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ACMI的认证(咨询)标签除AP(Approved Product)外,还包括 CP(Certified Product), 和HL(Health Label (Non-Toxic)),CL等等。ACMI certificate can divide as AP(Approved Product),CP(Certified Product), HL(Health Label (Non-Toxic)),and CL ect..

AP标签证明ACMI认可产品符合ASTM D4236:慢性毒素标签标准以及Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA):危险艺术材料标签的要求

AP certification proved that the product can pass ASTMD 4236 test and Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials Act (LHAMA)

第一部分 Part one :.向ACMI申请AP印章的费用主要包括以下几个部分:the fee to apply for AP mark mainly include few parts as follows:  

1. ACMI会员申请费 register fee 
2. ACMI证书年费:每年缴纳年费,根据产品的销售额按比例增加。Annually fee for certificate:  There are fees to join ACMI and continuing dues to be paidannually of covered sales to the United States.

第二部分 Part two: 测试和认证咨询 test & certificate

1.测试 test (ACMI 认可实验室 ACMI proved lab):需提供产品信息 product info ,成分信息(配方)product formulas
2.毒理专家评估 Toxicology expert evaluation 
3.合格后取得AP 资质 after all passes, can get a AP MARK


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