LAN - Local Area Network (Computers)

LATL - Los Angeles Testing Laboratories

LCA - Life-Cycle Assessment/Analysis

LCDC - Laboratory Center for Disease Control

LCIE - Laboratoire Central Des Industries électriques (France)

LC-MS - Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is an analytical chemistry technique that combines the physical separation capabilities of liquid chromatography with the mass analysis capabilities of mass spectrometry

LED - Light Emitting Diode

LFGB - Lebensmittel-, Bedarfsgegenst?nde-, und Futtermittelgesetzbuch

LGAI - Laboratori General d?Assaigs i Investigacions (Spain)

LHAMA - Labeling of Hazardous Art Material Act. LHAMA (Public Law 100-695) was enacted in November 1988. This requires that all art materials be reviewed to determine their potential for causing chronic hazards. Appropriate warning labels must be put on those art materials found to pose a chronic hazard.

LIMS - Laboratory Information Management System (Computers)

Lion Quality Mark - The Lion Quality Mark (existing since 1993) on egg shells and egg boxes means that the eggs have been produced to the highest quality standards of food safety. The Lion Quality Mark, which is a registered trademark, can only be used by subscribers to the BEIC on eggs which have been produced in accordance with UK and EU law and the Lion Quality Code of Practice. The aim of the Lion Quality Code of Practice is to reduce the risk of Salmonella right through the production chain and ensure that the eggs are held and distributed under best conditions.

LISN - Line Impedance Standardization Network

LLC - Logical Link Connection

LMDP - Listing Mark Data Page

LMS - Learning Management System

LNCSM - Libyan National Center for Standardization and Metrology

LNG - Liquified Natural Gas

LOF - Loss of Flame

LOF - Loss of Flow

LOF - Lowest Operating Frequency

LOTO - Lockout/Tagout

LOV - List of Values (Computers)

LPC - Loss Prevention Council (UK)

LSA - Line Side Access

LSD - Legal Subdivision

LSD - Limit States Design

LTE - Line Terminating Equipment

LTIC - Laminated Timber Institute of Canada

LUM - Agreement for Luminaires (EU)

Luminaire - An apparatus, other than a lamp, which distributes or transforms the light transmitted from one or more lamps and which includes all the parts necessary for supporting, fixing and protecting the lamps. Additionally, it may include circuit auxiliaries together with the means of connecting them to the power supply.

LVD - Low Voltage Directive (EU)

LVD - Low Voltage Directive 低电压指令。欧盟CE认证指令之一

LYSSO - Libyan Standards and Patent Section
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