GB/T标准翻译 - 英文版 1

GB/T 10-2013 沉头方颈螺栓 Countersunk head square neck bolts
GB/T 11-2013 沉头带榫螺栓 Countersunk head nib bolts
GB/T 12-2013 圆头方颈螺栓 Cup head square neck bolts
GB/T 13-2013 圆头带榫螺栓 Cup head nib bolts
GB/T 14-2013 扁圆头方颈螺栓 Mushroom head square neck bolts
GB/T 15-2013 扁圆头带榫螺栓 Mushroom head nib bolts
GB/T 27-2013 六角头加强杆螺栓 Hexagon fit shank bolts
GB/T 28-2013 六角头螺杆带孔加强杆螺栓 Hexagon fit shank bolts with split pin hole on shank
GB/T 35-2013 小方头螺栓 Square head bolts with small head
GB/T 67-2008 开槽盘头螺钉 Slotted pan head screws - Product grade A
GB/T 139-2008 使用硫酸亚铁剂量计测量水中吸收剂量的标准方法 Standard method for using the ferrous sulfat (fricke) dosimeter to measure absorbed dose in water
GB/T 153-2009 针叶树锯材 Coniferous sawn timber
GB/T 176-2008 水泥化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of cement
GB/T 191-2008 包装储运图示标志 Packaging - Pictorial marking for handling of goods
GB/T 203-2008 用于水泥中的粒化高炉矿渣 Granulated blastfurnace slag used for cement production
GB/T 205-2008 铝酸盐水泥化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of aluminate cement
GB/T 212-2008 煤的工业分析方法 Proximate analysis of coal
GB/T 213-2008 煤的发热量测定方法 Determination of calorific value of coal
GB/T 217-2008 煤的真相对密度测定方法 Determination of true relative density of coal
GB/T 219-2008 煤灰熔融性的测定方法 Determination of fusibility of coal ash
GB/T 221-2008 钢铁产品牌号表示方法 Notations for designation of iron and steel
GB/T 224-2008 钢的脱碳层深度测定法 Determination of depth of decarburization of steels
GB/T 232-2010 金属材料 弯曲试验方法 Metallic materials - Bend test
GB/T 244-2008 金属管 弯曲试验方法 Metallic materials-Tube - Bend test
GB/T 245-2008 金属管 卷边试验方法 Metallic materials-Tube - Flanging test
GB/T 247-2008 钢板和钢带包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General rule of package, mark and certification for steel plates (sheets) and strips
GB/T 250-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 评定变色用灰色样卡 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Grey scale for assessing change in colour
GB/T 251-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 评定沾色用灰色样卡 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Grey scale for assessing staining
GB/T 254-2010 半精炼石蜡 Semi-refined paraffin wax
GB/T 261-2008 闪点的测定 宾斯基-马丁闭口杯法 Determination of flash point - Pensky-Martens closed cup method
GB/T 262-2010 石油产品和烃类溶剂苯胺点和混合苯胺点测定法 Petroleum products and hydrocarbon solvents - Determination of aniline point and mixed aniline point
GB/T 271-2008 滚动轴承 分类 Rolling bearings - Classification
GB/T 299-2008 滚动轴承 双列圆锥滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Double row tapered roller bearings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 300-2008 滚动轴承 四列圆锥滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Four row tapered roller bearings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 324-2008 焊缝符号表示法 Weld symbolic representation on drawings
GB/T 341-2008 钢丝分类及术语 Steel wire - Classification and terminology
GB/T 386-2010 柴油十六烷值测定法 Standard test method for cetane number of diesel fuel oil
GB/T 397-2009 炼焦用煤技术条件 Specification of coal for coke making
GB/T 398-2008 棉本色纱线 Cotton grey yarns
GB/T 406-2008 棉本色布 Cotton grey fabric
GB/T 411-2008 棉印染布 Printed and dyed cotton fabric
GB/T 420-2009 纺织品 色牢度试验 颜料印染纺织品耐刷洗色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to wet scrubbing of pigment printed textiles
GB/T 446-2010 全精炼石蜡 Fully refined paraffin wax
GB/T 449-2009 锯材材积表 Sawn timber volume table
GB/T 450-2008 纸和纸板试样的采取及试样纵横向、正反面的测定 Paper and board-Sampling for testing and identification of machine and cross direction, wire side and felt side
GB/T 457-2008 纸和纸板耐折度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of folding endurance
GB/T 458-2008 纸和纸板透气度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of air permeance
GB/T 460-2008 纸施胶度的测定 Paper-determination of the sizing value
GB/T 462-2008 纸、纸板和纸浆 分析试样水分的测定 Paper、board and pulp - Determination of moisture content of analytical sample
GB/T 464-2008 纸和纸板的干热加速老化 Paper and board - Accelerated aging - Dry heat treatment
GB/T 467-2010 阴极铜 Copper cathode
GB/T 470-2008 锌锭 Zinc ingots
GB/T 476-2008 煤中碳和氢的测定方法 Determination of carbon and hydrogen in coal
GB/T 477-2008 煤炭筛分试验方法 Method for size analysis of coal
GB/T 478-2008 煤炭浮沉试验方法 Method for float and sink analysis of coal
GB/T 480-2010 煤的铝甑低温干馏试验方法 Test of low temperature distillation of coal by aluminum retort
GB/T 482-2008 煤层煤样采取方法 Sampling of coal seams
GB/T 491-2008 钙基润滑脂 Calcium lubricating grease
GB/T 494-2010 建筑石油沥青 Asphalt used in roofing
GB/T 511-2010 石油和石油产品及添加剂机械杂质测定法 Petroleum,petroleum products and additives - -Method for determination of mechanical admixtures
GB/T 519-2008 充气轮胎物理性能试验方法 Test methods for measuring physical properties of pneumatic tyres
GB/T 521-2012 轮胎外缘尺寸测量方法 Test method of measuring peripheral dimensions for tyres
GB/T 528-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 拉伸应力应变性能的测定 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tensile stress-strain properties
GB/T 529-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶撕裂强度的测定(裤形、直角形和新月形试样) Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tear strength(Trouser,angle and crescent test pieces)
GB/T 532-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶与织物粘合强度的测定 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to textile fabric
GB/T 533-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 密度的测定 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of density
GB/T 537-2009 工业十水合四硼酸二钠 Disodium tetraborate decahydrate for industrial use
GB/T 539-2008 耐油石棉橡胶板 Oil-resisting compressed asbestos fibre jointing
GB/T 540-2008 耐油石棉橡胶板试验方法 Test methods for oil-resisting compressed asbestos fibre jointing
GB/T 549-2008 电焊锚链 Electro-welded anchor chains
GB/T 553-2012 锚链涂漆和标志 Painting and marking of chain cables
GB/T 554-2008 带缆桩 Bollards
GB/T 584-2008 船用法兰铸钢截止阀 Marine cast steel flanged stop valves
GB/T 585-2008 船用法兰铸钢截止止回阀 Marine cast steel flanged stop check valves
GB/T 587-2008 船用法兰青铜截止阀 Marine bronze flanged stop valves
GB/T 588-2009 船用法兰青铜截止止回阀 Marine bronze flanged stop check valves
GB/T 590-2008 船用法兰铸铁截止阀 Marine cast iron flanged stop valves
GB/T 591-2008 船用法兰铸铁截止止回阀 Marine cast iron flanged stop check valves
GB/T 594-2008 船用外螺纹锻钢截止阀 Marine forged steel male thread stop valves
GB/T 595-2008 船用外螺纹青铜截止阀 Marine bronze male thread stop valves
GB/T 596-2008 船用外螺纹青铜截止止回阀 Marine bronze male thread stop-check valves
GB/T 600-2008 船舶管路阀件通用技术条件 General specifications for marine piping valves and fittings
GB/T 610-2008 化学试剂 砷测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of arsenic
GB/T 620-2011 化学试剂 氢氟酸 Chemical reagent - Hydrofluoric acid
GB/T 623-2011 化学试剂 高氯酸 Chemical reagent - Perchloric acid
GB/T 628-2011 化学试剂 硼酸 Chemical reagent - Boric acid
GB/T 632-2008 化学试剂 十水合四硼酸钠(四硼酸钠) Chemical reagent - Disodium tetraborate decahydrate
GB/T 636-2011 化学试剂 硝酸钠 Chemical reagent - Sodium nitrate
GB/T 639-2008 化学试剂 无水碳酸钠 Chemical reagent - Sodium carbonate anhydrous
GB/T 641-2011 化学试剂 过二硫酸钾(过硫酸钾) Chemical reagent - Potassium peroxydisulfate
GB/T 643-2008 化学试剂 高锰酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium permanganate
GB/T 644-2011 化学试剂 六氰合铁(Ⅲ)酸钾(铁氰化钾) Chemical reagent - Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅲ)
GB/T 645-2011 化学试剂 氯酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium chlorate
GB/T 646-2011 化学试剂 氯化钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium chloride
GB/T 647-2011 化学试剂 硝酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium nitrate
GB/T 648-2011 化学试剂 硫氰酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium thiocyanate
GB/T 651-2011 化学试剂 碘酸钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium iodate
GB/T 653-2011 化学试剂 硝酸钡 Chemical reagent - Barium nitrate
GB/T 654-2011 化学试剂 碳酸钡 Chemical reagent - Barium carbonate
GB/T 655-2011 化学试剂 过硫酸铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium persulfate
GB/T 657-2011 化学试剂 四水合钼酸铵(钼酸铵) Chemical reagent - Hexaammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate
GB/T 659-2011 化学试剂 硝酸铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium nitrate
GB/T 661-2011 化学试剂 六水合硫酸铁(Ⅱ)铵(硫酸亚铁铵) Chemical reagent - Ammonium iron(II) sulfate hexahydrate
GB/T 664-2011 化学试剂 七水合硫酸亚铁(硫酸亚铁) Chemical reagent - Iron(Ⅱ)sulfate heptahydrate
GB/T 666-2011 化学试剂 七水合硫酸锌(硫酸锌) Chemical reagent - Zinc sulfate heptahydrate
GB/T 675-2011 化学试剂 碘 Chemical reagent - Iodine
GB/T 677-2011 化学试剂 乙酸酐 Chemical reagent-Acetic anhydride
GB/T 686-2008 化学试剂 丙酮 Chemical reagent - Acetone
GB/T 687-2011 化学试剂 丙三醇 Chemical reagent - Glycerol
GB/T 688-2011 化学试剂 四氯化碳 Chemical reagent - Carbon tetrachloride
GB/T 690-2008 化学试剂 苯 Chemical reagent - Benzene
GB/T 691-2012 化学试剂 苯胺 Chemical reagent - Aniline
GB/T 696-2008 化学试剂 脲(尿素) Chemical reagent - Urea
GB/T 701-2008 低碳钢热轧圆盘条 Hot rolled low carbon steel wire rods
GB/T 706-2008 热轧型钢 Hot rolled section steel
GB/T 710-2008 优质碳素结构钢热轧薄钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel sheets and strips
GB/T 711-2008 优质碳素结构钢热轧厚钢板和钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel plates, sheets and wide strips
GB/T 714-2008 桥梁用结构钢 Structural steel for bridge
GB/T 725-2008 内燃机产品名称和型号编制规则 Internal combustion engines - Nomenclature and code of designations
GB/T 728-2010 锡锭 Ingot tin
GB/T 730-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 蓝色羊毛标样 (1~7)级的品质控制 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Quality control of Blue wool reference materials 1 to 7
GB/T 731-2008 黄麻布和麻袋 Gunny cloth and bags
GB/T 742-2008 造纸原料、纸浆、纸和纸板灰分的测定 Fibrous raw material,Pulp,Paper and board - Determination of ash
GB/T 749-2008 水泥抗硫酸盐侵蚀试验方法 Test method for determining capability of resisting sulfate corrode of cement
GB/T 753-2012 电站锅炉 蒸汽参数系列 Steam condition series for utility boilers
GB/T 756-2010 旋转电机 圆柱形轴伸 Cylindrical shaft extension for rotating electrical machines
GB/T 757-2010 旋转电机 圆锥形轴伸 Conical shaft extension for rotating electrical machines
GB/T 777-2008 工业自动化仪表用模拟气动信号 Analogue pneumatic signal for industrial-process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 795-2008 卤代烷灭火系统及零部件 Components of halon fire extinguishing systems
GB/T 803-2008 空气中可燃气体爆炸指数测定方法 Determination of explosion indices of combustible gases in air
GB/T 880-2008 无头销轴 Clevis pins without head
GB/T 882-2008 销轴 Clevis pin with head
GB/T 908-2008 锻制钢棒尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Forged bars - Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances
GB/T 915-2010 铋 Bismuth
GB/T 917-2009 公路路线标识规则和国道编号 Mark rules of highway route and number of national trunk highway
GB/T 923-2009 六角盖形螺母 Acorn hexagon nuts
GB/T 934-2008 高温作业环境气象条件测定方法 Methods for measuring meteorological conditions in the hot work environment
GB/T 936-2008 彩色显示器白平衡点色坐标及其宽容度 Color display chromaticity coordinates of white balance point and its tolerance
GB/T 967-2008 螺母丝锥 Nut taps
GB/T 971-2008 滚丝轮 thread rolling cylindrical dies
GB/T 972-2008 搓丝板 Thread rolling flat dies
GB/T 983-2012 不锈钢焊条 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels
GB/T 997-2008 旋转电机结构型式、安装型式及接线盒位置的分类(IM代码) Rotating electrical machines - Classification of types of construction ,mounting arrangements and terminal box position for(IM Code)
GB/T 999-2008 直流电力牵引额定电压 Voltage ratings of D.C.electric traction system
GB/T 1008-2008 机械加工工艺装备基本术语 General terminology of machining tooling
GB/T 1019-2008 家用和类似用途电器包装通则 General requirements for the package of household and similar electrical appliances
GB/T 1031-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 表面粗糙度参数及其数值 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Surface roughness parameters and their values
GB/T 1032-2012 三相异步电动机试验方法 Test procedures for three-phase induction motors
GB/T 1034-2008 塑料 吸水性的测定 Plastics - Determination of water absorption
GB/T 1036-2008 塑料 -30℃~30℃线膨胀系数的测定 石英膨胀计法 Test method for coefficient of linear thermal expansion of plastics between -30℃ and 30℃ with a vitreous silica dilatometer
GB/T 1041-2008 塑料 压缩性能的测定 Plastics - Detemination of compressive properties
GB/T 1112-2012 键槽铣刀 Slot drills
GB/T 1134-2008 带刃倾角机用铰刀 Machine reamers with edge inclination
GB/T 1146-2009 水准泡 Bubble
GB/T 1148-2010 内燃机 铝活塞 技术条件 Internal combustion engines - Aluminium pistons - Specifications
GB/T 1150-2010 内燃机 湿式铸铁气缸套 技术条件 Internal combustion engines - Cast iron wet cylinder liners - Specifications
GB/T 1151-2012 内燃机 主轴瓦及连杆轴瓦 技术条件 Internal combustion engines - Main and connecting rod bearings - Specifications
GB/T 1156-2011 旋套式注油油杯 Sleeve type drip-feed lubricating cups
GB/T 1179-2008 圆线同心绞架空导线 Round wire concentric lay overhead electrical stranded conductors
GB/T 1182-2008 产品几何技术规范(GPS)几何公差 形状、方向、位置和跳动公差标注 Geometrical Product Specifications(GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Tolerances of form,orientation,location and run-out
GB/T 1190-2009 工程机械轮胎技术要求 Technical specification of earth-mover tyres
GB/T 1192-2008 农业轮胎技术条件 Techincal specification of agricultural tyres
GB/T 1196-2008 重熔用铝锭 Unalloyed aluminium ingots for remelting
GB/T 1219-2008 指示表 Dial gauges
GB/T 1226-2010 一般压力表 General pressure gauge
GB/T 1227-2010 精密压力表 Accurate pressure gauge
GB/T 1233-2008 未硫化橡胶初期硫化特性的测定 用圆盘剪切粘度计进行测定 Rubber,unvulcanized - Determinations of pre-vulcanization characteristic using a shearing disc viscometer
GB/T 1234-2012 高电阻电热合金 High resistance alloys for electrical heating
GB/T 1241-2008 船用外螺纹锻钢截止止回阀 Marine forged steel male thread stop-check valves
GB/T 1267-2011 化学试剂 二水合磷酸二氢钠(磷酸二氢钠) Chemical reagent - Sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate
GB/T 1271-2011 化学试剂 二水合氟化钾(氟化钾) Chemical reagent - Potassium fluoride dihydrate
GB/T 1273-2008 化学试剂 三水合六氰铁(Ⅱ)酸钾(亚铁氰化钾) Chemical reagent - Potassium hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ)trihydrate
GB/T 1274-2011 化学试剂 磷酸二氢钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
GB/T 1279-2008 化学试剂 十二水合硫酸铁(Ⅲ)铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium iron(III)sulfate dodecahydrate
GB/T 1281-2011 化学试剂 溴 Chemical reagent - Bromine
GB/T 1288-2011 化学试剂 四水合酒石酸钾钠(酒石酸钾钠) Chemical reagent - Potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate
GB/T 1291-2008 化学试剂 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium hydrogen phthalate
GB/T 1292-2008 化学试剂 乙酸铵 Chemical reagent - Ammonium acetate
GB/T 1294-2008 化学试剂 L(+)-酒石酸 Chemical reagent - L(+)-Tartaric acid
GB/T 1298-2008 碳素工具钢 Carbon tool seels
GB/T 1301-2008 凿岩钎杆用中空钢 Hollow drill steels for rock drilling
GB/T 1311-2008 直流电机试验方法 Test procedure for direct current machines
GB/T 1346-2011 水泥标准稠度用水量、凝结时间、安定性检验方法 Test methods for water requirement of normal consistency, setting time and soundness of the portland cement
GB/T 1347-2008 钠钙硅玻璃化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of soda-lime-silica glass
GB/T 1348-2009 球墨铸铁件 Spheroidal graphite iron castings
GB/T 1357-2008 通用机械和重型机械用圆柱齿轮 模数 Cylindrical gears for general engineering and for heavy engineering - Modules
GB/T 1358-2009 圆柱螺旋弹簧尺寸系列 Cylindrical helical spring seriate sizes
GB/T 1361-2008 铁矿石分析方法总则及一般规定 General rules and regulations for analysis of iron ores
GB/T 1392-2009 舷梯绞车 Accommodation ladder winches
GB/T 1402-2010 轨道交通 牵引供电系统电压 Railway applications - Supply voltages of traction systems
GB/T 1413-2008 系列1集装箱 分类、尺寸和额定质量 Series 1 freight containers - Classification, dimensions and ratings
GB/T 1414-2013 普通螺纹 管路系列 General purpose metric screw threads - The plan for pipe systems
GB/T 1415-2008 米制密封螺纹 Metric threads where pressure-tight joints are made on the threads
GB/T 1426-2008 炭素材料分类 The classifications of carbon materials
GB/T 1429-2009 炭素材料灰分含量的测定方法 Carbon materials-determination of the ash content
GB/T 1431-2009 炭素材料耐压强度测定方法 Carbon materials-determination of the compressive strength
GB/T 1458-2008 纤维缠绕增强塑料环形试样力学性能试验方法 Test method for mechanical properties of ring of filament-winding reinforced plastics
GB/T 1467-2008 冶金产品化学分析方法标准的总则及一般规定 Method for chemical analysis of metallurgy product - General rules and regulations
GB/T 1468-2011 描图纸 Tracing paper
GB/T 1480-2012 金属粉末 干筛分法测定粒度 Metallic powders - Determination of particle size by dry sieving
GB/T 1481-2012 金属粉末(不包括硬质合金粉末)在单轴压制中压缩性的测定 Metallic powders (excluding powders for hardmetals) - Determination of compressibility in uniaxial compression
GB/T 1482-2010 金属粉末 流动性的测定 标准漏斗法(霍尔流速计) Metallic powders - Determination of flow time by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall flowmeter)
GB/T 1503-2008 铸钢轧辊 Cast steel rolls
GB/T 1504-2008 铸铁轧辊 Cast iron rolls
GB/T 1531-2009 铜及铜合金毛细管 Capillary tube of copper and copper alloys
GB/T 1532-2008 花生 Peanut
GB/T 1545-2008 纸、纸板和纸浆 水抽提液酸度或碱度的测定 Paper, board and pulp - Determination of acidity or alkalinity
GB/T 1549-2008 纤维玻璃化学分析方法 Chemical analysis methods of glass, glass marble and vitreous fiber
GB/T 1551-2009 硅单晶电阻率测定方法 Test method for measuring resistivity of monocrystal silicon
GB/T 1553-2009 硅和锗体内少数载流子寿命测定光电导衰减法 Test methods for minority carrier lifetime in bulk germanium and silicon by measurement of photoconduetivity decay
GB/T 1554-2009 硅晶体完整性化学择优腐蚀检验方法 Testing method for crystallographic perfection of silicon by preferential etch techniques
GB/T 1555-2009 半导体单晶晶向测定方法 Testing methods for determining the orientation of a semiconductor single crystal
GB/T 1558-2009 硅中代位碳原子含量 红外吸收测量方法 Test method for substitutional atomic carbon concent of silicon by infrared absorption
GB/T 1568-2008 键 技术条件 Technical specifications for keys
GB/T 1576-2008 工业锅炉水质 Water quality for industrial boilers
GB/T 1591-2008 低合金高强度结构钢 High strength low alloy structural steels
GB/T 1598-2010 铂铑10-铂热电偶丝、铂铑13-铂热电偶丝、铂铑30-铂铑6热电偶丝 Platinum-10%Rhodium/Platinem thermocomouple wires - Platinum-13%Rhodium/Platinem thermocomouple wires - Platinum-30%Rhodium/Platinem-6%Rhodium thermocomouple wires
GB/T 1606-2008 工业碳酸氢钠 Sodium bicarbonate for industrial use
GB/T 1608-2008 工业高锰酸钾 Potassium permanganate for industrial use
GB/T 1613-2008 工业硝酸钡 Barium nitrate for industrial use
GB/T 1615-2008 工业二硫化碳 Carbon disulfide for industrial use
GB/T 1618-2008 工业氯酸钠 Sodium chlorate for industrial use
GB/T 1621-2008 工业氯化铁 Ferric chloride for industrial use
GB/T 1626-2008 工业用草酸 Oxalic acid for industrial use
GB/T 1628-2008 工业用冰乙酸 Glacial acetic acid for industrial use
GB/T 1631-2008 离子交换树脂命名系统和基本规范 Designation system and basis for specifications of ion exchange resins
GB/T 1636-2008 塑料 能从规定漏斗流出的材料表观密度的测定 Plastics - Determination of apparent density material that can be poured from a specified funnel
GB/T 1646-2012 2-萘酚 2-Naphthol
GB/T 1650-2009 直接蓝B(直接湖蓝5B) Direct blue B(Direct sky blue 5B)
GB/T 1655-2013 硫化黑3B、4B、3BR、2RB(硫化黑BN、BRN、B2RN、RN) Sulphur Black 3B、4B、3BR、2RB(Sulphur Black BN、BRN、B2RN、RN)
GB/T 1660-2008 增塑剂运动黏度的测定 Determinating the kincmatic viscosity of plasticizers
GB/T 1665-2008 增塑剂皂化值及酯含量的测定 Plasticizers - Determination of saponification value and ester-content
GB/T 1668-2008 增塑剂酸值及酸度的测定 Plasticizers - Determination of acid value and acidity
GB/T 1670-2008 增塑剂热稳定性试验 Plasticizers - Test method of heat resistance
GB/T 1671-2008 增塑剂闪点的测定 克利夫兰开口杯法 Plasticizers - Determination of flash point - Cleveland open cup method
GB/T 1676-2008 增塑剂碘值的测定 Determinating the iodine value of plasticizers
GB/T 1677-2008 增塑剂环氧值的测定 Determinating the epoxy value of plasticizers
GB/T 1681-2009 硫化橡胶回弹性的测定 Rubber - Determination of rebound resilience of vulcanizates
GB/T 1685-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 在常温和高温下压缩应力松弛的测定 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of stress relaxation in compression at ambient and at elevated temperatures
GB/T 1688-2008 硫化橡胶 伸张疲劳的测定 Rubber,vulcanized - Determination of tension fatigue
GB/T 1692-2008 硫化橡胶 绝缘电阻率的测定 Vulcanized rubber-Determination of the insulation resistivity
GB/T 1702-2008 力车轮胎 Cycle tyres (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 1703-2008 力车内胎 Cycle inner tubes
GB/T 1707-2012 立德粉 Lithopone
GB/T 1710-2008 同类着色颜料耐光性比较 Comparison of resistance to light of coloured pigments of similar types
GB/T 1713-2008 颜料密度的测定 比重瓶法 Determination of density of pigments - Pyknometer method
GB/T 1721-2008 清漆、清油及稀释剂外观和透明度测定法 Determination of appearance and transparency of varnishes, boiled oils and thinners (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 1735-2009 色漆和清漆 耐热性的测定 Paints and varnishes - Determination of heat resistance
GB/T 1766-2008 色漆和清漆 涂层老化的评级方法 Paints and varnishes - Rating schemes of degradation of coats
GB/T 1770-2008 涂膜、腻子膜打磨性测定法 Rubbing test of coatings and putty films
GB/T 1773-2008 片状银粉 Flake silver powders
GB/T 1774-2009 超细银粉 Superfine silver powder
GB/T 1775-2009 超细金粉 Superfine gold powder
GB/T 1776-2009 超细铂粉 Superfine platinum powder
GB/T 1777-2009 超细钯粉 Superfine palladium powder
GB/T 1786-2008 锻制圆饼超声波检验方法 Forging tortillas ultrasonic testing method
GB/T 1793-2008 航空燃料水反应试验法 Standard test method for water reaction of aviation fuels
GB/T 1797-2008 生丝 Raw silk
GB/T 1798-2008 生丝试验方法 Methoden of testing for raw silk
GB/T 1801-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 极限与配合 公差带和配合的选择 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Limits and fits - Selection of tolerance zones and fits
GB/T 1838-2008 电镀锡钢板镀锡量试验方法 Test methods of tin coating mass for electrolytic tinplate
GB/T 1839-2008 钢产品镀锌层质量试验方法 Test method for gravimetric determination of the mass per unit area of galvanized coatings on steel products
GB/T 1842-2008 塑料 聚乙烯环境应力开裂试验方法 Plastics - Test method for environmental stress-cracking of polyethylene
GB/T 1843-2008 塑料 悬臂梁冲击强度的测定 Plastics - Determination of izod impact strength
GB/T 1850-2008 船用外螺纹重块式快关阀 Marine male threaded weight quick-closing valves
GB/T 1852-2008 船用法兰铸钢蒸汽减压阀 Marine cast steel flanged steam pressure reducing valves
GB/T 1853-2008 船用法兰铸钢舷侧截止止回阀 Marine flanged cast steel overboard stop check valve
GB/T 1863-2008 氧化铁颜料 Iron oxide pigments
GB/T 1864-2012 颜料和体质颜料通用试验方法 颜料颜色的比较 General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Comparison of colour of pigments
GB/T 1865-2009 色漆和清漆 人工气候老化和人工辐射曝露 滤过的氙弧辐射 Paints and varnishes - Artificial weathering and exposure to artificial radiation - Exposure to filtered xenon-arc radiation
GB/T 1866-2012 中性染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Neutral dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 1867-2008 还原蓝RSN(C.I.还原蓝4) Vat blue RSN(C.I. Vat blue 4)
GB/T 1911-2011 拷贝纸 Copying paper
GB/T 1927-2009 木材物理力学试材采集方法 Method of sample tree collection for physical and mechanical tests of wood
GB/T 1928-2009 木材物理力学试验方法总则 General requirements for physical and mechanical tests of wood
GB/T 1929-2009 木材物理力学试材锯解及试样截取方法 Method of sample logs sawing and test specimens selection for physical and mechanical tests of wood
GB/T 1930-2009 木材年轮宽度和晚材率测定方法 Method for determination of the annual rings width and latewood rate of wood
GB/T 1931-2009 木材含水率测定方法 Method for determination of the moisture content of wood
GB/T 1932-2009 木材干缩性测定方法 Method for determination of the shrinkage of wood
GB/T 1933-2009 木材密度测定方法 Method for determination of the density of wood
GB/T 1935-2009 木材顺纹抗压强度试验方法 Method of testing in compressive strength parallel to grain of wood
GB/T 1937-2009 木材顺纹抗剪强度试验方法 Method of testing in shearing strength parallel to grain of wood
GB/T 1938-2009 木材顺纹抗拉强度试验方法 Method of testing in tensile strength parallel to grain of wood
GB/T 1939-2009 木材横纹抗压试验方法 Method of testing in compression perpendicular to grain of wood
GB/T 1940-2009 木材冲击韧性试验方法 Method of testing in toughness of wood
GB/T 1941-2009 木材硬度试验方法 Method of testing in hardness of wood
GB/T 1942-2009 木材抗劈力试验方法 Method of testing in cleavage strength of wood
GB/T 1943-2009 木材横纹抗压弹性模量测定方法 Method for determination of the modulus of elasticity in compression perpendicular to grain of wood
GB/T 1951-2008 船用低压外螺纹青铜截止阀 Marine low pressure bronze male threaded stop valves
GB/T 1953-2008 船用低压外螺纹青铜截止止回阀 Marine low pressure bronze male threaded stop check valves
GB/T 1954-2008 铬镍奥氏体不锈钢焊缝铁素体含量测量方法 Methods of measurement for ferrite content in austenitic Cr-Ni stainless steel weld metals
GB/T 1955-2008 建筑卷扬机 Construction winch
GB/T 1997-2008 焦炭试样的采取和制备 Coke-sampling and preparation of samples
GB/T 1999-2008 焦化油类产品取样方法 Sampling of coking oil products
GB/T 2006-2008 焦炭机械强度的测定方法 Coke for metallurgy - Determination of mechanical strength
GB/T 2013-2010 液体石油化工产品密度测定法 Standard test method for density of liquid petrochemical products
GB/T 2018-2011 磁带录音机测量方法 Methods of measuring the characteristics of recording and reproducing equipment for sound on magnetic tape
GB/T 2029-2008 铸钢吸入通海阀 Cast steel suction valve for seaward sluice
GB/T 2030-2008 青铜吸入通海阀 Bronze suction valve for seaward sluice
GB/T 2035-2008 塑料术语及其定义 Terms and definitions for plastics
GB/T 2039-2012 金属材料 单轴拉伸蠕变试验方法 Metallic materials - Uniaxial creep testing method in tension
GB/T 2040-2008 铜及铜合金板材 Sheet of copper and copper alloy
GB/T 2059-2008 铜及铜合金带材 Strip of copper and copper alloy
GB/T 2088-2009 普通圆柱螺旋拉伸弹簧尺寸及参数 Cylindrical coiled tension spring dimensions and parameters
GB/T 2089-2009 普通圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧尺寸及参数(两端圈并紧磨平或制扁) Cylindrical coiled compression spring dimensions and parameters
GB/T 2091-2008 工业磷酸 Phosphoric acid for industry use
GB/T 2093-2011 工业用甲酸 Formic acid for industrial use
GB/T 2097-2012 模拟彩色电视广播测试图 Test charts for analog colour television broadcasting
GB/T 2101-2008 型钢验收、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General requirement of acceptance, packaging, marking, and certification for section steel
GB/T 2103-2008 钢丝验收、包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 General requirements for acceptance,packing,marking and quality certification of steel wire
GB/T 2104-2008 钢丝绳包装、标志及质量证明书的一般规定 Steel wire ropes - Packing,marking and certificate - General requirements
GB/T 2272-2009 硅铁 Ferrosilicon
GB/T 2279-2008 焦化甲酚 Coking cresol
GB/T 2281-2008 焦化油类产品密度试验方法 Determination of density of coking oil products
GB/T 2283-2008 焦化苯 Coking benzene
GB/T 2284-2009 焦化甲苯 Coking tolouenl
GB/T 2286-2008 焦炭全硫含量的测定方法 Coke - Determination of total sulfur
GB/T 2288-2008 焦化产品水分测定方法 Coking products - Determination of moisture content
GB/T 2290-2012 煤沥青 Coal tar pitch
GB/T 2293-2008 焦化沥青类产品喹啉不溶物试验方法 Pitch products of coal carbonization - Determination of quinoline-insoluble
GB/T 2295-2008 焦化固体类产品灰分测定方法 Determination of the ash content of coking solid products
GB/T 2298-2010 机械振动、冲击与状态监测 词汇 Mechanical vibration,shock and condition monitoring - Vocabulary
GB/T 2304-2008 化学试剂 无砷锌粒 Chemical reagent - Zinc granular free from arsenic
GB/T 2306-2008 化学试剂 氢氧化钾 Chemical reagent - Potassium hydroxide
GB/T 2314-2008 电力金具通用技术条件 General technical requirements for electric power fittings
GB/T 2315-2008 电力金具 标称破坏载荷系列及连接型式尺寸 Nominal failing load series and coupling dimensions for electric power fittings
GB/T 2366-2008 化工产品中水含量的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of water content in industrial chemicals - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 2375-2013 直接染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Direct dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2378-2012 酸性染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Acid dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2380-2013 媒介染料 染色色光和强度的测定 Mordant dyes - Determination of dyeing shade and relative strength
GB/T 2390-2013 染料 pH值的测定 Dyes - Determination of pH value
GB/T 2397-2012 分散染料 提升力的测定 Disperse dyestuffs - Determination of built up
GB/T 2398-2012 分散染料 对棉沾色性能的测定 Disperse dyestuffs - Determination of property of staining cotton
GB/T 2402-2012 阳离子染料 染腈纶时对其他各种织物沾色的测定 Cationic dyes - Determination of staining other fibers at polyacrylonitrile fiber dyeing
GB/T 2407-2008 塑料 硬质塑料小试样与炽热棒接触时燃烧特性的测定 Plastics - Determination of flammability characteristics of rigid plastics in the form of small specimens in contact with an incandescent rod
GB/T 2408-2008 塑料 燃烧性能的测定 水平法和垂直法 Plastics - Determination of burning characteristics - Horizontal and vertical test
GB/T 2410-2008 透明塑料透光率和雾度的测定 Determination of the luminous transmittance and haze of transparent plastics
GB/T 2411-2008 塑料和硬橡胶 使用硬度计测定压痕硬度(邵氏硬度) Plastics and ebonite - Determination of indentation hardness by means of a duronmeter(shore hardness)
GB/T 2412-2008 塑料 聚丙烯(PP)和丙烯共聚物热塑性塑料等规指数的测定 Plastics - Polypropylene(PP) and propylene copolymer thermoplastics - Determination of isotactic index
GB/T 2415-2008 南阳牛 Nanyang cattle
GB/T 2422-2012 环境试验 试验方法编写导则 术语和定义 Environmental testing - Guide to drafting of test methods - Terms and definitions
GB/T 2430-2008 航空燃料冰点测定法 Standard test method for freezing point of aviation fuels
GB/T 2463-2008 硫铁矿和硫精矿中全铁含量的测定 硫酸铈容量法和重铬酸钾容量法 Pyrites and concentrate - Determination of total iron content - Cerium sulfate volumetric and potassium dichromate volumetric methods
GB/T 2466-2008 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铜含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和分光光度法 Pyrites and concentrate - Determination of copper content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric and spectrophotometric methods
GB/T 2467-2008 硫铁矿和硫精矿中铅含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和EDTA容量法 Pyrites and concentrate - Determination of lead content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric and EDTA volumetric methods
GB/T 2468-2008 硫铁矿和硫精矿中锌含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法和分光光度法 Pyrites and concentrate - Determination of zinc content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric and spectrphotometric methods
GB/T 2478-2008 普通磨料 棕刚玉 Conventional abrasive - Brown fused alumina
GB/T 2479-2008 普通磨料 白刚玉 Conventional abrasive - White fused alumina
GB/T 2480-2008 普通磨料 碳化硅 Conventional abrasive - Silicon carbide
GB/T 2485-2008 固结磨具 技术条件 Bonded abrasive products - Technical specifications
GB/T 2496-2008 弹性环联轴器 Coupling with flexible ring
GB/T 2497-2008 船用柴油机增压空气冷却器 Charge air coolers for marine diesel engines
GB/T 2501-2010 船用法兰连接尺寸和密封面 Connection dimensions and mating face of marine flanges
GB/T 2514-2008 液压传动 四油口方向控制阀安装面 Hydraulic fluid power - Four-port directional control valves - Mounting surfaces
GB/T 2518-2008 连续热镀锌钢板及钢带 Continuously hot-dip zinc-coated steel sheet and strip
GB/T 2520-2008 冷轧电镀锡钢板及钢带 Cold-reduced electrolytic tinplate
GB/T 2521-2008 冷轧取向和无取向电工钢带(片) Cold-rolled grain-oriented and non-oriented electrical steel strip (sheet)
GB/T 2523-2008 冷轧金属薄板(带)表面粗糙度和峰值数的测量方法 Measuring method of surface roughness and peak count for cold-rolled metal sheet (strip)
GB/T 2524-2010 海绵钛 Titanium sponge
GB/T 2526-2008 氧化钆 Gadolinium oxide
GB/T 2527-2008 矿山、油田钻头用硬质合金齿 Cemented carbide inserts for mining and oil-field bits
GB/T 2539-2008 石油蜡熔点的测定 冷却曲线法 Petroleum waxes - Determination of melting point-cooling curve method
GB/T 2542-2012 砌墙砖试验方法 Test methods for wall bricks
GB/T 2547-2008 塑料 取样方法 Plastic resins - Sampling
GB/T 2554-2008 机械分度头 Mechanical dividing heads
GB/T 2566-2010 低煤阶煤的透光率测定方法 Determination of transmittance for low rank coal
GB/T 2567-2008 树脂浇铸体性能试验方法 Test methods for properties of resin casting boby
GB/T 2573-2008 玻璃纤维增强塑料老化性能试验方法 Test method for aging properties of glass fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 2587-2009 用能设备能量平衡通则 General principles for energy balance of equipment using energy
GB/T 2589-2008 综合能耗计算通则 General principles for calculation of the comprehensive energy consumption
GB/T 2600-2009 焦化二甲酚 Coking xylenol
GB/T 2601-2008 酚类产品组成的气相色谱测定方法 The chromatographic method for determination of content of hydroxybenzene
GB/T 2608-2012 硅砖 Silica refractory bricks
GB/T 2613-2008 工业过程测量和控制系统用电动仪表通用技术条件 Electronic instrument general technical specification for industria-process measurement and control system
GB/T 2614-2010 镍铬-镍硅热电偶丝 Nickel-Chromium/Nickel-Silicon thermocouple wires
GB/T 2639-2008 玻璃输液瓶 Infusion glass bottles
GB/T 2650-2008 焊接接头冲击试验方法 Impact test methods on welded joints
GB/T 2651-2008 焊接接头拉伸试验方法 Tensile test method on welded joints
GB/T 2652-2008 焊缝及熔敷金属拉伸试验方法 Tensile test methods on weld and deposited metal
GB/T 2653-2008 焊接接头弯曲试验方法 Bend test methods on welded joints
GB/T 2654-2008 焊接接头硬度试验方法 Hardness test methods on welded joints
GB/T 2660-2008 衬衫 Shirts and blouses
GB/T 2662-2008 棉服装 Cotton wadded clothes
GB/T 2664-2009 男西服、大衣 Men's suits and coats
GB/T 2665-2009 女西服、大衣 Women's suits and coats
GB/T 2666-2009 西裤 Trousers
GB/T 2667-2008 衬衫规格 Sizes for shirts and blouses
GB/T 2668-2008 单服、套装规格 Sizes for coats and suits
GB/T 2684-2009 铸造用砂及混合料试验方法 Test methods for foundry sands and molding mixtures
GB/T 2688-2012 滑动轴承 粉末冶金轴承技术条件 Plain bearing - Technical specification of powder metallurgy bearing
GB/T 2694-2010 输电线路铁塔制造技术条件 Specification of manufacturing for transmission line tower
GB/T 2696-2008 黄麻纱线 Jute yarns and threads
GB/T 2703-2008 鞋类 术语 Footwear - Vocabulary
GB/T 2779-2009 拖拉机拖挂装置 型式尺寸和安装要求 Tractor's connective equipment for trailers - Types dimensions and mounting requirement
GB/T 2780-2008 农业拖拉机 牵引装置型式尺寸和安装要求 Drawbars for agricultural tractors - Types dimensionsand mounting requirements
GB/T 2794-2013 胶粘剂粘度的测定 单圆筒旋转粘度计法 Determination for viscosity of adhesives - Single cylinder rotational viscometer method
GB/T 2795-2008 冻兔肉中有机氯及拟除虫菊酯类农药残留的测定方法 气相色谱/质谱法 Method for determination of organochlorine and pyrethroid pesticide multiresidues in rabbit tissues - GC-MS method
GB/T 2804-2008 组合夹具元件结构要素 Modular parts of fixture construction ;general features,profiles and dimensions
GB/T 2831-2009 光学零件的面形偏差 Surface form deviation of optical elements
GB/T 2846-2011 调幅广播收音机测量方法 Methods of measurement on radio receivers for AM broadcast transmissions
GB/T 2851-2008 冲模滑动导向模架 Sliding guide die sets for stamping dies
GB/T 2852-2008 冲模滚动导向模架 Ball-bearing die sets for stamping dies
GB/T 2881-2008 工业硅 Silicon metal
GB/T 2887-2011 计算机场地通用规范 General specification for computer field
GB/T 2888-2008 风机和罗茨鼓风机噪声测量方法 Methods of noise measurement for fans blowers compressors and roots blowers
GB/T 2895-2008 塑料 聚酯树脂 部分酸值和总酸值的测定 Plastics polyester resin - Determination of partial acid value and total acid value
GB/T 2899-2008 工业沉淀硫酸钡 Barium sulphate precipitated for industrial use
GB/T 2901-2012 信息与文献 信息交换格式 Information and documentation - Format for information exchange
GB/T 2904-2010 镍铬-金铁、铜-金铁低温热电偶丝 Nickel-Chromium/Gold-Iron,Copper/Gold-Iron low temperature thermocouple wires
GB/T 2914-2008 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 挥发物(包括水)的测定 Plastics - Homopolymer and copolymer resins of vinyl chloride - Determination of volatile matter (including water)
GB/T 2924-2008 摄影 静止摄影用彩色负性胶片 ISO感光度的测定 Photography - Colour negative films for still photography - Determination of ISO speed
GB/T 2933-2009 充气轮胎用车轮和轮辋的术语、规格代号和标志 Wheels and rims for pneumatic tyres - Vocabulary,designation and marking
GB/T 2942-2009 硫化橡胶与纤维帘线静态粘合强度的测定 H抽出法 Rubber,vulcanized - Determination of static adhension to textile cord - H-pull test
GB/T 2943-2008 胶粘剂术语 Terms of adhesive
GB/T 2946-2008 氯化铵 Ammonium chloride
GB/T 2967-2008 铸造碳化钨粉 Cast tungsten carbide powder
GB/T 2968-2008 金属钐 Samarium metal
GB/T 2969-2008 氧化钐 Samarium oxide
GB/T 2977-2008 载重汽车轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷 Size designation,dimensions,inflation pressure and load capacity for truck tyres
GB/T 2978-2008 轿车轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷 Size designation,dimensions,inflation pressure and load capacity for passener car tyres
GB/T 2979-2008 农业轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷 Size desination,dimensions,inflation pressure and load capacity for agricultural tyres
GB/T 2980-2009 工程机械轮胎规格、尺寸、气压与负荷 Size designation, dimensions, inflation pressure and load capacity for earth-mover tyres
GB/T 2983-2008 摩托车轮胎系列 Series of motorcycle tyres
GB/T 2985-2008 生物显微镜 Biological microscope
GB/T 2994-2008 高铝质耐火泥浆 High alumina refractory mortars
GB/T 3027-2012 船用白炽照明灯具 Marine incandescent illumination lights
GB/T 3028-2012 船用电气号灯 Marine electric signal lights
GB/T 3058-2008 煤中砷的测定方法 Determination of arsenic in coal
GB/T 3075-2008 金属材料 疲劳试验 轴向力控制方法 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Axial-force-controlled method
GB/T 3078-2008 优质结构钢冷拉钢材 Quality structural steel cold drawn bars
GB/T 3082-2008 铠装电缆用热镀锌或热镀锌-5%铝-混合稀土合金镀层低碳钢丝 Galvanized or zinc-5% aluminum-mixed mischmetal alloy-coated low carbon steel wire for armouring cables
GB/T 3086-2008 高碳铬不锈轴承钢 High carbon chromium stainless bearing steels
GB/T 3089-2008 不锈钢极薄壁无缝钢管 Thinnest-wall seamless tubes of stainless steel
GB/T 3091-2008 低压流体输送用焊接钢管 Welded steel pipes for low pressure liquid delivery
GB/T 3094-2012 冷拔异型钢管 Cold drawn shaped steel tubes
GB/T 3114-2010 铜及铜合金扁线 Copper and copper alloy rectangular wire
GB/T 3148-2008 漂白苇浆 Bleached reed pulp
GB/T 3157-2008 中国荷斯坦牛 Chinese Holstein
GB/T 3159-2008 液压式万能试验机 Hydraulic universal testing machines
GB/T 3177-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 光滑工件尺寸的检验 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Inspection of plain workpiece sizes
GB/T 3179-2009 期刊编排格式 Presentation of periodicals
GB/T 3181-2008 漆膜颜色标准 Colour standard for paint film
GB/T 3184-2008 铬酸铅颜料和钼铬酸铅颜料 Lead chromate pigments and lead chromate-molybdate pigments
GB/T 3190-2008 变形铝及铝合金化学成分 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy - Chemical composition
GB/T 3191-2010 铝及铝合金挤压棒材 Aluminium and aluminium alloys extruded bars,rods
GB/T 3195-2008 铝及铝合金拉制圆线材 Aluminium and aluminium alloys drawn round wire
GB/T 3198-2010 铝及铝合金箔 Aluminium and aluminium alloys foils
GB/T 3207-2008 银亮钢 Bright steel
GB/T 3208-2009 苯类产品总硫含量的微库仑测定方法 Standard test method for the total tulfur tontent in tenzene - Type products by oxidative microcoulometry
GB/T 3209-2009 苯类产品蒸发残留量的测定方法 Method for determination the amount of distillation residual of benzene-type product
GB/T 3211-2008 金属铬 Metal Chrome
GB/T 3217-2013 永磁(硬磁)材料 磁性试验方法 Permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials - Methods of measurement of magnetic properties
GB/T 3220-2011 集装箱吊具 Freight container spreader
GB/T 3221-2010 柴油机动力内河船舶系泊和航行试验大纲 Code for dock and sea trials of diesel-driven inland ships
GB/T 3227-2008 螺栓螺母用装配工具 机动套筒工具的传动四方 Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Driving squares for power socket tools
GB/T 3228-2009 螺栓螺母用装配工具 冲击式机动四方传动套筒的尺寸 Assembly tools for screws and nuts-machine-operated square drive sockets (“impact”) - Dimensions
GB/T 3229-2008 螺栓螺母用装配工具 手动和机动螺刀头的传动端和连接部件的尺寸及扭矩试验 Assembly tools for screws and nuts - Drive ends for hand and machine operated screwdriver bits and connecting parts - Dimensions, torque testing
GB/T 3235-2008 通风机基本型式、尺寸参数及性能曲线 Basic types sizes parameters and characteristies curve of fans
GB/T 3241-2010 电声学 倍频程和分数倍频程滤波器 Electroacoustics - Octave-band and fractional-octave-band filters
GB/T 3242-2012 棉花原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of cotton stock seed
GB/T 3249-2009 金属及其化合物粉末费氏粒度的测定方法 Test method for fisher number of metal powders and related compounds
GB/T 3279-2009 弹簧钢热轧钢板 Hot-rolled spring steel sheets and plates
GB/T 3287-2011 可锻铸铁管路连接件 Malleable cast iron pipe fittings
GB/T 3298-2008 日用陶瓷器抗热震性测定方法 Standard test method for crazing resistance of domestic ceramic ware by a thermal shock method
GB/T 3299-2011 日用陶瓷器吸水率测定方法 Test method for water absorption of domestic ceramicware
GB/T 3300-2008 日用陶瓷器变形检验方法 Standard test method for deformation measurement of domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3302-2009 日用陶瓷器包装、标志、运输、贮存规则 Rules of package, mark, transport and reserve for domestic ceramic ware
GB/T 3310-2010 铜及铜合金棒材超声波探伤方法 Ultrasonic testing method of copper and copper alloy bars
GB/T 3324-2008 木家具通用技术条件 Wooden furniture - General technical requirements
GB/T 3325-2008 金属家具通用技术条件 Metal furniture - General technical requirements
GB/T 3352-2012 人造石英晶体 规范与使用指南 Synthetic quartz crystal - Specifications and guide to the use
GB/T 3359-2009 数据的统计处理和解释 统计容忍区间的确定 Statistical interpretation of data - Determination of statistical tolerance intervals
GB/T 3364-2008 碳纤维直径和根数试验方法 Test methods for diameter of carbon fiber and filament number in carbon fiber strand
GB/T 3365-2008 碳纤维增强塑料孔隙含量和纤维体积含量试验方法 Carbon fiber reinforced plastics - Determination of void content and fiber volume content
GB/T 3372-2010 拖拉机和农业、林业机械用轮辋系列 Rims series for tractors, agricultural and forestry machines
GB/T 3373-2008 农林拖拉机和机械 轮辋 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Rims
GB/T 3389-2008 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 性能参数的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics - Test for the performance parameter
GB/T 3393-2009 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量氢的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use - Determination of trace hydrogen - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3394-2009 工业用乙烯、丙烯中微量一氧化碳、二氧化碳和乙炔的测定 气相色谱法 Ethylene and propylene for industrial use - Determination of trace carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and acetylene - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 3405-2011 石油苯 Petroleum benzene
GB/T 3406-2010 石油甲苯 Petroleum toluene
GB/T 3407-2010 石油混合二甲苯 Petroleum xylene
GB/T 3413-2008 大坝监测仪器 埋入式铜电阻温度计 Instrument for dam monitoring - Embedded cu resistance thermometer
GB/T 3420-2008 灰口铸铁管件 Gray iron castigs for pipe fittings
GB/T 3422-2008 连续铸铁管 Cast-iron pressure pipe made by continuous casting process
GB/T 3428-2012 架空绞线用镀锌钢线 Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductors
GB/T 3449-2011 声学 轨道车辆内部噪声测量 Acoustics - Measurement of noise inside railbound vehicles
GB/T 3454-2011 数据终端设备(DTE)和数据电路终接设备(DCE)之间的接口电路定义表 List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal equipment(DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment(DCE)
GB/T 3471-2011 海船系泊及航行试验通则 General provisions for programming mooring and sea trials of sea going ships
GB/T 3475-2008 船用柴油机调速系统技术要求和试验方法 Requirement and test method for speed governing system of marine diesel engine
GB/T 3477-2008 船用风雨密单扇钢质门 Marine weathertight single-leaf steel doors
GB/T 3482-2008 电子设备雷击试验方法 Lightning test method for electronic equipments
GB/T 3484-2009 企业能量平衡通则 The general principles for energy balance of enterprise
GB/T 3494-2012 直接法氧化锌 Zinc oxide produced by direct method
GB/T 3498-2008 润滑脂宽温度范围滴点测定法 Petrolum products - Determination of dropping point of lubricating greases (wide temperature range )
GB/T 3499-2011 原生镁锭 Magnesium ingots
GB/T 3500-2008 粉末冶金 术语 Powder metallurgy - Vocabulary
GB/T 3505-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 术语、定义及表面结构参数 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Terms, definitions and surface texture parameters
GB/T 3506-2008 螺旋槽丝锥 Machine taps with helical flutes
GB/T 3507-2008 联轴器公称转矩系列 Nominal torque series of the mechanical coupling
GB/T 3511-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 耐候性 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Resistance to weathering
GB/T 3518-2008 鳞片石墨 Flake graphite
GB/T 3519-2008 微晶石墨 Amorphous graphite
GB/T 3520-2008 石墨细度试验方法 Test method for fineness of graphite
GB/T 3521-2008 石墨化学分析方法 Method for chemical analysis of graphite
GB/T 3532-2009 日用瓷器 Domestic porcelain ware
GB/T 3536-2008 石油产品闪点和燃点的测定 克利夫兰开口杯法 Petroleum products - Determination of flash and fire points - Cleveland open cup method
GB/T 3554-2008 石油蜡含油量测定法 Standard test method for oil content of petroleum waxes
GB/T 3608-2008 高处作业分级 Classification of work at heights
GB/T 3610-2010 电池锌饼 Zinc wafer for dry cell
GB/T 3612-2008 量规、量具用硬质合金毛坯 Cemented carbide blanks for gauge blocks or measuring tools
GB/T 3622-2012 钛及钛合金带、箔材 Titanium and titanium alloy strip and foil
GB/T 3624-2010 钛及钛合金无缝管 Titanium and titanium alloy seamless tubes
GB/T 3632-2008 钢结构用扭剪型高强度螺栓连接副 Sets of torshear type high strength bolt hexagon nut and plain washer for steel structures
GB/T 3637-2011 液体二氧化硫 Liquid sulphur dioxide
GB/T 3639-2009 冷拔或冷轧精密无缝钢管 Seamless cold-drawn or cold-rolled steel tubes for precision applications
GB/T 3649-2008 钼铁 Ferromolybdenum
GB/T 3650-2008 铁合金验收、包装、储运、标志和质量证明书的一般规定 The general rules for inspection packing,storing transportation, marking and certification of ferroalloy
GB/T 3651-2008 金属高温导热系数测量方法 Measuring method for thermal conductivity of metal at high temperature
GB/T 3655-2008 用爱泼斯坦方圈测量电工钢片(带)磁性能的方法 Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of electrical steel sheet and strip by means of an epstein frame
GB/T 3656-2008 软磁材料矫顽力的抛移测量方法 Method of coercivity measurement for magnetically soft materials by pull out procedure
GB/T 3658-2008 软磁材料交流磁性能环形试样的测量方法 Methods of measurement of a.c. magnetic properties of magnetically soft materials
GB/T 3676-2008 工业用顺丁烯二酸酐 Maleic anhydride for industrial use
GB/T 3681-2011 塑料 自然日光气候老化、玻璃过滤后日光气候老化和菲涅耳镜加速日光气候老化的暴露试验方法 Plastics methods of exposure to direct weathering, to weathering using glass-filtered daylight, and to intensified weathering by daylight using Fresnel mirrors
GB/T 3683-2011 橡胶软管及软管组合件 油基或水基流体适用的钢丝编织增强液压型 规范 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies - Wire-braid-reinforced hydraulic types for oil-based or water-based fluids - Specification
GB/T 3685-2009 输送带 实验室规模的燃烧特性 要求和试验方法 Conveyor belts - Laboratory scale flammability characteristics -Requirements and test method
GB/T 3690-2009 织物芯输送带 全厚度拉伸强度、拉断伸长率和参考力伸长率 试验方法 Textile conveyor belts - Full thickness tensile strength, elongation at break and elongation at the reference load - Test method
GB/T 3691-2008 钢丝网水泥板力学性能试验方法 Mechanical properties testing method of steel wool cement tile
GB/T 3711-2008 酚类产品中性油及吡啶碱含量测定方法 Method of determination for neutral oils and pyridine bases contents of phenol products
GB/T 3733-2008 卡套式端直通管接头 24° cone connectors - Straight thread
GB/T 3734-2008 卡套式锥螺纹直通管接头 24° cone connectors - Male
GB/T 3735-2008 卡套式端直通长管接头 24° cone connectors - Straight thread long
GB/T 3736-2008 卡套式锥螺纹长管接头 24° cone connectors - Male long
GB/T 3737-2008 卡套式直通管接头 24° cone connectors - Union
GB/T 3738-2008 卡套式可调向端弯通管接头 24° cone connectors - Straight thread elbow
GB/T 3739-2008 卡套式锥螺纹弯通管接头 24° cone connectors - Male elbow
GB/T 3740-2008 卡套式弯通管接头 24° cone connectors - Union elbow
GB/T 3741-2008 卡套式可调向端三通管接头 24° cone connectors - Straight thread tee
GB/T 3742-2008 卡套式锥螺纹三通管接头 24° cone connectors - Male tee
GB/T 3743-2008 卡套式可调向端弯通三通管接头 24° cone connectors - Straight thread run tee
GB/T 3744-2008 卡套式锥螺纹弯通三通管接头 24° cone connectors - Male run tee
GB/T 3745-2008 卡套式三通管接头 24° cone connectors - Union tee
GB/T 3746-2008 卡套式四通管接头 24° cone connectors - Union cross
GB/T 3747-2008 卡套式焊接管接头 24° cone connectors - Weld male
GB/T 3748-2008 卡套式过板直通管接头 24° cone connectors - Bulkhead union
GB/T 3749-2008 卡套式过板弯通管接头 24° cone connectors - Bulkhead union elbow
GB/T 3750-2008 卡套式铰接管接头 24° cone connectors - Angle swivel screw connector
GB/T 3751-2008 卡套式压力表管接头 24° cone connectors - Connector for pressure gauge
GB/T 3752-2008 卡套式组合弯通管接头 24° cone connectors - Adjustable elbow
GB/T 3753-2008 卡套式组合三通管接头 24° cone connectors - Adjustable tee
GB/T 3754-2008 卡套式锥密封组合弯通管接头 24° cone connectors - Swivel elbow with O-ring
GB/T 3755-2008 卡套式锥密封组合三通管接头 24° cone connectors - Branch tee with O-ring
GB/T 3756-2008 卡套式锥密封组合直通管接头 24° cone connectors - Swivel stud straight adapter with O-ring with stud end
GB/T 3757-2008 卡套式过板焊接管接头 24° cone connectors - Weld-in bulkhead straight connector
GB/T 3758-2008 卡套式管接头用锥密封焊接接管 24° cone connectors - Weld-on nipple
GB/T 3759-2008 卡套式管接头用连接螺母 24° cone connectors - Nut
GB/T 3760-2008 卡套式管接头用锥密封堵头 24° cone connectors - Plug with O-ring
GB/T 3763-2008 管接头用六角薄螺母 24° cone connectors and flared couplings - Hexagon thin nut
GB/T 3764-2008 卡套 24° cone connectors - Ferrule
GB/T 3765-2008 卡套式管接头技术条件 24° cone connectors - Specification
GB/T 3769-2010 电声学 绘制频率特性图和极坐标图的标度和尺寸 Electroacoustics - Scales and sizes for plotting frequency characteristics and polar diagrams
GB/T 3783-2008 船用低压电器基本要求 General specification for low-voltage apparatus in ships
GB/T 3784-2009 电工术语 雷达 Electrotechnical terminology - Radar
GB/T 3805-2008 特低电压 (ELV) 限值 Extra-low voltage(ELV) - Limit values
GB/T 3811-2008 起重机设计规范 Design rules for cranes
GB/T 3830-2008 软聚氯乙烯压延薄膜和片材 Calendered film and sheet from flexible polyvinyl chloride
GB/T 3832-2008 拉刀柄部 Broaches shanks
GB/T 3852-2008 联轴器轴孔和联结型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions for coupling bores and their connection
GB/T 3860-2009 文献主题标引规则 Guidelines for determining the subjects and selecting the descriptors
GB/T 3863-2008 工业氧 Industrial oxygen
GB/T 3864-2008 工业氮 Industrial Nitrogen
GB/T 3879-2008 钢结硬质合金材料毛坯 Material blanks of steel bonded carbide
GB/T 3893-2008 造船及海上结构物 甲板机械 术语和符号 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Deck machinery - Vocabulary and symbols
GB/T 3894-2008 造船 船舶布置图中元件表示法 Shipbuildin - Indication of details on arrangement plans of ships
GB/T 3898-2008 航海磁罗经术语 Magnetic compasses for sea navigation - Vocabulary
GB/T 3900-2012 轮胎气门嘴系列 Tyre valve series
GB/T 3914-2008 化学试剂 阳极溶出伏安法通则 Chemical reagent - The general rules of anodic stripping voltammetry
GB/T 3915-2011 工业用苯乙烯 Styrene for industrial use
GB/T 3920-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐摩擦色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to rubbing
GB/T 3921-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐皂洗色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to washing with soap or soap and soda
GB/T 3927-2008 直流电位差计 Direct-current potentiometers
GB/T 3928-2008 直流电阻分压箱 D.C.resistive volt ratio boxes
GB/T 3930-2008 测量电阻用直流电桥 D.C. bridge for measuring resistance
GB/T 3931-2010 联轴器 术语 Coupling - Vocabulary
GB/T 3952-2008 电工用铜线坯 Copper drawing stock for electrical purpose
GB/T 3953-2009 电工圆铜线 Round copper wire for electrical purposes
GB/T 3954-2008 电工圆铝杆 Aluminium and aluminium alloys rod for electrical purpose
GB/T 3955-2009 电工圆铝线 Round aluminium wire for electrical purposes
GB/T 3956-2008 电缆的导体 Conductors of insulated cables
GB/T 3959-2008 工业无水氯化铝 Anhydrous aluminium chloride for industrial use
GB/T 3961-2009 纤维增强塑料术语 Terms for fibre reinforced plastics
GB/T 3965-2012 熔敷金属中扩散氢测定方法 Determination of diffusible hydrogen in deposited metal
GB/T 3977-2008 颜色的表示方法 Specification of colors
GB/T 3978-2008 标准照明体和几何条件 Standard illuminants and geometric conditions
GB/T 3979-2008 物体色的测量方法 Methods for the measurement of object color
GB/T 3985-2008 石棉橡胶板 Compressed asbestos fibre jointing
GB/T 4000-2008 焦炭反应性及反应后强度试验方法 Coke - Determination of reactivity and strength after reaction
GB/T 4008-2008 锰硅合金 Ferromanganese-silicon
GB/T 4009-2008 硅铬合金 Chromium silicon
GB/T 4011-2013 1.2/4.4mm 同轴综合通信电缆 1.2/4.4mm composite coaxial cable for telecommunication use
GB/T 4012-2013 2.6/9.5mm 同轴综合通信电缆 2.6/9.5mm composite coaxial cable for telecommunication use
GB/T 4025-2010 人机界面标志标识的基本和安全规则 指示器和操作器件的编码规则 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface,marking and identification - Coding principles for indicators and actuators
GB/T 4048-2008 计时仪器 手表壳与表带连接部位的尺寸系列 Timekeeping instruments - Wristwatches - Dimensions of bracelet-to-case fastening elements
GB/T 4054-2008 涂料涂覆标记 Representation of coating
GB/T 4056-2008 绝缘子串元件的球窝连接尺寸 Ball and socket coupling dimensions of string insulator units
GB/T 4058-2009 硅抛光片氧化诱生缺陷的检验方法 Test method for detection of oxidation induced defects in polished silicon wafers
GB/T 4061-2009 硅多晶断面夹层化学腐蚀检验方法 Polycrystalline silicon-examination method-assessment of sandwiches on cross-section by chemical corrosion
GB/T 4078-2008 放射性测量用样品托盘、瓶子和试管的尺寸 Dimension of sample planchets、vials and test tubes for radioactivity measurement
GB/T 4087-2009 数据的统计处理和解释 二项分布可靠度单侧置信下限 Statistical interpretation of data - One-sided confidence lower limit of reliability for binomial distribution
GB/T 4088-2008 数据的统计处理和解释 二项分布参数的估计与检验 Statistical interpretation of data Estimation and hypothesis test of parameter in binomial distribution
GB/T 4089-2008 数据的统计处理和解释 泊松分布参数的估计和检验 Statistical interpretation of data Estimation and hypothesis test of parameter in Poisson distribution
GB/T 4092-2008 信息技术 程序设计语言COBOL Information technology - Programming languages - COBOL
GB/T 4109-2008 交流电压高于1000V的绝缘套管 Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 1 000V
GB/T 4117-2008 工业用二氯甲烷 Methylene chloride for industrial use
GB/T 4118-2008 工业用三氯甲烷 Trichloromethane for industrial use
GB/T 4119-2008 工业用四氯化碳 Carbon tetrachloride for industrial use
GB/T 4153-2008 混合稀土金属 Misch metal
GB/T 4155-2012 氧化铈 Cerium oxide
GB/T 4162-2008 锻轧钢棒超声检测方法 Forged and rolled steel bars - Method for ultrasonic testing
GB/T 4164-2008 金属粉末中可被氢还原氧含量的测定 Metallic powders - Determination of hydrogen reducible oxygen content
GB/T 4167-2011 砝码 Weights
GB/T 4171-2008 耐候结构钢 Atmospheric corrosion resisting structural steel
GB/T 4180-2012 稀土钴永磁材料 Permanent magnetic material of rare earth cobalt
GB/T 4200-2008 高温作业分级 Classified standard of working in the hot environment
GB/T 4205-2010 人机界面标志标识的基本和安全规则 操作规则 Basic and safety principles for man-machine interface(MMI),marking and identification - Actuating principles
GB/T 4207-2012 固体绝缘材料耐电痕化指数和相比电痕化指数的测定方法 Method for the determination of the proof and the comparative tracking indices of solid insulating materials
GB/T 4209-2008 工业硅酸钠 Sodium silicate for industrial use
GB/T 4213-2008 气动调节阀 Pneumatic industrial process control valves
GB/T 4217-2008 流体输送用热塑性塑料管材 公称外径和公称压力 Thermoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids - Nominal outside diameters and nominal pressures
GB/T 4226-2009 不锈钢冷加工钢棒 Cold finished stainless steel bar
GB/T 4232-2009 冷顶锻用不锈钢丝 Stainless steel wire for cold heading and cold forging
GB/T 4240-2009 不锈钢丝 Stainless steel wires
GB/T 4249-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 公差原则 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Tolerancing principle
GB/T 4251-2008 硬质合金机用铰刀 Machine reamers with carbide tips
GB/T 4272-2008 设备及管道绝热技术通则 General principles for thermal insulation technique of equipment and pipes
GB/T 4288-2008 家用和类似用途电动洗衣机 Household and similar electrical washing machine
GB/T 4294-2010 氢氧化铝 Aluminium hydroxide
GB/T 4295-2008 碳化钨粉 Tungsten carbide powder
GB/T 4299-2008 船舶通风系统图形符号 Symbols for ships' ventilation system
GB/T 4301-2008 船用电磁计程仪 Marine electromagnetic logs
GB/T 4309-2009 粉末冶金材料分类和牌号表示方法 Classification and designation for powder metallurgy materials
GB/T 4327-2008 消防技术文件用消防设备图形符号 Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting graphical symbols for fire protection plans-specification
GB/T 4334-2008 金属和合金的腐蚀 不锈钢晶间腐蚀试验方法 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Test methods for intergranular corrosion of stainless steels
GB/T 4337-2008 金属材料 疲劳试验 旋转弯曲方法 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Rotating bar bending method
GB/T 4339-2008 金属材料热膨胀特征参数的测定 Test methods for thermal expansion characteristic parameters of metallic materials
GB/T 4346-2008 机床 手动自定心卡盘 Machine tools - Manually operated self-centring chucks
GB/T 4354-2008 优质碳素钢热轧盘条 Hot rolled quality carbon steel wire rods
GB/T 4357-2009 冷拉碳素弹簧钢丝 Cold-drawn non-alloy steel wire for springs
GB/T 4388-2008 呆扳手、梅花扳手、两用扳手的型式 Types of open-end wrenches, box wrenches and combination wrenches
GB/T 4390-2008 扳手开口和扳手孔 常用公差 Wrench openings - Tolerances for general use
GB/T 4391-2008 双头扳手 对边尺寸组配 Double-ended wrenches - Size pairing
GB/T 4393-2008 呆扳手、梅花扳手、两用扳手 技术规范 Open end wrenches, box wrenches and combination wrenches - Technical specifications
GB/T 4435-2010 镍及镍合金棒 Nickel and nickel alloys bars
GB/T 4436-2012 铝及铝合金管材外形尺寸及允许偏差 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy tubes - Dimensions and deviations
GB/T 4440-2008 活扳手 Adjustable wrenches
GB/T 4447-2008 海船用起锚机和起锚绞盘 Sea-going vessels-Windlasses and anchor capstans
GB/T 4450-2008 船用盲板钢法兰 Marine blank steel flanges
GB/T 4456-2008 包装用聚乙烯吹塑薄膜 Polyethylene blown film for packaging applications
GB/T 4465-2012 碱性染料 色光和强度的测定 Basic dyes - Determination of shade and relative strength
GB/T 4472-2011 化工产品密度、相对密度的测定 Detemination of density and relative density for chemical products
GB/T 4473-2008 高压交流断路器的合成试验 Synthetic testing of high-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers
GB/T 4490-2009 织物芯输送带 宽度和长度 Conveyor belts with textile carcass - Widths and lengths
GB/T 4501-2008 载重汽车轮胎性能室内试验方法 Laboratory test method for truck and bus tyres capabilities
GB/T 4502-2009 轿车轮胎性能室内试验方法 Laboratory test methods for passenger car tyres capabilities
GB/T 4508-2010 沥青延度测定法 Standard test method for ductility of bitumen
GB/T 4509-2010 沥青针入度测定法 Standard test method for penetration of bitumen
GB/T 4515-2008 线迹的分类和术语 Stitch types - Classification and terminology
GB/T 4546-2008 玻璃容器 耐内压力试验方法 Glass containers - Internal pressure resistance - Test methods
GB/T 4570-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车耐久性试验方法 Test method of durability for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 4596-2012 电子设备用三相变压器E形铁心 E-cores for three-phase transformers for use in electronic equipment
GB/T 4597-2012 电子管词汇 Vocabulary of electronic tubes
GB/T 4610-2008 塑料 热空气炉法点着温度的测定 Plastics - Determination of ignition temperature using a hot-air furnace
GB/T 4611-2008 通用型聚氯乙烯树脂“鱼眼”的测定方法 Determination method of "fish eyes"for polyvinyl chloride resins of general use
GB/T 4612-2008 塑料 环氧化合物 环氧当量的测定 Plastics - Epoxy compounds - Determination of epoxy equivalent
GB/T 4615-2008 聚氯乙烯树脂 残留氯乙烯单体含量的测定 气相色谱法 Poly(vinyl chloride) - Determination of residual vinyl chloride monomer content - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 4616-2008 塑料 酚醛模塑料 丙酮可溶物(未模塑态材料的表观树脂含量)测定 Plastics - Phenolic moulding materials - Determination of acetone-soluble matter(apparent resin content of material in the unmoulded state)
GB/T 4617-2009 塑料 酚醛模塑制品 丙酮可溶物的测定 Plastics - Phenolic mouldings - Determination of acetone-soluble matter
GB/T 4630-2011 辽宁绒山羊 White fuzz goat of Liaoning
GB/T 4632-2008 煤的最高内在水分测定方法 Determination of moisture-holding capacity of coal
GB/T 4649-2008 工业用乙二醇 Ethylene glycol for industrial Use-Specification
GB/T 4650-2012 工业用化学产品 采样 词汇 Chemical products for indutrial use - Sampling - Vocabulary
GB/T 4654-2008 非金属基体红外辐射加热器通用技术条件 The general technical specifications for non-metallic basic body infrared heater
GB/T 4657-2009 中央党政机关、人民团体及其他机构代码 Codes for the central party and state organs people's communities and the other state organizations
GB/T 4662-2012 滚动轴承 额定静载荷 Rolling bearings - Static load ratings
GB/T 4666-2009 纺织品 织物长度和幅宽的测定 Textiles - Fabrics - Determination of width and length
GB/T 4669-2008 纺织品 机织物 单位长度质量和单位面积质量的测定 Textiles - Woven fabrics - Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area
GB/T 4686-2008 插齿机 精度检验 Gear shaping machines - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 4692-2008 皮革 成品缺陷的测量和计算 Leather - Measure of defects of finished leather
GB/T 4697-2008 矿山巷道支护用热轧U型钢 Hot-rolled U-type steel for mine timbering
GB/T 4712-2008 自动化柴油发电机组分级要求 Automatic diesel generating set,requirements of classification for
GB/T 4743-2009 纺织品 卷装纱 绞纱法线密度的测定 Textiles - Yarn from packages - Determination of linear density(mass per unit length) by the skein methord
GB/T 4745-2012 纺织品 防水性能的检测和评价 沾水法 Textiles - Testing and evaluation for water resistance - Spray test method
GB/T 4754-2011 国民经济行业分类 Industrial classification for national economic activities
GB/T 4759-2009 内燃机排气消声器 测量方法 Exhaust silencers for internal combustion engines - Measurement procedure
GB/T 4761-2008 家庭关系代码 Codes for family relationship
GB/T 4763-2008 党、派代码 Codes for political parties and groups
GB/T 4768-2008 防霉包装 Mould-proof packaging
GB/T 4776-2008 电气安全术语 Electrical safety terminology
GB/T 4787-2010 高压交流断路器用均压电容器 Grading capacitors for high-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers
GB/T 4795-2009 15ppm舱底水分离器 15ppm bilge separators
GB/T 4796-2008 电工电子产品环境条件分类 第1部分:环境参数及其严酷程度 Classification of environmental conditions of electric and electronic products - Part 1: Environmental parameters and their severities
GB/T 4799-2011 激光器型号命名方法 The type designation for lasers
GB/T 4815-2009 杉原条材积表 Volume table of Chinese fir-tree poles
GB/T 4817-2009 阔叶树锯材 Broadleaved sawn timber
GB/T 4835-2008 辐射防护仪器 β、X和γ辐射周围和/或定向剂量当量(率)仪和/或监测仪 Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta,X and gamma radiation
GB/T 4844-2011 纯氦、高纯氦和超纯氦 Pure helium,high pure helium and ultra pure helium
GB/T 4861-2008 模拟计数率表 特性和测试方法 Analogue counting ratemeters - Characteristics and test methods
GB/T 4863-2008 机械制造工艺基本术语 General terminology of machine-building technology
GB/T 4864-2008 金属钙及其制品 Calcium metal and its products
GB/T 4883-2008 数据的统计处理和解释 正态样本离群值的判断和处理 Statistical interpretation of data - Detection and treatment of outliers in the normal sample
GB/T 4885-2009 正态分布完全样本可靠度置信下限 Lower confidence limit of reliability for complete sample from normal distribution
GB/T 4888-2009 故障树名词术语和符号 Terms and symbols for fault tree
GB/T 4889-2008 数据的统计处理和解释 正态分布均值和方差的估计与检验 Statistical interpretation of data - Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and variances
GB/T 4891-2008 为估计批(或过程)平均质量选择样本量的方法 Choice of sample size for estimating the average quality of a lot or process
GB/T 4892-2008 硬质直方体运输包装尺寸系列 Dimensions of rigid rectangular packages - Transport packages
GB/T 4894-2009 信息与文献 术语 Information and documentation - Vocabulary
GB/T 4910-2009 镀锡圆铜线 Tinned round copper wire
GB/T 4925-2008 渔网 合成纤维网片强力与断裂伸长率试验方法 Fishing nets - Method of test for the determination of strength and breaking elongation of netting of synthetic fiber
GB/T 4928-2008 啤酒分析方法 Method for analysis of beer
GB/T 4930-2008 微束分析 电子探针分析 标准样品技术条件导则 Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Guidelines for the specification of certified reference materials (CRMs)
GB/T 4946-2008 气相色谱法 术语 Terms of gas chromatography
GB/T 4959-2011 厅堂扩声特性测量方法 Methods of measurement for the characteristics of sound reinforcement in auditoria
GB/T 4964-2010 内河航道及港口内船舶辐射噪声的测量 Measurement of noise emitted by vessels on inland waterways and harbours
GB/T 4968-2008 火灾分类 Classification of fires
GB/T 4970-2009 汽车平顺性试验方法 Method of running test - Automotive ride comfort
GB/T 4971-2009 汽车平顺性术语和定义 Terms and definitions for automotive ride comfort
GB/T 4985-2010 石油蜡针入度测定法 Standard test method for needle penetration of petroleum waxes
GB/T 4990-2010 热电偶用补偿导线合金丝 Alloy wires of extension and compensating cables for thermocouples
GB/T 4993-2010 镍铬-铜镍(康铜)热电偶丝 Nickel-Chrominum/Copper-Nickel(Constantan) thermocouple wires
GB/T 4997-2008 永磁式低速直流测速发电机通用技术条件 General specification for permanent magnet low speed direct current tachogenerator
GB/T 5005-2010 钻井液材料规范 Specifications of drilling fluid materials
GB/T 5018-2008 润滑脂防腐蚀性试验法 Standard test method for determining corrosion preventive properties of lubricating greases
GB/T 5028-2008 金属材料 薄板和薄带 拉伸应变硬化指数(n值)的测定 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Determination of tensile strain hardening exponent
GB/T 5031-2008 塔式起重机 Tower crane
GB/T 5055-2008 青鱼、草鱼、鲢、鳙 亲鱼 Black carp, grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp - Parents
GB/T 5072-2008 耐火材料 常温耐压强度试验方法 Refractories - Determination of cold compressive strength
GB/T 5089-2008 交流电风扇电动机通用技术条件 General technical requirements for fan A.C. motors
GB/T 5104-2008 渐开线花键滚刀 基本型式和尺寸 The basic types and dimensions of hobs for involute splines
GB/T 5107-2008 气焊设备 焊接、切割和相关工艺设备用软管接头 Gas welding equipment - Hose connections for equipment for welding, cutting and allied processes
GB/T 5111-2011 声学 轨道机车车辆发射噪声测量 Acoustics - Measurement of noise emitted by railbound vehicle
GB/T 5117-2012 非合金钢及细晶粒钢焊条 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels
GB/T 5118-2012 热强钢焊条 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of creep-resisting steels
GB/T 5125-2008 有色金属冲杯试验方法 Method for deep drawing cups testing of non-ferrous metals
GB/T 5143-2008 工业车辆 护顶架 技术要求和试验方法 lndustrial trucks - Overhead guards - Specification and testing
GB/T 5154-2010 镁及镁合金板、带材 Magnesium and magnesium alloys sheets and strips
GB/T 5168-2008 α-β钛合金高低倍组织检验方法 Microstructure and macrostructure examination for α-β titanium alloys
GB/T 5177-2008 工业直链烷基苯 Industrial lineal alkylbenzene
GB/T 5178-2008 表面活性剂 工业直链烷基苯磺酸钠平均相对分子质量的测定 气液色谱法 Determination of mean relative molecular mass for technical straight-chain sodium alkylbenzenesulfonates - Gas-liquid chromatographic method
GB/T 5182-2008 叉车 货叉 技术要求和试验方法 Fork-lift trucks - Fork arms - Technical characteristics and testing
GB/T 5184-2008 叉车 挂钩型货叉和货叉架 安装尺寸 Fork-lift trucks - Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages - Mounting dimensions
GB/T 5187-2008 铜及铜合金箔材 Foil of copper and copper alloy
GB/T 5196-2008 绳索 鉴别用的颜色标记 Ropes and cordage - Colour code for identification
GB/T 5201-2012 带电粒子半导体探测器测量方法 Test procedures for semiconductor charged particle detectors
GB/T 5202-2008 辐射防护仪器 α、β和α/β(β能量大于60keV)污染测量仪与监测仪 Radiation protection instrumentation - Alpha,beta and alpha/beta (beta energy >60keV)contamination meters and monitors
GB/T 5203-2011 核反应堆安全逻辑装置特性和检验方法 Safety logic assemblies of nuclear reactor characteristics and test methods
GB/T 5204-2008 核电厂安全系统定期试验与监测 Periodic tests and monitoring of the safety system of nuclear power plant
GB/T 5208-2008 闪点的测定 快速平衡闭杯法 Determination of flash point - Rapid equilibrium closed cup method
GB/T 5213-2008 冷轧低碳钢板及钢带 Cold rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip
GB/T 5231-2012 加工铜及铜合金牌号和化学成分 Designation and chemical composition of wrought copper and copper alloys
GB/T 5238-2009 锗单晶和锗单晶片 Monocrystalline germanium and monocrystalline germanium slices
GB/T 5247-2012 电解镍粉 Electrolytic nickel powder
GB/T 5248-2008 铜及铜合金无缝管涡流探伤方法 Copper and copper alloy-seamless tubes-eddy current testing method
GB/T 5258-2008 纤维增强塑料面内压缩性能试验方法 Fiber-reinforced plastic composites - Determination of compressive properties in the in-plane direction
GB/T 5262-2008 农业机械 试验条件测定方法的一般规定 Agricultural machinery testing conditions-general rules for measuring methods
GB/T 5263-2009 农林拖拉机和机械 动力输出万向节传动轴防护罩 强度和磨损试验及验收规范 Agricultural tractors and machinery - Guards for power take-off drive shafts - Strength and wear tests and acceptance criteria
GB/T 5264-2010 柴油机喷油泵柱塞偶件 技术条件 plunger of diesel fuel injection pump - Specifications
GB/T 5265-2009 声学 水下噪声测量 Acoustics - Measurement of underwater noise
GB/T 5269-2008 传动与输送用双节距精密滚子链、附件和链轮 Double-pitch precision roller chains, attachments and associated chain sprockets for transmission and conveyors
GB/T 5274-2008 气体分析 校准用混合气体的制备 称量法 Gas analysis - Preparation of calibration gas mixture - Gravimetric method
GB/T 5295-2012 光阴极光谱响应特性系列 The spectral response characteristic series of photocathodes
GB/T 5305-2008 手工具包装、标志、运输与贮存 Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of hand tools
GB/T 5312-2009 船舶用碳钢和碳锰钢无缝钢管 Carbon and carbon-manganese steel seamless steel tubes and pipes for ship
GB/T 5313-2010 厚度方向性能钢板 Steel plates with through-thickness characteristics
GB/T 5314-2011 粉末冶金用粉末-取样方法 Powders for powder metallurgical purposes-Sampling
GB/T 5324-2009 精梳涤棉混纺本色纱线 Combed polyester/cotton blended grey yarn
GB/T 5325-2009 精梳涤棉混纺本色布 Combed polyester/cotton grey fabrics
GB/T 5326-2009 精梳涤棉混纺印染布 Combed printed or dyed polyester/cotton blended fabrics
GB/T 5327-2008 表面活性剂 术语 Surface active agents - Terms
GB/T 5335-2008 汽车液压制动装置压力测试连接器技术要求 Automobile pressure test connection for hydraulic braking equipment
GB/T 5345-2008 道路车辆 石油基或非石油基制动液容器的标识 Road vehicles - Labelling of containers for petroleum-based or non- petroleum-based brake fluid
GB/T 5356-2008 内六角扳手 Hexagon socket screw keys
GB/T 5363-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车发动机台架试验方法 Method of bench test of engine for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 5374-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车可靠性试验方法 Test method of reliability for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 5378-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车道路试验方法 Methods of road test for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 5382-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车制动力要求及试验方法 Performance and measurement method for braking force of motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 5390-2008 林业机械 便携式动力机械噪声测定规范 工程法(2级精度) Forestry machinery - Noise test code for portable hand-held machines with internal combustion engine - Engineering method (Grade 2 accuracy)
GB/T 5395-2008 林业机械 便携式动力机械振动测定规范 手把振动 Forestry machinery - Vibration test code for portable hand-held machines with internal combustion engine - Vibration at the handles
GB/T 5410-2008 乳粉(奶粉) Milk powder
GB/T 5415-2008 奶油 Butter
GB/T 5417-2008 炼乳 Condensed milk
GB/T 5432-2008 玻璃密度测定 浮力法 Test method for density of glass by buoyancy
GB/T 5433-2008 日用玻璃光透射比测定方法 Test method for the transmittance of domestic glass
GB/T 5456-2009 纺织品 燃烧性能 垂直方向试样火焰蔓延性能的测定 Textiles - Burning behaviour - Flame spread properties of vertically oriented specimens
GB/T 5458-2012 液氮生物容器 Liquid nitrogen biological container
GB/T 5464-2010 建筑材料不燃性试验方法 Non-combustibility test method for building materials
GB/T 5470-2008 塑料 冲击法脆化温度的测定 Plastics - Determination of the brittleness temperature by impact
GB/T 5471-2008 塑料 热固性塑料试样的压塑 Plastics - Compression moulding of test specimens of thermosetting materials
GB/T 5478-2008 塑料 滚动磨损试验方法 Plastics - Test method for wear by rolling
GB/T 5480-2008 矿物棉及其制品试验方法 Test methods for mineral wool and its products
GB/T 5483-2008 天然石膏 Natural gypsum
GB/T 5484-2012 石膏化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of gypsum
GB/T 5486-2008 无机硬质绝热制品试验方法 Test methods for inorganic rigid thermal insulation
GB/T 5490-2010 粮油检验 一般规则 Inspection of grain and oils - General rules
GB/T 5492-2008 粮油检验 粮食、油料的色泽、气味、口味鉴定 Inspection of grain and oils - Identification of colour, odour and taste of grain and oilseeds
GB/T 5493-2008 粮油检验 类型及互混检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of type purity and their mixture
GB/T 5494-2008 粮油检验 粮食、油料的杂质、不完善粒检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of foreign matter and unsound kernels of grain and oilseeds
GB/T 5495-2008 粮油检验 稻谷出糙率检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of husked rice yield from paddy
GB/T 5499-2008 粮油检验 带壳油料纯仁率检验法 Inspection of grain and oilseeds - Determination of pure kernel yield of unhulled oilseeds
GB/T 5500-2008 粮油检验 甘薯片纯质率检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of sound matter yield of sweet potato flakes
GB/T 5501-2008 粮油检验 鲜薯检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of fresh sweet potato
GB/T 5502-2008 粮油检验 米类加工精度检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of processing degree of rice and other grain kernels
GB/T 5503-2009 粮油检验 碎米检验法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of broken kernels
GB/T 5504-2011 粮油检验 小麦粉加工精度检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of processing degree of wheat flour
GB/T 5505-2008 粮油检验 灰分测定法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of the ash content by incineration
GB/T 5507-2008 粮油检验 粉类粗细度测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination for fineness degree of flours
GB/T 5508-2011 粮油检验 粉类粮食含砂量测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of sand content in milled product
GB/T 5509-2008 粮油检验 粉类磁性金属物测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of magnetic metals content of flours
GB/T 5510-2011 粮油检验 粮食、油料脂肪酸值测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of fat acidity value of grain and oilseeds
GB/T 5511-2008 谷物和豆类 氮含量测定和粗蛋白质含量计算 凯氏法 Cereals and pulses - Determination of the nitrogen content and calculation of the crude protein content - Kjeldahl method
GB/T 5512-2008 粮油检验 粮食中粗脂肪含量测定 Inspect of grain and oilseeds - Determination of crude fat content in grain
GB/T 5513-2008 粮油检验 粮食中还原糖和非还原糖测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of reduced sugar and non- reduced sugar in grain
GB/T 5514-2008 粮油检验 粮食、油料中淀粉含量测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of starch content in grain and oilseeds
GB/T 5515-2008 粮油检验 粮食中粗纤维素含量测定 介质过滤法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of crude fibre content in grain - Method with intermediate filtration
GB/T 5516-2011 粮油检验 粮食运动粘度测定 毛细管粘度计法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of viscosity of grain - Capillary viscometer method
GB/T 5517-2010 粮油检验 粮食及制品酸度测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of acidity in grain and produce
GB/T 5518-2008 粮油检验 粮食、油料相对密度的测定 Inspection of grain and oil - Determination of relatively density of grain and oilseeds
GB/T 5519-2008 谷物与豆类 千粒重的测定 Cereals and pulses - Determination of the mass of 1 000 grains
GB/T 5520-2011 粮油检验 发芽试验 Inspection of grain and oils - Germination test of seeds
GB/T 5521-2008 粮油检验 谷物及其制品中α-淀粉酶活性的测定 比色法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of alpha-amylase activity in cereal and cereal products - Colorimetric method
GB/T 5522-2008 粮油检验 粮食、油料的过氧化氢酶活动度的测定 Inspection of grains and oils - Determination of hydrogen peroxidase activity of grain and oilseeds
GB/T 5523-2008 粮油检验 粮食、油料的脂肪酶活动度的测定 Inspection of grains and oils - Determination of lipase activity of grain and oilseeds
GB/T 5524-2008 动植物油脂 扦样 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Sampling
GB/T 5525-2008 植物油脂 透明度、气味、滋味鉴定法 Vegetable fats and oils - Method for identification of transparency, odor and flavor
GB/T 5527-2010 动植物油脂 折光指数的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of refractive index
GB/T 5528-2008 动植物油脂 水分及挥发物含量测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
GB/T 5531-2008 粮油检验 植物油脂加热试验 Inspection of grain and oils - Heating test of vegetable fats and oils
GB/T 5532-2008 动植物油脂 碘值的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of iodine value
GB/T 5533-2008 粮油检验 植物油脂含皂量的测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of soap content in vegetable oils
GB/T 5534-2008 动植物油脂 皂化值的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of saponification value
GB/T 5537-2008 粮油检验 磷脂含量的测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of phosphatide content
GB/T 5539-2008 粮油检验 油脂定性试验 Inspection of grain and oils - Qualitative test of oils
GB/T 5549-2010 表面活性剂 用拉起液膜法测定表面张力 Surface active agents - Determination of surface tension by drawing up liquid films
GB/T 5551-2010 表面活性剂 分散剂中钙、镁离子总含量的测定方法 Surface active agents - Determination for total calcium ion and magnesium ion contents in dispersing agents
GB/T 5559-2010 环氧乙烷型及环氧乙烷-环氧丙烷嵌段聚合型非离子表面活性剂 浊点的测定 Non-ionic surface active agents obtained from ethylene oxide and ethylene oxide/propylene oxide block copolymers - Determination of cloud point
GB/T 5561-2012 表面活性剂 用旋转式粘度计测定粘度和流动性质的方法 Surface active agents - Determination of viscosity and flow properties using a rotational viscometer
GB/T 5574-2008 工业用橡胶板 Industrial rubber sheet
GB/T 5577-2008 合成橡胶牌号规范 Codification of types for synthetic rubbers
GB/T 5590-2008 矿用防爆低压电磁起动器 Low voltage explosion protection electromagnetic starter for mining
GB/T 5605-2011 醋酸纤维滤棒 Acetate fiber filter rod
GB/T 5612-2008 铸铁牌号表示方法 Code for representing cast iron
GB/T 5621-2008 凿岩机械与气动工具 性能试验方法 Test methods of performance for rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools
GB/T 5623-2008 产品电耗定额制定和管理导则 Guide for the electricity consumption quota determination and regulation of product
GB/T 5625-2008 扩口式端直通管接头 Flared couplings - Straight thread
GB/T 5626-2008 扩口式锥螺纹直通管接头 Flared couplings - Male
GB/T 5627-2008 扩口式锥螺纹长管接头 Flared couplings - Male long
GB/T 5628-2008 扩口式直通管接头 Flared couplings - Union
GB/T 5629-2008 扩口式锥螺纹弯通管接头 Flared couplings - Male elbow
GB/T 5630-2008 扩口式弯通管接头 Flared couplings - Union elbow
GB/T 5631-2008 扩口式可调向端弯通管接头 Flared couplings - Straight thread elbow
GB/T 5632-2008 扩口式组合弯通管接头 Flared couplings - Swivel elbow
GB/T 5633-2008 扩口式可调向端三通管接头 Flared couplings - Straight thread branch tee
GB/T 5634-2008 扩口式组合弯通三通管接头 Flared couplings - Swivel run tee
GB/T 5635-2008 扩口式锥螺纹三通管接头 Flared couplings - Male branch tee
GB/T 5637-2008 扩口式可调向端弯通三通管接头 Flared couplings - Straight thread run tee
GB/T 5638-2008 扩口式组合三通管接头 Flared couplings - Swivel branch tee
GB/T 5639-2008 扩口式三通管接头 Flared couplings - Union tee
GB/T 5641-2008 扩口式四通管接头 Flared couplings - Union cross
GB/T 5642-2008 扩口式焊接管接头 Flared couplings - Weld male
GB/T 5643-2008 扩口式过板直通管接头 Flared couplings - Bulkhead union
GB/T 5644-2008 扩口式过板弯通管接头 Flared couplings - Bulkhead union elbow
GB/T 5645-2008 扩口式压力表管接头 Flared couplings - Connector for pressure gauge
GB/T 5646-2008 扩口式管接头管套 Flared couplings - Sleeve
GB/T 5647-2008 扩口式管接头用A 型螺母 Flared couplings - Style A nut
GB/T 5648-2008 扩口式管接头用B型螺母 Flared couplings - Style B nut
GB/T 5649-2008 管接头用锁紧螺母和垫圈 Flared couplings - Lock nut and lockup washer
GB/T 5650-2008 扩口式管接头用空心螺栓 Flared couplings - Inverted flare bolts
GB/T 5651-2008 扩口式管接头用密合垫 Flared couplings - Seat insert
GB/T 5652-2008 扩口式管接头扩口端尺寸 Flared couplings - Flared end
GB/T 5653-2008 扩口式管接头技术条件 Flared couplings - Specification
GB/T 5656-2008 离心泵 技术条件(Ⅱ类) Technical specification for centrifugal pumps - ClassⅡ
GB/T 5667-2008 农业机械 生产试验方法 Productive testing methods for agricultural machinery
GB/T 5668-2008 旋耕机 Rotary tiller
GB/T 5669-2008 旋耕机械 刀和刀座 Rotary tiller - Rotary blades and blade holders
GB/T 5678-2013 铸造合金光谱分析取样方法 Sampling methods of spectrochemical analysis for cast alloys
GB/T 5680-2010 奥氏体锰钢铸件 Austenitic manganese steel castings
GB/T 5683-2008 铬铁 Ferrochromium
GB/T 5699-2008 采光测量方法 Method of daylighting measurements
GB/T 5700-2008 照明测量方法 Measurement methods for lighting
GB/T 5701-2008 室内热环境条件 Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy
GB/T 5703-2010 用于技术设计的人体测量基础项目 Basic human body measurements for technological design
GB/T 5704-2008 人体测量仪器 Measuring instruments for anthropometry
GB/T 5720-2008 O形橡胶密封圈试验方法 Test methods for rubber O-rings
GB/T 5741-2008 船用柴油机排气烟度测量方法 Measure method for exhaust smoke of marine diesel engine
GB/T 5743-2010 船用自动操舵仪 Marine autopilot
GB/T 5744-2008 船用快关阀 Marine quick-closing valves
GB/T 5745-2010 船用碟式分离机 Marine disc separator
GB/T 5751-2009 中国煤炭分类 Chinese classification of coals
GB/T 5752-2013 输送带 标志 Conveyor belts - Marking
GB/T 5753-2008 钢丝绳芯输送带 总厚度和覆盖层厚度的测定方法 Steel cord conveyor belts-Methods for the determination of total thickness and cover thickness
GB/T 5755-2013 钢丝绳芯输送带 绳与包覆胶粘合试验 原始状态下和热老化后试验 Steel cord conveyor belts - Cord-to-coating bond test - Initial test and after thermal treatment
GB/T 5756-2009 输送带术语及其定义 Conveyor belts - Terms and definition
GB/T 5757-2008 离子交换树脂含水量测定方法 Determination of moisture holding capacity of ion exchange resins
GB/T 5762-2012 建材用石灰石、生石灰和熟石灰化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of limestone,quicklime and hydrated lime for building materials industry
GB/T 5764-2011 汽车用离合器面片 Clutch facings for antomobiles
GB/T 5770-2008 柴油机柱塞式喷油泵总成 技术条件 Technical requirements for jerk fuel injection pump
GB/T 5771-2010 柴油机喷油泵出油阀偶件 技术条件 Delivery valve of diesel fuel injection pump - Specifications
GB/T 5772-2010 柴油机喷油嘴偶件 技术条件 Injector nozzle for diesel - Specifications
GB/T 5777-2008 无缝钢管超声波探伤检验方法 Seamless steel pipe and tubing methods for ultrasonic testing
GB/T 5817-2009 粉尘作业场所危害程度分级 Hazardous degree classification of workplace with dust
GB/T 5823-2008 建筑门窗术语 Terminology for building windows and doors
GB/T 5824-2008 建筑门窗洞口尺寸系列 Size system of opening for windows and doors in building
GB/T 5831-2011 气体中微量氧的测定 比色法 Determination of trace oxygen in the gases - Colorimetric method
GB/T 5835-2009 干制红枣 Dried chinese jujubes
GB/T 5837-2008 液力偶合器 型式和基本参数 Fluid coupling - Types and basic specifications
GB/T 5859-2008 滚动轴承 推力调心滚子轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Self -aligning thrust roller bearings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 5862-2008 农业拖拉机和机具 通用液压快换接头 Agricultural tractors and machinery - General purpose quick-action hydraulic couplers
GB/T 5869-2010 救生衣灯 Lifejacket lights
GB/T 5905-2011 起重机 试验规范和程序 Cranes - Test code and procedures
GB/T 5909-2009 商用车辆车轮性能要求和试验方法 Performance requirements and test methods of commercial vehicles wheels
GB/T 5915-2008 仔猪、生长肥育猪配合饲料 Formula feeds for starter and growing-finishing pigs
GB/T 5916-2008 产蛋后备鸡、产蛋鸡、肉用仔鸡配合饲料 Formula feeds for replacement pullets, layers and broilers
GB/T 5918-2008 饲料产品混合均匀度的测定 Determination of mixing homogeneity for feed products
GB/T 5922-2008 汽车和挂车 气压制动装置压力测试连接器技术要求 Motor vehicles and towed vehicles - Pressure test connection for compressed-air pneumatic braking equipment
GB/T 5923-2010 汽车柴油机燃油滤清器试验方法 Test methods of fuel filter for automotive compression ignition engines
GB/T 5946-2010 三河牛 San-he cattle
GB/T 5950-2008 建筑材料与非金属矿产品白度测量方法 Method for measurement of whiteness of building materials and non-metal mineral products
GB/T 5964-2008 核仪器用同轴电缆连接器 Coaxial cable connectors usedin nuclear instrumentation
GB/T 5966-2011 电子设备用固定电容器 第8部分:分规范 1类瓷介固定电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 8: Sectional specification: Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric,Class 1
GB/T 5967-2011 电子设备用固定电容器 第8-1部分:空白详细规范 1类瓷介固定电容器 评定水平 EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 8-1: Blank detail specification: Fixed capacitor of ceramic dielectric,Class 1 - Assessment level EZ
GB/T 5968-2011 电子设备用固定电容器 第9部分:分规范 2类瓷介固定电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 9: Sectional specification:Fixed capacitors of ceramic dielectric,Class 2
GB/T 5969-2012 电子设备用固定电容器 第9-1部分:空白详细规范 2类瓷介固定电容器 评定水平 EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 9-1: Blank detail specification:Fixed capacitor of ceramic dielectric,Class 2 - Assessment level EZ
GB/T 5981-2011 挤奶设备 词汇 Milking machine installations - Vocabulary
GB/T 5989-2008 耐火材料 荷重软化温度试验方法 示差升温法 Refractory products - Determination of refractoriness-under-load - Differential method with rising temperature
GB/T 6005-2008 试验筛 金属丝编织网、穿孔板和电成型薄板 筛孔的基本尺寸 Test sieves - Metal wire cloth, perforated metal plate and electroformed sheet - Nominal sizes of openings
GB/T 6017-2008 工业用丁二烯纯度及烃类杂质的测定 气相色谱法 Butadiene for industrial use - Determination of purity and hydrocarbon impurities - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 6020-2008 工业用丁二烯中特丁基邻苯二酚(TBC)的测定 Butadiene for industrial use - Determination of tert-butyl-catechol (TBC)
GB/T 6022-2008 工业用丁二烯液上气相中氧的测定 Butadiene for industrial use - Determination of oxygen in gaseous phase above liquid butadiene
GB/T 6023-2008 工业用丁二烯中微量水的测定 卡尔.费休库仑法 Butadiene for industrial use - Determination of trace water - Coulometric Karl Fischer method
GB/T 6043-2009 木材pH值测定方法 Method for determination of pH value of wood
GB/T 6052-2011 工业液体二氧化碳 Industrial liquid carbon dioxide
GB/T 6062-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 接触(触针)式仪器的标称特性 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Nominal characteristic of contact(stylus) instruments
GB/T 6068-2008 汽车起重机和轮胎起重机试验规范 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane
GB/T 6073-2010 LT 型高弹性摩擦离合器 Type LT highly flexible friction clutch
GB/T 6096-2009 安全带测试方法 Test method for personal fall protection systems
GB/T 6099-2008 棉纤维成熟系数试验方法 Test method for maturity coefficient of cotton fibres
GB/T 6110-2008 硬质合金拉制模 型式和尺寸 Carbide dies for drawing - Types and dimensions
GB/T 6118-2010 立铣刀技术条件 End mills - Technical specifications
GB/T 6119-2012 三面刃铣刀 Side and face milling cutter
GB/T 6120-2012 锯片铣刀 Metal slitting saw
GB/T 6144-2010 合成切削液 Synthetic cutting fluids
GB/T 6145-2010 锰铜、康铜精密电阻合金线、片及带 Manganin and constantan alloy wires,sheet and rolled wires for precision electrical resistance
GB/T 6146-2010 精密电阻合金电阻率测试方法 Test method for resistivity of precision resistance alloys
GB/T 6149-2010 新康铜电阻合金 New constantan resistance alloy
GB/T 6155-2008 炭素材料真密度和真气孔率测定方法 Carbon materials-determination of the true density or porosity
GB/T 6161-2008 缩微摄影技术 ISO 2号解像力测试图的描述及其应用 Micrographics - ISO resolution test chart No.2 - Description and use
GB/T 6163-2011 调频广播接收机测量方法 Methods of measurement on radio receivers for FM broadcast transmissions
GB/T 6165-2008 高效空气过滤器性能试验方法 效率和阻力 Test methed of the performance of high efficiency particulate air filter - Efficiency and risistance
GB/T 6182-2010 2型非金属嵌件六角锁紧螺母 Prevailing torque type hexagon nuts(with non-metallic insert) ,style 2
GB/T 6188-2008 螺栓和螺钉用内六角花形 Hexalobular internal driving feature for bolts and screws
GB/T 6192-2008 黑木耳 Auricularia auricular
GB/T 6236-2008 农林拖拉机和机械 驾驶座标志点 Tractors and machinery for agricultural and forestry - Seat index point
GB/T 6278-2012 声系统设备 概述 模拟节目信号 Simulated programme signal
GB/T 6283-2008 化工产品中水分含量的测定 卡尔.费休法(通用方法) Chemical products - Determination of water Karl.fischer method (general method)
GB/T 6315-2008 游标、带表和数显万能角度尺 Vernier, dial and digital display universal bevel protractors
GB/T 6316-2008 游标、带表和数显齿厚卡尺 Vernier, dial and digital indicating gear tooth callipers
GB/T 6320-2008 杠杆齿轮比较仪 Mechanical dial comparators
GB/T 6343-2009 泡沫塑料及橡胶 表观密度的测定 Cellular plastics and rubbers - Determination of apparent density
GB/T 6344-2008 软质泡沫聚合材料 拉伸强度和断裂伸长率的测定 Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break
GB/T 6366-2012 表面活性剂 无机硫酸盐含量的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents - Determination of mineral sulfate content - Titrimetric method
GB/T 6367-2012 表面活性剂 已知钙硬度水的制备 Surface active agents - Preparation of water with known calcium hardness
GB/T 6368-2008 表面活性剂 水溶液pH值的测定 电位法 Surface active agents - Determination of pH of aqueous solution - Potentiometric method
GB/T 6369-2008 表面活性剂 乳化力的测定 比色法 Surface active agents - Determination of emulsifying power - Colorimetric method
GB/T 6370-2012 表面活性剂 阴离子表面活性剂 水中溶解度的测定 Surface active agents - Anionic surface active agents - Determination of solubility in water
GB/T 6371-2008 表面活性剂 纺织助剂 洗涤力的测定 Surface active agents - Textile auxiliaries - Determination of detergency
GB/T 6375-2008 土方机械 牵引力测试方法 Earth-moving machinery - Method of test for the measurement of drawbar pull
GB/T 6380-2008 数据的统计处理和解释 Ⅰ型极值分布样本离群值的判断和处理 Statistical interpretation of data - Detection and treatment of outliers in the sample from typeⅠextreme value distribution
GB/T 6383-2009 振动空蚀试验方法 The method of vibration cavitation erosion test
GB/T 6384-2008 船舶及海洋工程用金属材料在天然环境中的海水腐蚀试验方法 The testing methods for seawater corrosion in natural environment of metallic materials for ship and offshore structures
GB/T 6391-2010 滚动轴承 额定动载荷和额定寿命 Rolling bearings - Dynamic load ratings and rating life
