收处理设备 Technical requirements of treatment facilities for waste electrical and electronic products - Treatment facilities for refrigeration equipment and cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors
GB/T 28556-2012 煤矿通风机用隔爆兼本质安全型变频调速控制器 Flameproof and intrinsically safe controller with frequency converter for coalmine ventilation fan
GB/T 28557-2012 电力企业节能降耗主要指标的监管评价 Regulating evaluation of index on energy saving main parameter for electricity enterprise
GB/T 28558-2012 超临界及超超临界机组参数系列 Supercritical and ultra-supercritical generating set parameter series
GB/T 28559-2012 超临界及超超临界汽轮机 叶片 Supercritical and ultra-supercritical turbine - Blades
GB/T 28560-2012 船舶电气设备 小船 Electrical installations in ships - Small vessels
GB/T 28561-2012 船舶电气设备 专辑 控制和测量仪表 Electrical installations in ships - Special features - Control and instrumentation
GB/T 28562-2012 YVF系列变频调速高压三相异步电动机技术条件(机座号355~630) Specification for YVF series variable frequency high voltage three-phase induction motors (Frame size 355-630)
GB/T 28563-2012 ±800kV特高压直流输电用晶闸管阀电气试验 Electrical testing of thyristor valves for ±800kV ultra high voltage direct current (UHVDC) power transmission
GB/T 28564-2012 电工电子设备机柜 模数化设计要求 Cabinets for electrotechnical and electronic equipment - Modular design requirements
GB/T 28565-2012 高压交流串联电容器用旁路开关 High-voltage alternating-current series capacitor by-pass switches
GB/T 28566-2012 发电机组并网安全条件及评价 Security specification and its evaluation for generating unit interconnection
GB/T 28567-2012 电线电缆专用设备技术要求 Specifications for electric wire and cable of special equipment
GB/T 28568-2012 电工电子设备机柜 安全设计要求 Cabinets for electrotechnical and electronic equipment - Safety design requirements
GB/T 28569-2012 电动汽车交流充电桩电能计量 Electric energy metering for electric vehicle AC charging spot
GB/T 28570-2012 水轮发电机组状态在线监测系统技术导则 Technical guide of on-line condition monitoring system for hydraulic turbine and generator units
GB/T 28572-2012 大中型水轮机进水阀门系列 Series of large and medium inletvalves of hydraulic turbine
GB/T 28573-2012 石油、石化和天然气工业 一般用途汽轮机 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries steam turbines - General-purpose applications
GB/T 28574-2012 石油、石化和天然气工业 特种用途汽轮机 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries steam turbines - Special-purpose applications
GB/T 28575-2012 YE3系列(IP55)超高效率三相异步电动机技术条件(机座号80~355) Specification for YE3 Series(IP55)super-high efficiency three-phase induction motor(Frame size 80~355)
GB/T 28576-2012 工业货架设计计算 Calculation of industrial rack design
GB/T 28577-2012 冷链物流分类与基本要求 Classification and basic specification for cold chain logistics
GB/T 28578-2012 出版物物流 接口作业规范 Publication logistics - Specification of interface operation
GB/T 28579-2012 出版物物流 退货作业规范 Publication logistics - Specification of return operation
GB/T 28580-2012 口岸物流服务质量规范 Quality requirements for port logistics service
GB/T 28581-2012 通用仓库及库区规划设计参数 General warehouse and warehouse area design parameter
GB/T 28582-2012 快递运单 Express waybill
GB/T 28583-2012 供电服务规范 Specification of electricity supply service
GB/T 28584-2012 城市坐标系统建设规范 Specifications for the establishment of urban coordinate system
GB/T 28585-2012 地理信息 要素编目方法 Geographic information - Methodology for feature cataloguing
GB/T 28587-2012 移动测量系统惯性测量单元 Inertial measurement unit in the mobile mapping system
GB/T 28588-2012 全球导航卫星系统连续运行基准站网技术规范 Specifications for the continuously operating reference station using global navigation satellite system
GB/T 28589-2012 地理信息 定位服务 Geogreaphic information - Positioning services
GB/T 28590-2012 城市地下空间设施分类与代码 Classification and code for urban underground facilities
GB/T 28591-2012 风力等级 Wind scale
GB/T 28592-2012 降水量等级 Grade of precipitation
GB/T 28593-2012 沙尘暴天气预警 Warning of sand and dust storm weather
GB/T 28594-2012 临近天气预报 Nowcasting
GB/T 28596-2012 内壁碳涂层聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯瓶 Internal carbon coated Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle
GB/T 28599-2012 化妆品中邻苯二甲酸酯类物质的测定 Determination of phthalate esters in cosmetics
GB/T 28600-2012 橡胶配合剂 沉淀水合二氧化硅 平均孔径的测定 Rubber compounding ingredients - Silica, precipitated, hydrated -Determination of average pore diameter
GB/T 28601-2012 橡胶配合剂 沉淀水合二氧化硅 凝胶含量的测定 Rubber compounding ingredients - Silica,precipitated,hydrated - Determination of gelatin content
GB/T 28602-2012 磷酸(热法)生产技术规范 Production technical regulation for furnace-process phosphoric acid
GB/T 28603-2012 无水氟化氢生产技术规范 Production technical regulation for Anhydrous hydrogen fluoride
GB/T 28604-2012 生活饮用水管道系统用橡胶密封件 Rubber seals used in living-water and drinking-water supply pipes and fittings
GB/T 28605-2012 生活饮用水用橡胶或塑料软管和非增强软管及软管组合件 Rubber and plastics tubing and hoses and hose assemblies for drinking water
GB/T 28606-2012 涂料中全氟辛酸及其盐的测定 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of perfluorooctanoic acid and salt in the coating -High performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 28607-2012 标准弹性体材料与发动机油的相容性试验 Determination of compatibility between standard elastomeric materials and automotive engine oil
GB/T 28608-2012 工业用1,4-氧氮杂环己烷(吗啉) 1-Oxa-4-azacyclohexane ( Morpholine) for industrial use
GB/T 28609-2012 光学功能薄膜 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)薄膜 双折射测定方法 Optical functional films - Polyethylene terephthalate(PET)-Determination of birefringence
GB/T 28610-2012 甲基乙烯基硅橡胶 Methyl Vinyl Silicone Rubber
GB/T 28611-2012 邻、对硝基甲苯 o-Nitrotoluene、 p-Nitrotoluene
GB/T 28612-2012 机械产品绿色制造 术语 Terminology of green manufacturing of mechanical products
GB/T 28613-2012 机械产品绿色制造工艺规划 导则 Guideline for green manufacturing process planning of mechanical products
GB/T 28614-2012 绿色制造 干式切削 通用技术指南 Green manufacturing - The general technique guideline for dry cutting
GB/T 28615-2012 绿色制造 金属切削机床再制造技术导则 Green manufacturing - The technology specification for metal-cutting machine tool remanufacturing
GB/T 28616-2012 绿色制造属性 机械产品 Green manufacturing attributes of mechanical products
GB/T 28617-2012 绿色制造通用技术导则 铸造 General guidance for green manufacturing technology - Foundry section
GB/T 28618-2012 机械产品再制造 通用技术要求 Remanufacturing - General technical requirements for mechanical products
GB/T 28619-2012 再制造 术语 Remanufacturing - Terminology
GB/T 28620-2012 再制造率的计算方法 The calculating methods of remanufacturing rate
GB/T 28622-2012 无动力类游乐设施 术语 No power type of amusement devices - Terminology
GB/T 28624-2012 组织机构代码数字档案管理与技术规范 Management and technical specification for digital archives of organization code registration
GB/T 28625-2012 彩色复印机测试版 Test chart for color copiers
GB/T 28626-2012 彩色复印机图像质量评价方法 Methods of evaluation for image quality of hardcopy by color copiers
GB/T 28627-2012 抹灰石膏 Gypsum plaster
GB/T 28628-2012 材料诱生空气离子量测试方法 Test method for air ion concentration of materials
GB/T 28629-2012 水泥熟料中游离二氧化硅化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of free silicon dioxide for cement clinker
GB/T 28631-2012 用于干混砂浆的铝酸钙添加剂 Calcium aluminate agents for dry-mixed mortar
GB/T 28632-2012 表面化学分析 俄歇电子能谱和X射线光电子能谱 横向分辨率测定 Surface chemical analysis - Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - Determination of lateral resolution
GB/T 28633-2012 表面化学分析 X射线光电子能谱 强度标的重复性和一致性 Surface chemical analysis - X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - Repeatability and constancy of intensity scale
GB/T 28634-2012 微束分析 电子探针显微分析 块状试样波谱法定量点分析 Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Quantitative point analysis for bulk specimen using wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
GB/T 28636-2012 采暖与空调系统水力平衡阀 Heating and air conditioning system hydraulic balance valve
GB/T 28637-2012 电动采光排烟天窗 Electric daylighting exclude smoke skylight
GB/T 28638-2012 城镇供热管道保温结构散热损失测试与保温效果评定方法 Heat loss test for thermal insulation structure and evaluation methods for thermal insulation efficiency of district heating pipes
GB/T 28639-2012 DNA微阵列芯片通用技术条件 General technical requirement for DNA microarray
GB/T 28640-2012 畜禽肉冷链运输管理技术规范 Practices for cold-chain transportation of livestock & poultry meat
GB/T 28641-2012 蛋白质微阵列芯片通用技术条件 General technical requirement for protein microarray
GB/T 28642-2012 饲料中沙门氏菌的快速检测方法 聚合酶链式反应(PCR)法 Rapid determination of salmonella spp in animal feeding stuffs - PCR method
GB/T 28643-2012 饲料中二噁英及二噁英类多氯联苯的测定 同位素稀释-高分辨气相色谱/高分辨质谱法 Determination of PCDD/Fs and dioxin-like PCBs in feeds - Isotope dilution HRGC/HRMS
GB/T 28646-2012 化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞微核试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vitro mammalian cell micronucleus
GB/T 28647-2012 化学品 啮齿类动物子宫增重试验 雌激素作用的短期筛选试验 Chemicals - Test method of uterotrophic bioassay in rodents - A short-term screening test for oestrogenic properties
GB/T 28648-2012 化学品 急性吸入毒性试验 急性毒性分类法 Chemicals - Acute inhalation toxicity testing - Acute toxic class method
GB/T 28649-2012 机动车号牌自动识别系统 Automatic recognition system for vehicle license plate
GB/T 28650-2012 公路防撞桶 Road safety barrel
GB/T 28651-2012 公路临时性交通标志 Road temporary traffic signs
GB/T 28658-2012 暗紫贝母药材规范化栽培技术规程 Standardized operation production of Anzi Fritillaria
GB/T 28659-2012 保护地沙窝萝卜栽培技术规范 Standard of cultivation technique on shawo radish under protective measures
GB/T 28660-2012 马铃薯种薯真实性和纯度鉴定 SSR分子标记 Genuineness and purity verification of potato seed-tuber - SSR molecular marker
GB/T 28667-2012 蕨麻 Root tuber of Potentilla.anserina L.
GB/T 28668-2012 粮油储藏 粮食烘干安全操作规程 Grain and oil storage - Safety operation regulations for grain drying
GB/T 28669-2012 燃料用竹炭 Bamboo charcoal for fuel
GB/T 28671-2012 制药机械(设备)验证导则 Guidelines for pharmaceutical machinery validation
GB/T 28672-2012 汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 交流发电机 The technical specifications for remanufacture of automotive components - Alternator
GB/T 28673-2012 汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 起动机 The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components - Starter
GB/T 28674-2012 汽车零部件再制造产品技术规范 转向器 The technical specifications for remanufacturing of automotive components - Steering gear
GB/T 28675-2012 汽车零部件再制造 拆解 Remanufacturing of automotive components - Disassembly
GB/T 28676-2012 汽车零部件再制造 分类 Remanufacturing of automotive components - Classification
GB/T 28677-2012 汽车零部件再制造 清洗 Remanufacturing of automotive components - Cleaning
GB/T 28678-2012 汽车零部件再制造 出厂验收 Remanufacturing of automotive components - Pre-delivery inspection
GB/T 28679-2012 汽车零部件再制造 装配 Remanufacturing of automotive components - Assembly
GB/T 28680-2012 八仙花切花产品等级 Product grade of hydrangea cut flowers
GB/T 28681-2012 百合、马蹄莲、唐菖蒲种球采后处理技术规程 Technical regulation of postharvest handling on bulbs of lily, calla and gladiolus
GB/T 28682-2012 杜鹃盆花产品质量等级 Product grade for pot azalea(Rhododendron hybrid)
GB/T 28683-2012 蝴蝶兰栽培技术规程 Technique rules of phalaenopsis cultivation
GB/T 28684-2012 蝴蝶兰种苗质量等级 Phalaenopsis seedling quality grade
GB/T 28685-2012 洋桔梗切花产品等级 Product grade of eustoma cut flowers
GB/T 28686-2012 燃气轮机热力性能试验 Gas turbines thermodynamic performance tests
GB/T 28687-2012 数控压铸机 Numecical control die casting machines
GB/T 28688-2012 低压铸造机 技术条件 Low pressure die casting machine - Technical requirements
GB/T 28689-2012 高效转子混砂机 技术条件 Efficient rotator mixer - Technical requirements
GB/T 28690-2012 树脂砂再生成套设备 技术条件 Resin-bonded sand reclamation equipment - Technical requirements
GB/T 28691-2012 高精度梯形螺纹拉削丝锥 High precision trapezoidal thread broaching tap
GB/T 28692-2012 印刷机械 热熔胶订设备 通用试验方法 Printing machinery - Hot glue thermobinder - General test method
GB/T 28693-2012 农林拖拉机和机械 照明和光信号装置的要求 Tractors and machinery for agricultural and forestry - Requirements of the lighting and light-signalling devices
GB/T 28694-2012 深层渗碳 技术要求 Technical requirement of deep carburizing
GB/T 28695-2012 离心机转鼓强度计算规范 Standard of strength calculation for centrifugal drum
GB/T 28696-2012 离心机 分离机转鼓平衡 检验规范 Centrifuge separator drum balance - Inspection standard
GB/T 28697-2012 滚动轴承 调心推力球轴承和调心座垫圈 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Aligning thrust ball bearings and aligning seat washers - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 28698-2012 滚动轴承 电机用深沟球轴承 技术条件 Rolling bearings - Deep groove ball bearings for electric motors - Specifications
GB/T 28699-2012 钢结构防护涂装通用技术条件 Steel structure protection General requirements of coatings
GB/T 28700-2012 SWZ型整体轴承座十字轴式万向联轴器 SWZ universal coupling with bearing box
GB/T 28701-2012 胀紧联结套 Locking assemblies
GB/T 28702-2012 球墨铸铁用球化剂 Nodularizer for spheroidal graphite cast iron
GB/T 28703-2012 圆柱螺纹检测方法 Test methods for parallel screw threads
GB/T 28704-2012 无损检测 磁致伸缩超声导波检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for ultrasonic guided wave testing based on magnetostrictive effects
GB/T 28705-2012 无损检测 脉冲涡流检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for pulsed eddy current testing
GB/T 28706-2012 无损检测 机械及电气设备红外热成像检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for mechanical and electrical equipment with infrared thermography
GB/T 28707-2012 碟簧支吊架 Disc spring supports and hangers
GB/T 28708-2012 管道工程用无缝及焊接钢管尺寸选用规定 Specification for size selection of seamless and welded steel pipe used in piping engineering
GB/T 28711-2012 无动力类游乐设施 秋千 No power type of amusement devices - Swing
GB/T 28714-2012 取水计量技术导则 Directive for technique of water metering
GB/T 28715-2012 饲料添加剂酸性、中性蛋白酶活力的测定 分光光度法 Determination of acidic and neutral protease activity in feed additives - Spetrophotometric method
GB/T 28716-2012 饲料中玉米赤霉烯酮的测定 免疫亲和柱净化-高效液相色谱法 Determination of zearalenone in feed - High performance liquid chromatigraphic method with immunoaffinity column clean-up
GB/T 28717-2012 饲料中丙二醛的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of malonaldehyde in feed - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 28718-2012 饲料中T-2毒素的测定 免疫亲和柱净化-高效液相色谱法 Determination of T-2 toxin in feed - High performance liquid chromatography with immunoaffinity column clean-up
GB/T 28719-2012 板式热交换器用橡胶密封垫片 Rubber sealing gaskets used in plate heat exchangers
GB/T 28720-2012 淀粉糖分类通则 General for starch sugar classification
GB/T 28721-2012 大气环境混凝土中钢筋的阴极保护 Cathodic protection of reinforcing steel in atmospherically exposed concrete structures
GB/T 28722-2012 氨基酸中铁和铅的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Determination of iron and lead in amino acids - Atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 28723-2012 固体有机化学品纯度的测定 差示扫描量热法 Determination of purity for chemicals (pharmaceuticals) - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
GB/T 28724-2012 固体有机化学品熔点的测定 差示扫描量热法 Determination of melting temperature for chemicals (pharmaceuticals) - Differential scanning calorimetry(DSC)
GB/T 28725-2012 埋地预应力钢筒混凝土管道的阴极保护 Cathodic protection for buried prestressed concrete cylinder pipelines
GB/T 28726-2012 气体分析 氦离子化气相色谱法 Gas analysis - Gas chromatograph with helium ionization detector
GB/T 28727-2012 气体分析 硫化物的测定 火焰光度气相色谱法 Gas analysis - Determination of sulfides - Gas chromatograph with flame photometric detector
GB/T 28728-2012 溶液聚合苯乙烯-丁二烯橡胶(SSBR)微观结构的测定 Determination of the microstructure of solution-polymerized SBR
GB/T 28729-2012 氧化亚氮 Nitrous oxide
GB/T 28730-2012 固体生物质燃料样品制备方法 Method for preparation of solid biofuels sample
GB/T 28731-2012 固体生物质燃料工业分析方法 Proximate analysis of solid biofuels
GB/T 28732-2012 固体生物质燃料全硫测定方法 Determination of total sulfur in solid biofuels
GB/T 28733-2012 固体生物质燃料全水分测定方法 Determination of total moisture for solid biofuels
GB/T 28734-2012 固体生物质燃料中碳氢测定方法 Determination of carbon and hydrogen in solid biofuels
GB/T 28737-2012 太阳能热水系统(储水箱容积大于0.6 m3)控制装置 Controller for solar water heating system (tank volume more than 0.6 m3)
GB/T 28738-2012 全玻璃真空太阳集热管内置式带翅片的金属热管 Finned built-in heat pipe for all-glass evacuated solar collector tubes
GB/T 28739-2012 餐饮业餐厨废弃物处理与利用设备 Kitchen waste treating and utilizing equipments in catering services
GB/T 28740-2012 畜禽养殖粪便堆肥处理与利用设备 Equipment of compost treatment and utilization for manure of poultry and livestock
GB/T 28741-2012 移动式格栅除污机 Mobile ranking machine
GB/T 28742-2012 污水处理设备安全技术规范 Sewage treatment equipment for prevention and treatment of water pollution
GB/T 28743-2012 污水处理容器设备 通用技术条件 Sewage treatment vessel equipment - General technical requirements
GB/T 28744-2012 废弃产品回收处理企业统计指标体系 Statistical indicator system of waste-product recyclers
GB/T 28745-2012 家用太阳能热水系统储水箱试验方法 Test methods for storage tank of domestic solar water heating system
GB/T 28746-2012 家用太阳能热水系统储水箱技术要求 Specification of storage tank of domestic solar water heating system
GB/T 28747-2012 资源循环利用产品评价指标体系编制通则 General principles of stipulating assessment indicator system for product of resources recycling
GB/T 28748-2012 珠宝玉石饰品产品元数据 Metadata for gems and jewelry products
GB/T 28749-2012 企业能量平衡网络图绘制方法 The method of drawing energy balance network diagram for enterprises
GB/T 28750-2012 节能量测量和验证技术通则 General technical rules for measurement and verification of energy savings
GB/T 28751-2012 企业能量平衡表编制方法 The method of editing energy balance table for enterprises
GB/T 28752-2012 火焰在垂直表面的横向蔓延试验方法 Test method for lateral spread of flame on building and transport products in vertical configuration
GB/T 28753-2012 煤层气含量测定 加温解吸法 Determining of coalbed gas content - Heating desorption
GB/T 28754-2012 煤层气(煤矿瓦斯)利用导则 Guidance for utilization of coal bed methane (coal mine gas)
GB/T 28756-2012 缆索起重机 Cable cranes
GB/T 28757-2012 除流动式、塔式和浮式起重机以外的起重机 稳定性基本要求 Cranes other than mobile,tower and floating cranes and tower cranes - General requirements for stability
GB/T 28758-2012 起重机 检查人员的资格要求 Cranes - Competency requirements for crane inspectors
GB/T 28761-2012 锻压机械 型号编制方法 Metalforming machinery - Method of type designation
GB/T 28762-2012 数控剪板机 NC shears
GB/T 28763-2012 数控弯管机 Numerically controlled tube bending machine
GB/T 28764-2012 包装容器密闭性检测方法 超声波法 Test method for sealing characteristics of packaging containers - Ultrasonic method
GB/T 28765-2012 包装材料 塑料薄膜、片材和容器的有机气体透过率试验方法 Packaging material - Test methods for organic vapor transmission rate for plastic film, sheet and package
GB/T 28766-2012 天然气 在线分析系统性能评价 Natural gas - Performance evaluation for on-line analytical systems
GB/T 28767-2012 车辆齿轮油分类 Classification of automotive gear lubricants
GB/T 28768-2012 车用汽油烃类组成和含氧化合物的测定 多维气相色谱法 Determination of hydrocarbon types and oxygenates in automotive-motor gasoline by multidimensional gas chromatography method
GB/T 28769-2012 脂肪酸甲酯中游离甘油含量的测定 气相色谱法 Test method for determination of free glycerol content in Fatty Acid Methyl Esters(FAME) by gas chromatography
GB/T 28770-2012 软钎料试验方法 Test methods for solders
GB/T 28771-2012 型钢自动化焊接装备 Automatic welding equipment for profile steel
GB/T 28772-2012 内燃机油分类 Classification of internal combustion engine oils
GB/T 28773-2012 齿楔带 Tooth-wedge belts
GB/T 28774-2012 同步带传动 米制节距 梯形齿同步带 Synchronous belt drives - Metric pitch - Trapezoidal toothed synchronous belts
GB/T 28775-2012 同步带传动 米制节距 梯形齿同步带轮 Synchronous belt drives - Metric pitch - Trapezoidal toothed synchronous pulleys
GB/T 28776-2012 石油和天然气工业用钢制闸阀、截止阀和止回阀(≤DN100) Steel gate, globe and check valve for the petroleum and natural gas industries (for sizes DN100 and smaller)
GB/T 28777-2012 石化工业用阀门的评定 Process valve qualification procedure for the petrochemical industry
GB/T 28778-2012 先导式安全阀 Pilot-operated safety valves
GB/T 28779-2012 滚动轴承 带座外球面球轴承 分类 Rolling bearings - Insert bearing units - Classification
GB/T 28780-2012 机械安全 机器的整体照明 Safety of machinery - Integral lighting of machines
GB/T 28781-2012 气动 缸内径20mm至100mm的紧凑型气缸 基本尺寸、安装尺寸 Pneumatic fluid power Compact cylinders, bores form 20mm to 100mm - Basic dimensions and mounting dimensions
GB/T 28783-2012 气动 标准参考大气 Pneumatic fluid power - Standard reference atmosphere
GB/T 28785-2012 机械振动 大中型转子现场平衡的准则和防护 Mechanical vibration - Criteria and safeguards for the in-situ balancing of medium and large rotors
GB/T 28786-2012 真空技术 真空镀膜层结合强度测量方法 胶带粘贴法 Vacuum technology - Methods of bonding strength measurement for vacuum coating film - Measuring adhesion by tape test
GB/T 28787-2012 城市公共交通调度车载信息终端与调度中心间数据通信协议 Data communication protocol between on-board information terminal of urban public transit dispatching and control center
GB/T 28788-2012 公路地理信息数据采集与质量控制 Road geography data collection and quality control
GB/T 28789-2012 视频交通事件检测器 Video traffic incident detector
GB/T 28790-2012 渔业船舶柴油机节油装置技术条件及检测方法 Technical requirements and measuring methods of fuel saving devices for diesel engines of fishing vessel
GB/T 28791-2012 铁道车辆标志 Sign of railway vehicle
GB/T 28792-2012 列车无线调度通信系统技术条件 Technical specification on radio communication for train control
GB/T 28793-2012 渔业船舶柴油机节油技术要求 Technical requirements of fuel saving for fishing vessel diesel engines
GB/T 28794-2012 渔业船舶油污水分离系统技术要求 Technical requirements of oily-water separation system fishing vessel
GB/T 28795-2012 冷阴极紫外线杀菌灯 Cold cathode ultraviolet germicidal lamps
GB/T 28796-2012 工艺水晶饰品 Craft crystal decoration
GB/T 28797-2012 室内塑料垃圾桶 Indoor plastic trash bin
GB/T 28798-2012 塑料收纳箱 Plastic storage box
GB/T 28800-2012 气枪弹 Air gun pellets
GB/T 28801-2012 气枪 Air guns
GB/T 28802-2012 玉器雕琢通用技术要求 General technical requirements for jade carving
GB/T 28803-2012 消费品安全风险管理导则 Directives for risk management of consumer products safety
GB/T 28804-2012 无铜镀银玻璃镜 Copper-free silver mirror on flat glass
GB/T 28806-2012 轨道交通 机车车辆 机车车辆制成后投入使用前的试验 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Testing of rolling stock on completion of construction and before entry into service
GB/T 28807-2012 轨道交通 机车车辆和列车检测系统的兼容性 Railway applications - Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems
GB/T 28808-2012 轨道交通 通信、信号和处理系统 控制和防护系统软件 Railway applications - Communication, signaling and processing systems - Software for railway control and protection systems
GB/T 28809-2012 轨道交通 通信、信号和处理系统 信号用安全相关电子系统 Railway applications - Communication, signaling and processing systems - Safety related electronic systems for signaling
GB/T 28810-2012 高压开关设备和控制设备 电子及其相关技术在开关设备和控制设备的辅助设备中的应用 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - The use of electronic and associated technologies in auxiliary equipment of switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 28811-2012 高压开关设备和控制设备 基于IEC 61850的数字接口 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Digital interfaces based on IEC 61850
GB/T 28812-2012 地热发电用汽轮机规范 Steam turbine specification for geothermal power station
GB/T 28813-2012 ±800kV直流架空输电线路运行规程 Operating code for ±800kV DC overhead transmission line
GB/T 28814-2012 ±800kV换流站运行规程编制导则 The guide for composition of the ±800kV converter station operating code
GB/T 28815-2012 电力系统实时动态监测主站技术规范 Specification for master station of real-time dynamics monitoring system for power systems
GB/T 28816-2012 燃料电池 术语 Fuel cell - Terminology
GB/T 28817-2012 聚合物电解质燃料电池单电池测试方法 Single cell test methods for polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC)
GB/T 28819-2012 充气高压开关设备用铝合金外壳 Aluminium alloy enclosures for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear
GB/T 28821-2012 关系数据管理系统技术要求 Technical requirements of relational database management system
GB/T 28822-2012 电子名片交换格式通用规范 General specification for the exchange format of electronic business cards
GB/T 28823-2012 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 平台与媒体分类代码XML绑定规范 Information technology - Learning,education and training - Classification code of platform and media XML binding specification
GB/T 28824-2012 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 数字权利描述语言 Information technology - Learning,education and training - Digital rights expression language
GB/T 28825-2012 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 学习对象分类代码 Information technology - Learning, education and training - Classification code of learning object
GB/T 28829-2012 超市等级划分要求 Requirements for supermarket classification
GB/T 28830-2012 特许经营术语 Franchise glossary
GB/T 28831-2012 国际货运单证缮制规范 Code of preparation for international freight forwarding documents
GB/T 28832-2012 国际货运单证缮制质量要求 Requirments on services of preparation for international freight forwarding documents
GB/T 28833-2012 国际物流责任保险投保、索赔规则 Insuring and claiming procedures for international logistics legal liability insurance
GB/T 28834-2012 国际物流责任保险 国际货运代理提单责任险基本要素 International logistics legal liability insurance - Basic elements of international freight forwarding B/L legal liability insurance
GB/T 28835-2012 国际物流责任保险 国际货运代理人责任险基本要素 International logistics legal liability insurance - Basic elements of international freight forwarding legal liability insurance
GB/T 28836-2012 国际物流企业信用评价指标要素 Credit evaluating index elements for international logistics enterprises
GB/T 28837-2012 木质包装检疫处理服务质量要求 Requirement on services of quarantine treatments of wood packing material
GB/T 28838-2012 木质包装热处理作业规范 Guideline on heat treatment for wood packing material
GB/T 28839-2012 进出境货物木质包装申报规范 Declaring rule for wood packing materials of importing and exporting cargo
GB/T 28840-2012 乡(镇)村商业零售店经营规范 Operating standards of township-village commercial retail store
GB/T 28841-2012 家用电子电器维修业服务经营规范 Regulations of service operation for household electronic and electrical appliances maintenance industry
GB/T 28842-2012 药品冷链物流运作规范 Operation specification for drug cold chain logistics
GB/T 28843-2012 食品冷链物流追溯管理要求 Management requirement for traceability in food cold chain logistics
GB/T 28844-2012 针织运动服规格 Sizes for knitted sportwear
GB/T 28845-2012 色织领带丝织物 Yarn-dyed silk fabrics for neckties
GB/T 28846-2012 红领巾 Red scarf
GB/T 28848-2012 智能气体流量计 Intelligent gas flow meter
GB/T 28849-2012 SX系列实验用箱式电阻炉 SX series experimental box-shape resistance furnace
GB/T 28850-2012 恒温槽与恒温循环装置 高温恒温槽 Thermostatic baths and circulators - Heated liquid baths
GB/T 28851-2012 生化培养箱技术条件 Specifications for refrigerated incubators
GB/T 28852-2012 生物人工气候试验箱技术条件 Specifications for climatic chambers for biological applications
GB/T 28853-2012 恒温槽与恒温循环装置 高温恒温循环装置 Thermostatic baths and circulators - Heated circulators
GB/T 28854-2012 硅电容式压力传感器 Silicon capacitive pressure sensor
GB/T 28855-2012 硅基压力传感器 Silicon-based pressure sensors
GB/T 28856-2012 硅压阻式压力敏感芯片 Silicon piezoresistive pressure-sensitive chip
GB/T 28857-2012 直流差动变压器式位移传感器 Direct-current linear variable differential transformer (DC-DC LVDT)displacement transducers
GB/T 28858-2012 电子元器件用酚醛包封料 Encapsulating material of phenolic for electronic components
GB/T 28859-2012 电子元器件用环氧粉末包封料 Encapsulating material of powdered epoxy for electronic components
GB/T 28860-2012 环氧粉末包封料胶化时间测定方法 Test method for the determination of get time of encapsulating material of powdered epoxy
GB/T 28861-2012 环氧粉末包封料熔融流动性试验方法 Test method for measuring melt fluidity of encapsulating material of powdered epoxy
GB/T 28862-2012 环氧粉末包封料试样加工方法 Method for processing sample of encapsulating material of powdered epoxy
GB/T 28863-2012 商品质量监督抽样检验程序 具有先验质量信息的情形 Sampling inspection procedures for commodity applying to the case with prior information of quality
GB/T 28866-2012 独立光伏(PV)系统的特性参数 Characteristic parameters of stand-alone photovoltaic(PV) systems
GB/T 28867-2012 含碱性或其它非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组 方形密封镉镍单体蓄电池 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Sealed nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cells
GB/T 28868-2012 未经涂覆的磁性氧化物环形磁心的尺寸 Dimensions of uncoated ring cores of magnetic oxides
GB/T 28871-2012 铌三锡(Nb3Sn)复合超导体的直流临界电流测量 Critical current measurement-DC critical current of Nb3Sn composite superconductors
GB/T 28872-2012 活细胞样品纳米结构的磁驱动轻敲模式原子力显微镜检测方法 Testing method of magnetic lightly-striking mode atomic force microscope for nanotopography of living cells
GB/T 28873-2012 纳米颗粒生物形貌效应的环境扫描电子显微镜检测方法通则 General guide of environmental scanning electron microscopy for biological effects on topography induced by nanoparticles
GB/T 28874-2012 空间科学实验数据产品分级规范 Specification for level of data products for space science experiments
GB/T 28875-2012 空间科学实验 生物样品要求 Space science experiment - Requirement for biological samples
GB/T 28877-2012 空间科学实验通用要求 General requirements for space science experiments
GB/T 28879-2012 电工仪器仪表产品型号编制方法 Nomenclature of model for electrotechnical instruments
GB/T 28880-2012 无损检测 不用电子测量仪器对脉冲反射式超声检测系统性能特性的评定 Non-destructive testing - Evaluating performance characteristics of ultrasonic pulse-echo testing systems without the use of electronic measurement instruments
GB/T 28882-2012 离子型稀土矿碳酸稀土 Rare earth carbonate of ion-absorpted type rare earth ore
GB/T 28885-2012 燃气服务导则 Specifications for City gas service
GB/T 28886-2012 建筑用塑料门 Plastic door for buildings
GB/T 28887-2012 建筑用塑料窗 Plastic window for buildings
GB/T 28888-2012 下水道及化粪池气体监测技术要求 Technical requirements of gas monitoring for sewer and septic tanks
GB/T 28889-2012 复合材料面内剪切性能试验方法 Test method for In-plane shear properties of composite materials
GB/T 28890-2012 建筑陶瓷机械术语 Terms of building ceramic machinery
GB/T 28891-2012 纤维增强塑料复合材料 单向增强材料Ⅰ型层间断裂韧性GⅠC的测定 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites - Determination of mode Ⅰinterlaminar fracture toughness GⅠC for unidirectionally reinforced materials
GB/T 28892-2012 表面化学分析 X射线光电子能谱 选择仪器性能参数的表述 Surface chemical analysis - X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy -Description of selected instrumental performance parameters
GB/T 28893-2012 表面化学分析 俄歇电子能谱和X射线光电子能谱 测定峰强度的方法和报告结果所需的信息 Surface Chemical Analysis - Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - Methods used to determine peak intensities and information required when reporting results
GB/T 28894-2012 表面化学分析 分析前样品的处理 Surface chemical analysis - Handling of specimens prior to analysis
GB/T 28895-2012 防护服装 抗油易去污防静电防护服 Protective clothing - Performance requirements of oil repellency, sorl release, antistatic clothing
GB/T 28896-2012 金属材料 焊接接头准静态断裂韧度测定的试验方法 Metallic Materials - Method of test for the determination of quasistatic fracture toughness of welds
GB/T 28897-2012 钢塑复合管 Steel pipes of complex plastic
GB/T 28898-2012 冶金材料化学成分分析测量不确定度评定 Evaluation of uncertainty in chemical composition analysis for metallurgical materials
GB/T 28899-2012 冷轧带肋钢筋用热轧盘条 Wire rods for cold rolled ribbed steel bars
GB/T 28900-2012 钢筋混凝土用钢材试验方法 Test methods of steel for reinforcement of concrete
GB/T 28901-2012 焦炉煤气组分气相色谱分析方法 Analysis of coke-oven gas composition by gas chromatography
GB/T 28902-2012 电解抛光用不锈钢丝 Electvolytic polishing for stainless steel wires
GB/T 28903-2012 辐条用不锈钢丝 Stainless steel wire for spoike
GB/T 28904-2012 钢铝复合用钢带 Steel strips for steel-aluminum composite
GB/T 28905-2012 建筑用低屈服强度钢板 Low yield strength steel plates for construction
GB/T 28906-2012 冷镦钢热轧盘条 Hot rolled wire rod for cold heading
GB/T 28907-2012 耐硫酸露点腐蚀钢板和钢带 Sulfuric acid dew-point corrosion resistance steel plates and strips
GB/T 28908-2012 高纯金属铬 High-purity chromium metal
GB/T 28909-2012 超高强度结构用热处理钢板 Extra-high strength structural steel plates in the heat-treatment condition
GB/T 28910-2012 原油流变性测定方法 The measurement method of crude oil rheological properties
GB/T 28911-2012 石油天然气钻井工程术语 Vocabulary of drilling engineering for the petroleum and natural gas
GB/T 28912-2012 岩石中两相流体相对渗透率测定方法 Test method for two phase relative permeability in rock
GB/T 28913-2012 成人教育培训服务术语 Terminology of adult education and training service
GB/T 28914-2012 成人教育培训工作者服务能力评价 Evaluation of training worker′s service capability in abult education and training
GB/T 28915-2012 成人教育培训组织服务通则 General service guideline for adult education and training organizations
GB/T 28916-2012 家务服务基本要求 Basic requirement for housework service
GB/T 28917-2012 医院陪护服务基本要求 Basic requirement for hospital accompany service
GB/T 28918-2012 家庭育婴服务基本要求 Basic requirement for nursery service at home
GB/T 28919-2012 康复训练器械 站立架 Rehabilitation training devices - Standing frames
GB/T 28920-2012 教学实验用危险固体、液体的使用与保管 Operation and management for dangerous solids and liquids in educational experiments
GB/T 28921-2012 自然灾害分类与代码 Classification and codes for natural disasters
GB/T 28922-2012 残疾人辅助器具 日常生活的环境控制系统 Technical aids for persons with disability - Environmental control systems for daily living
GB/T 28924-2012 钢铁企业能效指数计算导则 Guides for calculating energy efficiency index of an iron and steel enterprise
GB/T 28925-2012 信息技术 射频识别 2.45GHz空中接口协议 Information technology - Radio frequency identification - Air interface protocol at 2.45 GHz
GB/T 28926-2012 信息技术 射频识别 2.45GHz空中接口符合性测试方法 Information technology - Radio frequency identification - Conformance test methods for air interface at 2.45GHz
GB/T 28927-2012 度假社区服务质量规范 Specification for service quality of resort community
GB/T 28928-2012 社区休闲服务质量导则 The guidelines for community leisure service
GB/T 28929-2012 休闲农庄服务质量规范 Specification for service quality of recreation granges
GB/T 28930-2012 学生使用电脑卫生要求 Hygienic requirements of computer usage for students
GB/T 28933-2012 职业经理人通用考评要素 General evaluation elements of professional managers
GB/T 28934-2012 职业经理人培训规范 Training specification for professional managers
GB/T 28935-2012 拆装式游泳池 Assembled swimming pool
GB/T 28939-2012 游泳池拆装式垫层 Assembled padding for swimming pool
GB/T 28940-2012 病媒生物感染病原体采样规程 鼠类 Sampling procedure of vector infected by pathogens - Rodent
GB/T 28941-2012 病媒生物感染病原体采样规程 蚊虫 Sampling procedure of vector infected by pathogens - Mosquito
GB/T 28942-2012 病媒生物感染病原体采样规程 蚤 Sampling procedure of vector infected by pathogens - Flea
GB/T 28943-2012 病媒生物危害风险评估原则与指南 鼠类 Principle and guideline of risk assessment of vectors - Rodent
GB/T 28944-2012 病媒生物应急监测与控制 水灾 Vector surveillance and control in emergencies - Flood disaster
GB/T 28945-2012 便携式制动性能测试仪 Portable braking performance tester for vehicles
GB/T 28946-2012 移动式摩托车安全技术检测线 Mobile motorcycle safety technology inspection lane
GB/T 28947-2012 船舶与海上技术 海上撤离系统 通信方法 Ships and marine technology - Marine evacuation systems - Means of communication
GB/T 28948-2012 商用车辆 前端牵引装置 Commercial vehicle - Front towing attachments
GB/T 28949-2012 内燃机和空气压缩机用进气空气滤清器 性能试验 Inlet air cleaning equipment for internal combustion engines and compressors - Performance testing
GB/T 28951-2012 中国森林认证 森林经营 Forest certification in China - Forest management
GB/T 28952-2012 中国森林认证 产销监管链 Forest certification in China - Chain of custody
GB/T 28953-2012 汽车柴油机 旋装式燃油滤清器 安装和连接尺寸 Automotive diesel - Spin-on fuel filters for diesel engines - Mounting and connecting dimensions
GB/T 28954-2012 汽车发动机 旋装式机油滤清器 连接尺寸 Automotive engines - Spin-on filters for lubricating oil - Connect dimensions
GB/T 28955-2012 道路车辆 全流式机油滤清器滤芯 尺寸 Road vehicles - Filter elements for full flow oil filters - Dimensions
GB/T 28958-2012 乘用车低温性能试验方法 Test methods of low temperature performance for passenger car
GB/T 28959-2012 汽车柴油机 具有垂直安装面的燃油滤清器滤座 安装和连接尺寸 Automotive diesel - Heads for fuel filters with vertical flange- Mounting and connecting dimensions
GB/T 28960-2012 汽车柴油机 具有水平安装面的旋装式燃油滤清器滤座 安装和连接尺寸 Automotive diesel - Heads for fuel filters with horizontal flange - Mounting and connecting dimensions
GB/T 28961-2012 汽车柴油机 双级燃油滤清器 安装和连接尺寸 Automotive diesel - Two-stage fuel filters for Compression-ignition engines - Mounting and connecting dimensions
GB/T 28962-2012 液化石油气汽车定型试验规程 Approval evaluation test program for liquefied petroleum gas vehicles
GB/T 28963-2012 船舶与海上技术 船用厨房烹调设备灭火系统 Ships and marine technology - Fire-extinguishing systems for protection of galley cooking equipment
GB/T 28964-2012 小艇 舱底泵系统 Small craft - Bilge-pumping systems
GB/T 28965-2012 抓斗挖泥船疏浚监控系统 Grab dredger supervisory control system
GB/T 28966-2012 绞吸/斗轮挖泥船疏浚监控系统 Cutter/bucket-wheel dredger supervisory control system
GB/T 28967-2012 电子收费 车道系统技术要求 Electronic toll collection - Technical requirement for the lane system
GB/T 28968-2012 电子收费 车道配套设施技术要求 Electronic toll collection - Technical requirement for facilities of the lane system
GB/T 28969-2012 电子收费 车载单元初始化设备 Electronic toll collection - On board unit initialize equipment
GB/T 28970-2012 道路交通运输 地理信息系统 数据字典要求 Road transportation - Geographic information system - Requirements for data dictionaries
GB/T 28971-2012 卷烟 侧流烟气中烟草特有N-亚硝胺的测定 气相色谱-热能分析仪法 Cigarettes - Determination of tobacco specific N-nitrosamines in sidestream smoke GC-TEA method
GB/T 28972-2012 出口植物检疫出证体系 Export certification system for plant quarantine
GB/T 28973-2012 番茄环斑病毒检疫鉴定方法 纳米颗粒增敏胶体金免疫层析法 Detection and identification of Tomato ring spot virus - Nanoparticles-enlarged in colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay
GB/T 28974-2012 马铃薯A病毒检疫鉴定方法 纳米颗粒增敏胶体金免疫层析法 Detection and identification of Potato virus A-Nanoparticles-enlarged in colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay
GB/T 28975-2012 莴苣花叶病毒检疫鉴定方法 纳米颗粒增敏胶体金免疫层析法 Detection and identification of Lettuce mosaic virus - Nanoparticles-enlarged in colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay
GB/T 28976-2012 草莓潜隐环斑病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Strawberry latent ringspot virus
GB/T 28977-2012 菊花滑刃线虫检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi(Schwartz) Steiner & Buhrer
GB/T 28978-2012 马铃薯环腐病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus
GB/T 28979-2012 欧芹壳针孢检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Septoria petroselini
GB/T 28980-2012 松异带蛾检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermüller)
GB/T 28981-2012 齿兰环斑病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Odontoglossum ringspot virus
GB/T 28982-2012 番茄斑萎病毒PCR检测方法 Detection of Tomato spotted wilt virus by PCR
GB/T 28983-2012 南洋臀纹粉蚧检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Planococcus lilacinus (Cockerell)
GB/T 28984-2012 香蕉苞片花叶病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Banana bract mosaic virus
GB/T 28985-2012 建筑结构用木工字梁 Wood I-jiost for building structures
GB/T 28986-2012 结构用木质复合材产品力学性能评定 Specification for evaluation of structural composite lumber products
GB/T 28987-2012 结构用规格材特征值的测试方法 Standard methods for development of characteristic mechanical values for structural lumber
GB/T 28988-2012 花卉主要刺吸式害虫检测规程 Regulations for detection of major sucking pests on floral plants
GB/T 28989-2012 富贵竹生产技术规程 Technical specification of production for lucky bamboo
GB/T 28990-2012 古建筑木构件内部腐朽与弹性模量应力波无损检测规程 Code for non-destructive evaluation of interior decay and modulus of elasticity of historic building wood members by stress wave methods
GB/T 28991-2012 油茶良种选育技术 Breeding technique of oil-tea camellia
GB/T 28992-2012 热处理实木地板 Heat-treated solid wood flooring
GB/T 28993-2012 结构用锯材力学性能测试方法 Standard test methods for mechanical properties of structural lumber
GB/T 28994-2012 木质楼梯 wooden stair
GB/T 28995-2012 人造板饰面专用纸 Special paper for wood-based panels decoration
GB/T 28996-2012 涂装水泥刨花板 Decoration cement bonded particleboard
GB/T 28997-2012 舞台用木质地板 Wooden flooring for stage use
GB/T 28998-2012 重组装饰材 Multilaminar decorative lumber
GB/T 28999-2012 重组装饰单板 Multilaminar decorative veneer
GB/T 29000-2012 单板干燥节能技术规范 Technical specifications for veneer drying energy-saving
GB/T 29002-2012 全喂入联合收割机 燃油消耗量指标及测量方法 Whole-feed combine harvester - Evaluation index and measurement methods for fuel consumption
GB/T 29003-2012 半喂入联合收割机 燃油消耗量指标及测量方法 Head-feed combine harvester - Evaluation index and measurement methods for fuel consumption
GB/T 29004-2012 水稻插秧机 燃油消耗量指标及测量方法 Rice transplanter - Evaluation index and measurement methods for fuel consumption
GB/T 29005-2012 组合米机 耗电量指标及测量方法 The combined rice mill - Evaluation index and measurement methods for electrical energy consumption
GB/T 29006-2012 农用榨油机 耗电量指标及测量方法 Agricultural oil press - Evaluation index and measurement methods for electrical energy consumption
GB/T 29007-2012 甘蔗地深耕、深松机械作业技术规范 Technical specification for operation of deep plowing and subsoiling machinery in sugarcane field
GB/T 29008-2012 农林轮式拖拉机 行车制动装置的性能要求 Wheeled tractors for agricultural and forestry - Performance requirements of service braking device
GB/T 29009-2012 建筑施工机械与设备 移动式破碎机 术语和商业规格 Building construction machinery and equipment - Mobile crushers - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 29010-2012 建筑施工机械与设备 履带式建设废弃物处理机械 术语和商业规格 Building construction machinery and equipment - Crawler mounted recycling equipment for construction waste - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 29011-2012 建筑施工机械与设备 液压式钢板桩压拔桩机 术语和商业规格 Building construction machinery and equipment - Hydraulic sheet pile press-in and extraction machinery - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 29012-2012 道路施工与养护机械设备 道路灌缝机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Road joint sealing machine
GB/T 29013-2012 道路施工与养护机械设备 滑模式水泥混凝土摊铺机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Slipform paver
GB/T 29015-2012 装盒机通用技术条件 General specification of cartoning machine
GB/T 29016-2012 直线式粘流体灌装机 Linear filling machine with high viscosity fluid
GB/T 29017-2012 连续式喷码机 Continuous ink jet printer
GB/T 29018-2012 软管灌装封尾机 Soft tube filling and sealing machine
GB/T 29019-2012 透明膜折叠式裹包机 Transparent film fold wrapping machine
GB/T 29020-2012 电子数粒机 Electronic granulation counter
GB/T 29021-2012 石油天然气工业 游梁式抽油机 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Beam pumping units
GB/T 29022-2012 粒度分析 动态光散射法(DLS) Particle size analysis - Dynamic light scattering(DLS)
GB/T 29025-2012 粒度分析 电阻法 Determination of particle size distributions - Electrical sensing zone method
GB/T 29026-2012 低温介质用弹簧直接载荷式安全阀 Spring loaded safety valve for cryogenic service
GB/T 29027-2012 大型鼓形齿式联轴器 Large curved tooth coupling
GB/T 29028-2012 SWZ型大型整体轴承座十字轴式万向联轴器 SWZ large universal coupling with bearing box
GB/T 29029-2012 大型盐水制冰机组 Large-scale saline ice making installation
GB/T 29030-2012 容积式CO2制冷压缩机(组) Positive displacement CO2 refrigerant compressor(unit)
GB/T 29031-2012 空气源单元式空调(热泵)热水机组 Air-source based air-conditioning(heat pump)water heater unit
GB/T 29032-2012 片冰制冰机 Flake ice machines
GB/T 29033-2012 水-水热泵机组热力学完善度的计算方法 Calculation method of water-water heat pump units on the basis of thermodynamic perfectibility
GB/T 29034-2012 无损检测 工业计算机层析成像(CT)指南 Non-destructive testing - Guide for industrial computed tomography (CT) imaging
GB/T 29035-2012 柔性石墨填料环试验方法 Test method for physical-mechanical performance of flexible graphite ring
GB/T 29036-2012 不锈钢表面氧化着色 技术规范和试验方法 Coloring of stainless steel by Oxidation - Specification and test methods
GB/T 29037-2012 热喷涂 抗高温腐蚀和氧化的保护涂层 Thermal spraying - Coatings for protection against corrosion and oxidation at elevated temperatures
GB/T 29038-2012 薄壁不锈钢管道技术规范 Engineering technical code for light gauge stainless steel pipes
GB/T 29040-2012 汽车轮胎滚动阻力试验方法 单点试验和测量结果的相关性 Test methods of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres - Single point test and correlation of measurement results
GB/T 29041-2012 汽车轮胎道路磨耗试验方法 Road wear testing methods for motor vehicle tyres
GB/T 29042-2012 汽车轮胎滚动阻力限值 Thresholds of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres
GB/T 29043-2012 建筑幕墙保温性能分级及检测方法 Graduation and test method for thermal insulating properties of curtain walls
GB/T 29044-2012 采暖空调系统水质 Water quality for heating and air conditioning systems
GB/T 29045-2012 预制轻薄型热水辐射供暖板 Thin prefabricated hot water radiant heating board
GB/T 29046-2012 城镇供热预制直埋保温管道技术指标检测方法 Test methods of technical specification for pre-insulated directly buried district heating pipes
GB/T 29047-2012 高密度聚乙烯外护管硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料预制直埋保温管及管件 Prefabricated directly buried insulating pipes and fittings with polyurethane [PUR]foamed-plastics and high density polyethylene [PE]casing pipes
GB/T 29048-2012 窗的启闭力试验方法 Operating forces - Test method - Windows
GB/T 29049-2012 整樘门 垂直荷载试验 Doorsets - Vertical load test
GB/T 29050-2012 道路用抗车辙剂沥青混凝土 Anti-rutting agent asphalt concrete for road engineering
GB/T 29051-2012 道路用阻燃沥青混凝土 Concrete of flame retardant asphalt for road engineering
GB/T 29052-2012 工业蒸汽锅炉节水降耗技术导则 Guide for techniques of water and energy saving in industrial steam boiler system
GB/T 29053-2012 防尘防毒基本术语 Basic terminology of dust and poison control
GB/T 29054-2012 太阳能级铸造多晶硅块 Solar-grade casting multi-crystalline silicon brick
GB/T 29055-2012 太阳电池用多晶硅片 Multi-crystalline silicon wafer for solar cell
GB/T 29056-2012 硅外延用三氯氢硅化学分析方法 硼、铝、磷、钒、铬、锰、铁、钴、镍、铜、钼、砷和锑量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Trichlorosilane for silicon epitaxy - Determination of boron,aluminium,phosphorus,vanadium,chrome,manganese,iron,cobalt,nickel,copper,molybdenum,arsenic and antimony content - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric method
GB/T 29057-2012 用区熔拉晶法和光谱分析法评价多晶硅棒的规程 Practice for evaluation of polocrystalline silicon rods by float-zone crystal growth and spectroscopy
GB/T 29058-2012 墙材工业机械安全技术要求 总则 Building industrial machine safety technical requirements - General principles
GB/T 29059-2012 超薄石材复合板 Compound slab of extremely thin stone
GB/T 29060-2012 复合保温砖和复合保温砌块 The bricks & blocks composited insulation materials
GB/T 29061-2012 建筑玻璃用功能膜 Performance films for glass in building
GB/T 29062-2012 蒸压泡沫混凝土砖和砌块 Autoclaved foam concrete bricks and blocks
GB/T 29063-2012 道路车辆 制动衬片摩擦材料 气制动商用车性能试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Standard performance test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakes
GB/T 29064-2012 道路车辆 制动衬片摩擦材料 汽车制动系统摩擦性能评价方法 Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials — Friction behaviour assessment method for automotive brake systems
GB/T 29065-2012 道路车辆 制动衬片摩擦材料 涂漆背板和制动蹄耐腐蚀性能评价方法 Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Evaluation method of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes
GB/T 29066-2012 道路车辆 制动衬片摩擦材料 气制动商用车磨损试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake lining friction materials - Standard wear test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakes
GB/T 29067-2012 无损检测 工业计算机层析成像(CT)图像测量方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for measuring industrial computed tomography (CT) image
GB/T 29068-2012 无损检测 工业计算机层析成像(CT)系统选型指南 Non-destructive testing - Guide for industrial computed tomography (CT) system selection
GB/T 29069-2012 无损检测 工业计算机层析成像(CT)系统性能测试方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for measurement of industrial computed tomography (CT) system performance
GB/T 29070-2012 无损检测 工业计算机层析成像(CT)检测 通用要求 Non-destructive testing - Industrial computed tomography (CT) testing - General requirements
GB/T 29071-2012 无损检测 火工装置工业计算机层析成像(CT)检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for industrial computed tomography (CT) examination of initiating explosive device
GB/T 29072-2012 航天器研制技术流程编写规则 Drafting rules of technical network for spacecraft development
GB/T 29073-2012 航天器研制计划流程编写规则 Drafting rules of schedule network for spacecraft development
GB/T 29074-2012 宇航元器件鉴定要求 Requirements for qualification of space components
GB/T 29075-2012 航天器概率风险评估程序 Probabilistic risk assessment procedure for spacecrafts
GB/T 29076-2012 航天产品质量问题归零实施要求 Execution requirements for quality problem close loop of aerospace product
GB/T 29077-2012 星箭界面飞行环境遥测数据处理要求 Launch-vehicle-to-spacecraft flight environments telemetry data processing requirement
GB/T 29078-2012 航天器发射窗口设计指南 Design guidelines for spacecraft launch window
GB/T 29079-2012 航天器轨道分类及常用参数符号 Classification and parameter symbols for orbits and trajectories of spacecraft
GB/T 29080-2012 地球同步轨道通信卫星飞行结果评定 Evaluation for flight results of geosynchronous communications satellite
GB/T 29081-2012 航天器模态计算方法 Modal analysis for spacecraft
GB/T 29082-2012 卫星贮存要求 Storage requirements for satellite
GB/T 29083-2012 航天器易燃、易爆、有毒物品及放射源的安全性要求 Safety requirement for flammable material, explosive device, toxic gas and radioactive sources in spacecraft
GB/T 29084-2012 航天器接地要求 Grounding requirements of spacecraft
GB/T 29085-2012 卫星防污染技术要求 Technical requirements for contamination control of satellite
GB/T 29086-2012 钢丝绳 安全 使用和维护 Steel wire ropes - Safety - Use and maintenance
GB/T 29087-2012 非调质冷镦钢热轧盘条 Non-quenched and tempered steel wire rod for cold heading
GB/T 29088-2012 金属和合金的腐蚀 双环电化学动电位再活化测量方法 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Electrochemical potentiokinetic reactivation measurement using the double loop method
GB/T 29089-2012 球形焊锡粉 Spherical tin-solder powder
GB/T 29090-2012 电池废料的取样方法 Sampling method of battery scraps
GB/T 29091-2012 铜及铜合金牌号和代号表示方法 Copper and copper alloy designation and code system
GB/T 29092-2012 镁及镁合金压铸缺陷术语 Magnesium and magnesium alloy terms and definitions of die-castings defects
GB/T 29093-2012 地下杆式抽油泵用无缝铜合金管 Seamless copper alloy tubes for subsurface sucker rod pumps
GB/T 29094-2012 铜及铜合金状态表示方法 Temper designations for copper and copper alloys
GB/T 29095-2012 道路交通管理数据字典 交通检测器 Road traffic management data dictionary - Traffic detector
GB/T 29096-2012 道路交通管理数据字典 交通事件数据 Road traffic management data dictionary - Traffic event data
GB/T 29097-2012 道路交通管理数据字典 交通网络 Road traffic management data dictionary - Traffic network
GB/T 29098-2012 道路交通管理数据字典 交通信号控制 Road traffic management data dictionary - Traffic signal control
GB/T 29099-2012 道路交通信息服务 浮动车历史数据交换存储格式 Road traffic information service - The exchange and storage format of historical probe data
GB/T 29100-2012 道路交通信息服务 交通事件分类与编码 Road traffic information service - Traffic event classification and coding
GB/T 29101-2012 道路交通信息服务 数据服务质量规范 Road traffic information service - Specification for data services quality
GB/T 29102-2012 道路交通信息服务 通过调频数据广播发布的道路交通信息 Road traffic information service - Traffic information via frequency modulation sub-carrier
GB/T 29103-2012 道路交通信息服务 通过可变情报板发布的交通信息 Road traffic information service - Traffic information issued by variable message signs
GB/T 29104-2012 道路交通信息服务 长途客运线路信息 Road traffic information service - Long-distance passenger transportation route information
GB/T 29105-2012 道路交通信息服务 浮动车数据编码 Road traffic Information service - Probe data coding
GB/T 29106-2012 道路交通信息服务 公路信息亭技术要求 Road traffic information service - Specification for highway information kiosk
GB/T 29107-2012 道路交通信息服务 交通状况描述 Road traffic information service - Traffic condition description
GB/T 29108-2012 道路交通信息服务 术语 Road traffic information service - Terminology
GB/T 29109-2012 道路交通信息服务 通过无线电台发布的交通信息 Road traffic information service - Traffic information data distributed by radio
GB/T 29110-2012 道路交通信息服务 公共汽电车线路信息基础数据元 Road traffic information service - Basic data element of bus line information
GB/T 29111-2012 道路交通信息服务 通过蜂窝网络发布的交通信息 Road traffic information service - Traffic information distributed via cell network
GB/T 29112-2012 船舶防污染术语 Terminology for the prevention of pollution from ships
GB/T 29113-2012 海上救助船舶设备配置技术要求 Technical requirements for equipments of maritime rescue vessels
GB/T 29114-2012 燃气轮机液体燃料 Specifications of gas turbine fuels
GB/T 29115-2012 工业企业节约原材料评价导则 Evaluating guide for raw material saving of industrial enterprises
GB/T 29116-2012 工业企业原材料消耗计算通则 General principles for calculation of raw material consumption in industrial enterprises
GB/T 29117-2012 节约型学校评价导则 Evaluating guide for resource conserving schools
GB/T 29118-2012 节约型机关评价导则 Evaluating guide for resource conserving government agencies
GB/T 29119-2012 煤层气资源勘查技术规范 Technical specification of coalbed methane resource exploration
GB/T 29120-2012 H点和R点确定程序 Procedure for H-point and R-point Determination
GB/T 29121-2012 道路车辆 乘用车列车 横向稳定性试验 Road vehicles - Passenger car-trailer combinations - Lateral stability test
GB/T 29122-2012 摩托车和轻便摩托车防篡改 Anti-tampering measures for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 29123-2012 示范运行氢燃料电池电动汽车技术规范 Specifications for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in demonstration
GB/T 29124-2012 氢燃料电池电动汽车示范运行配套设施规范 Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles facilities for demonstration specifications
GB/T 29125-2012 压缩天然气汽车燃料消耗量试验方法 Test methods for fuel consumption of CNG vehicles
GB/T 29126-2012 燃料电池电动汽车 车载氢系统 试验方法 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Onboard hydrogen system - Test methods
GB/T 29127-2012 救生艇及吊钩释放系统定期检验维护方法 Measures for periodic servicing and maintenance of lifeboats and release gears
GB/T 29128-2012 船舶固定式气体灭火系统通用要求 General requirements for marine fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
GB/T 29129-2012 船舶交流发电机组用柴油发动机 Marine disel engine for alternating current generating sets
GB/T 29130-2012 船用发动机转速表 Ships-tachomaters for marine engines
GB/T 29131-2012 船用钢丝绳隔振器 Wire rope isolator for ships
GB/T 29132-2012 船舶与海上技术 海上环境保护 不同围油栏接头之间的连接适配器 Ships and marine technology - Marine environmental protection - Adaptor for joining dissimilar boom connectors
GB/T 29133-2012 船舶和海上技术 ECS数据库 内容、质量、更新和测试 Ships and marine technology - ECS databases - Contene,quality,updating and testing
GB/T 29134-2012 船舶和海上技术 导航 白昼信号灯 Ships and marine technology - Navigation - Daylight signalling lamps
GB/T 29135-2012 耙吸挖泥船疏浚监控系统 Hopper dredger supervisory control system
GB/T 29147-2012 钢铁生产余热资源计算方法 涂镀 Methodology of the calculation of residuary heat resource during manufacturing of prepainted and galvanized steel
GB/T 29148-2012 温室节能技术通则 Technical code for energy saving of greenhouses
GB/T 29149-2012 公共机构能源资源计量器具配备和管理要求 Requirements for equipping and managing of measuring instruments of energy and resource in public institutions
GB/T 29150-2012 垃圾卫生填埋场封场恢复植被生产线 The equipment for renewing the plant cover
GB/T 29151-2012 城镇粪便消纳站 The plant of town night soil
GB/T 29152-2012 垃圾焚烧尾气处理设备 Flue gas cleaning system for municipal solid waste incineration
GB/T 29153-2012 中水再生利用装置 Water reclamation and reuse facility
GB/T 29154-2012 燃煤锅炉袋式除尘器 The bag filter for coal fired boiler
GB/T 29155-2012 透明翡翠(无色)分级 Transparent jadeite(colorless)grading
GB/T 29156-2012 金属复合装饰板材生产生命周期评价技术规范(产品种类规则) Production life cycle assessment specification for metal-plastic decorative panel(Product category rules)
GB/T 29157-2012 浮法玻璃生产生命周期评价技术规范(产品种类规则) Production life cycle assessment specification for float glass(Product category rules)
GB/T 29158-2012 带辅助能源的太阳能热水系统(储水箱容积大于0.6m3)技术规范 Technical code for solar-plus-supplementary water heating system (tank capacity more than 0.6m3)
GB/T 29159-2012 全玻璃真空太阳集热管用玻璃管 The glass tube for all-glass evacuated solar collector tubes
GB/T 29160-2012 带辅助能源的太阳能热水系统(储水箱容积大于0.6m3)性能试验方法 Test methods for solar-plus-supplementary water heating system (tank capacity more than 0.6m3)
GB/T 29161-2012 中子活化型煤炭在线分析仪 Specifications of on-line analyzer for coal based on neutron activation analysis
GB/T 29162-2012 煤矸石分类 Classification of gangue
GB/T 29163-2012 煤矸石利用技术导则 Technical guidance for the utilization of gangue
GB/T 29164-2012 煤炭成分分析和物理特性测量标准物质应用导则 Guide for utilization of certified reference materials for composition analysis and physical property measurements of coal
GB/T 29166-2012 石油天然气工业 钢制钻杆 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel drill pipe
GB/T 29167-2012 石油天然气工业 管道输送系统 基于可靠性的极限状态方法 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Reliability-based limit state methods
GB/T 29169-2012 石油天然气工业 在用钻柱构件的检验和分级 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Inspection and classification of used drill stem elements
GB/T 29170-2012 石油天然气工业 钻井液实验室测试 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling fluids - Laboratory testing
GB/T 29171-2012 岩石毛管压力曲线的测定 Rock capillary pressure measurement
GB/T 29172-2012 岩心分析方法 Practices for core analysis
GB/T 29173-2012 油气地球化学勘探试样测定方法 Determination method for samples of geochemical exploration for oil and gas
GB/T 29174-2012 物质恒温稳定性的热分析试验方法 Thermal analysis test method for constant-temperature stability of materials
GB/T 29175-2012 消防应急救援 技术训练指南 Fire emergency rescue - Guidelines for technical training
GB/T 29176-2012 消防应急救援 通则 Fire emergency rescue - General rules
GB/T 29177-2012 消防应急救援 训练设施要求 Fire emergency rescue - Requirements for training facilities
GB/T 29178-2012 消防应急救援 装备配备指南 Fire emergency rescue - Guidelines for equipment allocation
GB/T 29179-2012 消防应急救援 作业规程 Fire emergency rescue - Code of practice for operation
GB/T 29181-2012 术语工作 计算机应用 术语信息置标框架 Computer applications in terminology - Terminological markup framework
GB/T 29182-2012 信息与文献 图书馆绩效指标 Information and documentation - Library performance indicators
GB/T 29183-2012 红外热像法检测 建设工程现场通用技术要求 Infrared thermographic inspection - General technical requirements of in-situ inspection on construction engineering
GB/T 29184-2012 物流单证分类与编码 Classification and coding of logistics documents
GB/T 29185-2012 品牌价值 术语 Brand value - Vocabulary
GB/T 29186-2012 品牌价值 要素 Brand value - Elements
GB/T 29187-2012 品牌评价 品牌价值评价要求 Brand valuation - Requirements for monetary brand valuation
GB/T 29188-2012 品牌评价 多周期超额收益法 Brand valuation - Multi-cycle excess earnings method
GB/T 29189-2012 碳纳米管氧化温度及灰分的热重分析法 Thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) for determination of oxidation temperature and ash content of carbon nanotubes
GB/T 29190-2012 扫描探针显微镜漂移速率测量方法 Measurement methods of drift rate of scanning probe microscope
GB/T 29191-2012 共性服务信息描述规范 Specification for description of common service information
GB/T 29192-2012 城市交通流信息采集与存储 Urban traffic flow information collection and storage
GB/T 29193-2012 国际贸易术语字母代码 Alphabetic code for incoterms
GB/T 29194-2012 电子文件管理系统通用功能要求 General functional requirements for electronic records management syetem
GB/T 29195-2012 地面用晶体硅太阳电池总规范 General specification of crystalline silicon terrestrial solar cells
GB/T 29196-2012 独立光伏系统 技术规范 Technical specification for stand-alone photovoltaic systems
GB/T 29197-2012 铜包铝线 Copper-clad aluminum wire
GB/T 29198-2012 No.7信令与IP互通适配层技术要求 消息传递部分(MTP)第二级对等适配层(M2PA) Technical requirements of adaptation layer of No.7 signalling interworking with IP—MTP2 peer-to-peer adaptation layer
GB/T 29199-2012 光缆防鼠性能测试方法 Test methods for rodent resistance of optical fiber cable
GB/T 29200-2012 公用电信网设备安全测试方法 主叫用户号码信息 Test method for public telecommunication network equipments security - Calling party number information
GB/T 29228-2012 公用电信网设备安全技术要求 主叫用户号码信息 Technical requirements for public telecommunication network equipments security - Calling party number information
GB/T 29229-2012 基于以太网方式的无源光网络(EPON)技术要求 Technical requirements for ethernet passive optical network (EPON)
GB/T 29231-2012 塑料光纤系统用650nm百兆以太网光-电-光转发器 Opto-electronic-opto transceiver of 650nm 100Mbps ethernet for plastic optical fiber transmission system
GB/T 29232-2012 650nm百兆以太网塑料光纤网络适配器 Network adapter of 650nm 100Mbps ethernet for plastic optical fiber
GB/T 29233-2012 管道、直埋和非自承式架空敷设用单模通信室外光缆 Singlemode optical fibre telecommunication cables for outdoor duct, directly buried, and lashed aerial application
GB/T 29234-2012 基于公用电信网的宽带客户网络安全技术要求 Security technical requirements for broadband customer network based on telecommunication network
GB/T 29236-2012 通信网络设备可回收性能评价准则 Criteria for evaluating recoverability of telecommunication infrastructure equipment
GB/T 29237-2012 通信终端产品可回收性能评价准则 Criteria for evaluating recoverability of telecommunication terminal equipment
GB/T 29238-2012 移动终端设备节能参数和测试方法 The parameter and measurement of energy saving for the mobile equipment
GB/T 29239-2012 移动通信设备节能参数和测试方法 基站 Energy efficiency metrics and measurement method for mobile communication equipment - Base station
GB/T 29240-2012 信息安全技术 终端计算机通用安全技术要求与测试评价方法 Information security technology - General security technique requirements and testing and evaluation method for terminal computer
GB/T 29241-2012 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 PKI互操作性评估准则 Information security technology - Public key infrastructure - PKI interoperability evaluation criteria
GB/T 29242-2012 信息安全技术 鉴别与授权 安全断言标记语言 Information security technology - Authentication and authorization - Security assertion markup language
GB/T 29243-2012 信息安全技术 数字证书代理认证路径构造和代理验证规范 Information security technology - Specifications of delegated certification path construction and delegated validation for digital certificate
GB/T 29244-2012 信息安全技术 办公设备基本安全要求 Information security technology - Basic security requirements for office devices
GB/T 29245-2012 信息安全技术 政府部门信息安全管理基本要求 Information security techniques - Basic requirements of information security for national department
GB/T 29246-2012 信息技术 安全技术 信息安全管理体系 概述和词汇 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Overview and vocabulary
GB/T 29247-2012 工业自动化仪表通用试验方法 General methods for testing the performance of industrial process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 29248-2012 基础电泳装置 Basic electrophoresis system
GB/T 29249-2012 电子称量式烘干法水分测定仪 Electronic weighing moisture analyzer of oven drying
GB/T 29250-2012 远红外线干燥箱 Far infrared ovens
GB/T 29251-2012 真空干燥箱 Vacuum ovens
GB/T 29252-2012 实验室仪器和设备质量检验规则 Rule of the quality inspection of laboratory instruments and equipments
GB/T 29253-2012 实验室仪器和设备常用图形符号 Major graphical symbols for laboratory instruments and equipment
GB/T 29254-2012 实验室反应釜用控制器 Laboratory autoclave controller
GB/T 29255-2012 纺织品 色牢度试验 使用含有低温漂白活性剂无磷标准洗涤剂的耐家庭和商业洗涤色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering using a non-phosphate reference detergent incorporating a low-temperature bleach activator
GB/T 29257-2012 纺织品 织物褶皱回复性的评定 外观法 Textiles - Evaluation of the wrinkle recovery of fabrics - Appearance method
GB/T 29258-2012 精梳棉粘混纺本色纱线 Combed cotton/viscose blended grey yarns
GB/T 29259-2012 道路车辆 电磁兼容术语 Road vehicle - Electromagnetic compatibility terminology
GB/T 29260-2012 网屏编码防伪技术条件 Technical requirements of screen code anti-counterfeiting
GB/T 29262-2012 信息技术 面向服务的体系结构(SOA) 术语 Information technology - Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) - Terminology
GB/T 29263-2012 信息技术 面向服务的体系结构(SOA)应用的总体技术要求 Information technology - General technical requirement of SOA-based application
GB/T 29264-2012 信息技术服务 分类与代码 Information technology service - Classification and code
GB/T 29266-2012 射频识别 13.56MHz标签基本电特性 Radio frequency identification - 13.56MHz Tag basic electrical characteristics
GB/T 29267-2012 热敏和热转印条码打印机通用规范 General specification of direct thermal and thermal transferbar code printer
GB/T 29269-2012 信息技术 住宅通用布缆 Information technology - Generic cabling for homes
GB/T 29272-2012 信息技术 射频识别设备性能测试方法 系统性能测试方法 Information technology - Radio frequency identification device performance test methods - Test methods for system performance
GB/T 29282-2012 格拉辛纸 Glassine paper
GB/T 29283-2012 水转移印花底纸 Waterslide decal paper
GB/T 29284-2012 聚乳酸 Poly (lactic acid)
GB/T 29285-2012 纸浆 实验室湿解离 机械浆解离 Pulps - Laboratory wet disintegration - Disintegration of mechanical pulps
GB/T 29286-2012 纸浆 保水值的测定 Pulps - Determination of water retention value(WRV)
GB/T 29287-2012 纸浆 实验室打浆 PFI磨法 Pulps - Laboratory beating - PFI mill method
GB/T 29288-2012 热塑性硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料通用技术条件 General requirement for thermoformable rigid polyurethane cellular plastics
GB/T 29289-2012 消费品安全设计通则 Design rules for consumer products safety
GB/T 29290-2012 钮扣通用技术要求和检测方法 不饱和聚酯树脂类 Button general technical requirements and testing methods - Unsaturated polyester resin buttons
GB/T 29291-2012 钮扣通用技术要求和检测方法 锌合金类 Button general technical requirements and testing methods - Zinc alloy buttons
GB/T 29292-2012 鞋类 鞋类和鞋类部件中存在的限量物质 Footwear - Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components
GB/T 29293-2012 LED筒灯性能测量方法 Measurement methods of the performance for LED downlights
GB/T 29294-2012 LED筒灯性能要求 Performance requirements for LED downlights
GB/T 29295-2012 反射型自镇流LED灯性能测试方法 Test methods of performance of self-ballasted LED reflector lamps
GB/T 29296-2012 反射型自镇流LED灯 性能要求 Self-ballasted LED reflector lamps - Performance requirements
GB/T 29297-2012 数字投影机球幕投影鱼眼镜头 技术条件 Technical specifications of dome screen projection fisheye lens for digital projector
GB/T 29298-2012 数字(码)照相机通用规范 Digital still camera general specification
GB/T 29299-2012 半导体激光测距仪通用技术条件 General specification of semiconductor laser rangefinder
GB/T 29300-2012 干式物理法(粉碎法)彩色墨粉 Dry physical(pulverized)color toner
GB/T 29301-2012 静电复印(包括多功能)设备用鼓粉盒 Toner cartridges for electrostatic copying (including multifunction) devices
GB/T 29302-2012 无损检测仪器 相控阵超声检测系统的性能与检验 Non-destructive testing instruments - Characterization and verification of phased array ultrasonic examination systems
GB/T 29304-2012 爆炸危险场所防爆安全导则 Safety guide for explosion protection in explosive hazardous areas
GB/T 29305-2012 新的和老化后的纤维素电气绝缘材料粘均聚合度的测量 Measurement of the average viscometric degree of polymerization of new and aged cellulosic electrically insulating materials
GB/T 29307-2012 电动汽车用驱动电机系统可靠性试验方法 The reliability test methods of drive motor system for electric vehicles
GB/T 29308-2012 核电厂安全重要仪表和控制系统老化管理要求 Management requirement of ageing of instrumentation and control systems important to safety for nuclear power plants
GB/T 29309-2012 电工电子产品加速应力试验规程 高加速寿命试验导则 Accelerated stress testing procedures for electric and electronic products - Guidance for highly accelerated life test
GB/T 29310-2012 电气绝缘击穿数据统计分析导则 Guide for the statistical analysis of electrical insulation breakdown data
GB/T 29311-2012 电气绝缘材料 交流电压耐久性评定 通则 Electrical insulating materials - A.C. voltage endurance evaluation - Introduction
GB/T 29312-2012 低压无功功率补偿投切装置 Low-voltage reactive power compensation switchgear component
GB/T 29313-2012 电气绝缘材料热传导性能试验方法 Test method for thermal transmission properties of electrical insulation materials
GB/T 29314-2012 电动机系统节能改造规范 Specification for the reconstruction of motor system for energy-saving
GB/T 29315-2012 中小学、幼儿园安全技术防范系统要求 Requirements for security system in medium and primary school and kindergarten
GB/T 29316-2012 电动汽车充换电设施电能质量技术要求 Power quality requirements for electric vehicle charging/battery swap infrastructure
GB/T 29317-2012 电动汽车充换电设施术语 Terminology of electric vehicle charging/battery swap infrastructure
GB/T 29318-2012 电动汽车非车载充电机电能计量 Electric energy metering for electric vehicle off-board charger
GB/T 29319-2012 光伏发电系统接入配电网技术规定 Technical requirements for connecting photovoltaic power system to distribution network
GB/T 29320-2012 光伏电站太阳跟踪系统技术要求 Technical requirenment for tracking system of PV power station
GB/T 29321-2012 光伏发电站无功补偿技术规范 Technical specification for reactive power compensation of PV power station
GB/T 29322-2012 1 000kV变压器保护装置技术要求 Specification for 1 000 kV power transformer protection equipment
GB/T 29323-2012 1 000kV断路器保护装置技术要求 Specification for 1 000 kV circuit breaker protection equipment
GB/T 29324-2012 架空导线用纤维增强树脂基复合材料芯棒 Fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite core for overhead electrical conductors
GB/T 29325-2012 架空导线用软铝型线 Annealed aluminum formed wires for overhead electrical conductors
GB/T 29326-2012 包括变速应用的能效电动机选择和应用导则 Selection of energy-efficient motors including variable speed applications - Application guide
GB/T 29329-2012 废弃化学品术语 Terminology of chemical waste
GB/T 29330-2012 模内装饰(IMD)用薄膜 油墨粘接性能测定方法 Films used in IMD - Test method of ink adhesion properties
GB/T 29331-2012 摄影 相纸尺寸 印片机用卷筒相纸 Photography - Paper dimensions - Rolls for printers
GB/T 29332-2012 半导体器件 分立器件 第9部分:绝缘栅双极晶体管(IGBT) Semiconductor devices - Discrete devices - Part 9: Insulated-gate bipolar transistors(IGBT)
GB/T 29333-2012 模内装饰(IMD)用硬化薄膜 耐湿热老化性能测定方法 Hardening films of IMD - Test method of damp heat aging
GB/T 29335-2012 爪式旋开盖 Twist-off caps
GB/T 29336-2012 化妆品用共挤出多层复合软管 Multi-layer coextruded tube for cosmetics
GB/T 29338-2012 磷酸(湿法)生产技术规范 Production technical regulation for phosphoric acid(wet-process)
GB/T 29339-2012 高锰酸钾生产技术规范 Production technical regulation for potassium permanganate
GB/T 29340-2012 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 氯化物的测定 硫氰化铵滴定法 Analysis of water used in boil and cooling system - Determination of chloride - Ammonium thiocyanate titration method
GB/T 29341-2012 水处理剂用铝酸钙 Calcium aluminate for water treatment chemicals
GB/T 29342-2012 肉制品生产管理规范 Criterion of producing management for meat-products
GB/T 29343-2012 木薯淀粉 Edible cassava starch
GB/T 29344-2012 灵芝孢子粉采收及加工技术规范 Standards on harvesting and processing techniques of ganoderma lucidum spore powder
GB/T 29345-2012 包装容器 铝易开盖钢制两片罐 Packaging containers - Aluminum easy open end and two-piece steel can
GB/T 29346-2012 卧式枕型接缝式裹包机 Horizontal pillow juncture wrapping machine
GB/T 29347-2012 法庭科学枪械射击弹壳痕迹检验规范 Examination standard for cartridge case marks in firearms discipline of forensic science
GB/T 29348-2012 法庭科学枪械射击弹头痕迹检验规范 Examination standard for bullet marks in firearms discipline of forensic science
GB/T 29349-2012 现场照相、录像要求 Requirements for photography and videography of scene
GB/T 29350-2012 法庭科学数字影像技术规则 Rules for forensic digital image technology
GB/T 29351-2012 法庭科学照相制卷质量要求 Quality requirements for file making of forensic photograph
GB/T 29352-2012 物证检验照相录像规则 Requirements for photography and videography of evidence examination
GB/T 29353-2012 养老机构基本规范 Basic standard for senior care organization
GB/T 29354-2012 救助管理机构安全 The safety of administration and relief shelters
GB/T 29355-2012 优抚医院服务规范 Special care hospital service
GB/T 29356-2012 烈士纪念设施保护单位服务规范 Martyr monuments protection services unit
GB/T 29357-2012 非正规教育与培训的学习服务质量要求 语言培训 Quality requirements of learning services for non-formal education and training - Language training
GB/T 29358-2012 非正规教育与培训的学习服务质量要求 职业培训 Quality requirements of learning services for non-formal education and training - Vocational training
GB/T 29359-2012 非正规教育与培训的学习服务质量要求 总则 Quality requirements of learning services for non-formal education and training - General
GB/T 29360-2012 电子物证数据恢复检验规程 Technical specification for data recovery of electronic forensic
GB/T 29361-2012 电子物证文件一致性检验规程 Technical specification for file identification of electronic forensic
GB/T 29362-2012 电子物证数据搜索检验规程 Technical specification for data search of electronic forensic
GB/T 29363-2012 核电厂用蒸气压缩循环冷水机组 Water chiller with the vapor compression cycle for nuclear power plant
GB/T 29365-2012 塑木复合材料 人工气候老化试验方法 Wood-Plastic Composite (WPC) - Test methods of artificial weathering
GB/T 29366-2012 北方牧区草原干旱等级 Ggrassland drought grade in the north of China
GB/T 29367-2012 轧花企业粉尘检测方法 Determination of dust in cotton processing enterprises
GB/T 29368-2012 银耳菌种生产技术规范 Technology regulation for spawn production of white jelly fungus
GB/T 29369-2012 银耳生产技术规范 Technology regulation for white jelly fungus production
GB/T 29370-2012 柠檬 Lemon
GB/T 29372-2012 食用农产品保鲜贮藏管理规范 Practice for edible agricltural products storage
GB/T 29373-2012 农产品追溯要求 果蔬 Traceability requirements for agricultural products - Fruits and vegetables
GB/T 29374-2012 粮油储藏 谷物冷却机应用技术规程 Grain stocks - Technology regulation of application of grain chiller
GB/T 29375-2012 马铃薯脱毒试管苗繁育技术规程 Code of practice for in-vitro virus free seed potatoes plantlets breeding
GB/T 29376-2012 马铃薯脱毒原原种繁育技术规程 Code of practice for virus free seed potatoes pre-elite breeding
GB/T 29377-2012 马铃薯脱毒种薯级别与检验规程 Code of practice for virus free seed potatoes grading and inspection
GB/T 29378-2012 马铃薯脱毒种薯生产技术规程 Code of practice for virus free seed potatoes production
GB/T 29379-2012 马铃薯脱毒种薯贮藏、运输技术规程 Code of practice for virus free seed potatoes storage and transportation
GB/T 29387-2012 蛋鸭生产性能测定技术规范 Specification for performance testing of egg-type duck
GB/T 29388-2012 肉鹅生产性能测定技术规范 Specification for performance testing of meat-type goose
GB/T 29389-2012 肉鸭生产性能测定技术规范 Specification for performance testing of meat-type duck
GB/T 29390-2012 夏南牛 Xianan cattle
GB/T 29391-2012 岩溶地区草地石漠化遥感监测技术规程 Specification of remote sensing for rock desertification monitoring of grassland in Karst area
GB/T 29392-2012 普通肉牛上脑、眼肉、外脊、里脊等级划分 Beef cuts grading for high rib、ribeye、striploin、tenderloin of normal beef
GB/T 29393-2012 柑桔黄龙病菌的检疫检测与鉴定 Detection and identification of Candidatus liberobacter asiaticum
GB/T 29394-2012 柑桔溃疡病菌的检疫检测与鉴定 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Citri
GB/T 29395-2012 鳄梨象检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Conotrachelus perseae (Barber)
GB/T 29396-2012 水稻细菌性谷枯病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Burkholderia glumae (Kurita & Tabei ) Urakami et al.
GB/T 29397-2012 香蕉枯萎病菌4号小种检疫检测与鉴定 Detection and identification for Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Cubense (E. F. Smith) Snyder & Hansen Race 4
GB/T 29398-2012 紫茎泽兰检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Eupatorium adenophorum Spreng.
