JA - Jack Adapter

JAB - Japan Accreditation Board

JAS - Japanese Agricultural Standards

JAS-ANZ - 澳大利亚和新西兰联合认可体系

JBS - Jamaica Bureau of Standards

JCAHO - Joint Commission for Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

JCCC - IAF和ILAC密切合作联合委员会

JCDCMAS - 对发展中国家提供计量,认证和标准化技术援助的联合协调委员会

JCII - Japan Camera Inspection Institute

JCSS - Japan Calibration Service System

JDSC - IAF和ILAC联合发展支持委员会

JECTEC - Japan Electric Cable Technology Center

JEMA - Japan Electrical Manufacturers Association

JESI - Joint European Standards Institute

JET - Japan Electrical Safety and Environmental Technology Laboratories

JETRO - Japan External Trade Organization

JEVA - Japan Electric Vehicle Association

JFEII - Japan Fire Equipment Inspection Institute

JIC - Joint Industrial Council (USA)


JIS - Japanese Industrial Standard

JISC - Japan Industrial Standard Committee

JMI - Japan Metals and Machinery Inspection Institute (now JQA)

JNLA - Japan National Laboratory Accreditation

JPIF - Japan Plastics Industry Federation

JPMA - Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association

JQA - Japan Quality Assurance Organization (formerly JMI)

JSA - Japanese Standards Association

JTA - Japanese Toy Association

JTAB - IEC/ISO Joint Technical Advisory Board

JTC - Joint Technical Committee (of IEC and ISO)

JV - Joint Venture

JWG - Joint Working Group

JWP - Joint Working Party
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