GB/T 6396-2008 复合钢板力学及工艺性能试验方法 Clad steel plates - Mechanical and technological test
GB/T 6402-2008 钢锻件超声检测方法 Steel forgings - Method for ultrasonic testing
GB/T 6411-2008 针织内衣规格尺寸系列 A series of size of knitted underwear
GB/T 6412-2009 家庭用煤及炉具试验方法 Test method for household coal and stoves
GB/T 6418-2008 铜基钎料 Copper base brazing filler metals
GB/T 6422-2009 用能设备能量测试导则 Testing guide for energy consumption of equipment
GB/T 6425-2008 热分析术语 Nomenclature for thermal analysis
GB/T 6440-2012 山羊板皮 Raw goat skin
GB/T 6444-2008 机械振动 平衡词汇 Mechanical vibration - Balancing vocabulary
GB/T 6451-2008 油浸式电力变压器技术参数和要求 Specification and technical requirements for oil-immersed power transformers
GB/T 6465-2008 金属和其他无机覆盖层 腐蚀膏腐蚀试验 (CORR试验) Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Corrodkote corrosion test(CORR test)
GB/T 6466-2008 电沉积铬层 电解腐蚀试验(EC试验) Electrodeposited chromium coatings - Electrolytic corrosion testing (EC test)
GB/T 6467-2010 齿轮渐开线样板 The involute artifact of gear
GB/T 6468-2010 齿轮螺旋线样板 The helix artifact of gear
GB/T 6477-2008 金属切削机床 术语 Metal-cutting machine tools - Terminology
GB/T 6483-2008 柔性机械接口灰口铸铁管 Soft mechanical joint grey cast iron pipe
GB/T 6488-2008 液体化工产品 折光率的测定(20℃) Liquid chemicals - Determination of refrative index at 20℃
GB/T 6490-2008 水轮泵 Water-turbine pump
GB/T 6491-2012 锯材干燥质量 Drying quality of sawn timber
GB/T 6500-2008 毛绒纤维回潮率试验方法 烘箱法 Test method for moisture regain of hair fibers - Oven method
GB/T 6502-2008 化学纤维 长丝取样方法 Sampling method of man-made filament yarns
GB/T 6503-2008 化学纤维 回潮率试验方法 Testing method for moisture regain of man-made fibres
GB/T 6504-2008 化学纤维 含油率试验方法 Testing method for oil content of man-made fibres
GB/T 6505-2008 化学纤维 长丝热收缩率试验方法 Testing method for thermal shrinkage of man-made filament yarns
GB/T 6512-2012 运输方式代码 Codes for modes of transport
GB/T 6516-2010 电解镍 Electrolytic nickel
GB/T 6529-2008 纺织品 调湿和试验用标准大气 Textiles - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GB/T 6532-2012 原油中盐含量的测定 电位滴定法 Test method for salt in crude oils(Potentiometric method)
GB/T 6533-2012 原油中水和沉淀物的测定 离心法 Test method for water and sediment in crude oil by the centrifuge method
GB/T 6536-2010 石油产品常压蒸馏特性测定法 Standard test method for distillation of petroleum products at atmospheric pressure
GB/T 6538-2010 发动机油表观黏度的测定 冷启动模拟机法 Determination of apparent viscosity of engine oils using the cold-cranking simulator
GB/T 6543-2008 运输包装用单瓦楞纸箱和双瓦楞纸箱 Single and double corrugated boxes for transport packages
GB/T 6544-2008 瓦楞纸板 Corrugated fiberboard
GB/T 6548-2011 瓦楞纸板粘合强度的测定 Corrugated fiberboard - Determination of ply adhesive strength
GB/T 6557-2009 挠性转子机械平衡的方法和准则 Mechanical vibration - Methods and criteria for the mechanical balancing of flexible rotors
GB/T 6565-2009 职业分类与代码 Classification and codes of occupations
GB/T 6568-2008 带电作业用屏蔽服装 Screen clothes for live working
GB/T 6573-2008 拖拉机柴油机散热器型号编制方法 Cooling water radiator for tractor diesel engines - Method of indentifcation symbols
GB/T 6578-2008 液压缸活塞杆用防尘圈沟槽型式、尺寸和公差 Hydraulic fluid power-Cylinder-Reciprocating-Housings for rod wipers-Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 6587-2012 电子测量仪器通用规范 General specification for electronic measuring instruments
GB/T 6592-2010 电工和电子测量设备性能表示 Electrical and electronic measurement equipment - Expression of performance
GB/T 6611-2008 钛及钛合金术语和金相图谱 Terminology and metallographs for titanium and titanium alloys
GB/T 6616-2009 半导体硅片电阻率及硅薄膜薄层电阻测试方法 非接触涡流法 Test methods for measuring resistivity of semiconductor wafers or sheet resistance of semiconductor films with a noncontact eddy-current gauge
GB/T 6617-2009 硅片电阻率测定 扩展电阻探针法 Test method for measuring resistivity of silicon wafer using spreading resistance probe
GB/T 6618-2009 硅片厚度和总厚度变化测试方法 Test method for thickness and total thickness variation of silicon slices
GB/T 6619-2009 硅片弯曲度测试方法 Test methods for bow of silicon wafers
GB/T 6620-2009 硅片翘曲度非接触式测试方法 Test method for measuring warp on silicon slices by noncontact scanning
GB/T 6621-2009 硅片表面平整度测试方法 Testing methods for surface flatness of silicon slices
GB/T 6624-2009 硅抛光片表面质量目测检验方法 Standard method for measuring the surface quality of polished silicon slices by visual inspection
GB/T 6645-2008 用于水泥中的粒化电炉磷渣 Granulated electric furnace phosphorous slag used for cement
GB/T 6646-2008 温石棉试验方法 Chrysotile asbestos test methods
GB/T 6656-2008 铁氧体永磁直流电动机 D.C. ferrite permanent magnet motors
GB/T 6669-2008 软质泡沫聚合材料 压缩永久变形的测定 Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of compression set
GB/T 6670-2008 软质泡沫聚合材料 落球法回弹性能的测定 Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of resilience by ball rebound
GB/T 6677-2008 布鞋分类 Classification of cloth shoes
GB/T 6682-2008 分析实验室用水规格和试验方法 Water for analytical laboratory use - Specification and test methods
GB/T 6688-2008 染料 相对强度和色差的测定 仪器法 Dyestuffs - Determination of relative strength and color difference - Instrumental method
GB/T 6693-2009 染料 粉尘飞扬性的测定 Dyestuffs - Determination of the dusting behaviour
GB/T 6705-2008 焦化苯酚 Coking phenol
GB/T 6719-2009 袋式除尘器技术要求 Specifications for bag house
GB/T 6723-2008 通用冷弯开口型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Cold forming sectional steel - Open sectional steel for general structure - Dimensions, shape, weight and permissible tolerances
GB/T 6725-2008 冷弯型钢 Cold forming steel sections
GB/T 6726-2008 汽车用冷弯型钢尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Cold forming sectional steel for vehicles - Dimensions, shape, weight and tolerances
GB/T 6743-2008 塑料用聚酯树脂、色漆和清漆用漆基 部分酸值和总酸值的测定 Plastics(polyester resins) and paints and varnishes(binders) - Determination of partial acid value and total acid value
GB/T 6744-2008 色漆和清漆用漆基 皂化值的测定 滴定法 Binders for paints and varnishes - Determination of saponification value - Titrmetric method
GB/T 6745-2008 船壳漆 Topside paint
GB/T 6746-2008 船用油舱漆 Oil tank paint for ship
GB/T 6747-2008 船用车间底漆 Shop primer for ship building
GB/T 6748-2008 船用防锈漆 Anticorrosive paint for ship
GB/T 6759-2013 输送带 层间粘合强度 试验方法 Conveyor belts - Adhesion between constitutive elements - Test methods
GB/T 6791-2012 道路车辆 火花塞及其气缸盖安装孔 基本特征及尺寸 Road vehicles - Spark-plugs and their cylinder head housing - Basic characteristics and dimensions
GB/T 6792-2009 客车骨架应力和形变测量方法 Measure method of stress and deformation for bus skeleton
GB/T 6803-2008 铁素体钢的无塑性转变温度落锤试验方法 Test method for drop-weight test to determine nil-ductility transition temperature of ferritic steels
GB/T 6804-2008 烧结金属衬套 径向压溃强度的测定 Sintered mital bushes - Determination of radial crushing strength
GB/T 6823-2008 船舶压载舱漆 Ballast tanks paint for ship
GB/T 6824-2008 船底防污漆铜离子渗出率测定法 Determination for release rate of cupper-ion for antifouling paint on ship bottom
GB/T 6825-2008 船底防污漆有机锡单体渗出率测定法 Determination for release rate of organo-tin for antifouling paint on ship bottom
GB/T 6846-2008 摄影 ISO安全灯条件的确定 Photography - Determination of ISO safelight conditions
GB/T 6847-2012 影像材料 照相胶片和相纸 卷曲度的测定 Imaging materials - Photographic film and paper - Determination of curl
GB/T 6848-2008 电影 电影胶片和涂磁胶片卷的片芯 尺寸 Cinematography - Cores for motion-picture and magnetic film rolls - Dimensions
GB/T 6865-2009 语种熟练程度和外语考试等级代码 Codes for levels of language proficiency and foreign language test grades
GB/T 6866-2008 园艺工具通用技术条件 Garden tools - General requirements
GB/T 6877-2008 计时仪器零部件分类、名称和编号 机械手表机心零部件分类、名称和编号 Classification, terminology and numbering for parts and assemblies of the time measuring instruments - Classification, terminology and numbering for parts and assemblies of mechanical wrist watch movements
GB/T 6882-2008 声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 消声室和半消声室精密法 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using pressure - Precision methods for anechoic and hemi-anechoic rooms
GB/T 6886-2008 烧结不锈钢过滤元件 Sintered stainless steel filter elements
GB/T 6890-2012 锌粉 Zinc powder
GB/T 6893-2010 铝及铝合金拉(轧)制无缝管 Aluminium and aluminium alloys cold drawn (rolled) seamless tubes
GB/T 6901-2008 硅质耐火材料化学分析方法 Chemical analysis of silica refractories
GB/T 6902-2010 铁路信号继电器试验方法 Test methods for railway signal relays
GB/T 6909-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 硬度的测定 Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of hardness
GB/T 6912-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 亚硝酸盐的测定 Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of nitrite
GB/T 6913-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 磷酸盐的测定 Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of phosphorus
GB/T 6916-2008 湿热带电力电容器 Power capacitors for damp tropics
GB/T 6926-2008 林业机械 分类词汇 Forestry machinery - Classification and vocabulary
GB/T 6935-2010 中国梅花鹿种鹿 Breeding stock of Chinese sika-deer
GB/T 6936-2010 东北马鹿种鹿 Breeding stock of Chinese northeast wapiti
GB/T 6946-2008 钢丝绳铝合金压制接头 Aluminium-alloy swaged ferrules for steel wire rope
GB/T 6948-2008 煤的镜质体反射率显微镜测定方法 Method of determining microscopically the reflectance of vitrinite in coal
GB/T 6949-2010 煤的视相对密度测定方法 Determination of apparent relative density of coal
GB/T 6964-2010 渔网网目尺寸测量方法 Determination of mesh size of fishing nets
GB/T 6967-2009 工程结构用中、高强度不锈钢铸件 Martensitic stainless steel castings for general engineering application
GB/T 6968-2011 膜式燃气表 Diaphragm gas meters
GB/T 6977-2008 洗净羊毛乙醇萃取物、灰分、植物性杂质、总碱不溶物含量试验方法 Test method for ethanol extractives, ash, vegetable matter, total ali-insoluble impurities in scoured wool
GB/T 6983-2008 电磁纯铁 Soft magnetic iron
GB/T 6996-2012 透射式电视测试图 Test charts of transparencies for television
GB/T 6999-2010 环境试验用相对湿度查算表 Relative humidity tables for environmental test
GB/T 7002-2008 投光照明灯具光度测试 Photometry for floodlight
GB/T 7023-2011 低、中水平放射性废物固化体标准浸出试验方法 Standard test method for leachability of low and intermediate level solidified radioactive waste forms
GB/T 7024-2008 电梯、自动扶梯、自动人行道术语 Terminology of lifts,escalators,passenger conveyors
GB/T 7048-2012 色素炭黑 黑度的测定 Colour carbon black - Determination of blackness
GB/T 7052-2012 色素炭黑 流动度的测定 Colour carbon black - Determination of flow characteristic
GB/T 7060-2008 船用旋转电机基本技术要求 General specifications for rotary electrical machines in ships
GB/T 7064-2008 隐极同步发电机技术要求 Specific requirements for cylindrical rotor synchronous machines
GB/T 7106-2008 建筑外门窗气密、水密、抗风压性能分级及检测方法 Graduations and test methods of air permeability, watertightness, wind load resistance performance for building external windows and doors
GB/T 7118-2008 工业氯化钾 Industrial potassium chloride
GB/T 7120-2009 农业轮式拖拉机和机具三点悬挂挂接器 3N类、4N类 Three-point quick-attaching coupler of implement to agricultural wheeled tractors - Category 3N、4N
GB/T 7124-2008 胶粘剂 拉伸剪切强度的测定(刚性材料对刚性材料) Adhesives - Determination of tensile lap-shear strength of rigid-to-rigid bonded assemblies
GB/T 7134-2008 浇铸型工业有机玻璃板材 Poly(methyl methacrylate)cast sheets
GB/T 7141-2008 塑料热老化试验方法 Plastics - Methods of heat aging
GB/T 7143-2010 铸造用硅砂化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of silica sand for foundry
GB/T 7157-2008 电烙铁 Electric soldering irons
GB/T 7160-2008 羰基镍粉 Carbonyl Nickel Powder
GB/T 7163-2008 核电厂安全系统的可靠性分析要求 Requirements of reliability analysis for nuclear power plant safety systems
GB/T 7167-2008 锗γ射线探测器测试方法 Test procedures for germanium gamma-ray detectors
GB/T 7169-2011 含碱性或其它非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组型号命名方法 Designation of secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes
GB/T 7184-2008 中小功率柴油机 振动测量及评级 Small and medium power diesel engines - Measurement and evaluation of vibration
GB/T 7185-2009 内河船液压舵机 Hydraulic steering gear of inland vessel
GB/T 7186-2008 选煤术语 Terms relating to coal preparation
GB/T 7193-2008 不饱和聚酯树脂试验方法 Test methods for unsaturated polyester resins
GB/T 7196-2012 用液体萃取测定电气绝缘材料离子杂质的试验方法 Methods of test for the determination of ionic impurities in electrical insulating materials by extraction with liquids
GB/T 7216-2009 灰铸铁金相检验 Metallographic test for gray cast iron
GB/T 7223-2008 荣昌猪 Rongchang Pig
GB/T 7230-2008 气体检测管装置 Gas detector tube measurement system
GB/T 7232-2012 金属热处理工艺 术语 Terminology of metal heat treatment
GB/T 7233.2-2010 铸钢件 超声检测 第2部分:高承压铸钢件 Steel castings - Ultrasonic examination - Part 2: Steel castings for highly stressed components
GB/T 7242-2010 透镜中心偏差 Centering error of lenses
GB/T 7249-2008 白炽灯的最大外形尺寸 Maximum lamp outlines for incandescent lamps
GB/T 7261-2008 继电保护和安全自动装置基本试验方法 Basic testing method for relaying protection and security automatic equipment
GB/T 7262-2009 公路通信技术要求及设备配置 Technical requirements and equipment arrangement for highway communication
GB/T 7269-2008 电子设备控制台的布局、型式和基本尺寸 Arrangement,types and basic dimensions of consoles for electronic equipments
GB/T 7287-2008 红外辐射加热器试验方法 Test method of infrared heater
GB/T 7291-2008 图形符号 基于消费者需求的技术指南 Graphical symbols - Technical guidelines for the consideration of consumers’ needs
GB/T 7295-2008 饲料添加剂 维生素B1(盐酸硫胺) Feed additive - vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride)
GB/T 7296-2008 饲料添加剂 维生素B1(硝酸硫胺) Feed additive - Vitamin B1 (thiamine mononitrate)
GB/T 7302-2008 饲料添加剂 叶酸 Feed additive - Folic acid
GB/T 7308-2008 滑动轴承 有法兰或无法兰薄壁轴瓦 公差、结构要素和检验方法 Plain bearings - Thin-walled half bearings with or without flange - Tolerances, design features and methods of test
GB/T 7311-2008 包装机械分类与型号编制方法 Classification and editorial nominating method for packaging machinery
GB/T 7320-2008 耐火材料 热膨胀试验方法 Refractories - Determination of thermal expansion
GB/T 7323-2008 极压锂基润滑脂 Extreme pressure lithium lubricating grease
GB/T 7324-2010 通用锂基润滑脂 General purpose lithium lubricating grease
GB/T 7327-2008 交流系统用碳化硅阀式避雷器 Silicon carbide surge arresters for a.c.systems
GB/T 7329-2008 电力线载波结合设备 Coupling devices for power line carrier systems
GB/T 7330-2008 交流电力系统阻波器 Line traps for a.c. power systems
GB/T 7332-2011 电子设备用固定电容器 第2部分:分规范 金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质直流固定电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2: Sectional specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric d.c.capacitors
GB/T 7333-2012 电子设备用固定电容器 第2-1部分:空白详细规范 金属化聚乙烯对苯二甲酸酯膜介质 直流固定电容器 评定水平E和EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 2-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed metallized polyethylene-terephthalate film dielectric d.c.capacitors - Assessment levels E and EZ
GB/T 7345-2008 控制电机基本技术要求 General requirements for electrical machine for automatic control system
GB/T 7352-2008 利用电离辐射源的电测量系统和仪表 Electrical measuring systems and instruments utilizing ionizing radiation source
GB/T 7357-2010 船舶电气设备 系统设计 保护 Electrical installations in ships - System design - Protection
GB/T 7370-2008 对氨基苯甲醚 p - Anisidine
GB/T 7376-2008 工业用氟代烷烃中微量水分的测定 Determination of micro-amounts of water in industrial Fluorinated alkane
GB/T 7377-2008 力车轮胎系列 Series of cycle tyres
GB/T 7378-2012 表面活性剂 碱度的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents - Determination of alkalinity - Titrimetric method
GB/T 7381-2010 表面活性剂 在硬水中稳定性的测定方法 Surface active agents - Determination of stability in hard water
GB/T 7385-2012 非离子型表面活性剂 聚乙氧基化衍生物中氧乙烯基含量的测定 碘量法 Non-ionic surface active agents - Polyethoxylated derivatives - Iodometric determination of oxyethylene groups
GB/T 7400-2011 广播电视术语 Radio and television terminology
GB/T 7407-2008 中国及世界主要海运贸易港口代码 Codes for China and world main shipping trade ports
GB/T 7416-2008 啤酒大麦 Malting barley
GB/T 7417-2010 铁路信号AX系列继电器 AX Series relays for railway signaling
GB/T 7421-2008 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 高级数据链路控制(HDLC)规程 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - High-level data link control (HDLC) procedures
GB/T 7430-2012 影像材料 摄影胶片 安全胶片规范 Imaging materials - Photographic films - Specifications for safety film
GB/T 7441-2008 汽轮机及被驱动机械发出的空间噪声的测量 Measurement of airborne noise emitted by steam turbines and driven machinery
GB/T 7463-2008 表面活性剂 钙皂分散力的测定 酸量滴定法 (改进Schoenfeldt法) Surface active agents - Determination of the power to dispersecalcium soap - Acidimetric .method (Modifled Schoenfeldt method)
GB/T 7516-2008 缩微摄影技术 缩微拍摄用图形符号 Micrographics - Graphical symbols for use in microfilming
GB/T 7528-2011 橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 术语 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Vocabulary
GB/T 7531-2008 有机化工产品灼烧残渣的测定 Determination of ignition residue for organic chemical products
GB/T 7532-2008 有机化工产品中重金属的测定 目视比色法 Determination of heavy metals in organic chemical products - Visual colorimetry
GB/T 7549-2008 球笼式同步万向联轴器 Synchronizing universal coupling with ball and socket
GB/T 7550-2008 球笼式同步万向联轴器 试验方法 Synchronizing universal coupling with ball and socket - Test method
GB/T 7551-2008 称重传感器 Load cells
GB/T 7562-2010 发电煤粉锅炉用煤技术条件 Specification of coal used for pulverized coal-fired boiler for power generation
GB/T 7568.2-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 标准贴衬织物 第2部分:棉和粘胶纤维 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Standard adjacent fabrics - Part 2:Cotton and viscose
GB/T 7569-2008 羊毛 含碱量的测定 Wool - Determination of alkali content
GB/T 7570-2008 羊毛 含酸量的测定 Wool - Determination of acid content
GB/T 7571-2008 羊毛 在碱中溶解度的测定 Wool - Determination of solubility in alkali
GB/T 7573-2009 纺织品 水萃取液pH值的测定 Textiles - Determination of pH of aqueous extract
GB/T 7574-2008 信息处理 信息交换用磁带的文卷结构和标号 Information processing - File structure and labeling of magnetic tapes for information interchange
GB/T 7586-2008 液压挖掘机 试验方法 Hydraulic excavators - Test methods
GB/T 7593-2008 机动工业车辆 驾驶员控制装置及其他显示装置用符号 Powered industrial trucks - Symbols for operator controls and other displays
GB/T 7595-2008 运行中变压器油质量 Quality of transformer oils in service
GB/T 7596-2008 电厂运行中汽轮机油质量 In-service quality criteria of turbine oils used in power plants
GB/T 7598-2008 运行中变压器油水溶性酸测定法 Determination of water-soluble acid in transformer oils in service
GB/T 7601-2008 运行中变压器油、汽轮机油水分测定法 ( 气相色谱法) Determination of water content for transformer and turbine oils in service by gas chromatographic method
GB/T 7603-2012 矿物绝缘油中芳碳含量测定法 Determination of the aromatic carbon content in mineral insulating oil
GB/T 7605-2008 运行中汽轮机油破乳化度测定法 Detemination of clemulsibility characteristics of turbine oils in service
GB/T 7607-2010 柴油机油换油指标 Criteria for changing of diesel engine oil
GB/T 7628-2008 谷物中维生素B1测定 Determination of vitamin B1 in cereals
GB/T 7629-2008 谷物中维生素B2测定 Determination of vitamin B2 in cereals
GB/T 7633-2008 门和卷帘的耐火试验方法 Fire resistance tests - Door and shutter assemblies
GB/T 7659-2010 焊接结构用铸钢件 steel casting suitable for welded structure
GB/T 7661-2009 光学零件气泡度 Bubble classes of optical elements
GB/T 7670-2009 电动振动发生系统(设备) 性能特性 Electrodynamic vibration generating systems(equipment) - Performance characteristics
GB/T 7686-2008 化工产品中砷含量测定的通用方法 Chemical products for industrial use - General method for the determination of arsenic
GB/T 7694-2008 危险货物命名原则 The rule of nomenclature for dangerous goods
GB/T 7704-2008 无损检测 X射线应力测定方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for residual stress measurement by X-Ray
GB/T 7705-2008 平版装潢印刷品 The offset lithographic prints for decorating
GB/T 7706-2008 凸版装潢印刷品 The relief prints for decorating
GB/T 7707-2008 凹版装潢印刷品 The intaglio prints for decorating
GB/T 7723-2008 固定式电子衡器 Fixed location electronic instrument
GB/T 7724-2008 电子称重仪表 Electronic weighing meter
GB/T 7726-2009 铰接客车机械连接装置 Mechanical connections of articulated bus
GB/T 7732-2008 金属材料 表面裂纹拉伸试样断裂韧度试验方法 Metallic materials - Fracture toughness testing method with surface crack tension specimens
GB/T 7736-2008 钢的低倍缺陷超声波检验法 Ultrasonic inspecting method for macro-structure and imperfection of steel
GB/T 7738-2008 铁合金产品牌号表示方法 Notations for designation of ferroallys
GB/T 7757-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 压缩应力应变性能的测定 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of compression stress-strain properties
GB/T 7766-2008 橡胶制品 化学分析方法 Rubber Products - Test Methods for Chemical Analysis
GB/T 7771-2008 特殊同色异谱指数的测定 改变照明体 Measurement of special metamerism index - Change in illuminant
GB/T 7778-2008 制冷剂编号方法和安全性分类 Number designation and safety classification of refrigerants
GB/T 7782-2008 计量泵 Metering pump
GB/T 7790-2008 色漆和清漆 暴露在海水中的涂层耐阴极剥离性能的测定 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to cathodic disbonding of coatings exposed to sea water
GB/T 7813-2008 滚动轴承 剖分立式轴承座 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Split type plummer block housings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 7814-2008 工业用异丙醇 Isopropyl alcohol for industrial use
GB/T 7815-2008 工业用季戊四醇 Pentaerythritol for industrial use
GB/T 7826-2012 系统可靠性分析技术 失效模式和影响分析(FMEA)程序 Analysis techniques for system reliability - Procedure for failure mode and effects analysis(FMEA)
GB/T 7894-2009 水轮发电机基本技术条件 Fundamental technical specifications for hydro generators
GB/T 7895-2008 人造光学石英晶体 Optical grade synthetic quartz crystal
GB/T 7896-2008 人造光学石英晶体试验方法 Test method for optical grade synthetic quartz crystal
GB/T 7897-2008 钢丝网水泥用砂浆力学性能试验方法 Test methods of mechanical properties of mortar for ferrocement
GB/T 7900-2008 白胡椒 White pepper
GB/T 7901-2008 黑胡椒 Black pepper
GB/T 7921-2008 均匀色空间和色差公式 Uniform color space and color difference formula
GB/T 7922-2008 照明光源颜色的测量方法 Method of measuring the color of light sources
GB/T 7930-2008 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000 地形图航空摄影测量内业规范 Specifications for aerophotogrammetric office operation of 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000 topographic maps
GB/T 7931-2008 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000 地形图航空摄影测量外业规范 Specifications for aerophotogrammetric field work of 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000 topographic maps
GB/T 7936-2012 液压泵和马达 空载排量测定方法 Hydraulic fluid power-positive displacement pumps and motors - Determination of derived capacity
GB/T 7937-2008 液压气动管接头及其相关元件 公称压力系列 Fluid power systems and components - Connectors and associated components - Nominal pressures
GB/T 7939-2008 液压软管总成 试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power-Hose assemblies - Test methods
GB/T 7946-2008 脉冲电子围栏及其安装和安全运行 Electrical installation and safe operation of electric security fences
GB/T 7966-2009 声学 超声功率测量 辐射力天平法及性能要求 Acoustics - Ultrasonics power measurement - Radiation force balances and performance requirements
GB/T 7986-2013 输送带 滚筒摩擦试验 Conveyor belts - Drum friction testing
GB/T 8016-2009 船用回声测深设备 Marine echo-sounding equipment
GB/T 8017-2012 石油产品蒸气压的测定 雷德法 Standard test method for vapor pressure of petroleum products (Reid Method)
GB/T 8019-2008 燃料胶质含量的测定 喷射蒸发法 Standard test method for gum content in fuels - By jet evaporation
GB/T 8028-2010 汽油机油换油指标 Criteria for changing of gasoline engine oil
GB/T 8029-2010 柴油机喷油泵校泵油 Calibration fluid for diesel injection pump
GB/T 8033-2009 焦化苯类产品馏程的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization-determination of boiling range
GB/T 8034-2009 焦化苯类产品铜片腐蚀的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization-corrosiveness to copper-copper strip test
GB/T 8035-2009 焦化苯类产品酸洗比色的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization-determination of acid wash test
GB/T 8036-2009 焦化苯类产品颜色的测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization - Determination of color
GB/T 8037-2009 焦化苯类产品中硫醇的检验方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization - Test for presence of mercap tans
GB/T 8038-2009 焦化甲苯中烃类杂质的气相色谱测定方法 Toluene of coal carbonization-determination of hydrocarbon impurities gas chromatographic method
GB/T 8039-2009 焦化苯类产品全硫含量的还原分光光度测定方法 Benzol products of coal carbonization-determination of total sulphur content-reduction and spectrophotometric method
GB/T 8051-2008 计数序贯抽样检验方案 Sequential sampling plans for inspection by attributes
GB/T 8054-2008 计量标准型一次抽样检验程序及表 Single sampling procedures and tables for Inspection having desired operating Characteristics by variables
GB/T 8055-2009 数据的统计处理和解释 Г分布(皮尔逊Ⅲ型分布)的参数估计 Statistical interpretation of data - Parameter estimation for gamma distribution (Pearson Ⅲ distribution)
GB/T 8056-2008 数据的统计处理和解释 指数分布样本离群值的判断和处理 Statistical interpretation of data - Detection and treatment of outliers in the sample from exponential distribution
GB/T 8071-2008 温石棉 Chrysotile asbestos
GB/T 8072-2012 温石棉取样、制样方法 Method of sampling and preparation for chrysotile asbestos
GB/T 8074-2008 水泥比表面积测定方法 勃氏法 Testing method for specific surface of cement - Blaine method
GB/T 8077-2012 混凝土外加剂匀质性试验方法 Methods for testing uniformity of concrete admixture
GB/T 8081-2008 天然生胶 技术分级橡胶(TSR)规格导则 Rubber, raw natural - Guidelines for the specification of technically specified rubber(TSR)
GB/T 8082-2008 天然生胶 标准橡胶 包装、标志、贮存和运输 Raw natural rubber - Standard rubber - Packing, marks, storage andtransportion
GB/T 8086-2008 天然生胶 杂质含量的测定 Raw natural rubber - Determination of dirt
GB/T 8088-2008 天然生胶和天然胶乳 氮含量的测定 Rubber,raw natural and rubber latex,natural - Determination of nitrogen content
GB/T 8097-2008 收获机械 联合收割机 试验方法 Equipment for harvesting - Combine harvesters - Test procedure
GB/T 8102-2008 缸内径8mm~25mm的单杆气缸安装尺寸 Single rod air cylinders, bores from 8mm to 25mm - Mounting dimensions
GB/T 8107-2012 液压阀 压差-流量特性的测定 Hydraulic fluid power-Valves - Determination of pressure differential/flow characteristics
GB/T 8110-2008 气体保护电弧焊用碳钢、低合金钢焊丝 Welding electrodes and rods for gas shielding arc welding of carbon and low alloy steel
GB/T 8118-2010 电弧焊机通用技术条件 The general specification for arc welding machines
GB/T 8121-2012 热处理工艺材料 术语 The terminology of technological materials of heat treatment
GB/T 8128-2008 单相串励电动机试验方法 Test procedures for single-phase series motors
GB/T 8131-2009 生旱獭皮检验方法 Method for inspection of raw marmot skins
GB/T 8132-2009 山羊板皮检验方法 Inspection method of raw goat skin
GB/T 8133-2009 生猾皮检验方法 Inspection method for raw kid skin
GB/T 8134-2009 生水貂皮检验方法 Inspection method for raw mink skin
GB/T 8135-2009 生黄鼠狼皮检验方法 Inspection method of raw weasel skin
GB/T 8137-2009 颗粒紫胶 Seed lac
GB/T 8138-2009 紫胶片 Shellac
GB/T 8139-2009 脱蜡紫胶片、脱色紫胶片和脱色脱蜡紫胶片 Dewaxed shellac,Decolorized shellac,Decolorized and dewaxed shellac
GB/T 8140-2009 漂白紫胶 Bleeched shellac
GB/T 8141-2009 军用紫胶片 Shellac for use in arms
GB/T 8142-2008 紫胶产品取样方法 Methods of sampling lac products
GB/T 8143-2008 紫胶产品检验方法 Test methods of lac products
GB/T 8144-2008 阳离子交换树脂交换容量测定方法 Determination of exchange capacity of cation exchange resin
GB/T 8162-2008 结构用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for structural purposes
GB/T 8163-2008 输送流体用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for liquid service
GB/T 8165-2008 不锈钢复合钢板和钢带 Stainless steel clad plates, sheets and strips
GB/T 8166-2011 缓冲包装设计 Package cushioning design
GB/T 8167-2008 包装用缓冲材料动态压缩试验方法 Testing method of dynamic compression for packaging cushioning materials
GB/T 8168-2008 包装用缓冲材料静态压缩试验方法 Testing method of static compression for packaging cushioning materials
GB/T 8169-2008 包装用缓冲材料振动传递特性试验方法 Testing method of vibration transmissibility for packaging cushioning materials
GB/T 8170-2008 数值修约规则与极限数值的表示和判定 Rules of rounding off for numerical values & expression and judgement of limiting values
GB/T 8171-2008 使用缓冲包装材料进行的产品机械冲击脆值试验方法 Test method for mechanical shock fragility rating of products using packaging cushioning materials
GB/T 8174-2008 设备及管道绝热效果的测试与评价 Method of measuring and evaluation thermal insulation effects for equipments and pipes
GB/T 8175-2008 设备及管道绝热设计导则 Guide for design of thermal insulation of equipments and pipes
GB/T 8182-2008 钽及钽合金无缝管 Tantalum and tantalum alloy seamless tubes
GB/T 8210-2011 柑桔鲜果检验方法 Method of inspection forfresh citrus fruit
GB/T 8211-2009 猪鬃 Bristles
GB/T 8215-2009 猪鬃检验方法 Methods of inspection for bristles
GB/T 8222-2008 用电设备电能平衡通则 The principles for electricity balance of equipment
GB/T 8226-2008 道路运输术语 Road transport terminology
GB/T 8232-2008 粟 Millet in husk
GB/T 8234-2009 蓖麻籽油 Castor oil
GB/T 8235-2008 亚麻籽油 Flaxseed oil
GB/T 8241-2008 船舶舱室设备术语 Terminology for ship accommodation equipment
GB/T 8259-2008 卡箍式柔性管接头 技术条件 Specification for flexible joints of housing
GB/T 8260-2008 卡箍式柔性管接头 型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of flexible joints of housing
GB/T 8263-2010 抗磨白口铸铁件 Abrasion-resistant white iron castings
GB/T 8264-2008 涂装技术术语 Glossary of painting terms
GB/T 8289-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 氨保存离心或膏化胶乳 规格 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Centrifuged or creamed, ammonia-preserved types - Specification
GB/T 8290-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 取样 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Sampling
GB/T 8291-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 凝块含量(筛余物)的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of coagulum content (sieve residue)
GB/T 8292-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 挥发脂肪酸值的测定 Rubber latex ,natural, concentrate - Determination of volatile fatty acid number
GB/T 8293-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 残渣含量的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of sludge content
GB/T 8294-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 硼酸含量的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of boric acid content
GB/T 8295-2008 天然橡胶和胶乳 铜含量的测定 光度法 Natural Rubber and latex - Determination of copper content - Photometric method
GB/T 8296-2008 天然生胶和胶乳 锰含量的测定 高碘酸钠光度法 Raw natural rubber and rubber latices - Determination of manganese content - Sodium periodate photmetric methods
GB/T 8297-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 氢氧化钾(KOH)值的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of KOH number
GB/T 8298-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 总固体含量的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of total solids content
GB/T 8299-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 干胶含量的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of dry rubber content
GB/T 8300-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 碱度的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of alkalinity
GB/T 8301-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 机械稳定度的测定 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Determination of mechanical stability
GB/T 8313-2008 茶叶中茶多酚和儿茶素类含量的检测方法 Tea-Determination of total polyphenols and catechins content
GB/T 8322-2008 分子吸收光谱法 术语 Molecular absorption spectrometry - Terminology
GB/T 8324-2008 塑料 模塑材料体积系数的测定 Plastics - Determination of bulk factor of moulding materials
GB/T 8330-2008 离子交换树脂湿真密度测定方法 Determination of specific gravity of ion exchange resins in wet state
GB/T 8331-2008 离子交换树脂湿视密度测定方法 Determination of bulk density of ion exchange resins in wet state
GB/T 8332-2008 泡沫塑料燃烧性能试验方法 水平燃烧法 Test method for flammability of cellular plastic - Horizonal burning method
GB/T 8333-2008 硬质泡沫塑料燃烧性能试验方法 垂直燃烧法 Test method for flammability of rigid cellular plastic - Virtical burning method
GB/T 8336-2011 气瓶专用螺纹量规 Special thread gauges for gas cylinders
GB/T 8350-2008 输送链、附件和链轮 Conveyor chains, attachments and sprockets
GB/T 8355-2008 船舶用电动测量和控制仪表 通用技术条件 General specifications for marine electrical measurement and control instruments
GB/T 8364-2008 热双金属热弯曲试验方法 Test methods of thermal flexure of thermostat metals
GB/T 8381-2008 饲料中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定 半定量薄层色谱法 Determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feeding stuffs - Semi-quantitative thin layer chromatographic methods
GB/T 8413-2008 CZY型船用自吸离心式油泵 Marine self-priming centrifugal-oil pump CZY-type
GB/T 8420-2011 土方机械 司机的身材尺寸与司机的最小活动空间 Earth-moving machinery - Physical dimensions of operators and minimum operator space envelope
GB/T 8423-2008 石油钻采设备及专用管材词汇 Glossary of oil field drilling and production equipment and oil country tubular goods terminology
GB/T 8427-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐人造光色牢度:氙弧 Textiles - Tests for color fastness - Color fastness to artificial light: Xenon arc fading lamp test
GB/T 8447-2008 工业直链烷基苯磺酸 Industrial linear alkylbenzene sulfonic acid
GB/T 8452-2008 玻璃瓶罐垂直轴偏差试验方法 Test method for verticality of glass bottles
GB/T 8464-2008 铁制和铜制螺纹连接阀门 Cast iron and copper valves with screwed connections
GB/T 8472-2008 北京黑猪 Beijing black pig
GB/T 8473-2008 上海白猪 Shanghai white pig
GB/T 8476-2008 湖北白猪 Hubei white pig
GB/T 8477-2008 浙江中白猪 Zhejiang middle white pig
GB/T 8478-2008 铝合金门窗 Aluminium windows and doors
GB/T 8484-2008 建筑外门窗保温性能分级及检测方法 Graduation and test method for thermal insulating properties of doors and windows
GB/T 8485-2008 建筑门窗空气声隔声性能分级及检测方法 The graduation and test for airborne sound insulating properties of windows and doors
GB/T 8487-2010 港口装卸术语 Terms for cargo handling in port
GB/T 8488-2008 耐酸砖 Acid resisting bricks and tiles
GB/T 8491-2009 高硅耐蚀铸铁件 Corrosion resistant high silicon iron castings
GB/T 8496-2011 电视广播接收机电子式调谐器基本参数及测量方法 Basic parameters and methods of measurement on electronic tuner for receivers for television broadcast transmissions
GB/T 8498-2008 土方机械 基本类型 识别、术语和定义 Earth-moving machinery - Basic type - Identification and terms and definitions
GB/T 8506-2008 平地机 试验方法 Grader - Test methods
GB/T 8533-2008 小型砌块成型机 Small block machine
GB/T 8538-2008 饮用天然矿泉水检验方法 Methods for examination of drinking natural mineral water
GB/T 8541-2012 锻压术语 Terminology of forging and stamping
GB/T 8545-2012 铝及铝合金模锻件的尺寸偏差及加工余量 Die forgings of aluminium and aluminium alloy - Dimensional tolerance and machining allowance
GB/T 8559-2008 苹果冷藏技术 Apple-cold storage
GB/T 8571-2008 复混肥料 实验室样品制备 Preparation of laboratory samples for compound fertilizers
GB/T 8572-2010 复混肥料中总氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法 Determination of total nitrogen content for compound fertilizers titrimetric method after distillation
GB/T 8573-2010 复混肥料中有效磷含量的测定 Determination of available phosphorus content for compound fertilizers
GB/T 8574-2010 复混肥料中钾含量的测定 四苯硼酸钾重量法 Determination of potassium content for compound fertilizers potassium tetraphenylborate gravimetric method
GB/T 8576-2010 复混肥料中游离水含量的测定 真空烘箱法 Determination of free water for compound fertilizers - Vacuum oven method
GB/T 8577-2010 复混肥料中游离水含量的测定 卡尔.费休法 Determination of free water for compound fertilizers - Karl Fischer method
GB/T 8582-2008 电工电子设备机械结构术语 Terminology for mechanical structures of electrotechnical and electronic equipment
GB/T 8595-2008 土方机械 司机的操纵装置 Earth-moving machinery - Operator's controls
GB/T 8609-2008 工业用甘薯片 Sweet potato slices for industrial use
GB/T 8659-2008 丁二烯橡胶(BR)9000 Rubber,butadiene (BR) 9000
GB/T 8660-2008 溶液聚合型丁二烯橡胶(BR)评价方法 Rubber,butadiene(BR) - Solution-polymerized types - Evaluation procedures
GB/T 8661-2008 塑料 苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物残留丙烯腈单体含量的测定 气相色谱法 Plastics - Styrene/acrylonitrile copolymers - Determination of residual acrylonitrile monomer content - Gas chromatography method
GB/T 8683-2009 纺织品 机织物 一般术语和基本组织的定义 Textiles - Woven fabric - Definitions of general terms and basic weaves
GB/T 8685-2008 纺织品 维护标签规范 符号法 Textiles - Care labelling code using symbols
GB/T 8693-2008 纺织品 纱线的标示 Textiles - Designation of yarns
GB/T 8718-2008 炭素材料术语 The terms of carbon materials
GB/T 8719-2009 炭素材料及其制品的包装、标志、储存、运输和质量证明书的一般规定 General rule for packing,marking,storage,transport and quality certificates of carbonaceous material and products
GB/T 8721-2009 炭素材料抗拉强度测定方法 Method for the determination of tensile strength of carbonaceous materials
GB/T 8722-2008 石墨材料中温导热系数测定方法 Method for the determination of thermal conductivity of graphite materials at median temperature
GB/T 8727-2008 煤沥青类产品结焦值的测定方法 Method for determination of coking value of coal pitch products
GB/T 8731-2008 易切削结构钢 Free-cutting structural steel
GB/T 8746-2009 纺织品 燃烧性能 垂直方向试样易点燃性的测定 Textiles - Burning behaviour - Determination of ease of ignition of vertically oriented specimens
GB/T 8747-2010 气象用玻璃液体温度表 Meteorological liquid-in-glass thermometer
GB/T 8749-2008 优质碳素结构钢热轧钢带 Hot-rolled quality carbon structural steel strips
GB/T 8767-2010 锆及锆合金铸锭 Ingots of zirconium and zirconium alloy
GB/T 8769-2010 锆及锆合金棒材和丝材 Zirconium and zirconium alloy bars and wires
GB/T 8793-2008 中国贵州柏木(精)油 Oil of cedarwood,Chinese Guizhou type
GB/T 8806-2008 塑料管道系统 塑料部件尺寸的测定 Plastics piping systems - Plastics components - Determination of dimensions
GB/T 8811-2008 硬质泡沫塑料 尺寸稳定性试验方法 Test method for dimensional stability of rigid cellular plastics
GB/T 8813-2008 硬质泡沫塑料压缩性能的测定 Rigid cellular plastics - Determination of compression properties
GB/T 8815-2008 电线电缆用软聚氯乙烯塑料 Plasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC)compounds for wire and cable
GB/T 8826-2011 橡胶防老剂TMQ Rubber antioxidant TMQ
GB/T 8855-2008 新鲜水果和蔬菜 取样方法 Fresh fruits and vegetables - Sampling
GB/T 8872-2011 粮油名词术语 制粉工业 Terminology of grain and oils - Flour milling industry
GB/T 8873-2008 粮油名词术语 油脂工业 Terminology of grain and oils - Oils and fats industry
GB/T 8874-2008 粮油通用技术、设备名词术语 General terminology of technology and equipment for grain and oils industry
GB/T 8875-2008 粮油术语 碾米工业 Termnology of grain and oils - Rice milling
GB/T 8878-2009 棉针织内衣 Cotton knitted underwear
GB/T 8883-2008 食用小麦淀粉 Edible wheat starch
GB/T 8885-2008 食用玉米淀粉 Edible corn starch
GB/T 8887-2009 淀粉分类 Classification of starch
GB/T 8905-2012 六氟化硫电气设备中气体管理和检测导则 The guide for management and measuring SF6 gas in electrical equipment
GB/T 8926-2012 在用的润滑油不溶物测定法 Standard test method for insolubles in used lubricating oils
GB/T 8927-2008 石油和液体石油产品温度测量 手工法 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products-Temperature measurement - Manual methods
GB/T 8928-2008 固体和半固体石油沥青密度测定法 Standard test method for density of semi-solid and solid asphalt
GB/T 8938-2008 打字纸 Typewriting paper
GB/T 8939-2008 卫生巾(含卫生护垫) Sanitary absorbent pads
GB/T 8948-2008 聚氯乙烯人造革 Polyvinyl chloride artificial leather
GB/T 8949-2008 聚氨酯干法人造革 Polyurethane dry-processing artificial leather
GB/T 8960-2008 涤纶牵伸丝 Polyester drawn yarn
GB/T 8979-2008 纯氮、高纯氮和超纯氮 Pure nitrogen and high purity nitrogen and ultra pure nitrogen
GB/T 8981-2008 气体中微量氢的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of trace hydrogen in gases - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 8984-2008 气体中一氧化碳、二氧化碳和碳氢化合物的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of carbon monoxide,carbon dioxide and hydrocarbon in gases - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 8987-2008 缩微摄影技术 缩微摄影时检查负像光学密度用测试标板 Micrographics - Test target for checking optical density of negative microimages in microfilming
GB/T 8995-2008 核反应堆中子注量率测量堆芯仪表 In-core instrumentation for neutron fluence rate measurements in nuclear reactors
GB/T 8997-2008 α、β表面污染测量仪与监测仪的校准 Calibration for alpha, beta and alpha/beta surface contamination meters and monitors
GB/T 9009-2011 工业用甲醛溶液 Formaldehyde solution for industrial use
GB/T 9029-2011 录放音设备抖晃测量方法 Methods of the measurement of speed fluctuations in sound recording and reproducing equipment
GB/T 9043-2008 通信设备过电压保护用气体放电管通用技术条件 General technical requirements of gas discharge tubes for the over-voltage protection of telecommunications installations
GB/T 9069-2008 往复泵噪声声功率级的测定 工程法 Determination of sound power level for noise emitted by reciprocating pump - Engineering method
GB/T 9075-2008 索道用钢丝绳检验和报废规范 Code for examination and discard of ropes for ropeway
GB/T 9081-2008 机动车燃油加油机 Fuel dispensers for motor vehicles
GB/T 9088-2008 电动工具型号编制方法 Organization method for electric tools
GB/T 9091-2008 感应分压器 Inductive voltage dividers
GB/T 9095-2008 烧结铁基材料渗碳或碳氮共渗层深度的测定及其验证 Sintered ferrous materials,carburized or carbonitrided - Determination and verification of case-harding depth
GB/T 9098-2008 电冰箱用全封闭型电动机 压缩机 Hermetic motor-compressors for refrigerators
GB/T 9112-2010 钢制管法兰 类型与参数 Types and parameters for steel pipe flanges
GB/T 9113-2010 整体钢制管法兰 Integral steel pipe flanges
GB/T 9114-2010 带颈螺纹钢制管法兰 Hubbed screwed steel pipe flanges
GB/T 9115-2010 对焊钢制管法兰 Steel pipe welding neck flanges
GB/T 9116-2010 带颈平焊钢制管法兰 Hubbed slip-on-welding steel pipe flanges
GB/T 9117-2010 带颈承插焊钢制管法兰 Hubbed socket welding steel pipe flanges
GB/T 9118-2010 对焊环带颈松套钢制管法兰 Loose hubbed steel pipe flanges with welding neck collor
GB/T 9119-2010 板式平焊钢制管法兰 Slip-on-welding plate steel pipe flanges
GB/T 9120-2010 对焊环板式松套钢制管法兰 Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-neck collar and with weld ring neck
GB/T 9121-2010 平焊环板式松套钢制管法兰 Loose plate steel pipe flanges with weld-on collar
GB/T 9122-2010 翻边环板式松套钢制管法兰 Loose plate steel pipe flanges with lapped pipe end、pressed collar and pressed collar with long neck
GB/T 9123-2010 钢制管法兰盖 Steel pipe blank flanges
GB/T 9124-2010 钢制管法兰 技术条件 Specification for steel pipe flanges
GB/T 9125-2010 管法兰连接用紧固件 Fasteners for pipe flange joints
GB/T 9126-2008 管法兰用非金属平垫片 尺寸 Dimensions of non-metallic flat gaskets for pipe flanges
GB/T 9139-2008 液压挖掘机 技术条件 Hydraulic excavators - Technical specifications
GB/T 9143-2008 常压固定床气化用煤技术条件 Specifications of coal for atmospheric fixed-bed gasifier
GB/T 9149-2008 磁粉离合器通用技术条件 General specification for magnetic particle clutch
GB/T 9166-2009 四柱液压机 精度 Four-column hydraulic press - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 9169-2010 喷气燃料热氧化安定性的测定 JFTOT法 Standard test method for thermal oxidation stability of aviation turbine fuels - JFTOT procedure
GB/T 9174-2008 一般货物运输包装通用技术条件 General specification for transport packages of general cargo
GB/T 9195-2011 建筑卫生陶瓷分类及术语 Classification and terms of building and sanitary ceramics
GB/T 9204-2008 固定顶尖 Dead centre
GB/T 9222-2008 水管锅炉受压元件强度计算 Strength calculation of pressure parts for watertube boilers
GB/T 9234-2008 机动往复泵 Power reciprocating pump
GB/T 9238-2010 平衡机及其仪器仪表用图形符号 Symbols for balancing machines and associated instrumentation
GB/T 9246-2008 显微镜 目镜 Microscopes - Oculars(eyepieces)
GB/T 9247-2008 显微镜 聚光镜 Microscopes - Condensers
GB/T 9248-2008 不可压缩流体流量计性能评定方法 Methods of evaluating the performance of flowmeters for incompressible fluids
GB/T 9249-2008 工业过程测量和控制系统用自动平衡式记录仪和指示仪 Self-balance recorders and indicators for use in industrial-process measurement and conrol systems
GB/T 9251-2011 气瓶水压试验方法 Methods for hydrostatic test of gas cylinders
GB/T 9260-2008 船用水线漆 Boottopping paint for ship
GB/T 9261-2008 甲板漆 Deck paint
GB/T 9262-2008 船用货舱漆 Cargo hold paint for ship
GB/T 9264-2012 色漆和清漆 抗流挂性评定 Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of sag resistance
GB/T 9265-2009 建筑涂料 涂层耐碱性的测定 Determination for alkali resistance of film of - Architectural paints and coatings
GB/T 9266-2009 建筑涂料 涂层耐洗刷性的测定 Determination of scrub resistance of film of architectural paints and coatings
GB/T 9267-2008 涂料用乳液和涂料、塑料用聚合物分散体 白点温度和最低成膜温度的测定 Emulsions for coatings and polymer dispersions for coatings and plastics - Determination of white point temperature and minimum film-forming temperature
GB/T 9268-2008 乳胶漆耐冻融性的测定 Determination of freeze-thaw resistance of latex and emulsion paints
GB/T 9269-2009 涂料黏度的测定 斯托默黏度计法 Determination of viscosity of paints and coatings - Stormer viscosimeter method
GB/T 9271-2008 色漆和清漆 标准试板 Paints and varnishes standard panels for testing
GB/T 9275-2008 色漆和清漆 巴克霍尔兹压痕试验 Paint and varnishes - Buchholz indentation test
GB/T 9278-2008 涂料试样状态调节和试验的温湿度 Temperatures and humidities for conditioning and testing of paint specimens
GB/T 9280-2008 色漆和清漆 耐码垛性试验 Paints and varnishes - Pressure test for stackability
GB/T 9283-2008 涂料用溶剂馏程的测定 Solvent for coating - Determination of distillation range
GB/T 9289-2010 制糖工业术语 Terminology in sugar industry
GB/T 9290-2008 表面活性剂 工业乙氧基化脂肪胺 分析方法 Surface active agents - Technical ethoxylated fatty amines - Method of analysis
GB/T 9291-2008 表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物时匀染剂的抑染作用测试法 Surface active agents - Method of testing of the restraining effect of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textile under high temperature conditions
GB/T 9292-2012 表面活性剂 高温条件下分散染料染聚酯织物用匀染剂的移染性测试法 Surface active agents method of testing of the migration action of levelling agents for disperse dyes on dyeing polyester textiles under high temperature condition
GB/T 9314-2011 串行击打式点阵打印机通用规范 General specification of serial impact dot matrix printer
GB/T 9317-2012 脉冲信号发生器通用规范 General specification for pulse signal generator
GB/T 9327-2008 额定电压35kV(Um=40.5kV)及以下电力电缆导体用压接式和机械式连接金具 试验方法和要求 Compression and mechanical connectors for power cables for rated voltages up to 35kV(Um=40.5kV) - Test methods and requirements
GB/T 9331-2008 船舶电气装置 额定电压1kV和3kV挤包绝缘非径向电场单芯和多芯电力电缆 Single and multicore non-radial field power cables with extruded solid insulation for rated voltages 1kV and 3 kV
GB/T 9332-2008 船舶电气装置 控制和仪器回路用150/250V(300V)电缆 Electrical installations in ships - Cables for control and instrumentation circuits 150/250V(300V)
GB/T 9333-2009 船舶电气设备 船用通信电缆和射频电缆 一般仪表、控制和通信电缆 Electrical installation in ships - Shipboard telecommunication cables and radio-frequency cables - General instrumentation, control and communication cables
GB/T 9334-2009 船舶电气设备 船用通信电缆和射频电缆 船用同轴软电缆 Electrical installation in ships - Shipboard telecommunication cables and radio-frequency cables - Shipboard flexible coaxial cables
GB/T 9335-2009 硝基苯 Nitrobenzene
GB/T 9336-2010 直接黑L-3BG(C.I.直接黑19) Direct black L-3BG(C.I. Direct black 19)
GB/T 9337-2009 分散染料 高温染色上色率的测定 Disperse dyestuffs - Determiation of dye-uptake at high temperature dyeing
GB/T 9338-2008 荧光增白剂 相对白度的测定 仪器法 Fluorescent whitening agents - Determination of relative whiteness - Instrumental measurement
GB/T 9340-2009 荧光样品颜色的测量方法 Methods for color measurement of fluorescent specimens
GB/T 9341-2008 塑料 弯曲性能的测定 Plastics - Determination of flexural properties
GB/T 9343-2008 塑料燃烧性能试验方法 闪燃温度和自燃温度的测定 Test method for flammability of plastics - Determination of flash-ignition temperature and self-ignition temperature
GB/T 9348-2008 塑料 聚氯乙烯树脂 杂质与外来粒子数的测定 Plastics - Poly(vinyl chloride) resins - Determination of number of impurities and foreign particles
GB/T 9352-2008 塑料 热塑性塑料材料试样的压塑 Plastic - Compression moulding of test specimens of thermoplastic materials
GB/T 9357-2008 土工试验仪器 渗透仪 Instrument for soil test - Permeameter
GB/T 9361-2011 计算机场地安全要求 Safety requirements for computer field
GB/T 9374-2012 声音广播接收机基本参数 Basic parameters for sound broadcasting receivers
GB/T 9383-2008 声音和电视广播接收机及有关设备抗扰度 限值和测量方法 Sound and television broadcast receivers and associated equipment-immunity characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement
GB/T 9384-2011 广播收音机、广播电视接收机、磁带录音机、声频功率放大器(扩音机)的环境试验要求和试验方法 Environmental testing requirements and methods for broadcasting receivers,broadcasting television receivers,tape recorders and audio amplifiers
GB/T 9385-2008 计算机软件需求规格说明规范 Norm of computer software requirements specification
GB/T 9386-2008 计算机软件测试文档编制规范 Specification for computer software test documentation
GB/T 9393-2012 STZ3型电子测量仪器用电源连接器 STZ3 type power supply connector for electronic measurement instrument
GB/T 9410-2008 移动通信天线通用技术规范 General specification for antennas used in the mobile communications
GB/T 9435-2012 彩色显像管有效屏面尺寸 Useful screen dimensions for color picture tubes
GB/T 9437-2009 耐热铸铁件 Heat resistant iron castings
GB/T 9439-2010 灰铸铁件 Grey iron castings
GB/T 9440-2010 可锻铸铁件 Malleable iron castings
GB/T 9441-2009 球墨铸铁金相检验 Metallographic test for spheroidal graphite cast iron
GB/T 9442-2010 铸造用硅砂 Foundry silica sand
GB/T 9452-2012 热处理炉有效加热区测定方法 Testing method for working zone of heat treatment furnace
GB/T 9453-2008 锻模术语 Terminology for forging dies
GB/T 9454-2008 饲料添加剂 维生素E Feed additive - Vitamin E
GB/T 9455-2009 饲料添加剂 维生素AD3微粒 Feed additive - Vitamin AD3 beadlets
GB/T 9460-2008 铜及铜合金焊丝 Copper and copper alloy wires and rods
GB/T 9465-2008 高空作业车 Vehicle-mounted mobile elevating work platform
GB/T 9468-2008 灯具分布光度测量的一般要求 General requirements for the photometry and goniophotometry of luminaries
GB/T 9473-2008 读写作业台灯性能要求 Performance requirements for table lamps for paper task
GB/T 9487-2008 柴油机自由加速排气烟度的测量方法 Diesel engines - Exhaust gas measurement under free acceleration
GB/T 9489-2008 刚玉粉化学分析方法 Chemical analysis methods of alundum powder
GB/T 9505-2010 蒸散型钡吸气剂 Barium flash getters
GB/T 9532-2012 压电单晶材料型号命名方法 Designations for piezoelectric crystals
GB/T 9536-2012 电气和电子设备用机电开关 第1部分:总规范 Electromechanical switches for use in electrical and electronic equipment - Part 1: Generic specification
GB/T 9573-2013 橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 软管尺寸和软管组合件长度测量方法 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Methods of measurement of the dimensions of hoses and the lengths of hose assemblies
GB/T 9575-2013 橡胶和塑料软管 软管规格和最大最小内径及切割长度公差 Rubber and plastics hoses - Hose sizes, minimum and maximum inside diameters, and tolerances on cut-to-length hoses
GB/T 9576-2013 橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 选择、贮存、使用和维护指南 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Guidelines for selection, storage, use and maintenance
GB/T 9578-2011 工业参比炭黑4# Industry reference carbon black 4#
GB/T 9580-2009 标准参比炭黑的鉴定方法 Evaluation of standard reference carbon black
GB/T 9581-2011 炭黑原料油 乙烯焦油 Oil for use in the carbon black products - Ethylene bottom
GB/T 9582-2008 摄影 工业射线胶片 ISO感光度,ISO平均斜率和ISO斜率G2和G4的测定(用X和γ射线曝光) Photography - Industrial radiographic films - Determination of ISO speed, ISO average gradient and ISO gradients G2 and G4 when exposed to X-and Gamma-radiation
GB/T 9588-2008 盖革-米勒计数管测试方法 Methods of test of Geiger - Müller counter tubes
GB/T 9630-2012 磁性氧化物制成的罐形磁心及其附件的尺寸 Dimensions of pot-cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts
GB/T 9633-2012 微波频率应用的旋磁材料性能测量方法 Measuring methods for properties of gyromagnetic materials intended for application at microwave frequencies
GB/T 9639.1-2008 塑料薄膜和薄片 抗冲击性能试验方法 自由落镖法 第1部分:梯级法 Plastics film and sheeting - Determination of impact resistance by the free-falling dart methord - Part 1: Staircase methords
GB/T 9640-2008 软质和硬质泡沫聚合材料 加速老化试验方法 Flexible and rigid cellular polymeric materials - Accelerated ageing tests
GB/T 9651-2008 单相异步电动机试验方法 Test procedures for single-phase induction motor
GB/T 9659-2008 柑桔嫁接苗 Citrus budling
GB/T 9696-2008 动植物油脂 水分和挥发物含量测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
GB/T 9699-2009 小湖羊皮检验方法 Inspection method of raw chekiang lamb skin
GB/T 9700-2009 盐湿猪皮检验方法 Inspection methods of wet salted pig skin
GB/T 9703-2009 生貉子皮检验方法 Inspection method for raw raccoon skin
GB/T 9704-2012 党政机关公文格式 Layout key for official document of Party and government organs
GB/T 9705-2008 文书档案案卷格式 The filing forms of administrative archives
GB/T 9707-2010 密闭式炼胶机炼塑机 Rubber internal mixers & plastics internal mixers
GB/T 9711-2011 石油天然气工业 管线输送系统用钢管 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems
GB/T 9733-2008 化学试剂 羰基化合物测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of carbonyl compounds
GB/T 9734-2008 化学试剂 铝测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of aluminium
GB/T 9735-2008 化学试剂 重金属测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of heavy metals
GB/T 9736-2008 化学试剂 酸度和碱度测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of acidity and alkalinity
GB/T 9737-2008 化学试剂 易炭化物质测定通则 Chemical reagent - General rules for the determination of readily carbonizable substances
GB/T 9738-2008 化学试剂 水不溶物测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of water insoluble matter
GB/T 9740-2008 化学试剂 蒸发残渣测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of dry residue after evaporation
GB/T 9741-2008 化学试剂 灼烧残渣测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of residue after ignition
GB/T 9742-2008 化学试剂 硅酸盐测定通用方法 Chemical reagent - General method for the determination of silicate
GB/T 9746-2013 航空轮胎系列 Series of aircraft tyres
GB/T 9747-2008 航空轮胎试验方法 Test methods for aircraft tyres
GB/T 9749-2008 力车轮胎性能试验方法 Performance testing method for cycle tyres
GB/T 9756-2009 合成树脂乳液内墙涂料 Synthetic resin emulsion coatings for interior wall
GB/T 9761-2008 色漆和清漆 色漆的目视比色 Paints and varnishes - Visual comparison of the colour of paints
GB/T 9768-2008 轮胎使用与保养规程 Regulation of application and maintenance of tyre
GB/T 9772-2009 纤维水泥波瓦及其脊瓦 Fiber cement corrugated sheets and ridge tile
GB/T 9775-2008 纸面石膏板 Gypsum plasterboard
GB/T 9776-2008 建筑石膏 Calcined gypsum
GB/T 9789-2008 金属和其他无机覆盖层 通常凝露条件下的二氧化硫腐蚀试验 Metallic and other non-organic coatings - Sulfur dioxide test with general condensation of moisture
GB/T 9793-2012 热喷涂 金属和其他无机覆盖层 锌、铝及其合金 Thermal spraying - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Zinc,aluminium and their alloys
GB/T 9799-2011 金属及其他无机覆盖层 钢铁上经过处理的锌电镀层 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electroplated coatings of zinc with supplementary treatments on iron or steel
GB/T 9808-2008 钻探用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for drilling
GB/T 9822-2008 粮油检验 谷物不溶性膳食纤维的测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of insoluble dietary fiber in cereals
GB/T 9823-2008 粮油检验 植物油料饼粕总含氮量的测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of total nitrogen content
GB/T 9824-2008 油料饼粕中总灰分的测定 Determination of total ash in oilseed residues
GB/T 9825-2008 油料饼粕盐酸不溶性灰分测定 Oilseed residues - Determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid
GB/T 9826-2008 粮油检验 小麦粉破损淀粉测定 α-淀粉酶法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of starch damage in flour - Alpha-amylase method
GB/T 9829-2008 水果和蔬菜 冷库中物理条件 定义和测量 Fruits and vegetables - Physical conditions in cold stores - Definitions and measurement
GB/T 9853-2008 化学试剂 无水硫酸钠 Chemical reagent - Sodium sulfate anhydrous
GB/T 9854-2008 化学试剂 二水合草酸(草酸) Chemical reagent - Oxalic acid dihydrate
GB/T 9855-2008 化学试剂 一水合柠檬酸(柠檬酸) Chemical reagent - Citric acid monohydrate
GB/T 9858-2009 片基与胶片耐折度的测定方法 Method for determining the folding endurance of photographic film and film base
GB/T 9861-2008 成像材料 照相胶片和相纸 照相乳剂湿抗划伤的测量方法 Imaging materials - Photographic film and papers - Method for determining the resistance of photographic emulsions to wet abrasion
GB/T 9864-2008 胶片、相纸、乳剂、定影液、污水、淤泥或残留物的银量测定方法 Method for determination of silver in photographic films, papers, emulsions, fixing baths, effluents, sludges or residues
GB/T 9867-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶耐磨性能的测定(旋转辊筒式磨耗机法) Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic-Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum device
GB/T 9871-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶老化性能的测定 拉伸应力松弛试验 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic-Determination of aging characteristics by measurement of stress relaxation
GB/T 9877-2008 液压传动 旋转轴唇形密封圈设计规范 Hydraulic fluid power - Guide specifications for designing rotary shaft lip type seals
GB/T 9881-2008 橡胶 术语 Rubber - Vocabulary
GB/T 9887-2008 胶乳制品术语 Rubber latex products terms
GB/T 9900-2008 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 导风筒 Rubber - or plastics-coated fabrics - Ventilation ducting
GB/T 9910-2008 船用外部单扇门门框通孔 Shipbuilding - Clear openings through frames for external single - Leaf doors
GB/T 9911-2009 船用柴油机辐射的空气噪声测量方法 Measure method of airborne noise emitted by marine diesel engine
GB/T 9941-2009 高速工具钢钢板 High speed tool steel sheets and plates
GB/T 9943-2008 高速工具钢 High-speed tool steels
GB/T 9945-2012 热轧球扁钢 Hot-rolled bulb flats
GB/T 9950-2008 信息技术 数据通信 37插针DTE/DCE接口连接器和接触件编号分配 Information technology - Data communication - 37-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignments
GB/T 9951-2008 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 34插针DTE/DCE接口连接器的配合性尺寸和接触件编号分配 Information technology - Telecommunication and information exchange between systems - 34 pin DTE/DCE interface connector mateability dimensions and contact number assignments
GB/T 9952-2008 信息技术 数据通信 15插针DTE/DCE接口连接器和接触件编号分配 Information technology - Data comunication - 15-pole DTE/DCE interface connector and contact number assignment
GB/T 9956-2011 青鱼鱼苗、鱼种 Fry and fingerling of black carp
GB/T 9961-2008 鲜、冻胴体羊肉 Fresh and frozen mutton carcass
GB/T 9967-2010 金属钕 Neodymium metal
GB/T 9977-2008 焦化产品术语 The terms of coking products
GB/T 9984-2008 工业三聚磷酸钠试验方法 Test methods for industrial sodium tripolyphosphate
GB/T 9987-2011 玻璃瓶罐制造术语 Glass contains - Manufacture - Vocabulary
GB/T 10003-2008 普通用途双向拉伸聚丙烯(BOPP)薄膜 Biaxially oriented polypropylene(BOPP) film for general use
GB/T 10007-2008 硬质泡沫塑料 剪切强度试验方法 Rigid cellular plastics - Determination of shear strength
GB/T 10029-2010 团头鲂 Bluntnose black bream
GB/T 10046-2008 银钎料 Silver brazing filler metals
GB/T 10050-2009 光学和光学仪器 参考波长 Optics and optical instruments - Reference wavelengths
GB/T 10058-2009 电梯技术条件 Specification for electric lifts
GB/T 10059-2009 电梯试验方法 Electric lifts - Testing methods
GB/T 10060-2011 电梯安装验收规范 Code for acceptance of electric lifts installation
GB/T 10061-2008 筛板筛孔的标记方法 Screen plants - Codification for designating perforations
GB/T 10073-2008 静电复印品图像质量评价方法 Methods of evaluation for image quality of electrostatic copes
GB/T 10077-2008 锂原电池分类、型号命名及基本特性 Classification, designation nomenclature and basic specifications for lithium primary batteries
GB/T 10082-2010 重型轨道车技术条件 Technical requirements of heavy duty railway motor trolley
GB/T 10092-2009 数据的统计处理和解释 测试结果的多重比较 Statistical interpretation of data - Multiple comparison for test results
GB/T 10093-2009 概率极限状态设计(正态-正态模式) Probabilistic limit states design(Normal-Normal mode)
GB/T 10094-2009 正态分布分位数与变异系数的置信限 The confidence limits of quantile and coefficient of variation for normal distribution
GB/T 10104-2011 船用B级磁罗经 Marine magnetic compass of class B
GB/T 10108-2008 出口桑蚕丝织物 Mulberry silk fabrics for export
GB/T 10111-2008 随机数的产生及其在产品质量抽样检验中的应用程序 Generation of random numbers and procedures applied to sampling inspection for product quality
GB/T 10115-2008 柞蚕鲜茧 Tussah fresh cocoon
GB/T 10117-2009 高纯锑 High purity antimonium
GB/T 10118-2009 高纯镓 High purity gallium
GB/T 10119-2008 黄铜耐脱锌腐蚀性能的测定 Determination of dezincification corrosion resistance of brass
GB/T 10121-2008 钢材塔形发纹磁粉检验方法 Steel products-Method for magnetic particle inspection of tower sample
GB/T 10125-2012 人造气氛腐蚀试验 盐雾试验 Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres - Salt spray tests
GB/T 10151-2008 医用诊断X射线设备高压电缆插头、插座技术条件 Medical diagnostic X-ray equipment - Specifications for high voltage cable plugs and sockets
GB/T 10156-2009 水准仪 Level
GB/T 10159-2008 钢琴 Piano
GB/T 10168-2008 土方机械 挖掘装载机 术语和商业规格 Earth-moving machinery - Backhoe loaders - Definitions and commercial specifications
GB/T 10170-2010 挖掘装载机 技术条件 Backhoe loader - Technical specifications
GB/T 10179-2009 液压伺服振动试验设备 特性的描述方法 Servo-hydraulic test equipment for generating vibration - Method of describing characteristics
GB/T 10185-2012 电子设备用固定电容器 第7部分:分规范 金属箔式聚苯乙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electric equipment - Part 7: Sectional specification Fixed polystyrene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors
GB/T 10186-2012 电子设备用固定电容器 第7-1部分:空白详细规范 金属箔式聚苯乙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 评定水平E Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 7-1: Blank detail spicification - Fixed polystyrene film dielectric metal foil d.c. capacitors - Assessment level E
GB/T 10190-2012 电子设备用固定电容器 第16部分: 分规范 金属化聚丙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 16: Sectional specification:Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric d.c.capacitors
GB/T 10191-2011 电子设备用固定电容器 第16-1部分:空白详细规范 金属化聚丙烯膜介质直流固定电容器 评定水平E和EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 16-1: Blank detail specification:Fixed metallized polypropylene film dielectric d.c.capacitors - Assessment levels E and EZ
GB/T 10201-2008 热处理合理用电导则 Regulations of proper usage of electricity in heat treatment industry
GB/T 10217-2011 电工控制设备造型设计导则 The design guide of the outline and structure for the electric control equipment
GB/T 10220-2012 感官分析 方法学 总论 Sensory analysis - Methodology - General guidance
GB/T 10221-2012 感官分析 术语 Sensory analysis - Vocabulary
GB/T 10228-2008 干式电力变压器技术参数和要求 Specification and technical requirements for dry-type power transformers
GB/T 10239-2011 彩色电视广播接收机通用规范 General specification for colour television broadcasting receivers
GB/T 10247-2008 粘度测量方法 Methods of viscosity measurement
GB/T 10249-2010 电焊机型号编制方法 The organization for electric welding machine model
GB/T 10253-2012 液态排出流和地表水中放射性核素监测设备 Equipment for monitoring of radionuclides in liquid effluents and surface water
GB/T 10255-2013 γ放射免疫计数器 Gamma radioimmunoassay counter
GB/T 10256-2013 放射性活度计 Radioactivity meter
GB/T 10259-2013 液体闪烁计数器 Liquid-scintillation counting system
GB/T 10261-2008 核辐射探测器用直流稳压电源 Stabilized d.c power supply for nuclear radiation detectors
GB/T 10265-2008 核级可烧结二氧化铀粉末技术条件 Specification for nuclear grade sinterable uranium dioxide powder
GB/T 10266-2008 烧结二氧化铀芯块技术条件 Specification for sintered uranium dioxide pellets
GB/T 10268-2008 铀矿石浓缩物 Uranium ore concetrate
GB/T 10280-2008 林业机械 便携式风力灭火机 Forestry machinery - Portable pneumatic fire extinguisher
GB/T 10283-2008 林业机械 便携式风力灭火机 手把振动的测定 Forestry machinery - Portable pneumatic fire extinguisher - Measurement of vibration at the handles
GB/T 10284-2008 林业机械 便携式风力灭火机 噪声的测定 Forestry machinery - Portable pneumatic fire extinguisher - Measurement of noise
GB/T 10294-2008 绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定 防护热板法 Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties - Guarded hot plate apparatus
GB/T 10295-2008 绝热材料稳态热阻及有关特性的测定 热流计法 Thermal insulation-Determination of steady-state thermal resistance and related properties - Heat flow meter apparatus
GB/T 10296-2008 绝热层稳态传热性质的测定 圆管法 Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal transmission properties-pipe insulation apparatus (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 10299-2011 绝热材料憎水性试验方法 Test method for hydrophobic nature of thermal insulation
GB/T 10302-2010 中华人民共和国铁路车站代码 Code for railway stations of the people's republic of china
GB/T 10304-2008 阴极碳酸盐分析方法 Analytical method of cathode carbonate
GB/T 10319-2008 船舶用气动测量和控制仪表 通用技术条件 General specifications for marine pneumatic measurement and control instruments
GB/T 10320-2011 激光设备和设施的电气安全 Electrical safety of laser equipment and installatins
GB/T 10325-2012 定形耐火制品验收抽样检验规则 Shaped refractory products-rule of acceptance,sampling and inspection
GB/T 10327-2011 发动机检测用标准轻柴油技术条件 Reference fuel specification for diesel engine performance test
GB/T 10337-2008 造纸原料和纸浆中酸溶木素的测定 Raw material and pulp - Determination of acid - soluble lignin
GB/T 10338-2008 纸浆羧基含量的测定 Pulps - Determination of carboxyl content
GB/T 10340-2008 纸和纸板过滤速度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of filtering rate
GB/T 10358-2008 油料饼粕 水分及挥发物含量的测定 Oilseed residues - Determination of moisture and volatile matter content
GB/T 10359-2008 油料饼粕 含油量的测定 第1部分:己烷(或石油醚)提取法 Oilseed meals - Determination of oil content - Part 1: Extraction method with hexane(or light petroleum)
GB/T 10360-2008 油料饼粕 扦样 Oilseed residues - Sampling
GB/T 10361-2008 小麦、黑麦及其面粉,杜伦麦及其粗粒粉 降落数值的测定 Hagberg-Perten法 Wheat, rye and respective flours, durum wheat and durum wheat semolina - Determination of the falling number according to Hagberg-Perten
GB/T 10362-2008 粮油检验 玉米水分测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of moisture content of maize
GB/T 10398-2008 小型汽油机 振动评级和测试方法 Small gasoline engines - Evaluation and measurement of vibration
GB/T 10401-2008 永磁式直流力矩电动机通用技术条件 Permanent magnet direct current torque motors,General specification for
GB/T 10405-2009 控制电机型号命名方法 Type designation for electrical machine for automatic control system
GB/T 10410-2008 人工煤气和液化石油气常量组分气相色谱分析法 Analysis of manufactured gas and liquefied petroleum gas normal composition by gas chromatography
GB/T 10417-2008 碳化钨钢结硬质合金技术条件及其力学性能的测试方法 Specifications for steel-bonded tungsten carbides and determination of its transverse rupture strength, impact toughness and hardness
GB/T 10430-2008 烧结金属摩擦片粘结性能检验方法 Inspection method for bonding ability of sintered friction elements
GB/T 10431-2008 紧固件横向振动试验方法 Transverse vibration testing method for fasteners
GB/T 10440-2008 圆柱形复合罐 Round composite cans
GB/T 10446-2008 滑动轴承 整圆止推垫圈 尺寸和公差 Plain bearings - Ring type thrust washers - Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 10447-2008 滑动轴承 半圆止推垫圈 要素和公差 Plain bearings - Pressed bimetallic half thrust washers - Features and tolerances
GB/T 10458-2008 荞麦 Buckwheat
GB/T 10459-2008 蚕豆 Broad bean
GB/T 10460-2008 豌豆 Peas
GB/T 10461-2008 小豆 Small bean
GB/T 10462-2008 绿豆 Mung bean
GB/T 10463-2008 玉米粉 Maize (Corn) flour
GB/T 10470-2008 速冻水果和蔬菜 矿物杂质测定方法 Quick frozen fruits and vegetables - Determination of mineral impurities content
GB/T 10471-2008 速冻水果和蔬菜 净重测定方法 Quick frozen fruits and vegetables - Determination of net weight
GB/T 10479-2009 铝制铁道罐车 Aluminum rail tank cars
GB/T 10489-2009 轻型燃气轮机 通用技术要求 General requirements for aero-derivative gas turbines
GB/T 10491-2010 航空派生型燃气轮机成套设备噪声值及测量方法 Noise criteria and sound measurement procedures for aero-derivative gas turbines turnkey installations
GB/T 10498-2010 糖料甘蔗 Sugarcane
GB/T 10504-2008 3A分子筛 Molecular sieve 3A
GB/T 10511-2008 硝酸磷肥中总氮含量的测定 蒸馏后滴定法 Determination of total nitrogen content for nitrophosphate - Titrimetric method after distillation
GB/T 10512-2008 硝酸磷肥中磷含量的测定 磷钼酸喹啉重量法 Determination of phosphorus content for nitrophosphate - Quinoline phosphomolybdate gravimetric method
GB/T 10513-2012 硝酸磷肥中游离水含量的测定 卡尔?费休法 Determination of free water for nitrophosphate - Karl fischer method
GB/T 10514-2012 硝酸磷肥中游离水含量的测定 烘箱法 Determination of free water for nitrophosphate - Oven method
GB/T 10515-2012 硝酸磷肥粒度的测定 Determination of particle size for nitrophosphate
GB/T 10516-2012 硝酸磷肥颗粒平均抗压碎力的测定 Determination of average crushing strength for nitrophosphate
GB/T 10546-2013 在 2.5MPa及以下压力下输送液态或气态液化石油气(LPG)和天然气的橡胶软管及软管组合件 规范 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the liquid or gaseous phase and natural gas up to 2,5 MPa - Specification
GB/T 10560-2008 矿用高强度圆环链用钢 High tensile steels of round link chains for mines
GB/T 10582-2008 电气绝缘材料 测定因绝缘材料引起的电解腐蚀的试验方法 Electrical insulating materials - Determination of electrolytic corrosion caused by insulating materials-test methods
GB/T 10589-2008 低温试验箱技术条件 Specifications for low temperature test chambers
GB/T 10592-2008 高低温试验箱技术条件 Specification for low/high temperature test chambers
GB/T 10595-2009 带式输送机 Belt conveyors
GB/T 10596-2011 埋刮板输送机 En-Masse conveyer
GB/T 10597-2011 卷扬式启闭机 Hoisting hoister
GB/T 10599-2010 多绳摩擦式提升机 Multi-rope mining friction hoist
GB/T 10604-2008 矿用机械正铲式挖掘机 Mechanical mining shovel
GB/T 10606-2008 空气分离设备术语 Terminology of air separation plant
GB/T 10610-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 评定表面结构的规则和方法 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Surface texture:Profile method - Rules and procedures for the assessment of surface texture
GB/T 10614-2008 芯型弹性联轴器 Resilient coupling with core element
GB/T 10623-2008 金属材料 力学性能试验术语 Metallic material - Mechanical testing - Vocabulary
GB/T 10628-2008 气体分析 校准混合气组成的测定和校验 比较法 Gas analysis - Comparison methods for determining and checking the composition of calibration gas mixtures
GB/T 10629-2009 纺织品 用于化学试验的实验室样品和试样的准备 Textiles - Preparation of laboratory test samples and test specimens for chemical testing
GB/T 10644-2008 电热食品烤炉 Electric heating food ovens
GB/T 10645-2008 电热食品烤炉型号编制方法 Electric heating food ovens - Method of draw up model
GB/T 10646-2008 电热食品烤炉型式与主要参数 Electric heating food ovens - Types and principal parameters
GB/T 10647-2008 饲料工业术语 Feed industry terms
GB/T 10649-2008 微量元素预混合饲料混合均匀度的测定 Determination of mixing homogeneity for mineral premix
GB/T 10650-2008 鲜梨 Fresh pears
GB/T 10651-2008 鲜苹果 Fresh apple
GB/T 10656-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 锌离子的测定 锌试剂分光光度法 Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of zinc - Zincon spectrophotometry
GB/T 10661-2010 荧光增白剂VBL(C.I.荧光增白剂85) Fluorescent whitening agent VBL(C.I. Fluorescent whitening agent 85)
GB/T 10666-2008 次氯酸钙(漂粉精) Calcium hypochlorite
GB/T 10671-2008 固体材料产烟的比光密度试验方法 Test method for specific optical density of smoke generated by solid materials
GB/T 10682-2010 双端荧光灯 性能要求 Double-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specifications
GB/T 10701-2008 石英玻璃热稳定性试验方法 Test methods for thermal stability of silica glass
GB/T 10705-2008 化学试剂 二水合5-磺基水杨酸(5-磺基水杨酸) Chemical reagent - 5-Sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate
GB/T 10707-2008 橡胶燃烧性能的测定 Rubber - Determination of the burning
GB/T 10716-2012 同步带传动 汽车同步带 物理性能试验方法 Synchronous belt drives - Automotive belts - Determination of physical properties
GB/T 10741-2008 纸浆苯醇抽出物的测定 Pulps - Determination of alcohol-benzene solubles
GB/T 10742-2008 造纸原料果胶含量的测定 Raw fiber material - Determination of pectin content
GB/T 10757-2011 邮政业术语 Terminology of postal industry
GB/T 10792-2008 碳酸饮料(汽水) Carbonated beverages
GB/T 10799-2008 硬质泡沫塑料 开孔和闭孔体积百分率的测定 Rigid cellular plastics - Determination of the volume percentage of open cells and of closed cells
GB/T 10814-2009 建白日用细瓷器 Domestic porcelain ware of lvory white of dehua
GB/T 10816-2008 紫砂陶器 Zisha ware
GB/T 10820-2011 生活锅炉热效率及热工试验方法 Thermal efficiency and test methods of boilers for daily life
GB/T 10821-2008 农业机械用V带和多楔带尺寸 V-belt and V-ribbed belt for agricultural machines - Dimensions
GB/T 10823-2009 充气轮胎轮辋实心轮胎规格、尺寸与负荷 Size designation, dimensions and load capacity of solid tyres for pneumatic tyres rims
GB/T 10824-2008 充气轮胎轮辋实心轮胎技术规范 Technical specification of solid tyres for pneumatic tyres rims
GB/T 10831-2008 船用电动单螺杆泵 Marine electric eccentric screw pump
GB/T 10832-2008 船用离心泵、旋涡泵通用技术条件 General specification for centrifigual and vortex pumps of ship
GB/T 10834-2008 船舶漆耐盐水性的测定 盐水和热盐水浸泡法 Ship coatings - Determination of resistance to salt water - Salt water and hot salt water immersion method
GB/T 10836-2008 造船与船舶技术 船用焚烧炉要求 Ships and marine technology - Shipboard incinerators - Requirements
GB/T 10841-2008 船用号型 Marine shapes
GB/T 10853-2008 机构与机器科学词汇 Terminology for the mechanism and machine science
GB/T 10858-2008 铝及铝合金焊丝 Aluminium and aluminium alloy wires and rods
GB/T 10859-2008 镍基钎料 Nickel base brazing filler metals
GB/T 10863-2011 烟道式余热锅炉热工试验方法 Thermal test method for gas pass heat recovery boiler
GB/T 10869-2008 电站调节阀 Control valves for power station
GB/T 10878-2011 气瓶锥螺纹丝锥 Special taps of taper threads for gas cylinders
GB/T 10920-2008 螺纹量规和光滑极限量规 型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of screw thread gauge and plain limit gauge
GB/T 10923-2009 锻压机械 精度检验通则 Test code of accuracy for metalforming machine
GB/T 10924-2009 闭式单、双点压力机 精度 Straight sided single or two - Point mechanical power presses - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 10938-2008 旋转割草机 Rotary mowers
GB/T 10961-2010 木工机床 操作指示形象化符号 Woodworking machines - Symbols for indications
GB/T 10969-2008 水轮机、蓄能泵和水泵水轮机通流部件技术条件 Specification for water passage components of hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines
GB/T 10987-2009 光学系统 参数的测定 Optical systems - Determination of parameters
GB/T 10988-2009 光学系统杂(散)光测量方法 Veiling glare of optical systems - Methods of measurement
GB/T 11007-2008 电导率仪试验方法 Test method of electrolytic conductivity analyzers
GB/T 11019-2009 镀镍圆铜线 Nickel coated round copper wire
GB/T 11022-2011 高压开关设备和控制设备标准的共用技术要求 Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear standards
GB/T 11030-2008 交流电气化铁路接触网用棒形瓷绝缘子特性 Characteristics of rod ceramic insulators for a.c. contact system of electrified railways
GB/T 11034-2008 船用电动往复泵 Marine electric reciprocating pump
GB/T 11035-2008 船用电动双螺杆泵 Marine electric two spindle screw pump
GB/T 11037-2009 船用锅炉及压力容器强度和密性试验方法 Test method for strength and tightness of marine boiler and pressure vessel
GB/T 11038-2009 船用辅锅炉及压力容器受压元件焊接技术条件 Welding specification for pressure parts of marine auxiliary boiler and pressure vessel
GB/T 11047-2008 纺织品 织物勾丝性能评定 钉锤法 Textiles - Evaluation for the snagging degree of fabrics - Mace test method
GB/T 11048-2008 纺织品 生理舒适性 稳态条件下热阻和湿阻的测定 Textiles - Physiological effects - Measurement of thermal and wate-vapour resistance under steady-state conditions
GB/T 11049-2008 地毯燃烧性能 室温片剂试验方法 Burning behaviour of carpets - Tablet test at ambient temperature
GB/T 11059-2011 原油蒸气压的测定 膨胀法 Standard test method for determination of vapor pressure of crude oil:VPCRx (expansion method)
GB/T 11072-2009 锑化铟多晶、单晶及切割片 Indium antimonide polycrystal,single crystals and as-cut slices
GB/T 11087-2012 散热器冷却管专用黄铜带 Brass strip for heat-exchanger tubing
GB/T 11101-2009 硬质合金圆棒毛坯 Cemented carbide blanks for round rods
GB/T 11102-2008 地质勘探工具用硬质合金制品 Cemented carbide products for geological exploration drilling tools
GB/T 11105-2012 金属粉末 压坯的拉托拉试验 Metallic powder - Rattle test for the green compacts
GB/T 11115-2009 聚乙烯(PE)树脂 Polyethylene(PE) resin
GB/T 11132-2008 液体石油产品烃类的测定 荧光指示剂吸附法 Standard test method for hydrocarbon types in liquid petroleum products by fluorescent indicator adsorption
GB/T 11140-2008 石油产品硫含量的测定 波长色散X射线荧光光谱法 Standard test method for sulfur in petroleum products by wavelength dispersive X - ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 11143-2008 加抑制剂矿物油在水存在下防锈性能试验法 Standard test method for rust-preventing characteristics of inhibited mineral oil in the presence of water
GB/T 11146-2009 原油水含量测定 卡尔?费休库仑滴定法 Crude petroleum - Determination of water - Coulometric Karl Fischer titration method
GB/T 11147-2010 沥青取样法 Standard practice for sampling bituminous materials
GB/T 11148-2008 石油沥青溶解度测定法 Test method for solubility of asphalt
GB/T 11153-2012 激光小功率计性能检测方法 Test methods of laser power meter in lower-range
GB/T 11158-2008 高温试验箱技术条件 Specifications for high temperature test chambers
GB/T 11159-2010 低气压试验箱技术条件 Specifications for low air pressure test chambers
GB/T 11162-2009 光学分划零件通用技术条件 General specification of optical components for the scale and surface defects
GB/T 11164-2011 真空镀膜设备通用技术条件 Vacuum coating plant generic specification
GB/T 11168-2009 光学系统像质测试方法 Image quality of optical systems method of determination
GB/T 11170-2008 不锈钢 多元素含量的测定 火花放电原子发射光谱法(常规法) Stainless steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Spark discharge atomic emission spectrometric method (Routine method)
GB/T 11185-2009 色漆和清漆 弯曲试验(锥形轴) Paints and varnishes - Bend test(conical mandrel)
GB/T 11205-2009 橡胶 热导率的测定 热线法 Rubber - Determination of thermal conductivity by means of hot -wire method
GB/T 11206-2009 橡胶老化试验 表面龟裂法 Standard test method for rubber deterioration - Surface cracking
GB/T 11211-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 与金属粘合强度的测定 二板法 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of adhesion to metal - Two-plate method
GB/T 11228-2008 住宅厨房及相关设备基本参数 Fundamental parameters for kitchens and related equipments in housing
GB/T 11251-2009 合金结构钢热轧厚钢板 Hot-rolled alloy structural steel plates
GB/T 11259-2008 无损检测 超声检测用钢参考试块的制作与检验方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for fabrication and control of steel reference blocks used in ultrasonic testing
GB/T 11260-2008 圆钢涡流探伤方法 Round steel-the inspection method for eddy current test
GB/T 11264-2012 热轧轻轨 Hot-rolled light rails
GB/T 11277-2012 表面活性剂 非离子表面活性剂 浊点指数(水数)的测定 容量法 Surface active agents-Non-ionic surface active agents - Determination of cloud point index(water number) - Volumetric method
GB/T 11281-2009 微电机用齿轮减速器通用技术条件 General specification for reduction gearhead of electrical micro-machine
GB/T 11292-2008 工业自动化系统 机床数值控制 NC处理器输出 后置处理命令 Industrial automation systems - Numerical control of machines - NC processor output - Post processor commands
GB/T 11343-2008 无损检测 接触式超声斜射检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for ultrasonic angle-beam testing by the contact method
GB/T 11344-2008 无损检测 接触式超声脉冲回波法测厚方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for measuring thickness by ultrasonic pulse-echo contact method
GB/T 11352-2009 一般工程用铸造碳钢件 Carbon steel castings for general engineering purpose
GB/T 11355-2008 V带和多楔带传动 额定功率的计算 V-belt and V-ribbed belt drives - Calculation of power ratings
GB/T 11357-2008 带轮的材质、表面粗糙度及平衡 Quality, roughness and balance of transmission pulleys
GB/T 11361-2008 同步带传动 梯形齿带轮 Synchronous belt drives - Trapezoidal toothed pulleys
GB/T 11362-2008 同步带传动 梯形齿同步带额定功率和传动中心距的计算 Synchronous belt drives - Calculation of power rating and drive center distance
GB/T 11363-2008 钎焊接头强度试验方法 Test method of the strength for brazed and soldered joint
GB/T 11364-2008 钎料润湿性试验方法 Test method of wettability for brazing filler metals
GB/T 11369-2008 轻型燃气轮机烟气污染物测量 Measurement of exhaust gas emission for aero-derivative gas tubine
GB/T 11371-2008 轻型燃气轮机使用与维护 Operation and maintenance for gas turbine
GB/T 11374-2012 热喷涂涂层厚度的无损测量方法 Thermal spraying coating - Nondestructive methods for measurement of thickness
GB/T 11379-2008 金属覆盖层 工程用铬电镀层 Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of chromium for engineering purposes
GB/T 11387-2008 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 静态弯曲强度的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics - Test for the static flexural strength
GB/T 11407-2013 硫化促进剂2 巯基苯骈噻唑(MBT) Vulcanizing accelerator 2 - Mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT)
GB/T 11408-2013 硫化促进剂 二硫化二苯骈噻唑(MBTS) Vulcanizing accelerator - Dibenzothiazole disulfide (MBTS)
GB/T 11409-2008 橡胶防老剂、硫化促进剂 试验方法 Test methods rubber antiagers and vulcanizing accelerators
GB/T 11419-2008 搪瓷炊具 耐温急变性测定方法 Vitreous and porcelain enamels - Enamelled cooking utensils - Determination of resistance to thermal shock
GB/T 11424-2008 山苍子(精)油 Oil of Litsea cubeba
GB/T 11425-2008 中国肉桂(精)油 Oil of cassia, China
GB/T 11436-2012 软磁铁氧体材料成品、半成品化学分析方法 Chemical analysis methods for products and semi-finished products made of soft ferrite materials
GB/T 11460-2009 信息技术 汉字字型要求和检测方法 Information technology - Requirements and test method of the chinese ideograms font
GB/T 11490-2011 彩色显像管管基尺寸 Dimensions of base for color picture tubes
GB/T 11500-2008 摄影 密度测量 第2部分:透视密度的几何条件 Photography - Density Measurement - Part 2:Geometric conditions for transmission density
GB/T 11501-2008 摄影 密度测量 第3部分:光谱条件 Photography - Density Measurement - Part 3:Spectral Conditions
GB/T 11539-2008 香料 填充柱气相色谱分析 通用法 Fragrance/Flavor substances - Analysis by gas chromatography on packed columns - General method
GB/T 11540-2008 香料 相对密度的测定 Fragrance/Flavor substances - Determination of relative density
GB/T 11541-2008 照相原纸 Photographic base paper
GB/T 11543-2008 表面活性剂 中、高粘度乳液的特性测试及其乳化能力的评价方法 Surface active agents - The identification of emulsion for moderate to high viscosity and the evaluation method of emulsifying capability
GB/T 11544-2012 带传动 普通V带和窄V带 尺寸(基准宽度制) Belt drives - Classical and narrow V-belts - Dimensions(system based on datum width)
GB/T 11545-2008 带传动 汽车工业用V带 疲劳试验 Belt drives - V-belts for the automotive industry - Fatigue test
GB/T 11547-2008 塑料 耐液体化学试剂性能的测定 Plastic - Methods of test for the determination of the effects of immersion in liquid chemicals
GB/T 11577-2010 船用集装箱紧固件 Container securing fitting for ships
GB/T 11589-2011 公用数据网和综合业务数字网(ISDN)的国际用户业务类别和接入种类 International user classes of service in, and categories of access to, public data networks and integrated services digital networks(ISDNs)
GB/T 11590-2011 公用数据网与ISDN网的国际数据传输业务和任选用户设施 International data transmission services and optional user facilities in public data networks and ISNDs
GB/T 11591-2011 公用数据网中的分组装拆(PAD)设施 Packet assembly/disassembly facility(PAD) in a public data network
GB/T 11592-2011 公用数据网上起/止传输业务使用的数据终端设备(DTE)和数据电路终接设备(DCE)间的接口 Interface between data terminal equipment (DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment (DCE) for start-stop transmission services on public data networks
GB/T 11594-2009 公用数据网上数据终端设备(DTE)与数据电路终接设备(DCE)间的互换电路定义表 List of definitions for interchange circuits between data terminal equipment(DTE) and data circuit-terminating equipment(DCE) on public data networks
GB/T 11599-2009 与同步V系列调制解调器接口的数据终端设备(DTE)在公用数据网上的用法 Use on public data networks of data terminal equipment (DTE) which is designed for interfacing to synchronous V-series MODEMs
GB/T 11600-2009 与异步双工V系列调制解调器接口的数据终端设备(DTE)在公用数据网上的用法 Use on public data networks of data terminal equipment(DTE) which is designed for interfacing to asynchronous duplex V-series MODEMS
GB/T 11615-2010 地热资源地质勘查规范 Geologic exploration standard of geothermal resources
GB/T 11626-2009 船舶和海上技术 吊放式救生艇降放装置 Ships and marine technology - Launching appliances for davit-launched lifeboats
GB/T 11651-2008 个体防护装备选用规范 Code of practice for selection of personal protective equipments
GB/T 11682-2008 低本底α和/或β测量仪 Low background alpha and/or beta measuring instruments
GB/T 11693-2008 船用法兰焊接座板 Welded bed plate for flanges of ship pipe
GB/T 11698-2008 船用法兰连接金属阀门的结构长度 Metal valves for use in marine flanged pipe systems - Face-to-face and center-to-face dimensions
GB/T 11699-2008 舷内机小艇 螺旋桨轴端和桨毂 Small craft with inboard engine - Propeller shaft ends and bosses
GB/T 11700-2009 小艇 船用推进往复式内燃机 功率的测定和标定 Small craft - Marine propulsion reciprocating internal combustion engines - Power measurements and declarations
GB/T 11705-2009 船用电动三螺杆泵试验方法 Test method for marine electric three-spindle screw pump
GB/T 11716-2009 小径原木 Logs of small diameter
GB/T 11717-2009 造纸用原木 Pulp logs
GB/T 11718-2009 中密度纤维板 Medium density fibreboard
GB/T 11746-2008 簇绒地毯 Tufted carpets
GB/T 11759-2008 牛皮 Raw cattle hides and skins
GB/T 11760-2008 裸大麦 Hulless barley
GB/T 11763-2008 棉籽 Cotton seed
GB/T 11764-2008 葵花籽 Sunflower seed
GB/T 11766-2008 小米 Millet
GB/T 11793-2008 未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)塑料门窗力学性能及耐候性试验方法 Test methods on mechanical and weathering properties for unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) doors and windows
GB/T 11799-2008 船用防爆离心通风机 Marine explosion-proof type centrifugal fans
GB/T 11800-2008 船用防爆轴流通风机 Marine explosion-proof type axial flow fans
GB/T 11805-2008 水轮发电机组自动化元件(装置)及其系统基本技术条件 Basic specifications of automatic control components (devices) and their related system for hydroturbine-generating sets
GB/T 11807-2008 探查松脱零件的声学监测系统的特性、设计和运行程序 Acoustic monitoring systems for loose parts detection - Characteristics, design and operational procedures
GB/T 11809-2008 压水堆燃料棒焊缝检验方法 金相检验和X射线照相检验 Test method of weld of fuel rod for PWR - Metallographic examination and radiographic testing
GB/T 11810-2008 锡113-铟113m发生器 Tin113 - Indium113m generator
GB/T 11813-2008 压水堆燃料棒氦质谱检漏 Helium leak testing of nuclear fuel rod for PWR
GB/T 11822-2008 科学技术档案案卷构成的一般要求 General requirements for the file formation of scientific and technological archives
GB/T 11834-2011 工农业机械用摩擦片 Friction linings for industrial and agricultural machines
GB/T 11836-2009 混凝土和钢筋混凝土排水管 Concrete and reinforced concrete sewer pipes
GB/T 11837-2009 混凝土管用混凝土抗压强度试验方法 Test methods of the concrete compressive strength of concrete pipes for water
GB/T 11839-2008 二氧化铀芯块中硼的测定 姜黄素萃取光度法 Determination of boron in uranium dioxide pellets by curcumin extraction spectrophotometric method
GB/T 11847-2008 二氧化铀粉末比表面积测定 BET容量法 Determination of specific surface area of uranium dioxide powder by BET capacity method
GB/T 11849-2008 重水罐 Heavy water tank
GB/T 11856-2008 白兰地 Brandy
GB/T 11857-2008 威士忌 Whisky
GB/T 11858-2008 伏特加(俄得克) Vodka
GB/T 11864-2008 船用轴流通风机 Marine axial flow fans
GB/T 11865-2008 船用离心通风机 Marine centrifugal fans
GB/T 11875-2010 船用航向变化率指示器 Marine rate of turn indicators
GB/T 11877-2010 船用陀螺罗经组合操舵仪 Marine autopilot with gyro compass
GB/T 11880-2008 模锻锤和大型机械锻压机用模块技术条件 Specification of large die-blocks used for die-forging hammer and mechanical forging press
GB/T 11884-2008 弹簧度盘秤 Spring dial scale
GB/T 11917-2009 制材工艺术语 Terms in timber sawing technology
GB/T 11920-2008 电站电气部分集中控制设备及系统通用技术条件 General specification of central control equipment and system for electrical parts in power stations and substations
GB/T 11923-2008 电离辐射物位计 Level meter utilizing ionizing radiation
GB/T 11943-2008 锅炉制图 Boiler drawings
GB/T 11944-2012 中空玻璃 Insulating glass unit
GB/T 11956-2008 高速复制录音磁带 High speed duplicate audio tape
GB/T 11964-2008 石油沥青蒸发损失测定法 Test method for loss on heating of asphalt
GB/T 11969-2008 蒸压加气混凝土性能试验方法 Test methods of autoclaved aerated concrete
GB/T 11977-2008 住宅卫生间功能及尺寸系列 Functions and dimensions series of bathrooms in housing
GB/T 11981-2008 建筑用轻钢龙骨 Steel furring for building
GB/T 11983-2008 表面活性剂 润湿力的测定 浸没法 Surface active agents - Determination of wetting power by immersion
GB/T 11988-2008 表面活性剂 工业烷烃磺酸盐 烷烃单磺酸盐平均相对分子质量及含量的测定 Surface active agents - Technical alkane sulfonates - Determination of mean relative molecular mass and content of the alkane monosulfonate
GB/T 11989-2008 阴离子表面活性剂 石油醚溶解物含量的测定 Anionic surface active agents - Determination of soluble matter content in light petroleum
GB/T 11991-2008 离子交换树脂转型膨胀率测定方法 Determination of reversible swelling of exchange resins
GB/T 11992-2008 氯型强碱性阴离子交换树脂交换容量测定方法 Determination of exchange capacity of strong basic anion exchange resins in chloride form
GB/T 11997-2008 塑料 多用途试样 Plastic - Multipurpose test specimens
GB/T 12003-2008 未增塑聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)塑料窗 外形尺寸的测定 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride(PVC-U) windows - Determination of dimensions
GB/T 12033-2008 造纸原料和纸浆中糖类组分的气相色谱的测定 Determination of carbohydrate composition in raw materials and pulps by gas chromatography
GB/T 12078-2012 X 射线管总规范 General specification for X-ray tubes
GB/T 12079-2012 X射线管光电性能测试方法 Measurements of the photoelectric properties for X-ray tubes
GB/T 12083-2012 气体激光器电源系列 Power supply series for gas laser
GB/T 12087-2008 淀粉水分测定 烘箱法 Starch - Determination of moisture content - Oven-drying method
GB/T 12104-2009 淀粉术语 Starch vocabulary
GB/T 12116-2012 电子电压表通用规范 General specification for electron voltmeter
GB/T 12123-2008 包装设计通用要求 General requirements for designing of packages
GB/T 12143-2008 饮料通用分析方法 General analytical methods for beverage
GB/T 12144-2009 氧化铽 Terbium oxide
GB/T 12145-2008 火力发电机组及蒸汽动力设备水汽质量 Quality criterion of water and steam for generating unit and steam power epuipment
GB/T 12154-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 全铝的测定 Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of total aluminium
GB/T 12173-2008 矿用一般型电气设备 Mining electrical apparatus for non hazardous area
GB/T 12177-2008 工业自动化系统 机床数值控制 NC处理器输出 文件结构和语言格式 Industrial automation systems - Numerical control of machines - NC processor output - File structure and language format
GB/T 12204-2010 金属切削 基本术语 Glossary of general terms in metal cutting
GB/T 12208-2008 人工煤气组分与杂质含量测定方法 Test methods of components and impurities of the manufactured gas