GB/T 29399-2012 木材防虫(蚁)技术规范 Technology specification for wood resistance to termites and beetles
GB/T 29400-2012 化肥中微量阴离子的测定 离子色谱法 Determination of microamount of inorganic anions in fertilizers by ion chromatography
GB/T 29403-2012 反击式水轮机泥沙磨损技术导则 Technique guide for dealing with sand abrasive erosion in reaction hydraulic turbine
GB/T 29404-2012 灌溉用水定额编制导则 Guide to draw up irrigation water quota
GB/T 29405-2012 粮油检验 谷物及制品脂肪酸值测定 仪器法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of fat acidity of cereal and cereal products - Instrumental analysis method
GB/T 29407-2012 阻燃木材及阻燃人造板生产技术规范 Technology specification for production of fire-retardant treated lumber and wood composite panel products
GB/T 29408-2012 废弃木质材料分类 Classification of discarded wooden materials
GB/T 29409-2012 木材储存保管技术规范 Technology specification for wood protection in storage
GB/T 29411-2012 水电解氢氧发生器技术要求 Technical specification of hydrogen-oxygen generator with water electrolyte
GB/T 29412-2012 变压吸附提纯氢用吸附器 Adsorber of pressure swing adsorption for hydrogen purification
GB/T 29414-2012 散热器恒温控制阀 Thermostatic radiator valve
GB/T 29416-2012 建筑外墙外保温系统的防火性能试验方法 Test method for fire-resistant performance of external wall insulation systems applied to building facades
GB/T 29417-2012 水泥砂浆和混凝土干燥收缩开裂性能试验方法 Standard test methods for drying shrinkage stress and cracking possibility of cement mortar and concrete
GB/T 29418-2012 塑木复合材料产品物理力学性能测试 Test methods for mechannical and physical properties of wood-plastic composite product
GB/T 29419-2012 塑木复合材料铺板性能等级和护栏体系性能 Establishing performance ratings for wood-plastic composite deck boards and guardrail system performance
GB/T 29420-2012 掺钕钒酸盐激光单晶元件 Nd-doped vanadate laser crystal devices
GB/T 29421-2012 钒酸盐双折射光学单晶元件 Vanadate birefringent crystal devices
GB/T 29422-2012 水泥化学分析废液的处理方法 Methods for dealing with the waste solution of chemical analysis of cement
GB/T 29423-2012 用于耐腐蚀水泥制品的碱矿渣粉煤灰混凝土 Alkali-activated slag-fly ash concrete for anticorrosive cement products
GB/T 29424-2012 企业年金基金数据交换规范 The protocol of enterprise annuity's data exchange
GB/T 29425-2012 自然灾害救助应急响应划分基本要求 The dividing principles of natural disaster emergency response and relief
GB/T 29426-2012 光荣院服务规范 Glory home service
GB/T 29427-2012 军用饮食供应站服务规范 Service for military catering supply station
GB/T 29429-2012 草莓角斑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas fragariae Kennedy & King
GB/T 29430-2012 臭千里光检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Senecio jacobaea L.
GB/T 29431-2012 番茄溃疡病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.michiganensis (Smith) Davis et al.
GB/T 29433-2012 学生心理健康教育指南 Guidelines for mental health education in school
GB/T 29434-2012 耐热高强韧铸件用铝合金锭 Aluminum alloy ingots for high strength and toughness castings with heat resisting
GB/T 29452-2012 纺织企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求 Specification for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in textile enterprise
GB/T 29453-2012 煤炭企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求 Specification for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in coal enterprise
GB/T 29454-2012 制浆造纸企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求 Specification for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in the pulp and paper enterprise
GB/T 29455-2012 照明设施经济运行 Economic operation of illumination equipments
GB/T 29456-2012 能源管理体系 实施指南 Energy management systems - Implementation guidance
GB/T 29457-2012 高温热浪等级 Grade of the heat wave
GB/T 29458-2012 体育场馆LED显示屏使用要求及检验方法 Requirements and test methods for LED screen in sports venues
GB/T 29460-2012 含缺陷聚乙烯管道电熔接头安全评定 Safey assessment for electrofusion joint of polyethylene pipes containing defects
GB/T 29461-2012 聚乙烯管道电熔接头超声检测 Ultrasonic testing for electrofusion joint of polyethylene pipe
GB/T 29462-2012 电站堵阀 Isolation valve for power station
GB/T 29464-2012 两相流喷射式热交换器 Steam-driven jet heat exchanger
GB/T 29465-2012 浮头式热交换器用外头盖侧法兰 Shell flange-rear head end of floating heat exchangers
GB/T 29466-2012 板式热交换器机组 Plate heat exchanger unit
GB/T 29467-2012 企业质量诚信管理实施规范 Implement specifications for enterprise quality trustworthiness management
GB/T 29468-2012 洁净室及相关受控环境 围护结构夹芯板应用技术指南 Cleanroom and associated controlled environments - Guidelines of partition sandwich panel application technology
GB/T 29469-2012 洁净室及相关受控环境 性能及合理性评价 Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments - Evaluation of performance and rationality
GB/T 29470-2012 自限温电热片 Self-regulating heating elements
GB/T 29471-2012 食品安全检测移动实验室通用技术规范 General technical specification for mobile laboratory of food safety inspection
GB/T 29472-2012 移动实验室安全管理规范 Safety management specification for mobile laboratory
GB/T 29473-2012 移动实验室分类、代号及标记 Classification,code and marking of mobile laboratory
GB/T 29474-2012 移动实验室内部装饰材料通用技术规范 General technical specification for the interior decoration material of mobile laboratory
GB/T 29475-2012 移动实验室设计原则及基本要求 Design principles and basic requirements for mobile laboratory
GB/T 29476-2012 移动实验室仪器设备通用技术规范 General technical specification for mobile laboratory instruments and equipments
GB/T 29477-2012 移动实验室实验舱通用技术规范 General technical specification for mobile laboratory shelter
GB/T 29478-2012 移动实验室有害废物管理规范 Mobile laboratory hazardous waste management specification
GB/T 29479-2012 移动实验室通用要求 General requirements of mobile laboratory
GB/T 29480-2013 接近电气设备的安全导则 Safety guideline for accessible electrical equipments
GB/T 29481-2013 电气安全标志 Signs for electrical safety
GB/T 29483-2013 机械电气安全 检测人体存在的保护设备应用 Electrical safety of machinery - Application of protective equipment to detect the presence of persons
GB/T 29484-2013 船舶电气设备 第503部分:专辑 电压1kV以上至不大于15kV的交流供电系统 Electrical installations in ships - Part 503: Special features - AC supply systems with voltages in the range of above 1 kV up to and including 15 kV
GB/T 29485-2013 船舶和海上技术 电气舵角指示器 Ship and marine technology - Electric rudder angle indicators
GB/T 29486-2013 家用和类似用途变频控制器 术语 Adjustable frequency converter for household and similar use - Terminology
GB/T 29487-2013 中大功率瓦斯发电机组 Medium/high-power mine gas generating set
GB/T 29488-2013 中大功率沼气发电机组 Medium/high-power Biogas generating set
GB/T 29489-2013 高压交流开关设备和控制设备的感性负载开合 lnductive load switching of high-voltage alternating current switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 29490-2013 企业知识产权管理规范 Enterprise intellectual property management
GB/T 29491-2013 日用白云陶器 Domestic dolomite wares
GB/T 29492-2013 数字印刷材料用化学品 三嗪B含量的测定 反相高效液相色谱法 Chemicals applied in digital printing materials - The determination of triazines B - Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 29494-2013 小型垂直轴风力发电机组 Small vertical axis wind turbines
GB/T 29497-2013 高沸点芳烃溶剂 High-Flash aromatic naphthas
GB/T 29498-2013 木门窗 Wood windows and doors
GB/T 29499-2013 建筑用仿幕墙合成树脂涂层 Synthetic resin curtain-wall-imitation coating on architectural
GB/T 29500-2013 建筑模板用木塑复合板 Wood-plastic composite boards for concrete-form
GB/T 29501-2013 隔热涂膜玻璃 Thermal insulation painted glass
GB/T 29502-2013 硫铁矿烧渣 Purple ore
GB/T 29503-2013 铝合金预拉伸板 aluminium alloy stretched plates
GB/T 29504-2013 300mm 硅单晶 300mm monocrystalline silicon
GB/T 29505-2013 硅片平坦表面的表面粗糙度测量方法 Test method for measuring surface roughness on planar surfaces of silicon wafer
GB/T 29506-2013 300mm 硅单晶抛光片 300mm polished monocrystalline silicon wafers
GB/T 29507-2013 硅片平整度、厚度及总厚度变化测试 自动非接触扫描法 Test method for measuring flatness, thickness and total thickness variation on silicon wafers by automated non-contact scanning
GB/T 29508-2013 300mm 硅单晶切割片和磨削片 300mm monocrystalline silicon as cut slices and grinded slices
GB/T 29510-2013 个体防护装备配备基本要求 General requirements for the distribution of personal protection equipment
GB/T 29511-2013 防护服装 固体颗粒物化学防护服 Protective clothing - Chemical protective clothing against solid particulates
GB/T 29512-2013 手部防护 防护手套的选择、使用和维护指南 Hand protection - Guide for the selection,use and maintenance of protective gloves
GB/T 29513-2013 含铁尘泥 X射线荧光光谱化学分析 熔铸玻璃片法 Chemical analysis of ferric-containing dust and sludge by XRF-Fused cast bead method
GB/T 29514-2013 钢渣处理工艺技术规范 Technical specification of steel making slag treatment technology
GB/T 29515-2013 搪瓷用冷轧钢板 鳞爆敏感性试验 氢渗透法 Cold rolled steel sheet for enamelling - Fish-scaling sensitivity test - Hydrogen permeation method
GB/T 29516-2013 锰矿石 水分含量测定 Manganese ores - Determination of moisture content
GB/T 29517-2013 散装铬矿石手工制样方法 Method for manual sample preparation of chrome ores in bulk
GB/T 29519-2013 铅冶炼安全生产规范 Safety specification for lead smelting
GB/T 29520-2013 铜冶炼安全生产规范 Safety specification for copper smelting enterprise
GB/T 29521-2013 钨矿山地下开采安全生产规范 Safety specification for underground mining of tungsten mine
GB/T 29522-2013 锌冶炼安全生产规范(火法) Safety specification for zinc smelting (pyrometallurgy)
GB/T 29523-2013 锌冶炼安全生产规范(湿法) Safety specification for zinc smelting(hydrometallurgy)
GB/T 29524-2013 冶炼烟气制酸安全生产规范 Safety specification for Acid-making with Smelting Gas
GB/T 29525-2013 座椅升降气弹簧 技术条件 Chair height adjustment gas spring - Technical specification
GB/T 29526-2013 通用粉体加工技术 术语 Powder processing techniques - General terminology
GB/T 29527-2013 通用粉体加工设备图形标记 Graphical symbols for common used equipments of powder processing
GB/T 29528-2013 阀门用铜合金锻件技术条件 Specification of copper alloy forgings for valves
GB/T 29529-2013 泵的噪声测量与评价方法 Methods of measuring and evaluating noise of pumps
GB/T 29530-2013 平开门和旋转门 抗静扭曲性能的测定 Hinged or pivoted doors - Determination of the resistance to static torsion
GB/T 29531-2013 泵的振动测量与评价方法 Methods of measuring and evaluating vibration of pumps
GB/T 29532-2013 钢质精密热模锻件 通用技术条件 General specification for steel precision hot die forgings
GB/T 29533-2013 钢质模锻件材料消耗工艺定额编制方法 Compiling method of technological norm for steel die forging material consumption
GB/T 29534-2013 温锻冷锻联合成形锻件 通用技术条件 General specifications of combined warm-cold forging parts
GB/T 29535-2013 温锻冷锻联合成形工艺 工艺编制原则 Technological design principle for combined warm-cold forging process
GB/T 29536-2013 金属管材成形极限图(FLD) 试验方法 Testing method for the forming limit diagram (FLD) of metal tube
GB/T 29537-2013 80°非密封管螺纹 Pipe threads with 80 degree thread angle where pressure-tight joints are not made on the threads
GB/T 29538-2013 家电用多楔带 Home application V-ribbed belts
GB/T 29542-2013 工业尾气能量回收透平膨胀机 Industrial off-gas energy recovery turbine expander
GB/T 29543-2013 低温型风力发电机组 Wind turbine generator systems for cold environments
GB/T 29544-2013 离网型风光互补发电系统 安全要求 Safety requirements for off-gird type wind-solar photovoltaic hybrid electricity generating system
GB/T 29545-2013 机床数控系统 可靠性设计 Numerical control system of machine tools - Reliability design
GB/T 29546-2013 闭式压力机静载变形测量方法 Methods of static load deflection measurement for straight-side presses
GB/T 29547-2013 开式高速精密压力机 精度 Open front high speed precision press - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 29548-2013 闭式高速精密压力机 精度 High speed precision straight side press - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 29552-2013 纤维增强复合材料桥板 Fibre reinforced plastics composites bridge decks
GB/T 29553-2013 风力发电复合材料整流罩 Spinner cover of composites for wind power
GB/T 29554-2013 超高分子量聚乙烯纤维 Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene fibre
GB/T 29555-2013 门的启闭力试验方法 Test method of operating forces for doors
GB/T 29556-2013 表面化学分析 俄歇电子能谱和X射线光电子能谱 横向分辨率、分析面积和分析器所能检测到的样品面积的测定 Surface chemical analysis - Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - determination of lateral resolution, analysis area, and sample area viewed by the analyser
GB/T 29557-2013 表面化学分析 深度剖析 溅射深度测量 Surface chemical analysis - Depth profiling - Measurment of sputtered depth
GB/T 29558-2013 表面化学分析 俄歇电子能谱 强度标的重复性和一致性 Surface chemical analysis - Auger electron spectroscopy - Repeatability and constancy of intensity scale
GB/T 29559-2013 表面化学分析 辉光放电原子发射光谱 锌和/或铝基合金镀层的分析 Surface chemical analysis - Analysis of zinc and/or aluminium based metallic coatings by glow discharge optical emission spectrometry
GB/T 29560-2013 门座起重机 Portal slewing crane
GB/T 29561-2013 港口固定式起重机 Fixed-base crane for harbor
GB/T 29563-2013 木材保护管理规范 Management specification of wood protection
GB/T 29564-2013 苔干 Dried asparagus lettuce
GB/T 29565-2013 瓜蒌籽 Smakegourd seed
GB/T 29566-2013 蚊类对杀虫剂抗药性的生物学测定方法 The bioassay methods for mosquitoes' resistance to insecticides
GB/T 29567-2013 蝇类对杀虫剂抗药性的生物学测定方法 微量点滴法 The bioassay method for flies' resistance to insecticides - Topical application method
GB/T 29568-2013 农产品追溯要求 水产品 Traceability requirements for agricultural products - Fish &fishery products
GB/T 29569-2013 桑蚕原种产地环境要求 Environmental requirements for producing parent eggs of silkworm(Bombyx mori)
GB/T 29570-2013 橡胶树叶片营养诊断技术规程 Technical regulations for foliar nutrient diagnosis of rubber tree
GB/T 29571-2013 桑蚕天然彩色茧 Natural colored cocoon of silkworm (Bombyx mori L.)
GB/T 29572-2013 桑椹(桑果) Mulberry fruit
GB/T 29573-2013 热带亚热带桑树栽培管理技术规程 Technical regulations for planting and management of mulberry tree in the tropical and subtropical zones
GB/T 29574-2013 大阿米芹检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Ammi majus L.
GB/T 29575-2013 法国野燕麦检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Avena ludoviciana Durieu
GB/T 29576-2013 非洲大蜗牛检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Achatina fulica Bowdich
GB/T 29577-2013 腐烂茎线虫检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Ditylenchus destructor Thorne
GB/T 29578-2013 甘蔗白色条纹病菌的检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas albilineans (Ashby)Dowson
GB/T 29579-2013 红棕象甲检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver)
GB/T 29580-2013 时间法集中空调分户计量装置 Time-based cost-allocation device for central air-conditioning
GB/T 29581-2013 胡椒叶斑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Betlicola ( Patel et al. ) Vauterin et al.
GB/T 29582-2013 花生矮化病毒检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Peanut Stunt Virus
GB/T 29583-2013 黄顶菊检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze
GB/T 29584-2013 黄瓜黑星病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Cladosporium cucumerinum Ell. et Arthur
GB/T 29585-2013 剪股颖粒线虫检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Anguina agrostis (Steinbuch) Filipjev
GB/T 29586-2013 苹果绵蚜检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann)
GB/T 29587-2013 松疱锈病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Cronartium ribicola J. C. Fisch.
GB/T 29588-2013 松针褐斑病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Mycosphaerella dearnessii Barr.
GB/T 29589-2013 香菜腐烂病菌检疫鉴定方法 Detection and identification of Mycocentrospora acerina (Hartig) Deighton
GB/T 29590-2013 企业现场管理准则 Criteria for field management in enterprise
GB/T 29591-2013 湿地松松香 Gum rosin from Pinus.elliottii Engelm
GB/T 29592-2013 建筑胶粘剂挥发性有机化合物(VOC)及醛类化合物释放量的测定方法 Determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds and aldehydes of adhesives for building products
GB/T 29593-2013 表面保护用牛皮纸胶粘带 Kraft paper adhesive tape for surface protection
GB/T 29594-2013 可再分散性乳胶粉 Redispersible polymer powder
GB/T 29595-2013 地面用光伏组件密封材料 硅橡胶密封剂 Sealant material in terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules - Silicone sealant
GB/T 29596-2013 压敏胶粘制品分类 Classification of pressure sensitive adhesive products
GB/T 29597-2013 反应染料 耐碱稳定性的测定 Reactive dyes - Determination of stability to alkalis
GB/T 29598-2013 荧光增白剂中三嗪类杂质的限量与测定 Limit and determination of triazines in fluorescent brighteners
GB/T 29599-2013 纺织染整助剂 化学需氧量(COD)的测定 Textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries - Determination of chemical oxygen demand(COD)
GB/T 29600-2012 移动实验室用温湿度控制系统技术规范 Technical specification of the temperature & humidity control system for the mobile laboratory
GB/T 29601-2013 不锈钢器皿 Stainless steel ware
GB/T 29602-2013 固体饮料 Solid beverages
GB/T 29603-2013 镀锡或镀铬薄钢板全开式易开盖 Full aperture easy open end made of tinplate or ECCS
GB/T 29604-2013 感官分析 建立感官特性参比样的一般导则 Sensory analysis - General guidance for establishing references for sensory attributes
GB/T 29605-2013 感官分析 食品感官质量控制导则 Sensory analysis - Guide for food sensory quality control
GB/T 29606-2013 不锈钢真空杯 Stainless steel vacuum flask
GB/T 29607-2013 橡胶制品 镉含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Rubber product - Determination of cadmium content - Atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 29608-2013 橡胶制品 邻苯二甲酸酯类的测定 Rubber product - Determination of phthalate acid esters
GB/T 29609-2013 橡胶 苯酚和双酚A的测定 Rubber - Determination of phenol and biphenyl-A
GB/T 29610-2013 橡胶制品 多溴联苯和多溴二苯醚的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Rubber products - Determination of polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers - Gas chromatography and mass spectrometry
GB/T 29611-2013 生橡胶 玻璃化转变温度的测定 差示扫描量热法(DSC) Rubber ,raw - Determination of the glass transition temperature - Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
GB/T 29612-2013 炭黑中镉、铅、汞含量的测定 Carbon black - Determination of cadmium, lead, mercury content
GB/T 29614-2013 硫化橡胶中多环芳烃含量的测定 Determination the content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsin vulcanized rubber compounds
GB/T 29615-2013 汽车液压制动系统用橡胶护罩 Elastomeric boots used in automobile hydraulic braking systems
GB/T 29616-2013 热塑性弹性体 多环芳烃的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Thermoplastic elastomer - Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons - Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB/T 29617-2013 数字密度计测定液体密度、相对密度和API比重的试验方法 Determination of density, relative density,and API gravity of liquids by digital density meter
GB/T 29621-2013 危险货物国际运输单证规范 Documentary aspects of the international transport of dangerous goods
GB/T 29622-2013 电子商务信用 卖方交易信用信息披露规范 E-commerce credit - The specifications for disclosing seller's credit information of transaction
GB/T 29623-2013 贸易与运输状态代码 Trade and transport status codes
GB/T 29624-2013 国际贸易托运单样式 Layout key of consignment for the international trade
GB/T 29625-2013 标志用公共信息图形符号 动物符号 Public information graphical symbols for use on sign - Animal symbols
GB/T 29628-2013 永磁(硬磁)脉冲测量方法指南 Guides for methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of permanent(magnetically hard)materials by pulsed field magnetometry
GB/T 29629-2013 静止无功补偿装置水冷却设备 Water cooling equipment for static var compensators
GB/T 29631-2013 额定电压1.8/3 kV及以下风力发电用耐扭曲软电缆 Flexible and torsion resistant cables of rated voltages up to and including 1.8/3kV for wind turbine
GB/T 29632-2013 家用汽车产品三包主要零件种类范围与三包凭证 The range of main parts and the guarantees certificate in repair replacement and return warranty of automobile
GB/T 29634-2013 电动轮椅车用永磁直流齿轮减速电动机构通用技术条件 General specification for permanent magnetic DC gearmotor using on electric wheelchairs
GB/T 29635-2013 疑似毒品中海洛因的气相色谱、气相色谱-质谱检验方法 GC and GC-MS examination methods for heroin in suspected drug
GB/T 29636-2013 疑似毒品中甲基苯丙胺的气相色谱、高效液相色谱和气相色谱-质谱检验方法 GC ,HPLC and GC-MS examination methods for methylamphetamine in suspected drug
GB/T 29637-2013 疑似毒品中氯胺酮的气相色谱、气相色谱-质谱检验方法 GC and GC-MS examination methods for ketamine in suspected drug
GB/T 29639-2013 生产经营单位生产安全事故应急预案编制导则 Guidelines for enterprises to develop emergency response plan for work place accidents
GB/T 15338-2012 炭黑 试验方法精密度和偏差的确认 Carbon black - Validation of test method precision and bias
GB/T 17592-2011 纺织品 禁用偶氮染料的测定 Textiles - Determination of the banned azo colourants
GB/T 19387-2012 便携式油锯 锯链制动器性能测试方法 Portable chain-saws - Chain brake performance
GB/T 19963-2011 风电场接入电力系统技术规定 Technical rule for connecting wind farm to power system
GB/T 20456-2012 林业机械 便携式油锯 被动式锯链制动器性能要求及测试方法 Forestry machinery - Portable chain-saws - Non-manually actuated chain brake performance
GB/T 20808-2011 纸巾纸 Facial tissue
GB/T 20993-2012 高压直流输电系统用直流滤波电容器及中性母线冲击电容器 DC filter capacitors and neutral bus surge capacitors for HVDC transmission system
GB/T 28001-2011 职业健康安全管理体系 要求 Occupational health and safety management systems - Requirements
GB/T 28002-2011 职业健康安全管理体系 实施指南 Occupational health and safety management systems - Guidelines for the implementation
GB/T 15224.1-2010 煤炭质量分级 第1部分:灰分 Classification for quality of coal - Part 1: Ash
GB/T 15224.3-2010 煤炭质量分级 第3部分:发热量 Classification for quality of coal - Part 3: Calorific value
GB/T 15224.2-2010 煤炭质量分级 第2部分:硫分 Classification for quality of coal - Part 2: Sulfur content
GB/T 20657-2011 石油天然气工业套管、油管、钻杆和用作套管或油管的管线管性能公式及计算 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Equations and calculations for the properties of casing, tubing, drill pipe and line pipe used as casing and tubing
GB/T 1.1-2000 标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准的结构和编写规则 Directives for standardization--Part 1:Rules for the structure and drafting of standards
GB/T 1.1-2009 标准化工作导则 第1部分:标准的结构和编写 Directives for standardization - Part 1: The structure and drafting of standards
GB/T 1.2-2002 标准化工作导则 第2部分:标准中规范性技术要素内容的确定方法 Directives for standardization--Part 2:Methodology for the content of normative technical elements in standards
GB/T 2-2001 紧固件 外螺纹零件的末端 Fasteners--Ends of parts with external thread
GB/T 3-1997 普通螺纹收尾、肩距、退刀槽和倒角 Run-outs,undercuts and chamfers forgeneral purpose metric screw threads
GB/T 8-1988 方头螺栓 C级 Square head bolts--Product grade C
GB/T 10-1988 沉头方颈螺栓 Flat countersunk square neck bolts
GB/T 11-1988 沉头带榫螺栓 Flat countersunk nib bolts
GB/T 12-1988 半圆头方颈螺栓 Cup head square neck bolts
GB/T 13-1988 半圆头带榫螺栓 Cup head nib bolts
GB/T 14-1998 大半圆头方颈螺栓 C级 Cup head square neck bolts with large head--Product grade C
GB/T 15-1988 大半圆头带榫螺栓 Cup head nib bolts with large head
GB/T 22-1976 小六角头导颈螺栓 Bolts, small hexagon head with fit neck
GB/T 23-1976 小六角头螺杆带孔螺栓 Bolts, small hexagon head with hole through the shank
GB/T 24-1976 小六角头螺杆带孔导颈螺栓 Bolts, small hexagon head with fit neck and hole through the shank
GB/T 25-1976 小六角头头部带孔螺栓 Bolts, small hexagon head with holes through the head
GB/T 26-1976 小六角头头部带孔导颈螺栓 Bolts, small hexagon head with fit neck and holes through the head
GB/T 27-1988 六角头铰制孔用螺栓 A和B级 Hexagon fit bolts--Product grade A and B
GB/T 28-1988 六角头螺杆带孔铰制孔用螺栓 A和B级 Hexagon fit bolts with split pin hole on shank--Product grade A and B
GB/T 29.1-1988 六角头头部带槽螺栓 A和B级 Hexagon bolts with slot on head--Product grade A and B
GB/T 29.1-2013 六角头带槽螺栓 Hexagon bolts with slot on head
GB/T 29.2-1988 十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓 Cross recessed hexagon bolts with indentation
GB/T 29.2-2013 六角头带十字槽螺栓 Hexagon bolts with cross recess on head
GB/T 31.1-1988 六角头螺杆带孔螺栓 A和B级 Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank--Product grade A and B
GB/T 31.1-2013 六角头螺杆带孔螺栓 Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank
GB/T 31.2-1988 六角头螺杆带孔螺栓 细杆 B级 Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank--Reduced shank--Product grade B
GB/T 31.3-1988 六角头螺杆带孔螺栓 细牙 A和B级 Hexagon bolts with split pin hole on shank--Fine pitch thread--Product grade A and B
GB/T 32.1-1988 六角头头部带孔螺栓 A和B级 Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head--Product grade A and B
GB/T 32.2-1988 六角头头部带孔螺栓 细杆 B级 Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head--Reduced shank--Product grade B
GB/T 32.3-1988 六角头头部带孔螺栓 细牙 A和B级 Hexagon bolts with wire holes on head--Fine pitch thread--Product grade A and B
GB/T 35-1988 小方头螺栓 B级 Square head bolts with small head--Product grade B
GB/T 37-1988 T型槽用螺栓 Bolts for T-slot
GB/T 38-1976 螺栓 技术条件 Bolts--Technical requirements
GB/T 39-1988 方螺母 C级 Square nuts--Product grade C
GB/T 41-2000 六角螺母 C级 Hexagon nuts--Product grade C
GB/T 56-1988 六角厚螺母 Hexagon thick nuts
GB/T 61-1976 螺母 技术条件 Nuts--Technical requirements
GB/T 62-1988 蝶形螺母 Wing nuts
GB/T 62.1-2004 蝶形螺母 圆翼 Wing nuts--Round wing
GB/T 62.2-2004 蝶形螺母 方翼 Wing nuts--Square wing
GB/T 62.3-2004 蝶形螺母 冲压 Wing nuts--Pressing wing
GB/T 62.4-2004 蝶形螺母 压铸 Wing nuts--Die-casting wing
GB/T 63-1988 环形螺母 Lifting nuts
GB/T 65-2000 开槽圆柱头螺钉 Slotted cheese head screws
GB/T 67-2000 开槽盘头螺钉 Slotted pan head screws
GB/T 68-2000 开槽沉头螺钉 Slotted countersunk flat head screws(common head style)
GB/T 69-2000 开槽半沉头螺钉 Countersunk slotted raised head screws(common head style)
GB/T 70.1-2000 内六角圆柱头螺钉 Hexagon socket head cap screws
GB/T 70.1-2008 内六角圆柱头螺钉 Hexagon socket head cap screws
GB/T 70.2-2000 内六角平圆头螺钉 Hexagon socket button head screws
GB/T 70.2-2008 内六角平圆头螺钉 Hexagon socket button head screws
GB/T 70.3-2000 内六角沉头螺钉 Hexagon socket countersunk head screws
GB/T 70.3-2008 内六角沉头螺钉 Hexagon socket countersunk head screws
GB/T 70.5-2008 内六角量规 Gauging of hexagon sockets
GB/T 71-1985 开槽锥端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws with cone point
GB/T 72-1988 开槽锥端定位螺钉 Slotted set screws with cone point
GB/T 73-1985 开槽平端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws with flat point
GB/T 74-1985 开槽凹端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws with cup point
GB/T 75-1985 开槽长圆柱端紧定螺钉 Slotted set screws with long dog point
GB/T 77-2007 内六角平端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point
GB/T 77-2000 内六角平端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with flat point
GB/T 78-2007 内六角锥端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with cone point
GB/T 78-2000 内六角锥端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with cone point
GB/T 79-2007 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with dog point
GB/T 79-2000 内六角圆柱端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with dog point
GB/T 80-2007 内六角凹端紧定螺钉 hexagon socket set screws with cup point
GB/T 80-2000 内六角凹端紧定螺钉 Hexagon socket set screws with cup point
GB/T 83-1988 方头长圆柱球面端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with long dog point and rounded end
GB/T 84-1988 方头凹端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with cup point
GB/T 85-1988 方头长圆柱端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with long dog point
GB/T 86-1988 方头短圆柱锥端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with short dog point and coneend
GB/T 89-1976 螺钉 技术条件 Screws--Technical requirements
GB/T 90.1-2002 紧固件 验收检查 Fasteners--Acceptance inspectiox
GB/T 90.2-2002 紧固件 标志与包装 Fasteners--Marking and packaging
GB/T 90.3-2010 紧固件 质量保证体系 Fasteners - Quality assurance system
GB/T 91-2000 开口销 Split pins
GB/T 93-1987 标准型弹簧垫圈 Single coil spring lock washers--Normal type
GB/T 94.1-1987 弹性垫圈技术条件 弹簧垫圈 Specifications for spring washers--Single coil spring lock washers
GB/T 94.1-2008 弹性垫圈技术条件 弹簧垫圈 Specification for spring washers - Single coil lock washers
GB/T 94.2-1987 弹性垫圈技术条件 齿形、锯齿锁紧垫圈 Specifications for spring washers--Toothed lock and serrated lock washers
GB/T 94.3-1987 弹性垫圈技术条件 鞍形、波形弹性垫圈 Specifications for spring washers--Curved and wave spring washers
GB/T 94.3-2008 弹性垫圈技术条件 鞍形、波形弹性垫圈 Specification for spring washers - Curved and wave spring washers
GB/T 95-2002 平垫圈 C级 Plain washers--Product grade C
GB/T 96.1-2002 大垫圈 A级 Large series--Product grade A
GB/T 96.2-2002 大垫圈 C级 Large series--Product grade C
GB/T 97.1-2002 平垫圈 A级 Plain washers--Product grade A
GB/T 97.2-2002 平垫圈 倒角型 A级 Plain washers,chamfered--Product grade A
GB/T 97.3-2000 销轴用平垫圈 Plain washers for clevis pins
GB/T 97.4-2002 平垫圈 用于螺钉和垫圈组合件 Plain washers for screw and washer assemblies
GB/T 97.5-2002 平垫圈 用于自攻螺钉和垫圈组合件 Plain washers for tapping sew and washer assemblies
GB/T 98-1988 止动垫圈技术条件 Specification for tab washer
GB/T 99-1986 开槽圆头木螺钉 Slotted round head wood screws
GB/T 100-1986 开槽沉头木螺钉 Slotted countersunk head wood screws
GB/T 101-1986 开槽半沉头木螺钉 Slotted raised countersunk head wood screws
GB/T 102-1986 六角头木螺钉 Hexagon head wood screws
GB/T 109-1986 平头铆钉 Flat head rivets
GB/T 116-1986 铆钉技术条件 Specifications for rivet
GB/T 117-2000 圆锥销 Taper pins
GB/T 118-2000 内螺纹圆锥销 Taper pins with internal thread
GB/T 119.1-2000 圆柱销 不淬硬钢和奥氏体不锈钢 Parallel pins,of unhardened steel and austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 119.2-2000 圆柱销 淬硬钢和马氏体不锈钢 Parallel pins,of hardened steel and martensitic stainless steel(Dowel pins)
GB/T 120.1-2000 内螺纹圆柱销 不淬硬钢和奥氏体不锈钢 Parallel pins with internal thread,of unhardened steel and austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 120.2-2000 内螺纹圆柱销 淬硬钢和马氏体不锈钢 Parallel pins with internal thread,of hardened steel and martensitic stainless steel
GB/T 121-1986 销技术条件 Specifications for pins
GB/T 131-1993 机械制图 表面粗糙度符号、代号及其注法 Mechanical drawings--Surface roughness symbols and methods of indicating
GB/T 131-2006 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 技术产品文件中表面结构的表示法 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Indication of surface texture in technical Product documentation
GB/T 139-1989 使用硫酸亚铁剂量计测量水中吸收剂量的标准方法 Standard method for usingthe ferrous sulfate(Fricke) dosimeter to measure absorbed dose in water
GB/T 143-2006 锯切用原木 Ripping logs
GB/T 143.1-1995 锯切用原木树种、主要用途 Ripping logs--Species--Main application
GB/T 143.2-1995 针叶树锯切用原木 尺寸、公差、分等 Coniferous ripping logs--Dimensions,tolerances and grade classification
GB/T 144-2003 原木检验 Log inspection
GB/T 145-2001 中心孔 Center holes
GB/T 147-1997 印刷、书写和绘图用原纸尺寸 Writing paper and certain classes printed matter--Untrimmed sizes
GB/T 148-1997 印刷、书写和绘图纸幅面尺寸 Writing paper and certain classes of printed matter--Trimmed sizes--A and B series
GB/T 149-1995 铅笔 Pencil
GB/T 152.1-1988 紧固件 铆钉用通孔 Fasteners--Clearance holes for rivets
GB/T 152.2-1988 紧固件 沉头用沉孔 Fasteners--Countersinks for countersunk head screws
GB/T 152.3-1988 紧固件 圆柱头用沉孔 Fasteners--Counterbores for hexagon socket head screws and slotted cheese head screws
GB/T 152.4-1988 紧固件 六角头螺栓和六角螺母用沉孔 Fasteners--Counterbores for hexagonbolts and nuts
GB/T 153-1995 针叶树锯材 Coniferous sawn timber
GB/T 155-1995 原木缺陷 Defects in logs
GB/T 155-2006 原木缺陷 Defects in logs
GB/T 156-2007 标准电压 Standard voltages
GB/T 157-2001 产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 圆锥的锥度与锥角系列 Geometrical product specifications(GPS)--Series of conical tapers and taper angles
GB/T 158-1996 机床工作台 T形槽和相应螺栓 Machine tool tables--T-slots and corresponding bolts
GB/T 176-1996 水泥化学分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of cement
GB/T 177-1985 水泥胶砂强度检验方法 Test method for strength of hydraulic cement mortar
GB/T 180-1998 乒乓球 Table tennis ball
GB/T 181-1963 每米50公斤钢轨型式尺寸 50 kg/m Steel rails
GB/T 182-1963 每米43公斤钢轨型式尺寸 43 kg/m Steel rails
GB/T 183-1963 每米38公斤钢轨型式尺寸 38 kg/m Steel rails
GB/T 184-1963 每米50公斤钢轨用鱼尾板式尺寸 Fish-plates for 50 kg/m steel rails
GB/T 185-1963 每米38及43公斤钢轨用鱼尾板型式尺寸 Fish-plates for 38 kg/m and 43 kg/m steel rails
GB/T 186-1963 每米50公斤钢轨用垫板型式尺寸 Tie-plates for 50 kg/m steel rails
GB/T 187-1963 每米38及43公斤钢轨用垫板型式尺寸 Tie-plates for 38 kg/m and 43 kg/m steels rails
GB/T 189-1997 煤炭粒度分级 Classification standard for size fractions of coal
GB/T 192-2003 普通螺纹 基本牙型 General purpose metric screw threads--Basic profile
GB/T 193-2003 普通螺纹 直径与螺距系列 General purpose metric screw threads--Generalplan
GB/T 196-2003 普通螺纹 基本尺寸 General purpose metric screw threads--Basic dimensions
GB/T 197-2003 普通螺纹 公差 General purpose metric screw threads--Tolerances
GB/T 203-1994 用于水泥中的粒化高炉矿渣 Granulated blastfurnace slag used for cement production
GB/T 205-2000 铝酸盐水泥化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminate cement
GB/T 207-1963 水泥比表面积测定方法 Method of determination for specific surface ofcement
GB/T 208-1994 水泥密度测定方法 Standard test method for cement density
GB/T 210.2-2004 工业碳酸钠及其试验方法 第2部分:工业碳酸钠试验方法 Specification and determination methods of sodium carbonate for industrial use--Part 2:Specification and determination methods
GB/T 211-2007 煤中全水分的测定方法 Determination of total moisture in coal
GB/T 211-1996 煤中全水分的测定方法 Determination of total moisture in coal
GB/T 212-2001 煤的工业分析方法 Proximate analysis of coal
GB/T 213-2003 煤的发热量测定方法 Determination of calorific value of coal
GB/T 214-2007 煤中全硫的测定方法 Determination of total sulfur in coal
GB/T 214-1996 煤中全硫的测定方法 Determination of total sulfur in coal
GB/T 215-2003 煤中各种形态硫的测定方法 Determination of forms of sulfur in coal
GB/T 216-2003 煤中磷的测定方法 Determination of phosphorus in coal
GB/T 217-1996 煤的真相对密度测定方法 Determination of true relative density of coal
GB/T 218-1996 煤中碳酸盐二氧化碳含量的测定方法 Determination of carbon dioxide content in the mineral carbonates associated with coal
GB/T 219-1996 煤灰熔融性的测定方法 Determination of fusibility of coal ash
GB/T 220-2001 煤对二氧化碳化学反应性的测定方法 Determination of carboxyreactivity ofcoal
GB/T 221-2000 钢铁产品牌号表示方法 Notations for designations of iron and steel
GB/T 222-1984 钢的化学分析用试样取样法及成品化学成分允许偏差 Method of sampling steel for determination of chemical composition and permissible variations for product analysis
GB/T 222-2006 钢的成品化学成分允许偏差 Permissible tolerances for chemical composition of steel products
GB/T 223.1-1981 钢铁及合金中碳量的测定 Determination of carbon content in iron,steel and alloy
GB/T 223.2-1981 钢铁及合金中硫量的测定 Determination of sulphur content in iron,steeland alloy
GB/T 223.3-1988 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 二安替比林甲烷磷钼酸重量法测定磷量 Methods forchemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The diantipyryl methane phosphomolybdate gravimetric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 223.4-1988 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 硝酸铵氧化容量法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The volumetric method for determination of manganese content by ammonium nitrate oxidation
GB/T 223.4-2008 钢铁及合金 锰含量的测定 电位滴定或可视滴定法 Alloyed steel - Determination of manganese content - Potentiometric or visual titration method
GB/T 223.5-1997 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 还原型硅钼酸盐光度法测定酸溶硅含量 Methods forchemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The reduced molybdosilicate spectro-photometric method for the determination of acid-soluble silicon content
GB/T 223.5-2008 钢铁 酸溶硅和全硅含量的测定 还原型硅钼酸盐分光光度法 Steel and iron - Determination of acid-soluble silicon and total silicon content - Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.6-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 中和滴定法测定硼量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The neutralization titrimetric method for the determination of boron content
GB/T 223.7-2002 铁粉 铁含量的测定 重铬酸钾滴定法 Iron powder--Determination of iron content--Potassium dichromate titration method
GB/T 223.8-2000 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 氟化钠分离-EDTA滴定法测定铝含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The sodium fluoride separation--EDTA titration method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 223.9-2000 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 铬天青S光度法测定铝含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The chrome azurol S photometric methodfor the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 223.9-2008 钢铁及合金 铝含量的测定 铬天青S分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of aluminium content - Chrom azurol S photometric method
GB/T 223.10-2000 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 铜铁试剂分离-铬天青S光度法测定铝含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The cupferron separation-chrome azurol S photometric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 223.11-1991 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 过硫酸铵氧化容量法测定铬量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The ammonium persulfate oxidation volumetric method for the determination of chromium content
GB/T 223.11-2008 钢铁及合金 铬含量的测定 可视滴定或电位滴定法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of chromium content - Visual titration or potentiometric titration method
GB/T 223.12-1991 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 碳酸钠分离-二苯碳酰二肼光度法测定铬量 Methodsfor chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The sodium carbonate separation-diphenyl carbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium content
GB/T 223.13-2000 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 硫酸亚铁铵滴定法测定钒含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The ammonium ferrous sulfate titrationmethod for the determination of vanadium content
GB/T 223.14-2000 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 钽试剂萃取光度法测定钒含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The N-benzoy-N-phenylhydroxylamine extraction photometric method for the determination of vanadium content
GB/T 223.15-1982 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 重量法测定钛 Chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The determination of titanium by gravimetric method
GB/T 223.16-1991 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 变色酸光度法测定钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The chromotropic acid photometric method for the determination of titanium content
GB/T 223.17-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 二安替比林甲烷光度法测定钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The diantipyryl methane photometric method for the determination of titanium content
GB/T 223.18-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 硫代硫酸钠分离-碘量法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The sodium thiosulfate separation iodimetric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 223.19-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 新亚铜灵-三氯甲烷萃取光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The neocuproine-chloroform extraction photometric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 223.20-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 电位滴定法测定钴量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The fotentiometric titration method for the determination of cobalt content
GB/T 223.21-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 5-Cl-PADAB分光光度法测定钴量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The 5-Cl-PADAB spectrophotometricmethod for the determination of cobalt content
GB/T 223.22-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 亚硝基R 盐分光光度法测定钴量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The nitroso-R-salt spectrophotometric method for the determination of cobalt content
GB/T 223.23-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 丁二酮肟分光光度法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The dimethylglyoxime spectrophotometricmethod for the determination of nickel content
GB/T 223.23-2008 钢铁及合金 镍含量的测定 丁二酮肟分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of nickel content - The dimethylglyoxime spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.24-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 萃取分离-丁二酮肟分光光度法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The extraction separation--The dimethylglyoxime spectrophotometric method for the determination of nickel content
GB/T 223.25-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 丁二酮肟重量法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method forthe determination of nickel content
GB/T 223.26-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 硫氰酸盐直接光度法测定钼量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The thiocyanate direct photometric method for the determination of molybdenum content
GB/T 223.26-2008 钢铁及合金 钼含量的测定 硫氰酸盐分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of molybdenum content - The thiocyanate spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.27-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 硫氰酸盐-乙酸丁酯萃取分光光度法测定钼量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The thiocyanate-butyl acetate extraction spectrophotometric method for the determination of molybdenum content
GB/T 223.28-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 α-安息香肟重量法测定钼量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The α-benzoinoxime gravimetric method for the determination of molybdenum content
GB/T 223.29-1984 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 载体沉淀-二甲酚橙光度法测定铅量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The xylenol orange photometric method for determination of lead content after carrier precipit-ation
GB/T 223.29-2008 钢铁及合金 铅含量的测定 载体沉淀-二甲酚橙分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of lead content - Carrier precipitation-xylenol orange spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.30-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 对-溴苦杏仁酸沉淀分离-偶氮胂Ⅲ分光光度法测定锆量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The arsenazo Ⅲspectrophotometric method for the determination of zirconium content after separation by p-bromomandelic acid
GB/T 223.31-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 蒸馏分离-钼蓝分光光度法测定砷量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The distillation-molybdenum bluespectrophotometric method for the determination of arsenic content
GB/T 223.31-2008 钢铁及合金 砷含量的测定 蒸馏分离-钼蓝分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of arsenic content -Distillation-molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.32-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 次磷酸钠还原-碘量法测定砷量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The hypophosphite reduction-iodimetric method for the determination of arsenic content
GB/T 223.33-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 萃取分离-偶氮氯膦mA光度法测定铈量 Methods forchemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The chlorophosphonago mA photometric method for the determination of cerium content after extraction separation
GB/T 223.34-2000 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 铁粉中盐酸不溶物的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The determination of hydrochloric acid-insoluble content of iron powders
GB/T 223.35-1985 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 脉冲加热惰气熔融库仑滴定法测定氧量 Methods forchemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The pulse heating inert gas fusion-coulometric titration method for the determination of oxygen content
GB/T 223.36-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 蒸馏分离-中和滴定法测定氮量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The neutral titration method for the determination of nitrogen content after distillation separation
GB/T 223.37-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 蒸馏分离-靛酚蓝光度法测定氮量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The indophenol blue photometric method for the determination of nitrogen content after distillation separation
GB/T 223.38-1985 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 离子交换分离-重量法测定铌量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The anion-exchange separation-gravimetric method for the determination of niobium content
GB/T 223.40-1985 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 离子交换分离-氯磺酚S 光度法测定铌量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The anion-exchange separation-sulphochlorophenol S photometric method for the determination of niobium content
GB/T 223.40-2007 钢铁及合金 铌含量的测定 氯磺酚S分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of niobium content - The sulphochlorophenol S spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.41-1985 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 离子交换分离-连苯三酚光度法测定钽量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The anion-exchange separation-pyrogallol photometric method for the determination of tantalum content
GB/T 223.42-1985 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 离子交换分离-溴邻苯三酚红光度法测定钽量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The anion-exchange separation-bromopyrogallol red photometric method for the determination of tantalumcontent
GB/T 223.43-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 钨量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--Determination of tungsten content
GB/T 223.43-2008 钢铁及合金 钨含量的测定 重量法和分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of tungsten content - Gravimetryc method and spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.45-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 铜试剂分离-二甲苯胺蓝Ⅱ光度法测定镁量 Methodsfor chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The cupral separation-xylidyl blue Ⅱ photometric method for the determination of magnesium content
GB/T 223.46-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定镁量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of magnesium content
GB/T 223.47-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 载体沉淀-钼蓝光度法测定锑量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The carrier precipitation-molybdenumblue potometric method for the determination of antimony content
GB/T 223.48-1985 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 半二甲酚橙光度法测定铋量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The semixylenol orange photometric method for the determination of bismuth content
GB/T 223.49-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 萃取分离-偶氮氯膦mA分光光度法测定稀土总量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--Extraction separation-chlorophosphonazo mA spectro-photometric method for the determination of the total rare earth content
GB/T 223.50-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 苯基荧光酮-溴化十六烷基三甲基胺直接光度法测定锡量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The phenylfluorone-CTMAB direct photometric method for the determination of tin content
GB/T 223.51-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 5-Br-PADAP 光度法测定锌量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The 2-(5-Bromo-2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol photometric method for the determination of zinc content
GB/T 223.52-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 盐酸羟胺-碘量法测定硒量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The hydroxylamine hydrochloride-iodometric method for the determination of selenium content
GB/T 223.53-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 223.54-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of nickel content
GB/T 223.55-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 示波极谱( 直接 )法测定碲量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The direct oscillopolarographic method for the determination of tellerium content
GB/T 223.55-2008 钢铁及合金 碲含量的测定 示波极谱法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of tellurium content - Oscillo-polarographic method
GB/T 223.56-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 巯基棉分离-示波极谱法测定碲量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The sulfhydryl cotton fiber separation-oscillopolarographic method for the determination of tellurium content
GB/T 223.57-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 萃取分离-吸附催化极谱法测定镉量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The extraction-absorption catalytic polarographic method for the determination of cadmium content
GB/T 223.58-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 亚砷酸钠-亚硝酸钠滴定法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The extraction-absorption catalytic polarographic method for the determination of manganese content
GB/T 223.59-1987 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 锑磷钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The sodium arsenite-sodium nitrite titrimetric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 223.59-2008 钢铁及合金 磷含量的测定 铋磷钼蓝分光光度法和锑磷钼蓝分光光度法 Iron,steel and alloy - Determination of phosphorus content - Bismuth phosphomolybdate blue spectrophotometric method and antimony phosphomolybdate blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.60-1997 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 高氯酸脱水重量法测定硅含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The perchloric acid dehydration gravimetric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 223.61-1988 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 磷钼酸铵容量法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The ammonium phosphomolybdate volumetric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 223.62-1988 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 乙酸丁酯萃取光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The butyl acetate extraction photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 223.63-1988 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 高碘酸钠(钾)光度法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The sodium (potassium) periodate photometric method for the determination of manganese content
GB/T 223.64-1988 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of manganese content
GB/T 223.64-2008 钢铁及合金 锰含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Iron, steel and alloyed - Determination of manganese content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 223.65-1988 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钴量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of cobalt content
GB/T 223.65-2012 钢铁及合金 钴含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Steel, iron and alloy - Determination of cobalt content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 223.66-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 硫氰酸盐-盐酸氯丙嗪-三氯甲烷萃取光度法测定钨量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The thiocyanate chlorpromazine hydrochloride--chloro form extraction photometric method for the determination of tungsten content
GB/T 223.67-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 还原蒸馏-次甲基蓝光度法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The reducing distillation-methylene blue photometric method for the determination of sulfur content
GB/T 223.67-2008 钢铁及合金 硫含量的测定 次甲基蓝分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of sulfur content -Methylene blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.68-1997 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 管式炉内燃烧后碘酸钾滴定法测定硫含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The potassium iodate titration method after combustion in the pipe furnace for the determination of sulfur content
GB/T 223.69-1997 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 管式炉内燃烧后气体容量法测定碳含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The gas-volumetric method after combustion in the pipe furnace for the determination of carbon content
GB/T 223.69-2008 钢铁及合金 碳含量的测定 管式炉内燃烧后气体容量法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of carbon contents - Gas-volumetric method after combustion in the pipe furnace
GB/T 223.70-1989 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 邻菲啰啉分光光度法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The o-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method for the determination of iron content
GB/T 223.70-2008 钢铁及合金 铁含量的测定 邻二氮杂菲分光光度法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of iron contents - O-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.71-1997 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 管式炉内燃烧后重量法测定碳含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The gravimetric method after combustion in the pipe furnace for the determination of carbon content
GB/T 223.72-1991 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 氧化铝色层分离-硫酸钡重量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The alumina chromatographic separation-bar-ium sulfate gravimetric method for the determination of sulphur content
GB/T 223.72-2008 钢铁及合金 硫含量的测定 重量法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of sulfur content - Gravimetric method
GB/T 223.73-1991 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 三氯化钛-重铬酸钾容量法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate volumetric method for the determination of iron content
GB/T 223.73-2008 钢铁及合金 铁含量的测定 三氯化钛-重铬酸钾滴定法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of iron contents - Titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate titration method
GB/T 223.74-1997 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 非化合碳含量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The combustion gravimetric/gas-volumetric method for the determination of non-combined carbon content
GB/T 223.75-1991 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 甲醇蒸馏-姜黄素光度法测定硼量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The methanol distillation-curcuminphotometric method for the determination of boron content
GB/T 223.75-2008 钢铁及合金 硼含量的测定 甲醇蒸馏-姜黄素光度法 Iron,steel and alloy - Determination of boron content - Methanol distillation-curcumin photometric method
GB/T 223.76-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钒量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of vanadium content
GB/T 223.77-1994 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of calcium content
GB/T 223.78-2000 钢铁及合金化学分析方法 姜黄素直接光度法测定硼含量 Methods for chemical analysis of iron,steel and alloy--Curcumin spectrophotometric method for the determination of boron content
GB/T 223.79-2007 钢铁 多元素含量的测定 X-射线荧光光谱法(常规法) Iron and steel - Determination of multi - element contents - X - ray fluorescence spectrometry (Routine method)
GB/T 223.80-2007 钢铁及合金 铋和砷含量的测定 氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法 Iron,steel and alloy - Determination of trace bismuth and arsenic contents - Hydride generation - atomic fluorescence spectrometric method
GB/T 223.81-2007 钢铁及合金 总铝和总硼含量的测定 微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Iron, steel and alloy - Determination of total aluminum and total boron contents - Microwave digestion - inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometric method
GB/T 223.82-2007 钢铁 氢含量的测定 惰气脉冲熔融热导法 Steel and iron - Determination of hydrogen content - Inert gas impulse fusion heat conductivity method
GB/T 223.83-2009 钢铁及合金 高硫含量的测定 感应炉燃烧后红外吸收法 Steel and iron - Determination of high sulfur content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace
GB/T 223.84-2009 钢铁及合金 钛含量的测定 二安替比林甲烷分光光度法 Steel and iron - Determination of titanium content - Diantipyrylmethane spectrophotometric method
GB/T 223.85-2009 钢铁及合金 硫含量的测定 感应炉燃烧后红外吸收法 Steel and iron - Determination of sulfur content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace
GB/T 223.86-2009 钢铁及合金 总碳含量的测定 感应炉燃烧后红外吸收法 Steel and iron - Determination of total carbon content - Infrared absorption method after combustion in an induction furnace
GB/T 224-1987 钢的脱碳层深度测定法 Determination of depth of decarburization of steel
GB/T 225-1988 钢的淬透性末端淬火试验方法 Steel-hardenability test by end quenching(Jominy test)
GB/T 225-2006 钢 淬透性的末端淬火试验方法(Jominy 试验) Steel - Hardenability test by end quenching(Jominy test)
GB/T 226-1991 钢的低倍组织及缺陷酸蚀检验法 Etch test for macrostructure and defect of steels
GB/T 227-1991 工具钢淬透性试验方法 Tool steel-method of hardenability test
GB/T 228-2002 金属材料 室温拉伸试验方法 Metallic materials--Tensile testing at ambient temperature
GB/T 228.1-2010 金属材料 拉伸试验 第1部分:室温试验方法 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1 : Method of test at room temperature
GB/T 229-2007 金属材料 夏比摆锤冲击试验方法 Metallic materials - Charpy pendulum impact test method
GB/T 229-1994 金属夏比缺口冲击试验方法 Metallic materials--Charpy notch impact test
GB/T 230-1991 金属洛氏硬度试验方法 Metallic materials—Rockwell hardness test
GB/T 230.1-2004 金属洛氏硬度试验 第1部分:试验方法(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺) Metallic Rockwell hardness test--Part 1:Test method(scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T)
GB/T 230.1-2009 金属材料 洛氏硬度试验 第1部分:试验方法(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺) Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part 1: Test method(scales A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T)
GB/T 230.2-2002 金属洛氏硬度试验 第2部分:硬度计(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺)的检验与校准 Metallic rockwell hardness test--Part 2:Verification and calibration of hardness testers(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T)
GB/T 230.2-2012 金属材料 洛氏硬度试验 第2部分:硬度计(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺)的检验与校准 Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines(scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T)
GB/T 230.3-2002 金属洛氏硬度试验 第3部分:标准硬度块(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺)的标定 Metallic rockwell hardness test--Part 3:Calibration of hardness reference blocks(scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T)
GB/T 230.3-2012 金属材料 洛氏硬度试验 第3部分:标准硬度块(A、B、C、D、E、F、G、H、K、N、T标尺)的标定 Metallic materials - Rockwell hardness test - Part 3:Calibration of reference blocks(scales A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,K,N,T)
GB/T 231.1-2002 金属布氏硬度试验 第1部分:试验方法 Metallic materials--Brinell hardness test--Part 1:Test method
GB/T 231.1-2009 金属材料 布氏硬度试验 第1部分:试验方法 Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 1: Test method
GB/T 231.2-2002 金属布氏硬度试验 第2部分:硬度计的检验与校准 Metallic brinell hardnesstest--Part 2:Verification and calibration of hardness testers
GB/T 231.2-2012 金属材料 布氏硬度试验 第2部分:硬度计的检验与校准 Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines
GB/T 231.3-2002 金属布氏硬度试验 第3部分:标准硬度块的标定 Metallic brinell hardness test--Part 3:Calibration of hardness reference blocks
GB/T 231.3-2012 金属材料 布氏硬度试验 第3部分:标准硬度块的标定 Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 3: Calibration of reference blocks
GB/T 231.4-2009 金属材料 布氏硬度试验 第4部分:硬度值表 Metallic materials - Brinell hardness test - Part 4: Tables of hardness values
GB/T 232-1999 金属材料 弯曲试验方法 Metallic materials--Bend test
GB/T 233-2000 金属材料 顶锻试验方法 Metallic materials--Forging test
GB/T 235-1999 金属材料 厚度等于或小于3mm薄板和薄带 反复弯曲试验方法 Metallic materials--Sheet and strip 3mm thick or less--Reverse bend test
GB/T 238-2002 金属材料 线材 反复弯曲试验方法 Metallic materials--Wire--Reverse bend test
GB/T 239-1999 金属线材扭转试验方法 Metallic materials--Wire--Torsion test
GB/T 239.1-2012 金属材料 线材 第1部分:单向扭转试验方法 Metallic materials - Wire - Part 1: Simple torsion test
GB/T 239.2-2012 金属材料 线材 第2部分:双向扭转试验方法 Metallic materials - Wire - Part 2: Reverse torsion test
GB/T 241-2007 金属管 液压试验方法 Metal materials-Tube - Hydrostatic pressure test
GB/T 241-1990 金属管液压试验方法 Metal tubes--Hydrostatic pressure testing
GB/T 242-2007 金属管 扩口试验方法 Metal materials-Tube - Drift-expending test
GB/T 242-1997 金属管 扩口试验方法 Metallic materials--Tube--Drift expanding test
GB/T 244-1997 金属管 弯曲试验方法 Metallic materials--Tube--Bend test
GB/T 245-1997 金属管 卷边试验方法 Metallic materials--Tube--Flanging test
GB/T 246-2007 金属管 压扁试验方法 Metal materials-Tube - Flattening test
GB/T 246-1997 金属管 压扁试验方法 Metallic materials--Tube--Flattening test
GB/T 247-1997 钢板和钢带检验、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General rule of acceptance,package,mark and certification for steel plates(sheets) and strips
GB/T 249-1989 半导体分立器件型号命名方法 The rule of type designation for discrete semiconductor devices
GB/T 254-1998 半精炼石蜡 Semi-refined paraffin wax
GB/T 255-1977 石油产品馏程测定法 Determination of distillation of petroleum products
GB/T 256-1964 汽油诱导期测定法 Determination of induction period of automobile gasoline
GB/T 257-1964 发动机燃料饱和蒸气压测定法 (雷德法) Determination of saturated vapor pressure of engine fuels(Reid method)
GB/T 258-1977 汽油、煤油、柴油酸度测定法 Determination of acidity of gasoline,kerosine and diesel fuels
GB/T 259-1988 石油产品水溶性酸及碱测定法 Petroleum products--Determination of water soluble acids and alkalis
GB/T 260-1977 石油产品水分测定法 Determination of water content in petroleum products
GB/T 261-1983 石油产品闪点测定法 (闭口杯法) Petroleum products--Determination of flash point--Closed cup method
GB/T 262-1988 石油产品苯胺点测定法 Petroleum products--Determination of aniline point
GB/T 264-1983 石油产品酸值测定法 Petroleum products--Determination of acid number
GB/T 265-1988 石油产品运动粘度测定法和动力粘度计算法 Petroleum products--Determination of kinematic viscosity and calculation of dynamic viscosity
GB/T 266-1988 石油产品恩氏粘度测定法 Petroleum products--Determination of Engler viscosity
GB/T 267-1988 石油产品闪点与燃点测定法 (开口杯法) Petroleum products--Determinationof flash and fire points--Open cup
GB/T 268-1987 石油产品残炭测定法 (康氏法) Petroleum products--Determination of carbon residue--Conradson method
GB/T 269-1991 润滑脂和石油脂锥入度测定法 Lubricating grease and petrolatum--Determination of cone penetration
GB/T 271-1997 滚动轴承 分类 Rolling bearings--Classification
GB/T 272-1993 滚动轴承 代号方法 Rolling bearing--Identification code
GB/T 273.1-2003 滚动轴承 圆锥滚子轴承 外形尺寸总方案 Rolling bearings--Tapered roller bearing--Plan of boundary dimensions
GB/T 273.1-2011 滚动轴承 外形尺寸总方案 第1部分:圆锥滚子轴承 Rolling bearings-Boundary dimensions general plan-Part 1:Tapered roller bearings
GB/T 273.2-1998 滚动轴承 推力轴承 外形尺寸总方案 Rolling bearings--Thrust bearings--Boundary dimensions,general plan
GB/T 273.2-2006 滚动轴承 推力轴承 外形尺寸总方案 Rolling bearings - Thrust bearings - Boundary dimensions, general plan
GB/T 273.3-1999 滚动轴承 向心轴承 外形尺寸总方案 Rolling bearings--Radial bearings--Boundary dimensions,general plan
GB/T 274-2000 滚动轴承 倒角尺寸最大值 Rolling bearings--Chamfer dimension--Maximumvalues
GB/T 275-1993 滚动轴承与轴和外壳的配合 Shaft and housing fits for rolling bearings
GB/T 276-1994 滚动轴承 深沟球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Deep groove ball bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 280-1964 带毡封圈的单列向心球轴承 结构型式和基本尺寸 Rolling bearings--Single-row radial ball bearings with felt seals--Types and basic dimensions
GB/T 281-1994 滚动轴承 调心球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Self-aligning ball bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 283-2007 滚动轴承 圆柱滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Cylindrical roller bearings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 283-1994 滚动轴承 圆柱滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Cylindrical roller bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 285-1994 滚动轴承 双列圆柱滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Double row cylindrical roller bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 286-1964 双列向心球面滚子轴承 结构型式和基本尺寸 Rolling bearings--Double row radial spherical roller bearings--Types and basic dimensions
GB/T 288-1994 滚动轴承 调心滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Self-aligning roller bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 289-1964 滚针轴承 结构型式和基本尺寸 Needle roller bearings--Types and basic dimensions
GB/T 290-1998 滚动轴承 冲压外圈滚针轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Needle roller bearings,drawn cup without inner rings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 291-1964 螺旋滚子轴承 结构型式和基本尺寸 Rolling bearings with helically woundcylindrical rollers--Types and basic dimensions
GB/T 292-2007 滚动轴承 角接触球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Angular contact ball bearings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 292-1994 滚动轴承 角接触球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Angular contact ball bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 294-1994 滚动轴承 三点和四点接触球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Three pointand four point contact ball bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 296-1994 滚动轴承 双列角接触球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Double row angular contact ball bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 297-1994 滚动轴承 圆锥滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Tapered roller bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 299-1995 滚动轴承 双列圆锥滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Metric double row tapered roller bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 300-1995 滚动轴承 四列圆锥滚子轴承外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Four row tapered roller bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 301-1995 滚动轴承 推力球轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Thrust ball bearings--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 304.1-2002 关节轴承 分类 Spherical plain bearings--Classification
GB/T 304.2-2002 关节轴承 代号方法 Spherical plain bearings--Identification code
GB/T 304.3-2002 关节轴承 配合 Spherical plain bearings--Fits
GB/T 304.9-1981 向心关节轴承 技术条件 Spherical plain radial bearings,joint type--Technical requirements
GB/T 304.9-2008 关节轴承 通用技术规则 Spherical plain bearings - General technical regulations
GB/T 305-1998 滚动轴承 外圈上的止动槽和止动环 尺寸和公差 Rolling bearings--Snap ring groove and snap ring on outer ring--Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 307.1-1994 滚动轴承 向心轴承 公差 Rolling bearings--Radial bearings--Tolerances
GB/T 307.1-2005 滚动轴承 向心轴承 公差 Rolling bearings-Radial bearings-Tolerances
GB/T 307.2-1995 滚动轴承 测量和检验的原则及方法 Rolling bearings--Measuring and gauging principles and methods
GB/T 307.2-2005 滚动轴承 测量和检验的原则及方法 Rolling bearings-Measuring and gauging principles and methods
GB/T 307.3-1996 滚动轴承 通用技术规则 Rolling bearings--General technical regulations
GB/T 307.3-2005 滚动轴承 通用技术规则 Rolling bearings-General technical regulations
GB/T 307.4-2002 滚动轴承 推力轴承 公差 Rolling bearings--Thrust bearings--Tolerances
GB/T 307.4-2012 滚动轴承 公差 第4部分:推力轴承公差 Rolling bearings - Tolerances - Part 4: Tolerances for thrust bearings
GB/T 308-2002 滚动轴承 钢球 Rolling bearings--Steel balls
GB/T 308.2-2010 滚动轴承 球 第2部分:陶瓷球 Rolling bearings - Balls - Part 2: Ceramic balls
GB/T 309-2000 滚动轴承 滚针 Rolling bearings--Needle rollers
GB/T 311.2-2002 绝缘配合 第2部分:高压输变电设备的绝缘配合使用导则 Insulation co-ordination--Part 2:Application guide for insulation co-ordination for high voltage transmission and distribution equipment
GB/T 311.2-2013 绝缘配合 第2部分:使用导则 Insulation co-ordination - Part 2: Application guide
GB/T 311.3-2007 绝缘配合 第3部分:高压直流换流站绝缘配合程序 Insulation coordination - Part 3:Procedures for high-voltage direct current(HVDC) converter stations
GB/T 311.4-2010 绝缘配合 第4部分:电网绝缘配合及其模拟的计算导则 Insulation co-ordination - Part 4: Computational guide to insulation Co-ordination and modeling of electrical networks
GB/T 311.6-1983 高电压试验技术 第五部分 测量球隙 High voltage test techniques--Part 5:Sphere-gaps for voltage measurment
GB/T 311.6-2005 高电压测量标准空气间隙 Voltage measurement by means of standard air gaps
GB/T 321-1980 优先数和优先数系 Preferred numbers and preferred number series
GB/T 321-2005 优先数和优先数系 Preferred numbers-Series of preferred numbers
GB/T 324-1988 焊缝符号表示法 Welds-symbolic representation on drawings
GB/T 325-2000 包装容器 钢桶 Packing containers--Steel drum
GB/T 325.1-2008 包装容器 钢桶 第1部分:通用技术要求 Packing containers - Steel drums - Part 1:General specifications
GB/T 325.2-2010 包装容器 钢桶 第2部分:最小总容量208L、210L和216.5L全开口钢桶 Packaging container - Steel drums - Part 2:Removable head (open head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 208l, 210l and 216.5l
GB/T 325.3-2010 包装容器 钢桶 第3部分:最小总容量212L、216.5L和230L闭口钢桶 Packaging container - Steel drums - Part 3:Non-removable head (tight head) drums with a minimum total capacity of 212l, 216.5l and 230l
GB/T 328.1-1989 沥青防水卷材试验方法 总则 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing--The general rules
GB/T 328.1-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第1部分:沥青和高分子防水卷材 抽样规则 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 1: Bitumen,plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-rules for sampling
GB/T 328.2-1989 沥青防水卷材试验方法 浸涂材料含量 Test methods for asphalt waterproofroll roofing--Saturated and coated bitumen amount of asphalt
GB/T 328.2-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第2部分:沥青防水卷材 外观 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - part 2: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-visible defects
GB/T 328.3-1989 沥青防水卷材试验方法 不透水性 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing--Water impermeability of asphalt
GB/T 328.3-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第3部分:高分子防水卷材 外观 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 3: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-visible defects
GB/T 328.4-1989 沥青防水卷材试验方法 吸水性 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing--Water absorption of asphalt
GB/T 328.4-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第4部分:沥青防水卷材 厚度、单位面积质量 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 4: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-thickness and mass per unit area
GB/T 328.5-1989 沥青防水卷材试验方法 耐热度 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing--Heat resistance of asphalt
GB/T 328.5-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第5部分:高分子防水卷材 厚度、单位面积质量 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 5: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-thickness and mass per unit area
GB/T 328.6-1989 沥青防水卷材试验方法 拉力 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing--Tensile strength of asphalt
GB/T 328.6-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第6部分:沥青防水卷材 长度、宽度和平直度 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 6: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-length,width and straightness
GB/T 328.7-1989 沥青防水卷材试验方法 柔度 Test methods for asphalt waterproof roll roofing--Flexibility of asphalt
GB/T 328.7-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第7部分:高分子防水卷材 长度、宽度、平直度和平整度 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 7: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-length,width,straightness and flatness
GB/T 328.8-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第8部分:沥青防水卷材 拉伸性能 Test methodSs for building sheets for waterproofing - part 8: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-tensile properties
GB/T 328.9-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第9部分:高分子防水卷材 拉伸性能 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 9: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-tensile properties
GB/T 328.10-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第10部分:沥青和高分子防水卷材 不透水性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 10: Bitumen,plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-watertightness
GB/T 328.11-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第11部分:沥青防水卷材 耐热性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 11: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-flow resistance at elevated temperature
GB/T 328.12-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第12部分:沥青防水卷材 尺寸稳定性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 12: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-dimensional stability
GB/T 328.13-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第13部分:高分子防水卷材 尺寸稳定性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 13: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-dimensional stability
GB/T 328.14-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第14部分:沥青防水卷材 低温柔性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 14: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-flexibility at low temperature
GB/T 328.15-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第15部分:高分子防水卷材 低温弯折性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 15: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproof-foldability at low temperature
GB/T 328.16-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第16部分:高分子防水卷材 耐化学液体(包括水) Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 16: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-exposure to liquid chemicals including water
GB/T 328.17-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第17部分:沥青防水卷材 矿物料粘附性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 17: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-adhesion of granules
GB/T 328.18-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第18部分:沥青防水卷材 撕裂性能(钉杆法) Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 18: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-resistance to tearing(nail shank)
GB/T 328.19-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第19部分:高分子防水卷材 撕裂性能 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 19: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to tearing
GB/T 328.20-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第20部分:沥青防水卷材 接缝剥离性能 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 20: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-resistance to peeling of joints
GB/T 328.21-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第21部分:高分子防水卷材 接缝剥离性能 Test method for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 21: Palstic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to peeling of joints
GB/T 328.22-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第22部分:沥青防水卷材 接缝剪切性能 Test methods foe building sheets for waterproofing - Part 22: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-resistance to shearing of joints
GB/T 328.23-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第23部分:高分子防水卷材 接缝剪切性能 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 23: Plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to shearing of joints
GB/T 328.24-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第24部分:沥青和高分子防水卷材 抗冲击性能 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 24: Bitumen,plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to impact
GB/T 328.25-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第25部分:沥青和高分子防水卷材 抗静态荷载 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - part 25: Bitumen,plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-resistance to static loading
GB/T 328.26-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第26部分:沥青防水卷材 可溶物含量(浸涂材料含量) Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 26: Bitumen sheets for waterproofing-dissoulble composite of membrane (impregnated and coated asphalt amount)
GB/T 328.27-2007 建筑防水卷材试验方法 第27部分:沥青和高分子防水卷材 吸水性 Test methods for building sheets for waterproofing - Part 27: Bitumen,plastic and rubber sheets for waterproofing-water absorption
GB/T 330-1994 棉帘子布 Cotton cord fabrics
GB/T 335-2002 非自行指示秤 Non-self-indicating instrument
GB/T 337.1-2002 工业硝酸 浓硝酸 Concentrated nitric acid for industrial use
GB/T 337.2-2002 工业硝酸 稀硝酸 Dilute nitric acid for industrial use
GB/T 339-2001 工业用合成苯酚 Synthetic phenol for industrial use
GB/T 340-1976 有色金属及合金产品牌号表示方法 Non-ferrous metals and its alloys--Code of designation
GB/T 341-1989 钢丝分类及术语 Steel wire--Classification and vocabulary
GB/T 342-1997 冷拉圆钢丝、方钢丝、六角钢丝尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimension,shape,mass and tolerance for cold-drawn round,square and hexagonal steel wires
GB/T 343-1994 一般用途低碳钢丝 Low carbon steel wire for general uses
GB/T 346-1984 通讯线用镀锌低碳钢丝 Galvanized low carbon steel wire for electric communications lines
GB/T 347-1982 针布钢丝 Card wire
GB/T 348-1964 刺钢丝 Barbed steel wires
GB/T 351-1995 金属材料电阻系数测量方法 Metallic materials--Resistivity measurement method
GB/T 352-2002 密封钢丝绳 Locked coil wire ropes
GB/T 377-1964 汽油四乙基铅含量测定法 (铬酸盐法) Determinations of tetra-ethyl lead content in gasoline(chromate method)
GB/T 378-1964 发动机燃料铜片腐蚀试验法 Test for copper strip corrosion of engine fuels
GB/T 380-1977 石油产品硫含量测定法 (燃灯法) Determination of sulfur content in petroleum products (lamp method)
GB/T 382-1983 煤油烟点测定法 Kerosene--Determination of smoke point
GB/T 384-1981 石油产品热值测定法 Determination of calorific value of petroleum products
GB/T 386-1991 柴油着火性质测定法 (十六烷值法) Diesel fuels--Determination of ignition quality by the cetane method
GB/T 387-1990 深色石油产品硫含量测定法 (管式炉法) Dark petroleum products--Determination of sulphur content--Tubular oven method
GB/T 388-1964 石油产品硫含量测定法 (氧弹法) Determination of sulfur content in petroleum products (oxygen bomb method)
GB/T 391-1977 发动机润滑油腐蚀度测定法 Determination of corrosion of engine lubricating oils
GB/T 392-1977 润滑脂压力分油测定法 Determination of colloid-stability of lubricating greases
GB/T 393-1994 日用安全火柴 Daily used safety matches
GB/T 394.1-1994 工业酒精 Ethanol for industrial use
GB/T 394.1-2008 工业酒精 Ethanol for industrial use
GB/T 394.2-1994 酒精通用试验方法 General methods for determination of ethanol
GB/T 394.2-2008 酒精通用分析方法 General methods of analysis for ethanol
GB/T 397-1998 冶金焦用煤技术条件 Technical condition of coal for metallurgical coke
GB/T 398-1993 棉本色纱线 Cotton grey yarns
GB/T 403-1978 本色棉纱线试验方法 Methods of testing for cotton yarn
GB/T 404-1978 本色棉纱线包装和标志 Cotton yarn--Packing and marking
GB/T 405-1978 本色棉纱线验收规则 Rules of acceptance for cotton yarn
GB/T 406-1993 棉本色布 Cotton grey fabric
GB/T 408-1978 本色棉布试验方法 Methods of testing for grey cotton cloth
GB/T 409-1978 本色棉布包装和标志 Packaging and marking for grey cotton cloth
GB/T 410-1978 本色棉布验收规则 Rules of acceptance for grey cotton cloth
GB/T 411-1993 棉印染布 Printed and dyed cotton fabric
GB/T 418-1978 印染布熨烫牢度试验方法 Test methods of ironing fastness for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 420-1990 纺织品耐刷洗色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for colour fastness to wet scrubbing
GB/T 421-1978 印染布幅宽和长度试验方法 Test methods of length and width for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 422-1978 印染布密度试验方法 Test methods of density for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 423-1978 印染布断裂强度和伸长试验方法 Test methods of breaking strength and elongation for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 424-1978 印染布湿状断裂强度试验方法 Test methods of wet breaking strength for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 425-1978 印染布重量试验方法 Test methods of weight for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 426-1978 印染布缩水率试验方法 Test methods of shrinkage for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 427-1978 印染布缝纫断裂强度试验方法 Test methods of stitching strength for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 428-1978 印染布撕破强度试验方法 Test methods of tearing strength for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 429-1978 印染布折皱弹性试验方法 Test methods of wrinkle recovery for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 430-1978 印染布防雨效能试验方法 Test methods of water-proof property for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 431-1978 印染棉布包装和标志 Packaging and marking of printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 432-1978 印染棉布验收规则 Rules of inspection and acceptance for printed and dyed fabrics
GB/T 447-1994 蒸汽汽缸油 Steam cylinder oil
GB/T 450-2002 纸和纸板试样的采取 Paper and board--Sampling for testing
GB/T 451.1-2002 纸和纸板尺寸及偏斜度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of size and deviation
GB/T 451.2-2002 纸和纸板定量的测定 Paper and board--Determination of grammage
GB/T 451.3-2002 纸和纸板厚度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of thickness
GB/T 452.1-2002 纸和纸板纵横向的测定 Paper and board--Identification of machine and cross direction
GB/T 452.2-2002 纸和纸板正反面的测定 Paper and board--Identification of wire side and felt side
GB/T 453-2002 纸和纸板抗张强度的测定(恒速加荷法) Paper and board--Determination of tensile properties (constant rate of loading methods)
GB/T 454-2002 纸耐破度的测定 Paper--Determination of bursting strength
GB/T 455-2002 纸和纸板撕裂度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of tearing resistance
GB/T 456-2002 纸和纸板平滑度的测定(别克法) Paper and board--Determination of smoothness (Bekk method)
GB/T 457-2002 纸耐折度的测定(肖伯尔法) Paper--Determination of folding endurance (Schopper method)
GB/T 458-2002 纸和纸板透气度的测定(肖伯尔法) Paper and board--Determination of air permeance(Schopper method)
GB/T 459-2002 纸和纸板伸缩性的测定 Paper and board--Determination of demensional instability
GB/T 460-2002 纸施胶度的测定(墨水划线法) Paper--Determination of the sizing value(Ink line method)
GB/T 461.1-2002 纸和纸板毛细吸液高度的测定(克列姆法) Paper and board--Determination ofcapillary rise--Klemm methods
GB/T 461.2-2002 纸和纸板表面吸收速度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of the rate of surface absorbing
GB/T 461.3-1989 纸和纸板吸收性的测定法 (浸水法) Paper and board--Determination of absorption after immersion in water
GB/T 461.3-2005 纸和纸板 吸水性的测定(浸水法) Paper and board-Determination of water absorption(immersion in water)
GB/T 462-2003 纸和纸板 水分的测定 Paper and board--Determination of moisture content
GB/T 464.1-1989 纸和纸板的干热加速老化方法 (105±2℃,72h) Paper and board--Accelerated ageing-dry heat treatment at 105℃
GB/T 464.2-1993 纸和纸板干热加速老化的方法(120±2℃或150±2℃) Paper and board--Accelerated ageing-dry heat treatment at 120 or 150℃
GB/T 465.1-1989 纸和纸板按规定时间浸水后耐破度的测定法 Paper and board--Determination of bursting strength after immersion in water
GB/T 465.1-2008 纸和纸板 浸水后耐破度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of bursting strength after immersion in water
GB/T 465.2-1989 纸和纸板按规定时间浸水后抗张强度的测定法 Paper and board--Determination of tensile strength after immersion in water
GB/T 465.2-2008 纸和纸板 浸水后抗张强度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of tensile strength after immersion in water
GB/T 466-1982 铜分类 Classification of copper
GB/T 467-1997 阴极铜 Copper cathode
GB/T 468-1997 电工用铜线锭 Copper wire bars for electrical purposes
GB/T 469-1995 铅锭 Lead ingots
GB/T 469-2005 铅锭 Lead ingots
GB/T 470-1997 锌锭 Zinc ingots
GB/T 476-2001 煤的元素分析方法 Ultimate analysis of coal
GB/T 477-1998 煤炭筛分试验方法 Method for size analysis of coal
GB/T 478-2001 煤炭浮沉试验方法 Method for float and sink analysis of coal
GB/T 479-2000 烟煤胶质层指数测定方法 Determination of plastometric indices of bituminous coal
GB/T 480-2000 煤的铝甑低温干馏试验方法 Test for carbonization of coal in aluminium retort
GB/T 483-2007 煤炭分析试验方法一般规定 General rules for analytical and testing methods of coal
GB/T 483-1998 煤炭分析试验方法一般规定 General rules for analytical and testing methods of coal
GB/T 492-1989 钠基润滑脂 Sodium base lubricating grease
GB/T 494-1998 建筑石油沥青 Asphalt used in roofing
GB/T 498-1987 石油产品及润滑剂的总分类 Petroleum products and lubricants--Method of classification--Definition of classes
GB/T 503-1995 汽油辛烷值测定法(马达法) Test method for knock characteristics of motor and aviation fuels by the motor method
GB/T 505-1965 发动机燃料硫醇性硫含量测定法 (氨-硫酸铜法) Determination of mercaptan-sulfur in engine fuels (ammonia-copper sulfate method)
