M&TE - Measuring and Test Equipment

MAA - OIML相互接受协议

MAN - Metropolitan Area Network

MAP - Manufacturing Automation Protocol

MARCO - Manage All Requested Content Online

Market Acceptance - The minimum requirements that must be met to meet the requirements of the marketplace. Market acceptance requirements are often negotiated between the buyer and seller based on a variety of interests. Market acceptance requirements are negotiable but must give consideration to market access requirements.

Market Access - The minimum requirements that must be met to bring a product to market. Market access requirements are often regulated by national or regional laws and are non-negotiable.

MBMA - Metal Building Manufacturers' Association

MBNQA - Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards, administered by the NIST

MBP - Market Based Pricing

MBS - Malawi Bureau of Standards

MBS - Malta Bureau of Standards

MC - CENELEC Marks Committee

MCAA - Mechanical Contractors Association of America

MCCR - Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations (Ontario)

MD - Machinery Directive (EU)

MD - Machinery Directive 机械指令。欧盟CE认证指令之一

MDD - Medical Devices Directive (EU)

MDSB - Medical Devices Standards Board

MEC - Mexican Electrical Code

MEC - Model Energy Code

MEDEC - Medical Devices Canada (formerly CAMMD)

MEEI - Hungarian Institute for Testing and Certification of Electrical Equipment

MEL - Melville

MEMAC - Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers' Association of Canada

MEPS - Minimum Energy Performance Standards 澳洲能源之星认证

MERCOSUR - Mercado Comun del Sur, Southern Cone Common Market (South America)

MET - Maryland Electrical Testing Laboratories

METI - Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Japan)

MFL - Manitoba Federation of Labor

mg/kg - milligram per kilogram, see also ppm

mg/l - milligram per litre

MHI - Material Handling Institute Inc.

MHN - Managed Health Network

MHS - Message Handling Services

MHW - Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan)

MIACC - Major Industrial Accidents Council of Canada

MIB - Management Information Base

MIL - Military

MIL-STD - Military Standard (USA)

Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) - The MITI issue a T-mark for electrical appliances and material. In 1995, the predominantly compulsory certification system was modified into a mostly voluntary certification system, where TUV S-mark scheme fully applies. Only a rather small number of appliances is left within the compulsory certification scheme. In most cases, TRJ's S-mark is the preferred voluntary certification mark.

MIP - Mark Integrity Program

MISA - Municipal Industrial Strategy for Abatement (Ontario)

MISC - Marketplace Implementation Subcommittee (under SCOPEP)

MITG - Marketplace Implementation Task Group (under SCOT)

MITI - Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)

MKE - Ministry of Knowledge Economy 韩国知识经济部

MLMA - Metal Ladder Manufacturers Association

MLP - Multilink Procedure

MMS - Manufacturing Message Service

MNIS - Mongolian National Institute for Standardization

MNO - Multinational Organization

MOC - Ministry of Construction (Japan)

MOE - Ministry of Environment

MOL - Ministry of Labor (Ontario)

Mono-filament yarn - Yarn made of one single filament of fiber. Spandex is often a mono-filament.

MOSST - Ministry of State for Science and Technology

MOT - Ministry of Transport (now Transport Canada) (Canada)

MOTIS - Message Oriented Text Interchange Systems

MOU - Memorandum of Understanding 谅解备忘录

MPF - Multi Piece Flow

MPIA - Mechanical Power Transmission Association

MRA - Mutual Recognition Agreement 互认协议

MRA - Mutual Recognition Agreement 多方互认协议

MRC - Medical Research Council

MS - Mass Spectrometry: an analytical technique that measures the mass / charge ratio of the ions formed when a molecule or atom is ionized, vaporized and introduced into a vacuum

MS-DOS - Microsoft Disk Operating System

MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet

MSDS - Material Safety Data Sheet. An MSDS is a detailed informational document prepared by the manufacturer or importer of a hazardous chemical. This describes the physical and chemical properties of the product.

MSHA - Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Labor Department

MSS - Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and FittingsIndustry (USA)

MSZH - Magyar Szabványügyi Hivatal, National Standards Organization (Hungary)

MT - Ministry of Transport (Japan)

MTI - Materials Technology Institute of the Chemical Process Industries

MTN - Multilateral Trade Negotiations

MTO - Ministry of Transportation (Ontario)

MTP - Message Transfer Part

MTS - Message Transfer Service

MVMA - Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association (USA)

MWH - Ministry of Health and Welfare (Japan)
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