GB/T 12212-2012 技术制图 焊缝符号的尺寸、比例及简化表示法 Technical drawings - Dimensions,proportions and simplified representation for welding symbols
GB/T 12236-2008 石油、化工及相关工业用的钢制旋启式止回阀 Steel swing check valve for petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries
GB/T 12238-2008 法兰和对夹连接弹性密封蝶阀 Flanged and wafer resilient seal butterfly valves
GB/T 12239-2008 工业阀门 金属隔膜阀 Industrial valves - Diaphragm valves made of metallic materials
GB/T 12240-2008 铁制旋塞阀 Iron plug valves
GB/T 12303-2009 海船声号器具的声压级测量 Measurement of sound pressure level for sound signal appliances by seagoing vessel
GB/T 12310-2012 感官分析方法 成对比较检验 Sensory analysis method - Paired comparison test
GB/T 12311-2012 感官分析方法 三点检验 Sensory analysis method - Triangle test
GB/T 12312-2012 感官分析 味觉敏感度的测定方法 Sensory analysis - Method of investigating sensitivity of taste
GB/T 12315-2008 感官分析 方法学 排序法 Sensory analysis - Methodology - Ranking
GB/T 12325-2008 电能质量 供电电压偏差 Power quality - Deviation of supply voltage
GB/T 12326-2008 电能质量 电压波动和闪变 Power quality - Voltage fluctuation and flicker
GB/T 12332-2008 金属覆盖层 工程用镍电镀层 Metallic coatings - Electroplated coatings of nickel for engineering purposes
GB/T 12339-2008 防护用内包装材料 Inner packaging materials in preservation
GB/T 12340-2008 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000地形图航空摄影测量内业规范 Specifications for aerophotogrammetric office operation of 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 topographic maps
GB/T 12341-2008 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 地形图航空摄影测量外业规范 Specifications for aerophotogrammetric field work of 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 topographic maps
GB/T 12347-2008 钢丝绳弯曲疲劳试验方法 Steel wire ropes - Bending fatigue testing
GB/T 12351-2008 热带型旋转电机环境技术要求 Environmental technical requirements of rotating electric machines for tropical use
GB/T 12355-2008 缩微摄影技术 有影像缩微胶片的连接 Micrographics - Splices of microfilm with image - Dimensions and Operational Constraints
GB/T 12356-2008 缩微摄影技术 16mm平台式缩微摄影机用测试标板的特征及其使用 Micrographics - 16 mm planetary cameras - Test target for checking performance
GB/T 12359-2008 梯形螺纹 极限尺寸 Metric trapezoidal screw threads - Limits of sizes
GB/T 12366-2009 综合标准化工作指南 Guideline for the work of complex standardization
GB/T 12385-2008 管法兰用垫片密封性能试验方法 Standard test method for sealability of gaskets for pipe flanges
GB/T 12405-2008 单位增员减员代码 Coding for kind of increase or decrease number of workers in an organization
GB/T 12406-2008 表示货币和资金的代码 Codes for the representation of currencies and funds
GB/T 12407-2008 职务级别代码 Codes for positions classes
GB/T 12409-2009 地理格网 Geographic grid
GB/T 12448-2010 木工机床 型号编制方法 Woodworking machines - Programming method for the types
GB/T 12452-2008 企业水平衡测试通则 The general principles of water balance test in enterprises
GB/T 12453-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 运输服务定义 Information technology - Open system interconnection - Transport service definition
GB/T 12454-2008 视觉环境评价方法 A method of evaluating the visual environment
GB/T 12455-2010 宾馆、饭店合理用电 The rationality of electricity usage in guesthouse and hotel
GB/T 12456-2008 食品中总酸的测定 Determination of total acid in foods
GB/T 12457-2008 食品中氯化钠的测定 Determination of sodium chloride in foods
GB/T 12471-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 木制件 极限与配合 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Wooden part - Limit and fit
GB/T 12474-2008 空气中可燃气体爆炸极限测定方法 Method of test for explosion limits of combustible gases in air
GB/T 12498-2012 铷原子频率标准通用规范 Generic specification of rubidium frequency standard
GB/T 12500-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 提供连接方式运输服务的协议 Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Protocol for providing the connection-mode transport service
GB/T 12519-2010 分析仪器通用技术条件 General specification of analytical instruments
GB/T 12521-2008 空气潜水减压技术要求 Technical requirements for air diving decompression
GB/T 12522-2009 不锈钢波形膨胀节 Stainless steel bellows expansion joints
GB/T 12527-2008 额定电压1 kV及以下架空绝缘电缆 Aerial insulated cables for rated voltages up to and including 1kV
GB/T 12528-2008 交流额定电压3kV及以下轨道交通车辆用电缆 Rail vehicle cables with rated voltages up to and including 3kV
GB/T 12532-2008 食用菌灰分测定 Determination of total ash content in edible mushroom
GB/T 12533-2008 食用菌杂质测定 Determination of extraneous matter in edible mushroom
GB/T 12540-2009 汽车最小转弯直径、最小转弯通道圆直径和外摆值测量方法 Minimum turning circle diameter, minimum turning clearance circle diameter and out value test method for motor vehicles
GB/T 12542-2009 汽车热平衡能力道路试验方法 Thermal balance capacity on-road test method for motor vehicles
GB/T 12543-2009 汽车加速性能试验方法 Acceleration performance test method for motor vehicles
GB/T 12544-2012 汽车最高车速试验方法 Measurement of maximum speed of motor vehicles
GB/T 12547-2009 汽车最低稳定车速试验方法 Minimum stable speed test method for motor vehicles
GB/T 12564-2008 光电倍增管总规范 Generic specification for photomultiplier tubes
GB/T 12572-2008 无线电发射设备参数通用要求和测量方法 Universal requirements and measurement methods of parameters for radio transmitting equipment
GB/T 12573-2008 水泥取样方法 Sampling method for cement
GB/T 12584-2008 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 低温冲击试验 Rubber or plastics coated fabrics - Low-temperature impact test
GB/T 12590-2008 化学试剂 正丁醇 Chemical reagent - n-Butanol
GB/T 12605-2008 无损检测 金属管道熔化焊环向对接接头射线照相检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test methods for radiographic testing of circumferential fusion-welded butt joints in metallic pipes and tubes
GB/T 12611-2008 金属零(部)件镀覆前质量控制技术要求 Technical requirements of quality control for metal parts to be coated
GB/T 12620-2008 长圆孔、长方孔和圆孔筛板 Round and elongated apertures with round and square plate screens
GB/T 12621-2008 管法兰用垫片应力松弛试验方法 Standard test method for stress relaxation of gaskets for pipe flanges
GB/T 12622-2008 管法兰用垫片压缩率及回弹率试验方法 Standard test method for compressibility and recovery of gaskets for pipe flanges
GB/T 12628-2008 硬磁盘驱动器通用规范 General specification for hard disk drive
GB/T 12653-2008 中国薰衣草(精)油 Oil of lavender, China
GB/T 12654-2008 书写纸 Writing paper
GB/T 12658-2008 纸、纸板和纸浆中钠含量的测定 Paper, board and pulp - Determination of sodium content
GB/T 12659-2008 纸浆实验室打浆 约克罗(Jokro)磨法 Pulps - Laboratory beating Jokro mill method
GB/T 12660-2008 纸浆 滤水性能的测定 “加拿大标准”游离度法 Pulps - Determination of drainability -“Canadian Standard”freeness method
GB/T 12661-2008 纸和纸板菌落总数的测定 Paper and board - Determination of microbiological properties - Total bacterial count
GB/T 12665-2008 电机在一般环境条件下使用的湿热试验要求 Requirements of damp-heat testing of electrical machine for service in general environmental condition
GB/T 12667-2012 同步电动机半导体励磁装置总技术条件 General specification for excitation assembly with semiconductors for synchronous motors
GB/T 12669-2012 半导体变流串级调速装置总技术条件 General specification for cascade speed control assembly with semiconductor converter
GB/T 12670-2008 聚丙烯(PP)树脂 Polypropylene (PP) resin
GB/T 12671-2008 聚苯乙烯(PS)树脂 Polystyrene (PS) resin
GB/T 12672-2009 丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯(ABS)树脂 Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene(ABS) resin
GB/T 12680-2008 醇溶染料 一般性能的测定 Alcohol soluble dyes - Determination for general properties of application
GB/T 12683-2009 片基与胶片拉伸性能的测定方法 Method for determining the tensile properties of photographic film and film base
GB/T 12714-2009 镅铍中子源 Americium-241 Beryllium neutron sources
GB/T 12716-2011 60°密封管螺纹 Pipe threads with the thread angle of 60 degrees where pressure-tight joints are made on threads
GB/T 12718-2009 矿用高强度圆环链 High-tensile steel chains ( round link ) for mining
GB/T 12722-2008 橡胶和塑料软管组合件 液压脉冲曲挠试验(半Ω试验) Rubber and plastics hose assemblies - Flexing combined with hydraulic impulse test(half-omega test)
GB/T 12723-2008 单位产品能源消耗限额编制通则 General principles of stipulation for the norm of energy consumption per unit product
GB/T 12725-2011 碱性铁镍蓄电池通用规范 General specification for alkaline nickel-iron rechargeable batteries
GB/T 12730-2008 一般传动用窄V带 Narrow V-belt for general drive
GB/T 12736-2009 输送带 机械接头强度的测定 静态试验方法 Conveyor belts - Determination of strenght of mechanical fastenings - Static test method
GB/T 12737-2008 工业用化工产品中以硫酸根表示的痕量硫化合物测定的通用方法 还原和滴定法 Chemical products for industrial use-General method for determination of traces of sulphur compounds, as sulphate, by reduction and titrimetry
GB/T 12753-2008 输送带用钢丝绳 Steel wire ropes for conveyer belts
GB/T 12755-2008 建筑用压型钢板 Profiled steel sheet for building
GB/T 12761-2010 天井钻机 Raise-boring machines
GB/T 12764-2009 滚动轴承 无内圈、冲压外圈滚针轴承 外形尺寸和公差 Rolling bearings - Needle roller bearings,drawn cup without inner ring - Boundary dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 12766-2008 动物油脂 熔点测定 Animal fat and oil-determination of melting point
GB/T 12770-2012 机械结构用不锈钢焊接钢管 Welded stainless steel tubes for mechanical structures
GB/T 12771-2008 流体输送用不锈钢焊接钢管 Welded stainless steel pipes for liquid delivery
GB/T 12772-2008 排水用柔性接口铸铁管、管件及附件 Cast iron pipes、fittings and accessories with flexible joint sewerage for drainage
GB/T 12773-2008 内燃机气阀用钢及合金棒材 Valve steel and superalloy bars for internal combustion engines
GB/T 12777-2008 金属波纹管膨胀节通用技术条件 General specification for metal bellows expansion joints
GB/T 12778-2008 金属夏比冲击断口测定方法 Determination of charpy impact fracture surface for metallic materials
GB/T 12788-2008 核电厂安全级电力系统准则 Criteria for class 1E power systems for nuclear power generating stations
GB/T 12790-2008 核电厂安全级电气设备和系统文件标识方法 Method for identification of documents related to safety class 1E equipment and systems for nuclear power plants
GB/T 12798-2012 磁性氧化物或铁粉制成的轴向引线磁心 Axial lead cores made of magnetic oxides or iron powder
GB/T 12801-2008 生产过程安全卫生要求总则 General principles for the requirements of safety and health in production process
GB/T 12804-2011 实验室玻璃仪器 量筒 Laboratory glassware - Graduated measuring cylinders
GB/T 12805-2011 实验室玻璃仪器 滴定管 Laboratory glassware - Burettes
GB/T 12806-2011 实验室玻璃仪器 单标线容量瓶 Laboratory glassware - One-mark volumetric flasks
GB/T 12823.1-2008 摄影 密度测量 第1部分:术语、符号和表示法 Photography - Density measurement - Part 1: Terms, symbols and notations
GB/T 12827-2008 标准参比乙炔炭黑及鉴定方法 Standard reference acetylene blank and standard practice for evaluation
GB/T 12830-2008 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 与刚性板剪切模量和粘合强度的测定 四板剪切法 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of shear modulus and adhesion to rigid plates - Quadruple shear methods
GB/T 12832-2008 橡胶结晶效应的测定 硬度测量法 Rubber-Determination of crystallization effects by hardness measurements
GB/T 12898-2009 国家三、四等水准测量规范 Specifications for the third and fourth order leveling
GB/T 12903-2008 个体防护装备术语 Personal protective equipment terminology
GB/T 12906-2008 中国标准书号条码 Bar code for China standard book number
GB/T 12907-2008 库德巴条码 Codabar Bar Code
GB/T 12913-2008 电容器纸 Capacitor tissue paper
GB/T 12914-2008 纸和纸板抗张强度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of tensile properties
GB/T 12916-2010 船用金属螺旋桨技术条件 Specification for marine metallic propeller
GB/T 12917-2009 油污水分离装置 Oily water separating equipment
GB/T 12918-2009 油船排油监控系统技术条件 Specification for oil discharge monitoring and control systems for oil tankers
GB/T 12920-2008 船用气动系统通用技术条件 General specification for pneumatic system of ship
GB/T 12922-2008 弹性阻尼簧片联轴器 Elastic damping leaf coupling
GB/T 12923-2011 船舶工艺术语 修、造船设施 Terminology for ship technology - Repairing and shipbuilding facilities
GB/T 12924-2008 船舶工艺术语 船体建造和安装工艺 Terminology for ship technology - Hull construction and installation technology
GB/T 12928-2008 船用中低压活塞空气压缩机 Marine reciprocating air compressor for medium pressure and low pressure
GB/T 12929-2008 船用高压活塞空气压缩机 Marine reciprocating air compressor for high pressure
GB/T 12932-2010 船用臂架起重机 Shipbuilding-jib cranes
GB/T 12937-2008 煤岩术语 Terms relating to coal petrology
GB/T 12940-2008 银石墨电触头技术条件 Technical specification for silver-graphite electrical contacts
GB/T 12944-2011 高压穿墙瓷套管 High-voltage ceramic wall bushings
GB/T 12947-2008 鲜柑橘 Fresh citrus
GB/T 12956-2008 卫生间配套设备 Fixtures for bathroom
GB/T 12959-2008 水泥水化热测定方法 Test methods for heat of hydration of cement
GB/T 12963-2009 硅多晶 Specification for polycrystalline silicon
GB/T 12966-2008 铝合金电导率涡流测试方法 The method for determining aluminum alloys conductivity using eddy current
GB/T 12974-2012 交流电梯电动机通用技术条件 General specification for a.c. lift motor
GB/T 12975-2008 船用同步发电机通用技术条件 General specification for synchronous generator in ship
GB/T 12979-2008 近景摄影测量规范 Specifications for close-range photogrammetry
GB/T 12988-2009 无机地面材料耐磨性能试验方法 Test method for abrasion resistance of inorganic paving materials
GB/T 12994-2008 种子加工机械 术语 Seed processing machinery - Terminology
GB/T 12996-2012 电动轮椅车 Electrically powered wheelchair
GB/T 13002-2008 旋转电机 热保护 Rotating electrical machines - Part 11: Thermal protection
GB/T 13005-2011 气瓶术语 Terminology of gas cylinders
GB/T 13007-2011 离心泵 效率 Centrifugal pump - Effeciency
GB/T 13008-2010 混流泵、轴流泵 技术条件 Technical specification for mixed and axial flow pumps
GB/T 13012-2008 软磁材料直流磁性能的测量方法 Methods of measurement of d.c. magnetic properties of magnetically soft materials
GB/T 13016-2009 标准体系表编制原则和要求 Principles and requirements for preparing diagrams of standard system
GB/T 13017-2008 企业标准体系表编制指南 Guidelines for preparing diagrams of enterprise standard system
GB/T 13023-2008 瓦楞芯(原)纸 Corrugating medium
GB/T 13026-2008 交流电容式套管型式与尺寸 Types and dimensions of a.c. capacitance graded bushings
GB/T 13030-2009 船舶电力推进系统技术条件 Specification for electric propulsion plant of ship
GB/T 13032-2010 船用柴油发电机组 Marine diesel generator set
GB/T 13034-2008 带电作业用绝缘滑车 Insulated pulleys for live working
GB/T 13035-2008 带电作业用绝缘绳索 Live working-insulating ropes
GB/T 13053-2008 客车车内尺寸 Bus inner dimensions
GB/T 13071-2010 地质水样 234U/238U、230Th/232Th 放射性活度比值的测定 - 萃淋树脂萃取色层分离 α 能谱法 Geological waters samples - Determination of radioactive ratios 234U/238U and 230Th/232Th - Extraction chromatograph and alpha spectrometry measure
GB/T 13072-2010 地质水样 226Ra/228Ra 放射性活度比值测定 射气法 - β 法 Geological water samples - Determination of radioactive ratio 226Ra/228Ra - Emanation - β counting techniques
GB/T 13073-2010 岩石样品 226Ra的测定 射气法 Rock samples - Determination of radium - 226 - Emanation technique
GB/T 13074-2009 血液净化术语 Terms of blood purification
GB/T 13095-2008 整体浴室 Bathroom unit
GB/T 13096-2008 拉挤玻璃纤维增强塑料杆力学性能试验方法 Test method for mechanical properties of pultruded glass fiber reinforced plastic rods
GB/T 13126-2009 机电产品湿热带防护包装通用技术条件 General specification for damp heat protective packaging of mechanical and electrical products
GB/T 13133-2008 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 DTE到DTE直接连接 Information technology - Telecommunication and information exchange between systems - DTE to DTE direct connections
GB/T 13138-2008 自整角机通用技术条件 Synchro,General specification for
GB/T 13139-2008 磁滞同步电动机通用技术条件 General specification for hysteresis synchronous motors
GB/T 13144-2008 包装容器 竹胶合板箱 Packaging containers - Cases with plybamboo
GB/T 13147-2009 铜及铜合金复合钢板焊接技术要求 Specification for welding of copper and copper alloy clad steel plates
GB/T 13148-2008 不锈钢复合钢板焊接技术要求 Specification for welding of stainless steel clad plate
GB/T 13149-2009 钛及钛合金复合钢板焊接技术要求 Specification for welding of titanium and titanium alloy clad steel plates
GB/T 13159-2008 数字微波通信系统进网技术要求 Networking specifications for digital radio systems
GB/T 13165-2010 电弧焊机噪声测定方法 Methods of measurement on noise emitted by arc welding machine
GB/T 13170-2011 反射式电视测试图 Test charts of reflection for television
GB/T 13173-2008 表面活性剂 洗涤剂试验方法 Surface active agents - Detergents - Testing methods
GB/T 13174-2008 衣料用洗涤剂去污力及循环洗涤性能的测定 Determination of detergency and cycle of washing property for laundry detergents
GB/T 13177-2008 核电厂优先电源 Preferred power supply for nuclear power plants
GB/T 13178-2008 金硅面垒型探测器 Partially depleted gold silicon surface barrier detectors
GB/T 13179-2008 硅(锂)X射线探测器系统 Si(Li)X-ray detector system
GB/T 13180-2008 X、γ射线GM计数管 G-M counter tubes for detecting X、γ radiation
GB/T 13187-2012 磁带录放音系统 一般条件与要求 Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - General conditions and requirements
GB/T 13191-2009 信息与文献 图书馆统计 Information and documentation-library statistics
GB/T 13206-2011 甘油 Glycerines
GB/T 13207-2011 菠萝罐头 Canned pineapple
GB/T 13208-2008 芦笋罐头 Canned asparagus
GB/T 13211-2008 糖水洋梨罐头 Canned bartlett pears in syrup
GB/T 13216-2008 甘油试验方法 Test methods for glycerine
GB/T 13219-2010 氧化钪 Scandium oxide
GB/T 13234-2009 企业节能量计算方法 Calculating methods of energy saved for enterprise
GB/T 13236-2011 石油和液体石油产品 储罐液位手工测量设备 Petroleum and liquid petroleum products - Equipment for measurement of liquid levels in storage tanks - Manual method
GB/T 13248-2008 橡胶和胶乳 锰含量的测定 高碘酸钠光度法 Rubber and rubber latices - Determination of manganese content - Sodium periodate photometric methodes
GB/T 13251-2008 包装 钢桶 嵌入式法兰封闭器 Packing - Steel drums - Iinserted flange-type closure
GB/T 13252-2008 包装容器 钢提桶 Packing containers - Steel pails
GB/T 13254-2008 工业用己内酰胺 Caprolactam for industrial use
GB/T 13258-2008 工业五硫化二磷 Technical phosphorus pentasulfide
GB/T 13262-2008 不合格品百分数的计数标准型一次抽样检验程序及抽样表 Single sampling procedures and tables for inspection having desired operating characteristics by attributes for percent nonconforming
GB/T 13264-2008 不合格品百分数的小批计数抽样检验程序及抽样表 Sampling procedures and tables for small lot inspection by attributes for percent nonconforming items
GB/T 13281-2008 铁路客车用铅酸蓄电池 Lead-Acid battery used for passenger trains
GB/T 13283-2008 工业过程测量和控制用检测仪表和显示仪表精确度等级 Accuracy class of measuring instruments and display instruments for industrial process measurement and control
GB/T 13286-2008 核电厂安全级电气设备和电路独立性准则 Criteria for independence of class 1E equipment and circuits in nuclear power plants
GB/T 13291-2008 工业用丁二烯 Butadiene for industrial use-specification
GB/T 13295-2008 水及燃气管道用球墨铸铁管、管件和附件 Ductile iron pipes,fittings and accessories for water or gas applications
GB/T 13305-2008 不锈钢中α-相面积含量金相测定法 Micrographic method for determining area content of the α-phases in stainless steels
GB/T 13306-2011 标牌 Plates
GB/T 13307-2012 预弯成型金属丝编织方孔网 Industrial pre-crimped wire square opening screens
GB/T 13313-2008 轧辊肖氏、里氏硬度试验方法 Methods of shore and leeb hardness testing for rolls
GB/T 13314-2008 锻钢冷轧工作辊 通用技术条件 General specifications of forged steel work rolls for cold rolling
GB/T 13317-2010 铁路旅客运输词汇 Vocabulary for railway passenger transport
GB/T 13323-2009 光学制图 Optical drawings
GB/T 13332-2008 土方机械 液压挖掘机和挖掘装载机 挖掘力的测定方法 Earth-moving machinery - Hydraulic excavators and backhoe loaders - Methods of determining tool forces
GB/T 13334-2008 复印机调试板 A3 Adjusting test chart for copying machine A3
GB/T 13343-2008 矿用三牙轮钻头 Blast hole tricone rock bits
GB/T 13344-2010 潜孔冲击器和潜孔钻头 Downhole drill hammers and bits
GB/T 13346-2012 金属及其它无机覆盖层 钢铁上经过处理的镉电镀层 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Electroplated coatings of cadmium with supplementary treatments on iron or steel
GB/T 13347-2010 石油气体管道阻火器 Flame arresters for petroleum gas pipeline systems
GB/T 13350-2008 绝热用玻璃棉及其制品 Glass wool and their products for thermal insulation
GB/T 13352-2008 带传动 汽车工业用V带及其带轮 尺寸 Belt drives V-belts for the automotive - Industry and corresponding pulleys - Dimensions
GB/T 13355-2008 黍 Broomcorn millet(glutinous)
GB/T 13356-2008 黍米 Milled glutinous broomcorn millet
GB/T 13357-2008 稷 Broomcorn millet(non-glutinous)
GB/T 13358-2008 稷米 Milled non-glutinous broomcorn millet
GB/T 13359-2008 莜麦 Hulless oats
GB/T 13360-2008 莜麦粉 Hulles oats flour
GB/T 13361-2012 技术制图 通用术语 Technical drawings - General terms
GB/T 13364-2008 往复泵机械振动测试方法 Measurement of mechanical vibration for reciprocating pump
GB/T 13366-2009 工业仪表用铯 137γ辐射源 Caesiam-137 gamma radiation source for industrial gauges
GB/T 13368-2008 微型中子源反应堆核燃料棒技术条件 Specification for nuclear fuel rods of miniature neutron source reactor
GB/T 13375-2008 天然六氟化铀技术条件 Natural uranium hexafluoride specification
GB/T 13376-2008 塑料闪烁体 Plastic scintillators
GB/T 13377-2010 原油和液体或固体石油产品 密度或相对密度的测定 毛细管塞比重瓶和带刻度双毛细管比重瓶法 Crude petroleum and liquid or solid petroleum products - Determination of density or relative density - Capillary stoppered pyknometer and graduated bicapillary pyknometer methods
GB/T 13379-2008 视觉工效学原则 室内工作场所照明 Principles of visual ergonomics-the lighting of indoor work places
GB/T 13382-2008 食用大豆粕 Edible soybean meal
GB/T 13383-2008 食用花生饼、粕 Edible peanut cake and meal
GB/T 13384-2008 机电产品包装通用技术条件 General specifications for packing of mechanical and electrical product
GB/T 13386-2009 海洋营运船舶明火作业安全技术要求 Technical requirements for hot working of sea going transport ships
GB/T 13387-2009 硅及其它电子材料晶片参考面长度测量方法 Test method for measuring flat length wafers of silicon and other electronic materials
GB/T 13388-2009 硅片参考面结晶学取向X射线测试方法 Method for measuring crystallographic orientation of flats on single-crystal silicon slices and wafers by X-ray techniques
GB/T 13390-2008 金属粉末比表面积的测定 氮吸附法 Metallic powder-Determination of the specific surface area - Method of nitrogen adsorption
GB/T 13391-2009 餐饮企业的等级划分和评定 Division and evaluation for catering enterperises grade
GB/T 13393-2008 验收抽样检验导则 Guide to acceptance sampling inspection
GB/T 13395-2008 电力设备带电水冲洗导则 Regulation of hot washing for electric power apparatus
GB/T 13396-2009 中国标准录音制品编码 China standard recording code
GB/T 13397-2008 合金内氧化法银金属氧化物电触头技术条件 Technical specification for silver-metaloxide electrical contacts by alloy internal oxidation method
GB/T 13399-2012 汽轮机安全监视装置 技术条件 Specification for safety monitoring devices of steam turbine
GB/T 13402-2010 大直径钢制管法兰 Large diameter steel pipe flanges
GB/T 13403-2008 大直径钢制管法兰用垫片 Gaskets for large-diameter steel pipe flanges
GB/T 13404-2008 管法兰用非金属聚四氟乙烯包覆垫片 Non-metallic PTFE envelope gaskets for pipe flanges
GB/T 13417-2009 期刊目次表 Contents list of periodicals
GB/T 13422-2013 半导体变流器 电气试验方法 Semiconductor converters - Electrical test methods
GB/T 13434-2008 放电灯(荧光灯除外)特性测量方法 Methods of measuring characteristics for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps)
GB/T 13436-2008 扭转振动测量仪器技术要求 Technical requirements for torsional vibration measuring instrument
GB/T 13437-2009 扭转振动减振器特性描述 Description of torsional vibration absorber characteristics
GB/T 13459-2008 劳动防护服 防寒保暖要求 The requirements on insulation of labour protective clothing in cold condition
GB/T 13460-2008 再生橡胶 Reclaimed rubbers
GB/T 13461-2008 组件式小腿假肢 Modular below knee prosthesis
GB/T 13462-2008 电力变压器经济运行 Economical operation for power transformers
GB/T 13464-2008 物质热稳定性的热分析试验方法 Thermal analysis test methods for thermal stability of materials
GB/T 13469-2008 离心泵、混流泵、轴流泵与旋涡泵系统经济运行 Economical operation for centrifugal, mixed flow, axial flow and vortex pump systems
GB/T 13470-2008 通风机系统经济运行 Economical operation for the fan system
GB/T 13471-2008 节电技术经济效益计算与评价方法 Methods for calculating and evaluating the economic value of electricity saving measures
GB/T 13473-2008 钢锤通用技术条件 Steel hammers - General technical requirements
GB/T 13475-2008 绝热 稳态传热性质的测定 标定和防护热箱法 Thermal insulation - Determination of steady-state thermal transmission Properties - Calibrated and guard hot box
GB/T 13484-2011 接触食物搪瓷制品 Enamelled ware in contact with food
GB/T 13489-2008 橡胶涂覆织物燃烧性能测定 Rubber coated fabrics - Determination of the burning behaviour
GB/T 13501-2008 封闭式制冷压缩机用电动机绝缘相容性试验方法 Test methods for insulation compatibility of electric motors for hermetic refrigeration compressors
GB/T 13504-2008 汉语清晰度诊断押韵测试(DRT)法 Diagnostic rhyme test(DRT) method of Chinese articulation
GB/T 13506-2008 漂白亚硫酸盐木浆 Bleached sulfite pulp
GB/T 13508-2011 聚乙烯吹塑容器 Polyethylene blown containers
GB/T 13515-2008 火腿罐头 Canned ham
GB/T 13517-2008 青豌豆罐头 Canned green peas
GB/T 13522-2008 骨质瓷器 Bone china
GB/T 13529-2011 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠 Sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate
GB/T 13530-2008 乙氧基化烷基硫酸钠试验方法 Test methods for sodium ethoxylated alkyl sulfate
GB/T 13534-2009 颜色标志的代码 Code for designation of colours
GB/T 13537-2009 电子类家用电器用电动机通用技术条件 General specification for miniature motors electronic household appliances
GB/T 13539.4-2009 低压熔断器 第4部分:半导体设备保护用熔断体的补充要求 Low-voltage fuses - Part 4: Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of semiconductor devices
GB/T 13540-2009 高压开关设备和控制设备的抗震要求 Seismic qualification for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 13549-2008 工业氯磺酸 Chlorsulphonic acid for industrial use
GB/T 13554-2008 高效空气过滤器 High efficiency particulate air filter
GB/T 13558-2008 氧化镝 Dysprosium oxide
GB/T 13560-2009 烧结钕铁硼永磁材料 Materials for sintered neodymium iron boron permanent magnets
GB/T 13568-2008 木工机床 细木工带锯机 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Table bandsawing machines - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 13569-2008 木工机床 平刨床 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Surface planing machines with cutterblock for one-side dressing - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 13570-2008 木工机床 单轴铣床 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Single spindle moulding machines - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 13571-2008 木工机床 单轴钻床 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Single spindle boring machines - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 13572-2008 木工机床 二、三、四面刨床 术语和精度 Wookworking machines - Planing machines for two-,three,or four-side dressing - Nomenclature and accetpance conditions
GB/T 13578-2010 橡胶塑料压延机 Rubber and plastics calender
GB/T 13579-2008 轮胎定型硫化机 Tyre shaping and curing press
GB/T 13584-2011 红外探测器参数测试方法 Measuring methods for paramaters of infrared detectors
GB/T 13602-2010 船舶驾驶室集中控制台(屏) Marine bridge control console (panel)
GB/T 13603-2012 船舶蓄电池装置 Marine battery installation
GB/T 13608-2009 合理润滑技术通则 General principle for rational lubrication technology
GB/T 13609-2012 天然气取样导则 Natural gas sampling guidelines
GB/T 13619-2009 数字微波接力通信系统干扰计算方法 Interference calculation methods for digital radio-relay systems
GB/T 13620-2009 卫星通信地球站与地面微波站之间协调区的确定和干扰计算方法 Determination of coordination area and predication methods of interference between satellite communication earth station and terrestrial microwave station
GB/T 13622-2012 无线电管理术语 Terminology for radio regulation
GB/T 13624-2008 核电厂安全参数显示系统的功能设计准则 Functional design criteria for safety parameter display system for nuclear power plants
GB/T 13626-2008 单一故障准则应用于核电厂安全系统 Application of the single failure criterion to safety systems in nuclear power plant
GB/T 13627-2010 核电厂事故监测仪表准则 Criteria for accident monitoring instrumentation for nuclear power generating stations
GB/T 13629-2008 核电厂安全系统中数字计算机的适用准则 Applicable criteria for digital computers in safety systems of nuclear power plants
GB/T 13634-2008 单轴试验机检验用标准测力仪的校准 Calibration of force-proving instruments used for the verification of uniaxlial testing machines
GB/T 13638-2008 工业锅炉水位控制报警装置 Water level control and alarm devices for industrial boilers
GB/T 13639-2008 工业过程测量和控制系统用模拟输入数字式指示仪 Digital indicators with analogue input for use in industrial-process measurement and control systems
GB/T 13640-2008 劳动防护服号型 Size designation of protective clothing
GB/T 13646-2013 橡胶 结合苯乙烯含量的测定 分光光度法 Rubber - Determination of bound styrene content - Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 13657-2011 双酚A型环氧树脂 Bisphenol-A epoxy resin
GB/T 13659-2008 001×7 强酸性苯乙烯系阳离子交换树脂 001×7 Strong acid polystyrene cation exchange resin
GB/T 13660-2008 201×7 强碱性苯乙烯系阴离子交换树脂 201×7 Strong base polystyrene anion exchange resin
GB/T 13662-2008 黄酒 Chinese rice wine
GB/T 13670-2010 机械振动 铁道车辆内乘客及乘务员暴露于全身振动的测量与分析 Mechanical vibration - Measurement and analysis of whole-body vibration to which passengers and crew are exposed in railway vehicles
GB/T 13673-2010 航空派生型燃气轮机辅助设备通用技术要求 General requirements for aero-derivative gas turbines auxiliary equipment
GB/T 13694-2008 α、β和γ平面标准源通用技术条件 General Specifications for α,βand γ Planar standard sources
GB/T 13724-2008 821总线 1至4字节数据微处理机系统总线 821 BUS - Microprocessor system bus for 1 to 4 byte data
GB/T 13732-2009 粒度均匀散料抽样检验通则 General rules for sampling inspection of bulk materials with uniform size
GB/T 13734-2008 耳穴名称与定位 Nomenclature and location of auricular points
GB/T 13739-2011 激光光束宽度、发散角的测试方法以及横模的鉴别方法 Test methods for laser beam widths,divergence angle and transverse mode
GB/T 13742-2009 光学传递函数测量准确度 Accuracy of optical transfer function(OTF)measurement
GB/T 13745-2009 学科分类与代码 Classification and code of disciplines
GB/T 13751-2008 挖掘装载机 试验方法 Backhoe loader - Test methods
GB/T 13754-2008 采暖散热器散热量测定方法 Test methods of thermal output of heating radiators
GB/T 13758-2008 粘胶长丝 Viscose filament yarn
GB/T 13759-2009 土工合成材料 术语和定义 Geosynthetics - Terms and definitions
GB/T 13760-2009 土工合成材料 取样和试样准备 Geosynthetics - Sampling and preparation of test specimens
GB/T 13762-2009 土工合成材料 土工布及土工布有关产品单位面积质量的测定方法 Geosynthetics - Test method for the determination of mass per unit area of geotextiles and geotextile-related products
GB/T 13763-2010 土工合成材料 梯形法撕破强力的测定 Geosynthetics - Determination of trapezoid tearing force
GB/T 13769-2009 纺织品 评定织物经洗涤后外观平整度的试验方法 Textiles - Test method for assessing the smoothness appearance of fabrics after cleansing
GB/T 13770-2009 纺织品 评定织物经洗涤后褶裥外观的试验方法 Textiles - Test method for assessing the appearance of creases in fabrics after cleansing
GB/T 13771-2009 纺织品 评定织物经洗涤后接缝外观平整度的试验方法 Textiles - Test method for assessing the smoothness appearance of seams in fabrics after cleansing
GB/T 13779-2008 棉纤维 长度试验方法 梳片法 Cotton fibres - Test method for length - Comb sorter method
GB/T 13784-2008 棉花颜色试验方法 测色仪法 Test method for colour of cotton - Colourimeter method
GB/T 13789-2008 用单片测试仪测量电工钢片(带)磁性能的方法 Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of magnetic sheet and strip by means of a single sheet tester
GB/T 13790-2008 搪瓷用冷轧低碳钢板及钢带 Cold rolled low carbon steel sheets and strips for vitreous enamelling
GB/T 13793-2008 直缝电焊钢管 Steel pipes with a longitudinal electric (resistance) weld
GB/T 13794-2008 标准测温锥 Pyrometric reference cones
GB/T 13797-2009 医用X射线管通用技术条件 General specifications for medical X-ray tube
GB/T 13800-2009 手动轮椅车 Manual wheelchairs
GB/T 13813-2008 煤矿用金属材料摩擦火花安全性试验方法和判定规则 Testing method and judging rule of safety to friction spark of metallic material for coal mine
GB/T 13814-2008 镍及镍合金焊条 Nickel and nickel alloy covered welding electrodes
GB/T 13815-2008 铝基钎料 Aluminium base brazing filler metals
GB/T 13818-2009 压铸锌合金 Die casting zinc alloys
GB/T 13821-2009 锌合金压铸件 Zinc alloy die castings
GB/T 13825-2008 金属覆盖层 黑色金属材料热镀锌层 单位面积质量称量法 Metallic coatings - Hot dip galvanized coatings on ferrous materials - Gravimetric determination of the mass per unit area
GB/T 13826-2008 湿式(非金属类)摩擦材料 Wet type (non-metallic)friction materials
GB/T 13828-2009 多股圆柱螺旋弹簧 Stranded wire cylindrical helical springs
GB/T 13832-2009 安哥拉兔(长毛兔)兔毛 Angora rabbit hair
GB/T 13834-2008 纤维用亚麻雨露干茎 Dried-stem of dew retting flax for fibre type
GB/T 13852-2009 船用液压控制阀技术条件 General specification of hydraulic control valves for ship
GB/T 13853-2009 船用液压泵液压马达技术条件 General specification for hydraulic pumps and motors of ship
GB/T 13854-2008 射流管电液伺服阀 Jet-pipe electro-hydraulic servo valve
GB/T 13861-2009 生产过程危险和有害因素分类与代码 Classification and code for the hazardous and harmful factors in process
GB/T 13863-2011 激光辐射功率和功率不稳定度测试方法 Test methods for laser radiation power and its instability
GB/T 13868-2009 感官分析 建立感官分析实验室的一般导则 Sensory analysis - General guidance for the design of test rooms
GB/T 13869-2008 用电安全导则 General guide for safety of electric user
GB/T 13873-2009 道路车辆 货运挂车试验方法 Road vechiles - Trailer test procedure
GB/T 13882-2010 饲料中碘的测定 硫氰酸铁-亚硝酸催化动力学法 Determination of iodine in feeds - Ferric thiocyanate-nitric acid catalytic kinetic method
GB/T 13883-2008 饲料中硒的测定 Determination of selenium in feeds
GB/T 13888-2009 在开磁路中测量磁性材料矫顽力的方法 Method of measurement of the coercivity of magnetic materials in an open magnetic circuit
GB/T 13890-2008 天然石材术语 Terms for natural stone
GB/T 13891-2008 建筑饰面材料镜向光泽度测定方法 Test methods of specular gloss for decorative building materials
GB/T 13892-2012 表面活性剂 碘值的测定 Surface active agents - Determination of iodine value
GB/T 13893-2008 色漆和清漆 耐湿性的测定 连续冷凝法 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistnace to humidity - Continuous condensation
GB/T 13910-2008 石英砂(粉)厂、滑石粉厂防尘技术规程 The technical rules for dust control of quartz sand (powder) plant and talc powder plant
GB/T 13911-2008 金属镀覆和化学处理标识方法 Designation for metallic coating and chemical treatment
GB/T 13913-2008 金属覆盖层 化学镀镍-磷合金镀层 规范和试验方法 Metallic coatings - Autocatalytic (Electroless) nickel-phosphorus alloy coatings - Specification and test methods
GB/T 13914-2013 冲压件尺寸公差 Tolerance of dimensions for stamping parts
GB/T 13915-2013 冲压件角度公差 Tolerance of angles for stamping parts
GB/T 13916-2013 冲压件形状和位置未注公差 Unnoted tolerance of shape and position for stamping parts
GB/T 13922-2011 水处理设备性能试验 Performance test for water treatment equipment
GB/T 13924-2008 渐开线圆柱齿轮精度 检验细则 Inspection code for accuracy of involute cylindrical gears
GB/T 13925-2010 铸造高锰钢金相 Metallographs for high manganese cast steel
GB/T 13927-2008 工业阀门 压力试验 Industrial valves - Pressure testing
GB/T 13929-2010 水环真空泵和水环压缩机 试验方法 Methods of testing for water-ring vacuum pumps and compressors
GB/T 13930-2010 水环真空泵和水环压缩机 气量测定方法 Methods for the measurement of volume flow of gas of water-ring vacuum pumps and compressors
GB/T 13933-2008 小型贯流式通风机 Miniature cross-flow fan
GB/T 13957-2008 大型三相异步电动机基本系列技术条件 Technical requirement for the fundamental series of three-phase large asynchronous motor
GB/T 13958-2008 无直流励磁绕组同步电动机试验方法 Test procedures for non-direct current excitation winding synchronous motor
GB/T 13962-2009 光学仪器术语 Optical instruments-vocabulary
GB/T 13963-2008 复印机术语 Copying machines vocabulary
GB/T 13963-2012 静电复印(包括多功能)设备 术语 Electrostatic copying (including multifunction) devices terminology
GB/T 13964-2008 照相机械术语 Photographic machinery - Vocabulary
GB/T 13965-2010 仪表元器件 术语 Instrument components - Vocabulary
GB/T 13967-2008 全宗单 Archives fond list format
GB/T 13969-2008 浮筒式液位仪表 Displacement type level instruments
GB/T 13970-2008 数字仪表基本参数术语 Basic parameter terms of digital instruments
GB/T 13972-2010 海洋水文仪器通用技术条件 General technical specifications for oceanographic hydrological instruments
GB/T 13973-2012 半导体管特性图示仪通用规范 General specification test methods for semiconductor device curve tracers
GB/T 13976-2008 压水堆核电厂运行状态下的放射性源项 Radioactive source term of PWR nuclear power plant for operational states
GB/T 13977-2012 1:5 000 1:10 000 地形图航空摄影测量外业规范 Specifications for aerophotogrammetric field work of 1:5 000 1:10 000 topographic maps
GB/T 13978-2008 数字多用表 Digital multimeters
GB/T 13979-2008 质谱检漏仪 Mass spectrometer leak detector
GB/T 13980-2008 电离辐射密度计 Density gauges utilizing ionizing radiation
GB/T 13981-2009 小型风力机设计通用要求 Design general requirements for small wind turbine
GB/T 13985-2008 照相机操作力和强度 Operating force and strength of camera
GB/T 13989-2012 国家基本比例尺地形图分幅和编号 Subdivision and numbering for the national primary scale topographic maps
GB/T 13990-2012 1:5 000 1:10 000 地形图航空摄影测量内业规范 Specifications for aerophotogrammetric office operation of 1:5 000 1:10 000 topographic maps
GB/T 13992-2010 金属粘贴式电阻应变计 Metallic bonded resistance strain gauges
GB/T 14001-2012 标准清晰度电视磁带录像用时间和控制码 Time and control code for SDTV video tape recording
GB/T 14002-2008 劳动定员定额术语 Terminology of work and personnel quota
GB/T 14014-2008 合成纤维筛网 Synthetic fiber bolting cloths
GB/T 14017-2009 木材横纹抗拉强度试验方法 Method of testing in tensile strength perpendicular to grain of wood
GB/T 14018-2009 木材握钉力试验方法 Method of testing nail holding power of wood
GB/T 14019-2009 木材防腐术语 Technical terms used in wood preservation
GB/T 14021-2009 马来松香 Maleated rosin
GB/T 14033-2008 桑蚕捻线丝 Thrown silk
GB/T 14038-2008 气动连接 气口和螺柱端 Pneumatic fluid power - Connections - Ports and stud ends
GB/T 14046-2009 铁路信号灯泡 Lamps for rail way signal
GB/T 14049-2008 额定电压10kV架空绝缘电缆 Aerial insulated cables for rated voltage of 10kV
GB/T 14058-2008 γ射线探伤机 Apparatus for gamma radiography
GB/T 14075-2008 光纤色散测试仪技术条件 Specifications for optical fibre chromatic dispersion measuring set
GB/T 14078-2010 氦氖激光器技术条件 He-Ne laser specification
GB/T 14080-2010 硬磁盘驱动器头堆组件通用规范 General specification of head stack assembly for hard disk drive
GB/T 14081-2010 信息处理用键盘通用规范 General specification of keyboard for information processing
GB/T 14087-2010 船用空气瓶安全阀 Safety valves for marine air vessel
GB/T 14090-2008 海上油气开发工程术语 Terminology for offshore oil and gas development engineering
GB/T 14091-2009 机械产品环境参数分类及其严酷程度分级 Classification of environmental parameters and their severities for machinery-products
GB/T 14096-2008 喷油泵试验台 试验方法 Testing method for fuel injection pump test-stand
GB/T 14100-2009 燃气轮机 验收试验 Gas turbines - Acceptance tests
GB/T 14108-2011 船用A级磁罗经 Marine magnetic compass of class A
GB/T 14123-2012 机械冲击 试验机 性能特性 Mechanical shock - Testing machines - Characteristics and performance
GB/T 14124-2009 机械振动与冲击 建筑物的振动 振动测量及其对建筑物影响的评价指南 Mechanical vibration and shock - Vibration of buildings - Guidelines for the measurement of vibrations and evaluation of their effects on buildings
GB/T 14125-2008 机械振动与冲击 振动与冲击对建筑物内敏感设备影响的测量和评价 Mechanical vibration and shock - Measurement and evaluation of shock and vibration effects on sensitive equipment in buildings
GB/T 14139-2009 硅外延片 Silicon epitaxial wafers
GB/T 14140-2009 硅片直径测量方法 Test method for measuring diameter of semiconductor wafer
GB/T 14141-2009 硅外延层、扩散层和离子注入层薄层电阻的测定 直排四探针法 Test method for sheet resistance of silicon epitaxial, diffused and ion-implanted layers using a collinear four-probe array
GB/T 14144-2009 硅晶体中间隙氧含量径向变化测量方法 Testing method for determination of radial interstitial oxygen variation in silicon
GB/T 14146-2009 硅外延层载流子浓度测定 汞探针电容-电压法 Silicon epitaxial layers-determination of carrier concentration-mercury probe voltages-capacitance method
GB/T 14148-2011 光学玻璃眼镜片毛坯 Glass blank of ophthalmic lenses
GB/T 14155-2008 整樘门 软重物体撞击试验 Doorsets - Soft heavy body impact test
GB/T 14156-2009 食品用香料分类与编码 Classification and code of flavoring substances
GB/T 14163-2009 工时消耗分类、代号和标准工时构成 Classification of working-hours consumption symbols and composition of standard working-hours
GB/T 14164-2013 石油天然气输送管用热轧宽钢带 Hot rolled wide strips for line pipe of petroleum and natural gas
GB/T 14165-2008 金属和合金 大气腐蚀试验 现场试验的一般要求 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Atmospheric corrosion testing - General requirements for field tests
GB/T 14172-2009 汽车静侧翻稳定性台架试验方法 Static roll stability test method for motor vehicles
GB/T 14173-2008 水利水电工程钢闸门制造、安装及验收规范 Specification for manufacture, installation and acceptance of steel gate in hydraulic and hydroelectric engineering
GB/T 14174-2012 大口径液氮容器 Large caliber liquid nitrogen container
GB/T 14176-2012 林业机械 以汽油机为动力的便携式割灌机和割草机 Forestry machinery - Gasoline powered portable brush cutters and grass trimmers
GB/T 14181-2010 测定烟煤粘结指数专用无烟煤技术条件 Specifications of anthracite for determination of caking index of bituminous coal
GB/T 14187-2008 包装容器 纸桶 Packing containers - Fibre drum
GB/T 14188-2008 气相防锈包装材料选用通则 General rules for selection and using of packaging materials with volatile corrosion inhibitor
GB/T 14189-2008 纤维级聚酯切片(PET) Fiber grade polyester chip
GB/T 14190-2008 纤维级聚酯切片(PET)试验方法 Test methods of fiber grade polyester chip
GB/T 14197-2012 音频、视频和视听系统互连的优选配接值 Preferred matching values for the interconnections of audio, video and audiovisual systems
GB/T 14198-2012 传声器通用规范 General specification for microphones
GB/T 14199-2010 电声学 助听器通用规范 Electroacoustics - General specification for hearing aid
GB/T 14207-2008 夹层结构或芯子吸水性试验方法 Test method for water absorption of sandwich constructions or cores
GB/T 14211-2010 机械密封试验方法 Test method of mechanical seal
GB/T 14212-2010 摩托车链条 技术条件和试验方法 Motorcycle chains - Characteristics and test methods
GB/T 14213-2008 初始图形交换规范 The initial graphics exchange specification(IGES)
GB/T 14215-2008 番茄酱罐头 Canned tomato paste
GB/T 14216-2008 塑料 膜和片润湿张力的测定 Plastics - Film and sheeting - Determination of wetting tension
GB/T 14225-2008 铧式犁 Mouldboard plough
GB/T 14248-2008 收获机械 制动性能测定方法 Determination of braking performance for harvesting machinery
GB/T 14250-2008 衡器术语 Terminology of weighing instruments
GB/T 14252-2008 机织地毯 Woven carpets
GB/T 14253-2008 轻工机械通用技术条件 General specification for light industry machinery
GB/T 14257-2009 商品条码 条码符号放置指南 Bar code for commodity - Bar code symbol placement guidelines
GB/T 14260-2010 散装重有色金属浮选精矿取样、制样通则 General rules for sampling and sample preparation of heavy nonferrous metals flotation concentrates in bulk
GB/T 14261-2010 散装浮选锌精矿取样、制样方法 Methods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation zinc concentrates in bulk
GB/T 14262-2010 散装浮选铅精矿取样、制样方法 Methods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation lead concentrates in bulk
GB/T 14263-2010 散装浮选铜精矿取样、制样方法 Methods for sampling and sample preparation of flotation copper concentrates in bulk
GB/T 14264-2009 半导体材料术语 Semiconductor materials-terms and definitions
GB/T 14267-2009 光电测距仪 Electro-optical distance meters(EDM Instruments)
GB/T 14268-2008 国家基本比例尺地形图更新规范 Revision specifications for the national fundamental scale topographic maps
GB/T 14269-2008 羊毛试验取样方法 Sampling methods for wool testing
GB/T 14270-2008 毛绒纤维类型含量试验方法 Test method for fiber type content of hair fibers
GB/T 14271-2008 毛绒净毛率试验方法 油压法 Test method for the determination of scoured yield raw wool - Oil pressure method
GB/T 14272-2011 羽绒服装 Down garments
GB/T 14283-2008 点焊机器人 通用技术条件 General specifications of spot-welding robots
GB/T 14286-2008 带电作业工具设备术语 Live working-Terminology for tools, equipment and devices
GB/T 14290-2008 圆草捆打捆机 Round baler
GB/T 14294-2008 组合式空调机组 Central-station air handling units
GB/T 14295-2008 空气过滤器 Air filters
GB/T 14296-2008 空气冷却器与空气加热器 Air cooling and air heating coils
GB/T 14298-2008 可转位螺旋立铣刀 Helical end mills with indexable inserts
GB/T 14301-2008 整体硬质合金锯片铣刀 Solid carbide slitting cutters
GB/T 14303-2008 木工机床 单锯片圆锯机 术语和精度 Wookworking machines - Single blade circular saw benches with or without travelling table - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 14304-2008 毛呢套装规格 Sizes for wollen suits
GB/T 14308-2010 旅游饭店星级的划分与评定 Classification & Accreditation for Star-rated tourist hotels
GB/T 14310-2008 棉本色灯芯绒 Cotton grey corduroy
GB/T 14311-2008 棉印染灯芯绒 Printed and dyed cotton corduroy
GB/T 14315-2008 电力电缆导体用压接型铜、铝接线端子和连接管 Compression type terminal lugs and ferrules with copper or aluminum for power cables conductors
GB/T 14316-2008 间距1.27mm绝缘刺破型端接式聚氯乙烯绝缘带状电缆 PVC insulated ribbon cable with a pitch of 1,27 mm suitable for insulation displacement termination
GB/T 14318-2008 辐射防护仪器 中子周围剂量当量(率)仪 Radiation protection instrumentation - Neutron ambient dose equivalent(rate) meters
GB/T 14319-2008 固结磨具 陶瓷结合剂强力珩磨磨石与超精磨磨石 Bonded abrasive products - Vitrified stones for force-honing and superfinishing
GB/T 14321-2008 刚玉磨料中α-Al2O3相X射线定量测定方法 Testing method for quantities of α-Al2O3 phase in alumina with an X-ray diffractometer
GB/T 14326-2009 苯中二硫化碳含量的测定方法 Determination of carbon disulfide content in benzene
GB/T 14327-2009 苯中噻吩含量的测定方法 Determination of thiophene content in benzene
GB/T 14328-2008 粗加工立铣刀 Roughing end mill
GB/T 14329-2008 键槽拉刀 Keyway broaches
GB/T 14330-2008 硬质合金机夹三面刃铣刀 Machanically clamped carbide side milling cutters
GB/T 14333-2008 盘形轴向剃齿刀 Rotary axial shaving cutters
GB/T 14335-2008 化学纤维 短纤维线密度试验方法 Testing method for linear density of man-made staple fibres
GB/T 14336-2008 化学纤维 短纤维长度试验方法 Testing method for length of man-made staple fibres
GB/T 14337-2008 化学纤维 短纤维拉伸性能试验方法 Testing method for tensile properties of man-made staple fibres
GB/T 14338-2008 化学纤维 短纤维卷曲性能试验方法 Testing method for crimping performance of man-made staple fibres
GB/T 14339-2008 化学纤维 短纤维疵点试验方法 Testing method for defect of man-made staple fibres
GB/T 14343-2008 化学纤维 长丝线密度试验方法 Testing method for linear density of man-made filament yarns
GB/T 14344-2008 化学纤维 长丝拉伸性能试验方法 Testing method for tensile of man-made filament yarns
GB/T 14345-2008 化学纤维 长丝捻度试验方法 Testing method for twist of man-made filament
GB/T 14347-2009 开式压力机 型式与基本参数 Open front mechanical power presses - Types and basic parameters
GB/T 14349-2011 板料折弯机 精度 Press brake - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 14354-2008 玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚酯树脂食品容器 Food containers of glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester resin
GB/T 14355-2009 开敞式救生艇技术条件 Specification for open lifeboat
GB/T 14363-2009 柴油机机油消耗测定方法 Measure method of lubricating oil consumption for diesel engines
GB/T 14364-2008 船舶轴系滑动式中间轴承 Sliding intermediate shaft bearing of marine shafting
GB/T 14369-2011 声学 水声材料样品插入损失、回声降低和吸声系数的测量方法 Acoustics - Measurement methods of insertion loss,echo reduction and sound absorption coefficient for underwater acoustical material samples
GB/T 14382-2008 管道用三通过滤器 Tee strainers for fluids for pipes
GB/T 14383-2008 锻制承插焊和螺纹管件 Forged fittings, socket-welding and threaded
GB/T 14384-2010 木工机床 通用技术条件 Woodworking machines - General specifications
GB/T 14385-2008 木工机床 单面压刨床 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Thickness planing machines with rotary cutterblock for one-side dressing - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 14386-2008 木工机床 平压两用刨床 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Surface planing and thicknessing machines - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 14388-2010 木工硬质合金圆锯片 Tungsten carbide tipped circular saw blade for woodworking
GB/T 14390-2008 精细陶瓷高温弯曲强度试验方法 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Test method for flexural strength of monolithic ceramics at elevated temperature
GB/T 14392-2009 国际贸易单证样式 Layout key for international trade documents
GB/T 14393-2008 贸易单证中代码的位置 Location of codes in trade documents
GB/T 14394-2008 计算机软件可靠性和可维护性管理 Computer software reliability and maintainability management
GB/T 14395-2009 城市地理要素编码规则 城市道路、道路交叉口、街坊、市政工程管线 Coding rules for urban geographical features - City roads, road intersections, blocks and municipal pipe lines
GB/T 14397-2008 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 DTE/DCE接口处起止式传输的信号质量 Information technology - Telecommunication and information exchange between systems - Start-stop transmission signal quality at DTE/DCE interfaces
GB/T 14399-2008 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 高级数据链路控制规程 与X.25 LAPB兼容的DTE数据链路规程的描述 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - High-level data link control procedures - Description of the X.25 LAPB-compatible DTE data link procedures
GB/T 14404-2011 剪板机 精度 Plate shear - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 14405-2011 通用桥式起重机 Bridge crane for general purpose
GB/T 14406-2011 通用门式起重机 Gantry crane for general purpose
GB/T 14410.9-2009 飞行力学 概念、量和符号 第9部分:大气扰动模型 Flight dynamics - Concepts, quantities and symbols - Part 9: Models of atmospheric motions
GB/T 14411-2008 轻型燃气轮机控制和保护系统 Control and protective system for aero-derivative gas turbine
GB/T 14413-2008 船用舷窗 Marine side scuttles
GB/T 14416-2010 锅炉蒸汽的采样方法 Methods for sampling boiler steam
GB/T 14422-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 苯骈三氮唑的测定 Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of benzotriazole
GB/T 14424-2008 工业循环冷却水中余氯的测定 Industrial circulating cooling water-Determination of residual chlorine
GB/T 14427-2008 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 铁的测定 Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system - Determination of iron
GB/T 14441-2008 涂装作业安全规程 术语 Safety code for painting - Terminology
GB/T 14442-2008 毛皮生产安全卫生规程 Safety and health regulation for fur manufacture
GB/T 14449-2008 气雾剂产品测试方法 Test method for aerosol products
GB/T 14451-2008 操纵用钢丝绳 Steel wire rope for control
GB/T 14460-2008 涤纶低弹丝 Polyester drawn textured yarn
GB/T 14463-2008 粘胶短纤维 Viscose staple fiber
GB/T 14464-2008 涤纶短纤维 Polyester staple fibre
GB/T 14477-2008 海图印刷规范 Printing specifications for charts
GB/T 14478-2012 大中型水轮机进水阀门基本技术条件 Fundamental technical requirements for large and medium inlet valves of hydraulic turbine
GB/T 14481-2008 单相同步电机试验方法 Test procedure for single-phase synchronous machines
GB/T 14484-2008 塑料 承载强度的测定 Plastics - Determination of bearing strength
GB/T 14486-2008 塑料模塑件尺寸公差 Dimensional tolerances for moulded plastic parts
GB/T 14487-2008 茶叶感官审评术语 The terms of tea sensory tests
GB/T 14490-2008 粮油检验 谷物及淀粉糊化特性测定 粘度仪法 Inspection of grain and oil - Determination gelatinization properties in cereal and starch by viscograph
GB/T 14492-2008 一次性使用电石包装钢桶 Unreusable steel drum of calcium carbide for packing
GB/T 14495-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 木制件表面粗糙度比较样块 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Surface texture: Profile method - Roughness comparison specimens for wooden pieces
GB/T 14503-2008 放射性同位素产品的分类和命名原则 General principle of nomenclature and classification of radioisotope products
GB/T 14505-2010 岩石和矿石化学分析方法 总则及一般规定 Method for chemical analysis of rocks and ores - General rules and regulations
GB/T 14511-2008 地图印刷规范 Specifications for printing of maps
GB/T 14522-2008 机械工业产品用塑料、涂料、橡胶材料人工气候老化试验方法 荧光紫外灯 Artificial weathering test method for plastics,coating and rubber materials used for machinery industrial products - Fluorescent UV lamps
GB/T 14525-2010 波纹金属软管通用技术条件 General specification for corrugated metal hose assemblies
GB/T 14531-2008 办公家具 阅览桌、椅、凳 Office furniture - Tables、chairs and stools for reading
GB/T 14532-2008 办公家具 木制柜、架 Office furniture - Wooden cabinets and shelves
GB/T 14545-2008 带电作业用小水量冲洗工具(长水柱短水枪型) Washing tools with limited water for live working (Short water gun with long water column)
GB/T 14546-2008 核电厂直流电力系统设计推荐实施方法 Recommended practice for the design of DC auxiliary power system for nuclear power stations
GB/T 14560-2011 履带起重机 Crawler cranes
GB/T 14563-2008 高岭土及其试验方法 Specification and test method of Kaolin clay
GB/T 14575-2009 纺织品 色牢度试验 综合色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Comprehensive colour fastness
GB/T 14576-2009 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐光、汗复合色牢度 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to light of textiles wetted with artificial perspiration
GB/T 14588-2009 反应堆退役环境管理技术规定 Technical regulations for environmental management of reactor decommissioning
GB/T 14593-2008 山羊绒、绵羊毛及其混合纤维定量分析方法 扫描电镜法 Quantitative analysis method of cashmere, wool and their blends - Scanning electron microscope method
GB/T 14597-2010 电工产品不同海拔的气候环境条件 Environmental climatic conditions appearing in different altitudes for electrical products
GB/T 14599-2008 纯氧、高纯氧和超纯氧 Pure oxygen and high purity oxygen and ultra pure oxygen
GB/T 14600-2009 电子工业用气体 氧化亚氮 Gas for electronic industry - Nitrous oxide
GB/T 14601-2009 电子工业用气体 氨 Gas for electronic industry - Ammonia
GB/T 14603-2009 电子工业用气体 三氟化硼 Gases for electronic industry - Boron trifluoride
GB/T 14604-2009 电子工业用气体 氧 Gas for electronic industry - Oxygen
GB/T 14609-2008 粮油检验 谷物及其制品中铜、铁、锰、锌、钙、镁的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of copper, iron, manganese, zinc, calcium, magnesium in cereals and derived products by atomic absorption and flame spectrophotometry
GB/T 14610-2008 粮油检验 谷物及制品中钙的测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of calcium in cereals and cereal products
GB/T 14611-2008 粮油检验 小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验 直接发酵法 Inspection of grain and oils - Bread-baking test of wheat flour - Straight dough method
GB/T 14612-2008 粮油检验 小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验 中种发酵法 Inspection of grain and oils - Bread baking test of wheat flour - Sponge-dough method
GB/T 14613-2008 粮油检验 全麦粉发酵时间试验(Pelshenke试验) Inspection of grain and oilseeds - Wheat-meal fermentation time test(Pelshenke test)
GB/T 14616-2008 机舱舱底涂料通用技术条件 General specification for engine-room bottom coating
GB/T 14618-2012 视距微波接力通信系统与空间无线电通信系统共用频率的技术要求 Frequency sharing criteria between line-of-sight radio-relay communications systems and space radio communications systems
GB/T 14627-2011 液压式启闭机 Hydraulic hoister
GB/T 14633-2010 灯用稀土三基色荧光粉 Rare earth three-band phosphors for fluorescent lamps
GB/T 14635-2008 稀土金属及其化合物化学分析方法 稀土总量的测定 Rare earth metals and their compounds - Determination of total rare earth contents
GB/T 14640-2008 工业循环冷却水及锅炉用水中钾、钠含量的测定 Water used in industrial circulating cooling system and boiler - Determination of potassium and sodium
GB/T 14642-2009 工业循环冷却水及锅炉水中氟、氯、磷酸根、亚硝酸根、硝酸根和硫酸根的测定 离子色谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water and boiler water - Determination of fluoride,chloride,phosphate,nitrite,nitrate and sulfate - Ion chromatography
GB/T 14647-2008 氯丁二烯橡胶CR121、CR122 Chloroprene rubber CR121、CR122
GB/T 14653-2008 挠性杆联轴器 Flexible link coupling
GB/T 14654-2008 弹性阻尼簧片减振器 Elastic damping leaf damper
GB/T 14656-2009 阻燃纸和纸板燃烧性能试验方法 Test method for burning behavior of flame-retardant paper and board
GB/T 14665-2012 机械工程 CAD制图规则 Mechanical engineering drawings rules of CAD
GB/T 14684-2011 建设用砂 Sand for construction
GB/T 14685-2011 建设用卵石、碎石 Pebble and crushed stone for construction
GB/T 14686-2008 石油沥青玻璃纤维胎防水卷材 Asphalt glass felt used in waterproofing
GB/T 14687-2011 工业脚轮和车轮 Industrial castors and wheels
GB/T 14689-2008 技术制图 图纸幅面和格式 Technical drawings - Size and layout of drawing sheets
GB/T 14692-2008 技术制图 投影法 Technical drawings - Projection methods
GB/T 14693-2008 无损检测 符号表示法 Non-destructive testing - Symbolic representation on drawings
GB/T 14695-2011 臂式斗轮堆取料机 型式和基本参数 Bucket wheel stacker reclaimer - Type and basic parameters
GB/T 14703-2008 生漆 Raw lacquer
GB/T 14710-2009 医用电器环境要求及试验方法 The environmental requirement and test methods for medical electrical equipment
GB/T 14712-2009 单层热压机 Single-opening hot press
GB/T 14713-2009 旋切机通用技术条件 General specification for veneer lathe
GB/T 14714-2008 微小型计算机系统设备用开关电源通用规范 General specification of switching power supply for mini-micro computer system
GB/T 14721-2010 林业资源分类与代码 森林类型 Classification and codes for forestry resources - Forest types
GB/T 14726-2009 残疾运动员的医学和功能分级 Medical and functional classification for disabled athletes
GB/T 14727-2008 无线传输式聋儿听力言语训练设备通用技术条件 General specification for the wireless hearing system equipment for the deaf children
GB/T 14730-2008 助行器具 分类和术语 Assistive products for walking - Classification and terminology
GB/T 14731-2008 同步数字体系(SDH)的比特率 Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) bit rates
GB/T 14734-2008 港口浮式起重机安全规程 Safety code for port floating crane
GB/T 14735-2009 港口装卸用吊钩使用技术条件 Specification for the operation of the hook used in the port for cargo handling
GB/T 14736-2009 港口装卸用吊环使用技术条件 Specification for the operation of the hanging ring used in the port for cargo handling
GB/T 14737-2009 港口装卸用吊索使用技术条件 Specification for the operation of sling used in the port for cargo handling
GB/T 14741-2009 港口吸粮机 Port pneumatic grain unloader
GB/T 14743-2009 港口轮胎起重机 Port of wheel crane
GB/T 14764-2008 手用钢锯条 Hand hacksaw blades
GB/T 14765-2008 十字柄套筒扳手 Four-way socket wrenches
GB/T 14766-2008 摄影 黑白连续影调相纸 ISO感光度和ISO印相范围的测定 Photography - Black-and-white continuous-tone papers - Determination of ISO speed and ISO range for printing
GB/T 14772-2008 食品中粗脂肪的测定 Determination of crude fat in foods
GB/T 14778-2008 安全色光通用规则 General rules of coloured light for safety
GB/T 14780-2010 土方机械 排液、加液和液位螺塞 Earth-moving machinery - Drain,fill and level plugs
GB/T 14782-2010 平地机 技术条件 Grader - Technical specifications
GB/T 14783-2009 轮胎式集装箱门式起重机 Rubber tired gantry crane
GB/T 14785-2008 农林拖拉机和机械 车轮侧向负载疲劳试验方法 Tractors and machiney for agricultural and forestry - Test methods of wheels side load fatigue
GB/T 14786-2008 农林拖拉机和机械 驱动车轮扭转疲劳试验方法 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Test methods of the driving wheels torsion fatigue
GB/T 14795-2008 天然橡胶 术语 Natural rubber - Terminology
GB/T 14796-2008 天然生胶 颜色指数测定法 Raw natural rubber - Colour index test
GB/T 14798-2008 土工合成材料 现场鉴别标识 Geosynthetics - Identification on site
GB/T 14800-2010 土工合成材料 静态顶破试验(CBR法) Geosynthetics - Static puncture test (CBR test)
GB/T 14801-2009 机织物与针织物纬斜和弓纬试验方法 Test method for skewness and bow in woven and knitted fabrics
GB/T 14811-2008 热管术语 Heat pipe terminology
GB/T 14812-2008 热管传热性能试验方法 Testing method for heat transfer performance of heat pipes
GB/T 14813-2008 热管寿命试验方法 Life testing method for heat pipes
GB/T 14817-2008 永磁式直流伺服电动机通用技术条件 General specification for permanent magnet DC servomotors
GB/T 14818-2008 线绕盘式直流伺服电动机通用技术条件 General specification for DC servomotors with wounded disc armature
GB/T 14819-2008 电磁式直流伺服电动机通用技术条件 General specification for wound field DC servomotors
GB/T 14820-2009 公路车辆用高压点火电线 High-voltage ignition wires for road vehicles
GB/T 14824-2008 高压交流发电机断路器 High-voltage alternating-current generator circuit-breaker
GB/T 14832-2008 标准弹性体材料与液压液体的相容性试验 Test methods for compatibility between hydraulic fluids and standard elastomeric materials
GB/T 14833-2011 合成材料跑道面层 Synthetic - materials track surfaces
GB/T 14834-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 与金属粘附性及对金属腐蚀作用的测定 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Determination of tendency to adhere to and corrode metals
GB/T 14838-2009 橡胶与橡胶制品 试验方法标准精密度的确定 Rubber and rubber products - Determination of precision for test method standards
GB/T 14840-2010 石灰岩化学分析方法 游离二氧化硅量测定 Methods for chemical analysis of limestones - Determination of free silicon dioxide content
GB/T 14841-2008 钽及钽合金棒材 Tantalum and tantalum alloy rods
GB/T 14846-2008 铝及铝合金挤压型材尺寸偏差 aluminium and aluminium alloy extruded profiles-Tolerances on dimensions and form
GB/T 14847-2010 重掺杂衬底上轻掺杂硅外延层厚度的红外反射测量方法 Test mothod for thickness of lightly doped silicon epitaxial layers on heavily doped silicon substrates by infrared reflectance
GB/T 14850-2008 气体分析词汇 Gas analysis - Vocabulary
GB/T 14851-2009 电子工业用气体 磷化氢 Gas for electronic industry - Phosphine
GB/T 14858-2011 黑白监视器通用规范 General specification for black-white monitors
GB/T 14885-2010 固定资产分类与代码 Classification and codes for fixed assets
GB/T 14895-2010 金属切削刀具术语 切齿刀具 Terms in metal cutting tools - Gear cutters
GB/T 14901-2008 玻璃密度测定 沉浮比较法 Test method for density of glass - Method of the sink-float comparison
GB/T 14902-2012 预拌混凝土 Ready-mixed concrete
GB/T 14904-2011 钢丝增强橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 曲挠液压脉冲试验 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies with wire reinforcements Hydraulic impulse test with flexing
GB/T 14905-2009 橡胶和塑料软管 各层间粘合强度的测定 Rubber and plastics hoses - Determination of adhesion between components
GB/T 14911-2008 测绘基本术语 Basic terms of surveying and mapping
GB/T 14913-2008 直流数字电压表及直流模数转换器 Digital electronic d.c. voltmeters and d.c. electronic analogue-to-digital convertors
GB/T 14917-2008 土方机械 维修服务用仪器 Earth-moving machinery - Service instrumentation
GB/T 14945-2010 货物运输常用残损代码 General codes for broken & damaged cargo in transport
GB/T 14950-2009 摄影测量与遥感术语 Terms of photogrammetry and remote sensing
GB/T 14975-2012 结构用不锈钢无缝钢管 Seamless stainless steel tubes for structure
GB/T 14976-2012 流体输送用不锈钢无缝钢管 Seamless stainless steel pipes for fluid transport
GB/T 14977-2008 热轧钢板表面质量的一般要求 General requirement for surface condition of hot-rolled steel plates
GB/T 14978-2008 连续热镀铝锌合金镀层钢板及钢带 Continuously hot-dip aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel sheet and strip
GB/T 14982-2008 粘土质耐火泥浆 Fireclay refractory mortars
GB/T 14983-2008 耐火材料 抗碱性试验方法 Refractory products - Determination of alkali-resistance
GB/T 14986-2008 高饱和、磁温度补偿、耐蚀、铁铝、恒磁导率软磁合金 High saturation magnetic induction, magnetic compensate alloys depending on temperature variation, corrosion-resisting, iron-aluminium, Permanent permeability, soft magneticalloys
GB/T 14988-2008 磁滞合金 Hysteresis alloy
GB/T 14993-2008 转动部件用高温合金热轧棒材 Hot-rolled superalloy bars for rotating parts
GB/T 14994-2008 高温合金冷拉棒材 Superalloy cold drawn bars
GB/T 14995-2010 高温合金热轧板 Hot-rolled superalloy sheets
GB/T 14996-2010 高温合金冷轧板 Cold-rolled heat-resisting superalloy sheets
GB/T 15006-2009 弹性合金的尺寸、外形、表面质量、试验方法和检验规则的一般规定 General rules of dimensions,shape,surface quality, test method and inspection for elastic alloys
GB/T 15007-2008 耐蚀合金牌号 Designations of corrosion-resisting alloy
GB/T 15008-2008 耐蚀合金棒 Corrosion-resisting alloy bars
GB/T 15014-2008 弹性合金、膨胀合金、热双金属、电阻合金物理量术语及定义 Physical quantity terminologies and definitions of elastic alloy, expansion alloy, thermostat metal, resistance alloy
GB/T 15028-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车操纵稳定性术语 Motorcycles and mopeds - Terminology of control lability and stability
GB/T 15029-2009 剑麻白棕绳 White sisal rope
GB/T 15030-2009 剑麻钢丝绳芯 Steel wire ropes - Sisal main cores
GB/T 15031-2009 剑麻纤维 Sisal fibre
GB/T 15032-2008 制绳机械设备通用技术条件 General requirements for rope laying machinery
GB/T 15033-2009 生咖啡 嗅觉和肉眼检验以及杂质和缺陷的测定 Green coffee - Olfactory and visual examination and determination of foreign matter and defects
GB/T 15034-2009 芒果 贮藏导则 Mangoes - Cold storage
GB/T 15035-2009 木材干燥术语 Terminology in wood drying
GB/T 15041-2008 高压短弧氙灯 High pressure short arc xenon lamps
GB/T 15043-2008 白炽灯泡光电参数的测量方法 Method of measuring electrical and photometric characteristics for incandescent lamps
GB/T 15046-2011 脂肪酰二乙醇胺 Fatty diethanol amide
GB/T 15050-2008 手工打结羊毛地毯 Hand-knotted woolen carpet
GB/T 15053-2008 使用辐射显色薄膜和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯剂量测量系统测量吸收剂量的标准方法 Standard method for using radiochromic film and polymethylmethacrylate dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose
GB/T 15062-2008 一般用途高温合金管 Superalloy tube for general application
GB/T 15064-2008 显像管石墨乳试验方法 Test methods of colloidal graphite for kinescope
GB/T 15065-2009 电线电缆用黑色聚乙烯塑料 Black polyethylene compounds for wire and cable
GB/T 15068-2008 八角茴香(精)油 Oil of star anise
GB/T 15069-2008 罐头食品机械术语 Terminology of food canning machinery
GB/T 15071-2008 金属镝 Dysprosium metal
GB/T 15074-2008 电子探针定量分析方法通则 General guide of quantitative analysis by EPMA
GB/T 15077-2008 贵金属及其合金材料几何尺寸测量方法 Geometric size measuring methods of precious metals and their alloy materials
GB/T 15078-2008 贵金属电触点材料接触电阻的测量方法 Testing method for contact resistance of precious metals electrical contact materials
GB/T 15087-2009 道路车辆 牵引车与牵引杆挂车机械连接装置 强度试验 Road vehicles - Drawbar couplings and eyes for hinged drawbars - Strength tests
GB/T 15088-2009 道路车辆 牵引销 强度试验 Road vehicles - Fifth wheel kingpins - Strength test
GB/T 15094-2008 船舶工艺术语 修船工艺 Terminology for ship technology - Ship repairing technology
GB/T 15096-2008 液粘调速离合器 Hydroviscous variable speed clutch
GB/T 15097-2008 船用柴油机排气排放污染物测量方法 Measure method for emission pollutant of exhaust gas of marine diesel engine
GB/T 15098-2008 危险货物运输包装类别划分方法 The principle of classification of transport packaging groups of dangerous goods
GB/T 15103-2008 林用绞盘机 Winches for forestry
GB/T 15109-2008 白酒工业术语 Terminology of chinese spirits industry
GB/T 15114-2009 铝合金压铸件 Aluminum alloy die castings
GB/T 15115-2009 压铸铝合金 Die casting aluminum alloys
GB/T 15122-2008 信息技术 未记录软磁盘的标志 Information technology - Designation of unrecorded flexible disk cartridges
GB/T 15123-2008 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 使用GB/T 3454的DTE/DCE接口备用控制操作 Information technology - Telecommunication and information exchange between systems - DTE/DCE interface back-up control operation using GB/T 3454 interchange circuits
GB/T 15126-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 网络服务定义 Information technology - Open system interconnection - Network service definition
GB/T 15127-2008 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 双扭线多点互连 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Twisted pair multipoint interconnections
GB/T 15128-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 会话服务定义 Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Session service definition
GB/T 15140-2008 航空货运集装单元技术要求 Specification for air cargo unit load devices
GB/T 15141-2009 湿式离合器摩擦元件试验方法 Test method for friction element of wet clutch
GB/T 15142-2011 含碱性或其它非酸性电解质的蓄电池和蓄电池组 方形排气式镉镍单体蓄电池 Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes - Vented nickel-cadmium prismatic rechargeable single cells
GB/T 15145-2008 输电线路保护装置通用技术条件 General specification for transmission line protection equipment
GB/T 15148-2008 电力负荷管理系统技术规范 Technical specification of power load management system
GB/T 15151-2012 频率计数器通用规范 General specification of frequency counter
GB/T 15159-2008 贵金属及其合金复合带材 Composite material strips of precious metals and their alloys
GB/T 15173-2010 电声学 声校准器 Electroacoustics - Sound calibrators
GB/T 15175-2012 固体激光器主要参数测量方法 Measurement methods for main parameter of solid state lasers
GB/T 15180-2010 重交通道路石油沥青 Petroleum asphalts for heavy traffic road pavement
GB/T 15191-2010 贸易数据交换 贸易数据元目录 数据元 Trade data interchange - Trade data elements directory - data elements
GB/T 15192-2008 纺织机械用图形符号 Graphical symbols for textile machinery
GB/T 15214-2008 超声诊断设备可靠性试验要求和方法 Requirements and methods of reliability test for ultrasonic diagnostic equipment
GB/T 15219-2009 放射性物质运输包装质量保证 Quality assurance for packaging used in transport of radioactive material
GB/T 15223-2008 塑料 液体树脂 用比重瓶法测定密度 Plastics - Liquid resins - Determination of density by the pyknometer method
GB/T 15229-2011 轻集料混凝土小型空心砌块 Lightweight aggregate concrete small hollow block
GB/T 15231-2008 玻璃纤维增强水泥性能试验方法 Test methods for the properties of glassfibre reinforced cement
GB/T 15233-2008 包装 单元货物尺寸 Packaging - Unit load size
GB/T 15236-2008 职业安全卫生术语 Occupational safety and health glossary
GB/T 15244-2013 微束分析 硅酸盐玻璃的定量分析 波谱法及能谱法 Microbeam analysis - Quantitative analysis of silicate glass by wavelength dispersive x-ray spectrometry and energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry
GB/T 15247-2008 微束分析 电子探针显微分析 测定钢中碳含量的校正曲线法 Microbeam analysis - Electron probe microanalysis - Guidelines for determining the carbon content of steels using calibration curve method
GB/T 15248-2008 金属材料轴向等幅低循环疲劳试验方法 The test method for axial loading constant-amplitude low-cycle fatigue of metallic materials
GB/T 15251-2008 橡胶 游离硫的测定 Rubber - Determination of free sulfur
GB/T 15257-2008 混合调节型氯丁二烯橡胶 CR321、CR322 Mixed modulation chloroprene rubber CR321、CR322
GB/T 15259-2008 矿山安全术语 Terms relating to mine safety
GB/T 15261-2008 超声仿组织材料声学特性的测量方法 Measurement methods for acoustic properties of ultrasonically tissue-mimicking materials
GB/T 15268-2008 桑蚕鲜茧 Mulberry silkworm fresh cocoons
GB/T 15281-2009 中国油、气田名称代码 Codes for names of oil and gas fields of China
GB/T 15290-2012 电子设备用电源变压器和滤波扼流圈总技术条件 Generic specification of power supply transformers and filter chokes for use in electronic equipment
GB/T 15307-2008 可转位钻头用削平直柄 Drills with Indexable inserts - Cylindrical shanks with a parallel flat
GB/T 15312-2008 制造业自动化 术语 Terminology of automation for manufacturing
GB/T 15313-2008 激光术语 Terminology for laser
GB/T 15315-2008 航海通告编写规范 Specifications for notices to mariners
GB/T 15316-2009 节能监测技术通则 General principles for monitoring and testing of energy conservation
GB/T 15317-2009 燃煤工业锅炉节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of coal fired industrial boilers
GB/T 15318-2010 热处理电炉节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of heat treatment electric furnace
GB/T 15328-2009 普通V带疲劳试验方法 无扭矩法 Classical V-belts - Fatigue test -non-loading method
GB/T 15337-2008 原子吸收光谱分析法通则 General rules for atomic absorption spectrometric analysis
GB/T 15338-2008 炭黑试验方法精密度和偏差的确认 Standard guide for carbon black - Validation of test method precision and bias
GB/T 15339-2008 橡胶配合剂 炭黑 在丁腈橡胶中的鉴定方法 Rubber compounding ingredients - Carbon black - Method of evaluation in NBR(Acrylonitrile-Butadiene Rubber)
GB/T 15340-2008 天然、合成生胶取样及其制样方法 Rubber,raw natural and raw synthetic-Sampling and further preparative procedures
GB/T 15341-2012 滑石 Talc lumps
GB/T 15342-2012 滑石粉 Talc powder
GB/T 15343-2012 滑石化学分析方法 Methods for chemical analysis of talc
GB/T 15344-2012 滑石物理检验方法 Methods for physical test of talc
GB/T 15354-2011 化学试剂 磷酸三丁酯 Chemical reagent - Tributyl phosphate
GB/T 15355-2008 化学试剂 六水合氯化镍(氯化镍) Chemical reagent - Nickel chloride hexahydrate
GB/T 15361-2009 岸边集装箱起重机 Quayside container crane
GB/T 15366-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车操纵装置的型式、位置及基本要求 Types, positions and performance requirements for controls of motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 15367-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车 两轮车和三轮车零部件名称 Motorcycles and mopeds part and component - Designations for vehicle with two and three wheels
GB/T 15371-2008 曲轴轴系扭转振动的测量与评定方法 Torsional vibration of crankshaft system - Measurement and evaluation method
GB/T 15375-2008 金属切削机床 型号编制方法 Metal-cutting machine tools - Method of type designation
GB/T 15376-2008 木工机床 普通车床 术语和精度 Wookworking machines - Turning lathes - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 15377-2008 木工机床术语 刨床 Terminology for Woodworking machines - Planing machines
GB/T 15384-2011 气瓶型号命名方法 Designation for gas cylinders
GB/T 15385-2011 气瓶水压爆破试验方法 Method for hydraulic burst test of gas cylinder
GB/T 15391-2010 宽度小于600mm冷轧钢带的尺寸、外形及允许偏差 Dimension,shape and tolerances for cold-rolled steel strips with a width less than 600mm
GB/T 15408-2011 安全防范系统供电技术要求 Technical requirement of power-supply for security & protection system
GB/T 15409-2008 同步数字体系信号的帧结构 Frame structure for synchronous digital hierarchy signal
GB/T 15418-2009 档案分类标引规则 Guidelines for the archives classification indexing
GB/T 15419-2008 国际集装箱货运交接方式代码 Codes of international container interchange mode
GB/T 15421-2008 国际贸易方式代码 Codes for international trade mode
GB/T 15446-2008 辐射加工剂量学术语 Terminology relating to radiation processing dosimetry
GB/T 15447-2008 X、γ射线和电子束辐照不同材料吸收剂量的换算方法 Conversion method of absorbed doses in different materials irradiated by X, γ rays and election beams
GB/T 15452-2009 工业循环冷却水中钙、镁离子的测定 EDTA滴定法 Industrial circulating cooling water - Determination of calcium and magnesium - EDTA titration method
GB/T 15453-2008 工业循环冷却水和锅炉用水中氯离子的测定 Water for industrial circulating cooling system and boiler - Determination of chloride
GB/T 15454-2009 工业循环冷却水中钠、铵、钾、镁和钙离子的测定 离子色谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water - Determination of sodium,potassium, magnesium and calcium - Ion chromatography
GB/T 15456-2008 工业循环冷却水中化学需氧量(COD)的测定 高锰酸钾法 Industrial circulating cooling water - Determination of the chemical oxygen demand - Potassium permanganate method
GB/T 15463-2008 静电安全术语 Electrostatic safety terminology
GB/T 15466-2011 应用电视术语 Terminology for non-broadcasting television
GB/T 15472-2012 失真度测量仪通用规范 General specification for distortion measure instrument
GB/T 15473-2011 核电厂安全级静止式充电装置及逆变装置的质量鉴定 Qualification of class 1E static battery chargers and inverters for nuclear power plants
GB/T 15474-2010 核电厂安全重要仪表和控制功能分类 Classification on instrumentation and control function of instrumentation and control systems important to safety for nuclear power plants
GB/T 15476-2008 肾功能仪 Kidney function instrument
GB/T 15488-2010 滤光玻璃 Colour filter glass
GB/T 15490-2012 固体激光器总规范 General specification for solid state lasers
GB/T 15491-2008 移动通信双工器电性能要求及测量方法 Requirements and measurement methods of electrical performance for duplexers used in the mobile services
GB/T 15492-2009 残疾人轮椅篮球和游泳运动员功能分级 Functional classification of wheelchair basketball and swimming for disabled athletes
GB/T 15493-2009 残疾人射击和乒乓球运动员功能分级 Functional classification of shooting and table tennis for disabled athletes
GB/T 15510-2008 控制用电磁继电器可靠性试验通则 General rules for reliability test of electromagnetic relay for control circuits
GB/T 15512-2009 评价企业节约钢铁材料技术导则 Technical guides for evaluating the saving of iron and steel product in enterprise
GB/T 15514-2008 中华人民共和国口岸及相关地点代码 Codes for ports and other locations of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 15515-2008 光功率计技术条件 Specifications of optical power meter
GB/T 15531-2008 带传动 带轮 中心距调整极限值 Belt drives - Pulleys - Limiting values for adjustment of centres
GB/T 15532-2008 计算机软件测试规范 Specification of computer software testing
GB/T 15543-2008 电能质量 三相电压不平衡 Power quality - Three-phase voltage unbalance
GB/T 15547-2012 锻钢冷轧辊辊坯 Blanks of forged steel rolls for cold rolling mill
GB/T 15548-2008 往复式内燃机驱动的三相同步发电机通用技术条件 General specification for three-phase synchronous generators driven by reciprocating internal combustion engine
GB/T 15557-2008 服装术语 Standard terminology relating to apparel
GB/T 15561-2008 静态电子轨道衡 Electronic static rail weighbridge
GB/T 15568-2008 通用型片状模塑料(SMC) Sheet molding compound(SMC) for general purposes
GB/T 15575-2008 钢产品标记代号 Steel products standard designation
GB/T 15576-2008 低压成套无功功率补偿装置 Low-voltage reactive power compensation assemblies
GB/T 15587-2008 工业企业能源管理导则 Guideline for energy management in industry enterprise
GB/T 15590-2008 显微煤岩类型测定方法 Method of determining microlithotype composition
GB/T 15594-2010 塑料 八羟基聚醚多元醇 Plastics - Octahydroxy polyether polyols
GB/T 15595-2008 聚氯乙烯树脂 热稳定性试验方法 白度法 Polyvinyl chloride resins - Test methods for the thermal stability - Whiteness method
GB/T 15596-2009 塑料在玻璃下日光、自然气候或实验室光源暴露后颜色和性能变化的测定 Plastics - Determination of changes in colour and variations in properties after exposure to daylight under glass,natural weathering or laboratory light sources
GB/T 15602-2008 工业用筛和筛分 术语 Industrial screens and screening - Vocabulary
GB/T 15604-2008 粉尘防爆术语 Terminology for dust explosion prevention
GB/T 15605-2008 粉尘爆炸泄压指南 Guide for pressure venting of dust explosions
GB/T 15609-2008 彩色显示器色度测量方法 Measurement methods for the chromaticity of color displays
GB/T 15610-2008 同色异谱的目视评价方法 Method for visual appraisal of metamerism
GB/T 15616-2008 金属及合金的电子探针定量分析方法 Quantitative method for electron probe microanalysis of metals and alloys
GB/T 15620-2008 镍及镍合金焊丝 Nickel and Nickel alloy wires and rodes
GB/T 15624-2011 服务标准化工作指南 Guidelines for standardization of services
GB/T 15629.15-2010 信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 局域网和城域网 特定要求 第15部分:低速无线个域网(WPAN)媒体访问控制和物理层规范 Information technology - Telecommunications and information exchange between systems local and metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 15.4: Wireless medium access control and physical layer(PHY))specification for low rate wireless personal area networks
GB/T 15632-2008 带电作业用提线工具通用技术条件 General specifications of wire holding tools for live working
GB/T 15636-2008 电离辐射厚度计 Thickness gauges utilizing ionizing radiation
GB/T 15637-2012 数字多用表校准仪通用规范 General specification for calibrator of digital multimeter
GB/T 15658-2012 无线电噪声测量方法 Method for measurements of radio noise
GB/T 15661-2008 1:5 000 1:10 000 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 地形图航空摄影规范 Specifications for aerial photography of 1:5 000 1:10 000 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 topographic maps
GB/T 15664-2009 水果、蔬菜及其制品 甲酸含量的测定 重量法 Fruit and vegetable products - Determination of formic acid content - Gravimetric method
GB/T 15671-2009 农作物薄膜包衣种子技术条件 Technique requirement of crops film coating seed
GB/T 15672-2009 食用菌中总糖含量的测定 Determination of total saccharide in edible mushroom
GB/T 15673-2009 食用菌中粗蛋白含量的测定 Determination of crude protein in edible mushroom
GB/T 15674-2009 食用菌中粗脂肪含量的测定 Determination of crude fat in edible mushroom
GB/T 15675-2008 连续电镀锌、锌镍合金镀层钢板及钢带 Continuously electrolytically zinc/zinc-nickel alloy coated steel sheet and strip
GB/T 15677-2010 金属镧 Lanthanum metal
GB/T 15678-2010 氧化铒 Erbium oxide
GB/T 15681-2008 亚麻籽 Flaxseed
GB/T 15682-2008 粮油检验 稻谷、大米蒸煮食用品质感官评价方法 Inspection of grain and oils - Method for sensory evaluation of paddy or rice cooking and eating quality
GB/T 15683-2008 大米 直链淀粉含量的测定 Rice - Determination of amylose content
GB/T 15685-2011 粮油检验 小麦沉淀指数测定 SDS法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of sedimentation index of wheat - SDS test
GB/T 15686-2008 高粱 单宁含量的测定 Sorghum - Determination of tannin content
GB/T 15687-2008 动植物油脂 试样的制备 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Preparation of test sample
GB/T 15688-2008 动植物油脂 不溶性杂质含量的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of insoluble impurities content
GB/T 15689-2008 植物油料 油的酸度测定 Oilseeds - Determination of acidity of oils
GB/T 15690-2008 植物油料 含油量测定 连续波低分辨率核磁共振测定法(快速法) Oilseeds - Determination of oil content - Method using continuous-wave low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry(Rapid method)
GB/T 15691-2008 香辛料调味品通用技术条件 The general techniques and standards for spices and condiments
GB/T 15692-2008 制药机械 术语 Terms of pharmaceutical machinery
GB/T 15695-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 表示服务定义 Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Presentation service definition
GB/T 15700-2008 聚四氟乙烯波纹补偿器 Polytetrafluoroethylene bellows compensators
GB/T 15704-2012 道路车辆 轻合金车轮 冲击试验方法 Road vehicles - Light alloy wheels - Impact test procedure
GB/T 15706-2012 机械安全 设计通则 风险评估与风险减小 Safety of machinery — General principles for design - Risk assessment and risk reduction
GB/T 15712-2008 非调质机械结构钢 Microalloyed medium carbon steels
GB/T 15718-2008 现场发泡包装材料 Foam-in-place packaging materials
GB/T 15719-2011 现场发泡包装 Foam-in-place packaging
GB/T 15720-2008 中国盲文 Chinese braille
GB/T 15722-2009 残疾人坐地排球运动员参赛资格的医学标准 Competitive qualification of medical stardard of volleyballsitting for disabled athletes
GB/T 15724-2008 实验室玻璃仪器 烧杯 Laboratory glassware - Beakers
GB/T 15729-2008 手用扭力扳手通用技术条件 Hand torque tools - General requirements
GB/T 15730-2008 电讯夹扭钳和剪切钳通用技术条件 Pliers and nippers for electronics - General technical requirements
GB/T 15731-2008 内河旅游船星级的划分与评定 Star-rating standard for river cruises
GB/T 15738-2008 导电和抗静电纤维增强塑料电阻率试验方法 Test method for resistivity of conducting and antistatic fiber reinforced plastics
GB/T 15746-2011 汽车修理质量检查评定方法 The method of qualitative assessment for vehicle repair
GB/T 15749-2008 定量金相测定方法 Measuring method in quantitative metallography
GB/T 15750-2008 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 老化性能的测试 Test methods for the properties of piezoelectric ceramics - Test for the ageing properties
GB/T 15756-2008 普通螺纹 极限尺寸 General purpose metric screw threads - Limits of sizes
GB/T 15758-2008 花键基本术语 Basic terminology of spline
GB/T 15764-2008 平板玻璃术语 Standard terminology of flat glass
GB/T 15772-2008 水土保持综合治理 规划通则 General rule of planning for comprehensive control of soil and water conservation
GB/T 15773-2008 水土保持综合治理 验收规范 Regulation of acceptance for comprehensive control of soil and water conservation
GB/T 15774-2008 水土保持综合治理 效益计算方法 Method of benefit calculation for comprehensive control of soil and water conservation
GB/T 15775-2011 森林植物害虫分类与代码 Classification and codes of forest pests
GB/T 15781-2009 森林抚育规程 Regulation for tending of forest
GB/T 15782-2009 营造林总体设计规程 Code for silvicultural overall design
GB/T 15784-2009 制材机械型号编制方法 Programming method for converted timber machine
GB/T 15790-2009 稻瘟病测报调查规范 Rules of investigation and forecast of the rice blast[Pyricularia oryzae(Cavara)]
GB/T 15791-2011 稻纹枯病测报技术规范 Rules of monitoring and forecasting for the rice sheath blight(Rhizoctonia solani Kukn)
GB/T 15792-2009 水稻二化螟测报调查规范 Rules of investigation and forecast for the asiatic rice striped borer[Chilo suppressalis(Walker)]
GB/T 15793-2011 稻纵卷叶螟测报技术规范 Rules of monitoring and forecasting for the rice leaf-roller(Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee)
GB/T 15794-2009 稻飞虱测报调查规范 Rules of investigation and forecast for the rice planthopper(Nilaparvata lugens stal and sogatalla furcifera horvath)
GB/T 15795-2011 小麦条锈病测报技术规范 Rules for monitoring and forecast of the wheat stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis West)
GB/T 15796-2011 小麦赤霉病测报技术规范 Rules for monitoring and forecast of the wheat head blight(Fusarium graminearum Schw. / Gibberella zeae (Schw.) Petch)
GB/T 15797-2011 小麦丛矮病测报技术规范 Rules for monitoring and forecast of the wheat rosette dwarf(Wheat Rosette Stunt Virus)
GB/T 15798-2009 粘虫测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the armyworm[Pseudaletia(Mythimna)separate Walker]
GB/T 15799-2011 棉蚜测报技术规范 Rules for monitoring and forecast of the cotton aphid(Aphis gossypii Glover)
GB/T 15800-2009 棉铃虫测报调查规范 Rules for investigation and forecast of the cotton bollworm[Helicoverpa armigera(Hvbner)]
GB/T 15801-2011 棉红铃虫测报技术规范 Rules for monitoring and forecast of the cotton pink bollworm [Pectinophora gossypiella(Saunders)]
GB/T 15802-2011 棉花叶螨测报技术规范 Rules for monitoring and forecast of the cotton spider mites (Tetranychus spp. )
GB/T 15804-2011 高梁蚜测报技术规范 Rules for monitoring and forecast of the sorghum aphid(Melanaphis sacchai Zehnter)
GB/T 15807-2008 海带养殖夏苗苗种 Summer seedling of kelp
GB/T 15823-2009 无损检测 氦泄漏检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test methods for helium leak testing
GB/T 15824-2008 热作模具钢热疲劳试验方法 Thermal fatigue testing method for hot die steel
GB/T 15829-2008 软钎剂 分类与性能要求 Soft soldering flux - Classification and requirements
GB/T 15830-2008 无损检测 钢制管道环向焊缝对接接头超声检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for ultrasonic testing of circumferential butt welds in steel pipes and tubes
GB/T 15834-2011 标点符号用法 General rules for punctuation
GB/T 15835-2011 出版物上数字用法 General rules for writing numerals in public texts
GB/T 15837-2008 数字同步网接口要求 Interface requirements for digital synchronization network
GB/T 15838-2008 数字网中交换设备时钟性能测试方法 Test methods for the performances of switching equipment clocks in digital network
GB/T 15854-2008 食物搅碎器 Food blenders
GB/T 15860-2011 激光唱机通用规范 General specification for compact disc players
GB/T 15861-2012 离子束蚀刻机通用规范 General specification of ion beam etching system
GB/T 15862-2012 离子注入机通用规范 General specification of ion implantation equipment
GB/T 15894-2008 化学试剂 石油醚 Chemical reagent - Petroleum ether
GB/T 15902-2009 输送带 弹性伸长率和永久伸长率的测定及弹性模量的计算 Conveyor belts - Determination of elastic and permanent elongation and calculation of elastic modulus
GB/T 15907-2008 橡胶和塑料软管 可燃性试验方法 Rubber and plastics hoses - Method of test for flammability
GB/T 15908-2009 塑料软管及软管组合件 液压用织物增强型 规范 Plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Textile-reinforced types for hydraulic applications - Specification
GB/T 15909-2009 电子工业用气体 硅烷(SiH4) Gas for electronic industry - Silane
GB/T 15910-2009 热力输送系统节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of heat-transmission and distribution system
GB/T 15913-2009 风机机组与管网系统节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of fan’s unit and distribute tube system
GB/T 15916-2012 表面活性剂 螯合剂含量的测定 滴定法 Surface active agents - Determination of chelating agent content - Titrimetric method
GB/T 15918-2010 海洋学综合术语 Oceanography general terminology
GB/T 15919-2010 海洋学术语 海洋生物学 Oceanographic terminology - Marine biology
GB/T 15920-2010 海洋学术语 物理海洋学 Oceanographic terminology - Physical oceanography
GB/T 15921-2010 海洋学术语 海洋化学 Oceanographic terminology - Marine chemistry
GB/T 15922-2010 钴矿石化学分析方法 钴量测定 Method for chemical analysis of cobalt ores - Determination of cobalt content
GB/T 15923-2010 镍矿石化学分析方法 镍量测定 Method for chemical analysis of nickel ores - Determination of nickel content
GB/T 15924-2010 锡矿石化学分析方法 锡量测定 Method for chemical analysis of tin ores - Determination of tin content
GB/T 15925-2010 锑矿石化学分析方法 锑量测定 Method for chemical analysis of antimony ores - Determination of antimony content
GB/T 15926-2010 铋矿石化学分析方法 铋量测定 Method for chemical analysis of bismuth ores - Determination of bismuth content
GB/T 15927-2010 砷矿石化学分析方法 砷量测定 Method for chemical analysis of arsenic ores - Determination of arsenic content
GB/T 15928-2008 不饱和聚酯树脂基增强塑料中残留苯乙烯单体含量的测定 Reinforced plastics based on unsaturated polyester resins - Determination of residual styrene monomer content
GB/T 15940-2008 同步数字体系信号的基本复用结构 Basic multiplexing structure for synchronous digital hierarchy signals
GB/T 15941-2008 同步数字体系(SDH)光缆线路系统进网要求 Requirements for Synchronous Digital hierarchy (SDH) Optical Fiber Cable Line Systems
GB/T 15945-2008 电能质量 电力系统频率偏差 Power quality - Frequency deviation for power system
GB/T 15946-2008 可编程仪器标准数字接口的高性能协议 概述 Higher performance protocal for the standard digital interface for programmable instrumentation - General
GB/T 15947-2011 行政、商业和运输业电子数据交换(EDIFACT)报文设计规则 EDIFACT message design rules for EDI
GB/T 15952-2010 电声学 个人声暴露计规范 Electroacoustics - Specifications for personal sound exposure meters
GB/T 15956-2008 重复性使用电石包装钢桶 Calcium carbide steel drum for repeated use
GB/T 15962-2008 油墨术语 Glossary of printing ink terms
GB/T 15963-2008 十二烷基硫酸钠 Sodium lauryl sulfate
GB/T 15964-2008 地毯 单位长度和单位面积绒簇或绒圈数目的测定方法 Carpets - Determination of number of tufts or loops per unit lenght and per unit area
GB/T 15965-2008 手工地毯 绒头长度的测定方法 Hand-made carpets - Determination of length of Pile
GB/T 15967-2008 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000 地形图航空摄影测量数字化测图规范 Specifications for aerial photogrammetric digital mapping of 1:500 1:1000 1:2000 topographic maps
GB/T 15968-2008 遥感影像平面图制作规范 Specifications for remote sensing image plan making
GB/T 15971-2010 导游服务规范 Specifications for tour-guide service
GB/T 16125-2012 大型?急性毒性实验方法 Method for acute toxicity test of Daphnia magna straus
GB/T 16148-2009 放射性核素摄入量及内照射剂量估算规范 Specification for assessments of intakes and internal doses of radionuclides
GB/T 16149-2012 外照射慢性放射病剂量估算规范 Specification of dose estimation for chronic radiation sickness from external exposure
GB/T 16159-2012 汉语拼音正词法基本规则 The basic rules of Chinese phonetic alphabet orthography
GB/T 16160-2008 服装用人体测量的部位与方法 Location and method of anthropometric surveys for garments
GB/T 16162-2009 全球海上遇险和安全系统(GMDSS)术语 Terms for global maritime distress and safety system
GB/T 16163-2012 瓶装气体分类 Classification of gases filled in cylinder
GB/T 16167-2009 救生艇壳体玻璃纤维增强塑料层合板技术条件 Technical conditions of lifeboat glass fiber reinforced plastics laminate
GB/T 16175-2008 医用有机硅材料生物学评价试验方法 Biological evaluation test methods for medical organic silicon materials
GB/T 16178-2011 场(厂)内机动车辆安全检验技术要求 Safety examinations and technical requirements for powered vehicles on the place used for a particular purpose
GB/T 16251-2008 工作系统设计的人类工效学原则 Ergonomic principles in the design of work systems
GB/T 16254-2008 马海毛 Mohair
GB/T 16256-2008 纺织纤维 线密度试验方法 振动仪法 Textile fibres - Test method for linear density - Vibroscope method