GB/T 507-2002 绝缘油 击穿电压测定法 Insulating liquids--Determination of the breakdown voltage at power frequency
GB/T 508-1985 石油产品灰分测定法 Petroleum products--Determination of ash
GB/T 509-1988 发动机燃料实际胶质测定法 Engine fuels--Determination of existent gum
GB/T 510-1983 石油产品凝点测定法 Petroleum products--Determination of solidificationpoint
GB/T 511-1988 石油产品和添加剂机械杂质测定法 (重量法) Petroleum products and additives--Determination of mechanical impurities--Gravimetric method
GB/T 512-1965 润滑脂水分测定法 Determination of water content in lubricating greases
GB/T 513-1977 润滑脂机械杂质测定法 (酸分解法) Determination of mechanical impuritiesin lubricating greases (acid decomposition method)
GB/T 514-1983 石油产品试验用液体温度计 技术条件 Liquid in glass thermometers for petroleum products--Specification
GB/T 514-2005 石油产品试验用玻璃液体温度计技术条件 Specification for liquid-in-glass thermometers for testing of petroleum products
GB/T 518-1997 摩托车轮胎 Motorcycle tyres
GB/T 519-2003 充气轮胎物理性能试验方法 Test method for measuring physical propertiesof pneumatic tyres
GB/T 521-2003 轮胎外缘尺寸测量方法 Test method of measuring peripheral dimensions for tyres
GB/T 524-2007 平型传动带 Flat transmission belt
GB/T 524-2003 平型传动带 Flat transmission belt
GB/T 528-1998 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力应变性能的测定 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic--Determination of tensile stress-strain properties
GB/T 529-1999 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶撕裂强度的测定(裤形、直角形和新月形试样) Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic--Determination of tear strength (Trouser,angle andcrescent test pieces)
GB/T 531-1999 橡胶袖珍硬度计压入硬度试验方法 Rubber--Determination of indentation hardness by means of pocket hardness meters
GB/T 531.1-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压入硬度试验方法 第1部分:邵氏硬度计法(邵尔硬度) Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of indentation hardness - Part 1:Duromerer method (Shore hardness)
GB/T 531.2-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压入硬度试验方法 第2部分:便携式橡胶国际硬度计法 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of indentation hardness - Part 2: IRHD pocket meter method
GB/T 532-1997 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与织物粘合强度的测定 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic--Determination of adhesion to textile fabric
GB/T 533-1991 硫化橡胶密度的测定 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of density
GB/T 534-2002 工业硫酸 Sulphuric acid for industrial use
GB/T 537-1997 工业十水合四硼酸二钠 Disodium tetraborate decahydrate for industrial use
GB/T 538-1990 工业硼酸 Boric acid for industrial use
GB/T 538-2006 工业硼酸 Boric acid for industrial use
GB/T 539-1995 耐油石棉橡胶板 Oil-resisting asbestos-rubber sheets
GB/T 540-1999 耐油石棉橡胶板试验方法 Test methods for oil-resisting asbestos-rubber sheets
GB/T 541-1996 石棉橡胶板 试验方法 Test methods for asbestos-rubber sheets
GB/T 542-1983 石棉橡胶板 柔软性试验方法 Test method for flexibility of asbestos-rubber sheets
GB/T 545-1996 海军锚 Admiralty anchor
GB/T 546-1997 霍尔锚 Hall anchor
GB/T 547-1994 锚卸扣 Anchor shackle
GB/T 548-1996 锚技术条件 Technical requirements for anchors
GB/T 549-1996 电焊锚链 Electro-welded anchor chains
GB/T 552-1996 铸造锚链钢 Anchor chain casting steel
GB/T 553-1983 锚链涂漆和标志 Painting and marking of chain cables
GB/T 554-1996 带缆桩 Mooring bitts
GB/T 558-1983 带缆桩技术条件 Rollards technical condition
GB/T 568-1965 船用法兰类型 Marine pipe flanges--Types
GB/T 569-1965 船用法兰 连接尺寸和密封面 Marine pipe flanges--Connection dimensions and mating face
GB/T 584-1999 船用法兰铸钢截止阀 Marine cast steel flanged stop valves
GB/T 585-1999 船用法兰铸钢截止止回阀 Marine cast steel flangedstop check valves
GB/T 586-1999 船用法兰铸钢止回阀 Marine cast steel flanged check valves
GB/T 587-1993 船用法兰青铜截止阀 Marine bronze flanged stop valves
GB/T 588-1993 船用法兰青铜截止止回阀 Marine bronze flanged stop check valves
GB/T 589-1993 船用法兰青铜止回阀 Marine bronze flanged check valves
GB/T 590-1993 船用法兰铸铁截止阀 Marine cast iron flanged stop valves
GB/T 591-1993 船用法兰铸铁截止止回阀 Marine cast iron flanged stop check valves
GB/T 592-1993 船用法兰铸铁止回阀 Marine cast iron flanged lift check valves
GB/T 593-1993 船用法兰青铜、铸铁填料旋塞 Marine bronze and cast iron flanged cocks
GB/T 594-1983 船用外螺纹锻钢截止阀 Marine forged steel male thread stop valves
GB/T 595-1983 船用外螺纹青铜截止阀 Marine bronze male thread stop valves
GB/T 596-1983 船用外螺纹青铜截止止回阀 Marine bronze male thread stop and check valves
GB/T 597-1983 船用外螺纹青铜止回阀 Marine bronze male thread lift check valves
GB/T 598-1980 船用外螺纹青铜填料旋塞 Marine bronze external screwed packed cocks
GB/T 599-1996 船用外螺纹青铜泄放旋塞 Marine bronze external screwed draw-off cocks
GB/T 600-1991 船舶管路阀件通用技术条件 General specifications for marine piping valves and fittings
GB/T 601-2002 化学试剂 标准滴定溶液的制备 Chemical reagent--Preparations of standard volumetric solutions
GB/T 602-2002 化学试剂 杂质测定用标准溶液的制备 Chemical reagent--Preparations of standard solutions for impurity
GB/T 603-2002 化学试剂 试验方法中所用制剂及制品的制备 Chemical reagent--Preparations of reagent solutions for use in test methods
GB/T 604-2002 化学试剂 酸碱指示剂pH变色域测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of pH ranges corresponding the colour transition of acid-base indicators
GB/T 605-1988 化学试剂 色度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the measurement of colour(in Hazen units)
GB/T 605-2006 化学试剂 色度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the measurement of colour
GB/T 606-2003 化学试剂 水分测定通用方法 卡尔·费休法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of water--Karl Fischer method
GB/T 607-1977 化学试剂 水分测定法 (乙酰氯法) Chemical reagent--Determination of water content (acetyl chloride method)
GB/T 608-1988 化学试剂 氮测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of nitrogen
GB/T 609-1988 化学试剂 总氮量测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of total nitrogen
GB/T 609-2006 化学试剂 总氮量测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of total nitrogen
GB/T 610.1-1988 化学试剂 砷测定通用方法(砷斑法) Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of arsenic
GB/T 610.2-1988 化学试剂 砷测定通用方法(二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银法) Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of arsenic (AgDDTC)
GB/T 611-1988 化学试剂 密度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of density
GB/T 611-2006 化学试剂 密度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of density
GB/T 613-2007 化学试剂 比旋光本领(比旋光度)测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of specific optical rotatory power(specific optical rotation)
GB/T 613-1988 化学试剂 比旋光度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of specific optical rotation
GB/T 614-1988 化学试剂 折光率测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of refractive index
GB/T 614-2006 化学试剂 折光率测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of refractive index
GB/T 615-1988 化学试剂 沸程测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of distillation range
GB/T 615-2006 化学试剂 沸程测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of distillation range
GB/T 616-1988 化学试剂 沸点测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of boiling point
GB/T 616-2006 化学试剂 沸点测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of boiling point
GB/T 617-1988 化学试剂 熔点范围测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of melting range
GB/T 617-2006 化学试剂 熔点范围测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of melting range
GB/T 618-1988 化学试剂 结晶点测定通用方法 Chemical reagent--General method for the determination of crystallizing point
GB/T 618-2006 化学试剂 结晶点测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of crystallizing point
GB/T 619-1988 化学试剂 采样及验收规则 Chemical reagent--Regulations for sampling and acceptance
GB/T 620-1993 化学试剂 氢氟酸 Chemical reagent--Hydrofluoric acid
GB/T 621-1993 化学试剂 氢溴酸 Chemical reagent--Hydrobromic acid
GB/T 622-1989 化学试剂 盐酸 Chemical reagent--Hydrochloric acid
GB/T 622-2006 化学试剂 盐酸 Chemical reagent - Hydrochloric acid
GB/T 623-1992 化学试剂 高氯酸 Chemical reagent--Perchloric acid
GB/T 625-2007 化学试剂 硫酸 Chemical reagent - Sulfuric acid
GB/T 625-1989 化学试剂 硫酸 Chemical reagent--Sulfuric acid
GB/T 626-1989 化学试剂 硝酸 Chemical reagent--Nitric acid
GB/T 626-2006 化学试剂 硝酸 Chemical reagent - Nitric acid
GB/T 628-1993 化学试剂 硼酸 Chemical reagent--Boric acid
GB/T 629-1997 化学试剂 氢氧化钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium hydroxide
GB/T 631-2007 化学试剂 氨水 Chemical reagent - Ammonia solution
GB/T 631-1989 化学试剂 氨水 Chemical reagent--Ammonia solution (25%)
GB/T 632-1993 化学试剂 十水合四硼酸钠(四硼酸钠) Chemical reagent--Disodium tetraborate decahydrate
GB/T 633-1994 化学试剂 亚硝酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium nitrite
GB/T 636-1992 化学试剂 硝酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium nitrate
GB/T 637-1988 化学试剂 硫代硫酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate
GB/T 637-2006 化学试剂 五水合硫代硫酸钠(硫代硫酸钠) Chemical reagent - Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate
GB/T 638-2007 化学试剂 二水合氯化亚锡(Ⅱ)( 氯化亚锡) Chemical reagent - Tin(Ⅱ)Chloride dihydrate
GB/T 638-1988 化学试剂 氯化亚锡 Chemical reagent--Tin(Ⅱ) chloride dihydrate
GB/T 639-1986 化学试剂 无水碳酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium carbonate anhydrous
GB/T 640-1997 化学试剂 碳酸氢钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium hydrogen carbonate
GB/T 641-1994 化学试剂 过二硫酸钾(过硫酸钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium peroxydisulfate
GB/T 642-1999 化学试剂 重铬酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium dichromate
GB/T 643-1988 化学试剂 高锰酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium permanganate
GB/T 644-1993 化学试剂 六氰合铁(Ⅲ)酸钾(铁氰化钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium hexacyanoferrate (Ⅲ)
GB/T 645-1994 化学试剂 氯酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium chlorate
GB/T 646-1993 化学试剂 氯化钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium chloride
GB/T 647-1993 化学试剂 硝酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium nitrate
GB/T 648-1993 化学试剂 硫氰酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium thiocyanate
GB/T 649-1999 化学试剂 溴化钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium bromide
GB/T 650-1993 化学试剂 溴酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium bromate
GB/T 651-1993 化学试剂 碘酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium iodate
GB/T 652-2003 化学试剂 氯化钡 Chemical reagent--Barium chloride dihydrate
GB/T 653-1994 化学试剂 硝酸钡 Chemical reagent--Barium nitrate
GB/T 654-1999 化学试剂 碳酸钡 Chemical reagent--Barium carbonate
GB/T 655-1994 化学试剂 过硫酸铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium persulfate
GB/T 656-2003 化学试剂 重铬酸铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium dichromate
GB/T 657-1993 化学试剂 四水合钼酸铵(钼酸铵) Chemical reagent--Hexaammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate
GB/T 658-1988 化学试剂 氯化铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium chloride
GB/T 658-2006 化学试剂 氯化铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium chloride
GB/T 659-1993 化学试剂 硝酸铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium nitrate
GB/T 660-1992 化学试剂 硫氰酸铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium thiocyanate
GB/T 661-1992 化学试剂 六水合硫酸铁(Ⅱ)铵 (硫酸亚铁铵) Chemical reagent--Ammonium iron (Ⅱ) sulfate hexahydrate
GB/T 664-1993 化学试剂 七水合硫酸亚铁(硫酸亚铁) Chemical reagent--Iron(Ⅱ) sulfate heptahydrate
GB/T 665-2007 化学试剂 无水合硫酸铜(Ⅱ)(硫酸铜) Chemical reagent - Copper(Ⅱ) Sulfate pentahydrate
GB/T 665-1988 化学试剂 硫酸铜 Chemical reagent--Copper(Ⅱ) sulfate pentahydrate
GB/T 666-1993 化学试剂 七水合硫酸锌(硫酸锌) Chemical reagent--Zine sulfate heptahydrate
GB/T 667-1995 化学试剂 六水合硝酸锌(硝酸锌) Chemical reagent--Zinc nitrate hexahydrate
GB/T 669-1994 化学试剂 硝酸锶 Chemical reagent--Strontium nitrate
GB/T 670-2007 化学试剂 硝酸银 Chemical reagent - Silver nitrate
GB/T 670-1986 化学试剂 硝酸银 Chemical reagent--Silver nitrate
GB/T 671-1998 化学试剂 硫酸镁 Chemical reagent--Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
GB/T 672-1988 化学试剂 氯化镁 Chemical reagent--Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
GB/T 672-2006 化学试剂 六水合氯化镁(氯化镁) Chemical reagent - Magnesium chloride hexahydrate
GB/T 673-1984 化学试剂 三氧化二砷 Chemical reagent--Arsenic trioxide
GB/T 673-2006 化学试剂 三氧化二砷 Chemical reagent - Arsenic trioxide
GB/T 674-2003 化学试剂 粉状氧化铜 Chemical reagent--Copper(II)oxide powder
GB/T 675-1993 化学试剂 碘 Chemical reagent--Iodine
GB/T 676-2007 化学试剂 乙酸(冰醋酸) Chemical reagent - Acetic acid
GB/T 676-1990 化学试剂 乙酸(冰醋酸) Chemical reagents--Acetic acid
GB/T 677-1992 化学试剂 乙酸酐 Chemical reagent--Acetic anhydride
GB/T 678-2002 化学试剂 乙醇(无水乙醇) Chemical reagent--Ethanol
GB/T 679-2002 化学试剂 乙醇(95%) Chemical reagent--Ethanol
GB/T 681-1994 化学试剂 二苯胺 Chemical reagent--Diphenylamine
GB/T 682-2002 化学试剂 三氯甲烷 Chemical reagent--Trichloromethane
GB/T 683-1993 化学试剂 甲醇 Chemical reagent--Methanol
GB/T 683-2006 化学试剂 甲醇 Chemical reagent - Methanol
GB/T 684-1999 化学试剂 甲苯 Chemical reagent--Toluene
GB/T 685-1993 化学试剂 甲醛溶液 Chemical reagent--Formaldehyde solution
GB/T 686-1989 化学试剂 丙酮 Chemical reagent--Acetone
GB/T 687-1994 化学试剂 丙三醇 Chemical reagent--Glycerol
GB/T 688-1992 化学试剂 四氯化碳 Chemical reagent--Carbon tetrachloride
GB/T 689-1998 化学试剂 吡啶 Chemical reagent--Pyridine
GB/T 690-1992 化学试剂 苯 Chemical reagent--Benzene
GB/T 691-1994 化学试剂 苯胺 Chemical reagent--Aniline
GB/T 692-1965 化学试剂 乙酰胺 Chemical reagent--Acetamide
GB/T 693-1996 化学试剂 三水合乙酸钠(乙酸钠) Chemical reagent--Sodium acetate trihydrate
GB/T 694-1995 化学试剂 无水乙酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium acetate anhydrous
GB/T 695-1994 化学试剂 一水合草酸钾(草酸钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium oxalate monohydrate
GB/T 696-1994 化学试剂 脲(尿素) Chemical reagent--Urea
GB/T 699-1999 优质碳素结构钢 Quality carbon structural steels
GB/T 700-1988 碳素结构钢 Carbon structural steels
GB/T 700-2006 碳素结构钢 Carbon structural steels
GB/T 701-1997 低碳钢热轧圆盘条 Hot-rolled low carbon steel wire rods
GB/T 702-2008 热轧钢棒尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled steel bars - Dimensions,shape,weight and tolerances
GB/T 702-1986 热轧圆钢和方钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled round and square steels--Dimension,shape, weight and tolerance
GB/T 702-2004 热轧圆钢和方钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled round and square steel bars--Dimension,shape,weight and tolerance
GB/T 704-1988 热轧扁钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions,shape,weight and tolerances for hot-rolled flats
GB/T 705-1989 热轧六角钢和八角钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled hexagonal andoctagonal steel bars--Dimensions, shape,weight and tolerance
GB/T 706-1988 热轧工字钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled beam steel--Dimensions,shape,weight and tolerances
GB/T 707-1988 热轧槽钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Hot-rolled channel steel--Dimensions,shape,weight and tolerances
GB/T 708-1988 冷轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions,shape,weight and tolerances for cold-rolled plates and sheets
GB/T 708-2006 冷轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimension,shape,weight and tolerance for cold-rolled steel plates and sheets
GB/T 709-1988 热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions,shape,weight and tolerances for hot-rolled plates and sheets
GB/T 709-2006 热轧钢板和钢带的尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimension,shape,weight and tolerances for hot-rolled steel plates and sheets
GB/T 710-1991 优质碳素结构钢热轧薄钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips
GB/T 711-1988 优质碳素结构钢热轧厚钢板和宽钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structuralsteel plates and wide strips
GB/T 714-2000 桥梁用结构钢 Structural steel for bridge
GB/T 715-1989 标准件用碳素钢热轧圆钢 Hot-rolled round carbon steel bars for standard parts
GB/T 716-1991 碳素结构钢冷轧钢带 Cold-rolled carbon structural steel strips
GB/T 717-1998 炼钢用生铁 Pig iron for steelmaking
GB/T 718-1982 铸造用生铁 Foundry pig iron
GB/T 718-2005 铸造用生铁 Foundry pig iron
GB/T 719-1984 生铁化学分析用试样制取方法 Pig iron--Sampling for chemical analysis
GB/T 725-1991 内燃机产品名称和型号编制规则 Internal combustion engines--Nomenclatureand code of designations
GB/T 726-1994 往复式内燃机 旋转方向、气缸和气缸盖上气门的标志及直列式内燃机右机、左机和发动机方位的定义 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Designation of the direction of rotation and of cylinders and valves in cylinder heads and definition of right-hand and left-hand in line engines and locations on an engine
GB/T 727-2003 涡轮增压器 产品命名和型号编制方法 Turbocharger nomenclature and code
GB/T 728-1998 锡锭 Ingot tin
GB/T 731-1987 黄麻麻袋的技术条件 Gunnybags--Technical requirements
GB/T 732-1987 黄麻麻袋的分等规定 Gunnybags--Grading stipulation
GB/T 733-1987 黄麻麻袋、麻布试验方法 Gunnybags, hessiancloth--Methods of testing
GB/T 734-1987 黄麻麻袋、麻布的包装和标志 Gunnybags, hessiancloth--Packaging and marking
GB/T 735-1987 黄麻麻袋、麻布验收规定 Gunnybags, hessiancloth--Rules of acceptance
GB/T 736-1987 黄麻麻布的技术条件 Hessiancloth--Technical requirements
GB/T 737-1987 黄麻麻布的分等规定 Hessiancloth--Grading stipulation
GB/T 740-2003 纸浆 试样的采取 Pulps--Sampling for testing
GB/T 741-2003 纸浆 分析试样水分的测定 Pulps--Determination of moisture content
GB/T 742-2003 纸、纸板和纸浆 残余物(灰分)的测定(900℃) Paper,board and pulp--Determination of residue(ash) on ignition at 900℃
GB/T 743-2003 纸浆 乙醚抽出物的测定 Pulps--Determination of ether solubles
GB/T 744-1989 纸浆α-纤维素的测定 Pulps—Determination of α-cellulose
GB/T 744-2004 纸浆 抗碱性的测定 Pulps--Determination of alkali resistance
GB/T 745-2003 纸浆 多戊糖的测定 Pulps--Determination of pentosan content
GB/T 746-1965 漂白化学纸浆木素的测定法 Bleached chemical paper pulp--Determination of lignin
GB/T 747-2003 纸浆 酸不溶木素的测定 Pulps--Determination of acid-insoluble lignin
GB/T 749-2001 硅酸盐水泥在硫酸盐环境中的潜在膨胀性能试验方法 Test method for potential expansion of portland cement mortars exposed to sulfate
GB/T 750-1992 水泥压蒸安定性试验方法 Autoclave method for soundness of portland cement
GB/T 752-2006 工业氯酸钾 Potassium chlorate for industrial use
GB/T 754-2007 发电用汽轮机参数系列 Parameter series of steam turbines for power plant
GB/T 754-1965 汽轮机 参数系列 Specification for steam turbines
GB/T 755.2-2003 旋转电机(牵引电机除外)确定损耗和效率的试验方法 Methods for determininglosses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests(excluding machines for traction vehicles)
GB/T 756-1990 旋转电机 圆柱形轴伸 Cylindrical shaft extension for rotating electrical machines
GB/T 757-1993 旋转电机 圆锥形轴伸 Conical shaft extension for rotating electrical machines
GB/T 762-2002 标准电流等级 Standard current ratings
GB/T 767-1965 电力电缆介质损失角正切值测量方法 (交流高压电桥法) Methods of measurement of value of dielectric loss tangent for power cables (high voltage alternating current bridge method)
GB/T 772-2005 高压绝缘子瓷件 技术条件 Technical specifications of porcelain element for high voltage insulators
GB/T 773-1993 低压绝缘子瓷件技术条件 Specification of porcelain element for low voltage insulators
GB/T 774-1993 架空通信线路针式瓷绝缘子 Pin-type insulators of ceramic material for overhead telegraph lines
GB/T 775.1-1987 绝缘子试验方法 第1部分:一般试验方法 Test method for insulators--Part 1:General test methods
GB/T 775.1-2006 绝缘子试验方法 第1部分:一般试验方法 Test method for insulators - Part 1: General test methods
GB/T 775.2-2003 绝缘子试验方法 第2部分: 电气试验方法 Test method for insulators--Part2: Electrical test methods
GB/T 775.3-1987 绝缘子试验方法 第3部分:机械试验方法 Test method for insulators--Part 3:Mechanical test methods
GB/T 775.3-2006 绝缘子试验方法 第3部分:机械试验方法 Test method for insulators - Part 3: Mechanical test methods
GB/T 776-1976 电气测量指示仪表通用技术条件 Electrical indicating measuring instruments--General specification
GB/T 777-1985 工业自动化仪表用模拟气动信号 Analogue pneumatic signal for industrial process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 778.1-1996 冷水水表 第1部分:规范 Measurement of water flow in closed conduits--Meters for cold potable water--Part 1:Specifications
GB/T 778.1-2007 封闭满管道中水流量的测量 饮用冷水水表和热水水表 第1部分:规范 Measurement of water flow in fully charged closed conduits - Meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 1: Specifications
GB/T 778.2-1996 冷水水表 第2部分:安装要求 Measurement of water flow in closed conduits--Meters for cold potable water--Part 2:Installation requirements
GB/T 778.2-2007 封闭满管道中水流量的测量 饮用冷水水表和热水水表 第2部分:安装要求 Measurement of water flow in fully charged closed conduits - Meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 2: Installation requirements
GB/T 778.3-1996 冷水水表 第3部分:试验方法和试验设备 Measurement of water flow in closed conduits--Meters for cold potable water--Part 3:Test methods and equipment
GB/T 778.3-2007 封闭满管道中水流量的测量 饮用冷水水表和热水水表 第3部分:试验方法和试验设备 Measurement of water flow in fully charged closed conduits - Meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 3: Test methods and equipment
GB/T 779-1989 光学计 Optimeter
GB/T 780-1979 汽油发动机化油器出口凸缘尺寸 Carbureters for automobile engines--Dimensions of outlet flanges
GB/T 783-1987 起重机械 最大起重量系列 Lifting appliance range of maximun capacities
GB/T 786.1-1993 液压气动图形符号 Fluid power systems and components--Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams--Part 1:Graphic symbols
GB/T 786.1-2009 流体传动系统及元件图形符号和回路图 第1部分:用于常规用途和数据处理的图形符号 Fluid power systems and components - Graphic symbols and circuit diagrams - Part 1: Graphic symbols for conventional use and data-processing applications
GB/T 787-1974 电子管管基尺寸 Dimensions of electronic tube bases
GB/T 788-1999 图书和杂志开本及其幅面尺寸 Formats and their sizes of books and magazines
GB/T 790-1995 电动桥式起重机跨度和起升高度系列 Overhead travelling crane--Span series and lifting height series
GB/T 794-1993 加强半圆头方颈螺栓 Strengthened cap head square neck bolts
GB/T 798-1988 活节螺栓 Eye bolts
GB/T 799-1988 地脚螺栓 Eyelet bolts
GB/T 800-1988 沉头双榫螺栓 Flat countersunk double nib bolts
GB/T 801-1998 小半圆头低方颈螺栓 B级 Cup head square neck bolts with small head andshort neck--Product grade B
GB/T 802-1988 组合式盖形螺母 Acorn nuts
GB/T 802.1-2008 组合式盖形螺母 Acorn nuts - Assembling type
GB/T 802.3-2009 六角法兰面盖形螺母 焊接型 Acorn hexagon nuts with flange - Welding type
GB/T 802.4-2009 六角低球面盖形螺母 焊接型 Hexagon cap nuts - Welding type
GB/T 802.5-2009 非金属嵌件六角锁紧盖形螺母 焊接型 Prevailing torque type hexagon acorn nuts with non-metallic insert - Welding type
GB/T 803-1989 空气中可燃气体爆炸指数的测定 Determination of explosion indices of combustible gases in air
GB/T 804-1988 球面六角螺母 Hexagon nuts with raised face
GB/T 805-1988 扣紧螺母 Tight nuts
GB/T 806-1988 滚花高螺母 Knurled nut with collar
GB/T 807-1988 滚花薄螺母 Knurled nuts
GB/T 808-1988 小六角特扁细牙螺母 Small hexagon thin nuts--Fine pitch thread
GB/T 809-1988 嵌装圆螺母 Insert round nuts
GB/T 810-1988 小圆螺母 Small round nuts
GB/T 812-1988 圆螺母 Round nuts
GB/T 813-1989 冲击试验用示波器和峰值电压表 Oscilloscopes and peak volmeters for impulse tests
GB/T 814-1989 弧形闸门通用技术条件 General technical requirements for radial gates
GB/T 815-1988 端面带孔圆螺母 Round nuts with drilled holes in one face
GB/T 816-1988 侧面带孔圆螺母 Round nuts with set pin holes in side
GB/T 817-1988 带槽圆螺母 Slotted round nuts
GB/T 818-2000 十字槽盘头螺钉 Pan head screws with cross recess
GB/T 819.1-2000 十字槽沉头螺钉 第1部分:钢4.8级 Countersunk flat head screws(common head style)with cross recess--Part 1:Steel of property class 4.8
GB/T 819.2-1997 十字槽沉头螺钉 第2部分:钢8.8、不锈钢A2-70和有色金属CU2或CU3 Cross recessed countersunk flat head screws(common head style)--Grade A--Part 2:Steel ofproperty class 8.8,stainless steel and non-ferrous metals
GB/T 820-2000 十字槽半沉头螺钉 Countersunk raised head screws (common head style) with cross recess
GB/T 821-1988 方头倒角端紧定螺钉 Square set screws with chamfered end
GB/T 822-2000 十字槽圆柱头螺钉 Cheese head screws with cross recess
GB/T 823-1988 十字槽小盘头螺钉 Cross recessed small pan head screws
GB/T 824-1976 圆柱头内花键螺钉 Screws,fluted socket head
GB/T 825-1988 吊环螺钉 Eyebolts
GB/T 826-1989 发文稿纸格式 Layout key for original document of administration
GB/T 827-1986 标牌铆钉 Rivets for name plate
GB/T 828-1988 开槽盘头定位螺钉 Slotted pan head set screws with dog point
GB/T 829-1988 开槽圆柱端定位螺钉 Slotted set screws with dog point
GB/T 830-1988 开槽圆柱头轴位螺钉 Slotted cheese head screws with shoulder
GB/T 831-1988 开槽无头轴位螺钉 Slotted shoulder screws
GB/T 832-1988 开槽带孔球面圆柱头螺钉 Slotted cap stan screws
GB/T 833-1988 开槽大圆柱头螺钉 Slotted large cheese head screws
GB/T 834-1988 滚花高头螺钉 Knurled thumb screws
GB/T 835-1988 滚花平头螺钉 Knurled screws
GB/T 836-1988 滚花小头螺钉 Knurled screws with small head
GB/T 837-1988 开槽盘头不脱出螺钉 Slotted pan head screws with waisted shank
GB/T 838-1988 六角头不脱出螺钉 Hexagon screws with waisted shank
GB/T 839-1988 滚花头不脱出螺钉 Knurled thumb screws with waisted shank
GB/T 840-1988 塑料滚花头螺钉 Plastic diamond knurlhead screws
GB/T 845-1985 十字槽盘头自攻螺钉 Cross recessed pan head tapping screws
GB/T 846-1985 十字槽沉头自攻螺钉 Cross recessed countersunk head tapping screws
GB/T 847-1985 十字槽半沉头自攻螺钉 Cross recessed raised countersunk head tapping screws
GB/T 848-2002 小垫圈 A级 Small series--Product grade A
GB/T 849-1988 球面垫圈 Washers with ball face
GB/T 850-1988 锥面垫圈 Washers with cone face
GB/T 851-1988 开口垫圈 Washers with split
GB/T 852-1988 工字钢用方斜垫圈 Square taper washers for I section
GB/T 853-1988 槽钢用方斜垫圈 Square taper washers for slot section
GB/T 854-1988 单耳止动垫圈 Tab washers with long tab
GB/T 855-1988 双耳止动垫圈 Tab washers with long tab and wing
GB/T 856-1988 外舌止动垫圈 External tab washers
GB/T 858-1988 圆螺母用止动垫圈 Tab washers for round nut
GB/T 859-1987 轻型弹簧垫圈 Single coil spring lock washers,Light type
GB/T 860-1987 鞍形弹性垫圈 Curved spring washers
GB/T 861.1-1987 内齿锁紧垫圈 Lock washers internal teeth
GB/T 861.2-1987 内锯齿锁紧垫圈 Serrated lock washers internal teeth
GB/T 862.1-1987 外齿锁紧垫圈 Lock washers external teeth
GB/T 862.2-1987 外锯齿锁紧垫圈 Serrated lock washers external teeth
GB/T 863.1-1986 半圆头铆钉 (粗制) Round head rivets--Black
GB/T 863.2-1986 小半圆头铆钉 (粗制) Round head rivets with small head--Black
GB/T 864-1986 平锥头铆钉 (粗制) Cone head rivets--Black
GB/T 865-1986 沉头铆钉 (粗制) Countersunk head rivets--Black
GB/T 866-1986 半沉头铆钉 (粗制) Oval countersunk head rivets--Black
GB/T 867-1986 半圆头铆钉 Round head rivets
GB/T 868-1986 平锥头铆钉 Cone head rivets
GB/T 869-1986 沉头铆钉 Countersunk head rivets
GB/T 870-1986 半沉头铆钉 Oval countersunk head rivets
GB/T 871-1986 扁圆头铆钉 Flat round head rivets
GB/T 872-1986 扁平头铆钉 Thin head rivets
GB/T 873-1986 扁圆头半空心铆钉 Oval head semi-tubular rivets
GB/T 874-1986 120°沉头半空心铆钉 120 degree countersunk head semi-tubular rivets
GB/T 875-1986 偏平头半空心铆钉 Thin head semi-tubular rivets
GB/T 876-1986 空心铆钉 Tubular rivets
GB/T 877-1986 开尾圆锥销 Taper pins with split
GB/T 878-2007 开槽无头螺钉 Slotted headless screws with shank
GB/T 878-1986 螺纹圆柱销 Parallel pins with external thread
GB/T 879.1-2000 弹性圆柱销 直槽 重型 Spring-type straight pins--Slotted,heavy duty
GB/T 879.2-2000 弹性圆柱销 直槽 轻型 Spring-type straight pins--Slotted,light duty
GB/T 879.3-2000 弹性圆柱销 卷制 重型 Spring-type straight pins--Coiled,heavy duty
GB/T 879.4-2000 弹性圆柱销 卷制 标准型 Spring-type straight pins--Coiled,standard duty
GB/T 879.5-2000 弹性圆柱销 卷制 轻型 Spring-type straight pins--Coiled,light duty
GB/T 880-1986 带孔销 Pins with split pin hole
GB/T 881-2000 螺尾锥销 Taper pins with external thread
GB/T 882-1986 销轴 Clevis pins with head
GB/T 883-1986 锥销锁紧挡圈 Lock rings with cone pin
GB/T 884-1986 螺钉锁紧挡圈 Lock ring with screw
GB/T 885-1986 带锁圈的螺钉锁紧挡圈 Lock rings with screw and circlip
GB/T 886-1986 轴肩挡圈 Rings for shoulder
GB/T 889.1-2000 1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1
GB/T 889.2-2000 1型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 细牙 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert),style 1,with fine pitch thread
GB/T 891-1986 螺钉紧固轴端挡圈 Lock rings at the end of shaft with screw
GB/T 892-1986 螺栓紧固轴端挡圈 Lock rings at the end of shaft with bolt
GB/T 893.1-1986 孔用弹性挡圈 A型 Circlips for hole--Type A
GB/T 893.2-1986 孔用弹性挡圈 B型 Circlips for hole--Type B
GB/T 894.1-1986 轴用弹性挡圈 A型 Circlips for shaft--Type A
GB/T 894.2-1986 轴用弹性挡圈 B型 Circlips for shaft--Type B
GB/T 895.1-1986 孔用钢丝挡圈 Roundwire snap rings for hole
GB/T 895.2-1986 轴用钢丝挡圈 Roundwire snap rings for shaft
GB/T 896-1986 开口挡圈 “E” rings
GB/T 897-1988 双头螺柱 bm=1d Double end studs--bm=1d
GB/T 898-1988 双头螺柱 bm=1.25d Double end studs--bm=1.25d
GB/T 899-1988 双头螺柱 bm=1.5d Double end studs--bm=1.5d
GB/T 900-1988 双头螺柱 bm=2d Double end studs--bm=2d
GB/T 901-1988 等长双头螺柱 B级 Double end studs (clamping type)--Product grade B
GB/T 902.1-1989 手工焊用焊接螺柱 Weld studs for manual welding
GB/T 902.1-2008 手工焊用焊接螺柱 Weld studs for manual welding
GB/T 902.2-1989 机动弧焊用焊接螺柱 Weld studs for arc welding
GB/T 902.2-2010 电弧螺柱焊用焊接螺柱 Threaded studs for drawn arc stud welding with ceramic ferrule
GB/T 902.3-1989 储能焊用焊接螺柱 Weld studs for capacitor discharge welding
GB/T 902.3-2008 储能焊用焊接螺柱 Weld studs for capacitor discharge welding
GB/T 902.4-2010 短周期电弧螺柱焊用焊接螺柱 Threaded studs with flange (pitch)and stud with internal thread for short-cycle drawn arc stud welding
GB/T 903-1987 无色光学玻璃 Colourless optical glass
GB/T 904-1994 铁路桥梁跨度系列 Railway bridge span series
GB/T 905-1994 冷拉圆钢、方钢、六角钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimension,shape,weight and tolerance for cold-drawn round,square and hexagonal steels
GB/T 908-1987 锻制圆钢和方钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Forged round and square steels--Dimension,shape,weight and tolerance
GB/T 911-1966 工具钢热轧及锻制扁钢品种 Hot-rolled and forged tool steel flats
GB/T 911-2004 热轧工具钢扁钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions,shapes,weight and tolerances for hot-rolled tool flat steels
GB/T 912-1989 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧薄钢板及钢带 Hot-rolled plain carbon and low alloy structural steel sheets and strips
GB/T 915-1995 铋 Bismuth
GB/T 918.1-1989 道路车辆分类与代码 机动车 Classification and code for road vehicles--Motor vehicle
GB/T 918.2-1989 道路车辆分类与代码 非机动车 Classification and code for road vehicles--Non-motor vehicle
GB/T 919-2002 公路等级代码 Code for highway classification
GB/T 920-2002 公路路面等级与面层类型代码 Code for classification and type of highwaypavement
GB/T 921-1986 钢丝锁圈 Round wire circlips
GB/T 922-1986 木螺钉技术条件 Specifications for wood screws
GB/T 923-1988 盖形螺母 Acorn nuts
GB/T 925-1988 轻型六角自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,hexagon light
GB/T 927-1988 球面六角自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,hexagon sphere
GB/T 929-1988 单耳托板自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,singlelug,anchor
GB/T 930-1988 双耳托板自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,twolug,anchor
GB/T 931-1988 角形托板自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,angle,anchor
GB/T 932-1988 气密单耳托板自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,singlelug,anchor,sealing
GB/T 933-1988 气密双耳托板自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,twolug,anchor,sealing
GB/T 934-1989 高温作业环境气象条件测定方法 Methods for measuring meteorological conditions in the hot work environment
GB/T 936-1989 彩色电视接收机白场色温及其宽容度 Colour TV receiver--Colour temperature of white point--Reference white and it’s tolerance
GB/T 937-1988 成组游动托板自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,anchor,floating,Gang channel
GB/T 938-1988 游动自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,floating
GB/T 939-1988 单耳托板自锁螺母保护罩 Boots for self-locking nuts,singlelug,anchor
GB/T 940-1988 双耳托板自锁螺母保护罩 Boots for self-locking nuts,twolug,anchor
GB/T 941-1988 角形托板自锁螺母保护罩 Boots for self-locking nuts,angle,anchor
GB/T 943-1988 自锁螺母技术条件 Procurement specification for self-locking nuts
GB/T 944.1-1985 螺钉用十字槽 Cross recesses for screws
GB/T 945-1976 十字槽球面中柱头螺钉 Screws,cross recessed,thin raised cheese head
GB/T 946-1988 开槽球面圆柱头轴位螺钉 Slotted raised cheese head screws with shoulder
GB/T 947-1988 开槽球面大圆柱头螺钉 Slotted large raised cheese head screws
GB/T 948-1988 开槽沉头不脱出螺钉 Slotted countersunk head screws with waisted shank
GB/T 949-1988 开槽半沉头不脱出螺钉 Slotted raised countersunk head screws with waisted shank
GB/T 950-1986 十字槽圆头木螺钉 Cross recessed round head wood screws
GB/T 951-1986 十字槽沉头木螺钉 Cross recessed countersunk head wood screws
GB/T 952-1986 十字槽半沉头木螺钉 Cross recessed raised countersunk head wood screws
GB/T 953-1988 等长双头螺柱 C级 Double end studs (clamping type)--Product grade C
GB/T 954-1986 120°沉头铆钉 120 degree countersunk head rivets
GB/T 955-1987 波形弹性垫圈 Wave spring washers
GB/T 956.1-1987 锥形锁紧垫圈 Countersunk external toothed lock washers
GB/T 956.2-1987 锥形锯齿锁紧垫圈 Countersunk serrated external toothed lock washers
GB/T 958-1989 区域地质图图例 Geological symbols used for regional geological maps(1∶50000)
GB/T 959.1-1986 挡圈技术条件 弹性挡圈 Specifications for ring--Circlips
GB/T 959.2-1986 挡圈技术条件 钢丝挡圈 Specifications for ring--Round wire snap rings
GB/T 959.3-1986 挡圈技术条件 切制挡圈 Specifications for ring--Cutting rings
GB/T 960-1986 夹紧挡圈 Grip rings
GB/T 961-1988 单耳托板自锁螺母垫片 Spacers for self-locking nuts,singlelug,anchor
GB/T 962-1988 双耳托板自锁螺母垫片 Spacers for self-locking nuts,twolug,anchor
GB/T 963-1988 角形托板自锁螺母垫片 Spacers for self-locking nuts,angle,anchor
GB/T 967-1994 螺母丝锥 Nut taps
GB/T 968-2007 丝锥螺纹公差 Manufacturing tolerances on the threaded of portion taps
GB/T 968-1994 丝锥螺纹公差 Manufacturing tolerances on the threaded portion of taps
GB/T 969-2007 丝锥技术条件 Technical specification for taps
GB/T 969-1994 丝锥技术条件 Technical specification for taps
GB/T 970.1-1994 圆板牙 型式和尺寸 The types and dimensions for circular screwing dies
GB/T 970.1-2008 圆板牙 第1部分:圆板牙和圆板牙架的型式和尺寸 Circular screwing dies - Part 1: The types and dimensions for circular screwing dies and die stocks
GB/T 970.2-1994 圆板牙 技术条件 Technical specifications for circular screwing dies
GB/T 970.2-2008 圆板牙 第2部分:技术条件 Circular screwing dies - Part 2: Technical specifications
GB/T 970.3-1994 圆板牙架型式和互换尺寸 Die stocks--Interchangeability dimensions
GB/T 971-1994 滚丝轮 Thread rolling cylindrical dies
GB/T 972-1994 搓丝板 Thread rolling flat dies
GB/T 973-1976 十字槽扁圆头螺钉 Screws,cross recessed,oval head
GB/T 974-1976 十字槽120°半沉头螺钉 Screws,cross recessed,120° raised countersunkhead
GB/T 975-1986 管状铆钉 Pipe type rivets
GB/T 983-1995 不锈钢焊条 Stainless steel covered electrodes
GB/T 984-2001 堆焊焊条 Hardfacing electrodes for shielded metal arc welding
GB/T 985-1988 气焊、手工电弧焊及气体保护焊焊缝坡口的基本形式与尺寸 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for gas welding,manual arc welding and gas-shielded arc welding
GB/T 985.1-2008 气焊、焊条电弧焊、气体保护焊和高能束焊的推荐坡口 Recommended joint preparation for gas welding, manual metal arc welding, gas-shield arc welding and beam welding
GB/T 985.2-2008 埋弧焊的推荐坡口 Recommended joint preparation for submerged arc welding
GB/T 985.3-2008 铝及铝合金气体保护焊的推荐坡口 Recommended joint preparation for gas-shield arc welding on aluminium and its alloys
GB/T 985.4-2008 复合钢的推荐坡口 Recommended joint preparation for welding on clad steels
GB/T 986-1988 埋弧焊焊缝坡口的基本形式和尺寸 Basic forms and sizes of weld grooves for submerged arc welding
GB/T 987-1991 带式输送机 基本参数与尺寸 Belt conveyors--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 988-1991 带式输送机 滚筒 基本参数与尺寸 Belt conveyor pulleys--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 990-1991 带式输送机 托辊 基本参数与尺寸 Belt conveyor idlers--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 997-2003 旋转电机结构及安装型式(IM代号) Classification of types of construction and mounting arrangements for rotating electrical machines(IM code)
GB/T 999-1988 直流电力牵引额定电压 Voltage ratings of D.C electric traction system
GB/T 1000.2-1988 高压线路针式瓷绝缘子尺寸与特性 Pin insulators of ceramic material for high voltage overhead lines--Dimensions and characteristics
GB/T 1001.1-2003 标称电压高于1000V的架空线路绝缘子 第1部分:交流系统用瓷或玻璃绝缘子元件 定义、试验方法和判定准则 Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000V--Part 1: Ceramic or glass insulator units for a.c.systems--Definitions,test methods and acceptance criteria
GB/T 1001.2-2010 标准电压高于1000V的架空线路绝缘子 第2部分:交流系统用绝缘子串及绝缘子串组 定义、试验方法和接收准则 Insulators for overhead lines with a nominal voltage above 1000V - Part 2: Insulator strings and insulator sets for a.c.systems - Definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
GB/T 1006-1967 白炽灯灯座型式、基本参数与尺寸 Types,fundamental parameters and dimensions of holders for incandescent lamps
GB/T 1007-1976 小六角较扁螺母 Small hexagon medium thin nuts
GB/T 1008-1989 机械加工工艺装备基本术语 General terminology of machining tooling
GB/T 1009-1978 螺母专用技术条件 Specified specifications for nuts
GB/T 1011-1986 大扁圆头铆钉 Truss head rivets
GB/T 1012-1986 120°半沉头铆钉 120 degree oval countersunk rivets
GB/T 1013-1986 平锥头半空心铆钉 Cone head semi-tubular rivets
GB/T 1014-1986 大扁圆头半空心铆钉 Truss head semi-tubular rivets
GB/T 1015-1986 沉头半空心铆钉 Countersunk head semi-tubular rivets
GB/T 1016-1986 无头铆钉 Headless rivets
GB/T 1017-1978 铆钉专用技术条件 Specified specifications for rivets
GB/T 1019-1989 家用电器包装通则 General requirements for packings of household electrical appliances
GB/T 1020-1989 电渣重熔炉的试验方法 Test methods for electro-slag remelting furnaces
GB/T 1021-1976 角形垂直单耳止动垫圈 Lock washers with angular upturn tab perpendicular to the lug
GB/T 1022-1976 角形单耳止动垫圈 Lock washers with angular upturn tab in line to the lug
GB/T 1023-1976 角形垂直外舌止动垫圈 Lock washers with angular upturn tab perpendicular to the external tab
GB/T 1024-1976 角形外舌止动垫圈 Lock washers with angular upturn tab in line to theexternal tab
GB/T 1028-2000 工业余热术语、分类、等级及余热资源量计算方法 Terms,classification,grade of waste heat in industry and calculating method of quantity of waste heatresources
GB/T 1029-1993 三相同步电机试验方法 Test procedures for three-phase synchronous machines
GB/T 1029-2005 三相同步电机试验方法 Test procedures for three-phase synchronous machines
GB/T 1030-1988 内球面垫圈 Inner sphere washers
GB/T 1031-1995 表面粗糙度 参数及其数值 Surface rouglness--Parameters and their values
GB/T 1032-1985 三相异步电动机试验方法 Test procedure for three-phase induction motors
GB/T 1032-2005 三相异步电动机试验方法 Test procedures for three-phase induction motors
GB/T 1033-1986 塑料密度和相对密度试验方法 Test method for density and relative density of plastics
GB/T 1033.1-2008 塑料 非泡沫塑料密度的测定 第1部分:浸渍法、液体比重瓶法和滴定法 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pyknometer method and titration method
GB/T 1033.2-2010 塑料 非泡沫塑料密度的测定 第2部分:密度梯度柱法 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 2: Density gradient column method
GB/T 1033.3-2010 塑料 非泡沫塑料密度的测定 第3部分:气体比重瓶法 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 3: Gas pyknometer method
GB/T 1034-1998 塑料 吸水性试验方法 Plastics--Determination of water absorption
GB/T 1035-1970 塑料耐热性 (马丁) 试验方法 Test method for thermostability of plastics(Martin)
GB/T 1036-1989 塑料线膨胀系数测定方法 Determination for coefficient of linear expansion of plastics
GB/T 1037-1988 塑料薄膜和片材透水蒸气性试验方法 杯式法 Test method for water vapor transmission of plastic film and sheet--Cup method
GB/T 1038-2000 塑料薄膜和薄片气体透过性试验方法 压差法 Plastics--Film and sheeting--Determination of gas transmission--Differential-pressure method
GB/T 1039-1992 塑料力学性能试验方法总则 Plastics--General rules for the test method of mechanical properties
GB/T 1040-1992 塑料拉伸性能试验方法 Plastics--Determination of tensile properties
GB/T 1040.1-2006 塑料 拉伸性能的测定 第1部分:总则 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 1: General principles
GB/T 1040.2-2006 塑料 拉伸性能的测定 第2部分:模塑和挤塑塑料的试验条件 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 2: Test conditions for moulding and extrusion plastics
GB/T 1040.3-2006 塑料 拉伸性能的测定 第3部分:薄膜和薄片的试验条件 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 3: Test conditions for films and sheets
GB/T 1040.4-2006 塑料 拉伸性能的测定 第4部分:各向同性和正交各向异性纤维增强复合材料的试验条件 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 4: Test conditions for isotropic and orthotropic fibre-reinforced plastic composites
GB/T 1040.5-2008 塑料 拉伸性能的测定 第5部分:单向纤维增强复合材料的试验条件 Plastics - Determination of tensile properties - Part 5: Test conditions for unidirectional fibre-reinforced plastic composites
GB/T 1041-1992 塑料压缩性能试验方法 Plastics--Determination of compressive properties
GB/T 1043-1993 硬质塑料简支梁冲击试验方法 Plastics--Determination of charpy impact strength of rigid materials
GB/T 1043.1-2008 塑料 简支梁冲击性能的测定 第1部分:非仪器化冲击试验 Plastics - Determination of charpy impact properties - Part 1: Non - instrumented impact test
GB/T 1047-1995 管道元件的公称通径 Nominal size for pipe components
GB/T 1047-2005 管道元件 DN(公称尺寸)的定义和选用 Pipework components-Definition and selection of DN (norminal size)
GB/T 1048-1990 管道元件公称压力 Nominal pressure for pipe components
GB/T 1048-2005 管道元件--PN(公称压力)的定义和选用 Pipework components-Definition and selection of PN
GB/T 1094.4-2005 电力变压器 第4部分:电力变压器和电抗器的雷电冲击和操作冲击试验导则 Power transformers-Part 4:Guide to the lightning impulse and switching impulse testing-Power transformers and reactors
GB/T 1094.6-2011 电力变压器 第6部分:电抗器 Power transformers - Part 6: Reactors
GB/T 1094.7-2008 电力变压器 第7部分:油浸式电力变压器负载导则 Power transformers - Part 7: Loading guide for oil-immersed power transformers
GB/T 1094.10-2003 电力变压器 第10部分:声级测定 Power transformers--Part 10: Determination of sound levels
GB/T 1094.101-2008 电力变压器 第10.1部分: 声级测定 应用导则 Power transformers - Part 10.1: Determination of sound levels - Application guide
GB/T 1095-2003 平键 键槽的剖面尺寸 Square and rectangular keyways
GB/T 1096-2003 普通型 平键 Square and rectangular keys
GB/T 1097-2003 导向型 平键 Square and rectangular keys
GB/T 1098-2003 半圆键 键槽的剖面尺寸 Woodruff keyways
GB/T 1099.1-2003 普通型 半圆键 Woodruff keys--Normal form
GB/T 1109-1985 短莫氏锥柄立铣刀 End mills with short Morse taper shank
GB/T 1109-2004 短莫氏锥柄立铣刀 End mills with shot Morse taper shank
GB/T 1112.1-1997 键槽铣刀 第1部分:直柄键槽铣刀 型式和尺寸 Slot drills--Part 1:Millingcutters with parallel shanks--Dimensions
GB/T 1112.2-1997 键槽铣刀 第2部分:莫氏锥柄键槽铣刀 型式和尺寸 Slot drills--Part 2:Milling cutters with Morse taper shanks--Dimensions
GB/T 1112.3-1997 键槽铣刀 第3部分:技术条件 Slot drills--Part 3:Technical specifications
GB/T 1114.1-1998 套式立铣刀 第1部分:型式与尺寸 Shell end mills--Part 1:Dimensions
GB/T 1114.2-1998 套式立铣刀 第2部分:技术条件 Shell end mills--Part 2:Technical specifications
GB/T 1115.1-2002 圆柱形铣刀 第1部分:型式和尺寸 Cylindrical cutters--Part 1:The types and dimensions
GB/T 1115.2-2002 圆柱形铣刀 第2部分:技术条件 Cylindrical cutters--Part 2:The technicalspecifications
GB/T 1117-1985 直齿三面刃铣刀 Side and face milling cutter with straight teeth
GB/T 1118-1985 错齿三面刃铣刀 Side and face milling cutters with double alternate helix
GB/T 1119.1-2002 尖齿槽铣刀 第1部分:型式和尺寸 Flat relieved tooth slotting cutters--Part 1:The types and dimensions
GB/T 1119.2-2002 尖齿槽铣刀 第2部分:技术条件 Flat relieved tooth slotting cutters--Part 2:The technical specifications
GB/T 1124.1-1996 凸凹半圆铣刀 第1部分:凹半圆铣刀的型式和尺寸 Convex and concave milling cutters--Part 1:The types and dimensions for concave milling cutters
GB/T 1124.1-2007 凸凹半圆铣刀 第1部分:型式和尺寸 Convex and concave milling cutters - Part1:The types and dimensions
GB/T 1124.2-1996 凸凹半圆铣刀 第2部分:凸半圆铣刀的型式和尺寸 Convex and concave milling cutters--Part 2:The types and dimensions for convex milling cutters
GB/T 1124.2-2007 凸凹半圆铣刀 第2部分: 技术条件 Convex and concave milling cutters - Part 2:Technical specifications
GB/T 1124.3-1996 凸凹半圆铣刀 技术条件 Convex and concave milling cutters technical specifications
GB/T 1127-2007 半圆键槽铣刀 Woodruff keyseat cutters
GB/T 1127-1997 半圆键槽铣刀 Cutters for woodruff keyseats
GB/T 1131-1984 手用铰刀 Hand reamers
GB/T 1131.1-2004 手用铰刀 第1部分:型式和尺寸 Hand reamers--Part 1:Types and dimensions
GB/T 1131.2-2004 手用铰刀 第2部分:技术条件 Hand reamers--Part 2:Technical conditions
GB/T 1132-1984 直柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with parallel shanks
GB/T 1132-2004 直柄和莫氏锥柄机用铰刀 Machine chucking reamers with parallel shanks or Morse taper shanks
GB/T 1133-1984 锥柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 1134-1984 带刃倾角锥柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with edge inclination Morse taper shanks
GB/T 1134-2004 带刃倾角莫氏锥柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with edge inclination with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 1135-2004 套式机用铰刀和芯轴 Shell machine reamers and arbors
GB/T 1135-1984 套式机用铰刀 Shell machine reamers
GB/T 1139-1984 直柄莫氏圆锥和公制圆锥铰刀 Morse and metric taper reamers with parallel shanks
GB/T 1139-2004 莫氏圆锥和米制圆锥铰刀 Morse and metric taper reamers
GB/T 1140-1984 锥柄莫氏圆锥和公制圆锥铰刀 Morse and metric taper reamers with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 1141-1984 锥柄扩孔钻 Core drills with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 1142-1984 套式扩孔钻 Shell drills
GB/T 1142-2004 套式扩孔钻 Shell drills
GB/T 1143-1984 60°、90°、120°锥柄锥面锪钻 Countersinks with morse taper shanks for angles 60°,90°and 120°inclusive
GB/T 1143-2004 60°、90°、120°莫氏锥柄锥面锪钻 Morse taper shank countersinks for angles 60° and 90°,120° inclusive
GB/T 1144-2001 矩形花键尺寸、公差和检验 Straight-sided spline--Dimensions,tolerances and verification
GB/T 1146-1989 水准泡 Level
GB/T 1147-1987 内燃机通用技术条件 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--General technical specifications
GB/T 1147.1-2007 中小功率内燃机 第1部分:通用技术条件 Small and medium power internal combustion engines - Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 1147.2-2007 中小功率内燃机 第2部分:试验方法 Small and medium power internal combustion engines - Part 2: Test methods
GB/T 1148-1993 内燃机铝活塞技术条件 Aluminium piston--Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Technical specifications
GB/T 1149.1-1994 内燃机活塞环 通用规则 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--General specifications
GB/T 1149.1-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第1部分:通用规则 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 1: General specifications
GB/T 1149.2-1994 内燃机活塞环 术语 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Vocabulary
GB/T 1149.2-2010 内燃机 活塞环 第2部分:术语 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 2: Vocabulary
GB/T 1149.3-1992 内燃机活塞环 刮环 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Scraper rings
GB/T 1149.3-2010 内燃机 活塞环 第3部分:材料规范 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 3: Material specifications
GB/T 1149.4-1994 内燃机活塞环 技术要求 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Quality requirements
GB/T 1149.4-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第4部分:质量要求 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 4: Quality requirements
GB/T 1149.5-1992 内燃机活塞环 油环 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Oil control rings
GB/T 1149.5-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第5部分:检验方法 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 5: Inspection measuring principles
GB/T 1149.6-1994 内燃机活塞环 检验方法 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Inspection measuring principles
GB/T 1149.6-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第6部分:铸铁刮环 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 6: Scraper rings made of cast iron
GB/T 1149.7-1994 内燃机活塞环 螺旋撑簧油环 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Coil-spring-loaded oil control rings
GB/T 1149.7-2010 内燃机 活塞环 第7部分:矩形铸铁环 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 7: Rectangular rings made of cast iron
GB/T 1149.8-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第8部分:矩形钢环 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 8: Rectangular rings made of steel
GB/T 1149.9-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第9部分:梯形铸铁环 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 9: Keystone rings made of cast iron
GB/T 1149.11-2010 内燃机 活塞环 第11部分:楔形铸铁环 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 11: Half keystone rings made of cast iron
GB/T 1149.13-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第13部分:油环 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 13: Oil control rings
GB/T 1149.14-2008 内燃机 活塞环 第14部分:螺旋撑簧油环 Internal combustion engines - Piston rings - Part 14: Coil-spring-loaded oil control rings
GB/T 1150-1993 内燃机湿式铸铁气缸套技术条件 Internal combustion engines--Cast iron wet type cylinder liners--Specification
GB/T 1151-1993 内燃机主轴瓦及连杆轴瓦技术条件 Internal combustion engines--Main and connecting rod bearings--Specification
GB/T 1156-1979 旋套式注油油杯基本型式与尺寸 Sleeve type drip-feed lubricating cups--Types and dimensions
GB/T 1167-1996 过渡配合螺纹 The threads for transition fit
GB/T 1168-1976 螺柱技术条件 Studs--Technical requirements
GB/T 1171-2006 一般传动用普通V带 Classical V-belt for general drive
GB/T 1171-1996 一般用普通V带 Classical V-belts for general use
GB/T 1172-1999 黑色金属硬度及强度换算值 Conversion of hardness and strength for ferrous metal
GB/T 1173-1995 铸造铝合金 Casting aluminium alloys
GB/T 1174-1992 铸造轴承合金 cast bearing metals
GB/T 1175-1997 铸造锌合金 Casting zinc alloys
GB/T 1176-1987 铸造铜合金技术条件 Specification for cast copper alloys
GB/T 1177-1991 铸造镁合金 Casting magnesium alloys
GB/T 1179-1999 圆线同心绞架空导线 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors
GB/T 1181-1998 过盈配合螺纹 The interference-fit threads
GB/T 1182-1996 形状和位置公差 通则、定义、符号和图样表示法 Geometrical tolerancing--Generalities,definitions,symbols,indications on drawings
GB/T 1184-1996 形状和位置公差 未注公差值 Geometrical tolerancing--Geometrical tolerance for features without individual tolerance indications
GB/T 1185-2006 光学零件表面疵病 Surface imperfections of optical elements
GB/T 1185-1989 光学零件表面疵病 Surface imperfections of optical elements
GB/T 1186-2007 压缩空气用织物增强橡胶软管 Rubber hoses,textile-reinforced,for compressed air-Specification
GB/T 1186-1992 压缩空气用橡胶软管 (2.5 MPa以下) Rubber hose for compressed air (up to2.5 MPa)
GB/T 1190-2001 工程机械轮胎技术要求 Technical specification of earth-mover tyres
GB/T 1192-1999 农业轮胎 Agricultural tyres
GB/T 1196-2002 重熔用铝锭 Unalloyed aluminium ingots for remelting
GB/T 1197-1975 铝线锭 Unalloyed aluminium ingots for wires
GB/T 1198-1975 铝化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminum
GB/T 1202-1987 粗石蜡 Crude scale paraffin wax
GB/T 1204-1975 光学零件的倒角 Chamfers for optical parts
GB/T 1205-1975 透镜边缘及中心最小厚度 Minimum thicknesses in rim and centre of lens
GB/T 1209-2002 农业机械 切割器 Cutter bars for agricultural machinery
GB/T 1209.1-2009 农业机械 切割器 第1部分:总成 Agricultural machinery - Cutter bars - Part 1: Assembly
GB/T 1209.2-2009 农业机械 切割器 第2部分:护刃器 Agricultural machinery - Cutter bars - Part 2:Guard
GB/T 1209.3-2009 农业机械 切割器 第3部分:动刀片、定刀片和刀杆 Agricultural machinery - Cutter bars - Part 3:Knife sections, ledger plates and knife backs
GB/T 1209.4-2009 农业机械 切割器 第4部分:压刃器 Agricultural machinery - Cutter bars - Part 4: Knife clips
GB/T 1209.5-2009 农业机械 切割器 第5部分:摩擦片 Agricultural machinery - Cutter bars - Part 5: Wearing plates
GB/T 1214.1-1996 游标类卡尺 通用技术条件 The specification for callipers of vernier type
GB/T 1214.2-1996 游标类卡尺 游标卡尺 The vernier callipers for callipers of vernier type
GB/T 1214.3-1996 游标类卡尺 高度游标卡尺 The high gauge for callipers of vernier type
GB/T 1214.4-1996 游标类卡尺 深度游标卡尺 The depth gauge for callipers of vernier type
GB/T 1216-1985 外径千分尺 Micrometers
GB/T 1216-2004 外径千分尺 External micrometer
GB/T 1217-2004 公法线千分尺 Micrometer for measuring root tangent lengths of gear teeth
GB/T 1217-1986 公法线千分尺 Gear tooth micrometers
GB/T 1218-1987 深度千分尺 Depth micrometers
GB/T 1218-2004 深度千分尺 Depth micrometer
GB/T 1219-2000 几何量技术规范 长度测量器具:指示表 设计及计量技术要求 Geometrical product specification--Dimensional measuring instruments:Dialgauges--Design and metrological requirements
GB/T 1220-2007 不锈钢棒 Stainless steel bars
GB/T 1220-1992 不锈钢棒 Stainless steel bars
GB/T 1221-2007 耐热钢棒 Heat-resistant steel bars
GB/T 1221-1992 耐热钢棒 Heat-resisting steel bars
GB/T 1222-2007 弹簧钢 Spring steels
GB/T 1222-1984 弹簧钢 Spring steel
GB/T 1224-1999 几何光学术语、符号 Vocabulary and character for geometrical optics
GB/T 1226-2001 一般压力表 General pressure gauge
GB/T 1227-2002 精密压力表 Accurate pressure gauge
GB/T 1228-2006 钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓 High strength bolts with large hexagon head for steel structures
GB/T 1228-1991 钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓 High strength bolts with large hexagon headfor steel structures
GB/T 1229-1991 钢结构用高强度大六角螺母 High strength large hexagon nuts for steel structures
GB/T 1229-2006 钢结构用高强度大六角螺母 High strength large hexagon nuts for steel structures
GB/T 1230-1991 钢结构用高强度垫圈 High strength plain washers for steel structures
GB/T 1230-2006 钢结构用高强度垫圈 High strength plain washers for steel structures
GB/T 1231-1991 钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓、大六角螺母、垫圈技术条件 Specifications ofhigh strength bolts with large hexagon head,large hexagon nuts,plain washers for steel structures
GB/T 1231-2006 钢结构用高强度大六角头螺栓、大六角螺母、垫圈技术条件 Specifications of high strength bolts with large hexagon head,large hexagon nuts,plain washers for steel structures
GB/T 1232.1-2000 未硫化橡胶 用圆盘剪切粘度计进行测定 第1部分:门尼粘度的测定 Rubber,unvulcanized--Determinations using a shearing-disc viscometer--Part 1:Determination of Mooney viscosity
GB/T 1233-1992 橡胶胶料初期硫化特性的测定 门尼粘度计法 Rubber,unvulcanized--Determination of prevulcanization characteristics--Shearing disk method
GB/T 1234-1995 高电阻电热合金 High resistance alloys for electrical heating
GB/T 1236-2000 工业通风机 用标准化风道进行性能试验 Industrial fans--Performance testing using standardized airways
GB/T 1237-2000 紧固件标记方法 Designation system for fasteners
GB/T 1239.1-1989 冷卷圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧技术条件 Cold coiled helical tension springs--Technical specifications
GB/T 1239.1-2009 冷卷圆柱螺旋弹簧技术条件 第1部分:拉伸弹簧 Cold coiled helical springs technical specifications - Part 1: Extension spring
GB/T 1239.2-1989 冷卷圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧技术条件 Cold coiled helical compressions springs--Technical specifications
GB/T 1239.2-2009 冷卷圆柱螺旋弹簧技术条件 第2部分:压缩弹簧 Cold coiled helical springs technical specifications - Part 2: Compressions spring
GB/T 1239.3-1989 冷卷圆柱螺旋扭转弹簧技术条件 Cold coiled helical torsion springs--Technical specifications
GB/T 1239.3-2009 冷卷圆柱螺旋弹簧技术条件 第3部分:扭转弹簧 Cold coiled helical springs technical specifiations - Part 3: Torsion spring
GB/T 1239.4-1989 热卷圆柱螺旋弹簧技术条件 Hot coiled helical springs--Technical specifications
GB/T 1239.6-1992 圆柱螺旋弹簧设计计算 Design of helical springs
GB/T 1240-1976 光学样板 Photo-templates gauge
GB/T 1241-1983 船用外螺纹锻钢截止止回阀 Marine forged steel male thread stop and check valves
GB/T 1242-2000 安装式指示和记录电测量仪表的尺寸 Dimensions for panel mounted indicating and recording electrical measuring instruments
GB/T 1243-2006 传动用短节距精密滚子链、套筒链、附件和链轮 Short-pitch transmission precision roller and bush chains, attachments and associated chain sprockets
GB/T 1243-1997 短节距传动用精密滚子链和链轮 Short pitch transmission precision rollerchains and chain wheels
GB/T 1246-1976 铁路道岔号数系列 Railway turn out number series
GB/T 1250-1989 极限数值的表示方法和判定方法 Rules for expression and judgement of limiting values
GB/T 1251.1-2008 人类工效学 公共场所和工作区域的险情信号 险情听觉信号 Ergonomics - Danger signals for public and work areas - Auditory danger
GB/T 1251.2-2006 人类工效学 险情视觉信号 一般要求、设计和检验 Ergonomics - Visual danger signals - General requirements,design and testing
GB/T 1251.3-2008 人类工效学 险情和信息的视听信号体系 Ergonomics - system of auditory and visual danger and information signals
GB/T 1252-1989 图形符号 箭头及其应用 Graphical symbols--Arrows and their use
GB/T 1263-1986 化学试剂 磷酸氢二钠 Chemical reagent--Disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate
GB/T 1263-2006 化学试剂 十二水合磷酸氢二钠(磷酸氢二钠) Chemical reagent - Disodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate
GB/T 1264-1997 化学试剂 氟化钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium fluoride
GB/T 1265-2003 化学试剂 溴化钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium bromide
GB/T 1266-1986 化学试剂 氯化钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium chloride
GB/T 1266-2006 化学试剂 氯化钠 Chemical reagent - Sodium chloride
GB/T 1267-1999 化学试剂 磷酸二氢钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium dihydrogen phosphate,dihydrate
GB/T 1268-1998 化学试剂 硫氰酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium thiocyanate
GB/T 1270-1996 化学试剂 六水合氯化钴(氯化钴) Chemical reagent--Cobalt(Ⅱ) chloride hexahydrate
GB/T 1271-1994 化学试剂 二水合氟化钾(氟化钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium fluoride dihydrate
GB/T 1272-2007 化学试剂 碘化钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium iodide
GB/T 1272-1988 化学试剂 碘化钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium iodide
GB/T 1273-1988 化学试剂 六氰合铁(Ⅱ)酸钾(亚铁氰化钾) Chemical reagent--Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ) trihydrate
GB/T 1274-1993 化学试剂 磷酸二氢钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
GB/T 1275-1994 化学试剂 十二水合硫酸铝钾(硫酸铝钾) Chemical reagent--Aluminium potassium sulfate dodecahydrate
GB/T 1276-1999 化学试剂 氟化铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium fluoride
GB/T 1277-1994 化学试剂 溴化铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium bromide
GB/T 1278-1994 化学试剂 氟化氢铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium hydrogen difluoride
GB/T 1279-1989 化学试剂 硫酸铁(Ⅲ)铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium iron (Ⅲ) sulfate dodecahydrate
GB/T 1281-1993 化学试剂 溴 Chemical reagent--Bromine
GB/T 1282-1996 化学试剂 磷酸 Chemical reagent--Phosphoric acid
GB/T 1285-1994 化学试剂 氯化镉 Chemical reagent--Cadmium chloride
GB/T 1287-1994 化学试剂 六水合硫酸镍(硫酸镍) Chemical reagent--Nickel sulfate hexahydrate
GB/T 1288-1992 化学试剂 四水合酒石酸钾钠 (酒石酸钾钠) Chemical reagent--Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate
GB/T 1289-1994 化学试剂 草酸钠 Chemical reagent--Sodium oxalate
GB/T 1291-1988 化学试剂 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium hydrogen phthalate
GB/T 1292-1986 化学试剂 乙酸氨 Chemical reagent--Ammonium acetate
GB/T 1293-1989 化学试剂 1,10-菲啰啉 Chemical reagent--1,10-Phenanthroline
GB/T 1294-1993 化学试剂 酒石酸 Chemical reagent--Tartaric acid
GB/T 1295-1993 化学试剂 DL-丙氨酸 Chemical reagent--DL-Alanine
GB/T 1296-1992 化学试剂 L-胱氨酸 Chemical reagent--L-Cystine
GB/T 1297-1993 化学试剂 无水L-半胱氨酸盐酸盐 Chemical reagent--L-Cysteine hydrochloride anhydrous
GB/T 1298-1986 碳素工具钢技术条件 Carbon tool steels--Technical requirements
GB/T 1299-2000 合金工具钢 Alloy tool steels
GB/T 1301-1994 凿岩钎杆用中空钢 Rock drilling equipment--Hollow drill steels in bar form
GB/T 1303.1-1998 环氧玻璃布层压板 Epoxide woven glass fabric laminated sheet
GB/T 1303.1-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第1部分:定义、分类和一般要求 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions, designations and general requirements
GB/T 1303.2-2002 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板规范 第3部分:单项材料规范 第3篇:对三聚氰胺树脂硬质层压板的要求 Specification for industrial rigid laminated sheetsbased on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes--Part 3:Specifications for individual materials--Sheet 3:Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based onmelamine resins
GB/T 1303.2-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第2部分:试验方法 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting for electrical purposes - Part 2: Test methods
GB/T 1303.3-2008 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第3部分:工业硬质层压板型号 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 3: Requirements for types of industrial rigid laminated sheets
GB/T 1303.4-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第4部分:环氧树脂硬质层压板 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 4: Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on epoxy resins
GB/T 1303.6-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第6部分:酚醛树脂硬质层压板 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 6: Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on phenolic resins
GB/T 1303.7-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第7部分:聚酯树脂硬质层压板 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 7: Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on polyester resins
GB/T 1303.8-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第8部分:有机硅树脂硬质层压板 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 8: Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on silicone resins
GB/T 1303.9-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第9部分:聚酰亚胺树脂硬质层压板 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 9: Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on polyimide resins
GB/T 1303.10-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第10部分:双马来酰亚胺树脂硬质层压板 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 10: Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on bis-maleimide resins
GB/T 1303.11-2009 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质层压板 第11部分:聚酰胺酰亚胺树脂硬质层压板 Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes - Part 11: Requirements for rigid laminated sheets based on polyamide-imide resins
GB/T 1305-1985 电气绝缘热固性层压材料检验、标志、包装、运输和贮存通用规则 The generalrules of electrical insulating laminated materials based on thermosetting resins for examining,marking,packing,transportation and storage
GB/T 1309-1987 电气绝缘漆布试验方法 Test methods for varnished fabrics for electricalinsulation
GB/T 1310-1987 电气绝缘漆布检验、标志、包装、运输、贮存通用规则 General rules for inspection,packaging,storage transportation and of varnished fabrics for electrical insulation
GB/T 1310.1-2006 电气用浸渍织物 第1部分:定义和一般要求 Varnished fabrics for electrical purposes - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
GB/T 1310.2-2009 电气用浸渍织物 第2部分:试验方法 Varnished fabrics for electrical purposes - Part 2: Methods of test
GB/T 1311-1989 直流电机试验方法 Test procedure for direct current machines
GB/T 1314-1991 流量测量仪表基本参数 Basic parameters for flow measuring instruments
GB/T 1315-1977 光学零件薄膜的分类、符号及标注 Thin-film coatings on optical parts--Classification, symbols and designations
GB/T 1332-1991 载货汽车定型试验规程 Trucks--Engineering approval evaluation program
GB/T 1335.1-1997 服装号型 男子 Size designation of clothes--Men
GB/T 1335.1-2008 服装号型 男子 Standard sizing systems for garments - Men
GB/T 1335.2-1997 服装号型 女子 Size designation of clothes--Women
GB/T 1335.2-2008 服装号型 女子 Standard sizing systems for garments - Women
GB/T 1335.3-1997 服装号型 儿童 Size designation of clothes--Children
GB/T 1335.3-2009 服装号型 儿童 Standard sizing systems for garments - Children
GB/T 1337-1988 六角自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,hexagon
GB/T 1338-1988 小六角扁自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,reduced hexagon oblate
GB/T 1339-1988 小六角自锁螺母 Self-locking nuts,reduced hexagon
GB/T 1340-1988 成组游动托板自锁螺母支架 Supports for self-locking nuts,anchor floating,Gang channel
GB/T 1341-2007 煤的格金低温干馏试验方法 Gray-King assay of coal
GB/T 1341-2001 煤的格金低温干馏试验方法 Gray--King assay for coal
GB/T 1345-1991 水泥细度检验方法 (80μm筛筛析法) Test method for fineness of cement--The 80μm sieve
GB/T 1345-2005 水泥细度检验方法 筛析法 The test sieving method for fineness of cement
GB/T 1346-2001 水泥标准稠度用水量、凝结时间、安定性检验方法 Test methods for water requirement of normal consis-tency,setting time and soundness of the portland cements
GB/T 1347-1988 钠钙硅玻璃化学分析方法 Chemical analysis of soda-lime-silica glass
GB/T 1348-1988 球墨铸铁件 Spheroidal graphite iron castings
GB/T 1356-2001 通用机械和重型机械用圆柱齿轮 标准基本齿条齿廓 Cylindrical gears for general and heavy engineering--Standard basic rack tooth profile
GB/T 1357-1987 渐开线圆柱齿轮模数 Modules of involute cylindrical gears
GB/T 1358-1993 圆柱螺旋弹簧尺寸系列 Helical spring seriate sizes
GB/T 1359-1978 汽车与挂车气制动接头型式与尺寸 Pneumatic brakes for motor vehicls and their trailers-couplings--Types and dimensions
GB/T 1360-1998 印制电路网格体系 Grid systems for printed circuits
GB/T 1361-1978 铁矿石分析方法总则及一般规定 Analytical methods of iron ores--Generality and common rules
GB/T 1386.1-1997 低压电力线路绝缘子 第1部分:低压架空电力线路绝缘子 Insulators for low voltage power lines--Part 1:Insulators for low voltage overhead power lines
GB/T 1386.2-1997 低压电力线路绝缘子 第2部分:架空电力线路用拉紧绝缘子 Insulators for low voltage power lines--Part 2:Strain insulators for overhead power lines
GB/T 1386.3-1997 低压电力线路绝缘子 第3部分:低压布线用绝缘子 Insulators for low voltage power lines--Part 3:Insulators for low voltage wiring
GB/T 1386.4-1997 低压电力线路绝缘子 第4部分:电车线路用绝缘子 Insulators for low voltage power lines--Part 4:Insulators for trolley overhead lines
GB/T 1391-1987 活动踏步钢质舷梯 Turnable treads steel gangway ladder
GB/T 1392-1985 舷梯绞车 Accommodation ladder winches
GB/T 1393-1987 舷梯翻梯装置 Gangway turning device
GB/T 1394-1987 舷梯吊架 Gangway hanger
GB/T 1396-1993 化学试剂 硫酸铵 Chemical reagent--Ammonium sulfate
GB/T 1397-1995 化学试剂 碳酸钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium carbonate
GB/T 1400-1993 化学试剂 六次甲基四胺 Chemical reagent--Hexamethylene tetramine
GB/T 1401-1998 化学试剂 乙二胺四乙酸二钠 Chemical reagent--Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid disodium salt
GB/T 1404.1-2008 塑料 粉状酚醛模塑料 第1部分: 命名方法和基础规范 Plastics - Phenolic powder moulding compounds - Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 1404.2-2008 塑料 粉状酚醛模塑料 第2部分: 试样制备和性能测定 Plastics - Phenolic powder moulding compounds - Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 1406.1-2008 灯头的型式和尺寸 第1部分:螺口式灯头 Types and dimensions of lamp caps - Part 1:Screw caps
GB/T 1406.2-2008 灯头的型式和尺寸 第2部分:插脚式灯头 Types and dimentions of lamp caps - Part 2:Pin lamp caps
GB/T 1406.3-2008 灯头的型式和尺寸 第3部分:预聚焦式灯头 Types and dimensions of lamp caps - Part 3:Prefocus caps
GB/T 1406.4-2008 灯头的型式和尺寸 第4部分:杂类灯头 Types and dimensions of lamp caps - Part 4: Miscellaneous caps
GB/T 1406.5-2008 灯头的型式和尺寸 第5部分:卡口式灯头 Types and dimensions of lamp caps - Part 5:Bayonet caps
GB/T 1408.1-1999 固体绝缘材料电气强度试验方法 工频下的试验 Methods of test for electric strength of solid insulating materials--Tests at power frequencies
GB/T 1408.1-2006 绝缘材料电气强度试验方法 第1部分:工频下试验 Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 1: Tests at power frequencies
GB/T 1408.2-2006 绝缘材料电气强度试验方法 第2部分:对应用直流电压试验的附加要求 Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - Part 2: Additional requirements for tests using direct voltage
GB/T 1408.3-2007 绝缘材料电气强度试验方法 第3部分:1.2/50μs脉冲试验补充要求 Electric strength of insulating materials test methods - Part 3: Additional requirements for 1,2/50μs impulse tests
GB/T 1409-1988 固体绝缘材料在工频、音频、高频(包括米波长在内)下相对介电常数和介质损耗因数的试验方法 Methods of test for the determination of the permittivity and dielectric dissipation factor of solid electrical insulating materials at poweraudio and radio frequencies including metre wavelengths
GB/T 1409-2006 测量电气绝缘材料在工频、音频、高频(包括米波波长在内)下电容率和介质损耗因数的推荐方法 Recommended methods for the determination of the permittivity and dielectric dissipation factor of electrical insulating materials at power, audio and radio frequencies including meter wavelengths
GB/T 1410-1989 固体绝缘材料体积电阻率和表面电阻率试验方法 Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid insulating materials
GB/T 1410-2006 固体绝缘材料体积电阻率和表面电阻率试验方法 Methods of test for volume resistivity and surface resistivity of solid electrical insulating materials
GB/T 1411-2002 干固体绝缘材料 耐高电压、小电流电弧放电的试验 Dry,solid insulating materials--Resistance test to high-voltage,low-current arc discharges
GB/T 1412-1985 球墨铸铁用生铁 Pig iron used for spheroidal graphite cast iron
GB/T 1412-2005 球墨铸铁用生铁 Pig iron used for spheroidal graphite cast iron
GB/T 1413-1998 系列1集装箱 分类、尺寸和额定质量 Series 1 freight containers--Classification,dimensions and ratings
GB/T 1414-2003 普通螺纹 管路系列 General purpose metric screw threads--The plan for pipe systems
GB/T 1415-1992 米制锥螺纹 Metric tape screw thread
GB/T 1416-2003 信封 Envelopes
GB/T 1417-1978 常用电信设备名词术语 General terminology for telecommunications equipment
GB/T 1418-1995 电信设备通用文字符号 Letter symbols for telecommunication equipment
GB/T 1419-1989 海绵铂 Sponge platinum
GB/T 1419-2004 海绵铂 Sponge platinum
GB/T 1420-1989 海绵钯 Sponge palladium
GB/T 1420-2004 海绵钯 Sponge palladium
GB/T 1421-1989 铑粉 Rhodium powder
GB/T 1421-2004 铑粉 Rhodium powder
GB/T 1422-1989 铱粉 Iridum powder
GB/T 1422-2004 铱粉 Iridium powder
GB/T 1423-1996 贵金属及其合金密度的测试方法 Method of measurement of density for precious metals and their alloys
GB/T 1424-1996 贵金属及其合金材料电阻系数测试方法 Method of measurement of resistivity of precious metals and their alloys
GB/T 1425-1996 贵金属及其合金熔化温度范围的测定 热分析试验方法 Determination of melting temperature range for precious metals and their alloys--Testing method of thermal analysis
GB/T 1426-1978 炭素材料分类 Carbon materials--Classifications
GB/T 1427-2000 炭素材料取样方法 Sample method of carbon material
GB/T 1428-1978 炭素材料水分的测定 Determination of moisture content in carbon materials
GB/T 1429-1985 炭素材料灰分含量测定方法 Carbon materials--Determination of the ash content
GB/T 1430-1978 炭素材料硫量的测定 Determination of sulfur content in carbon materials
GB/T 1431-1985 炭素材料耐压强度测定方法 Carbon materials--Determination of the compressive strength
GB/T 1438.1-1996 锥柄麻花钻 第1部分:莫氏锥柄麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twist drills--Part 1:The types and dimensions for Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1438.1-2008 锥柄麻花钻 第1部分:莫氏锥柄麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twist drills - Part 1: The types and dimensions for Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1438.2-1996 锥柄麻花钻 第2部分:莫氏锥柄长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twistdrills--Part 2:The types and dimensions for long Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1438.2-2008 锥柄麻花钻 第2部分:莫氏锥柄长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twist drills - Part 2: The types and dimensions for long Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1438.3-1996 锥柄麻花钻 第3部分:莫氏锥柄加长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twist drills--Part 3:The types and dimensions for lengthened Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1438.3-2008 锥柄麻花钻 第3部分:莫氏锥柄加长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twist drills - Part 3: The types and dimensions for lengthened Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1438.4-1996 锥柄麻花钻 第4部分:莫氏锥柄超长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twist drills--Part 4:The types and dimensions for extra-long Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1438.4-2008 锥柄麻花钻 第4部分:莫氏锥柄超长麻花钻的型式和尺寸 Taper shank twist drills - Part 4: The types and dimensions extra-long for Morse taper shank twist drills
GB/T 1442-1985 直柄工具用传动扁尾及套筒的尺寸和公差 Driving tenons and sockets for parallel shank tools-- Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 1442-2004 直柄工具用传动扁尾及套筒 尺寸 Driving tenons and sockets for parallelshank tools--Dimensions
GB/T 1443-1996 机床和工具柄用自夹圆锥 Machine tools--Self-holding tapers for tool shanks
GB/T 1446-1983 纤维增强塑料性能试验方法总则 The generals of test methods for properties of fiber-reinforced plastics
GB/T 1446-2005 纤维增强塑料性能试验方法总则 Fiber-reinforced plastics composites-The generals for determination of properties
GB/T 1447-1983 玻璃纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法 Test method for tensile properties of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
GB/T 1447-2005 纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法 Fiber-reinforced plastics composites---Determination of tensile properties
GB/T 1448-1983 玻璃纤维增强塑料压缩性能试验方法 Test method for compressive properties of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
GB/T 1448-2005 纤维增强塑料压缩性能试验方法 Fiber-reinforced plastics composites-Determination of compressive properties
GB/T 1449-1983 玻璃纤维增强塑料弯曲性能试验方法 Test method for flexural properties of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
GB/T 1449-2005 纤维增强塑料弯曲性能试验方法 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites-Determination of flexural properties
GB/T 1450.1-1983 玻璃纤维增强塑料层间剪切强度试验方法 Test method for interlaminar shear strength of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
GB/T 1450.1-2005 纤维增强塑料层间剪切强度试验方法 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites-Determination of interlaminar shear strength
GB/T 1450.2-1983 玻璃纤维增强塑料冲压式剪切强度试验方法 Test method for the punch-type of strength of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
GB/T 1450.2-2005 纤维增强塑料冲压式剪切强度试验方法 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites-Determination of the punch-type shear strength
GB/T 1451-1983 玻璃纤维增强塑料简支梁式冲击韧性试验方法 Test method for the charpy impact resistance of glass fiber-reinforced plastics
GB/T 1451-2005 纤维增强塑料简支梁式冲击韧性 试验方法 Fiber-reinforced plastics composites---Determination of Charpy impact properties
GB/T 1452-1987 非金属夹层结构平拉强度试验方法 Test method for flatwise tension strength of nonmetal sandwich constructions
GB/T 1452-2005 夹层结构平拉强度试验方法 Test method for flatwise tension strength of sandwich constructions
GB/T 1453-1987 非金属夹层结构或芯子平压性能试验方法 Test method for flatwise compression properties of nonmetal sandwich constructions or cores
GB/T 1453-2005 夹层结构或芯子平压性能试验方法 Test method for flatwise compression properties of sandwich constructions or cores
GB/T 1454-1988 夹层结构侧压性能试验方法 Test method for edgewise compressive properties of sandwich constructions
GB/T 1454-2005 夹层结构侧压性能试验方法 Test method for edgewise compressive properties of sandwich constructions
GB/T 1455-1988 夹层结构或芯子剪切性能试验方法 Test method for shear properties of sandwich constructions or cores
GB/T 1455-2005 夹层结构或芯子剪切性能试验方法 Test method for shear properties of sandwich constructions or cores
GB/T 1456-1988 夹层结构弯曲性能试验方法 Test method for flexural properties of sandwich constructions
GB/T 1456-2005 夹层结构弯曲性能试验方法 Test method for flexural properties of sandwich constructions
GB/T 1457-1988 夹层结构滚筒剥离试验方法 Test method for climbing drum peel of sandwich constructions
GB/T 1457-2005 夹层结构滚筒剥离强度试验方法 Test method for climbing drum peel strength of sandwich constructions
GB/T 1458-1988 纤维缠绕增强塑料环形试样拉伸试验方法 Test method for tensile strength of ring of filament-winding reinforced plastics
GB/T 1461-1988 纤维缠绕增强塑料环形试样剪切试验方法 Test method for interlaminar shear strength of ring of filament-winding reinforced plastics
GB/T 1462-1988 纤维增强塑料吸水性试验方法 Test methods for water absorption of fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 1462-2005 纤维增强塑料吸水性试验方法 Test methods for water absorption of fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 1463-1988 纤维增强塑料密度和相对密度试验方法 Test methods for density and relative density of fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 1463-2005 纤维增强塑料密度和相对密度试验方法 Test methods for density and relative density of fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 1464-1987 非金属夹层结构或芯子密度试验方法 Test method for density of nonmetal sandwich constructions or cores
GB/T 1464-2005 夹层结构或芯子密度试验方法 Test method for density of sandwich construction or cores
GB/T 1467-1978 冶金产品化学分析方法标准的总则及一般规定 General rules and regulationsof the chemical analysis methods for products of metallurgical industries
GB/T 1468-1999 描图纸 Tracing paper
GB/T 1470-1988 铅及铅锑合金板 Lead and lead-antimony alloy plate
GB/T 1470-2005 铅及铅锑合金板 Lead and lead-antimony alloy plate
GB/T 1471-1988 铅阳极板 Lead plate for anode
GB/T 1472-1988 铅及铅锑合金管 Lead and lead-antimony alloy tube
GB/T 1472-2005 铅及铅锑合金管 Lead and lead-antimony alloy tube
GB/T 1473-1988 铅及铅锑合金棒 Lead and lead-antimony alloy rod
GB/T 1474-1988 铅及铅锑合金线 Lead and lead-antimony alloy wire
GB/T 1475-1989 镓 Gallium
GB/T 1475-2005 镓 Gallium
GB/T 1479-1984 金属粉末松装密度的测定 第一部分 漏斗法 Metallic powders--Determination of apparent den-sity--Part 1:Funnel method
GB/T 1479.1-2011 金属粉末 松装密度的测定 第1部分:漏斗法 Metallic powders - Determination of apparent density - Part 1: funnal method
GB/T 1479.2-2011 金属粉末 松装密度的测定 第2部分:斯柯特容量计法 Metallic powders - Determination of apparent density - Part 2: Scott volumeter method
GB/T 1480-1995 金属粉末粒度组成的测定 干筛分法 Determination of particle size for metallic powders--Dry sieving
GB/T 1481-1998 金属粉末(不包括硬质合金粉末)在单轴压制中压缩性的测定 Metallic powders(excluding powders for hardmetals)--Determination of compressibility in uniaxial compression
GB/T 1482-1984 金属粉末流动性的测定 标准漏斗法 (霍尔流速计) Metallic powders--Determination of flowability by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall flowmeter)
GB/T 1483-2001 螺口式灯头的量规 Gauges of Edison screw lamp caps
GB/T 1483.1-2008 灯头、灯座检验量规 第1部分:螺口式灯头、灯座的量规 Gauges for lamp caps and holders - Part 1 : Gauges for screw caps and holders
GB/T 1483.2-2002 螺口式灯座的量规 Gauges of Edison screw lampholders
GB/T 1483.2-2008 灯头、灯座检验量规 第2部分:插脚式灯头、灯座的量规 Gauges for caps and lampholders - Part 2:Gauges for pin caps and lampholders
GB/T 1483.3-2002 插脚式灯座的量规 Gauges for pin lampholders
GB/T 1483.3-2008 灯头、灯座检验量规 第3部分:预聚焦式灯头、灯座的量规 Gauges for lamp caps and lampholders - Part 3: Gauges for prefocus caps and lampholders
GB/T 1483.4-2009 灯头、灯座检验量规 第4部分:杂类灯头、灯座的量规 Gauges for lamp caps and lampholders - Part 4: Gauges for miscellaneous caps and lampholders
GB/T 1483.5-2003 灯头、灯座检验量规 第5部分: 卡口式灯头的量规 Gauges for lamp caps andholders--Part 5: Gauges for bayonet caps
GB/T 1483.5-2008 灯头、灯座检验量规 第5部分:卡口式灯头、灯座的量规 Gauges for caps and lampholders - Part 5:Gauges for bayonet caps and lampholders
GB/T 1483.6-2003 灯头、灯座检验量规 第6部分: 卡口式灯座的量规 Gauges for lamp caps andholders--Part 6:Bayonet lampholders
GB/T 1484-1979 插口式灯头的量规 Gauges for bayonet lamp caps
GB/T 1485-1979 铂铑合金化学分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of platinumrhodiumalloys
GB/T 1486-1979 铂钌合金化学分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of platinumrutheniumalloys
GB/T 1488-1979 铂钯铑合金化学分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of platinum-palladium-rhodium alloys
GB/T 1490-1979 金磷合金化学分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of gold-phosphorusalloys
GB/T 1493-1979 共电、自动电话机技术条件 Technical requirements for common battery telephones and automatic telephones
GB/T 1494-1979 磁石电话机技术条件 Technical requirements for magnetotelephone
GB/T 1496-1979 机动车辆噪声测量方法 Measuring method for noise of power-driven vehicles
GB/T 1499.3-2002 钢筋混凝土用钢筋焊接网 Welded steel fabric for the reinforcement of concrete
GB/T 1499.3-2010 钢筋混凝土用钢 第3部分:钢筋焊接网 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Part3 : Welded fabric
GB/T 1500-1987 程序设计语言ALGOL 60 Programming languages ALGOL 60
GB/T 1506-2002 锰矿石 锰含量的测定 电位滴定法和硫酸亚铁铵滴定法 Manganese ores--Determination of manganese content--Potentiometric method and ammonium iron (II) sulphate titrimetric method
GB/T 1507-1979 锰矿石中有效氧量的测定 Method for determination of active oxygen content in manganese ores
GB/T 1507-2006 锰矿石 有效氧含量的测定 重铬酸钾滴定法 Manganese Ores - Determination of active oxygen content - Potassium dichromate titrimetric method
GB/T 1508-2002 锰矿石 全铁含量的测定 重铬酸钾滴定法和邻菲啰啉分光光度法 Manganese ores--Determination of total iron content--Potassium dichromate titrimetric method and 1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1509-1979 锰矿石中二氧化硅量的测定 (高氯酸脱水重量法) Method for determination of silicon dioxide content in manganese ores
GB/T 1509-2006 锰矿石 硅含量的测定 高氯酸脱水重量法 Manganese ores - Determination of silicon content - Perchloric acid dehydration gravimetric method
GB/T 1510-1979 锰矿石中三氧化二铝量的测定 Method for determination of aluminium trioxide content in manganese ores
GB/T 1510-2006 锰矿石 铝含量的测定 EDTA滴定法 Manganese ores-Determination of aluminium content-EDTA titrimetric method
GB/T 1511-1979 锰矿石中氧化钙量的测定 (EDTA容量法) Method for determination of calcium oxide content in manganese ores--EDTA volumetric method
GB/T 1511-2006 锰矿石 钙和镁含量的测定 EDTA滴定法 Manganese ores - Determination of calcium and magnesium contents - EDTA titrimetric method
GB/T 1512-1979 锰矿石中氧化镁量的测定 (CyDTA容量法) Method for determination of magnesium oxide content in manganese ores--CyDTA volumetric method
GB/T 1513-1979 锰矿石中氧化钙、氧化镁量的测定 (原子吸收分光光度法) Method for determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide contents in manganese ores--Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1513-2006 锰矿石 钙和镁含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Manganese ores - Determination of calcium and magnesium contents -Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1515-2002 锰矿石 磷含量的测定 磷钼蓝分光光度法 Manganese ores--Determination of phosphorus content--Phosphomolybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1516-1979 锰矿石中砷量的测定 (二乙胺硫代甲酸银吸光光度法) Method for determination of arsenic content in manganese ores
GB/T 1516-2006 锰矿石 砷含量的测定 二乙氨基二硫代甲酸银分光光度法 Manganese ores - Determination of arsenic content - Silver diethyldithiocarbamate spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1518-1979 锰矿石中镍量的测定 (极谱法) Method for determination of nickel content in manganese ores--Polarographic method
GB/T 1519-1979 锰矿石中铜量的测定 (极谱法) Method for determination of copper content in manganese ores--Polarographic method
GB/T 1525-1979 制图纸 Drawing paper
GB/T 1525-2006 制图纸 Design paper
GB/T 1526-1989 信息处理 数据流程图、程序流程图、系统流程图、程序网络图和系统资源图的文件编制符号及约定 Information processing--Documentation symbols and conventionsfor data, program and system flowcharts, program network charts and system resources charts
GB/T 1527-1997 铜及铜合金拉制管 Drawn tube of copper and copper alloys
GB/T 1527-2006 铜及铜合金拉制管 Drawn tube of copper and copper alloys
GB/T 1528-1997 铜及铜合金挤制管 Extruded tube of copper and copper alloys
GB/T 1531-1994 铜及铜合金毛细管 Capillary tube of copper and copper alloys
GB/T 1532-1986 花生果 Peanut in shell
GB/T 1533-1986 花生仁 Peanut kernel
GB/T 1538-1979 纸板耐折度的测定法 (肖伯尔式测定仪) Determination of paper board folding strength $(Shaw-bel’s)
GB/T 1539-2007 纸板耐破度的测定 Paperboard - Determination of bursting strength
GB/T 1539-1989 纸板耐破度的测定法 Paperboard--Determination of bursting strength
GB/T 1540-2002 纸和纸板吸水性的测定(可勃法) Paper and board--Determination of water absorption--Cobb method
GB/T 1541-2007 纸和纸板尘埃度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of dirt
GB/T 1541-1989 纸和纸板尘埃度的测定法 Paper and board--Determination of dirt
GB/T 1543-1988 纸不透明度测定法 Paper--Determination of opacity (paper backing)
GB/T 1543-2005 纸和纸板 不透明度(纸背衬)的测定(漫反射法) Paper and board-Determination of Opacity(paper backing)-Diffuse reflectance method
GB/T 1545.1-2003 纸、纸板和纸浆 水抽提液酸度或碱度的测定 Paper,board and pulp--Determination of acidity or alkalinity
GB/T 1545.2-2003 纸、纸板和纸浆 水抽提液pH的测定 Paper,board and pulp--Determination of pH of aqueous extracts
GB/T 1546-1989 纸浆卡伯值的测定法 Pulps—Determination of Kappa number
GB/T 1546-2004 纸浆 卡伯值的测定 Pulps--Determination of Kappa number
GB/T 1547-1989 纸浆高锰酸钾值的测定法 Pulps—Determination of permanganate number
GB/T 1547-2004 纸浆 高锰酸钾值的测定 Pulps--Determination of permanganate number
GB/T 1548-1989 纸浆粘度的测定法 Pulps—Determination of viscosity
GB/T 1548-2004 纸浆 粘度的测定 Pulps--Determination of viscosity
GB/T 1549-1994 钠钙硅铝硼玻璃化学分析方法 Methods of chemical analysis of sodalime-alumina and borosilicate glass
GB/T 1550-1997 非本征半导体材料导电类型测试方法 Standard methods for measuring conductivity type of extrinsic semiconducting materials
GB/T 1551-1995 硅、锗单晶电阻率测定 直流两探针法 Test method for resistivity of silicon and germanium bars using a two-point probe
GB/T 1552-1995 硅、锗单晶电阻率测定 直排四探针法 Test method for measuring resistivity of monocrystal silicon and germanium with a collinear four-probe array
