Dimethyl Fumarate / DMF

REACH Annex XVII (Formerly known as 2009/251/EC)

What is Dimethyl Fumarate?

It is a substance which has been used as a fungicide in leather products, for example, to prevent mould forming that may deteriorate leather, furniture, footwear or leather accessories during storage or transport in a humid climate.

Why is It a Problem?

Several EU Member States - France, Finland, Poland, Sweden and the UK - have reported problems where leather furniture and footwear has caused hundreds of consumers to experience severe and painful allergic reactions. These allergies have been linked with the use of DMF in these products. The Commission Decision explains further DMF was most often contained in little pouches fixed inside the furniture or added to the footwear boxes. It thus evaporated and impregnated the product, protecting it from moulds. However, it then also affected consumers who were in contact with the products. DMF penetrated through the clothes onto consumers' skin where it caused painful skin contact dermatitis, including itching, irritation, redness, and burns; in some cases, acute respiratory troubles were reported. The dermatitis was particularly difficult to treat. The presence of DMF is thus a serious risk.

What does the Commission Decision Require?

- As of 1 May 2009 Member States shall ensure that products containing DMF are prohibited from being placed or made available on the market.
- As of 1 May 2009 Member States shall ensure that products containing DMF and already placed or made available on the market are withdrawn from the market and recalled from consumers, and that consumers are adequately informed of the risk posed by such products.


Country / Regulation / Maximum limit on the final product

- European Union Directive European 2009 / 251 / CE. / Forbidden (detection limit 0.1 ppm in textile and leather products) European Union Regulation 1907/2006 (REACH) Annex XVII. / 0.1 ppm (textile and leather products)

- Serbia / Rules on bans and restrictions of production, placing on the market of chemicals that pose an unacceptable risk to human health and the environment. ("Sl. glasnik RS", br. 89/2010, 71/2011, 90/2011 i 56/2012) / 0.1 ppm (textile and leather products)

What does "Containing DMF" Mean?

There are specific definitions for "products containing DMF" given in the Decision.
"Product containing DMF" means any product or any part of a product where either:

- The presence of DMF is declared, such as on one or more pouches; or
- The concentration of DMF is greater than 0.1 mg/kg of the weight of the product or part of the product.

Testing for DMF

Test methods used to detect DMF must have a limit of detection of 0.1mg /kg or less.


富马酸二甲酯(CAS号码﹕624-49-7)是一种白色结晶粉末,可用于消费品中抑制霉菌 (mould fungus) 生长。富马酸二甲酯不但常被用作配制品存放在皮革制品的防潮小包内及常用于鞋盒或皮包内,亦会被使用于皮革家俱内,例如沙发或椅子。现时,含富马酸二甲酯的干燥剂小包,已被视为是消费者接触富马酸二甲酯的途径之一,例如: 硅胶珠。这些干燥产品经常会广泛被使用于鞋履、布料或毛绒玩偶的运送过程中 (以防止霉菌生长) 。




DMFu是什么? DMFa是什么? DMFu中文名字叫做富马酸二甲酯,DMFa中文名字叫做二甲基甲酰胺。其实是两种不同的化学物质,作用也不是很一样。

DMFu 富马酸二甲酯

主要做为一种防腐剂添加在产品当中,自 2006 年初开始,欧洲各地连续报导有消费者因使用从亚洲进口的沙发和躺椅而引起皮疹和其他病症。因此法国、英国、芬兰、波兰和瑞典等国联合向欧盟执行委员会提出动议,希望尽速立法禁用DMF,而提出禁用DMF 的原因是,「从亚洲进口的沙发和鞋类产品中发现DMF 可导致消费者产生“严重和痛苦的”过敏反应」。法国政府率先于2008 年12 月禁止含有富马酸二甲酯的中国椅子和鞋类产品进入法国市场。而在英国(UK),已有超过4,000人提起团体诉讼,并索赔600-1000 万英镑的潜在损害赔偿。该团体起诉被认为是迄今在英国针对劣质消费品的最大诉讼。

DMFa 二甲基甲酰胺

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