GB/T 16257-2008 纺织纤维 短纤维长度和长度分布的测定 单纤维测量法 Textile fibres - Test method for length and length distribution of staple fibres - Measurement of single fibres
GB/T 16258-2008 棉纤维 含糖试验方法 定量法 Cotton fibers - Test method for sugar content - Quantitative method
GB/T 16259-2008 建筑材料人工气候加速老化试验方法 Test method for in accel erated weathering building materials
GB/T 16265-2008 包装材料试验方法 相容性 Test method of packaging materials - Compatibility
GB/T 16266-2008 包装材料试验方法 接触腐蚀 Test method of packaging materials - Contact corrosion
GB/T 16267-2008 包装材料试验方法 气相缓蚀能力 Test method of packaging materials - Vapors corrosion inhibiting ability
GB/T 16270-2009 高强度结构用调质钢板 High strength structural steel plates in the quenched and tempered condition
GB/T 16271-2009 钢丝绳吊索 插编索扣 Steel wire ropes - Spliced eye termination for slings
GB/T 16275-2008 城市轨道交通照明 Urban rail transit lighting
GB/T 16277-2008 沥青混凝土摊铺机 Asphalt paver
GB/T 16285-2008 食品中葡萄糖的测定 酶-比色法和酶-电极法 Detrmination of glucose in food - Enzyme - Colorimetric method and enzyme - Electrode method
GB/T 16288-2008 塑料制品的标志 Marking of plastics products
GB/T 16292-2010 医药工业洁净室(区)悬浮粒子的测试方法 Test method for airborne particles in clean room(zone) of the pharmaceutical industry
GB/T 16293-2010 医药工业洁净室(区)浮游菌的测试方法 Test method for airborne microbe in clean room(zone) of the pharmaceutical industry
GB/T 16294-2010 医药工业洁净室(区)沉降菌的测试方法 Test method for settling microbe in clean room(zone) of the pharmaceutical industry
GB/T 16301-2008 船舶机舱辅机振动烈度的测量和评价 Measurement and evaluation of vibration severity for marine engine-room auxiliaries
GB/T 16303-2009 船舶与海上技术 自由降落式救生艇降放装置 Ship and marine technology - Launching appliances for free-fall lifeboats
GB/T 16304-2008 压电陶瓷材料性能测试方法 电场应变特性的测试 Test methods of the properties for piezoelectric ceramics - Test for relation between electric field and strain
GB/T 16305-2009 扭转振动减振器 Torsional vibration absorbers
GB/T 16306-2008 声称质量水平复检与复验的评定程序 Re-inspection and re-test procedures for assessment of declared quality levels
GB/T 16308-2008 钢丝网水泥板 Ferrocement ribbed slab
GB/T 16411-2008 家用燃气用具通用试验方法 Universal test methods of gas burning appliances for domestic use
GB/T 16412-2009 输送带 丙烷单燃烧器可燃性试验方法 Conveyor belts - Propane single burner flammability test method
GB/T 16414-2008 煤矿科技术语 岩石力学 Terms relating to coal mining - Rock mechanics
GB/T 16415-2008 煤中硒的测定方法 氢化物发生原子吸收法 Determination of selenium in coal - Hydride generation-atomic absorption method
GB/T 16417-2011 煤炭可选性评定方法 Method for evaluating the washability of coal
GB/T 16418-2008 颗粒系统术语 Particle system - Vocabulary
GB/T 16431-2008 中国盲文音乐符号 China braille musical signs
GB/T 16433-2009 残疾人田径运动员医学和功能分级 Medical and functional classification of athletics for disabled athletes
GB/T 16439-2009 交流伺服系统通用技术条件 General specification for AC servo system
GB/T 16444-2008 平面二次包络环面蜗杆减速器 Planar double-enveloping worm gearing reducer
GB/T 16451-2008 天然脂肪醇 Natural fatty alcohols
GB/T 16455-2008 条式和框式水平仪 Bar and frame level meter
GB/T 16458-2009 磨料磨具术语 Terminology for abrasives and abrasive products
GB/T 16470-2008 托盘单元货载 Palletized unit loads
GB/T 16471-2008 运输包装件尺寸与质量界限 Dimensional and weight constraints for transport package
GB/T 16472-2013 乘客及货物类型、包装类型和包装材料类型代码 Codes for passengers,types of cargo,packages and packaging materials
GB/T 16474-2011 变形铝及铝合金牌号表示方法 Designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy
GB/T 16475-2008 变形铝及铝合金状态代号 Temper designation system for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy
GB/T 16476-2010 金属钪 Scandium metal
GB/T 16479-2008 碳酸轻稀土 Light rare earth carbonate
GB/T 16482-2009 荧光级氧化钇铕 Yttrium-europium oxide-phosphor grade
GB/T 16483-2008 化学品安全技术说明书 内容和项目顺序 Safety data sheet for chemical products content and order of sections
GB/T 16485-2009 制材机械通用技术条件 General specification for lumber machine
GB/T 16491-2008 电子式万能试验机 Electronic universal testing machines
GB/T 16499-2008 安全出版物的编写及基础安全出版物和多专业共用安全出版物的应用导则 The Preparation of safety publication and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications
GB/T 16502-2009 用人单位用人形式分类与代码 Classification and code of employment form in organization
GB/T 16509-2008 辐射加工剂量测量不确定度评定导则 Standard guide for estimating uncertainties in dosimetry for radiation processing
GB/T 16510-2008 辐射加工剂量学校准实验室的能力要求 The requirements for the competence of a radiation processing dosimetry calibration laboratory
GB/T 16520-2011 消息处理业务 电子数据交换消息处理业务 Message handling services - Electronic data interchange messaging service
GB/T 16534-2009 精细陶瓷室温硬度试验方法 Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics,advanced technical ceramics)- Test method for hardness of monolithic ceramics at room temperature
GB/T 16535-2008 精细陶瓷线热膨胀系数试验方法 顶杆法 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Test method for linear thermal expansion of monolithic ceramics by push-rod technique
GB/T 16537-2010 陶瓷熔块釉化学分析方法 Chemical analysis methods of fritted glaze for ceramics
GB/T 16538-2008 声学 声压法测定噪声源声功率级 现场比较法 Acoustics - Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound pressure - Comparison method in situ
GB/T 16544-2008 无损检测 伽玛射线全景曝光照相检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for gamma-ray radiographic testing by panoramic exposure
GB/T 16550-2008 新城疫诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for newcastle disease
GB/T 16551-2008 猪瘟诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for classical swine fever (hog cholera)
GB/T 16552-2010 珠宝玉石 名称 Gems - Nomenclature
GB/T 16553-2010 珠宝玉石 鉴定 Gems - Testing
GB/T 16554-2010 钻石分级 Diamond grading
GB/T 16555-2008 含碳、碳化硅、氮化物耐火材料化学分析方法 Chemical analysis of refractories containing carbon and silicon carbide or nitride
GB/T 16559-2010 船舶溢油应变部署表 Muster list for shipboard oil spillage
GB/T 16560-2011 甲板减压舱 Deck decompression chamber
GB/T 16571-2012 博物馆和文物保护单位安全防范系统要求 Requirements for security systems in museums and units of cultural heritage protection
GB/T 16573-2008 缩微摄影技术 在16mm和35mm银-明胶型 缩微胶片上拍摄文献的操作程序 Micrographics - Microfilming of documents on 16 mm and 35 mmsilver-gelatin type microfilm - Operating procedures
GB/T 16576-2010 塑料 三羟基聚醚多元醇 Plastics - Trihydroxy polyether polyols
GB/T 16577-2010 塑料 四羟基聚醚多元醇 Plastics - Tetrahydroxy polyether polyols
GB/T 16582-2008 塑料 用毛细管法和偏光显微镜法测定部分结晶聚合物熔融行为(熔融温度或熔融范围) Plastics - Determination of melting behaviour (melting temperature or melting range) of semi-crystalline polymers by capillary tube and polarizing-microscope methods
GB/T 16583-2008 不饱和橡胶中饱和橡胶的鉴定 Identification of saturated rubbers in unsaturated rubbers
GB/T 16588-2009 带传动 工业用多楔带与带轮 PH、PJ、PK、PL和PM型:尺寸 Belt drives - Pulleys and V-ribbed belts for industrial applications - PH, PJ, PK, PL and PM profiles:dimensions
GB/T 16591-2013 输送无水氨用橡胶软管及软管组合件 规范 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for transferring anhydrous ammonia - Specification
GB/T 16594-2008 微米级长度的扫描电镜测量方法通则 General rules for measurement of length in micron scale by SEM
GB/T 16602-2008 腈纶短纤维和丝束 Acrylic staple and tow
GB/T 16603-2008 锦纶牵伸丝 Nylon drawn yarn
GB/T 16604-2008 涤纶工业长丝 Polyester filament for industry
GB/T 16605-2008 再生纤维素丝织物 Regenerated rayon filament fabrics
GB/T 16613-2008 塑料 试验用聚氯乙烯(PVC)糊的制备 分散器法 Plastics - Preparation of PVC pastes for test purposes - Dissolver method
GB/T 16622-2009 压配式实心轮胎规格、尺寸与负荷 Size designation,dimensions and load capacity for pressed-on solid tyres
GB/T 16623-2008 压配式实心轮胎技术规范 Technical specification of press-on solid tyres
GB/T 16624-2009 防暴枪 Anti-riot gun
GB/T 16630-2012 冷冻机油 Lubricants for refrigeration compressors
GB/T 16631-2008 高效液相色谱法通则 General rules for high performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 16632-2008 水处理剂阻垢性能的测定 碳酸钙沉积法 Determination of scale inhibition performance of water treatment agents - Calcium carbonate precipitation method
GB/T 16637-2008 轻型燃气轮机电气设备通用技术要求 General requirements for gas turbine electrical equipment
GB/T 16639-2008 使用丙氨酸-EPR剂量测量系统的标准方法 Standard method for use of an alanine - EPR dosimetry system
GB/T 16640-2008 辐射加工剂量测量系统的选择和校准导则 Standard guide for selection and calibration of dosimetry systems for radiation processing
GB/T 16642-2008 企业集成 企业建模框架 Enterprise integration - Framework for enterprise modelling
GB/T 16644-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 公共管理信息服务 Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Common management information service
GB/T 16659-2008 煤中汞的测定方法 Determination of mercury in coal
GB/T 16660-2008 选煤厂用图形符号 Coal preparation plant - Graphical symbols
GB/T 16661-2008 碳酸铈 Cerium carbonate
GB/T 16662-2008 建筑给水排水设备器材术语 Terms of equipments and materials for building water supply and drainage
GB/T 16666-2012 泵类液体输送系统节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of motor-pump liquid transport system
GB/T 16671-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 几何公差 最大实体要求、最小实体要求和可逆要求 Geometrical product specifications(GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Maximum material requirement(MMR),least material requirement(LMR) and reciprocity requirement(RPR)
GB/T 16676-2010 银行安全防范报警监控联网系统技术要求 Specification of alarm and monitoring network system for bank security and protection
GB/T 16679-2009 工业系统、装置与设备以及工业产品 信号代号 Industrial systems,installations and equipment and industrial products - Designation of signals
GB/T 16685-2008 信息技术 办公设备 打印设备 吞吐量的测量方法 1类和2类打印机 Information technology - Office equipment - Printing devices Method for measuring throughput - Class 1 and Class 2 printers
GB/T 16688-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 联系控制服务元素服务定义 Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Service definition for the association control service element
GB/T 16696-2008 小艇 艇体标识 代码 Small craft - Craft identification - Coding system
GB/T 16698-2008 α粒子发射率的测量 大面积正比计数管法 Measurement of emission rate of α particle - Method for large area proportional counter
GB/T 16701-2010 贵金属、廉金属热电偶丝热电动势 测量方法 Methods for measuring the thermoelectric force of noble metal and base matal thermocouple wires
GB/T 16712-2008 同步数字体系(SDH)设备功能块特性 Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) equipment functional blocks
GB/T 16716.1-2008 包装与包装废弃物 第1部分:处理和利用通则 Packaging and packaging waste - Part 1:General rules of disposal and utilization
GB/T 16719-2008 双向拉伸聚苯乙烯(BOPS)片材 Biaxially oriented polystyrene(BOPS)sheet
GB/T 16742-2008 颗粒粒度分布的函数表征 幂函数 Function representation of particle size distribution - Power-function
GB/T 16743-2010 冲裁间隙 Blanking clearance
GB/T 16747-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 表面波纹度词汇 Geometrical product specification (GPS) - Surface texture:Profile method - Surface waviness terms
GB/T 16750-2008 潜油电泵机组 Electrical submersible pump units
GB/T 16755-2008 机械安全 安全标准的起草与表述规则 Safety of machinery - Rules for drafting and presentation of safety standards
GB/T 16758-2008 排风罩的分类及技术条件 The classification and technical specification of exhaust hood
GB/T 16759-2008 消费品和有关服务的比较试验 总则 General principles for comparative testing of consumer products and related services
GB/T 16762-2009 一般用途钢丝绳吊索特性和技术条件 Wire rope slings for general purposes-characteristics and technical requirements
GB/T 16763-2012 定形隔热耐火制品分类 Shaped insulating refractory products - Classification
GB/T 16766-2010 旅游业基础术语 Basic terminology in travel and tourism
GB/T 16767-2010 游乐园(场)服务质量 Service quality in the amusement park
GB/T 16769-2008 金属切削机床 噪声声压级测量方法 Metal-cutting machine tools - Measurement method of sound pressure level
GB/T 16773-2008 煤岩分析样品制备方法 Method of preparing coal samples for the coal petrographic analysis
GB/T 16774-2012 自增压式液氮容器 Autoboosting caliber liquid nitrogen container
GB/T 16777-2008 建筑防水涂料试验方法 Test methods for building waterproofing coatings
GB/T 16778-2009 纤维增强塑料结构件失效分析一般程序 General procedure of failure analysis for fiber reinforced plastic structural products
GB/T 16779-2008 纤维增强塑料层合板拉-拉疲劳性能试验方法 Test method for tension-tension fatigue of fiber reinforced plastic laminates
GB/T 16784-2008 工业产品售后服务 总则 General principles for after-sale service of industrial products
GB/T 16785-2012 术语工作 概念和术语的协调 Terminology work - Harmonization of concepts and terms
GB/T 16797-2008 无碳复写纸 Carbonless copy paper
GB/T 16799-2008 家具用皮革 Furniture leather
GB/T 16800-2008 排水用芯层发泡硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)管材 Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) pipes with a cellular core for drainage
GB/T 16805-2009 液体石油管道压力试验 Pressure testing of liquid petroleum pipelines
GB/T 16814-2008 同步数字体系 (SDH) 光缆线路系统测试方法 Methods of measurement for Synchronous digital Hierarchy (SDH) optical fiber cable line system
GB/T 16817-2008 放射治疗水平剂量监测用热释光测量系统 Thermoluminescence dosimeter system for radiotherapy level monitoring
GB/T 16818-2008 中、短程光电测距规范 Specifications for short to medium ranges electro-optical distance measurements
GB/T 16819-2012 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000地形图平板仪测量规范 Specifications for planetabling of 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000 topographic maps
GB/T 16820-2009 地图学术语 Terms of cartography
GB/T 16826-2008 电液伺服万能试验机 Electro-hydraulic servo universal testing machines
GB/T 16830-2008 商品条码 储运包装商品编码与条码表示 Bar code for commodity - Dispatch commodity numbering and bar code marking
GB/T 16832-2012 国际贸易单证用格式设计 基本样式 International trade documents forms design-Basic layout
GB/T 16833-2011 行政、商业和运输业电子数据交换(EDIFACT)代码表 Electronic data interchange for administration,commerce and transport (EDIFACT) code list
GB/T 16841-2008 能量为 300 keV~25 MeV 电子束辐射加工装置剂量学导则 Guide for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300 keV and 25 MeV
GB/T 16842-2008 外壳对人和设备的防护 检验用试具 Protection of persons and equipment by enclosures - Probe for verification
GB/T 16845-2008 除尘器 术语 Dust collector - Terminology
GB/T 16846-2008 医用超声诊断设备声输出公布要求 Requirement for the declaration of the acoustic output of medical diagnostic ultrasonic equipment
GB/T 16849-2008 光纤放大器总规范 Generic specification of optical fiber amplifier
GB/T 16862-2008 鲜食葡萄冷藏技术 Table grapes-guide to cold storage
GB/T 16868-2009 商品经营服务质量管理规范 Commodity and service quality management specification
GB/T 16870-2009 芦笋 贮藏指南 Asparagus - Guide to storage
GB/T 16871-2008 梭鱼亲鱼和鱼种 Redlip mullet standard for parent fish and fingerling
GB/T 16872-2008 栉孔扇贝 苗种 Farrer's scallop - Seedling
GB/T 16877-2008 拖拉机禁用与报废 Prohibition and scrapping for tractors
GB/T 16881-2008 水的混凝、沉淀试杯试验方法 Coagulation-Deposition jar test of water
GB/T 16887-2008 卧铺客车结构安全要求 Safety requirements for sleeper bus construction
GB/T 16890-2008 水路客运服务质量要求 Requirements on services of passenger transport by water
GB/T 16900-2008 图形符号表示规则 总则 Rules for the presentation of graphical symbols - General principles
GB/T 16911-2008 水泥生产防尘技术规程 Code of dust control for cement producting
GB/T 16913-2008 粉尘物性试验方法 Methods of dust character test
GB/T 16923-2008 钢件的正火与退火 Normalizing and annealing of steel parts
GB/T 16924-2008 钢件的淬火与回火 Quenching and tempering of steel parts
GB/T 16938-2008 紧固件 螺栓、螺钉、螺柱和螺母 通用技术条件 Fasteners - General requirements for bolts,screws,studs and nuts
GB/T 16940-2012 滚动轴承 套筒型直线球轴承 外形尺寸和公差 Rolling bearings - Sleeve type linear ball bearings - Boundary dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 16942-2009 电子工业用气体 氢 Hydrogen for electronic industry
GB/T 16943-2009 电子工业用气体 氦 Gas for electronic industry - Helium
GB/T 16944-2009 电子工业用气体 氮 Gas for electronic industry - Nitr ogen
GB/T 16945-2009 电子工业用气体 氩 Gas for electronic industry - Argon
GB/T 16947-2009 螺旋弹簧疲劳试验规范 Helical spring fatigue testing standard
GB/T 16957-2012 复合钢板 焊接接头力学性能试验方法 Clad teel plats - Mechanical technical tests on welded joints
GB/T 16958-2008 包装用双向拉伸聚酯薄膜 Biaxially oriented polyester film for package
GB/T 16961-2009 电子调速微型异步电动机通用技术条件 General specification for motors asynchronous miniature electronic regulator
GB/T 16962-2010 国际贸易付款方式分类与代码 Classification and codes for international trade payment
GB/T 16963-2010 国际贸易合同代码编制规则 Drafting rules for international trade contract codes
GB/T 16965-2009 信息技术 超媒体/时基结构化语言(HyTime) Information technology - Hypermedia/Time-based structuring language(HyTime)
GB/T 16974-2009 信息技术 数据通信 数据终端设备用X.25包层协议 Information technology - Data communications - X.25 packet layer protocol for data terminal equipment
GB/T 16981-2008 信息技术 办公设备 复印机规格表中应包含的基本内容 Information technology - Office equipment - Minimum information to be included in specification sheets - Copying machines
GB/T 16984-2008 大麻原麻 Raw hemp
GB/T 16986-2009 商品条码 应用标识符 Bar code for commodity - Application identifier
GB/T 16991-2008 纺织品 色牢度试验 高温耐人造光色牢度及抗老化性能 氙弧 Textiles - Test for colour fastness - Colour fastness and ageing to artificial light at high temperatures: Xenon arc
GB/T 16992-2008 飞机维护及其安全警告标志 Aircraft-Identification of servicing,maintenance,ground handling and safety/hazard points
GB/T 17000-2009 全息防伪产品通用技术条件 Universal technical requirements of holographic anti-counterfeiting products
GB/T 17030-2008 食品包装用聚偏二氯乙烯(PVDC)片状肠衣膜 Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) flat-film for food-packaging
GB/T 17040-2008 石油和石油产品硫含量的测定 能量色散X射线荧光光谱法 Standard test method for sulfur in petroleum and petroleum products by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 17041-2012 表面活性剂 乙氧基化醇和烷基酚硫酸盐活性物质总含量的测定 Surface active agents - Sulfated ethoxylated alcohols and alkylphenols - Determination of total active matter content
GB/T 17044-2013 钢丝绳芯输送带 覆盖层与带芯层粘合强度试验 Steel cord conveyor belts - Adhension strength test of the cover to the core layer
GB/T 17047-2008 混凝土制品机械 术语 Concrete products machinery - Terminology
GB/T 17048-2009 架空绞线用硬铝线 Hard-drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors
GB/T 17101-2008 桥梁缆索用热镀锌钢丝 Hot-dip galvanized steel wires for bridge cables
GB/T 17105-2008 铝硅系致密定形耐火制品分类 Classification of dense shaped refractory products - Alumina-silica
GB/T 17109-2008 粮食销售包装 Package of grain sells
GB/T 17110-2008 商店购物环境与营销设施的要求 Requirements for store's shopping environments and facilities
GB/T 17111-2008 切削刀具 高速钢分组代号 Cutting tool - Designation of high-speed steel groups
GB/T 17113-2008 无绳电话机技术要求和测试方法 The technical requirements and test methods for cordless telephone sets
GB/T 17117-2008 双目望远镜 Binoculars
GB/T 17142-2008 信息技术 开放系统互连 系统管理综述 Information technology - Open systems interconnection - Systems management overview
GB/T 17147-2012 声音广播中音频噪声电平的测量 Measurement of audio-frequency noise voltage level in sound broadcasting
GB/T 17152-2008 运费代码(FCC) 运费和其他费用的统一描述 Freight costs code(FCC)- Harmonization of the description of freight costs and other charges
GB/T 17153-2011 公用网之间以及公用网和提供数据传输业务的其他网之间互通的一般原则 General principles for interworking between public networks and between public networks and other networks for the provision of data transmission services
GB/T 17157-2012 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000地形图航空摄影测量解析测图规范 Specifications for aerial photogrammetric analytical mapping of 1:25 000 1:50 000 1:100 000 topographic maps
GB/T 17158-2008 摄影测量数字测图记录格式 Record format for photogrammetric digital mapping
GB/T 17159-2009 大地测量术语 Geodetic terms
GB/T 17160-2008 1:500 1:1 000 1:2 000地形图数字化规范 Specifications for digitizing 1:500 1:1 000 and 1:2 000 topographic maps
GB/T 17163-2008 几何量测量器具术语 基本术语 Glossary of terms used in dimensional measuring instruments - General terms
GB/T 17164-2008 几何量测量器具术语 产品术语 Glossary of terms used in dimensional measuring instruments - Product terms
GB/T 17165-2008 模糊控制装置和系统性能评定方法 Fuzzy control devices and systems Method of evaluating performance
GB/T 17168-2008 牙科铸造贵金属合金 Dental casting precious metal alloys
GB/T 17171-2008 水性铝膏 Aquosity aluminium paste
GB/T 17185-2012 钢制法兰管件 Steel flanged fittings
GB/T 17187-2009 农业灌溉设备 滴头和滴灌管 技术规范和试验方法 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Emitters and emitting pipe - Specification and test methods
GB/T 17200-2008 橡胶塑料拉力、压力和弯曲试验机(恒速驱动) 技术规范 Technical specification for tensile, compression and flexural testing machines for rubber and plastics (constant rate of rtaverse)
GB/T 17204-2008 饮料酒分类 Classification of alcoholic beverages
GB/T 17207-2012 电子设备用固定电容器 第18-1部分:空白详细规范 表面安装固体(MnO2)电解质铝固定电容器 评定水平EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 18-1: Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic surface mount - Capacitors with solid(MnO2) electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
GB/T 17216-2012 人防工程平时使用环境卫生要求 Hygienic requirements for peacetime utilization of civil air defence works
GB/T 17222-2012 煤制气业卫生防护距离 Health protection zone for coal gas industry
GB/T 17223-2012 中小学生一日学习时间卫生要求 Health requirements of daily learning time for secondary and elementary school students
GB/T 17236-2008 生猪屠宰操作规程 The operating procedures of pig-slaughtering
GB/T 17237-2008 畜类屠宰加工通用技术条件 The general qualification of technology on livestock animal slaughtering process
GB/T 17238-2008 鲜、冻分割牛肉 Fresh and frozen beef,cuts
GB/T 17239-2008 鲜、冻兔肉 Fresh and frozen rabbit meat
GB/T 17253-2008 合成纤维丝织物 Synthetic filament yarn fabrics
GB/T 17256-2012 残疾人自行车和射箭运动员医学和功能分级 Medical and functional classification of cycling and archery for disabled athletes
GB/T 17260-2008 亚麻纤维细度的测定 气流法 Determination of fineness of flax - Permeametric method
GB/T 17261-2011 钢制球形储罐型式与基本参数 Steel spherical tanks type and dimension data base
GB/T 17262-2011 单端荧光灯 性能要求 Single-capped fluorescent lamps - Performance specification
GB/T 17278-2009 数字地形图产品基本要求 Basic requirements for products of digital topographic map
GB/T 17280-2009 原油蒸馏标准试验方法 15-理论板蒸馏柱 Standard test method for distillation of crude petroleum - 15-theoretical plate column
GB/T 17282-2012 根据粘度测量值确定石油平均相对分子质量的方法 Test method for estimation of mean relative molecular mass of petroleum oils from viscosity measurements
GB/T 17288-2009 液态烃体积测量 容积式流量计计量系统 Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric measurement by displacement meter systems
GB/T 17289-2009 液态烃体积测量 涡轮流量计计量系统 Liquid hydrocarbons - Volumetric measurement by turbine meter systems
GB/T 17292-2008 缩微摄影技术 第一代银-明胶型缩微品的质量要求 Micrographics - Requirement on the quality of first generation silver - gelatin microforms
GB/T 17293-2008 缩微摄影技术 检查平台式缩微摄影机系统性能用的测试标板 Micrographics - Planetary camera systems - Test target for checking performance
GB/T 17295-2008 国际贸易计量单位代码 Codes for units of measure used in international trade
GB/T 17296-2009 中国土壤分类与代码 Classification and codes for Chinese soil
GB/T 17298-2009 国际贸易单证格式标准编制规则 Drafting rules of the standards for international trade document form
GB/T 17300-2010 土方机械 通道装置 Earth-moving machinery - Access systems
GB/T 17304-2009 CAD通用技术规范 Specification for CAD general technology
GB/T 17306-2008 包装 消费者的需求 Packaging - Addressing consumer needs
GB/T 17313-2009 袋成型-充填-封口机通用技术条件 General specification of bag forming, filling and sealing machine
GB/T 17314-2011 籼型杂交水稻三系原种生产技术操作规程 Operation rules of production technology of foundation seed of three-line parents in indica hybrid rice
GB/T 17315-2011 玉米种子生产技术操作规程 Operation rules for maize seed production
GB/T 17316-2011 水稻原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technology of basic seed in conventional rice
GB/T 17317-2011 小麦原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of the production technology for wheat basic seed
GB/T 17318-2011 大豆原种生产技术操作规程 Rules of the production technology for soybean basic seed
GB/T 17319-2011 高粱种子生产技术操作规程 Rules of operation for the production technique of sorghum seed
GB/T 17320-2013 小麦品种品质分类 Quality classification of wheat varieties
GB/T 17321-2012 感官分析方法 二-三点检验 Sensory analysis method - Duo-trio test
GB/T 17345-2008 亚麻打成麻 Schtched flax
GB/T 17350-2009 专用汽车和专用挂车术语、代号和编制方法 Terms marks and designation for special purpose vehicles and special trailers
GB/T 17357-2008 设备及管道绝热层表面热损失现场测定 热流计法和表面温度法 In-situ measurements of heat loss through thermal insulation of equipments and pipes - Heat flow meter apparatus and surface temperature method
GB/T 17358-2009 热处理生产电耗计算和测定方法 Power consumption, measurement,and testing in heat treating production
GB/T 17359-2012 微束分析 能谱法定量分析 Microbeam analysis - Quantitative analysis using energy dispersive spectrometry
GB/T 17360-2008 钢中低含量Si、Mn的电子探针定量分析方法 Quantitative analysis method of low content Si and Mn in steel with electron probe microanalysis
GB/T 17361-2013 微束分析 沉积岩中自生粘土矿物鉴定 扫描电子显微镜及能谱仪方法 Microbeam analysis - Identification of authigenic clay mineral in sedimentary rock menthod by scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive spectrometer
GB/T 17362-2008 黄金制品的扫描电镜X射线能谱分析方法 Analysis method for gold products with X-ray EDS in SEM
GB/T 17371-2008 硅酸盐复合绝热涂料 Silicate compound plaster for thermal insulation
GB/T 17374-2008 食用植物油销售包装 Sales package of edible vegetable oil
GB/T 17375-2008 动植物油脂 灰分测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ash
GB/T 17376-2008 动植物油脂 脂肪酸甲酯制备 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Preparation of methyl esters of fatty acids
GB/T 17377-2008 动植物油脂 脂肪酸甲酯的气相色谱分析 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Analysis by gas chromatography of methyl esters of fatty acids
GB/T 17382-2008 系列1集装箱 装卸和栓固 Series 1 freight containers - Handling and securing
GB/T 17386-2009 潜油电泵装置的规格选用 Sizing and selection of electric submersible pump installations
GB/T 17388-2010 潜油电泵装置的安装 Eletctric submersible pump installations
GB/T 17390-2010 潜油电泵拆卸报告的编写 Recommended practice for electrical submersible pump teardown report
GB/T 17392-2008 国旗用织物 Fabric for national flag
GB/T 17393-2008 覆盖奥氏体不锈钢用绝热材料规范 Specification for thermal insulation for use in contact with austenitic stainless steel
GB/T 17395-2008 无缝钢管尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Dimensions,shapes,masses,and tolerances of seamless steel tubes
GB/T 17396-2009 液压支柱用热轧无缝钢管 Hot-rolled seamless steel tubes for hydraulic pillar service
GB/T 17397-2012 铝电解生产防尘防毒技术规程 Regulations for dust and poison control of aluminium electrowinning
GB/T 17398-2013 铅冶炼防尘防毒技术规程 Code of dust and poison control for lead smelting
GB/T 17410-2008 有机热载体炉 Organic heat transfer material heaters
GB/T 17411-2012 船用燃料油 Marine Fuels oils
GB/T 17424-2009 差分全球导航卫星系统(DGNSS)技术要求 Technical requirements of differential global navigation satellite system
GB/T 17428-2009 通风管道耐火试验方法 Fire resistance test methods of ventilation ducts
GB/T 17432-2012 变形铝及铝合金化学成分分析取样方法 Methods of sampling for analyzing the chemical composition of wrought aluminum and aluminum alloys
GB/T 17434-2008 船用耐火窗技术条件 Specifications for marine fire-resistant windows
GB/T 17445-2009 铸造磨球 Cast grinding balls
GB/T 17446-2012 流体传动系统及元件 词汇 Fluid power systems and components - Vocabulary
GB/T 17447-2012 气雾阀 Aerosol valve
GB/T 17455-2008 无损检测 表面检测的金相复型技术 Non-destructive testing - Metallographic replica techniques of surface examination
GB/T 17457-2009 球墨铸铁管和管件 水泥砂浆内衬 Ductile iron pipes and fittings - Cement mortar lining
GB/T 17468-2008 电力变压器选用导则 The guide for choice power transformers
GB/T 17469-2012 汽车制动器衬片摩擦性能评价 小样台架试验方法 Characteristics evaluation of brake linings for automobile - Small sample bench test method
GB/T 17472-2008 微电子技术用贵金属浆料规范 Specification for pastes of precious metal used for microelectronics
GB/T 17477-2012 汽车齿轮润滑剂黏度分类 Automotive gear lubricant viscosity classification
GB/T 17480-2008 饲料中黄曲霉毒素B1的测定 酶联免疫吸附法 Determination of aflatoxin B1 in animal feeding stuffs - Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
GB/T 17481-2008 预混料中氯化胆碱的测定 Determination of choline choride in premix
GB/T 17488-2008 液压滤芯 利用颗粒污染物测定抗流动疲劳特性 Hydraulic fluid power - Filter elements - Determination of resistance to flow fatigue using particulate contaminant
GB/T 17491-2011 液压泵、马达和整体传动装置 稳态性能的试验及表达方法 Hydraulic fluid power - Positive-displacement pumps,motor and integral transmissions - Methods of testing and presenting basic steady state performance
GB/T 17492-2012 工业用金属丝编织网 技术要求和检验 Industrial woven wire cloth - Technical requirements and testing
GB/T 17493-2008 低合金钢药芯焊丝 Low alloy steel flux cored electrodes for arc welding
GB/T 17494-2009 马传染性贫血病间接ELISA诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques of indirect ELISA technique for equine infectious anemia disease
GB/T 17495-2009 港口门座起重机 The harbour portal crane
GB/T 17499-2008 家用洗衣机电脑程序控制器 Microcomputer controller for household washing machine
GB/T 17502-2009 海底电缆管道路由勘察规范 Specifications for submarine cable and pipeline route investigation
GB/T 17503-2009 海上平台场址工程地质勘察规范 Specifications for offshore platform engineering geology investigation
GB/T 17506-2008 船舶黑色金属腐蚀层的电子探针分析方法 The analysis method of corrosive layer on ferrous metals of ship with EPMA
GB/T 17507-2008 透射电子显微镜X射线能谱分析生物薄标样的通用技术条件 General specification of thin biological standards for X-ray EDS microanalysis in transmission electron microscope
GB/T 17518-2012 化工产品中硅含量测定的通用方法 还原硅钼酸盐分光光度法 General method for determination of silicon content of chemical products - Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method
GB/T 17526-2008 漆蜡 Lacquer wax
GB/T 17527-2009 胡椒精油含量的测定 Determination of pepper essential oils content
GB/T 17528-2009 胡椒碱含量的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of piperine content - Method using HPLC
GB/T 17548-2008 信息技术 POSIX标准符合性的测试方法规范和测试方法实现的要求和指南 Information technology - Requirements and Guidelines for Test Methods Specification and Test Method implementation for Measuring Conformance to POSIX Standards
GB/T 17552-2008 信息技术 识别卡 金融交易卡 Information technology - Identification cards - Financial transaction cards
GB/T 17556-2010 船用电力和通信电缆护套材料 Sheathing materials for shipboard power and telecommunication cables
GB/T 17557-2010 船舶、近海装置用电力、控制、仪表、通信及数据电缆的绝缘材料 Insulating materials for shipboard and offshore units, power, control, instrumentation, telecommunication and data cables
GB/T 17563-2008 可编程测量设备接口系统(字节串行、位并行)的代码、格式、协议和公共命令 Programmadle measuring instruments - Interface system(byte serial,bit parallel) - Codes, formats, pprotocols and common commands
GB/T 17567-2009 核设施的钢铁、铝、镍和铜再循环、再利用的清洁解控水平 Clearance levels for recycle and reuse of steel、aluminum、nickel and copper from nuclear facilities
GB/T 17569-2013 压水堆核电厂物项分级 Classification for the items of pressurized water reactor nuclear power plants
GB/T 17576-2011 CD数字音频系统 Compact disc digital audio system
GB/T 17582-2011 工业炸药分类和命名规则 Classification and rules of nomenclature for industrial explosive
GB/T 17590-2008 铝易开盖三片罐 Three-piece can with aluminum easy open end
GB/T 17601-2008 耐火材料 耐硫酸侵蚀试验方法 Refractory products - Determination of resistance to sulfuric acid
GB/T 17606-2009 原油中硫含量的测定 能量色散X-射线荧光光谱法 Determination of sulfur in crude-oil by energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry
GB/T 17620-2008 带电作业用绝缘硬梯 Live working - Rigid ladders of insulating material
GB/T 17622-2008 带电作业用绝缘手套 Live working - Gloves of insulating material
GB/T 17628-2008 信息技术 开放式edi参考模型 Information technology - Open-edi reference model
GB/T 17629-2010 国际贸易用电子数据交换协议样本 Model interchange agreement for the international commercial use of electronic data interchange
GB/T 17639-2008 土工合成材料 长丝纺粘针刺非织造土工布 Geosynthetics - Synthetic filament spunbond and needlepunched nonwoven geotextiles
GB/T 17640-2008 土工合成材料 长丝机织土工布 Geosynthetics - Synthetic filament woven geotextiles
GB/T 17642-2008 土工合成材料 非织造布复合土工膜 Geosynthetics - Geocomposites made of geononwoven and geomembrance
GB/T 17643-2011 土工合成材料 聚乙烯土工膜 Geosynthetics - Polyethylene geomembrane
GB/T 17644-2008 纺织纤维白度色度试验方法 Test method for whiteness and chromaticity of textile fibres
GB/T 17646-2013 小型风力发电机组 设计要求 Design requirements for small wind turbines
GB/T 17656-2008 混凝土模板用胶合板 Plywood for concrete form
GB/T 17670-2008 天然石材统一编号 Unified catalogue for natural stone
GB/T 17674-2012 原油中氮含量的测定 舟进样化学发光法 Determination of nitrogen in crude oil by boat-inlet chemiluminescence
GB/T 17684-2008 贵金属及其合金术语 Terminology for precious metals and their alloys
GB/T 17686-2008 棉纤维 线密度试验方法 排列法 Cotton fibre - Determination of linear density - Array method
GB/T 17689-2008 土工合成材料 塑料土工格栅 Geosynthetics - Plastic geogrids
GB/T 17694-2009 地理信息 术语 Geographic information - Terminology
GB/T 17699-2008 行政、商业和运输业电子数据交换 数据元目录 Electronic data interchange for administration,commerce and transport(EDIFACT) - Data element directory
GB/T 17702-2013 电力电子电容器 Capacitors for power electronics
GB/T 17710-2008 信息技术 安全技术 校验字符系统 Information technology-Security technique - Check character systems
GB/T 17713-2011 吸油烟机 Range hood
GB/T 17719-2009 工业锅炉及火焰加热炉烟气余热资源量计算方法与利用导则 Calculation method and utilization guides for waste heat resource’s quantity of industrial boiler’s and flame heating furnace’s exhaust gas
GB/T 17725-2011 造船 船体型线 船体几何元素的数字表示 Shipbuilding - Shiplines - Numberical repesentation of elements of the hull geometry
GB/T 17727-2008 船用法兰非金属垫片 Nonmetal material gaskets for marine flange
GB/T 17729-2009 长途客车内空气质量要求 Hygienic standard for the air quality inside long distance coach
GB/T 17732-2008 致密定形含碳耐火制品试验方法 Dense,shaped refractory products - Test methods for products containing carbon
GB/T 17742-2008 中国地震烈度表 The Chinese seismic intensity scale
GB/T 17744-2008 石油天然气工业 钻井和修井设备 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and well servicing equipment
GB/T 17745-2011 石油天然气工业 套管和油管的维护与使用 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Care and use of casing and tubing
GB/T 17748-2008 建筑幕墙用铝塑复合板 Aluminium-plastic composite panel for curtain wall
GB/T 17749-2008 白度的表示方法 Methods of whiteness specification
GB/T 17754-2012 摩擦学术语 Tribology terminology
GB/T 17755-2010 船用额定电压为6 kV(Um=7.2 kV)至30 kV(Um=36 kV)的单芯及三芯挤包实心绝缘电力电缆 Single-and three-core power cables with extruded solid insulation for rated voltages 6kV( Um=7.2kV) up to 30kV( Um=36kV) in ships
GB/T 17758-2010 单元式空气调节机 Unitary air conditioners
GB/T 17759-2009 本色布布面疵点检验方法 Method of inspection for grey fabric surface defects
GB/T 17760-2009 印染布布面疵点检验方法 Method of inspection for printed or dyed fabric surface defects
GB/T 17764-2008 密度计的结构和校准原则 Hydrometers - Principles of construction and adjustment
GB/T 17771-2010 土方机械 落物保护结构 试验室试验和性能要求 Earth-moving machinery - Falling-object protective structures - Laboratory tests and performance requirements
GB/T 17777-2009 饲料中钼的测定 分光光度法 Determination of molybdenum in feeds - Spectrophotometry
GB/T 17793-2010 加工铜及铜合金板带材 外形尺寸及允许偏差 Wrought copper and copper alloy plate,sheet and strip for general purposes - Dimensions and tolerances
GB/T 17794-2008 柔性泡沫橡塑绝热制品 Preformed flexible elastomeric cellular thermal insulation
GB/T 17795-2008 建筑绝热用玻璃棉制品 Glass wool thermal insulating products for building
GB/T 17796-2009 行政区域界线测绘规范 Specifications for administrative boundary surveying and mapping
GB/T 17799.5-2012 电磁兼容 通用标准 室内设备高空电磁脉冲(HEMP)抗扰度 Electromagnetic compatibility(EMC) - Generic standards - HEMP immunity for indoor equipment
GB/T 17802-2011 热不稳定物质动力学常数的热分析试验方法 Thermal analysis test methods for Arrhenius kinetics constants of thermally unstable materials
GB/T 17804-2009 往复式内燃机 图形符号 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Graphical symbols
GB/T 17808-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青混合料搅拌设备 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Asphalt mixing plant
GB/T 17810-2009 饲料级DL-蛋氨酸 Feed grade DL-methionine
GB/T 17811-2008 动物性蛋白质饲料胃蛋白酶消化率的测定 过滤法 Determination of pepsin digestibility in animal protein feeds - Filtration method
GB/T 17812-2008 饲料中维生素E的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of vitamin E in feeds - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 17814-2011 饲料中丁基羟基茴香醚、二丁基羟基甲苯、乙氧喹和没食子酸丙酯的测定 Determination of butyl hydroxy anisole, dibutyl hydroxy toluene, ethoxyquin and propyl gallate in feeds
GB/T 17817-2010 饲料中维生素A的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of vitamin A in feeds - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 17818-2010 饲料中维生素D3的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of vitamin D3 in feeds - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 17821-2008 胶乳 5℃至40℃密度的测定 Rubber latex - Determination of density between 5℃ and 40℃
GB/T 17823-2009 集约化猪场防疫基本要求 Veterinary requirements of prevention and control of diseases for intensive pig farm
GB/T 17832-2008 银合金首饰 银含量的测定 溴化钾容量法(电位滴定法) Silver jewellery alloys - Determination of silver - Volumetric (potentionmetric) method using potassium bromide
GB/T 17839-2011 警戒潮位核定规范 Specification for warning water level determination
GB/T 17841-2008 半钢化玻璃 Heat strengthened glass
GB/T 17846-2009 小艇 直流电动舱底泵 Small craft - Electrically operated direct-current bilge pumps
GB/T 17851-2010 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 几何公差 基准和基准体系 Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - Geometrical tolerancing - Datums and datum system
GB/T 17863-2008 钍矿石中钍的测定 Determination of thorium in thorium ores
GB/T 17872-2009 江海直达货船船型尺度系列 Dimensions series of river/coastal cargo ship
GB/T 17874-2010 电子工业用气体 三氯化硼 Gases for electronic industry - Boron trichloride
GB/T 17876-2010 包装容器 塑料防盗瓶盖 Packaging container - Tamper-evident plastic closure
GB/T 17890-2008 饲料用玉米 Maize for feedstuffs
GB/T 17913-2008 粮油储藏 磷化氢环流熏蒸装备 Grain and oil storage - Furnishment of phosphine recirculation fumigation
GB/T 17917-2008 零售企业管理信息系统基本功能要求 Basic functional requirements for management information system of retailers
GB/T 17919-2008 粉尘爆炸危险场所用收尘器防爆导则 Directives for dust explosion protection for dust collectors in dust explosion hazardous area
GB/T 17921-2010 土方机械 座椅安全带及其固定器 性能要求和试验 Earth-moving machinery - Seat belts and seat belt anchorages - Performance requirements and tests
GB/T 17924-2008 地理标志产品标准通用要求 General requirements for standards on products of geographical indications
GB/T 17925-2011 气瓶对接焊缝X射线数字成像检测 Standard practice for X-ray digital radioscopic examination of cylinder weld
GB/T 17937-2009 电工用铝包钢线 Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes
GB/T 17939-2008 核级高效空气过滤器 Nuclear grade high efficiency particulate air filter
GB/T 17941-2008 数字测绘成果质量要求 Quality requirement for digital surveying and mapping achievements
GB/T 17946-2008 地理标志产品 绍兴酒(绍兴黄酒) Product of geographical indication - Shaoxing rice wine
GB/T 17947-2008 拟再循环、再利用或作非放射性废物处置的固体物质的放射性活度测量 Activity measurements of solid materials considered for recycling re-use, or disposal as non-radioactive waste
GB/T 17953-2012 标准清晰度电视4:2:2数字分量视频信号接口 Interface for 4:2:2 digital component video signals in standard definition television
GB/T 17955-2009 桥梁球型支座 Spherical bearings for bridges
GB/T 17961-2010 印刷体汉字识别系统要求与测试方法 Requirements and test methods for printed Chinese character recognition system
GB/T 17964-2008 信息安全技术 分组密码算法的工作模式 Information technology - Security Techniques - Modes of operation for a block cipher
GB/T 17984-2010 麻花钻 技术条件 Twist drills - Technical specifications
GB/T 17991-2009 精细陶瓷术语 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Vocabulary
GB/T 17992-2008 集装箱正面吊运起重机安全规程 Safety code for the container reach stacker
GB/T 17997-2008 农药喷雾机(器)田间操作规程及喷洒质量评定 Evaluating regulations for the operation and Spraying quality of sprayers in the field
GB/T 18002-2011 中密度纤维板生产线验收通则 Acceptance rules generality of the medium density fiberboard production line
GB/T 18007-2011 咖啡及其制品 术语 Coffee and coffee products - Vocabulary
GB/T 18011-2008 浓缩天然胶乳 干胶膜制备 Natural rubber latex concentrate - Preparation of dry films
GB/T 18012-2008 天然胶乳 pH值的测定 Natural Rubber latex - Determination of pH
GB/T 18013-2008 天然生胶 加速贮存硬化值的测定 Raw natural rubber - Determination of accelerated storage-hardening number
GB/T 18014-2008 电雷管引爆用聚氯乙烯绝缘电线 PVC insulated wire for ignition of electric detonators
GB/T 18027-2008 电动上肢假肢部件 Components of electric upper limb
GB/T 18028-2010 中国盲文数学、物理、化学符号 Mathematical,physical and chemical symbols of Chinese Braille
GB/T 18036-2008 铂铑热电偶细丝的热电动势测量方法 The test method of thermo-emf for platinum
GB/T 18037-2008 带电作业工具基本技术要求与设计导则 Technical requirements and design guide for live working tools
GB/T 18038-2008 电气化铁道牵引供电系统微机保护装置通用技术条件 General specification of microprocessor-based protection equipment for electrified railway traction power supply system
GB/T 18043-2008 首饰 贵金属含量的测定 X射线荧光光谱法 Jewellery - Determination of precious metal content - Method using X-Ray flurescence spetrometry
GB/T 18044-2008 地毯 静电习性评价法 行走试验 Carpets - Assessment of static electrical propensity - Walking test
GB/T 18046-2008 用于水泥和混凝土中的粒化高炉矿渣粉 Ground granulated blast furnace slag used for cement and concrete
GB/T 18048-2008 热环境人类工效学 代谢率的测定 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Determination of metabolic rate
GB/T 18089-2008 蓝舌病病毒分离、鉴定及血清中和抗体检测技术 Isolation, identification and serum neutralization antibody test in bluetongue virus
GB/T 18090-2008 猪繁殖与呼吸综合征诊断方法 Diagnostic methods of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
GB/T 18092-2008 免水冲卫生厕所 watre-free sanitary toilet
GB/T 18108-2008 鲜海水鱼 Fresh marine fish
GB/T 18109-2011 冻鱼 Quick frozen finfish
GB/T 18113-2010 铬酸镧高温电热元件 Heating element of lanthanum chromite at high temperature
GB/T 18126-2010 国际贸易付款条款的缩略语(PAYTERMS) PAYTERMS - Abbreviations for terms of payment for international trade
GB/T 18127-2009 商品条码 物流单元编码与条码表示 Bar code for commodity - Numbering and symbol marking of logistics units
GB/T 18131-2010 国际贸易用标准化运输标志 Standardized shipping marks for international trade
GB/T 18132-2008 丝绸服装 Silk garments
GB/T 18135-2008 电气工程CAD制图规则 Electrotechnical engineering drawings rules of CAD
GB/T 18136-2008 交流高压静电防护服装及试验方法 AC high voltage electrostatic shielding clothing and test procedure
GB/T 18144-2008 玻璃应力测试方法 Test method for measurement of stress in glass
GB/T 18151-2008 激光防护屏 Laser guards
GB/T 18158-2008 转马类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides merry go round category
GB/T 18159-2008 滑行车类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides coaster category
GB/T 18160-2008 陀螺类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides space gyro category
GB/T 18161-2008 飞行塔类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides fly tower category
GB/T 18162-2008 赛车类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rids fairy racing category
GB/T 18163-2008 自控飞机类游艺机通用技术条件 Specification of amusement rides astro fighter category
GB/T 18164-2008 观览车类游艺机通用技术条件 Specification of amusement rides wonder wheel category
GB/T 18165-2008 小火车类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides fairy train category
GB/T 18166-2008 架空游览车类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides monorail category
GB/T 18167-2008 光电打靶类游艺机通用技术条件 Specification of amusement rides shooting category
GB/T 18168-2008 水上游乐设施通用技术条件 Specifications of water amusement equipment category
GB/T 18169-2008 碰碰车类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides bumter car category
GB/T 18170-2008 电池车类游艺机通用技术条件 Specifications of amusement rides battery car category
GB/T 18177-2008 钢件的气体渗氮 Gas nitriding of steel parts
GB/T 18181-2010 三峡枢纽过坝货船(队)尺度系列 Dimensions series of cargo carrier(train) passing the lock of Three Gorges Dam
GB/T 18182-2012 金属压力容器声发射检测及结果评价方法 Acoustic emission examination and evaluation of metallic pressure vessels
GB/T 18184-2008 商业自动化术语 Terms of commerce automation
GB/T 18189-2008 摩托车维修业开业条件 Requirements for industry of motorcycle maintenance and repair being managed
GB/T 18192-2008 液体食品无菌包装用纸基复合材料 Paper based laminated material using for aseptic packaging of liquid food
GB/T 18205-2012 学校卫生综合评价 Comprehensive appraisement for health in schools
GB/T 18206-2011 中小学健康教育规范 Requirement of health education in primary and middle school
GB/T 18220-2012 信息技术 手持式信息处理设备通用规范 Information technology - General specification of hand-held device for information processing
GB/T 18224-2008 桥式抓斗卸船机安全规程 Safety code for the bridge type grab ship unloader
GB/T 18233-2008 信息技术 用户建筑群的通用布缆 Information technology - Generic cabling for customer premises
GB/T 18252-2008 塑料管道系统 用外推法确定热塑性塑料材料以管材形式的长期静液压强度 Plastics piping and ducting systems - Determination of the long - term hydrostatic strength of thermoplastics materials in pipe form by extrapolation
GB/T 18259-2009 人造板及其表面装饰术语 Terms of wood-based panel & its surface decoration
GB/T 18269-2008 交流1kV、直流1.5kV及以下电压等级带电作业用绝缘手工工具 Live working-Hand tools for use up to 1kV a.c .and 1.5kV d.c.
GB/T 18270-2012 排气式镉镍蓄电池用电解液 Electrolyte for vented nickel-cadmium cells
GB/T 18283-2008 商品条码 店内条码 Bar code for commodity - Bar code in-store
GB/T 18287-2013 移动电话用锂离子蓄电池及蓄电池组总规范 General specification of lithium-ion cells and batteries for mobile phone
GB/T 18292-2009 生活锅炉经济运行 Economical operation of domestic boilers
GB/T 18300-2011 自动控制钠离子交换器技术条件 Specification for automatic control sodium ion exchange
GB/T 18301-2012 耐火材料 常温耐磨性试验方法 Refractory products - Determination of resistance to abrasion at ambient temperature
GB/T 18303-2008 钻石色级目视评价方法 Color grading of polished diamond by visual matching
GB/T 18314-2009 全球定位系统(GPS)测量规范 Specifications for global positioning system (GPS) surveys
GB/T 18316-2008 数字测绘成果质量检查与验收 Specifications for inspection and acceptance of quality of digital surveying and mapping achievements
GB/T 18317-2009 专题地图信息分类与代码 Classification and code for thematic map information
GB/T 18342-2009 链条炉排锅炉用煤技术条件 Specifications of coal for chain and travelling grate stoker boiler
GB/T 18348-2008 商品条码 条码符号印制质量的检验 Bar code for commodity - Bar code symbol print quality verification
GB/T 18353-2008 棉花加工企业基本技术条件 Basic technical condition of cotton processing enterprise
GB/T 18357-2008 地理标志产品 宣威火腿 Product of geographical indication - Xuanwei ham
GB/T 18358-2009 中小学教科书幅面尺寸及版面通用要求 General requirements of trim size and type area for primary and secondary school textbooks
GB/T 18359-2009 中小学教科书用纸、印制质量要求和检验方法 General requirements and test methods of paper and printing qualities for primary and secondary school textbooks
GB/T 18362-2008 直燃型溴化锂吸收式冷(温)水机组 Direct-fired lithium bromide absorption water chiller (heater)
GB/T 18369-2008 玻璃纤维无捻粗纱 Glass fiber roving
GB/T 18371-2008 连续玻璃纤维纱 Glass filament yarn
GB/T 18372-2008 玻璃纤维导风筒基布 Glass fibre fabric for ducting
GB/T 18374-2008 增强材料术语及定义 Vocabulary - Terms for reinforcements
GB/T 18378-2008 防水沥青与防水卷材术语 Terminology for waterproof bitumen and waterproof sheet
GB/T 18387-2008 电动车辆的电磁场发射强度的限值和测量方法,宽带,9kHz~30MHz Limits and test methods of magnetic and electric field strength from electric vehicles, Broadband, 9kHz to 30MHz
GB/T 18395-2010 彭泽鲫 Pengze crucian carp
GB/T 18396-2008 天然胶乳 环法测定表面张力 Natural latex - Determination of surface tension by the ring method
GB/T 18405-2008 缩微摄影技术 ISO字符和ISO 1号测试图的特征及其使用 Micrographics - ISO character and ISO test chart No.1 - Description and use
GB/T 18416-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品 蚊香 Domestic sanitary insecticide - Mosquito coils
GB/T 18417-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品 电热蚊香片 Domestic sanitary insecticide electrothermal - Vaporizing mats
GB/T 18418-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品 电热蚊香液 Domestic sanitary insecticide electrothermal - Vaporizing liquid
GB/T 18419-2009 家用卫生杀虫用品 杀虫气雾剂 Domestic sanitary insecticidal aerosols
GB/T 18423-2013 橡胶和塑料软管及非增强软管 液体壁透性测定 Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing - Determination of transmission of liquids through hose and tubing walls
GB/T 18441-2009 港口起重机 供需文件 Harbour crane - Technical characteristics and acceptance documents
GB/T 18446-2009 色漆和清漆用漆基 异氰酸酯树脂中二异氰酸酯单体的测定 Binders for paints and varnishes - Determination of monomeric diisocyanates in isocyanate resins
GB/T 18455-2010 包装回收标志 Package recycling marking
GB/T 18482-2010 可逆式抽水蓄能机组启动试运行规程 Specification for start-up test of reversible pumped-storage units
GB/T 18503-2008 缩微摄影技术 A6透明缩微平片 影像的排列 Micrographics - Transparent A6 microfiche - Image arrangements
GB/T 18512-2008 高炉喷吹用煤技术条件 Specifications of coal used in pulverized coal injection (PCI)
GB/T 18517-2012 制冷术语 Terminology of refrigeration
GB/T 18566-2011 道路运输车辆燃料消耗量检测评价方法 Inspection and evaluation method of fuel consumption for road transport vehicle
GB/T 18567-2010 高速公路隧道监控系统模式 Surveillance and control system configuration for freeway tunnel
GB/T 18573-2009 小艇 电气装置 避雷保护 Small craft - Electrical devices - Lightning-protection systems
GB/T 18574-2008 城市轨道交通客运服务标志 The passenger service signs for urban rail transit
GB/T 18578-2008 城市地理信息系统设计规范 Specifications for designing urban geographic information system
GB/T 18593-2010 熔融结合环氧粉末涂料的防腐蚀涂装 Anti-corrosive painting of fusion bonded epoxy coating powders
GB/T 18600-2009 天然板石 Natural slate
GB/T 18601-2009 天然花岗石建筑板材 Natural granite for building slab
GB/T 18602-2012 岩石热解分析 Rock pyrolysis analysis
GB/T 18607-2008 抽油泵及其组件规范 Specification for subsurface sucker rod pumps and fittings
GB/T 18608-2012 原油和渣油中镍、钒、铁、钠含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Determination of Nickel,Vanadium,Iron,and Sodium in Crude Oils and Residual Fuels by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
GB/T 18609-2011 原油酸值的测定 电位滴定法 Determination of acid number of crude oil by potentiometric titration
GB/T 18612-2011 原油有机氯含量的测定 Determination of organic chloride content in crude oil
GB/T 18618-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 图形参数 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture - Profile method - Motif parameters
GB/T 18623-2011 地理标志产品 镇江香醋 Product of geographical indication - Zhenjiang vinegar
GB/T 18632-2010 饲料添加剂 80%核黄素(维生素B2)微粒 Feed additive - 80% Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) particle
GB/T 18634-2009 饲用植酸酶活性的测定 分光光度法 Determination of feed phytase activity - Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 18650-2008 地理标志产品 龙井茶 Product of geographical indication - Longjing tea
GB/T 18655-2010 车辆、船和内燃机 无线电骚扰特性 用于保护车载接收机的限值和测量方法 Vehicles, boats and internal combustion engines - Radio disturbance characteristics - Limits and methods of measurement for the protection of on-board receivers
GB/T 18661-2008 金属卤化物灯(钪钠系列) Metal-halide lamps (ScI3-NaI series)
GB/T 18665-2008 地理标志产品 蒙山茶 Product of geographical indication - Mengshan tea
GB/T 18669-2012 船用锚链圆钢 Steel bars for ship archor chain
GB/T 18673-2008 渔用机织网片 General technical specifications for machine weaving netting for fisheries
GB/T 18676-2009 植物保护机械 喷雾机(器)喷头 标识用颜色编码 Equipment for crop protection - Sprayer nozzles - Colour coding for identification
GB/T 18687-2012 农业灌溉设备 非旋转式喷头 技术要求和试验方法 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Sprayers - General requirements and test methods
GB/T 18688-2012 农业灌溉设备 灌溉阀的压力损失 试验方法 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Pressure losses in irrigation valves - Test method
GB/T 18689-2009 农业灌溉设备 小型手动塑料阀 Agricultural irrigation equipment- Manually operated small plastics valves
GB/T 18695-2012 饲料加工设备 术语 Feed processing equipment - Terms
GB/T 18704-2008 结构用不锈钢复合管 Stainless steel clad pipes for structural purposes
GB/T 18706-2008 液体食品保鲜包装用纸基复合材料 Paper based laminated material for fresh- keeping packaging of liquid food
GB/T 18724-2008 印刷技术 印刷品与印刷油墨耐各种试剂性的测定 Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of resistance to various agents
GB/T 18725-2008 制造业信息化 技术术语 Manufacturing information - Technical terminology
GB/T 18726-2011 现代设计工程集成技术的软件接口规范 Software interface specification of integrated technology of modern design engineering
GB/T 18729-2011 基于网络的企业信息集成规范 Specification of enterprise information integration in network environment
GB/T 18739-2008 地理标志产品 宣纸 Product of geographical indication - Xuan paper
GB/T 18740-2008 地理标志产品 黄骅冬枣 Product of geographical indication - Huanghuadong jujube
GB/T 18749-2008 耐化学腐蚀陶瓷塔填料技术条件 Standard specification for chemical-resistant ceramic tower packings
GB/T 18750-2008 生活垃圾焚烧炉及余热锅炉 Municipal solid waste incinerator and boiler
GB/T 18757-2008 工业自动化系统 企业参考体系结构与方法论的需求 Industrial automation systems - Requirements for enterprise-reference architectures and methodology
GB/T 18765-2008 野山参鉴定及分等质量 Identification and grade quality standards of wild ginseng
GB/T 18766-2009 奈伏泰斯系统技术要求 Technical requirements of NAVTEX system
GB/T 18770-2008 食盐批发企业管理质量等级划分及技术要求 Management quality rating and technology requirement for edible salt wholesale enterprises
GB/T 18772-2008 生活垃圾卫生填埋场环境监测技术要求 Technical requirement for environmental monitor on sanitary landfill site of domestic refuse
GB/T 18773-2008 医疗废物焚烧环境卫生标准 Environmental sanitation standard for incineration of medical treatment wastes
GB/T 18775-2009 电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道维修规范 Specification for the service of lifts, escalators and moving walks
GB/T 18777-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 表面结构 轮廓法 相位修正滤波器的计量特性 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Surface texture - Profile method - Metrological characteristics of phase correct filters
GB/T 18781-2008 珍珠分级 Cultured pearl grading
GB/T 18788-2008 平板式扫描仪通用规范 General specification for flatbed scanner
GB/T 18790-2010 联机手写汉字识别系统技术要求与测试规程 Requirements and test procedure of on-line handwriting Chinese character recognition system
GB/T 18795-2012 茶叶标准样品制备技术条件 Technology requirement for making standard samples of tea
GB/T 18797-2012 茶叶感官审评室基本条件 General requirement of the tea sensory test room
GB/T 18799-2008 家用和类似用途电熨斗性能测试方法 Electric irons for household or similar use - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 18800-2008 家用微波炉 性能试验方法 Household microware oven - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 18801-2008 空气净化器 Air cleaner
GB/T 18804-2010 运输工具类型代码 Codes for types of means of transport
GB/T 18811-2012 电子商务基本术语 Basic terms of electronic commerce
GB/T 18820-2011 工业企业产品取水定额编制通则 General principles of stipulation of water intake norm for industrial product
GB/T 18823-2010 饲料检测结果判定的允许误差 Permitted tolerants for judgment of testing results in feeds
GB/T 18824-2008 地理标志产品 盘锦大米 Product of geographical indication - Panjin rice
GB/T 18830-2009 纺织品 防紫外线性能的评定 Textiles - Evaluation for solar ultraviolet radiation protective properties
GB/T 18831-2010 机械安全 带防护装置的联锁装置设计和选择原则 Safety of machinery - Interlocking devices associated with guards - Principles for design and selection
GB/T 18833-2012 道路交通反光膜 Retroreflective sheeting for traffic control
GB/T 18842-2008 圆锥直齿渐开线花键 Taper cylindrical involute splines
GB/T 18846-2008 地理标志产品 沾化冬枣 Product of geographical indication - Zhanhua brumal jujube
GB/T 18849-2011 机动工业车辆 制动器性能和零件强度 Powered industrial trucks - Brake performance and component strength
GB/T 18855-2008 水煤浆技术条件 Specifications of coal water mixture(CWM)
GB/T 18857-2008 配电线路带电作业技术导则 Technical guide for live working in distribution line
GB/T 18861-2012 汽车轮胎和摩托车轮胎滚动阻力试验方法 多点试验 Test methods of rolling resistance for motor vehicle tyres and motorcycle tyres - Multi-point test
GB/T 18862-2008 地理标志产品 杭白菊 Product of geographical indication - Hangzhou white chrysanthemum
GB/T 18870-2011 节水型产品通用技术条件 Technical conditions for water saving products and general regulation for management
GB/T 18873-2008 生物薄试样的透射电子显微镜-X射线能谱定量分析通则 General guide of transmission electron microscope (TEM)- X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry(EDS) quantitative microanalysis for thin biological specimens
GB/T 18878-2008 滑道设计规范 Technology directory for summer toboggan run
GB/T 18880-2012 粘结钕铁硼永磁材料 Materials for bonded neodymium iron boron permanent magnets
GB/T 18881-2009 轻型汽油车排气净化催化剂 Catalyst for light-duty petrol vehicle exhaust purification
GB/T 18885-2009 生态纺织品技术要求 Technical specifications of ecological textiles
GB/T 18891-2009 三相电力系统相导体的钟时序数标识 Identification by hour numbers of the phase conductors of 3-phase electric systems
GB/T 18907-2013 微束分析 分析电子显微术 透射电镜选区电子衍射分析方法 Microbeam analysis - Analytical electron microscopy - Selected-area electron diffraction analysis using a transmission electron microscope
GB/T 18922-2008 建筑颜色的表示方法 Methods of color specification for architecture
GB/T 18926-2008 包装容器 木构件 Packaging containers - Wood members
GB/T 18931-2008 残碳量小于7%的碱性致密定形耐火制品分类 Classification of basic dense shaped refractory products containing less than 7% residual carbon
GB/T 18938-2008 家用和类似用途的面包片电烘烤器 性能测试方法 Electric toasters for household and similar purposes - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 18943-2008 多孔橡胶与塑料 动态缓冲性能测定 Cellular rubbers and plastics - Determination of dynamic cushioning performance
GB/T 18948-2009 内燃机冷却系统用橡胶软管和纯胶管 规范 Rubber hoses and tubing for cooling systems for internal-combustion engines - Specification
GB/T 18957-2008 地理标志产品 洞庭(山)碧螺春茶 Product of geographical indication - Dongting (mountain) biluochun tea
GB/T 18960-2012 林业机械 便携式油锯 词汇 Forestry machinery - Portable hand-held china-saws - Vocabulary
GB/T 18961-2012 林业机械 便携式割灌机和割草机 词汇 Forestry machinery - Portable hand-held brush-cutters and grass-trimmers - Vocabulary
GB/T 18963-2012 浓缩苹果汁 Apple juice concentrate
GB/T 18965-2008 地理标志产品 烟台苹果 Product of Geographical Indication - Yantai Apple
GB/T 18966-2008 地理标志产品 烟台葡萄酒 Product of geographical indication - Yantai wines
GB/T 18981-2008 射钉 Fastener
GB/T 18990-2008 促黄体生成素检测试纸(胶体金免疫层析法) Luteinizing hormone(LH)test strip(Colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay)
GB/T 19000-2008 质量管理体系 基础和术语 Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary
GB/T 19001-2008 质量管理体系 要求 Quality management systems - Requirements
GB/T 19004-2011 追求组织的持续成功 质量管理方法 Managing for the sustained success of an organization - A quality management approach
GB/T 19010-2009 质量管理 顾客满意 组织行为规范指南 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for codes of conduct for organizations
GB/T 19012-2008 质量管理 顾客满意 组织处理投诉指南 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations
GB/T 19013-2009 质量管理 顾客满意 组织外部争议解决指南 Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organizations
GB/T 19015-2008 质量管理体系 质量计划指南 Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plans
GB/T 19017-2008 质量管理体系 技术状态管理指南 Quality management systems - Guidelines for configuration management
GB/T 19029-2009 质量管理体系咨询师的选择及其服务使用的指南 Guidelines for the selection of quality management system consultants and use of their services
GB/T 19030-2009 质量工程 术语 Quality engineering - Vocabulary
GB/T 19038-2009 顾客满意测评模型和方法指南 Guide to model and methods of customer satisfaction measurement
GB/T 19039-2009 顾客满意测评通则 General rules of customer satisfaction measurement
GB/T 19048-2008 地理标志产品 龙口粉丝 Product of geographical indication - Longkou vermicelli
GB/T 19049-2008 地理标志产品 昌黎葡萄酒 Product of geographical indication - Changli wine
GB/T 19050-2008 地理标志产品 高邮咸鸭蛋 Product of geographical indication - Gaoyou salted duck eggs
GB/T 19051-2008 地理标志产品 南丰蜜桔 Product of geographical indication - Nanfeng mandarin
GB/T 19056-2012 汽车行驶记录仪 Vehicle travelling data recorder
GB/T 19063-2009 液体食品包装设备验收规范 Acceptance specification of packaging equipment for liquid food
GB/T 19065-2011 电加热锅炉系统经济运行 Economical operation for electric boiler system
GB/T 19072-2010 风力发电机组 塔架 Tower of wind turbine generator system
GB/T 19073-2008 风力发电机组 齿轮箱 Gearbox of wind turbine generator systems
GB/T 19086-2008 地理标志产品 文山三七 Product of geographical indication - Wenshan sanqi
GB/T 19087-2008 地理标志产品 庆元香菇 Product of geographical indication - Qingyuan xiang gu
GB/T 19088-2008 地理标志产品 金华火腿 Product of geographical indication - Jinhua ham
GB/T 19089-2012 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 耐磨性的测定 马丁代尔法 Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics - Determination of abrasion resistance - Martindale method
GB/T 19095-2008 生活垃圾分类标志 The classification signs for municipal solid waste
GB/T 19103-2008 辞书编纂的一般原则与方法 General lexicographical principles and methods
GB/T 19110-2011 缩微摄影技术 检查轮转式缩微摄影机系统性能用的测试标板 Micrographics - Rotary camera systems - Test target for checking performance
GB/T 19139-2012 油井水泥试验方法 Testing of well cements
GB/T 19141-2011 家用太阳能热水系统技术条件 Specification of domestic solar water heating systems
GB/T 19142-2008 出口商品包装通则 Packaging for export commodity general rule
GB/T 19144-2010 沉积岩中干酪根分离方法 Isolation method for kerogen from sedimentary rock
GB/T 19146-2010 红外人体表面温度快速筛检仪 Infrared devices for instant screening of human skin temperature
GB/T 19161-2008 包装容器 复合式中型散装容器 Packing containers - Composite intermediate bulk container
GB/T 19162-2011 梭鱼 Redlip mullet
GB/T 19163-2010 牛蛙 Bull frog
GB/T 19185-2008 交流线路带电作业安全距离计算方法 Calculation method of live working minimum approach distance on a.c.transmission line
GB/T 19198-2008 贵金属及其合金对铂、对铜热电动势的测量方法 Testing method for thermo-electromotive force of precious metals and their alloys pair up with platinum or copper
GB/T 19205-2008 天然气标准参比条件 Natural gas standard reference conditions
GB/T 19208-2008 硫化橡胶粉 Ground vulcanized rubber
GB/T 19227-2008 煤中氮的测定方法 Determination of nitrogen in coal
GB/T 19233-2008 轻型汽车燃料消耗量试验方法 Measurement methods of fuel consumption for light-duty vehicles
GB/T 19252-2010 电子商务协议样本 Model for electronic commerce agreement
GB/T 19265-2008 地理标志产品 沙城葡萄酒 Product of geographical indication - Shacheng wine
GB/T 19266-2008 地理标志产品 五常大米 Product of geographical indication - Wuchang rice
GB/T 19283-2010 三峡枢纽过坝集装箱船主尺度系列 Dimensions series of container ship passing the lock of Three Gorges Dam
GB/T 19316-2008 小艇 小型舷内机喷水艇的遥控操舵系统 Small craft - Remote steering systems for inboard mini jet boats
GB/T 19319-2010 小艇 防止人员落水和重新登艇 Small craft - Man-overboard prevention and recovery
GB/T 19322-2008 小艇 机动游艇空气噪声的测定 Small craft - Measurement of airborne sound emitted by powered recreational craft
GB/T 19326-2012 锻制承插焊、螺纹和对焊支管座 Forged branch outlet fittings, socket-welding, threaded and buttwelding
GB/T 19330-2008 地理标志产品 饶河(东北黑蜂) 蜂蜜、蜂王浆、蜂胶、蜂花粉 Product of geographical indication - Raohe (Northeast-China black bee) honey、royal jelly、propolis、bee pollen
GB/T 19332-2008 地理标志产品 常山胡柚 Product of geographical indication - Changshan huyou
GB/T 19349-2012 金属和其它无机覆盖层 为减少氢脆危险的钢铁预处理 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Pretreatment of iron or steel to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement
GB/T 19350-2012 金属和其它无机覆盖层 为减少氢脆危险的涂覆后钢铁的处理 Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Post-coating treatments of iron or steel to reduce the risk of hydrogen embrittlement
GB/T 19365-2012 林业机械 移动式和自行式林业机械 术语、定义和分类 Machinery for forestry - Mobile and self-propelled forestry machinery - Terms,definitions and classification
GB/T 19367-2009 人造板的尺寸测定 Wood-based panels - Determination of dimensions of panels
GB/T 19387-2008 便携式油锯 锯链制动器性能 Portable chain-saws - Chain brake performance
GB/T 19396-2012 铽镝铁大磁致伸缩材料 Terbium-Dysprosium-iron giant magnetostrictive materials
GB/T 19410-2008 螺杆式制冷压缩机 Screw refrigerant compressors
GB/T 19413-2010 计算机和数据处理机房用单元式空气调节机 Unitary air-conditioners for computer and data prccessing room
GB/T 19460-2008 地理标志产品 黄山毛峰茶 Product of geographical indication - Huangshan maofeng tea
GB/T 19461-2008 地理标志产品 独流(老)醋 Product of geographical indication - Duliu(aged) vinegar
GB/T 19480-2009 肉与肉制品术语 Terms of meat and meat products
GB/T 19501-2013 微束分析 电子背散射衍射分析方法通则 Microbeam analysis - General guide for electron backscatter diffraction analysis
GB/T 19503-2008 地理标志产品 沁州黄小米 Product of geographical indication - Qinzhouhuang foxtail-millet
GB/T 19504-2008 地理标志产品 贺兰山东麓葡萄酒 Product of geographical indication - Wine in Helan mountain east region
GB/T 19505-2008 地理标志产品 露水河红松籽仁 Product of geographical indication - Lushuihe Korean pine seeds and kernel
GB/T 19506-2009 地理标志产品 吉林长白山人参 Product of geographical indication - Jilinchangbaishan ginseng
GB/T 19507-2008 地理标志产品 吉林长白山中国林蛙油 Product of geographical indication - Jilin Changbaishan forest frog’s oviduct
GB/T 19559-2008 煤层气含量测定方法 Method of determining coalbed gas content
GB/T 19560-2008 煤的高压等温吸附试验方法 Experimental method of high-pressure isothermal adsorption to coal
GB/T 19580-2012 卓越绩效评价准则 Criteria for performance excellence
GB/T 19584-2010 银行卡磁条信息格式和使用规范 Specification on magnetic stripe data content and application for bank card
GB/T 19585-2008 地理标志产品 吐鲁番葡萄 Product of geographical indication - Turpan grape
GB/T 19586-2008 地理标志产品 吐鲁番葡萄干 Product of geographical indication - Turpan raisin
GB/T 19590-2011 纳米碳酸钙 Nanoscale Calcium carbonate(Powdered form)
GB/T 19690-2008 地理标志产品 余姚杨梅 Product of geographical indication - Yuyao bayberry
GB/T 19691-2008 地理标志产品 狗牯脑茶 Product of geographical indication - Gougunao tea
GB/T 19692-2008 地理标志产品 滁菊 Product of geographical indication - Chuzhou chrysanthemum
GB/T 19693-2008 地理标志产品 新昌花生(小京生) Product of geographical indication - Xingchang peanut(Xiaojingsheng)
GB/T 19694-2008 地理标志产品 平遥牛肉 Product of geographical Indication - Pingyao braised beef
GB/T 19695-2008 地理标志产品 秀油 Product of geographical indication - Xiushan bodied tongoil
GB/T 19696-2008 地理标志产品 平阴玫瑰 Product of geographical indication - Pingyin rose
GB/T 19697-2008 地理标志产品 黄岩蜜桔 Product of geographical indication - Huangyan mandarin
GB/T 19698-2008 地理标志产品 太平猴魁茶 Product of geographical indication - Taiping houkui tea
GB/T 19699-2012 船舶与海上技术 液货舱压力/真空阀 Ships and marine technology - Pressure/vacuum valves for cargo tanks
GB/T 19742-2008 地理标志产品 宁夏枸杞 Product of geographical indication - Ningxia lycium
GB/T 19776-2008 地理标志产品 昭通天麻 Product of geographical indication - Zhaotong tianma
GB/T 19792-2012 农业灌溉设备 水动化肥-农药注入泵 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Water-driven chemical injector pumps
GB/T 19794-2012 农业灌溉设备 定量阀 技术要求和试验方法 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Volumetric valves - General requirements and test methods
GB/T 19797-2012 农业灌溉设备 中心支轴式和平移式喷灌机 水量分布均匀度的测定 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Centre-pivot and moving lateral irrigation machines with sprayer or sprinkler nozzles - Determination of uniformity of water distribution
GB/T 19830-2011 石油天然气工业 油气井套管或油管用钢管 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Steel pipes for use as casing or tubing for wells
GB/T 19852-2008 地理标志产品 卢龙粉丝 Product of geographical indication - Lulong vermicelli
GB/T 19853-2008 地理标志产品 抚远鲟鱼子、鳇鱼子、大麻(马)哈鱼子 Product of geographical indication - Fuyuan ova of amur sturgeon , kaluga sturgeon, and chum salmon
GB/T 19876-2012 机械安全 与人体部位接近速度相关的安全防护装置的定位 Safety of machinery ― Positioning of safeguards with respect to the approach speeds of parts of the human body
GB/T 20013.4-2010 核医学仪器 例行试验 第4部分:放射性核素校准仪 Nuclear medicine instrumentation - Rutine tests - Part4:Radionuclide calibrator
GB/T 20161-2008 变频器供电的笼型感应电动机应用导则 Cage induction motors when fed from converters-application guide
GB/T 20296-2012 集成电路记忆法与符号 Mnemonics and symbols for integrated ciruuits
GB/T 20456-2008 林业机械 便携式油锯 被动式锯链制动器性能 Forestry machinery - Portable chain-saws - Non-manually actuated chain brake performance
GB/T 20769-2008 水果和蔬菜中450种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 450 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruits and vegetables - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 20770-2008 粮谷中486种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 486 pesticides and related chemicals residues in grains - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 20771-2008 蜂蜜中486种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 486 pesticides and related chemicals residues in honey - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 20772-2008 动物肌肉中461种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 461 pesticides and related chemicals residues in animal muscles - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 21331-2008 绒毛浆 Fluff pulp
GB/T 21332-2008 硬质泡沫塑料 水蒸气透过性能的测定 Rigid cellular plastics - Determination of water vapour transmission properties
GB/T 21333-2008 硬质泡沫塑料 自结皮高密度材料试验方法 Cellular plastics,rigid - Test methods for self-skinned,high-density materials
GB/T 21334-2008 物流园区分类与基本要求 Classification and fundamental requirements of logistics park
GB/T 21335-2008 RSS条码 Reduced Space Symbology(RSS) bar code
GB/T 21336-2008 地理信息 质量评价过程 Geographic information - Quality evaluation procedures
GB/T 21337-2008 地理信息 质量原则 Geographic information - Quality principles
GB/T 21338-2008 机动车维修从业人员从业资格条件 Certification requirements for practitioners of motor vehicle maintenance and repair
GB/T 21339-2008 港口能源消耗统计及分析方法 The statistical and analytical methods for energy consumption in harbor industry
GB/T 21353-2008 漆膜抗藻性测定法 Test method for determining the resistance of paint film to algae
GB/T 21354-2008 粉末产品振实密度测定通用方法 Powders-Determination of tap density
GB/T 21355-2008 无损检测 计算机射线照相系统的分类 Non-destructive testing - Classification of computed radiology systems
GB/T 21356-2008 无损检测 计算机射线照相系统的长期稳定性与鉴定方法 Non-destructive testing - Qualification and long-term stability of computed radiology systems
GB/T 21357-2008 喷气燃料过滤分离器相似性技术规范 Specification for similarity Jet fuel filter/separators
GB/T 21358-2008 喷气燃料过滤分离器通用技术规范 Specifications for aviation jet fuel filter/separators
GB/T 21359-2008 食品和供水工业用不锈钢螺纹接头 Stainless steel tube threaded couplings for the food & water industry
GB/T 21360-2008 汽车空调用制冷剂压缩机 Refrigerantor compressor for motor vehicle air conditioning
GB/T 21361-2008 汽车用空调器 Motor vehicle air-conditioning unit
GB/T 21362-2008 商业或工业用及类似用途的热泵热水机 Heat pump water heater for commercial & industrial and similar application
GB/T 21363-2008 容积式制冷压缩冷凝机组 Positive displacement refrigerant compressor condensing unit
GB/T 21364-2008 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 基于规则的XML绑定技术 Information technology - Learning,education and training - Rule-based XML binding techniques
GB/T 21365-2008 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 学习对象元数据 Information technology - Learning, education and training - Learning object metadata
GB/T 21366-2008 信息技术 学习、教育和培训 参与者标识符 Information technology - Learning, education and training - Participant identifiers
GB/T 21367-2008 化工企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求 Specification for equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of energy in chemical enterprise
GB/T 21368-2008 钢铁企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求 Specification for equipping and managing of measuring instrument of energy in the iron and steel industry
GB/T 21369-2008 火力发电企业能源计量器具配备和管理要求 Specification for equipping and managing of measuring instrument of energy in fossil power plants
GB/T 21371-2008 用于水泥中的工业副产石膏 By-Product gypsum for use in cement
GB/T 21372-2008 硅酸盐水泥熟料 Portland cement clinker
GB/T 21373-2008 知识产权文献与信息 分类及代码 Intellectual property documentation and information - Classification and codes
GB/T 21374-2008 知识产权文献与信息 基本词汇 Intellectual property documentation and information - Essential vocabulary
GB/T 21375-2008 干酪 (奶酪) Cheese
GB/T 21376-2008 水路散装水泥熟料运输损耗规定 Provisions on exhaust of bulk cement clinker in waterway transportation
GB/T 21379-2008 交通管理信息属性分类与编码 城市道路 Classification and coding of the attribute of traffic management information - City road
GB/T 21380-2008 行人反光标识夜间光度性能及测试方法 Nighttime photometric performance and test method of retroreflective pedestrian markings
GB/T 21381-2008 交通管理地理信息实体标识编码规则 城市道路 Coding rules for entity identification code of traffic management geographical information - City road
GB/T 21382-2008 光致发光(磷光)安全标记光学性能要求 Specification for optical requirements of photoluminescent (phosphorescent) safety marking
GB/T 21383-2008 新划路面标线初始逆反射亮度系数及测试方法 Coefficient of initial retroreflected luminance of newly applied pavement marking and test method
GB/T 21384-2008 电热水器用安全阀 Electric water-heater safety valve
GB/T 21385-2008 金属密封球阀 Metal-seated ball valve
GB/T 21386-2008 比例式减压阀 Ratio pressure reducing
GB/T 21387-2008 轴流式止回阀 Aaxial flow check valve
GB/T 21388-2008 游标、带表和数显深度卡尺 Vernier, dial and digital display depth callipers
GB/T 21389-2008 游标、带表和数显卡尺 Vernier, dial and digital display calipers
GB/T 21390-2008 游标、带表和数显高度卡尺 Vernier, dial and digital display height callipers
GB/T 21391-2008 用气体涡轮流量计测量天然气流量 Measurement of natural gas flow by turbine meters
GB/T 21392-2008 船舶运输能源消耗统计及分析方法 The methods of statistics and analysis of energy consumption in shipping transportation
GB/T 21393-2008 公路运输能源消耗统计及分析方法 The methods of statistics and analysis for energy consumption of highway transportation
GB/T 21394-2008 道路交通信息服务 信息分类与编码 Road traffic information service -Information classifying and coding
GB/T 21395-2008 二甲基亚砜 Dimethyl sulfoxide
GB/T 21396-2008 鞋类 成鞋试验方法 帮底粘合强度 Footwear - Test methods for whole shoe - -Upper sole adhesion
GB/T 21397-2008 棉花收获机 Cotton harvesters
GB/T 21398-2008 农林机械 电磁兼容性 试验方法和验收规则 Agricultural and forestry machinery - Electromagnetic compatibility - Test methods and acceptance criteria
GB/T 21399-2008 粮食干燥机自动控制系统评定规则 Evaluating rule of automatic control system for grain driers
GB/T 21401-2008 农业灌溉设备 铝灌溉管 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Aluminium irrigation tubes
GB/T 21402-2008 农业灌溉设备 水头控制器 Agricultural irrigation equipment-Control heads
GB/T 21403-2008 喷灌设备 文丘里式差压液体添加射流器 Irrigation equipment - Differential pressure Venturi-type liquid additive injectors
GB/T 21404-2008 内燃机 发动机功率的确定和测量方法 一般要求 Internal combustion engine - Determination and method for the measurement of engine power - General requirements
GB/T 21405-2008 往复式内燃机 发动机功率的确定和测量方法 排气污染物排放试验的附加要求 Reciprocating intenal combustion engines - Determination and method for the measurement of engine power - Additional requirements for exhaust emission tests in accordance with ISO 8178
GB/T 21406-2008 内燃机 发动机的重量(质量)标定 Internal combustion engines - Engine weight (mass) declaration
GB/T 21407-2008 双馈式变速恒频风力发电机组 Doubly fed variable speed constant frequency wind turbine
GB/T 21408-2008 玻璃设备、管道和管件 15mm~150mm口径管道和管件的通用性和互换性 Glass plant,pipeline and fittings - Pipeline and fittings of nominal bore 15 to150mm - Compatibility and interchangeability
GB/T 21409-2008 玻璃设备、管道和管件 检验、安装和使用的一般规则 Glass plant,pipeline and fitting - General rules for testing, handling and use
GB/T 21410-2008 石油天然气工业 井下工具 锁定心轴与定位接头 Petroleum and netural gas industries - Downhole equipment - Lock mandrels and landing nipples
GB/T 21414-2008 铁路应用 机车车辆 电气隐患防护的规定 Railway applications - Rolling stock - Protective provisions against electrical hazards
GB/T 21415-2008 体外诊断医疗器械 生物样品中量的测量 校准品和控制物质赋值的计量学溯源性 In vitro diagnostic medical devices - Measurement of quantities in biological samples - Metrological traceability of values assigned to calibrators and control materials
GB/T 21416-2008 医用电子体温计 Clinical electronic thermometer
GB/T 21418-2008 永磁无刷电动机系统通用技术条件 Permanent magnet brushless motor system, General specification for
GB/T 21419-2008 电力变压器、电源装置、电抗器和类似产品 电磁兼容(EMC)要求 Power transformers, power supply units, reactors and similar products-EMC requirements
GB/T 21420-2008 高压直流输电用光控晶闸管的一般要求 General requirements for light-trigged thyristors for HVDC transmission
GB/T 21422-2008 三轮汽车 驾驶员操作位置尺寸 Tri-wheel vehicles - Operating position dimensions of driver
GB/T 21423-2008 三轮汽车燃油箱 安全性能要求和试验方法 Tri-wheel vehicles fuel tank - Safety property requirements and test methods
GB/T 21424-2008 低速货车燃油箱 安全性能要求和试验方法 Low-speed goods vehicles fuel tank - Safety property requirements and test methods
GB/T 21425-2008 低噪声内燃机电站噪声指标要求及测量方法 Low-noise electric power plant with internal combustion engine for general specification
GB/T 21426-2008 特殊环境条件 高原对内燃机电站的要求 Special environmental condition - Requirements for electric power plant with internal combustion engines on plateau
GB/T 21427-2008 特殊环境条件 干热沙漠对内燃机电站系统的技术要求及试验方法 Special environmental condition - Requirements and test methods for electric powerplant with internal combustion engines in dry heat-desert
GB/T 21428-2008 往复式内燃机驱动的发电机组 安全性 Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven generating sets - Safety
GB/T 21429-2008 户外和户内电气设备用空心复合绝缘子 定义、试验方法、接收准则和设计推荐 Composite insulators - Hollow insulators for use in outdoor and indoor electrical equipment - Definitions, test methods, acceptance criteria and design recommendations
GB/T 21431-2008 建筑物防雷装置检测技术规范 Technical specifications for inspection of lightning protection system in building
GB/T 21432-2008 石墨制压力容器 Graphite pressure vessels
GB/T 21433-2008 不锈钢压力容器晶间腐蚀敏感性检验 Detecting susceptibility to intergranular corrosion in stainless steel pressure vessels
GB/T 21434-2008 相变锅炉 Phase change boiler
GB/T 21435-2008 相变加热炉 Phase change heater
GB/T 21436-2008 汽车泊车测距警示装置 Parking distance monitoring & warning device for motovehicle
GB/T 21438-2008 栉孔扇贝 亲贝 Parent scallop of farrers scallop
GB/T 21439-2008 草原健康状况评价 Assessment for the status of rangeland health
GB/T 21441-2008 牙鲆 Olive flounder
GB/T 21442-2008 栉孔扇贝 Farrer's scallop
GB/T 21443-2008 海湾扇贝 Bay scallop
GB/T 21444-2008 青海湖裸鲤 Naked carp of Qinghai lake
GB/T 21446-2008 用标准孔板流量计测量天然气流量 Measurement of natural gas flow by means of standard orifice meter
GB/T 21447-2008 钢质管道外腐蚀控制规范 Specification for external corrosion control for steel pipeline
GB/T 21448-2008 埋地钢质管道阴极保护技术规范 Specification of cathodic protection for underground steel pipelines
GB/T 21449-2008 水-乙二醇型难燃液压液 Water glycol fire-resistant hydraulic fluids
GB/T 21450-2008 原油和石油产品 密度在638kg/m3到1074 kg/m3范围内的烃压缩系数 Crude petroleum and petroleum products - Compressibility factors for hydrocarbons in the range 638 kg/m3 to 1074 kg/m3
GB/T 21452-2008 中间馏分燃料颗粒物含量的测定 实验室过滤法 Petroleum products - Determination of particulate content of middle distillate fuels - Laboratory filtration method
GB/T 21453-2008 工业清洁生产审核指南编制通则 General principles of stipulating the guidelines for cleaner production audit Industry sectors
GB/T 21457-2008 起重机和相关设备 试验中参数的测量精度要求 Cranes and related equipment - Accuracy requirements for measuring parameters during testing
GB/T 21458-2008 流动式起重机 额定起重量图表 Mobile cranes - Presentation of rated capacity charts
GB/T 21462-2008 氯丁二烯橡胶(CR) 评价方法 Evaluation procedure of Chloroprene Rubber(CR)
GB/T 21463-2008 氯丁二烯橡胶胶乳碱度的测定 Rubber-Polychloroprene latex - Determination of alkalinity
GB/T 21464-2008 橡胶 乙烯-丙烯-二烯烃(EPDM)三元共聚物中5-乙叉降冰片烯(ENB)或双环戊二烯(DCPD)含量的测定 Rubber - Determination of 5-Ethylidenenorbornene(ENB)or Dicyclopentadiene(DCPD) in Ethylene-Propylene-Diene (EPDM) Terpolymers
GB/T 21465-2008 阀门 术语 Terminology for valves
GB/T 21467-2008 工业车辆在门架前倾的特定条件下堆垛作业 附加稳定性试验 Industrial trucks operating in special condition of stacking with mast titled forward - Additional stability test
GB/T 21468-2008 托盘堆垛车和高起升平台堆垛车 稳定性试验 Pallet stackers and high-lift platform trucks - Stability tests
GB/T 21469-2008 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 一般要求 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer - General requirement
GB/T 21470-2008 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 盘、柱、环、筒类 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer - Disks, columns, rings and seamless cylindrical sleeves
GB/T 21471-2008 锤上钢质自由锻件机械加工余量与公差 轴类 Machining allowances and tolerances for steel open die forgings on hammer - Shafts
GB/T 21472-2008 食品工业用不锈钢弯头和三通 Stainless steel bends and tees for the food industry
GB/T 21473-2008 调色系统用色浆 Tinting system colorant
GB/T 21474-2008 废弃电子电气产品再使用及再生利用体系评价导则 Guideline for the assessment on the reuse and recycling system of waste electrical and electronic equipment
GB/T 21475-2008 造船 指示灯颜色 Shipbuilding - Colours of indicator lights
GB/T 21476-2008 船舶与海上技术 软管组件的耐火性能 试验台要求 Ships and marine technology - Fire resistance of hose assemblies - Requirements for the test bench
GB/T 21477-2008 船舶及海上技术 软管组件的耐火性能 试验方法 Ships and marine technology - Fire resistance of hose assemblies - Test methods
GB/T 21478-2008 船舶与海上技术 海上环境保护 溢油处理相关术语 Ships and marine technology - Marine environment protection - Terminology relating to oil spill response
GB/T 21480-2008 船舶与海上技术 油舱及水舱放泄装置 Ships and marine technology - Drain facilities from oil and water tanks
GB/T 21482-2008 船舶与海上技术 充气橡胶靠球 Ships and marine technology - Pneumatic rubber fenders
GB/T 21483-2008 船用水喷射泵 Marine water jet pump
GB/T 21484-2008 造船 掣链器 Shipbuilding - Cable stoppers
GB/T 21485-2008 船舶和海上技术 船上消防、救生设备及逃生路线布置图 Ships and marine technology - Shipboard plans for fire protection,life-saving appliances and means of escape
GB/T 21486-2008 液压滤芯 检验性能特性的试验程序 Hydraulic fluid power - Filter elements - Sequence of tests for verifying performance characteristics
GB/T 21488-2008 脐橙 Navel orange
GB/T 21489-2008 散粮汽车卸车装置 Truck dumper
GB/T 21490-2008 结构加固修复用碳纤维片材 Carbon fiber sheet for strengthening and restoring structures
GB/T 21491-2008 结构加固修复用芳纶布 Aramid fiber fabric for strengthening and restoring structures
GB/T 21492-2008 玻璃纤维增强塑料顶管 Glass fiber reinforced plastics jacking pipe
GB/T 21493-2008 大豆磷脂中磷脂酰胆碱、磷脂酰乙醇胺、磷脂酰肌醇的测定 Determination of phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidycholine of soybean phospholipids
GB/T 21494-2008 低温食用豆粕 Low temperature desolventized edible soybean meal
GB/T 21495-2008 动植物油脂 具有顺,顺1,4-二烯结构的多不饱和脂肪酸的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of polyunsaturated fatty acid with a cis,cis 1,4-diene structure
GB/T 21496-2008 动植物油脂 油脂沉淀物含量的测定 离心法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of sediment in crude fat and oil - Centrifuge method
GB/T 21497-2008 动植物油脂 定温闪燃测试 彭斯克-马丁闭口杯法 Animal and vegatable fats and oils - Flashpoint limit test using - Pensky-Martens closed cup flash tester
GB/T 21498-2008 大豆制品中胰蛋白酶抑制剂活性的测定 Determination of trypsin inhibitor activity of soya products
GB/T 21499-2008 大米 稻谷和糙米潜在出米率的测定 Rice - Determinaton of the potential milling yield from paddy and from husked rice
GB/T 21502-2008 发令器 Starting device
GB/T 21503-2008 发令弹 Starting cartridge
GB/T 21504-2008 5.6毫米运动步枪 5.6mm Sporting rifle
GB/T 21505-2008 5.6毫米运动手枪 5.6 mm Sport pistol
GB/T 21506-2008 5.6毫米运动枪弹 5.6 mm Sport cartridge
GB/T 21507-2008 12号运动猎枪弹 12 Gauge sporting shotgun cartridge
GB/T 21508-2008 燃煤烟气脱硫设备性能测试方法 Performance test method for coal-fired flue gas desulphurization equipment
GB/T 21509-2008 燃煤烟气脱硝技术装备 Denitration equipment of coal-fired flue gas
GB/T 21510-2008 纳米无机材料抗菌性能检测方法 Antimicrobial property detection methods for nano-inorganic materials
GB/T 21512-2008 食用植物油中叔丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)的测定 Determination of tert-butylhydroquinone(TBHQ) in edible vegetable oil
GB/T 21513-2008 畜牧用盐 Animal feed salt
GB/T 21514-2008 饲料中脂肪酸含量的测定 Determination of the content of fatty acids in feeds
GB/T 21515-2008 饲料添加剂 天然甜菜碱 Feed additive - Natural betaine
GB/T 21516-2008 饲料添加剂 10%β-阿朴-8’-胡萝卜素酸乙酯(粉剂) Feed additive - 10% β-Apo-8'-carotenoic ethyl ester (powder)
GB/T 21517-2008 饲料添加剂 叶黄素 Feed additive - Lutein
GB/T 21524-2008 无机化工产品中粒度的测定 筛分法 Particle size determination of inorganic chemical products - Sieving method
GB/T 21525-2008 无机化工产品中镁含量测定的通用方法 络合滴定法 Inorganic chemical products for industrial use - General method for determination of magnesium content by complexation titration
GB/T 21526-2008 结构胶粘剂 粘接前金属和塑料表面处理导则 Structural adhesives - Guidelines for the surface preparation of metals and plastics prior to adhesive bonding
GB/T 21527-2008 轨道交通扣件系统弹性垫板 Elastic pads for rail transit fasten system
GB/T 21528-2008 蜜蜂产品生产管理规范 Bee products production management regulation
GB/T 21529-2008 塑料薄膜和薄片水蒸气透过率的测定 电解传感器法 Determination of water vapour transmission rate for plastic film and sheeting - Electrolytic detection sensor method
GB/T 21530-2008 棉花打包用镀锌钢丝 Galvanized steel wire for cotton packing
GB/T 21531-2008 MFBD型钢丝打扣机 MFBD type steel wire knotter
GB/T 21532-2008 蜂王浆冻干粉 Lyophilized royal jelly powder
GB/T 21533-2008 蜂蜜中淀粉糖浆的测定 离子色谱法 Determination of starch srupy in honey - Ion chromatography
GB/T 21534-2008 工业用水节水 术语 Industrial water usage and conservation - Terminology
GB/T 21535-2008 危险化学品 爆炸品名词术语 Dangerous chemicals - Terms of explosives
GB/T 21537-2008 锥型橡胶护舷 Cone rubber fender
GB/T 21538-2008 金属薄板用涂覆胶辊 Rubber roller for metal foil-purpose coating
GB/T 21539-2008 混凝土泵用聚氨酯活塞 Cement-purpose PU piston
GB/T 21540-2008 液压传动 液体在线自动颗粒计数系统 校准和验证方法 Hydraulic fluid power - On-line automatic particle-counting systems for liquids - Methods of calibration and validation
GB/T 21541-2008 工业用氯代甲烷类产品纯度的测定 气相色谱法 Chlorinated methanes for industrial use - Determination of purity - Gas chromatography
GB/T 21542-2008 饲料中恩拉霉素的测定 微生物学法 Determination of enramycin in feeds - Microbiological method
GB/T 21543-2008 饲料添加剂 调味剂 通用要求 Feed additives - Flavorings - The general principles
GB/T 21544-2008 移动通信手持机用锂离子电源充电器 The charger for lithium-ion batteries of cellular phones
GB/T 21545-2008 通信设备过电压过电流保护导则 Principles of protection against overvoltages and overcurrents
GB/T 21546-2008 铌钛复合超导体的直流临界电流测量 Critical current measurement - DC critical current of Nb-Ti composite superconductors
GB/T 21548-2008 光通信用高速直接调制半导体激光器的测量方法 Methods of measurement of the high speed semiconductor lasers directly modulated for optical fiber communication systems
GB/T 21557-2008 废纸中胶粘物的测定 Waste paper - Estimation of stickies
GB/T 21558-2008 建筑绝热用硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料 Rigid polyurethane cellular plastics used in the thermal insulation of building
GB/T 21562-2008 轨道交通 可靠性、可用性、可维修性和安全性规范及示例 Railway applications - Specification and demonstration of Reliability,Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS)
GB/T 21563-2008 轨道交通 机车车辆设备 冲击和振动试验 Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Shock and vibration tests
GB/T 21565-2008 危险品 磁性试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of magnetism
GB/T 21566-2008 危险品 爆炸品摩擦感度试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for friction sensitivity of explosives substance
GB/T 21567-2008 危险品 爆炸品撞击感度试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for impact sensitivity of explosives substance
GB/T 21568-2008 危险品 包装拉断力试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for tensile break stress of packaging
GB/T 21569-2008 危险品 大包装顶部提升试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for top lift of large packaging
GB/T 21570-2008 危险品 隔板试验方法 Dangerous goods - Gap test method
GB/T 21571-2008 危险品 爆燃转爆轰试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of deflagration to detonation transition
GB/T 21572-2008 危险品 1.5项物品的外部火烧试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of external fire for division 1.5 article
GB/T 21573-2008 危险品 单个包件试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of single package
GB/T 21574-2008 危险品 堆垛试验方法 Dangerous goods - Stack test method
GB/T 21575-2008 危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的雷管试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of cap for extremely insensitive detonate substance(EIDS)
GB/T 21576-2008 危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的隔板试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of gap for extremely insensitive detonate substance (EIDS)
GB/T 21577-2008 危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的脆性试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of friability for extremely insensitive detonate substance (EIDS)
GB/T 21578-2008 危险品 克南试验方法 Dangerous goods - Koenen test method
GB/T 21579-2008 危险品 时间/压力试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of time/pressure