GB/T 1553-1997 硅和锗体内少数载流子寿命测定光电导衰减法 Standard test methods for minority carrier lifetime in bulk germanium and silicon by measurement of photoconductivity decay
GB/T 1554-1995 硅晶体完整性化学择优腐蚀检验方法 Test method for crystallographic perfection of silicon by preferential etch techniques
GB/T 1555-1997 半导体单晶晶向测定方法 Test methods for determining the orientation ofa semiconductor single crystal
GB/T 1557-1989 硅晶体中间隙氧含量的红外吸收测量方法 The method of determining interstitial oxygen content in silicon by infrared absorption
GB/T 1557-2006 硅晶体中间隙氧含量的红外吸收测量方法 The method of determining interstitial oxygen content in silicon by infrared absorption
GB/T 1558-1997 硅中代位碳原子含量红外吸收测量方法 Test method for substitutional atomic carbon content of silicon by infrared absorption
GB/T 1560-1979 船用通风系统管路和附件的公称通径 Normal diameters for ventilation pipeline and accessories for ships metric series
GB/T 1563-2003 楔键 键槽的剖面尺寸 Taper keys--Cross section dimensions of keyways
GB/T 1564-2003 普通型 楔键 Taper keys for general use
GB/T 1565-2003 钩头型 楔键 Gib head taper keys
GB/T 1566-2003 薄型平键 键槽的剖面尺寸 Square and rectangular thin keyways
GB/T 1567-2003 薄型 平键 Square and rectangular thin keys
GB/T 1568-1997 键 技术条件 Technical specifications for keys
GB/T 1569-1990 圆柱形轴伸 Cylindrical shaft ends
GB/T 1569-2005 圆柱形轴伸 Cylindrical shaft ends
GB/T 1570-1990 圆锥形轴伸 Conical shaft ends
GB/T 1570-2005 圆锥形轴伸 conical shaft ends
GB/T 1572-2001 煤的结渣性测定方法 Determination of clinkering property of coal
GB/T 1573-2001 煤的热稳定性测定方法 Determination of thermal stability of coal
GB/T 1574-2007 煤灰成分分析方法 Test method for analysis of coal ash
GB/T 1574-1995 煤灰成分分析方法 Analysis of coal ash
GB/T 1575-2001 褐煤的苯萃取物产率测定方法 Determination of yield of benzene-soluble extract in brown coal
GB/T 1581-1979 米制锥螺纹量规 Gauges for tapered screw thread,metric series
GB/T 1582-1993 卧式车床 参数 General purpose parallel lathes--Parameters
GB/T 1583-1979 彩色电视图象传输标准 Standard of colour TV image transmission
GB/T 1584-1979 国内电视插入测试行信号标准 Standard for insertion test signal of domestic TV
GB/T 1587-2000 工业碳酸钾 Potassium carbonate for industrial use
GB/T 1591-1994 低合金高强度结构钢 High strength low alloy structural steels
GB/T 1592-2003 农业拖拉机后置动力输出轴1、2和3型 Agricultural tractors--Rear-mountedpower take-off--Types 1,2 and 3
GB/T 1592.1-2008 农业拖拉机后置动力输出轴 1、2和 3 型 第 1 部分:通用要求、安全要求、防护罩尺寸和空隙范围 Agricultural tractors - Rear- mounted power take-off types 1,2 and 3 - Part 1: General specifications, safety requirements, dimensions for master shield and clearance zone
GB/T 1592.2-2008 农业拖拉机后置动力输出轴 1、2和 3 型 第 2 部分:窄轮距拖拉机防护罩尺寸和空隙范围 Agricultural tractors - Rear- mounted power take-off types 1,2 and 3 - Part 2: Narrow-track tractors, dimensions for master shield and clearance zone
GB/T 1592.3-2008 农业拖拉机后置动力输出轴1、2和3型 第3部分:动力输出轴尺寸和花键尺寸、动力输出轴位置 Agricultural tractors - Rear- mounted power take-off types 1,2 and 3 - Part 3: Main PTO dimensions and spline dimensions, location of PTO
GB/T 1593.1-1996 农业轮式拖拉机后置式三点悬挂装置 第1部分:1、2、3和4类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Rear-mounted three-point linkage--Part 1:Categories 1,2,3 and 4
GB/T 1593.2-2003 农业轮式拖拉机后置式三点悬挂装置 第2部分:1N类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Rear mounted three-point linkage--Part 2:Category 1N(Narrow hitch)
GB/T 1593.3-1987 农业轮式拖拉机三点悬挂装置 第三部分:0 类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Three-point linkage--Part 3:Category 0
GB/T 1593.4-2004 农业轮式拖拉机后置式三点悬挂装置 第4部分:0类 Agricultural wheeled tractors--Rear mounted three-point linkage--Part 4:Category 0
GB/T 1596-1991 用于水泥和混凝土中的粉煤灰 Fly ash used for cement and concrete
GB/T 1596-2005 用于水泥和混凝土中的粉煤灰 Fly ash used for cement and concrete
GB/T 1597-1979 铱坩埚 Iridium crucible
GB/T 1597-2005 铱坩埚 Iridium crucible
GB/T 1598-1998 铂铑13-铂热电偶丝 Platinum-13% Rhodium/Platinum thermocouple wires
GB/T 1599-2002 锑锭 Antimony ingot
GB/T 1600-2001 农药水分测定方法 Testing method of water in pesticides
GB/T 1601-1993 农药pH值的测定方法 Determination method of pH value for pesticides
GB/T 1602-2001 农药熔点测定方法 Testing method of melting point for pesticides
GB/T 1603-2001 农药乳液稳定性测定方法 Determination method of emulsion stability for pesticide
GB/T 1604-1995 商品农药验收规则 Commodity pesticide regulations for acceptance
GB/T 1605-2001 商品农药采样方法 Sampling method for commodity pesticides
GB/T 1606-1998 工业碳酸氢钠 Sodium hydrogen carbonate for industrial use
GB/T 1608-1997 工业高锰酸钾 Potassium permanganate for industrial use
GB/T 1610-1999 工业铬酸酐 Chromic anhydride for industrial use
GB/T 1611-2003 工业重铬酸钠 Sodium dichromate for industrial use
GB/T 1613-1993 工业硝酸钡 Barium nitrate for industrial use
GB/T 1614-1999 工业碳酸钡 Barium carbonate for industrial use
GB/T 1615-1994 工业二硫化碳 Carbon disulfide for industrial use
GB/T 1617-2002 工业氯化钡 Barium chloride for industrial use
GB/T 1618-1995 工业氯酸钠 Sodium chlorate for industrial use
GB/T 1621-1993 工业氯化铁 Ferric chloride for industrial use
GB/T 1626-1988 工业草酸 Oxalic acid for industrial use
GB/T 1628.1-2000 工业冰乙酸 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use
GB/T 1628.2-2000 工业冰乙酸色度的测定 分光光度法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of color--Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1628.3-2000 工业冰乙酸含量的测定 滴定法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of acetic acid content--Titrimetric method
GB/T 1628.4-2000 工业冰乙酸中甲酸含量的测定 碘量法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of formic acid content--Iodometric method
GB/T 1628.5-2000 工业冰乙酸中甲酸含量的测定 气相色谱法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of formic acid content--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 1628.6-2000 工业冰乙酸中乙醛含量的测定 滴定法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of acetaldehyde content--Titrimetric method
GB/T 1628.7-2000 工业冰乙酸中铁含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use--Determination of iron content--Atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1630-1989 环氧树脂命名 Epoxide resins--Designation
GB/T 1630.1-2008 塑料 环氧树脂 第1部分:命名 Plastics - Epoxy resins - Part 1: Designation
GB/T 1631-1979 离子交换树脂分类、命名及型号 Classification,designation and types of ion exchange resin
GB/T 1632-1993 聚合物稀溶液粘数和特性粘数测定 Determination of viscosity number and limiting viscosity number of polymers in dilute solution
GB/T 1632.1-2008 塑料 使用毛细管粘度计测定聚合物稀溶液粘度 第1部分:通则 Plastics - Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers - Part1:General principles
GB/T 1632.3-2010 塑料 使用毛细管黏度计测定聚合物稀溶液黏度 第3部分:聚乙烯和聚丙烯 Plastics - Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometer - part3: Polyethylenes and polypropylenes
GB/T 1632.5-2008 塑料 使用毛细管粘度计测定聚合物稀溶液粘度 第5部分:热塑性均聚和共聚型聚酯(TP) Plastics - Determination of the viscosity of polymers in dilute solution using capillary viscometers - Part 5 : Thermoplastic polyester(TP) homopolymers and copolymers
GB/T 1633-2000 热塑性塑料维卡软化温度(VST)的测定 Plastics--Thermoplastic materials--Determination of Vicat softening temperature(VST)
GB/T 1634-1979 塑料弯曲负载热变形温度 (简称热变形温度) 试验方法 Test method of heat deflection temperature underbending load for plastics
GB/T 1634.1-2004 塑料 负荷变形温度的测定 第1部分:通用试验方法 Plastics--Determination of temperature of deflection under load--Part 1:General test method
GB/T 1634.2-2004 塑料 负荷变形温度的测定 第2部分:塑料、硬橡胶和长纤维增强复合材料 Plastics--Determination of temperature of deflection under load--Part 2:Plastics,ebonite and long-fibre-reinforced composites
GB/T 1634.3-2004 塑料 负荷变形温度的测定 第3部分:高强度热固性层压材料 Plastics--Determination of temperature of deflection under load--Part 3:High-strength thermosetting laminates
GB/T 1636-1979 模塑料表观密度试验方法 Test method for apparent density of moulding plastic materials
GB/T 1637-2003 可溶性还原染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Solubilised vat dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 1637-2006 可溶性还原染料 色光和强度的测定 Solubilised vat dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 1638-2003 可溶性还原染料 印花色光和强度的测定 Solubilised vat dyes--Determination of printing shade and relative strength
GB/T 1639-1979 可溶性还原染料溶解度的测定法 Determination of solubility of solubilised reduced dyes
GB/T 1639-2006 可溶性还原染料 溶解度的测定 Solubilised vat dyes - Determination of solubility
GB/T 1640-1979 可溶性还原染料稳定性的测定法 Determination of the stability of solubilised reduced dyes
GB/T 1646-2003 2-萘酚 2-Naphthol
GB/T 1648-2007 1-萘胺-8-羟基-3,6-二磺酸单钠盐(H酸单钠盐) 1-Amino-8-hydroxy-3,6-naphthalenedisulfonic acid monosodium salt(H-Acid monosodium salt)
GB/T 1648-2001 H-酸单钠盐(1-萘胺-8-羟基-3,6-二磺酸单钠盐) H-acid monosodium salt(1-Amino-8-hydroxy-3,6-naphthalenedisulfonic acid monosodium salt)
GB/T 1650-2001 直接蓝B(直接湖蓝5B) Direct blue B (Direct sky blue 5B)
GB/T 1652-1994 色酚AS Naphthol AS
GB/T 1652-2006 色酚 AS Naphthol AS
GB/T 1653-1997 邻硝基氯苯 o-Chloronitrobenzene
GB/T 1653-2006 邻、对硝基氯苯 o-Chloronitrobenzene p-Chloronitrobenzene
GB/T 1653-2013 邻、对硝基氯苯 o、p-Chloronitrobenzene
GB/T 1655-1997 硫化黑3B、4B、3BR、2RB(硫化黑BN、BRN、B2RN、RN) Sulphur black 3B,4B,3BR,2RB(Sulphur black BN,BRN,B2RN,RN)
GB/T 1655-2006 硫化黑3B、4B、3BR、2RB(硫化黑BN、BRN、B2RN、RN) Sulphur black 3B、4B、3BR、2RB(Sulphur black BN、BRN、B2RN、RN)
GB/T 1658-1982 增塑剂灰分的测定 Determination of ash of plasticizers
GB/T 1659-1982 增塑剂水分的测定 (比浊法) Determination of water content of plasticizers by turbidimetry
GB/T 1660-1982 增塑剂运动粘度的测定 (品氏法) Measuring method for kinematic viscosityof plasticizers (Pinkevitch method)
GB/T 1661-1982 增塑剂运动粘度的测定 (恩氏法) Measuring method for kinematic viscosityof plasticizers (Engler method)
GB/T 1663-2001 增塑剂结晶点的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of crytallizing point
GB/T 1664-1995 增塑剂外观色度的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of colour
GB/T 1665-1995 增塑剂皂化值及酯含量的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of saponification value and ester-content
GB/T 1668-1995 增塑剂酸值及酸度的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of acid value andacidity
GB/T 1669-2001 增塑剂加热减量的测定 Plasticizers--Determination of mass loss on heating
GB/T 1670-1988 增塑剂热稳定性试验 Plasticizers--Test method of heat-resistance
GB/T 1671-1988 增塑剂闪点的测定 克利夫兰德开口杯法 Plasticizers--Determination of flash point--Cleveland open cup method
GB/T 1672-1988 液体增塑剂体积电阻率的测定 Liquid plasticizers--Determination of volume resisti-vity
GB/T 1676-1981 增塑剂碘值的测定 Determinating the iodine value of plasticizers
GB/T 1677-1981 增塑剂环氧值的测定 (盐酸-丙酮法) Determination of the epoxy value of plasticizers (acetone-hydrochloride method)
GB/T 1678-1981 增塑剂环氧值的测定 (盐酸-吡啶法) Determination of the epoxy value of plasticizers (pyridine-hydrochloride method)
GB/T 1681-1991 硫化橡胶回弹性的测定 Rubber--Determination of rebound resilience of vulcanizates
GB/T 1682-1994 硫化橡胶低温脆性的测定 单试样法 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of low-temperature brittleness(single test piece method)
GB/T 1684-1985 硫化橡胶短时间静压缩试验方法 Vulcanized rubber--Testing short time static compression
GB/T 1685-1982 硫化橡胶在常温和高温下压缩应力松弛的测定 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of stress relaxation in compression at normal and at elevated temperature
GB/T 1687-1993 硫化橡胶在屈挠试验中温升和耐疲劳性能的测定 第二部分:压缩屈挠试验 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of temperature rise and resistance to fafigue in flexometer testing--Part 2:Compression flexometer
GB/T 1688-1986 硫化橡胶伸张疲劳的测定 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of tension fatigue
GB/T 1689-1998 硫化橡胶耐磨性能的测定(用阿克隆磨耗机) Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of abrasion resistance(Akron machine)
GB/T 1690-2010 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 耐液体试验方法 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of the effect of liquids
GB/T 1690-1992 硫化橡胶耐液体试验方法 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of the effectof liquids
GB/T 1690-2006 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐液体试验方法 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of the effect of liquids
GB/T 1692-1992 硫化橡胶绝缘电阻率测定 Vulcanized rubber--Determination of the insulation resistivity
GB/T 1693-2007 硫化橡胶 介电常数和介质损耗角正切值的测定方法 Rubber,vulcanized - Determination of dielectric constant and dielectric loss tangent
GB/T 1693-1981 硫化橡胶工频介电常数和介质损耗角正切值的测定方法 Vulcanized rubber--Determination for industrial frequency dielectric constant and dielectricloss angular tangent value
GB/T 1694-1981 硫化橡胶高频介电常数和介质损耗角正切值的测定方法 Vulcanized rubber--Test method for HF dielectric constant and dielectric loss angular tangent value
GB/T 1695-1981 硫化橡胶工频击穿介电强度和耐电压的测定方法 Vulcanized rubber--Test method for industrial frequency puncture voltage and dielectric strength
GB/T 1695-2005 硫化橡胶 工频击穿电压强度和耐电压的测定方法 Rubber,vulcanized -- Determination of electrical breakdown strength and voltage resistant at commercial power frequency
GB/T 1696-2001 硬质橡胶弯曲强度的测定 Ebonite--Determination of cross breakiing strength
GB/T 1697-2001 硬质橡胶冲击强度的测定 Ebonite--Determination of impact strength
GB/T 1698-2003 硬质橡胶 硬度的测定 Ebonite--Determination of hardness by means of a durometer
GB/T 1699-2003 硬质橡胶 马丁耐热温度的测定 Ebonite--Determination of martin heat resistance temperature
GB/T 1700-2001 硬质橡胶抗剪切强度的测定 Ebonite--Determination of shearing strength
GB/T 1701-2001 硬质橡胶拉伸强度和拉断伸长率的测定 Ebonite--Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break
GB/T 1702-1997 力车轮胎 Cycle tyres
GB/T 1703-1997 力车内胎 Cycle inner tubes
GB/T 1705-1986 红丹 Red lead
GB/T 1706-2006 二氧化钛颜料 Titanium dioxide pigments
GB/T 1707-1995 立德粉 Lithopone
GB/T 1709-1979 颜料遮盖力测定法 Covering power determination of dyestuff
GB/T 1710-1979 颜料耐光性测定法 Light resistance determination of dyestuff
GB/T 1711-1989 颜料在烘干型漆料中热稳定性的比较 Comparison of heat stability of pigments in stoving medium
GB/T 1713-1989 颜料密度的测定 比重瓶法 Determination of density of pigments--Pyknometer method
GB/T 1715-1979 颜料筛余物测定法 Determination of the screened material from dyestuff
GB/T 1716-1979 颜料干粉耐热性测定法 Determination of the heat resistance property of dry powder dyestuff
GB/T 1717-1986 颜料水悬浮液pH值的测定 Determination of pH value of an aqueous suspension of pigments
GB/T 1719-1979 颜料流动度测定法 Determination of dyestuff fluidity
GB/T 1720-1979 漆膜附着力测定法 Method of test for adhesion of paint films
GB/T 1721-1979 清漆、清油及稀释剂外观和透明度测定法 Methods of test for appearance and penetrability of varnishes, boiled oils and thinners
GB/T 1722-1992 清漆、清油及稀释剂颜色测定法 Estimation of colour of varnishes,boiledoils and thinners
GB/T 1723-1993 涂料粘度测定法 Determination of viscosity of coatings
GB/T 1724-1979 涂料细度测定法 Methods of test for fineness of grind of paints
GB/T 1725-2007 色漆、清漆和塑料 不挥发物含量的测定 Paints,varnishes and plastics - Determination of non-volatile-matter content
GB/T 1725-1979 涂料固体含量测定法 Methods of test for non-volatile matter of varnishes,paints and their vehicles
GB/T 1726-1979 涂料遮盖力测定法 Methods of test for hiding power of paints
GB/T 1727-1992 漆膜一般制备法 General preparation of paint film
GB/T 1728-1979 漆膜、腻子膜干燥时间测定法 Methods of test for drying time of coatingsof paints and putties
GB/T 1730-2007 色漆和清漆 摆杆阻尼试验 Paints and varnishes - Pendulum damping test
GB/T 1730-1993 漆膜硬度测定法 摆杆阻尼试验 Determination of hardness of the paint films--Pendulum damping test
GB/T 1731-1993 漆膜柔韧性测定法 Determination of flexibility of films
GB/T 1732-1993 漆膜耐冲击性测定法 Determination of impact resistance of film
GB/T 1733-1993 漆膜耐水性测定法 Determination of resistance to water of films
GB/T 1734-1993 漆膜耐汽油性测定法 Determination of resistance to petrol of films
GB/T 1735-1979 漆膜耐热性测定法 Method of test for heat resistance of paint films
GB/T 1736-1979 绝缘漆漆膜制备法 Method of producing films of electrical insulating varnishes on test panels
GB/T 1738-1979 绝缘漆漆膜吸水率测定法 Method of test for water absorption rate of electrical insulating varnish films
GB/T 1739-1979 绝缘漆漆膜耐油性测定法 Method of test for transformer oil resistance of electrical insulating varnish films
GB/T 1740-2007 漆膜耐湿热测定法 Determination of resistance to heat and humidity of paint films
GB/T 1740-1979 漆膜耐湿热测定法 Method of test for resistance to heat and humidity ofpaint films
GB/T 1741-2007 漆膜耐霉菌性测定法 Test method for determining the resistance of paints film to mold
GB/T 1741-1979 漆膜耐霉菌测定法 Method of test for mold resistance of paint films
GB/T 1742-1979 胶液粘合强度测定法 Method of test for adhesive strength of sizes
GB/T 1743-1979 漆膜光泽测定法 Method of test for gloss of paint films
GB/T 1746-1979 涂料水分测定法 Method of test for water content in paints by distillation
GB/T 1747-1979 涂料灰分测定法 Method of test for ashes content in paints by ignition
GB/T 1747.2-2008 色漆和清漆 颜料含量的测定 第2部分:灰化法 Paints and varnishes - Determination of pigment content - Part 2:Ashing method
GB/T 1748-1979 腻子膜柔韧性测定法 Method of test for flexibility of putty coatings
GB/T 1749-1979 厚漆、腻子稠度测定法 Method of test for consistency of pastes and putties
GB/T 1750-1979 涂料流平性测定法 Methods of test for leveling property of paints
GB/T 1751-1992 稀释剂、防潮剂水分测定法 Determination of water of thinners and retarders
GB/T 1752-1979 稀释剂、防潮剂白化性测定法 Method for blushing test of thinners and anti-blushing agents
GB/T 1753-1979 稀释剂、防潮剂挥发性测定法 Method of test for evaporation rate of thinners and anti-blushing agents
GB/T 1755-1979 稀释剂、防潮剂胶凝数测定法 Method of test for coloid ratio of thinnersand anti-blushing agents
GB/T 1758-1979 涂料使用量测定法 Method of test for consumption of paints
GB/T 1761-1979 漆膜抗污气性测定法 Method of test for gas proof of paint films
GB/T 1762-1980 漆膜回粘性测定法 Method of test for after-tack of paint films
GB/T 1763-1979 漆膜耐化学试剂性测定法 Method of test for chemical resistance of paintfilms
GB/T 1764-1979 漆膜厚度测定法 Method of test for measurement of dry film thickness ofpaints
GB/T 1765-1979 测定耐湿热、耐盐雾、耐侯性 (人工加速) 的漆膜制备法 Method of producing of paint films for testing heat and humidity resistance,salt-fog resistance and accelerated weathering
GB/T 1766-1995 色漆和清漆 涂层老化的评级方法 Paints and varnishes--Rating schemes ofdegradation of coats
GB/T 1768-2006 色漆和清漆 耐磨性的测定 旋转橡胶砂轮法 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to abrasion - Rotating abrasive rubber wheel method
GB/T 1768-1979 漆膜耐磨性测定法 Method of test for abrasion resistance of paint films
GB/T 1769-1979 漆膜磨光性测定法 Method of test for polishability of paint films
GB/T 1770-1979 底漆、腻子膜打磨性测定法 Method of test for sanding property of coatings of primers and putties
GB/T 1771-2007 色漆和清漆 耐中性盐雾性能的测定 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray(fog)
GB/T 1771-1991 色漆和清漆 耐中性盐雾性能的测定 Paints and varnishes--Determination of resistance to neutral salt spray
GB/T 1772-1979 电子元器件失效率试验方法 Determination of failure rate of electronic elements and components
GB/T 1773-1995 片状银粉 Flake silver powders
GB/T 1774-1995 超细银粉 Superfine silver powders
GB/T 1775-1995 超细金粉 Superfine gold powders
GB/T 1776-1995 超细铂粉 Superfine platinum powder
GB/T 1777-1995 超细钯粉 Superfine palladium powder
GB/T 1778.1-1989 广播用单声道录音机基本参数和技术要求 Fundamental parameters and technical requirements for monophonic broadcast tape recorders
GB/T 1778.2-1989 广播用单声道录音机测试方法 Measuring methods for characteristics of monophonic broadcast tape recorders
GB/T 1779.1-1989 6.30 mm广播录音磁带性能测试方法 Measuring methods for the properties of 6.30 mm broadcast audio tapes
GB/T 1779.2-1989 6.30 mm广播录音磁带最低性能要求 Minimum performance requirements of 6.30 mm broadcast audio tapes
GB/T 1780-1992 广播录音机测试用磁带 Test tape for broadcast tape recorders
GB/T 1781-1979 广播录音基准带 Reference tape for broadcast recording
GB/T 1782-1989 广播录音磁带的盘芯和带盘 Hub and reol spool of broadcast audio tape
GB/T 1786-1990 锻制圆饼超声波检验方法 Cheese forging--Method for ultrasonic inspection
GB/T 1792-1988 馏分燃料中硫醇硫测定法(电位滴定法) Distillate fuels--Determination of mercaptan sulphur--Potentiometric titration method
GB/T 1793-2000 航空燃料水反应试验法 Standard test method for water reaction of aviation fuels
GB/T 1794-1979 喷气燃料防冰剂含量测定法 Jet fuels--Determination of icing inhibitor content
GB/T 1798-2001 生丝试验方法 Method of testing for raw silk
GB/T 1800.1-1997 极限与配合 基础 第1部分:词汇 Limits and fits--Bases--Part 1:Terminology
GB/T 1800.1-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 极限与配合 第1部分:公差、偏差和配合的基础 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Limits and fits - Part 1: Bases of tolerances, deviations and fits
GB/T 1800.2-1998 极限与配合 基础 第2部分:公差、偏差和配合的基本规定 Limits and fits--Bases--Part 2:Basic rules of tolerances,deviations and fits
GB/T 1800.2-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 极限与配合 第2部分:标准公差等级和孔、轴极限偏差表 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Limits and fits - Part 2: Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts
GB/T 1800.3-1998 极限与配合 基础 第3部分:标准公差和基本偏差数值表 Limits and fits--Bases--Part 3:Numerical values tables of standard tolerances and fundamental deviations
GB/T 1800.4-1999 极限与配合 标准公差等级和孔、轴的极限偏差表 Limits and fits--Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts
GB/T 1801-1999 极限与配合 公差带和配合的选择 Limits and fits--Selection of tolerancezones and fits
GB/T 1803-2003 极限与配合 尺寸至18 mm孔、轴公差带 Limits and fits--Tolerance zones for holes and shafts size up to 18mm
GB/T 1804-2000 一般公差 未注公差的线性和角度尺寸的公差 General tolerances--Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications
GB/T 1805-2001 弹簧术语 Nomenclature of springs
GB/T 1814-1979 钢材断口检验法 Inspection method for steel work fractures
GB/T 1815-1997 苯类产品溴价的测定 Determination for the bromine number of benzole products
GB/T 1816-1997 苯类产品中性试验 Test for neutrality of benzole products
GB/T 1817-1995 硬质合金常温冲击韧性试验方法 Test method of impact toughness of cemented carbides at room temperature
GB/T 1818-1994 金属表面洛氏硬度试验方法 Metallic materials--Rockwell superficial hardness test
GB/T 1819-1979 锡精矿中水分量的测定 (重量法) Determination of moisture content in tin concentrates--Gravimetric method
GB/T 1819.1-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 水分量的测定 称量法 Methods for chemical analysisof tin concentrates--Determination of water content--The weighing method
GB/T 1819.2-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 锡量的测定 碘酸钾滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of tin content--The potassium iodate titrimetric method
GB/T 1819.3-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 铁量的测定 硫酸铈滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of iron content--The cerium sulfate titrimetric method
GB/T 1819.4-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 铅量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和EDTA滴定法 Methodsfor chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of lead content--Flameatomic absorption spectrometric method and EDTA titrimetric method
GB/T 1819.5-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 砷量的测定 砷锑钼蓝分光光度法和蒸馏分离-碘滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of arsenic content--The molybdoantimonyarsenate blue spectrophotometric method and the distillation-iodimetric titrimetric method
GB/T 1819.6-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 锑量的测定 孔雀绿分光光度法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of antimony content--The malachite green spectrometric method and the flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1819.7-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 铋量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of bismuth content--Flame atomicabsorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1819.8-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 锌量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of zinc content--Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1819.9-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 三氧化钨量的测定 硫氰酸盐分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of tungsten trioxide content--The thiocyanate spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1819.10-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 硫量的测定 高频红外吸收法和燃烧-碘酸钾滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of sulphur content--The high frequency infrared absorption method and the combustion potassium iodate titrimetric method
GB/T 1819.11-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 三氧化二铝量的测定 铬天青S分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of aluminum oxide content--The chromazuzol S spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1819.12-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 二氧化硅量的测定 硅钼蓝分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of silicon dioxide content--The silicomolybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 1819.13-2004 锡精矿化学分析方法 氧化镁、氧化钙量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methodsfor chemical analysis of tin concentrates--Determination of magnesium oxide andcalcium oxide contents--Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1819.14-2006 锡精矿化学分析方法 铜量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates―Determination of copper content―Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1819.15-2006 锡精矿化学分析方法 氟量的测定 离子选择电极法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates―Determination of fluorine content―The ion-selective electrode method
GB/T 1819.16-2006 锡精矿化学分析方法 银量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates―Determination of silver content―Flame atomic absoption spectrometric method
GB/T 1819.17-2006 锡精矿化学分析方法 汞量的测定 冷原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tin concentrates―Determination of mercury content―The cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 1820-1979 锡精矿中锡量的测定 (铍载-过氧化钠熔融碘量法) Determination of tin content in tin concentrates--Beryllium as carrier-fusion with sodium peroxide iodate titrimetric method
GB/T 1821-1979 锡精矿中铁量的测定 (重铬酸盐容量法) Determination of iron content in tin concentrates--Dichromate volumetric method
GB/T 1822-1979 锡精矿中铜量的测定 (双环己酮乙二酰二腙吸光光度法) Determination of copper content in tin concentrates--Biscyclohexanone oxalyldihydrazone photometricmethod
GB/T 1823-1979 锡精矿中铅量的测定 Determination of lead content in tin concentrates
GB/T 1824-1979 锡精矿中砷量的测定 Determination of arsenic content in tin concentrates
GB/T 1825-1979 锡精矿中锑量的测定 (孔雀绿吸光光度法) Determination of antimony content in tin concentrates --Malachite green photometric method
GB/T 1826-1979 锡精矿中铋量的测定 (二硫代二安替比林甲烷吸光光度法) Determination of bismuth content in tin concentrates-- Dithiodiantipyryl methane photometric method
GB/T 1827-1979 锡精矿中锌量的测定 (极谱法) Determination of zinc content in tin concentrates-- Polarographic method
GB/T 1828-1979 锡精矿中三氧化钨量的测定 (硫氰酸盐吸光光度法) Determination of tungsten trioxide content in tin concentrates--Thiocyanate photometric method
GB/T 1829-1979 锡精矿中硫量的测定 (燃烧-碘量法) Determination of sulfur content in tin concentrates-- Direct combustion-iodometric method
GB/T 1830-1979 锡精矿中三氧化二铝量的测定 (铬天青S 吸光光度法) Determination of aluminium oxide content in tin concentrates--Chromazurol S photometric method
GB/T 1831-1979 锡精矿中二氧化硅量的测定 (硅钼蓝吸光光度法) Determination of silicon dioxide content in tin concentrates--Silicon molybdenum blue photometric method
GB/T 1832-1979 锡精矿中氧化镁量的测定 (二甲苯胺蓝Ⅱ吸光光度法) Determination of magnesium oxide content in tin concentrates--Xylidyl blue Ⅱ photometric method
GB/T 1833-1979 锡精矿中氧化钙量的测定 (EDTA 容量法) Determination of calcium oxide content in tin concentrates--EDTA volumetric method
GB/T 1835-1995 集装箱角件的技术条件 The specification of corner fittings for freight containers
GB/T 1835-2006 系列1集装箱 角件 Series 1 freight container - Corner fittings
GB/T 1836-1997 集装箱代码、识别和标记 Freight containers--Coding,identification and marking
GB/T 1838-1995 镀锡钢板(带)镀锡量试验方法 Tin coated sheet(strip)--Tin coating mass testing method
GB/T 1839-2003 钢产品镀锌层质量试验方法 Test method for gravimetric determination of the mass per unit area of galvanized coatings on steel products
GB/T 1840-1989 圆弧圆柱齿轮模数 Modules of cylindrical gear with circular arc profiles
GB/T 1841-1980 聚烯烃树脂稀溶液粘度试验方法 Test method for the viscosity of the dilute solution of polyolefine resin
GB/T 1842-1999 聚乙烯环境应力开裂试验方法 Test method for environmental stress-cracking of polyethylene plastics
GB/T 1843-1996 塑料悬臂梁冲击试验方法 Plastics--Determination of izod impact strength
GB/T 1844.1-1995 塑料及树脂缩写代号 第一部分:基础聚合物及其特征性能 Symbols of plastics and resins--Part 1:Basic polymers and their special characteristics
GB/T 1844.1-2008 塑料 符号和缩略语 第1部分: 基础聚合物及其特征性能 Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 1: Basic polymers and their special characteristics
GB/T 1844.2-1995 塑料及树脂缩写代号 第二部分:填充及增强材料 Symbols of plastics and resins--Part 2:Fillers and reinforcing materials
GB/T 1844.2-2008 塑料 符号和缩略语 第2部分:填充及增强材料 Plastic-Symbols and abbreviated-Part 2: Fillers and reinforcing materials
GB/T 1844.3-1995 塑料及树脂缩写代号 第三部分:增塑剂 Symbols of plastics and resins--Part 3:Plasticizers
GB/T 1844.3-2008 塑料 符号和缩略语 第3部分:增塑剂 Plastics - Symbols and abbrebiated terms - Part 3: Plasticizers
GB/T 1844.4-2008 塑料 符号和缩略语 第4部分: 阻燃剂 Plastics - Symbols and abbreviated terms - Part 4: Flame retardants
GB/T 1845.1-1999 聚乙烯(PE)模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础 Polyethylene(PE) moulding and extrusion materials--Part 1:Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 1845.2-2006 塑料 聚乙烯 (PE) 模塑和挤出材料 第2部分: 试样制备和性能测定 Plastics―Polyethylene(PE) moulding and extrusion materials―Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 1846-1980 聚氯醚树脂稀溶液粘度试验方法 Test method for the viscosity of the dilute solution of polychloroether resin
GB/T 1847-1980 聚甲醛树脂稀溶液粘度试验方法 Test method for the viscosity of the dilute solution of polyformaldehyde resin
GB/T 1850-1984 船用外螺纹重块式快关阀 Marine male threaded weight quick-closing valves
GB/T 1852-1993 船用法兰铸钢蒸汽减压阀 Marine steel flanged steam pressure reducing valves
GB/T 1853-1994 船用法兰铸钢舷侧截止止回阀 Marine flanged cast steel over board stop check valve
GB/T 1854-1993 船用法兰铸铁单排吸入截止阀箱 Marine flanged cast iron single arrangement suction stop box valve
GB/T 1855-1993 船用法兰铸铁单排吸入截止止回阀箱 Marine flanged cast iron single arrangement suction stop check box valve
GB/T 1856-1993 船用法兰铸铁单排排出截止阀箱 Marine flanged cast iron single arrangement exhaust stop box valve
GB/T 1859-2000 往复式内燃机 辐射的空气噪声测量 工程法及简易法 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Measurement of emitted airborne noise--Engineering method and survey method
GB/T 1863-1989 氧化铁红颜料 Iron oxide red pigments
GB/T 1864-1989 颜料颜色的比较 Comparison of colour of pigments
GB/T 1865-1997 色漆和清漆 人工气候老化和人工辐射暴露(滤过的氙弧辐射) Paints and varnishes--Artificial weathering and exposure to artificial radiation--Filtered xenon-arc radiation
GB/T 1866-2003 中性染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Neutral dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 1867-1997 还原艳蓝5RL(还原蓝RSN) Vat brilliant blue 5RL (Vat blue RSN)
GB/T 1868-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿采样与样品制备方法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Methods of sampling and preparing sample
GB/T 1870-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中水分的测定 重量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of moisture content--Gravimetric method
GB/T 1871.1-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中五氧化二磷含量的测定 磷钼酸喹啉重量法和容量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of phosphrous pentoxide content--Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric and volumetric methods
GB/T 1871.2-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化铁含量的测定 容量法和分光光度法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of iron oxide content--Volumetric and spectrophotometric methods
GB/T 1871.3-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化铝含量的测定 容量法和分光光度法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of aluminium oxide content--Volumetric and spectrophotometric methods
GB/T 1871.4-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化钙含量的测定 容量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of calcium oxide content--Volumetric methods
GB/T 1871.5-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化镁含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和容量法 Phosphaterock and concentrate--Determination of magnesium oxide content--Flame atomic absorption spectrometric and volumetric methods
GB/T 1872-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中氟含量的测定 离子选择性电极法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of fluorine content--Specific ion electrode method
GB/T 1873-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中二氧化硅含量的测定 重量法和容量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of silicon dixide content--Gravimetric and volumetric methods
GB/T 1874-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中酸不溶物含量的测定 重量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of acid insoluble content--Gravimetric method
GB/T 1875-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中灼烧失量的测定 重量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of loss on ignition--Gravimetric method
GB/T 1876-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中二氧化碳含量的测定 气量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of carbon dioxide content--Gasometric method
GB/T 1877-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化锰含量的测定 分光光度法和容量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of manganese oxide content--Spectrophotometric and volumetric methods
GB/T 1878-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中碘含量的测定 分光光度法和离子选择性电极法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of iodine content--Spectrophotometric andspecific ion electrode methods
GB/T 1879-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿石氧化钾含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of potassium oxide content--Flame atomic absorptionspectrometric method
GB/T 1880-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中三氧化硫含量的测定 重量法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of sulfur trioxide content--Gravimetric method
GB/T 1881-1995 磷矿石和磷精矿中氧化锶含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Phosphate rock and concentrate--Determination of strontium oxide content--Flame atomic absorptionspectrometric method
GB/T 1883-1989 往复活塞式内燃机 术语 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Terminology
GB/T 1883.1-2005 往复式内燃机 词汇 第1部分:发动机设计和运行术语 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Vocabulary-Part 1:Terms for engine design and operation
GB/T 1883.2-2005 往复式内燃机 词汇 第2部分:发动机维修术语 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-Vocabulary-Part 2:Terms for engine maintenance
GB/T 1884-2000 原油和液体石油产品密度实验室测定法(密度计法) Crude petroleum and liquid petroleum products--Laboratory determination of density--Hydrometer method
GB/T 1885-1998 石油计量表 Petroleum measurement tables
GB/T 1900-1980 食品添加剂 2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚 (BHT) Food additive--2,6-ditertiarybutyl-p-cresol
GB/T 1910-1999 新闻纸 Newsprint
GB/T 1910-2006 新闻纸 Newsprint
GB/T 1911-1991 拷贝纸 Copying paper
GB/T 1912-2007 字典纸 Bible paper
GB/T 1912-1989 字典纸 Bible paper
GB/T 1913.2-2002 印制板用漂白木浆纸 Bleached pulp paper for printed boards
GB/T 1914-2007 化学分析滤纸 Chemical analytical filter paper
GB/T 1914-1993 化学分析滤纸 Chemical analytical filter paper
GB/T 1918-1998 工业硝酸钾 Potassium nitrate for industrial use
GB/T 1919-2000 工业氢氧化钾 Potassium hydroxide for industrial use
GB/T 1920-1980 标准大气 (30公里以下部分) Standard atmosphere (below 30 kilometers)
GB/T 1921-1988 工业蒸汽锅炉 参数系列 Specifications for industrial steam boiler
GB/T 1921-2004 工业蒸汽锅炉参数系列 Parameters for industrial steam boilers
GB/T 1926.1-1988 工业糠醛 Technical furfural
GB/T 1926.1-2009 工业糠醛 Technical furfural
GB/T 1926.2-1988 工业糠醛试验方法 Technical furfural test methods
GB/T 1927-1991 木材物理力学试材采集方法 Method of sample tree collection for physicaland mechanical tests of wood
GB/T 1928-1991 木材物理力学试验方法总则 General requirements for physical and mechnical tests of wood
GB/T 1929-1991 木材物理力学试材锯解及试样截取方法 Method of sample logs sawing and test specimens selection for physical and mechanical tests of wood
GB/T 1930-1991 木材年轮宽度和晚材率测定方法 Method for determination of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood
GB/T 1931-1991 木材含水率测定方法 Method for determination of the moisture content ofwood
GB/T 1932-1991 木材干缩性测定方法 Method for determination of the shrinkage of wood
GB/T 1933-1991 木材密度测定方法 Method for determination of the density of wood
GB/T 1934.1-1991 木材吸水性测定方法 Method for determination of the water absorption ofwood
GB/T 1934.1-2009 木材吸水性测定方法 Method for determination of the water absorption of wood
GB/T 1934.2-1991 木材湿胀性测定方法 Method for determination of the swelling of wood
GB/T 1934.2-2009 木材湿胀性测定方法 Method for determination of the swelling of wood
GB/T 1935-1991 木材顺纹抗压强度试验方法 Method of testing in compressive strength parallel to grain of wood
GB/T 1936.1-1991 木材抗弯强度试验方法 Method of testing in bending strength of wood
GB/T 1936.1-2009 木材抗弯强度试验方法 Method of testing in bending strength of wood
GB/T 1936.2-1991 木材抗弯弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood
GB/T 1936.2-2009 木材抗弯弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in static bending of wood
GB/T 1937-1991 木材顺纹抗剪强度试验方法 Method of testing in shearing stength parallel to grain of wood
GB/T 1938-1991 木材顺纹抗拉强度试验方法 Method of testing in tensile strength parallel to grain of wood
GB/T 1939-1991 木材横纹抗压试验方法 Method of testing in compression perpendicular tograin of wood
GB/T 1940-1991 木材冲击韧性试验方法 Method of testing in toughness of wood
GB/T 1941-1991 木材硬度试验方法 Method of testing in hardness of wood
GB/T 1942-1991 木材抗劈力试验方法 Method of testing in cleavage stregth of wood
GB/T 1943-1991 木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood
GB/T 1944-1980 船用轻型吊货杆 Light cargo hoisting rod
GB/T 1951-1984 船用低压外螺纹青铜截止阀 Marine low pressure bronze male threaded stopvalves
GB/T 1952-1980 船用低压外螺纹青铜止回阀 Low bressure bronze male screw-thread check valve for marine use
GB/T 1953-1984 船用低压外螺纹青铜截止止回阀 Marine low pressure bronze male threaded stop check valves
GB/T 1954-1980 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量测量方法 Determination of the weldign seam iron element content in chromium,nickel austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 1955-2002 建筑卷扬机 Construction winch
GB/T 1957-1980 光滑极限量规 Limit gauges for plain workpiece
GB/T 1957-2006 光滑极限量规 技术条件 Tolerances and general features for plain limin gauges
GB/T 1958-1980 形状和位置公差 检测规定 Rules for inspection of form and position tolerances
GB/T 1958-2004 产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 形状和位置公差 检测规定 Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS)--Geometrical tolerance--Verification prescription
GB/T 1962.1-2001 注射器、注射针及其他医疗器械6%(鲁尔)圆锥接头 第1部分:通用要求 The conical fittings with a 6%(Luer)taper for syringes,needles and certain other medical equipment--Part 1:General requirement
GB/T 1962.2-2001 注射器、注射针及其他医疗器械6%(鲁尔)圆锥接头 第2部分:锁定接头 The conical fittings with a 6%(Luer)taper for syringes,needles and certain other medical equipment--Part 2:Lock fittings
GB/T 1964-1996 多孔陶瓷压缩强度试验方法 Test method for crushing strength of porous ceramic
GB/T 1965-1996 多孔陶瓷弯曲强度试验方法 Test method for cross-bending strength of porous ceramic
GB/T 1966-1996 多孔陶瓷显气孔率、容重试验方法 Test method for apparent porosity and bulk density of porous ceramic
GB/T 1967-1996 多孔陶瓷孔道直径试验方法 Test method for pore diameter of porous ceramic
GB/T 1968-1980 多孔陶瓷透气度试验方法 Test method for air permeability of porous ceramic
GB/T 1969-1996 多孔陶瓷渗透率试验方法 Test method for permeability of porous ceramic
GB/T 1970-1996 多孔陶瓷耐酸、碱腐蚀性能试验方法 Test method for acid and alkaline-resistance of porous ceramic
GB/T 1972-1992 碟形弹簧 Disc spring
GB/T 1972-2005 碟形弹簧 Disc spring
GB/T 1973.1-1989 小型圆柱螺旋弹簧技术条件 Small cylindrically coiled springs—Specification
GB/T 1973.1-2005 小型圆柱螺旋弹簧技术条件 Small cylindrically coiled springs—Specification
GB/T 1973.2-1989 小型圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧尺寸及参数 Small cylindrically coiled tension spring—Dimensions and parameters
GB/T 1973.2-2005 小型圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧尺寸及参数 Small cylindrically coiled tension spring—Dimensions and parameters
GB/T 1973.3-1989 小型圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧尺寸及参数 Small cylindrically coiled compression spring—Dimensions and parameters
GB/T 1973.3-2005 小型圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧尺寸及参数 Small cylindrically coiled compression spring—Dimensions and parameters
GB/T 1974-2003 切向键及其键槽 Tangential keys and keyways
GB/T 1978-1988 电池锌板 Zinc plate for dry cell
GB/T 1979-2001 结构钢低倍组织缺陷评级图 Standard diagrams for macrostructure and defect of structural steels
GB/T 1980-1996 标准频率 Standard frequencies
GB/T 1980-2005 标准频率 Standard frequencies
GB/T 1981.1-2004 电气绝缘用漆 第1部分:定义和一般要求 Varnishes used for electrical insulation--Part 1:Definitions and general requirements
GB/T 1981.1-2007 电气绝缘用漆 第1部分:定义和一般要求 Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 1: Definitions and general requirements
GB/T 1981.2-2003 电气绝缘用漆 第2部分: 试验方法 Varnishes used for electrical insulation--Part 2: Methods of test
GB/T 1981.2-2009 电气绝缘用漆 第2部分:试验方法 Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 2: Methods of test
GB/T 1981.3-2009 电气绝缘用漆 第3部分:热固化浸渍漆通用规范 Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 3: Specifications for hot curing impregnating varnishes
GB/T 1981.4-2009 电气绝缘用漆 第4部分:聚酯亚胺浸渍漆 Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 4: Polyester-imide varnishes
GB/T 1981.5-2009 电气绝缘用漆 第5部分:快固化节能型三聚氰胺醇酸浸渍漆 Varnishes used for electrical insulation - Part 5: Energy-saving fast curing melamine alkyd impregnating varnishes
GB/T 1988-1998 信息技术 信息交换用七位编码字符集 Information technology--7-bit coded character set for information interchange
GB/T 1989-1980 信息处理交换用七位编码字符集在9磁道12.7 毫米磁带上的表示方法 Methods for indication of the 7-bit encoding character set for information processing switching on 12.7 mm magnetic tape
GB/T 1990-1980 信息处理交换用穿孔纸带孔的尺寸与位置 The dimension and position of theholes of perforated paper tape for information processing exchange
GB/T 1991-1980 信息处理交换用七位编码字符集在穿孔纸带上的表示方法 Methods for expression of the 7-bit encoding character set for information processing exchange on perforated paper tape
GB/T 1992-2006 集装箱术语 Freight container vocabulary
GB/T 1992-1985 集装箱名词术语 Freight containers--Terminology
GB/T 1993-1993 旋转电机冷却方法 Cooling methods for rotating electrical machines
GB/T 1995-1998 石油产品粘度指数计算法 Petroleum products--Calculation of viscosity index
GB/T 1996-2003 冶金焦炭 Coke for metallurgy
GB/T 1997-1989 焦炭试样的采取和制备 Coke--Sampling and preparation of samples
GB/T 1998-1980 沥青焦试样的采取和制备方法 Sampling and preparation of samples of petroleum cokes
GB/T 1999-1980 焦化产品轻油类取样方法 Sampling method for light oils of coking products
GB/T 2000-2000 焦化固体类产品取样方法 Coking solid products--Sampling
GB/T 2001-1991 焦炭工业分析测定方法 Coke--Determination of proximate analysis
GB/T 2005-1994 冶金焦炭的焦末含量及筛分组成的测定方法 Coke for metallurgy--Determination of coke breeze content and size consist
GB/T 2006-1994 冶金焦炭机械强度的测定方法 Coke for metallurgy--Determination of mechanical strength
GB/T 2007.1-1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 手工取样方法 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Sampling by manual method
GB/T 2007.2-1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 手工制样方法 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Sample preparation by manual method
GB/T 2007.3-1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 评定品质波动试验方法 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Experimental method for evaluation of quality variation
GB/T 2007.4-1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 精密度校核试验方法 Ceneral rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Experimental methods for checking the precision
GB/T 2007.4-2008 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 偏差、精密度校核试验方法 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk - Experimental methods for checking the precision and bias
GB/T 2007.5-1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 取样系统误差校核试验方法 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Experimental method for checking the bias of sampling
GB/T 2007.6-1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 水分测定方法 热干燥法 General rules for thesampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--Determination of moisture content--Heat drying method
GB/T 2007.7-1987 散装矿产品取样、制样通则 粒度测定方法 手工筛分法 General rules for the sampling and sample preparation of minerals in bulk--The method for determination of size by manual sieving
GB/T 2008-1987 散装氟石取样、制样方法 Method of sampling and sample preparation of fluorspar in bulk
GB/T 2009-1987 散装矾土取样、制样方法 Method of sampling and sample preparation of bauxite in bulk
GB/T 2010-1987 散装滑石取样、制样方法 Method of sampling and sample preparation of talc in bulk
GB/T 2011-1987 散装锰矿石取样、制样方法 Method of sampling and sample preparation of manganeseores in bulk
GB/T 2012-1989 芳烃酸洗试验法 Aromatic hydrocarbons--Test method of acid wash
GB/T 2013-1980 苯类产品密度测定法 Method for determination density of benzene products
GB/T 2014-1980 蚕丝、合纤筛网技术要求 Technical requirements of knitted screening of mixed natural silk and synthetic fibre
GB/T 2015-1991 白色硅酸盐水泥 White portland cement
GB/T 2015-2005 白色硅酸盐水泥 White Portland Cement
GB/T 2016-1980 白色硅酸盐水泥白度试验方法 Test method for whiteness of white portland cement
GB/T 2018-1987 磁带录音机测量方法 Methods of measuring the characteristics of recording and reproducing equipment for sound on magnetic tape
GB/T 2019-1987 磁带录音机基本参数和技术要求 Fundamental parameters and technical requirements for audio tape recorders
GB/T 2020-1980 信息处理交换用9磁道12.7毫米宽32行/毫米记录磁带 Recording magnetic tape with 9 magnetic tracks, 12.7mm width and 32 lines/mm for informationprocessing exchange
GB/T 2022-1980 水泥水化热试验方法 (直接法) Test method for heat of hydration of cement--Adiabatic method
GB/T 2029-1980 铸钢吸入通海阀 Cast steel suction valve for seaward sluice
GB/T 2030-1980 青铜吸入通海阀 Bronze suction valve for seaward sluice
GB/T 2031-1994 船用消防接头 Marine fire-fighting coupeigs
GB/T 2032-1993 船用法兰消火栓 Marine flanged fire hydrants
GB/T 2033-2008 滩羊 Tan sheep
GB/T 2033-1980 滩羊 Sheep with long-staple wool
GB/T 2035-1996 塑料术语及其定义 Terms and definitions for plastics
GB/T 2036-1994 印制电路术语 Terms for printed circuits
GB/T 2038-1991 金属材料延性断裂韧度JIC试验方法 Metallic materials--Standardtest method for JIC,a measure of ductile fracture toughness
GB/T 2039-1997 金属拉伸蠕变及持久试验方法 Metallic materials--Creep and stress-rupture test in tension
GB/T 2040-2002 铜及铜合金板材 The sheet of copper and copper alloy
GB/T 2044-1980 镉青铜板 Cadmium-bronze sheets
GB/T 2045-1980 铬青铜板 Chromium-bronze sheets
GB/T 2046-1980 锰青铜板 Manganese-bronze sheets
GB/T 2047-1980 硅青铜板 Silicon-bronze sheets
GB/T 2049-1980 锡锌铅青铜板 Tin-zinc-lead-bronze sheets
GB/T 2052-1980 锰白铜板 Manganese-copper-nickel alloy sheets
GB/T 2054-1980 镍及镍合金板 Nickel and nickel alloy sheets
GB/T 2054-2005 镍及镍合金板 Nickel and nickel alloy sheets
GB/T 2055-1989 镉阳极板 Cadmium anode sheets
GB/T 2056-1980 铜阳极板 Copper sheets for anode in electro-plate
GB/T 2056-2005 电镀用铜、锌、镉、镍、锡阳极板 Copper、zinc、cadmium、nickel、tin anode sheets for electric plating
GB/T 2057-1989 镍阳极板 Nickel anode sheets
GB/T 2058-1989 锌阳极板 Zinc anode sheet
GB/T 2059-2000 铜及铜合金带材 Strips of copper and copper alloys
GB/T 2061-1989 散热器散热片专用纯铜带、黄铜带 Copper and brass strip for radiating
GB/T 2061-2004 散热器散热片专用纯铜及黄铜带箔材 Strip and foil of copper and brass for heat-exchanger fin
GB/T 2067-1980 锡锌铅青铜带 Tin-zinc-lead-bronze strips
GB/T 2069-1980 铝白铜 (BA16-1.5、BA1 13-3)带 Aluminium-copper-nickel alloy strips
GB/T 2072-2007 镍及镍合金带材 Nickel and nickel alloy strips
GB/T 2072-1993 镍及镍合金带 Nickel and nickel alloy strips
GB/T 2073-1993 双金属带 Bimetal strips
GB/T 2075-2007 切削加工用硬切削材料的分类和用途 大组和用途小组的分类代号 Classification and application of hard cutting materials for metal removal with defined cutting edges ― Designation of the main groups and groups of application
GB/T 2075-1998 切削加工用硬切削材料的用途 切屑形式大组和用途小组的分类代号 Application of hard cutting materials for machining by chip removal--Designation of the main groups of chip removal and groups of application
GB/T 2076-2007 切削刀具用可转位刀片型号表示规则 Indexable inserts for cutting tools - Designation
GB/T 2076-1987 切削刀具用可转位刀片型号表示规则 Indexale inserts for cutting tools--Designation
GB/T 2077-1987 硬质合金可转位刀片圆角半径 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts--Corner radii
GB/T 2078-2007 带圆角圆孔固定的硬质合金可转位刀片尺寸 Indexable hardmetal(carbide) insers with rounded corners, with cylindrical fixing hole - Dimensions
GB/T 2078-1987 带圆孔的硬质合金可转位刀片 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, with cylindrical fixing hole
GB/T 2079-1987 无孔的硬质合金可转位刀片 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, without fixing hole--Dimensions
GB/T 2080-2007 带圆角沉孔固定的硬质合金可转位刀片尺寸 Indexable hard material inserts with rounded corners, with partly cylindrical fixing hole - Dimensions
GB/T 2080-1987 沉孔硬质合金可转位刀片 Indexable hardmetal (carbide) inserts with rounded corners, with partly cylindrical fixing hole--Part 1:Dimensions of inserts with 7° normal clearance
GB/T 2081-1987 硬质合金可转位铣刀片 Indexable hardmetal (carbide)inserts with wiperedges,without fixing hole--Dimensions
GB/T 2082-1989 工业铝粉 Industrial aluminium powder
GB/T 2083-1989 涂料铝粉 Aluminium powder for paint
GB/T 2084-1989 发气铝粉 Bubble aluminium powder
GB/T 2085-1989 易燃铝粉 Inflammable aluminium powder
GB/T 2085.1-2007 铝粉 第1部分:空气雾化铝粉 Aluminum powder - Part 1: Air atomized aluminium powder
GB/T 2085.2-2007 铝粉 第2部分:球磨铝粉 Aluminum powder - Part 2: Inflammable fine aluminum powder
GB/T 2085.3-2009 铝粉 第3部分:粉碎铝粉 Aluminum powder - Part 3: Comminuted aluminum powder
GB/T 2086-1989 易燃细铝粉 Inflammable fine aluminium powder
GB/T 2087-2001 圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧尺寸及参数(半圆钩环型) Cylindrically coiled tension spring dimensions and parameters (Half ring profile with hook)
GB/T 2088-1997 圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧(圆钩环压中心型)尺寸及参数 Cylindrically coiled tension spring--Dimensions and parameters
GB/T 2089-1994 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧(两端圈并紧磨平或锻平型) 尺寸及参数 Cylindrically coiled compression spring--Dimensions and parameters
GB/T 2091-2003 工业磷酸 Phosphoric acid for industrial use
GB/T 2092-1992 工业癸二酸 Sebacic acid for industrial use
GB/T 2093-1993 工业甲酸 Formic acid for industrial use
GB/T 2100-2002 一般用途耐蚀钢铸件 Corrosion-resistant steel castings for general applications
GB/T 2101-1989 型钢验收、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General requirements of acceptance,packaging,marking and certification for section steel
GB/T 2102-1988 钢管的验收、包装、标志和质量证明书 Acceptance,packing,marking,and certification of pipe
GB/T 2102-2006 钢管的验收、包装、标志和质量证明书 Acceptance, packing, marking and quality certification of steel pipe
GB/T 2103-1988 钢丝验收、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General provisions for checking,packing,marking and quality certification of steel wire
GB/T 2104-1988 钢丝绳包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 Steel wire ropes--Packing,marking and certificate--General requirements
GB/T 2105-1991 金属材料杨氏模量、切变模量及泊松比测量方法 (动力学法) Metallic material--Standard test method for the Young’s modulus,shear modulus and Poison’s ratio ( Dynamic method)
GB/T 2107-1980 金属高温旋转弯曲疲劳试验方法 Metal material--Twisting fatigue test
GB/T 2129-1980 镉中铅量的测定 原子吸收分光光度法 Determination of lead content in cadmium--Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2130-1980 镉中铜量的测定 (铜试剂铅盐分光光度法) Determination of copper content in cadmium--Neoluproinelead-base photometric method
GB/T 2131-1980 镉中锌量的测定 (原子吸收分光光度法) Determination of zinc content in cadnium--Atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2132-1980 镉中铁量的测定 (邻菲啰啉分光光度法) Determination of iron content in cadmium--1,10-Phenanthroline photometric method
GB/T 2133-1980 镉中砷量的测定 (砷钼蓝分光光度法) Determination of arsenic content in cadmium--Arsenic-molybdenum blue photometric method
GB/T 2134-1980 镉中锑量的测定 (孔雀绿分光光度法) Determination of antimony content in cadmium--Malachite green photometric method
GB/T 2135-1980 镉中锡量的测定 (苯芴酮-CTAB分光光度法) Determination of tin content in cadmium--Phenylfluorone-CTAB photometric method
GB/T 2136-1980 镉中铊量的测定 (结晶紫分光光度法) Determination of thallium content in cadmium--Crystal violet photometric method
GB/T 2260-2007 中华人民共和国行政区划代码 Codes for the administrative divisions of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 2260-2002 中华人民共和国行政区划代码 Codes for the administrative divisions of the People’s Republic of China
GB/T 2261.1-2003 个人基本信息分类与代码 第1部分:人的性别代码 Classification and codesof basic personal information--Part 1: Codes for sexual distinction of human
GB/T 2261.2-2003 个人基本信息分类与代码 第2部分: 婚姻状况代码 Classification and codesof basic personal information--Part 2: Codes for marriage status
GB/T 2261.3-2003 个人基本信息分类与代码 第3部分: 健康状况代码 Classification and codesof basic personal information--Part 3: Codes for state of health
GB/T 2261.4-2003 个人基本信息分类与代码 第4部分: 从业状况(个人身份)代码 Classificationand codes of basic personal information--Part 4: Codes for state of employment
GB/T 2261.5-2003 个人基本信息分类与代码 第5部分: 港澳台侨属代码 Classification and codes of basic personal information--Part 5: Codes for relatives of Hong kong,Macao,Taiwan compatriot or Overseas Chinese
GB/T 2261.6-2003 个人基本信息分类与代码 第6部分: 人大代表、政协委员代码 Classificationand codes of basic personal information--Part 6: Codes of deputy to National People’s Congress or member of Political Consultative Conference
GB/T 2261.7-2003 个人基本信息分类与代码 第7部分: 院士代码 Classification and codes of basic personal information--Part 7: Codes for academician
GB/T 2272-1987 硅铁 Ferrosilicon
GB/T 2273-2007 烧结镁砂 Sintered magnesia
GB/T 2273-1998 烧结镁砂 Sintered magnesia
GB/T 2275-2007 镁砖和镁铝砖 Magnesia and magnesia-alumina refractory bricks
GB/T 2275-2001 镁砖 Magnesia refractory bricks
GB/T 2279-1989 邻甲酚 o-Cresol
GB/T 2281-1996 焦化轻油类产品密度试验方法 Light oil products of coal carbonization--Test method of density
GB/T 2282-2000 焦化轻油类产品馏程的测定 Coking light oil products--Detemination of distillation range
GB/T 2283-1993 焦化苯 Coking benzole
GB/T 2284-1993 焦化甲苯 Coking tolouenl
GB/T 2285-1993 焦化二甲苯 Coking xylene
GB/T 2286-1991 焦炭全硫含量的测定方法 Coke--Determination of total sulphur
GB/T 2288-1980 焦化产品水分测定方法 Method of determination of water content of coking products
GB/T 2289-1994 焦化粘油类产品取样方法 Viscous oil products of coal carbonization--Sampling
GB/T 2290-1994 煤沥青 Coal tar pitch
GB/T 2291-1980 煤沥青试验室试样的制备方法 Method for preparation of coal tar pitchs specimens
GB/T 2292-1997 焦化产品甲苯不溶物含量的测定 Coking products--Determination of toluene-insoluble content
GB/T 2293-1997 焦化固体类产品 喹啉不溶物试验方法 Solid products of coal carbonization--Determination of quinoline-insoluble
GB/T 7294-2009 饲料添加剂 亚硫酸氢钠甲萘醌(维生素K3) Feed additive - Menadione sodium bisulfite(Vitamin K3)
GB/T 2294-1997 焦化固体类产品 软化点测定方法 Solid products of coal carbonization--Determination of softening point
GB/T 2295-1980 煤沥青灰分测定方法 Method for determination of coal tar pitch ash content
GB/T 2296-2001 太阳电池型号命名方法 Designation method of solar cells(photovoltaic device)
GB/T 2297-1989 太阳光伏能源系统术语 Terminology for solar photovoltaic energy system
GB/T 2298-1991 机械振动与冲击 术语 Mechanical vibration and shock--Terminology
GB/T 2304-1988 化学试剂 无砷锌 Chemical reagent--Zinc
GB/T 2305-2000 化学试剂 五氧化二磷 Chemical reagent--Phosphorus(V) oxide
GB/T 2306-1997 化学试剂 氢氧化钾 Chemical reagent--Potassium hydroxide
GB/T 2308-1980 顶装式单片可换盒式磁盘的机械性能 Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic single disk cartridge (top mounted)
GB/T 2309-1980 六片可换磁盘组的机械性能 Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic six-disk pack
GB/T 2310-1980 十一片可换磁盘组的机械性能 Mechanical properties of interchangeable magnetic eleven-disk pack
GB/T 2311-2000 信息技术 字符代码结构与扩充技术 Information technology--Character code structure and extension techniques
GB/T 2315-2000 电力金具 标称破坏载荷系列及连接型式尺寸 Nominal failing load series and coupling dimensions for electric power fittings
GB/T 2317.1-2000 电力金具 机械试验方法 Mechanical tests for electric power fittings
GB/T 2317.1-2008 电力金具试验方法 第1部分:机械试验 Test method for electric power fittings - Part 1: Mechanical tests
GB/T 2317.2-2000 电力金具 电晕和无线电干扰试验 Corona and RIV tests for electric powerfittings
GB/T 2317.2-2008 电力金具试验方法 第2部分:电晕和无线电干扰试验 Test method for electric power fittings - Part 2: Corona and RIV tests for electric power fittings
GB/T 2317.3-2000 电力金具 热循环试验方法 Heat cycle tests for electric power fittings
GB/T 2317.3-2008 电力金具试验方法 第3部分:热循环试验 Test method for electric power fittings - Part 3: Heat cycle tests for electric power fittings
GB/T 2317.4-2000 电力金具 验收规则、标志与包装 Acceptance inspection,marking and packing for electric power fittings
GB/T 2317.4-2008 电力金具试验方法 第4部分:验收规则 Test method for electric power fittings - Part 4: Acceptance inspection for electric power fittings
GB/T 2336-2000 防振锤技术条件 Technical requirements for damper
GB/T 2337-1985 预绞丝 Preformed armour rods
GB/T 2338-2002 架空电力线路间隔棒技术条件和试验方法 Requirements and tests for overhead line spacers
GB/T 2340-1998 T形线夹 T-connector
GB/T 2341-1998 设备线夹 Terminal clamp
GB/T 2346-2003 流体传动系统及元件 公称压力系列 Fluid power systems and components--Nominal pressures
GB/T 2347-1980 液压泵及马达公称排量系列 Hydraulic fluid power--Pumps and motors--Geometric displacements
GB/T 2348-1993 液压气动系统及元件 缸内径及活塞杆外径 Fluid power systems and components--Cylinder bores and piston rod diameters
GB/T 2349-1980 液压气动系统及元件 缸活塞行程系列 Fluid power systems and components--Cylinders--Basic series of piston strokes
GB/T 2350-1980 液压气动系统及元件 活塞杆螺纹型式和尺寸系列 Fluid power systems and components--Cylinders--Piston rod thread dimensions and types
GB/T 2351-1993 液压气动系统用硬管外径和软管内径 Fluid power systems and components--Connectors and associated components--Outside diameters of tubes and inside diameters of hoses
GB/T 2351-2005 液压气动系统用硬管外径和软管内径 Fluid power systems and components-Connectors and associated components-Nominal outside diameters of tubes and nominal inside diameters of hoses
GB/T 2352-2003 液压传动 隔离式充气蓄能器压力和容积范围及特征量 Hydraulic fluid power--Gas-loaded accumulators with separator--Ranges of pressures and volumes and characteristic quantities
GB/T 2353-2005 液压泵及马达的安装法兰和轴伸的尺寸系列及标注代号 Dimension series and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends of hydraulic pumps and motors
GB/T 2353.1-1994 液压泵和马达 安装法兰和轴伸的尺寸系列及标记 第一部分:二孔和四孔法兰和轴伸 Hydraulic fluid power--Positive displacement pumps and motors--Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends--Part 1:Two and four-hole flanges and shaft ends
GB/T 2353.2-1993 液压泵和马达 安装法兰与轴伸的尺寸系列和标记(二) 多边形法兰(包括圆形法兰) Hydraulic fluid power--Positive displacement pumps and motors--Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends--Part 2:Polygonal flanges (including circular flanges) (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 2354-1993 模拟电唱盘通用技术条件 General specification for analog audio disk players
GB/T 2358-1994 金属材料裂纹尖端张开位移试验方法 Test method for crack-tip opening displacement measurement of metallic materials
GB/T 2361-1992 防锈油脂湿热试验法 Rust preventing oils and greases--Test method of wet heat
GB/T 2362-1990 小模数渐开线圆柱齿轮基本齿廓 Basic rack tooth profile of fine-pitch involute cylindrical gears
GB/T 2363-1990 小模数渐开线圆柱齿轮精度 Accuracy of fine-pitch involute cylindrical gears
GB/T 2366-1986 化工产品中水分含量的测定 气相色谱法 Chemical products for industrial use--Determination of water content--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 2374-2007 染料 染色测定的一般条件规定 Dyestuffs - General rules for dyeing test
GB/T 2374-1994 染料染色测定的一般条件规定 General rules for test dyeing of dyestuffs
GB/T 2375-2003 直接染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Direct dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2376-2003 硫化染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Sulphur dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2377-2003 还原染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Vat dyes--Determination of dyeing shadeand relative strength
GB/T 2377-2006 还原染料 色光和强度的测定 Vat dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2378-2003 酸性染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Acid dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2379-2003 酸性络合染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Acid complex dyes--Determination ofdyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2380-2003 媒介染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Mordant dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2381-1994 染料中不溶物含量的测定方法 Determination of content of insoluble matters in dyestuffs
GB/T 2381-2006 染料及染料中间体 不溶物质含量的测定 Dyestuffs and intermediate of dyestuffs - Determination of content of insoluble matters
GB/T 2381-2013 染料及染料中间体 不溶物质含量的测定 Dyestuffs and intermediate of dyestuffs - Determination of content of insoluble matters
GB/T 2382-2007 硫化染料 游离硫磺含量的测定 Sulphur dyes - Determination of content of free sulphur
GB/T 2382-1995 硫化染料中游离硫磺含量的测定方法 Determination of content of free sulphur in sulphur dyes
GB/T 2383-2003 染料 筛分细度的测定 Dyes--Determination of fineness by sieve analysis
GB/T 2384-2007 染料中间体 熔点范围测定通用方法 Dyes intermediates - Generel method for the determination of melting range
GB/T 2384-1992 染料中间体熔点范围测定通用方法 Dye intermediates--General method for the determination of melting range
GB/T 2385-2007 染料中间体 结晶点的测定通用方法 Dyes intermediates - General method for the determination of crystallizing point
GB/T 2385-1992 染料中间体结晶点测定通用方法 Dye intermediates--General method for thedetermination of crystallizing point
GB/T 2386-2003 染料及染料中间体 水分的测定 Dyestuffs and intermediate of dyestuffs--Determination of moisture content
GB/T 2386-2006 染料及染料中间体 水分的测定 Dyestuffs and intermediate of dyes―determination of moisture
GB/T 2387-2003 反应染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Reactive dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2387-2006 反应染料 色光和强度的测定 Reactive dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2388-2003 反应染料 印花色光和强度的测定 Reactive dyes--Determination of printing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2389-1980 活性染料中水解染料和标准样品相对含量的测定方法 Determination of relative content of hydrolysed dye in reactive dyes and standards specimens
GB/T 2389-2006 反应染料 水解染料与标准样品相对含量的测定 Reactive dyes - Determination of relative content of hydrolised dye comparatively standard sample
GB/T 2390-2003 水溶性染料 pH值的测定 Water-soluble dyes--Determination of pH value
GB/T 2391-2003 反应染料 吸色率和固色率的测定 Reactive dyestuffs--Determination of degree of exhaustion and degree of fixation
GB/T 2391-2006 反应染料 固色率的测定 Reactive dyes―Determination of degree of fixation
GB/T 2392-1980 活性染料热稳定性的测定方法 Determination of heat stability for reactive dyes
GB/T 2392-2006 染料 热稳定性的测定 Dyes―Determination of thermo stability
GB/T 2393-1980 活性染料印花固色率的测定方法 Determination of colour fixation rate in printing reactive dyes
GB/T 2394-2003 分散染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Disperse dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2394-2013 分散染料 色光和强度的测定 Disperse dyestuff - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2394-2006 分散染料 色光和强度的测定 Disperse dyestuff - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 2395-2003 分散染料 印花色光和强度的测定 Disperse dyes--Determination of printing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2396-2003 分散染料 固色率的测定 Disperse dyestuffs--Determination of degree of fixation
GB/T 2397-2003 分散染料 提升力的测定 Disperse dyestuffs--Determination of built up
GB/T 2398-2003 分散染料 对棉沾污性能的测定 Disperse dyestuffs--Determination of property of staining cotton
GB/T 2399-2003 阳离子染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Cationic dyes--Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2400-1980 阳离子染料染腈纶时配伍指数的测定方法 Determination of compatibility indices of cationic dyes used for dyeing acrylic fibres
GB/T 2400-2006 阳离子染料 染腈纶时配伍指数的测定 Cationic dyes - Determination of compatible index in dyeing
GB/T 2401-1980 阳离子染料染腈纶时纤维饱和值、染料饱和值及饱和因数的测定方法 Determination of saturation value of fibre,saturation value of dyestuff and saturation factor in dyeing acrylic fibres with cationic dyes
GB/T 2401-2006 阳离子染料 染腈纶时纤维饱和值、染料饱和值及饱和因数的测定 Cationic dyes - Determination of fiber saturation value、dye saturation value and saturation factor in acrylic dyeing
GB/T 2402-2003 阳离子染料 染腈纶时对其他各种织物污染的测定 Cationic dyes--Determination of staining other fibers at polyacrylonitrile fiber dyeing
GB/T 2403-1980 阳离子染料染腈纶时染浴pH适应范围的测定方法 Determination of suitable pH range of the dye bath for the dyeing of acrylic fibres with cationic dyes
GB/T 2403-2006 阳离子染料 染腈纶时染浴 pH 适应范围的测定 Cationic dyes - Determination of suitable range of pH of dyeing liquor in acrylic dyeing
GB/T 2405-1994 蒽醌 Anthraquinone
GB/T 2405-2006 蒽醌 Anthraquinone
GB/T 2405-2013 蒽醌 Anthraquinone
GB/T 2406-1993 塑料燃烧性能试验方法 氧指数法 Plastics--Determination of flammabilityby oxygen index
GB/T 2406.1-2008 塑料 用氧指数法测定燃烧行为 第1部分:导则 Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Part 1: Guidance
GB/T 2406.2-2009 塑料 用氧指数法测定燃烧行为 第2部分:室温试验 Plastics - Determination of burning behaviour by oxygen index - Part 2: Ambient-temperature test
GB/T 2407-1980 塑料燃烧性能试验方法 炽热棒法 Plastics--Combustion performance test--Blazing rod method
GB/T 2408-1996 塑料燃烧性能试验方法 水平法和垂直法 Plastics--Determination of the burning behaviour of horizontal and vertical specimens in contact with a small-flame ignition source
GB/T 2409-1980 塑料黄色指数试验方法 Plastics--Yellow index test method
GB/T 2410-1980 透明塑料透光率和雾度试验方法 Transparent plastics--Transmissivity and haze test
GB/T 2411-1980 塑料邵氏硬度试验方法 Plastics--Shore hardness test
GB/T 2412-1980 聚丙烯等规指数测试方法 Polypropylene--Method of determination of normal indices
GB/T 2413-1980 压电陶瓷材料体积密度测量方法 Piezoelectric ceramic materials--Measuring methods for determination of volume density
GB/T 2414.1-1998 压电陶瓷材料性能试验方法 圆片径向伸缩振动模式 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Radial extension vibration mode for disk
GB/T 2414.2-1998 压电陶瓷材料性能试验方法 长条横向长度伸缩振动模式 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Transverse length extension vibration mode for bar
GB/T 2415-1981 南阳牛 Breeding stock--Farm cattle:Nanyang breed
GB/T 2416-2008 东北细毛羊 Northeast Merino
GB/T 2416-1981 东北细毛羊 Breeding stock--Northeast fine-wool sheep
GB/T 2417-2008 金华猪 Jinhua pig
GB/T 2417-1981 金华猪 Breeding stock--Jinhua pigs
GB/T 2419-1994 水泥胶砂流动度测定方法 Test method for fluidity of cement mortar
GB/T 2419-2005 水泥胶砂流动度测定方法 Test method for fluidity of cement mortar
GB/T 2420-1981 水泥抗硫酸盐侵蚀快速试验方法 Rapid test for sulphate resistance of cement
GB/T 2421-1999 电工电子产品环境试验 第1部分:总则 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 1:General and guidance
GB/T 2421.1-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 概述和指南 Environmental testing - General and guidance
GB/T 2421.2-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 规范编制者用信息 试验概要 Environmental testing - Information for specification writers - Test summaries
GB/T 2422-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 术语 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Terms and definitions
GB/T 2423.1-2001 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验A:低温 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Tests A:Cold
GB/T 2423.1-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验A: 低温 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Tests A: Cold
GB/T 2423.2-2001 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验B:高温 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Tests B:Dry heat
GB/T 2423.2-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验B:高温 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Tests B: Dry heat
GB/T 2423.3-1993 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Ca:恒定湿热试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Ca:Damp heat,steady state
GB/T 2423.3-2006 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Cab:恒定湿热试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Testing method test Cab: Damp heat, Steady state
GB/T 2423.4-1993 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Db:交变湿热试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Db:Damp heat,cyclic
GB/T 2423.4-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Db 交变湿热(12h+12h循环) Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test method - Test Db: Damp heat,cyclic ( 12h+12h cycle)
GB/T 2423.5-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Ea和导则:冲击 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Ea and guidance:Shock
GB/T 2423.6-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Eb和导则:碰撞 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Eb and guidance:Bump
GB/T 2423.7-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Ec和导则:倾跌与翻倒 (主要用于设备型样品) Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Ec and guidance:Drop and topple (Primarily for equipment-type specimens)
GB/T 2423.8-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Ed:自由跌落 Environmentaltesting for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Ed:Free fall
GB/T 2423.9-2001 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Cb:设备用恒定湿热 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Cb:Damp heat,steady state,primarily for equipment
GB/T 2423.10-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Fc和导则:振动(正弦) Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Fc and guidance:Vibration (Sinusoidal)
GB/T 2423.10-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分: 试验方法 试验Fc: 振动(正弦) Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Tests methods - Test Fc: Vibration (sinusoidal)
GB/T 2423.11-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fd:宽频带随机振动 一般要求 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Fd:Random vibration wide band--General requirements
GB/T 2423.12-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fda:宽频带随机振动 高再现性 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Fda:Random vibration wide band--Reproducibility high
GB/T 2423.13-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fdb:宽频带随机振动 中再现性 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Fdb:Random vibration wide band--Reproducibility medium
GB/T 2423.14-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fdc:宽频带随机振动 低再现性 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Fdc:Random vibration wide band--Reproducibility low
GB/T 2423.15-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Ga和导则:稳态加速度 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Ga and guidance: Acceleration, steadystate
GB/T 2423.15-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分: 试验方法 试验Ga和导则: 稳态加速度 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test Ga and guidance: Acceleration, steady
GB/T 2423.16-1999 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验J和导则:长霉 Environmentaltesting for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test J and guidance: Mould growth
GB/T 2423.16-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验J及导则:长霉 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test J and guidance: Mold growth
GB/T 2423.17-1993 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Ka:盐雾试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Ka:Salt mist
GB/T 2423.17-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分: 试验方法 试验Ka:盐雾 Envrionmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test method - Test Ka: Salt mist
GB/T 2423.18-2000 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Kb:盐雾,交变(氯化钠溶液) Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Tests method--Test Kb:Salt mist,cyclic (sodium chloride solution)
GB/T 2423.18-2012 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Kb:盐雾,交变(氯化钠溶液) Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium chloride solution)
GB/T 2423.19-1981 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Kc:接触点和连接件的二氧化硫试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Kc:The sulphur dioxide method at the point of contact and the connecting element
GB/T 2423.20-1981 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Kd:接触点和连接件的硫化氢试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Kd:The hydrogen sulfide method at the point of contact and the connecting element
GB/T 2423.21-1991 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验 M:低气压试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test M:Low air pressure
GB/T 2423.21-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验M:低气压 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test M: Low air pressure
GB/T 2423.22-2002 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验N:温度变化 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test N:Change of temperature
GB/T 2423.22-2012 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验N:温度变化 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests methods - Test N: Change of temperature
GB/T 2423.23-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 试验Q:密封 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Test Q:Sealing
GB/T 2423.24-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Sa:模拟地面上的太阳辐射 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Sa:Simulated solar radiation at ground level
GB/T 2423.25-1992 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Z/AM:低温/低气压综合试验 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Z/AM:Combined cold/low air pressure tests
GB/T 2423.25-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/AM:低温/低气压综合试验 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests methods - Test Z/AM: Combined cold/low air pressure tests
GB/T 2423.26-1992 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Z/BM:高温/低气压综合试验 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Z/BM:Combined dry heat /low air pressure tests
GB/T 2423.26-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/BM:高温/低气压综合试验 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests methods - Test Z/BM: Combined dry heat/low air pressure tests
GB/T 2423.27-1981 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Z/AMD:低温/ 低气压 /湿热连续综合试验方法 Electric and electronic products--Basic environmental test regulations for electricians--Test Z/AMD:The successive integrated low temperature/low atmospheric pressure/damp-heat mehtod
GB/T 2423.27-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/AMD:低温/低气压/湿热连续综合试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products-Part 2:Test Methods Test Z/AMD:Combined sequential cold,low air pressure and damp heat test
GB/T 2423.28-1982 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验T:锡焊试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test T:soldering
GB/T 2423.28-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验T:锡焊 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products-Part2:Test methods-Test T:Soldering
GB/T 2423.29-1999 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验U:引出端及整体安装件强度 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test U:Robustness of terminations and integral mounting devices
GB/T 2423.30-1999 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验XA和导则:在清洗剂中浸渍 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test XA and guidance:Immersion in cleaning solvents
GB/T 2423.31-1985 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 倾斜和摇摆试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test:inclinations and motions
GB/T 2423.32-1985 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 润湿称量法可焊性试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Solderability testing by the wetting balance method
GB/T 2423.32-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ta: 润湿称量法可焊性 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test Ta: Solderability test by the wetting balance method
GB/T 2423.33-1989 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Kca:高浓度二氧化硫试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products—Test Kca: High consistence sulphur dioxide test
GB/T 2423.33-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Kca:高浓度二氧化硫试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2:Test Method Test Kca:High concentration sulfur dioxide
GB/T 2423.34-1986 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Z/AD:温度/ 湿度组合循环试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Z/AD:Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
GB/T 2423.34-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/AD:温度/湿度组合循环试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2:Test Methods Test Z/AD:Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
GB/T 2423.34-2012 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/AD:温度/湿度组合循环试验 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Z/AD: Composite temperature/humidity cyclic test
GB/T 2423.35-1986 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Z/AFc:散热和非散热试验样品的低温/ 振动(正弦)综合试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Z/AFc:Combined low temperature/vibation (sinusoidal) tests for both heat-dissipating and non-heat-dissipating specimens
GB/T 2423.35-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/AFc:散热和非散热试验样品的低温/振动(正弦)综合试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2:Tests Tests Z/Afc:Combined cold/vibration(sinusoidal)tests for both heat-dissipating and non-heat-dissipating specimens
GB/T 2423.36-1986 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Z/BFc:散热和非散热样品的高温/ 振动(正弦)综合试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Z/BFc:Combined high temperature/vibration (sinusoidal) tests for both heat-dissipating and non-heat-dissipating specimens
GB/T 2423.36-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/BFc:散热和非散热试验样品的高温/振动(正弦)综合试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Part 2:Tests Tests Z/BFc:Combined dry heat/vibration(sinusoidal)tests for both heat-dissipating and non-heat-dissipating specimens
GB/T 2423.37-1989 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验 L:砂尘试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test L:Dust and sand
GB/T 2423.37-2006 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验L:沙尘试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test L:Dust and sand
GB/T 2423.38-1990 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验 R:水试验方法 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products--Test R:Water
GB/T 2423.38-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验R:水试验方法和导则 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test R: Water test method and guidance
GB/T 2423.38-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验R:水试验方法和导则 Environmental test for electric and electronic products Part 2:Test mechod Test R:Water test mechod and Guidance
GB/T 2423.39-1990 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 试验Ee:弹跳试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Test Ee:Bounce
GB/T 2423.39-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ee:弹跳 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Tests - Test Ee: Bounce
GB/T 2423.40-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Cx:未饱和高压蒸汽恒定湿热 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Cx:Damp heat,steady state(unsaturated pressurized vapour)
GB/T 2423.41-1994 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 风压试验方法 Basic environmental testingprocedures for electric and electronic products--Wind pressure
GB/T 2423.42-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 低温/低气压/振动(正弦)综合试验方法 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Combined low temperature/low air pressure/vibration (sinusoidal) test
GB/T 2423.43-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 元件、设备和其他产品在冲击(Ea) 、碰撞(Eb) 、振动(Fc和Fb)和稳态加速度(Ca)等动力学试验中的安装要求和导则 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Mounting of components, equipment and other articles for dynamic tests includingshock(Ea),bump(Eb),vibration(Fc and Fd) and steady-state acceleration(Ca) and guidance
GB/T 2423.43-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 振动、冲击和类似动力学试验样品的安装 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Mounting of specimens for vibration, impact and similar dynamic tests
GB/T 2423.44-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 试验Eg:撞击 弹簧锤 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test method--Test Eg:Impact,spring hammer
GB/T 2423.45-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/ABDM:气候顺序 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Z/ABDM:Climatic sequence
GB/T 2423.45-2012 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/ABDM:气候顺序 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Z/ABDM: Climatic sequence
GB/T 2423.46-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ef:撞击 摆锤 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Tests methods--Test Ef:Impact,pendulum hammer
GB/T 2423.47-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fg:声振 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Fg:Vibration,acoustically induced
GB/T 2423.48-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ff:振动----时间历程法 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Ff:Vibration--Time-history method
GB/T 2423.48-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ff:振动-时间历程法 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2:Test methods - Test Ff: Vibration- Time-history method
GB/T 2423.49-1997 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fe:振动----正弦拍频法 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Fe:Vibration--Sine-beat method
GB/T 2423.50-1999 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Cy:恒定湿热主要用于元件的加速试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Cy:Damp heat,steady state,accelerated test primarily intended
GB/T 2423.50-2012 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Cy: 恒定湿热 主要用于元件的加速试验 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Cy: Damp heat,steady state,accelerated test primarily intended for components
GB/T 2423.51-2000 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ke:流动混合气体腐蚀试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test Ke:Flowing mixed gas corrosion test