GB/T 21580-2008 危险品 小型燃烧试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test of small-scale burning
GB/T 21581-2008 危险品 液体钢管跌落试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of steel tube drop for liquid
GB/T 21582-2008 危险品 雷管敏感度试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of cap sensitivity
GB/T 21583-2008 危险品 大包装堆码试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for stacking of large packaging
GB/T 21584-2008 危险品 大包装跌落试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for drop of large packaging
GB/T 21585-2008 危险品 中型散装容器防渗漏试验方法 Dangerous goods - Leakproofness test method for intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21586-2008 危险品 中型散装容器液压试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for leakage seal of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21587-2008 危险品 中型散装容器跌落试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for drop of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21588-2008 危险品 中型散装容器底部提升试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for bottom lift of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21589-2008 危险品 中型散装容器顶部提升试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for top lift of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21590-2008 危险品 中型散装容器堆码试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for stacking of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21591-2008 危险品 中型散装容器扯裂试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for tear of intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21592-2008 危险品 中型散装容器(IBCs)倾覆试验方法 Dangerous goods - Topple test method for intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21593-2008 危险品 包装堆码试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for stacking of packaging
GB/T 21594-2008 危险品 中型散装容器复原试验方法 Dangerous goods - Righting test method for intermediate bulk containers (IBCs)
GB/T 21595-2008 危险品 便携式罐体撞击试验方法 Dangerous goods - Impact test method for portable tank
GB/T 21596-2008 危险品 便携式罐体压力试验方法 Dangerous goods - Pressure test method for portable tank
GB/T 21597-2008 危险品 便携式罐体防漏试验方法 Dangerous goods - Leakproofness test method for portable tank
GB/T 21598-2008 危险品 便携式罐体液压试验方法 Dangerous goods - Hydraulic pressure test for portable tank
GB/T 21599-2008 危险品 包装跌落试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for drop of packaging
GB/T 21600-2008 危险品 包装气密试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for gasproofness of packaging
GB/T 21601-2008 危险品 包装提梁提环强度试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for bale handle and drop handle strength of packaging
GB/T 21602-2008 危险品 大包装底部提升试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for bottom lift of large packaging
GB/T 21603-2008 化学品急性经口毒性试验方法 Test method of acute oral toxicity for chemicals
GB/T 21604-2008 化学品急性皮肤刺激性/腐蚀性试验方法 Test method of acute dermal irritation/corrosion for chemicals
GB/T 21605-2008 化学品急性吸入毒性试验方法 Test method of acute inhalation toxicity for chemicals
GB/T 21606-2008 化学品急性经皮毒性试验方法 Test method of acute dermal toxicity for chemicals
GB/T 21607-2008 化学品一代繁殖毒性试验方法 Test method of one-generation reproduction toxicity for chemicals
GB/T 21608-2008 化学品皮肤致敏试验方法 Test method of skin sensitization for chemicals
GB/T 21609-2008 化学品急性眼刺激性/腐蚀性试验方法 Test method of acute dermal irritation/corrosion for chemicals
GB/T 21610-2008 化学品啮齿类动物显性致死试验方法 Test method of rodent dominant lethal for chemicals
GB/T 21611-2008 危险品 易燃固体自燃试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of spontaneous combustion for flammable solids
GB/T 21612-2008 危险品 易燃固体自热试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of self heating for flammable solids
GB/T 21613-2008 危险品 自加速分解温度试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for determination of the accelerating decomposition temperature
GB/T 21614-2008 危险品 喷雾剂燃烧热试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for heat combustion of spray aerosols
GB/T 21615-2008 危险品 易燃液体闭杯闪点试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for determination of closed cup flash point of flammable liquids
GB/T 21616-2008 危险品 易燃液体蒸汽压力试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for vapour pressure of flammable liquids
GB/T 21617-2008 危险品 固体氧化性试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for oxidizing solids
GB/T 21618-2008 危险品 易燃固体燃烧速率试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for burning rate of flammable solids
GB/T 21619-2008 危险品 易燃固体遇水放出易燃气体试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for flammable solids, which in contacting with water emit flammable gases
GB/T 21620-2008 危险品 液体氧化性试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test methods for oxidizing liquids
GB/T 21621-2008 危险品 金属腐蚀性试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method for corrosion to metals of corrosive substance
GB/T 21622-2008 危险品 易燃液体持续燃烧试验方法 Dangerous goods - Sustained combustibility test for flammable liquids
GB/T 21623-2008 危险品 易燃黏性液体黏度试验方法 Dangerous goods - Viscosity test for of flammable viscous liquids
GB/T 21624-2008 危险品 易燃黏性液体溶剂分离试验方法 Dangerous goods - Solvent separation test for of flammable viscous liquids
GB/T 21625-2008 危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的子弹撞击试验方法 Dangerous goods - Bullet impact test method of extremely insensitive detonating substance
GB/T 21626-2008 危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的外部火烧试验方法 Dangerous goods - External fire test method of extremely insensitive detonating substance
GB/T 21627-2008 危险品 极不敏感引爆物质的缓慢升温试验方法 Dangerous goods - Slow cook-off test of extremely insensitive detonating substance
GB/T 21628-2008 危险品 1.6项物品的外部火烧试验方法 Dangerous goods - External fire test method of division 1.6 article
GB/T 21629-2008 危险品 1.6项物品的子弹撞击试验方法 Dangerous goods - Bullet impact test method of division 1.6 article
GB/T 21630-2008 危险品 喷雾剂点燃距离试验方法 Dangerous goods - Ignition distance test method for aerosols
GB/T 21631-2008 危险品 喷雾剂封闭空间点燃试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of enclosed space ignition for aerosols
GB/T 21632-2008 危险品 喷雾剂泡沫可燃性试验方法 Dangerous goods - Test method of foam flammability for aerosols
GB/T 21635-2008 飞机 千斤顶空间尺寸 Airplane - Jacks clearance dimensions
GB/T 21636-2008 微束分析 电子探针显微分析 (EPMA) 术语 Microbeam analysis - Electron Probe Micro Analysis (EPMA) - Vocabulary
GB/T 21637-2008 冠状病毒透射电子显微镜形态学鉴定方法 Method of morphological identification of coronavirus by using transmission electron microscopy
GB/T 21638-2008 钢铁材料缺陷电子束显微分析方法通则 Guide for electron beam microananlysis of defect in steel materials
GB/T 21639-2008 基于IP网络的视讯会议系统总技术要求 The technical requirements of video conferencing service for IP-based network
GB/T 21640-2008 基于IP网络的视讯会议系统设备互通技术要求 Technical standards for cooperation between equipments of IP-based video conference system
GB/T 21641-2008 基于不同技术的应急视讯会议系统互通技术要求 Technique requirements of video conferencing system inter working between different technologies
GB/T 21643-2008 IP认证头(AH) IP Authentication Header
GB/T 21644-2008 网络远程教育平台总体要求 General Description of Networks Distance Learning
GB/T 21646-2008 400MHz频段模拟公众无线对讲机技术规范和测量方法 Technical specification and testing methods for analog public radio interphone on 400MHz band
GB/T 21647-2008 B-ISDN ATM 适配层(AAL)类型2技术规范 B-ISDN ATM Adaptation Layer Specification : Type 2 AAL
GB/T 21648-2008 金属丝编织密纹网 Industrial dense woven wire cloth
GB/T 21651-2008 再生锌合金锭 Secondarily zinc alloy ingots
GB/T 21652-2008 铜及铜合金线材 Copper and copper alloy wire
GB/T 21653-2008 镍及镍合金线和拉制线坯 Nickel and Nickel-alloy Wire and Drawing Stock
GB/T 21655.1-2008 纺织品 吸湿速干性的评定 第1部分:单项组合试验法 Textiles - Evaluation of absorption and quick-drying - Part 1:method for combination tests
GB/T 21656-2008 灯的国际编码系统(ILCOS) International lamp coding system(ILCOS)
GB/T 21658-2008 进出境植物和植物产品有害生物风险分析工作指南 Guideline for pest risk analysis of import and export plant and plant product
GB/T 21659-2008 植物检疫措施准则 辐照处理 Guidelines for the use of irradiation as a phytosanitary measure
GB/T 21661-2008 塑料购物袋 Plastic shopping bags
GB/T 21662-2008 塑料购物袋的快速检测方法与评价 The puick testing method and evaluation for plastic shopping bags
GB/T 21663-2008 小容量节能环保隐极同步发电机技术要求 Specific requirements for small capacity cylindrical rotor synchronous machines in energy save and environment protection projects
GB/T 21664-2008 工作抽样方法 Working sampling methods
GB/T 21665-2008 尿吸收辅助器具 从使用者和护理者的角度评价一次性成人失禁用尿吸收辅助器具的基本原则 Urine-absorbing aids - Basic principles for evaluation of single-use adult-incontinence-absorbing aids from the perspective of uses and caregivers
GB/T 21666-2008 尿吸收辅助器具 评价的一般指南 Urine-absorbing aids - General guidance on evaluation
GB/T 21667-2008 二手货品质鉴定通则 General rules of the second-hand goods qualification
GB/T 21671-2008 基于以太网技术的局域网系统验收测评规范 Acceptance test specification for Local Area Network (LAN) systems based on ethernet technology
GB/T 21672-2008 冻裹面包屑虾 Frozen breaded shrimp or prawn
GB/T 21673-2008 海水虾类育苗水质要求 Water quility requirement for marine shrimp breeding
GB/T 21674-2008 猪圆环病毒聚合酶链反应试验方法 Detecting porcine circovirus with polymerase chain reaction
GB/T 21675-2008 非洲马瘟诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for african horse sickness
GB/T 21676-2008 乳与乳制品 脂肪酸的测定 气相色谱法 Milk and dairy products - Determination of fatty acid content by gas - Liquid chromatography
GB/T 21677-2008 豁眼鹅 Huoyan geese
GB/T 21678-2008 渔业污染事故经济损失计算方法 Calculating methods on the economic loss of fishery pollution accidents
GB/T 21679-2008 法庭科学DNA数据库建设规范 Criterion for forensic DNA database
GB/T 21680-2008 木工圆锯片 尺寸 Circular saw blades for woodworking - Dimensions
GB/T 21681-2008 数控压力机、液压机用模拟负荷测试系统 Analog load testing system for CNC presses and hydraulic presses
GB/T 21682-2008 旋挖钻机 Rotary drilling rig
GB/T 21683-2008 木工机床 万能磨刀机 术语 Woodworking machines - Universal tool and cutter sharpeners - Nomenclature
GB/T 21684-2008 木工机床 二、三、四面铣床 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Two-, three- and four-side moulding machines - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 21685-2008 木工机床 多轴钻床 术语 Woodworking machines - Muti-spindle boring machines - Nomenclature
GB/T 21686-2008 木工机床 卧式榫槽机 术语和精度 Woodworking machines - Slot mortising machines - Nomenclature and acceptance conditions
GB/T 21687-2008 木工机床 单头多轴开榫机 术语 Woodworking machines - Single-end tenoning machines with several spindles - Nomenclature
GB/T 21688-2008 木工机床 单面直线封边机 术语 Woodworking machines - Single-end edge bonding machine - Nomenclature
GB/T 21689-2008 木工机床 窄带磨光机 术语 Woodworking machines - Narrow belt sanding machines with sliding table or frame - Nomenclature
GB/T 21690-2008 细木工带锯条 尺寸 Narrow bandsaw blades for woodworking - Dimensions
GB/T 21691-2008 木工机床 带锯磨锯机 术语 Woodworking machines - Bandsaw blade sharpening machines - Nomenclature
GB/T 21692-2008 乳粉卫生操作规范 Hygienic practice for dried milk
GB/T 21694-2008 饲料添加剂 蛋氨酸锌 Feedadditive - Zinc methionine
GB/T 21695-2008 饲料级 沸石粉 Feed grade - Zeolite meal
GB/T 21696-2008 饲料添加剂 碱式氯化铜 Feed additive - Copper chloride hydroxide
GB/T 21697-2008 低压电力线路和电子设备系统的雷电过电压绝缘配合 Insulation coordination of low voltage power line and electronic system
GB/T 21698-2008 复合接地体技术条件 Technical specifications of composite grounding device
GB/T 21699-2008 直线明槽中的转子式流速仪检定/校准方法 Verification/Calibration method of rotating-element current meters in straight open tank
GB/T 21703-2008 乳与乳制品中苯甲酸和山梨酸的测定 Determination of benzoic and sorbic acid in milk and dairy products
GB/T 21704-2008 乳与乳制品中非蛋白氮含量的测定 Determination of non-protein-nitrogen content in milk and dairy products
GB/T 21705-2008 低压电器电量监控器 Power monitor for low-voltage electrical apparatus
GB/T 21706-2008 模数化终端组合电器 Modular terminal combination electrical equipment
GB/T 21707-2008 变频调速专用三相异步电动机绝缘规范 Insulation specification for variable frequency adjustable speed definite purpose converter-fed three-phase induction motors
GB/T 21708-2008 干热沙漠环境条件 电工电子设备通用技术要求 Environomental condition for dry heat-desert - General technical requirements of electric and electronic equipments
GB/T 21710-2008 蛋制品卫生操作规范 Hygienic practice for egg products
GB/T 21712-2008 古籍修复技术规范与质量要求 The standard for the restoration and control of ancient books
GB/T 21717-2008 小型水轮机型式参数及性能 技术规定 Technical specification about the type parameter and performance of small hydraulic turbines
GB/T 21718-2008 小型水轮机基本技术条件 Fundamental technical requirements for small hydraulic turbines
GB/T 21719-2008 稻谷整精米率检验法 Determination of head rice yield of paddy
GB/T 21720-2008 农贸市场管理技术规范 Administrant & Technical practice for markets of agricultural products
GB/T 21721-2008 农副产品销售现场危害管理规范 Hazard administrantion practice on sale locale of agricultural product
GB/T 21723-2008 麦(稻)秸秆刨花板 Wheat/rice-straw particleboard
GB/T 21725-2008 天然香辛料 分类 Natural spices - Classification
GB/T 21726-2008 黄茶 Yellow tea
GB/T 21727-2008 固态速溶茶 儿茶素类含量的检测方法 Instant tea in solid form - Determination of catechins content
GB/T 21728-2008 砖茶含氟量的检测方法 Brick tea - Determination of fluoride content
GB/T 21729-2008 茶叶中硒含量的检测方法 Tea - Determination of selenium content
GB/T 21730-2008 浓缩橙汁 Concentrated orange juice
GB/T 21731-2008 橙汁及橙汁饮料 Orange juice and orange juice beverage
GB/T 21732-2008 含乳饮料 Milk beverages
GB/T 21733-2008 茶饮料 Tea beverages
GB/T 21735-2008 肉与肉制品物流规范 Logistics code for meat and meat products
GB/T 21736-2008 节能热处理燃烧加热设备技术条件 Technical specifications of energy-saving combustion devices for heat treating
GB/T 21737-2008 为消费者提供商品和服务的购买信息 Purchase information on goods and services intended for consumers
GB/T 21739-2008 家用电梯制造与安装规范 Rules for the construction and installation of home lifts
GB/T 21740-2008 基础地理信息城市数据库建设规范 Specifications for urban database construction of fundamental geographic information
GB/T 21741-2008 住宅小区安全防范系统通用技术要求 General specifications of security & protection system for residential area
GB/T 21744-2008 轨道交通工程大型设备制造综合劳动定额 Ration of workers for manufacturing large rail traffic engineering equipments
GB/T 21745-2008 轨道交通工程构件制造劳动定员定额 Ration of workers for manufacturing rail traffic engineering components
GB/T 21747-2008 教学实验室设备 实验台(桌)的安全要求及试验方法 Educational laboratory equipment - Safety requirements and test methods for laboratory workbenchs
GB/T 21750-2008 化学品 毒物代谢动力学试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of toxicokinetics studies
GB/T 21751-2008 化学品 哺乳动物精原细胞染色体畸变试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of mammalian spermatogonial chromosome aberration
GB/T 21752-2008 化学品 啮齿动物28天重复剂量经口毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of repeated dose 28-day oral toxicity study in rodents
GB/T 21753-2008 化学品 21天/28天重复剂量经皮毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of repeated dose dermal toxicity:21/28-day study
GB/T 21754-2008 化学品 28天/14天重复剂量吸入毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of repeated dose inhalation toxicity:28/14-day study
GB/T 21755-2008 工业用途的化学产品 固体物质氧化性质的测定 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of oxidizing properties of solids
GB/T 21756-2008 工业用途的化学产品 固体物质相对自燃温度的测定 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of relative temperature of spontaneous flammable of solids
GB/T 21757-2008 化学品 急性经口毒性试验 急性毒性分类法 Chemicals - Test method of acute oral toxicity for chemicals - Acute toxic class method
GB/T 21758-2008 化学品 两代繁殖毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of two-generation reproduction toxicity study
GB/T 21759-2008 化学品 慢性毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of chronic toxicity
GB/T 21760-2008 植物检疫证书准则 Guidelines for phytosanitary certificates
GB/T 21761-2008 建立非疫区指南 Guide for the establishment of pest free areas
GB/T 21762-2008 电缆管理 电缆托盘系统和电缆梯架系统 Cable management - Cable tray systems and cable ladder systems
GB/T 21763-2008 化学品 啮齿类动物亚慢性经口毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of repeated dose oral toxicity study in rodents
GB/T 21764-2008 化学品 亚慢性经皮毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of subchronic dermal toxicity study
GB/T 21765-2008 化学品 亚慢性吸入毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of subchronic inhalation toxicity study
GB/T 21766-2008 化学品 生殖/发育毒性筛选试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of reproduction/developmental toxicity screening
GB/T 21767-2008 化学品 体内哺乳动物肝细胞非程序性DNA合成(UDS)试验方法 Chemical - Test method of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) test with mammalian liver cells In Vivo
GB/T 21768-2008 化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞DNA损伤与修复/非程序性DNA合成试验方法 Chemical - Test method of DNA damage and repair/unscheduled DNA synthesis with mammalian cells in vitro
GB/T 21769-2008 化学品 体外3T3中性红摄取光毒性试验方法 Chemical - In vitro 3T3 NRU phototoxicity test method
GB/T 21770-2008 化学品(有机磷化合物) 急性染毒的迟发性神经毒性试验方法 Chemicals(organophosphorus substances) - Test method of delayed neurotoxicity following acute exposure
GB/T 21771-2008 化学品 重复剂量毒性合并生殖/发育毒性筛选试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of combined repeated dose toxicity study with the reproduction/developmental toxicity screening
GB/T 21772-2008 化学品 哺乳动物骨髓染色体畸变试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of mammalian bone narrow chromosome aberration
GB/T 21773-2008 化学品 体内哺乳动物红细胞微核试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vivo mammalian erythrocyte micronucleus
GB/T 21774-2008 粉末涂料 烘烤条件的测定 Coating powders - Determination of stoving condition
GB/T 21775-2008 闪点的测定 闭杯平衡法 Determination of flash point - Closed cup equilibrium method
GB/T 21776-2008 粉末涂料及其涂层的检测标准指南 Standard guide for testing coating powders and powders coatings
GB/T 21777-2008 色漆和清漆用漆基 氯化聚合物树脂 通用试验方法 Binders for paints and varnishes - Chlorinated polymerization resins - General methods of test
GB/T 21778-2008 化学品 非啮齿类动物亚慢性(90天)经口毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of repeated dose 90-day oral toxicity in non-rodents
GB/T 21779-2008 金属粉末和相关化合物粒度分布的光散射试验方法 Test method for particle size distribution of metal powders and related compounds by light scattering
GB/T 21780-2008 粒度分析 重力场中沉降分析 吸液管法 Partical size analysis - Sedimentation analysis in the gravitational field - Pipette method
GB/T 21781-2008 化学品的熔点及熔融范围试验方法 毛细管法 Test methods for melting point and melting range of chemical products - Capillary tube method
GB/T 21783-2008 塑料 毛细管法和偏光显微镜法测定部分结晶聚合物的熔融行为(熔融温度或熔融范围) Plastics - Determination of melting behaviour (melting temperature or melting range) of semi-crystalline polymers by capillary tube and polarizing-microscope methods
GB/T 21784.2-2008 实验室玻璃器皿 通用型密度计 第2部分:试验方法和使用 Laboratory glassware-hydrometer for general purpose - Part 2: Test methods and use
GB/T 21785-2008 实验室玻璃器皿 密度计 Laboratory glassware - Pyknometers
GB/T 21786-2008 化学品 细菌回复突变试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of bacterial reverse mutation
GB/T 21787-2008 化学品 啮齿类动物神经毒性试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of neurotoxicity study in rodents
GB/T 21788-2008 化学品 慢性毒性与致癌性联合试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of combined chronic toxicity/carcinogenicity study
GB/T 21789-2008 石油产品和其他液体闪点的测定 阿贝尔闭口杯法 Petroleum products and other liquids - Determination of flash point -Abel closed cup method
GB/T 21790-2008 闪燃和非闪燃测定 快速平衡闭杯法 Determination of flash/ no flash - Rapid equilibrium closed cup method
GB/T 21791-2008 石油产品自燃温度测定法 Determination of ignition temperature of petroleum products
GB/T 21792-2008 闪燃和非闪燃测定 闭杯平衡法 Determination of flash/ no flash - Closed cup equilibrium method
GB/T 21793-2008 化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞基因突变试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vitro mammalian cell gene mutation
GB/T 21794-2008 化学品 体外哺乳动物细胞染色体畸变试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of in vitro mammalian chromosome aberration
GB/T 21795-2008 化学品 模拟试验 污水好氧处理 生物膜法 Testing of chemicals - Simulation test Aerobic sewage treatment - Biofilms
GB/T 21796-2008 化学品 活性污泥呼吸抑制试验 Testing of chemicals - Activated sludge, respiration inhibition test
GB/T 21797-2008 化学品(有机磷化合物) 28天重复剂量的迟发性神经毒性试验 Testing of chemicals - Delayed neurotoxicity of organophosphorus substances 28-day repeated dose study
GB/T 21798-2008 化学品 小鼠可遗传易位试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of mouse heritable translocation
GB/T 21799-2008 化学品 小鼠斑点试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of mouse spot
GB/T 21800-2008 化学品 生物富集 流水式鱼类试验 Testing of chemicals Bioconcentration - Flow-through fish test
GB/T 21801-2008 化学品 快速生物降解性 呼吸计量法试验 Testing of chemicals - Ready biodegradability - Manometric respirometry test
GB/T 21802-2008 化学品 快速生物降解性 改进的MITI试验(I) Testing of chemicals - Ready biodegradability - Modified MITI test (I)
GB/T 21803-2008 化学品 快速生物降解性 DOC消减试验 Testing of chemicals - Ready biodegradability - DOC die-away test
GB/T 21804-2008 化学品 急性经口毒性固定剂量试验方法 Chemicals - Test method of acute oral toxicity-fixed dosed procedure
GB/T 21805-2008 化学品 藻类生长抑制试验 Testing of chemicals - Alga growth inhibition test
GB/T 21806-2008 化学品 鱼类幼体生长试验 Testing of chemicals - Fish, juvenile growth test
GB/T 21807-2008 化学品 鱼类胚胎和卵黄囊仔鱼阶段的短期毒性试验 Testing of chemicals - Fish, short-term toxicity test on embryo and sac-fry stages
GB/T 21808-2008 化学品 鱼类延长毒性14天试验 Testing of chemicals - Fish, prolonged toxicity: 14-day study test
GB/T 21809-2008 化学品 蚯蚓急性毒性试验 Chemicals - Test method of earthworm, acute toxicity test
GB/T 21810-2008 化学品 鸟类日粮毒性试验 Chemicals - Avian dietary toxicity test
GB/T 21811-2008 化学品 鸟类繁殖试验 Chemicals - Avian reproduction test
GB/T 21812-2008 化学品 蜜蜂急性经口毒性试验 Chemicals - Honeybees, acute oral toxicity test
GB/T 21813-2008 化学品 蜜蜂急性接触性毒性试验 Chemicals - Honeybees acute contact toxicity test
GB/T 21814-2008 工业废水的试验方法 鱼类急性毒性试验 Testing methods for industrial wastewater - Fish acute toxicity
GB/T 21816-2008 化学品 固有生物降解性 赞恩-惠伦斯试验 Testing of chemicals - Inherent biodegradability - Zahn-Wellens test
GB/T 21817-2008 化学品 固有生物降解性 改进的半连续活性污泥试验 Testing of chemicals - Inherent biodegradability - Modified SCAS test
GB/T 21818-2008 化学品 固有生物降解性 改进的MITI试验(II) Testing of chemicals - Inherent biodegradability - Modified MITI test (II)
GB/T 21819-2008 地理标志产品 遂昌竹炭 Product of designations of origin or geographical indication - Suichang bamboo charcoal
GB/T 21820-2008 地理标志产品 舍得白酒 Product of geographical indication - Shede liquor
GB/T 21821-2008 地理标志产品 严东关五加皮酒 Product of geographical indication - Yandongguan Wujiapi liquor
GB/T 21822-2008 地理标志产品 沱牌白酒 Product of geographical indication - Tuopai liquor
GB/T 21823-2008 地理标志产品 都江堰川芎 Product of geographical indication - Dujiangyan chuanxiong
GB/T 21824-2008 地理标志产品 永春佛手 Product of geographical indication - Yongchun foshou tea
GB/T 21825-2008 玻璃纤维土工格栅 Glass fibre geogrid
GB/T 21826-2008 化学品 急性经口毒性试验方法 上下增减剂量法(UDP) Chemicals - Test method of acute oral toxicity - Up and down procedure (UDP)
GB/T 21827-2008 化学品 皮肤变态反应试验 局部淋巴结方法 Chemicals - Test method of skin sensitization - Local lymph node assay (LLNA)
GB/T 21828-2008 化学品 大型溞繁殖试验 Testing of chemicals - Daphnia magna reproduction test
GB/T 21829-2008 化学品 污水好氧处理模拟试验 活性污泥单元法 Testing of chemicals - Simulation test Aerobic sewage treatment - Aactivated sludge units
GB/T 21830-2008 化学品 溞类急性活动抑制试验 Testing of chemicals - Daphnia sp., acute immobilisation test
GB/T 21831-2008 化学品 快速生物降解性 密闭瓶法试验 Testing of chemicals - Ready biodegradability - Closed bottle test
GB/T 21832-2008 奥氏体 铁素体型双相不锈钢焊接钢管 Austenitic - Ferritic (duplex) grade stainless steel welded tubes and pipes
GB/T 21833-2008 奥氏体 铁素体型双相不锈钢无缝钢管 Austenitic - Ferritic (duplex) grade stainless steel seamless tubes and pipes
GB/T 21834-2008 中低合金钢 多元素成分分布的测定 金属原位统计分布分析法 Medium and low alloy steel - Determination of the distribution of multi-element contents - Original position statistic distribution analysis method
GB/T 21835-2008 焊接钢管尺寸及单位长度重量 Dimensions and masses per unit length of welded steel pipes
GB/T 21836-2008 软磁铁氧体用四氧化三锰 Manganous manganic oxide for soft magnetic ferrites
GB/T 21837-2008 铁磁性钢丝绳电磁检测方法 Practice for electromagnetic examination of ferromagnetic steel wire rope
GB/T 21839-2008 预应力混凝土用钢材试验方法 Steel for prestressed concrete - Test methods
GB/T 21840-2008 硫化促进剂 TBBS Vulcanizing accelerator TBBS
GB/T 21841-2008 防老剂6PPD Antioxidant 6PPD
GB/T 21842-2008 牙膏中二甘醇的测定 Determination of diethylene glycol in toothpaste
GB/T 21843-2008 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 用机械筛测定粒径 Plastics - Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resins - Particle size determination by mechanical sieving
GB/T 21844-2008 化合物(蒸气和气体)易燃性浓度限值的标准试验方法 Standard test method for concentration limits of flammability of chemicals (vapors and gases)
GB/T 21845-2008 化学品 水溶解度试验 Chemicals - Water solubility test
GB/T 21846-2008 工业用化工产品 固体可燃性的确定 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of the inflammation of solids
GB/T 21847-2008 工业用化工产品 气体可燃性的确定 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of inflammation of gases
GB/T 21848-2008 工业用化学品 爆炸危险性的确定 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of explosion risk
GB/T 21849-2008 工业用化学品 固体和液体水解产生的气体可燃性的确定 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of inflammation of gases formed after hydrolysis of solids and liquids
GB/T 21850-2008 化工产品 固体和液体自燃性的确定 Chemical products for industry use - Determination of spontaneous combustion of solids and liquids
GB/T 21851-2008 化学品 批平衡法检测 吸附/解吸附试验 Chemicals - Adsorption - desorption using a batch equilibrium method
GB/T 21852-2008 化学品 分配系数(正辛醇-水) 高效液相色谱法试验 Testing of chemicals - Partition coefficient(n-octanol/water)- High performance liquid chromatography(HPLC)method
GB/T 21853-2008 化学品 分配系数(正辛醇-水) 摇瓶法试验 Testing of chemicals - Partition coefficient(n-octanol/water)- Shake flask method
GB/T 21854-2008 化学品 鱼类早期生活阶段毒性试验 Testing of chemicals - Fish, early-life stage toxicity test
GB/T 21855-2008 化学品 与pH有关的水解作用试验 Chemicals - Test of hydrolysis as a function of pH
GB/T 21856-2008 化学品 快速生物降解性 二氧化碳产生试验 Testing of chemicals - Ready biodegradability - CO2 evolution test
GB/T 21857-2008 化学品 快速生物降解性 改进的OECD筛选试验 Testing of chemicals - Ready biodegradability - Modified OECD screening test
GB/T 21858-2008 化学品 生物富集 半静态式鱼类试验 Testing of chemicals - Bioconcentration - Semi-static fish test
GB/T 21859-2008 气体和蒸气点燃温度的测定方法 Method of test for ignition temperature of gases and vapours
GB/T 21860-2008 液体化学品自燃温度的试验方法 Liquid chemicals - Test method for the autoignition temperature
GB/T 21863-2008 凝胶渗透色谱法(GPC) 用四氢呋喃做淋洗液 Gel permeation chromatography(GPC) - Tetrahydrofuran as elution solvent
GB/T 21864-2008 聚苯乙烯的平均分子量和分子量分布的检测标准方法 高效体积排阻色谱法 Standard test method for molecular weight averages and molecular weight distribution of polystyrene by high performance size-exclusion chromatography
GB/T 21865-2008 用半自动和自动图象分析法测量平均粒度的标准测试方法 Standard test methods for determining average grain size using semiautomatic and automatic image analysis
GB/T 21866-2008 抗菌涂料(漆膜)抗菌性测定法和抗菌效果 Test method and effect for antibacterial capability of paints film
GB/T 21869-2008 医用手套表面残余粉末的测定 Medical gloves - Determination of removable surface powder
GB/T 21870-2008 天然胶乳医用手套水抽提蛋白质的测定 改进Lowry法 Medical gloves made from natural rubber latex - Determination of water-extractable protein using the modified Lowry method
GB/T 21871-2008 橡胶配合剂 缩略语 Rubber compounding ingredients - Abbreviations
GB/T 21872-2008 铸造自硬呋喃树脂用磺酸固化剂 Sulphonic acid hardener for foundry no-bake furan resin
GB/T 21873-2008 橡胶密封件 给、排水管及污水管道用接口密封圈 材料规范 Rubber seals - Joint rings for water supply, drainage and sewerage pipelines - Specification for materials
GB/T 21874-2008 弹性体密封件 排水管道接口密封件材料要求 热塑性弹性体 Elastomeric seals - Requirements for materials for pipe joint seals used in water and drainage applications - Thermoplastic elastomers
GB/T 21875-2008 染料 提升力的测定 Dyestuffs - Determination of build up
GB/T 21876-2008 溶剂染料及染料中间体 灰分的测定 Solvent dyes and intermediate of dyes - Determination of ash content
GB/T 21877-2008 染料及染料中间体 堆积密度的测定 Dyestuffs and intermediate of dyes - Determination of tapping density
GB/T 21878-2008 水溶性硫化染料 分光强度的测定 Water-soluble sulphur dyes - Determination of spectrostrength
GB/T 21879-2008 水溶性染料 溶解度的测定 点滤纸法 Water-soluble dyes - Determination of solubility - Drop test of filter papers
GB/T 21880-2008 酸性染料 移染性的测定 Acid dyes - Determination of migration properties
GB/T 21881-2008 酸性染料 匀染性的测定 Acid dyes - Determination of levelling properties
GB/T 21882-2008 液体染料 黏度的测定 Liquid dyes - Determination of the viscosity
GB/T 21883-2008 荧光增白剂 荧光强度的测定 Fluorescent whitening agents - Determination of fluoristrength
GB/T 21884-2008 纺织印染助剂 螯合剂 螯合能力的测定 Textile auxiliaries - Chelating agents - Determination of the capability of chelating
GB/T 21885-2008 纺织印染助剂 消泡剂 消泡效果的测定 Textile auxiliaries - Defoaming agents - Determination of the defoaming efficiency
GB/T 21886-2008 2,4-二硝基苯酚 2,4-Dinitrophenol
GB/T 21887-2008 2-氨基-4-硝基苯酚 2-Amino-4-nitrophenol
GB/T 21888-2008 酸性艳红P-9B 150%(C.I.酸性红131) Acid brilliant red P-9B 150%(C.I. Acid red 131)
GB/T 21889-2008 酸性艳红P-3B 200%(C.I.酸性红336) Acid brilliant red P-3B 200%(C.I. Acid red 336)
GB/T 21890-2008 酸性艳黄P-4R 150%(C.I.酸性黄42) Acid brilliant yellow P-4R 150%(C.I. Acid yellow 42)
GB/T 21891-2008 酸性艳蓝P-3R 200%(C.I.酸性蓝281) Acid brilliant blue P-3R 200%(C.I. Acid blue 281)
GB/T 21892-2008 对氨基苯酚 P-Aminophenol
GB/T 21893-2008 纺织平网印花制版感光乳液 A kind of photosensitive emulsion(double component) for plate making on fabric screen printing
GB/T 21894-2008 纺织圆网印花制版感光乳液 A kind of photosensitive emulsion for plate making on fabric rotary screen printing
GB/T 21895-2008 对-(β-羟乙基砜硫酸酯)苯胺(对位酯) p-(β-Sulfato ethyl sulfonyl)anilin(Para Base Ester)
GB/T 21896-2008 2-萘胺-1,5-二磺酸(磺化吐氏酸) 2-Naphthylamine-1,5-disulfonic acid (Sulphonic Tobias acid )
GB/T 21897-2008 承载防水卷材 Load-bearing waterproof sheet
GB/T 21898-2008 纺织品颜色表示方法 Method of specification for textile colors
GB/T 21899-2008 割草压扁机 Mowing and flattening machine
GB/T 21910-2008 轿车轮胎湿路面相对抓着性能试验方法 Method for measuring relative wet grip performance of passenger car tyres
GB/T 21911-2008 食品中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定 Determination of phthalate esters in foods
GB/T 21912-2008 食品中二氧化钛的测定 Determination of titanium dioxide in foods
GB/T 21913-2008 食品中滑石粉的测定 Determination of talc in foods
GB/T 21914-2008 茶饮料中乙酸苄酯的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of Benzyl Acetate in tea-drink - Gas chromatography method
GB/T 21915-2008 食品中纳他霉素的测定 液相色谱法 Determination of natamycin in food - By high-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 21916-2008 水果罐头中合成着色剂的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of synthetic colour in fruit tins - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 21917-2008 饮料中乙基麦芽酚的测定方法 Method for Determination of Ethyl Maltol in Beverage
GB/T 21918-2008 食品中硼酸的测定 Method for determination of Boric acid in Foods
GB/T 21919-2008 检验医学 参考测量实验室的要求 Laboratory medicine - Requirements for reference measurement laboratories
GB/T 21920-2008 岸边集装箱起重机安全规程 Safety code for the quayside container crane
GB/T 21921-2008 不透性石墨材料抗拉强度试验方法 Test method for tensile strength of impermeable graphite materials
GB/T 21923-2008 固体生物质燃料检验通则 General testing rules for solid biofules
GB/T 21924-2008 谷朊粉 Wheat gluten
GB/T 21925-2008 水中除草剂残留测定 液相色谱/质谱法 Determination of herbicide residues in water - LC/MS method
GB/T 21926-2008 辐照含脂食品中2-十二烷基环丁酮测定 气相色谱/质谱法 Determination of 2-Dodecylcyclobutanone in Irradiated foods Containing Fat - GC/MS Method
GB/T 21927-2008 食品中叔丁基对苯二酚的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of Tertiary Butylhydroquinone in foods - High-Performance of liquid chromatography
GB/T 21928-2008 食品塑料包装材料中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定 Determination of phthalate esters in food plastic packaging materials
GB/T 21929-2008 泰格闭口杯闪点测定法 Test method for flash point by tag closed cup tester
GB/T 21930-2008 地理标志产品 云锦 Product of geographical indication - Yunjin
GB/T 21932-2008 镍和镍铁 硫含量的测定 氧化铝色层分离-硫酸钡重量法 Nickel and ferronickel - Determination of sulphur content - Barium sulfate gravimctric method after alumina chromatographic separation
GB/T 21934-2008 土方机械 沉头方颈螺栓 Earth-moving machinery - Plough bolt
GB/T 21935-2008 土方机械 操纵的舒适区域与可及范围 Earth-moving machinery - Zones of comfort and reach for controls
GB/T 21936-2008 土方机械 安装在机器上的拖拽装置 性能要求 Earth-moving machinery - Machine-mounted retrieval device - Performance requirements
GB/T 21937-2008 土方机械 履带式和轮胎式推土机的推土铲 容量标定 Earth-moving machinery - Crawler and wheel tractor dozer blades - Volumetric ratings
GB/T 21938-2008 土方机械 液压挖掘机和挖掘装载机动臂下降控制装置 要求和试验 Earth-moving machinery - Hydraulic excavator and backhoe loader boom-lowering control device - Requirements and tests
GB/T 21939-2008 土方机械 低速机器报警装置 超声波及其它系统 Earth-moving machinery - Warning devices for slow-moving machines - Ultrasonic and other systems
GB/T 21940-2008 土方机械 推土机、平地机和铲运机用刀片 主要形状和基本尺寸 Earth-moving machinery - Cutting edges used on tractor-dozers, graders and scrapers - Principal shapes and basic dimensions
GB/T 21941-2008 土方机械 液压挖掘机和挖掘装载机的反铲斗和抓铲斗 容量标定 Earth-moving machinery - Volumetric ratings for hoe-type and grab-type buckets of hydraulic excavators and backhoe loaders
GB/T 21942-2008 土方机械 装载机和正铲挖掘机的铲斗 容量标定 Earth-moving machinery - Loader and front loading excavator buckets - Volumetric ratings
GB/T 21943-2008 钢纸砂盘支撑托盘 Back-up pads for vulcanized fibre discs
GB/T 21945-2008 数控扇形齿轮插齿机 精度检验 Numerical control sector gear shaping machines - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 21946-2008 数控剃齿机 精度检验 Numerical control gear shaving machines - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 21947-2008 数控异型螺杆铣床 精度检验 Numerically milling machines for special screws - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 21950-2008 盘形径向剃齿刀 Plunge shaving cutters
GB/T 21951-2008 镶或整体立方氮化硼刀片 尺寸 Cubic boron nitride inserts,tipped or solid - Dimensions
GB/T 21952-2008 镶聚晶金刚石刀片 尺寸 Polycrystalline diamond inserts,tipped - Dimensions
GB/T 21953-2008 单刃刀具 刀尖圆弧半径 Single point cutting tool - Corner radii
GB/T 21955-2008 农林拖拉机和机械 纸基摩擦片 技术条件 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Paper friction disc - Technical specifications
GB/T 21957-2008 农业轮式拖拉机半轴和驱动轴 台架疲劳寿命试验方法 The fatigue-life testing method of the axle shaft and drive shaft on the test stand,wheeled agricultural tractor
GB/T 21958-2008 轮式拖拉机 前驱动桥 Front drive axle for wheeled tractor
GB/T 21959-2008 拖拉机运输机组 技术条件 Tractor-trailer combination - Specifications
GB/T 21960-2008 农林拖拉机驾驶座试验方法和验收条件 The testing method and accepting condition of the driver’s seat on agricultural and forestry tractors
GB/T 21961-2008 玉米收获机械 试验方法 Test methods for maize combine harvester
GB/T 21962-2008 玉米收获机械 技术条件 Technical requirements for maize combine harvester
GB/T 21963-2008 农业机械维修术语 Agricultural machinery maintenance and repair terms
GB/T 21964-2008 农业机械修理 安全规范 Repair of agricultural machines - Safety regulations
GB/T 21967-2008 YBZE、YBZSE系列起重用隔爆型电磁制动三相异步电动机技术条件 YBZE、YBZSE Range three-phase induction motors for crane application flameproof electromagnetic braking technical specifications
GB/T 21968-2008 YBZS系列起重用隔爆型双速三相异步电动机技术条件 Technical specification for YBZS range of flame-proof double-speed three-phase induction motors for crane application
GB/T 21969-2008 YGP系列辊道用变频调速三相异步电动机技术条件 Technical specification for YGP series variable-frequency adjustable-speed shree-phase induction motors for roll table application
GB/T 21970-2008 水质 组胺等五种生物胺的测定 高效液相色谱法 Water quality - Determiniation of putrescine,cadaverine, spermidine,spermine and histamine - High performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 21971-2008 YZD系列起重用多速三相异步电动机技术条件 Technical specification for YZD range of multi-speed three-phase induction motors for crane application
GB/T 21973-2008 YZR3系列起重及冶金用绕线转子三相异步电动机技术条件 Technical specification for YZR3 range of wound-rotor three-phase induction motors for crane & metallurgical applications
GB/T 21974-2008 YZRW系列起重及冶金用涡流制动绕线转子三相异步电动机技术条件 Technical specification for YZRW range of eddy-current braking wound-rotor three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical application
GB/T 21975-2008 起重及冶金用三相异步电动机可靠性试验方法 Method of test for reliability of three-phase induction motors for crane and metallurgical application
GB/T 21977-2008 骆驼绒 Camel wool
GB/T 21979-2008 饲料级 L-苏氨酸 Feed grade - L-Threonine
GB/T 21980-2008 专业运动服装和防护用品通用技术规范 Current technical criterion for sportswear and exposure suit
GB/T 21981-2008 动物源食品中激素多残留检测方法 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of hormone multiresidues in foodstuffs of animal origin - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 21982-2008 动物源食品中玉米赤霉醇、β-玉米赤霉醇、α-玉米赤霉烯醇、β-玉米赤霉烯醇、玉米赤霉酮和玉米赤霉烯酮残留量检测方法 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of residues of zearalanol, β-zearalanol, α-zearalenol, β-zearalenol, zearalanone and zearalenone in foodstuffs of animal origin - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 21983-2008 暖冬等级 Warm winter grade
GB/T 21984-2008 短期天气预报 Short-range weather forecast
GB/T 21985-2008 主要农作物高温危害温度指标 Temperature index of high temperature harm for main crops
GB/T 21986-2008 农业气候影响评价:农作物气候年型划分方法 Assessment of agroclimate impact: classfication method of annual crop climate types
GB/T 21987-2008 寒潮等级 Grades of cold wave
GB/T 21988-2008 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 水中筛分析 Plastics-Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resins-Sieve analysis in water
GB/T 21989-2008 塑料 聚氯乙烯糊 用Severs流变仪测定表观黏度 Plastics - Poly(vinyl chloride)pastes - Determination of apparent viscosity using the severs rheometer
GB/T 21990-2008 聚氯乙烯(PVC)糊 刮板细度的测定 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pastes - Determination of fineness of grind
GB/T 21991-2008 塑料 试验用聚氯乙烯(PVC)糊的制备 行星混合器法 Plastics - Preparation of PVC paste for test purpose - Planetary-mixer method
GB/T 21992-2008 糊用聚氯乙烯树脂 杂质与外来粒子数的测定 Polyvinyl chloride resins for Paste - Determination of number of impurities particles and foreign particles
GB/T 21993-2008 聚氯乙烯树脂 甲醇或乙醇萃取物含量的测定 Polyvinyl chloride resins - Determination of the content of methanol or ethanol extract
GB/T 21995-2008 饲料中硝基咪唑类药物的测定 液相色谱 串联质谱法 Determination of nitroimidazoles in feeds - Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method
GB/T 21996-2008 饲料添加剂 甘氨酸铁络合物 Feed additive - Ferric glycine complex
GB/T 21998-2008 地理标志产品 德化白瓷 Product of geographical indication - Dehua white porcelain
GB/T 21999-2008 蚝油 Oyster sauce
GB/T 22003-2008 食品安全管理体系 审核与认证机构要求 Food safety management systems - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of food safety management systems
GB/T 22005-2009 饲料和食品链的可追溯性 体系设计与实施的通用原则和基本要求 Traceability in the feed and food chain - General principles and basic requirements for system design and implementation
GB/T 22022-2008 地理信息 时间模式 Geographic information - Temporal schema
GB/T 22023-2008 液体食品超高温瞬时灭菌(UHT)设备验收规范 Acceptance specification of ultra high temperature sterilizing equipment for liquid food
GB/T 22024-2008 气雾剂级正丁烷(A-17) Aerosol grade N-butane(A-17)
GB/T 22025-2008 气雾剂级异丁烷(A-31) Aerosol grade isobutane(A-31)
GB/T 22026-2008 气雾剂级丙烷(A-108) Aerosol grade propane(A-108)
GB/T 22027-2008 热塑性弹性体 命名和缩略语 Thermoplastic elastomers - Nomenclature and abbreviated terms
GB/T 22028-2008 热浸镀锌螺纹 在内螺纹上容纳镀锌层 Hot-dip galvanized screw threads - On internal screw threads there is the clearance for accommodating the hot-dip galvanized coat
GB/T 22029-2008 热浸镀锌螺纹 在外螺纹上容纳镀锌层 Hot-dip galvanized screw threads - On external screw threads there is the clearance for accommodating the hot-dip galvanized coat
GB/T 22030-2008 车用乙醇汽油调合组分油 Blendstocks of ethanol gasoline for motor vehicles
GB/T 22031-2008 干酪及加工干酪制品中添加的柠檬酸盐含量的测定 酶-比色法 Determination of added citrate content in cheese and processed cheese products by Enzyme - colorimetric method
GB/T 22032-2008 系统工程 系统生存周期过程 Systems engineering - System life cycle processes
GB/T 22033-2008 信息技术 嵌入式系统术语 Information technology - Terminology for embedded systems
GB/T 22034-2008 信息技术 藏文编码字符集键盘字母数字区的布局 Information technology - Keyboard layout of the alphanumeric zone for Tibetan coded character set
GB/T 22035-2008 乳及乳制品中植物油的检验 气相色谱法 Test of vegetable fat in milk and milk products - Gas chromatography
GB/T 22036-2008 轮胎惯性滑行通过噪声测试方法 Coast-by methods for measurement of tyre-to-road sound emission
GB/T 22037-2008 航空有内胎轮胎胎圈密合压力试验方法 电测法 Bead fit test method for tube aircraft tyre - Electrical
GB/T 22038-2008 汽车轮胎静态接地压力分布试验方法 Method of automobile tyre static contact pressure distribution
GB/T 22039-2008 航空轮胎激光数字无损检测方法 The laser digital non-destructive inspection method for aircraft tyres
GB/T 22040-2008 公路沿线设施塑料制品耐候性要求及测试方法 Technical requirements and determination of weathering quality for plastics of highway furnatures
GB/T 22041-2008 地理标志产品 国窖1573白酒 Product of geographical indication - National cellar 1573 liquor
GB/T 22042-2008 服装 防静电性能 表面电阻率试验方法 Clothing - Electrostatic properties - Test method for measurement of surface resistivity
GB/T 22043-2008 服装 防静电性能 通过材料的电阻(垂直电阻)试验方法 Clothing - Electrostatic properties - Test method for measurement of the electrical resistance through a material(vertical resistance)
GB/T 22044-2008 婴幼儿服装用人体测量的部位与方法 Location and method of infants’anthropometric surveys for garments
GB/T 22045-2008 地理标志产品 泸洲老窖特曲酒 Product of geographical indication - Luzhou Laojiao Tequ liquor
GB/T 22046-2008 地理标志产品 洋河大曲酒 Product of geographical indication - Yanghe daqu Liquor
GB/T 22047-2008 土壤中塑料材料最终需氧生物分解能力的测定 采用测定密闭呼吸计中需氧量或测定释放的二氧化碳的方法 Plastics - Determination of the ultimate aerobic biodegradability in soil by measuring the oxygen demand in a respirometer or the amount of carbon dioxide evolved
GB/T 22048-2008 玩具及儿童用品 聚氯乙烯塑料中邻苯二甲酸酯增塑剂的测定 Toys and children’s products - Determination of phthalate plasticizers in polyvinyl chloride plastic
GB/T 22049-2008 鞋类 鞋类和鞋类部件环境调节及试验用标准环境 Footwear - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing of footwear and components for footwear
GB/T 22050-2008 鞋类 样品和试样的取样位置、准备及环境调节时间 Footwear - Sampling location, preparation and duration of conditioning of samples and test pieces
GB/T 22051-2008 交联聚乙烯(PE-X)管用滑紧卡套冷扩式管件 Cold-expansion fittings with sliding compression-sleeves for cross-linked polyethylene(PE-X) pipe
GB/T 22052-2008 用液体蒸气压力计测定液体的蒸气压力 温度关系和初始分解温度的方法 Test method for vapor pressure - Temperature relationship and initial decompostition temperature of liquids by isoteniscope
GB/T 22053-2008 戊烷发泡剂 Pentane vesicant
GB/T 22054-2008 有机液体(除石油产品)蒸馏特性测定通用方法 Chemicals general method for determination of distillation characteristics of organic liquids(other than petroleum products)
GB/T 22056-2008 显微镜 物镜和目镜的标志 Microscopes - Marking of objectives and eyepieces
GB/T 22058-2008 显微镜 体视显微镜的标志 Microscopes - Marking of stereomicroscopes
GB/T 22059-2008 显微镜 放大率 Microscopes - Magnifying power
GB/T 22060-2008 显微镜 镜筒滑块和镜筒槽的连接尺寸 Microscopes - Dimensions of tube slide and tube slot connections
GB/T 22061-2008 显微镜 偏光显微术的参考系统 Microscopes - Reference system of polarized light microscopy
GB/T 22062-2008 显微镜 目镜分划板 Microscopes - Graticules for oculars
GB/T 22063-2008 显微镜 C型接口 Microscopes - Interfacing connection type C
GB/T 22064-2008 显微镜 35mm 单反照相机镜头的接口 Microscopes - Interfacing connection for 35 mm SLR photo cameras
GB/T 22065-2008 压力式六氟化硫气体密度控制器 Pressure type SF6 gas density monitor
GB/T 22066-2008 静力单轴试验机用计算机数据采集系统的评定 Evaluation for computerized data acquisition systems for used in static uniaxial testing machines
GB/T 22068-2008 汽车空调用电动压缩机总成 Automobile air conditioning electrically driven compressor assembly
GB/T 22069-2008 燃气发动机驱动空调(热泵)机组 Gas engine driven air-condition( heat pump) unit
GB/T 22070-2008 氨水吸收式制冷机组 Aqua-ammonia absorption refrigerating unit
GB/T 22072-2008 干式非晶合金铁心配电变压器技术参数和要求 Specifications and technical requirements for dry-type amorphous alloy core distribution transformers
GB/T 22073-2008 工业用途热力涡轮机(汽轮机、气体膨胀涡轮机) 一般要求 Thermal turbines for industrial applications (steam turbines, gas expansion turbines) - General requirements
GB/T 22075-2008 高压直流换流站可听噪声 HVDC converter station audible noise
GB/T 22076-2008 气动圆柱形快换接头 插头连接尺寸、技术要求、应用指南和试验 Pneumatic fluid power - Cylindrical quick-action couplings - Plug connecting dimensions, specifications, application guidelines and testing
GB/T 22077-2008 架空导线蠕变试验方法 Overhead electrical conductors-creep test procedures for stranded conductors
GB/T 22079-2008 标称电压高于1000V使用的户内和户外聚合物绝缘子 一般定义、试验方法和接收准则 Polymeric insulators for indoor and outdoor use with a nominal voltage > 1 000 V - General definitions, test methods and acceptance criteria
GB/T 22080-2008 信息技术 安全技术 信息安全管理体系 要求 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - Requirements
GB/T 22081-2008 信息技术 安全技术 信息安全管理实用规则 Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security management
GB/T 22082-2008 预制混凝土衬砌管片 Reinforced concrete segments
GB/T 22083-2008 建筑密封胶分级和要求 Classification and requirements for building sealants
GB/T 22086-2008 铝及铝合金弧焊推荐工艺 Recommendations for welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys
GB/T 22087-2008 铝及铝合金的弧焊接头 缺欠质量分级指南 Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys - Guidance on quality levels for imperfection
GB/T 22088-2008 家用电动洗衣机 不用洗衣粉洗衣机性能测试方法及限值 The measuring performance’s method and limiting values for detergent free household electric washing machine
GB/T 22089-2008 电水壶性能要求及试验方法 Performance requirements and measuring methods for electric kettles
GB/T 22090-2008 冷热饮水机 Cold and hot water dispenser
GB/T 22092-2008 电子数显测微头和深度千分尺 Fixed micrometer and depth micrometer with electronic digital display
GB/T 22093-2008 电子数显内径千分尺 Internal micrometer with electronic digital display
GB/T 22094-2008 电子数显测高仪 Height measuring instrument with electronic digital display
GB/T 22095-2008 铸铁平板 Cast iron surface plates
GB/T 22096-2008 刀具预调测量仪 The tool presetting and measuring instrument
GB/T 22097-2008 齿轮测量中心 Gear measuring center
GB/T 22098-2008 啤酒企业HACCP实施指南 Practical guidance of HACCP for breweries
GB/T 22099-2008 酿造醋酸与合成醋酸的鉴定方法 Identification method for biogenic acetate acid and synthetic acetate acid
GB/T 22100-2008 异形纤维形态试验方法 定量法 Test method for profiled fibre modality - Quantitative method
GB/T 22102-2008 防腐木材 Preservative-treated wood
GB/T 22103-2008 城市污水再生回灌农田安全技术规范 Technology code for municipal wastewater reuse in agriculture
GB/T 22104-2008 土壤质量 氟化物的测定 离子选择电极法 Soil quality - Analysis of fluoride - Ion selective electrometry
GB/T 22106-2008 非发酵豆制品 Non-fermented soybean product
GB/T 22107-2008 气动方向控制阀 切换时间的测量 Pneumatic fluid power - Directional control valves - Measurement of shifting time
GB/T 22109-2008 地理标志产品 政和白茶 Product of geographical indication - Zhenghe white tea
GB/T 22110-2008 食品中反式脂肪酸的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of trans fatty acids in foods - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 22111-2008 地理标志产品 普洱茶 Product of geographical indication - Puer tea
GB/T 22112-2008 工业自动化仪表 接线端子的排列和标志 Industrial process measurement and control instruments - Arrangement and marking of connecting terminals
GB/T 22113-2008 印刷技术 印前数据交换 用于图像技术的标签图像文件格式(TIFF/IT) Graphic technology - Prepress digital data exchange - Tag image file format for image technology(TIFF/IT)
GB/T 22116-2008 企业信用等级表示方法 Expression of Enterprise's credit grade
GB/T 22117-2008 信用 基本术语 Credit - General vocabulary
GB/T 22118-2008 企业信用信息采集、处理和提供规范 Rules for enterprises credit information collecting, processing and providing
GB/T 22119-2008 信用中介组织评价服务规范 信用评级机构 Evaluation service specification for credit agency organization - Credit rating agency
GB/T 22120-2008 企业信用数据项规范 The data item specification for enterprise credit
GB/T 22121-2008 装备制造业通用零部件数据字典元素注册规范 Registration specification for reference dictionary elements of general part and component in the field of equipment manufacturing
GB/T 22122-2008 数字电视环绕声伴音测量方法 Methods of measurement of surround audio for digital TV
GB/T 22123-2008 数字电视接收设备图像和声音主观评价方法 Methods for picture and audio subjective assessment of digital television receiving equipment
GB/T 22125-2008 汽车配件营销企业经营管理规范 The operation and management regulations for the enterprises of marketing automobile parts
GB/T 22126-2008 物流中心作业通用规范 General specification for the logistics center operation
GB/T 22129-2008 农机修理通用技术规范 Repairing all-purpose technical criterion for agricultural machinery
GB/T 22130-2008 钢制旋塞阀 steel plug valves
GB/T 22131-2008 筒形锻件内表面超声波检测方法 Practice for ultrasonic examination from bored surfaces of cylindrical forgings
GB/T 22132-2008 显微镜 可换目镜的直径 Microscopes - Diameter of interchangeable eyepieces
GB/T 22133-2008 流体流量测量 流量计性能表述方法 Measurement of fluid flow - Methods of specifying flowmeter performance
GB/T 22136-2008 工业过程控制系统 评估用自适应控制器分类 Industrial-process control system - Classification of adaptive controllers for the purpose of evaluation
GB/T 22138-2008 幻灯机画面区温升玻璃夹层幻灯试验片测试方法 Slide projector - Determination of temperature rise in the picture area using a glass sandwich test slide
GB/T 22139-2008 35mm电影系统影片张力规范 Specification for film tension in 35mm motion-picture systems
GB/T 22140-2008 小型水轮机现场验收试验规程 Gode for field acceptance test of small hydro turbines
GB/T 22141-2008 饲料添加剂 复合酸化剂通用要求 Feed additive - General rules for compound acidifier
GB/T 22142-2008 饲料添加剂 有机酸通用要求 Feed additive - General regulation for organic acidifier
GB/T 22143-2008 饲料添加剂 无机酸通用要求 Feed Additive - General rules for inorganic acidifier
GB/T 22144-2008 天然矿物质饲料通则 General rules of natural mineral feed
GB/T 22145-2008 饲料添加剂 丙酸 Feed Additive - Propionic acid
GB/T 22146-2008 饲料中洛克沙胂的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of roxarsone in animal feeds - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22147-2008 饲料中沙丁胺醇、莱克多巴胺和盐酸克仑特罗的测定 液相色谱质谱联用法 Simultaneous determination of salbutamol, ractopamine and clenbuterol in feeds - Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
GB/T 22148-2008 单端和双端荧光灯用电子镇流器的电磁发射试验方法 Test method on electromagnetic emissions from electronic ballasts for single-and double-capped fluorescent lamps
GB/T 22149-2008 透射式投影器 性能特性测定方法 Overhead projectors - Methods for measuring performance characteristics
GB/T 22150-2008 电视广播声音和图像的相对定时 Relative timing of sound and vision for broadcasting
GB/T 22151-2008 国际货运代理作业规范 The guideline on international freight forwarding operation
GB/T 22152-2008 国际货运代理业务统计导则 The guideline on international freight forwarding business statistic
GB/T 22153-2008 国际货运代理通用交易条件 International freight forwarders trading conditions
GB/T 22154-2008 国际货运代理服务质量要求 Requirement on services of international freight forwarders
GB/T 22155-2008 国际货运代理企业资质和等级评价指标 Qualifications and evaluation indicators for international freight forwarding enterprises
GB/T 22156-2008 声学 机器与设备噪声发射数据的比较方法 Acoustics - Procedure for the comparison of noise-emission data for machinery and equipment
GB/T 22157-2008 声学 用于测量道路车辆发射噪声的试验车道技术规范 Acoustics - Specification of test tracks for the purpose of measuring noise emitted by road vehicles
GB/T 22158-2008 核电厂防火设计规范 Design standard of fire protection in nuclear power plant
GB/T 22161-2008 35mm电影放映机间歇输片齿轮 尺寸 Intermittent sprockets for 35mm motion - Picture projectors - Dimensions
GB/T 22162-2008 盘装和架装工业过程测量和控制仪表的盘面和开孔尺寸 Dimensions of panel areas and cut-outs for panel and rack-mounted industrial-process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 22163-2008 腧穴定位图 Illustrations for location of acupuncture Points
GB/T 22164-2008 公众气象服务 天气图形符号 Public meteorological service - Weather graphic symbols
GB/T 22165-2008 坚果炒货食品通则 General standard for roasted seeds and nuts
GB/T 22166-2008 非校准起重圆环链和吊链 使用和维护 Non-calibrated round steel link lifting chain and chain slings - Use and maintenance
GB/T 22179-2008 柠檬桉(精)油 Oil of lemon eucalyptus(Eucalyptus citriodora Hook.)
GB/T 22180-2008 冻裹面包屑鱼 Quick frozen fish fillets - Breaded or in batter
GB/T 22182-2008 油菜籽叶绿素含量测定 分光光度计法 Rapeseed - Determination of chlorophyll content - Spectrometric method
GB/T 22183-2008 谷物检验筛 Test sieves for cereals
GB/T 22184-2008 谷物和豆类 散存粮食温度测定指南 Cereals and pulses - Guidance on measurement of the temperature of grain stored in bulk
GB/T 22186-2008 信息安全技术 具有中央处理器的集成电路(IC)卡芯片安全技术要求(评估保证级4增强级) Information Security techniques Security technical requirements for IC card chip with CPU(EAL4+)
GB/T 22187-2008 建立人体测量数据库的一般要求 General requirements for establishing anthropometric databases
GB/T 22189-2008 船舶电气设备 专辑 液货船 Electrical installations in ships - Tankers - Special features
GB/T 22190-2008 船舶电气设备 专辑 电力推进系统 Electrical installations in ships - Special features - Electric propulsion plant
GB/T 22191-2008 船舶电气设备 设备 灯具和附件 Electrical installations in ships - Equipment - Luminaires and accessories
GB/T 22192-2008 船舶电气设备 设备 蓄电池 Electrical installations in ships - Equipment - Accumulator(storage)batteries
GB/T 22193-2008 船舶电气设备 设备 半导体变流器 Electrical installations in ships - Equipment - Semiconductor convertors
GB/T 22194-2008 船舶电气设备 设备 电力和照明变压器 Electrical installations in ships - Equipment - Transformers for power and lighting
GB/T 22195-2008 船舶电气设备 设备 低压开关设备和控制设备组合装置 Electrical installations in ships - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
GB/T 22196-2008 船舶电气设备 系统设计 电动和电动液压操舵装置 Electrical installations in ships - System design - Electric and electrohydraulic steering gear
GB/T 22197-2008 船舶电气设备 系统设计 声光信号 Electrical installations in ships - System design - Acoustic and optical signals
GB/T 22198-2008 汽轮机转速控制系统验收试验 Acceptance tests for steam turbine speed control systems
GB/T 22199-2008 电动助力车用密封铅酸蓄电池 Sealed lead-acid battery used for moped
GB/T 22205-2008 煤矿采区或工作面水文地质条件分类 Hydrogeological classification of mining district or working face
GB/T 22206-2008 矿山环境地质分类 Classification of environmental geology of mine
GB/T 22208-2008 船用垫片用非石棉纤维增强橡胶板试验方法 Test methods of no-asbestos fiber reinforced rubber gaskets
GB/T 22209-2008 船用垫片用非石棉纤维增强橡胶板 Marine no-asbestos fiber reinforced rubber gaskets
GB/T 22210-2008 肉与肉制品感官评定规范 Criterion for sensory evaluation of meat and meat products
GB/T 22211-2008 地理标志产品 五粮液酒 Product of geographical indication - Wuliangye liquor
GB/T 22212-2008 地理标志产品 金乡大蒜 Product of geographical indication - Jinxiang garlic
GB/T 22213-2008 水产养殖术语 Terminology of aquaculture
GB/T 22217-2008 造船 机器数字控制 ESSI格式 Shipbuilding - Numerical control of machines - ESSI format
GB/T 22218-2008 船舶与海上技术 配有弹性密封件的金属管路附件耐火性能 试验方法 Ships and marine technology - Fire resistance of metallic pipe components with resilient and elastomeric seals - Test methods
GB/T 22219-2008 船舶与海上技术 配有弹性密封件的金属管路附件耐火性能 试验台要求 Ships and marine technology - Fire resistance of metallic pipe components with resilient and elastomeric seals - Requirements imposed on the test bench
GB/T 22220-2008 食品中胆固醇的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of cholesterol in foods - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22221-2008 食品中果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、乳糖的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltose, lactose in foods - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22223-2008 食品中总脂肪、饱和脂肪(酸)、不饱和脂肪(酸)的测定 水解提取-气相色谱法 Determination of total fat, saturated fat, and unsaturated fat in foods - Hydrolytic Extraction - Gas Chromatography
GB/T 22224-2008 食品中膳食纤维的测定 酶重量法和酶重量法-液相色谱法 Determination of dietary fiber in foods - Enzymatic gravimetric method and enzymatic gravimetric method - Liquid chromatography
GB/T 22225-2008 化学品危险性评价通则 General provisions for hazard evaluation of chemicals
GB/T 22226-2008 发动机冷却液沸点测定法 Standard test method for boiling point of engine coolants
GB/T 22227-2008 工业用化学品 具有低溶解性的固体和液体水溶性测定 圆柱层析法 Chemical products for industrial use - Determination of water solubility of solid and liquids with low solubility - Column elution method
GB/T 22228-2008 工业用化学品 固体及液体的蒸气压在10-1Pa至105Pa 范围内的测定 静态法 Chemical products for industrial use - Determinaton of vapour pressure of solids and liquids in the rang 10-1 to 105 Pa - Static method
GB/T 22229-2008 工业用化学品 固体及液体的蒸气压在10-3Pa至1Pa范围内的测定 蒸气压平衡法 Chemical products for industrial use - Determinaton of vapour pressure of solids and liquids at range 10-3 to 1Pa - Vapour pressure balance method
GB/T 22230-2008 工业用液态化学品 20℃时的密度测定 Liquid chemical products for industrial use - Determination of density at 20℃
GB/T 22231-2008 颗粒物粒度分布/纤维长度和直径分布 Particle size distribution/fibre length and diameter distributions
GB/T 22232-2008 化学物质的热稳定性测定 差示扫描量热法 Test method for the thermal stability of chemicals by differential scanning calorimetry
GB/T 22233-2008 化学品潜在危险性相关标准术语 Standard terminology relating to hazard potential of chemicals
GB/T 22234-2008 基于GHS的化学品标签规范 Labelling of chemicals based on GHS
GB/T 22235-2008 液体粘度的测定 Determination for viscosity of liquids
GB/T 22236-2008 塑料的检验 检验用塑料制品的粉碎 Testing of plastics Size reduction of plastic products for test purposes
GB/T 22237-2008 表面活性剂 表面张力的测定 Surface active agents - Determination of surface tension
GB/T 22238-2008 信息技术 藏文编码字符集 扩充集B Information technology - Tibetan coded character set - Extension B
GB/T 22239-2008 信息安全技术 信息系统安全等级保护基本要求 Information security technology - Baseline for classified protection of information system security
GB/T 22240-2008 信息安全技术 信息系统安全等级保护定级指南 Information security technology - Classification guide for classified protection of information system security
GB/T 22241-2008 船用细水雾灭火系统通用技术条件 General specification for water mist fire extinguishing system of ship
GB/T 22242-2008 装修机械 术语 Mortar machinery - Terminology
GB/T 22243-2008 大米、蔬菜、水果中氯氟吡氧乙酸残留量的测定 Determination of residue limits of fluroxypyr in rice、vegetable and fruit
GB/T 22244-2008 保健食品中前花青素的测定 Determination of procyanidins in health foods
GB/T 22245-2008 保健食品中异嗪皮啶的测定 Determination of isofraxidin in health foods
GB/T 22246-2008 保健食品中泛酸钙的测定 Determination of calcium pantothenate in health foods
GB/T 22247-2008 保健食品中淫羊藿苷的测定 Determination of icariin in health foods
GB/T 22248-2008 保健食品中甘草酸的测定 Determination of glycyrrhizic acid in health foods
GB/T 22249-2008 保健食品中番茄红素的测定 Determination of lycopene in health foods
GB/T 22250-2008 保健食品中绿原酸的测定 Determination of chlorogenic acid in health foods
GB/T 22251-2008 保健食品中葛根素的测定 Determination of puerarin in health foods
GB/T 22252-2008 保健食品中辅酶Q10的测定 Determination of coenzyme Q10 in health food
GB/T 22253-2008 食品中阿力甜的测定 Determination of alitame in foods
GB/T 22254-2008 食品中阿斯巴甜的测定 Determination of aspartame in foods
GB/T 22255-2008 食品中三氯蔗糖(蔗糖素)的测定 Determination of sucralose in foods
GB/T 22256-2008 果冻蜡烛 Jelly candle
GB/T 22257-2008 移动式空调器通用技术要求 General specification for mobile air conditioner
GB/T 22258-2008 防伪标识通用技术条件 Universal technical requirements of anti-counterfeiting labels
GB/T 22259-2008 饲料中土霉素的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of oxytetracycline in feeds - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22260-2008 饲料中甲基睾丸酮的测定 高效液相色谱串联质谱法 Determination of methyltestosterone in feeds - High performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 22261-2008 饲料中维吉尼亚霉素的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of virginiamycin in feeds - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22262-2008 饲料中氯羟吡啶的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of clopidol in feed - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22265-2008 直接作用模拟指示最大需量电流表 Direct acting indicating analogue max-demand ammeters
GB/T 22266-2008 咖喱粉 Curry powder
GB/T 22267-2008 整孜然 Whole cumin
GB/T 22268-2008 香草 词汇 Vanilla - Vocabulary
GB/T 22269-2008 姜黄 着色力测定 分光光度法 Turmeric - Determination of coloring power - Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 22272-2008 良好实验室规范建议性文件 建立和管理符合良好实验室规范原则的档案 Advisory document for good laboratory practice : Establishment and control of archives that operate in compliance with the principles of GLP
GB/T 22273-2008 良好实验室规范建议性文件 良好实验室规范原则在体外研究中的应用 Advisory document for good laboratory practice:The application of the principles of GLP to in vitro studies
GB/T 22276-2008 良好实验室规范建议性文件 在另一国家中要求和执行检查与研究审核 Advisory document for good laboratory practice - Requesting and carrying out inspections and study audits in another country
GB/T 22277-2008 良好实验室规范建议性文件 在良好实验室规范原则的应用中委托方的任务和职责 Advisory document for good laboratory practice - The role and responsibilities of the sponsor in the application of the principles of GLP
GB/T 22278-2008 良好实验室规范原则 Principles of good laboratory practice
GB/T 22279-2008 煤炭成分分析和物理特性测量标准物质研制导则 Guide for development of certified reference materials for the composition analysis and the physical property measurements of coal
GB/T 22282-2008 纺织纤维中有毒有害物质的限量 The limitation of toxic and hazardous substances in textile fibers
GB/T 22286-2008 动物源性食品中多种B - 受体激动剂残留量的测定 液相色谱串联质谱法 Determination of B - Agonists residues in foodstuff of animal origin - Liquid chromatography with tandem-mass spectrometric method
GB/T 22287-2008 贝类中甲型肝炎病毒检测方法 普通 RT-PCR方法和实时荧光 RT-PCR方法 Detection of hepatitis A virus in shellfish by contentional RT-PCR and real-time fluorescence RT-PCR
GB/T 22288-2008 植物源产品中三聚氰胺、三聚氰酸一酰胺、三聚氰酸二酰胺和三聚氰酸的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of melamine, ammeline, ammelide and cyanuric acid in original plant products - GC-MS method
GB/T 22289-2008 冷却猪肉加工技术要求 Requrirement for processing chilled pork
GB/T 22290-2008 茶叶中稀土元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Determination of rare earth elements in tea by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 22291-2008 白茶 White tea
GB/T 22292-2008 茉莉花茶 Jasmine tea
GB/T 22293-2008 姜及其油树脂 主要刺激成分测定 HPLC法 Ginger and its oleoresins - Determination of the main pungent components (gingerols and shogaols)- Method using high-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22294-2008 粮油检验 大米胶稠度的测定 Inspection of grain and oil - Determination of rice adhesive strength
GB/T 22295-2008 透明液体颜色测定方法(加德纳色度) Standard test method for color of transparent liquids(Gardner Color Scale)
GB/T 22296-2008 纺织机械 高精度分段整经机 Textile machinery - High precision sectional warping machine
GB/T 22297-2008 纺织机械与附件 染整机器辅助装置 词汇 Textile machinery and accessories - Dyeing and finishing machinery - Vocabulary of ancillary devices
GB/T 22298-2008 纺织机械与附件 织机综框和停经条的编号 Textile machinery and accessories - Numbering of heald frames and drop wire bars in a loom
GB/T 22299-2008 辣椒粉 天然着色物质总含量的测定 Ground paprika - Determination of total natural coloring matter content
GB/T 22300-2008 丁香 Clove
GB/T 22301-2008 干迷迭香 Dried rosemary
GB/T 22302-2008 干牛至 Dried oregano
GB/T 22303-2008 芹菜籽 Celery seed
GB/T 22304-2008 干甜罗勒 Dried sweet basil
GB/T 22306-2008 胡荽 Coriandrum sativum L
GB/T 22307-2008 密封垫片高温抗压强度试验方法 Standard test method for compressive strength of gaskets at elevated temperatures
GB/T 22308-2008 密封垫板材料密度试验方法 Standard test method for density of a sheet gasket material
GB/T 22309-2008 道路车辆 制动衬片 盘式制动块总成和鼓式制动蹄总成剪切强度试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake linings - Shear test procedure for disc beake pad and drum brake shoe assemblies
GB/T 22310-2008 道路车辆 制动衬片 盘式制动衬块受热膨胀量试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake linings - Effects of heat on dimensions and form of disc brake pads-test procedure
GB/T 22311-2008 道路车辆 制动衬片 压缩应变试验方法 Road vehicles - Brake linings - Compressive strain test method
GB/T 22312-2008 塑料 聚丙烯酰胺 残留丙烯酰胺含量测定方法 Plastics - Polyacrylamide - Determination for residual acrylamide
GB/T 22313-2008 塑料 用于聚氨酯生产的多元醇 水含量的测定 Plastics - Polyols for use in the production of polyurethan - Determination of water content
GB/T 22314-2008 塑料 环氧树脂 黏度测定方法 Plastics - Epoxide resins - Determination of viscosity
GB/T 22315-2008 金属材料 弹性模量和泊松比试验方法 Metallic materials - Determination of modulus of elasticity and poisson's ratio
GB/T 22316-2008 电镀锡钢板耐腐蚀性试验方法 Test methods of corrosion resistance for electrolytic tinplate
GB/T 22325-2008 小麦粉中过氧化苯甲酰的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of benzoyl peroxide in wheat flour by high performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22326-2008 糯玉米 Waxy corn
GB/T 22327-2008 核桃油 Walnut oil
GB/T 22328-2008 动植物油脂 1-单甘酯和游离甘油含量的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of 1-monoglycerides and free glycerol contents
GB/T 22329-2008 牛皮蝇蛆病诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for bovine hypodermosis
GB/T 22331-2008 水产品中多氯联苯残留量的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of polychlorinated biphenyls residues in fishery products - Gas chromatography
GB/T 22332-2008 鸭病毒性肠炎诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for duck virus enteritis
GB/T 22333-2008 日本乙型脑炎病毒反转录聚合酶链反应试验方法 Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for Japanese B encephalitis virus
GB/T 22334-2008 动物射频识别 技术准则 Radio-frequency identification of animals - Technical concept
GB/T 22335-2008 棉花加工技术规程 Technical regulations for cotton processing
GB/T 22336-2008 企业节能标准体系编制通则 General principles of stipulation of energy conservation - Standard system for enterprise
GB/T 22338-2008 动物源性食品中氯霉素类药物残留量测定 Determination of multi-residues of chloramphenicols in animal-original food
GB/T 22339-2008 农、畜、水产品产地环境监测的登记、统计、评价与检索规范 Technical standards regarding to registation,statistics,assessment and information retrival in environment monitoring for producing areas of crops,animal products and aquatic products
GB/T 22342-2008 石油天然气工业 井下安全阀系统 设计、安装、操作和维护 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Subsurface safety valve systems - Design, installation, operation and redress
GB/T 22343-2008 石油工业用天然气内燃发电机组 Natural gas generating set for the petroleum industry
GB/T 22344-2008 包装用聚酯捆扎带 Polyester strapping for packaging
GB/T 22345-2008 鲜枣质量等级 Grades of fresh chinese jujube fruit
GB/T 22346-2008 板栗质量等级 Quality grade of chinese chestnut
GB/T 22347-2008 4号系列紫胶片 Kusmi shellac
GB/T 22348-2008 4号紫胶虫种胶 Kusmi broodlac
GB/T 22349-2008 木结构覆板用胶合板 Sheathing plywood for timber structures
GB/T 22350-2008 成型胶合板 Moulding plywood
GB/T 22352-2008 土方机械 吊管机 术语和商业规格 Earth-moving machinery - Pipelayers - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 22353-2008 土方机械 电线和电缆 识别和标记通则 Earth-moving machinery - Electrical wires and cables - Principles of identification and marking
GB/T 22354-2008 土方机械 机器生产率 术语、符号和单位 Earth-moving machinery - Machine productivity - Vocabulary, symbols and units
GB/T 22355-2008 土方机械 铰接机架锁紧装置 性能要求 Earth-moving machinery - Articulated frame lock - Performance requirements
GB/T 22356-2008 土方机械 钥匙锁起动系统 Earth-moving machinery - Key-locked starting systems
GB/T 22357-2008 土方机械 机械挖掘机 术语 Earth-moving machinery - Cable excavators - Terminology
GB/T 22358-2008 土方机械 防护与贮存 Earth-moving machinery - Preservation and storage
GB/T 22359-2008 土方机械 电磁兼容性 Earth-moving machinery - Electromagnetic compatibility
GB/T 22362-2008 实验室玻璃仪器 烧瓶 Laboratory glassware - Flasks
GB/T 22363-2008 纸和纸板粗糙度的测定(空气泄漏法) 本特生法和印刷表面法 Paper and board - Determination of roughness (air leak methods) - Bendtsen method and print-surf method
GB/T 22364-2008 纸和纸板弯曲挺度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of resistance to bending
GB/T 22365-2008 纸和纸板印刷表面强度的测定 Paper and board - Determination of printing surface strength - Accelerating speed method
GB/T 22366-2008 感官分析 方法学 采用三点选配法(3-AFC)测定嗅觉、味觉和风味觉察阈值的一般导则 Sensory analysis - Methodology - General guidance for measuring odour, flavour and taste detection thresholds by a three-alternative forced-choice(3-AFC) procedure
GB/T 22368-2008 低合金钢 多元素含量的测定 辉光放电原子发射光谱法(常规法) Low-alloy steel - Determination of multi-element contents - Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry(Routine method)
GB/T 22369-2008 甜玉米罐头 Canned sweet corn
GB/T 22371-2008 传真机、多功能复合型传真机环境保护要求 Environment protect requirements of fax machines
GB/T 22372-2008 单色黑白激光打印机测试版 Test chart for laser printer
GB/T 22373-2008 标准文献元数据 Metadata of standards documents
GB/T 22374-2008 地坪涂装材料 floor coatings
GB/T 22375-2008 压敏胶粘制品的制造、使用和回收导则 Guide for manufacture,application and recycle of pressure sensitive adhesive products
GB/T 22377-2008 装饰装修胶粘剂制造、使用和标识通用要求 General requirements for manufacture, application and label of adhesives for decorating and refurbishing
GB/T 22378-2008 通用型双向拉伸聚丙烯膜压敏胶粘带 Pressure sensitive adhesives tapes of BOPP for general purpose
GB/T 22381-2008 额定电压 72.5kV 及以上气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备与充流体及挤包绝缘电力电缆的连接 充流体及干式电缆终端 Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 kV and above - Fluid-filled and extruded insulation power cables - Fluid-filled and dry type cable-terminations
GB/T 22382-2008 额定电压 72.5kV 及以上气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备与电力变压器之间的直接连接 Direct connection between power transformers and gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltage of 72.5 kV and above
GB/T 22383-2008 额定电压 72.5kV 及以上刚性气体绝缘输电线路 Rigid, gas-insulated trnsmisson lines for rated voltage of 72.5 kV and above
GB/T 22384-2008 电力系统安全稳定控制系统检验规范 Testing specification of security and stability control system for power system
GB/T 22385-2008 大坝安全监测系统验收规范 Specification for acceptance of dam safety monitoring system
GB/T 22386-2008 电力系统暂态数据交换通用格式 Common format for transient data exchange(COMTRADE) for power systems
GB/T 22387-2008 剩余电流动作继电器 Residual current operated relay
GB/T 22388-2008 原料乳与乳制品中三聚氰胺检测方法 Determination of melamine in raw milk and dairy products
GB/T 22389-2008 高压直流换流站无间隙金属氧化物避雷器导则 Guidelines of metal oxide surge arresters without gaps for HVDC converter stations
GB/T 22391-2008 实心轮胎耐久性试验方法 转鼓法 Test method of endurance for solid tyres - Drum method
GB/T 22392-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 对苯二酚 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for hydroquinone
GB/T 22393-2008 机器状态监测与诊断 一般指南 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - General guidelines
GB/T 22394-2008 机器状态监测与诊断 数据判读和诊断技术的一般指南 Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines - General guidelines on data interpretation and diagnostics techniques
GB/T 22395-2008 锅炉钢结构设计规范 Specification for design of boiler steel structures
GB/T 22396-2008 压敏胶粘制品术语 Terminology relating to pressure sensitive adhesive products
GB/T 22397-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 硫氰酸铵 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for ammonium thiocyanate
GB/T 22398-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 氢氧化钾 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for potassium hydroxide
GB/T 22399-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 氢氧化钠 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for Sodium hydroxide
GB/T 22400-2008 原料乳中三聚氰胺快速检测 液相色谱法 Rapid determination of melamine in raw milk - High performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 22401-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 无水焦亚硫酸钠 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for anhydrous sodium metabisulfite
GB/T 22402-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 无水硫代硫酸钠和五水合硫代硫酸钠 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for anhydrous sodium thiosulfate and sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate
GB/T 22403-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 无水碳酸钾 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for anhydrous potassium carbonate
GB/T 22404-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 无水碳酸钠和一水合碳酸钠 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for anhydrous sodium carbonate and sodium carbonate monohydrate
GB/T 22405-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 溴化钾 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for potassium bromide
GB/T 22406-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 颗粒状硼酸 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for boric acid,granular
GB/T 22407-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 十水合四硼酸钠 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for sodium tetraborate decahydrate
GB/T 22408-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 无水亚硫酸钠 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for anhydrous sodium sulfite
GB/T 22409-2008 摄影 加工用化学品 亚硫酸钾溶液(650g/L) Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for possium sulfite solution,650g/L
GB/T 22410-2008 包装 危险货物运输包装 塑料相容性试验 Packaging - Transport packaging for dangerous goods - Plastics compatibility testing
GB/T 22411-2008 危险货物塑料编织包装抗老化试验方法 Test method of antiaging for plastic woven packaging of dangerous goods
GB/T 22412-2008 普通装饰用铝塑复合板 Aluminium-plastic composite panel for ordinary decoration
GB/T 22413-2008 海水综合利用工程环境影响评价技术导则 Technical guidelines for environmental impact assessment of seawater multi-purpose utilization engineering
GB/T 22414-2008 起重机 速度和时间参数的测量 Cranes - Measurement of velocity and time parameters
GB/T 22415-2008 起重机 对试验载荷的要求 Cranes - Requirments for test loads
GB/T 22417-2008 叉车 货叉叉套和伸缩式货叉 技术性能和强度要求 Fork-lift trucks - Fork-arm extensions and telescopic fork arms - Technical characteristics and strength requirements
GB/T 22418-2008 工业车辆 车辆自动功能的附加要求 Industrial trucks - Additional requirements for automated functions on trucks
GB/T 22419-2008 工业车辆 集装箱吊具和抓臂操作用指示灯技术要求 Industrial trucks - Specification for indicator lights for container handling and grappler arm operations
GB/T 22420-2008 两向和多向运行叉车 稳定性试验 Bi-directional and multi-directional fork-lift trucks - Stability tests
GB/T 22421-2008 通信网络设备的回收处理要求 The recycling and treatment requirements for telecommunication infrastructure equipment
GB/T 22422-2008 通信记录媒体的回收处理要求 The requirements for recycling and treatment of communication record medias
GB/T 22423-2008 通信终端设备的回收处理要求 The recycling and treatment requirements for telecommunication terminal equipment
GB/T 22424-2008 通信用铅酸蓄电池的回收处理要求 Technical requirements of recycling of lead acid battery for telecomunications
GB/T 22425-2008 通信用锂离子电池的回收处理要求 The recycling and treatment requirements of lithium-ion battery for telecomunication
GB/T 22426-2008 废弃通信产品回收处理设备要求 The requirements for recycle and treatment installation of disused telecommunication equipment
GB/T 22427.1-2008 淀粉灰分测定 Starch - Determination of ash
GB/T 22429-2008 食品中沙门氏菌、肠出血性大肠埃希氏菌O157及单核细胞增生李斯特氏菌的快速筛选检验 酶联免疫法 Rapid screening for salmonella, escherichia coli 0157 and listeria monocytogenes in foods - Enzyme-linked immunoassay method
GB/T 22430-2008 集装箱运输电子数据交换 进/出门报告报文 Container transportation EDI - Gate-in/gate-out report message
GB/T 22431-2008 集装箱运输电子数据交换 船舶离港报文 Container transportation EDI - Vessel departure message
GB/T 22432-2008 集装箱运输电子数据交换 挂靠信息报文 Container transportation EDI - Vessel call info message
GB/T 22433-2008 集装箱运输电子数据交换 堆存报告报文 Container transportation EDI - Stock and profile report message
GB/T 22434-2008 集装箱运输电子数据交换 运输计划及实施信息报文 Container transportation EDI - Forwarding and transport schedule and availability information message
GB/T 22435-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车轻合金车轮 light-alloy wheels for motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 22436-2008 摩托车和轻便摩托车轮毂安装尺寸系列 Series of mounting dimensions for wheel hub of motorcycles and mopeds
GB/T 22438-2008 地理标志产品 原阳大米 Product of geographical indication - Yuanyang rice
GB/T 22439-2008 地理标志产品 寻乌蜜桔 Product of geographical indication - Xunwu mandarin
GB/T 22440-2008 地理标志产品 琼中绿橙 Product of geographical indication - Qiongzhong-lvcheng orange
GB/T 22441-2008 地理标志产品 丁岙杨梅 Product of geographical indication - Ding-ao bayberry
GB/T 22442-2008 地理标志产品 瓯柑 Product of geographical indication - Ougan mandarin
GB/T 22443-2008 中国苦水玫瑰(精)油 Oil of rose, Chinese Kushui type
GB/T 22444-2008 地理标志产品 昌平苹果 Product of geographical indication - Changping apple
GB/T 22445-2008 地理标志产品 房山磨盘柿 Product of geographical indication - Fangshan Mopan persimmon
GB/T 22446-2008 地理标志产品 大兴西瓜 Product of geographical indication - Daxing watermelon
GB/T 22451-2008 无线通信设备电磁兼容性通用要求 Common requirements of electromagnetic compatibility for radio communication equipment
GB/T 22452-2008 硼酸盐非线性光学单晶元件通用技术条件 General technical condition of non-linear optical borate crystal devices
GB/T 22453-2008 硼酸盐非线性光学单晶元件质量测试方法 Non-linear optical borate crystal devices measuring method
GB/T 22454-2008 企业集成 企业建模构件 Enterprise integration - Constructs for enterprise modeling
GB/T 22455-2008 数码照片输出机 Printer for digital still picture
GB/T 22456-2008 残肢功能训练 Stump function training
GB/T 22458-2008 仪器化纳米压入试验方法通则 General rules of instrumented nanoindentation test
GB/T 22460-2008 动植物油脂 罗维朋色泽的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of lovibond colour
GB/T 22461-2008 表面化学分析 词汇 Surface chemical analysis - Vocabulary
GB/T 22462-2008 钢表面纳米、亚微米尺度薄膜 元素深度分布的定量测定 辉光放电原子发射光谱法 Nano, Sub-micron scale film on steel - Quantitative depth profile analysis - Glow discharge atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 22463-2008 葵花籽粕 Sunflowerseed meal
GB/T 22464-2008 大豆皂苷 Soybean saponin
GB/T 22465-2008 红花籽油 Safflowerseed oil
GB/T 22466-2008 索引编制规则(总则) Guideline for establishment of indexes(General)
GB/T 22468-2008 家禽及禽肉兽医卫生监控技术规范 Synthetic control of hygiene for poultry and poultry meat
GB/T 22469-2008 禽肉生产企业兽医卫生规范 Hygiene conditions for fresh poultry meat producing holdings
GB/T 22470-2008 电气用环保型模塑料通用要求 General requirements for environmentally friendly moulding compounds for electrical purpose
GB/T 22472-2008 仪表和设备部件用塑料的燃烧性测定 Tests for flammability of plastic materials for parts in devices and appliances
GB/T 22473-2008 储能用铅酸蓄电池 Lead-acid storage batteries used for energy storage
GB/T 22474-2008 果酱 Jam
GB/T 22475-2008 沙琪玛 Sachima
GB/T 22476-2008 中空玻璃稳态U值(传热系数)的计算及测定 Calculation and determination of steady-state U values(thermal transmittance) of multiple glazing
GB/T 22477-2008 芝麻粕 Sesame seed meal
GB/T 22478-2008 葡萄籽油 Grapeseed oil
GB/T 22479-2008 花椒籽油 Zanthoxylum bungeanum seed oil
GB/T 22480-2008 动植物油脂 聚乙烯类聚合物的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of polyethylene-type polymers
GB/T 22481-2008 谷物、油料和豆类 单向气流穿过散粮的单位压力损失测定 Cereals, oilseeds and pulses - Measurement of unit pressure loss in one-dimensional air flow through bulk grain
GB/T 22482-2008 水文情报预报规范 Standard for hydrological information and hydrological forecasting
GB/T 22483-2008 中国山脉山峰名称代码 Codes of mountain range and peak names of China
GB/T 22484-2008 城市公共汽电车客运服务 Passenger transport services for bus/trolleybus
GB/T 22485-2008 出租汽车服务 Taxi service
GB/T 22486-2008 城市轨道交通客运服务 Urban rail passenger transport service
GB/T 22487-2008 水产饲料安全性评价 急性毒性试验规程 Principle of aquafeed safety evaluation - Acute toxicity test
GB/T 22488-2008 水产饲料安全性评价 亚急性毒性试验规程 Principle of aquafeed safety evaluation - Sub-acute toxicity test
GB/T 22489-2008 饲料添加剂 蛋氨酸锰 Feedadditive - Manganese methionine
GB/T 22490-2008 开发建设项目水土保持设施验收技术规程 Acceptance technical code for soil and water conservation engineering of development and construction projects
GB/T 22491-2008 大豆低聚糖 Soybean oligosaccharide
GB/T 22492-2008 大豆肽粉 Soy peptides powder
GB/T 22493-2008 大豆蛋白粉 Soybean protein flour
GB/T 22494-2008 大豆膳食纤维粉 Soy dietary fiber powder
GB/T 22495-2008 粮油储藏 磷化氢发生器 Grain and oil storage - On-site phosphine generator out of warehouse
GB/T 22496-2008 玉米糁 Maize (Corn) grits
GB/T 22497-2008 粮油储藏 熏蒸剂使用准则 Grain and oil storage - Fumigants application guideline
GB/T 22498-2008 粮油储藏 防护剂使用准则 Grain and oil storage - Protectants application guideline
GB/T 22499-2008 富硒稻谷 Rich selenium paddy
GB/T 22500-2008 动植物油脂 紫外吸光度的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of ultraviolet absorbance expressed as specific UV extinction
GB/T 22501-2008 动植物油脂 橄榄油中蜡含量的测定 气相色谱法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of wax content of olive oils by capillary column gas chromatography
GB/T 22502-2008 超市销售生鲜农产品基本要求 Basic requirement for marketing fresh agricultural products in supermarket
GB/T 22503-2008 高油玉米 High oil corn
GB/T 22505-2008 粮油检验 感官检验环境照明 Inspection of grain and oils - Sensory analysis environment-lighting
GB/T 22506-2008 粮油检验 酶改性磷脂中1-和2-溶血磷脂酰胆碱的测定 高效液相色谱法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of 1- and 2- acyl lysophosphatidylcholine in enzymatically modified phospholipids - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22507-2008 动植物油脂 植物油中反式脂肪酸异构体含量测定 气相色谱法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of the content of trans fatty acid isomers of vegetable fats and oils - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 22508-2008 预防与降低谷物中真菌毒素污染操作规范 Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of mycotoxin contamination in cereals
GB/T 22509-2008 动植物油脂 苯并(a)芘的测定 反相高效液相色谱法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of benzo(a)pyrene - Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 22510-2008 谷物、豆类及副产品 灰分含量的测定 Cereals, pulses and by-products - Determination of ash yield by incineration
GB/T 22511-2008 化工产品包装用铝瓶 Aluminum bottles packaging for chemical products
GB/T 22513-2008 石油天然气工业 钻井和采油设备 井口装置和采油树 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Wellhead and christmas tree equipment
GB/T 22514-2008 菜籽粕 Rapeseed meal
GB/T 22515-2008 粮油名词术语 粮食、油料及其加工产品 Terminology of grain and oil - Grain and oil-bearing material and their prouducts
GB/T 22516-2008 风力发电机组 噪声测量方法 Acoustic noise measurement techniques of wind turbine generators systems
GB/T 22518-2008 容栅数显标尺 Capacitive digital scale units
GB/T 22519-2008 合像水平仪 Imaging level meter
GB/T 22520-2008 厚度指示表 Dial thickness gauges
GB/T 22521-2008 角度量块 Angle block gauge
GB/T 22522-2008 螺纹测量用三针 Three wires for screw thread measuring
GB/T 22523-2008 塞尺 Feeler gauge
GB/T 22524-2008 小扭簧比较仪 Small-sized micro indicators
GB/T 22525-2008 正多面棱体 Regular polygon mirror
GB/T 22526-2008 正弦规 Sine bar
GB/T 22527-2008 文物保护单位标志 Standards for the nameplates of officially protected sites
GB/T 22528-2008 文物保护单位开放服务规范 Criterion of open services of officially protected sites
GB/T 22529-2008 废弃木质材料回收利用管理规范 Management code for discarded wooden recycling and utilization
GB/T 22531-2008 野山参人工繁衍护育操作规程 Operation rules of comprehensive protection and cultivation of wild ginseng
GB/T 22532-2008 移山参鉴定及分等质量 Identification and grade quality of transplanted ginseng
GB/T 22533-2008 鲜园参分等质量 The grade quality of fresh ginseng
GB/T 22534-2008 保鲜人参分等质量 The grade quality of fresh keeping ginseng
GB/T 22535-2008 活性参分等质量 The grade quality of activated ginseng
GB/T 22536-2008 生晒参分等质量 The grade quality of dried raw ginseng
GB/T 22537-2008 大力参分等质量 The grade quality of boiled ginseng
GB/T 22538-2008 红参分等质量 The grade quality of red ginseng
GB/T 22539-2008 糖参分等质量 The grade quality of sugar ginseng
GB/T 22540-2008 蜜制人参分等质量 The grade quality of honeyed ginseng
GB/T 22541-2008 土工试验仪器 击实仪 Instrument for soil test - Compaction apparatus
GB/T 22544-2008 蛋鸡复合预混合饲料 Complex premix for layer
GB/T 22545-2008 宠物干粮食品辐照杀菌技术规范 Good irradiation practice for the control of microorganisms in dried pet foods
GB/T 22546-2008 饲料添加剂 碱式氯化锌 Feed additive basic zinc chloride
GB/T 22547-2008 饲料添加剂 饲用活性干酵母(酿酒酵母) Feed additive active dry yeast for feed(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)
GB/T 22548-2008 饲料级 磷酸二氢钙 Feed grade - Monocalcium phosphate
GB/T 22549-2008 饲料级 磷酸氢钙 Feed grade - Dicalcium phosphate
GB/T 22550-2008 旅居车辆 术语及其定义 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Vocabulary
GB/T 22551-2008 旅居车辆 旅居挂车 居住要求 Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravans - Habitation requirements
GB/T 22552-2008 旅居挂车 质量和尺寸 术语及其定义 Caravans - Masses and dimensions - Vocabulary
GB/T 22554-2010 基于标准样品的线性校准 Linear calibration using reference materials
GB/T 22555-2010 散料验收抽样检验程序和抽样方案 Acceptance sampling plans and procedures for the inspection of bulk materials
GB/T 22560-2008 钢铁件的气体氮碳共渗 Gas nitrocarburizing of iron and steel parts
GB/T 22561-2008 真空热处理 Vacuum heat treatment
GB/T 22562-2008 电梯T型导轨 Guide rails for lifts - T-type
GB/T 22563-2008 萤石的水分测定 All grades of fluorspar - Determination of moisture content of a lot
GB/T 22564-2008 萤石 取样和制样 Fluorspar - Sampling and sample preparation
GB/T 22565-2008 金属材料 薄板和薄带 拉弯回弹评估方法 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Method for springback evaluation in stretch bending
GB/T 22567-2008 电气绝缘材料 测定玻璃化转变温度的试验方法 Electrical insulating materials - Methods of test for the determination of the glass transition temperature
GB/T 22568-2008 公共地震信息发布 Public earthquake-related information release
GB/T 22569-2008 生猪人道屠宰技术规范 The technical criterion of pig humane slaughter
GB/T 22570-2008 辅食营养补充品通用标准 General standard for complementary food supplements
GB/T 22571-2008 表面化学分析 X射线光电子能谱仪 能量标尺的校准 Surface chemical analysis ? X-ray photoelectron spectrometers ? Calibration of energy scales
GB/T 22572-2008 表面化学分析 二次离子质谱 用多δ层参考物质评估深度分辨参数的方法 Surface chemical analysis - Secondary-ion mass spectrometry - Method for estimating depth resolution parameters with multiple delta-layer reference materials
GB/T 22575-2008 猪电致昏设备 Electrical stunning equipment
GB/T 22576-2008 医学实验室 质量和能力的专用要求 Medical laboratories - Particular requirements for quality and competence
GB/T 22577-2008 核电站用1E级电缆 通用要求 Class 1E cables for nuclear power generating stations - General requirements
GB/T 22579-2008 拟定用于电工设备中聚合性复合物最大允许温度清单的导则 Guidance on the development of lists of maximum allowable temperatures for polymeric compounds used in electotechnical equipment
GB/T 22580-2008 特殊环境条件 高原电气设备技术要求 低压成套开关设备和控制设备 Specific environmental condition - Technical requirements of electric equipments used for plateau - Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
GB/T 22581-2008 混流式水泵水轮机基本技术条件 Fundamental technical requirements for francis pump-turbine
GB/T 22582-2008 电力电容器 低压功率因数补偿装置 Power capacitors - Low-voltage power factor correction banks
GB/T 22583-2009 防辐射针织品 Radiation-resistant knitwear
GB/T 22584-2008 矿用炮烟净化装置通用技术条件 General technical specification for the blasting-smoke purifying equipment for mine
GB/T 22585-2008 透明窗口信封 Envelope with transparent window
GB/T 22586-2008 高温超导薄膜微波表面电阻测试 Measurements of microwave surface resistance of resistance of HTSC thin film
GB/T 22587-2008 基体与超导体体积比测量 Cu/Nb-Ti复合超导体铜-超[体积]比的测量 Superconductivity - Matrix to superconductor volume ratio measurement - Copper to superconductor volume ratio of Cu/Nb-Ti composite superconductors
GB/T 22588-2008 闪光法测量热扩散系数或导热系数 Determination of thermal diffusivity or thermal conductivity by the flash method
GB/T 22589-2008 镁碳砖 Magnesia carbon brick
GB/T 22590-2008 轧钢加热炉用耐火浇注料 Refractory castables for reheating furnaces
GB/T 22591-2008 水处理剂 双1,6-亚己基三胺五亚甲基膦酸 Water treatment chemicals - Bis-hexamethylene ariamine penta-methylene phosphonic acid
GB/T 22592-2008 水处理剂 pH值测定方法通则 Water treatment reagent - General rules for the determination of pH
GB/T 22593-2008 水处理剂 极限粘数测定方法通则 Water treatment reagent - General rules for the determination of limiting viscosity number
GB/T 22594-2008 水处理剂 密度测定方法通则 Water treatment reagent - General rules for the determination of density
GB/T 22595-2008 杀生剂能效的评价方法 异养菌 Test method for efficacy of antimicrobials - Aerobic bacteria
GB/T 22596-2008 水处理剂 铁含量测定方法通则 Water treatment chemicals - General method for determination of iron content
GB/T 22597-2008 再生水中化学需氧量的测定 重铬酸钾法 Reclaimed wastewater - Determination of chemical oxygen demand-Potassium dichromate method
GB/T 22598-2008 水处理化学品 铅含量测定方法 Water treatment chemicals - Determination of lead content
GB/T 22599-2008 水处理化学品 砷含量测定方法 Water treatment chemicals - Determination of arsenic content
GB/T 22626-2008 水处理剂阻垢性能的测定 磷酸钙沉积法 Determination of scale inhibition performance of water treatment agents - Calcium phosphate precipitation method
GB/T 22627-2008 水处理剂 聚氯化铝 Water treatment chemical - Poly aluminium chloride
GB/T 22628-2008 摩托车轮胎滚动周长试验方法 Test method of measuring rolling circumference for motorcycle tyres
GB/T 22629-2008 进出口食品添加剂阿力甜的分析方法 Analytical method for food additive alitame for import and export
GB/T 22630-2008 车载音视频设备电磁兼容性要求和测量方法 Audio video-apparatus on board electromagnetic compatibility requirement and methods of measurement
GB/T 22631-2008 建筑物垂直部件 抗冲击试验 冲击物及通用试验程序 Vertical building elements - Impact resistance test - Impact bodies and general test procedures
GB/T 22632-2008 门扇 抗硬物撞击性能检测方法 Door leaves - Determination of the resistance to hard body impact
GB/T 22633-2008 住宅部品术语 Terms of housing parts
GB/T 22634-2008 天然气水含量与水露点之间的换算 Conversion between water content and water dew point of natural gas
GB/T 22635-2008 门扇 湿度影响稳定性检测方法 Door leaves - Determination of the behaviour under humidity variations in successive uniform climates
GB/T 22636-2008 门扇 尺寸、直角度和平面度检测方法 Door leaves - Dimensions, rectangularity and flatness - Test method
GB/T 22637-2008 天然肠衣加工良好操作规范 Good manufacturing practice of the natural sausage casings processing
GB/T 22639-2008 铝合金加工产品的剥落腐蚀试验方法 Test method of exfoliation corrosion for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys
GB/T 22640-2008 铝合金加工产品的环形试样应力腐蚀试验方法 Test method of C-Ring sample to stress-corrosion cracking for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys products
GB/T 22641-2008 船用铝合金板材 Wrought aluminium alloys sheet and plate for ships
GB/T 22642-2008 电子、电力电容器用铝箔 Aluminum foil for electronic and power capacitor
GB/T 22643-2008 精铝丝 Refined aluminum wire
GB/T 22644-2008 卡纸用铝及铝合金箔 Aluminium and aluminium alloys foil for cardboard
GB/T 22645-2008 泡罩包装用铝及铝合金箔 Aluminium and aluminium alloys foil for PTP
GB/T 22646-2008 啤酒标用铝合金箔 Aluminium alloys foil for beer label
GB/T 22647-2008 软包装用铝及铝合金箔 Aluminium and aluminium alloys foil for flexible packaging
GB/T 22648-2008 软管用铝及铝合金箔 Aluminium and aluminium alloys foil for soft tube
GB/T 22649-2008 半刚性容器用铝及铝合金箔 Aluminium and aluminium alloys foil for semi-rigid container
GB/T 22650-2008 工业用氢氧化钠 钙镁总含量的测定 络合滴定法 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of calcium and magnesium content - Complexometric method
GB/T 22651-2008 工业用氢氧化钠 汞含量的测定 分光光度法 Sodium hydroxide for industrial use - Determination of mercury content - Spectrometric method (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 22652-2008 阀门密封面堆焊工艺评定 Overlaying-welding procedure qualification for valves sealing face
GB/T 22653-2008 液化气体设备用紧急切断阀 Emergency shutoff valve for LG equipment
GB/T 22654-2008 蒸汽疏水阀 技术条件 Automatic steam traps - Technical specification
GB/T 22655-2008 地理标志产品 南通长江河豚(养殖) Product of geographical indication - Nantong changjiang obscure puffer
GB/T 22656-2008 调味品生产HACCP应用规范 Evaluating specification on the HACCP certification of the condiments processing
GB/T 22658-2008 流通合作组织分类 Classification of cooperative circulation organizations
GB/T 22663-2008 工业机械电气设备 电磁兼容 机床抗扰度要求 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Electromagnetic compatibility - Immunity requirements for machine tools
GB/T 22664-2008 手持式电动工具 石材切割机 Hand held motor - Operated tile saws
GB/T 22666-2008 氟化锂 Lithium fluoride
GB/T 22667-2008 氟硼酸钾 Potassium fluoborade
GB/T 22668-2008 氟钛酸钾 Potassium fluotitanate
GB/T 22669-2008 三相永磁同步电动机试验方法 Test procedures for three-phase permanent magnet synchronous machines
GB/T 22670-2008 变频器供电三相笼型感应电动机试验方法 Test procedures for converter-fed three phase cage induction motors
GB/T 22671-2008 外转子电动机试验方法 Test procedures for with external rotor motors
GB/T 22672-2008 小功率同步电动机试验方法 Test procedures for small power synchronous motors
GB/T 22673-2008 旋转电机用天然石墨电刷的基本特性 Natural graphite brush for rotating electrical machinery-Basic characteristics (www.tecert.com)
GB/T 22674-2008 直流系统用套管 Bushings for d.c. application
GB/T 22675-2008 平板砂光机 Orbital sanders and random orbital sanders
GB/T 22676-2008 冲击电钻 Impact drills
GB/T 22677-2008 电动冲击扳手 Electric impact wrenches
GB/T 22678-2008 电动刀锯 Electric saber saws
GB/T 22679-2008 电动螺丝刀 Electric screwdrivers
GB/T 22680-2008 曲线锯 Jig saws
GB/T 22681-2008 电剪刀 Electric sheet metal shears
GB/T 22682-2008 直向砂轮机 Straight grinders
GB/T 22683-2008 家用和类似用途控制器 产品型号编制方法 Methods used to designate model of controls for household and similar use
GB/T 22684-2008 家用和类似用途电动机式程序控制器 Motor-type programme controls for household and similar use
GB/T 22685-2008 家用和类似用途控制器的包装和标志 Packaging and marking on controls for household and similar use
GB/T 22686-2008 家用和类似用途人工复位压力式热切断器 Pressure thermal cut-outs for household and similar use of manual reset type
GB/T 22687-2008 家用和类似用途双金属温度控制器 Bimetal temperature controls for household and similar use
GB/T 22688-2008 家用和类似用途压力式温度控制器 Pressure-type temperature controls for household and similar use
GB/T 22689-2008 测定固体绝缘材料相对耐表面放电击穿能力的推荐试验方法 Recommended test methods for determining the relative resistance of insulating materials to breakdown by surface discharges
GB/T 22690-2008 数据通信设备通用机械结构 机柜和插箱 General mechanical structures for data communication equipment - Cabinet and subrack
GB/T 22691-2008 电池式电动工具用直流开关 DC switches for battery power tools
GB/T 22692-2008 电动工具开关 Switches for electric tools
GB/T 22693-2008 琴键开关 Key type switches
GB/T 22694-2008 家用和类似用途不带过电流保护的固定式剩余电流保护插座(FRCS) Fixed residual current protective socket-outlets without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses(FRCS)
GB/T 22698-2008 多媒体设备安全指南 Guide on the safety of multimedia equipment
GB/T 22699-2008 膨化食品 Puffed food
GB/T 22700-2008 水洗整理服装 Washed garments
GB/T 22701-2008 职业服装检验规则 Rule for work wear inspection
GB/T 22702-2008 儿童上衣拉带安全规格 Standard safety size for drawstrings on children’s upper wear
GB/T 22703-2008 旗袍 Qipao
GB/T 22704-2008 提高机械安全性的儿童服装设计和生产实施规范 Code of practice for the design and manufacture of children’s clothing to promote mechanical safety
GB/T 22705-2008 童装绳索和拉带安全要求 Safety specifications for cords and drawstrings on children’s clothing
GB/T 22706-2008 自镇流冷阴极荧光灯 性能要求 Self-ballasted cold cathode fluorescent lamps - Service-performance requirements
GB/T 22707-2008 直流系统用高压绝缘子的人工污秽试验 Artificial pollution tests on high-voltage insulators to be used on d.c. systems
GB/T 22708-2008 绝缘子串元件的热机和机械性能试验 Thermal-mechanical performance test and mechanical performance test on string insulator units
GB/T 22709-2008 架空线路玻璃或瓷绝缘子串元件绝缘体机械破损后的残余强度 Residual strength of string insulator units of glass or ceramic material for overhead lines after mechanical damage of the dielectric
GB/T 22710-2008 低压断路器用电子式控制器 Electronic controller for low-voltage circuit breaker
GB/T 22711-2008 高效三相永磁同步电动机技术条件(机座号 132-280) Specification for high efficiency three-phase permanent magnet synchronous motor (frame size 132-280)
GB/T 22712-2008 变频电机用G系列冷却风机技术规范 Specification for G series cooling fans applying to variable frequency motors
GB/T 22713-2008 不平衡电压对三相笼型感应电动机性能的影响 Effects of unbalanced voltages on the performance of three-phase cage induction motor
GB/T 22714-2008 交流低压电机成型绕组匝间绝缘试验规范 Test specifications of interturn insulation of form-wound winding for AC low-voltage electrical machines
GB/T 22715-2008 交流电机定子成型线圈耐冲击电压水平 Impulse voltage withstand levels of form-wound stator coils for rotating a.c. machines
GB/T 22716-2008 直流电机电枢绕组匝间绝缘试验规范 Test specifications of interturn insulation of armature winding for DC electrical machines
GB/T 22717-2008 电机磁极线圈及磁场绕组匝间绝缘试验规范 Test specifications of interturn insulation of field pole coil and field winding for electrical machines
GB/T 22718-2008 高压电机绝缘结构耐热性评定方法 Thermal evaluation methods of insulation systems for high-voltage electrical machines
GB/T 22722-2008 YX3系列(IP55)高效率三相异步电动机技术条件(机座号80-355) Specification for YX3 series(IP55) high efficiency three-phase induction motor (frame size 80-355)
GB/T 22723-2008 天然气能量的测定 Energy determination for natural gas
GB/T 22724-2008 液化天然气设备与安装 陆上装置设计 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas - Design of onshore installations
GB/T 22725-2008 粮油检验 粮食、油料纯粮(质)率检验 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of pure kernel yield of grain and oils
GB/T 22726-2008 多声道数字音频编解码技术规范 Specification for multichannel digital audio coding technology
GB/T 22728-2008 化妆品中丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA)和二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) in cosmetics - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 22729-2008 海洋鱼低聚肽粉 Oligopeptides powder of marine fish
GB/T 22730-2008 牙膏中三氯甲烷的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of chloroform in toothpaste - Gas chromatography
GB/T 22731-2008 日用香精 Fragrance compound
GB/T 22732-2008 食品速冻装置 流态化速冻装置 Food quick freezer - The individually quick freezing freezer
GB/T 22733-2008 食品速冻装置 螺旋式速冻装置 Food quick freezer - Spiral freezer
GB/T 22734-2008 食品速冻装置 平板式速冻装置 Food quick freezer - Plate freezer
GB/T 22735-2008 地理标志产品 景芝神酿酒 Product of geographical indication - Jingzhishenniang liquor
GB/T 22736-2008 地理标志产品 酒鬼酒 Product of geographical indication - Jiugui Liquor
GB/T 22737-2008 地理标志产品 信阳毛尖茶 Product of geographical indication - Xinyang Maojian tea
GB/T 22738-2008 地理标志产品 尤溪金柑 Product of geographical indications - Youxi kumquat
GB/T 22739-2008 地理标志产品 建莲 Product of geographical indication - Jianning lotus seeds
GB/T 22740-2008 地理标志产品 灵宝苹果 Product of geographical indication - Lingbao apple
GB/T 22741-2008 地理标志产品 灵宝大枣 Product of geographical indication - Dried Lingbao jujube
GB/T 22742-2008 地理标志产品 灵宝杜仲 Product of geographical indication - Lingbao Duzhong
GB/T 22743-2008 地理标志产品 卢氏连翘 Product of geographical indication - Lushi Lianqiao
GB/T 22744-2008 地理标志产品 济源冬凌草 Product of geographical indication - Jiyuan herb rabdosiae rubescentis
GB/T 22745-2008 地理标志产品 方城丹参(裕丹参) Product of geographical indication - Fangcheng salvia miltiorrhiza bge (Yu salvia miltiorrhiza bge)
GB/T 22746-2008 地理标志产品 泌阳花菇 Product of geographical indication - Biyang Hua Gu(flower shiitake mushroom)
GB/T 22750-2008 外科植入物用高纯氧化铝陶瓷材料 Implants for surgery - Ceramic materials based on high purity alumina
GB/T 22751-2008 台球桌 Billiards table
GB/T 22752-2008 残疾人辅助器具 抓握杆 Technical aids for persons with disabilities - Grab-rails
GB/T 22753-2008 玩具表面涂层技术条件 Technical requirements of surface coatings on toys
GB/T 22754-2008 网球 Tennis ball
GB/T 22755-2008 卡压式铜管路连接件 Brass fittings with press compression sleeves for pipe system
GB/T 22756-2008 皮凉鞋 Leather sandals
GB/T 22758-2008 家用电动洗衣机可靠性试验方法 Test methods for reliability of household electric washing machine
GB/T 22759-2008 家用和类似用途的制冷器具可靠性试验方法 Test methods for reliability of household and similar refrigerating appliances
GB/T 22760-2008 消费品安全风险评估通则 General principles for risk assessment of consumer product safety
GB/T 22761-2008 电圆锯 Electric circular saws
GB/T 22762-2008 家用和类似用途用装入式电动机热保护器 Built-in thermal protectors for electrical machines of household and similar use
GB/T 22763-2008 电器附件 大口径密封螺塞 Electrical accessories - Big size sealed screwed plug
GB/T 22765-2008 标枪 Javelin
GB/T 22767-2008 手动削笔机 Manual pencil sharpeners
GB/T 22768-2008 手工打结藏毯 Hand-knotted tibetan carpet
GB/T 22769-2008 浴室电加热器具(浴霸) Electric bathroom heater (Yuba)
GB/T 22770-2008 印刷技术 用落棒式粘度计测定浆状油墨和连接料的流变性 Graphic technology - Determination of rheological properties of paste inks and vehicles by the falling rod viscometer
GB/T 22771-2008 印刷技术 印刷品与印刷油墨用滤光氙弧灯评定耐光性 Graphic technology - Prints and printing inks - Assessment of light fastness using filtered xenon arc light
GB/T 22772-2008 机械摆钟 Mechanical clocks with pendulum
GB/T 22773-2008 机械秒表 Mechanical stopwatches
GB/T 22774-2008 机械闹钟 Mechanical alarm clocks
GB/T 22775-2008 计时仪器用齿轮 端面齿轮 Gears for timekeeping instruments - Contrate gears
GB/T 22776-2008 计时仪器用公差与配合 塑料件公差 Tolerances and fits for timekeeping instruments - Tolerances of plastic parts
GB/T 22777-2008 数码信息历 Numeral information calendars
GB/T 22778-2008 液晶数字式石英秒表 Liquid crystal digital quartz stopwatches
GB/T 22779-2008 液晶式石英钟 Liquid crystal displaying quartz clocks
GB/T 22780-2008 液晶式石英手表 Liquid crystal displaying quartz watches
GB/T 22781-2008 烟花爆竹用钛粉关键指标的测定 Determination of essential parameters of titanium powder for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 22782-2008 烟花爆竹用氧化铜关键指标的测定 Determination of essential parameters of cuprum oxide powder for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 22783-2008 烟花爆竹用硝酸钾关键指标的测定 Determination of essential parameters of potassium nitrate for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 22784-2008 烟花爆竹用铝镁合金粉关键指标的测定 Determination of essential parameters of aluminum-magnesium alloy powder for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 22785-2008 烟花爆竹用铝粉关键指标的测定 Determination of essential parameters of aluminum powder for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 22786-2008 烟花爆竹用高氯酸钾关键指标的测定 Determination of essential parameters of potassium perchlorate for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 22787-2008 烟花爆竹用冰晶石关键指标的测定 Determination of essential parameters of cryolite for use in fireworks and firecrackers
GB/T 22788-2008 玩具表面涂层中总铅含量的测定 Determination of total lead content in surface coating on toys
GB/T 22795-2008 混凝土用膨胀型锚栓 型式与尺寸 Expansion anchors for use in concrete - Type and dimension
GB/T 22796-2009 被、被套 Quilts、quilt cover
GB/T 22797-2009 床单 Sheet
GB/T 22798-2009 毛巾产品脱毛率测试方法 Test method for fiber fall off of towel product
GB/T 22799-2009 毛巾产品吸水性测试方法 Test method for hydroscopicity of towel product
GB/T 22800-2009 星级旅游饭店用纺织品 Textiles for star-tourist hotels
GB/T 22801-2009 纺织机械 染整机器导布辊 主要尺寸及要求 Textile machinery - Guide rollers for dyeing and finishing machinery - Main dimensions and working performance requirements
GB/T 22802-2008 家用废弃食物处理器 Household food waste disposers
GB/T 22803-2008 制鞋纸板 Shoe board
GB/T 22804-2008 纸浆、纸和纸板 汞含量的测定 Pulp, paper and board - Determination of mercury content
GB/T 22806-2008 白卡纸 Ivory board
GB/T 22807-2008 皮革和毛皮 化学试验 六价铬含量的测定 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of chromium VI content
GB/T 22808-2008 皮革和毛皮 化学试验 五氯苯酚含量的测定 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of pentachlorophenol content
GB/T 22809-2008 烟花爆竹 安全性能检测规程 Fireworks and firecracker - Rules of the inspection of safety performance
GB/T 22810-2008 烟花爆竹 检验规程 Fireworks and firecracker - Rules of the inspection
GB/T 22811-2008 瓦楞纸板 分离后组成原纸定量的测定 Corrugated fibreboard - Determination of the grammage of the component papers after separation
GB/T 22812-2008 半透明纸 Paper of glassine
GB/T 22813-2008 薄页包装纸 Tissue wrapping paper
GB/T 22814-2008 防锈原纸 Anti-rust base paper
GB/T 22815-2008 封套纸板 Envelope board
GB/T 22816-2008 复写原纸 Carbonizing base paper
GB/T 22817-2008 钢纸管 Vulcanized paper core
GB/T 22818-2008 钢纸原纸 Vulcanized base paper
GB/T 22819-2008 高透气纸张透气性的测定 High permeable paper - Determination of air permeability
GB/T 22820-2008 工艺礼品纸 Craftwork paper
GB/T 22821-2008 光学字符阅读纸 Optical character reader paper
GB/T 22822-2008 厚纸板 Thick board
GB/T 22823-2008 胶带原纸 Adhesive tape base paper
GB/T 22824-2008 蜡光原纸 Flint glazed base paper
GB/T 22825-2008 蜡光纸 Flint glazed paper
GB/T 22826-2008 盲文印刷纸 Braille printing paper
GB/T 22827-2008 手风琴风箱纸板 Accordion bellows board
GB/T 22828-2008 书画纸 Painting & calligraphy paper
GB/T 22829-2008 书皮纸 Book cover paper
GB/T 22830-2008 水彩画纸 Watercolor painting paper
GB/T 22831-2008 提花纸板 Jackard board
GB/T 22832-2008 涂布美术印刷纸原纸(铜版原纸) Coated art base paper(Art base paper)
GB/T 22833-2008 图画纸 Painting paper
GB/T 22834-2008 信封用纸 Envelope paper
GB/T 22835-2008 信息处理用连续格式纸 Continuous forms used for information processing
GB/T 22836-2008 纸浆 纤维帚化率的测定 Pulp - Determination of fiber fibrillation
GB/T 22837-2008 纸和纸板 表面强度的测定(蜡棒法) Paper and board - Determination of surface strength(wax method)
GB/T 22839-2010 电解海水次氯酸钠发生装置技术条件 Technical specification for sodium hypochlorite generation installation of electrolysis of seawater
GB/T 22840-2008 工业机械电气设备 浪涌抗扰度试验规范 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Test specifications for surge immunity
GB/T 22841-2008 工业机械电气设备 电压暂降和短时中断抗扰度试验规范 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Test specifications for voltage dips, short interruptions immunity
GB/T 22842-2009 里子绸 Lining
GB/T 22843-2009 枕、垫类产品 Cushion and Pillow
GB/T 22844-2009 配套床上用品 Matched bedding
GB/T 22845-2009 防静电手套 Anti-electrostatic glove
GB/T 22846-2009 针织布(四分制)外观检验 Test methods of four points system for visually inspecting knitted fabrics
GB/T 22847-2009 针织坯布 Knitted grey fabric
GB/T 22848-2009 针织成品布 Finished knitted fabric
GB/T 22849-2009 针织T恤衫 Knitted T-shirt
GB/T 22850-2009 织锦工艺制品 Brocade craft products
GB/T 22851-2009 色织提花布 Yarn-dyed pattern fabric
GB/T 22852-2009 针织泳装面料 Knitted swimwear fabric
GB/T 22853-2009 针织运动服 Knitted sportwear
GB/T 22854-2009 针织学生服 Knitted school uniform
GB/T 22855-2009 拉舍尔床上用品 Raschel bedding
GB/T 22856-2009 莨绸 Gambiered canton silk
GB/T 22857-2009 筒装桑蚕捻线丝 Mulberry thrown silk on cones
GB/T 22858-2009 丝绸书 Silk books
GB/T 22859-2009 染色桑蚕捻线丝 Dyed mulberry thrown silk
GB/T 22860-2009 丝绸(机织物)的分类、命名及编号 Classing, naming and coding of silk (woven fabric)
GB/T 22861-2009 精粗梳交织毛织品 Worsted yarn interweave with wollen yarn fabric
GB/T 22862-2009 海岛丝织物 Sea-island filament fabrics
GB/T 22863-2009 半精纺毛织品 Semi-worsted fabric
GB/T 22864-2009 毛巾 Towel
GB/T 22865-2008 牛皮纸 kraft
GB/T 22866-2008 皮革五金配件 镍释放量的测定 Leather hardware accessory - Determination of release of nickel
GB/T 22867-2008 皮革 维护性的评估 Leather - Assessment of maintainability
GB/T 22868-2008 篮球 Basketball
GB/T 22869-2008 金属板带衬纸 Metal sheet and strip interleaving paper
GB/T 22870-2008 漂白浆挂面箱纸板 White top linerboard
GB/T 22871-2008 普通玻璃纸 Plain transparent cellophane
GB/T 22872-2008 强韧纸板 分层定量的测定 Solid fibreboard - Determination of grammage of single layers
GB/T 22873-2008 瓦楞纸板 胶粘抗水性的测定(浸水法) Corrugated fibreboard - Determination of the water resistance of the glue bond(immersion)
GB/T 22874-2008 单面和单瓦楞纸板 平压强度的测定 Single-faced and single-wall corrugated fibreboard - Determination of flat crush resistance
GB/T 22875-2008 卫生巾高吸收性树脂 Superabsorbent polymer for sanitary towel
GB/T 22876-2008 纸、纸板和瓦楞纸板 压缩试验仪的描述和校准 Paper,board and corrugated fiberboard - Description and calibration of compression testing equipment
GB/T 22877-2008 纸、纸板和纸浆 灼烧残余物(灰分)的测定(525℃) Paper, board and pulps - Determination of residue(ash) on ignition at 525℃
GB/T 22878-2008 纸和纸板 杂质的估算 Paper and board - Estimation of contraries
GB/T 22879-2008 纸和纸板 CIE白度的测定,C/2°(室内照明条件) Paper and board - Determination of CIE whiteness, C/2°( indoor illumination conditions)
GB/T 22880-2008 纸和纸板 CIE白度的测定,D65/10°(室外日光) Paper and board - Determination of CIE whiteness, D65/10°(outdoor daylight)
GB/T 22881-2008 纸和纸板 粗糙度(平滑度)的测定(空气泄漏法) 通用方法 Paper and board - Determination of roughness/smoothness(air leak methods) - General method
GB/T 22882-2008 排球 Volleyball
GB/T 22883-2008 皮革 绵羊蓝湿革 规范 Leather - Wet blue sheep skins - Specification
GB/T 22884-2008 皮革 牛蓝湿革 规范 Leather - Bovine wet blue - Specification
GB/T 22885-2008 皮革 色牢度试验 耐水色牢度 Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to water
GB/T 22886-2008 皮革 色牢度试验 耐水渍色牢度 Leather - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to water spotting
GB/T 22887-2008 皮革 山羊蓝湿革 规范 Leather - Wet blue goat skins - Specification
GB/T 22888-2008 皮革 物理和机械试验 表面涂层低温脆裂温度的测定 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of cold crack temperature of surface coatings
GB/T 22889-2008 皮革 物理和机械试验 表面涂层厚度的测定 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of surface coating thickness
GB/T 22890-2008 皮革 物理和机械试验 柔软皮革防水性能的测定 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of water resistance of flexible leather
GB/T 22891-2008 皮革 物理和机械试验 重革防水性能的测定 Leather - Physical and mechanical tests - Determination of water resistance of heavy leather
GB/T 22892-2008 足球 Football
GB/T 22893-2008 纸和纸板 基本尺寸办公用纸 成包纸页卷曲的测定 Paper and board - Cut-size office paper - Measurement of curl in a pack of sheets
GB/T 22894-2008 纸和纸板 加速老化 在80℃和65%相对湿度条件下的湿热处理 Paper and board - Accelerated ageing - Moist heat treatment at 80℃ and 65% relative humidity
GB/T 22895-2008 纸和纸板 静态和动态摩擦系数的测定 平面法 Paper and board - Determination of the static and kinetic coefficients of friction - Horizontal plane method
GB/T 22896-2008 纸和纸板 卷曲的测定 单个垂直悬挂试样法 Paper and board - Determination of curl - Single vertically suspended test piece
GB/T 22897-2008 纸和纸板 抗透水性的测定 Paper and board - Determination of resistance to water penetration
GB/T 22898-2008 纸和纸板 抗张强度的测定 恒速拉伸法(100mm/min) Paper and board - Determination of tensile properties - Constant rate of elongation method (100mm/min)
GB/T 22900-2009 科学技术研究项目评价通则 Science and technology research projects evaluation - General rules
GB/T 22901-2008 纸和纸板 透气度的测定(中等范围) 通用方法 Paper and board - Determination of air permeance(medium range) - General method
GB/T 22902-2008 纸浆 丙酮可溶物的测定 Pulps - Determination of acetone-soluble matter
GB/T 22903-2008 纸浆 物理试验用标准水 Pulps - Standard water for physical testing
GB/T 22904-2008 纸浆、纸和纸板 总氯和有机氯的测定 Pulp, paper and board - Determination of total chlorine and organically bound chlorine
GB/T 22905-2008 纸尿裤高吸收性树脂 Superabsorbent polymer for diaper
GB/T 22907-2008 灯具的光度测试和分布光度学 The photometry and goniophotometry of luminaires
GB/T 22908-2008 废弃荧光灯回收再利用 技术规范 Technical specification of abandoned fluorescent lamp’s recycling and reuse
GB/T 22909-2008 小尾寒羊 Small-tailed han sheep
GB/T 22910-2008 痒病诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for scrapie
GB/T 22911-2008 黄鳝 Swamp eel
GB/T 22912-2008 马头山羊 Matou goat
GB/T 22913-2008 石鲽 Stone flounder
GB/T 22914-2008 SPF猪病原的控制与监测 Control and monitoring of SPF swine pathogens
GB/T 22915-2008 口蹄疫病毒荧光RT-PCR检测方法 Protocol of universal fluorogenic RT-PCR for foot and mouth disease virus
GB/T 22916-2008 水泡性口炎病毒荧光RT-PCR检测方法 Protocol of fluorogenic RT-PCR for vesicular stomatitis virus
GB/T 22917-2008 猪水泡病病毒荧光RT-PCR检测方法 Protocol of fluorogenic RT-PCR for swine vesicular disease virus
GB/T 22918-2008 易腐食品控温运输技术要求 Technical requirements for temperature-controlled transportation of perishable food
GB/T 22919.7-2008 水产配合饲料 第7部分:刺参配合饲料 Aquafeed - Part 7: Formula feed for sea cucumber(Stichopus japonicus)
GB/T 22921-2008 纸和纸板 薄页材料水蒸气透过率的测定 动态气流法和静态气体法 Paper and board - Determination of water vapour transmission rate of sheet materials - Dynamic sweep and static gas methods
GB/T 22922-2008 进出口食品添加剂松香季戊四醇酯的分析方法  Analytical method for food additive pentaerythritol ester of wood rosin for import and export
GB/T 22923-2008 肥料中氮、磷、钾的自动分析仪测定法 Determination of nitrogen phosphorus potassium for fertilizers by auto analyzer
GB/T 22924-2008 复混肥料(复合肥料)中缩二脲含量的测定 Determination of biuret content for compound fertilizers(complex fertilizers)
GB/T 22925-2009 纳米技术处理服装 Nanotechnology-treated clothes
GB/T 22927-2008 口罩纸 Respirator paper
GB/T 22928-2008 烟花爆竹用纸 Fireworks and firecrackers paper
GB/T 22929-2008 皮革毛皮衣物洗染规范 Specification of washing for leather goods and fur goods
GB/T 22930-2008 皮革和毛皮 化学试验 重金属含量的测定 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of heavy metal content
GB/T 22931-2008 皮革和毛皮 化学试验 增塑剂的测定 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of plasticizers
GB/T 22932-2008 皮革和毛皮 化学试验 有机锡化合物的测定 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of organotin compounds
GB/T 22933-2008 皮革和毛皮 化学试验 游离脂肪酸的测定 Leather and fur - Chemical tests - Determination of free fatty acid
GB/T 22934-2008 玻璃容器 耐垂直负荷试验方法 Glass containers - Resistance to vertical load - Test method
GB/T 22935-2008 投影仪用金属卤化物灯 Metal-halide lamps for projecting apparatus
GB/T 22936-2008 花卉用酚醛泡沫塑料 Phenolic floral foam
GB/T 22937-2008 商用洗衣机 Commercial washing machine
GB/T 22938-2008 商用干衣机 Commercial dryer
GB/T 22940-2008 蜂蜜中氨苯砜残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of dapsone residues in honey - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22941-2008 蜂蜜中林可霉素、红霉素、螺旋霉素、替米考星、泰乐菌素、交沙霉素、吉他霉素、竹桃霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of lincomycin, erythromycin, spiramycin, tilmicosin, tylosin, josamycin, kitasamycin, oleandomycin residues in honey - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22942-2008 蜂蜜中头孢唑啉、头孢匹林、头孢氨苄、头孢洛宁、头孢喹肟残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of cefazolin, cephapirin, cephalexin, cefalonium, cefquinome residues in honey - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22943-2008 蜂蜜中三甲氧苄氨嘧啶残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of trimethoprim residues in honey - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22944-2008 蜂蜜中克伦特罗残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of clenbuterol residues in honey - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22945-2008 蜂王浆中链霉素、双氢链霉素和卡那霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in the royal jelly - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22946-2008 蜂王浆和蜂王浆冻干粉中林可霉素、红霉素、替米考星、泰乐菌素、螺旋霉素、克林霉素、吉他霉素、交沙霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of lincomycin, erythromycin, tilmicosin, tylosin, spiramycin, clindamycin, kitasamycinand josamycin residues in royal jelly and lyophilized royal jelly powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22947-2008 蜂王浆中十八种磺胺类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 18 sulfonamides residues in royal jelly - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22948-2008 蜂王浆中三甲氧苄氨嘧啶残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of trimethoprim residues in royal jelly - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22949-2008 蜂王浆及冻干粉中硝基咪唑类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination nitroimidazole residues in royal jelly and lyophilized royal jelly farina - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22950-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中12种β-兴奋剂残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 12β-agonists residues in fugu, eel and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22951-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼中十八种磺胺类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 18 sulfonamides residues in fugu and eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22952-2008 河豚鱼和鳗鱼中阿莫西林、氨苄西林、哌拉西林、青霉素 G、青霉素 V、苯唑西林、氯唑西林、萘夫西林、双氯西林残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of amoxicillin, ampicillin, piperacillin, penicillin G, penicillin V, oxacillin, cloxacillin, nafcillin, dicloxacillin residues in fugu and eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22953-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中伊维菌素、阿维菌素、多拉菌素和乙酰氨基阿维菌素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of ivermectin, abamectin,doramectin and eprinomectin residues in fugu, eel and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22954-2008 河豚鱼和鳗鱼中链霉素、双氢链霉素和卡那霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in fugu and eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22955-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中苯并咪唑类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of benzimidazoles residues in fugu, eel and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22956-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中吡喹酮残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of praziquantel residue in fugu, eel and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22957-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼及烤鳗中九种糖皮质激素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of nine glucocorticoids residues in fugu, eel and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22958-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中角黄素残留量的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法 Determination of canthaxanthin residues in fugu, eel and baked eel - HPLC-UV method
GB/T 22959-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中氯霉素、甲砜霉素和氟苯尼考残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol and florfenicol residues in fugu, eel and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22960-2008 河豚鱼和鳗鱼中头孢唑啉、头孢匹林、头孢氨苄、头孢洛宁、头孢喹肟残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of cefazolin, cefapirin, cephalexin, cefalonium, cefquinome residues in fugu and eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22961-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼中土霉素、四环素、金霉素、强力霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法 Determination of oxytetracycline, tetracycline, chlortetracycline, doxycycline residues in fugu and eel - HPLC-UV method
GB/T 22962-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中烯丙孕素、氯地孕酮残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of altrenogest, chlormadinone residues in fugu, eel and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22963-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和烤鳗中玉米赤霉醇、玉米赤霉酮、己烯雌酚、己烷雌酚、双烯雌酚残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of zearalanol, zearalanone, diethylstilbestrol, hexestrol and dienoestrol residues in fugu, eels and baked eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22964-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼中林可霉素、竹桃霉素、红霉素、替米考星、泰乐菌素、螺旋霉素、吉他霉素、交沙霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of lincomycin, oleandomycin, erythromycin, tilmicosin, tylosin, spiramycin, kitasamycin and josamycin residues in fugu and eel - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22965-2008 牛奶和奶粉中12种β-兴奋剂残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 12β-agonists residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22966-2008 牛奶和奶粉中16种磺胺类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of sixteen sulfonamide residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22967-2008 牛奶和奶粉中β-雌二醇残留量的测定 气相色谱-负化学电离质谱法 Determination of β-estradiol residues in milk and milk powder - Gas chromatography-negative-ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry method
GB/T 22968-2008 牛奶和奶粉中伊维菌素、阿维菌素、多拉菌素和乙酰氨基阿维菌素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of ivermectin, abamectin, doramectin and eprinomectin residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22969-2008 奶粉和牛奶中链霉素、双氢链霉素和卡那霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22970-2010 纺织面料编码 化纤部分 Textile fabrics coding - Parts of chemical fibre
GB/T 22971-2008 牛奶和奶粉中安乃近代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of metabolite residues of dipyrone in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22972-2008 牛奶和奶粉中噻苯达唑、阿苯达唑、芬苯达唑、奥芬达唑、苯硫氨酯残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of thiabendazole, albendazole, fenbendazole, oxfendazole and febantel residues in milk and milk powder - HPLC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22973-2008 牛奶和奶粉中醋酸美仑孕酮、醋酸氯地孕酮和醋酸甲地孕酮残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of melengestrol acetate, chlormadinone acetate and megestrol acetate residues in milk and milk powder - HPLC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22974-2008 牛奶和奶粉中氮氨菲啶残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of isometamidium residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22975-2008 牛奶和奶粉中阿莫西林、氨苄西林、哌拉西林、青霉素G、青霉素V、苯唑西林、氯唑西林、萘夫西林和双氯西林残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of amoxicillin, ampicillin, piperacillin, penicillin G, penicillin V, oxacillin, cloxacillin, nafcillin, dicloxacillin residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22976-2008 牛奶和奶粉中α-群勃龙、β-群勃龙、19-乙烯去甲睾酮和epi-19-乙烯去甲睾酮残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of α-trenbolone, β-trenbolone, nortestosterone and epi-nortestosterone residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22977-2008 牛奶和奶粉中保泰松残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of phenylbutazone residues in bovine milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22978-2008 牛奶和奶粉中地塞米松残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of dexamethasone residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22979-2008 牛奶和奶粉中啶酰菌胺残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of boscalid residues in milk and milk powder - GC-MS method
GB/T 22980-2008 牛奶和奶粉中氟胺烟酸残留量的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法 Determination of flunixin residue in bovine milk and milk powder - LC-UV method
GB/T 22981-2008 牛奶和奶粉中杆菌肽残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of bacitracin residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22982-2008 牛奶和奶粉中甲硝唑、洛硝哒唑、二甲硝唑及其代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of metronidazole, ronidazole, dimetridazole residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22983-2008 牛奶和奶粉中六种聚醚类抗生素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of six polyether antibiotics residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22984-2008 牛奶和奶粉中卡巴氧和喹乙醇代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of the residues of metabolites of carbadox and olaquindox in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22985-2008 牛奶和奶粉中恩诺沙星、达氟沙星、环丙沙星、沙拉沙星、奥比沙星、二氟沙星和麻保沙星残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of enrofloxacin, danofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, sarafloxacin, orbifloxacin, difloxacin and marbofloxacin in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22986-2008 牛奶和奶粉中氢化泼尼松残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of prednisolone residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22987-2008 牛奶和奶粉中呋喃它酮、呋喃西林、呋喃妥因和呋喃唑酮代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination for the residues of furaltadon, nitrofurazone, nitrofurantoin and furazolidone metabolites in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22988-2008 牛奶和奶粉中螺旋霉素、吡利霉素、竹桃霉素、替米卡星、红霉素、泰乐菌素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of spiramycin, pirlimycin, oleandomycin, tilmicosin, erythromycin and tylosin residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22989-2008 牛奶和奶粉中头孢匹林、头孢氨苄、头孢洛宁、头孢喹肟残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of cefapirin, cephalexin, cefalonium, cefquinome residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22990-2008 牛奶和奶粉中土霉素、四环素、金霉素、强力霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法 Determination of oxytetracycline, tetracycline, chlortetracycline, doxycycline residues in milk and milk powder - HPLC-UV method
GB/T 22991-2008 牛奶和奶粉中维吉尼霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of virginiamycin residue in bovine milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22992-2008 牛奶和奶粉中玉米赤霉醇、玉米赤霉酮、己烯雌酚、己烷雌酚、双烯雌酚残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of zearalanol, zearalanone, diethylstilbestrol, hexestrol and dienoestrol multi-residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22993-2008 牛奶和奶粉中八种镇定剂残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of eight tranquillizers residues in bovine milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22994-2008 牛奶和奶粉中左旋咪唑残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of levamisole residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22995-2008 蜂蜜中链霉素、双氢链霉素和卡那霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of streptomycin, dihydrostreptomycin and kanamycin residues in honey - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 22996-2008 人参中多种人参皂甙含量的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法 Determination of ginsenosides in ginseng - LC-UV method
GB/T 22999-2008 旋转式喷头 Rotating sprinkler
GB/T 23100-2008 电气用热固性树脂工业硬质玻璃纤维缠绕管 Industrial rigid round winded tubes based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes
GB/T 23103-2008 太阳伞 Beach umbrella
GB/T 23104-2008 家用烹饪、烧烤及类似用途的便携式电器 性能测试方法 Household portable appliances for cooking, grilling and similar use - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 23105-2008 家用和类似用途电动水泵 Household and similar electrical pump
GB/T 23106-2008 家用和类似用途毛发护理器具的性能测试方法 Household and similar electrical hair care appliances - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 23107-2008 家用和类似用途电热毯性能测试方法 Household and similar electrical blankets - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 23108-2008 家用和类似用途电热垫性能测试方法 Household and similar electrical heating pads - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 23109-2008 家用和类似用途电器生态设计 电冰箱的特殊要求 Eco-design of household and similar electrical appliances - Particular requirements for refrigerator
GB/T 23110-2008 投光灯具光度测试 Photometry for floodlights
GB/T 23111-2008 非自动衡器 Non-automatic weighing instrument
GB/T 23112-2008 紫外线金属卤化物灯 Ultraviolet metal halide lamp
GB/T 23113-2008 荧光灯含汞量的测定方法 Measurement of mercury level in fluorescent lamps
GB/T 23114-2008 竹编制品 Plaited bamboo products
GB/T 23115-2008 乒乓球拍 Table tennis racket
GB/T 23116-2008 链球 Hammer
GB/T 23117-2008 跨栏架 Hurdle
GB/T 23118-2008 家用和类似用途滚筒式洗衣干衣机技术要求 Technical requirement for household and similar tumble washer-dryer
GB/T 23119-2008 家用和类似用途电器性能测试中使用的硬水 Household and similar electrical appliances - Performance - Hard water for testing
GB/T 23120-2008 飞碟靶 The clay pigeon
GB/T 23121-2008 体操器械 助跳板 Gymnastic equipment - Spring board
GB/T 23122-2008 跳高架 High jump uprights
GB/T 23123-2008 铁饼 Discus
GB/T 23124-2008 体操器械 体操垫 Gymnastic equipment - Gymnastic mats
GB/T 23125-2008 体操器械 自由体操场地 Gymnastic equipment - Free exercise floor
GB/T 23126-2008 低压钠灯 性能要求 Low pressure sodium lamps - Performance requirement
GB/T 23127-2008 与水源连接的电器 避免虹吸和软管组件失效 Electric appliances connected to the water mains - Avoidance of backsiphonage and failure of hose-sets
GB/T 23128-2008 电磁灶 Induction cooker
GB/T 23129-2008 家用咖啡机性能测试方法 Methods for measuring the performance of electric household coffee maker
GB/T 23130-2008 房间空调器用热交换器 Heat-exchanger for room air conditioners
GB/T 23131-2008 电子坐便器 Electronical toilets
GB/T 23132-2008 电动剃须刀 Electric shaver
GB/T 23133-2008 家用电冰箱蒸发器 Evaporator of household refrigerating appliance
GB/T 23134-2008 家用电冰箱冷凝器 Condenser of household refrigerating appliance
GB/T 23135-2008 电冰箱分子筛过滤器 Drier filter used in refrigerators
GB/T 23136-2008 家用和类似用途地板抛光机性能测试方法 Floor polishers for household and similar use - Methods for measuring the performance
GB/T 23137-2008 家用和类似用途热泵热水器 Heat pump water heater for household and similar application
GB/T 23138-2008 霓虹灯电极 Cathode for neon lamps
GB/T 23139-2008 脉冲氙灯 Pulsed xenon lamp
GB/T 23140-2009 红外线灯泡 Infrared lamps
GB/T 23141-2008 光化学、光老化长弧氙灯 Long-arc xenon lamps for photo-chemistry and photo-aging
GB/T 23142-2008 高压钠灯用预置功率控制器 Preset power controller for high pressure sodium lamps - Performance requirements
GB/T 23143-2008 家用烹饪、烧烤及类似用途的驻立式电器性能测试方法 Household stationary appliances for cooking, grilling and similar use - Methods for measuring performance
GB/T 23144-2008 纸和纸板 静态弯曲挺度的测定 通用原理 Paper and board - Determination of bending stiffness by static methods - General principle
GB/T 23145-2008 短弧投光金属卤化物灯 Short arc projector metal halide lamps
GB/T 23146-2008 十二平均律的频率与音分的计算 Calculation of frequency of twelve-tone equal temperament and cent
GB/T 23147-2008 晴雨伞 Umbrella
GB/T 23148-2008 民用装饰镜 Civil ornamental mirror
GB/T 23149-2008 洗衣机牵引器技术要求 Technical requirements of tractor for washing machines
GB/T 23150-2008 热水器用管状加热器 Tubular heating element for water heater
GB/T 23151-2008 乐器产品使用说明的编制原则 Compiling regulation of the instructions of musical instruments
GB/T 23152-2008 家用微波炉用磁控管 Magnetron in household microwave oven
GB/T 23154-2008 进出口玩具填充材料安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods of filling materials in toys for import and export
GB/T 23155-2008 进出口儿童服装绳带安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods of drawstrings and cords on children's clothing for import and export
GB/T 23156-2010 包装 包装与环境 术语 Packaging - Packaging and the environment - Terminology
GB/T 23157-2008 进出口儿童可携持游泳浮力辅助器材安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods of buoyant aids for swimming to be hold by children for import and export
GB/T 23158-2008 进出口婴幼儿睡袋安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods of sleeping sack for babies and young children for import and export
GB/T 23159-2008 进出口婴幼儿学步带安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods of walking strap for babies and young children for import and export
GB/T 23160-2008 进出口自行车儿童座椅安全要求和测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods of child seats on cycle for import and export
GB/T 23161-2008 铅球 Shot
GB/T 23162-2008 运动器材标准编写要求 Standard compiling requirements of sport equipment
GB/T 23163-2008 铍铜合金工具类防爆性能试验方法 Non-ignition testing methods for non-sparking berylium copper alloy tools
GB/T 23164-2008 地毯抗微生物活性测定 Antimicrobial activity assessment of carpets
GB/T 23165-2008 地毯 电阻的测定 Carpets - Determination of electrical resistance
GB/T 23166-2008 发制品 术语 Hair products - Vocabulary
GB/T 23167-2008 发制品 人造色发发条及发辫 Hair products - Manmade dyeing hair weaving and hair braid
GB/T 23168-2008 发制品 人发发条 Hair products - Human hair weaving
GB/T 23169-2008 发制品 教习头 Hair products - Training mannequins
GB/T 23170-2008 发制品 假发头套及头饰 Hair products - Wigs and hair pieces accessories
GB/T 23171-2008 撑竿跳高架 Pole-vault uprights
GB/T 23172-2008 藤编制品 Plaited rattan products
GB/T 23173-2008 乐器分类 Classificaton of musical instruments
GB/T 23174-2008 排风扇 Ventilating fans
GB/T 23175-2008 纸浆 纤维长度的测定(光栅法) Pulp - Determination of fiber length (raster method)
GB/T 23178-2008 旋流微泡浮选柱 Eddy-flow micro-bubble flotation column
GB/T 23179-2008 饲料毒理学评价 亚急性毒性试验 Feed toxicology evaluation - Subacute toxicity test
GB/T 23180-2008 饲料添加剂 2%d-生物素 Feed additive - 2%d-Biotin
GB/T 23181-2008 微生物饲料添加剂通用要求 The general principles for microbial feed additives
GB/T 23182-2008 饲料中兽药及其他化学物检测试验规程 Procedure for veterinary drug and other chemicals determination in feeds
GB/T 23183-2009 辣椒粉 Chillies and capsicums powder
GB/T 23184-2008 饲料企业HACCP安全管理体系指南 HACCP - Guidance on feed management systems
GB/T 23185-2008 宠物食品 狗咬胶 Pet food - Dog chews
GB/T 23186-2009 水产饲料安全性评价 慢性毒性试验规程 Principle of aquafeed safety evaluation - Chronic toxicity test
GB/T 23187-2008 饲料中叶黄素的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of lutein in feeds - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23188-2008 松茸 Tricholoma matsutake
GB/T 23189-2008 平菇 Pleurotus mushrooms
GB/T 23190-2008 双孢蘑茹 Agaricus bisporus
GB/T 23191-2008 牛肝菌 美味牛肝菌 Bolete - King bolete
GB/T 23192-2008 蜂蜜中淀粉粒的测定方法 显微镜计数法 Method for determination of starch grains in honey - Count with microscope
GB/T 23193-2008 茶叶中茶氨酸的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of theanine in tea - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23194-2008 蜂蜜中植物花粉的测定方法 Method for the determination of plant pollen in honey
GB/T 23195-2008 蜂花粉中过氧化氢酶的测定方法 紫外分光光度法 Method for the determination of catalase in bee pollen - Ultaraviolet spectrophotometry
GB/T 23196-2008 蜂胶中阿魏酸含量的测定方法 液相色谱-紫外检测法 Determination of ferulic acid content in propolis - HPLC-UV method
GB/T 23197-2008 鸡传染性支气管炎诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for avian infectious bronchitis
GB/T 23198-2008 动物源性食品中噁喹酸残留量的测定 Determination of oxolinic acid residues in animal original food
GB/T 23199-2008 茶叶中稀土元素的测定 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法和电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Determination of rare earth elments in tea - Inductive coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer and inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometer
GB/T 23200-2008 桑枝、金银花、枸杞子和荷叶中488种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of 488 pesticides and related chemicals residues in mulberry twig, honeysuckle, barbary wolfberry fruit and lotus leaf - GC-MS method
GB/T 23201-2008 桑枝、金银花、枸杞子和荷叶中413种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 413 pesticides and related chemicals residues in mulberry twig, honeysuckle, barbary wolfberry fruit and lotus leaf - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23202-2008 食用菌中440种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 440 pesticides and related chemicals residues in mushrooms - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23204-2008 茶叶中519种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of 519 pesticides and related chemicals residues in teas - GC-MS method
GB/T 23205-2008 茶叶中448种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 448 pesticides and related chemicals residues in tea - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23206-2008 果蔬汁、果酒中512种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 512 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fruit juice, vegetable juice and fruit wine - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23207-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和对虾中485种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of 485 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fugu, eel and prawn - GC-MS method
GB/T 23208-2008 河豚鱼、鳗鱼和对虾中450种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 450 pesticides and related chemicals residues in fugu, eel and prawn - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23209-2008 奶粉中叶黄素的测定 液相色谱-紫外检测法 Determination of lutein in milk powder - HPLC-UV method
GB/T 23210-2008 牛奶和奶粉中511种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of 511 pesticides and related chemicals residues in milk and milk powder - GC-MS method
GB/T 23211-2008 牛奶和奶粉中493种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 493 pesticides and related chemicals residues in milk and milk powder - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23212-2008 牛奶和奶粉中黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2、M1、M2的测定 液相色谱-荧光检测法 Determination of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, G2, M1, M2 content in milk and milk powder - HPLC-fluorescence detection method
GB/T 23213-2008 植物油中多环芳烃的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in vegetable oils - GC-MS method
GB/T 23214-2008 饮用水中450种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of 450 pesticides and related chemicals residues in drinking water - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23215-2008 贝类中多种麻痹性贝类毒素含量的测定 液相色谱-荧光检测法 Determination of paralytic shellfish poison in shellfish - HPLC-fluorescence detection method
GB/T 23216-2008 食用菌中503种农药及相关化学品残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of 503 pesticides and related chemicals residues in mushrooms - GC-MS method
GB/T 23217-2008 水产品中河豚毒素的测定 液相色谱-荧光检测法 Determination of tetrodotoxin in aquatic products - HPLC-fluorescence detection method
GB/T 23218-2008 动物源性食品中玉米赤霉醇残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of zeranol residues in animal original food - LC-MS-MS method
GB/T 23219-2008 烤烟烘烤技术规程 Rules for curing technique of flue-cured tobacco
GB/T 23220-2008 烟叶储存保管方法 Tobacco leaves storage method
GB/T 23221-2008 烤烟栽培技术规程 Rules for cultivation of flue-cured tobacco
GB/T 23222-2008 烟草病虫害分级及调查方法 Grade and investigation method of tobacco diseases and insect pests
GB/T 23223-2008 烟草病虫害药效试验方法 Test method of pesticide efficacy on tobacco
GB/T 23224-2008 烟草品种抗病性鉴定 Identification of cultivar resistance to tobacco disease
GB/T 23225-2008 烟草及烟草制品 总植物碱的测定 光度法 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of alkaloids - Spectrometric method
GB/T 23226-2008 卷烟 总粒相物中总植物碱的测定 光度法 Cigarettes - Determination of alkaloids in smoke condensates - Spectrometric method
GB/T 23227-2008 卷烟纸、成形纸、接装纸及具有定向透气带的材料 透气度的测定 Materials used as cigarette papers, filter plug wrap and filter joining paper, including materials having an oriented permeable zone - Determination of air permeability
GB/T 23228-2008 卷烟 主流烟气总粒相物中烟草特有N-亚硝胺的测定 气相色谱-热能分析联用法 Cigarette - Determination of tobacco specific N-Nitrosamines in total particulate matter of mainstream cigarette smoke - GC-TEA method
GB/T 23229-2009 水载型木材防腐剂分析方法 Methods for analysis of waterborne wood preservatives
GB/T 23230-2009 白桦速生丰产林 Fast growing and high yield plantation of batula platyphylla suk.
GB/T 23231-2009 退耕还林工程检查验收规则 Checking regulation in project for conversion of cropland to forest
GB/T 23232-2009 班克松速生丰产林 Fast growing and high yield plantation of pinus banksiana lamb
GB/T 23233-2009 退耕还林工程建设效益监测评价 Evaluation in project for the construction of conversion of cropland to forest
GB/T 23234-2009 中国沙棘果实质量等级 Fruit grades of hippophae rhamnoides L.subsp.sinensis Rousi.
GB/T 23235-2009 退耕还林工程质量评估指标与方法 Index and method of evaluating quality in project for conversion of cropland to forest
GB/T 23236-2009 数字航空摄影测量 空中三角测量规范 Specifications for aerotriangulation of digital aerophotogrammetry
GB/T 23237-2009 腧穴定位人体测量方法 Methods of anthropometry for locating acupuncture points
GB/T 23239-2009 伊氏锥虫病诊断技术 Diagnostic techniques for trypanosomosis evansi
GB/T 23241-2009 灌溉用塑料管材和管件基本参数及技术条件 Plastics pipes and fittings used for irrigation basic parameters and technical requirements
GB/T 23243-2009 食品包装材料中全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS)的测定 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of perfluorooctane sulfonates (PFOS) in the food packaging material - High performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 23244-2009 水果和蔬菜 气调贮藏技术规范 Fruit and vegetables - Principles and techniques of the controlled atmosphere method of storage
GB/T 23245-2009 流浪乞讨人员社会救助基本术语 Basic terminology of the social relief for vagrants and beggars
GB/T 23246-2009 电导率温度深度剖面仪 Conductivity-temperature-depth profiler
GB/T 23247-2009 自持式剖面循环探测漂流浮标 Autonomous drifting profiler
GB/T 23248-2009 海水循环冷却水处理设计规范 Code for design of seawater treatment for recirculating cooling seawater system
GB/T 23249-2009 地勘时期煤层瓦斯含量测定方法 Coalbed gas content measurement methods in geological exploration period
GB/T 23250-2009 煤层瓦斯含量井下直接测定方法 The direct method of determining coalbed gas content in the mine
GB/T 23251-2009 煤化工用煤技术导则 Guideline for coal used in coal chemical conversion
GB/T 23252-2009 气缸 成品检验及验收 Pneumatic fluid power - Cylinders - Final examination and acceptance criteria
GB/T 23253-2009 液压传动 电控液压泵 性能试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power - Electrically controlled hydraulic pumps - Test methods to determine performance characteristics
GB/T 23256-2009 石油液体管线自动取样 测定石油液体中水含量的自动取样器性能的统计学评估 Petroleum liquids - Automatic pipeline sampling - Statistical assessment of performance of automatic samplers determining the water content in hydrocarbon liquids
GB/T 23257-2009 埋地钢质管道聚乙烯防腐层 Polyethylene coating for buried steel pipeline
GB/T 23258-2009 钢质管道内腐蚀控制规范 Standard practice controlling internal corrosion in steel pipelines
GB/T 23259-2009 压力容器用视镜玻璃 Sight glass for pressure vessels
GB/T 23260-2009 带自粘层的防水卷材 Waterproof sheet with self-adhering layer
GB/T 23261-2009 石材用建筑密封胶 Building sealants for stone
GB/T 23262-2009 非金属密封填料试验方法 Test method for nonmetallic sealing packings
GB/T 23263-2009 制品中石棉含量测定方法 Determination of asbestos in products
GB/T 23264-2009 电动自行车用制动衬片总成 Brake lining assembly for electric power assist bicycles
GB/T 23265-2009 水泥混凝土和砂浆用短切玄武岩纤维 Chopped basalt fiber for cement, cement mortar and concrete
GB/T 23266-2009 陶瓷板 Ceramic board
GB/T 23267-2009 摩托艇器材使用规范 Motorboat using norm
GB/T 23269-2009 信息与文献 开放系统互连 馆际互借应用服务定义 Information and documentation - Open systems interconnection - Interlibrary loan application service definition
GB/T 23271-2009 二硫化钼 Molybdenum disulfide
GB/T 23272-2009 照明及电子设备用钨丝 Tungsten wire for lighting and electronic equipments
GB/T 23275-2009 钌粉化学分析方法 铅、铁、镍、铝、铜、银、金、铂、铱、钯、铑、硅量的测定 辉光放电质谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of ruthenium determination of lead, iron, nickel, aluminum, copper, silver, gold, platinum, palladium, rhodium, iridium and silicon in ruthenium powder by glow discharge mass spectrometry
GB/T 23276-2009 钯化合物分析方法 钯量的测定 二甲基乙二醛肟析出EDTA络合滴定法 Method for chemical analysis of palladium compounds - Determination of palladium content - Complexometric tityation using butanedione dioxime releasing EDTA
GB/T 23277-2009 贵金属催化剂化学分析方法 汽车尾气净化催化剂中铂、钯、铑量的测定 分光光度法 Chemical analysis methods of catalysts containing precious metals - Determination of platinum, palladium and rhodium in automobile exhaust-purifying catalysts - Spectrophotometry
GB/T 23279-2009 单张纸输纸机 Sheet-feeding machine
GB/T 23280-2009 开式压力机 精度 Open front mechanical power presses - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 23281-2009 锻压机械噪声声压级测量方法 Metal forming machinery -noise measurement method of sound pressure levels
GB/T 23282-2009 锻压机械噪声声功率级测量方法 Metal forming machinery - Noise measurement method of sound power levels
GB/T 23284-2009 缩微摄影技术 16mm和35mm卷式缩微胶片使用的影像标记(光点) Micrographics - Image mark (blip) used with 16mm and 35mm roll microfilm
GB/T 23285-2009 缩微摄影技术 开窗卡增厚区厚度的测量方法 Micrographics - Aperture cards - Method of measuring thickness of buildup area
GB/T 23287-2009 殡葬术语 Funeral and interment terms
GB/T 23288-2009 木质骨灰盒通用技术条件 General technical requirements for ligneous cinerary caskets
GB/T 23289-2009 术语工作 文后参考文献及源标识符 Bibliographic references and source identifiers for terminology work
GB/T 23291-2009 机床 整体爪手动自定心卡盘检验条件 Machine tools - Test conditions for self-centring,manually-operated chucks with one-piece jaws
GB/T 23292-2009 拖拉机燃油箱 试验方法 Test methods for tractor fuel tank
GB/T 23293-2009 氮化物结合耐火制品及其配套耐火泥浆 Nitride bonded refractory products and their mortars
GB/T 23294-2009 耐磨耐火材料 Abrasion resistant refractory materials
GB/T 23297-2009 造船 船体型线 几何数据的标识 Shipbuilding - Shiplines - Identification of geometric data
GB/T 23298-2009 船舶与海上技术 气胀式救生装置用充气系统 Ships and marine technology - Gas inflation systems for inflatable life-saving appliances
GB/T 23299-2009 船舶与海上技术 静水压力释放器 Ships and marine technology - Hydrostatic release units
GB/T 23300-2009 平板闸阀 Parallel plane disc gate valves
GB/T 23301-2009 汽车车轮用铸造铝合金 Casting aluminum alloy for automobile wheels
GB/T 23302-2009 船舶与海上技术 救生艇筏和救助艇用海锚 Ships and marine technology - Sea anchors for survival craft and rescue boats
GB/T 23303-2009 船舶与海上技术 充气式救助艇 充气腔用胶布 Ships and marine technology - Inflatable rescue boats - Coated fabrics for inflatable chambers
GB/T 23304-2009 造船 船体型线 格式和数据结构 Shipbuilding - Shiplines - Formats and data organization
GB/T 23306-2009 燃油加油机用隔爆型三相异步电动机(机座号63~100)技术条件 Specifications for flameproof three-phase asynchronous motors for use on dispensers (frame size 63 to 100)
GB/T 23307-2009 家用和类似用途地面插座 Floor socket-outlets for household and similar purposes
GB/T 23308-2009 架空绞线用铝-镁-硅系合金圆线 Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wire for overhead line conductors
GB/T 23309-2009 电缆屏蔽用铝镁合金线 Aluminium-magnesium alloy wires for shield in cable
GB/T 23310-2009 240级芳族聚酰亚胺薄膜绕包铜扁线 Aromatic polyimide tape wrapped rectangular copper wire,class 240
GB/T 23311-2009 240级芳族聚酰亚胺薄膜绕包铜圆线 Aromatic polyimide tape wrapped round copper wire, class 240
GB/T 23314-2009 领带 Neckties
GB/T 23315-2009 粘扣带 Touch and close fasteners
GB/T 23316-2009 工作服 防静电性能的要求及试验方法 Anti-static requirement and test methods of working clothing
GB/T 23317-2009 涂层服装抗湿技术要求 Specification for clothing made from coated fabrics for protection against wet weather
GB/T 23318-2009 纺织品 刺破强力的测定 Textiles - Determination of resistance to puncture
GB/T 23320-2009 纺织品 抗吸水性的测定 翻转吸收法 Textiles - Determination of resistance to water absorption - Tumble-jar absorption test
GB/T 23321-2009 纺织品 防水性 水平喷射淋雨试验 Textiles - Water resistance - Rain tests: Exposure to a horizontal water spray
GB/T 23322-2009 纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 烷基酚聚氧乙烯醚 Textiles - Determination of surfactant - Alkylphenol ethoxylates
GB/T 23323-2009 纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 乙二胺四乙酸盐和二乙烯三胺五乙酸盐 Textiles - Determination of surfactant - Ethylene diamine tetra acetate and diethylene triamine penta acetate
GB/T 23324-2009 纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 二硬脂基二甲基氯化铵 Textiles - Determination of surfactant - Distearyl dimethyl ammonium chloride
GB/T 23325-2009 纺织品 表面活性剂的测定 线性烷基苯磺酸盐 Textiles - Determination of surfactant - Linear alkylbenzene sulfonates
GB/T 23326-2009 不锈钢纤维与棉涤混纺电磁波屏蔽本色布 Stainless steel fibers and cotton-polyester blended grey fabric with electromagnetic shielding performance
GB/T 23327-2009 机织热熔粘合衬 Woven fusible interlinings
GB/T 23328-2009 机织学生服 Woven garments for students
GB/T 23329-2009 纺织品 织物悬垂性的测定 Textiles - Determination of drapability of fabrics
GB/T 23330-2009 服装 防雨性能要求 Clothing - Requirement of protection against rain
GB/T 23331-2009 能源管理体系 要求 Management system for energy - Requirements
GB/T 23332-2009 加湿器 Humidifiers
GB/T 23333-2009 蒸发式冷风扇 Evaporative air cooler
GB/T 23334-2009 开启式客车安全顶窗 Open-type roof escape hatch on bus
GB/T 23335-2009 天然气汽车定型试验规程 Natural gas vehicles - Engineering approval evaluation program
GB/T 23336-2009 半挂车通用技术条件 General technical requirements for semitrailer
GB/T 23337-2009 内燃机 进、排气门 技术条件 Internal combustion engines - Intake and exhaust valves - Specification
GB/T 23338-2009 内燃机 增压空气冷却器 技术条件 Internal combustion engines - Charge air coolers - Specification
GB/T 23339-2009 内燃机 曲轴 技术条件 Internal combustion engines - Crankshafts - Specification
GB/T 23340-2009 内燃机 连杆 技术条件 Internal combustion engines - Connecting-rods - Specification
GB/T 23342-2009 往复式内燃机 回弹式绳索起动装置 基本安全要求 Reciprocal internal combustion engines - Recoil starting equipment - General safety requirements
GB/T 23343-2009 纺织品 色牢度试验 耐家庭和商业洗涤色牢度 使用含有低温漂白活性剂的无磷标准洗涤剂的氧化漂白反应 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to domestic and commercial laundering - Oxidative bleach response using a non-phosphate reference detergent incorporating a low temperature bleach activator
GB/T 23344-2009 纺织品 4-氨基偶氮苯的测定 Textiles - Determination of 4-aminoazobenzene
GB/T 23345-2009 纺织品 分散黄23和分散橙149染料的测定 Textiles - Determination of dyestuffs of disperse yellow 23 and disperse orange 149
GB/T 23346-2009 食品良好流通规范 Good distribution practice for food
GB/T 23348-2009 缓释肥料 Slow release fertilizer
GB/T 23349-2009 肥料中砷、镉、铅、铬、汞生态指标 Ecological index of arsenic,cadmium,lead,chromium and mercury for fertilizers
GB/T 23351-2009 新鲜水果和蔬菜 词汇 Fresh fruits and vegetables - Vocabulary
GB/T 23352-2009 苹果干 技术规格和试验方法 Dried apples - Specification and test methods
GB/T 23353-2009 梨干 技术规格和试验方法 Dried pears - Specification and test methods
GB/T 23354-2009 卷烟 滤嘴总植物碱截留量的测定 光度法 Cigarettes - Determination of alkaloids retention by the filters - Spectrometric method
GB/T 23355-2009 卷烟 总粒相物中烟碱的测定 气相色谱法 Cigarettes - Determination of nicotine in smoke condensates - Gas-chromatographic method
GB/T 23356-2009 卷烟 烟气气相中一氧化碳的测定 非散射红外法 Cigarettes - Determination of carbon monoxide in the vapour phase of cigarette smoke - NDIR method
GB/T 23357-2009 烟草及烟草制品 水分的测定 卡尔费休法 Tobacco and tobacco products - Determination of water content - Karl Fischer method
GB/T 23358-2009 卷烟 主流烟气总粒相物中主要芳香胺的测定 气相色谱-质谱联用法 Cigarettes - Determination of major aromatic amines in total particulate matter of mainstream cigarette smoke - GC-MS method
GB/T 23359-2009 框架式低压机柜 Frame-type cabinets for low-voltage switchgear
GB/T 23360-2009 机壳热特性的估算方法 Method of evaluating the thermal performance of enclosures
GB/T 23361-2009 高纯氢氧化铟 High purity indium hydroxide
GB/T 23363-2009 高纯氧化铟 High purity indium oxide
GB/T 23365-2009 钴酸锂电化学性能测试 首次放电比容量及首次充放电效率测试方法 Electrochemical performance test of lithium cobalt oxide - Test method for specific capacity and charge-discharge efficiency of the first cycle
GB/T 23366-2009 钴酸锂电化学性能测试 放电平台容量比率及循环寿命测试方法 Electrochemical performance test of lithium cobalt oxide - Test method for discharge plateau capacity ratio and cycle life
GB/T 23368.2-2009 偏钨酸铵化学分析方法 第2部分:锌量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of ammonium metatungstate - Part 2: Determination of zinc content - Flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 23369-2009 硬质合金磁饱和(MS)测定的标准试验方法 Standard test method for determination of magnetic saturation (MS) of cemented carbides
GB/T 23370-2009 硬质合金 压缩试验方法 Hardmetals - Compression test
GB/T 23372-2009 食品中无机砷的测定 液相色谱 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Determination of inorganic-arsenic in foods - Liquid chromatography - Inductive coupled plasma mass spectrometer
GB/T 23373-2009 食品中抗氧化剂丁基羟基茴香醚(BHA)、二丁基羟基甲苯(BHT)与特丁基对苯二酚(TBHQ)的测定 Determination of butylated hydroxyl anisole(BHA)、dibutylated hydroxyl toluene(BHT)and tertiary butyl hydroquinone(TBHQ) in foods
GB/T 23374-2009 食品中铝的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Determination of aluminium in foods - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 23375-2009 蔬菜及其制品中铜、铁、锌、钙、镁、磷的测定 Determination of copper,iron,zinc,calcium,magnesium and phosphorus content in vegetables and derived products
GB/T 23376-2009 茶叶中农药多残留测定 气相色谱/质谱法 Determination of pesticides residues in tea - GC/MS method
GB/T 23377-2009 食品中脱氢乙酸的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of dehydroacetic acid in food - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23378-2009 食品中纽甜的测定方法 高效液相色谱法 Method for the determination of Neotame in foods - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23379-2009 水果、蔬菜及茶叶中吡虫啉残留的测定 高效液相色谱法 Method for determination of imidacloprid residues in fruits, vegetables and teas - High performance liquid chromatographic method
GB/T 23380-2009 水果、蔬菜中多菌灵残留的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of carbendazim residues in fruits and vegetables - HPLC method
GB/T 23381-2009 食品中6-苄基腺嘌呤的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of 6 -benzylaminopurine in foods - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23382-2009 食品中丙酸钠、丙酸钙的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of sodium propionate and calcium propionate in foods - High performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 23383-2009 食品中双乙酸钠的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of sodium hydrogen diacetate in foods - High performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 23384-2009 产品及零部件可回收利用标识 The recovery marking of products and components
GB/T 23385-2009 饲料中氨苄青霉素的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of ampicillin in feed - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23386-2009 饲料添加剂 维生素A棕榈酸酯粉 Feed additive - Vitamin A palmitate powder
GB/T 23387-2009 饲草营养品质评定 GI法 Evaluation of forage nutritional quality - Grading index(GI)method
GB/T 23388-2009 水产饲料安全性评价 残留和蓄积试验规程 Principle of aquafeed safety evaluation - Residue and cumulation test
GB/T 23389-2009 水产饲料安全性评价 繁殖试验规程 Principle of aquafeed safety evaluation - Reproduction test
GB/T 23390-2009 水产配合饲料环境安全性评价规程 Principle for environmental safety evaluation of aquafeed
GB/T 23393-2009 设施园艺工程术语 Terminology of protected horticultural engineering
GB/T 23395-2009 地理标志产品 卢氏黑木耳 Product of geographical indication - Lushi heimuer (Auricularia auricula)
GB/T 23396-2009 地理标志产品 卢氏鸡 Product of geographical indication - Lushi chicken
GB/T 23397-2009 地理标志产品 汝瓷 Product of geographical indication - Ru ware
GB/T 23398-2009 地理标志产品 哈密瓜 Product of geographical indications - Hami melon
GB/T 23399-2009 地理标志产品 江油附子 Product of geographical indications - Jiangyou fuzi
GB/T 23400-2009 地理标志产品 涪城麦冬 Product of geographical indications - Fucheng maidong
GB/T 23401-2009 地理标志产品 延川红枣 Product of geographical indication - Yanchuan dried chinese jujub
GB/T 23402-2009 地理标志产品 增城丝苗米 Product of geographical indication - Zengcheng simiao rice
GB/T 23403-2009 地理标志产品 钧瓷 Product of geographical indication - Jun ware
GB/T 23404-2009 地理标志产品 红河灯盏花 Product of geographical indication - Honghe dengzhanhua
GB/T 23405-2009 蜂产品中环己烷氨基磺酸钠的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of sodium cyclamate in bee products - LC-MS/MS Method
GB/T 23406-2009 肠衣中硝基咪唑类药物及其代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of residues of nitroimidazoles and their metabolites in casing - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23407-2009 蜂王浆中硝基咪唑类药物及其代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of residues of nitroimidazoles and their metabolites in royal jelly - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23408-2009 蜂蜜中大环内酯类药物残留量测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of macrolides residues in honey - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23409-2009 蜂王浆中土霉素、四环素、金霉素、强力霉素残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of residues of oxytetracycline, tetracycline, chlortetracycline, and doxycycline in royal jelly - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23410-2009 蜂蜜中硝基咪唑类药物及其代谢物残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of residues of nitroimidazoles and their metabolites in honey - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23411-2009 蜂王浆中17种喹诺酮类药物残留量的测定 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of residues of 17 quniolones in royal jelly - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23412-2009 蜂蜜中19种喹诺酮类药物残留量的测定方法 液相色谱-质谱/质谱法 Determination of residues of 19 quinolones in honey - LC-MS/MS method
GB/T 23413-2009 纳米材料晶粒尺寸及微观应变的测定 X射线衍射线宽化法 Determination of crystallite size and micro-strain of nano-materials - X-ray diffraction line broadening method
GB/T 23414-2009 微束分析 扫描电子显微术 术语 Microbeam analysis - Scanning electron microscopy - Vocabulary
GB/T 23415-2009 隔离检疫圃分级 Classification for post-entry quarantine station
GB/T 23417-2009 自行式飞机除冰防冰车功能要求 Aerospace - Self-propelled de-icing/anti-icing vehicles - Functional requirements
GB/T 23418-2009 航空货运及地面设备 术语 Air cargo and ground equipment - Vocabulary
GB/T 23419-2009 四轮驱动飞机牵引车设计性能要求 Aircraft - Four-wheel-drive tow tractors - Performance requirements factors for design
GB/T 23420-2009 宽体飞机下舱集装箱、集装板装载机功能要求 Aircraft - Wide body aircraft lower deck container/pallet loader - Functional requirements
GB/T 23421-2009 飞机装载设备基本要求 Aircraft - Basic requirements for aircraft loading equipment
GB/T 23422-2009 大型飞机用自行式客梯功能要求 Aircraft - Self-propelled passenger stairs for large capacity aircraft - Functional requirements
GB/T 23423-2009 宽体飞机主舱集装箱、集装板装载机功能要求 Aircraft - Wide body aircraft main deck container/pallet loader - Functional requirements
GB/T 23424-2009 超限货物在航空集装器上的捆绑固定 Tie-down of overlimited (outsize or heavy) cargo on ULDs
GB/T 23425-2009 造船 货船栏杆 Shipbuilding - Guardrails for cargo ships
GB/T 23426-2009 船舶与海上技术 钢质小型风雨密舱口盖 Ships and marine technology - Small weathertight steel hatches
GB/T 23427-2009 造船与海上结构物 受拉伸负荷的眼板和叉头组件 主要尺寸 Shipbuilding and marine structures - Eye and fork assemblies under tension load - Main dimensions
GB/T 23428-2009 船舶和海上技术 艏向控制装置 Ship and marine technology - Heading control systems
GB/T 23429-2009 船舶和海上技术 船队管理系统网络实施导则 Ships and marine technology - Guidelines for implementation of a fleet management system network
GB/T 23430-2009 城市轨道交通内燃调车机车通用技术条件 General technical specification for shunting diesel locomotive for urban rail transit
GB/T 23431-2009 城市轻轨交通铰接车辆通用技术条件 General technical specification for urban light rail traffic coupled vehicles
GB/T 23432-2009 三峡枢纽过坝江海直达货船尺度系列 Dimensions series of river/coastal cargo ship passing the lock of three gorges dam
GB/T 23433-2009 三峡枢纽过坝载货汽车滚装船船型尺度系列 Dimensions series of roll-on/roll-off truck ship passing the lock of the three gorges dam
GB/T 23434-2009 运输信息及控制系统 车载导航系统 通信信息集要求 Transport information and control systems - In-vehicle navigation systems - Communications message set requirements
GB/T 23435-2009 电喷汽车喷油嘴清洗液 Cleaning fluids for electronic fuel injection automobile nozzle
GB/T 23436-2009 汽车风窗玻璃清洗液 Cleaning fluids for automotive windshield
GB/T 23437-2009 汽车上光蜡 Polish for automobiles
GB/T 23438-2009 船舶维修保养体系检验导则 Guideline of maintenance system survey for ship
GB/T 23442-2009 聚丙烯腈基碳纤维原丝结构和形态的测定 Determination of structure and morphology for the precursors of polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fibers
GB/T 23443-2009 建筑装饰用铝单板 Aluminium panels for building decoration
GB/T 23444-2009 金属及金属复合材料吊顶板 Metal and metal-composite ceilings
GB/T 23445-2009 聚合物水泥防水涂料 Polymer-modified cement compounds for waterproofing membrane
GB/T 23446-2009 喷涂聚脲防水涂料 Spray polyurea waterproofing coating
GB/T 23447-2009 卫生洁具 淋浴用花洒 Shower outlets for bathing
GB/T 23448-2009 卫生洁具 软管 Flexible hose for sanitary tapware
GB/T 23449-2009 灰渣混凝土空心隔墙板 Hollow concrete panel contained solid wastes for partition wall
GB/T 23450-2009 建筑隔墙用保温条板 Heat insulation panels for partition wall used in buildings
GB/T 23451-2009 建筑用轻质隔墙条板 Light weight panels for partition wall used in buildings
GB/T 23452-2009 天然砂岩建筑板材 Natural sandstone for building slab
GB/T 23453-2009 天然石灰石建筑板材 Natural limestone for building slab
GB/T 23454-2009 卫生间用天然石材台面板 Natural stone vanity top
GB/T 23455-2009 外墙柔性腻子 Flexible skin plaster for exterior wall
GB/T 23456-2009 磷石膏 Phosphogypsum
GB/T 23457-2009 预铺/湿铺防水卷材 Pre-applied and wet installed waterproof sheets
GB/T 23458-2009 广场用陶瓷砖 Ceramic tile for plaza
GB/T 23459-2009 陶瓷工业窑炉热平衡、热效率测定与计算方法 Measurement and calculation method of heat balance and thermal efficiency for ceramic industrial kiln
GB/T 23461-2009 成年男性头型三维尺寸 3D dimensions of male adult headforms
GB/T 23462-2009 防护服装 化学物质渗透试验方法 Protective clothing - Test method for chemical protective materials to permeation by chemicals
GB/T 23463-2009 防护服装 微波辐射防护服 Protective clothing - Protective clothing against microwave radiation
GB/T 23464-2009 防护服装 防静电毛针织服 Protective clothing - Static protective wool knitting clothing
GB/T 23465-2009 呼吸防护用品 实用性能评价 Respiratory protective equipment - Practical performance evaluation methods
GB/T 23466-2009 护听器的选择指南 Guideline for selection of hearing protectors
GB/T 23467-2009 用假人评估轰燃条件下服装阻燃性能的测试方法 Standard test method for evaluation of flame resistant clothing for protection against flash fire simulations using an instrumented manikin
GB/T 23468-2009 坠落防护装备安全使用规范 Code of practice for safety use of fall protection equipments
GB/T 23469-2009 坠落防护 连接器 Personal fall protection equipment - Connectors
GB/T 23471-2009 浸渍纸层压秸秆复合地板 Laminated impregnated paper strawboard composite floor
GB/T 23472-2009 浸渍胶膜纸饰面秸秆板 Surface decorated strawboard with paper impregnated thermosetting resin
GB/T 23473-2009 林业植物及其产品调运检疫规程 Quartantine rules for the transport of forest plants and their products
GB/T 23474-2009 美国白蛾检疫技术规程 Technical standard for quarantine Hyphantria cunea (Drury)
GB/T 23475-2009 青杨脊虎天牛检疫技术规程 Rules for the quarantine of grey tiger longicorn
GB/T 23476-2009 松材线虫病检疫技术规程 Technical regulation on quarantine for the pine wilt disease
GB/T 23477-2009 松材线虫病疫木处理技术规范 Technical treatment standard for wood infected by pine wood nematode
GB/T 23478-2009 松材线虫普查监测技术规程 Technical regulation on the surveying and monitoring of pine wood nematode
GB/T 23481-2009 数控角钢加工生产线 CNC Punching,marking & cutting line for angles
GB/T 23482-2009 开式压力机 术语 Open front mechanical power presses - Vocabulary
GB/T 23483-2009 建筑物围护结构传热系数及采暖供热量检测方法 Test standard for overall heat transfer coefficient of building envelope and heat supply for space heating
GB/T 23484-2009 城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 分类 The disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant - The classification
GB/T 23485-2009 城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 混合填埋用泥质 The disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant - Quality of sludge for co-landfilling
GB/T 23486-2009 城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 园林绿化用泥质 The disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant - The quality of sludge used in gardens or parks
GB/T 23490-2009 食品水分活度的测定 Determination of water activity in foods
GB/T 23491-2009 饲料企业生产工艺及设备验收指南 Acceptance guide for processing technique and equipment of feed enterprise
GB/T 23492-2009 培根 Bacon
GB/T 23493-2009 中式香肠 Chinese sausage
GB/T 23494-2009 豆腐干 Dried bean curd
GB/T 23495-2009 食品中苯甲酸、山梨酸和糖精钠的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of benzoic acid, sorbic acid and saccharin sodium in foods - High performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 23496-2009 食品中禁用物质的检测 碱性橙染料 高效液相色谱法 Determination of forbidden materials in foods - Dyes of basic orange - High performance liquid chromatography method
GB/T 23497-2009 鱿鱼丝 Shreded squid
GB/T 23498-2009 海产品餐饮加工操作规范 Manufacturing practice for seafood processing in catering industry
GB/T 23499-2009 食品中残留过氧化氢的测定方法 Determination of hydrogen peroxide residues in foods
GB/T 23500-2009 元宵 Full-moon dumpling
GB/T 23501-2009 食品中T-2毒素的测定 免疫亲和层析净化高效液相色谱法 Determination of T-2 toxin in food - High performance liquid chromatographic method with immunoaffinity column clean-up
GB/T 23502-2009 食品中赭曲霉毒素A的测定 免疫亲和层析净化高效液相色谱法 Determination of ochratoxin A in food - High performance liquid chromatographic method with immunoaffinity column clean-up
GB/T 23503-2009 食品中脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇的测定 免疫亲和层析净化高效液相色谱法 Determination of deoxynivalenol in food - High performance liquid chromatographic method with immunoaffinity column clean-up
GB/T 23504-2009 食品中玉米赤霉烯酮的测定 免疫亲和层析净化高效液相色谱法 Determination of zearalenone in food - High performance liquid chromatographic method with immunoaffinity column clean-up
GB/T 23505-2009 石油钻机和修井机 Petroleum drilling and workover rigs
GB/T 23506-2009 石油采油井场燃气动力机组 The natural gas power set for oil pruduction drilling site
GB/T 23508-2009 食品包装容器及材料 术语 Food packaging containers and articles - Terms
GB/T 23509-2009 食品包装容器及材料 分类 Food packaging containers and articles - Classification
GB/T 23510-2009 车用燃料甲醇 Fuel methanol for motor vehicles
GB/T 23511-2009 石油天然气工业 海洋结构的一般要求 Petroleum and natural gas industries - General requirements for offshore structures
GB/T 23512-2009 石油天然气工业 套管、油管和管线管用螺纹脂的评价与试验 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Evaluation and testing of thread compounds for use with casing, tubing and line pipe
GB/T 23514-2009 核级银-铟-镉合金化学分析方法 Chemical analysis methods for nuclear-grade Ag-In-Cd alloys
GB/T 23515-2009 保险管用银铜合金丝 Copper-silver alloy wires for fuse-tube
GB/T 23516-2009 贵金属及其合金异型丝材 Special wires of precious metals and their alloys
GB/T 23517-2009 钌炭 Ruthenium on activated carbon catalyst
GB/T 23518-2009 钯炭 Palladium on activated carbon catalyst
GB/T 23519-2009 三苯基膦氯化铑 Chlorotri (triphenylphosphine) rhodium
GB/T 23520-2009 阴极保护用铂/铌复合阳极板 Platinumt/niobium clad anode strip for cathodic protection
GB/T 23521-2009 钽电容器用银铜合金棒、管、带材 Silver and copper alloy bar, tube and strip for tantalum capacitors use
GB/T 23522-2009 再生锗原料 Germanium renewable raw materials
GB/T 23523-2009 再生锗原料中锗的测定方法 Determination of germanium content in germanium renewable raw materials
GB/T 23524-2009 石油化工废催化剂中铂含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Test method of spent petrochemical catalyst - Determination of platinum - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emision spectrometry
GB/T 23526-2009 食品中必需营养素添加通则 General principles for the addition of essential nutrients to foods
GB/T 23527-2009 蛋白酶制剂 Proteinase preparations
GB/T 23528-2009 低聚果糖 Fructooligosaccharide
GB/T 23529-2009 海藻糖 Trehalose
GB/T 23530-2009 酵母抽提物 Yeast extract
GB/T 23531-2009 食品加工用酶制剂企业良好生产规范 Good manufacturing practices for enzyme preparations used in food processing
GB/T 23532-2009 木糖 D-xylose
GB/T 23533-2009 固定化葡萄糖异构酶制剂 Immobilizod glucose isomerase preparation
GB/T 23534-2009 曲酸 Kojic acid
GB/T 23535-2009 脂肪酶制剂 Lipase preparations
GB/T 23536-2009 超硬磨料 人造金刚石品种 Superabrasive - Types of synthetic diamond
GB/T 23537-2009 超硬磨料制品 金刚石或立方氮化硼砂轮和磨头 极限偏差和圆跳动公差 Superabrasives - Limit deviations and run-out tolerances for grinding wheels with diamond or cubic boron nitride and mounted points
GB/T 23538-2009 普通磨料 球磨韧性测定方法 Conventional abrasive - Testing method for toughness ( Ball mill method )
GB/T 23539-2009 涂附磨具 带轴页轮 Coated abrasives - Flap wheels with shaft
GB/T 23540-2009 涂附磨具 装有卡盘或未装卡盘的页轮 Coated abrasives - Flap wheels with incorporated flanges or separate flanges
GB/T 23541-2009 固结磨具 磨钢球砂轮 Bonded abrasive products - Grinding wheel for steel balls
GB/T 23542-2009 黄酒企业良好生产规范 Good manufacturing practice for Chinese rice wine enterprises
GB/T 23543-2009 葡萄酒企业良好生产规范 Good manufacturing practice for wine enterprises
GB/T 23544-2009 白酒企业良好生产规范 Good manufacturing practice for Chinese spirits enterprises
GB/T 23545-2009 白酒中锰的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Determination of manganese in white wine - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 23546-2009 奶酒 Milk wines
GB/T 23547-2009 浓酱兼香型白酒 Nong jiang-flavour Chinese spirits
GB/T 23559-2009 服装名称代码编制规范 Criterion for clothing appellation code
GB/T 23560-2009 服装分类代码 Classification code for clothing
GB/T 23569-2009 重型卧式车床检验条件 精度检验 Test conditions for heavy duty horizontal lathe - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 23570-2009 金属切削机床焊接件 通用技术条件 Welding parts for metal cutting machines - General specifications
GB/T 23571-2009 金属切削机床 随机技术文件的编制 Metal-cutting machine tool - Technic document compiled
GB/T 23572-2009 金属切削机床 液压系统通用技术条件 Hydraulic system general specifications for metel-cutting machine tools
GB/T 23573-2009 金属切削机床 粉尘浓度的测量方法 Metal-cutting machine tools - Determination method of dust concentration
GB/T 23574-2009 金属切削机床 油雾浓度的测量方法 Metal cutting machine tools - Determination method of oil mist concentration
GB/T 23575-2009 金属切削机床 圆锥表面涂色法检验及评定 Metal cutting machine tools - Check and evaluation for taper surface by miniating
GB/T 23576-2009 抛喷丸设备 通用技术条件 Abrasive blasting equipment - General technical requirements
GB/T 23577-2009 道路施工与养护机械设备 基本类型 识别与描述 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Basic types - Identification and description
GB/T 23578-2009 道路施工与养护机械设备 滑模摊铺机 术语和商业规格 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Slipform pavers - Definitions and commercial specifications
GB/T 23579-2009 道路施工与养护机械设备 粉料撒布机 术语和商业规格 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Powder binder spreaders - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 23580-2009 连续搬运设备 安全规范 专用规则 Continuous handling equipment - Safety code - Special rules
GB/T 23581-2009 散状物料用贮存设备 安全规范 Storage equipment for loose bulk materials - Safety code
GB/T 23584-2009 水果、蔬菜中啶虫脒残留量的测定 液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of acetamiprid residue in fruits and vegetables - Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 23585-2009 预防和降低苹果汁及其他饮料的苹果汁配料中展青霉素污染的操作规范 Code of practice for the prevention and reduction of patulin contamination in apple juice and apple juice ingredients in other beverages
GB/T 23586-2009 酱卤肉制品 Soy sauce and pot-roast meat products
GB/T 23587-2009 粉条 Vermicelli
GB/T 23588-2009 钕铁硼废料 Scraps of neodymium iron boron
GB/T 23589-2009 草酸钆 Gadolinium oxalate
GB/T 23590-2009 氟化镨钕 Praseodymium-neodymium fluoride
GB/T 23591-2009 镧铈铽氧化物 Lanthanum-cerium-terbium oxide
GB/T 23592-2009 摩托车排气净化催化剂 Catalyst for motorcycle exhaust purification
GB/T 23593-2009 钇铕钆氧化物 Yttrium-europium-gadolinium oxide
GB/T 23596-2009 海苔 Instant seaweed
GB/T 23597-2009 干紫菜 Dried laver
GB/T 23598-2009 水资源公报编制规程 Code of practice for water resources bulletin
GB/T 23599-2009 草菇菌种 Pure culture of straw mushroom
GB/T 23600-2009 镁合金铸件X射线实时成像检测方法 X-Ray real-time radioscopic testing method for magnesium alloy castings
GB/T 23601-2009 钛及钛合金棒、丝材涡流探伤方法 Method of eddy current testing for titanium and titanium alloy bars and wires
GB/T 23602-2009 钛及钛合金表面除鳞和清洁方法 Methods of descaling and cleaning for titanium and titanium alloy surfaces
GB/T 23603-2009 钛及钛合金表面污染层检测方法 Test method of titanium and titanium alloy surface contamination layer
GB/T 23604-2009 钛及钛合金产品力学性能试验取样方法 Methods of sampling for mechanical properties testing of titanium and titanium alloy products
GB/T 23605-2009 钛合金β转变温度测定方法 Method for β transus temperature determination of titanium alloys
GB/T 23606-2009 铜氢脆检验方法 Copper-hydrogen embrittlement test method
GB/T 23607-2009 铜阳极泥化学分析方法 砷、铋、铁、镍、铅、锑、硒、碲量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of copper anode mud - Determination of arsenic,bismuth,iron,nickel,lead,antimony,selenium and tellurium content - Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 23608-2009 铂族金属废料分类和技术条件 Platinum groups metals waste classification and technology qualification
GB/T 23609-2009 海水淡化装置用铜合金无缝管 Seamless copper alloy tube for water desalting applications
GB/T 23610-2009 Pt77Co合金板材 Pt77Co alloy plate
GB/T 23611-2009 金靶材 Gold target
GB/T 23612-2009 铝合金建筑型材阳极氧化与阳极氧化电泳涂漆工艺技术规范 Anodizing and electrophoretic painting technical specification on wrought aluminium alloy extruded profiles for architecture
GB/T 23613-2009 锇粉化学分析方法 镁、铁、镍、铝、铜、银、金、铂、铱、钯、铑、硅量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Methods for chemical analysis of osmium powder - Determination of magnesium, iron, nickel, aluminum, copper, silver, gold, platinum, iridium, palladium, rhodium and silicon content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 23616-2009 加工用苹果分级 Grades of apples for processing
GB/T 23617-2009 林业检疫性有害生物调查总则 General principles of survey on forestry quarantine pest
GB/T 23618-2009 检疫性有害生物疫情报告、公布和解除程序 Repotrt, publication and disestablisment process of quarantine pests
GB/T 23619-2009 柑桔小实蝇疫情监测规程 Guidelines for quarantine surveillance of bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)
GB/T 23620-2009 马铃薯甲虫疫情监测规程 Guideline for quarantine surveillance of leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say)
GB/T 23621-2009 农业植物检疫实验室基础条件 Guidelines for the establishment of plant quarantine laboratory
GB/T 23622-2009 香蕉种苗产地检疫规程 Quarantine protocols for banana seedlings in places of production
GB/T 23623-2009 向日葵种子产地检疫规程 Quarantine protocols for sunflower seeds in places of production
GB/T 23624-2009 玉米种子产地检疫规程 Quarantine protocols for maize seeds in places of production
GB/T 23625-2009 郁金香种球疫情监测规程 Guidelines for quarantine surveillance on imported tulips
GB/T 23626-2009 红火蚁疫情监测规程 Guidelines for quarantine surveillance of solenopsis invicta buren
GB/T 23627-2009 杨干象检疫技术规程 Technical regulation for the quarantine of poplar and willow weevil
GB/T 23628-2009 建立有害生物低发生率地区的要求 Requirements for the establishment of areas of low pest prevalence
GB/T 23629-2009 引进植物病原生物安全控制技术要求 General requirements for the introduction of plant pathogens
GB/T 23630-2009 进境植物检疫管理系统准则 Guidelines for a phytosanitary import regulatory system
GB/T 23631-2009 实蝇非疫区建立的要求 Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies(Tephritidae)
GB/T 23632-2009 进境植物检疫截获有害生物鉴定复核规程 Rule for identification of pests intercepted in entry plant quarantine
GB/T 23633-2009 植物病毒和类病毒风险分析指南 Guideline for the risk analysis of plant virus and viroid
GB/T 23634-2009 红火蚁检疫规程 Rules for quarantine of solenopsis invicta buren
GB/T 23635-2009 限定性有害生物检测与鉴定规程的编写规定 The writing rules for detection and identification of regulated pests
GB/T 23636-2009 铅酸蓄电池用极板 Plate for lead-acid battery
GB/T 23637-2009 船用主令控制器 Master controller in ships
GB/T 23638-2009 摩托车用铅酸蓄电池 Lead-acid batteries for motorcycles
GB/T 23639-2009 节能耐腐蚀钢制电缆桥架 Energy conservation and corrosion-resistant steel-madecable support system
GB/T 23640-2009 往复式内燃机(RIC)驱动的交流发电机 AC generators for reciprocating internal combustion(RIC) engine driven generating sets
GB/T 23641-2009 电气用纤维增强不饱和聚酯模塑料(SMC/BMC) Fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester moulding-compounds(SMC and BMC)for electrical purposes
GB/T 23642-2009 电气绝缘材料和系统 瞬时上升和重复冲击电压条件下的局部放电(PD)电气测量 Electrical insulating materials and systems - Electrical measurement of partial discharges (PD) under short rise time and repetitive voltage impulses
GB/T 23643-2009 电线电缆用高速编织机 High speed braiding machine for wire and cable
GB/T 23644-2009 电工专用设备通用技术条件 General specifications for electrical special equipment
GB/T 23645-2009 乘用车用燃料电池发电系统测试方法 Test methods of fuel cell power system for passenger cars
GB/T 23646-2009 电动自行车用燃料电池发电系统 技术条件 Fuel cell power system for electric bicycles - Technical specification
GB/T 23647-2009 自助服务终端通用规范 General specification for self-service terminal
GB/T 23648-2009 社区志愿者地震应急与救援工作指南 Guideline of earthquake emergency response and rescue for community volunteer
GB/T 23649-2009 印刷技术 过程控制 印刷用反射密度计的光学、几何学和测量学要求 Graphic technology - Process control - Optical, geometrical and metrological requirements for reflection densitometers for graphic arts use
GB/T 23650-2009 超市购物环境 Supermarket shop condition
GB/T 23651-2009 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 硬度测试 介绍与指南 Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic - Hardness testing - Introduction and guide
GB/T 23652-2009 塑料 氯乙烯均聚和共聚树脂 振实表观密度的测定 Plastics - PVC resins - Determination of compacted apparent bulk density
GB/T 23653-2009 塑料 通用型聚氯乙烯树脂 热增塑剂吸收量的测定 Plastics - PVC resins for general use - Determination of hot plasticizer absorption
GB/T 23654-2009 硫化橡胶和热塑性橡胶 建筑用预成型密封条的分类、要求和试验方法 Rubber,vulcanized and thermoplastic - Preformed gaskets used in buildings - Classification,specification and test methods
GB/T 23655-2009 配合胶乳硫化程度的测定 Test for the cure level of compound latex
GB/T 23656-2009 橡胶配合剂 沉淀水合二氧化硅 比表面积的测定 CTAB法 Rubber compounding ingredients - Silica,precipitated,hydrated - Determination of CTAB surface area
GB/T 23657-2009 力车轮辋系列 Series of cycle rims
GB/T 23658-2009 弹性体密封圈 输送气体燃料和烃类液体的管道和配件用密封圈的材料要求 Elastomeric seals - Material requirement for seals used in pipes and fittings carrying gaseous fuels and hydricarbon fluid
GB/T 23659-2009 复印机胶辊 Rubber roller for manifdder
GB/T 23660-2009 建筑结构裂缝止裂带 Building structure crack split-stopping tape
GB/T 23661-2009 建筑用橡胶结构密封垫 Rubber building structural gaskets
GB/T 23662-2009 混凝土道路伸缩缝用橡胶密封件 Rubber seals for use between concrete motorway paving sections
GB/T 23663-2009 汽车轮胎纵向和横向刚性试验方法 Test method of automobile tyre longitudinal and lateral stiffness
GB/T 23664-2009 汽车轮胎无损检验方法 X射线法 Test method of non-destructive inspection for automobile tyres - X-ray method
GB/T 23665-2009 1-氯蒽醌 1-Chloroanthraquinone
GB/T 23666-2009 1-萘酚-5-磺酸(L酸) 1-Naphthol-5-sulfonic acid (L acid )
GB/T 23667-2009 2,5-二氯苯胺 2,5-Dichloroaniline
GB/T 23668-2009 2,6-二氯-4-硝基苯胺 2,6-Dichloro-4-nitroaniline
GB/T 23669-2009 2,6-二溴-4-硝基苯胺 2,6-Dibromo-4-nitroaniline