GB/T 2423.51-2012 环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Ke:流动混合气体腐蚀试验 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Ke: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test
GB/T 2423.52-2003 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验77:结构强度与撞击 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Test 77:Body strength and impact shock
GB/T 2423.53-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Xb:由手的磨擦造成标记和印刷文字的磨损 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products-Part 2:Test methods-Test Xb:Abrasion of markings and letterings caused by rubbing of fingers and hands
GB/T 2423.54-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Xc:流体污染 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products-Part 2:Test Methods-Test Xc:Fluid contamination
GB/T 2423.55-2006 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分: 环境测试 试验Eh:锤击试验 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test Eh: Hammer tests
GB/T 2423.56-2006 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Fh:宽带随机振动(数字控制)和导则 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test Fh: Vibration、broad-band random(digital control) and guidance
GB/T 2423.57-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2-81部分: 试验方法 试验Ei: 冲击 冲击响应谱合成 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Tests - Test Ei: Shock - Shock response spectrum synthesis
GB/T 2423.58-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2-80部分: 试验方法 试验Fi: 振动 混合模式 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2:Tests -Test Fi: Vibration - Mixed Mode
GB/T 2423.59-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验Z/ABMFh:温度(低温、高温)/低气压/振动(随机)综合 Environmental testing - Part 2: Test methods - Test Z/ABMFh: Combined temperature(cold and heat)/low air pressure/vibration(random)
GB/T 2423.60-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验U:引出端及整体安装件强度 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests - Test U: Robustness of terminations and integral mounting devices
GB/T 2423.101-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验:倾斜和摇摆 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test: inclinations and swings
GB/T 2423.102-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验:温度(低温、高温)/低气压/振动(正弦)综合 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Part 2: Test methods - Test: combined temperature(cold and heat)/low air pressure/vibration(sinusoidal)
GB/T 2424.1-1989 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 高温低温试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products—Guidance for high temperatureand low temperature tests
GB/T 2424.1-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 高温低温试验导则 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products Guidance for high temperature and low temperature tests
GB/T 2424.2-1993 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 湿热试验导则 Basic environmental testingprocedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance for damp heat tests
GB/T 2424.2-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 湿热试验导则 Environmental Testing for electric and electronic products -- Guidance for damp heat tests
GB/T 2424.5-2006 电工电子产品环境试验 温度试验箱性能确认 Environmental tests for electric and electronic products - Confirmation of the performance of temperature chambers
GB/T 2424.6-2006 电工电子产品环境试验 温度/湿度试验箱性能确认 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products - Confirmation of the performance of temperature/humidity chambers
GB/T 2424.7-2006 电工电子产品环境试验 试验A和B(带负载)用温度试验箱的测量 Environmental tests for electric and electronic products - Measurements in temperature chambers for tests A and tests B (with load)
GB/T 2424.10-1993 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 大气腐蚀加速试验的通用导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--General guidanceof accelerated testing for atmospheric corrosion
GB/T 2424.10-2012 环境试验 大气腐蚀加速试验的通用导则 Environmental testing - General guidance of accelerated testing for atmospheric corrosion
GB/T 2424.11-1982 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 接触点和连接件的二氧化硫试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance for sulphur dioxide test for contacts and connections
GB/T 2424.12-1982 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 接触点和连接件的硫化氢试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance forhydrogen sulphide test for contacts and connections
GB/T 2424.13-2002 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 温度变化试验导则 Environmentaltesting for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Guidance on change of temperature tests
GB/T 2424.14-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 第二部分:试验方法 太阳辐射试验导则 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 2:Test methods--Guidance for solar radiation testing
GB/T 2424.15-1992 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 温度/低气压综合试验导则 Basic enviromental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guide for combined temperature/low air pressare tests
GB/T 2424.15-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第3部分:温度/低气压综合试验导则 Environmental testing - Guide for combined temperature/low air pressure tests
GB/T 2424.17-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 锡焊试验导则 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Guidance on soldering test
GB/T 2424.17-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第2部分:试验方法 试验T:锡焊试验导则 Environmental testing - Part 2: Tests methods guidance on - Test T: Soldering Test
GB/T 2424.19-1984 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 模拟贮存影响的环境试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance for the environmental tests simulating the effects of storage
GB/T 2424.19-2005 电工电子产品环境试验 模拟贮存影响的环境试验导则 Environmental tests for electric and electronic products-Guidance on the application of the environmental test to simulate the effects of storage
GB/T 2424.20-1985 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 倾斜和摇摆试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance for test simulating inclinations and motions
GB/T 2424.21-1985 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 润湿称量法可焊性试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance on solderability testing by the wetting balance method
GB/T 2424.22-1986 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 温度(低温、高温)和振动 (正弦) 综合试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance for combined temperature (cold and heat) vibration (sinusoidal) tests
GB/T 2424.23-1990 电工电子产品基本环境试验规程 水试验导则 Basic environmental test procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance for water test
GB/T 2424.24-1995 电工电子产品环境试验 温度(低温、高温)/低气压/振动(正弦)综合试验导则 Basic environmental testing procedures for electric and electronic products--Guidance for combined temperature(cold and heat)/low air pressure/vibration (sinusoidal)test
GB/T 2424.25-2000 电工电子产品环境试验 第3部分:试验导则 地震试验方法 Environmental testing for electric and electronic products--Part 3:Test guidance--Seismic test methods
GB/T 2424.26-2008 电工电子产品环境试验 第3部分:支持文件和导则 振动试验选择 Environmental testing - Supporting documentation and guidance - Selecting amongst vibration tests
GB/T 2426-1981 新疆细毛羊 Breeding stock--Xinjiang fine-wool sheep
GB/T 2428-1998 成年人头面部尺寸 Head-face dimensions of adults
GB/T 2429-1988 航空燃料净热值计算法 Aviation fuels--Calculation of net heat of combustion
GB/T 2430-1981 喷气燃料冰点测定法 Jet fuels--Determination of freezing-point
GB/T 2432-1981 汽油中四乙基铅含量测定法 (络合滴定法) Gasoline--Determination of tetraethyl lead content--Complexometric titration method
GB/T 2433-2001 添加剂和含添加剂润滑油硫酸盐灰分测定法 Petroleum products--Lubricatingoils and additives--Determination of sulphated ash
GB/T 2435-1994 棉帘子布试验方法 Methods of testing cotton cord fabrics
GB/T 2438-2002 硬质橡胶 压碎强度的测定 Ebonite--Determination of crushing strength
GB/T 2439-2001 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 导电性能和耗散性能电阻率的测定 Conducting and dissipative rubbers,vulcanized or thermoplastic--Measurement of resistivity
GB/T 2441.1-2001 尿素测定方法 总氮含量的测定 Determination of urea--Determination of total nitrogen content
GB/T 2441.1-2008 尿素的测定方法 第1部分:总氮含量 Determination of urea - Part 1:Total nitrogen content
GB/T 2441.2-2001 尿素测定方法 缩二脲含量的测定 分光光度法 Determination of urea--Determination of biuret content--Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2441.2-2010 尿素的测定方法 第2部分:缩二脲含量 分光光度法 Determination of urea - Part 2: Biuret content - Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2441.3-2001 尿素测定方法 水分的测定 卡尔·费休法 Determination of urea--Determination water content Karl Fisher method
GB/T 2441.3-2010 尿素的测定方法 第3部分:水分 卡尔?费休法 Determination of urea - Part 3: Water content - Karl Fischer method
GB/T 2441.4-2001 尿素测定方法 铁含量的测定 邻菲啰啉分光光度法 Determination of urea--Determination of iron content 1,10-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2441.4-2010 尿素的测定方法 第4部分:铁含量 邻菲啰啉分光光度法 Determination of urea - Part 4: Iron content 1,10 - Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2441.5-2001 尿素测定方法 碱度的测定 容量法 Determination of urea--Determination of alkalinity titrimetric method
GB/T 2441.5-2010 尿素的测定方法 第5部分:碱度 容量法 Determination of urea - Part 5: Alkalinity - Titrimetric method
GB/T 2441.6-2001 尿素测定方法 水不溶物含量的测定 重量法 Determination of urea--Determination of water insolution matter content--Weight method
GB/T 2441.6-2010 尿素的测定方法 第6部分:水不溶物含量 重量法 Determination of urea - Part 6: Water insoluble matter content - Weight method
GB/T 2441.7-2001 尿素测定方法 粒度的测定 筛分法 Determination of urea--Determination of particle size--Sieve method
GB/T 2441.7-2010 尿素的测定方法 第7部分:粒度 筛分法 Determination of urea - Part 7: Particle size - Sieve method
GB/T 2441.8-2001 尿素测定方法 硫酸盐含量的测定 目视比浊法 Determination of urea--Determination of sulphate content--Visible turbidimetric method
GB/T 2441.8-2010 尿素的测定方法 第8部分:硫酸盐含量 目视比浊法 Determination of urea - Part 8: Sulphate content - Visible turbidimetric method
GB/T 2441.9-2001 尿素测定方法 亚甲基二脲含量的测定 分光光度法 Determination of urea--Determination of methylenediurea content--Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2441.9-2010 尿素的测定方法 第9部分:亚甲基二脲含量 分光光度法 Determination of urea - Part 9: Methylenediurea content - Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2449-1992 工业硫磺及其试验方法 Sulphur for industrial use and its testing methods
GB/T 2449-2006 工业硫磺 Sulfur for industrial use
GB/T 2460-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿 采样与样品制备方法 Pyrites and concentrate--Methods for sampling and preparation sample
GB/T 2461-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿水分的测定 重量法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of moisture--Gravimetric method
GB/T 2462-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中有效硫含量的测定 燃烧中和法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of effective sulfur content--Combustion neutralization method
GB/T 2463.1-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中全铁含量的测定 第1部分:硫酸铈容量法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of total iron content--Part 1:Cerium sulfate volumetric method
GB/T 2463.2-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中全铁含量的测定 第2部分:三氯化钛-重铬酸钾容量法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of total iron content--Part 2:Titanium trichloride-potassium dichromate volumetric method
GB/T 2464-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中砷含量的测定 Ag-DDTC分光光度法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of arsenic content--Ag-DDTC spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2465-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中氟含量的测定 离子选择性电极法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of fluorine content--Ion-selective electrode method
GB/T 2466.1-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铜含量的测定 第1部分:火焰原子吸收光谱法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of copper content--Part 1:Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 2466.2-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铜含量的测定 第2部分:示波极谱法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of copper content--Part 2:Oscilloscopic polarography method
GB/T 2466.3-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铜含量的测定 第3部分:BCO 分光光度法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of copper content--Part 3:BCO spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2467.1-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铅含量的测定 第1部分:火焰原子吸收光谱法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of lead content--Part 1:Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 2467.2-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铅含量的测定 第2部分:示波极谱法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of lead content--Part 2:Oscilloscopic polarography method
GB/T 2467.3-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铅含量的测定 第3部分:EDTA 容量法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of lead content--Part 3:EDTA volumetric method
GB/T 2468.1-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中锌含量的测定 第1部分:火焰原子吸收光谱法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of zinc content--Part 1:Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 2468.2-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中锌含量的测定 第2部分:示波极谱法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of zinc content--Part 2:Oscilloscopic polarography method
GB/T 2468.3-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中锌含量的测定 第3部分:PAN 分光光度法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of zinc content--Part 3:PAN spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2469-1996 硫铁矿和硫精矿中碳含量的测定 烧碱石棉重量法 Pyrites and concentrate--Determination of carbon content--Caustic asbestos gravimetric method
GB/T 2470-1995 电子设备用固定电阻器、固定电容器型号命名方法 Type designation system for fixed resistors and fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment
GB/T 2471-1995 电阻器和电容器优先数系 Preferred number series for resistors and capacitors
GB/T 2476-1994 普通磨料 代号 Symbols of abrasive materials
GB/T 2478-1996 普通磨料 棕刚玉 Conventional abrasive--Brown fused alumina
GB/T 2479-1996 普通磨料 白刚玉 Conventional abrasive--White fused alumina
GB/T 2480-1996 普通磨料 碳化硅 Conventional abrasive--Silicon carbide
GB/T 2481.1-1998 固结磨具用磨料 粒度组成的检测和标记 第1部分:粗磨粒 F4~F220 Bonded abrasives--Determination and designation of grain size distribution--Part 1:Macrogrits F4 to F220
GB/T 2481.2-1998 固结磨具用磨料 粒度组成的检测和标记 第2部分:微粉F230~F1200 Bonded abrasives--Determination and designation of grain size distribution--Part 2:Microgrits F230 to F1200
GB/T 2481.2-2009 固结磨具用磨料 粒度组成的检测和标记 第2部分:微粉 Bonded abrasives - Determination and designation of grain size distribution - Part 2: Microgrits
GB/T 2483-1983 磨料标志和包装规定 Marking and packing
GB/T 2484-1994 普通磨具 代号和标记 Symbols and designation for bonded abrasive products
GB/T 2484-2006 固结磨具 一般要求 Bonded abrasive products - General requirements
GB/T 2485-1997 普通磨具 砂轮 技术条件 Bonded abrasive products--Grinding wheel--Technical specifications
GB/T 2486-1997 普通磨具 磨头 技术条件 Bonded abrasive products--Mounted wheel--Technical specifications
GB/T 2487-2001 普通磨具 磨石 技术条件 Bonded abrasive products--Sticks--Technical specifications
GB/T 2488-2001 普通磨具 砂瓦 技术条件 Bonded abrasive products--Grinding segments--Technical specifications
GB/T 2489-1984 薄片砂轮 Thin grinding wheels
GB/T 2490-2007 固结磨具 硬度检验 Bonded abrasive products - Hardness grade measurement
GB/T 2490-2003 普通磨具 喷砂硬度机检验硬度的方法 Bonded abrasive products--Hardness grade measurement by sand blasting
GB/T 2491-2003 普通磨具 洛氏硬度计检验硬度的方法 Bonded abrasive products--Hardness grade measurement by rockwell tester
GB/T 2492-2003 普通磨具 交付砂轮允许的不平衡量 测量 Bonded abrasive products--Permissible unbalances of grinding wheels as delivered--Testing
GB/T 2493-1995 砂轮的回转试验方法 Rotation test of grinding wheel strength
GB/T 2495-1996 普通磨具 包装 Packing for bonded abrasive products
GB/T 2496-1996 弹性环联轴器 Coupling with flexible ring
GB/T 2497-1993 船用柴油机增压空气冷却器 Charge air coolers for marine diesel engines
GB/T 2499-1993 船用法兰铸铁双排截止阀箱 Marine cast iron flange dual-row stop valves-case
GB/T 2501-1989 船用法兰连接尺寸和密封面 (四进位) Marine pipe flanges--Connection dimensions and mating face
GB/T 2502-1989 船用法兰软垫圈 (四进位) Marine pipe flanges--Soft gasket
GB/T 2503-1989 船用铸铁法兰 (四进位) Marine cast iron pipe flanges
GB/T 2504-1989 船用铸钢法兰 (四进位) Marine cast steel pipe flanges
GB/T 2505-1989 船用铸铜法兰 (四进位) Marine cast brass pipe flanges
GB/T 2506-1989 船用搭焊钢法兰 (四进位) Marine steel pipe flanges, fillet weld-on
GB/T 2506-2005 船用搭焊钢法兰(四进位) Marine steel pipe flanges, fillet weld-on
GB/T 2507-1989 船用焊接铜法兰 (四进位) Marine blass pipe flanges, braze-on
GB/T 2508-1989 船用搭焊钢环松套钢法兰 (四进位) Marine combination pipe flanges, slip-on steel outer flanges, fillet weld-on steel inner flanges
GB/T 2509-1981 滑动轴承铜合金整体轴套形式、尺寸与公差 Copper alloy integrated shaft sleeves for plain bearings--Types, dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2510-1981 滑动轴承铜合金带挡边整体轴套形式、尺寸与公差 Copper alloy integrated shaft sleeves for plain bearings with gears--Types, dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2511-1981 滑动轴承铜合金整体轴套技术条件 Copper alloy integrated shaft sleeves--Technical requirements
GB/T 2514-1993 四油口板式液压方向控制阀安装面 Hydraulic fluid power--Four-port directional control valves--Mounting surfaces
GB/T 2516-2003 普通螺纹 极限偏差 General purpose metric screw threads--Limit deviations
GB/T 2518-1988 连续热镀锌薄钢板和钢带 Continual hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheets and strips
GB/T 2518-2004 连续热镀锌钢板及钢带 Continuous hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheets andstrips
GB/T 2520-2000 冷轧电镀锡薄钢板 Cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate
GB/T 2521-1996 冷轧晶粒取向、无取向磁性钢带(片) Cold-rolled grain-oriented and non-oriented magnetic steel strip(sheet)
GB/T 2522-2007 电工钢片(带)表面绝缘电阻、涂层附着性测试方法 Methods of test for determination of surface insulation resistance and lamination factor of electric sheet and strip
GB/T 2522-1988 电工钢片(带)层间电阻、涂层附着性、叠装系数测试方法 Magnetic sheet and strip--Methods of measurement of interlamination resistance and lamination factor and coat adhesiveness
GB/T 2523-1990 冷轧薄钢板(带)表面粗糙度测量方法 Cold rolled sheet(strip)--Measuring method for surface roughness
GB/T 2524-2002 海绵钛 Sponge titanium
GB/T 2525-1996 金属铈 Cerium metal
GB/T 2526-1996 氧化钆 Gadolinium oxide
GB/T 2527-1989 矿山、油田钻头用硬质合金齿 Hard metal (carbide) inserts for mining andoil-field rock bits
GB/T 2528-1989 锡阳极板 Tin anode sheets
GB/T 2529-1989 铜导电板 Copper sheets for electrical conduction purpose
GB/T 2529-2012 导电用铜板和条 Copper sheets and bars for electrical conduction purpose
GB/T 2529-2005 导电用铜板和条 Copper sheets and bars for electrical conduction purpose
GB/T 2530-1989 照相制板用铜板 Photoengraving copper sheet
GB/T 2531-1981 热交换器固定板用黄铜板 Copper sheets for fixing boards in heat exchangers
GB/T 2532-1997 水箱水室用黄铜板带 Brass sheet and strip for water chamber and water tank
GB/T 2532-2005 散热器水室和主片用黄铜带 Brass strip for heat-exchanger water tank and header
GB/T 2538-1988 原油试验法 Crude oils--Test methods
GB/T 2539-1981 石蜡溶点 (冷却曲线) 测定法 Parafins--Determination of melting point (cooling curve)
GB/T 2540-1981 石油产品密度测定法 (比重瓶法) Petroleum products--Determination of density by pycnometer
GB/T 2541-1981 石油产品粘度指数算表 Petroleum products--Computation table for viscosity indices
GB/T 2542-2003 砌墙砖试验方法 Test methods for wall bricks
GB/T 2543.1-2001 纺织品 纱线捻度的测定 第1部分:直接计数法 Textiles--Determination of twist in yarn--Part 1:Direct counting method
GB/T 2543.2-2001 纺织品 纱线捻度的测定 第2部分:退捻加捻法 Textiles--Determination of twist in yarn--Part 2:Untwist-retwist method
GB/T 2546-1988 聚丙烯和丙烯共聚物材料命名 Designation of polypropylene and propylene copolymer materials
GB/T 2546.1-2006 塑料 聚丙烯(PP〕模塑和挤出材料 第1部分:命名系统和分类基础 Plastics―Polypropylene(PP) moulding and extrusion materials―Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 2546.2-2003 塑料 聚丙烯(PP)模塑和挤出材料 第2部分: 试样制备和性能测定 Plastics--Polypropylene(PP) moulding and extrusion materials--Part 2: Preparation of test specimens and determination of properties
GB/T 2547-1981 塑料树脂取样方法 Plastic resins--Sampling
GB/T 2550-2007 气体焊接设备 焊接、切割和类似作业用橡胶软管 Gas welding equipment - Rubber hose for welding, cutting and allied processes
GB/T 2550-1992 焊接及切割用橡胶软管 氧气橡胶软管 Specification for hose for equipment for gas welding,cutting and related processes--Oxygen rubber hose
GB/T 2551-1992 焊接及切割用橡胶软管 乙炔橡胶软管 Specification for hose for equipment for gas welding,cutting and related processes--Acetylene rubber hose
GB/T 2554.1-1998 机械分度头 精度检验 Mechanical dividing heads--Testing of accuracy
GB/T 2554.2-1998 机械分度头 分类和技术条件 Mechanical dividing heads--Classifications and technical specifications
GB/T 2555-1981 一般用途管法兰连接尺寸 Pipe flange connectors for ordinary use--Mounting dimensions
GB/T 2556-1981 一般用途管法兰密封面形状和尺寸 Pipe flanges for ordinary use--Sealing surfaces--Forms and dimensions
GB/T 2559-1981 褐煤蜡熔点测定方法 Lignite wax--Determination of melting point
GB/T 2559-2005 褐煤蜡测定方法 Analysis of lignite wax
GB/T 2560-1981 褐煤蜡滴点测定方法 Lignite wax--Determination of drop point
GB/T 2561-1981 褐煤蜡中溶于丙酮物质 (树脂物质) 测定方法 Lignite wax--Determination ofpropanone soluble substance (resin matter)
GB/T 2562-1981 褐煤蜡中苯不溶物测定方法 Lignite wax--Determination of benzene insoluble substance
GB/T 2563-1981 褐煤蜡灰分测定方法 Lignite wax--Determination of ash content
GB/T 2564-1981 褐煤蜡酸值和皂化值测定方法 Lignite wax--Determination of acid value and saponification value
GB/T 2565-1998 煤的可磨性指数测定方法(哈德格罗夫法) Determination of grindability index of coal(Hardgrove method)
GB/T 2566-1995 低煤阶煤的透光率测定方法 Determination of transmittance for low rank coal
GB/T 2567-1995 树脂浇铸体性能试验方法总则 The generals of test methods for propertiesof resin casting body
GB/T 2568-1995 树脂浇铸体拉伸性能试验方法 Test method for tensile properties of resincasting body
GB/T 2569-1995 树脂浇铸体压缩性能试验方法 Test method for compressive properties of resin casting body
GB/T 2570-1995 树脂浇铸体弯曲性能试验方法 Test method for flexural properties of resin casting body
GB/T 2571-1995 树脂浇铸体冲击试验方法 Test method for impact resistance of resin casting body
GB/T 2572-1981 玻璃钢平均线膨胀系数试验方法 Glass fiber reinforced plastics--Average linear expansion factor of fiber--Method of testing
GB/T 2572-2005 纤维增强塑料平均线膨胀系数试验方法 Fiber-reiforced plastics composites-Determination for mean coefficient of linear expansion
GB/T 2573-1989 玻璃纤维增强塑料大气暴露试验方法 Test method for atmosphere exposure of glass fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 2574-1989 玻璃纤维增强塑料湿热试验方法 Test method for resistance of glass fiberreinforced plastics to damp heat
GB/T 2575-1989 玻璃纤维增强塑料耐水性试验方法 Test method for resistance of glass fiber reinforced plastics to water
GB/T 2576-1989 纤维增强塑料树脂不可溶分含量试验方法 Test method for insoluble matter content of resin used in fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 2576-2005 纤维增强塑料树脂不可溶分含量试验方法 Test method for insoluble matter content of resin rsed in fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 2577-1989 玻璃纤维增强塑料树脂含量试验方法 Test method for resin content of glass fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 2577-2005 玻璃纤维增强塑料树脂含量试验方法 Test method for resin content of glass fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 2578-1989 纤维缠绕增强塑料环形试样制作方法 Fabrication method of ring test specimen for filament-winding reinforced plastics
GB/T 2587-1981 热设备能量平衡通则 Energy equilibrium of heating devices--Common rules
GB/T 2588-2000 设备热效率计算通则 The general principles for calculation of thermal effic-iency of equipment
GB/T 2589-1990 综合能耗计算通则 General principles for calculation of total production energy consumption
GB/T 2590.1-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中氧化锆和氧化铪含量的测定 (苦杏仁酸重量法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of zirconium (hafnium) oxide contents--Mandelic acid gravimetric method
GB/T 2590.2-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中铁量的测定 (磺基水杨酸吸光光度法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of iron content--Sulfosalicylic acid photometric method
GB/T 2590.3-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中硅量的测定 硅钼蓝吸光光度法 Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of silicon content--Silicon-molybdenum blue photometric method
GB/T 2590.4-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中铝量的测定 铬天青S-氯化十四烷基吡啶吸光光度法 Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of aluminium content--Chromazurol S-tetradecyl pyridine chloride photometric method
GB/T 2590.5-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中钠量的测定 火焰原子吸收分光光度法 Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of sodium content--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2590.6-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中钛量的测定 (二安替吡啉甲烷吸光光度法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of titanium content--Diantipyrymethane photometricmethod
GB/T 2590.7-1981 氧化锆、氧化铪中磷量的测定 (锑盐-抗坏血酸钼蓝吸光光度法) Zirconium and hafnium oxides--Determination of phosphorus content--Ascorbic acid reduced molybdoantimonyl phosphoric acid absorption photometric method
GB/T 2590.8-1981 氧化锆中氧化铪量的测定 (发射光谱法) Zirconium oxide--Determination ofhafnium oxide content--Emission spectrophotometric method
GB/T 2590.9-1981 氧化铪中氧化锆量的测定 (X射线荧光光谱法) Hafnium oxide--Determinationof zirconium oxide content--X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
GB/T 2590.10-1981 氧化锆中锰量的测定 (高碘酸钾吸光光度法) Zirconium oxides--Determination of manganese oxide content--Potassium periodate photometric method
GB/T 2590.11-1981 氧化锆中镍量的测定 (α-联呋喃甲酰二肟吸光光度法) Zircoium oxide--Determination of nickel content--2,2’-Furil dioxime absorption photometric method
GB/T 2592.1-1981 铊中铜量的测定 三氯甲烷萃取铜试剂吸光光度法 Thallium--Determination of copper content--Neocuproine-chloroform extraction photometric method
GB/T 2592.2-1981 铊中铁量的测定 (邻菲啰啉吸光光度法) Thallium--Determination of iron content--1,10-Phenanthroline photometric method
GB/T 2592.3-1981 铊中汞量的测定 (双硫腙四氯化碳萃取吸光光度法) Thallium--Determinationof mercury content--Dithizone-carbon tetrachloride extraction photometric method
GB/T 2592.4-1981 铊中锌量的测定 (双硫腙苯萃取吸光光度法) Thallium--Determination of zinc content--Dithizone extraction photometric method
GB/T 2592.5-1981 铊中镉量的测定 (双硫腙苯萃取吸光光度法) Thallium--Determination of cadmium content--Dithizone extraction photometric method
GB/T 2592.6-1981 铊中铅量的测定 (双硫腙苯萃取吸光光度法) Thallium--Determination of lead content--Dithizone extraction photometric method
GB/T 2592.7-1981 铊中铝量的测定 (铬天青S吸光光度法) Thallium--Determination of aluminium content--Chromazurol S photometric method
GB/T 2592.8-1981 铊中铟量的测定 (结晶紫苯萃取吸光光度法) Thallium--Determination of indium content--Crystal violet extraction photometric method
GB/T 2592.9-1981 铊中硅量的测定 异戊醇萃取硅钼蓝吸光光度法 Thallium--Determination of silicon content--Isoamyl alcohol extraction molybdenum blue absorption photometric method
GB/T 2592.10-1981 铊中铊量的测定 (EDTA容量法) Thallium--Determination of thallium content--EDTA volumetric method
GB/T 2596-1981 钨粉、碳化钨粉比表面积 (平均粒度) 测定(简化氮吸附法) Tungsten powder and tungsten carbide powder--Determination of specific surface product (average grainine)--Simplified nitrogen absorption method
GB/T 2597-1994 窗框用热轧型钢 Heat-rolled window sash steel
GB/T 2599-1997 工业甲酚 Technical cresol
GB/T 2600-1997 工业二甲酚 Technical xylenol
GB/T 2601-1981 酚类产品组成的气相色谱测定方法 Products from phenols--Determination ofcomposition--Gas chromatography
GB/T 2602-2002 酚类产品中间位甲酚含量的尿素测定方法 Method for the urea determinationof m-cresol content of phenol products
GB/T 2604-1981 邻甲酚组成的气相色谱测定方法 o-Cresol--Determination of composition--Gas chromatography
GB/T 2608-2001 硅砖 Silica refractory bricks
GB/T 2609-1996 显微镜 物镜 Microscopes--Objectives
GB/T 2609-2006 显微镜-物镜 Microscopes - Objectives
GB/T 2611-2007 试验机 通用技术要求 General requirements for testing machines
GB/T 2611-1992 试验机通用技术要求 General requirements for testing machines
GB/T 2612-1989 DDZ-Ⅱ系列电动单元组合仪表工作信号 DDZ-ⅡSeries process electronic control system operating signal
GB/T 2613-1989 DDZ-Ⅲ系列电动单元组合仪表工作信号 DDZ-ⅢSeries process electronic control system operating signal
GB/T 2614-1998 镍铬-镍硅热电偶丝 Nickel-Chromium/Nickel-Silicon thermocouple wires
GB/T 2624-1993 流量测量节流装置 用孔板、喷嘴和文丘里管测量充满圆管的流体流量 Measurement of fluid flow by means of orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full
GB/T 2624.1-2006 用安装在圆形截面管道中的差压装置测量满管流体流量 第1部分:一般原理和要求 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 1: General principles and requirements
GB/T 2624.2-2006 用安装在圆形截面管道中的差压装置测量满管流体流量 第2部分:孔板 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 2: Orifice plates
GB/T 2624.3-2006 用安装在圆形截面管道中的差压装置测量满管流体流量 第3部分:喷嘴和文丘里喷嘴 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 3: Nozzles and Venturi nozzles
GB/T 2624.4-2006 用安装在圆形截面管道中的差压装置测量满管流体流量 第4部分:文丘里管 Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full - Part 4: Venturi tubes
GB/T 2625-1981 过程检测和控制流程图用图形符号和文字代号 Process detection and controlflow chart--Symbols and letter codes
GB/T 2626-1992 自吸过滤式防尘口罩通用技术条件 General technical requirements for self-inhalation filtertype dust respirator
GB/T 2649-1989 焊接接头机械性能试验取样方法 Methods of sampling for mechanical properties tests of welded joint
GB/T 2650-1989 焊接接头冲击试验方法 Method of impact test for welded joint
GB/T 2651-1989 焊接接头拉伸试验方法 Method of tensile test for welded joint
GB/T 2652-1989 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法 Method of tensile tests for weld and deposited metal
GB/T 2653-1989 焊接接头弯曲及压扁试验方法 Methods of bend and compression tests for welded joint
GB/T 2654-1989 焊接接头及堆焊金属硬度试验方法 Methods of hardness tests for welded joint and surfacing metal
GB/T 2655-1989 焊接接头应变时效敏感性试验方法 Method of strain-age sensibillity testfor welded joint
GB/T 2656-1981 焊缝金属和焊接接头的疲劳试验法 Weld beads metal and welded joint--Fatigue tests
GB/T 2658-1995 小型交流风通用机技术条件 A.C. miniature blowers, General specification for
GB/T 2659-2000 世界各国和地区名称代码 Codes for the representation of names of countries and regions
GB/T 2660-1999 衬衫 Shirts
GB/T 2662-1999 棉服装 Cotton wadded clothes
GB/T 2664-2001 男西服、大衣 Men’s suits and coats
GB/T 2665-2001 女西服、大衣 Women’s suits and coats
GB/T 2666-2001 男、女西裤 Women and Men’s trousers
GB/T 2667-2002 男女衬衫规格 Sizes for shirts and blouses
GB/T 2668-2002 男女单服套装规格 Sizes for zhongshan coats,jackets and trousers
GB/T 2670.1-2004 内六角花形盘头自攻螺钉 Hexalobular socket pan head tapping screws
GB/T 2670.2-2004 内六角花形沉头自攻螺钉 Hexalobular socket countersunk head tapping screws
GB/T 2670.3-2004 内六角花形半沉头自攻螺钉 Hexalobular socket raised countersunk(oval)head tapping screws
GB/T 2671.1-2004 内六角花形低圆柱头螺钉 Hexalobular socket cheese(short)head screws
GB/T 2671.2-2004 内六角花形圆柱头螺钉 Hexalobular socket head cap screws
GB/T 2672-1986 内六角花形盘头螺钉 Hexagon lobular socket pan head screws
GB/T 2672-2004 内六角花形盘头螺钉 Hexalobular socket pan head screws
GB/T 2673-2007 内六角花形沉头螺钉 hexalobular socket countersunk head screws
GB/T 2673-1986 内六角花形沉头螺钉 Hexagon lobular socket countersunk head screws
GB/T 2674-1986 内六角花形半沉头螺钉 Hexagon lobular socket raised countersunk head screws
GB/T 2674-2004 内六角花形半沉头螺钉 Hexalobular socket raised countersunk head screws
GB/T 2675-1981 地图纸 Paper for drawing land maps
GB/T 2675-2006 地图纸 Map paper
GB/T 2676-1981 海图纸 Paper for drawing ocean maps
GB/T 2676-2006 海图纸 Chart paper
GB/T 2677.1-1993 造纸原料分析用试样的采取 Fibrous raw material of sampling for analysis
GB/T 2677.2-1993 造纸原料水分的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of moisture content
GB/T 2677.2-2011 造纸原料水分的测定 Determination of moisture content in fibrous raw material
GB/T 2677.3-1993 造纸原料灰分的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of ash
GB/T 2677.4-1993 造纸原料水抽出物含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of water solubility
GB/T 2677.5-1993 造纸原料1%氢氧化钠抽出物含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determinationof one percent sodium hydroxide solubility
GB/T 2677.6-1994 造纸原料有机溶剂抽出物含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of solvent extractives
GB/T 2677.8-1994 造纸原料酸不溶木素含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of acid-insoluble lignin
GB/T 2677.9-1994 造纸原料多戊糖含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of pentosan
GB/T 2677.10-1995 造纸原料综纤维素含量的测定 Fibrous raw material--Determination of holocellulose
GB/T 2678.1-1993 纸浆筛分测定方法 Pulps--Determination of screened components
GB/T 2678.2-1994 纸浆、纸和纸板水溶性氯化物的测定(硝酸汞法) Paper, board and pulps--Determination of water soluble chlorides(HgNO3 method)
GB/T 2678.2-2008 纸、纸板和纸浆 水溶性氯化物的测定 Paper,board and pulp - Determination of water soluble chlorides
GB/T 2678.3-1995 纸浆氯耗量(脱木素程度)的测定 Pulps--Determination of chlorine consumption (Degree of delignification)
GB/T 2678.4-1994 纸浆和纸零距抗张强度测定法 Pulps and paper--Determination of zero-span tensile properties
GB/T 2678.5-1996 纸、纸板和纸浆水溶性氯化物的测定(硝酸银电位滴定法) Paper,board and pulp--Determination of water soluble chlorides (AgNO3 method)
GB/T 2678.6-1996 纸、纸板和纸浆水溶性硫酸盐的测定(电导滴定法) Paper,board and pulps--Determination of water soluble sulphates (Conductimetric titration method)
GB/T 2679.1-1993 纸透明度的测定法 Paper--Determination of transparent
GB/T 2679.2-1995 纸和纸板透湿度与折痕透湿度的测定(盘式法) Paper and board--Determination of water vapour transmission rate (Dish method)
GB/T 2679.3-1996 纸和纸板挺度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of resistance to bending
GB/T 2679.4-1994 纸和纸板粗糙度的测定法(本特生粗糙度法) Paper and board--Determination of the roughness (Bendtsen method)
GB/T 2679.5-1995 纸和纸板耐折度的测定(MIT耐折度仪法) Paper and board--Determination of folding endurance (MIT tester)
GB/T 2679.6-1996 瓦楞原纸平压强度的测定 Corrugating medium--Determination of the flat crush resistance after laboratory fluting
GB/T 2679.7-1981 纸板戳穿强度的测定法 Paper board--Determination of piercing strength
GB/T 2679.7-2005 纸板 戳穿强度的测定 Board-Determination of puncture resistance
GB/T 2679.8-1995 纸和纸板环压强度的测定 Paper and board--Determination of compressive strength--Ring crush method
GB/T 2679.9-1993 纸和纸板粗糙度测定法(印刷表面法) Paper and board--Determination of roughness(Print-surface method)
GB/T 2679.10-1993 纸和纸板短矩压缩强度的测定法 paper and board--Compressive strength--Short span test
GB/T 2679.11-1993 纸和纸板中无机填料和无机涂料的定性分析 电子显微镜/X射线能谱法 Paper and board--Qualitative analysis of mineral filler and mineral coating--SEM/EDAX method
GB/T 2679.11-2008 纸和纸板中无机填料和无机涂料的定性分析 电子显微镜/X射线能谱法 Paper and board - qualitative analysis of mineral filler and mineral coating - SEM/EDAX method
GB/T 2679.12-1993 纸和纸板中无机填料和无机涂料的定性分析 化学法 Paper and board--Qualitative analysis of mineral filler and mineral coating--Chemical method
GB/T 2679.13-1996 纸和纸板透气度的测定(中等范围) 本特生法 Paper and board--Determination of air permeance (medium range)--Bendtsen method
GB/T 2679.14-1996 过滤纸和纸板最大孔径的测定 Filter paper and filterboard--Determinationof maximum pore diameter
GB/T 2679.15-1997 纸和纸板印刷表面强度的测定(电动加速法) Paper and board--Determination of printing surface strength--Accelerating speed method (electric model)
GB/T 2679.16-1997 纸和纸板印刷表面强度的测定(摆或弹簧加速法) Paper and board--Determination of printing surface strength--Accelerating speed method (pendulum or spring model)
GB/T 2679.17-1997 瓦楞纸板边压强度的测定(边缘补强法) Corrugated fibreboard--Determination of edgewise crush resistance(Edge reinforced method)
GB/T 2680-1994 建筑玻璃 可见光透射比、太阳光直接透射比、太阳能总透射比、紫外线透射比及有关窗玻璃参数的测定 Determination of light transmittance, solar direct transmittance, total solar energy transmittance and ultraviolet transmittance for glass in building and related glazing factors
GB/T 2681-1981 电工成套装置中的导线颜色 Colours of insulated conductors used in electrical assembly devices
GB/T 2682-1981 电工成套装置中的指示灯和按钮的颜色 Colours of indicator lights and push-buttons used in electrical assembly devices
GB/T 2683-1981 传真测试样张 Test chart for facsimile transmission
GB/T 2684-1981 铸造用原砂及混合料试验方法 Foundry sands and sand mixtures for casting--Method of testing
GB/T 2685-1981 滑动轴承 粉末冶金筒形轴承型式、尺寸与公差 Powder metallurgy plain bearing--Cylindrical type--Types,dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2686-1981 滑动轴承 粉末冶金带挡边筒形轴承型式、尺寸与公差 Powder metallurgy plain bearing--Rimed cylindrical type--Types,dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2687-1981 滑动轴承 粉末冶金球形轴承型式、尺寸与公差 Powder metallurgy plain bearing--Spherical type--Types, dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2688-1981 滑动轴承 粉末冶金轴承技术条件 Powder metallurgy plain bearing--Technical requirements
GB/T 2689.1-1981 恒定应力寿命试验和加速寿命试验方法 总则 Constant stress life tests and acceleration life tests--General rules
GB/T 2689.2-1981 寿命试验和加速寿命试验的图估计法 (用于威布尔分布) Life test and acceleration life test charts--Evaluation of their Weibull distributions
GB/T 2689.3-1981 寿命试验和加速寿命试验的简单线性无偏估计法(用于威布尔分布) Life test and acceleration life test--Simple linear deflection-free--Evaluation ofWeibull distributions
GB/T 2689.4-1981 寿命试验和加速寿命试验的最好线性无偏估计法(用于威布尔分布) Life test and acceleration life test--Optimal linear deflection-free--Evaluation of Weibull distributions
GB/T 2690-2000 毛竹材 Bamboo timber
GB/T 2691-1994 电阻器和电容器的标志代码 Marking codes for resistors and capacitors
GB/T 2693-2001 电子设备用固定电容器 第1部分:总规范 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment--Part 1:Generic specitigation
GB/T 2694-2003 输电线路铁塔制造技术条件 Transmission line tower--Technical reguirements for manufacturing
GB/T 2696-1987 黄麻绞包麻线的技术条件和分等规定 Skeined colour jute threads--Technical requirements and grading stipulation
GB/T 2697-1987 黄麻电缆麻纱、线的技术条件和分等规定 Jute yarns and threads for cables--Technical requirements and grading stipulation
GB/T 2698-1987 黄麻钢丝绳芯麻纱的技术条件和分等规定 Jute yarns for wire rope cores--Technical requirements and grading stipulation
GB/T 2699-1987 黄麻麻纱、线的包装和标志 Jute yarns and threads--Packaging and marking
GB/T 2700-1987 黄麻麻纱、线的验收规定 Jute yarns and threads--Acceptance inspection regulation
GB/T 2701-1987 黄麻麻纱、线试验方法 Jute yarns and threads--Methods of testing
GB/T 2703-1981 皮鞋工业术语 Technical terms for leather shoe industry
GB/T 2705-2003 涂料产品分类和命名 Classification and nomenclature for coating products
GB/T 2728-1981 肴肉卫生标准 Hygienic standard for Xiaorou (pork, special processed with salt and nitrite)
GB/T 2739-1981 湟鱼卫生标准 Hygienic standard for Huangyu (Gymnocypris Przewalskii'Kessler')
GB/T 2766-2006 穿鳃式止血钳 通用技术条件 Haemostatic forceps with box joint - General specifications
GB/T 2773-2008 宁乡猪 Ningxiang pig
GB/T 2773-1981 宁乡猪 Breeding stock--Ningxiang pigs
GB/T 2774-1991 金属锰 Manganese metal
GB/T 2774-2006 金属锰 Manganese metal
GB/T 2775-1993 手控电子元件的轴端尺寸 Dimensions of spendle ends for manually operated electronic components
GB/T 2778-2007 农业拖拉机动力输出皮带轮 圆周速度和宽度 Power take-off pulley for agricultural tractors - Peripheral speed and width
GB/T 2778-1992 农业拖拉机动力输出皮带轮圆周速度和宽度 Power take-off pulley for agricultural tractors--Peripheral speed and width
GB/T 2779-1992 拖拉机拖挂装置型式尺寸和安装要求 Tractor’s connective equipment for trailers--Types, dimensions and mounting requirements
GB/T 2780-1992 农业拖拉机牵引装置型式尺寸和安装要求 Darwbars for agricultural tractors--Types,dimensions and mounting requirements
GB/T 2785-1988 内燃机气门弹簧技术条件 Internal combustion engine--Technical requirements for valve springs
GB/T 2787-1981 信息处理交换用七位编码字符集键盘的字母数字区布局 Keyboard for international information processing interchange using the 7-bit coded character set--Alpha-numeric area
GB/T 2789-1981 模拟微波接力通信系统网路接口基本技术要求 Technical requirements for network interface for the analogue microwave relay communication systems
GB/T 2790-1995 胶粘剂180°剥离强度试验方法 挠性材料对刚性材料 Adhesives,180° peel strength test method for a flexible-bonded-to-rigid test specimen assembly
GB/T 2791-1995 胶粘剂T剥离强度试验方法 挠性材料对挠性材料 Adhesives,T peel strengthtest method for a flexible-to-flexible test specimen assembly
GB/T 2792-1998 压敏胶粘带180°剥离强度试验方法 Test method for peel strength of pressure-sensitive tape at 180° angle
GB/T 2793-1995 胶粘剂不挥发物含量的测定 Test method for nonvolatile content of adhesives
GB/T 2794-1995 胶粘剂粘度的测定 Determination methods for viscosity of adhesives
GB/T 2795-1981 出口冻兔肉六六六、滴滴涕残留量检验方法 Methods of analysis for BHC andDDT residues in export rabbit meat
GB/T 2804-1981 组合夹具元件结构要素 Modular parts of fixture construction--General features,profiles and dimensions
GB/T 2812-1989 安全帽试验方法 Test method for safety helmet
GB/T 2812-2006 安全帽测试方法 Test method of safety helmet
GB/T 2813-2003 台式钻床 参数 Bench drilling machines--Parameters
GB/T 2814-2003 立式钻床 参数 Vertical drilling machines--Parameters
GB/T 2815-2003 钻床 主轴端部 Drilling machines--Spindle noses
GB/T 2816-2002 井用潜水泵 Submersible pumps for deep well
GB/T 2818-2002 井用潜水异步电动机 Submersible motor for deep well
GB/T 2819-1995 移动电站通用技术条件 Mobile electric power plant,General specification for
GB/T 2820.1-1997 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第1部分:用途、定额和性能 Reciprocatinginternal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 1:Application,ratings and performance
GB/T 2820.1-2009 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第1部分:用途、定额和性能 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 1: Application, ratings and performance
GB/T 2820.2-1997 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第2部分:发动机 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 2:Engines
GB/T 2820.2-2009 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第2部分:发动机 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 2: Engines
GB/T 2820.3-1997 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第3部分:发电机组用交流发电机 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 3:Alternating current generators for generating sets
GB/T 2820.3-2009 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第3部分:发电机组用交流发电机 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 3: Alternating current generators for generating sets
GB/T 2820.4-1997 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第4部分:控制装置和开关装置 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 4:Controlgear and switchgear
GB/T 2820.4-2009 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第4部分:控制装置和开关装置 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 4: Controlgear and switchgear
GB/T 2820.5-1997 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第5部分:发电机组 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 5:Generating sets
GB/T 2820.5-2009 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第5部分:发电机组 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 5: Generating sets
GB/T 2820.6-1997 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第6部分:试验方法 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 6:Test methods
GB/T 2820.6-2009 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第6部分:试验方法 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 6: Test methods
GB/T 2820.7-2002 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第7部分:用于技术条件和设计的技术说明 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 7:Technical declarations for specification and design
GB/T 2820.8-2002 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第8部分:对小功率发电机组的要求和试验 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 8:Requirements and tests for low-power generating sets
GB/T 2820.9-2002 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第9部分:机械振动的测量和评价 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part9:Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibrations
GB/T 2820.10-2002 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第10部分:噪声的测量(包面法) Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 10:Measurement of airborne noise by the enveloping surface method
GB/T 2820.11-2012 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第11部分:旋转不间断电源 性能要求和试验方法 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets - Part 11: Rotary uninterruptible power systems - Performance requirements and test methods
GB/T 2820.12-2002 往复式内燃机驱动的交流发电机组 第12部分:对安全装置的应急供电 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets--Part 12:Emergency power supply to safety services
GB/T 2821-2003 齿轮几何要素代号 Gear--Symbols for geometrical data
GB/T 2822-1981 标准尺寸 Standard linear dimensions
GB/T 2822-2005 标准尺寸 Standard linear dimensions
GB/T 2826-1981 每米38~50公斤钢轨用垫板 技术条件 Tie-plates--Technical requirementsfor 38 kg/m to 50 kg/m steel rails
GB/T 2828.1-2003 计数抽样检验程序 第1部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes--Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit(AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T 2828.1-2012 计数抽样检验程序 第1部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 1: Sampling schemes indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T 2828.2-2008 计数抽样检验程序 第2部分:按极限质量LQ检索的孤立批检验抽样方案 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality (LQ) for isolated lot inspection
GB/T 2828.3-2008 计数抽样检验程序 第3部分:跳批抽样程序 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 3: Skip-lot sampling procedures
GB/T 2828.4-2008 计数抽样检验程序 第4部分:声称质量水平的评定程序 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 4: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
GB/T 2828.5-2011 计数抽样检验程序 第5部分:按接收质量限(AQL)检索的逐批序贯抽样检验系统 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 5: System of sequential sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspection
GB/T 2828.10-2010 计数抽样检验程序 第10部分:GB/T 2828计数抽样检验系列标准导则 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes - Part 10: Introduction to the GB/T 2828 series of standards for sampling for inspection by attributes
GB/T 2828.11-2008 计数抽样检验程序 第11部分: 小总体声称质量水平的评定程序 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes Part 11: Procedures for assessment of declared quality levels for small population
GB/T 2829-2002 周期检验计数抽样程序及表(适用于对过程稳定性的检验) Sampling proceduresand tables for periodic inspection by attributes (Apply to inspection of process stability)
GB/T 2830-1981 数据交换用盘式穿孔纸带的一般要求 Rolled-up punched paper tape for data interchange--General requirements
GB/T 2831-1981 光学零件的面形偏差 检验方法 (光圈识别) Surface form deviation of optical elements--Inspection methods
GB/T 2832-1996 陶管抗外压强度试验方法 Test method for crushing strength of vitrified pipe
GB/T 2833-1996 陶管弯曲强度试验方法 Test method for cross-bending strength of vitrified pipe
GB/T 2834-1998 陶管吸水率试验方法 Test method for water absorption of vitrified clay pipe
GB/T 2835-1998 陶管耐酸性能试验方法 Test method for acid resistance of vitrified claypipe
GB/T 2836-1998 陶管水压试验方法 Test method for hydrostatic proof of vitrified clay pipe
GB/T 2837-1998 陶管尺寸及偏差测量方法 Measuring method for size and deviation of vitrified clay pipe
GB/T 2842-1981 轻骨料试验方法 Test methods for lightweight aggregates
GB/T 2843-1981 钢化玻璃抗冲击性试验方法 (227克钢球试验) The method of tempered glass impact test ( 227g steel ball test)
GB/T 2846-1988 调幅广播收音机测量方法 Methods of measurement on radio receivers for AM broadcast transmissions
GB/T 2847-1996 用于水泥中的火山灰质混合材料 Pozzolanic materials used for cement production
GB/T 2847-2005 用于水泥中的火山灰质混合材料 Pozzolanic materials used for cement production
GB/T 2851.1-1990 冲模滑动导向模架 对角导柱模架 Sliding guide die sets for press tools--Diagonal pillar sets
GB/T 2851.3-1990 冲模滑动导向模架 后侧导柱模架 Sliding guide die sets for press tools--Back pillar sets
GB/T 2851.4-1990 冲模滑动导向模架 后侧导柱窄形模架 Sliding guide die sets for press tools--Back pillar sets (narrow)
GB/T 2851.5-1990 冲模滑动导向模架 中间导柱模架 Sliding guide die seta for press tools--Center pillar sets
GB/T 2851.6-1990 冲模滑动导向模架 中间导柱圆形模架 Sliding guide die sets for press tools--Center pillar sets (round)
GB/T 2851.7-1990 冲模滑动导向模架 四导柱模架 Sliding guide die sets for press tools--Four pillar die sets
GB/T 2852.1-1990 冲模滚动导向模架 对角导柱模架 Ball slide die sets for press tools--Diagonal pillar sets
GB/T 2852.2-1990 冲模滚动导向模架 中间导柱模架 Ball slide die sets for press tools--Center pillar sets
GB/T 2852.3-1990 冲模滚动导向模架 四导柱模架 Ball slide die sets for press tools--Fourpillar die sets
GB/T 2852.4-1990 冲模滚动导向模架 后侧导柱模架 Ball slide die sets for press tools--Back pillar die sets
GB/T 2855.1-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 对角导柱上模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets forpress tools--Punch holder for diagonal pillar sets
GB/T 2855.1-2008 冲模滑动导向模座 第1部分:上模座 Holders for sliding guide die sets for stamping dies - Part 1: Punch holders for die sets
GB/T 2855.2-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 对角导柱下模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets forpress tools--Die holder for diagonal pillar sets
GB/T 2855.2-2008 冲模滑动导向模座 第2部分:下模座 Holders for sliding guide die sets for stamping dies - Part 2: Die holders for die sets
GB/T 2855.5-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 后侧导柱上模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets forpress tools--Punch holder for back pillar sets
GB/T 2855.6-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 后侧导柱下模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets forpress tools--Die holder for back pillar sets
GB/T 2855.7-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 后侧导柱窄形上模座 Holder for sliding guide die setsfor press tools--Punch holder for back pillar sets (narrow)
GB/T 2855.8-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 后侧导柱窄形下模座 Holder for sliding guide die setsfor press tools--Die holder for back pillar sets (narrow)
GB/T 2855.9-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 中间导柱上模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets forpress tools--Punch holder for center pillar sets
GB/T 2855.10-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 中间导柱下模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets forpress tools--Die holder for center pillar sets
GB/T 2855.11-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 中间导柱圆形上模座 Holder for sliding guide die setsfor press tools--Punch holder for center pillar sets (round)
GB/T 2855.12-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 中间导柱圆形下模座 Holder for sliding guide die setsfor press tools--Die holder for center pillar sets (round)
GB/T 2855.13-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 四导柱上模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets for press tools--Punch holder for four pillar sets
GB/T 2855.14-1990 冲模滑动导向模座 四导柱下模座 Holder for sliding guide die sets for press tools--Die holder for four pillar sets
GB/T 2856.1-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 对角导柱上模座 Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools--Punch holder for diagonal pillar sets
GB/T 2856.1-2008 冲模滚动导向模座 第1部分:上模座 Holders for ball-bearing die sets for stamping dies - Part 1: Punch holders for die sets
GB/T 2856.2-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 对角导柱下模座 Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools--Die holder for diagonal pillar sets
GB/T 2856.2-2008 冲模滚动导向模座 第2部分:下模座 Holders for ball-bearing die sets for stamping dies - Part 2: Die holders for die sets
GB/T 2856.3-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 中间导柱上模座 Holder for ball silde die sets for press tools--Punch holder for center pillar sets
GB/T 2856.4-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 中间导柱下模座 Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools--Die holder for center pillar sets
GB/T 2856.5-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 四导柱上模座 Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools--Punch holder for four pillar sets
GB/T 2856.6-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 四导柱下模座 Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools--Die holder for four pillar sets
GB/T 2856.7-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 后侧导柱上模座 Holder for ball silde die sets for press tools--Punch holder for back pillar sets
GB/T 2856.8-1990 冲模滚动导向模座 后侧导柱下模座 Holder for ball slide die sets for press tools--Die holder for back pillar sets
GB/T 2861.1-1990 冲模导向装置 A型导柱 Guide unit for press tools--Guide pillars,type A
GB/T 2861.1-2008 冲模导向装置 第1部分:滑动导向导柱 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 1: Guide pillars for sliding guide
GB/T 2861.2-1990 冲模导向装置 B型导柱 Guide unit for press tools--Guide pillars,type B
GB/T 2861.2-2008 冲模导向装置 第2部分:滚动导向导柱 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 2: Guide pillars for ball-bearing
GB/T 2861.3-1990 冲模导向装置 C型导柱 Guide unit for press tools--Guide pillars,type C
GB/T 2861.3-2008 冲模导向装置 第3部分:滑动导向导套 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 3: Guide bushes for sliding guide
GB/T 2861.4-1981 冷冲模导向装置 A型小导柱 Guide unit of cold press dies--Small guide pillars, type A
GB/T 2861.4-2008 冲模导向装置 第4部分:滚动导向导套 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 4: Guide bushes for ball-bearing
GB/T 2861.5-1981 冷冲模导向装置 B型小导柱 Guide unit of cold press dies--Small guide pillars, type B
GB/T 2861.5-2008 冲模导向装置 第5部分:钢球保持圈 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 5: Cages
GB/T 2861.6-1990 冲模导向装置 A型导套 Guide unit for press tools--Guide bushes,type A
GB/T 2861.6-2008 冲模导向装置 第6部分:圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 6: Cylindrical helical compression springs
GB/T 2861.7-1990 冲模导向装置 B型导套 Guide unit for press tools--Guide bushes,type B
GB/T 2861.7-2008 冲模导向装置 第7部分:滑动导向可卸导柱 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 7: Guide pillars with taper lead for sliding guide
GB/T 2861.8-1990 冲模导向装置 C型导套 Guide unit for press tools--Guide bushes,type C
GB/T 2861.8-2008 冲模导向装置 第8部分:滚动导向可卸导柱 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 8: Guide pillars with taper lead for ball-bearing
GB/T 2861.9-1981 冷冲模导向装置 小导套 Guide unit of cold press dies--Small guide bushing
GB/T 2861.9-2008 冲模导向装置 第9部分:衬套 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 9: Bushings
GB/T 2861.10-1990 冲模导向装置 钢球保持圈 Guide unit for press tools--Cage
GB/T 2861.10-2008 冲模导向装置 第10部分:垫圈 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 10: Washers
GB/T 2861.11-1990 冲模导向装置 圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧 Guide unit for press tools--Cylindricalcoil compression spring
GB/T 2861.11-2008 冲模导向装置 第11部分:压板 Guide unit for stamping dies - Part 11: Clampers
GB/T 2861.12-1990 冲模导向装置 A型可卸导柱 Guide unit for press tools--Guide pillar with taper lead,type A
GB/T 2861.13-1990 冲模导向装置 B型可卸导柱 Guide unit for press tools--Guide pillar with taper lead,type B
GB/T 2861.14-1990 冲模导向装置 衬套 Guide unit for press tools--Bushing
GB/T 2861.15-1990 冲模导向装置 垫圈 Guide unit for press tools--Washer
GB/T 2861.16-1990 冲模导向装置 压板 Guide unit for press tools--Clamper
GB/T 2861.17-1981 冷冲模导向装置 可卸导柱模座安装尺寸 Guide unit of cold press dies--Mounting dimension of die holder for removable guide pillars
GB/T 2861.18-1981 冷冲模导向装置 压圈固定导柱 Guide unit of cold press dies--Guide pillars with ring fixed
GB/T 2861.19-1981 冷冲模导向装置 压圈固定导套 Guide unit of cold press dies--Guide bushing with ring fixed
GB/T 2861.20-1981 冷冲模导向装置 压圈 Guide unit of cold press dies--Clamping ring
GB/T 2877-2007 液压二通盖板式插装阀 安装连接尺寸 Hydraulic fluid power - Two-port slip-in cartridge valves - Cavities
GB/T 2877-1981 二通插装式液压阀安装连接尺寸 Hydraulic fluid power--Two-port slip-incartridge valves cavities--Mounting dimensions
GB/T 2878-1993 液压元件螺纹连接 油口型式和尺寸 Fluid power systems and components--Ports--Dimensions and design
GB/T 2878.1-2011 液压传动连接 带米制螺纹和O形圈密封的油口和螺柱端 第1部分:油口 Connections for hydraulic fluid power - Ports and stud ends with metric threads and O-ring sealing - Part 1: Ports
GB/T 2878.2-2011 液压传动连接 带米制螺纹和O形圈密封的油口和螺柱端 第2部分:重型螺柱端(S系列) Connections for hydraulic fluid power - Ports and stud ends with metric threads and O-ring sealing - Part 2: heavy-duty stud ends (S series)
GB/T 2878.4-2011 液压传动连接 带米制螺纹和O形圈密封的油口和螺柱端 第4部分:六角螺塞 Connections for hydraulic fluid power - Ports and stud ends with metric threads and O-ring sealing - Part 4: Hex plugs
GB/T 2879-1986 液压缸活塞和活塞杆 动密封沟槽型式、尺寸和公差 Hydraulic fluid power--Cylinder rod and piston seals for reciprocating applications--Dimensions and tolerances of housings
GB/T 2879-2005 液压缸活塞和活塞杆动密封 沟槽尺寸和公差 Hydraulic fluid power-Cylinders-Housings for piston and rod seals in reciprocating applications-Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2880-1981 液压缸活塞和活塞杆 窄断面动密封沟槽尺寸系列和公差 Hydraulic fluid power--Cylinder rod and piston seals for reciprocating applications--Dimensions andtolerances of housings--Narrow section series
GB/T 2881-1991 工业硅技术条件 Technical requirements for silicon metal
GB/T 2882-1981 镍及镍铜合金管 Nickel and nickel-copper alloy tube
GB/T 2882-2005 镍及镍合金管 Nickel and nickel alloys tube
GB/T 2883-2002 工程机械轮辋规格系列 Rims series for earth-mover
GB/T 2884.1-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江3000吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integrated barges for the changjiang-3000DWT
GB/T 2884.1-2009 长江中下游水系分节驳船型 第1部分:干流分节驳船型尺度系列 Integrated barges form for the middle-downstream of the Changjiang - Part 1: Dimensions series of integrated barges in main routes
GB/T 2884.2-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江2000吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integrated barges for the Changjiang-2000DWT
GB/T 2884.2-2009 长江中下游水系分节驳船型 第2部分:干支直达和水运网分节驳船型尺度系列 Integrated barges form for the middle-downstream of the Changjiang - Part 2: Dimensions series of integrated barges for direct transport in main-branch routes and waterway net
GB/T 2884.3-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网1000吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes of the middle-downstream of the changjiang and waterway network-1000DWT
GB/T 2884.5-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网500吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes ofthe middle-downstream of the changjiang and waterway network-500DWT
GB/T 2884.7-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网300吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes ofthe middle-downstream of the changjiang and waterway network-300DWT
GB/T 2884.8-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江支流200吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integratedbarges for branch routes of the Changjiang-200DWT
GB/T 2884.9-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江支流100吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integratedbarges for branch routes of the Changjiang-100DWT
GB/T 2884.12-1996 长江水系分节驳船型尺度系列 长江中下游干支直达和水运网400吨级分节驳船型尺度 Dimension series of integrated barges for the changjiang waterways--Dimensions of integrated barges for the direct transport in main-branch routes ofthe middle-downstream of the Changjiang and waterway network-400DWT
GB/T 2885.1-1981 金属矿固定车箱式矿车 基本参数及尺寸 Solid-bottom wagon for metallic mines--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 2885.1-2008 矿用窄轨车辆 第1部分: 固定车箱式矿车 Narrow gauge mine cars - Part 1: Solid-end car
GB/T 2885.2-1981 金属矿翻转车箱式矿车 基本参数及尺寸 Tilting wagon for metallic mines--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 2885.2-2008 矿用窄轨车辆 第2部分: 翻斗式矿车 Narrow gauge mine cars - Part 2: Dumping car
GB/T 2885.3-1981 金属矿单侧曲轨侧卸式矿车 基本参数及尺寸 Single-side tipping and curved rail wagon for metallic mines--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 2885.3-2008 矿用窄轨车辆 第3部分: 单侧曲轨侧卸式矿车 Narrow gauge mine cars - Part 3: Single-side curved rail dumping car
GB/T 2885.4-1981 金属矿底卸式矿车 基本参数及尺寸 Automatic drop bottom wagon for metallic mines--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 2885.4-2008 矿用窄轨车辆 第4部分: 底卸式矿车 Narrow gauge mine cars - Part 4: Drop-bottom car
GB/T 2885.5-1981 金属矿平板车 基本参数及尺寸 Flat deck wagon for metallic mines--Basicparameters and dimensions
GB/T 2885.5-2008 矿用窄轨车辆 第5部分: 平板车 Narrow gauge mine cars - Part 5: Flat deck car
GB/T 2885.6-1981 金属矿材料车 基本参数及尺寸 Material supply wagon for metallic mines--Basic parameters and dimensions
GB/T 2885.6-2008 矿用窄轨车辆 第6部分: 材料车 Narrow gauge mine cars - Part 6: Supply car
GB/T 2886-1992 文件传真二类机在电话网中互通技术条件 Technical requirements for group 2 document facs-imile apparatus used in public telephone network
GB/T 2887-2000 电子计算机场地通用规范 Specification for electronic computer field
GB/T 2888-1991 风机和罗茨鼓风机噪声测量方法 Methods of noise measurement for fans,blowers compressors and Roots blowers
GB/T 2889-1994 滑动轴承 术语 Plain bearings--Terms,definitions and classification
GB/T 2889.1-2008 滑动轴承 术语、定义和分类 第1部分:设计、轴承材料及其性能 Plain bearings - Terms, definitions and classification - Part 1: Design, bearing materials and their properties
GB/T 2889.4-2011 滑动轴承 术语、定义和分类 第4部分:基本符号 Plain bearings - Terms, definitions,classification and symbols - Part 4:Basic symbols
GB/T 2891-1995 过滤式防毒面具面罩性能试验方法 Performance test methods for facepiece of filter type respirator
GB/T 2892-1995 过滤式防毒面具滤毒罐性能试验方法 Performance test methods for canisterof filter type respirator
GB/T 2893.1-2004 图形符号 安全色和安全标志 第1部分:工作场所和公共区域中安全标志的设计原则 Graphical symbols--Safety colours and safety signs--Part 1:Design principles for safety signs in workplaces and public areas
GB/T 2893.1-2013 图形符号 安全色和安全标志 第1部分:安全标志和安全标记的设计原则 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 1: Design principles for safety signs and safety markings
GB/T 2893.2-2008 图形符号 安全色和安全标志 第2部分:产品安全标签的设计原则 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 2: Design principles for product safety labels
GB/T 2893.3-2010 图形符号 安全色和安全标志 第3部分:安全标志用图形符号设计原则 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part3: Design principles for graphical symbols used in safety signs
GB/T 2893.4-2013 图形符号 安全色和安全标志 第4部分:安全标志材料的色度属性和光度属性 Graphical symbols - Safety colours and safety signs - Part 4: Colorimetric and photometric properties of safety sign materials
GB/T 2895-1982 不饱和聚酯树脂酸值的测定 Determination for acid value of unsaturated polyester resins
GB/T 2899-1996 工业沉淀硫酸钡 Barium sulphate,precipitated for industrial use
GB/T 2900.1-1992 电工术语 基本术语 Electrotechnical terminology--Fundamental terms
GB/T 2900.1-2008 电工术语 基本术语 Electrotechnical terminology - Fundamental terms
GB/T 2900.4-1994 电工术语 电工合金 Electrotechnical terminology--Special alloys for electrical equipment
GB/T 2900.4-2008 电工术语 电工合金 Electrotechnical terminology - Special alloys for electrical equipment
GB/T 2900.5-2002 电工术语 绝缘固体、液体和气体 Electrotechnical terminology--Insulating solids,liquids and gases
GB/T 2900.7-1996 电工术语 电炭 Electrotechnical terminology--Electrical carbon
GB/T 2900.8-1995 电工术语 绝缘子 Electrotechnical terminology--Insulator
GB/T 2900.8-2009 电工术语 绝缘子 Electrotechnical terminology - Insulators
GB/T 2900.9-1994 电工术语 火花塞 Electrotechnical terminology--Spark plug
GB/T 2900.10-2001 电工术语 电缆 Electrotechnical vocabulary--Electric cables
GB/T 2900.11-1988 蓄电池名词术语 Terminology of (secondary) cell or battery
GB/T 2900.12-1989 电工名词术语 避雷器 Electrotechnical terminology--Surge arrester
GB/T 2900.12-2008 电工术语 避雷器、低压电涌保护器及元件 Electrotechnical terminology - surge arresters,low-voltage surge protective devices and components
GB/T 2900.13-2008 电工术语 可信性与服务质量 Electrotechnical terminology - Dependability and quality of service
GB/T 2900.15-1997 电工术语 变压器、互感器、调压器和电抗器 Electrotechnical terminology--Transformer,instrument transformer,voltage regulator and reactor
GB/T 2900.16-1996 电工术语 电力电容器 Electrotechnical terminology--Power capacitors
GB/T 2900.17-1994 电工术语 电气继电器 Electrotechnical terminology--Electrical relays
GB/T 2900.17-2009 电工术语 量度继电器 Electrotechnical terminology - Measuring relays
GB/T 2900.18-1992 电工术语 低压电器 Electrotechnical terminology--Low voltage apparatus
GB/T 2900.18-2008 电工术语 低压电器 Electrotechnical terminology - Low voltage apparatus
GB/T 2900.19-1994 电工术语 高电压试验技术和绝缘配合 Electrotechnical terminology--High-voltage test technique and insulation co-ordination
GB/T 2900.20-1994 电工术语 高压开关设备 Electrotechnical terminology--High-voltage switchgear
GB/T 2900.22-1985 电工名词术语 电焊机 Electrotechnical terminology--Electric welding machine
GB/T 2900.22-2005 电工名词术语 电焊机 Electrotechnical terminology Electric welding machine
GB/T 2900.23-1995 电工术语 工业电热设备 Electrotechnical terminology--Industrial electro-heat installation
GB/T 2900.23-2008 电工术语 工业电热装置 Electrotechnical terminology - Industrial electroheat
GB/T 2900.25-1994 电工术语 旋转电机 Electrotechnical terminology--Rotating electricalmachines
GB/T 2900.25-2008 电工术语 旋转电机 Electrotechnical terminology - Rotating electrical machines
GB/T 2900.26-1994 电工术语 控制电机 Electrotechnical terminology--Control motors and feedback components
GB/T 2900.26-2008 电工术语 控制电机 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical machine for automatic control system
GB/T 2900.27-1995 电工术语 小功率电动机 Electrotechnical terminology--Small-power motor
GB/T 2900.27-2008 电工术语 小功率电动机 Electrotechnical terminology - Small-power motor
GB/T 2900.28-1994 电工术语 电动工具 Electrotechnical terminology--Electric tool
GB/T 2900.28-2007 电工术语 电动工具 Electrotechnical terminology - Electric tool
GB/T 2900.29-1984 电工名词术语 日用电器 Electrotechnical terminology--Household and similar electrical appliance
GB/T 2900.29-2008 电工术语 家用和类似用途电器 Electrotechnical terminology - Household and similar electrical appliance
GB/T 2900.32-1994 电工术语 电力半导体器件 Electrotechnical terminology--Power semiconductor device
GB/T 2900.33-1993 电工术语 电力电子技术 Electrotechnical terminology--Power electronics
GB/T 2900.33-2004 电工术语 电力电子技术 Electrotechnical terminology--Power electronics
GB/T 2900.34-1983 电工名词术语 电气传动及其自动控制 Electrotechnical terminology--Electric drive and its automatic control
GB/T 2900.35-1998 电工术语 爆炸性环境用电气设备 Electrotechnical terminology--Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres
GB/T 2900.35-2008 电工术语 爆炸性环境用设备 Electrotechnical terminology - Equipment for explosive atmospheres
GB/T 2900.36-2003 电工术语 电力牵引 Electrotechnical terminology--Electric traction
GB/T 2900.37-1983 电工名词术语 电瓷专用设备 Electrotechnical terminology--Special equipment for electro-ceramics
GB/T 2900.39-1994 电工术语 电机、变压器专用设备 Electrotechnical terminology--Special equipment for electrical machine and transformer
GB/T 2900.39-2009 电工术语 电机、变压器专用设备 Electrotechnical terminology - Special equipment for electrical machine and transformer
GB/T 2900.40-1985 电工名词术语 电线电缆专用设备 Electrotechnical terminology--Machineryand equipment for electric wires and cables
GB/T 2900.41-2008 电工术语 原电池和蓄电池 Electrotechnical terminology - Primary and secondary cells and batteries
GB/T 2900.45-1996 电工术语 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机 Electrotechnical terminology--Hydraulic turbine,storage pump and pump-turbine
GB/T 2900.45-2006 电工术语 水电站水力机械设备 Electrotechnical terminology - Hydroelectric powerplant machinery
GB/T 2900.46-1983 电工名词术语 汽轮机及其附属装置 Electrotechnical terminology--Steam turbine and auxiliary equipments
GB/T 2900.48-1983 电工名词术语 固定式锅炉 Electrotechnical terminology--Stationary boilers
GB/T 2900.48-2008 电工名词术语 锅炉 Electrotechnical terminology of boilers
GB/T 2900.49-1994 电工术语 电力系统保护 Electrotechnical terminologies--Power system protection
GB/T 2900.49-2004 电工术语 电力系统保护 Electrotechnical terminology--Power system protection
GB/T 2900.50-1998 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 通用术语 Electrotechnical terminology--Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity--General
GB/T 2900.50-2008 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 通用术语 Electrotechnical terminology - Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity - General
GB/T 2900.51-1998 电工术语 架空线路 Electrotechnical terminology--Overhead lines
GB/T 2900.52-2000 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 发电 Electrotechnical terminology--Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity--Generation
GB/T 2900.52-2008 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 发电 Electrotechnical terminology - Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity - Generation
GB/T 2900.53-2001 电工术语 风力发电机组 Electrotechnical terminology--Wind turbine generator systems
GB/T 2900.54-2002 电工术语 无线电通信:发射机、接收机、网络和运行 Electrotechnical terminology--Radiocommunications:transmitters,receivers,networks and operations
GB/T 2900.55-2002 电工术语 带电作业 Electrotechnical terminology--Live working
GB/T 2900.56-2002 电工术语 自动控制 Electrotechnical terminology--Automatic control
GB/T 2900.56-2008 电工术语 控制技术 Electrotechnical terminology - Control technology
GB/T 2900.57-2002 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 运行 Electrotechnical terminology--Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity--Operation
GB/T 2900.57-2008 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 运行 Electrotechnical terminology - Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity - Operation
GB/T 2900.58-2002 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 电力系统规划和管理 Electrotechnical terminology--Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity--Power system planning and management
GB/T 2900.58-2008 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 电力系统规划和管理 Electrotechnical terminology - Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity - Power system planning and management
GB/T 2900.59-2002 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 变电站 Electrotechnical terminology--Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity--Substations
GB/T 2900.59-2008 电工术语 发电、输电及配电 变电站 Electrotechnical terminology - Generation,transmission and distribution of electricity - Substations
GB/T 2900.60-2002 电工术语 电磁学 Electrotechnical terminology--Electromagnetism
GB/T 2900.61-2002 电工术语 物理和化学 Electrotechnical terminology--Physics and chemistry
GB/T 2900.61-2008 电工术语 物理和化学 Electrotechnical terminology - Physics and chemistry
GB/T 2900.62-2003 电工术语 原电池 Electrotechnical terminology--Primary cells and batteries
GB/T 2900.63-2003 电工术语 基础继电器 Electrotechnical terminology--Elementary relays
GB/T 2900.64-2003 电工术语 有或无时间继电器 Electrotechnical terminology--Time all-or-nothing relays
GB/T 2900.65-2004 电工术语 照明 Electrotechnical terminology--Lighting
GB/T 2900.66-2004 电工术语 半导体器件和集成电路 Electrotechnical terminology--Semiconductor devices and integrated circuits
GB/T 2900.67-2004 电工术语 非广播用摄像机 Electrotechnical terminology--Video cameras for non-broadcasting
GB/T 2900.68-2005 电工术语 电信网、电信业务和运行 Electrotechnical Terminology Telecommunication Networks,Teletraffic and Operation
GB/T 2900.69-2005 电工术语 综合业务数字网(ISDN)第1部分:总则 Electrotechnical Terminology Integrated services digital network (ISDN) - Part 1: General aspects
GB/T 2900.70-2008 电工术语 电器附件 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical accessories
GB/T 2900.71-2008 电工术语 电气装置 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical installations
GB/T 2900.72-2008 电工术语 多相系统与多相电路 Electrotechnical terminology - Polyphase systems and circuits
GB/T 2900.73-2008 电工术语 接地与电击防护 Electrotechnical terminology - Earthing and protection against electric shock
GB/T 2900.74-2008 电工术语 电路理论 Electrotechnical terminology - Circuit theory
GB/T 2900.75-2008 电工术语 数字录音和录像 Electrotechnical terminology - Digital recording of audio and video signals
GB/T 2900.76-2008 电工术语 音频和视频的记录与重放 Electrotechnical terminology - Recording and reproduction of audio and video
GB/T 2900.77-2008 电工术语 电工电子测量和仪器仪表 第1部分:测量的通用术语 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical and electronic measurements and measuring instruments - Part 1: General terms relating to measurements
GB/T 2900.79-2008 电工术语 电工电子测量和仪器仪表 第3部分:电测量仪器仪表的类型 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical and electronic measurements and measuring instruments - Part 3:Types of electrical measuring instruments
GB/T 2900.81-2008 电工术语 核仪器 物理现象和基本概念 Electrotechnical terminology - Nuclear instrumentation - Physical phenomena and basic conecpts
GB/T 2900.82-2008 电工术语 核仪器 仪器、系统、设备和探测器 Electrotechnical terminology - Nuclear instrumentation - Instruments, systems,equipment and detectors
GB/T 2900.83-2008 电工术语 电的和磁的器件 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical and magnetic devices
GB/T 2900.84-2009 电工术语 电价 Electrotechnical terminology - Tariffs for electricity
GB/T 2900.85-2009 电工术语 数学 一般概念和线性代数 Electrotechnical terminology - Mathematics - General concepts and linear algebra
GB/T 2900.86-2009 电工术语 声学和电声学 Electrotechnical terminology - Acoustics and electroacoustics
GB/T 2900.87-2011 电工术语 电力市场 Electrotechnical terminology - Organisation/market of electricity
GB/T 2900.88-2011 电工术语 超声学 Electrotechnical terminology - Ultrasonics
GB/T 2900.89-2012 电工术语 电工电子测量和仪器仪表 第2部分:电测量的通用术语 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical and electronic measurements and measuring instruments - Part 2: General terms relating to electrical measurements
GB/T 2900.90-2012 电工术语 电工电子测量和仪器仪表 第4部分:各类仪表的特殊术语 Electrotechnical terminology - Electrical and electronic measurements and measuring instruments - Part 4: Specific terms according to the type of instruments
GB/T 2901-1992 书目信息交换用磁带格式 Format for bibliographic information interchange on magnetic tape
GB/T 2902-1998 铂铑30-铂铑6热电偶丝 Platinum-30% Rhodium/Platinum-6%Rhodium thermocouple wires
GB/T 2903-1998 铜-铜镍(康铜)热电偶丝 Copper/Copper-Nickel(Constantan) thermocouple wires
GB/T 2904-1982 镍铬-金铁、铜-金铁低温热电偶丝及分度表 Nickel-Chromium/Gold-Iron,Copper/Gold-Iron low temperature thermocouple wires and their reference tables
GB/T 2909-1994 橡胶工业用棉帆布 Cotton canvas for rubber industry
GB/T 2910-1997 纺织品 二组分纤维混纺产品定量化学分析方法 Textiles--Binary fibre mixtures--Quantitative chemical analysis
GB/T 2910.1-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第1部分:试验通则 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 1: General principles of testing
GB/T 2910.2-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第2部分:三组分纤维混合物 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 2: Ternary fibre mixture
GB/T 2910.3-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第3部分:醋酯纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(丙酮法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 3: Mixtures of acetate and certain other fibres (method using acetone)
GB/T 2910.4-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第4部分:某些蛋白质纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(次氯酸盐法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 4: Mixtures of certain protein and certain other fibers (method using hypochlorite)
GB/T 2910.5-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第5部分:粘胶纤维、铜氨纤维或莫代尔纤维与棉的混合物(锌酸钠法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 5: Mixtures of viscose,cupro or modal and cotton fibres (method using sodium zincate)
GB/T 2910.6-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第6部分:粘胶纤维、某些铜氨纤维、莫代尔纤维或莱赛尔纤维与棉的混合物(甲酸/氯化锌法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 6: Mixtures of viscose or certain types of cupro or modal or lyocell and cotton fibres (method using formic acid and zinc chloride)
GB/T 2910.7-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第7部分:聚酰胺纤维与某些其他纤维混合物(甲酸法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 7: Mixtures of polyamide and certain other fibres (method using formic acid)
GB/T 2910.8-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第8部分:醋酯纤维与三醋酯纤维混合物(丙酮法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 8: Mixtures of acetate and triacetate fibres (method using acetone)
GB/T 2910.9-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第9部分:醋酯纤维与三醋酯纤维混合物(苯甲醇法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 9: Mixtures of acetate and triacetate fibres (method using benzyl alcohol)
GB/T 2910.10-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第10部分:三醋酯纤维或聚乳酸纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(二氯甲烷法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 10: Mixtures of triacetate or polylactide and certain other fibres (method using dichloromethane)
GB/T 2910.11-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第11部分:纤维素纤维与聚酯纤维的混合物(硫酸法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 11: Mixtures of cellulose and polyester fibres (method using sulfuric acid)
GB/T 2910.12-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第12部分:聚丙烯腈纤维、某些改性聚丙烯腈纤维、某些含氯纤维或某些弹性纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(二甲基甲酰胺法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 12: Mixtures of acrylic,certain modacrylic,certain chlorofibres,certain elastanes and certain other fibres (method using dimethylformamide )
GB/T 2910.13-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第13部分:某些含氯纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(二硫化碳/丙酮法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 13: Mixtures of certain chlorofibers and certain other fibers(method using carbon disulfide /acetone)
GB/T 2910.14-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第14部分:醋酯纤维与某些含氯纤维的混合物(冰乙酸法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 14: Mixtures of acetate and certain chlorofibres (method using acetic acid)
GB/T 2910.15-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第15部分:黄麻与某些动物纤维的混合物(含氮量法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 15: Mixtures of jute and certain animal fibres (method by determining nitrogen content)
GB/T 2910.16-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第16部分:聚丙烯纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(二甲苯法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 16: Mixtures of polypropylene and certain other fibres (method using xylene)
GB/T 2910.17-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第17部分:含氯纤维(氯乙烯均聚物)与某些其他纤维的混合物(硫酸法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 17: Mixtures of chlorofibers (homopolymers of vinyl chloride) and certain other fibers (method using sulfuric acid)
GB/T 2910.18-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第18部分:蚕丝与羊毛或其他动物毛纤维的混合物(硫酸法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 18: Mixtures of silk and wool or hair (method using sulfuric acid)
GB/T 2910.19-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第19部分:纤维素纤维与石棉的混合物(加热法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 19: Mixtures of cellulose fibres and asbestos (method by heating)
GB/T 2910.20-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第20部分:聚氨酯弹性纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(二甲基乙酰胺法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 20: Mixtures of elastane and some other fibers (method of using dimethylacetamide)
GB/T 2910.21-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第21部分:含氯纤维、某些改性聚丙烯腈纤维、某些弹性纤维、醋酯纤维、三醋酯纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(环己酮法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 21: Mixtures of chlorofibers, certain modacrylics, certain elastanes, acetates, triacetates and certain other fibers (method using cyclohexanone)
GB/T 2910.22-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第22部分:粘胶纤维、某些铜氨纤维、莫代尔纤维或莱赛尔纤维与亚麻、苎麻的混合物(甲酸/氯化锌法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 22: Mixtures of viscose or certain types of cupro or modal or lyocell and flax of ramie fibres (method using formic acid and zinc chloride)
GB/T 2910.23-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第23部分:聚乙烯纤维与聚丙烯纤维的混合物(环己酮法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 23: Mixtures of polyethylene and polypropylene (method using cyclohexanone)
GB/T 2910.24-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第24部分:聚酯纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物(苯酚/四氯乙烷法) Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 24: Mixtures of polyester and some other fibers (method using phenol and tetrachloroethane)
GB/T 2910.101-2009 纺织品 定量化学分析 第101部分:大豆蛋白复合纤维与某些其他纤维的混合物 Textiles - Quantitative chemical analysis - Part 101: Mixtures of soybean protein composite fibre and certain other fibers
GB/T 2911-1997 纺织品 三组分纤维混纺产品定量化学分析方法 Textiles--Ternary fibre mixtures--Quantitative chemical analysis
GB/T 2912.1-1998 纺织品 甲醛的测定 第1部分:游离水解的甲醛(水萃取法) Textiles--Determination of formaldehyde--Part 1:Free and hydrolized formaldehyde(water extractionmethod)
GB/T 2912.1-2009 纺织品 甲醛的测定 第1部分:游离和水解的甲醛(水萃取法) Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 1: Free and hydrolyzed formaldehyde(water extraction method)
GB/T 2912.2-1998 纺织品 甲醛的测定 第2部分:释放甲醛(蒸气吸收法) Textiles--Determination of formaldehyde--Part 2:Released formaldehyde(vapour absorption method)
GB/T 2912.2-2009 纺织品 甲醛的测定 第2部分:释放的甲醛(蒸汽吸收法) Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 2: Released formaldehyde (vapour absorption method)
GB/T 2912.3-2009 纺织品 甲醛的测定 第3部分:高效液相色谱法 Textiles - Determination of formaldehyde - Part 3: High performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 2913-1982 塑料白度试验方法 Test for whiteness of plastics
GB/T 2914-1999 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 挥发物(包括水)的测定 Plastics--Homopolymerand copolymer resins of vinyl chloride--Determination of volatile matter (including water)
GB/T 2915-1999 聚氯乙烯树脂水萃取物电导率的测定 Determination of conductivity of water extract of poly(vinyl chloride) resins
GB/T 2916-2007 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 用空气喷射筛装置的筛分析 Plastic - Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resins - Sieve analysis using air-jet sieve apparatus
GB/T 2916-1997 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 用空气喷射筛装置的筛分析 Plastics--Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resins--Sieve analysis using air-jet sieve apparatus
GB/T 2917.1-2002 以氯乙烯均聚和共聚物为主的共混物及制品在高温时放出氯化氢和任何其他酸性产物的测定 刚果红法 Determination of compounds and products based on vingl chloride homopolymers and copolymers to evolve hydrogen chloride and any other acidic products at elevoted temperatures--Congo red method
GB/T 2918-1998 塑料试样状态调节和试验的标准环境 Plastics--Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GB/T 2921-1982 化学试剂 气相色谱固定液的分类和命名 Chemical reagents--Classificationand nomenclature of liquid stationary phase for gas chromatography
GB/T 2922-1982 化学试剂 色谱载体比表面积的测定方法 Chemical reagents--Determination of specific surface area of solid supports used in chromatography
GB/T 2923-1995 黑白照相负片/加工组合ISO感光度的测定 Determination of ISO speed of black-and-white pictorial still camera negative film/process systems
GB/T 2924-1995 彩色摄影用负片ISO感光度的测定 Determination of ISO speed of colour negative films for photography
GB/T 2926-2000 35mm和16mm电影发行拷贝片头和片尾的技术规格 Leaders and run-out trailers for 35mm and 16mm release prints--Specification