GB/T 23670-2009 2-氨基-4-甲基-5-氯苯磺酸(CLT酸) 2-Amino-5-chloro-4-methybenzenesulfouic acid (CLT acid)
GB/T 23671-2009 2-羟基-6-萘甲酸 2-Hydroxy-6-naphthalene carboxylic acid
GB/T 23672-2009 2-乙基蒽醌 2-Ethylanthraquinone
GB/T 23673-2009 3,4-二氯苯胺 3,4-Dichloroaniline
GB/T 23674-2009 N,N-二乙基苯胺 N,N-Diethyl aniline
GB/T 23675-2009 对苯醌 P - Benzoquinone
GB/T 23676-2009 色酚AS-BI Naphthol AS-BI
GB/T 23677-2009 轻型输送带 Light conveyor belts
GB/T 23678-2009 供应链监控用集装箱电子箱封应用技术规范 Application specification of container electronic seal for supply chain monitoring
GB/T 23679-2009 集装箱 机械箱封 Freight containers - Mechanical seals
GB/T 23680-2009 制冷剂用干燥剂的试验方法 Method of testing desiccants for refrigerant drying
GB/T 23681-2009 制冷系统和热泵 系统流程图和管路仪表图 绘图与符号 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - System flow diagrams and piping instrument diagrams - Layout and symbols
GB/T 23682-2009 制冷系统和热泵 软管件、隔震管和膨胀接头 要求、设计与安装 Refrigerating systems and heat pumps - Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators and expansion joints - Requirements, design and installation
GB/T 23683-2009 制冷剂毛细管流量的试验方法 Method of testing flow capacity of refrigerant capillary tubes
GB/T 23684-2009 液管制冷剂干燥器的试验方法 Method of testing liquid line refrigerant driers
GB/T 23685-2009 废电器电子产品回收利用通用技术要求 General technical specifications of recovering for waste electrical and electronic equipment
GB/T 23686-2009 电子电气产品的环境意识设计导则 Environmentally conscious design guide for electrical and electronic products
GB/T 23687-2009 信息通信技术和消费电子产品的环境意识设计导则 Guide of environmentally conscious design for ICT & CE products
GB/T 23688-2009 用能产品环境意识设计导则 Guide of eco-design for energy-using products
GB/T 23689-2009 信息通信技术和消费电子产品环境意识设计声明导则 Guide of environmentally conscious declaration for ICT & CE products
GB/T 23690-2009 电子电气产品材料声明程序 Procedure for the declaration of materials in products of the electrotechnical and electronic industry
GB/T 23691-2009 项目管理 术语 Project management - Terminology
GB/T 23694-2009 风险管理 术语 Risk management - Terminology
GB/T 23695-2009 银行业务 安全文件传输(零售) Banking - Secure file transfer(retail)
GB/T 23696-2009 证券和相关金融工具 交易所和市场识别码 Securities and related financial instruments - Codes for exchanges and market identification(MIC)
GB/T 23697-2009 个人理财 理财规划师的要求 Personal financial planning - Requirements for personal financial planners
GB/T 23698-2009 三维扫描人体测量方法的一般要求 General requirements for 3-D scanning anthropometric methodologies
GB/T 23699-2009 工业产品及设计中人体测量学特性测试的被试选用原则 Principles for selecting and using test persons for testing anthropometric aspects of industrial products and designs
GB/T 23700-2009 人-系统交互人类工效学 以人为中心的生命周期过程描述 Ergonomics-Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Human-centred lifecycle process descriptions
GB/T 23701-2009 人-系统交互人类工效学 人-系统事宜的过程评估规范 Ergonomics of human-system interaction - Specification for the process assessment of human-system issues
GB/T 23704-2009 信息技术 自动识别与数据采集技术 二维条码符号印制质量的检验 Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture techniques - Bar code print quality test specification - Two-dimensional symbols
GB/T 23705-2009 数字城市地理信息公共平台地名/地址编码规则 The rules of coding for address in the common platform for geospatial information service of digital city
GB/T 23706-2009 地理信息 核心空间模式 Geographic information - Core profile of the spatial schema
GB/T 23707-2009 地理信息 空间模式 Geographic information - Spatial schema
GB/T 23708-2009 地理信息 地理标记语言(GML) Geographic information - Geography markup language (GML)
GB/T 23709-2009 区域似大地水准面精化基本技术规定 Basic specifications for region quasi-geoid determination
GB/T 23710-2009 饲料中甜菜碱的测定 离子色谱法 Determination of betaine in feeds - Ion chromatography
GB/T 23714-2009 机械振动与冲击 结构状态监测的性能参数 Mechanical vibration and shock - Performance parameters for condition monitoring of structures
GB/T 23715-2009 振动与冲击发生系统 词汇 Vibration and shock generating systems - Vocabulary
GB/T 23716-2009 人体对振动的响应 测量仪器 Human response to vibration - Measuring instrumentation
GB/T 23721-2009 起重机 吊装工和指挥人员的培训 Cranes - Training of slingers and signallers
GB/T 23722-2009 起重机 司机(操作员)、吊装工、指挥人员和评审员的资格要求 Cranes - Competency repuirements for crane drivers(operators), slingers, signallers and assessors
GB/T 23728-2009 铀矿冶辐射环境影响评价规定 Regulation for radiation environmental impact assessment in uranium mine and mill
GB/T 23729-2009 闪烁探测器用光电二极管 试验方法 Photodiodes for scintillation detectors - Test procedures
GB/T 23731-2009 GEDI-通用电子文档交换 GEDI - Generic electronic document interchange
GB/T 23732-2009 中国标准文本编码 China standard text code
GB/T 23733-2009 中国标准音乐作品编码 China standard musical work code
GB/T 23734-2009 食品生产加工小作坊质量安全控制基本要求 Basic requirements for quality and safety control of food workshop
GB/T 23735-2009 饲料添加剂 乳酸锌 Feed additive - Zinc lactate
GB/T 23736-2009 饲料用菜籽粕 Rapeseed meal(solvent) for feedstuff
GB/T 23737-2009 饲料中游离刀豆氨酸的测定 离子交换色谱法 Determination of free canavanine in feeds - Ion exchange chromatography
GB/T 23739-2009 土壤质量 有效态铅和镉的测定 原子吸收法 Soil quality - Analysis of available lead and cadmium contents in soils - Atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 23741-2009 饲料中4种巴比妥类药物的测定 Determination of four kinds of barbiturates in feeds
GB/T 23742-2009 饲料中盐酸不溶灰分的测定 Animal feeding stuffs - Determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid
GB/T 23743-2009 饲料中凝固酶阳性葡萄球菌的微生物学检验 Baird-parker琼脂培养基计数法 Microbiological examination of the enumeration of coagulase-positive staphylococci in feeds - Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium
GB/T 23744-2009 饲料中36种农药多残留测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of 36 pesticide residues in feedstuffs - GC-MS
GB/T 23745-2009 饲料添加剂 10%虾青素 Feed additive - 10% Astaxanthin
GB/T 23746-2009 饲料级糖精钠 Feed grade saccharin sodium
GB/T 23747-2009 饲料添加剂 低聚木糖 Feed additive - Xylo-oligosaccharides
GB/T 23748-2009 辐照食品的鉴定 DNA彗星试验法 筛选法 Detection of irradiated foodstuffs - DNA comet assay - Screening method
GB/T 23749-2009 食品中叶绿素铜钠的测定 分光光度法 Determination of sodium copper chlorophyllin in foods-Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 23750-2009 植物性产品中草甘膦残留量的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of Glyphosate residues in plant products-GC-MS method
GB/T 23752-2009 额定电压高于1000V的电器设备用承压和非承压空心瓷和玻璃绝缘子 Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltages greater than 1 000 V
GB/T 23753-2009 330kV及500kV油浸式并联电抗器技术参数和要求 Specification and technical requirements for 330kV and 500kV oil- immersed shunt reactors
GB/T 23754-2009 铅酸蓄电池槽 Container for lead acid storage batteries
GB/T 23755-2009 三相组合式电力变压器 Three-phase site-combined power transformers
GB/T 23758-2009 工业羊皮纸 Industrial parchment
GB/T 23759-2009 特细羊皮纸 Fine parchment
GB/T 23760-2009 农业羊皮纸 Agricultural parchment
GB/T 23761-2009 光催化空气净化材料性能测试方法 Test method of photocatalytic materials for air purification
GB/T 23762-2009 光催化材料水溶液体系净化测试方法 Test method of photocatalytic materials for purification of water solution
GB/T 23763-2009 光催化抗菌材料及制品 抗菌性能的评价 Photo-catalytic antimicrobial materials and products - Assessment for antimicrobial activity and efficacy
GB/T 23764-2009 光催化自清洁材料性能测试方法 Test method of photocatalytic materials for self-cleaning
GB/T 23765-2009 氰化钠和氰化钾产品测定方法 Test method of sodium cyanide and potassium cyanide products
GB/T 23766-2009 固体危险物质冲击感度测定通用方法 Solid hazardous materials - General method for the determination of impact sensitivity
GB/T 23767-2009 固体化工产品在气态氧化剂中燃烧极限测定的通用方法 General method for measuring solid chemicals fire limits in gaseous oxidants
GB/T 23768-2009 无机化工产品 火焰原子吸收光谱法通则 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General rules for flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 23769-2009 无机化工产品 水溶液中pH值测定通用方法 Inorganic chemical products - General method for the determination of pH values
GB/T 23770-2009 液体无机化工产品色度测定通用方法 Liquid inorganic chemical products - General method for the measurement of colour
GB/T 23771-2009 无机化工产品中堆积密度的测定 Determination of bulk density for inorganic chemical products
GB/T 23772-2009 无机化工产品中总氮含量测定的通用方法 蒸馏-纳氏试剂比色法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of total nitrogen content - Nessler's reagent colorimetric method
GB/T 23773-2009 无机化工产品中铵含量测定的通用方法 纳氏试剂比色法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for determination of ammonium content - Nessler's reagent colorimetric method
GB/T 23774-2009 无机化工产品白度测定的通用方法 Inorganic chemicas for industrial use - General method for the determination of whiteness
GB/T 23775-2009 压缩食用菌 Compressed edible mushroom
GB/T 23776-2009 茶叶感官审评方法 Methodology of sensory evaluation of tea
GB/T 23777-2009 葡萄酒储藏柜 Wine cooler
GB/T 23778-2009 酒类及其他食品包装用软木塞 Cylindrical cork stoppers for alcohol and food packaging
GB/T 23779-2009 预包装食品中的致敏原成分 Allergenic ingredients in prepackaged foods
GB/T 23780-2009 糕点质量检验方法 The quality examination methods of the pastry
GB/T 23781-2009 黑芝麻糊 Black sesame paste
GB/T 23782-2009 方便豆腐花(脑) Instant jellied bean curd
GB/T 23783-2009 方便粉丝 Instant starch noodles
GB/T 23784-2009 食品微生物指标制定和应用的原则 Principles for the establishment and application of microbiological criteria for foods
GB/T 23786-2009 速冻饺子 Quick-frozen dumpling
GB/T 23787-2009 非油炸水果、蔬菜脆片 Non-fried vegetable and fruit crisp chips
GB/T 23788-2009 保健食品中大豆异黄酮的测定方法 高效液相色谱法 Determination of soybean isoflavone in health-care food - High-performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23789-2009 低钠食品 Foods with low-sodium content
GB/T 23790-2009 婴幼儿配方粉企业良好生产规范 Good manufacturing practice for infant formula factory
GB/T 23791-2009 企业质量信用等级划分通则 General rules of grading enterprise quality credit
GB/T 23792-2009 信用标准化工作指南 Guidelines for standardization of credit
GB/T 23793-2009 合格供应商信用评价规范 Credit evaluation norms for qualified suppliers
GB/T 23794-2009 企业信用评价指标体系分类及代码 Classifying and coding of enterprise credit evaluation index system
GB/T 23795-2009 病媒生物密度监测方法 蜚蠊 Surveillance methods for vector density - Cockroach
GB/T 23796-2009 病媒生物密度监测方法 蝇类 Surveillance methods for vector density - Fly
GB/T 23797-2009 病媒生物密度监测方法 蚊虫 Surveillance methods for vector density - Mosquito
GB/T 23798-2009 病媒生物密度监测方法 鼠类 Surveillance methods for vector density - Rodent
GB/T 23799-2009 车用甲醇汽油(M85) Methanol gasoline (M85) for motor vehicles
GB/T 23800-2009 有机热载体热稳定性测定法 Heat transfer fluids - Determination of thermal stability
GB/T 23801-2009 中间馏分油中脂肪酸甲酯含量的测定 红外光谱法 Determination of fatty acid methyl esters(FAME) in middle distillates by infrared spectroscopy method
GB/T 23802-2009 石油天然气工业 套管、油管和接箍毛坯用耐腐蚀合金无缝管 交货技术条件 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing,tubing and coupling stock - Technical delivery conditions
GB/T 23803-2009 石油和天然气工业 海上生产平台管道系统的设计和安装 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Design and installation of piping systems on offshore production platforms
GB/T 23804-2009 岩心常规分析仪器通用技术条件 General specifications for routine core analysis instruments
GB/T 23805-2009 精细陶瓷室温拉伸强度试验方法 Fine ceramics(advanced ceramics,advanced technical ceramics) - Test method for tensile strength of monolithic ceramics at room temperature
GB/T 23806-2009 精细陶瓷断裂韧性试验方法 单边预裂纹梁(SEPB)法 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics,advanced technical ceramics) - Test method for fracture toughness of monolithic ceramics at room temperature by single edge precracked beam (SEPB) method
GB/T 23807-2009 精细陶瓷分类系统 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) - Classification systemecification
GB/T 23808-2009 全息防伪膜 Holographic anti-counterfeiting film
GB/T 23809-2009 应急导向系统 设置原则与要求 Safety way guidance systems - Setting principles and requirements
GB/T 23810-2009 直接液化用原料煤技术条件 Specification of coal for direct liquefaction
GB/T 23811-2009 食品安全风险分析工作原则 Working principles for food safety risk analysis
GB/T 23812-2009 糕点生产及销售要求 Requirement of pastry produce and distribution
GB/T 23813-2009 食品中1,2-丙二醇的测定 Determination of 1,2-propanediol in foods
GB/T 23814-2009 莲蓉制品中芸豆成分定性PCR检测方法 Protocol of the polymerase chain reaction for detecting kidney beans components in lotus foods
GB/T 23815-2009 猪肉制品中植物成分定性PCR检测方法 Protocol of the polymerase chain reaction for detecting plant components in meat
GB/T 23816-2009 大豆中三嗪类除草剂残留量的测定 Method for determination of triazine herbicide residues in soybean
GB/T 23817-2009 大豆中磺酰脲类除草剂残留量的测定 Method for determination of sulfonylurea herbicide residues in soybean
GB/T 23818-2009 大豆中咪唑啉酮类除草剂残留量的测定 Determination of imidazolinone herbicide residues in soybean
GB/T 23822-2009 糖果和巧克力生产质量管理要求 Quality management requirement of candy & chocolate producing
GB/T 23823-2009 糖果分类 Candy classify
GB/T 23825-2009 人造板及其制品中甲醛释放量测定-气体分析法 Wood-based panels - Determination of formaldehyde release - Gas analysis method
GB/T 23827-2009 道路交通标志板及支撑件 Road traffic sign plate and support
GB/T 23828-2009 高速公路LED可变信息标志 Light-emitting diode changeable message signs of expressway
GB/T 23829-2009 辞书条目XML格式 XML Representation of dictionary entries
GB/T 23830-2009 物流管理信息系统应用开发指南 Applied guide of logistics management information system
GB/T 23831-2009 物流信息分类与代码 Classification and code of logistics information
GB/T 23832-2009 商品条码 服务关系编码与条码表示 Bar code for commodity - Numbering and symbol marking of service relationship
GB/T 23833-2009 商品条码 资产编码与条码表示 Bar code for commodity - Numbering and symbol marking of assets
GB/T 23836-2009 工业循环冷却水中钼酸盐含量的测定 硫氰酸盐分光光度法 Determination of molybdate in industrial circulating cooling water - Spectrometric method using thiocyanate
GB/T 23837-2009 工业循环冷却水中铝离子的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Industrial circulating cooling water - Determination of aluminium - Atomic absorption spectrometric methods
GB/T 23838-2009 工业循环冷却水中悬浮固体的测定 Determination of suspended solids of industrial circulating cooling water
GB/T 23839-2009 工业硫酸亚锡 Stannous sulfate for industrial use
GB/T 23840-2009 无机化工产品 电位滴定法通则 Inorganic chemical products - General rules for potentiometric titration
GB/T 23841-2009 无机化工产品中镉含量测定的通用方法 原子吸收分光光度法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determinations of cadmium - Atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 23842-2009 无机化工产品中硅含量测定通用方法 还原硅钼酸盐分光光度法 General method for the determination of silicon content of inorganic chemicals - Reduced molybdosilicate spectrophotometric method
GB/T 23843-2009 无机化工产品中五氧化二磷含量测定的通用方法 Inorganic chemical products - General method for the determination of total phosphorus(V)oride content
GB/T 23844-2009 无机化工产品中硫酸盐测定通用方法 目视比浊法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of sulphate - Visible turbidimetric method
GB/T 23845-2009 无机化工产品中溴化物测定通用方法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of bromide
GB/T 23846-2009 电镀用氨基磺酸钴 Cobalt sulfamate for electroplating
GB/T 23847-2009 电镀用氨基磺酸镍 Nickel sulfamate for electroplating
GB/T 23848-2009 电镀用氨基磺酸亚铁 Ferrous(II) sulfamate for electroplating
GB/T 23849-2009 二溴海因 1,3-Dibromo-5,5-dimethylhydantoin
GB/T 23850-2009 工业高氯酸钠 Sodium perchlorate for industrial use
GB/T 23851-2009 道路除冰融雪剂 Salt of ice and snow melting for road
GB/T 23852-2009 工业硫氰酸盐的分析方法 Analytical method of thiocyanate for industrial use
GB/T 23853-2009 卤水碳酸锂 Lithium carbonate made of brine
GB/T 23854-2009 溴氯海因 Bromochloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin
GB/T 23855-2009 液体三氧化硫 Liquid sulphur trioxide
GB/T 23856-2009 二氯海因 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin
GB/T 23857-2009 生活垃圾填埋场降解治理的监测与检测 Monitoring and testing in municipal solid waste landfill degradation treatment
GB/T 23858-2009 检查井盖 Manhole cover
GB/T 23859-2009 劳动定额测时方法 The time measuremeut method of labor quota
GB/T 23860-2009 婚姻庆典服务 Wedding ceremony service
GB/T 23861-2009 婚姻介绍服务 Matchmaking service
GB/T 23862-2009 文物运输包装规范 Specification of shipping packaging of cultural relics
GB/T 23863-2009 博物馆照明设计规范 Code for lighting design of museum
GB/T 23865-2009 比例照相规则 The scaled photography method
GB/T 23866-2009 体育用品标准编写要求 Requirements for drafting of sporting goods standards
GB/T 23867-2009 滑雪用具 通用词汇 Skiing appliance - General vocabulary
GB/T 23868-2009 体育用品的分类 Classification of sporting goods
GB/T 23869-2009 花粉中总汞的测定方法 Method for determination of the total mercury in pollen
GB/T 23870-2009 蜂胶中铅的测定 微波消解-石墨炉原子吸收分光光度法 Determination of Pb in propolis - Microwave digestion - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry
GB/T 23871-2009 水产品加工企业卫生管理规范 Code of hygienic practice for fish and fishery products processing establishment
GB/T 23873-2009 饲料中马杜霉素铵的测定 Determination of maduramicin ammonium in feeds
GB/T 23874-2009 饲料添加剂木聚糖酶活力的测定 分光光度法 Determination of xylanase activity in feed additives - Spectrophotometric method
GB/T 23875-2009 饲料用喷雾干燥血球粉 Spray-dried animal blood cells for feedstuffs
GB/T 23876-2009 饲料添加剂 L-肉碱盐酸盐 Feed additive - L-carnitine hydrochloride
GB/T 23877-2009 饲料酸化剂中柠檬酸、富马酸和乳酸的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of citric acid,fumaric acid and lactic acid in feed acidifier - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23878-2009 饲料添加剂 大豆磷脂 Feed additive - Soybean lecithin
GB/T 23879-2009 饲料添加剂 肌醇 Feed additive - Inositol
GB/T 23880-2009 饲料添加剂 氯化钠 Feed additive - Sodium chloride
GB/T 23881-2009 饲用纤维素酶活性的测定 滤纸法 Determination of feed cellulase activity - Filter paper assay method
GB/T 23882-2009 饲料中L-抗坏血酸-2-磷酸酯的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of L-Ascorbyl -2-monophosphate in feeds - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23883-2009 饲料中蓖麻碱的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of ricinine in feeds - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23884-2009 动物源性饲料中生物胺的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of biogenic amines in animal-derived feeds - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 23885-2009 翡翠分级 Jadeite grading
GB/T 23886-2009 珍珠珠层厚度测定方法 光学相干层析法 Determination of nacre thickness - Optical coherence tomography
GB/T 23887-2009 食品包装容器及材料生产企业通用良好操作规范 General good manufacturing practice for food packaging containers and materials factory
GB/T 23888-2009 家用太阳能热水系统控制器 Controller for domestic solar water heating system
GB/T 23889-2009 家用空气源热泵辅助型太阳能热水系统技术条件 Specifications of air source heat pump assisted domestic solar water heating systems
GB/T 23890-2009 油菜籽中芥酸及硫苷的测定 分光光度法 Rapid determination of erucic acid and glucosinolate in rapeseed - Photometry
GB/T 23893-2009 滑动轴承用热塑性聚合物 分类和标记 Thermoplastic polymers for plain bearings - Classification and designation
GB/T 23894-2009 滑动轴承 铜合金镶嵌固体润滑轴承 Plain bearing - Copper alloy bearing with solid lubricant
GB/T 23895-2009 滑动轴承 薄壁轴瓦质量保证 缩小轴承间隙范围的选择装配 Plain bearings - Quality assurance of thin-walled half bearings - Selective assembly of bearings to achieve a narrow clearance
GB/T 23896-2009 滑动轴承 薄壁轴瓦质量保证 设计阶段的失效模式和效应分析(FMEA) Plain bearings - Quality assurance of thin - Walled half bearings - Design FMEA
GB/T 23897-2009 主要切花产品包装、运输、贮藏 Packing,transportation and storage of major cut flowers
GB/T 23898-2009 木质平托盘用人造板 Wood-based panel for wooden flat pallets
GB/T 23899-2009 实木复合地板生产综合能耗 Overall energy consumption for parquet production
GB/T 23900-2009 无损检测 材料超声速度测量方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for measuring ultrasonic velocity in materials
GB/T 23902-2009 无损检测 超声检测 超声衍射声时技术检测和评价方法 Non-destructive testing - Ultrasonic examination - Time-of-flight diffraction technique as a method for detection and sizing of discontinuities
GB/T 23903-2009 射线图像分辨力测试计 Resolution indicators for ray image
GB/T 23904-2009 无损检测 超声表面波检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Test method for ultrasonic testing by surface wave
GB/T 23905-2009 无损检测 超声检测用试块 Non-destructive testing - Blocks for ultrasonic testing
GB/T 23906-2009 无损检测 磁粉检测用环形试块 Non-destructive testing - Rings for magnetic particle testing
GB/T 23907-2009 无损检测 磁粉检测用试片 Non-destructive testing - Shims for magnetic particle testing
GB/T 23908-2009 无损检测 接触式超声脉冲回波直射检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for ultrasonic pulse-echo straight-beam testing by the contact method
GB/T 23910-2009 无损检测 射线照相检测用金属增感屏 Non-destructive testing - Metal intensifying screens for radiographic testing
GB/T 23911-2009 无损检测 渗透检测用试块 Non-destructive testing - Blocks for penetrant testing
GB/T 23912-2009 无损检测 液浸式超声纵波脉冲反射检测方法 Non-destructive testing - Practice for immersed ultrasonic testing by the reflection method using pulsed longitudinal waves
GB/T 23915-2009 低速货车 驾驶员操作位置尺寸 Low-speed goods vehicles - Operating position dimensions of driver
GB/T 23916-2009 低速货车 操纵机构的位置、最大操纵力和操纵方法 Low-speed goods vehicles - Location,maximum actuating forces and operating method of controls
GB/T 23917-2009 低速货车 试验方法 Low-speed goods vehicles - Test method
GB/T 23918-2009 三轮汽车 操纵机构的位置、最大操纵力和操纵方法 Tri-wheel vehicles - Location,maximum actuating forces and operating method of controls
GB/T 23919-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 减振器 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Shock absorbers
GB/T 23920-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 最高车速测定方法 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Determination method of maximum speed
GB/T 23921-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 半轴 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Axle shaft
GB/T 23922-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 标牌 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Manufacturer's plate
GB/T 23923-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 发电机 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Generator
GB/T 23924-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 干摩擦式离合器 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Dry friction clutch
GB/T 23925-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 钢板弹簧 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Leaf spring
GB/T 23926-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 行车制动器 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Brakes
GB/T 23927-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 机械式变速器 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Mechanical transmissions
GB/T 23928-2009 低速货车 前轴连接尺寸 Low-speed goods vehicles - Front axle mounting dimensions
GB/T 23929-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 驱动桥 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Driving axle
GB/T 23930-2009 三轮汽车和低速货车 转向器 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Steering gear
GB/T 23931-2009 三轮汽车 试验方法 Tri-wheel vehicles - Test method
GB/T 23932-2009 建筑用金属面绝热夹芯板 Double skin metal faced insulating panels for building
GB/T 23933-2009 镁渣硅酸盐水泥 Mangnesium slag portland cement
GB/T 23938-2009 高纯二氧化碳 High purity carbon dioxide
GB/T 23939-2009 工业过硫酸铵 Ammonium persulfate for industrial use
GB/T 23940-2009 工业过硫酸盐产品的分析方法 Analytical methods of persulfate products for industrial use
GB/T 23941-2009 工业氯化钙分析方法 Analytical methods of calcium chloride for industrial use
GB/T 23942-2009 化学试剂 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法通则 Chemical reagent - General rules for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 23943-2009 无机化工产品中六价铬含量测定的通用方法 二苯碳酰二肼分光光度法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of chromium(Ⅵ) content - 1,5-diphenylcarbohydrazide spectrophotometric method
GB/T 23944-2009 无机化工产品中铝测定的通用方法 铬天青S分光光度法 Inorganic chemicals for products use - General method for the determination of aluminium - Chromazurol S-spectrophotometric method
GB/T 23945-2009 无机化工产品中氯化物含量测定的通用方法 目视比浊法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of chloride content - Visible turbidimetric method
GB/T 23946-2009 无机化工产品中铅含量测定通用方法 原子吸收光谱法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of lead content - Atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 23948-2009 无机化工产品中水不溶物测定通用方法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of water insoluble matter
GB/T 23949-2009 无机化工产品中蒸发残渣测定通用方法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of dry residue after evaporation
GB/T 23950-2009 无机化工产品中重金属测定通用方法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for determination of heavy metals
GB/T 23951-2009 无机化工产品中灼烧残渣测定通用方法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of residue after ignition
GB/T 23952-2009 无机化工产品中总氮含量测定的通用方法 蒸馏-酸碱滴定法 Inorganic chemicals for industrial use - General method for the determination of total nitrogen content - Distillation-acid-base titrations method
GB/T 23953-2009 工业用二甲基二氯硅烷 Dimethyldichlorosilane for industrial use
GB/T 23954-2009 反渗透系统膜元件清洗技术规范 Technical regulations for cleaning of reverse osmosis membrane element
GB/T 23955-2009 化学品命名通则 General principle for naming of chemicals
GB/T 23956-2009 化工产品使用说明书编写规定 Rules for preparation of instructions for use of chemical products
GB/T 23957-2009 牙膏工业用轻质碳酸钙 Light calcium carbonate for tooth-paste industry
GB/T 23958-2009 工业用亚氨基二乙腈 Iminodiacetonitrile for industrial use
GB/T 23959-2009 工业用对苯二酚 Hydroquinone for industrial use
GB/T 23960-2009 工业用邻苯二酚 Catechol for industrial use
GB/T 23961-2009 低碳脂肪胺含量的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of low carbon aliaphatic amines - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 23962-2009 工业用一乙胺 Ethylamine for industrial use
GB/T 23963-2009 工业用二乙胺 Diethylamine for industrial use
GB/T 23964-2009 工业用三乙胺 Triethylamine for industrial use
GB/T 23965-2009 工业用一异丙胺 Monoisopropylamine for industrial use
GB/T 23966-2009 工业用二异丙胺 Diisopropylamine for industrial use
GB/T 23967-2009 工业用偏苯三酸酐 Trimellitic anhydride for industrial use
GB/T 23968-2009 肉松 Dried meat floss
GB/T 23969-2009 肉干 Dried meat dice
GB/T 23970-2009 卤蛋 Pot-roast egg
GB/T 23972-2009 纺织染整助剂中烷基苯酚及烷基苯酚聚氧乙烯醚的测定 高效液相色谱/质谱法 Determination of alkylphenols and alkylphenol polyethoxylates in textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries - LC/MS method
GB/T 23973-2009 染料产品中甲醛的测定 Determination of the quantity of formaldehyde in dye products
GB/T 23974-2009 染料产品中邻苯基苯酚的测定 Determination of the content of ortho-phenylphenol in dye products
GB/T 23975-2009 染料及颜料产品中四氯苯酐的测定 Determination of the quantity of tetrachlorophthalic anhydride in dye and pigment products
GB/T 23977-2009 染料 含盐量的测定 电导率法 Dyestuffs - Determination of content of salt - Conductance method
GB/T 23978-2009 液体染料 氯离子含量的测定 离子色谱法 Liquid dyes - Determination of chloride ion - Ion chromatography
GB/T 23980-2009 直接染料 拔染性的测定 Direct dyestuffs - Determination of discharge ability
GB/T 23981-2009 白色和浅色漆对比率的测定 Determination of contrast ratio of white and light coloured paints
GB/T 23982-2009 木器涂料抗粘连性测定法 Test method for block resistance of wood coatings
GB/T 23983-2009 木器涂料耐黄变性测定法 Test method for yellowing resistance of wood coatings
GB/T 23984-2009 色漆和清漆 低VOC乳胶漆中挥发性有机化合物(罐内VOC)含量的测定 Paints and varnishes - Determination of the volatile organic compound content of low-VOC emulsion paints (in-can VOC)
GB/T 23985-2009 色漆和清漆 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量的测定 差值法 Paints and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content - Difference method
GB/T 23986-2009 色漆和清漆 挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量的测定 气相色谱法 Paints and varnishes - Determination of volatile organic compound (VOC) content - Gas-chromatographic method
GB/T 23987-2009 色漆和清漆 涂层的人工气候老化曝露 曝露于荧光紫外线和水 Paints and varnishes - Exposure of coatings to artificial weathering - Exposure to fluorescent UV lamps and water
GB/T 23988-2009 涂料耐磨性测定 落砂法 Determination for abrasion resistance of - Coatings by falling abrasive
GB/T 23989-2009 涂料耐溶剂擦拭性测定法 Determination for the solvent resistance of coatings by solvent rubs
GB/T 23990-2009 涂料中苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯含量的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of the contents of benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene and xylene in coatings by gas chromatography
GB/T 23991-2009 涂料中可溶性有害元素含量的测定 Determination of soluble harmful elements content of coatings
GB/T 23992-2009 涂料中氯代烃含量的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of chlorhydrocarbon content in coatings - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 23993-2009 水性涂料中甲醛含量的测定 乙酰丙酮分光光度法 Determination of formaldehyde content of waterborne coatings - Spectrophtometric method with acetylacetone
GB/T 23994-2009 与人体接触的消费产品用涂料中特定有害元素限量 Limit of certain harmful elements of coatings for consumer products contacting with human body
GB/T 23995-2009 室内装饰装修用溶剂型醇酸木器涂料 Indoor decorating and refurbishing solvent-based alkyd coatings for woodenware
GB/T 23996-2009 室内装饰装修用溶剂型金属板涂料 Solvent metal panel coatings for indoor decorating and refurbishing
GB/T 23997-2009 室内装饰装修用溶剂型聚氨酯木器涂料 Solvent-thinned polyurethane wood coatings for indoor decorating and refurbishing
GB/T 23998-2009 室内装饰装修用溶剂型硝基木器涂料 Indoor decorating and refurbishing solvent-based nitrocellulose coatings for woodenware
GB/T 23999-2009 室内装饰装修用水性木器涂料 Water based coatings for woodenware for indoor decorating and refurbishing
GB/T 24025-2009 环境标志和声明 III型环境声明 原则和程序 Environmental labels and declaration - Type III environmental declarations - principles and procedures
GB/T 24040-2008 环境管理 生命周期评价 原则与框架 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Principles and frameworks
GB/T 24044-2008 环境管理 生命周期评价 要求与指南 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines
GB/T 24062-2009 环境管理 将环境因素引入产品的设计和开发 Environmental management - Integrating environmental aspects into product design and development
GB/T 24100-2009 X、γ辐射屏蔽涂料 X、γ radiation shielding coating
GB/T 24101-2009 染料产品中4-氨基偶氮苯的限量及测定 Limit and determination of 4-aminoazobenzene in dye products
GB/T 24102-2009 染料及染料中间体产品 检验规则 Dyestuffs and intermediate of dyes - Rules for inspection
GB/T 24103-2009 染料中间体 产品标志、标签、包装、运输、贮存通则 Intermediate of dyes - General rules for logo 、tag、packing、transportation、storage of products
GB/T 24104-2009 岩土工程仪器型号命名方法 Method of model and nomenclature for instrument for geotechnical engineering
GB/T 24105-2009 岩土工程仪器基本环境试验条件及方法 Basic conditions and methods of environmental test for geotechnical engineering instrument
GB/T 24106-2009 岩土工程仪器术语及符号 Terms and symbols for geotechnical engineering instruments
GB/T 24108-2009 岩土工程仪器可靠性技术要求 Technical requirement of reliability for geotechnical engineering instrument
GB/T 24109-2009 数控雕铣机 CNC engraving and milling machine
GB/T 24110-2009 进出口笔类产品笔帽和端盖安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and tests for caps and end closures of writing and marking instruments for import and export
GB/T 24111-2009 工业机械电气设备 电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验规范 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test specifications
GB/T 24112-2009 工业机械电气设备 静电放电抗扰度试验规范 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Electrostatic discharge immunity test specifications
GB/T 24115-2009 纺织品 干洗后四氯乙烯残留量的测定 Textiles - Determination of the tetrachloroethylene residues after dry cleaned
GB/T 24116-2009 针织用筒子染色纱线 Package dyed yarns for knitting
GB/T 24117-2009 针织物 疵点的描述 术语 Knitted fabrics - Description of defects - Vocabulary
GB/T 24118-2009 纺织品 线迹型式 分类和术语 Textiles - Stitch types - Classification and terminology
GB/T 24119-2009 机织过滤布透水性的测定 Determination of water permeability of woven filtering fabric
GB/T 24120-2009 纺织品 抗乙醇水溶液性能的测定 Textiles - Determination of resistance to water/alcohol solution
GB/T 24121-2009 纺织制品 断针类残留物的检测方法 Textile products - Determination of the remains of broken sewing needle
GB/T 24122-2009 耐电晕漆包线用漆 Corona-resistant enamelled wire coatings
GB/T 24123-2009 电容器用金属化薄膜 Metallized film for capacitors
GB/T 24124-2009 C850系列酚醛棉布层压板 C850 system phenolic resins cotton cloth laminated sheets
GB/T 24125-2009 不锈钢纤维与棉涤混纺本色纱线 Stainless steel fibre and cotton, polyester blended grey yarns
GB/T 24126-2009 橡胶和塑料软管及软管组合件 采购者、组装者、安装者和操作者使用指南 Rubber and plastics hoses and hose assemblies - Guide for use by purchasers, assemblers, installers and operating personnel
GB/T 24127-2009 塑料抗藻性能试验方法 Testing method for determining algal resistance of plastics
GB/T 24128-2009 塑料防霉性能试验方法 Method for testing resistance of plastics to mold
GB/T 24129-2009 胶鞋、运动鞋外底不留痕试验方法 Testing method for the non-marking outsole of rubber shoes and sports shoes
GB/T 24130-2009 柔性包装胶乳 取样 Rubber latex in flexible packing - Sampling
GB/T 24131-2009 生橡胶 挥发分含量的测定 Rubber,raw - Determination of volatile matter content
GB/T 24133-2009 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 调节和试验的标准环境 Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics - Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing
GB/T 24134-2009 橡胶和塑料软管 静态条件下耐臭氧性能的评价 Rubber and plastics hoses - Assessment of ozone resistance under static conditions
GB/T 24135-2009 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 加速老化试验 Rubber or plastics coated fabrics - Accelerated ageing tests
GB/T 24136-2009 橡胶或塑料涂覆织物 耐液体性能的测定 Rubber-or plastics-coated fabrics - Detetmination of resistance to liquids
GB/T 24137-2009 木塑装饰板 Wood-plastic composite decorative boards
GB/T 24138-2009 石油树脂 Petroleum resin
GB/T 24139-2009 PVC涂覆织物 防水布规范 PVC-coated fabrics for tarpaulins - Specification
GB/T 24140-2009 内燃机空气和真空系统用橡胶软管和纯胶管 规范 Rubber hose and tubing for air and vacuum systems for internal-combustion engines - Specification
GB/T 24142-2009 橡胶涂覆织物 变压器用胶囊和隔膜 Rubber coated fabrics - Rubber capluse and diaphragm for transformer
GB/T 24143-2009 橡胶与橡胶制品 试验方法灵敏度的确定 Rubber and rubber products - Determination of the sensitivity of test methods
GB/T 24144-2009 消防软管 橡胶和塑料吸引软管和软管组合件 Fire-fighting hoses - Rubber and plastics suction hoses and hose assemblies
GB/T 24145-2009 旋转钻探和减震用橡胶软管和软管组合件 规范 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for rotary drilling and vibration application - Specification
GB/T 24146-2009 用于油燃烧器的橡胶软管和软管组合件 规范 Rubber hoses and hose assemblies for use in oil burners - Specification
GB/T 24147-2009 水性紫外光(UV)固化树脂 水溶性不饱和聚酯丙烯酸酯树脂 Waterborne ultraviolet curable resin - Water soluble unsaturated polyester acrylate resin
GB/T 24150-2009 塑料 阻燃抗冲击聚苯乙烯专用料 Plastics - Flame retardant impact-resistant polystyrene compound
GB/T 24151-2009 塑料 玻璃纤维增强阻燃聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯专用料 Plastics - Glass fiber reinforced and flame retardant poly(butylenes terephthalate) compound
GB/T 24152-2009 篮排球专业运动鞋 Sport footwear for basketball and volleyball
GB/T 24153-2009 橡胶及弹性体材料 N-亚硝基胺的测定 Rubber and elastomer materials - Determination of N-nitrosamines
GB/T 24154-2009 运动营养食品通则 General standard for sports nutrition food
GB/T 24156-2009 电动摩托车和电动轻便摩托车 动力性能 试验方法 Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Power performance - Test methods
GB/T 24157-2009 电动摩托车和电动轻便摩托车能量消耗率和续驶里程试验方法 Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - Energy consumption and range - Test procedures
GB/T 24158-2009 电动摩托车和电动轻便摩托车通用技术条件 Electric motorcycles and electric mopeds - General specifications
GB/T 24164-2009 染料产品中多氯苯的测定 Determination of the content of polychloriznated benzenes in dye products
GB/T 24165-2009 染料产品中多氯联苯的测定 Determination of the content of polychlorinated biphenyls in dye products
GB/T 24166-2009 染料产品中含氯苯酚的测定 Determination of the content of chlorinated phenols in dye products
GB/T 24167-2009 染料产品中氯化甲苯的测定 Determination of the content of polychloriznated toluenes in dye products
GB/T 24168-2009 纺织染整助剂产品中邻苯二甲酸酯的测定 Determination of the content of phthalate in textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries
GB/T 24169-2009 氟化工产品和消费品中全氟辛烷磺酰基化合物(PFOS)的测定 高效液相色谱-串联质谱法 Determination of perfluorooctane sulfonates (PFOS) in the fluorine-containing products and consumer products - High performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
GB/T 24172-2009 金属超塑性材料拉伸性能测定方法 Method for evaluation of tensile properties of metallic superplastic materials
GB/T 24173-2009 钢板 二次加工脆化试验方法 Steel sheets - Secondary work embrittlement testing method
GB/T 24174-2009 钢 烘烤硬化值(BH2)的测定方法 Steel - Determination of Bake-Hardening-Index (BH2)
GB/T 24175-2009 钢渣稳定性试验方法 Test method for stability of steel slag
GB/T 24176-2009 金属材料 疲劳试验 数据统计方案与分析方法 Metallic materials - Fatigue testing - Statistical planning and analysis of data
GB/T 24177-2009 双重晶粒度表征与测定方法 Standard test methods for characterizing duplex grain sizes
GB/T 24178-2009 连铸钢坯凝固组织低倍评定方法 Macrostructure assessing method for solidification structure of continuous casting blank
GB/T 24179-2009 金属材料 残余应力测定 压痕应变法 Metallic materials - Residual stress determination - The indentation strain-gage method
GB/T 24180-2009 冷轧电镀铬钢板及钢带 Cold-reduced electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel sheet and strip
GB/T 24181-2009 金刚石焊接锯片基体用钢 Steels for diamond welded saw blades
GB/T 24182-2009 金属力学性能试验 出版标准中的符号及定义 Mechanical testing of metals - Symbols and definitions in published standard
GB/T 24183-2009 金属材料 制耳试验方法 Metallic materials - Earing test
GB/T 24184-2009 烧结熔剂用高钙脱硫渣 high calcium hot melt slag after desulphurization for sintering flux
GB/T 24185-2009 逐级加力法测定钢中氢脆临界值试验方法 Test method for measurement of hydrogen embrittlement threshold in steel by the incremental step loading method
GB/T 24186-2009 工程机械用高强度耐磨钢板 High strength abrasion resistant steel plates for construction machine
GB/T 24187-2009 冷拔精密单层焊接钢管 Cold-drawn precision single welded steel tubes
GB/T 24189-2009 高炉用铁矿石 用最终还原度指数表示的还原性的测定 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks - Determination of the reducibility by the final degree of reduction index
GB/T 24190-2009 铁矿石 化合水含量的测定 卡尔费休滴定法 Iron ores - Determination of combined water - Karl Fischer method
GB/T 24191-2009 钢丝绳 实际弹性模量测定方法 Steel wire ropes - Determination of the actual modulus of elasticity
GB/T 24192-2009 铬矿石 粒度的筛分测定 Chromium ores - Determination of particle size by sieving
GB/T 24193-2009 铬矿石和铬精矿 铝、铁、镁和硅含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Chromium ores and concentrates - Determination of aluminium, iron , magnesium and silicon content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 24194-2009 硅铁 铝、钙、锰、铬、钛、铜、磷和镍含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Ferrosilicon - Determination of aluminium, calcium, manganese, chromium, titanium, copper, phosphorus and nickel content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
GB/T 24195-2009 金属和合金的腐蚀 酸性盐雾、“干燥”和“湿润”条件下的循环加速腐蚀试验 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Accelerated cyclic tests with exposure to acidified salt spray, “dry” and “wet” conditions
GB/T 24196-2009 金属和合金的腐蚀 电化学试验方法 恒电位和动电位极化测量导则 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Electrochemical test methods - Guidelines for conducting potentiostatic and potentiodynamic polarization measurements
GB/T 24197-2009 锰矿石 铁、硅、铝、钙、钡、镁、钾、铜、镍、锌、磷、钴、铬、钒、砷、铅和钛含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Manganese ores - Determination of iron,silicon,aluminium,calcium,barium,magnesium,potassium,copper,nickel,zinc,phosphorus,cobalt,chromium,vanadium,arsenic,lead,titanium and vanadium - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
GB/T 24198-2009 镍铁 镍、硅、磷、锰、钴、铬和铜含量的测定 波长色散X-射线荧光光谱法(常规法) Ferronickel - Determination of nickel, silicon, phosphorus, manganese, cobalt, chromium, and copper contents - Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry(Routine method)
GB/T 24199-2009 纯吡啶中吡啶含量的气相色谱测定方法 Refined pyridine - Determination of pyridine content - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 24200-2009 粗酚中酚及同系物含量的测定方法 Determination of phenol and homologues contents of crude phenol
GB/T 24201-2009 高炉炭块抗铁水熔蚀性试验方法 Test method for corrosion resistance of blast furnace brick to pig iron
GB/T 24202-2009 光缆增强用碳素钢丝 Carbon steel wire for optical fiber cable tension members
GB/T 24203-2009 炭素材料真密度、真气孔率测定方法 煮沸法 Carbon materials - Determination of the true density or true poroous-boiling method
GB/T 24204-2009 高炉炉料用铁矿石 低温还原粉化率的测定 动态试验法 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks - Determination of low-temperature reduction-disintegration indices by dynamic method
GB/T 24205-2009 铁矿粉 烧结试验结果表示方法 Iron ores fines - Method for presentation the results of sintering test
GB/T 24206-2009 洗油15℃结晶物的测定方法 Determination of crystallized matter at 15℃ of washing oil
GB/T 24207-2009 洗油酚含量的测定方法 Determination of the phenol content of washing oil
GB/T 24208-2009 洗油萘含量的测定方法 Determination of the naphthalene content of washing oil
GB/T 24209-2009 洗油粘度的测定方法 Determination of the viscosity of washing oil
GB/T 24210-2009 整体石墨电极弹性模量试验 声速法 Test method for the elastis modulus of whole graphite electrodes - Velocity of sound
GB/T 24211-2009 蒽油 Anthracene oil
GB/T 24212-2009 甲基萘油 Methylnaphthalene oil
GB/T 24213-2009 金属原位统计分布分析方法通则 General rules for original position statistic distribution analysis method
GB/T 24214-2009 煤焦油水分快速测定方法 Quick determination method of water content in coal tar
GB/T 24215-2009 桥梁主缆缠绕用低碳热镀锌圆钢丝 Hot-dip galvanized steel wires for bridge cables wrap
GB/T 24216-2009 轻油 Light oil
GB/T 24217-2009 洗油 Washing oil
GB/T 24219-2009 机织过滤布泡点孔径的测定 Determination of ebullition aperture of woven filtering fabric
GB/T 24220-2009 铬矿石 分析样品中湿存水的测定 重量法 Chromium ores - Determination of hygroscopic moisture content in analytical samples - Gravimetric method
GB/T 24221-2009 铬矿石 钙和镁含量的测定 EDTA滴定法 Chromium ores - Determination of calcium and magnesium contents - EDTA titrimetric method
GB/T 24222-2009 铬矿石 交货批水分的测定 Chromium ores - Determination of moisture of lots
GB/T 24223-2009 铬矿石 磷含量的测定 还原磷钼酸盐分光光度法 Chromium ores - Determination of phosphorus content - Reduced molybdophosphate photometric method
GB/T 24224-2009 铬矿石 硫含量的测定 燃烧-中和滴定法、燃烧-碘酸钾滴定法和燃烧-红外线吸收法 Chromium ores - Determination of sulfur content - Combustion-neutralization titration method, combustion-potassium iodate titration method and combustion-infrared absorption method
GB/T 24225-2009 铬矿石 全铁含量的测定 还原滴定法 Chromium ores - Determination of total iron content - Titrimetric method after reduction
GB/T 24226-2009 铬矿石和铬精矿 钙含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法 Chromium ores and concentrates - Determination of calcium contents - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 24227-2009 铬矿石和铬精矿 硅含量的测定 分光光度法和重量法 Chromium ores and concentrates - Determination of silicon content - Spectrophotometric method and gravimetric method
GB/T 24228-2009 铬矿石和铬精矿 化学分析方法 通则 Chromium ores and concentrates - Methods of chemical analysis - General instruction
GB/T 24229-2009 铬矿石和铬精矿 铝含量的测定 络合滴定法 Chromium ores and concentrates - Determination of aluminium content - Complexometric method
GB/T 24230-2009 铬矿石和铬精矿 铬含量的测定 滴定法 Chromium ores and concentrates - Determination of chromium content - Titrimetric method
GB/T 24231-2009 铬矿石 镁、铝、硅、钙、钛、钒、铬、锰、铁和镍含量的测定 波长色散X射线荧光光谱法 Chrome ores - Determination of magnesium, aluminum, silicon, calcium, titanium, vanadium, chrome, manganese, iron and nickel content - Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
GB/T 24232-2009 锰矿石和铬矿石 校核取样和制样偏差的试验方法 Manganese and chromium ores - Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling and sample preparation
GB/T 24233-2009 锰矿石和铬矿石 评定品质波动和校核取样精密度的试验方法 Manganese and chromium ores - Experimental methods for evaluation of quality variation and methods for checking the precision of sampling
GB/T 24234-2009 铸铁 多元素含量的测定 火花放电原子发射光谱法(常规法) Cast iron - Determination of multi-element contents - Spark discharge atomic emission spectrometric method (Routine method)
GB/T 24235-2009 直接还原炉料用铁矿石 低温还原粉化率和金属化率的测定 气体直接还原法 Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks - Determination of the low temperature reduction-disintegration index and degree of metallization
GB/T 24236-2009 直接还原炉用铁矿石 还原指数、最终还原度和金属化率的测定 Iron ores for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks - Determination of the reducibility index, final degree of reduction and degree of metallization
GB/T 24237-2009 直接还原炉料用铁矿球团 成团性的测定方法 Iron ore pellets for shaft direct-reduction feedstocks - Determination of the clustering index
GB/T 24238-2009 预应力钢丝及钢绞线用热轧盘条 Hot rolled wire rod for prestressed steel
GB/T 24239-2009 直接还原铁和热压铁块 取样和制样方法 Direct reduced iron and hot briquetted iron - Sampling and sample preparation
GB/T 24240-2009 直接还原铁 热压铁块(HBI)表观密度和吸水率的测定 Direct reduced iron - Determination of apparent density and water absorption of hot briquetted iron (HBI)
GB/T 24241-2009 直接还原铁 热压铁块转鼓和耐磨指数的测定 Direct reduced iron - Determination of the tumble and abrasion indices of hot briquetted iron(HBI)
GB/T 24243-2009 铬矿石 采取份样 Chromium ores - Increment sampling
GB/T 24244-2009 铁氧体用氧化铁 Iron oxide for ferrite
GB/T 24245-2009 橡胶履带用钢帘线 Steel cord for rubber track
GB/T 24246-2009 放射性物质与特殊核材料监测系统 Radioactive and special nuclear material monitoring systems
GB/T 24247-2009 测定放射性核素用电离室系统的校准和使用 Calibration and usage of ionization chamber systems for assay of radionuclides
GB/T 24248-2009 纺织品 合成革用非织造基布 Textiles - Nonwovens for synthetic leather
GB/T 24249-2009 防静电洁净织物 Antistatic fabric for cleanroom garment system
GB/T 24250-2009 机织物 疵点的描述 术语 Woven fabrics - Description of defects - Vocabulary
GB/T 24251-2009 针织 基本概念 术语 Knitting - Basic concepts - Vocabulary
GB/T 24252-2009 蚕丝被 Silk quilts
GB/T 24253-2009 纺织品 防螨性能的评价 Textiles - Evaluation for anti-mites activity
GB/T 24254-2009 纺织品和服装 冷环境下需求热阻的确定 Textile and clothing - Determination and interpretation of cold stress when using required clothing insulation (IREQ) and local cooling effects
GB/T 24255-2009 沙化土地监测技术规程 Technical code of practice on the sandified land monitoring
GB/T 24256-2009 产品生态设计通则 General principle and requirements of eco-design for products
GB/T 24257-2009 石油天然气工业 功能规范的内容与编写 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Content and drafting of a functional specification
GB/T 24258-2009 石油天然气工业 技术规范的内容与编写 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Content and drafting of a technical specification
GB/T 24259-2009 石油天然气工业 管道输送系统 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems
GB/T 24260-2009 石油地震检波器 Petroleum seismic geophone
GB/T 24262-2009 石油物探仪器环境试验及可靠性要求 Environmental tests and reliability for petroleum geophysical exploration instrument
GB/T 24263-2009 石油钻井指重表 Drilling weight indicating system
GB/T 24267-2009 建筑用阻燃密封胶 Building sealants for fire resistance
GB/T 24268-2009 银氧化锡电触头材料化学分析方法 Test methods for chemical analysis of silver-tin oxide electric contact material
GB/T 24269-2009 铜铬铁电触头技术条件 Specification for CuCrFe electric contact material
GB/T 24270-2009 永磁材料磁性能温度系数测量方法 Method of measurement of temperature coefficient of magnetic properties of permanent magnetic materials
GB/T 24271-2009 热双金属条形元件技术条件 Specification for strip component of thermostat metals
GB/T 24272-2009 热双金属平螺旋形元件机械转矩率试验方法 Test method for mechanical torque rate of spiral coils of thermostat metal
GB/T 24273-2009 电触头材料电性能试验方法 Test method for electrical properties of electrical contact materials
GB/T 24274-2009 低压抽出式成套开关设备和控制设备 Low-voltage withdrawable switchgear and controlgear assemblies
GB/T 24275-2009 低压固定封闭式成套开关设备和控制设备 Low-voltage fixed connection enclosed switchgear and controlgear assemblies
GB/T 24276-2009 评估部分型式试验的低压成套开关设备和控制设备(PTTA)温升的外推法 A method of temperature-rise assessment by extrapolation for partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) of low-voltage switchgear and controlgear
GB/T 24277-2009 评估部分型式试验成套设备(PTTA)短路耐受强度的一种方法 A method for assessing the short-circuit withstand strength of partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA)
GB/T 24278-2009 摩托车手防护服装 Protective clothing for professional motorcycle riders
GB/T 24279-2009 纺织品 禁/限用阻燃剂的测定 Textiles - Determination of the banned/limited flame retardants
GB/T 24280-2009 纺织品 维护标签上维护符号选择指南 Textiles - Guide to the selection of care symbols in care labeling
GB/T 24281-2009 纺织品 有机挥发物的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Textiles - Determination of volatile organic compounds - Gas chromatography/mass spectrography
GB/T 24282-2009 塑料 聚丙烯中二甲苯可溶物含量的测定 Plastics - Determination of xylene-soluble matter in polypropylene
GB/T 24283-2009 蜂胶 Propolis
GB/T 24285-2009 晒图原纸 Base paper for diazotype
GB/T 24286-2009 黑色不透光包装纸 Black light-proof packaging paper
GB/T 24287-2009 伸性纸袋纸 Extensible bag paper
GB/T 24288-2009 纸和纸板 主波长和兴奋纯度的测定 D65/10°漫反射法 Paper and board - Determination of dominant wavelength and excitation purity - D65/10°diffuse reflectance method
GB/T 24289-2009 纸和纸板 镜面光泽度的测定 平行光束75°,DIN法 Paper and board - Measurement of specular gloss - 75°gloss with a parallel beam, DIN method
GB/T 24290-2009 造纸用成形网、干燥网测量方法 Measurement of paper machine forming wire and dryer
GB/T 24291-2009 纸和纸板 卷筒纸芯内径的规定 Paper and board - Specification for internal diameters of cores for reels
GB/T 24292-2009 卫生用品用无尘纸 Sanitary product - air-laid
GB/T 24293-2009 数控恒温水嘴 Digital thermostatic faucet
GB/T 24295-2009 住宅信报箱 Private mail boxes of residential buildings
GB/T 24296-2009 烧结软磁材料技术条件 Standard specifications for sintered soft magnetic materials
GB/T 24297-2009 热双金属螺旋形元件热偏转率试验方法 The test method for thermal deflection rate of spiral and helix coils of thermostat bimetal
GB/T 24298-2009 热双金属横向弯曲试验方法 Standard test method for cross curvature of thermostat metals
GB/T 24299-2009 热双金属碟形元件机械寿命试验方法 Test method for the mechanical life of snap action discs of thermostat bimetal
GB/T 24300-2009 铜钨电触头缺陷检测方法 Test method of flaws of Cu-W contact
GB/T 24301-2009 氢化蓖麻籽油 Hydrogenated castor oil
GB/T 24302-2009 粮油检验 大米颜色黄度指数测定 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of rice yellow-coloured index
GB/T 24303-2009 粮油检验 小麦粉蛋糕烘焙品质试验 海绵蛋糕法 Inspection of grain and oils - Method for cake-making of wheat flour - Sponge cake
GB/T 24304-2009 动植物油脂 茴香胺值的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of anisidine value
GB/T 24305-2009 杜仲产品质量等级 Grading of product quality for eucommia
GB/T 24306-2009 红松种仁 Korean pine kernel
GB/T 24307-2009 山核桃产品质量等级 Quality grades of products for carya cathayensis sarg
GB/T 24308-2009 烟草种子繁育技术规程 Rules for tobacco seed propagation technology
GB/T 24309-2009 烟草国外引种技术规程 Rules for tobacco introduction techniques from abroad
GB/T 24310-2009 烟草及烟草制品 转基因检测方法 Tobacco and tobacco products - Detecting method of genetically modified organism contents
GB/T 24311-2009 组合式包装箱用胶合板 Plywood for foldable packing cases
GB/T 24312-2009 水泥刨花板 Cement bonded particleboard
GB/T 24313-2009 蜂蜡中石蜡的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Determination of olefin in beeswax - Gas chromatographic-Mass spectrum method
GB/T 24314-2009 蜂蜡 Beeswax
GB/T 24316-2009 致命鹅膏的物种鉴定 Identification of amanita exitialis
GB/T 24317-2009 拉伸羊毛毛条 Stretch wool top
GB/T 24318-2009 杜马斯燃烧法测定饲料原料中总氮含量及粗蛋白质的计算 Determination of total nitrogen content in animal feeding stuffs by combustion according to the dumas principle and calculation of the crude protein content
GB/T 24319-2009 釜用高压机械密封技术条件 Technical conditions of cauldron-using mechanical seal for high pressure
GB/T 24320-2009 回用纤维浆 Recycled fiber pulp
GB/T 24321-2009 未漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆 Unbleached sulphate softwood pulp
GB/T 24322-2009 漂白硫酸盐竹浆 Bleached sulphate bamboo pulp
GB/T 24323-2009 纸浆 实验室纸页 物理性能的测定 Pulps - Laboratory sheets - Determination of physical properties
GB/T 24324-2009 纸浆 物理试验用实验室纸页的制备 常规纸页成型器法 Pulps - Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing - Conventional sheet-former method
GB/T 24325-2009 纸浆 实验室打浆 瓦利(valley)打浆机法 Pulps - Laboratory beating - Valley beater method
GB/T 24326-2009 纸浆 物理试验用实验室纸页的制备 快速凯塞法 Pulps - Preparation of laboratory sheets for physical testing - Rapid-Kothen method
GB/T 24327-2009 纸浆 实验室湿解离 化学浆解离 Pulps - Laboratory wet disintegration - Disintegration of chemical pulps
GB/T 24329-2009 出口儿童高椅安全要求及测试方法 Safety requirements and test methods of children’s high chairs for export
GB/T 24331-2009 制革用粉状铬鞣剂 Chrome powder for tanning
GB/T 24332-2009 毛细管超高压汞灯 Capillary ultra-high-pressure mercury vapor lamps
GB/T 24333-2009 金属卤化物灯(钠铊铟系列) 性能要求 Metal halide lamps (NaI-TlI-InI3 series) - Performance requirements
GB/T 24334-2009 聚偏二氯乙烯(PVDC)自粘性食品包装膜 Polyvinylidene chloride (PVDC) cling wrap film for food-packaging
GB/T 24335-2009 建(构)筑物地震破坏等级划分 Classification of earthquake damage to buildings and special structures
GB/T 24336-2009 生命线工程地震破坏等级划分 Classification of earthquake damage to lifeline engineering
GB/T 24337-2009 电能质量 公用电网间谐波 Power quality - Interharmonics in public supply network
GB/T 24340-2009 工业机械电气图用图形符号 Graphical symbols for use on electrical diagram of industrial machines
GB/T 24341-2009 工业机械电气设备 电气图、图解和表的绘制 Electrical equipment of industrial machines drawing of electrical diagrams, figure and table
GB/T 24342-2009 工业机械电气设备 保护接地电路连续性试验规范 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Continuity of the protective bonding circuit test specifications
GB/T 24343-2009 工业机械电气设备 绝缘电阻试验规范 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - Insulation resistance test specifications
GB/T 24344-2009 工业机械电气设备 耐压试验规范 Electrical equipment of industrial machines - High-voltage test specifications
GB/T 24345-2009 机织用筒子染色纱线 Package dyed yarns for woven
GB/T 24346-2009 纺织品 防霉性能的评价 Textiles - Evaluation for anti-mould activity
GB/T 24347-2009 电动汽车DC/DC变换器 The DC/DC converter for electric vehicles
GB/T 24351-2009 立式逆流颗粒冷却器 通用技术规范 Universal technical specifications for vertical counter-flow - Pellet feed coolers
GB/T 24352-2009 饲料加工设备图形符号 Graphical symbols for feed processing equipment
GB/T 24353-2009 风险管理 原则与实施指南 Risk management - Principles and guidelines on implementation
GB/T 24354-2009 公共地理信息通用地图符号 Common map symbols for the public geographical information
GB/T 24355-2009 地理信息 图示表达 Geographic information - Portrayal
GB/T 24356-2009 测绘成果质量检查与验收 Specifications for quality inspection and acceptance of surveying and mapping products
GB/T 24358-2009 物流中心分类与基本要求 Classification and fundamental requirements of logistics center
GB/T 24359-2009 第三方物流服务质量要求 Quality requirements for third party logistics service
GB/T 24360-2009 多式联运服务质量要求 Requirements on service quality of multimodal transport
GB/T 24361-2009 社会物流统计指标体系 Social logistics system of statistical indicators
GB/T 24362-2009 地震公共信息图形符号与标志 Public information graphical symbols and signs on earthquake administration
GB/T 24363-2009 信息安全技术 信息安全应急响应计划规范 Information security technology - Specifications of emergency response plan for information security
GB/T 24365-2009 通信用光电探测器组件测试方法 Testing methods of optoelectronic detector module for communication
GB/T 24366-2009 通信用光电探测器组件技术要求 Technical requirements of optoelectronic detector module for communication
GB/T 24368-2009 玻璃表面疏水污染物检测 接触角测量法 Test method for hydrophobic contamination on glass by contact angle measurement
GB/T 24370-2009 硒化镉量子点纳米晶体表征 紫外-可见吸收光谱方法 Characterization of CdSe quantum dot nanocrystals - UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy
GB/T 24371-2009 纺纱准备、纺纱和并(捻)机械 环锭纺、并、捻锭子用筒管 锥度1∶38和1∶64 Spinning preparatory, spinning and doubling (twisting) machinery - Tubes for ring-spinning, doubling and twisting spindles, taper 1:38 and 1:64
GB/T 24372-2009 纺织机械与附件 卷绕纱线用筒管 名称 Textile machinery and accessories - Types of formers for yarn packages - Nomenclature
GB/T 24373-2009 纺织机械与附件 梳理机用隔距片 Textile machinery and accessories - Card gauges
GB/T 24374-2009 纺织机械与附件 纺纱机械 粗纱筒管 Textile machinery and accessories - Spinning machines - Flyer bobbins
GB/T 24375-2009 纺织机械与附件 牵伸装置用下罗拉 Textile machinery and accessories - Bottom fluter rollers for drafting systems
GB/T 24376-2009 纺织机械与附件 纺纱准备和纺纱机械 上罗拉包覆物的主要尺寸 Textile machinery and accessories - Spinning preparatory and spinning machinery - Main dimensions of coverings for top rollers
GB/T 24377-2009 纺织机械与附件 金属针布 尺寸定义、齿型和包卷 Textile machinery and accessories - Metallic card clothing - Definitions of dimensions, types and mounting
GB/T 24378-2009 纺织机械与附件 非自动穿经织机用停经片 Texile machinery and accessories - Drop wires for warp stop motions for weaving machines without automatic drawing-in
GB/T 24379-2009 纺织机械与附件 自动穿经织机用停经片 Textile machinery and accessories - Drop wires for warp stop motions for weaving machines with automatic drawing-in
GB/T 24380-2009 纺织机械与附件 织机综框用钢丝综 Textile machinery and accessories - Twin wire healds for weaving machines with heald frames
GB/T 24381-2009 纺织机械与附件 提花织造用镶入综眼的钢丝综 Textile machinery and accessories - Twin wire healds with inset mail for jacquard weaving
GB/T 24382-2009 纺织机械与附件 喷气织机用异型筘 尺寸 Textile machinery and accessories - Profile reeds for air jet weaving machines - Dimensions
GB/T 24392-2009 灯头温升的测量方法 Standard method of measurement of lamp cap temperature rise
GB/T 24393-2009 非正常成品纸和纸板规范 Criterion of non-prime paper and paperboard
GB/T 24394-2009 非正常成品纸和纸板的检验 Inspection for non-prime paper and paperboard
GB/T 24395-2009 食品工业用吸附树脂 Adsorption resin for food industrial use
GB/T 24396-2009 食品工业用吸附树脂产品测定方法 Test method of adsorption resin for food industrial use
GB/T 24397-2009 螺旋挤压式多功能粉丝机 Screw and squeeze multifunction vermicelli machinery
GB/T 24398-2009 植物纤维一次性筷子 Disposable plant fiber chopsticks
GB/T 24399-2009 黄豆酱 Soybean paste
GB/T 24400-2009 食品冷库HACCP应用规范 The evaluating rule on the HACCP certification of food freezer
GB/T 24401-2009 α-淀粉酶制剂 Alpha-amylase preparation
GB/T 24402-2009 豆豉鲮鱼罐头 Canned frying mud carps with fermented soybean
GB/T 24403-2009 金枪鱼罐头 Canned tuna
GB/T 24404-2009 化妆品中需氧嗜温性细菌的检测和计数法 Enumeration and detection of aerobic mesophilic bacteria in cosmetics
GB/T 24411-2009 摩擦材料用酚醛树脂 Phenolic resin for friction materials
GB/T 24412-2009 磨料磨具用酚醛树脂 Phenolic resins for abrasives
GB/T 24413-2009 铸造用酚脲烷树脂 Phenolic urethane resin for foundry
GB/T 24414-2009 银盐(CTP)版 Silver halid diffusion CTP plates
GB/T 24415-2009 2-萘胺-4,8-二磺酸(氨基C酸) 2-Naphthylamine-4,8-disulfonic acid (Amino C acid )
GB/T 24416-2009 二环戊基二甲氧基硅烷 Di-cyclopentyl-di-methoxysilane
GB/T 24417-2009 聚氯乙烯保鲜膜中己二酸二异壬酯的测定 气相色谱法 Determination of diisononyl adipate in PVC wrap films - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 24419-2009 中华人民共和国国际道路运输车辆国籍识别标志 Nationality identification for international road transportation vehicle of the People's Republic of China
GB/T 24420-2009 供应链风险管理指南 Supply chain risk management guideline
GB/T 24422-2009 信息与文献 档案纸 耐久性和耐用性要求 Information and documentation - Archival paper - Requirements for permanence and durability
GB/T 24423-2009 信息与文献 文献用纸 耐久性要求 Information and documentation - Paper for documents - Requirements for permanence
GB/T 24424-2009 馆藏说明 Holdings statements
GB/T 24431-2009 假肢、矫形器装配机构设施设备 Equipment and facilities in the prostheses and orthoses fitting units
GB/T 24432-2009 假肢费用赔偿鉴定 Appraisal of compensating for prostheses expenses
GB/T 24433-2009 老年人、残疾人康复服务信息规范 Rehabilitation service information guidelines for the old and individuals with disabilities
GB/T 24434-2009 座便椅(凳) Commode chairs
GB/T 24435-2009 中国手语基本手势 Basic signs of chinese sign language
GB/T 24437-2009 假肢矫形器生产装配机构的等级划分 Division of producing and assembling institution grade for prosthetics and orthotics
GB/T 24439-2009 救灾物资储备库管理规范 Management specification of relief supplies reserve base
GB/T 24440-2009 社会捐助基本术语 Basic terms on donation
GB/T 24441-2009 殡葬服务从业人员资质条件 Skill qualification for funeral practitioners
GB/T 24443-2009 毛条、洗净毛疵点及重量试验方法 Test methods for weight, neps of top and scoured wool
GB/T 24444-2009 电渣重熔结晶器 Electroslag remelting mould
GB/T 24445-2009 单螺杆饲料原料膨化机 Single-screw feedstuff extruder
GB/T 24446-2009 铁木贴花衬纸 Decalcomania facing paper
GB/T 24447-2009 纸浆 纤维粗度的测定 偏振光法 Pulp - Determination of fiber coarseness - Polarized light method
GB/T 24448-2009 废旧钢筋制钉机 Scrap steel nail-making machine
GB/T 24449-2009 导热油烘缸 Heat-transfer oil dryers
GB/T 24450-2009 社会经济目标分类与代码 Classification and codes of socio-economic objectives
GB/T 24451-2009 慢回弹软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料 Low resilience flexible polyether polyurethane cellular plastics
GB/T 24452-2009 建筑物内排污、废水(高、低温)用氯化聚氯乙烯(PVC-C)管材和管件 Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature)inside buildings - Chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride)(PVC-C)
GB/T 24453-2009 酒店客房用易耗塑料制品 Plastic products used in guestroom of hotel
GB/T 24454-2009 塑料垃圾袋 Plastic refuse sack
GB/T 24455-2009 擦手纸 Hand towel
GB/T 24456-2009 高密度聚乙烯硅芯管 High-density polyethylene silicore plastic duct
GB/T 24457-2009 金属卤化物灯(稀土系列) 性能要求 Metal halide lamps (Rare-earth series) - Performance requirements
GB/T 24458-2009 陶瓷金属卤化物灯 性能要求 Ceramic metal-halide lamps - Performance specifications
GB/T 24465-2009 健康信息学 健康指标概念框架 Health informatics - Health indicators conceptual framework
GB/T 24466-2009 健康信息学 电子健康记录体系架构需求 Health informatics - Requirements for an electronic health record architecture
GB/T 24467-2009 通用机械零部件产品数据字典层次结构的构成规则 The rules of constitute hierarchy for product data dictionary of general mechanical parts and components
GB/T 24468-2009 半导体设备可靠性、可用性和维修性(RAM)的定义和测量规范 Specification for definition and measurement of semiconductor equipment reliability, availability, and maintainability(RAM)
GB/T 24469-2009 电子工业用气体 5N氯化氢 Gas for electronic industry - 5N hydrogen chloride
GB/T 24470-2009 中凹形弹簧数控卷簧机 技术条件 General technical requirements of digital-controlled mid-concave spring coiling machine
GB/T 24471-2009 串簧机 技术条件 General technical requirements of spring assembling machine
GB/T 24472-2009 数控袋装弹簧胶粘机 技术条件 General technical requirements of digital-controlled pocket spring assembling machine
GB/T 24473-2009 数控卷簧装袋机 技术条件 General technical requirements of digital-controlled pocket spring machine
GB/T 24474-2009 电梯乘运质量测量 Lifts(elevators)-measurement of lift ride quality
GB/T 24475-2009 电梯远程报警系统 Remote alarm on lifts (elevators)
GB/T 24476-2009 电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道数据监视和记录规范 Specification for data logging and monitoring for lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors
GB/T 24477-2009 适用于残障人员的电梯附加要求 Accessibility to lifts for persons including persons with disability
GB/T 24478-2009 电梯曳引机 Traction machine of electric lifts
GB/T 24479-2009 火灾情况下的电梯特性 Behaviour of lifts in the event of fire
GB/T 24480-2009 电梯层门耐火试验 Landing doors fire resistance test
GB/T 24481-2009 3C产品用镁合金薄板 Magnesium alloys sheets for 3C products
GB/T 24482-2009 焙烧钼精矿 Roasted molybdenum concentrate
GB/T 24483-2009 铝土矿石 Bauxite
GB/T 24484-2009 钼铁试样的采取和制备方法 Sampling and preparation of the ferromolybdenum samples
GB/T 24485-2009 碳化铌粉 Niobium carbide powder
GB/T 24486-2009 线缆编织用铝合金线 Aluminium alloy wires for cable braiding
GB/T 24487-2009 氧化铝 Alumina
GB/T 24488-2009 镁合金牺牲阳极电化学性能测试方法 Test method for electrochemical properties of magnesium alloys sacrificial anode
GB/T 24489-2009 用能产品能效指标编制通则 General principles of stipulation for energy efficiency requirements of energy consuming products
GB/T 24490-2009 多壁碳纳米管纯度的测量方法 Test method for purity of multi-walled carbon nanotubes
GB/T 24491-2009 多壁碳纳米管 Multi-walled carbon nanotubes
GB/T 24492-2009 非承重混凝土空心砖 Nonload bearing concrete hollow brick
GB/T 24493-2009 装饰混凝土砖 Decorative concrete brick
GB/T 24494-2009 门两侧在不同气候条件下的变形检测方法 Deformation test method for doors between two different climates
GB/T 24495-2009 承重墙与混凝土楼板间的水平接缝 实验室力学试验 由楼板传来的垂直荷载和弯矩的影响 Horizontal joints between load-bearing walls and concrete floors - Laboratory mechanical tests - Effect of vertical loading and of moments transmitted by the floors
GB/T 24496-2009 钢筋混凝土大板间有连接筋并用混凝土浇灌的键槽式竖向接缝 实验室力学试验 平面内切向荷载的影响 Grooved vertical joints with connecting bars and concrete infill between large reinforced concrete panels - Laboratory mechanical tests - Effect of tangential loading
GB/T 24497-2009 建筑物的性能标准 预制混凝土楼板的性能试验 在集中荷载下的工况 Performance standards in building - Performance test for precast concrete floors - Behavior under concentrated load
GB/T 24498-2009 建筑门窗、幕墙用密封胶条 Gaskets for doors , windows and curtain walls of buildings
GB/T 24499-2009 氢气、氢能与氢能系统术语 Technology glossary for gaseous hydrogen, hydrogen energy and hydrogen energy system
GB/T 24503-2009 矿用圆环链驱动链轮 Mining-Drive sprocket for chains (round link)
GB/T 24504-2009 煤层气井注入/压降试井方法 The method of injection/falloff well test for coalbed methane well
GB/T 24505-2009 矿井井下高压含水层探水钻探技术规范 Technical specification of drilling for high pressure aquifer water detection in underground mine
GB/T 24506-2009 液压支架型式、参数及型号编制 Type and specification and model number of powered support
GB/T 24507-2009 浸渍纸层压板饰面多层实木复合地板 Decorative sheets based on thermosetting resins laminated parquet
GB/T 24508-2009 木塑地板 Wood - Plastic composite flooring
GB/T 24509-2009 阻燃木质复合地板 Composite wood floor of fire retardant
GB/T 24514-2009 钢表面锌基和(或)铝基镀层 单位面积镀层质量和化学成分测定 重量法、电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法和火焰原子吸收光谱法 Zinc and/or aluminium based coatings on steel - Determination of coating mass per unit area and chemical composition - Gravimetry, inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry and flame atomic absorption spectrometry
GB/T 24515-2009 高炉用铁矿石 用还原速率表示的还原性的测定 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks - Determination of the reducibility by the rate of reduction index
GB/T 24517-2009 金属和合金的腐蚀 户外周期喷淋暴露试验方法 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Outdoors exposure test methods for periodic water spray
GB/T 24518-2009 金属和合金的腐蚀 应力腐蚀室外暴露试验方法 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Test methods for stress corrosion cracking in outdoor environments
GB/T 24519-2009 锰矿石 镁、铝、硅、磷、硫、钾、钙、钛、锰、铁、镍、铜、锌、钡和铅含量的测定 波长色散X射线荧光光谱法 Manganese ores - Determination of magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, calcium, titanium, manganese, iron, nickel, copper, zinc, barium and lead content - Wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method
GB/T 24520-2009 铸铁和低合金钢 镧、铈和镁含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Cast iron and low alloy steel - Determination of lanthanum, cerium and magnesium content - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
GB/T 24521-2009 焦炭电阻率测定方法 Method for the determination of specific resistance of coke
GB/T 24522-2009 金属材料 低拘束试样测定稳定裂纹扩展阻力的试验方法 Metallic materials - Method of test for the determination of resistance to stable crack extension using specimens of low constraint
GB/T 24523-2009 金属材料快速压痕(布氏)硬度试验方法 Test method for rapid indentation (Brinell) hardness testing of metallic materials
GB/T 24524-2009 金属材料 薄板和薄带 扩孔试验方法 Metallic materials - Sheet and strip - Hole expanding test
GB/T 24525-2009 炭素材料电阻率测定方法 Method for determination of specific resistance of carbon materials
GB/T 24526-2009 炭素材料全硫含量测定方法 Carbon materials-determination of the total sulphur content
GB/T 24527-2009 炭素材料内在水分的测定 Carbon materials-determination moisture in air-dried sample
GB/T 24528-2009 炭素材料体积密度测定方法 Carbon materials-determination method of the bulk density
GB/T 24529-2009 炭素材料显气孔率的测定方法 Carbon materials-determination of open porosity
GB/T 24530-2009 高炉用铁矿石 荷重还原性的测定 Iron ores for blast furnace feedstocks - Determination of reduction under load
GB/T 24531-2009 高炉和直接还原用铁矿石 转鼓和耐磨指数的测定 Iron ores for blast furnace and direct reduction feedstocks - Determination of the tumble and abrasion indices
GB/T 24532-2009 微米级羰基铁粉 Micron carbonyl iron powder
GB/T 24533-2009 锂离子电池石墨类负极材料 Graphite negative electrode materials for lithium ion battery
GB/T 24535-2009 粮油检验 稻谷粒型检验方法 Inspection of grain and oil - Determination for ratio of length to width of paddy
GB/T 24536-2009 防护服装 化学防护服的选择、使用和维护 Protective clothing - Selection, use, maintenance of chemical protective clothing
GB/T 24537-2009 坠落防护 带柔性导轨的自锁器 Personal fall protection equipment - Guided type fall arrester including a flexible anchor line
GB/T 24538-2009 坠落防护 缓冲器 Personal fall protection equipment - Energy absorbers
GB/T 24545-2009 车辆车速限制系统技术要求 Requirement of speed limitation system for motor vehicles
GB/T 24546-2009 摩托车重心位置的测量方法 Motorcycles - Measurement method for location of centre of gravity
GB/T 24547-2009 轻便摩托车重心位置的测量方法 Mopeds - Measurement method for location of centre of gravity
GB/T 24548-2009 燃料电池电动汽车 术语 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Terminology
GB/T 24549-2009 燃料电池电动汽车 安全要求 Fuel cell electric vehicles - Safety requirements
GB/T 24550-2009 汽车对行人的碰撞保护 The protection of motor vehicle for pedestrians in the event of a collision
GB/T 24551-2009 汽车安全带提醒装置 Safety belt reminder for motor vehicles
GB/T 24552-2009 电动汽车风窗玻璃除霜除雾系统的性能要求及试验方法 Electric vehicles - Windshield demisters and defrosters system - Performance requirements and test methods
GB/T 24553-2009 摩托车和轻便摩托车转向轮限位装置及最大转向角的技术要求和测定方法 Motorcycles and mopeds-limitative device to steering and maximum wheel steer angle-requirements and measurement methods
GB/T 24554-2009 燃料电池发动机性能试验方法 Performance test methods for fuel cell engines
GB/T 24555-2009 200m氦氧饱和潜水作业要求 Requierments for heliox saturation diving operation to 200m
GB/T 24556-2009 200m氦氧饱和潜水作业应急措施 Emergency measures for heliox saturation diving operation to 200m
GB/T 24557-2009 职业潜水员心理选拔方法及评价 Methods and evaluation for psychological selection of commercial divers
GB/T 24558-2009 声学多普勒流速剖面仪 Acoustic doppler current profiler
GB/T 24559-2009 海洋螺旋桨式风向风速计 Marine propeller anemometer
GB/T 24560-2009 电解、电镀设备节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of electrolyzation and electroplating equipments
GB/T 24561-2009 干燥窑与烘烤炉节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of drying kiln and hot oven
GB/T 24562-2009 燃料热处理炉节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of fuel heat treatment furnace
GB/T 24563-2009 煤气发生炉节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of coal gas generator
GB/T 24564-2009 高炉热风炉节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of hot-air furnace
GB/T 24565-2009 隧道窑节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of tunnel kiln
GB/T 24566-2009 整流设备节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of power convertor equipments
GB/T 24569-2009 地理标志产品 常山山茶油 Product of geographical indication - Changshan camellia seed oil
GB/T 24570-2009 无菌袋成型灌装封口机 Aseptic bag forming-filling-sealing machine
GB/T 24571-2009 PET瓶无菌冷灌装生产线 Aseptic PET bottles cold-filling line
GB/T 24573-2009 金库和档案室门耐火性能试验方法 Fire resistance tests for vault and file room doors
GB/T 24574-2009 硅单晶中Ⅲ-Ⅴ族杂质的光致发光测试方法 Test methods for photoluminescence analysis of single crystal silicon for III-V impurities
GB/T 24575-2009 硅和外延片表面Na、Al、K和Fe的二次离子质谱检测方法 Test method for measuring surface sodium,aluminum,potassium,and iron on silicon and epi substrates by secondary ion mass spectrometry
GB/T 24576-2009 高分辩率X射线衍射测量GaAs衬底生长的AlGaAs中Al成分的试验方法 Test method for measuring the Al fraction in AlGaAs on GaAs substrates by high resolution X-ray diffraction
GB/T 24577-2009 热解吸气相色谱法测定硅片表面的有机污染物 Test methods for analyzing organic contaminants on silicon wafer surfaces by thermal desorption gas chromatography
GB/T 24578-2009 硅片表面金属沾污的全反射X光荧光光谱测试方法 Test method for measuring surface metal contamination on silicon wafers by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
GB/T 24579-2009 酸浸取 原子吸收光谱法测定多晶硅表面金属污染物 Test method for measuring surface metal contamination of polycrystalline silicon by acid extraction-atomic absorption spectroscopy
GB/T 24580-2009 重掺n型硅衬底中硼沾污的二次离子质谱检测方法 Test method for measuring boron contamination in heavily doped n-type silicon substrates by secondary ion mass spectrometry
GB/T 24581-2009 低温傅立叶变换红外光谱法测量硅单晶中III、V族杂质含量的测试方法 Test method for low temperature FT-IR analysis of single crystal silicon for Ⅲ-Ⅴ impurities
GB/T 24582-2009 酸浸取 电感耦合等离子质谱仪测定多晶硅表面金属杂质 Test method for measuring surface metal contamination of polycrystalline silicon by acid extraction-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
GB/T 24584-2009 金属材料 拉伸试验 液氦试验方法 Metallic materials - Tensile testing - Method of test in liquid helium
GB/T 24585-2009 镍铁 磷、锰、铬、铜、钴和硅含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Ferronickel - Determination of phosphorus, manganese, chromium, copper, cobalt and silicon contents - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
GB/T 24586-2009 铁矿石 表观密度、真密度和孔隙率的测定 Iron ores - Determination of apparent density,true density and porosity
GB/T 24587-2009 预应力混凝土钢棒用热轧盘条 Hot-rolled wire rods for prestressing steel bars of concrete
GB/T 24588-2009 不锈弹簧钢丝 Stainless steel wires for spring
GB/T 24590-2009 高效换热器用特型管 Enhanced tubes for efficient heat exchanger
GB/T 24591-2009 高压给水加热器用无缝钢管 Seamless steel tubes for high pressure feedwater heater
GB/T 24592-2009 聚乙烯用高压合金钢管 High pressure alloy steel tubes for polyethylene service
GB/T 24593-2009 锅炉和热交换器用奥氏体不锈钢焊接钢管 Welded austenitic stainless steel tubes for boiler and heat-exchanger
GB/T 24594-2009 优质合金模具钢 Quality alloy mould steels
GB/T 24595-2009 调质汽车曲轴用钢棒 Steel bar for quenched and tempered automotive crankshaft
GB/T 24596-2009 球墨铸铁管和管件 聚氨酯涂层 Ductile iron pipes and fittings - Polyurethane coatings
GB/T 24597-2009 铬锰钨系抗磨铸铁件 Cr-Mn-W series of abrasion resistant iron castings
GB/T 24598-2009 铝及铝合金熔化焊焊工技能评定 Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding for aluminium and aluminium alloys
GB/T 24599-2009 室内木质地板安装配套材料 Accessories for laying interior wooden flooring
GB/T 24600-2009 城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 土地改良用泥质 Disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant - Quality of sludge used in land improvement
GB/T 24601-2009 建筑窗用内平开下悬五金系统 Building hardware for windows-tilt and turn hardware system
GB/T 24602-2009 城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 单独焚烧用泥质 Disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant - Quality of sludge used in separate incineration
GB/T 24603-2009 箱式叠压给水设备 Boosting pressure water supply equipment for rectangular tank
GB/T 24604-2009 滚动轴承 机床丝杠用推力角接触球轴承 Rolling bearings - Angular contact thrust ball bearings used for machine tool
GB/T 24605-2009 滚动轴承 产品标志 Rolling bearings - Marking for products
GB/T 24606-2009 滚动轴承 无损检测 磁粉检测 Rolling bearings - Non-destructive testing - Magnetic particle testing
GB/T 24607-2009 滚动轴承 寿命与可靠性试验及评定 Rolling bearings - Test and assessment for life and reliability
GB/T 24608-2009 滚动轴承及其商品零件检验规则 Inspection rules for rolling bearings and commercial parts
GB/T 24609-2009 滚动轴承 额定热转速 计算方法和系数 Rolling bearings - Thermal speed rating - Calculation and coefficients
GB/T 24611-2009 滚动轴承 损伤和失效 术语、特征及原因 Rolling bearings - Damage and failures - Terms,characteristics and causes
GB/T 24614-2009 紧压茶原料要求 Requirements for material of brick tea
GB/T 24615-2009 紧压茶生产加工技术规范 The technique specification for producing and manufacturing of brick tea
GB/T 24616-2009 冷藏食品物流包装、标志、运输和储存 Packaging,labeling,transport and storage for refrigerated foods in logistics
GB/T 24617-2009 冷冻食品物流包装、标志、运输和储存 Packaging, labeling, transport and storage for frozen foods in logistics
GB/T 24618-2009 常规分析用吸烟机 附加测试方法 Routine analytical cigarette-smoking machine - Additional test methods
GB/T 24619-2009 曲线齿同步带传动 Curvilinear toothed synchronous belt drives
GB/T 24620-2009 服务标准制定导则 考虑消费者需求 Development of service standards - Recommendations for addressing consumer issues
GB/T 24622-2009 绝缘子表面湿润性测量导则 Guidance on the measurement of wettability of insulator surfaces
GB/T 24623-2009 高压绝缘子无线电干扰试验 Radio interference test on high-voltage insulators
GB/T 24624-2009 绝缘套管 油为主绝缘(通常为纸)浸渍介质套管中溶解气体分析(DGA)的判断导则 Insulated bushings - Guide for the interpretation of dissolved gas analysis(DGA)in bushings where oil is the impregnating medium of the main insulation(generally paper)
GB/T 24625-2009 变频器供电同步电动机设计与应用指南 Cuide for the design and application of synchronous motors for converter supply
GB/T 24626-2009 耐爆炸设备 Explosion resistant equipment
GB/T 24628-2009 医疗保健产品灭菌 生物与化学指示物 测试设备 Sterilization of health care products - Biological and chemical indicators - Test equipment
GB/T 24629-2009 外科植入物 矫形外科植入物维护和操作指南 Implants for surgery - Guidance on care and handling of orthopaedic implants
GB/T 24634-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) GPS 测量设备通用概念和要求 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - General concepts and requirements for GPS measuring equipment
GB/T 24639-2009 元数据的XML Schema置标规则 XML Schema marking rules for metadata
GB/T 24640-2009 水旱两用拖拉机 通用技术条件 Tractors for paddy and dry field - Specifications
GB/T 24641-2009 带作业机具的拖拉机机组 通用技术条件 Tractors equipped with implements - General requirement
GB/T 24642-2009 皮带传动轮式拖拉机 磨合规程 Running-in procedures for belt-driven wheeled tractors
GB/T 24643-2009 拖拉机机组田间作业耗油量 试验方法 Fuel consumption of tractor set during field operation - Test methods
GB/T 24644-2009 农林拖拉机落物防护装置 试验方法和性能要求 Testing method and performance requirement of falling object protective - Structures on agricultural and forestry tractors
GB/T 24645-2009 拖拉机防泥水密封性 试验方法 slush seal performance of tractors - Test procedures
GB/T 24646-2009 拖拉机标定功率 测试方法 Tractor declared power - Test methods
GB/T 24647-2009 拖拉机适应性评价方法 Adaptability evaluation of tractors
GB/T 24650-2009 拖拉机花键轴 技术条件 Agricultural tractor spline shaft - Specifications
GB/T 24651-2009 拖拉机变速拨叉 技术条件 Specifications - Tractor shifting forks
GB/T 24652-2009 轮式拖拉机转向摇臂 技术条件 Steering rocking arm of wheeled tractors - Specifications
GB/T 24653-2009 农业轮式拖拉机半轴 技术条件 Half-axle of agricultural wheeled tractors - Specifications
GB/T 24654-2009 农业轮式拖拉机及附加装置 前装载装置 连接支架 Agricultural wheeled tractors and attachment - Front loaders - Carriages for attachments
GB/T 24655-2009 农业拖拉机 牵引农具用分置式液压油缸 Agricultural tractors - Remote control hydraulic cylinders for trailed implements
GB/T 24656-2009 拖拉机用柴油滤清器 技术条件 Diesel filter of tractors - Specifications
GB/T 24657-2009 拖拉机铸铁轮辋 技术条件 Cast iron rim of tractors - Specifications
GB/T 24658-2009 拖拉机排气消声器 技术条件 Exhaust silencers of tractor - Specifications
GB/T 24662-2009 电子商务 产品核心元数据 Electronic commerce - Core metadata for product
GB/T 24663-2009 电子商务 企业核心元数据 Electronic commerce - Core metadata for enterprise
GB/T 24664-2009 工业用大功率激光器光束质量测试评定方法 Evaluation and measurement method for beam quality of high power laser system for industry manufacturing
GB/T 24665-2009 偏光显微镜 Polarizing microscope
GB/T 24666-2009 农用花键轴 技术条件 Spline shaft used in agricultural machinery - Specification
GB/T 24668-2009 农林拖拉机和机具 副液压系统 Agricultural and forestry tractors and Implements - Hydraulic power beyond
GB/T 24669-2009 农林拖拉机和机械 驾驶员操作位置用附属电力传输联接器 Tractors and machinery for agricultural and forestry - Auxiliary- power transmission connector for the operator station
GB/T 24670-2009 节水灌溉设备 词汇 Water -saving irrigation equipment - Vocabulary
GB/T 24671-2009 农业灌溉设备 承压灌溉系统图形符号 Agricultural irrigation equipment - Graphical symbols for pressurized irrigation systems
GB/T 24672-2009 喷灌用金属薄壁管及管件 The metal thin-wall tube and its accessories for sprinkling irrigation
GB/T 24673-2009 小型汽油机直联高速离心泵 Small-size gasoline engine direct-link high speed centrifugal pumps
GB/T 24674-2009 污水污物潜水电泵 Waste submersible motor-pumps
GB/T 24676-2009 振动深松挖掘机 Vibratory subsoiling excavator
GB/T 24680-2009 农用喷雾机 喷杆稳定性 试验方法 Agricultural sprayers - Boom steadiness - Test methods
GB/T 24681-2009 植物保护机械 喷雾飘移的田间测量方法 Equipment for crop protection - Methods for field measurement of spray drift
GB/T 24683-2009 植物保护机械 灌木和乔木作物用风送式喷雾机 试验方法 Equipment for crop protection - Test methods for air-assisted sprayers for bush and tree crops
GB/T 24685-2009 水田平地搅浆机 Flatting and puddling paddy field machine
GB/T 24686-2009 水稻割捆机 Rice binder
GB/T 24687-2009 微型谷物风选机 Minitype grains winnower
GB/T 24688-2009 动物防疫消毒机 试验方法 Equipment for animal disinfection machinery - Test methods
GB/T 24690-2009 袋泡茶 Teabag
GB/T 24691-2009 果蔬清洗剂 Cleaning agent for fruit and vegetable
GB/T 24692-2009 表面活性剂 家庭机洗餐具用洗涤剂 性能比较试验导则 Surface active agents - Detergents for domestic machine dishwashing - Guider for comparative testing of performance
GB/T 24693-2009 聚丙烯饮用吸管 Polypropylene drinking straw
GB/T 24694-2009 玻璃容器 白酒瓶 Glass containers - Chinese spirits bottle
GB/T 24695-2009 食品包装用玻璃纸 Cellophane used for food packaging
GB/T 24696-2009 食品包装用羊皮纸 Food parchment
GB/T 24697-2009 湘西黑猪 Xiangxi black pig
GB/T 24698-2009 攸县麻鸭 Youxian duke
GB/T 24699-2009 四川白鹅 Sichuan white goose
GB/T 24700-2010 大蒜 冷藏 Garlic - Cold storage
GB/T 24701-2009 百色马 Baise horse
GB/T 24702-2009 藏鸡 Tibetan chicken
GB/T 24703-2009 岔口驿马 Chakouyi horse
GB/T 24704-2009 金定鸭 Jinding duck
GB/T 24705-2009 狼山鸡 Langshan chicken
GB/T 24706-2009 连城白鸭 Liancheng white duck
GB/T 24707-2009 邵伯鸡(配套系) Shaobo chicken (Commercial line)
GB/T 24708-2009 湿地分类 Wetland classification
GB/T 24709-2009 收缩包装机 Shrink wrapping machine
GB/T 24710-2009 地理标志产品 坦洋工夫 Product of geographical indication - Tanyang gongfu tea
GB/T 24711-2009 连续热成型真空(充气)包装机 Continuous thermoforming vacuum and vacuum - gas flushing packaging machine
GB/T 24712-2009 地理标志产品 宝清大白板南瓜籽 Product of geographical indication - Baoqing pumpkin seed
GB/T 24714-2009 氧气浓缩器 Oxygen concentrator
GB/T 24715-2009 氧源转换器 Oxygen supply convertor
GB/T 24716-2009 公路沿线设施太阳能供电系统通用技术规范 General specifications of solar energy power system for highway facilities
GB/T 24717-2009 道路预成形标线带 Preformed pavement marking tape
GB/T 24718-2009 防眩板 Anti-glare board
GB/T 24719-2009 公路收费亭 Toll booth of highway
GB/T 24720-2009 交通锥 Traffic cones
GB/T 24721.1-2009 公路用玻璃纤维增强塑料产品 第1部分:通则 Glass fiber reinforced plastic product for highway - Part 1: General rule
GB/T 24722-2009 路面标线用玻璃珠 Glass beads for road markings
GB/T 24723-2009 公路收费用票据打印机 Receipt printer for toll collection of highway
GB/T 24724-2009 收费专用键盘 Keyboard for the toll
GB/T 24725-2009 突起路标 Raised pavement markers
GB/T 24726-2009 交通信息采集 视频车辆检测器 Traffic information collection - Video vehicle detector
GB/T 24728-2009 客运索道安全服务质量 Safety and service quality for passenger ropeway
GB/T 24729-2009 客运索道固定抱索器通用技术条件 General technical conditions for fixed grip of passenger ropeway
GB/T 24730-2009 客运索道脱挂抱索器通用技术条件 General technical conditions for detachable grip of passenger ropeway
GB/T 24731-2009 客运索道驱动装置通用技术条件 General technical conditions for drive of passenger ropeway
GB/T 24732-2009 客运索道托(压)索轮通用技术条件 General technical conditions for support (compression) sheave of passenger ropeway
GB/T 24733-2009 等温淬火球墨铸铁件 Austempered ductile iron(ADI) castings
GB/T 24735-2009 机械制造工艺文件编号方法 Numbering method for machine-building technological documentation
GB/T 24738-2009 机械制造工艺文件完整性 Completeness of machine-building technological documentation
GB/T 24739-2009 机械制图 机件上倾斜结构的表示法 Mechanical drawings - Representation for declining component of mechanical parts
GB/T 24740-2009 技术产品文件 机械加工定位、夹紧符号表示法 Technical product documentation - Symbol of mechanical manufacture orientation and clamping
GB/T 24742-2009 技术产品文件 工艺流程图表用图形符号的表示法 Technical product documentation - Graphical symbols for process chart
GB/T 24743-2009 技术产品文件 钢铁零件热处理表示法 Technical product documentation - Heat treated ferrous parts presentation and indications
GB/T 24744-2009 产品几何规范(GPS) 技术产品文件(TPD)中模制件的表示法 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Drawing indications for moulded parts in technical product documentation (TPD)
GB/T 24745-2009 技术产品文件 词汇 图样注语 Technical product documentation - Vocabulary - Drawings note
GB/T 24746-2009 技术制图 粘接、弯折与挤压接合的图形符号表示法 Technical drawings - Symbolic presentation and indication of adhesive, fold and pressed joints
GB/T 24748-2009 往复式内燃机 飞轮 技术条件 Reciprocating internal combustion engines - Flywheels - General specifications
GB/T 24759-2009 柱坐标测量机 Cylindrical coordinate measuring machines
GB/T 24760-2009 铸铁平尺 Cast iron straight edges
GB/T 24761-2009 钢平尺和岩石平尺 Steel and granite straight edges
GB/T 24762-2009 产品几何技术规范(GPS) 影像测量仪的验收检测和复检检测 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Acceptance test and reverification test for video measuring machine
GB/T 24763-2009 泡沫混凝土砌块用钢渣 Steel slag for foamed concrete blocks
GB/T 24764-2009 外墙外保温抹面砂浆和粘结砂浆用钢渣砂 Steel slag sand for polymer modified mortar for external thermal insulation on outer-walls
GB/T 24765-2009 耐磨沥青路面用钢渣 Steel slag for wearing asphalt pave
GB/T 24766-2009 透水沥青路面用钢渣 Steel slag for pervious asphalt pave
GB/T 24767-2009 太阳能重力热管 The gravity heat pipe for solar application
GB/T 24768-2009 工业用1,4 -丁二醇 1,4 - Butanediol for industrial use
GB/T 24769-2009 工业用丙烯酰胺 Acrylamide for industrial use
GB/T 24770-2009 工业用三甲胺 Trimethyl amine for industrial use
GB/T 24771-2009 工业用叔丁胺 Tert-Butylamine for industrial use
GB/T 24772-2009 工业用四氢呋喃 Tetrahydrofuran for industrial use
GB/T 24773-2009 乌索酸纯度的测定 高效液相色谱法 Determination of purity for ursolic acid - High performance liquid chromatographic method
GB/T 24774-2009 化学品分类和危险性象形图标识 通则 Classification and hazard pictograms for chemicals - General specification
GB/T 24775-2009 化学品安全评定规程 Procedure of chemical safety assessment
GB/T 24776-2009 化学物质分组和交叉参照法 Grouping and read-across methods of chemicals
GB/T 24777-2009 化学品理化及其危险性检测实验室安全要求 Safety specification for physico-chemical and dangerous properties testing laboratory of chemicals
GB/T 24778-2009 化学品鉴别指南 Guidance of chemical identification
GB/T 24779-2009 化学品性质(Q)SAR模型的验证指南 卫生毒理性质 Guidance on the validation of (Q)SAR models for chemicals properties - Health effects
GB/T 24780-2009 化学品性质(Q)SAR模型的验证指南 理化性质 Guidance on the validation of (Q)SAR models for chemicals properties - Physicochemical properties
GB/T 24781-2009 化学品性质(Q)SAR模型的验证指南 生态毒理性质 Guidance on the validation of (Q)SAR models for chemicals properties - Ecological effects
GB/T 24782-2009 持久性、生物累积性和毒性物质及高持久性和高生物累积性物质的判定方法 Decision method of persistent,bioaccumulative and toxic substances,and very persistent and very bioaccumulative substances
GB/T 24792-2009 摄影 加工废液 氰化物分析 用光谱法测定六氰合亚铁酸盐(Ⅱ)和六氰合铁酸盐(Ⅲ) Processing photographic wastes - Analysis of cyanides - Determination of hexacyanoferrate(Ⅱ) and hexacyanoferrate(Ⅲ) by spectrometry
GB/T 24793-2009 摄影 加工废液 银含量的测定 Photography - Processing wastes - Determination of silver content
GB/T 24794-2009 照相化学品 有机物中微量元素的分析 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法 Photographic chemicals - Measurement methods of the trace elements in the organic compounds - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES)
GB/T 24796-2009 环己基甲基二甲氧基硅烷 Cyclohexyl-methyl-di-methoxysilane
GB/T 24798-2009 太阳能热水系统用橡胶密封件 Rubber seals for solar water heating system
GB/T 24799-2009 轮胎用特种内胎 Special tyre tube
GB/T 24801-2009 橡胶防焦剂CTP Rubber antiscorching agent CTP
GB/T 24802-2009 橡胶增塑剂A Rubber plasticizer A
GB/T 24807-2009 电磁兼容 电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道的产品系列标准 发射 Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks - Emission
GB/T 24808-2009 电磁兼容 电梯、自动扶梯和自动人行道的产品系列标准 抗扰度 Electromagnetic compatibility - Product family standard for lifts, escalators and moving walks - Immunity
GB/T 24812-2009 4级链条用锻造环眼吊钩 Forged steel lifting hooks with point and eye for use with steel chains of grade 4
GB/T 24813-2009 8级链条用锻造环眼吊钩 Forged steel lifting hooks with point and eye for use with steel chains of grade 8
GB/T 24814-2009 起重用短环链 吊链等用4级普通精度链 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Grade 4,non-calibrated,for chain slings etc.
GB/T 24815-2009 起重用短环链 吊链等用6级普通精度链 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Grade 6,non-calibrated,for chain slings etc.
GB/T 24816-2009 起重用短环链 吊链等用8级普通精度链 Short link chain for lifting purposes - Grade 8,non-calibrated,for chain slings etc.
GB/T 24821-2009 餐桌餐椅 Dining tables and chairs
GB/T 24822-2009 家用和类似用途电器维修故障编码规范 The specifications for household and similar electrical appliances
GB/T 24823-2009 普通照明用LED模块 性能要求 LED-modules for general lighting - Performance requirements
GB/T 24824-2009 普通照明用LED模块测试方法 Measurement methods of LED modules for general lighting
GB/T 24825-2009 LED模块用直流或交流电子控制装置 性能要求 DC or AC supplied electronic control gear for LED modules - Performance requirements
GB/T 24826-2009 普通照明用LED和LED模块术语和定义 Terms and definitions of LEDs and LED modules for general lighting
GB/T 24827-2009 道路与街路照明灯具性能要求 Performance requirements of luminaires for road and street lighting
GB/T 24828-2009 穿刺根腐线虫检疫鉴定方法 Methods for quarantine and identification of Pratylenchus penetrans
GB/T 24829-2009 毛刺线虫属(传毒种类)检疫鉴定方法 Identification of Trichodorus species as virus vectors for import and export quarantine
GB/T 24830-2009 拟毛刺线虫属(传毒种类)检疫鉴定方法 Identification of paratrichodorus species as virus-vectors for import and export quarantine
GB/T 24831-2009 香蕉穿孔线虫检疫鉴定方法 Methods for quarantine and identification of the burrowing nematode, Radopholus similis (Cobb, 1893) Thorne, 1949
GB/T 24832-2009 饲料添加剂 半胱胺盐酸盐β环糊精微粒 Feed additive - Cysteamine hydrochloride beta-cyclodextrin beadlets
GB/T 24833-2009 1000kV变电站监控系统技术规范 Technical specification for 1000kV substation automation system
GB/T 24834-2009 1000kV交流架空输电线路金具技术规范 Technical specification for fittings of 1000kV AC overhead transmission line
GB/T 24851-2010 建筑材料行业能源计量器具配备和管理要求 Specification for equipping and managing of measuring instrument of energy in building material industry
GB/T 24852-2010 大米及米粉糊化特性测定 快速粘度仪法 Determination of the pasting properties of rice - Rapid visco analyzer method
GB/T 24853-2010 小麦、黑麦及其粉类和淀粉糊化特性测定 快速粘度仪法 General pasting method for wheat or rye flour or starch - Using the rapid visco analyzer
GB/T 24854-2010 粮油机械 产品包装通用技术条件 Grain and oil machinery - General specification for product packaging
GB/T 24855-2010 粮油机械 装配通用技术条件 Grain and oil machinery - General technical specification for assembling
GB/T 24856-2010 粮油机械 铸件通用技术条件 Grain and oil machinery - General specifications of casting
GB/T 24857-2010 粮油机械 板件、板型钢构件通用技术条件 Grain and oil machinery - Technical requirements for plates & components of steel of plate model
GB/T 24858-2010 盐田卤虫卵加工技术规范 Processing technology of artemia eggs from salt field
GB/T 24859-2010 魁蚶苗种 Quebec cockles seedling
GB/T 24860-2010 圆斑星鲽 Spotted halibut
GB/T 24861-2010 水产品流通管理技术规范 Code of currency supervise for fishery products
GB/T 24862-2010 畜禽体细胞库检测技术规程 Technical regulation of farm animals somatic cell bank detection
GB/T 24863-2010 畜禽细胞体外培养与冷冻保存技术规程 Technical regulation of farm animals cell culture and cryopreservation
GB/T 24864-2010 鸡胴体分割 Chicken carcass segmentation
GB/T 24865-2010 麦洼牦牛 Maiwa yak
GB/T 24866-2010 牧草及草坪草种子贮藏规范 Rules for forage and turf grass seed storage
GB/T 24867-2010 草种子水分测定 水分仪法 Determination of moisture content of forage seed - Moisture meters method
GB/T 24868-2010 沙打旺种子生产技术规程 Technical rule for Astrogalus adsurgens seed production
GB/T 24869-2010 主要沙生草种子质量分级及检验 Quality grading and testing for main sandy forage seed
GB/T 24870-2010 粮油检验 大豆粗蛋白质、粗脂肪含量的测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Crude protein and crude fat determination in soybean - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24871-2010 粮油检验 小麦粉粗蛋白质含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Crude protein determination in wheat flour - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24872-2010 粮油检验 小麦粉灰分含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of ash content in wheat flour - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24873-2010 北极狐种狐 Breeding stock of Arctic Fox
GB/T 24874-2010 草地资源空间信息共享数据规范 Data standard for spatial information sharing of grassland resource
GB/T 24875-2010 畜禽粪便中铅、镉、铬、汞的测定 电感耦合等离子体质谱法 Determination of lead,cadmium,chromium,mercury contents in animal manure - Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry method
GB/T 24876-2010 畜禽养殖污水中七种阴离子的测定 离子色谱法 Determination of seven anions in waste water from livestock and poultry farm - Ion Chromatography
GB/T 24877-2010 德州驴 Dezhou donkey
GB/T 24878-2010 鄂伦春马 Erlunchun horse
GB/T 24879-2010 晋江马 Jinjiang horse
GB/T 24880-2010 蒙古马 Mongolia horse
GB/T 24881-2010 宁强马 Ningqiang horse
GB/T 24882-2010 松毛虫防治技术规程 Technical regulation for controlling pine caterpillars
GB/T 24883-2010 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 连翘属 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness,uniformity and stability - Forsythia(Forsythia Vahl)
GB/T 24884-2010 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 梅 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Japanese apricot(Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc.)
GB/T 24885-2010 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 桂花 Guidelines for the conduct of test for distinctness,uniformity and stability - Sweet Osmanthus (Osmanthus fragrans L.)
GB/T 24886-2010 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 榛属 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Filbert(Corylus L.)
GB/T 24887-2010 植物新品种特异性、一致性、稳定性测试指南 鹅掌楸属 Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability - Tuliptree(Liriodendron L.)
GB/T 24888-2010 地震现场应急指挥数据共享技术要求 Technical requirements of data share for emergency command in earthquake occurrence site
GB/T 24889-2010 地震现场应急指挥管理信息系统 Management information system for emergency command in earthquake occurrence site
GB/T 24890-2010 复混肥料中氯离子含量的测定 Determination of chloride content for compound fertilizers
GB/T 24891-2010 复混肥料粒度的测定 Determination of particle size for compound fertilizers
GB/T 24892-2010 动植物油脂 在开口毛细管中熔点(滑点)的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of melting point in open capillary tubes (slip point)
GB/T 24893-2010 动植物油脂 多环芳烃的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
GB/T 24894-2010 动植物油脂 甘三酯分子2-位脂肪酸组分的测定 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of the Composition of fatty acids in the 2-position of the triglyceride molecules
GB/T 24895-2010 粮油检验 近红外分析定标模型验证和网络管理与维护通用规则 Inspection of grain and oils - General regulations for model authentication of near-infrared analysis and administration and maintenance of network
GB/T 24896-2010 粮油检验 稻谷水分含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of moisture content in paddy - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24897-2010 粮油检验 稻谷粗蛋白质含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Crude protein determination in rice - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24898-2010 粮油检验 小麦水分含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of moisture content in wheat - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24899-2010 粮油检验 小麦粗蛋白质含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of crude protein in wheat - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24900-2010 粮油检验 玉米水分含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of moisture content in maize - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24901-2010 粮油检验 玉米粗蛋白质含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of crude protein in maize - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24902-2010 粮油检验 玉米粗脂肪含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of crude fat content in maize - Near-infrared method
GB/T 24903-2010 粮油检验 花生中白藜芦醇的测定 高效液相色谱法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of resveratrol in peanut by high performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 24904-2010 粮食包装 麻袋 Gunny bags for packing of grain
GB/T 24905-2010 粮食包装 小麦粉袋 Wheat flour bags
GB/T 24907-2010 道路照明用LED灯 性能要求 LED lamps for road lighting performance specifications
GB/T 24908-2010 普通照明用自镇流LED灯 性能要求 Self-ballasted LED-lamps for general lighting services - Performance requirements
GB/T 24909-2010 装饰照明用LED灯 LED lamps for decorative lighting
GB/T 24912-2010 罐式叠压给水设备 Boosting pressure water supply equipment for columned tank
GB/T 24913-2010 非公用往复索道技术规范 Technology code for non-public reversible ropeways
GB/T 24914-2010 非公路旅游观光车用铅酸蓄电池 Lead-acid battery for garden patrol minibus
GB/T 24915-2010 合同能源管理技术通则 General technical rules for energy performance contracting
GB/T 24916-2010 表面处理溶液 金属元素含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法 Surface treatment solution - Determination of metal element contents - Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometric method
GB/T 24917-2010 眼镜阀 Glasses valve
GB/T 24918-2010 低温介质用紧急切断阀 Cryogenic emergency shutoff valve
GB/T 24919-2010 工业阀门 安装使用维护 一般要求 Installation, operation, maintenance of industrial valves - General requirements
GB/T 24920-2010 石化工业用钢制压力释放阀 Steel pressure relirf valves for petrochemical industries
GB/T 24922-2010 隔爆型阀门电动装置技术条件 Technical specifications of explosion-proof version electric valve actuators
GB/T 24923-2010 普通型阀门电动装置技术条件 Technical specifications of basic version electric valve actuators
GB/T 24924-2010 供水系统用弹性密封闸阀 Resilient-seated gate valves for water supply service
GB/T 24925-2010 低温阀门 技术条件 Cryogenic valve technical specifications
GB/T 24934-2010 全地形车型号编制方法 Code of designation all-terrain vehicles
GB/T 24935-2010 全地形车最大侧倾稳定角试验方法 The test method of maximum stable side-inclination for all-terrain vehicles
GB/T 24936-2010 全地形车 术语 Terms for all terrain vehicles
GB/T 24937-2010 全地形车安全防护装置 Safety equipment requirement for all-terrain vehicles
GB/T 24944-2010 低速货车 通用技术条件 Low-speed goods vehicles - General specifications
GB/T 24945-2010 三轮汽车 通用技术条件 Tri-wheel vehicles - General specifications
GB/T 24946-2010 船用数字液压缸 Marine digital hydraulic cylinder
GB/T 24947-2010 船用辅锅炉水质要求 Requirement for water quality of marine auxiliary boiler
GB/T 24948-2010 三轮汽车和低速货车 词汇 Tri-wheel vehicles and low-speed goods vehicles - Vocabulary
GB/T 24949-2010 船舶和海上技术 船用电磁罗经 Ships and marine technology - Marine electromagnetic compasses
GB/T 24950-2010 船舶和海上技术 船用电动雨刷 Ships and marine technology - Marine electric window wipers
GB/T 24951-2010 船舶和海上技术 船用雷达反射器 Ships and marine technology - Marine radar reflectors
GB/T 24952-2010 船舶和海上技术 高速船艏向控制装置 Ships and marine technology - Heading control systems for high - speed craft
GB/T 24953-2010 船舶和海上技术 高速船陀螺罗经 Ship and marine technology - Gyro - compasses for high - speed craft
GB/T 24954-2010 船舶和海上技术 高速船用探照灯 Ships and marine technology - Searchlights for high - speed craft
GB/T 24956-2010 石油天然气工业 钻柱设计和操作限度的推荐作法 Recommended practice for petroleum and natural gas industries - Drill stem design and operating limits
GB/T 24957-2010 冷冻轻烃流体 船上膜式储罐和独立棱柱形储罐的校准 物理测量法 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Calibration of membrane tanks and independent prismatic tanks in ships - Physical measurement
GB/T 24959-2010 冷冻轻烃流体 液化气储罐内温度的测量 电阻温度计和热电偶 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Measurement of temperature in tanks containing liquefied gases - Resistance thermometers and thermocouples
GB/T 24960-2010 冷冻轻烃流体 液化气储罐内液位的测量 电容液位计 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Measurement of liquid levels in tanks containing liquefied gases - Electrical capacitance gauges
GB/T 24961-2010 冷冻轻烃流体 液化气储罐内液位的测量 浮子式液位计 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Measurement of liquid levels in tanks containing liquefied gases - Float-type level gauges
GB/T 24962-2010 冷冻烃类流体 静态测量 计算方法 Refrigerated hydrocarbon liquids - Static measurement - Calculation procedure
GB/T 24963-2010 液化天然气设备与安装 船岸界面 Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas - Ship to shore interface
GB/T 24964-2010 冷冻轻烃流体 液化天然气 船上贸易交接程序 Refrigerated light hydrocarbon fluids - Liquefied natural gas - Procedure for custody transfer on board ship
GB/T 24966-2010 车辆分离光栅 Vehicle separation grating
GB/T 24967-2010 钢质护栏立柱埋深冲击弹性波检测仪 Impact elastic wave - based embedding depth measurement apparatus for steel guard rail post
GB/T 24968-2010 公路收费车道控制机 Toll lane controller of highway
GB/T 24969-2010 公路照明技术条件 Specification for highway lighting
GB/T 24970-2010 轮廓标 Delineator
GB/T 24971-2010 轮胎识别器 Tyre recognizing machine
GB/T 24972-2010 弹性交通柱 Reboundable traffic cylinders
GB/T 24973-2010 收费用电动栏杆 Toll electric barrier
GB/T 24974-2010 收费用手动栏杆 Toll manual barrier
GB/T 24980-2010 稀土长余辉荧光粉 Long afterglow phosphors activated by rare earths
GB/T 24982-2010 白光LED灯用稀土黄色荧光粉 Rare earth yellow phosphor for white LED lamps
GB/T 24983-2010 船用环保阻燃地毯 Enviromental and fire resisting carpet for marine equipment
GB/T 24984-2010 日用塑料袋 Plastic commodity bags
GB/T 24985-2010 家用和类似用途房间空气调节器可靠性试验方法 Test methods for reliability on household and similar room air conditioners
GB/T 24988-2010 复印纸 Copy paper
GB/T 24989-2010 装饰原纸 Decorative bese paper
GB/T 24990-2010 纸、纸板和纸浆 铬含量的测定 Paper,board and pulps - Determination of chromium
GB/T 24991-2010 纸、纸板和纸浆 铅含量的测定 石墨炉原子吸收法 Paper,board and pulps - Determination of lead content - Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry method
GB/T 24992-2010 纸、纸板和纸浆 砷含量的测定 Paper,board and pulps - Determination of arsenic
GB/T 24993-2010 造纸湿部Zeta电位的测定 Measurement of Zeta potential at paper machine wet end
GB/T 24994-2010 造纸湿部溶解电荷量的测定 Measurement of colloidal charge at paper machine wet end
GB/T 24995-2010 铸涂原纸 Cast coating base paper
GB/T 24996-2010 纸张中脱墨回用纤维的判定 Determination of deinking recycled fiber in paper
GB/T 24997-2010 纸、纸板和纸浆 镉含量的测定 原子吸收光谱法 Paper,board and pulps - Determination of cadmium content - Atomic absorption spectrometric method
GB/T 24998-2010 纸和纸板 碱储量的测定 Paper and board - Determination of alkali reserve
GB/T 24999-2010 纸和纸板 亮度(白度)最高限量 Paper and board - Highest limitation of brightness
GB/T 25001-2010 纸、纸板和纸浆 7种多氯联苯(PCBs)含量的测定 Paper,board and Pulp - Determination of 7 specified polychlorinated biphenyls(PCBs)
GB/T 25002-2010 纸、纸板和纸浆 水抽提液中五氯苯酚的测定 Paper、board and pulp -Determination of pentachlorophenol in an aqueous extract
GB/T 25003-2010 VHF/UHF频段无线电监测站电磁环境保护要求和测试方法 Electromagnetic environment protection requirements and measurement methods for VHF/UHF band radio monitoring station
GB/T 25004-2010 产业用刀刮涂层织物 Industrial fabrics with knife coating
GB/T 25005-2010 感官分析 方便面感官评价方法 Sensory analysis - Methods for sensory evaluation of instant noodles
GB/T 25006-2010 感官分析 包装材料引起食品风味改变的评价方法 Sensory analysis-Methods for assessing modifications to the flavour of foodstuffs due to packaging
GB/T 25007-2010 速冻食品生产HACCP应用准则 Hazard analysis and critical point(HACCP) for application quick-frozen foods
GB/T 25009-2010 蛋制品生产管理规范 Criterion of producing management for egg products
GB/T 25010-2010 船舶和海上技术 海运、联运和保安数据传输标准 Ships and marine technology - Data transfer standard for maritime and intermodal transportation and security
GB/T 25011-2010 船舶防污漆中滴滴涕含量的测试及判定 Test method and determination for DDT content of marine antifouling paints
GB/T 25012-2010 船舶A类机器处所固定式局部水基灭火系统通用技术条件 General specification for Fixed water-based local application fire-fighting systems for use in category A machinery spaces
GB/T 25013-2010 船舶和海上技术 高速船夜视仪 操作与性能要求、试验方法和要求的试验结果 Ships and marine technology - Night vision equipment for high-speed craft - Operational and performance requirements,methods of testing and required test result
GB/T 25014-2010 船用隔舱传动装置 Marine bulkhead gearing
GB/T 25015-2010 移船绞车 Ship-shifting winch
GB/T 25016-2010 船用空调器通用技术条件 General specification for air condition of ship
GB/T 25017-2010 船艉轴油润滑密封装置 Marine oil lubrication stern shaft sealing apparatus
GB/T 25018-2010 船艉轴水润滑密封装置 Marine water lubrication stern shaft sealing apparatus
GB/T 25019-2010 船用三氟甲烷灭火装置 Trifluoromethane fire extinguishing equipment for ship
GB/T 25021-2010 轨道检查车 Track inspection car
GB/T 25022-2010 机车车辆车端电气通信(控制)连接器 Vehicle end electric communication(control)couplers for locomotives and rolling stocks
GB/T 25023-2010 机车车辆车端动力连接器 vehicle end power couplers for locomotives and rolling stocks
GB/T 25024-2010 铁道货车二轴转向架通用技术条件 General technical specification for two-axle bogie for railway freight wagon
GB/T 25026-2010 搪玻璃闭式搅拌容器 One piece glass-lined steel vessels with agitator
GB/T 25027-2010 搪玻璃开式搅拌容器 Two pieces glass-lined steel vessels with agitator
GB/T 25028-2010 轮胎式装载机 制动系统用加力器 技术条件 Wheel Loader - Booster using for brake system - Technical specifications
GB/T 25030-2010 建筑物清洗维护质量要求 Request for cleaning and maintenance of buildings external wall
GB/T 25031-2010 城镇污水处理厂污泥处置 制砖用泥质 Disposal of sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plant - Quality of sludge used in making brick
GB/T 25032-2010 生活垃圾焚烧炉渣集料 Municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash aggregate
GB/T 25033-2010 再生沥青混凝土 Recycling asphalt concrete
GB/T 25039-2010 玻璃纤维单元窑热平衡测定与计算方法 Determination and calculation of heat balance for fibreglass unit melter
GB/T 25040-2010 玻璃纤维缝编织物 Glass fibre stitched fabrics
GB/T 25041-2010 玻璃纤维过滤材料 Glass fibre filter
GB/T 25042-2010 玻璃纤维建筑膜材 Fiberglass fabric for architectural membrane
GB/T 25043-2010 连续树脂基预浸料用多轴向经编增强材料 Multiaxial warp-knitted reinforcement for resin-matrix prepreg
GB/T 25044-2010 砌墙砖抗压强度试样制备设备通用要求 General request of the preparation equipment used in compressive strength test of wall bricks
GB/T 25045-2010 玄武岩纤维无捻粗纱 Basalt fiber roving
GB/T 25046-2010 高磁感冷轧无取向电工钢带(片) High magnetic induction cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel strip and sheet
GB/T 25047-2010 金属材料 管 环扩张试验方法 Metallic materials - Tube - Ring-expanding test
GB/T 25048-2010 金属材料 管 环拉伸试验方法 Metallic materials - Tube - Ring tensile test
GB/T 25049-2010 镍铁 Ferronickel
GB/T 25050-2010 镍铁锭或块 成分分析用样品的采取 Ferronickel ingots or pieces - Sampling for analysis
GB/T 25051-2010 镍铁颗粒 成分分析用样品的采取 Ferronickel shot - Sampling for analysis
GB/T 25052-2010 连续热浸镀层钢板和钢带尺寸、外形、重量及允许偏差 Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip - Tolerances on dimensions,shape and weight
GB/T 25053-2010 热连轧低碳钢板及钢带 Continuously hot rolled low carbon steel sheet and strip
GB/T 25054-2010 海洋特别保护区选划论证技术导则 Technical directives for the designation of special marine protected area
GB/T 25055-2010 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施安全支撑平台技术框架 Information security techniques - Public key infrastructure security supporting platform framework
GB/T 25056-2010 信息安全技术 证书认证系统密码及其相关安全技术规范 Information security techniques - Specifications of cryptograph and related security technology for certificate authentication system
GB/T 25057-2010 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 电子签名卡应用接口基本要求 Information security techniques - Public key infrastructure - Specification of application interface of electronic signature card
GB/T 25058-2010 信息安全技术 信息系统安全等级保护实施指南 Information security technology - Implementation guide for classified protection of information system
GB/T 25059-2010 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 简易在线证书状态协议 Information security technology - Public key infrastructure - Simple online certificate status protocol
GB/T 25060-2010 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 X.509数字证书应用接口规范 Information security techniques - Public key infrastructure - Interface specification of X.509 digital certificates application
GB/T 25061-2010 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 XML数字签名语法与处理规范 Information security technology - Public key infrastructure - XML digital signature syntax and processing specification
GB/T 25062-2010 信息安全技术 鉴别与授权 基于角色的访问控制模型与管理规范 Information security technology - Authentication and authorization - Role-based access control model and management specification
GB/T 25063-2010 信息安全技术 服务器安全测评要求 Information security technology - Testing and evaluation requirement for server security
GB/T 25064-2010 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 电子签名格式规范 Information security technology - Public key infrastructure - Electronic signature formats specification
GB/T 25065-2010 信息安全技术 公钥基础设施 签名生成应用程序的安全要求 Information security technology - Public key infrastructure - Security requirements for signature creation applications
GB/T 25066-2010 信息安全技术 信息安全产品类别与代码 Information security technology - Type and code of information security product
GB/T 25067-2010 信息技术 安全技术 信息安全管理体系审核认证机构的要求 Information technology - Security techniques - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification of information security management systems
GB/T 25069-2010 信息安全技术 术语 Information security technology glossary
GB/T 25070-2010 信息安全技术 信息系统等级保护安全设计技术要求 Information security technology - Technical requirements of security design for information system classified protection
GB/T 25071-2010 珠宝玉石及贵金属产品分类与代码 Classification and codes for products of gems and precious metals
GB/T 25072-2010 缩微摄影技术 在35mm缩微胶片上拍摄存档报纸 Micrographics - Microfilming of newspapers for archival purposes on 35 mm microfilm
GB/T 25073-2010 缩微摄影技术 彩色缩微胶片 曝光技术及与之相适应的线条原件和连续色调原件的制备 Micrographics - Colour microfilm - Application of the exposure technique to prepare line originals and continuous-tone originals
GB/T 25074-2010 太阳能级多晶硅 Solar-grade polycrystalline silicon
GB/T 25075-2010 太阳能电池用砷化镓单晶 Gallium arsenide single crystal for solar cell
GB/T 25076-2010 太阳电池用硅单晶 Monocrystalline silicon of solar cell
GB/T 25077-2010 声学 多孔吸声材料流阻测量 Acoustics - Materials for acoustical applications - Determination of airflow resistance
GB/T 25079-2010 声学 建筑声学和室内声学中新测量方法的应用 MLS和SS方法 Acoustics - Application of new measurement methods in building and room acoustics - MLS and SS methods
GB/T 25080-2010 超导用Nb-Ti合金棒坯、粗棒和细棒 Niobium - Titannium alloy billets, bar and rod for superconducting applications
GB/T 25082-2010 800kV直流输电用油浸式换流变压器技术参数和要求 Specification and technical requirements of oil-immersed convertor transformers for 800kV DC applications
GB/T 25083-2010 ±800kV直流系统用金属氧化物避雷器 Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for ±800kV UHVDC systems
GB/T 25084-2010 标称电压高于1000V的架空线路用绝缘子串和绝缘子串组 交流工频电弧试验 Insulator strings and sets for overhead lines with a nominal voltage greater than 1000V - AC power arc tests
GB/T 25085-2010 道路车辆 60V和600V单芯电线 Road vehicles - 60 V and 600 V single-core cables
GB/T 25086-2010 道路车辆 牵引车和挂车之间的电连接器 12V7芯辅助型(12S) Road vehicles - Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles - 7-pole connector type 12S( supplementary) for vehicles with 12V nominal supply voltage
GB/T 25087-2010 道路车辆 圆形、屏蔽和非屏蔽的60V和600V多芯护套电缆 Road vehicles - Round, screened and unscreened 60V and 600V multi-core sheathed cables
GB/T 25088-2010 道路车辆 牵引车和挂车之间的电连接器 24V7芯辅助型(24S) Road vehicles - Connectors for the electrical connection of towing and towed vehicles - 7-pole connector type 24S (supplementary) for vehicles with 24V nominal supply voltage
GB/T 25089-2010 道路车辆 数据电缆 Road vehicles - Data cables
GB/T 25090-2010 电动机轻载调压节电装置 Step-down power saving device for asynchronous motor at light load
GB/T 25091-2010 高压直流隔离开关和接地开关 High-voltage direct-current disconnectors and earthing switches
GB/T 25092-2010 高压直流输电用干式空心平波电抗器 Dry-type air-core smoothing reactors for HVDC applications
GB/T 25093-2010 高压直流系统交流滤波器 AC filters for HVDC systems
GB/T 25094-2010 架空输电线路抢修杆塔通用技术条件 General technical specification of corrective maintenance tower for overhead transmission line
GB/T 25095-2010 架空输电线路运行状态监测系统 Monitoring system of operating status for overhead transmission lines
GB/T 25096-2010 交流电压高于1000V变电站用电站支柱复合绝缘子 定义、试验方法及接收准则 Composite station post insulators for substations with AC voltages greater than 1000V - Definitions,test methods and acceptance riteria
GB/T 25097-2010 绝缘体带电清洗剂 Insulating live-working washing agent
GB/T 25098-2010 绝缘体带电清洗剂使用导则 Live washing regulation of insulating live-working washing agent
GB/T 25099-2010 配电降压节电装置 Step-down power saving device on distribution networks
GB/T 25100-2010 信息与文献 都柏林核心元数据元素集 Informationa and documentation - The Dublin Core metadata element set
GB/T 25103-2010 供应链管理业务参考模型 Supply chain management business reference model
GB/T 25104-2010 原油水含量的自动测定 射频法 Crude oil-automatic determination of water - RF method
GB/T 25106-2010 扭力天平 Torsion balance
GB/T 25107-2010 机械天平 Mechanical balance
GB/T 25108-2010 三维CAD软件功能规范 Function Specification for three-dimensional CAD Software
GB/T 25111-2010 网络化制造环境下的制造资源分类 Networked manufacturing environment - Manufacturing resource class
GB/T 25112-2010 焊接、切割及类似工艺用压力表 Pressure gauge used in welding,cutting and allied processes
GB/T 25118-2010 轨道交通 机车车辆电气设备 开启式功率电阻器规则 Railway application - Electric equipment for rolling stock - Rules for power resistors of open construction
GB/T 25119-2010 轨道交通 机车车辆电子装置 Railway applications - Electronic equipments used on rail vehicles
GB/T 25120-2010 轨道交通 机车车辆牵引变压器和电抗器 Railway applications - Traction transformers and inductors on board rolling stock
GB/T 25121-2010 轨道交通 机车车辆设备 电力电子电容器 Railway applications - Rolling stock equipment - Capacitors for power electronics
GB/T 25124-2010 高级人才寻访服务规范 Specification for executive search service
GB/T 25125-2010 智能照明节电装置 Intelligent power saving device for lighting
GB/T 25126-2010 大容量交叉式电磁四通换向阀 Large capacity cross-electromagnetic four-way reversing valve
GB/T 25128-2010 直接蒸发式全新风空气处理机组 Direct evaporation all fresh air handling units
GB/T 25129-2010 制冷用空气冷却器 Unit coolers for refrigeration
GB/T 25132-2010 液压过滤器 压差装置试验方法 Hydraulic fluid power - Filters - Test method for differential pressure devices
GB/T 25133-2010 液压系统总成 管路冲洗方法 Hydraulic fluid power systems - Assembled systems - Methods of cleaning lines by flushing
GB/T 25134-2010 锻压制件及其模具三维几何量光学检测规范 Optical measurement specification of 3D geometry for forgings/stampings and the dies
GB/T 25135-2010 锻造工艺质量控制规范 The quality control criterion of forging technology
GB/T 25136-2010 钢质自由锻件检验通用规则 General checking standard for steel open die forgings
GB/T 25137-2010 钛及钛合金锻件 Titanium and titanium alloy forgings
GB/T 25138-2010 检定铸造粘结剂用标准砂 Standard sand for checking foundry binder
GB/T 25139-2010 铸造用泡沫陶瓷过滤网 Ceramic foam filter for foundry
GB/T 25140-2010 无轴封回转动力泵技术条件(Ⅱ类) Seal-less rotodynamic pumps - ClassⅡ - Specification
GB/T 25141-2010 自吸式回转动力泵 型式与基本参数 Self-priming type rotodynamic pumps - Types and basic parameters
GB/T 25142-2010 风冷式循环冷却液制冷机组 Air-cooled circulating cooling liquid refrigerating packages
GB/T 25143-2010 真空成型模技术条件 Specification of moulds for vacuum thermoforming
GB/T 25144-2010 搪玻璃釉平均线热膨胀系数的测定方法 Determination of coefficient of mean linear thermal expansion for vitreous and porcelain enamels
GB/T 25145-2010 搅拌设备名词术语 Terminology of agitating equipment
GB/T 25146-2010 工业设备化学清洗质量验收规范 Quality acceptance specifications of chemical cleaning for industrial equipment
GB/T 25147-2010 工业设备化学清洗中金属腐蚀率及腐蚀总量的测试方法 重量法 Test method of metal corrosion amount and corrosion rate of chemical cleaning for industrial equipment - Gravimetric method
GB/T 25148-2010 工业设备化学清洗中除垢率和洗净率测试方法 Test methods of scale removal rate and detergence rate of chemical cleaning for industrial equipment
GB/T 25149-2010 工业设备化学清洗中碳钢钝化膜质量的测试方法 红点法 Quality test method of passive film on carbon steel of chemical cleaning for industrial equipment - Red dot method
GB/T 25150-2010 工业设备化学清洗中奥氏体不锈钢钝化膜质量的测试方法 蓝点法 Quality test method of passive film on austenitic stainless steel of chemical cleaning for industrial equipment - Blue dot method
GB/T 25152-2010 液-液分离旋流器技术条件 Specification for liquid-liquid hydrocyclone separators
GB/T 25153-2010 化工压力容器用磁浮子液位计 Chemical industry pressure vessel used magnetic-float type level gauge
GB/T 25154-2010 电容法液相微量水分仪 Capacitive liquid moisture detector
GB/T 25155-2010 平板硫化机 Daylight press
GB/T 25156-2010 橡胶塑料注射成型机通用技术条件 General specifications of injection moulding machines for rubber and plastics
GB/T 25157-2010 橡胶塑料注射成型机检测方法 Inspections methods of injection moulding machines for rubber and plastics
GB/T 25158-2010 轮胎动平衡试验机 Dynamic balancing machine for tyre
GB/T 25159-2010 包装术语 非危险货物用中型散装容器 Intermediate bulk containers(IBCs)for non-dangerous goods - Terminology
GB/T 25160-2010 包装 卡纸板折叠纸盒结构尺寸 Packaging - Dimensions of folding cartons of cartonboard
GB/T 25163-2010 防止儿童开启包装 可重新盖紧包装的要求与试验方法 Child-resistant packaging - Requirements and testing procedures for reclosable packages
GB/T 25164-2010 包装容器 25.4mm 口径铝气雾罐 Packaging containers - 25.4mm aperture aluminum monobloc aerosol cans
GB/T 25165-2010 明胶中牛、羊、猪源性成分的定性检测方法 实时荧光PCR法 Protocol of identification of bovine, caprine, ovine and porcine derived materials in gelatin - Real time PCR method
GB/T 25166-2010 裙带菜 Wakame
GB/T 25167-2010 新吉细毛羊 Xinji fine wool sheep
GB/T 25168-2010 畜禽 cDNA 文库构建与保存技术规程 Technical regulation of farm animals cDNA library construction and preservation
GB/T 25169-2010 畜禽粪便监测技术规范 Technical specifications for monitoring of animal manure
GB/T 25170-2010 畜禽基因组BAC文库构建与保存技术规程 Technical regulation of farm animals genome BAC library construction and preservation
GB/T 25171-2010 畜禽养殖废弃物管理术语 Animal waste management terminology
GB/T 25172-2010 猪常温精液生产与保存技术规范 Technical specification for production and preservation of fresh boar semen
GB/T 25173-2010 水域纳污能力计算规程 Code of practice for computation on allowable permitted assimilative capacity of water bodies
GB/T 25174-2010 饲料添加剂 4′,7-二羟基异黄酮 Feed additive - 4′,7-dihydroxyisoflavone
GB/T 25175-2010 大件垃圾收集和利用技术要求 Technical requirements for collection and recycling of bulky waste
GB/T 25176-2010 混凝土和砂浆用再生细骨料 Recycled fine aggregate for concrete and mortar
GB/T 25177-2010 混凝土用再生粗骨料 Recycled coarse aggregate for concrete
GB/T 25178-2010 减压型倒流防止器 Reduced-pressure type backflow preventer
GB/T 25179-2010 生活垃圾填埋场稳定化场地利用技术要求 Technical requirements for site utilization after stabilization in municipal solid waste landfill
GB/T 25180-2010 生活垃圾综合处理与资源利用技术要求 Technical requirements for integrated treatment and resource utilization of municipal solid waste
GB/T 25181-2010 预拌砂浆 Ready-mixed mortar
GB/T 25182-2010 预应力孔道灌浆剂 Grouting admixture for prestressed structure
GB/T 25183-2010 砌墙砖抗压强度试验用净浆材料 Paste for compressive strength test of wall brick
GB/T 25184-2010 X射线光电子能谱仪检定方法 Verification method for X-ray photoelectron spectrometers
GB/T 25185-2010 表面化学分析 X射线光电子能谱 - 荷电控制和荷电校正方法的报告 Surface chemical analysis - X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy - Reporting of methods used for charge control and charge correction
GB/T 25186-2010 表面化学分析 二次离子质谱 - 由离子注入参考物质确定相对灵敏度因子 Surface chemical analysis - Secondary-ion mass spectrometry - Determination of relative sensitivity factors from ion-implanted reference materials
GB/T 25187-2010 表面化学分析 俄歇电子能谱 - 选择仪器性能参数的表述 Surface chemical analysis - Auger electron spectroscopy - Description of selected instrumental performance parameters
GB/T 25188-2010 硅晶片表面超薄氧化硅层厚度的测量 X射线光电子能谱法 Thickness measurements for ultrathin silicon oxide layers on silicon wafers X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
GB/T 25189-2010 微束分析 扫描电镜能谱仪定量分析参数的测定方法 Microbeam analysis - Determination method for quantitative analysis parameters of SEM-EDS
GB/T 25197-2010 静置常压焊接热塑性塑料储罐(槽) Welded static non-pressurized thermoplastic tanks
GB/T 25198-2010 压力容器封头 Heads for pressure vessels
GB/T 25199-2010 生物柴油调合燃料(B5) Biodiesel fuel blend (B5)
GB/T 25205-2010 雨淋喷头 Deluge sprinkler
GB/T 25207-2010 火灾试验 表面制品的实体房间火试验方法 Fire tests - Full-scale room test for surface products
GB/T 25208-2010 固定灭火系统产品环境试验方法 Environmental test methods for fixed extinguishing systems
GB/T 25209-2010 商品煤标识 Commercial coal marking
GB/T 25210-2010 兰炭用煤技术条件 Specifications of coals for blue-coke
GB/T 25211-2010 兰炭产品技术条件 Specifications of blue-coke
GB/T 25212-2010 兰炭产品品种及等级划分 Classification and quality grading for blue-coke
GB/T 25213-2010 煤的塑性测定 恒力矩吉氏塑性仪法 Determination of plastic properties of coal - Constant-torque gieseler plastometer method
GB/T 25214-2010 煤中全硫测定 红外光谱法 Determination of total sulfur in coal by IR spectrometry
GB/T 25215-2010 水煤浆试验方法导则 Guide for testing methods of coal water mixture
GB/T 25216-2010 煤与瓦斯突出危险性区域预测方法 Regional prediction methods for the danger of coal and gas outburst
GB/T 25218-2010 粮油机械 产品涂装通用技术条件 Grain and oil machinery - General specifications for products painting
GB/T 25219-2010 粮油检验 玉米淀粉含量测定 近红外法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of starch content in maize - Near-infrared method
GB/T 25220-2010 粮油检验 粮食中赭曲霉毒素A的测定 高效液相色谱法和荧光光度法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of ochratoxin A in grains by high performance liquid chromatography and fluorometer
GB/T 25221-2010 粮油检验 粮食中麦角甾醇的测定 正相高效液相色谱法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of ergosterol in grain - Normal phase high performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 25222-2010 粮油检验 粮食中磷化物残留量的测定 分光光度法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of phosphide residues in grain-spectrophotometric method
GB/T 25223-2010 动植物油脂 甾醇组成和甾醇总量的测定 气相色谱法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Determination of individual and total sterols contents - Gas chromatographic method
GB/T 25225-2010 动植物油脂 挥发性有机污染物的测定 气相色谱-质谱法 Animal and vegetable fats and oils - Detection and identification of a volatile organic contaminant by GC/MS
GB/T 25226-2010 大米 蒸煮过程中米粒糊化时间的评价 Rice - Evaluation of gelatinization time of kernels during cooking
GB/T 25227-2010 粮食加工、储运设备现场监测装置技术规范 Technical code for field detective devices for the equipments in grain processing and storage system
GB/T 25228-2010 粮油检验 玉米及其制品中伏马毒素含量测定 免疫亲和柱净化高效液相色谱法和荧光光度法 Inspection of grain and oils - Determination of fumonisins in corn and its products by high liquid chromatography and fluorometer with immunoaffinity column cleanup
GB/T 25229-2010 粮油储藏 平房仓气密性要求 Grain and oils storage - Requirement of airtightness of warehouse
GB/T 25230-2010 粮油机械 打麸机 Grain and oil machinery - Bran finisher
GB/T 25231-2010 粮油机械 喷风碾米机 Grain and oil machinery - Jet-air whitening machine
GB/T 25232-2010 粮油机械 刷麸机 Grain and oil machinery - Bran brush
GB/T 25233-2010 粮油机械 袋式除尘器 Grain and oil machinery - Bag filter
GB/T 25234-2010 粮油机械 叶轮闭风器 Grain and oil machinery - Impeller airlock
GB/T 25235-2010 粮油机械 组合清理筛 Grain and oil machinery - Combined separator
GB/T 25236-2010 粮油机械 检验用锤片粉碎机 Grain and oil machine - Slice hammer smasher for inspection
GB/T 25237-2010 粮油机械 淀粉洗涤旋流器 Grain and oil machinery - Starch washing cyclone
GB/T 25238-2010 粮油机械 重力曲筛 Grain and oil machinery - Gravity screen
GB/T 25239-2010 粮油机械 微量喂料器 Grain and oil machinery - micro-feeder
GB/T 25240-2010 烟草包衣丸化种子 Pelleted seed of tobacco
GB/T 25242-2010 敖汉细毛羊 Ao han finewool sheep
GB/T 25243-2010 甘肃高山细毛羊 Gansu alpine fine-wool sheep
GB/T 25244-2010 高邮鸭 Gaoyou duck
GB/T 25245-2010 广灵驴 Guangling donkey
GB/T 25246-2010 畜禽粪便还田技术规范 Technology code for land application rates of livestock and poultry manure
GB/T 25247-2010 饲料添加剂 糖萜素 Feed additive - Saccharicterpenin
GB/T 25248-2010 830nm数字制版材料用红外吸收菁染料含量的测定 高效液相色谱法 The determination of infrared cyanine dye for 830nm digital printing materials - High performance liquid chromatography
GB/T 25249-2010 氨基醇酸树脂涂料 Amino - alkyd resin coatings
GB/T 25250-2010 成像材料 纸质照片上的彩色影像 打印彩色影像室内耐水性测定 Imaging materials - Colour images on paper prints - Determination of indoor water resistance of printed colour images
GB/T 25251-2010 醇酸树脂涂料 Alkyd resin coatings
GB/T 25252-2010 酚醛树脂防锈涂料 Phenolic resin anticorrosive coatings
GB/T 25253-2010 酚醛树脂涂料 Phenolic resin coatings
GB/T 25254-2010 工业用聚四亚甲基醚二醇(PTMEG) Poly-(tetra methylene ether glycol )(PTMEG)for industrial
GB/T 25255-2010 光学功能薄膜 聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯(PET)薄膜 拉伸性能测定方法 Optical functional films - Polyethylene terephthalate(PET)film - Determination of tensile properties
GB/T 25256-2010 光学功能薄膜 离型膜 180°剥离力和残余黏着率测试方法 Optical functional films - Release film - The measurement of peeling force at 180°angle and subsequent adhesion
GB/T 25257-2010 光学功能薄膜 翘曲度测定方法 Optical functional films - Determination of warping degree
GB/T 25258-2010 过氯乙烯树脂防腐涂料 Perchlorovinyl resin anticorrosive coatings
GB/T 25259-2010 过氯乙烯树脂涂料 Perchlorovinyl resin coatings
GB/T 25261-2010 建筑用反射隔热涂料 Solar heat reflecting insulation coatings for buildings
GB/T 25262-2010 硫化橡胶或热塑性橡胶 磨耗试验指南 Rubber,vulcanized or thermoplastic - Abrasion testing - Guidance
GB/T 25263-2010 氯化橡胶防腐涂料 Chlorinated rubber anticorrosive coatings
GB/T 25264-2010 溶剂型丙烯酸树脂涂料 Solvent-based acrylic resin coatings
GB/T 25266-2010 涂料 用安德森滴管法测定涂料填充物颗粒粒度的分布 Paints - Determination of the particle size distribution of paint fillers by the ANDREASEN pipette method
GB/T 25267-2010 涂料中滴滴涕(DDT)含量的测定 Determination of DDT in coatings
GB/T 25268-2010 橡胶 硫化仪使用指南 Rubber - Guide to the use of curemeters
GB/T 25269-2010 橡胶 试验设备校准指南 Rubber - Guide to the calibration of test equipment
GB/T 25270-2010 橡胶塑料的拉伸、屈挠和压缩试验设备(恒速移动型) 技术要求 Rubber and plastics test equipment - Tensile,flexural and compression types(constant rate of traverse) - Specification
GB/T 25271-2010 硝基涂料 Nitrocellulose coatings
GB/T 25272-2010 硝基涂料防潮剂 Moisture - proof agents for nitrocellulose coatings
GB/T 25273-2010 液晶显示器(LCD)用薄膜 雾度测定方法 积分球法 Films for liquid crystal display(LCD) - Determination of haze with integrating sphere
GB/T 25274-2010 液晶显示器(LCD)用薄膜 紫外吸收率测定方法 Films for liquid crystal display(LCD) - Determination of ultraviolet absorbance
GB/T 25275-2010 液晶显示器(LCD)用偏振片 光学性能和耐候性能测试方法 Polarizing film for Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) - Method of test for the properties of photics and weather resistance
GB/T 25276-2010 液晶显示器(LCD)用三醋酸纤维素酯(TAC)膜 厚度测定方法 Triacetyl cellulose (TAC) films for liquid crystal display(LCD)- Determination of thickness
GB/T 25277-2010 塑料 均聚聚丙烯(PP-H)中酚类抗氧剂和芥酸酰胺爽滑剂的测定 液相色谱法 Plastics - Determination of phenolic antioxidants and erucamide slip additives in polypropylene homopolymer formulations - liquid chromatography (LC)
GB/T 25278-2010 塑料 用毛细管和狭缝口模流变仪测定塑料的流动性 Plastics - Determination of the fluidity of plastics using capillary and slit-die rheometers
GB/T 25279-2010 中空纤维帘式膜组件 Hollow fiber flat-plat membrane module
GB/T 25281-2010 道路作业人员安全标志服 The vest with safety sign for the working people on roads
GB/T 25282-2010 土壤和沉积物 13个微量元素形态顺序提取程序 Soil and sediment - Sequential extraction procedure of speciation of 13 trace elements
GB/T 25283-2010 矿产资源综合勘查评价规范 Specification for comprehensive exploration and evaluation of mineral resources
GB/T 25288-2010 188W-188Re色层发生器 188W-188Re chromatographic generator
GB/T 25289-2010 20kV油浸式配电变压器技术参数和要求 Specification and technical requirements for 20kV oil-immersed distribution transformers
GB/T 25290-2010 Y3系列(IP55)三相异步电动机技术条件(机座号63~355) Specification for Y3 series(IP55)three-phase induction motor (Frame size 63~355)
GB/T 25291-2010 船用起货机用恒力矩三相异步电动机技术条件 Specification for three-phase constant torque asynchronous motor for cargo winches in ships
GB/T 25292-2010 船用直流电机技术条件 Specification for direct current machine in ships
GB/T 25293-2010 电工电子设备机柜 机械门锁 Mechanical door lock for cabinets of electrotechnical and electronic equipment
GB/T 25294-2010 电力综合控制机柜通用技术要求 General technical requirements for cabinets of synthesized control equipments in electrical power system
GB/T 25295-2010 电气设备安全设计导则 Guidelines on safety designs for electric equipments
GB/T 25296-2010 电气设备安全通用试验导则 Guidelines on general tests for safety of electrical equipments
GB/T 25297.2-2010 电阻点焊 电极接头,外锥度1:10 第2部分:末端插入式圆柱柄配合 Resistance spot welding - Electrode adaptors, male taper 1:10 - Part 2: Parallel shank fixing for end-thrust electrodes
GB/T 25298-2010 电阻焊机控制器 通用技术条件 The general specifications for resistance welding controller
GB/T 25299-2010 电阻焊设备 汽车工业中使用的具有两个独立次级线圈的多点焊变压器特殊技术条件 Resistance welding equipment - Particular specfications applicable to transformers with two separate secondary windings for multi-spot welding, as used in the automobile industry
GB/T 25300-2010 电阻焊设备 汽车工业中使用的具有一个次级线圈的多点焊变压器特殊技术条件 Resistance welding equipment - Particular specfications applicable to transformers with one secondary winding for multi-spot welding, as used in the automobile industry
GB/T 25301-2010 电阻焊设备 适用于所有变压器的通用技术条件 Resistance welding equipment - General specifications applicable to all transformers
GB/T 25302-2010 纺织专用高效率三相异步电动机技术条件 (机座号90~225) Specification for high efficiency three-phase induction motor for textile purpose (Frame size 90~225)
GB/T 25303-2010 纺织专用高效率永磁同步电动机技术条件 (机座号 90~225) Specification for high efficiency permanent magnet synchronous motor for textile purpose(Frame size 90~225)
GB/T 25304-2010 非血管自扩张金属支架专用要求 Specific requirements for non-vascular self-expanding metallic stents
GB/T 25305-2010 缝焊机 Seam welding machines
GB/T 25306-2010 辐射加工用电子加速器工程通用规范 Standard of electron accelerator facility engineering for radiation processing
GB/T 25307-2010 高压直流旁路开关 High-voltage direct current by-pass switches
GB/T 25308-2010 高压直流输电系统直流滤波器 D.C. Filters for HVDC transmission system
GB/T 25309-2010 高压直流转换开关 High-voltage direct current transfer switches
GB/T 25310-2010 固定式点、凸焊机 Stationary spot welding machines and projection welding machines
GB/T 25311-2010 固定式对焊机 Stationary resistance butt welding machines
GB/T 25312-2010 焊接设备电磁场对操作人员影响程度的评价准则 The standardization for the evaluation of welder exposure to electromagnetic field of welding equipment
GB/T 25313-2010 焊接设备电磁场检测与评估准则 The standardization for the evaluation of electromagnetic field distribution of welding equipment
GB/T 25314-2010 核电厂机械设备腐蚀管理大纲内容要求 Requirements of corrosion management program for mechanical equipment in nuclear power plants
GB/T 25315-2010 家庭控制系统 安全导则 Home control systems - Guidelines relating to safety
GB/T 25316-2010 静止式岸电装置 Static shore power supply (SPS) system
GB/T 25317-2010 绝缘子串元件的槽型连接尺寸 Dimensions of clevis and tongue couplings of string insulator units
GB/T 25318-2010 绝缘子串元件球窝联接用锁紧销:尺寸和试验 Locking devices for ball and socket couplings of string insulator units:Dimensions and tests.
GB/T 25319-2010 汽车用燃料电池发电系统 技术条件 Fuel cell power system used for motor vehicles - Technical specification
GB/T 25321-2010 消费品安全制造管理指南 Guidelines for manufacture management of safer consumer products
GB/T 25322-2010 消费品安全标签 Safety label of consumer product
GB/T 25328-2010 玻璃窑炉节能监测 Monitoring and testing for energy saving of glass kiln
GB/T 25329-2010 企业节能规划编制通则 General principles for stipulation of enterprise energy conservation plan
GB/T 25330-2010 道砟清筛机通用技术条件 General technical specifications for ballast cleaning machinery
GB/T 25331-2010 电力机车、电力动车组主变流器用水散热器 Radiator for converter of electric locomotive and electric motor units
GB/T 25332-2010 机车转向架技术条件 Technical specification of bogie for locomotive
GB/T 25333-2010 内燃、电力机车标记 Labels of diesel locomotive & electric locomotive
GB/T 25335-2010 铁路T梁架桥机 Railway T-girder erecting machine
GB/T 25336-2010 铁路大型线路机械检查与试验方法 Test and inspection method for rail heavy-duty permanent way machinery
GB/T 25337-2010 铁路大型线路机械通用技术条件 General technical specifications for rail heavy-duty permanent way machinery
GB/T 25339-2010 铁路轨排铺轨机 Railway track-laying machine
GB/T 25340-2010 铁路机车车辆自动识别设备技术条件 Technical regulations for automatic equipment identification of railway locomotive and vehicle
GB/T 25342-2010 铁路铺轨机、架桥机词汇 Vocabulary for railway track-laying machine and girder-erecting machine
GB/T 25344-2010 中华人民共和国铁路线路名称代码 Code for railway lines of the People’s Republic of China
GB/T 25345-2010 食品金属探测器 Metal detector for food
GB/T 25346-2010 船舶供受燃油程序及检测方法 Procedures and measuring methods for the transfer of bunker fuels to ships
GB/T 25347-2010 船舶油品供应术语 Marine petroleum oil&lubricant supply terms
GB/T 25348-2010 汽车节油产品使用技术条件 Technical specification of fuel saving products for automobiles
GB/T 25349-2010 使用乙醇汽油车辆检查、维护技术规范 Technical specification for inspection and maintenance of vehicle using ethanol gasoline
GB/T 25350-2010 使用乙醇汽油车辆燃油供给系统清洗工艺规范 Technology specification for cleaning fuel supply system of ethanol gasoline vehicles
GB/T 25351-2010 使用乙醇汽油车辆性能技术要求 Technical specifications for performance of vehicle using ethanol gasoline
GB/T 25352-2010 隔热隔音材料耐烧穿试验方法 Test method to determine the burnthrough resistance of thermal/acoustic insulation materials
GB/T 25353-2010 隔热隔音材料燃烧及火焰蔓延特性试验方法 Test method to determine the flammability and flame propagation characteristics of thermal/acoustic insulation materials
GB/T 25354-2010 航空集装器转运验收规范 Acceptance standards for the interchange of transferred unit load devices
GB/T 25355-2010 航空器 地面除冰防冰液体法 Aircraft - Ground-based de-icing/anti-icing methods with fluids
GB/T 25356-2010 机场道面除冰防冰液 Airport pavement deicing /anti-icing fluid
GB/T 25357-2010 石油、石化及天然气工业流程用容积式回转压缩机 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Process positive-displacement rotary-type compressors
GB/T 25358-2010 石油及天然气工业用集装型回转无油空气压缩机 Packaged rotary oil-free air compressors for petroleum and natural gas industries
GB/T 25359-2010 石油及天然气工业用集成撬装往复压缩机 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Packaged reciprocating gas compressors
GB/T 25360-2010 汽车加气站用往复活塞天然气压缩机 The reciprocating piston natural gas compressor for the vehicle gas station
GB/T 25362-2010 汽油机电磁阀式喷油器总成 技术条件 Electromechanical solenoid fuel injector assemblies of gasoline engines - Technical requirements
GB/T 25363-2010 汽油机电磁阀式喷油器总成 试验方法 Electromechanical solenoid fuel injector assemblies of gasoline engines - Testing methods
GB/T 25366-2010 柴油机电控共轨喷油系统共轨管总成 技术条件 Electronic control common rail fuel injection system for diesel engines - The rail - Specifications
GB/T 25367-2010 柴油机电控共轨喷油系统喷油器总成 技术条件 Electronic control common rail fuel injection system for diesel engines - The injector - Specifications
GB/T 25368-2010 柴油机电控共轨喷油系统高压供油泵总成 技术条件 Electronic control common rail fuel injection system for diesel engines - The high-pressure supply pump - Specifications
GB/T 25369-2010 金属切割双金属带锯条 技术条件 Metal cutting-bimetal band saw blades - Technical specifications
GB/T 25370-2010 铸造机械 术语 Foundry machinery - Terminology
GB/T 25371-2010 铸造机械 噪声声压级测量方法 Foundry machinery - Measurement method of sound pressure level
GB/T 25372-2010 金属切削机床 精度分级 Metal-cutting machine tools - Accuracy grade
GB/T 25373-2010 金属切削机床 装配通用技术条件 Metal-cutting machine tools - General specifications of assembling
GB/T 25374-2010 金属切削机床 清洁度的测量方法 Metal-cutting machine tools - Measuring method of cleanliness
GB/T 25375-2010 金属切削机床 结合面涂色法检验及评定 Metal-cutting machine tools - Check and evaluation for combine surface by miniating
GB/T 25376-2010 金属切削机床 机械加工件通用技术条件 Metal-cutting machine tools - General specifications of machining parts
GB/T 25377-2010 检验棒 Check bar
GB/T 25378-2010 工具柄用8°安装锥的弹簧夹头 弹簧夹头、螺母和配合尺寸 Collets with 8°setting angle for tool shanks - Collets,nuts and fitting dimensions
GB/T 25380-2010 数控滚齿机 精度检验 Numerical control gear hobbing machine - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 25381-2010 风力发电机组 系列型谱 Genealogy of wind turbine generator system
GB/T 25382-2010 离网型风光互补发电系统 运行验收规范 Regulations for operational acceptance test of off-grid wind/solar hybrid generator system
GB/T 25383-2010 风力发电机组 风轮叶片 Wind turbine generator system - Rotor blades
GB/T 25384-2010 风力发电机组 风轮叶片全尺寸结构试验 Turbine blade of wind turbine generator systems - Full-scale structural testing of rotor blades
GB/T 25385-2010 风力发电机组 运行及维护要求 Operation and maintenance requirement for wind turbines
GB/T 25390-2010 风力发电机组 球墨铸铁件 Spheroidal graphite cast iron for wind turbine
GB/T 25391-2010 风力提水机组技术规范 Technical specification of water-pumping wind-mill
GB/T 25392-2010 农业工程 电气和电子设备 对环境条件的耐久试验 Agricultural engineering - Electrical and electronic equipment - Testing resistance to environmental conditions
GB/T 25393-2010 葡萄栽培和葡萄酒酿制设备 葡萄收获机 试验方法 Equipment for vine cultivation and wine making - Grape-harvesting machinery - Test methods
GB/T 25394-2010 葡萄栽培和葡萄酒酿制设备 果浆泵 试验方法 Equipment for vine cultivation and wine making - Mash pumps - Methods of test
GB/T 25395-2010 葡萄栽培和葡萄酒酿制设备 葡萄压榨机 试验方法 Equipment for vine cultivation and wine making - Grape presses - Methods of test
GB/T 25396-2010 农业机械 旋转式和甩刀式割草机 抛掷物试验和验收规范 Agricultural machinery - Rotary and flail mower - Thrown-object test and acceptance criteria
GB/T 25397-2010 农业机械 旋转式和甩刀式割草机 防护罩(裙)试验方法和验收规范 Agricultural machinery - Rotary and flail mower - Test methods and acceptance criteria for protective skirts
GB/T 25398-2010 农用挂车和牵引式机具 制动用液压缸 技术要求 Agricultural trailers and trailed equipment - Braking cylinders - Specifications
GB/T 25399-2010 农林拖拉机和机械 液压接头 制动回路 Tractors and machinery for agriculture and forestry - Hydraulic coupling - Braking circuit
GB/T 25400-2010 牵引式农用车辆 制动器和制动装置 实验室试验方法 Trailed agricuitural vehicles - Brakes and braking devices - Laboratory test method
GB/T 25401-2010 农业机械 厩肥撒施机 环保要求和试验方法 Agricultural machinery - Manure spreaders - Environmental protection - Requirements and test methods
GB/T 25402-2010 植物保护机械 喷雾机 大田作物喷雾机用试验跑道 Equipment for crop protection - Sprayers - Demonstration track for field crop sprayers
GB/T 25403-2010 农业灌溉设备用试验装置 Test facilities for agricultural irrigation equipment
GB/T 25404-2010 行走式节水灌溉机 Traveling water-saving irrigation machines
GB/T 25405-2010 轻小型管道输水灌溉机组 Small-size light piping water irrigation machines
GB/T 25406-2010 轻小型喷灌机 Series small-sized light sprinkling irrigation machines
GB/T 25407-2010 轻小型移动式灌溉机组 Series small-sized light movable irrigation machines
GB/T 25408-2010 悬挂式远射程喷灌机 Hanging type long-range sprinkling irrigation machines
GB/T 25409-2010 小型潜水电泵 Small-size submersible motor-pumps
GB/T 25410-2010 以拖拉机为动力的移动式泵站 Removable pump station powered by tractor
GB/T 25411-2010 IB型单级离心泵 IB single-stage centrifugal pumps
GB/T 25412-2010 残地膜回收机 Mulch film residue collector
GB/T 25413-2010 农田地膜残留量限值及测定 Limit and test method for residual quantity of agricultural mulch film
GB/T 25414-2010 棉花种植用地膜厚度限值及测定 Thickness limit and test method of mulch film for cotton planting
GB/T 25415-2010 航空施用农药操作准则 Guidelines on practice for aerial application of pesticides
GB/T 25416-2010 棉籽脱绒成套设备 Complete equipment for cottonseed delinting
GB/T 25417-2010 马铃薯种植机 技术条件 Potato planting machine - Specifications
GB/T 25418-2010 水稻覆土直播机 Rice direct seeder with soil cover
GB/T 25419-2010 气动果树剪枝机 Pneumatic pruning machine for fruit trees
GB/T 25420-2010 驱动耙 Actuates the rake
GB/T 25421-2010 牧草免耕播种机 No-tillage seeding drill for the grass
GB/T 25422-2010 草地潜松犁 Subsoiling plow for grassland
GB/T 25423-2010 方草捆打捆机 Rectangular bale baler
GB/T 25424-2010 农林拖拉机和机械 风挡玻璃雨刷器 Tractors and machinery for agricultural and forestry - Windowscreen wiper
GB/T 25428-2010 石油天然气工业 钻井和采油设备 钻井和修井井架、底座 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Drilling and production equipment - Drilling and well-servicing structures
GB/T 25429-2010 钻具止回阀规范 Specification for drill string non-return valve
GB/T 25430-2010 钻通设备 旋转防喷器规范 Specification for drill through equipment - Rotating control devices
GB/T 25435-2010 精细过滤纸板 Fine filtration board
GB/T 25436-2010 热封型茶叶滤纸 Heat sealable filter paper for teabags
GB/T 25437-2010 支撑过滤纸板 Coarse filtration board
GB/T 25438-2010 三相油浸式立体卷铁心配电变压器技术参数和要求 Specification and technical requirements for three-phase oil-immersed tridimensional toroidal-core distribution transformers
GB/T 25439-2010 使用三醋酸纤维素剂量测量系统测量吸收剂量的标准方法 Standard method for using cellulose triacetate dosimetry system to measure absorbed dose
GB/T 25441-2010 吸尘器电机 The motors for vacuum cleaners
GB/T 25442-2010 旋转电机(牵引电机除外)确定损耗和效率的试验方法 Standard methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machines from tests(excluding machines for traction vehicles)
GB/T 25443-2010 移动式点焊机 Portable spot welding machines
GB/T 25445-2010 抑制爆炸系统 Explosion suppression systems
GB/T 25446-2010 油浸式非晶合金铁心配电变压器技术参数和要求 Specification and technical requirements for oil-immersed amorphous alloy core distribution transformers
GB/T 25447-2010 质子交换膜燃料电池测试台及活化台 Proton exchange membrane fuel cell test system and activation system
GB/T 25448-2010 重水堆核电厂燃料棒束氦质谱泄漏检测 Helium leak testing of PHWR nuclear fuel bundles
GB/T 25449-2010 重水堆核电厂燃料棒束技术条件 Specification for fuel bundles of PHWR plant
GB/T 25450-2010 重水堆核电厂燃料元件端塞焊缝涡流检测 Eddy current testing of fuel element end cap weld for PHWR
GB/T 25451-2010 重水堆核电厂燃料元件涂层厚度测量β射线背散射法 PHWR fuel element coating-measurement of thickness-beta backscatter method
GB/T 25452-2010 重水堆核电厂燃料元件用烧结天然二氧化铀芯块技术条件 Specification for sintered natural uranium dioxide pellets for PHWR plant
GB/T 25453-2010 重水堆核电厂燃料元件用天然二氧化铀粉末技术条件 Specification for natural uranium dioxide powder for PHWR plant
GB/T 25454-2010 电鸣乐器均衡类音效装置通用技术条件 General specification for equalization equipment of electrophones musical instruments
GB/T 25455-2010 电鸣乐器放音设备 设备音乐性能评价规范 Electrophones musical instruments playback equipment - Specification of assessment for musical performance
GB/T 25456-2010 钢琴用毡 Felt for piano
GB/T 25457-2010 钢琴弦轴板 Piano pin block
GB/T 25459-2010 面向制造业信息化的ASP平台测评规范 Specification of testing ASP platform for networked manufacturing
GB/T 25460-2010 面向制造业信息化的ASP平台功能体系结构 Functional architecture of ASP platform for networked manufacturing
GB/T 25469-2010 制造业产业链协作平台功能规范 Cooperation platform function specification for manufacturing industrial chain
GB/T 25470-2010 制造业信息化共性技术资源服务平台功能规范 Service platform function specification for commonness technical resource of manufacturing informatization
GB/T 25471-2010 电磁屏蔽涂料的屏蔽效能测量方法 Measuring methods for electromagnetic shielding effectiveness of coating
GB/T 25472-2010 分析仪器质量检验规则 Quality inspection provisions for analyzers
GB/T 25473-2010 焊接、切割及类似工艺用管路减压器 Line regulator used in welding,cutting and allied processes
GB/T 25474-2010 工业自动化仪表公称通径值系列 Values of nominal size for industrial process measurement and control instruments
GB/T 25475-2010 工业自动化仪表 术语 温度仪表 Industrial-process measurement and control instruments - Terminology - Temperature measuring instruments
GB/T 25476-2010 可调谐激光气体分析仪 Tunable laser gas analyzer
GB/T 25477-2010 防腐磁性翻柱式液位计 Anti-corrosion magnetic trurning column fluid level gauge
GB/T 25478-2010 色谱数据工作站 Workstation of chromatography data
GB/T 25479-2010 工业过程测量和控制系统用无纸记录仪 Paperless recorder for use in industrial-process measurement and control systems
GB/T 25480-2010 仪器仪表运输、贮存基本环境条件及试验方法 Basic environmental conditions and testing methods for transportation and storage of instruments
GB/T 25481-2010 在线紫外/可见分光光谱分析仪 On-line ultraviolet/visible spectrum analyzer
GB/T 25482-2010 自动闭口闪点仪 Automatic closed flashpoint analyzer
GB/T 25483-2010 面向制造业信息化的企业集成平台测评规范 Specification of testing enterprise integration platform for manufacturing informatization
GB/T 25484-2010 网络化制造ASP工作流程及服务接口 Workflow and service interface for ASP in networked manufacturing
GB/T 25485-2010 工业自动化系统与集成 制造执行系统功能体系结构 Industrial automation systems and integration - Functional architecture of manufacturing execution system
GB/T 25486-2010 网络化制造技术术语 Networked manufacturing - Technical terminology
GB/T 25487-2010 网络化制造系统应用实施规范 Networked manufacturing system implementing specification
GB/T 25488-2010 网络化制造系统集成模型 Integrated model for networked manufacturing system
GB/T 25489-2010 网络化制造系统功能规划技术规范 Technical specification for the functional planning of networked manufacturing system
GB/T 25494-2010 吸气剂成分分析测试方法 Test methods for composition analysis of getters
GB/T 25495-2010 吸气剂金属释放特性测试方法 Test methods for metal releasing characteristics of getters
GB/T 25496-2010 吸气剂机械性能测试方法 Test methods for the mechanical properties of getters
GB/T 25497-2010 吸气剂气体吸放性能测试方法 Test methods for gas absorbency and release of getters
GB/T 25499-2010 城市污水再生利用 绿地灌溉水质 The reuse of urban recycling water - Water quality standard for green space irrigation
GB/T 25504-2010 冰葡萄酒 Icewines
GB/T 25505-2010 海洋渔业船舶系泊、航行及捕捞试验通则 General provisions for programming mooring, sea trials and fishing of sea going fishery vessel
GB/T 25507-2010 工业基础类平台规范 Industry foundation classes platform
GB/T 25508-2010 制造企业ASP服务评测规范 Evaluating specification for ASP service of manufacturing enterprise
GB/T 25509-2010 机械系统和通用件 齿轮参考字典 Mechanical systems and components for general use - Reference dictionary for gears
GB/T 25510-2010 机械系统和通用件 滚动轴承参考字典 Mechanical systems and components for general use - Reference dictionary for rolling bearings
GB/T 25511-2010 机械系统和通用件 链、皮带和键参考字典 Mechanical systems and components for general use - Reference dictionary for chains,belts and keys
GB/T 25512-2010 健康信息学 推动个人健康信息跨国流动的数据保护指南 Health informatics - Guidelines on data protection to facilitate trans-border flows of personal health information
GB/T 25513-2010 健康信息学 安全、通信以及专业人员与患者标识的目录服务 Health informatics - Directory services for security, communications and identification of professionals and patients
GB/T 25514-2010 健康信息学 健康受控词表 结构和高层指标 Health informatics - Controlled health terminology - Structure and high-level indicators
GB/T 25515-2010 健康信息学 护理参考术语模型集成 Health informatics - Integration of a reference terminology model for nursing
GB/T 25516-2010 声学 管道消声器和风道末端单元的实验室测量方法 插入损失、气流噪声和全压损失 Acoustics - Laboratory measurement procedures for ducted silencers and air-terminal units loss, fiow noise and total pressure loss
GB/T 25528-2010 地理信息 数据产品规范 Geographic information - Data product specifications
GB/T 25529-2010 地理信息分类与编码规则 Geographic information classification and coding rules
GB/T 25530-2010 地理信息 服务 Geographic information - Services
GB/T 25597-2010 地理信息 万维网地图服务接口 Geographic information - Web map server interface
GB/T 25600-2010 博物馆讲解员资质划分 Museum guide grading system
GB/T 25601-2010 中国文化遗产标志 The sign of China cultural heritage
GB/T 25602-2010 土方机械 机器可用性 术语 Earth-moving machinery - Machine availability - Vocabulary
GB/T 25603-2010 土方机械 水平定向钻机 术语 Earth-moving machinery - Horizontal directional drills - Terminology
GB/T 25604-2010 土方机械 装载机 术语和商业规格 Earth-moving machinery - Loaders - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 25605-2010 土方机械 自卸车 术语和商业规格 Earth-moving machinery - Dumpers - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 25606-2010 土方机械 产品识别代码系统 Earth-moving machinery - Product identification numbering system
GB/T 25607-2010 土方机械 防护装置 定义和要求 Earth-moving machinery - Guards - Definitions and requirements
GB/T 25608-2010 土方机械 非金属燃油箱的性能要求 Earth-moving machinery - Performance requirements for non-metallic fuel tanks
GB/T 25609-2010 土方机械 步行操纵式机器的制动系统 性能要求和试验方法 Earth - moving machinery - Braking systems of pedestrian-controlled machines - Performance requirements and test procedures
GB/T 25610-2010 土方机械 自卸车车厢支承装置和司机室倾斜支承装置 Earth - moving machinery - Dumper body support and operator’s cab tilt support devices
GB/T 25611-2010 土方机械 机器液体系统作业的坡道极限值测定 静态法 Earth-moving machinery - Determination of slope limits for machine fluid systems operation - Static test method
GB/T 25612-2010 土方机械 声功率级的测定 定置试验条件 Earth-moving machinery - Determination of sound power level - Stationary test conditions
GB/T 25613-2010 土方机械 司机位置发射声压级的测定 定置试验条件 Earth-moving machinery - Determination of emission sound pressure level at operator's position - Stationary test conditions
GB/T 25614-2010 土方机械 声功率级的测定 动态试验条件 Earth-moving machinery - Determination of sound power level - Dynamic test conditions
GB/T 25615-2010 土方机械 司机位置发射声压级的测定 动态试验条件 Earth-moving machinery - Determination of emission sound pressure level at operator's position - Dynamic test conditions
GB/T 25616-2010 土方机械 辅助起动装置的电连接件 Earth-moving machinery - Auxiliary starting aid electrical connector
GB/T 25617-2010 土方机械 机器操作的可视显示装置 Earth-moving machinery - Visual display of machine operation
GB/T 25619-2010 土方机械 滑移转向装载机附属装置的联接 Earth-moving machinery - Coupling of attachments to skid steer loaders
GB/T 25620-2010 土方机械 操作和维修 可维修性指南 Earth-moving machinery - Operation and maintenance - Maintainability guidelines
GB/T 25621-2010 土方机械 操作和维修 技工培训 Earth-moving machinery - Operation and maintenance - Training of mechanics
GB/T 25622-2010 土方机械 司机手册 内容和格式 Earth-moving machinery - Operator’s manual - Content and format
GB/T 25623-2010 土方机械 司机培训方法指南 Earth-moving machinery - Guide to procedure for operator training
GB/T 25624-2010 土方机械 司机座椅 尺寸和要求 Earth-moving machinery - Operator's seat - Dimensions and requirements
GB/T 25625-2010 土方机械 自卸车 教练员座椅/环境空间 Earth-moving machinery - Dumpers - Trainer seat/enclosure
GB/T 25626-2010 冲击压路机 Impact roller
GB/T 25627-2010 工程机械 动力换挡变速器 Construction machinery - Power-shift transmissions
GB/T 25628-2010 土方机械 斗齿 Earth-moving machinery - Tooth
GB/T 25629-2010 液压挖掘机 中央回转接头 Hydraulic excavator - Central turning hydraulic joint
GB/T 25630-2010 透平压缩机 性能试验规程 Turbocompressors - Performance test code
GB/T 25631-2010 机械振动 手持式和手导式机械 振动评价规则 Mechanical vibration - Hand-held and hand-guided machinery - Principles for evaluation of vibration emission
GB/T 25632-2010 快速成形软件数据接口 Data interface for software of rapid prototyping
GB/T 25633-2010 电火花加工机床 电磁兼容性试验规范 Electro-discharge machines - Test specification for electromagnetic compatibility
GB/T 25636-2010 机床数控系统 用户服务指南 Numerical control system of machine tools - Guidelines for the service of customer
GB/T 25639-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青混凝土路面摊铺作业机群智能化 术语 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Machine-group intelligent control in asphalt concrete road paving - Terminology
GB/T 25640-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青混凝土路面摊铺作业机群智能化 信息交换 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Machine-group intelligent control in asphalt concrete road paving - Information exchange
GB/T 25641-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青混合料厂拌热再生设备 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Asphalt hot recycling plant
GB/T 25642-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青混合料转运机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Asphalt-aggregate mixture transfer
GB/T 25643-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 路面铣刨机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Road milling machine
GB/T 25644-2010 信息技术 软件工程 可复用资产规范 Information technology - Software engineering - Reusable asset specification
GB/T 25645-2010 信息技术 中文Linux服务器操作系统技术要求 Information technology - Technical requirement for chinese linux server operating system
GB/T 25646-2010 信息技术 中文Linux用户界面规范 Information technology - Specification for chinese linux user interface
GB/T 25647-2010 电子政务术语 Electronic government terminology
GB/T 25648-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 稳定土拌和机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Soil stabilizer
GB/T 25649-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 稀浆封层机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Slurry seal machine
GB/T 25650-2010 混凝土振动台 Concrete vibrating table
GB/T 25651-2010 锤式破碎机 锤头磨耗 Hammer crusher - Hammerhead ablation
GB/T 25652-2010 地下矿用架空索道 设计规范 Aerial ropeways for underground mine - Design rules
GB/T 25653-2010 铲斗装岩机 Bucket loader
GB/T 25654-2010 手持电子产品嵌入式软件API Embedded software API for handheld electronic product
GB/T 25655-2010 信息技术 中文Linux桌面操作系统技术要求 Information technology - Technical requirement for Chinese Linux desktop operating system
GB/T 25656-2010 信息技术 中文Linux应用编程界面(API)规范 Information technology - Specification for Chinese Linux programming interface (API)
GB/T 25657.1-2010 数控花键轴铣床 第1部分:精度检验 Numerical control spline hobbing machines - Part 1: Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 25662-2010 数控弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机 精度检验 Numerical control spiral bevel gear milling machines - Testing of the accuracy
GB/T 25663-2010 数控龙门移动多主轴钻床 CNC movable gantry type multi-spindle drilling machine
GB/T 25664-2010 高速切削铣刀 安全要求 Milling cutters for high speed machining - Safety requirements
GB/T 25665-2010 整体硬切削材料直柄圆弧立铣刀 尺寸 Solid end mills with corner radii and cylindrical shanks made of hard cutting materials - Dimensions
GB/T 25666-2010 硬质合金直柄麻花钻 Parallel shank twist drills with carbide tips
GB/T 25670-2010 硬质合金斜齿立铣刀 End mills with brazed angular hardmetal tips
GB/T 25671-2010 硬质涂层高速钢刀具 技术条件 High speed steels metal cutting tools with hard coating - Technical specifications
GB/T 25672-2010 电锤钻和套式电锤钻 Hammer drills and Shell hammer drills
GB/T 25673-2010 可调节手用铰刀 Adjustable hand reamer
GB/T 25674-2010 螺钉槽铣刀 Screw slotting saws
GB/T 25675-2010 印刷机械 资源利用技术条件 Printing machinery - Technology conditions of resources utilization
GB/T 25677-2010 印刷机械 卷筒纸平版印刷机 Printing machinery - Web offset
GB/T 25678-2010 印刷机械 卷筒纸平版商业印刷机 Printing machinery - Commercial web offset press
GB/T 25679-2010 印刷机械 卷筒料机组式柔性版印刷机 Printing machinery - Web modular unit flexographic press
GB/T 25680-2010 印刷机械 卧式平压模切机 Printing machinery - Bed-type platen-die cutting and creasing machine
GB/T 25681-2010 印刷机械 胶粘装订联动机 Printing machinery - Perfect binding machine
GB/T 25686-2010 土方机械 司机遥控的安全要求 Earth-moving machinery - Safety requirements for remote operator control
GB/T 25689-2010 土方机械 自卸车车厢 容量标定 Earth-moving machinery - Dumper bodies - Volumetric rating
GB/T 25690-2010 土方机械 升运式铲运机 容量标定 Earth-moving machinery - Elevating scrapers - Volumetric ratings
GB/T 25691-2010 土方机械 开斗式铲运机 容量标定 Earth-moving machinery - Open bowl scraper - Volumetric rating
GB/T 25692-2010 土方机械 自卸车和自行式铲运机用限速器 性能试验 Earth-moving machinery - Retarders for dumpers and tractor-scrapers - Performance tests
GB/T 25693-2010 土方机械 遥控拆除机 Earth-moving machinery - remote - controlled demolition robot
GB/T 25694-2010 土方机械 滑移转向装载机 Earth-moving machinery - Skid-steer loaders
GB/T 25695-2010 建筑施工机械与设备 旋挖钻机成孔施工通用规程 Building construction machinery and equipment - Borehole construction general regulations for rotary rig
GB/T 25696-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青路面加热机 术语和商业规格 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Asphalt pavement heater - Terminology and commercial specifications
GB/T 25697-2010 道路施工与养护机械设备 沥青路面就地热再生复拌机 Road construction and road maintenance machinery and equipment - Asphalt pavement hot-in-place recycling remixer
GB/T 25698-2010 饲料加工工艺术语 Feed processing technology terms
GB/T 25699-2010 带式横流颗粒饲料干燥机 Belt crossflow pellet feed dryer
GB/T 25700-2010 复摆颚式破碎机 能耗指标 Single toggle jaw crusher - Energy consumption index
GB/T 25701-2010 复摆颚式破碎机 金属单耗 Single toggle jaw crusher - Specific metal consumption
GB/T 25702-2010 复摆颚式破碎机 颚板磨耗 Single toggle jaw crusher - Wear consumption of Jaw plate
GB/T 25703-2010 溢流型球磨机 能耗指标 Overflow ball mill - Energy consumption index
GB/T 25704-2010 溢流型球磨机 金属单耗 Overflow ball mill - Specific metal consumption
GB/T 25705-2010 溢流型球磨机 衬板磨耗 Overflow ball mill - Wear consumption of liner plate
GB/T 25706-2010 矿山机械产品型号编制方法 Code of designations for mining machinery products
GB/T 25707-2010 液压防爆提升机和提升绞车 Hydraulic defence explosion mine hoists and mine winders
GB/T 25708-2010 球磨机和棒磨机 Ball mill and rod mill
GB/T 25709-2010 自磨机和半自磨机 AG mill and SAG mill
GB/T 25710-2010 矿用斜巷行人助行装置 Walking auxiliary devices in mine inclined laneway
GB/T 25711-2010 铸造机械 通用技术条件 Foundry machinery - General technical requirements
GB/T 25712-2010 振动时效工艺参数选择及效果评定方法 Vibratory stress relief technology - Parameter selection and effect evaluation methods
GB/T 25713-2010 机械式振动时效装置 Machinery vibrating stress relief device
GB/T 25715-2010 离心球墨铸管管模 Sphere nodular cast pipe mold finish machining project
GB/T 25716-2010 镁合金冷室压铸机 cold chamber die casting machines for magnesium alloys
GB/T 25717-2010 镁合金热室压铸机 Hot chamber die casting machines for magnesium alloys
GB/T 25718-2010 电液锤 型式与基本参数 Electro hydraulic forging hammer - Type and basic parameter
GB/T 25719-2010 电液锤 技术条件 Electro hydraulic forging hammer - Technical requirements
GB/T 25720-2010 空气锤 型式与基本参数 Pneumatic forging hammer - Type and parameter
GB/T 25721-2010 空气锤 技术条件 Pneumatic forging hammer - Technical requirements
GB/T 25724-2010 安全防范监控数字视音频编解码技术要求 Technical specification of surveillance video and audio coding
GB/T 25725-2010 带电作业工具专用车 Special purpose vehicle for live working tools
GB/T 25726-2010 1000kV交流带电作业用屏蔽服装 Screen clothes for live working on 1000kV AC
GB/T 25727-2010 粮油机械 螺旋脱水机 Grain and oil machinery - Screw press dehydrator
GB/T 25728-2010 粮油机械 气压磨粉机 Grain and oil machinery - Pneumatic rollermill
GB/T 25729-2010 粮油机械 撞击松粉机 Grain and oil machinery - Impact delecher
GB/T 25730-2010 粮油机械 清粉机 Grain and oil machinery - Purifier
GB/T 25731-2010 粮油机械 长管蒸发器 Grain and oil machinery - Raising file evaporator
GB/T 25732-2010 粮油机械 液压榨油机 Grain and oil machinery - Hydraulic press
GB/T 25733-2010 藕粉 Lotus rhizome powder
GB/T 25734-2010 牦牛肉干 Yak dried beef
GB/T 25735-2010 饲料添加剂 L-色氨酸 Feed additive - L-Tryptophan
GB/T 25736-2010 棉花加工企业生产环境及安全管理要求 Requirements for environment and safety production management in cotton processing enterprises
GB/T 25737-2010 1000kV变电站监控系统验收规范 Acceptance norms for 1000kV substation monitoring system
GB/T 25738-2010 核电厂电动机调试技术导则 Technical guideline of motor commissioning for nuclear power plant
GB/T 25739-2010 核电厂阀门调试技术导则 Technical guideline of valves commissioning for nuclear power plant
GB/T 25741-2010 信息技术 汉字编码字符集 汉字部首序和笔顺序 Information technology - Chinese ideograms coded character set Radical order and stroke order of Chinese ideograms
GB/T 25743-2010 钢件深冷处理 Cryogenic treatment of steel parts
GB/T 25744-2010 钢件渗碳淬火回火金相检验 Metallographic examination for carburizing quenching and tempering of steel parts
GB/T 25745-2010 铸造铝合金热处理 Heat treatment of cast aluminium alloys
GB/T 25746-2010 可锻铸铁金相检验 Metallographic test for malleable cast iron
GB/T 25747-2010 镁合金压铸件 Magnesium alloy die castings
GB/T 25748-2010 压铸镁合金 Die casting magnesium alloys
GB/T 25750-2010 可锁定气弹簧技术条件 Lockable gas spring technical specification
GB/T 25751-2010 压缩气弹簧技术条件 Compression gas spring technical specification
GB/T 25752-2010 差压式气密检漏仪 Differential pressure air leak tester
GB/T 25754-2010 真空技术 直角阀 尺寸和气动装置的接口 Vacuum technology - Right-angle valve - Dimensions and interfaces for pneumatic actuator
GB/T 25755-2010 真空技术 溅射离子泵 性能参数的测量 Vacuum technology - Sputter-ion pumps - Measurement of performance characteristics
GB/T 25757-2010 无损检测 钢管自动漏磁检测系统综合性能测试方法 Non-destructive testing - Test methods of performance characteristics of automatic magnetic flux leakage testing systems for steel tubes
GB/T 25759-2010 无损检测 数字化超声检测数据的计算机传输数据段指南 Non-destructive testing - Guide for data fields for computerized transfer of digital ultrasonic examination data
GB/T 25760-2010 滚动轴承 滚针和推力球组合轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Combined needle roller bearings with thrust ball bearings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 25761-2010 滚动轴承 滚针和角接触球组合轴承 外形尺寸 Rolling bearings - Combined needle roller bearings with angular contact ball bearings - Boundary dimensions
GB/T 25762-2010 滚动轴承 摩托车连杆支承用滚针和保持架组件 Rolling bearings - Needle roller and cage assemblies for motorcycle connecting rod
GB/T 25763-2010 滚动轴承 汽车变速箱用滚针轴承 Rolling bearings - Needle roller bearings for automotive transmission
GB/T 25764-2010 滚动轴承 汽车变速箱用滚子轴承 Rolling bearings - Roller bearings for automobile transmission
GB/T 25765-2010 滚动轴承 汽车变速箱用球轴承 Rolling bearings - Ball bearings for automobile transmission
GB/T 25766-2010 滚动轴承 外球面球轴承 径向游隙 Rolling bearings - Insert bearings - Radial internal clearance
GB/T 25767-2010 滚动轴承 圆锥滚子 Rolling bearings - Tapered rollers
GB/T 25768-2010 滚动轴承 滚针和双向推力圆柱滚子组合轴承 Rolling bearings - Combined needle roller bearings with double direction thrust cylindrical roller bearings
GB/T 25769-2010 滚动轴承 径向游隙的测量方法 Rolling bearings - Measuring methods for radial internal clearance
GB/T 25770-2010 滚动轴承 铁路货车轴承 Rolling bearings - Bearings for railway wagon
GB/T 25771-2010 滚动轴承 铁路机车轴承 Rolling bearings - Bearings for railway locomotive
GB/T 25772-2010 滚动轴承 铁路客车轴承 Rolling bearings - Bearings for railway passenger coach
GB/T 25773-2010 燃气机熔化焊技术规范 Fusion welding specifications for combustion engine
GB/T 25775-2010 焊接材料供货技术条件 产品类型、尺寸、公差和标志 Technical delivery conditions for welding consumables - Type of product, dimensions,tolerances and markings
GB/T 25776-2010 焊接材料焊接工艺性能评定方法 Qualification methods of welding procedure for welding consumables
GB/T 25777-2010 焊接材料熔敷金属化学分析试样制备方法 Preparation methods for deposited metal specimens of chemical analysis
GB/T 25778-2010 焊接材料采购指南 Procurement guidelines for welding consumables
GB/T 25780-2010 1-硝基蒽醌 1-Nitroanthraquinone
GB/T 25781-2010 1-萘胺 1-Naphthyamine
GB/T 25782-2010 1-萘酚 1-Naphthol
GB/T 25783-2010 1,4-二氨基蒽醌隐色体 1,4-Diaminoanthraquinone leuco compound
GB/T 25784-2010 2,4,6-三硝基苯酚(苦味酸) 2,4,6 -Trinitrophenol(Picric acid)
GB/T 25785-2010 2-氨基-4,6-二硝基酚钠(苦氨酸钠) 2-Amino-4,6-dinitrophenol sodium(picramic acid sodium hydrate)
GB/T 25786-2010 2-氨基-4-乙酰氨基苯甲醚 2-Amino-4-acetamino anisole
GB/T 25787-2010 4,4’-二羟基二苯砜(双酚S) 4,4’-Sulfonyldiphenol(Bisphenol-S)
GB/T 25788-2010 C.I.溶剂蓝104 C.I. Solvent blue 104
GB/T 25789-2010 对苯二胺 p-Phenylenediamine
GB/T 25790-2010 反应橙KN-3R 150%(C.I.反应橙16) Reactive orange KN-3R 150%(C.I. Reactive orange 16)
GB/T 25791-2010 反应红M-2BE(C.I.反应红194) Reactive red M-2BE(C.I. Reactive red 194)
GB/T 25792-2010 反应红W-2G(C.I.反应红84) Reactive red W-2G(C.I. Reactive red 84)
GB/T 25793-2010 反应黄KN-GR 150%(C.I.反应黄15) Reactive yellow KN-GR 150%(C.I. Reactive yellow 15)
GB/T 25794-2010 反应金黄KN-RNL(C.I.反应橙107)及反应红M-RB(C.I.反应红198) Reactive golden yellow KN-RNL(C.I. Reactive orange 107)and Reactive red M-RB(C.I. Reactive red 198)
GB/T 25795-2010 反应蓝KN-RGB(C.I.反应蓝250) Reactive blue KN-RGB(C.I. Reactive blue 250)
GB/T 25796-2010 反应艳黄W-2G(C.I.反应黄39) Reactive brilliant yellow W-2G(C.I. Reactive yellow 39)
GB/T 25797-2010 纺织平网印花制版单液型感光乳液 A kind of photosensitive emulsion(single component) for plate making on fabric screen printing
GB/T 25798-2010 纺织染整助剂分类 Classification of textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries
GB/T 25799-2010 纺织染整助剂名词术语 Glossary of textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries
GB/T 25800-2010 纺织染整助剂命名原则 Principle of nomenclature of textile dyeing and finishing auxiliaries
GB/T 25801-2010 分散橙S-4RL(C.I.分散橙30) Disperse orange S-4RL(C.I. Disperse orange 30)
GB/T 25802-2010 分散艳蓝E-4R(C.I.分散蓝56) Disperse brilliant blue E-4R(C.I. Disperse blue 56)
GB/T 25803-2010 分散紫HFRL(C.I.分散紫26) Disperse violet HFRL(C.I. Disperse violet 26)
GB/T 25804-2010 还原红6B(C.I.还原红13) Vat red 6B(C.I. Vat red 13)
GB/T 25805-2010 还原灰3B(C.I.还原黑16) Vat grey 3B(C.I. Vat black 16)
GB/T 25806-2010 还原棕G(C.I.还原棕68) Vat brown G(C.I. Vat brown 68)
GB/T 25807-2010 间脲基苯胺盐酸盐 m - Carbamidoaniline hydrochloride
GB/T 25808-2010 硫化黑2BR、3B 200% Sulphur black 2BR、3B 200%
GB/T 25809-2010 硫化黑S-BR(水溶性硫化黑BR) Sulphur black S-BR(Soluble sulphur black BR)
GB/T 25810-2010 染料 产品标志、标签、包装、运输和贮存的基本规定 Dyes ― General rules for Logo - Tag - Packing - Transportation - storage of products
GB/T 25811-2010 染料试验用标准漂白涤纶布 Standard bleached polyester fabric used for dyeing text
GB/T 25812-2010 染料试验用标准漂白棉布 Standard bleached cotton fabric used for dyeing text
GB/T 25813-2010 染料试验用标准漂白棉线 Standard bleached cotton yarn used for dyeing text
GB/T 25814-2010 三聚氯氰 Cyanuric chloride
GB/T 25815-2010 酸性红NM-3BL(C.I.酸性红414) Acid red NM-3BL(C.I. Acid red 414)
GB/T 25816-2010 酸性红NM-B 200%(C.I.酸性红359) Acid red NM - B 200%(C.I. Acid red 359)
GB/T 25817-2010 酸性金黄P-R 350%(C.I.酸性黄159) Acid golden yellow P - R 350%(C.I. Acid yellow 159)
GB/T 25818-2010 酸性艳蓝P-RL(C.I.酸性蓝350) Acid brilliant blue P - RL(C.I. Acid blue 350)
GB/T 25819-2010 液体反应黑PWF Liquid reactive black PWF
GB/T 25820-2010 包装用钢带 Steel strips for packing
GB/T 25821-2010 不锈钢钢绞线 Stainless steel wire strand
GB/T 25822-2010 车轴用异型及圆形无缝钢管 Shaped and round seamless steel tubes for axle
GB/T 25823-2010 单丝涂覆环氧涂层预应力钢绞线 Individual epoxy-coated wire prestressing steel strand
GB/T 25824-2010 道路用钢渣 Steel slag for road
GB/T 25825-2010 热轧钢板带轧辊 Rolls for hot strip mill and plate mill
GB/T 25826-2010 钢筋混凝土用环氧涂层钢筋 Epoxy-coated steel for the reinforcement of concrete
GB/T 25827-2010 高温合金板(带)材通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy plates and strips
GB/T 25828-2010 高温合金棒材通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy bars
GB/T 25829-2010 高温合金成品化学成分允许偏差 Permissisible variations for chemical composition of superalloy products
GB/T 25830-2010 高温合金盘(环)件通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy disks and rings
GB/T 25831-2010 高温合金丝材通用技术条件 General specification of superalloy wires
GB/T 25832-2010 搪瓷用热轧钢板和钢带 Hot rolled steel plates and strips for porcelain enameling
GB/T 25833-2010 公路护栏用镀锌钢丝绳 The galvanized steel wire ropes for highway guardrail
GB/T 25834-2010 金属和合金的腐蚀 钢铁户外大气加速腐蚀试验 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Accelerate corrosion testing of iron and steel in outdoor atmospheres
GB/T 25835-2010 缆索用环氧涂层钢丝 Epoxy-coated steel wires for cables
GB/T 25836-2010 微量硬度快速测定方法 Rapid determination method of micro-hardness
GB/T 25837-2010 核电厂安全壳电气贯穿件的质量鉴定 Qualification of electrical penetration assemblies in containment structures for nuclear power plants
GB/T 25838-2010 核电厂安全级电阻温度探测器的质量鉴定 Qualification of safety class resistance temperature detectors for nuclear power plants
GB/T 25839-2010 零过渡过程低压动态无功功率补偿装置 Low-voltage reactive power dynamic compensation equipment with zero transition
GB/T 25840-2010 规定电气设备部件(特别是接线端子)允许温升的导则 Guidance concerning the permissible temperature rise for parts of electrical equipment, in particular for terminals
GB/T 25844-2010 工业用现场分析小屋成套系统 Field analyzer house system in process
GB/T 25845-2010 工业用γ射线料位计 Industrial γ-ray level meter
GB/T 25846-2010 工业用γ射线密度计 Industrial γ-ray density meter
GB/T 25847-2010 化学固化硅质耐腐蚀胶泥技术条件 Standard specification for chemically setting silicate chemical - resistant mortars
GB/T 25848-2010 耐酸陶瓷球拱 Acid - resistant ceramic arched beam
GB/T 25850-2010 起重机 指派人员的培训 Cranes - Training of appointed persons
GB/T 25852-2010 8级链条用锻造起重部件 Forged steel lifting components for use with grade 8 chain
GB/T 25853-2010 8级非焊接吊链 Chain slings assembled by methods other than welding - Grade 8
GB/T 25854-2010 一般起重用D形和弓形锻造卸扣 Forged shackles for general lifting purposes - Dee shackles and bow shackles
GB/T 25855-2010 索具用8级连接环 Links of Grade 8 for use with slings
GB/T 25857-2010 低环境温度空气源多联式热泵(空调)机组 Low ambient temperature air source multi-connected heat pump (air conditioning) units
GB/T 25858-2010 精密空调机组性能测试方法 Performance testing method of precision air conditioning unit
GB/T 25859-2010 蓄冷系统用蓄冰槽 型式与基本参数 The stand form and basic parameters of ice storage tank in cool storage system
GB/T 25860-2010 蒸发式冷气机 Evaporative air cooler
GB/T 25861-2010 蒸气压缩循环水源高温热泵机组 Water-source high temperature heat pumps using the vapor compression cycle
GB/T 25862-2010 制冷与空调用同轴套管式换热器 Coaxial heat exchanger for refrigeration equipment and air-conditioning
GB/T 25863-2010 不锈钢烧结金属丝网多孔材料及其元件 Stainless steel sintered metal mesh materials and components
GB/T 25864-2010 球孢白僵菌粉剂 Powder of Beauveria bassiana
GB/T 25865-2010 饲料添加剂 硫酸锌 Feed additive-Zinc sulphate
GB/T 25866-2010 玉米干全酒糟(玉米DDGS) Distiller’s dried grain with solubles (corn)
GB/T 25867-2010 根菜类 冷藏和冷藏运输 Root vegetables - Cold storage and refrigerated transport
GB/T 25868-2010 早熟马铃薯 预冷和冷藏运输指南 Early potatoes - Guide to cold cooling and refrigerated transport
GB/T 25869-2010 洋葱 贮藏指南 Onions - Guide to storage
GB/T 25870-2010 甜瓜 冷藏和冷藏运输 Melons - Cold storage and refrigerated transport


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