GB/T 2927-1994 电影影片画幅放大或缩小光学印片比率技术要求 Optical printing ratios forenlargement and reduction of motion-picture film images--specification
GB/T 2930.1-2001 牧草种子检验规程 扦样 Rules for forage seed testing--Sampling
GB/T 2930.2-2001 牧草种子检验规程 净度分析 Rules for forage seed testing--Purity analysis
GB/T 2930.3-2001 牧草种子检验规程 其他植物种子数测定 Rules for forage seed testing--Determination of other seeds by number
GB/T 2930.4-2001 牧草种子检验规程 发芽试验 Rules for forage seed testing--Germination test
GB/T 2930.5-2001 牧草种子检验规程 生活力的生物化学(四唑)测定 Rules for forage seed testing--Biochemical test for viability
GB/T 2930.6-2001 牧草种子检验规程 健康测定 Rules for forage seed testing--Seed health testing
GB/T 2930.7-2001 牧草种子检验规程 种及品种鉴定 Rules for forage seed testing--Verification of species and cultivar
GB/T 2930.8-2001 牧草种子检验规程 水分测定 Rules for forage seed testing--Determination of moisture content
GB/T 2930.9-2001 牧草种子检验规程 重量测定 Rules for forage seed testing--Weight determination
GB/T 2930.10-2001 牧草种子检验规程 包衣种子测定 Rules for forage seed testing--Testing coated seeds
GB/T 2930.11-2001 牧草种子检验规程 检验报告 Rules for forage seed testing--Testing report
GB/T 2930.11-2008 草种子检验规程 检验报告 Rules of seed testing for forage, turfgrass and other herbaceous plant in China - Testing report
GB/T 2933-1995 充气轮胎用车轮和轮辋的术语、规格代号和标志 Wheels/rims for pneumatic tyres--Nomenclature,designation and marking
GB/T 2934-2007 联运通用平托盘 主要尺寸及公差 General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods - Principal dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2934-1996 联运通用平托盘 主要尺寸及公差 General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods--Principal dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 2940-1982 柴油机用喷油泵、调速器、喷油器弹簧技术条件 Technical specifications of springs for fuel pump, governor and injecter of diesel engines
GB/T 2940-2005 柴油机用喷油泵、调速器、喷油器弹簧技术条件 Technical specifications of springs for fuel pump,governor and injecter of diesel engines
GB/T 2941-1991 橡胶试样环境调节和试验的标准温度、湿度及时间 Rubber--Standard temperatures,humidities and times for the conditioning environmental and testing of test pieces
GB/T 2941-2006 橡胶物理试验方法试样制备和调节通用程序 Rubber - General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical test methods
GB/T 2942-1991 硫化橡胶与织物帘线粘合强度的测定 H抽出法 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of static adhesion to textile cord--H-pull test
GB/T 2943-1994 胶粘剂术语 Terms of adhesive
GB/T 2946-1992 氯化铵 Ammonium chloride
GB/T 2947-2002 尿素、硝酸铵中游离水含量的测定 卡尔·费休法 Determination of free water in urea and ammonium nitrate by karl fischer method
GB/T 2948-1982 顶装式单片可换盒式磁盘的磁性能 Magnetic characteristics of interchangeable magnetic single disk cartridge (top loaded)
GB/T 2949-1982 六片可换磁盘组的磁性能 Magnetic characteristics of interchangeable magnetic six-disk pack
GB/T 2950-1982 十一片可换磁盘组的磁性能 Magnetic characteristics of interchangeable magnetic eleven-disk pack
GB/T 2951.1-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第1部分:通用试验方法 第1节:厚度和外形尺寸测量----机械性能试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 1:Methods for general application--Section one:Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions--Tests for determining the mechanical properties
GB/T 2951.2-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第1部分:通用试验方法 第2节:热老化试验方法 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 1:Methods for general application--Section two:Thermal ageing methods
GB/T 2951.3-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第1部分:通用试验方法 第3节:密度测定方法----吸水试验----收缩试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 1:Methods for general application--Section three:Methods for determining the density--Water absorption tests--Shrinkage test
GB/T 2951.4-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第1部分:通用试验方法 第4部分:低温试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 1:Methods for general application--Section four:Test at low temperature
GB/T 2951.5-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第2部分:弹性体混合料专用试验方法 第1节:耐臭氧试验----热延伸试验----浸矿物油试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 2:Methods specific to elastomericcompounds--Section one:Ozone resistance test--Hot set test--Mineral oil immersion test
GB/T 2951.6-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第3部分:聚氯乙烯混合料专用试验方法 第1节:高温压力试验----抗开裂试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 3:Methods specific to PVC compounds--Section one:Pressure test at high temperature--Test for resistance to cracking
GB/T 2951.7-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第3部分:聚氯乙烯混合料专用试验方法 第2节:失重试验 热稳定性试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 3:Methods specific to PVC compounds--Section two:Loss of mass test--Thermal stability test
GB/T 2951.8-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第4部分:聚乙烯和聚丙烯混合料专用试验方法 第1节:耐环境应力开裂试验----空气热老化后的卷绕试验----熔体指数测量方法----聚乙烯中炭黑和/或矿物质填料含量的测量方法 Common test methods for insulating andsheathing materials of electric cables--Part 4:Methods specific to polyethyleneand polypropylene compounds--Section one:Resistance to environmental stress cracking--Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air--Measurem
GB/T 2951.9-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第4部分:聚乙烯和聚丙烯混合料专用试验方法 第2节:预处理后断裂伸长率试验----预处理后卷绕试验----空气热老化后的卷绕试验----测定质量的增加 附录A:长期热稳定性试验 附录B:铜催化氧化降解试验方法 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 4:Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds--Section two:Elongation at break after pre-conditioning--Wrapping test after pre-conditioning--Wrapping tes
GB/T 2951.10-1997 电缆绝缘和护套材料的通用试验方法 第5部分:填充膏专用试验方法 第1节:滴点----油分离----低温脆性----总酸值----腐蚀性----23℃时的介电常数----23℃和100℃时的直流电阻率 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric cables--Part 5:Methods specific to filling compounds--Section one:Drop-point--Separation of oil--Lower temperature brittleness--Total acid number--Absence of corrosive components--Per
GB/T 2951.11-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第11部分:通用试验方法 厚度和外形尺寸测量 机械性能试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 11:Methods for general application - Measurement of thickness and overall dimensions - Tests for determining the mechanical properties
GB/T 2951.12-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第12部分:通用试验方法 热老化试验方法 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 12:Methods for general application - Thermal ageing methods
GB/T 2951.13-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第13部分: 通用试验方法 密度测定方法 吸水试验 收缩试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 13:Methods for general application - Measurement for determining the density - Water absorption tests - Shrinkage test
GB/T 2951.14-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第14部分:通用试验方法 低温试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 14:Methods for general application - Test at low temperature
GB/T 2951.21-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 软电线和软电缆曲挠试验 Test method for determining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Flexing test for flexible cables and wires
GB/T 2951.21-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第21部分:弹性体混合料专用试验方法 耐臭氧试验-热延伸试验-浸矿物油试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 21:Methods specific to elastomeric compounds - Ozone resistance, hot set and mineral oil immersion tests
GB/T 2951.23-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 弯曲试验 Test method for determining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Bending test
GB/T 2951.24-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 外护层环烷酸铜含量试验 Test method for determining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Testfor copper naphthenate content of protective coverings
GB/T 2951.25-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 外护层厌氧性细菌腐蚀试验 Test method fordetermining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Test for anaerobe-corrosion of protectrive coverings
GB/T 2951.26-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 盐浴槽试验 Test method for determining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Saline bath test
GB/T 2951.27-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 腐蚀扩展试验 Test method for determiningmechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Corrosion spread test
GB/T 2951.28-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 挤出外套刮磨试验 Test method for determining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Test for abrasion of extruded oversheaths
GB/T 2951.31-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第31部分:聚氯乙烯混合料专用试验方法 高温压力试验-抗开裂试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 31:Methods specific to PVC compounds - Pressure test at high temperature - Test for resistance to cracking
GB/T 2951.32-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第32部分:聚氯乙烯混合料专用试验方法 失重试验 热稳定性试验 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 32:Methods specific to PVC ompounds - Loss of mass test - Thermal stability test
GB/T 2951.34-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 抗撕试验 Test method for determining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Tear test
GB/T 2951.37-1994 电线电缆机械物理性能试验方法 氧化诱导期试验 Test method for determining mechanical and physical properties of electric cables and wires--Test for oxidative inductive time
GB/T 2951.38-1986 电线电缆 白蚁试验方法 Termite test methods for wires and cables
GB/T 2951.41-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第41部分:聚乙烯和聚丙烯混合料专用试验方法 耐环境应力开裂试验 熔体指数测量方法 直接燃烧法测量聚乙烯中碳黑和(或)矿物质填料含量 热重分析法(TGA)测量碳黑含量 显微镜法评估聚乙烯中碳黑分散度 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 41:Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Resistance to environmental stress cracking - Measurement of the melt flow index - Carbon black and/or mineral filler content measurement in polythylene by direct combustion - Measurement of carbon black content by thermo gravimetric analysis(TGA)- Assessment of carbon black dispersion in polyethylene using a microscope
GB/T 2951.42-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第42部分:聚乙烯和聚丙烯混合料专用试验方法 高温处理后抗张强度和断裂伸长率试验 高温处理后卷绕试验 空气热老化后的卷绕试验 测定质量的增加 长期热稳定性试验 铜催化氧化降解试验方法 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 42:Methods specific to polyethylene and polypropylene compounds - Tensile strength and elongation at break after conditioning at elevated temperature - Wrapping test after conditioning at elevated temperature - Wrapping test after thermal ageing in air - Measurement of mass increase - Long-term stability test - Test method for copper-catalyzed oxidative degradation
GB/T 2951.51-2008 电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料通用试验方法 第51部分:填充膏专用试验方法 滴点 油分离 低温脆性 总酸值 腐蚀性 23℃时的介电常数 23℃和100℃时的直流电阻率 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of electric and optical cables - Part 51:Methods specific to filling compounds - Drop point - Separation of oil - Lower temperature brittleness - Total acid number - Absence of corrosive components - Permittivity at 23℃ - DC resistivity at 23℃ and 100℃
GB/T 2952.1-1989 电缆外护层 总则 Protective coverings for electric cables--General
GB/T 2952.1-2008 电缆外护层 第1部分:总则 Protective coverings for electric cables - Part 1: General
GB/T 2952.2-1989 电缆外护层 金属套电缆通用外护层 Protective coverings for electric cables--General protective coverings for cables with metallic sheath (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 2952.2-2008 电缆外护层 第2部分:金属套电缆外护层 Protective coverings for electric cables - Part 2: Protective coverings for cables with metallic sheath
GB/T 2952.3-1989 电缆外护层 非金属套电缆通用外护层 Protective coverings for electric cables--General protective coverings for cables with non-metallic sheath
GB/T 2952.3-2008 电缆外护层 第3部分:非金属套电缆通用外护层 Protective coverings for electric cables - Part 3: General protective coverings for cables with non-metallic sheath
GB/T 2952.4-1989 电缆外护层 铅套充油电缆特种外护层 Protective coverings for electric cables--Specific protective coverings for oil-filled cables with lead sheath
GB/T 2965-1996 钛及钛合金棒材 Titanium and titanium alloy bars
GB/T 2965-2007 钛及钛合金棒材 Titanium and titanium alloy bars
GB/T 2967-1989 铸造碳化钨 Cast tungsten carbide
GB/T 2968-1994 金属钐 Samarium metal
GB/T 2969-1994 氧化钐 Samarium oxide
GB/T 2970-1991 中厚钢板超声波检验方法 Thicker steel plate—Method for ultrasonic inspection
GB/T 2970-2004 厚钢板超声波检验方法 Thicker steel plates--Method for ultrasonic inspection
GB/T 2971-1982 碳素钢和低合金钢断口检验方法 Method of fracture test for carbon and low alloy steels
GB/T 2972-1991 镀锌钢丝锌层硫酸铜试验方法 Zinc-coated steel wire--Test method for uniformity of zinc coating on wire by the copper sulphate dip
GB/T 2973-1991 镀锌钢丝锌层重量试验方法 Zinc-coated steel wire—Test method for weight of zinc coating
GB/T 2973-2004 镀锌钢丝锌层质量试验方法 Zinc coated steel wire test method for gravimetric determination of zinc coating
GB/T 2974-1982 工业用热电偶丝检验方法 Testing methods for industrial thermocouple wires
GB/T 2975-1998 钢及钢产品 力学性能试验取样位置及试样制备 Steel and steel products--Location and preparation of test pieces for mechanical testing
GB/T 2976-1988 金属线材缠绕试验方法 Metalic materials--Wire--Wrapping test
GB/T 2976-2004 金属材料 线材 缠绕试验方法 Metallic materials--Wire--Wrapping test
GB/T 2977-1997 载重汽车轮胎系列 Series of truck tyres
GB/T 2978-1997 轿车轮胎系列 Series of passenger car tyres
GB/T 2979-1999 农业轮胎系列 Series of agricultural tyres
GB/T 2980-2001 工程机械轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷 Designation,dimensions,inflation pressure and load for earth-mover tyres
GB/T 2981-2001 工业车辆充气轮胎技术要求 Technical specification of pneumatic tyres for industrial vehicles
GB/T 2982-2001 工业车辆充气轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷 Designation,dimensions,inflation pressure and load capacity of pneumatic tyres for industrial vehicles
GB/T 2983-1997 摩托车轮胎系列 Series of motorcycle tyres
GB/T 2985-1999 生物显微镜 Biological microscope
GB/T 2987-1996 电子管参数符号 Letter symbols of parameter for electronic tubes
GB/T 2988-1987 高铝砖 High-alumina refractory bricks
GB/T 2988-2004 高铝砖 High alumina brick
GB/T 2992-1998 通用耐火砖形状尺寸 Dimensions of general bricks
GB/T 2992.1-2011 耐火砖形状尺寸 第1部分:通用砖 Dimensions of refractory bricks - Part 1: Specification for general bricks
GB/T 2994-1994 高铝质耐火泥浆 High alumina refractory mortars
GB/T 2997-2000 致密定形耐火制品 体积密度、显气孔率和真气孔率 试验方法 Test method for bulk density,apparent porosity and true porosity of dense shaped refractory products
GB/T 2998-2001 定形隔热耐火制品 体积密度和真气孔率试验方法 Shaped insulating refractory products--Determination of bulk density and true porosity
GB/T 2999-2002 耐火材料颗粒体积密度试验方法 Refractory materials--Determination of bulk density of granular materials
GB/T 3000-1999 致密定形耐火制品透气度试验方法 Dense shaped refractory products--Determination of permeability to gases
GB/T 3001-2007 耐火材料 常温抗折强度试验方法 Refractory products - Determination of modulus of rupture at ambient temperature
GB/T 3001-2000 定形耐火制品常温抗折强度试验方法 Shaped refractory products--Determination of modulus of rupture at ambient temperature
GB/T 3002-1982 耐火制品高温抗折强度试验方法 Test method for modulus of rupture of refractory products at elevated temperatures
GB/T 3002-2004 耐火材料 高温抗折强度试验方法 Refractory products--Determination of modulus of rupture at elevated temperatures
GB/T 3003-1982 普通硅酸铝耐火纤维毡 Ordinary alumino-silicate refractory fiber felts
GB/T 3003-2006 耐火材料 陶瓷纤维及制品 Refractory - Ceramic fibre and the products
GB/T 3007-1982 普通硅酸铝耐火纤维毡含水量试验方法 Test method for moisture content ofordinary alumino-silicate refractory fiber felts
GB/T 3007-2006 耐火材料 含水量试验方法 Refractories - Determination of moisture content
GB/T 3008-1982 普通硅酸铝耐火纤维毡检验制样规定 Rule for preparing samples of ordinary alumino-silicate refractory fiber felts
GB/T 3009-1982 船用防蚀螺塞 Ships corrosion-resistant plugs
GB/T 3027-1995 船用白炽照明灯通用技术条件 General technical requirements for marine incandescent illumination lights
GB/T 3028-1995 船用电气号灯技术条件 Technical requirements for marine electric signallights
GB/T 3029-1996 船用通风附件技术条件 Specification of parts for ships’ ventilation
GB/T 3032-1989 船舶管路附件的标志 Marks for marine piping valves and fittings
GB/T 3036-1994 船用中心型蝶阀 Marine center-pivoted butterfly valves
GB/T 3037-1994 船用双偏心型蝶阀 Marine duo-eccentric-pivoted butterfly valves
GB/T 3039-1994 石棉水泥输水管及其接头 Asbestos-cement pressure pipes and joints for water
GB/T 3040-1982 石棉水泥输煤气管 Asbestos-cement pressure pipe for gas transmission
GB/T 3041-1982 石棉水泥井管 Asbestos-cement pipe for well casing
GB/T 3042-1992 洗衣粉包装 Washing powder packing
GB/T 3043-2000 棕刚玉化学分析方法 Abrasive grains and crude--Chemical analysis of brown fused aluminium oxide
GB/T 3044-2007 白刚玉、铬刚玉 化学分析方法 Chemical analysis methods for white fused alumina and pink fused alumina
GB/T 3044-1989 白刚玉、铬刚玉 化学分析方法 Chemical analysis methods for white fusedalumina and pink fused alumina
GB/T 3045-2003 普通磨料 碳化硅化学分析方法 Abrasive grains--Chemical analysis of silicon carbide
GB/T 3047.1-1995 高度进制为20mm的面板、架和柜的基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimensions of panels,rack and cabinets for vertical increment of 20mm
GB/T 3047.2-1992 高度进制为44.45mm的面板、机架和机柜的基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimensions of panels, racks and enclosures for vertical increment of 44.45 mm
GB/T 3047.3-2003 高度进制为20mm的插箱、插件基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimensions of subracks and plug-in units for vertical increment of 20mm
GB/T 3047.4-1986 高度进制为44.45mm 的插箱、插件的基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimensions of subracks and plug-in units for vertical increment of 44.45mm
GB/T 3047.5-2003 高度进制为20mm的台式机箱基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimensions of cabiners for vertical increment of 20mm
GB/T 3047.6-1986 电子设备台式机箱基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimensions of cases for electronic equipment
GB/T 3047.6-2007 电子设备台式机箱基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimensions of cases for electronic equipment
GB/T 3047.8-1996 高度进制为44.45mm的窄柜基本尺寸系列 Series of basic dimension of narrow cabinets for vertical increment of 44.45mm
GB/T 3048.1-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 总则 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--General
GB/T 3048.1-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第1部分:总则 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 1: General
GB/T 3048.2-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 金属导体材料电阻率试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Measurement of resistivity of metallic conductive materials
GB/T 3048.2-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第2部分:金属材料电阻率试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 2:Test of electrical resistivity of metallic materials
GB/T 3048.3-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 半导电橡塑材料体积电阻率试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Measurement of volumeresistivity of semi-conducting rubbers and plastics
GB/T 3048.3-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第3部分:半导电橡塑材料体积电阻率试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 3:Test of volume resistivity of semi-conducting rubbers and plastics
GB/T 3048.4-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 导体直流电阻试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Measurement of D.C. resistance of conductors
GB/T 3048.4-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第4部分:导体直流电阻试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 4: Test of DC resistance of conductors
GB/T 3048.5-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 绝缘电阻试验 检流计比较法 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Determining insulation resistance--Comparison-galvanometer method
GB/T 3048.5-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第5部分:绝缘电阻试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 5:Test of insulation resistance
GB/T 3048.6-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 绝缘电阻试验 电压-电流计法 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Determining insulation resistance--Voltmeter-ammeter method
GB/T 3048.7-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 耐电痕试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Tracking resistance test
GB/T 3048.7-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第7部分:耐电痕试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 7: Tracking resistance test
GB/T 3048.8-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 交流电压试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--A.C.voltage tests
GB/T 3048.8-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第8部分:交流电压试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 8:AC Voltage test
GB/T 3048.9-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 绝缘线芯工频火花试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--A.C. spark test of insulated cores
GB/T 3048.9-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第9部分:绝缘线芯火花试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 9:Spark test of insulated cores
GB/T 3048.10-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 挤出防蚀护套火花试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Spark of extruded anti-corrosion protective sheaths
GB/T 3048.10-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第10部分:挤出护套火花试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 10:Spark test of extruded protective sheaths
GB/T 3048.11-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 介质损失角正切试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Dielectric dissipation factor measurement
GB/T 3048.11-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第11部分:介质损耗角正切试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 11: Test for dielectric dissipation factor
GB/T 3048.12-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 局部放电试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Partial discharge test
GB/T 3048.12-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第12部分:局部放电试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 12:Partial discharge test
GB/T 3048.13-1992 电线电缆 冲击电压试验方法 Electric cables and wires--Method for impulse voltage test
GB/T 3048.13-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第13部分:冲击电压试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 13:Impulse voltage test
GB/T 3048.14-1992 电线电缆 直流电压试验方法 Electric cables and wires--Method for D.C. voltage test
GB/T 3048.14-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第14部分:直流电压试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 14: DC voltage test
GB/T 3048.15-1992 电线电缆 绝缘线芯直流火花试验方法 Electric cables and wires--D.C.spark test method for insulated cores
GB/T 3048.16-1994 电线电缆电性能试验方法 表面电阻试验 Test methods for determining electrical properties of electric cables and wires--Surface resistance test
GB/T 3048.16-2007 电线电缆电性能试验方法 第16部分:表面电阻试验 Test methods for electrical properties of electric cables and wires - Part 16: Surface resistance test
GB/T 3049-2006 工业用化工产品 铁含量测定的通用方法 1,10-菲啰啉分光光度法 Chemical products for industrial use - General method for determination of iron content - 1,10-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3049-1986 化工产品中铁含量测定的通用方法 邻菲啰啉分光光度法 Chemical products for industrial use--General method for determination of iron content--o-Phenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3050-2000 无机化工产品中氯化物含量测定的通用方法 电位滴定法 Inorganic chemical products for industrial use--General method for determination of chloride content--Potentiometric method
GB/T 3051-2000 无机化工产品中氯化物含量测定的通用方法 汞量法 Inorganic chemical products for industrial use--General method for determination of chloride content--Mercurimetric method
GB/T 3057-1996 信息技术 程序设计语言Fortran Information technology--Programming language--Fortran
GB/T 3058-1996 煤中砷的测定方法 Determination of arsenic in coal
GB/T 3069.1-1986 萘灰分的测定方法 Method for the determination of the ash content of naphthalene
GB/T 3069.2-1986 萘结晶点的测定方法 Method for the determination of the crystallization temperature of naphthalene
GB/T 3069.2-2005 萘结晶点的测定方法 Method for the determination of The crystallization temperature of naphthalene
GB/T 3070-1982 沥青焦 Pitch coke
GB/T 3071-1982 沥青焦真比重的测定方法 Method for the determination of the true specific gravity of pitch coke
GB/T 3072-1982 石墨电极 Graphite electrodes
GB/T 3073-1982 高功率石墨电极 High power graphite electrodes
GB/T 3074.1-1982 石墨电极抗折强度测定方法 Method for the determination of the flexure strength of graphite electrodes
GB/T 3074.1-2008 石墨电极抗折强度测定方法 Method for the determination of the flexure strength of graphite electrodes
GB/T 3074.2-1982 石墨电极弹性模量测定方法 Method for the determination of the elastic modulus of graphite electrodes
GB/T 3074.2-2008 石墨电极弹性模量测定方法 Method for the determination of the elastic modulus of graphite electrodes
GB/T 3074.3-1982 石墨电极氧化性测定方法 Method for the determination of the oxidation resistance of graphite electrodes
GB/T 3074.3-2008 石墨电极氧化性测定方法 Method for the determination of the oxidation resistance of graphite electrodes
GB/T 3074.4-2003 石墨电极热膨胀系数(CTE)测定方法 Method for the determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion of graphite electrodes
GB/T 3075-1982 金属轴向疲劳试验方法 Method of axial force controlled fatigue testing of metals
GB/T 3077-1999 合金结构钢 Alloy structure steels
GB/T 3078-1994 优质结构钢冷拉钢材技术条件 Technical requirements for quality structural steel cold drawn bars
GB/T 3079-1993 合金结构钢丝 Alloy structure steel wires
GB/T 3080-2001 高速工具钢丝 High speed tool steel wire
GB/T 3082-1984 铠装电缆用镀锌低碳钢丝 Galvanized low carbon steel wire for armouring cables
GB/T 3086-1982 高碳铬不锈轴承钢技术条件 Specification for high carbon chromium stainless bearing steels
GB/T 3089-1982 不锈耐酸钢极薄壁无缝钢管 Thinnest-wall seamless tubes of stainless and acid-resistance steel
GB/T 3090-2000 不锈钢小直径无缝钢管 Stainless steel small diameter seamless steel tubes
GB/T 3091-2001 低压流体输送用焊接钢管 Welded steel pipe for low pressure liquid delively
GB/T 3093-2002 柴油机用高压无缝钢管 High-pressure seamless steel tubes for diesel engine
GB/T 3094-2000 冷拔异型钢管 Cold drawn shaped steel tubes
GB/T 3098.1-2000 紧固件机械性能 螺栓、螺钉和螺柱 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Bolts,screws and studs
GB/T 3098.1-2010 紧固件机械性能 螺栓、螺钉和螺柱 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Bolts,screws and studs
GB/T 3098.2-2000 紧固件机械性能 螺母 粗牙螺纹 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Nuts--Coarse thread
GB/T 3098.3-2000 紧固件机械性能 紧定螺钉 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Set screws
GB/T 3098.4-2000 紧固件机械性能 螺母 细牙螺纹 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Nuts--Fine pitch thread
GB/T 3098.5-2000 紧固件机械性能 自攻螺钉 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Tapping screws
GB/T 3098.6-2000 紧固件机械性能 不锈钢螺栓、螺钉和螺柱 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Bolts,screws and studs made of stainless-steel
GB/T 3098.7-2000 紧固件机械性能 自挤螺钉 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Thread rolling screws
GB/T 3098.8-1992 紧固件机械性能 耐热用螺纹连接副 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Components for bolted connections made mainly from materials with a high temperature strength
GB/T 3098.8-2010 紧固件机械性能 -200℃~+700℃使用的螺栓连接零件 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Parts for bolted connections for use at temperatures from -200℃~+700℃
GB/T 3098.9-2002 紧固件机械性能 有效力矩型 钢六角锁紧螺母 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Prevailing torque type steel hesagon nuts
GB/T 3098.9-2010 紧固件机械性能 有效力矩型钢锁紧螺母 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Prevailing torque type steel nuts
GB/T 3098.10-1993 紧固件机械性能 有色金属制造的螺栓、螺钉、螺柱和螺母 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Bolts,screws,studs and nuts made of non-ferrous metals
GB/T 3098.11-2002 紧固件机械性能 自钻自攻螺钉 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Drilling screws with tapping screw thread
GB/T 3098.12-1996 紧固件机械性能 螺母锥形保证载荷试验 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Cone proof load test on nuts
GB/T 3098.13-1996 紧固件机械性能 螺栓与螺钉的扭矩试验和破坏扭矩公称直径1~10mm Mechanical properties of fasteners--Torsional test and minimum torques for bolts and screws with nominal diameters from 1mm to 10mm
GB/T 3098.14-2000 紧固件机械性能 螺母扩孔试验 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Widening test on nuts
GB/T 3098.15-2000 紧固件机械性能 不锈钢螺母 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Nuts made of stainless-steel
GB/T 3098.16-2000 紧固件机械性能 不锈钢紧定螺钉 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Setscrews made of stainless-steel
GB/T 3098.17-2000 紧固件机械性能 检查氢脆用预载荷试验 平行支承面法 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement--Parallel bearing surface method
GB/T 3098.18-2004 紧固件机械性能 盲铆钉试验方法 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Blind rivets testing
GB/T 3098.19-2004 紧固件机械性能 抽芯铆钉 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Blind rivets with break pull mandrel
GB/T 3098.20-2004 紧固件机械性能 蝶形螺母 保证扭矩 Mechanical properties of fasteners--Wing nuts with specified proof torque
GB/T 3098.21-2008 紧固件机械性能 第21部分:不锈钢自攻螺钉 Mechanical properties of fasteners - Part 21:Tapping screws of stainless-steel
GB/T 3098.22-2009 紧固件机械性能 细晶非调质钢螺栓、螺钉和螺柱 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of the fine grain non-heat treatment steel - Bolts,screws and studs
GB/T 3099-1982 螺栓、螺钉、螺母及附件名词术语 Bolts,screws,nuts and accessories--Terminology and nomenclature
GB/T 3099.1-2008 紧固件术语 螺纹紧固件、销及垫圈 Terminology of fasteners - Thread fasteners ,pin and washer
GB/T 3099.2-2004 紧固件术语 盲铆钉 Terminology of fasteners--Blind rivets
GB/T 3103.1-2002 紧固件公差 螺栓、螺钉、螺柱和螺母 Tolerances for fasteners--Bolts,screws,studs and nuts
GB/T 3103.2-1982 紧固件公差 用于精密机械的螺栓、螺钉和螺母 Tolerances for fasteners--Bolts,screws and nuts for fine mechanics
GB/T 3103.3-2000 紧固件公差 平垫圈 Tolerances for fasteners--Plain washers
GB/T 3103.4-1992 紧固件公差 耐热用螺纹连接副 Tolerances for fasteners--Components for bolted connections made mainly from materials with a high temperature strength
GB/T 3104-1982 紧固件 六角产品的对边宽度 Fasteners--Widths across flats of hexagon products
GB/T 3105-2002 普通螺栓和螺钉 头下圆角半径 General purpose bolts and screws--Radii under the head
GB/T 3106-1982 螺栓、螺钉和螺柱的公称长度和普通螺栓的螺纹长度 Bolts,screws and studs--Nominal lengths,and thread lengths for general purpose bolts
GB/T 3108-1999 船体外加电流阴极保护系统 Impressed current cathodic protection system for ship hull
GB/T 3114-1994 铜及铜合金扁线 Copper and copper alloy rectangular wires
GB/T 3120-1982 镍线 Nickel wires
GB/T 3121-1982 电真空器件用镍及镍合金线 Nickel and its alloy wires for electronic tube
GB/T 3125-1994 白铜线 Copper-nickel alloy wires
GB/T 3129-1982 铝钛合金丝 Aluminium-titanium alloy wires
GB/T 3131-2001 锡铅钎料 Tin-lead solder
GB/T 3133-1982 钟用黄铜线 Brass wires for clocks
GB/T 3134-1982 铍青铜线 Copper-beryllium alloy wires
GB/T 3135-1982 工业纯氧化铍粉末技术条件 Technical requirements of commercial purity beryllium oxide powder
GB/T 3136-1995 钽粉 Tantalum powders
GB/T 3137-2007 钽粉电性能试验方法 Testing method for electrical properties of tantalum powder
GB/T 3137-1995 钽粉电性能试验方法 Testing method of electrical property of tantalumpowders
GB/T 3138-1995 金属镀覆和化学处理与有关过程术语 Terminology for metallic coating chemical treatment and related process
GB/T 3139-1982 玻璃钢导热系数试验方法 Test method for thermal conductivity of glassfiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3139-2005 纤维增强塑料导热系数试验方法 Fiber-reinforced plastics composites-Determination of thermal conductivity
GB/T 3140-1995 纤维增强塑料平均比热容试验方法 Test method for mean specific heat capacity of fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3140-2005 纤维增强塑料平均比热容试验方法 Fiber-reinforced plastics composites-Determination of mean specific heat capacity
GB/T 3141-1994 工业液体润滑剂 ISO粘度分类 Industrial liquid lubricants--ISO viscosity classification
GB/T 3142-1982 润滑剂承载能力测定法 (四球法) Lubricants--Determination of load-carrying capacity (four balls method)
GB/T 3143-1982 液体化学产品颜色测定法 (Hazen单位--铂-钴色号) Colour determination method of liquid chemicals (Hazen unit--platinum-cobalt scale)
GB/T 3144-1982 甲苯中烃类杂质的气相色谱测定法 Toluene--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3145-1982 苯结晶点测定法 Benzene--Determination of crystallizing point
GB/T 3146-1982 苯类产品馏程测定法 Benzene hydrocarbon products--Determination of distillation range
GB/T 3146.1-2010 工业芳烃及相关物料馏程的测定 第1部分:蒸馏法 Industrial aromatic hydrocarbons and related materials - Determination of distillation range - Part 1: Distillation method
GB/T 3147-1982 信息处理未穿孔纸带 Information processing--Unpunched paper tape
GB/T 3147-2006 信息处理未穿孔纸带 Information processing - Unpunched paper tape
GB/T 3148-1982 漂白亚硫酸盐苇浆 Bleached sulphite reedpulp
GB/T 3151-1982 净水剂 硫酸铝 Flocculant--Aluminium sulfate
GB/T 3157-1982 中国黑白花奶牛 The black and white dairy cattle of China
GB/T 3158-1982 光学零件球面半径数值系列 Radii of spherical surfaces of optical elements series of numerical values
GB/T 3159-1992 液压式万能试验机 Hydraulic universal testing machines
GB/T 3161-2003 光学经纬仪 Optical theodolite
GB/T 3162-1991 滑动轴承薄壁轴瓦尺寸、结构要素与公差 Plain bearings--Thin-walled bearing shells--Dimensions,structure elements and tolerances
GB/T 3163-2007 真空技术 术语 Vacuum technology - Terminology
GB/T 3163-1993 真空技术术语 Terminology for vacuum technology
GB/T 3164-2007 真空技术 图形符号 Vacuum technology - Graphical symbols
GB/T 3164-1993 真空技术系统图用图形符号 Vacuum technology--Graphical symbols
GB/T 3166-2004 热水锅炉参数系列 Parameters for hot water boilers
GB/T 3166-1988 热水锅炉 参数系列 Specifications series of hot water boiler
GB/T 3167-1993 金属切削机床 操作指示形象化符号 Symbols for indications appearing on machine tools
GB/T 3168-1993 数字控制机床 操作指示形象化符号 Numerical control of machines--Symbols
GB/T 3169.1-1982 铝粉化学分析方法 气体容量法测定活性铝 Chemical analysis of aluminium powder--The gasometric method for determination of active aluminium
GB/T 3169.2-1982 铝粉化学分析方法 减杂质法测定总铝量 Chemical analysis of aluminium powder--Determination of total aluminium by difference
GB/T 3169.3-1982 铝粉化学分析方法 重量法测定水分 Chemical analysis of aluminium powder--The gravimetric method for determination of moisture
GB/T 3169.4-1982 铝粉化学分析方法 真空重量法测定水分 Chemical analysis of aluminium powder--The vac-uum-gravimetric method for determination of moisture
GB/T 3169.5-1982 铝粉化学分析方法 高碘酸钾光度法测定锰 Chemical analysis of aluminium powder--The potassium periodate photometric method for determination of manganese
GB/T 3169.6-1982 铝粉化学分析方法 气体容量法测定油脂量 Chemical analysis of aluminium powder--The gasometric method for determination of grease
GB/T 3170.1-1982 铝粉粒度的测定 机械振动筛分法 Determination of particle size of aluminium powder--Mechanical vibration sieve method
GB/T 3170.2-1982 铝粉粒度的测定 风力手动筛分法 Determination of particle size of aluminium powder--Manual-air-blowing sieve method
GB/T 3170.3-1982 铝粉粒度的测定 乙醇筛洗法 Determination of particle size of aluminiumpowder--Sieve analysis with alcohol
GB/T 3171.1-1982 铝粉松装密度的测定 漏斗法 Determination of apparent density of aluminium powder--Funnel method
GB/T 3171.2-1982 铝粉松装密度的测定 容量计法 Determination of apparent density of aluminium powder--Volumeter method
GB/T 3172-1982 铝粉附着率的测定 钢片试验法 Determination of adhesion ratio of aluminium powder--Steel plate method
GB/T 3173-1982 铝粉盖水面积的测定 Determination of coating surface of aluminium powder on water
GB/T 3175.1-1987 反射式彩条测试图 Reflection colour bar test card
GB/T 3175.2-1987 反射式肤色测试图 Reflection flesh tone test card
GB/T 3175.3-1987 透射式彩条测试图 Transparency colour bar test card
GB/T 3175.4-1987 透射式肤色测试图 Transparency flesh tone test card
GB/T 3177-1997 光滑工件尺寸的检验 Inspection of plain workpiece sizes
GB/T 3179-1992 科学技术期刊编排格式 Presentation of scientific and technical periodicals
GB/T 3180-1982 中锰抗磨球墨铸铁件技术条件 Specification for medium manganese wear-resistant spheroidal iron castings
GB/T 3181-1995 漆膜颜色标准 Colour standard for paint film
GB/T 3182-1995 颜料分类、命名和型号 Classification,nomenclature and type for pigments
GB/T 3183-2003 砌筑水泥 Masonry cement
GB/T 3184-1993 铅铬黄 Lead chrome yellow
GB/T 3185-1992 氧化锌(间接法) Zinc oxide (Indirect method)
GB/T 3186-2006 色漆、清漆和色漆与清漆用原材料 取样 Paints,varnishes and raw materials for paints and varnishes - Sampling
GB/T 3187-1994 可靠性、维修性术语 Reliability and maintainability terms
GB/T 3188-1982 电子管外形尺寸 Outline dimensions of electrnic tubes
GB/T 3189-1982 电子管引出帽连接尺寸 Connecting dimensions for caps of electronic tubes
GB/T 3190-1996 变形铝及铝合金化学成分 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys--Chemical composition limits
GB/T 3191-1998 铝及铝合金挤压棒材 Extrusion rods and bars of aluminium and aluminiumalloy
GB/T 3194-1998 铝及铝合金板、带材的尺寸允许偏差 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloysheets and strips--Tolerances on forms and dimensions
GB/T 3195-1997 导电用铝线 Aluminium wires for electric conduction purpose
GB/T 3196-2001 铆钉用铝及铝合金线材 Aluminium and aluminium alloy wires for rivetingpurpose
GB/T 3197-2001 焊条用铝及铝合金线材 Aluminium and aluminium alloy wires for weldingpurpose
GB/T 3198-2003 铝及铝合金箔 Aluminium and aluminium-alloy foil
GB/T 3199-2007 铝及铝合金加工产品包装、标志、运输、贮存 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products - Packing,marking,transporting and storing
GB/T 3199-1996 铝及铝合金加工产品 包装、标志、运输、贮存 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy products--Packing, marking,transporting and storing
GB/T 3203-1982 渗碳轴承钢技术条件 Specification for carburizing steels of bearings
GB/T 3206-1982 优质碳素结构钢丝 Carbon constructional quality steel wires
GB/T 3207-1988 银亮钢 Bright steel
GB/T 3208-1982 苯类产品总硫含量的微库仑测定方法 Micro-coulomb method for determiningthe total sulfur content of benzene-type products
GB/T 3209-1982 苯类产品蒸发残留量的测定方法 Method for determining the amount of distillation residual of benzene-type products
GB/T 3211-1987 金属铬 Chromium metal
GB/T 3212-1982 黑白电视显象管测试方法 The methods of the measurement of the black and-white television picture tubes
GB/T 3213-1994 闸流管与充气整流管测试方法 Methods of measurement for thyratrons and gas-filled rectifier tubes
GB/T 3214-2007 水泵流量的测定方法 Methods for measurement of capacity of pump
GB/T 3214-1991 水泵流量的测定方法 Methods for measurement of capacity of pump
GB/T 3215-2007 石油、重化学和天然气工业用离心泵 centrifugal pumps for petroleum petrochemical and natural gas industries
GB/T 3215-1982 炼厂、化工及石油化工流程用离心泵通用技术条件 Centrifugal pumps for refinery,chemical and petrochemical processes--General technical specifications
GB/T 3216-1989 离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵和旋涡泵试验方法 Test methods for centrifugal,mixed flow,axial and regenerative pumps
GB/T 3216-2005 回转动力泵 水力性能验收试验 1级和2级 Rotodynamic pumps-Hdraulic peformance acceptance tests-Grades 1 and 2
GB/T 3217-1992 永磁(硬磁)材料磁性试验方法 Methods of test of the magnetic properties of permanent magnetic (magnetically hard) materials
GB/T 3218-1982 5D型通用集装箱的技术条件和试验方法 Specification and testing for 5D general purpose containers
GB/T 3220-1982 集装箱吊具的尺寸和起重量系列 Dimensional and capacity series for freight container spreader
GB/T 3221-1996 柴油机动力内河船舶系泊和航行试验大纲 Code for dock and sea trials of diesel-driven inland ships
GB/T 3222-1994 声学 环境噪声测量方法 Acoustics--Measurement method of environmental noise
GB/T 3222.1-2006 声学 环境噪声的描述、测量与评价 第1部分:基本参量与评价方法 Acoustics―Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise―Part 1:Basic quantities and assessment procedures
GB/T 3222.2-2009 声学 环境噪声的描述、测量与评价 第2部分:环境噪声级测定 Acoustics - Description, measurement and assessment of environmental noise - Part 2: Determination of environmental noise levels
GB/T 3223-1994 声学 水声换能器自由场校准方法 Acoustics--Free-field calibration method of under-water sound transducers
GB/T 3227-2000 螺栓螺母用装配工具 机动套筒工具的传动四方 Assembly tools for screws and nuts--Driving squares for power socket tools
GB/T 3228-2000 螺栓螺母用装配工具 冲击式机动四方传动套筒的尺寸 Assembly tools for screws and nuts--Machine-operated square drive sockets (“impact”)--Dimensions
GB/T 3229-2000 螺栓螺钉用装配工具 机动螺刀头的六角传动端 Assembly tools for bolts and screws--Hexagon drive ends for machine-operated screw driver bits
GB/T 3235-1999 通风机基本型式、尺寸参数及性能曲线 Basic types sizes parameters and characteristics of fans
GB/T 3236-1982 信息处理交换用七位和八位编码字符集在穿孔纸卡片上的表示方法 Implementation of 7-bit and 8-bit coded character sets for information processing interchange on punched paper cards
GB/T 3237-1982 信息处理交换用穿孔纸带的盘心尺寸 Information processing--Cores perforated paper tape for information interchange--Dimensions
GB/T 3238-1982 声学量的级及其基准值 Acoustical levels and refrence quantities
GB/T 3239-1982 空气中声和噪声强弱的主观和客观表示法 Expression of physical and subjective magnitudes of sound and noise in air
GB/T 3240-1982 声学测量中的常用频率 Preferred frequencies for the acoustical measurement
GB/T 3241-1998 倍频程和分数倍频程滤波器 Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
GB/T 3242-1982 棉花原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of cotton stock seed
GB/T 3246.1-2000 变形铝及铝合金制品显微组织检验方法 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys products inspection method for structure
GB/T 3246.1-2012 变形铝及铝合金制品组织检验方法 第1部分:显微组织检验方法 Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products Part 1 : Inspection method for microstructure
GB/T 3246.2-2000 变形铝及铝合金制品低倍组织检验方法 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys products inspection method for macrostructure
GB/T 3246.2-2012 变形铝及铝合金制品组织检验方法 第2部分:低倍组织检验方法 Inspection method for structure of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy products - Part 2: Inspection method for macrostructure
GB/T 3248-1982 铜、镍及其合金电阻系数测定方法 Determining method of resistivity of copper,nickel and their alloys
GB/T 3249-1982 难熔金属及化合物粉末粒度的测定方法 费氏法 Standard method for determination of particle size of powders of refractory metals and compounds--Fisher method
GB/T 3250-2007 铝及铝合金铆钉线与铆钉剪切试验方法及铆钉线铆接试验方法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys shear test method for rivet wire and rivets and riveting test method for rivet wire
GB/T 3250-1982 铝及铝合金铆钉线铆接试验方法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys--Riveting test method for rivet wire
GB/T 3251-1982 铝及铝合金管材压缩试验方法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys--Compressiontest method for tubes
GB/T 3251-2006 铝及铝合金管材压缩试验方法 Compression test method for aluminium and aluminium alloys tubes
GB/T 3252-1982 铝及铝合金铆钉线与铆钉剪切试验方法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys--Shear test method for rivet wire and rivets
GB/T 3253.1-2001 锑化学分析方法 砷量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony--Determination of arsenic content
GB/T 3253.1-2008 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 砷量的测定 砷钼蓝分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of arsenic content - Arsenic molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3253.2-2001 锑化学分析方法 铁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony--Determination of iron content
GB/T 3253.2-2008 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铁量的测定 邻二氮杂菲分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of iron content - Orthophenanthroline spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3253.3-2001 锑化学分析方法 铅、铜量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony--Determination of lead and copper contents
GB/T 3253.3-2008 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铅量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of lead content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3253.4-2001 锑化学分析方法 硫量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony--Determination of sulfur content
GB/T 3253.4-2009 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 锑中硫量的测定 燃烧中和法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of sulfur content in antimony - Burning and sodium hydroxide titration method
GB/T 3253.5-2001 锑化学分析方法 硒量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony--Determination of selenium content
GB/T 3253.5-2008 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铜量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of copper content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3253.6-2001 锑化学分析方法 铋量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony--Determination of bismuth content
GB/T 3253.6-2008 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 硒量的测定 原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of selenium content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometer method
GB/T 3253.7-2009 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铋量的测定 原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of bismuth content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometric method
GB/T 3253.8-2009 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 三氧化二锑量的测定 碘量法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of antimony trioxide content - Iodine titration method
GB/T 3253.9-2009 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 镉量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of cadmium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3253.10-2009 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 汞量的测定 原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of mercury content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometric method
GB/T 3253.11-2009 锑及三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铋量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of antimony and antimony trioxide - Determination of bismuth content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3254.1-1998 三氧化二锑化学分析方法 三氧化二锑量的测定 Antimony trioxide--Determination of antimony trioxide content
GB/T 3254.2-1998 三氧化二锑化学分析方法 砷量的测定 Antimony trioxide--Determination ofarsenic content
GB/T 3254.3-1998 三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铅量的测定 Antimony trioxide--Determination oflead content
GB/T 3254.4-1998 三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铜量的测定 Antimony trioxide--Determination ofcopper content
GB/T 3254.5-1998 三氧化二锑化学分析方法 铁量的测定 Antimony trioxide--Determination ofiron content
GB/T 3254.6-1998 三氧化二锑化学分析方法 硒量的测定 Antimony trioxide--Determination ofselenium content
GB/T 3256.1-1982 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 重量法测定总锆及活性锆 Chemical analysisof zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The gravimetric method for determination of total zirconium and active zirconium
GB/T 3256.2-1982 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 磺基水杨酸光度法测定铁 Chemical analysisof zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The sulfosalicylic acid photometric method for determination of iron
GB/T 3256.3-1982 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定硅 Chemical analysis of zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The molybdenum blue photometric method for determination of silicon
GB/T 3256.4-1982 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定磷 Chemical analysis of zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The molybdenum blue photometric method for determination of phosphorus
GB/T 3256.5-1982 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定钙、镁 Chemical analysis of zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for determination of calcium and magnesium
GB/T 3256.6-1982 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 铬天青S 光度法测定铝 Chemical analysis of zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The chrome azurol S photometric method for determination of aluminium
GB/T 3256.7-1982 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 次甲基蓝光度法测定硫 Chemical analysis of zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The methylene blue photometric method for determination of sulphur
GB/T 3256.8-1983 电真空用锆粉化学分析方法 燃烧重量法测定氢量 Methods for chemical analysis of zirconium powder for electro-vacuum uses--The combustion-gravimetric method for the determination of hydrogen content
GB/T 3257.1-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 EDTA滴定法测定氧化铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of aluminium oxide content--EDTA titrimetric method
GB/T 3257.2-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 重量-钼蓝光度法测定二氧化硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of silicon dioxide content--Gravimetric-molybdenum blue photometric method
GB/T 3257.3-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定二氧化硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of silicon dioxide content--Molybdenum blue photometric method
GB/T 3257.4-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 重铬酸钾滴定法测定三氧化二铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of iron oxide content--Dichromate titrimetric method
GB/T 3257.5-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定三氧化二铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of iron oxide content--Orthophenanthroline photometric method
GB/T 3257.6-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 二安替吡啉甲烷光度法测定二氧化钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of titanium dioxide content--Diantipyrylmethane photometric method
GB/T 3257.7-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定氧化钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of calcium oxide content--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3257.8-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定氧化镁量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of magnesium oxide content--Flame atomicabsorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3257.9-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定氧化钾、氧化钠量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of potassium oxide and sodium oxide content--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3257.10-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定氧化锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of manganese oxide content--Flame atomicabsorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3257.11-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定三氧化二铬量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of chromiumoxide content--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3257.12-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 苯甲酰苯胲光度法测定五氧化二钒量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of vanadium pentoxide content--N-benzoyl-N-phenythyroxylamine photometric method
GB/T 3257.13-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定锌量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of zinc content--Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3257.15-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 三溴偶氮胂光度法测定稀土氧化物总量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of the total content of rare earth oxide--Tribromo-arsenazo photometric method
GB/T 3257.16-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 罗丹明B萃取光度法测定三氧化二镓量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of gallium oxide concent--Rhodamine B-extraction photometric method
GB/T 3257.17-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定五氧化二磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of phosphorus pentoxide content--Molybdenum blue spectrophotometric method
GB/T 3257.18-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 燃烧-碘量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of sulfur content--Direct combustion-iodometric method
GB/T 3257.20-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 燃烧-非水滴定法测定总碳量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of total carbon content--Non-aqueous titrametric method after combustion
GB/T 3257.21-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 重量法测定烧失量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of the loss on ignition--Gravimetric method
GB/T 3257.22-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 预先干燥试样的制备 Methods for chemical analysisof bauxite--Preparation of pre-dried test samples
GB/T 3257.23-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 滴定法测定有机碳量 Methods for chemical analysisof bauxite--Determination of organic carbon content--Titrimetric method
GB/T 3257.24-1999 铝土矿石化学分析方法 重量法测定分析样品中的湿存水量 Methods for chemical analysis of bauxite--Determination of hydroscopic moisture in analytical samples--Gravimetric method
GB/T 3259-1992 中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写法 Transliterating rules of Chinese phonetic--Alphabet on titles for books and periodicals in Chinese
GB/T 3260.1-2000 锡化学分析方法 铜量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of copper content
GB/T 3260.2-2000 锡化学分析方法 铁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of iron content
GB/T 3260.3-2000 锡化学分析方法 铋量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of bismuth content
GB/T 3260.4-2000 锡化学分析方法 铅量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of lead content
GB/T 3260.5-2000 锡化学分析方法 锑量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of antimony content
GB/T 3260.6-2000 锡化学分析方法 砷量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of arsenic content
GB/T 3260.7-2000 锡化学分析方法 铝量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of aluminium content
GB/T 3260.9-2000 锡化学分析方法 铅、铜、锌量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of lead,copper and zinc content
GB/T 3260.10-2000 锡化学分析方法 硫量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of sulphur content
GB/T 3260.11-2000 锡化学分析方法 镉量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of tin--Determination of cadmium content
GB/T 3261-1993 信息处理用办公机器和打印机使用的编织打印色带的宽度 Office machines andprinting machines used for information processing--Widths of fabric printing ribbons
GB/T 3264-2010 印刷机械 单张纸平版印刷机 Printing machinery Sheet-fed offset press
GB/T 3264-1989 单张纸平版胶印机 技术条件 Specification for sheet-fed planographic offset press
GB/T 3264-2005 单张纸平版印刷机 Sheet-fed offest press
GB/T 3273-1989 汽车大梁用热轧钢板 Hot-rolled steel plates and sheets for automobile frames
GB/T 3273-2005 汽车大梁用热轧钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled steel plates(sheets)and strips for automobile frames
GB/T 3274-2007 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧厚钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled plates and strips of carbon structural steels and high strength low alloy structural steels
GB/T 3274-1988 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢 热轧厚钢板和钢带 Carbon structural and low alloy steel--Rotled plates and strips
GB/T 3275-1991 汽车制造用优质碳素结构钢热轧钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates and strips for automobile
GB/T 3277-1991 花纹钢板 Corrugated steel plates with lath and lentilform
GB/T 3278-2001 碳素工具钢热轧钢板 Hot-rolled carbon tool steel sheets and plates
GB/T 3279-1989 弹簧钢热轧薄钢板 Hot-rolled spring steel sheets
GB/T 3280-2007 不锈钢冷轧钢板和钢带 Cold rolled stainless steel plate, sheet and strip
GB/T 3280-1992 不锈钢冷轧钢板 Cold rolled stainless steel sheets and plates
GB/T 3282-1987 钛铁 Ferrotitanium
GB/T 3282-2012 钛铁 Ferrotitanium
GB/T 3282-2006 钛铁 Ferrotitanium
GB/T 3283-1987 五氧化二钒 Vanadium pentoxide
GB/T 3284-1993 石英玻璃化学成分分析方法 Analytical method of the chemical compositionin the quartz glass
GB/T 3286.1-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 氧化钙量和氧化镁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of calcium oxide andmagnesium oxide content
GB/T 3286.1-2012 石灰石及白云石化学分析方法 第1部分:氧化钙和氧化镁含量的测定 络合滴定法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite - Part 1: The determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide content - The complexometric titration method and the flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3286.2-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 二氧化硅量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of silicon dioxide content
GB/T 3286.2-2012 石灰石及白云石化学分析方法 第2部分:二氧化硅含量的测定 硅钼蓝分光光度法和高氯酸脱水重量法 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite - Part 2: The determination of silicon dioxide content - The silicomolybdic blue spectrophotometric method and the perchloric acid dehydration gravimetric method
GB/T 3286.3-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 氧化铝量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of aluminium oxide content
GB/T 3286.3-2012 石灰石及白云石化学分析方法 第3部分:氧化铝含量的测定 铬天青S分光光度法和络合滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite - Part 3: The determination of aluminium oxide content - The chrome azurol S spectrophotometric method and the complexometric titration method
GB/T 3286.4-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 氧化铁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of iron oxide content
GB/T 3286.4-2012 石灰石及白云石化学分析方法 第4部分:氧化铁含量的测定 邻二氮杂菲分光光度法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite - Part 4: The determination of iron oxide content - The o-phenanthroline spectrophotometric method and the flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3286.5-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 氧化锰量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of manganese oxide content
GB/T 3286.6-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 磷量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 3286.7-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 硫量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of sulphur content
GB/T 3286.8-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 灼烧减量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of loss on ignition
GB/T 3286.9-1998 石灰石、白云石化学分析方法 二氧化碳量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone and dolomite--The determination of carbon dioxide content
GB/T 3287-2000 可锻铸铁管路连接件 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings
GB/T 3290-1982 信息交换用磁带盘的尺寸和性能 Dimensions and characteristics of magnetic tape reel for information interchange
GB/T 3291.1-1997 纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第1部分:纤维和纱线 Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 1:Fibre and yarn
GB/T 3291.2-1997 纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第2部分:织物 Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 2:Fabric
GB/T 3291.3-1997 纺织 纺织材料性能和试验术语 第3部分:通用 Textiles--Terms of textile material properties and test--Part 3:General
GB/T 3292-1997 纺织品 纱条条干不匀试验方法 电容法 Textiles--Testing method for unevenness of textile strands--Using capacitance testing equipment
GB/T 3292.1-2008 纺织品 纱线条干不匀试验方法 第1部分:电容法 Textiles - Unevenness of textile strands - Part 1: Capacitance method
GB/T 3292.2-2009 纺织品 纱线条干不匀试验方法 第2部分:光电法 Textiles - Unevenness of textile strands - Part 2: Photoelectricity method
GB/T 3293-2007 中国鞋楦系列 Chinese last systems
GB/T 3293-1982 中国鞋号及鞋楦系列 Chinese shoe sizing and last systems
GB/T 3293.1-1998 鞋号 Shoe sizes
GB/T 3294-1998 鞋楦尺寸检测方法 Method of inspection for last sizes
GB/T 3295-1996 陶瓷制品45°镜向光泽度试验方法 Standard test method for 45°specular gloss of ceramic ware
GB/T 3296-1982 日用瓷器透光度的测定方法 Standard test method for transparency of domestic porcelain ware
GB/T 3298-1991 日用陶瓷器热稳定性测定方法 Standard test method for thermal shock resistance of domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3299-1996 日用陶瓷器吸水率测定方法 Standard test method for water absorption of domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3300-1991 日用陶瓷器变形检验方法 Standard test method for deformation measurement of domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3301-1999 日用陶瓷的容积、口径误差、高度误差、重量误差、缺陷尺寸的测定方法 Standard method for measurement of volume,rim diameter allowance, hight allowance, weight allowance and size of defects of domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3302-1982 日用陶瓷器验收、包装、标志、运输、储存规则 Rule of acceptance, pack,mark, transport and reserve for domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3303-1982 日用陶瓷器缺陷术语 Terms used of defects of domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3304-1991 中国各民族名称的罗马字母拼写法和代码 Names of nationalities of China in romanization with codes
GB/T 3306-2001 小功率电子管电性能测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of low-power electronic tubes
GB/T 3307-1982 小功率电子管灯丝断续试验方法 Method of heater intermittent test of low-power electronic tubes
GB/T 3309-1989 高压开关设备常温下的机械试验 Mechanical test at ambient temperature for high-voltage switchgear
GB/T 3310-1999 铜合金棒材超声波探伤方法 Copper alloy bars--Ultrasonic testing method
GB/T 3311-1982 钨铈合金中铈的测定 氧化还原容量法 Determination of cerium in cerium-tungsten alloys--Oxidation-reduction volumetry
GB/T 3312-1982 钨钍合金中二氧化钍的测定 重量法 Determination of thorium dioxide in thorium-tungsten alloys--Weight method
GB/T 3313-1982 钨铼合金中铼的测定 丁二酮肟比色法 Determination of rhenium in rhenium-tungsten alloys--Spectrophotometric method using dimethylglyoxime
GB/T 3314-1982 内燃机车通用技术条件 General technical specifications for diesel locomotives
GB/T 3314-2006 内燃机车通用技术条件 General technical specifications for diesel locomotives
GB/T 3315-1982 内燃机车组装后的检查与试验规则 Rules for inspecting and testing of diesel locomotives after completion of construction
GB/T 3315-2006 内燃机车制成后投入使用前的试验方法 Test methods for diesel locomotives on completion of construction and before entry into service
GB/T 3316-1982 内燃机车功率确定方法 Method of defining the nominal power for disel locomotives
GB/T 3317-2006 电力机车通用技术条件 General technical specification for electric locomotive
GB/T 3317-1982 电力机车通用技术条件 General technical specifications for electric locomotives
GB/T 3318-1982 电力机车组装后的检查与试验规则 Rules for the inspecting and testing ofelectric locomotives after completion of construction
GB/T 3318-2006 电力机车制成后投入使用前的试验方法 Test methods for electric locomotives on completion of construction and before entry into service
GB/T 3319-1998 电力机车和电动车组额定功率的确定 Definition of the rated output of electric locomotives and motive power units
GB/T 3320.1-1987 频率响应测试唱片 Frequency response test record
GB/T 3320.2-1982 循迹能力、声道分隔度测试唱片 Tracking ability and channel separation test record
GB/T 3320.3-1982 抖晃度测试唱片 Wow and flutter test record
GB/T 3320.4-1982 转盘噪声测试唱片 Rumble measurement test record
GB/T 3323-1987 钢熔化焊对接接头射线照相和质量分级 Methods for radiographic inspection and classification of radiographs for fusion welded butt joints in steel
GB/T 3323-2005 金属熔化焊焊接接头射线照相 Radiographic examination of fusion welded joints in metallic materials
GB/T 3324-1995 木家具通用技术条件 Wooden furniture--General technical requirements
GB/T 3325-1995 金属家具通用技术条件 Metal furniture--General technical requirements
GB/T 3326-1997 家具 桌、椅、凳类主要尺寸 Furniture--Main sizes of tables and seats
GB/T 3327-1997 家具 柜类主要尺寸 Furniture--Main sizes of cabinets
GB/T 3328-1997 家具 床类主要尺寸 Furniture--Main sizes of beds
GB/T 3332-1982 浆料打浆度的测定法 (肖伯尔-瑞格勒法) Determination of beating degree for pulps (Schopper-Riegler method)
GB/T 3332-2004 纸浆 打浆度的测定(肖伯尔-瑞格勒法) Pulps--Determination of beatingdegree(Schopper-Riegler method)
GB/T 3333-1999 电缆纸工频击穿电压试验方法 Cable paper--Determination of electrical strength at power frequence
GB/T 3334-1999 电缆纸介质损耗角正切(tgδ)试验方法(电桥法) Method of test for dissipation factor (tgδ) of cable paper at power frequence (Schering bridge method)
GB/T 3351-1982 人造石英晶体的型号命名 Designations for synthetic quartz crystals
GB/T 3352-1994 人造石英晶体 Synthetic quartz crystal
GB/T 3353-1995 人造石英晶体使用指南 Guide to the use of synthetic quartz crystal
GB/T 3354-1999 定向纤维增强塑料拉伸性能试验方法 Test method for tensile properties oforiented fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3355-1982 纤维增强塑料纵横剪切试验方法 Test method for longitudinal transverse shear(L-T shear) properties of fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3355-2005 纤维增强塑料纵横剪切试验方法 Test method for longitudinal transverse shear(L-T shear)properties of fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3356-1999 单向纤维增强塑料弯曲性能试验方法 Test method for flexural properties of unidirectional fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3358.1-1993 统计学术语 第一部分 一般统计术语 Terms for statistics--Part 1:Terms for general statistics
GB/T 3358.1-2009 统计学词汇及符号 第1部分:一般统计术语与用于概率的术语 Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols - Part 1: General statistical terms and terms used in probability
GB/T 3358.2-1993 统计学术语 第二部分 统计质量控制术语 Terms for statistics--Part 2:Terms for statistical quality control
GB/T 3358.2-2009 统计学词汇及符号 第2部分:应用统计 Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols - Part 2: Applied statistics
GB/T 3358.3-1993 统计学术语 第三部分 试验设计术语 Terms for statistics--Part 3:Terms for experimental design
GB/T 3358.3-2009 统计学词汇及符号 第3部分:实验设计 Statistics - Vocabulary and symbols - Part 3: Design of experiments
GB/T 3359-1982 数据的统计处理和解释 统计容许区间的确定 Statistical interpretation ofdata--Determination of a statistical tolerance interval
GB/T 3360-1982 数据的统计处理和解释 均值的估计和置信区间 Statistical interpretation of data--Estimation of the mean--Confidence interval
GB/T 3361-1982 数据的统计处理和解释 在成对观测值情形下两个均值的比较 Statistical interpretation of data--Comparison of two means in the case of paired observations
GB/T 3362-1982 碳纤维复丝拉伸性能检验方法 Test method for tensile properties of carbon fiber strands
GB/T 3362-2005 碳纤维复丝拉伸性能试验方法 Test methods for tensile properties of carbon fiber multifilament
GB/T 3363-1982 碳纤维复丝纤维根数检验方法 (显微镜法) Test method for number of filaments in carbon fiber strands by microscopy
GB/T 3364-1982 碳纤维直径和当量直径检验方法 (显微镜法) Test method for diameter and equivalent diameter of carbon fiber by microscopy
GB/T 3365-1982 碳纤维增强塑料孔隙含量检验方法 (显微镜法) Test method for void contentof carbon fiber reinforced plastics by microscopy
GB/T 3366-1996 碳纤维增强塑料纤维体积含量试验方法 Test method for fiber volume content of carbon fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3367.1-2000 铁道机车名词术语 柴油机零部件名词 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Names of component parts for diesel engine
GB/T 3367.2-2000 铁道机车名词术语 液力传动系统零部件名词 Glossary of terms for railwaylocomotive--Names of component parts for hydraulic transmission system
GB/T 3367.3-2000 铁道机车名词术语 内燃机车辅助装置零部件名词 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Names of component parts for diesel locomotive auxiliary device
GB/T 3367.4-2000 铁道机车名词术语 内燃机车车体和转向架零部件名词 Glossary of termsfor railway locomotive--Names of component parts for diesel locomotive body andbogie
GB/T 3367.5-2000 铁道机车名词术语 空气制动装置零部件名词 Glossary of terms for railwaylocomotive--Names of component parts for air brake equipment
GB/T 3367.6-2000 铁道机车名词术语 内燃机车术语 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Terms of diesel locomotive
GB/T 3367.7-2000 铁道机车名词术语 柴油机术语 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Terms of diesel engine
GB/T 3367.8-2000 铁道机车名词术语 液力传动术语 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Terms of hydraulic transmission
GB/T 3367.11-1986 铁路机车名词术语 蒸汽机车术语 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Terms of steam locomotive
GB/T 3367.12-1986 铁路机车名词术语 蒸汽机车零部件名称 Glossary of terms for railway locomotive--Terms of component parts for steam locomotive
GB/T 3369-1989 工业自动化仪表用模拟直流电流信号 Analogue direct current signals for industrial process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 3369.1-2008 过程控制系统用模拟信号 第1部分:直流电流信号 Analogue signals for process control systems - Part 1: Direct current signals
GB/T 3369.2-2008 过程控制系统用模拟信号 第2部分:直流电压信号 Analogue signals for process control systems - Part 2: Direct voltage signals
GB/T 3370-1989 工业自动化仪表用模拟直流电压信号 Analogue direct voltage signals for industrial process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 3371-1995 光学分度头 Optical dividing head
GB/T 3372-2000 拖拉机和农业、林业机械用轮辋系列 Rims series for tractors,agricultural and forestry machines
GB/T 3373-1982 拖拉机和农业、林业机械用轮辋 Rims for tractors,agricultural and forestry machines
GB/T 3374-1992 齿轮基本术语 Basic terminology of gears
GB/T 3374.1-2010 齿轮 术语和定义 第1部分:几何学定义 Vocabulary of gear terms - Part 1: Definitions related to geometry
GB/T 3374.2-2011 齿轮术语和定义 第2部分:蜗轮几何学定义 Vocabulary of gear terms - Part 2: Definitions related to worm gear geometry
GB/T 3375-1994 焊接术语 Welding terminology
GB/T 3382.1-2003 文件传真三类机在电话网中的互通技术条件 第1部分:用于文件传输的三类传真终端的标准化 Technical requirements for group 3 facsimile apparatus used in public telephone network--Part 1:Standardization of group 3 facsimile terminals for document transmission
GB/T 3382.2-2003 文件传真三类机在电话网中的互通技术条件 第2部分:在公用电话交换网上的文件传真传输规程 Technical requirements for group 3 facsimile apparatus used in public telephone network--Part 2:Procedures for document facsimile transmission in the general switched telephone network
GB/T 3383-1982 电信传输单位 分贝 Telecommunication transmission unit--Decibel
GB/T 3384-1982 模拟载波通信系统网路接口参数 Parameters of interface for the analogue carrier systems over the network
GB/T 3385-2001 船用舷窗和矩形窗钢化安全玻璃 非破坏性强度试验 冲压法 Shipbuilding and marine structures--Toughened safety glass panes for rectangular windows and side scuttles--Punch method of non-destructive strength testing
GB/T 3386-1988 工业过程测量和控制系统用电动和气动模拟记录仪和指示仪性能评定方法 Methods of evaluating the performance of electrical and pneumatic analog recorders and indicators for industrial-process measurement and control systems
GB/T 3386.1-2007 工业过程控制系统用电动和气动模拟图纸记录仪 第1部分:性能评定方法 Electrical and pneumatic analogue chart recorders for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 1: Methods for performance evaluation
GB/T 3386.2-2007 工业过程控制系统用电动和气动模拟图纸记录仪 第2部分:检查和例行试验导则 Electrical and pneumatic analogue chart recorders for use in industrial-process control systems - Part 2: Guidance for inspection and routine testing
GB/T 3387-1992 工业过程测量和控制系统用动圈式指示仪性能评定方法 Methods of evaluating the performance of moving coil ind for industrial-process measurement and control systems
GB/T 3388-2002 压电陶瓷材料型号命名方法 Designations for types of piezoelectric ceramics
GB/T 3389.1-1996 铁电压电陶瓷词汇 Vocabulary for ferroelectric and piezoelectric ceramics
GB/T 3389.2-1999 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 纵向压电应变常数d33的静态测试 Testmethods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Static test for piezoelectric strain constant d33
GB/T 3389.3-2001 压电陶瓷材料性能试验方法 居里温度TC的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics test for Curie temperature TC
GB/T 3389.4-1982 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 柱体纵向长度伸缩振动模式 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Longitudinal length extension vibration mode for rod
GB/T 3389.5-1995 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 圆片厚度伸缩振动模式 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Thickness extension vibration mode for disk
GB/T 3389.6-1997 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 长方片厚度切变振动模式 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Thickness-shear vibration mode for rectangular plate
GB/T 3389.7-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 强场介电性能的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for dielectric properties in high electric field
GB/T 3389.8-1986 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 热释电系数的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics--Test for the pyroelectric coefficient
GB/T 3390.1-1989 手动套筒扳手套筒 Hand operated square drive socket
GB/T 3390.1-2004 手动套筒扳手 套筒 Hand operated socket wrenches--Socket
GB/T 3390.2-1989 手动套筒扳手传动方榫和方孔 Driving square for hand operated socket wrenches
GB/T 3390.2-2004 手动套筒扳手 传动方榫和方孔 Hand operated socket wrenches--Driving squares
GB/T 3390.3-1989 手动套筒扳手传动附件 Drivings parts for hand operated square drive socket wrenches
GB/T 3390.3-2004 手动套筒扳手 传动附件 Hand operated socket wrenches--Driving parts
GB/T 3390.4-1989 手动套筒扳手连接附件 Conjoining parts for hand operated square drive socket wrenches
GB/T 3390.4-2004 手动套筒扳手 连接附件 Hand operated socket wrenches--Attachments
GB/T 3390.5-1989 手动套筒扳手检验规则、包装与标志 Inspection, packaging and marking for hand operated socket wrenches
GB/T 3390.5-2004 手动套筒扳手 检验规则、包装与标志 Hand operated socket wrenches--Inspection,packaging and marking
GB/T 3391-2002 工业用乙烯中烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene for industrial use--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3392-2003 工业用丙烯中烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法 Propylene for industrial use--Determination of hydrocarbon impurities--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3393-1993 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量氢的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use--Determination of trace of hydrogen--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3394-1993 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量一氧化碳和二氧化碳的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use--Determination of traces of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3395-1993 工业用乙烯中微量乙炔的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene for industrial use--Determination of trace acetylene--Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3396-2002 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量氧的测定 电化学法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use--Determination of trace oxygen--Electrochemical method
GB/T 3398-1982 塑料球压痕硬度试验方法 Test for hardness of plastics by the ball indentation
GB/T 3398.1-2008 塑料 硬度测定 第1部分:球压痕法 Plastics - Determination of hardness - Part 1: Ball indentation method
GB/T 3398.2-2008 塑料 硬度测定 第2部分:洛氏硬度 Plastics - Determination of hardness - Part 2:Rockwell hardness
GB/T 3399-1982 塑料导热系数试验方法 护热平板法 Test method for thermal conductivity of plastics by means of the guarded hot plate
GB/T 3400-2002 塑料 通用型氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 室温下增塑剂吸收量的测定 Plastics--Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloeride for general use--Determination of plasticizer absorption at room temperature
GB/T 3401-2007 用毛细管黏度计测定聚氯乙烯树脂稀溶液的黏度 Determination of the viscosity of Poly(vinyl chloride) resins in dilute solution using capillary viscometers
GB/T 3401-1999 聚氯乙烯树脂稀溶液粘数的测定 Determination of viscosity number of PVC resins in dilute solution
GB/T 3402-1994 氯乙烯均聚物和共聚物树脂命名 Designation of homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride
GB/T 3402.1-2005 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 第1部分:命名体系和规范基础 Plastics Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride -- Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifiations
GB/T 3402.2-2010 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 第2部分:试样制备及性能测定 Plastics - Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride - Part 2: Preparation of test samples and determination of properties
GB/T 3403-1982 氨基模塑料命名 The designation of aminoplastic moulding compounds
GB/T 3403.1-2008 塑料 粉状脲-甲醛和脲/三聚氰胺-甲醛模塑料(UF-和UF/MF-PMCs) 第1部分: 命名系统和分类基础 Plastics - Urea-formaldehyde and urea/melamine-formaldehyde powder moulding compounds(UF-and UF/MF-PMCs)- Part 1: Designation system and basis for specifications
GB/T 3408-1994 差动电阻式应变计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type strain meter
GB/T 3408.1-2008 大坝监测仪器 应变计 第1部分:差动电阻式应变计 Instrument for dam monitoring strain meter - Part 1: Unbonded elastic wire resistance strain meter
GB/T 3408.2-2008 大坝监测仪器 应变计 第2部分:振弦式应变计 Instrument for dam monitoring - Strain meter - Part 2: Vibrating wire strain meter
GB/T 3409-1994 差动电阻式钢筋计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type reinforced concrete meter
GB/T 3409.1-2008 大坝监测仪器 钢筋计 第1部分:差动电阻式钢筋计 Instrument for dam monitoring rebar strain meter - Part 1: Unbonded elastic wire resistance rebar strain meter
GB/T 3410-1994 差动电阻式测缝计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type joint meter
GB/T 3410.1-2008 大坝监测仪器 测缝计 第1部分:差动电阻式测缝计 Instrument for dam monitoring joint meter - Part 1: Unbonded elastic wire resistance joint meter
GB/T 3410.2-2008 大坝监测仪器 测缝计 第2部分:振弦式测缝计 Instrument for dam monitoring - Joint meter - Part 2: Vibrating wire joint meter
GB/T 3411-1994 差动电阻式孔隙压力计 Unbonded elastic wire resistance type pore pressure cell
GB/T 3411.1-2009 大坝监测仪器 孔隙水压力计 第1部分:振弦式孔隙水压力计 Instrument for dam monitoring - Pore water pressure transducer - Part 1: Vibrating wire pore water pressure transducer
GB/T 3412-1994 电阻比电桥 Wheatstone bridge for unbonded elastic wire resistance meter
GB/T 3412.1-2009 大坝监测仪器 检测仪 第1部分:振弦式仪器检测仪 Instrument for dam monitoring - Readout unit - Part 1: Readout unit for vibrating wire type transducer
GB/T 3413-1994 埋入式铜电阻温度计 Embedded Cu resistance thermometer
GB/T 3414-1994 煤机用热轧异型钢 Hot-rolled profiled steels for coal mechanism
GB/T 3418-1982 电解金属锰 Electrolytic manganese metal
GB/T 3420-1982 灰口铸铁管件 Gray iron castigs for pipe fittings
GB/T 3421-1982 砂型离心铸铁管 Cast-iron pressure pipe centrifugally cast in sand-lined molds
GB/T 3422-1982 连续铸铁管 Cast-iron pressure pipe made by continuous casting process
GB/T 3428-2002 架空绞线用镀锌钢线 Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductors
GB/T 3429-2002 焊接用钢盘条 Wire rod for electrode
GB/T 3430-1989 半导体集成电路型号命名方法 The rule of type designation for semiconductor integrated circuits
GB/T 3431.2-1986 半导体集成电路文字符号 引出端功能符号 Letter symbols for semiconductor integrated circuits--Letter symbols for function of pins
GB/T 3432.4-1989 半导体集成电路TTL电路系列和品种 54/74LS系列的品种 Series and productsfor TTL semiconductor integrated circuits--Products of series 54/74 LS
GB/T 3434-1986 半导体集成电路ECL电路系列和品种 Families and products of ECL circuits for semiconductor integrated circuits
GB/T 3435-1987 半导体集成CMOS电路系列和品种 4000系列的品种 Series and products for semiconductor CMOS integrated circuits--Products of families 4000
GB/T 3436-1996 半导体集成电路 运算放大器系列和品种 Semiconductor integrated circuits--Series and products of operational amplifier
GB/T 3449-1994 铁路机车车辆内部噪声测量 Measurement of noise inside railway vehicles
GB/T 3450-1994 铁路机车司机室噪声允许值 Allowed value of noise inside driver’s compartment of locomotive
GB/T 3450-2006 铁道机车和动车组司机室噪声限值及测量方法 Noise limit and measurement inside driver's cabs of railway locomotive and powered car train-sets
GB/T 3451-1982 标准调音频率 Standard tuning frequency
GB/T 3452.1-2005 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 第1部分:尺寸系列及公差 Fluid power systems-O-rings-Part 1:Inside diameters,cross-sections,tolerances and size identification code
GB/T 3452.2-1987 O 形橡胶密封圈外观质量检验标准 Appearance quality acceptance criteria for rubber O-rings
GB/T 3452.2-2007 液压气动用O 形橡胶密封圈 第2部分:外观质量检验规范 Fluid power systems-O-rings - Part 2: Quality acceptance criteria
GB/T 3452.3-1988 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 沟漕尺寸和设计计算 Fluid power systems--O-ring--Design criteria for O-ring housing--Basic calculation
GB/T 3452.3-2005 液压气动用O形橡胶密封圈 沟槽尺寸 Housing dimensions for O-ring elastomer seals in hydraulic and pneumatic applications
GB/T 3453-1994 数据通信基本型控制规程 Basic mode control procedures for data communications
GB/T 3454-1982 数据终端设备(DTE)和数据电路终接设备(DCE)之间的接口电路定义表 List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal equipment and data-circuit-terminating equipment
GB/T 3455-1982 非平衡双流接口电路的电特性 Electrical characteristics for unbalanced double-current interchange circuits
GB/T 3456-1982 硬质合金顶锤与压缸 Anvils and high pressure cylinders made from cemented carbide
GB/T 3457-1998 氧化钨 Tungstic oxide
GB/T 3458-1982 钨粉技术条件 Technical requirements of tungsten powders
GB/T 3458-2006 钨粉 Tungsten Powder
GB/T 3459-1982 钨条 Tungsten bars
GB/T 3459-2006 钨条 Tungsten bars and rods
GB/T 3460-2007 钼酸铵 Ammonium molybdate
GB/T 3460-1982 钼酸铵技术条件 Technical requirements of ammonium molybdate
GB/T 3461-1982 钼粉技术条件 Technical requirements of molybdenum powders
GB/T 3461-2006 钼粉 Molybdenum powder
GB/T 3462-2007 钼条和钼板坯 Bars and plate blanks of molybdenum
GB/T 3462-1982 钼条和钼板坯 Bars and plate blanks of molybdenum
GB/T 3463-1995 钽丝 Tantalum wires
GB/T 3464.1-1994 机用和手用丝锥 Machine and hand taps
GB/T 3464.1-2007 机用和手用丝锥 第1部分:通用柄机用和手用丝锥 Machine and hand taps - Part 1: Plain parallel shank machine and hand taps
GB/T 3464.2-2003 细长柄机用丝锥 Long reduced shank taps
GB/T 3464.3-1994 短柄机用和手用丝锥 Short shank machine and hand taps
GB/T 3464.3-2007 机用和手用丝锥 第3部分:短柄机用和手用丝锥 Machine and hand taps - Part 3:Short shank machine and hand taps
GB/T 3468-1983 检索期刊编辑总则 General editorial rule for retrieval periodicals
GB/T 3469-1983 文献类型与文献载体代码 Codes for documentary types and documentary carriers
GB/T 3471-1995 海船系泊及航行试验通则 General provisions for programming mooring and sea trials of sea going ships
GB/T 3475-1983 船用柴油机调速系统技术条件 Speed governing of marine diesel engines--Specifications
GB/T 3476-1983 船用柴油机调速系统试验方法 Speed governing of marine diesel engine,methods of test
GB/T 3477-1996 船用风雨密单扇钢质门 Marine weathertight single-leaf steel doors
GB/T 3478.1-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键模数 基本齿廓 公差 Straight cylindrical involute splines--Modules,basic rack profiles and tolerances
GB/T 3478.1-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第1部分:总论 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 1: Generalities
GB/T 3478.2-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 30°压力角 尺寸表 Straight cylindrical involute splines--30° pressure angle dimensions tables
GB/T 3478.2-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第2部分: 30°压力角尺寸表 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 2: 30°pressure angle dimensions tables
GB/T 3478.3-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 37.5°压力角 尺寸表 Straight cylindrical involutesplines--37.5° pressure angle dimensions tables
GB/T 3478.3-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第3部分:37.5°压力角尺寸表 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 3: 37.5°pressure angle dimensions tables
GB/T 3478.4-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 45°压力角 尺寸表 Straight cylindrical involute splines--45° pressure angle dimensions tables
GB/T 3478.4-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 (米制模数 齿侧配合) 第4部分:45°压力角尺寸表 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 4: 45°pressure angle dimensions tables
GB/T 3478.5-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 检验方法 Straight cylindrical involute splines inspection methods
GB/T 3478.5-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第5部分:检验 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 5: Inspection
GB/T 3478.6-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 30°压力角 M值和W值 Straight cylindrical involute splines--30°pressurengle M and W values
GB/T 3478.6-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第6部分:30°压力角M值和W值 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 6: 30°pressure angle M and W values
GB/T 3478.7-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 37.5°压力角 M值和W值 Straight cylindrical involute splines--37.5°pressure angle M and W values
GB/T 3478.7-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 (米制模数 齿侧配合) 第7部分:37.5°压力角M值和W值 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 7: 37.5°pressure angle M and W values
GB/T 3478.8-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 45°压力角 M值和W值 Straight cylindrical involute splines--45°pressure angle M and W values
GB/T 3478.8-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 (米制模数 齿侧配合) 第8部分:45°压力角 M值和W值 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 8: 45°pressure angle M and W values
GB/T 3478.9-1995 圆柱直齿渐开线花键 量棒 Straight cylindrical involute splines--Measuring pin
GB/T 3478.9-2008 圆柱直齿渐开线花键(米制模数 齿侧配合) 第9部分:量棒 Straight cylindrical involute splines - Metric module, side fit - Part 9: Measuring pin
GB/T 3480-1997 渐开线圆柱齿轮承载能力计算方法 Calculation methods of load capacity for involute cylindrical gears
GB/T 3480.5-2008 直齿轮和斜齿轮承载能力计算 第5部分:材料的强度和质量 Calculation of load capacity of spur and helical gears - Part 5: Strength and quality of materials
GB/T 3481-1997 齿轮轮齿磨损和损伤术语 Cears--Wear and damage to gear teeth--Terminology
GB/T 3482-1983 电子设备雷击试验方法 Lightning test for electronic equipments
GB/T 3483-1983 电子设备雷击试验导则 Guidance for lightning test for electronic equipments
GB/T 3484-1993 企业能量平衡通则 The general principles for energy balance of industrial enterprise
GB/T 3485-1998 评价企业合理用电技术导则 Technical guides for evaluating the rationality of electricity usage in industrial enterprise
GB/T 3486-1993 评价企业合理用热技术导则 Technical guides for evaluating the rationality of heat usage in industrial enterprise
GB/T 3487-1996 汽车轮辋规格系列 Rim contours for motor vehicles
GB/T 3487-2005 汽车轮辋规格系列 Rim contour for motor vehicles
GB/T 3488-1983 硬质合金 显微组织的金相测定 Hardmetals--Metallographic determination of microstructure
GB/T 3489-1983 硬质合金 孔隙度和非化合碳的金相测定 Hardmetals--Metallographic determination of porosity and uncombined carbon
GB/T 3493-1983 贵金属及其合金细丝直径测量方法 (称重法) Standard method for measuring diameter of fine wire of the precious metals and their alloys(weighing method)
GB/T 3494-1996 直接法氧化锌 Zinc oxide produced by direct method
GB/T 3496-1983 胶印锌板 Zinc plates for lithography
GB/T 3498-1983 润滑脂宽温度范围滴点测定法 Lubricating greases--Determination of dropping point (wide temperature range)
GB/T 3499-2003 原生镁锭 Magnesium ingots
GB/T 3500-1998 粉末冶金 术语 Powder metallurgy--Vocabulary
GB/T 3501-1983 超细水合二氧化钌粉技术条件 Technical requirements of super fine ruthenium dioxide hydrate powder
GB/T 3502-1983 超细氧化钯粉技术条件 Technical requirements of super fine palladium oxide powder
GB/T 3503-1993 氧化钇 Yttrium oxide
GB/T 3503-2006 氧化钇 Yttrium oxide
GB/T 3504-1992 荧光级氧化铕 Europium oxide phosphor grade
GB/T 3504-2006 氧化铕 Europium oxide
GB/T 3505-2000 产品几何技术规范 表面结构 轮廓法 表面结构的术语、定义及参数 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS)--Surface texture:Profile method--Terms,definitions and surface texture parameters
GB/T 3506-1993 螺旋槽丝锥 Machine taps with helical flutes
GB/T 3507-1983 机械式联轴器公称扭矩系列 Nominal torque series of the mechanical coupling
GB/T 3510-2006 未硫化胶 塑性的测定 快速塑性计法 Rubber,unvulcanized - Determination of plasticity - Rapid plastimeter method
GB/T 3510-1992 生胶和混炼胶的塑性测定 快速塑性计法 Rubber,unvulcanized--Determination of plasticity--Rapid plastimeter method
GB/T 3511-2001 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 直接自然气候老化试验方法 Rubber,vulcanized and thermoplastic--The test method of resistance to direct natural weathering
GB/T 3512-2001 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 热空气加速老化和耐热试验 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic--Accelerated ageing and heat resistance tests--Air-oven method
GB/T 3513-2001 硫化橡胶与单根钢丝粘合力的测定 抽出法 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of adhesion to single--Pull out test
GB/T 3514-1992 硫化橡胶中游离硫含量的测定 亚硫酸钠法 Rubber,vulcanized--Determination of free sulphur content--Sodium sulphite method
GB/T 3515-1983 硫化橡胶中炭黑含量的测定 热解法 Rubber,vulcanized--determination of carbon black content--Pyrolytic method
GB/T 3515-2005 橡胶 炭黑含量的测定 热解法 Rubber -- Determination of carbon black content -- Pyrolytic method
GB/T 3516-1994 橡胶中溶剂抽出物的测定 Rubber--Determination of solvent extract
GB/T 3516-2006 橡胶 溶剂抽出物的测定 Rubber - Determination of solvent extract
GB/T 3517-2002 天然生胶 塑性保持率(PRI)的测定 Rubber raw natural--Determination of plasticity retention index(PRI)
GB/T 3518-1995 鳞片石墨 Flake graphite
GB/T 3519-1995 微晶石墨 Amorphous graphite
GB/T 3520-1995 石墨细度检验方法 Determination method for fineness of graphite
GB/T 3521-1995 石墨化学分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of graphite
GB/T 3522-1983 优质碳素结构钢冷轧钢带 Cold-rolled quality carbon structural steel strips
GB/T 3524-1992 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧钢带 Hot-rolled cardon and low alloy structural steel strips
GB/T 3524-2005 碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧钢带 Hot-rolled carbon and low alloy structural steel strips
GB/T 3532-1995 日用瓷器 Domestic porcelain
GB/T 3533.1-1983 标准化经济效果的评价原则和计算方法 Assessing principles and calculating methods for the economic effect of standardization
GB/T 3533.1-2009 标准化经济效果评价 第1部分:原则和计算方法 Assessing economic effect of standardization - Part 1: Principles and calculating methods
GB/T 3533.2-1984 标准化经济效果的论证方法 Verifying methods for economic effects of standardization
GB/T 3533.3-1984 评价和计算标准化经济效果 数据资料的收集和处理方法 Assessing and calculating the economic effects of standardization--Methods of data collecting and processing
GB/T 3534-2002 日用陶瓷器铅、镉溶出量的测定方法 Standard testing methods for lead andcadmium release from domestic ceramic
GB/T 3535-1983 石油倾点测定法 Petroleum oils--Determination of pour point
GB/T 3535-2006 石油产品倾点测定法 Petroleum products - Determination of pour point
GB/T 3536-1983 石油产品闪点和燃点测定法 (克利夫兰开口杯法) Petroleum products--Determination of flash and fire points--Cleveland open cup method
GB/T 3543.1-1995 农作物种子检验规程 总则 Rules for agricultural seed testing--General directives
GB/T 3543.2-1995 农作物种子检验规程 扦样 Rules for agricultural seed testing--Sampling
GB/T 3543.3-1995 农作物种子检验规程 净度分析 Rules for agricultural seed testing--Purity analysis
GB/T 3543.4-1995 农作物种子检验规程 发芽试验 Rules for agricultural seed testing--Germination test
GB/T 3543.5-1995 农作物种子检验规程 真实性和品种纯度鉴定 Rules for agricultural seed testing--Verification of genuineness and cultivar
GB/T 3543.6-1995 农作物种子检验规程 水分测定 Rules for agricultural seed testing--Determination of moisture content
GB/T 3543.7-1995 农作物种子检验规程 其他项目检验 Rules for agricultural seed testing--Other testing
GB/T 3554-1983 石油蜡含油量测定法 Petroleum waxes--Determination of oil content
GB/T 3555-1992 石油产品赛波特颜色测定法(赛波特比色计法) Petroleum products--Determination of Saybolt color--Saybolt chromometer method
GB/T 3556-1983 摄影用标准灰板、色板的技术规范 Standard gray and color test chart for photography--Specifications
GB/T 3557-1994 电影院视听环境技术要求 Specification of audio-visual environment for cinema theatres
GB/T 3558-1996 煤中氯的测定方法 Determination of chlorine in coal
GB/T 3564-1993 自行车部件分类、名称和主要术语 Classification and names of components of bicycles, and basic technology
GB/T 3566-1993 自行车 装配要求 Assembly requirements of bicycles
GB/T 3567-1983 自行车零、部件主要技术条件试验方法 Test methods of main specificationsof components and parts of bicycles
GB/T 3579-2006 自行车链条 技术条件和试验方法 Cycle chains - Characteristics and test methods
GB/T 3579-2002 自行车链条 技术条件和试验方法 Cycle chains--Characteristics and test methods
GB/T 3594-2007 渔船电子设备电源的技术要求 The technical requirements of power supplies for electronic equipments of fishing vessels
GB/T 3594-1983 渔船电子设备电源的技术要求 The technical requirements of power supplies for electronic equipments of fish boats
GB/T 3595-2000 肥料中氨态氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法 Fertilizers--Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content--Titrimetric method after distillation
GB/T 3597-2002 肥料中硝态氮含量的测定 氮试剂重量法 Fertilizer--Determination of nitrate nitrogen content--Nitron gravimetric method
GB/T 3598-1983 肥料中尿素态氮含量的测定 尿素酶法 Fertilizers--Determination of urea nitrogen content--Urease method
GB/T 3600-2000 肥料中氨态氮含量的测定 甲醛法 Fertilizers--Determination of ammoniacal nitrogen content--Formaldehyde method
GB/T 3606-2001 家用沼气灶 Domestic biogas stove
GB/T 3608-1993 高处作业分级 Classification of works at heights
GB/T 3609.1-1994 焊接眼面防护具 Equipment for eye and face protection during welding operations
GB/T 3609.1-2008 职业眼面部防护 焊接防护 第1部分:焊接防护具 Qccupational eye and face protection - Welding protection - Part 1: Welding protector
GB/T 3609.2-1983 焊接护目镜和面罩非光学测试方法 Methods of non-optieal test for welding goggles and mask
GB/T 3609.2-2009 职业眼面部防护 焊接防护 第2部分:自动变光焊接滤光镜 Occupational eye and face protection - Welding protection - Part 2: Automatic welding filter
GB/T 3609.3-1983 焊接护目镜光学性能试验方法 Methods of optieal test for welding goggles
GB/T 3610-1997 电池锌饼 Zinc wafer for dry cell
GB/T 3612-1989 量具用硬质合金毛坯 As-sintered hardmetal blanks used in measuring tools
GB/T 3615-2007 电解电容器用铝箔 Aluminium foil for electrolytic capacitor
GB/T 3615-1999 电解电容器用铝箔 Aluminium foil for electrolytic capacitor
GB/T 3618-1989 铝及铝合金花纹板 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy--Patterned sheet
GB/T 3618-2006 铝及铝合金花纹板 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys tread sheets
GB/T 3620.1-1994 钛及钛合金牌号和化学成分 Designation and composition of titanium and titanium alloys
GB/T 3620.1-2007 钛及钛合金牌号和化学成分 Designation and composition of titanium and titanium alloys
GB/T 3620.2-1994 钛及钛合金加工产品化学成分及成分允许偏差 Titanium and titanium alloys--Permissible variations of chemical composition for wrought product analysis
GB/T 3620.2-2007 钛及钛合金加工产品化学成分允许偏差 Titanium and titanium alloys-permissible variations of chemical composition for wrought product analysis
GB/T 3621-2007 钛及钛合金板材 Titanium and titanium alloy plate and sheet
GB/T 3621-1994 钛及钛合金板材 Titanium and titanium alloy sheet and plate
GB/T 3622-1999 钛及钛合金带、箔材 Titanium and titanium alloy strip and foil
GB/T 3623-2007 钛及钛合金丝 Titanium and titanium alloy wire
GB/T 3623-1998 钛及钛合金丝 Titanium and titanium alloy wire
GB/T 3624-1995 钛及钛合金管 Titanium and titanium alloy tubes
GB/T 3625-2007 换热器及冷凝器用钛及钛合金管 Titanium and titanium alloy tube for condensers and heat exchangers
GB/T 3625-1995 换热器及冷凝器用钛及钛合金管 Titanium and titanium alloy tubes for condensers and heat exchangers
GB/T 3626-1983 五氧化二钽技术条件 Technical requirements of tantalum pentaoxide
GB/T 3627-1983 五氧化二铌技术条件 Technical requirements of niobium pentaoxide
GB/T 3628-1995 钽及钽合金箔材 Tantalum and tantalum alloy foils
GB/T 3629-1983 钽及钽合金板材、带材和箔材 Tantalum and tantalum alloy sheet,strip and foil
GB/T 3629-2006 钽及钽合金板材、带材和箔材 Tantalum and tantalum alloy sheet,strip and foil
GB/T 3630-1983 铌板材、带材和箔材 Niobium steet,shrip and foil
GB/T 3630-2006 铌板材、带材和箔材 Niobium sheet,strip and foil
GB/T 3631-1983 湿法朱砂技术条件 Technical requirements of hydro-cinnabar
GB/T 3632-1995 钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副 Sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures
GB/T 3633-1995 钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副 技术条件 Technical requirement for sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures
GB/T 3634-1995 工业氢 Industrial hydrogen
GB/T 3634.1-2006 氢气 第1部分:工业氢 Hydrogen―Part 1: Industrial hydrogen
GB/T 3634.2-2011 氢气 第2部分:纯氢、高纯氢和超纯氢 Hydrogen - Part 2: Pure hydrogen,high pure hydrogen and ultra-pure hydrogen
GB/T 3637-1993 液体二氧化硫 Liquid sulphur dioxide
GB/T 3639-2000 冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管 Cold-drawn or cold-rolled precision seamless steel tubes
GB/T 3640-1988 普通碳素钢电线套管 Plain carbon steel pipes for electric wire
GB/T 3641-1983 P3 型镀锌金属软管 Type P3 galvanized metallic flexible hose
GB/T 3642-1983 S型钎焊不锈钢金属软管 Type S brazed stainless steel flexible metallic hose
GB/T 3648-1996 钨铁 Ferrotungsten
GB/T 3649-1987 钼铁 Ferromolybdenum
GB/T 3650-1995 铁合金验收、包装、储运、标志和质量证明书的一般规定 The general rules for inspection,packing,storing transportation,marking and certification of ferroalloy
GB/T 3651-1983 金属高温导热系数测量方法 Measuring method for thermal conductivity of metal at high temperature
GB/T 3653.1-1988 硼铁化学分析方法 碱量滴定法测定硼量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron--The alkalimetric method for the determination of boron content
GB/T 3653.2-1983 硼铁化学分析方法 气体容量法测定碳量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron--The gasometric method for the determination of carbon content
GB/T 3653.3-1988 硼铁化学分析方法 高氯酸脱水重量法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron--The perchloric acid dehydration-gravimetric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 3653.4-1988 硼铁化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron--The EDTA volumetric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 3653.4-2008 硼铁 铝含量的测定 EDTA 滴定法 Ferroboron - Determination of aluminium content - EDTA titrimetric method
GB/T 3653.5-1983 硼铁化学分析方法 色层分离硫酸钡重量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroboron--The chromatographic separation-barium sulfate gravimetric method for the determination of sulfur content
GB/T 3653.6-1988 硼铁化学分析方法 锑磷钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysisof ferroboron--The reduced molybdoantimonylphosphoric acid photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 3654.1-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 纸上色层分离重量法测定铌、钽量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The paper chromatograph-gravimetric method for the determination of niobium and tantalum content
GB/T 3654.2-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 新亚铜灵-三氯甲烷萃取光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The neocuproine-chloroform extraction photometric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 3654.2-2008 铌铁 铜含量的测定 新亚铜灵 三氯甲烷萃取光度法 Ferroniobium - Determination of copper content - The neocuproine-choroform extraction photometric method
GB/T 3654.3-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 重量法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The gravimetric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 3654.4-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 燃烧重量法测定碳量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The combustion gravimetric method for the determination of carbon content
GB/T 3654.5-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of the phosphorus content
GB/T 3654.6-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 燃烧碘量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The combustion-iodate volumetric method for the determination of sulfur content
GB/T 3654.6-2008 铌铁 硫含量的测定 燃烧碘量法、次甲基蓝光度法和红外线吸收法 Ferroniobium - Determination of sulfur content - Combustion-iodate titrimetric method,methylene blue photometric method and infrared absorption method
GB/T 3654.7-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 次甲基蓝光度法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysisof ferroniobium--The methylene blue photometric method for the determination ofsulfur content
GB/T 3654.8-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 变色酸光度法测定钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The chromotropic acid photometric method for the determination of titanium content
GB/T 3654.8-2008 铌铁 钛含量的测定 变色酸光度法 Ferroniobium - Determination of tianiun content - Chromotropic acid photometric method
GB/T 3654.9-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 硫氰酸盐光度法测定钨量 Methods for chemical analysisof ferroniobium--The thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of tungsten content
GB/T 3654.10-1983 铌铁化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferroniobium--The EDTA volumetric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 3655-2000 用爱泼斯坦方圈测量电工钢片(带)磁性能的方法 Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheet and strip by means of an Epstein frame
GB/T 3656-1983 电工用纯铁磁性能测量方法 Measurement methods of magnetic properties ofelectrical iron
GB/T 3657-1983 软磁合金直流磁性能测量方法 Measurement method of direct magnetic properties of soft magnetic alloys
GB/T 3658-1990 软磁合金交流磁性能测量方法 Soft magnetic alloys--Measuring method for alternative magnetic properties
GB/T 3659-1983 电视视频通道测试方法 Methods of measurement of television video channel
GB/T 3660-1983 测量视频连续随机杂波用的统一加权网络 Unified weighting network for measuring video continuous random noise
GB/T 3667.1-2005 交流电动机电容器 第1部分:总则--性能、试验和定额--安全要求--安装和运行导则 AC motor capacitors-Part 1:General-Performance,testing and rating-Safety requirements-Guide for installation and operation
GB/T 3667.2-2008 交流电动机电容器 第2部分:电动机起动电容器 AC motor capacitors - Part 2: Motor start capacitors
GB/T 3668.1-1983 组合机床通用部件 多轴箱箱体和输入轴尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Multi-spindle heads--Casing and input drive shaft dimensions
GB/T 3668.2-1983 组合机床通用部件 支架尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Support brackets--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.3-1983 组合机床通用部件 回转工作台和回转工作台用多边形中间底座尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Rotary tables and multi-sided centre bases for rotary tables--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.4-1983 组合机床通用部件 滑台尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Slide units--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.5-1983 组合机床通用部件 动力箱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Headstocks--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.6-1983 组合机床通用部件 滑台侧底座尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Wing bases for slide units--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.7-1983 组合机床通用部件 中间底座和立柱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Centre bases and columns--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.8-1983 组合机床通用部件 立柱侧底座尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Wing base for columns--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.9-1983 组合机床通用部件 主轴部件尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Spindle units--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.10-1983 组合机床通用部件 多轴箱主轴端部和可调接杆尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Spindle noses and adjustable adaptors for multi-spindle heads--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.11-1983 组合机床通用部件 有导轨立柱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Integral way columns--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.12-1983 组合机床通用部件 落地式有导轨立柱尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Floor-mounted type--Integral way columns--Dimensions
GB/T 3668.13-1983 组合机床通用部件 安装多轴箱用的法兰盘和端面传动键尺寸 Modular units for machine tool construction--Tenon drive and flanges for mounting multi-spindle heads--Dimensions
GB/T 3669-2001 铝及铝合金焊条 Aluminium and aluminium-alloy electrodes for shielded metal arc welding
GB/T 3670-1995 铜及铜合金焊条 Coated electrodes for copper and copper alloys
GB/T 3671.1-1996 水溶性染料溶解度和溶液稳定性的测定 Determination of application solubility and solution stability of water-soluble dyes
GB/T 3671.2-1996 水溶性染料冷水溶解度的测定 Determination of cold water solubility of water-soluble dyes
GB/T 3672.1-2002 橡胶制品的公差 第1部分:尺寸公差 Rubber--Tolerances of products--Part 1:Dimensional tolerances
GB/T 3672.2-2002 橡胶制品的公差 第2部分:几何公差 Rubber--Tolerances of products--Part 2:Geometrical tolerances
GB/T 3673-1995 酞菁绿G Phthalocyanine green G
GB/T 3674-1993 酞菁蓝B Phthalocyanine blue B
GB/T 3681-2000 塑料大气暴露试验方法 Plastics--Test method of exposure to weathering
GB/T 3682-2000 热塑性塑料熔体质量流动速率和熔体体积流动速率的测定 Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and the melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics
GB/T 3683-1992 钢丝增强液压橡胶软管和软管组合件 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies--Wire reinforced hydraulic type
GB/T 3683.1-2006 橡胶软管及软管组合件 钢丝编织增强液压型 规范 第1部分:油基流体适用 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies―wire-braid-reinforced hydraulic types―specification―Part 1:Oil-based fluid applications
GB/T 3684-2006 输送带 导电性 规范和试验方法 Conveyor belts - Electrical conductivity - Specification and test method
GB/T 3684-1983 运输带导电性规范和试验方法 Conveyor belts--Electrical conductivity--Specification and method of test
GB/T 3685-1996 输送带酒精喷灯燃烧性能规范和试验方法 Conveyor belts--Flame retardation--Specifications and test method
GB/T 3686-1998 V带拉伸强度和伸长率试验方法 V-btlts--Tensile strength and elongation test method
GB/T 3687-1989 V 带的层间粘合强度测定方法 V belts--Determination of ply adhesion
GB/T 3688-1998 V带线绳粘合强度试验方法 V-belts--Cord adhesion test method
GB/T 3690-1994 织物芯输送带拉伸强度和伸长率测定方法 Conveyor belts of textile carcase--Test method for tensile strength and elongation
GB/T 3691-1983 钢丝网水泥板受弯试验方法 Test method of ferrocement panels in flexure
GB/T 3692-1983 钢丝网水泥板轴心受拉试验方法 Test method of ferrocement panels in axial tension
GB/T 3709-1997 工业酚 Technical phenol
GB/T 3710-2009 工业酚、苯酚结晶点测定方法 Method of determination for crystallizing point of technical phenol and phenic acid
GB/T 3710-1983 工业酚、苯酚结晶点测定方法 Method of determination for crystallizing point of technical phenol and phenic acid
GB/T 3710-2005 工业酚、苯酚结晶点测定方法 Method of determination for Crystallizing point of Technical Phenol and phenic acid
GB/T 3711-1983 酚类产品中性油及吡啶碱含量测定方法 Method of determination for neutraloils and pyridine bases contents of phenol products
GB/T 3714-1983 碳酸锰矿粉技术条件 Technical requirements of manganese carbonate orepowder
GB/T 3715-2007 煤质及煤分析有关术语 Terms relating to properties and analysis of coal
GB/T 3715-1996 煤质及煤分析有关术语 Terms relating to properties and analysis of coal
GB/T 3716-2000 托盘术语 Pallets for materials handling--Vocabulary
GB/T 3717-1983 测长机 Length measuring machine
GB/T 3718-1988 万能测长仪 Universal horizontal metroscope
GB/T 3719-1988 工具显微镜 Toolmaker’s microscope
GB/T 3720-1988 光学长度计量仪器 基本参数 Optical length measuring instruments--Basicparameters
GB/T 3722-1992 液压式压力试验机 Hydraulic compression testing machines
GB/T 3723-1999 工业用化学产品采样安全通则 Sampling of chemical products for industrial use--Safety in sampling
GB/T 3727-2003 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量水的测定 Ethylene or propylene for industrial use--Determination of trace water
GB/T 3728-2007 工业用乙酸乙酯 Ethyl acetate for industrial use
GB/T 3728-1991 工业乙酸乙酯 Ethyl acetate for industrial use
GB/T 3729-2007 工业用乙酸正丁酯 n-Butyl acetate for industrial use
GB/T 3729-1991 工业乙酸丁酯 n-Butyl acetate for industrial use
GB/T 3730.1-2001 汽车和挂车类型的术语和定义 Motor vehicles and trailers--Types--Terms and definitions
GB/T 3730.2-1996 道路车辆 质量 词汇和代码 Road vehicle--Masses--Vocabulary and codes
GB/T 3730.3-1992 汽车和挂车的术语及其定义 车辆尺寸 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles--Dimensions of vehicles--Terms and definitions
GB/T 3731-1983 涂料焊条效率、金属回收率和熔敷系数的测定 Covered electrodes--Determination of the efficiency,metal recovery and deposition coefficient
GB/T 3733.1-1983 卡套式端直通管接头 Straight thread connector--Assembly
GB/T 3733.2-1983 卡套式端直通接头体 Straight thread connector--Body
GB/T 3734.1-1983 卡套式锥螺纹直通管接头 Male connector--Assembly
GB/T 3734.2-1983 卡套式锥螺纹直通接头体 Male connector--Body
GB/T 3735.1-1983 卡套式端直通长管接头 Straight thread long connector--Assembly
GB/T 3735.2-1983 卡套式端直通长接头体 Straight thread long connector--Body
GB/T 3736.1-1983 卡套式锥螺纹长管接头 Male long connector--Assembly
GB/T 3736.2-1983 卡套式锥螺纹长接头体 Male long connector--Body
GB/T 3737.1-1983 卡套式直通管接头 Union--Assembly
GB/T 3737.2-1983 卡套式直通接头体 Union--Body
GB/T 3738.1-1983 卡套式端直角管接头 Straight thread elbow--Assembly
GB/T 3738.2-1983 卡套式端直角接头体 Straight thread elbow--Body
GB/T 3739.1-1983 卡套式锥螺纹直角管接头 Male elbow--Assembly
GB/T 3739.2-1983 卡套式锥螺纹直角接头体 Male elbow--Body
GB/T 3740.1-1983 卡套式直角管接头 Union elbow--Assembly
GB/T 3740.2-1983 卡套式直角接头体 Union elbow--Body
GB/T 3741.1-1983 卡套式端三通管接头 Straight thread branch tee--Assembly
GB/T 3741.2-1983 卡套式端三通接头体 Straight thread branch tee--Body
GB/T 3742.1-1983 卡套式锥螺纹三通管接头 Male branch tee--Assembly
GB/T 3742.2-1983 卡套式锥螺纹三通接头体 Male branch tee--Body
GB/T 3743.1-1983 卡套式端直角三通管接头 Straight thread run tee--Assembly
GB/T 3743.2-1983 卡套式端直角三通接头体 Straight thread run tee--Body
GB/T 3744.1-1983 卡套式锥螺纹直角三通管接头 Male run tee--Assembly
GB/T 3744.2-1983 卡套式锥螺纹直角三通接头体 Male run tee--Body
GB/T 3745.1-1983 卡套式三通管接头 Union tee--Assembly
GB/T 3745.2-1983 卡套式三通接头体 Union tee--Body
GB/T 3746.1-1983 卡套式四通管接头 Union cross--Assembly
GB/T 3746.2-1983 卡套式四通接头体 Union cross--Body
GB/T 3747.1-1983 卡套式焊接管接头 Weld male connector--Assembly
GB/T 3747.2-1983 卡套式焊接接头体 Weld male connector--Body
GB/T 3748.1-1983 卡套式隔壁直通管接头 Bulkhead union--Assembly
GB/T 3748.2-1983 卡套式隔壁直通接头体 Bulkhead union--Body
GB/T 3749.1-1983 卡套式隔壁直角管接头 Bulkhead union elbow--Assembly
GB/T 3749.2-1983 卡套式隔壁直角接头体 Bulkhead union elbow--Body
GB/T 3750.1-1983 卡套式铰接管接头 Angle swivel screw--Assembly
GB/T 3750.2-1983 卡套式铰接接头体 Angle swivel screw--Body
GB/T 3750.3-1983 卡套式铰接六角螺栓 Hollow screws
GB/T 3751.1-1983 卡套式压力表管接头 Connector for pressure gauge--Assembly
GB/T 3751.2-1983 卡套式压力表接头体 Connector for pressure gauge--Body
GB/T 3752.1-1983 卡套式组合直角管接头 Adjustable elbow--Assembly
GB/T 3752.2-1983 卡套式组合直角接头体 Adjustable elbow--Body
GB/T 3753.1-1983 卡套式组合三通管接头 Adjustable T-unions--Assembly
GB/T 3753.2-1983 卡套式组合三通接头体 Adjustable T-unions--Body
GB/T 3754.1-1983 卡套式端对接直通管接头 Straight thread connector for butt joints--Assembly
GB/T 3754.2-1983 卡套式端对接直通接头体 Straight thread connector for butt joints--Body
GB/T 3755.1-1983 卡套式锥螺纹对接直通管接头 Male connector for butt joints--Assembly
GB/T 3755.2-1983 卡套式锥螺纹对接直通接头体 Male connector for butt joints--Body
GB/T 3756.1-1983 卡套式对接直通管接头 Union for butt joints--Assembly
GB/T 3756.2-1983 卡套式对接直通接头体 Union for butt joints--Body
GB/T 3757.1-1983 卡套式端对接直角管接头 Straight thread elbow for butt joints--Assembly
GB/T 3757.2-1983 卡套式端对接直角接头体 Straight thread elbow for butt joints--Body
GB/T 3758.1-1983 卡套式锥螺纹对接直角管接头 Male elbow for butt joints--Assembly
GB/T 3758.2-1983 卡套式锥螺纹对接直角接头体 Male elbow for butt joints--Body
GB/T 3759-1983 卡套式管接头用螺母 Bite type tube fittings--Nuts
GB/T 3760-1983 卡套式管接头用对接螺母 Bite type tube fittings--Nuts for butt joints
GB/T 3761-1983 卡套式管接头用锥体环 Bite type tube fittings--Pressure bush for butt joints
GB/T 3762-1983 卡套式管接头用尖角密封垫圈 Bite type tube fittings--Tipping washer
GB/T 3763-1983 卡套式管接头用六角薄螺母 Bite type tube fittings--Hexagon thin nuts
GB/T 3764-1983 卡套 Ferrule
GB/T 3765-1983 卡套式管接头技术条件 Specification for bite type tube fittings
GB/T 3766-2001 液压系统通用技术条件 Hydraulic fluid power--General rules relating tosystems
GB/T 3767-1996 声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 反射面上方近似自由场的工程法 Acoustics--Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure--Engineering method in an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
GB/T 3768-1996 声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 反射面上方采用包络测量表面的简易法 Acoustics--Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure--Survey method using an enveloping measurement surface over a reflecting plane
GB/T 3769-1983 绘制频率特性图和极坐标图的标度和尺寸 Scales and sizes for plotting frequency characteristics and polar diagrams
GB/T 3770-1983 木工机床噪声声功率级的测定 Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by woodworking machinery
GB/T 3771-1983 铜合金硬度与强度换算值 Conversion of hardness and strength for copper alloys
GB/T 3772-1998 铂铑10-铂热电偶丝 Platinum-10% Rhodium/Platinum thermocouple wires
GB/T 3775-1983 农药乳化剂检验的一般规定 General rule for pesticide emulsifier detection
GB/T 3776.1-1983 农药乳化剂水分测定方法 Method of moisture determination for pesticide emulsifiers
GB/T 3776.2-1983 农药乳化剂氢离子浓度测定方法 Method of hydrogen ion concentration determination for pesticide emulsifiers
GB/T 3776.3-1983 农药乳化剂乳化性能测定方法 Method of emulsifiability test for pesticide emulsifiers
GB/T 3776.4-1983 农药乳化剂苯不溶物测定方法 Method of benzene-insoluble substances determination for pesticide emulsifiers
GB/T 3776.5-1983 农药乳化剂闪点测定方法 (闭口杯法) Method of flash point determination (closed cup test) for pesticide emulsifiers
GB/T 3777-1996 橡胶用炭黑标准分类命名系统 Standard classification system for carbon blacks used in rubber products
GB/T 3780.1-1998 橡胶用炭黑吸碘值试验方法 Carbon black used in rubber products--Test method for iodine absorption number
GB/T 3780.1-2006 炭黑 第1部分: 吸碘值试验方法 Carbon black―Part 1: Test method for iodine adsorption number
GB/T 3780.2-2003 炭黑 第2部分:邻苯二甲酸二丁酯吸收值的测定 Carbon black--Part 2:Determination of dibutyl phthalate absorption number
GB/T 3780.2-2007 炭黑 第2部分:吸油值的测定 Carbon black - Part 2:Determination of oil absorption number
GB/T 3780.4-2003 炭黑 第4部分:邻苯二甲酸二丁酯吸收值测定方法和试样制备(压缩试样) Carbon black--Part 4:Determination of dibutyl phthalate absorption number and preparation of samples (compressed sample)
GB/T 3780.4-2008 炭黑 第4部分:压缩试样吸油值的测定 Carbon black - Part 4:Determination of oil absorption number for compressed sample
GB/T 3780.5-2002 橡胶用炭黑比表面积测定 CTAB法 Carbon black used in rubber products--Determination of specific surface area--CTAB test method
GB/T 3780.5-2008 炭黑 第5部分:比表面积的测定 CTAB法 Carbon black - Part 5:Determination of specific surface area-CTAB test method
GB/T 3780.6-1998 橡胶用炭黑着色强度试验方法 Carbon black used in rubber products--Tinting strength test method
GB/T 3780.6-2007 炭黑 第6部分:着色强度的测定 Carbon black - Part 6:Determination of tinting strength
GB/T 3780.7-1996 炭黑pH值的测定 Carbon black--Determination of pH value
GB/T 3780.7-2006 炭黑 第7部分: pH值的测定 Carbon black―Part 7: Determination of pH value
GB/T 3780.8-2002 炭黑加热减量的测定 Carbon black--Determination of heating loss
GB/T 3780.8-2008 炭黑 第8部分:加热减量的测定 Carbon black - Part 8:Determination of heating loss
GB/T 3780.10-2002 炭黑灰分的测定 Carbon black--Determination of ash
GB/T 3780.10-2009 炭黑 第10部分:灰分的测定 Carbon black - Part 10: Determination of ash
GB/T 3780.11-1995 炭黑筛余物的测定 Carbon black--Determination of sieve residue
GB/T 3780.12-1995 炭黑杂质的检查 Carbon black--Inspection of impurity material
GB/T 3780.12-2007 炭黑 第12部分:杂质的检查 Carbon black - Part 12:Inspection of impurity material
GB/T 3780.13-1983 炭黑 (粒状) 倾注密度的测定 Carbon black (pelletized)--Determination of pour density
GB/T 3780.14-1995 炭黑硫含量的测定 Carbon black--Determination of sulphur content
GB/T 3780.14-2010 炭黑 第14部分:硫含量的测定 Carbon black - Part 14: Determination of sulfur content
GB/T 3780.15-1997 橡胶用炭黑甲苯抽出物透光率的测定 快速法 Carbon black for use in the rubber industry--Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract--Rapid method
GB/T 3780.15-2006 炭黑 第15部分: 甲苯抽出物透光率的测定 Carbon black―Part 15: Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract
GB/T 3780.16-1983 炭黑单个粒子压碎强度的测定 Carbon black--Determination of individual pellet crush strength
GB/T 3780.17-1995 炭黑粒径的间接测定 反射率法 Carbon black--Indirect determination of particle size--Reflectance method
GB/T 3780.17-2008 炭黑 第17部分:粒径的间接测定 反射率法 Carbon black - Part 17:Indirect determination of particle size - Reflectance method
GB/T 3780.18-1998 炭黑在天然橡胶中配方及鉴定方法 Carbon black in natural rubber--Recipe and evaluation method
GB/T 3780.18-2007 炭黑 第18部分:在天然橡胶(NR)中的鉴定方法 Carbon black - Part 18:Standard test methods for evaluation in Natural Rubber(NR)
GB/T 3780.20-1997 橡胶用炭黑甲苯抽出物透光率的测定 产品鉴定方法 Carbon black for use inthe rubber industry--Determination of light transmittance of toluene extract--Method for product evaluation
GB/T 3780.21-2002 橡胶用炭黑筛余物测定 水冲洗法 Carbon black used in rubber products--Determination of sieve residue--Water washing method
GB/T 3780.21-2006 炭黑 第21部分:橡胶配合剂筛余物的测定 水冲洗法 Carbon black―Part 21:Determination of sieve residue for rubber compounding ingredients―Water washing method
GB/T 3781.4-1993 乙炔炭黑pH值的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of pH value
GB/T 3781.5-1993 乙炔炭黑粗粒分的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of grit content
GB/T 3781.5-2006 乙炔炭黑 第5部分: 粗粒分的测定 Acetylene black―Part 5: Determination of grit content
GB/T 3781.6-1993 乙炔炭黑视比容的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of apparent specific volume
GB/T 3781.6-2006 乙炔炭黑 第6部分 视比容的测定 Acetylene black―Part 6: Determination of apparent specific volume
GB/T 3781.7-1993 乙炔炭黑吸碘值的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of iodine absorption number
GB/T 3781.8-1993 乙炔炭黑盐酸吸液量的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of hydrochloric acid absorption number
GB/T 3781.8-2006 乙炔炭黑 第8部分:盐酸吸液量的测定 Acetylene black―Part 8: Determination of hydrochloric acid absorption number
GB/T 3781.9-1993 乙炔炭黑电阻率的测定 Acetylene black--Determination of resistivity
GB/T 3781.9-2006 乙炔炭黑 第9部分:电阻率的测定 Acetylene black―Part 9: Determination of resistivity
GB/T 3782-1993 乙炔炭黑技术条件 Acetylene black--Specification limits
GB/T 3782-2006 乙炔炭黑 Acetylene black
GB/T 3783-1994 船用低压电器基本要求 General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships
GB/T 3784-1983 雷达名词术语 The terms and definitions related to radar
GB/T 3785-1983 声级计的电、声性能及测试方法 Electric,sonic properties and measuring methods for sound level meters
GB/T 3785.1-2010 电声学 声级计 第1部分:规范 Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 1: Specifications
GB/T 3785.2-2010 电声学 声级计 第2部分:型式评价试验 Electroacoustics - Sound level meters - Part 2: Pattern evaluation tests
GB/T 3787-2006 手持式电动工具的管理、使用、检查和维修安全技术规程 Technical safety code for management, operation, inspection and maintenance of hand-held motor-operated electric tools
GB/T 3788-1995 真空电容器通用技术条件 General specification for vacuum capacitors
GB/T 3789.1-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 总则 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--General
GB/T 3789.2-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 阳极电流和栅极电流的测试方法 Measurements of theelectrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of current of anode and grid
GB/T 3789.3-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 阴极发射电流的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of cathode emission current
GB/T 3789.4-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 栅极反向电流的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of reverse grids current
GB/T 3789.5-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 栅极热放射电流的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of grid thermo-emission current
GB/T 3789.6-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 跨导、放大系数的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of transconductance and amplification factor
GB/T 3789.7-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 阳极离子流的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of anode ion current
GB/T 3789.8-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 阳极最大耗散功率和阳极过载耗散功率的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of maximum anode dissipation power and anode overload dissipation power
GB/T 3789.9-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 栅极最大耗散功率的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of maximum grid dissipation power
GB/T 3789.10-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 第一栅极截止电压的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of grid No.1 cut-off voltage
GB/T 3789.11-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 第三栅极截止电压的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of grid No.3 cut-off voltage
GB/T 3789.12-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 极间绝缘的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of interelectrode insulation
GB/T 3789.13-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 共栅电路静态特性曲线的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Methods of measurements of static characteristic curve for common grid circuit
GB/T 3789.14-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 共阴电路静态特性曲线的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of static characteristic curve for common cathode circuit
GB/T 3789.15-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 输出功率的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of output power
GB/T 3789.16-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 脉冲输出功率的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of pulse output power
GB/T 3789.17-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 电气强度的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of electrical intensity
GB/T 3789.18-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 电极间绝缘体高频损耗的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of high frequency loss for interelectrode insulators
GB/T 3789.19-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 频率特性曲线的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of frequency characteristic curve
GB/T 3789.20-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 第一栅极电流截止电压的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of grid No.1 current cut-off voltage
GB/T 3789.21-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 静态特性参考点的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of static characteristic reference point
GB/T 3789.22-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 振动稳定性的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of vibration stability
GB/T 3789.23-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 第三栅极控制能力的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of grid No.3 control ability
GB/T 3789.24-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 线性放大管双音互调失真的测试方法 Measurements ofthe electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Measuring methods of dual toneinter-modulation distortion of linear amplifier tubes
GB/T 3789.25-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 图像输出功率的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Methods of measuring the vision output power
GB/T 3789.26-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 功率增益的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Methods of measuring the power gain
GB/T 3789.27-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 三音互调失真的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Methods of measuring the inter-modulation distortion of a three tone signal
GB/T 3789.28-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 交叉调制的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Method of measuring the cross modulation
GB/T 3789.29-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 低频亮度非线性的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Method of measuring the non-linearityin the luminance of the lower frequency
GB/T 3789.30-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 由亮度信号不同引起的色度信号失真 (微分增益DG和微分相位DP) 的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of transmitting tubes--Methods of measuring the distortion in the chrominance signal due to the luminance (differential gain and differential phgase)
GB/T 3789.31-1991 发射管电性能测试方法 同步脉冲压缩的测试方法 Measurements of the electrical properties of trausmitting tubes--Methods of measuring the press of synchronizing pluse
GB/T 3790-1995 荧光显示管测试方法 Methods of measurement for fluorescent display tubes
GB/T 3791-1999 盒式录音磁带尺寸及机械特性 Cassette for tape records--Dimensions and mechanical characteristics
GB/T 3792.1-1983 文献著录总则 General bibliographical description
GB/T 3792.1-2009 文献著录 第1部分:总则 Bibliographical description - Part 1: General
GB/T 3792.2-1985 普通图书著录规则 Bibliographical description for monographes
GB/T 3792.2-2006 普通图书著录规则 Bibliographical description for monographes
GB/T 3792.3-1985 连续出版物著录规则 Bibliographical description for serials
GB/T 3792.3-2009 文献著录 第3部分:连续性资源 Bibliographic description - Part 3: Continuing resources
GB/T 3792.4-1985 非书资料著录规则 Bibliographical description for non-book materials
GB/T 3792.4-2009 文献著录 第4部分:非书资料 Bibliographical description - Part 4: Non-book materials
GB/T 3792.5-1985 档案著录规则 Bibliographical description for archives
GB/T 3792.6-1986 地图资料著录规则 Bibliographical description for cartographic materials
GB/T 3792.6-2005 测绘制图资料著录规则 Bibliographical description for cartographic materials
GB/T 3792.7-1987 古籍著录规则 Bibliographical description for Chinese antiquarian books
GB/T 3792.7-2008 古籍著录规则 Bibliographical description for ancient chinese books
GB/T 3792.9-2009 文献著录 第9部分:电子资源 Bibliographic description - Part 9: electronic resources
GB/T 3793-1983 检索期刊条目著录规则 Descriptive rules for entries of retrieval periodicals
GB/T 3794-1983 企业能量平衡技术考核验收标准 Standard for assessment of technical proficiency and acceptance for energy balance of industrial enterprise
GB/T 3795-1996 锰铁 Ferromanganese
GB/T 3795-2006 锰铁 Ferromanganese
GB/T 3797-1989 电控设备 第二部分: 装有电子器件的电控设备 Electric-driving controlgear—Part 2: Electric-driving controlgear incorporating electronic devices
GB/T 3797-2005 电气控制设备 Electrical control assemblies
GB/T 3798-1983 汽车大修竣工出厂技术条件 Technical requirements for automobiles being received from major overhaul
GB/T 3798.1-2005 汽车大修竣工出厂技术条件 第1部分:载客汽车 Technical requirements for completion and acceptance of vehicle overhaul Part 1:Passenger vehicle
GB/T 3798.2-2005 汽车大修竣工出厂技术条件 第2部分:载货汽车 Technical requirements for completion and acceptance of vehicle overhaul Part 2:Goods vehicle
GB/T 3799-1983 汽车发动机大修竣工技术条件 Technical requirements for automobile engines being received from major overhaul (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 3799.1-2005 商用汽车发动机大修竣工出厂技术条件 第1部分:汽油发动机 Technical requirements for completion and acceptance of commercial vehicle engines overhaul Part 1:Gasoline engines
GB/T 3799.2-2005 商用汽车发动机大修竣工出厂技术条件 第2部分:柴油发动机 Technical requirements for completion and acceptance of commercial vehicle engines overhaul Part 2:Diesel engines
GB/T 3805-1993 特低电压(ELV) 限值 Extra-low voltage (ELV)--limit values
GB/T 3807-1994 聚氯乙烯微孔塑料拖鞋 Polyvinyl chloride cellular plastic slippers
GB/T 3808-2002 摆锤式冲击试验机的检验 Verification of pendulum-type impact testing machines
GB/T 3810.1-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第1部分:抽样和接收条件 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 1:Sampling and basis for acceptance
GB/T 3810.1-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第1部分:抽样和接收条件 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 1: Sampling and basis for acceptance
GB/T 3810.2-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第2部分:尺寸和表面质量的检验 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 2:Determination of dimensions and surface quality
GB/T 3810.2-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第2部分:尺寸和表面质量的检验 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 2: Determination of dimensions and surface quality
GB/T 3810.3-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第3部分:吸水率、显气孔率、表观相对密度和容重的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 3:Determination of water absorption,apparent porosity,apparent relative density and bulk density
GB/T 3810.3-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第3部分:吸水率、显气孔率、表观相对密度和容重的测定 Test method of ceramic tiles Part 3: Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density
GB/T 3810.4-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第4部分:断裂模数和破坏强度的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 4:Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength
GB/T 3810.4-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第4部分:断裂模数和破坏强度的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 4: Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength
GB/T 3810.5-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第5部分:用测恢复系数确定砖的抗冲击性 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 5:Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution
GB/T 3810.5-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第5部分:用恢复系数确定砖的抗冲击性 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 5: Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution
GB/T 3810.6-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第6部分:无釉砖耐磨深度的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 6:Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
GB/T 3810.6-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第6部分:无釉砖耐磨深度的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 6: Determination of resistance to deep abrasion for unglazed tiles
GB/T 3810.7-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第7部分:有釉砖表面耐磨性的测定 Test methods of ceramictiles--Part 7:Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles
GB/T 3810.7-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第7部分:有釉砖表面耐磨性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 7: Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles
GB/T 3810.8-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第8部分:线性热膨胀的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 8:Determination of linear thermal expansion
GB/T 3810.8-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第8部分:线性热膨胀的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion
GB/T 3810.9-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第9部分:抗热震性的测定 Test methods of ceramictiles--Part 9:Determination of resistance to thermal shock
GB/T 3810.9-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第9部分:抗热震性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 9: Determination of resistance to thermal shock
GB/T 3810.10-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第10部分:湿膨胀的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 10:Determination of moisture expansion
GB/T 3810.10-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第10部分:湿膨胀的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 10: Determination of moisture expansion
GB/T 3810.11-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第11部分:有釉砖抗釉裂性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 11:Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
GB/T 3810.11-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第11部分:有釉砖抗釉裂性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 11: Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles
GB/T 3810.12-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第12部分:抗冻性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 12:Determination of frost resistance
GB/T 3810.12-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第12部分:抗冻性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 12: Determination of frost resistance
GB/T 3810.13-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第13部分:耐化学腐蚀性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 13:Determination of chemical resistance
GB/T 3810.13-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第13部分:耐化学腐蚀性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 13: Determination of chemical resistance
GB/T 3810.14-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第14部分:耐污染性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 14:Determination of resistance stains
GB/T 3810.14-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第14部分:耐污染性的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 14: Determination of resistance to stains
GB/T 3810.15-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第15部分:有釉砖铅和镉溶出量的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 15:Determination of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles
GB/T 3810.15-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第15部分:有釉砖铅和镉溶出量的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 15: Determination of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles
GB/T 3810.16-1999 陶瓷砖试验方法 第16部分:小色差的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles--Part 16:Determination of small colour differences
GB/T 3810.16-2006 陶瓷砖试验方法 第16部分:小色差的测定 Test methods of ceramic tiles Part 16: Determination of small colour differences
GB/T 3811-1983 起重机设计规范 Design rules for cranes
GB/T 3813-1983 褐煤蜡密度测定方法 Determination of density of montan wax
GB/T 3814-1983 褐煤蜡粘度测定方法 Determination of viscosity of montan wax
GB/T 3815-1983 褐煤蜡加热损失量测定方法 Determination of loss in weight of montan wax
GB/T 3816-1983 褐煤蜡中地沥青含量测定方法 Determination of asphalt in montan wax
GB/T 3819-1997 纺织品 织物折痕回复性的测定 回复角法 Textiles--Determination of the recovery from creasing of a folded specimen by measuring the angle of recovery
GB/T 3820-1997 纺织品和纺织制品厚度的测定 Determination of thickness of textiles and textile products
GB/T 3821-1983 中小功率内燃机清洁度测定方法 Determination of cleanliness for small and medium power internal combustion engines
GB/T 3821-2005 中小功率内燃机清洁度测定方法 Small and medium power internal combustion engines-Cleanliness measurement
GB/T 3822-2008 乌珠穆沁羊 Ujumuqin sheep
GB/T 3822-1983 乌珠穆沁羊 Ujimqin sheep
GB/T 3823-2008 中卫山羊 Zhongwei goat
GB/T 3823-1983 中卫山羊 Zhongwei goat
GB/T 3825-1983 钨钼合金化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定钼量 Method for chemical analysis of tungsten-molybdenum alloy--The EDTA volumetric method for the determination of molybdenum content
GB/T 3830-1994 软聚氯乙烯压延薄膜和片材 Calendered film(sheet)from flexible PVC
GB/T 3832.1-1983 拉刀矩形柄 型式和基本尺寸 Rectangular shanks for broaches--Types and main dimensions
GB/T 3832.1-2004 拉刀柄部 第1部分:矩形柄 Broaches shanks--Part 1:Rectangular shanks
GB/T 3832.2-1983 拉刀圆柱形前柄型式和基本尺寸 Round shanks for broaches--Types and main dimensions
GB/T 3832.2-2004 拉刀柄部 第2部分:圆柱形前柄 Broaches shanks--Part 2:Round shanks
GB/T 3832.3-1983 拉刀圆柱形后柄型式和基本尺寸 Round follower end for broaches--Types and main dimensions
GB/T 3832.3-2004 拉刀柄部 第3部分:圆柱形后柄 Broaches shanks--Part 3:Round follower end
GB/T 3837-2001 7∶24手动换刀刀柄圆锥 7/24 tapers for tool shanks for manual changing
GB/T 3839-1983 制订地方水污染物排放标准的技术原则与方法 Technological principle and methods for enactment of local water pollutant emission standard
GB/T 3840-1991 制定地方大气污染物排放标准的技术方法 Technical methods for making local emission standards of air pollutants
GB/T 3841-1983 锅炉烟尘排放标准 Standard of smoke and dust emission for boiler
GB/T 3845-1993 汽油车排气污染物的测量 怠速法 Measurement method for pollutants at idle speed from vehicle with petrol engine
GB/T 3846-1993 柴油车自由加速烟度的测量 滤纸烟度法 Measurement method for smoke exhausted from vehicle with diesel engine at free acceleration--Filtermeter
GB/T 3848-1983 硬质合金矫顽 (磁) 力测定方法 Hardmetals--Determination of (the magnetization) coercivity
GB/T 3849-1983 硬质合金洛氏硬度 (A标尺) 试验方法 Hardmetals--Rockwell hardness (scaleA) test method
GB/T 3849.2-2010 硬质合金 洛氏硬度试验(A标尺) 第2部分:标准试块的制备和校准 Hardmetals - Rockwell hardness test (scale A) - Part 2: Preparation and calibration of standard test blocks
GB/T 3850-1983 致密烧结金属材料与硬质合金密度测定方法 Impermeable sintered metal materials and hardmetals--Determination of density
GB/T 3851-1983 硬质合金横向断裂强度测定方法 Hardmetals--Determination of transverse rupture strength
GB/T 3852-1997 联轴器轴孔和联结型式与尺寸 Types and dimension for coupling bores and their connection
GB/T 3853-1998 容积式压缩机验收试验 Displacement compressor--Acceptance tests
GB/T 3854-1983 纤维增强塑料巴氏 (巴柯尔) 硬度试验方法 Test method for hardness of fiber reinforced plastics by means of a Barcol impressor
GB/T 3854-2005 增强塑料巴柯尔硬度试验方法 Test method for hardness of reinforced plastics by means of a Barcol impresser
GB/T 3855-1983 碳纤维增强塑料树脂含量试验方法 Test method for resin content of carbon fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3855-2005 碳纤维增强塑料树脂含量试验方法 Test method for resin content of carbon fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3856-1983 单向纤维增强塑料平板压缩性能试验方法 Test method for compression properties of unidirectional fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3856-2005 单向纤维增强塑料平板压缩性能试验方法 Test method for compression properties of unidirectional fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3857-1987 玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料耐化学药品性能试验方法 Test method for chemical resistance of glass fiber reinforced thermosetting plastics
GB/T 3857-2005 玻璃纤维增强热固性塑料耐化学介质性能试验方法 Test method for chemical resistance of glass fiber reinforced thermosetting plastics
GB/T 3858-1993 液力传动术语 Hydrodynamic drive terminology
GB/T 3859.1-1993 半导体变流器 基本要求的规定 Semiconductor convertors--Specification of basic requirements
GB/T 3859.1-2013 半导体变流器 通用要求和电网换相变流器 第1-1部分:基本要求规范 Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated Converters - Part 1-1: Specification of basic requirements
GB/T 3859.2-1993 半导体变流器 应用导则 Semiconductor convertors--Application guide
GB/T 3859.2-2013 半导体变流器 通用要求和电网换相变流器 第1-2部分:应用导则 Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated converters - Part 1-2: Application guide
GB/T 3859.3-1993 半导体变流器 变压器和电抗器 Semiconductor convertors--Transformers and reactors
GB/T 3859.3-2013 半导体变流器 通用要求和电网换相变流器 第1-3部分:变压器和电抗器 Semiconductor converters - General requirements and line commutated converters - Part 1-3: Transformers and reactors
GB/T 3859.4-2004 半导体变流器 包括直接直流变流器的半导体自换相变流器 Semiconductor converter--Self-commutated semiconductor converters including direct d.c.converters
GB/T 3860-1995 文献叙词标引规则 Documentation guidelines for determining the subjectsand selecting the descriptors
GB/T 3863-1995 工业用氧 Industrial oxygen
GB/T 3864-1996 工业氮 Industrial nitrogen
GB/T 3865-1983 中式糕点质量检验方法 The quality examination methods of the Chinese pastry
GB/T 3866-1983 西式糕点质量检验方法 The quality examination methods of the western pastry
GB/T 3871.1-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第1 部分 通用要求 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 3871.1-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第1部分:通用要求 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 1: General requirements
GB/T 3871.2-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第2 部分 整机参数测定 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 2:Measurements of tractor parameters
GB/T 3871.2-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第2部分:整机参数测量 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 2: Measurements of tractor parameters
GB/T 3871.3-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第3 部分 动力输出轴功率试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 3:PTO power tests
GB/T 3871.3-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第3部分:动力输出轴功率试验 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures Part 3: Power tests for power take-off
GB/T 3871.4-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第4 部分 液压提升能力和输出功率试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 4:Hydraulic lifting capacity and power tests
GB/T 3871.4-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第4部分:后置三点悬挂装置提升能力 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 4: Rear three-point linkage lifting capacity
GB/T 3871.5-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第5 部分 转向和离合器操纵试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 5:Turning and clutchoperating tests
GB/T 3871.5-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第5部分:转向圆和通过圆直径 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 5: Turning and clearance diameters
GB/T 3871.6-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第6 部分 制动试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 6:Braking tests
GB/T 3871.6-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第6部分:农林车辆制动性能的确定 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 6: Determination of braking performance
GB/T 3871.7-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第7 部分 视野测定 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 7:Measurements of operator’s field vision
GB/T 3871.7-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第7部分:驾驶员的视野 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 7: Operator's field of vision
GB/T 3871.8-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第8 部分 噪声测量 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 8:Measurements of noise
GB/T 3871.8-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第8部分:噪声测量 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 8: Noise measurement
GB/T 3871.9-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第9 部分 牵引功率试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 9:Drawbar power tests
GB/T 3871.9-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第9部分:牵引功率试验 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 9: Power tests for drawbar
GB/T 3871.10-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第10部分 低温起动试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 10:Low temperature starting tests
GB/T 3871.10-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第10部分:低温起动 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 10: Low temperature starting
GB/T 3871.11-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第11部分 高温适应性试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 11:Suitability tests for hot atmosphere
GB/T 3871.11-2005 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第11部分:高温性能试验 Agricultural tractors-Test procedures-Part 11:Suitability tests for hot atmosphere
GB/T 3871.12-1993 农业轮式和履带拖拉机试验方法 第12部分 使用试验 Test methods for agricultural wheeled and tracklaying tractors--Part 12:Working tests
GB/T 3871.12-2005 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第12部分 使用试验 Agricultural Tractors-Test procedures-Part 12:Working Tests
GB/T 3871.13-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第13部分:排气烟度测量 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 13: Measurement of exhaust smoke
GB/T 3871.14-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第14部分:非机械式传输的部分功率输出动力输出轴 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 14: Partial power PTO - Non-mechanically transmitted power
GB/T 3871.15-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第15部分:质心 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 15: Centre of gravity
GB/T 3871.16-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第16部分:轴功率测定 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 16: Axle power determination
GB/T 3871.17-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第17部分:发动机空气滤清器 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 17: Engine air cleaner
GB/T 3871.18-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第18部分:拖拉机与机具接口处液压功率 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 18: Hydraulic power at tractor/implement interface
GB/T 3871.19-2006 农业拖拉机 试验规程 第19部分:轮式拖拉机转向性能 Agricultural tractors - Test procedures - Part 19: Steering capability of wheeled tractor
GB/T 3873-1983 通信设备产品包装通用技术条件 General specifications for products packaging of communication equipments
GB/T 3875-1983 钨板 Tungsten sheet
GB/T 3875-2006 钨板 Tungsten sheet
GB/T 3876-2007 钼及钼合金板 Molybdenum and molybdenum alloy plate and sheet
GB/T 3876-1983 钼及钼合金板 Molybdenum and molybdenum alloy sheet
GB/T 3877-1983 钼箔 Molybdenum foil
GB/T 3877-2006 钼箔 Molybdenum foil
GB/T 3879-1983 钢结硬质合金材料毛坯 The material blanks of steel bonded carbide
GB/T 3880-1997 铝及铝合金轧制板材 Aluminium and aluminium alloy rolled sheet
GB/T 3880.1-2006 一般工业用铝及铝合金板、带材 第1部分:一般要求 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates,sheets and strips for general engineering - part 1: Technical conditions of delivery
GB/T 3880.1-2012 一般工业用铝及铝合金板、带材 第1部分:一般要求 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates,sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 1: Technical conditions of delivery
GB/T 3880.2-2006 一般工业用铝及铝合金板、带材 第2部分:力学性能 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates,sheets and strips for general engineering - part 2: mechanical properties
GB/T 3880.2-2012 一般工业用铝及铝合金板、带材 第2部分:力学性能 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates,sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 2: Mechanical properties
GB/T 3880.3-2006 一般工业用铝及铝合金板、带材 第3部分:尺寸偏差 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates,sheets and strips for general engineering - part 3: Tolerances on forms and dimensions
GB/T 3880.3-2012 一般工业用铝及铝合金板、带材 第3部分:尺寸偏差 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy plates,sheets and strips for general engineering - Part 3: Tolerances on forms and dimensions
GB/T 3882-1995 滚动轴承 外球面球轴承和偏心套外形尺寸 Rolling bearings--Insert bearings and eccentric looking collars--Boundary dimensions
GB/T 3884.1-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 铜量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copperconcentrates--Determination of copper content
GB/T 3884.1-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第1部分:铜量的测定 碘量法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 1: Determination of copper content - Iodine titration method
GB/T 3884.2-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 金和银量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates--Determination of gold and silver content
GB/T 3884.2-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第2部分:金和银量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和火试金法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 2: Determination of gold and silver contents - Flame atomic absorption spectrmetric method and fire assay method
GB/T 3884.3-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 硫量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copperconcentrates--Determination of sulfur content
GB/T 3884.3-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第3部分:硫量的测定 重量法和燃烧-滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 3: Determination of sulfur content - Gravimetric method and Combustion-titration method
GB/T 3884.4-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 氧化镁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates--Determination of magnesium oxide content
GB/T 3884.4-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第4部分:氧化镁量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 4: Determination of magnesium oxide content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry method
GB/T 3884.5-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 氟量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copperconcentrates--Determination of fluorine content
GB/T 3884.5-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第5部分:氟量的测定 离子选择电极法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 5: Determination of fluoride content - Ion selective electrode method
GB/T 3884.6-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 铅、锌、镉和镍量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates--Determination of lead,zinc,cadmium and nickel contents
GB/T 3884.6-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第6部分:铅、锌、镉和镍量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 6: Determination of lead,zinc,cadmium and nickel content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry method
GB/T 3884.7-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 铅量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copperconcentrates--Determination of lead content
GB/T 3884.7-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第7部分:铅量的测定 Na2EDTA滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 7: Determination of lead content - Na2EDTA titration method
GB/T 3884.8-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 锌量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copperconcentrates--Determination of zinc content
GB/T 3884.8-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第8部分:锌量的测定 Na2EDTA滴定法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 8: Determination of zinc content - Na2EDTA titration method
GB/T 3884.9-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 砷和铋量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates--Determination of arsenic and bismuth contents
GB/T 3884.9-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第9部分:砷和铋量的测定 氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法、溴酸钾滴定法和二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸银分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 9: Determination of arsenic and bismuth contents - Hydride generation- atomic fluorescence spectrometry method The potassium bromate titration method and The silver diethyl dithiocarbamate photometric mothod
GB/T 3884.10-2000 铜精矿化学分析方法 锑量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of copperconcentrates--Determination of antimony content
GB/T 3884.10-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第10部分:锑量的测定 氢化物发生-原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrstes - Part 10: Determination of Antimony content - Hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry method
GB/T 3884.11-2005 铜精矿化学分析方法 汞量的测定 冷原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates-Determination of mercury content-Cold atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3884.12-2010 铜精矿化学分析方法 第12部分:氟和氯含量的测定 离子色谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 12:Determination of fluoride content and chloride content - Ion chromatography
GB/T 3884.13-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第13部分:铜量测定 电解法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 13: Determination of copper - Electrogravimetric method
GB/T 3884.14-2012 铜精矿化学分析方法 第14部分:金和银量测定 火试金重量法和原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper concentrates - Part 14: Determination of gold and silver - Fire assay gravimetric and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 3885.1-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定氧化锂、氧化钠和氧化钾量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for determination of lithium oxide, sodium oxide and potassium oxide contents
GB/T 3885.2-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定氧化铷和氧化铯量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of rubidiumoxie and caesium oxide contents
GB/T 3885.3-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 重量-钼蓝光度法测定二氧化硅量 Methodsfor chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The gravimetric-molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of silicon dioxide content
GB/T 3885.4-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定三氧化二铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The EDTAvolumetric method for the determination of aluminium oxide content
GB/T 3885.5-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定三氧化二铁量 Methods forchemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The EDTA volumetric method for the determination of ferric oxide content
GB/T 3885.6-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定三氧化二铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The o-phenanthroline photometric method for the determination of ferric oxide content
GB/T 3885.7-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定五氧化二磷量 Methods forchemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of phosphorus pentoxide content
GB/T 3885.8-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 铬天青S-CTMAB 光度法测定氧化铍量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The chromazurol S and cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide photometric method for the determination of beryllium oxide content
GB/T 3885.9-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定氧化钙、氧化镁量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide contents
GB/T 3885.10-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 离子选择电极法测定锂云母中氟量 Methodsfor chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The ion selective electrode method for the determination of fluorine content in lepidolite concentrates
GB/T 3885.11-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 过硫酸盐氧化光度法测定一氧化锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The persulfate oxidation photometric method for the determination of manganous oxide content
GB/T 3885.12-1983 锂辉石、锂云母精矿化学分析方法 重量法测定烧失量 Methods for chemical analysis of spodumenite and lepidolite concentrates--The gravimetric method for the determination of loss on ignition
GB/T 3886.1-2001 半导体电力变流器 用于调速电气传动系统的一般要求 第1部分:关于直流电动机传动额定值的规定 Semiconductor power convertors--Adjustable speed electric drive systems--General requirements--Part 1:Rating specifications,particularlyfor d.c.motor drives
GB/T 3893-1998 造船及海上结构物 甲板机械 术语 Shipbuilding and marine structures--Deck machinery --Terminology
GB/T 3894.1-1983 船用布置图图形符号 舱壁、门、窗及舱壁孔、舱口及舱口盖 Figurations andsymbols on the arrangement plans of ships--Bulkheads, doors, windows and openings on wall, hatches and hatch covers
GB/T 3894.2-1983 船舶布置图图形符号 舱室家具 Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--Furnitures in accommodation
GB/T 3894.3-1983 船舶布置图图形符号 生活卫生设备 Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--Equipments in commissary space and sanitary space
GB/T 3894.4-1983 船舶布置图图形符号 航行设备、灯具及修理间设备 Figurations and symbolson the arrangement plans of ships--Navigation,lights and workshop equipments
GB/T 3894.5-1983 船舶布置图图形符号 梯及舷墙 Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--Stairs and bulwarks
GB/T 3894.6-1984 船舶布置图图形符号 救生设备 Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--Life-saving apparatus
GB/T 3894.7-1983 船舶布置图图形符号 系泊设备 Figurations and symbols on the arrangement plans of ships--Mooring equipment
GB/T 3894.8-1985 船舶布置图图形符号 甲板机械 Figure symbols on the arrangement plans of ship deck machinery
GB/T 3894.9-1986 船舶布置图图形符号 起货设备 Graphical symbols on the arrangement planof ship--Cargo handling gear
GB/T 3895-1983 船舶甲板敷料和绝缘材料图形符号 Graphical symbols for ships’ deck covering and insulation materials
GB/T 3898-1983 航海磁罗经名词、术语 Magnetic compasses for sea navigation--Vocabulary
GB/T 3899.1-2007 纺织品用染料产品 命名原则 Commercial dyestuffs for textile - The principle of nomenclature
GB/T 3899.2-2007 纺织品用染料产品 命名标准色卡 Commercial dyestuffs for textile - Standard colour cards for the nomenclature
GB/T 3900-2003 轮胎气门嘴系列 Tyre valve series
GB/T 3903.1-1994 鞋类通用检验方法 耐折试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of flexing resistance
GB/T 3903.1-2008 鞋类 通用试验方法 耐折性能 Footwear - General test methods - Flexing resistance
GB/T 3903.2-1994 鞋类通用检验方法 耐磨试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of abrasion resistance
GB/T 3903.2-2008 鞋类 通用试验方法 耐磨性能 Footwear - General test methods - Abrasion resistance
GB/T 3903.3-1994 鞋类通用检验方法 剥离强度试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of peeling strength
GB/T 3903.3-2011 鞋类 整鞋试验方法 剥离强度 Footwear - General test methods - Peeling strength
GB/T 3903.4-1994 鞋类通用检验方法 硬度试验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of hardness
GB/T 3903.4-2008 鞋类 通用试验方法 硬度 Footwear - General test methods - Hardness
GB/T 3903.5-1995 鞋类通用检验方法 外观检验方法 General test method for footwear--Test method of appearance
GB/T 3903.5-2011 鞋类 整鞋试验方法 感官质量 Footwear - General test methods - Appearance quality
GB/T 3903.6-2005 鞋类通用试验方法-防滑性能 Footwear-Determination of slip resistance
GB/T 3903.7-2005 鞋类通用试验方法-老化处理 Footwear-Ageing conditioning
GB/T 3903.8-2005 鞋类-内底试验方法-层间剥离强度 Footwear-Test methods for insoles-Delamination resistance
GB/T 3903.9-2005 鞋类-内底试验方法-跟部持钉力 Footwear-Test methods for insoles-Heel pin holding strengh
GB/T 3903.10-2005 鞋类-内底试验方法-尺寸稳定性 Footwear-Test methods for insoles-Dimensional stability
GB/T 3903.11-2005 鞋类-内底、衬里和内垫试验方法-耐汗性 Footwear-Test methods for insoles,lining and insocks-perspiration resistance
GB/T 3903.12-2005 鞋类-外底试验方法-撕裂强度 Footwear-Test methods for outsoles-Tear strengh
GB/T 3903.13-2005 鞋类-外底试验方法-尺寸稳定性 Footwear-Test methods for outsoles-Dimensional stability
GB/T 3903.14-2005 鞋类-外底试验方法-针撕破强度 Footwear-Test methods for outsoles-Needle tear strength
GB/T 3903.15-2008 鞋类 帮面、衬里和内垫试验方法 隔热性能 Footwear - Test methods for uppers,lining and insocks - Thermal insulation
GB/T 3903.16-2008 鞋类 帮面、衬里和内垫试验方法 耐磨性能 Footwear - Test methods for uppers, linings and insocks - Abrasion resistance
GB/T 3903.17-2008 鞋类 帮面试验方法 防水性能 Footwear - Test methods for uppers - Water resistance
GB/T 3903.18-2008 鞋类 帮面试验方法 高温性能 Footwear - Test methods for uppers - High temperature behaviour
GB/T 3903.19-2008 鞋类 金属附件试验方法 耐腐蚀性 Footwear - Test methods for accessories:Metallic accessories - Corrosion resistance
GB/T 3903.20-2008 鞋类 粘扣带试验方法 反复开合前后的剥离强度 Footwear - Test methods for accessories:Touch and close fasteners - Peel strength before and after repeated closing
GB/T 3903.21-2008 鞋类 粘扣带试验方法 反复开合前后的剪切强度 Footwear - Test methods for accessories:Touch and close fasteners - Shear strength before and after repeated closing
GB/T 3903.22-2008 鞋类 外底试验方法 抗张强度和伸长率 Footwear - Test methods for outsoles - Tensile strength and elongation
GB/T 3903.23-2008 鞋类 鞋跟和跟面试验方法 跟面结合力 Footwear - Test methods for heels and top pieces - Top piece retention strength
GB/T 3903.24-2008 鞋类 鞋跟试验方法 持钉力 Footwear - Test methods for heels - Heel pin holding strength
GB/T 3903.25-2008 鞋类 整鞋试验方法 鞋跟结合强度 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe - Heel attachment
GB/T 3903.26-2008 鞋类 主跟和包头试验方法 粘合性能 Footwear - Test methods for stiffeners and toepuffs - Bondability
GB/T 3903.27-2008 鞋类 主跟和包头试验方法 机械性能 Footwear - Test methods for stiffeners and toepuffs - Mechanical characteristics
GB/T 3903.28-2008 鞋类 外底试验方法 压缩能 Footwear - Test methods for outsoles - Compression energy
GB/T 3903.29-2008 鞋类 外底试验方法 剖层撕裂力和层间剥离强度 Footwear - Test methods for outsoles - Split tear strength and delamination resistance
GB/T 3903.30-2008 鞋类 外底、内底、衬里和内垫试验方法 水溶物含量 Footwear - Test methods for outsoles, insoles, lining and insocks - Water soluble content
GB/T 3903.31-2008 鞋类 内底试验方法 耐磨性能 Footwear - Test methods for insoles - Abrasion resistance
GB/T 3903.32-2008 鞋类 内底试验方法 缝线撕破力 Footwear - Test methods for insoles - Resistance to stitch tear
GB/T 3903.33-2008 鞋类 内底和内垫试验方法 吸水率和解吸率 Footwear - Test methods for insoles and insocks - Water absorption and desorption
GB/T 3903.34-2008 鞋类 勾心试验方法 纵向刚度 Footwear - Test methods for shanks - Longitudinal stiffness
GB/T 3903.35-2008 鞋类 勾心试验方法 抗疲劳性 Footwear - Test methods for shanks - Fatigue resistance
GB/T 3903.36-2008 鞋类 鞋带试验方法 耐磨性能 Footwear - Test methods for accessories: shoe laces - Abrasion resistance
GB/T 3903.37-2008 鞋类 衬里和内垫试验方法 静摩擦力 Footwear - Test methods for insoles and insocks - Static friction
GB/T 3903.38-2008 鞋类 帮面试验方法 可绷帮性 Footwear - Test methods for uppers - Resistance to damage on lasting
GB/T 3903.39-2008 鞋类 帮面试验方法 层间剥离强度 Footwear - Test methods for uppers - Delamination resistance
GB/T 3903.40-2008 鞋类 帮面试验方法 形变性 Footwear - Test methods for uppers - Defomability
GB/T 3903.41-2008 鞋类 帮面和衬里试验方法 耐折性能 Footwear - Test methods for uppers and lining - Flex resistance
GB/T 3903.42-2008 鞋类 帮面、衬里和内垫试验方法 颜色迁移性 Footwear - Test methods for uppers, lining and insocks - Colour migration
GB/T 3903.43-2008 鞋类 帮面、衬里和内垫试验方法 缝合强度 Footwear - Test methods for uppers, lining and insocks - Seam strength
GB/T 3907-1983 工业无线电干扰基本测量方法 General methods of measurement for industrial radio interference
GB/T 3908-1983 信息处理用80列穿孔纸卡片的尺寸 Dimensions of 80 columns punched paper cards for information processing
GB/T 3909-1983 信息交换用图形字符点阵形状 Matrix font of graphic characters for information interchange
GB/T 3910-1983 办公机器和数据处理设备 行间距和字符间距 Office machines and data processing equipments--Line spacings and character spacings
GB/T 3911-1983 信息处理用七位编码字符集控制字符的图形表示 Graphical representations of the control characters of 7-bit coded character set for information processing
GB/T 3914-1983 化学试剂 阳极溶出伏安法通则 Chemical reagents--The general rules of anodic stripping voltammetry
GB/T 3916-1997 纺织品 卷装纱 单根纱线断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定 Textiles--Yarns from packages--Determination of single-end breaking force and elongation at break
GB/T 3917.1-1997 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第1部分:撕破强力的测定 冲击摆锤法 Textiles--Tear properties of fabrics--Part 1:Determination of tear force--Ballistic pendulum method(Elmendorf)
GB/T 3917.1-2009 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第1部分:冲击摆锤法撕破强力的测定 Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics - Part 1: Determination of tear force using ballistic pendulum method (Elmendorf)
GB/T 3917.2-1997 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第2部分:舌形试样撕破强力的测定 Textiles--Tear properties of fabrics--Part 2:Determination of tear force of tongue shaped test specimens
GB/T 3917.2-2009 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第2部分:裤形试样(单缝)撕破强力的测定 Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics - Part 2: Determination of tear force of trouser-shaped test specimens (Single tear method)
GB/T 3917.3-1997 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第3部分:梯形试样撕破强力的测定 Textiles--Tear properties of fabrics--Part 3:Determination of tear force of trapezoidal shaped test specimens
GB/T 3917.3-2009 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第3部分:梯形试样撕破强力的测定 Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics - Part 3: Determination of tear force of trapezoid-shaped test specimens
GB/T 3917.4-2009 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第4部分:舌形试样(双缝)撕破强力的测定 Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics - Part 4: Determination of tear force of tongue-shaped test specimens (Double tear test)
GB/T 3917.5-2009 纺织品 织物撕破性能 第5部分:翼形试样(单缝)撕破强力的测定 Textiles - Tear properties of fabrics - Part 5: Determination of tear force of wing-shaped test specimens (Single tear method)
GB/T 3918-1983 织物梯形法撕破强力试验方法 Tearing strength of fabrics by the trapezoid method
GB/T 3920-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐摩擦色牢度 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to rubbing
GB/T 3921.1-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验1 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing:Test 1
GB/T 3921.2-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验2 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing:Test 2
GB/T 3921.3-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验3 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing:Test 3
GB/T 3921.4-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验4 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing:Test 4
GB/T 3921.5-1997 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐洗色牢度:试验5 Textiles--Tests for colour fastness--Colour fastness to washing:Test 5
GB/T 3922-1995 纺织品耐汗渍色牢度试验方法 Textiles--Testing method for colour fastness to perspiration
GB/T 3923.1-1997 纺织品 织物拉伸性能 第1部分:断裂强力和断裂伸长率的测定 条样法 Textiles--Tensile properties of fabrics--Part 1:Determination of breaking force and elongation at breaking force--Strip method
GB/T 3923.2-1998 纺织品 织物拉伸性能 第2部分:断裂强力的测定 抓样法 Textiles--Tensileproperties of fabrics--Part 2:Determination of breaking force--Grab method
GB/T 3925-1983 2.0级交流电度表的验收方法 Acceptance inspection of class 2 alternatingcurrent watthour meters
GB/T 3926-2007 中频设备额定电压 Rated voltages for medium frequency equipment
GB/T 3926-1983 中频设备额定电压 Rated voltage for medium frequency equipment
GB/T 3927-1983 直流电位差计 Direct-current potentiometers
GB/T 3928-1983 直流电阻分压箱 D.C.resistive volt ratio boxes
GB/T 3929-1983 标准电池 Standard cells
GB/T 3930-1983 测量电阻用直流电桥 D.C. bridge for measuring resistance
GB/T 3931-1997 联轴器 术语 Coupling--Vocabulary
GB/T 3932-1983 工作台不升降铣床精度 Milling machines with table of fixed height withhorizontal or vertical spindle--Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 3932.1-2006 床身铣床检验条件 精度检验 第1部分:卧式铣床 Test conditions for manually controlled milling machines with table of fixed height - Testing of the accuracy - Part 1: Machines with horizontal spindle
GB/T 3932.2-2006 床身铣床检验条件 精度检验 第2部分:立式铣床 Test conditions for manually controlled milling machines with table of fixed height - Testing of the accuracy - Part 2: Machines with vertical spindle
GB/T 3933.2-2002 升降台铣床检验条件 精度检验 第2部分:卧式铣床 Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height--Testing of accuracy--Part 2:Machines with horizontal spindle
GB/T 3933.3-2002 升降台铣床检验条件 精度检验 第3部分:立式铣床 Test conditions for milling machines with table of variable height--Testing of accuracy--Part 3:Machines with vertical spindle
GB/T 3934-2003 普通螺纹量规 技术条件 Specification of gauges for general purpose screw threads
GB/T 3936.7-1983 胶轮力车 试验方法 Tired barrow--Test method
GB/T 3939-1983 网线标识 Designation of netting yarns
GB/T 3939.1-2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记 网线 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material--Netting twine
GB/T 3939.2-2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记 网片 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material--Netting
GB/T 3939.3-2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记 绳索 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material--Rope
GB/T 3939.4-2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记 浮子 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material--Float
GB/T 3939.5-2004 主要渔具材料命名与标记 沉子 Nomenclature and signs of main fishing gear material--Sinker
GB/T 3940-1983 网片标识 Designation of netting
GB/T 3941-1983 绳索标识 Designation of rope
GB/T 3942-1983 浮子标识 Designation of float
GB/T 3943-1983 圆孔和长孔筛片 Perforated plate with round and elongated apertures
GB/T 3944-2002 关节轴承 词汇 Spherical plain bearings--Vocabulary
GB/T 3947-1996 声学名词术语 Acoustical terminology
GB/T 3948-1983 电视三基色色度坐标测试方法 Test method of three primary colors chromaticity coordinates for TV
GB/T 3951-1983 液晶显示器件型号命名方法 The rule of type designation of liquid crystal display devices
GB/T 3952-1998 电工用铜线坯 Copper drawing stock for electrical purposes
GB/T 3953-1983 电工圆铜线 Round copper wire for electrical purposes
GB/T 3954-2001 电工圆铝杆 Aluminium rod for electrical purpose
GB/T 3955-1983 电工圆铝线 Round aluminium wire for electrical purposes
GB/T 3956-1997 电缆的导体 Conductors of insulated cables
GB/T 3959-1994 工业无水氯化铝 Anhydrous aluminium chloride for industrial use
GB/T 3960-1983 塑料滑动摩擦磨损试验方法 Test method for friction and wear of plasticsby sliding
GB/T 3961-1993 纤维增强塑料术语 Terms for fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 3965-1995 熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法 Methods for determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal
GB/T 3969-1983 35 kV及以下变压器瓷套 Porcelain bushing shell for transformer up to 35kV
GB/T 3971.3-1983 电话自动交换网多频记发器信号技术指标测试方法 The test methods for the technical specifications of multi-frequency register signalling for telephone auto-matic switching network
GB/T 3972-1992 纵横制电话交换机用继电器 Relays for crossbar telephone switching systems
GB/T 3973-1992 纵横接线器 Crossbar switches
GB/T 3974-1983 大容量长距离模拟微波通信干线电话传输干扰容限 Telephone transmission interference allowances for long-distance high-capacity analogue microwave communication systems
GB/T 3976-2002 学校课桌椅功能尺寸 Functional sizes of chairs and desks for educational institutions
GB/T 3977-1997 颜色的表示方法 Methods of color specification
GB/T 3978-1994 标准照明体及照明观测条件 Standard illuminants and illuminating--viewing conditions
GB/T 3979-1997 物体色的测量方法 Methods of measuring the colour of materials
GB/T 3984.1-2004 感应加热装置用电力电容器 第1部分:总则 Power capacitors for inductionheating installations--Part 1:General
GB/T 3984.2-2004 感应加热装置用电力电容器 第2部分:老化试验、破坏试验和内部熔丝隔离要求 Power capacitors for induction heating installations--Part 2:Ageing test,destruction test and requirements for disconnecting internal fuses
GB/T 3985-1995 石棉橡胶板 Asbestos-rubber sheets
GB/T 3990-1983 镍包氧化铝复合粉 Nickel-coated alumina composite powders
GB/T 3991-1983 钴包碳化钨复合粉 Cobalt-coated tungsten carbide composite powders
GB/T 3992-1983 镍包铬复合粉 Nickel-coated chromium composite powders
GB/T 3993-1983 镍包铜复合粉 Nickel-coated copper composite powders
GB/T 3994-1983 粘土质隔热耐火砖 Shaped insulating refractory products--Fireclay bricks
GB/T 3994-2005 粘土质隔热耐火砖 Shaped insulating refractory products-Fireclay bricks
GB/T 3995-1983 高铝质隔热耐火砖 Shaped insulating refractory products--High alumina bricks
GB/T 3995-2006 高铝质隔热耐火砖 Shaped insulating refractory products - High alumina bricks
GB/T 3996-1983 硅藻土隔热制品 Shaped thermal insulating products--Diatomite bricks and shapes
GB/T 3997.1-1998 定形隔热耐火制品 重烧线变化试验方法 Shaped insulating refractory products--Determination of permanent change in dimension on heating
GB/T 3997.2-1998 定形隔热耐火制品 常温耐压强度试验方法 Shaped insulating refractory products--Determination of cold crushing strength
GB/T 3998-1983 粗蒽 Crude anthracene
GB/T 4000-1996 焦炭反应性及反应后强度试验方法 Coke--Determination of reactivity and strength after reaction
GB/T 4008-1996 锰硅合金 Ferromanganese-silicon
GB/T 4009-1989 硅铬合金 Chromium silicon
GB/T 4010-1994 铁合金化学分析用试样的采取和制备 Ferroalloys--Sampling and preparationof samples for chemical analysis
GB/T 4011-1983 1.2/4.4mm同轴综合通信电缆 1.2/4.4mm composite coaxial cable for telecommunication use
GB/T 4012-1983 2.6/9.5mm同轴综合通信电缆 2.6/9.5mm composite coaxial cable for telecommunication use
GB/T 4013-1995 录音录像术语 Terminology for audio and video recording
GB/T 4016-1983 石油产品名词术语 Petroleum products technical terminology
GB/T 4017-1997 摇臂钻床 精度检验 Radial drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 4018.1-1997 圆柱立式钻床 精度检验 第1部分:几何精度检验 Pillar type vertical drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy--Part 1:Testing of the geometric accuracy
GB/T 4018.2-1997 圆柱立式钻床 精度检验 第2部分:工作精度检验 Pillar type vertical drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy--Part 2:Testing of the working accuracy
GB/T 4019.1-1997 方柱立式钻床 精度检验 第1部分:几何精度检验 Box type vertical drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy--Part 1:Geometrical tests
GB/T 4019.2-1997 方柱立式钻床 精度检验 第2部分:工作精度检验 Box type vertical drilling machines--Testing of the accuracy--Part 2:Working tests
GB/T 4020-1997 卧式车床 精度检验 Acceptance conditions for general purpose parallellathes--Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 4022-1983 卧轴矩台平面磨床 精度 Surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table--Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 4022.1-2007 卧轴矩台平面磨床 精度检验 第1部分:工作台面长度至1600mm的机床 Surface grinding machines with horizontal grinding wheel spindle and reciprocating table - Testing of the accuracy - Part 1:Machines with a table surface length of up to 1600 mm
GB/T 4023-1997 半导体器件 分立器件和集成电路 第2部分:整流二极管 Semiconductor devices--Discrete devices and integrated circuits--Part 2:Rectifier diodes
GB/T 4025-2003 人-机界面标志标识的基本和安全规则 指示器和操作器的编码规则 Basic andsafety principles for man-machine interface,marking and identification--Coding principles for indication devices and actuators
GB/T 4026-2010 人机界面标志标识的基本和安全规则 设备端子和导体终端的标识 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface,marking and identification - Identification of equipment terminals and conductor terminations
GB/T 4026-1992 电器设备接线端子和特定导线线端的识别及应用字母数字系统的通则 Identification of electric equipment terminals and of terminations of certain designated conductors, including general rules for an alphanumeric system
GB/T 4026-2004 人机界面标志标识的基本方法和安全规则 设备端子和特定导体终端标识及字母数字系统的应用通则 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface,marking and identification--Identification of equipment terminals and of terminations of certain designated conductors,including general rules for an alphanumeric system
GB/T 4028-1994 计时仪器的检验位置标记 Timekeeping instruments--Symbolization of control positions
GB/T 4032-1983 具有摆轮游丝振荡系统的精密手表 Wrist-chronometer with spring balance oscillator
GB/T 4048-1983 手表表壳与表带联结部位的尺寸系列 Wristwatch cases--Dimensions of fastening elements for bracelets
GB/T 4051-1997 红色人造刚玉 Cal synthetic ruby
GB/T 4054-1983 涂料涂覆标记 Representation of coating
GB/T 4056-1994 高压线路悬式绝缘子连接结构和尺寸 Coupling dimensions of suspension insulators for high voltage lines
GB/T 4058-1995 硅抛光片氧化诱生缺陷的检验方法 Test method for detection of oxidation induced defects in polished silicon wafers
GB/T 4059-2007 硅多晶气氛区熔基磷检验方法 Polycrystalline silicon - examination method - zone - melting on phosphorus under controlled atomosphere
GB/T 4059-1983 硅多晶气氛区熔磷检验方法 Polycrystalline silicon--Examination method--Zone-melting on phosphorus under controlled atmosphere
GB/T 4060-2007 硅多晶真空区熔基硼检验方法 Polycrystalline silicon - examination method - vacuum zone - melting on boron
GB/T 4060-1983 硅多晶真空区熔基硼检验方法 Polycrystalline silicon--Examination method--Vacuum zone-melting on boron
GB/T 4061-1983 硅多晶断面夹层化学腐蚀检验方法 Polycrystalline silicon--Examination method--Assessment of sandwiches on cross-section by chemical corrosion
GB/T 4062-1998 三氧化二锑 Antimony trioxide
GB/T 4063-2001 蒸汽机车用煤技术条件 Specifications of coals for steam locomotive
GB/T 4064-1983 电气设备安全设计导则 General guide for designing of electrical equipment to satisfy safety requirements
GB/T 4067-1999 金属材料电阻温度特征参数的测定 Testing method for electrical resistance-temperature characteristic parameters of metallic materials
GB/T 4070-1996 荧光粉性能试验方法 Test methods for properties of phosphors
GB/T 4071-1983 光致荧光粉测试方法 Measuring method for the phosphor excited by light
GB/T 4072-1983 阴极射线致荧光粉测试方法 Measuring method of the phosphor excited by cathod rays
GB/T 4073-1996 荧光粉牌号 Type of phosphor
GB/T 4074.1-1999 绕组线试验方法 第1部分:一般规定 Winding wires test methods--Part 1:General
GB/T 4074.1-2008 绕组线试验方法 第1部分:一般规定 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 1: General
GB/T 4074.2-1999 绕组线试验方法 第2部分:尺寸测量 Winding wires test methods--Part 2:Determination of dimensions
GB/T 4074.2-2008 绕组线试验方法 第2部分:尺寸测量 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 2: Determination of dimensions
GB/T 4074.3-1999 绕组线试验方法 第3部分:机械性能 Winding wires test methods--Part 3:Mechanical properties
GB/T 4074.3-2008 绕组线试验方法 第3部分:机械性能 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 3: Mechanical properties
GB/T 4074.4-1999 绕组线试验方法 第4部分:化学性能 Winding wires test methods--Part 4:Chemical properties
GB/T 4074.4-2008 绕组线试验方法 第4部分:化学性能 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 4: Chemical properties
GB/T 4074.5-1999 绕组线试验方法 第5部分:电性能 Winding wire stest methods--Part 5:Electrical properties
GB/T 4074.5-2008 绕组线试验方法 第5部分:电性能 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 5: Electrical properties
GB/T 4074.6-1999 绕组线试验方法 第6部分:热性能 Winding wire stest methods--Part 6:Thermal properties
GB/T 4074.6-2008 绕组线试验方法 第6部分:热性能 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 6: Thermal properties
GB/T 4074.7-2009 绕组线试验方法 第7部分:测定漆包绕组线温度指数的试验方法 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 7: Test procedure for the determination of the temperature index of enamelled winding wires
GB/T 4074.8-2009 绕组线试验方法 第8部分:测定漆包绕组线温度指数的试验方法 快速法 Winding wires - Test methods - Part 8: Test procedure for the determination of the temperature index of enamelled winding wires - Quick-Test method
GB/T 4077-1983 闪烁体尺寸 Dimensions of scintillators
GB/T 4078-1991 液体闪烁计数用的瓶子尺寸 Dimensions of vials for liquid scintillation counting
GB/T 4079-1994 用于电离辐射探测器的放大器和电荷灵敏前置放大器的测试方法 Test procedures for amplifiers and charge-sensitive preamplifiers used with detectors of ionizing radiation
GB/T 4080-1983 用于放射性测量的试管尺寸 Dimensions of test tubes for radioactivity measurements
GB/T 4083-1983 核反应堆保护系统安全准则 General safety principles of nuclear reactor protection system
GB/T 4083-2005 核反应堆保护系统安全准则 General safety principles of nuclear reactor protection system
GB/T 4085-1983 半硬质聚氯乙烯块状塑料地板 Semirigid PVC plastics floor tiles
GB/T 4085-2005 半硬质聚氯乙烯块状地板 Semirigid polyvinyl chloride floor tiles
GB/T 4086.1-1983 统计分布数值表 正态分布 Tables for statistical distributions--Normal distribution
GB/T 4086.2-1983 统计分布数值表 χ2分布 Tables for statistical distributions--χ2-distribution
GB/T 4086.3-1983 统计分布数值表 t分布 Tables for statistical distributions--t-distribution
GB/T 4086.4-1983 统计分布数值表 F分布 Tables for statistical distributions--F-distribution
GB/T 4086.5-1983 统计分布数值表 二项分布 Tables for statistical distributions--Binomial distribution
GB/T 4086.6-1983 统计分布数值表 泊松分布 Tables for statistical distributions--Poissondistribution
GB/T 4087.1-1983 数据的统计处理和解释 二项分布参数的点估计 Statistical interpretation of data--Point estimation of parameter in binomial distribution
GB/T 4087.2-1983 数据的统计处理和解释 二项分布参数的区间估计 Statistical interpretation of data--Interval estimation of parameter in binomial distribution
GB/T 4087.3-1985 数据的统计处理和解释 二项分布可靠度单侧置信下限 Statistical interpretation of data--One-sided reliability confidence lower limit (Binomial distribution)
GB/T 4088-1983 数据的统计处理和解释 二项分布参数的检验 Statistical interpretation ofdata--Test for parameter in binomial distribution
GB/T 4089-1983 数据的统计处理和解释 泊松分布参数的估计 Statistical interpretation ofdata--Estimation of parameter in Poisson distribution
GB/T 4090-1983 数据的统计处理和解释 泊松分布参数的检验 Statistical interpretation ofdata--Test for parameter in Poisson distribution
GB/T 4091-2001 常规控制图 Shewhart control charts
GB/T 4092.1-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 预备知识 Programming language COBOL--Introductory information
GB/T 4092.2-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 核心模块 Programming language COBOL--Nucleus module
GB/T 4092.4-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 顺序I-O模块 Programming language COBOL--SequentialI-O module
GB/T 4092.5-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 相对I-O模块 Programming language COBOL--Relative I-O module
GB/T 4092.6-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 索引I-O模块 Programming language COBOL--Indexed I-O module
GB/T 4092.7-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 排序-合并模块 Programming language COBOL--Sort-merge module
GB/T 4092.8-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 报表编制模块 Programming language COBOL--Report writer module
GB/T 4092.9-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 程序分段模块 Programming language COBOL--Segmentation module
GB/T 4092.10-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 源正文管理模块 Programming language COBOL--Source text manipulation module
GB/T 4092.11-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 排错模块 Programming language COBOL--Debug module
GB/T 4092.12-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 程序间通信模块 Programming language COBOL--Inter-program communication module
GB/T 4092.13-1992 程序设计语言COBOL 通信模块 Programming language COBOL--Communication module
GB/T 4094.2-2005 电动汽车操纵件、批示器及信号装置的标志 Electric vehicles-Symbols for control,indicators,and telltales
GB/T 4095-1995 载货汽车辐板式车轮在轮毂上的安装尺寸 Disc wheels for trucks--Dimensional characteristics of attachment on hub
GB/T 4095-2005 商用汽车辐板式车轮在轮毂上的安装尺寸 Disc wheels for Trucks Dimensional character istics of attachment on hub
GB/T 4096-2001 产品几何量技术规范(GPS) 棱体的角度与斜度系列 Geometrical product specifications(GPS)--Series of angler and slopes on prisms
GB/T 4099-1983 航海常用名词、术语及其代 (符) 号 Navigation terms and symbols in common use
GB/T 4099-2005 航海常用术语及其代(符)号 Navigation terms and symbols in common use
GB/T 4100-2006 陶瓷砖 Ceramic tiles
GB/T 4100.1-1999 干压陶瓷砖 第1部分:瓷质砖(吸水率E≤0.5%) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles--Part 1:Porcelain tiles$(E≤0.5%)
GB/T 4100.2-1999 干压陶瓷砖 第2部分:炻瓷砖(吸水率0.5%<E≤3%) Dry-pressed ceramictiles--Part 2:Stoneware porcelain tiles(0.5%<E≤3%)
GB/T 4100.3-1999 干压陶瓷砖 第3部分:细炻砖(吸水率3%<E≤6%) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles--Part 3:Fine stoneware tiles(3%<E≤6%)
GB/T 4100.4-1999 干压陶瓷砖 第4部分:炻质砖(吸水率6%<E≤10%) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles--Part 4:Stoneware tiles$(6%<E≤10%)
GB/T 4100.5-1999 干压陶瓷砖 第5部分:陶质砖(吸水率E>10%) Dry-pressed ceramic tiles--Part 5:Fine earthenware tiles(E>10%)
GB/T 4102.1-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 硫酸铁铵容量法测定二氧化钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The ammonium ferric sulfate volumetric method for the determination of titanium dioxide content
GB/T 4102.2-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 重铬酸钾容量法测定全铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The potassium dichromate volumetric method for the determination of total iron content
GB/T 4102.3-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 萃取钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The extraction-molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 4102.4-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 燃烧-库仑法测定碳量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The direct combustion-coulometricmethod for the determination of total cabon content
GB/T 4102.5-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 燃烧-碘量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The direct combustion-iodometric method for the determination of sulfur content
GB/T 4102.6-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 硫酸钡重量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The barium sulfate gravimetric method for the determination of sulfur content
GB/T 4102.7-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 重量法测定二氧化硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The gravimetric method for the determination of silicon dioxide content
GB/T 4102.8-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定氧化铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The EDTA volumetric method for thedetermination of aluminium oxide content
GB/T 4102.9-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 过硫酸盐-亚砷酸盐容量法测定一氧化锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The persulfate oxidation-arsenite volumetric method for the determination of manganous monoxide content
GB/T 4102.10-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 二苯基碳酰二肼光度法测定三氧化二铬量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The diphenylcarbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium sesqui-oxide content
GB/T 4102.11-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 苯甲酰苯胲萃取光度法测定五氧化二钒量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The benzoyl phenylhydroxylamine extraction photometric method for the determination of vanadium pentaoxide content
GB/T 4102.12-1983 高钛渣、金红石化学分析方法 EGTA 和 CyDTA容量法测定氧化钙和氧化镁量 Methods for chemical analysis of high-titanium slag and rutile--The EGTA and CyDTA volumetric methods for the determination of calcium oxide and magnesium oxide content
GB/T 4103.1-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 锡量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of tin content
GB/T 4103.1-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第1部分:锡量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 1: Determination of tin content
GB/T 4103.2-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 锑量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of antimony content
GB/T 4103.2-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第2部分:锑量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 2: Determination of antimony content
GB/T 4103.3-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 铜量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of copper content
GB/T 4103.3-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第3部分:铜量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 3: Determination of copper content
GB/T 4103.4-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 铁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of iron content
GB/T 4103.4-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第4部分:铁量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 4: Determination of iron content
GB/T 4103.5-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 铋量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of bismuth content
GB/T 4103.5-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第5部分:铋量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 5: Determination of bismuth content
GB/T 4103.6-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 砷量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of arsenic content
GB/T 4103.6-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第6部分:砷量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 6: Determination of arsenic content
GB/T 4103.7-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 硒量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of selenium content
GB/T 4103.7-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第7部分:硒量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 7: Determination of selenium content
GB/T 4103.8-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 碲量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of tellurium content
GB/T 4103.8-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第8部分:碲量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 8: Determination of tellurium content
GB/T 4103.9-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 钙量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of calcium content
GB/T 4103.9-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第9部分:钙量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 9: Determination of calcium content
GB/T 4103.10-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 银量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of silver content
GB/T 4103.10-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第10部分:银量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 10: Determination of silver content
GB/T 4103.11-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 锌量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of zinc content (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 4103.11-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第11部分:锌量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 11: Determination of zinc content
GB/T 4103.12-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 铊量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of thallium content
GB/T 4103.12-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第12部分:铊量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 12: Determination of thallium content
GB/T 4103.13-2000 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 铝量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys--Determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4103.13-2012 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第13部分:铝量的测定 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 13: Determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4103.14-2009 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第14部分:镉量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 14: Determination of cadmium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry
GB/T 4103.15-2009 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第15部分:镍量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 15: Determination of nickel content - Flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry
GB/T 4103.16-2009 铅及铅合金化学分析方法 第16部分:铜、银、铋、砷、锑、锡、锌量的测定 光电直读发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of lead and lead alloys - Part 16: Determination of copper,silver,bismuth,arsenic,antimony,tin and zinc contents - Optical emission spectrometry
GB/T 4104-2003 直接法氧化锌白度(颜色)检验方法 Leucoscopic method for testing whiteness of zinc oxide made by direct process
GB/T 4105-1983 钨丝下垂试验方法 Test method for sag of tungsten wire
GB/T 4106-1983 钨丝二次再结晶温度测量方法 Determination method for secondary recrystallization temperature of tungsten wire
GB/T 4107-1983 镁粉松装密度的测定 斯科特容量法 Magnesium powders--Determination of apparent density--Scott volumetric method
GB/T 4107-2004 镁粉松装密度的测定 斯科特容量法 Determination of apparent density of magnesium powder--Scott volumetric method
GB/T 4108-1983 镁粉、铝镁合金粉粒度组成的测定 干筛分法 Magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--Determination of particle size by dry sieving method
GB/T 4108-2004 镁粉和铝镁合金粉粒度组成的测定 干筛分法 Magnesium powder and aluminium-magnesium alloy powder determination of particle size--Dry sieving method
GB/T 4109-1999 高压套管技术条件 Technical specification of high voltage bushing
GB/T 4110-1983 脉冲编码调制通信系统系列 Pulse code modulation communication system hierarchy
GB/T 4111-1997 混凝土小型空心砌块试验方法 Test methods for the small concrete hollow block
GB/T 4112-1983 千克力与牛顿的相互换算表 Kilogram-force and newton conversion tables
GB/T 4113-1983 千克力每平方厘米与兆帕斯卡的相互换算表 Kilogram-force per square centimetre and megapascal conversion tables
GB/T 4114-1983 千瓦小时与兆焦耳的相互换算表 Kilowatt-hour and megajoule conversion tables
GB/T 4115-1983 马力与千瓦的相互换算表 Hores-power and kilowatt conversion tables
GB/T 4116-1983 奥斯特与安培每米的相互换算表 Oersted and ampere per metre conversion tables
GB/T 4117-1992 工业二氯甲烷 Methylene chloride for industrial use
GB/T 4118-1992 工业三氯甲烷 Trichloromethane for industrial use
GB/T 4119-1993 工业四氯化碳 Carbon tetrachloride for industrial use
GB/T 4120.3-1992 工业液体氯代甲烷类产品中酸度的测定 滴定法 Liquid chlorinated methanesfor industrial use--Determination of acidity--Titrimetry
GB/T 4120.5-1992 工业液体氯代甲烷类产品中微量水分的测定 浊点法 Liquid chlorinated methanes for industrial use--Determination of micro-amounts of water--Cloud point method
GB/T 4120.6-1992 工业液体氯代甲烷类产品的包装、标志、贮存、运输和检验规则 Liquid chlorinated methanes for industrial use--Package,marking,storage,transport and acceptance methods
GB/T 4121-1983 石英玻璃热变色性试验方法 The test method for stability to thermal darkening of silica glass
GB/T 4122.1-1996 包装术语 基础 Packaging terms--Basic terms
GB/T 4122.1-2008 包装术语 第1部分:基础 Packaging terms - Part 1:Basic
GB/T 4122.2-1996 包装术语 机械 Packaging terms--Machinery
GB/T 4122.2-2010 包装术语 第2部分:机械 Packaging terms - Part 2: Machinery
GB/T 4122.3-1997 包装术语 防护 Packaging terms--Protection
GB/T 4122.3-2010 包装术语 第3部分:防护 Packaging terms - Part 3: Protection
GB/T 4122.4-2002 包装术语 木容器 Packaging terms--Wooden containers
GB/T 4122.4-2010 包装术语 第4部分:材料与容器 Packaging terms - Part 4: Materials and containers
GB/T 4122.5-2002 包装术语 检验与试验 Packaging terms--Inspection and tests
GB/T 4122.5-2010 包装术语 第5部分: 检验与试验 Packaging terms - Part 5: Inspection and test
GB/T 4122.6-2010 包装术语 第6部分:印刷 Packaging terms - Part 6: Printing
GB/T 4125-1984 汽车安全玻璃抗冲击性试验方法 Impact test method of safety glasses for road vehicles
GB/T 4127-1997 普通磨具 形状和尺寸 Shapes and dimensions for bonded abrasive products
GB/T 4127.1-2007 固结磨具 尺寸 第1部分:外圆磨砂轮(工件装夹在顶尖间) Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 1: Grinding wheels for external cylindrical grinding between centres
GB/T 4127.2-2007 固结磨具 尺寸 第2部分:无心外圆磨砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 2: Grinding wheels for centreless external cylindrical grinding
GB/T 4127.3-2007 固结磨具 尺寸 第3部分:内圆磨砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 3: Grinding wheels for internal cylindrical grinding
GB/T 4127.4-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第4部分:平面磨削用周边磨砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 4: Grinding wheels for suface grinding/peripheral grinding
GB/T 4127.5-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第5部分:平面磨削用端面磨砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 5: Grinding wheels for surface grinding/face grinding
GB/T 4127.6-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第6部分:工具磨和工具室用砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 6: Grinding wheels for tool and tool room grinding
GB/T 4127.7-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第7部分:人工操纵磨削砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 7: Grinding wheels for manually guided grinding
GB/T 4127.8-2007 固结磨具 尺寸 第8部分:去毛刺、荒磨和粗磨用砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 8: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging
GB/T 4127.9-2007 固结磨具 尺寸 第9部分:重负荷磨削砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 9: Grinding wheels for high-pressure grinding
GB/T 4127.10-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第10部分:珩磨和超精磨磨石 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 10: Stones for honing and superfinishings
GB/T 4127.11-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第11部分:手持抛光磨石 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 11:Hand finishing sticks
GB/T 4127.12-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第12部分:直向砂轮机用去毛刺和荒磨砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 12: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a straight grinder
GB/T 4127.13-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第13部分:立式砂轮机用去毛刺和荒磨砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 13: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling on a vertical grinder
GB/T 4127.14-2008 固结磨具 尺寸 第14部分:角向砂轮机用去毛刺、荒磨和粗磨砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 14: Grinding wheels for deburring and fettling/snagging on an angle grinder
GB/T 4127.15-2007 固结磨具 尺寸 第15部分:固定式或移动式切割机用切割砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 15: Grinding wheels for cutting-off on stationary or mobile cutting-off machines
GB/T 4127.16-2007 固结磨具 尺寸 第16部分:手持式电动工具用切割砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Dimensions - Part 16: Grinding wheels for cutting-off on hand held power tools
GB/T 4128-1995 声学 标准水听器 Acoustics--Standard hydrophone
GB/T 4129-2003 声学 用于声功率级测定的标准声源的性能与校准要求 Acoustics--Requirements for the performance and calibration of reference sound sources used for the determination of sound power levels
GB/T 4130-2000 声学 水听器低频校准方法 Acoustics--Low frequency calibration methods of hydrophones
GB/T 4131-1997 水泥的命名、定义和术语 Nomenclature, definition and terminology of cement
GB/T 4132-1996 绝热材料及相关术语 Definitions of terms relating to thermal insulatingmaterials
GB/T 4133-1984 莫氏圆锥的强制传动型式及尺寸 The type and dimensions for positive drive of Morse tapers
GB/T 4134-2003 金锭 Gold ingots
GB/T 4135-2002 银 Silver
GB/T 4136-1994 粉末冶金用还原铁粉 Reduced iron powders for powder metallurgy
GB/T 4137-1993 稀土硅铁合金 Rare-earth ferrosilicon
GB/T 4137-2004 稀土硅铁合金 Rare earth ferrosilicon alloy
GB/T 4138-1993 稀土镁硅铁合金 Rare-earth ferrosilicomagnesium
GB/T 4138-2004 稀土镁硅铁合金 Rare earth ferrosilicon magnesium alloy
GB/T 4139-1987 钒铁 Ferrovanadium
GB/T 4139-2004 钒铁 Ferrovanadium
GB/T 4139-2012 钒铁 Ferrovanadium
GB/T 4140-2003 输送用平顶链和链轮 Flat-top chains and associated chain wheels for conveyors
GB/T 4142-2001 圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧尺寸及参数(圆钩环型) Cylindrically coiled tension spring dimensions and parameters(Ring profile with Hook)
GB/T 4143-1984 牛冷冻精液 Frozen semen of bovine
GB/T 4144-1984 程序设计语言 最小 BASIC Programming languages--Minimal BASIC
GB/T 4146-1984 纺织名词术语 (化纤部分) Textile terms and terminology (Parts of chemical fibers)
GB/T 4146.1-2009 纺织品 化学纤维 第1部分:属名 Textiles - Man-made fibres - Part 1: Generic names
GB/T 4146.3-2011 纺织品 化学纤维 第3部分:检验术语 Textiles - Man-made fibers - Part 3: Terms of inspection
GB/T 4148-2003 混合氯化稀土 Rare earth chloride with hexahydrate
GB/T 4150-1996 纱罩用硝酸钍 Thorium nitrate for gas mantle
GB/T 4151-1996 硝酸铈 Cerium nitrate
GB/T 4153-1993 混合稀土金属 Mischmetal
GB/T 4154-1993 氧化镧 Lanthanum oxide
GB/T 4154-2006 氧化镧 Lanthanum oxide
GB/T 4155-2003 氧化铈 Cerium oxide
GB/T 4156-2007 金属材料 薄板和薄带埃里克森杯突试验 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Erichsen cupping test
GB/T 4156-1984 金属杯突试验方法 (厚度0.2~2mm) Metals--Cupping testing method (thickness 0.2~2 mm)
GB/T 4157-1984 金属抗硫化物应力腐蚀开裂恒负荷拉伸试验方法 Sustained load tensile testmethod of metals for resistance to sulfide stress corrosion cracking
GB/T 4157-2006 金属在硫化氢环境中抗特殊形式环境开裂实验室试验 Laboratory testing of metals for resistance to specific forms of environmental cracking in H2S environments
GB/T 4158-1984 金属艾氏冲击试验方法 The izod impact test on metals
GB/T 4160-1984 钢的应变时效敏感性试验方法 (夏比冲击法) Steel--strain ageing sensibility test (Charpy impact method)
GB/T 4160-2004 钢的应变时效敏感性试验方法(夏比冲击法) Steel-strain ageing sensibility test(Charpy impact method)
GB/T 4161-2007 金属材料 平面应变断裂韧度KIC试验方法 Metallic materials - Determination of plane - strain fracture toughness
GB/T 4161-1984 金属材料平面应变断裂韧度 KIC试验方法 Standard test method for plane-strain fracture toughness of metallic materials
GB/T 4162-1991 锻轧钢棒超声波检验方法 Forged and rolled steel bars--Method for ultrasonic examination
GB/T 4164-2002 金属粉末中可被氢还原氧含量的测定 Metallic powders--Determination of hydrogen-reducible oxygen content
GB/T 4165-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的使用导则 Guide to the use of variable capacitorsin electronic equipment
GB/T 4166-1984 电子设备用可变电容器的试验方法 Methods of test of variable capacitors in electronic equipment
GB/T 4167-1984 1~5 等砝码 Class 1~5 weights
GB/T 4168-1992 非自动天平 杠杆式天平 Non-automatic balance--Beam balance
GB/T 4169.1-1984 塑料注射模具零件 推杆 Components of injection mould for plastics--Ejector pins
GB/T 4169.1-2006 塑料注射模零件 第1部分:推杆 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 1: Ejector pin
GB/T 4169.2-1984 塑料注射模具零件 直导套 Components of injection mould for plastics--Straight guide bushes
GB/T 4169.2-2006 塑料注射模零件 第2部分:直导套 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 2: Straight guide bush
GB/T 4169.3-1984 塑料注射模具零件 带头导套 Components of injection mould for plastics--Guide bushes with head
GB/T 4169.3-2006 塑料注射模零件 第3部分:带头导套 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 3: Headed guide bush
GB/T 4169.4-1984 塑料注射模具零件 带头导柱 Components of injection mould for plastics--Guide pillars with head
GB/T 4169.4-2006 塑料注射模零件 第4部分:带头导柱 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 4: Headed guide pillar
GB/T 4169.5-1984 塑料注射模具零件 有肩导柱 Components of injection mould for plastics--Guide pillars with shoulder
GB/T 4169.5-2006 塑料注射模零件 第5部分:带肩导柱 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 5: Shouldered guide pillar
GB/T 4169.6-1984 塑料注射模具零件 垫块 Components of injection mould for plastics--Spacer blocks
GB/T 4169.6-2006 塑料注射模零件 第6部分:垫块 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 6: Spacer block
GB/T 4169.7-1984 塑料注射模具零件 推板 Components of injection mould for plastics--Ejector plates
GB/T 4169.7-2006 塑料注射模零件 第7部分:推板 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 7: Ejector plate
GB/T 4169.8-1984 塑料注射模具零件 模板 Components of injection mould for plastics--Mould plates
GB/T 4169.8-2006 塑料注射模零件 第8部分:模板 Components of injection moulds for plastics ― Part 8:Mould plate
GB/T 4169.9-1984 塑料注射模具零件 限位钉 Components of injection mould for plastics--Stop pins
GB/T 4169.9-2006 塑料注射模零件 第9部分:限位钉 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 9: Stop pin
GB/T 4169.10-1984 塑料注射模具零件 支承柱 Components of injection mould for plastics--Support pillars
GB/T 4169.10-2006 塑料注射模零件 第10部分:支承柱 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 10: Support pillar
GB/T 4169.11-1984 塑料注射模具零件 圆锥定位件 Components of injection mould for plastics--Locating elements
GB/T 4169.11-2006 塑料注射模零件 第11部分:圆形定位元件 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 11: Round locating element
GB/T 4169.12-2006 塑料注射模零件 第12部分:推板导套 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 12: Ejector guide bush
GB/T 4169.13-2006 塑料注射模零件 第13部分:复位杆 Components of injection moulds for plastics ― Part 13: Return pin
GB/T 4169.14-2006 塑料注射模零件 第14部分:推板导柱 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 14: Ejector guide pillar
GB/T 4169.15-2006 塑料注射模零件 第15部分: 扁推杆 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 15: Flat ejector pin
GB/T 4169.16-2006 塑料注射模零件 第16部分: 带肩推杆 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 16: Shouldered ejector pin
GB/T 4169.17-2006 塑料注射模零件 第17部分:推管 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 17: Ejector sleeve
GB/T 4169.18-2006 塑料注射模零件 第18部分:定位圈 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 18: Locating ring
GB/T 4169.19-2006 塑料注射模零件 第19部分:浇口套 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 19: Sprue bush
GB/T 4169.20-2006 塑料注射模零件 第20部分:拉杆导柱 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 20: Limit pin
GB/T 4169.21-2006 塑料注射模零件 第21部分:矩形定位元件 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 21: Rectangular locating element
GB/T 4169.22-2006 塑料注射模零件 第22部分: 圆形拉模扣 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 22: Round mould opening delayer
GB/T 4169.23-2006 塑料注射模零件 第23部分:矩形拉模扣 Components of injection moulds for plastics - Part 23: Rectangular mould opening delayer
GB/T 4170-2006 塑料注射模零件技术条件 Specification of components of injection moulds for plastics
GB/T 4170-1984 塑料注射模具零件技术条件 Components of injection mould for plastics--Specification
GB/T 4171-2000 高耐候结构钢 Superior atmospheric corrosion resisting structural steel
GB/T 4172-2000 焊接结构用耐候钢 Atmospheric corrosion resisting steel for welded structure
GB/T 4180-2000 稀土钴永磁材料 Permanent magnetic material of rare earth cobalt
GB/T 4181-1997 钨丝 Tungsten wires
GB/T 4182-2003 钼丝 Molybdenum wire
GB/T 4183-2002 钼钨合金丝 Molybdenum-tungsten alloy wire
GB/T 4184-2002 钨铼合金丝 Tungsten-rhenium alloy wires
GB/T 4185-1984 钼钨合金条 Molybdenum-tungsten alloy bars
GB/T 4186-2002 钼钨合金杆 Molybdenum-tungsten alloy rods
GB/T 4187-1984 钨杆 Tungsten rods
GB/T 4188-1984 钼杆 Molybdenum rods
GB/T 4189-1984 掺杂钨条 Doped tungsten bars
GB/T 4190-1984 掺杂钼条 Doped molybdenum bars
GB/T 4192-1984 电真空器件及电光源用钨、钼材料电阻率的测试方法 Method for the determination of the resistivity of tungsten and molybdenum used in electric light sources and vacuumtubes
GB/T 4193-1984 电真空器件及电光源用细钨丝、钼丝和薄带密度的测试方法 Method for measuring the density of the fine wire and ribbon of tungsten and molybdenum used in electric light sources and vacuumtubes
GB/T 4194-1984 钨丝蠕变试验、高温处理及金相检查方法 Creep testing,high temperature treatment and metallographic examination of the tungsten wires
GB/T 4195-1984 钨、钼粉末粒度分布测试方法(沉降天平法) Method for measuring the distribution of the powder size of tungsten and molybdenum method by the balance for the fall of the particles
GB/T 4196-1984 钨、钼条密度测定方法 Method for testing the density of tungsten and molybdenum bars
GB/T 4197-1984 钨钼及其合金的烧结坯条、棒材晶粒度测试方法 Method for measuring the average grain size of sintered bar and rod of tungsten molybdenum and alloys
GB/T 4199-2003 滚动轴承 公差 定义 Rolling bearings--Tolerances--Definitions
GB/T 4200-1997 高温作业分级 Classified standard of working in the hot environment
GB/T 4201-2006 平衡机的描述检验与评定 Description, verification and evaluation of balancing machines
GB/T 4201-1984 通用卧式平衡机校验法 Method of verification for universal horizontal balancing machines
GB/T 4202-2007 玻璃纤维产品代号 Designation for glass fibres
GB/T 4202-2001 玻璃纤维产品代号 Designation for glass fibres
GB/T 4205-2003 人机界面(MMI) 操作规则 Man-machine interface(MMI)--Actuating principles
GB/T 4206-1984 有机硅层压玻璃布板 Silicone resin glass laminated sheets
GB/T 4207-2003 固体绝缘材料在潮湿条件下相比电痕化指数和耐电痕化指数的测定方法 Method for determining the comparative and the proof tracking indices of solid insulating materials under moist conditions
GB/T 4209-1996 工业硅酸钠 Sodium silicate for industrial use
GB/T 4210-2001 电工术语 电子设备用机电元件 Electrotechnical terminology--Electromechanical components for electronic equipment
GB/T 4211-1984 高速钢车刀条 High speed steel tool bits
GB/T 4211.1-2004 高速钢车刀条 第1部分:型式和尺寸 High speed steel tool bits--Part 1:Types and dimensions
GB/T 4211.2-2004 高速钢车刀条 第2部分:技术条件 High speed steel tool bits--Part 2:Technical requirements
GB/T 4213-1992 气动调节阀 Pneumatic industrial process control valves
GB/T 4214.1-2000 声学 家用电器及类似用途器具噪声测试方法 第1部分:通用要求 Acoustics--Household and similar electrical appliances--Test code for determination of airborne acoustical noise--Part 1:General requirements
GB/T 4214.2-2008 家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 真空吸尘器的特殊要求 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for determination of airborne acoustical noise - Particular requirements for vacuum cleaners
GB/T 4214.3-2008 家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 洗碗机的特殊要求 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for determination of airborne acoustical noise - Particular requirements for dishwashers
GB/T 4214.4-2008 家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 洗衣机和离心式脱水机的特殊要求 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part2-4: Particular requirements for washing machines and spin extractors
GB/T 4214.5-2008 家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 电动剃须刀的特殊要求 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Particular requirements for electric shavers
GB/T 4214.6-2008 家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 毛发护理器具的特殊要求 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Particular requirements for electric hair care appliances
GB/T 4214.7-2012 家用和类似用途电器噪声测试方法 滚筒式干衣机的特殊要求 Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for determination of airborne acoustical noise - Particular requirements for tumble dryers
GB/T 4215-1984 金属切削机床噪声声功率级的测定 Determination of sound power levels of noise emitted by metal cutting machine tools
GB/T 4217-2001 流体输送用热塑性塑料管材 公称外径和公称压力 Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids--Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures
GB/T 4219-1996 化工用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U)pipes for chemical industry
GB/T 4219.1-2008 工业用硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管道系统 第1部分:管材 Plastics piping system for industrial applications - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-U) - Specifications for components and the system - Part 1: Pipes
GB/T 4223-1996 废钢铁 Iron and steel scraps
GB/T 4226-1984 不锈钢冷加工钢棒 Cold finished stainless steel bars
GB/T 4227-1984 不锈钢热轧等边角钢 Hot rolled stainless steel with equal leg angles
GB/T 4229-1984 不锈钢板重量计算方法 Methods of weight calculation of stainless steel plates and sheets
GB/T 4231-1993 弹簧用不锈钢冷轧钢带 Cold rolled stainless steel strips for springs
GB/T 4232-1993 冷顶锻用不锈钢丝 Stainless steel wires for cold heading and cold forging
GB/T 4236-1984 钢的硫印检验方法 Steel--Examination by sulphur print (Baumann method)
GB/T 4237-2007 不锈钢热轧钢板和钢带 Hot rolled stainless steel plate, sheet and strip
GB/T 4237-1992 不锈钢热轧钢板 Hot rolled stainless steel sheets and plates
GB/T 4238-2007 耐热钢钢板和钢带 Heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip
GB/T 4238-1992 耐热钢板 Heat-resisting steel sheets and plates
GB/T 4239-1991 不锈钢和耐热钢冷轧钢带 Cold rolled stainless steel and heatresisting steel strips
GB/T 4240-1993 不锈钢丝 Stainless steel wires
GB/T 4241-1984 焊接用不锈钢盘条 Stainless steel wire rods for welding
GB/T 4241-2006 焊接用不锈钢盘条 Stainless steel wire rods for welding
GB/T 4243-1984 锥柄长刃机用铰刀 Long fluted machine reamers with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 4243-2004 莫氏锥柄长刃机用铰刀 Long fluted machine reamers,Morse tape shanks
GB/T 4244-1984 带刃倾角直柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with edge inclination with parallel shanks
GB/T 4244-2004 带刃倾角直柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with edge inclination with parallel shanks
GB/T 4245-1984 机用铰刀技术条件 Machine reamers--Technical requirements
GB/T 4245-2004 机用铰刀技术条件 Technical conditions for machine reamers
GB/T 4246-1984 铰刀专用公差 Special tolerance for reamers
GB/T 4246-2004 铰刀特殊公差 Special tolerances for reamers
GB/T 4247-2004 莫氏锥柄机用桥梁铰刀 Machine bridge reamers with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 4247-1984 锥柄机用桥梁铰刀 Machine bridge reamers with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 4248-1984 手用1:50锥度销子铰刀技术条件 Hand taper 1:50 reamers--Technical requirements
GB/T 4248-2004 手用1∶50锥度销子铰刀 技术条件 Technical conditions for handtaper 1∶50 pin reamers
GB/T 4249-1996 公差原则 Tolerancing principle
GB/T 4250-1984 圆锥铰刀技术条件 Taper reamers--Technical requirements
GB/T 4250-2004 圆锥铰刀 技术条件 Taper reamers--Technical requirements
GB/T 4251-1984 硬质合金直柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with parallel shanks with carbide tips
GB/T 4251-2004 硬质合金直柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with parallel shanks with carbidetips
GB/T 4252-2004 硬质合金莫氏锥柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with Morse taper shanks with carbide tips
GB/T 4252-1984 硬质合金锥柄机用铰刀 Machine reamers with Morse taper shanks with carbide tips
GB/T 4253-2004 硬质合金铰刀 技术条件 Reamers with carbide tips--Technical requirements
GB/T 4253-1984 硬质合金铰刀技术条件 Reamers with carbide tips--Technical requirements
GB/T 4255-1984 套式铰刀和套式扩孔钻用心轴 Arbors for shell reamers and shell core drills
GB/T 4256-1984 直柄扩孔钻 Core drills with parallel shanks
GB/T 4256-2004 直柄和莫氏锥柄扩孔钻 Core drills with parallel shanks and with Morse taper shanks
GB/T 4257-1984 扩孔钻技术条件 Core drills--Technical requirements
GB/T 4257-2004 扩孔钻 技术条件 Core drills--Technical requirements
GB/T 4258-1984 60°、90°、120°直柄锥面锪钻 Countersinks with parallel shanks for angles 60°90°and 120°inclusive
GB/T 4258-2004 60°、90°、120°直柄锥面锪钻 Parallel shanks countersinks for angles60°、90°and 120° inclusive
GB/T 4259-1984 锥面锪钻技术条件 Countersinks--technical requirements
GB/T 4259-2004 锥面锪钻 技术条件 Countersinks--Technical requirements
GB/T 4260-1984 带导柱直柄平底锪钻 Counterbores with parallel shanks and solid pilots
GB/T 4260-2004 带整体导柱的直柄平底锪钻 Counterbores with parallel shanks and solid pilots
GB/T 4261-1984 带可换导柱锥柄平底锪钻 Counterbores with morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
GB/T 4261-2004 带可换导柱的莫氏锥柄平底锪钻 Counterbores with Morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
GB/T 4262-1984 平底锪钻技术条件 Counterbores--technical requirements
GB/T 4262-2004 平底锪钻 技术条件 Counterbores--Technical requirement
GB/T 4263-1984 带导柱直柄90°锥面锪钻 90°Countersinks with parallel shanks and solid pilots
GB/T 4263-2004 带整体导柱的直柄90°锥面锪钻 Countersinks,90°,with parallel shanks and solid pilots
GB/T 4264-1984 带可换导柱锥柄90°锥面锪钻 90°Countersinks with morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
GB/T 4264-2004 带可换导柱的莫氏锥柄90°锥面锪钻 Countersinks,90°,with Morse taper shanks and detachable pilots
GB/T 4265-1984 90°锥面锪钻技术条件 90°Countersinks--technical requirements
GB/T 4265-2004 带导柱90°锥面锪钻 技术条件 90°Countersinks with pilots--Technical requirements
GB/T 4266-1984 锪钻用可换导柱 Detachable pilots for use with counterbores and countersinks
GB/T 4266-2004 锪钻用可换导柱 Detachable pilots for use with counterbores and countersinks
GB/T 4267-1984 直柄回转工具用柄部直径和传动方头尺寸 Rotating tools with parallel shanks--Diameters of shanks and sizes of driving squares
GB/T 4267-2004 直柄回转工具 柄部直径和传动方头的尺寸 Rotating tools with parallel shanks--Diameters of shanks and sizes of driving squares
GB/T 4268.1-1984 农业机械图形符号 Graphical symbols for agricultural machinery
GB/T 4268.2-1987 农业机械图形符号 第二部分 Graphical symbols for agricultural machinery--Part 2
GB/T 4269.1-2000 农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械 操作者操纵机构和其他显示装置用符号 第1部分:通用符号 Tractors,machinery for agriculture and forestry,powered lawn and garden equipment--Symbols for operator controls and other displays--Part 1:Common symbols
GB/T 4269.2-2000 农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械 操作者操纵机构和其他显示装置用符号 第2部分:农用拖拉机和机械用符号 Tractors,machinery for agriculture and forestry,powered lawn and garden equipment--Symbols for operator controls and otherdisplays--Part 2:Symbols for agricultural tractors and machinery
GB/T 4269.3-2000 农林拖拉机和机械、草坪和园艺动力机械 操作者操纵机构和其他显示装置用符号 第3部分:草坪和园艺动力机械用符号 Tractors,machinery for agriculture and forestry,powered lawn and garden equipment--Symbols for operator controls and other displays--Part 3:Symbols for powered lawn and garden equipment
GB/T 4269.4-2006 林业机械 操作者控制符号和其他标记 Forestry machinery―Symbols for operator controls and other displays
GB/T 4269.5-2003 便携式林业机械 操作者控制符号和其他标记 Portable forestry machinery--Symbols for operator controls and other displays
GB/T 4270-1999 技术文件用热工图形符号与文字代号 Graphical symbols and letter codes for thermal engineering in the technical documentation
GB/T 4271-2007 太阳能集热器热性能试验方法 Test methods for the thermal performance of solar collectors
GB/T 4271-2000 平板型太阳集热器热性能试验方法 Test methods for the thermal performance of flat plate solar collectors
GB/T 4272-1992 设备及管道保温技术通则 General principles for thermal insulation technique of equipments and pipes
GB/T 4273-2000 分节驳术语 Terminololgy of integrated barge
GB/T 4288-2003 家用电动洗衣机 Household electric washing machine
GB/T 4289-1984 家用电动洗衣机的安全要求 Safety requirements for household electric washing machines
GB/T 4291-2007 冰晶石 Synthetic cryolite
GB/T 4291-1999 冰晶石 Synthetic cryolite
GB/T 4292-2007 氟化铝 Aluminium fluoride
GB/T 4292-1999 氟化铝 Aluminium fluoride
GB/T 4293-1984 氟化钠 Sodium fluoride
GB/T 4294-1997 氢氧化铝 Aluminium hydroxide
GB/T 4295-1993 碳化钨粉 Tungsten carbide powder
GB/T 4296-1984 镁合金加工制品显微组织检验方法 Magnesium alloy wrought products--Microstructure--Inspection method
GB/T 4296-2004 变形镁合金显微组织检验方法 Inspection method for microstructure of wrought magnesium alloy
GB/T 4297-1984 镁合金加工制品低倍组织检验方法 Magnesium alloy wrought products--macrostructure--inspection method
GB/T 4297-2004 变形镁合金低倍组织检验方法 Inspection method for macrostructure of wrought magnesium alloy products
GB/T 4298-1984 半导体硅材料中杂质元素的活化分析方法 The activation analysis method for the determination of elemental impurities in semiconductor silicon materials
GB/T 4299-1984 船舶通风系统图形符号 Symbols for ships ventilation system
GB/T 4300-2007 船舶与海上技术 船用陀螺罗经 Ships and marine technology - Marine gyro-compasses
GB/T 4300-1994 船用陀螺罗经通用技术条件 General specifications for marine gyro compasses
GB/T 4301-1992 船用电磁计程仪通用技术条件 General specification for marine electromagnetic logs
GB/T 4306-1992 圆珠笔 Ball point pen
GB/T 4307-1984 起重吊钩 名词术语 Lifting hooks--Nomenclature
GB/T 4307-2005 起重吊钩 术语 Lifting hook-Nomenclature
GB/T 4308-1984 金属陶瓷热挤压模坯 Cermet hot extrusion die blank
GB/T 4309-1984 粉末冶金材料分类和牌号表示方法 Classification and designation for powder metallurgy materials
GB/T 4310-1984 钒 Vanadium
GB/T 4311-2000 米波调频广播技术规范 Technical specifications for FM sound broadcasting at VHF
GB/T 4312.1-1984 调频广播发射机技术参数和测量方法 单声和立体声 Technical parameters and measuring methods for FM broadcasting transmitters--Monophonic and stereophonic
GB/T 4312.2-1984 调频广播发射机技术参数和测量方法 立体声带附加信道 Technical parameters and measuring methods for FM stereophonic broadcasting transmitters with supplementary channel
GB/T 4312.3-1987 调频广播发射机技术参数和测量方法 双节目 Technical parameters and measuring methods for FM broadcasting transmitters of dual programmes
GB/T 4313-2002 信息技术 办公机器和打印机用编织打印色带通用规范 Office machines and printing machines used for information processing--General specification of fabric printing ribbons
GB/T 4314-2000 吸气剂术语 Getter terms
GB/T 4315.1-1984 光学传递函数 术语、符号 Optical transfer function--Terminology, symbol
GB/T 4315.1-2009 光学传递函数 第1部分:术语、符号 Optical transfer function - Part 1: Terminology and symbol
GB/T 4315.2-1988 光学传递函数 测量导则 Optical transfer function--Directives of measurement
GB/T 4315.2-2009 光学传递函数 第2部分:测量导则 Optical transfer function - Part 2: Directives of measurement
GB/T 4323-2002 弹性套柱销联轴器 Pin coupling with elastic sleeve
GB/T 4324.1-1984 钨化学分析方法 方波极谱法连续测定铅、镉量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The square wave polarographic method for the successive determination of lead and cadmium contents
GB/T 4324.1-2012 钨化学分析方法 第1部分:铅量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 1: Determination of lead content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.2-1984 钨化学分析方法 碘化钾-马钱子碱光度法测定铋量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The potassium iodide-brucine photometric method for thedetermination of bismuth content
GB/T 4324.2-2012 钨化学分析方法 第2部分:铋量的测定 氢化物原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 2: Determination of bismuth content - Hydrogenate atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.3-1984 钨化学分析方法 聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚-苯荧光酮光度法测定锡量 Methods forchemical analysis of tungsten--The polyethylene glycol octyl phenylether-phenylfluorone photometric method for the determination of tin content
GB/T 4324.3-2012 钨化学分析方法 第3部分:锡量的测定 氢化物原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 3: Determination of tin content - Hydrogenate atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.4-1984 钨化学分析方法 孔雀绿光度法测定锑量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The malachite green photometric method for the determination of antimony content
GB/T 4324.4-2012 钨化学分析方法 第4部分:锑量的测定 氢化物原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 4: Determination of antimony content - Hydrogenate atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.5-1984 钨化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定砷量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of arsenic content
GB/T 4324.5-2012 钨化学分析方法 第5部分:砷量的测定 氢化物原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 5: Determination of arsenic content - Hydrogenate atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.6-1984 钨化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysisof tungsten--The ortho-phenanthroline photometric method for the determination iron content
GB/T 4324.6-2012 钨化学分析方法 第6部分:铁量的测定 邻二氮杂菲分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 6: Determination of iron content-1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometry
GB/T 4324.7-1984 钨化学分析方法 钴试剂光度法测定钴量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The 5-Cl-PADAB photometric method for the determination of cobalt content
GB/T 4324.7-2012 钨化学分析方法 第7部分:钴量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 7: Determination of cobalt content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4324.8-1984 钨化学分析方法 丁二酮肟光度法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The dimethylglyoxime photometric method for the determination of nickel content
GB/T 4324.8-2008 钨化学分析方法 镍量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法、火焰原子吸收光谱法和丁二酮肟重量法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Determination of nickel content - The inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry 、 flame atomic absorption spectrometry and dimethylglyoxime gravimetry
GB/T 4324.9-1984 钨化学分析方法 丁二酮肟重量法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method for the determination of nickel content
GB/T 4324.9-2012 钨化学分析方法 第9部分:镉量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 9: Determination of cadmium content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.10-1984 钨化学分析方法 新酮试剂光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The neocuproine photometric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 4324.10-2012 钨化学分析方法 第10部分:铜量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 10: Determination of copper content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.11-1984 钨化学分析方法 铬天青S光度法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis oftungsten--The chromazurol S photometric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4324.11-2012 钨化学分析方法 第11部分:铝量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 11: Determination of aluminum content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4324.12-1984 钨化学分析方法 氯化-钼蓝光度法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysisof tungsten--The chlorization-molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 4324.12-2012 钨化学分析方法 第12部分:硅量的测定 氯化-钼蓝分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 12: Determination of silicon content - Chlorization-molybdenum blue spectrophotometry
GB/T 4324.13-1984 钨化学分析方法 乙二醛双 (2-羟基苯胺) 光度法测定钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The glyoxal bis (2-hydroxyanil) photometric method for the determination of calcium content
GB/T 4324.13-2008 钨化学分析方法 钙量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Determination of calcium content - The inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4324.14-1984 钨化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of calcium content
GB/T 4324.14-2012 钨化学分析方法 第14部分:氯化挥发后残渣量的测定 重量法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 14: Determination of residue content after chloride volatility - Gravimetric method
GB/T 4324.15-1984 钨化学分析方法 偶氮氯膦Ⅰ光度法测定镁量 Methods for chemical analysisof tungsten--The chlorophosphonazo Ⅰ photometric method for the determination of magnesium content
GB/T 4324.15-2008 钨化学分析方法 镁量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Determination of magnesium content - The flame atomic absorption spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4324.16-1984 钨化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定镁量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of magnesium content
GB/T 4324.16-2012 钨化学分析方法 第16部分:灼烧损失量的测定 重量法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 16: Determination of loss content on ignition - Gravimetric method
GB/T 4324.17-1984 钨化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定钠量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of sodium content
GB/T 4324.17-2012 钨化学分析方法 第17部分:钠量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 17: Determination of sodium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.18-1984 钨化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定钾量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of potassium content
GB/T 4324.18-2012 钨化学分析方法 第18部分:钾量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 18: Determination of potassium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4324.19-1984 钨化学分析方法 二安替比林甲烷光度法测定钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The diantipyrylmethane photometric method for the determination of titanium content
GB/T 4324.19-2012 钨化学分析方法 第19部分:钛量的测定 二安替比林甲烷分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 19: Determination of titanium content - The diantipyrylmethane photometric spectrophtometry
GB/T 4324.20-1984 钨化学分析方法 钽试剂光度法测定钒量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine photometric method for the determination of vanadium content
GB/T 4324.20-2012 钨化学分析方法 第20部分:钒量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 20: Determination of vanadium content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4324.21-1984 钨化学分析方法 二苯基碳酰二肼光度法测定铬量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The diphenylcarbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium content
GB/T 4324.21-2012 钨化学分析方法 第21部分:铬量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 21: Determination of chromium content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4324.22-1984 钨化学分析方法 甲醛肟分光光度法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysisof tungsten--The formaldoxime photometric method for manganese content
GB/T 4324.22-2012 钨化学分析方法 第22部分:锰量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 22: Determination of manganese content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4324.23-1984 钨化学分析方法 燃烧-电导法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The combustion-conductometric titration method for the determination of suphur content
GB/T 4324.23-2012 钨化学分析方法 第23部分:硫量的测定 燃烧电导法和高频燃烧红外吸收法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 23: Determination of sulfur content - The combustion-conductometric titration and high frequency combustion-infrared absorption method
GB/T 4324.24-1984 钨化学分析方法 铍为载带沉淀剂-钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The berylium as carrier precipitation agent-molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 4324.24-2012 钨化学分析方法 第24部分:磷量的测定 钼蓝分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 24: Determination of phosphorus content - Molybdemum blue photometry
GB/T 4324.25-1984 钨化学分析方法 惰气熔融库仑滴定法测定氧量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The inert gas fusion-coulometric titration method for the determination of oxygen content
GB/T 4324.25-2012 钨化学分析方法 第25部分:氧量的测定 脉冲加热惰气熔融-红外吸收法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 25: Determination of oxygen content - Pulse heating inert gas fusion-infrared absorption method
GB/T 4324.26-1984 钨化学分析方法 奈氏试剂光度法测定氮量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The Nessler reagent photometric method for the determination of nitrogen content
GB/T 4324.26-2012 钨化学分析方法 第26部分:氮量的测定 脉冲加热惰气熔融-热导法和奈氏试剂分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 26: Determination of nitrogen content - Pulse heating inert gas fusion-thermal conductive method and the Nessler reagent spectrophotometry
GB/T 4324.27-1984 钨化学分析方法 燃烧-库仑滴定法测定碳量 Methods for chemical analysisof tungsten--The combustion-coulometric titration method for the determinationof carbon content
GB/T 4324.27-2012 钨化学分析方法 第27部分:碳量的测定 高频燃烧红外吸收法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 27::Determination of carbon content - High frequency combustion-infrared absorption method
GB/T 4324.28-1984 钨化学分析方法 硫氰酸盐光度法测定钼量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The thiocy anate photometric method for the determin-ation of molybdenum content
GB/T 4324.28-2012 钨化学分析方法 第28部分:钼量的测定 硫氰酸盐分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten - Part 28: Determination of molybdenum content - The thioyanate spectrophotometry
GB/T 4324.29-1984 钨化学分析方法 重量法测定氯化挥发后残渣量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The gravimetric method for the determination of residue content after chloride volatility
GB/T 4324.30-1984 钨化学分析方法 重量法测定灼烧损失量 Methods for chemical analysis of tungsten--The gravimetric method for the determination of loss content on ignition
GB/T 4325.1-1984 钼化学分析方法 方波极谱法连续测定铅、镉量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The square wave polarographic method for the successive determination of lead and cadmium content
GB/T 4325.1-2013 钼化学分析方法 第1部分:铅量的测定 石墨炉原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 1: Determination of lead content - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.2-1984 钼化学分析方法 碘化钾-马钱子碱光度法测定铋量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The potassium iodide-Brucine photometric method for thedetermination of bismuth content
GB/T 4325.2-2013 钼化学分析方法 第2部分:镉量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 2: Determination of cadmium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.3-1984 钼化学分析方法 聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚-苯荧光酮光度法测定锡量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The polyethylene glycol octyl phenylether-phenylfluorone photometric method for the determination of tin content
GB/T 4325.3-2013 钼化学分析方法 第3部分:铋量的测定 原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 3: Determination of bismuth content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 4325.4-1984 钼化学分析方法 孔雀绿光度法测定锑量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The malachite green photometric method for the determination of antimony content
GB/T 4325.4-2013 钼化学分析方法 第4部分:锡量的测定 原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 4: Determination of tin content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 4325.5-1984 钼化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定砷量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of arsenic content
GB/T 4325.5-2013 钼化学分析方法 第5部分:锑量的测定 原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 5: Determination of antimony content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 4325.6-1984 钼化学分析方法 邻二氮杂菲光度法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysisof molybdenum--The ortho-phenanthroline photometric method for the determination of iron content
GB/T 4325.6-2013 钼化学分析方法 第6部分:砷量的测定 原子荧光光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 6: Determination of arsenic content - Atomic fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 4325.7-1984 钼化学分析方法 钴试剂光度法测定钴量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The 5-Cl-PADAB photometric method for the determination of cobalt content
GB/T 4325.7-2013 钼化学分析方法 第7部分:铁量的测定 邻二氮杂菲分光光度法和电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 7: Determination of iron content - 1,10-phenanthroline spectrophotometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4325.8-1984 钼化学分析方法 丁二酮肟光度法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The dimethylglyoxime photometric method for the determination of nickel content
GB/T 4325.8-2013 钼化学分析方法 第8部分:钴量的测定 钴试剂分光光度法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 8: Determination of cobalt content - 5-Cl-PADAB spectrophotometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.9-1984 钼化学分析方法 丁二酮肟重量法测定镍量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The dimethylglyoxime gravimetric method for the determination of nickel content
GB/T 4325.9-2013 钼化学分析方法 第9部分:镍量的测定 丁二酮肟分光光度法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 9: Determination of nickel content - Dimethylglyoxime spectrophotometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.10-1984 钼化学分析方法 新酮试剂光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The neocuproin photometric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 4325.10-2013 钼化学分析方法 第10部分:铜量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 10: Determination of copper content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.11-1984 钼化学分析方法 铬天青S光度法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis ofmolybdenum--The chromazurol S photometric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4325.11-2013 钼化学分析方法 第11部分:铝量的测定 铬天青S分光光度法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 11: Determination of aluminum content - Chromazurol S spectrophotometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4325.12-1984 钼化学分析方法 氯化-钼蓝光度法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysisof molybdenum--The chlorization-molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 4325.12-2013 钼化学分析方法 第12部分:硅量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 12: Determination of silicon content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4325.13-1984 钼化学分析方法 乙二醛双(2-羟基苯胺)光度法测定钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The glyoxal bis (2-hydroxyanil) photometric method for the determination of calcium content
GB/T 4325.13-2013 钼化学分析方法 第13部分:钙量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 13: Determination of calcium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.14-1984 钼化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of calcium content
GB/T 4325.14-2013 钼化学分析方法 第14部分:镁量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 14: Determination of magnesium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.15-1984 钼化学分析方法 偶氮氯膦I光度法测定镁量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The chlorophosphonazo Ⅰ photometric method for the determinationof magnesium content
GB/T 4325.15-2013 钼化学分析方法 第15部分:钠量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 15: Determination of sodium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.16-1984 钼化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定镁量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of magnesium content
GB/T 4325.16-2013 钼化学分析方法 第16部分:钾量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 16: Determination of potassium content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.17-1984 钼化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定钠量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of sodium content
GB/T 4325.17-2013 钼化学分析方法 第17部分:钛量的测定 二安替比林甲烷分光光度法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 17: Determination of titanium content - Diantipyrylmethane spectrophotometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4325.18-1984 钼化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定钾量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of potassium content
GB/T 4325.18-2013 钼化学分析方法 第18部分:钒量的测定 钽试剂分光光度法和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 18: Determination of vanadium content - N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine spectrophotometry and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4325.19-1984 钼化学分析方法 二安替比林甲烷光度法测定钛量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The diantipyrylmethane photometric method for the determination of titanium content
GB/T 4325.19-2013 钼化学分析方法 第19部分:铬量的测定 二苯基碳酰二肼分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 19: Determination of chromium content - Diphenylcarbazide spectrophotometry
GB/T 4325.20-1984 钼化学分析方法 钽试剂光度法测定钒量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The N-benzoyl-N-phenylhydroxylamine photometric method for the determination of vanadium content
GB/T 4325.20-2013 钼化学分析方法 第20部分:锰量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 20: Determination of manganese content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 4325.21-1984 钼化学分析方法 二苯基碳酰二肼光度法测定铬量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The diphenylcarbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium content
GB/T 4325.21-2013 钼化学分析方法 第21部分:碳量和硫量的测定 高频燃烧红外吸收法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 21: Determination of carbon content and sulfur content - High frequency combustion-infrared absorption method
GB/T 4325.22-1984 钼化学分析方法 甲醛肟光度法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysis ofmolybdenum--The formaldoxime photometric method for the determination of manganese content
GB/T 4325.22-2013 钼化学分析方法 第22部分:磷量的测定 钼蓝分光光度法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 22:Determination of phosphorus content - Molybdenum blue spectrophotometry
GB/T 4325.23-1984 钼化学分析方法 燃烧-电导法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The combustion-conductometric titration method for the determination of sulphur content
GB/T 4325.23-2013 钼化学分析方法 第23部分:氧量和氮量的测定 惰气熔融红外吸收法-热导法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 23: Determination of oxygen and nitrogen contents - Inert gas fusion-infrared absorption and thermal conductivity method
GB/T 4325.24-1984 钼化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 4325.24-2013 钼化学分析方法 第24部分:钨量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 24: Determination of tungsten content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 4325.25-1984 钼化学分析方法 惰气熔融库仑滴定法测定氧量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The inert gas fusion-coulometric titration method for the determination of oxygen content
GB/T 4325.25-2013 钼化学分析方法 第25部分:氢量的测定 惰气熔融红外吸收法/热导法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 25: Determination of hydrogen content - Intert gas fusion infrared absorption method/thermal conductivity method
GB/T 4325.26-1984 钼化学分析方法 奈氏试剂光度法测定氮量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The Nessler reagent photometric method for the determination of nitrogen content
GB/T 4325.26-2013 钼化学分析方法 第26部分:铝、镁、钙、钒、铬、锰、铁、钴、镍、铜、锌、砷、镉、锡、锑、钨、铅和铋量的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum - Part 26: Determination of aluminium,magnesium,calcium,vanadium,chromium,manganese,iron,cobalt,nickel,copper,zinc,arsenic,cadmium ,tin,antimony,tungsten,lead and bismuth contents - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 4325.27-1984 钼化学分析方法 燃烧-库仑滴定法测定碳量 Methods for chemical analysisof molybdenum--The combustion-coulometric titration method for the determination of carbon content
GB/T 4325.28-1984 钼化学分析方法 四苯砷氯盐酸盐-硫氰酸盐光度法测定钨量 Methods for chemical analysis of molybdenum--The tetraphenyl arsonium chloride hydrochloride-thiocyanate photometric method for the determination of tungsten content
GB/T 4326-1984 非本征半导体单晶霍尔迁移率和霍尔系数测量方法 Extrinsic semiconductor single crystals--measurement of Hall mobility and Hall coefficient
GB/T 4326-2006 非本征半导体单晶霍尔迁移率和霍尔系数测量方法 Extrinsic semiconductor single crystals measurement of Hall mobility and Hall coefficient
GB/T 4327-1993 消防技术文件用消防设备图形符号 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting graphical symbols for fire protection plans-specification
GB/T 4329-2001 农林拖拉机和机具 锁销和弹性销 尺寸和要求 Tractor and machinery for agriculture and forestry--Linch pins and spring pins--Dimensions and requirements
GB/T 4330-2003 农用挂车 Agricultural trailer
GB/T 4331-2003 农用挂车试验方法 Test methods for agricultural trailer
GB/T 4333.1-1984 硅铁化学分析方法 高氯酸脱水重量法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferrosilicon--The perchloric acid dehydration-gravimetric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 4333.2-1988 硅铁化学分析方法 铋磷钼蓝光度法测定磷量 Methods for chemical analysisof ferrosilicon--The reduced molybdobismuthylphosphoric acid photometric method for the determination of phosphorus content
GB/T 4333.3-1988 硅铁化学分析方法 高碘酸钾光度法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysisof ferrosilicon--The potassium periodate photometric method for the determination of manganese content
GB/T 4333.4-1988 硅铁化学分析方法 铬天青S光度法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferrosilicon--The chromazurol S photometric method for the determination ofaluminium content
GB/T 4333.4-2007 硅铁 铝含量的测定 铬天青S分光光度法、EDTA滴定法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Ferrosilicon - Determination of aluminium content - The chromazurol S spectrophotometric method ,the EDTA titrimetric method and the flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 4333.5-1997 硅铁化学分析方法 EDTA容量法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferrosilicon--The EDTA volumetric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4333.6-1988 硅铁化学分析方法 二苯基碳酰二肼光度法测定铬量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferrosilicon--The diphenylcarbazide photometric method for the determination of chromium content
GB/T 4333.7-1984 硅铁化学分析方法 色层分离硫酸钡重量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferrosilicon--The chromatographic separation-barium sulfate gravimetric method for the determination of sulfur content
GB/T 4333.8-1988 硅铁化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定钙量 Methods for chemical analysisof ferrosilicon--The atomic absorption spectrometric method for the deter-mination of calcium content
GB/T 4333.9-1988 硅铁化学分析方法 火焰原子吸收光谱法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferrosilicon--The flame atomic absorption spectrometric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4333.10-1990 硅铁化学分析方法 红外线吸收法测定碳量 Methods for chemical analysis of ferrosilicon--The infrared absorption method for the determination of carbon content
GB/T 4334.1-2000 不锈钢 10%草酸浸蚀试验方法 Method of 10 percent oxalic acid etch testfor stainless steels
GB/T 4334.2-2000 不锈钢 硫酸-硫酸铁腐蚀试验方法 Method of ferric sulfate-sulfuric acid test for stainless steels
GB/T 4334.3-2000 不锈钢 65%硝酸腐蚀试验方法 Method of 65 percent nitric acid test for stainless steels
GB/T 4334.4-2000 不锈钢 硝酸-氢氟酸腐蚀试验方法 Method of nitric-hydrofluoric acid test for stainless steels
GB/T 4334.5-2000 不锈钢 硫酸-硫酸铜腐蚀试验方法 Method of copper sulfate-sulfuric acid test for stainless steels
GB/T 4334.6-2000 不锈钢 5%硫酸腐蚀试验方法 Method of 5 percent sulfuric acid test for stainless steels
GB/T 4335-1984 低碳钢冷轧薄板铁素体晶粒度测定法 Cold rolled low-carbon steel sheet--Ferrite grain size--Test methods
GB/T 4336-2002 碳素钢和中低合金钢 火花源原子发射光谱分析方法(常规法) Standard testmethod for spark discharge atomic emission--Spectrometric analysis of carbon and low-alloy steel(routine method)
GB/T 4337-1984 金属旋转弯曲疲劳试验方法 Metals--Rotating bar bending fatigue testing
GB/T 4338-1995 金属材料 高温拉伸试验 Metallic materials--Tensile testing at elevatedtemperature
GB/T 4338-2006 金属材料高温拉伸试验方法 Metallic materials―Tensile testing at elevated temperature
GB/T 4339-1999 金属材料热膨胀特征参数的测定 Testing method for thermal expansion characteristic parameters of metallic materials
GB/T 4340.1-1999 金属维氏硬度试验 第1部分:试验方法 Metallic Vickers hardness test--Part 1:Test method
GB/T 4340.1-2009 金属材料 维氏硬度试验 第1部分:试验方法 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 1: Test method
GB/T 4340.2-1999 金属维氏硬度试验 第2部分:硬度计的检验 Metallic Vickers hardness test--Part 2:Verification of hardness testers
GB/T 4340.2-2012 金属材料 维氏硬度试验 第2部分:硬度计的检验与校准 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 2:Verification and calibration of testing machines
GB/T 4340.3-1999 金属维氏硬度试验 第3部分:标准硬度块的标定 Metallic Vickers hardness test--Part 3:Calibration of hardness reference blocks
GB/T 4340.3-2012 金属材料 维氏硬度试验 第3部分:标准硬度块的标定 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 3:Calibration of reference blocks
GB/T 4340.4-2009 金属材料 维氏硬度试验 第4部分:硬度值表 Metallic materials - Vickers hardness test - Part 4: Tables of hardness values
GB/T 4341-2001 金属肖氏硬度试验方法 Metallic materials--Shore hardness test
GB/T 4346.1-2002 机床用手动自定心卡盘 第1部分:参数和技术要求 Self-centring manually-operated chucks for machine tools--Part 1:Dimensions and specifications
GB/T 4346.2-2002 机床用手动自定心卡盘 第2部分:验收试验规范(几何精度检验) Self-centring manually-operated chucks for machine tools--Part 2:Acceptance test specifications(geometrical tests)
GB/T 4348.1-2000 工业用氢氧化钠中氢氧化钠和碳酸钠含量的测定 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate content
GB/T 4348.2-2002 工业用氢氧化钠 氯化钠含量的测定 汞量法 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use--Determination of sodium chloride content--Mercurimetric method
GB/T 4348.3-2002 工业用氢氧化钠 铁含量的测定 1,10-菲啰啉分光光度法 Sodium hydroxidefor industrial use--Determination of iron content--1,10-Phenanthroline photometric method
GB/T 4348.3-2012 工业用氢氧化钠 铁含量的测定 1,10-菲啰啉分光光度法 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of iron content-1,10-phenanthroline photometric method
GB/T 4351.3-2005 手提式灭火器 第3部分:检验细则 Portable Fire Extinguishers-Part3:Regulations
GB/T 4352-2007 载货汽车运行燃料消耗量 Fuel consumption for trucks in operation
GB/T 4352-1984 载货汽车运行燃料消耗量 Fuel consumption for trucks in operation
GB/T 4353-2007 载客汽车运行燃料消耗量 Fuel consumption for passenger vehicles in operation
GB/T 4353-1984 载客汽车运行燃料消耗量 Fuel consumption for passenger vehicles in operation
GB/T 4354-1994 优质碳素钢热轧盘条 Hot-rolled quality carbon steel wire rods
GB/T 4356-2002 不锈钢盘条 Stainless steel wire rods
GB/T 4357-1989 碳素弹簧钢丝 Carbon spring steel wires
GB/T 4358-1995 重要用途碳素弹簧钢丝 Carbon spring steel wire for significant use
GB/T 4364-1984 电信设备人工控制机构操作方向的标记 Signs of operating directions of manual control mechanism of telecommunication equipments
GB/T 4365-2003 电工术语 电磁兼容 Electrotechnical terminology--Electromagnetic compatibility
GB/T 4369-2007 锂 Lithium
GB/T 4369-1984 锂 Lithium
GB/T 4370-1984 高纯锂 High pure lithium
GB/T 4372.1-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 Na2EDTA滴定法测定氧化锌量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of zinc oxide content--Na2EDTA titration method
GB/T 4372.2-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定氧化铅量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of lead oxide content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method
GB/T 4372.3-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定氧化铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of copper oxide content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method
GB/T 4372.4-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定氧化镉量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of cadmium oxide content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method
GB/T 4372.5-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 原子吸收光谱法测定锰量 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Determination of zinc oxide manganese content--Atomic absorption spectrometry method
GB/T 4372.6-2001 直接法氧化锌化学分析方法 金属锌的检验 Methods for chemical analysis of zinc oxide produced by direct process--Test of metallic zinc
GB/T 4373.1-1984 砷化学分析方法 溴酸钾容量法测定砷量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The potassium bromate volumetric method for the determination of arsenic content
GB/T 4373.2-1984 砷化学分析方法 孔雀绿光度法测定锑量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The malachite green photometric method for the determination of antimony content
GB/T 4373.3-1984 砷化学分析方法 硫酸钡重量法测定硫量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The barium sulphate gravimetric method for the determination of sulphur content
GB/T 4373.4-1984 砷化学分析方法 二硫代二安替比林基甲烷光度法测定铋量 Methods for chemical analysis of arsenic--The dithiodiantiphryl methane photometric method for the determination of bismuth content
GB/T 4374.1-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 新铜试剂萃取光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The neocuproine-extraction photometric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 4374.2-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 1, 10-二氮杂菲光度法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The 1,10-phenan throline photometric method for the determination of iron content
GB/T 4374.3-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The molybdenum blue photometric method of the determination of silicon content
GB/T 4374.4-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 氟化物置换络合滴定法测定铝量 Methods forchemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The fluoride replacement-complexometric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4374.5-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 丙酮- 氯化银浊度法测定氯量 Methods for chemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The acetone-silver chloride turbidimetric method for the determination of chlorine content
GB/T 4374.6-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 重量法测定湿存水量 Methods for chemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The gravi-metric method for the determination of hygroscopic moisture content
GB/T 4374.7-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 重量法测定盐酸不溶物量 Methods for chemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The gravimetric method for the determination of insoluble content in hydrochloric acid
GB/T 4374.8-1984 镁粉和铝镁合金粉化学分析方法 气体容量法测定活性镁及活性铝镁量 Methodsfor chemical analysis of magnesium powders and aluminium-magnesium alloy powders--The gaso-metric method for the determination of active magnesium and active aluminium-magnesium contents
GB/T 4375.1-1984 镓化学分析方法 2,9-二甲基-4,7-二苯基-1,10-二氮杂菲光度法测定铜量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The 2,9-dimethyl-4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline photometric method for the determination of copper content
GB/T 4375.2-1984 镓化学分析方法 4-(2-吡啶偶氮)-间苯二酚光度法测定铅量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The 4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol photometric method for the determination of lead content
GB/T 4375.3-1984 镓化学分析方法 铬天青S-溴化十四烷基吡啶光度法测定铝量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The chromazurol S-tetradecyl pyridine bromide photometric method for the determination of aluminium content
GB/T 4375.4-1984 镓化学分析方法 4,7-二苯基-1,10-二氮杂菲光度法测定铁量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The 4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline photometric method for the determination of iron content
GB/T 4375.5-1984 镓化学分析方法 一氧化二氮-乙炔火焰原子吸收分光光度法测定钙量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of calcium content
GB/T 4375.6-1984 镓化学分析方法 水杨基荧光酮-溴化十六烷基三甲基铵光度法测定锡量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The salicylfluorone cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide photometric method for the determination of tin content
GB/T 4375.7-1984 镓化学分析方法 钼蓝光度法测定硅量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The molybdenum blue photometric method for the determination of silicon content
GB/T 4375.8-1984 镓化学分析方法 乙基紫光度法测定铟量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The ethyl violet photometric method for the determination of indium content
GB/T 4375.9-1984 镓化学分析方法 苯基荧光酮-聚乙二醇辛基苯基醚光度法测定锗量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The phenylfluorone-polyethylene glycol octyl phenyl ether photometric method for the determination of germanium content
GB/T 4375.10-1984 镓化学分析方法 原子吸收分光光度法测定锌量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of zinc content
GB/T 4375.11-1984 镓化学分析方法 冷原子吸收分光光度法测定汞量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometric method for the determination of mercury content
GB/T 4375.12-1984 镓化学分析方法 化学光谱法测定铅、铜、镍、铝、铟和锌量 Methods for chemical analysis of gallium--The spectro-chemical method for the determination oflead,copper,nickel,aluminium,indium and zinc contents
GB/T 4376-1994 半导体集成电路 电压调整器系列和品种 Series and products of voltage regulators for semi-conductor integrated circuits
GB/T 4377-1996 半导体集成电路 电压调整器测试方法的基本原理 Semiconductor integrated circuits--General principles of measuring methods of voltage regulator
GB/T 4380-1984 确定圆度误差的方法 两点、三点法 Assessment of departure from roundness--Two-and three-point methods
GB/T 4380-2004 圆度误差的评定 两点、三点法 Assessment of departure from roundness--Two-and three-point methods


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