PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride

Where is it Found?

PVC has many uses, and can be found nearly everywhere.

- Textiles and leather - imitation leather fabrics and coated fabrics for apparel and footwear.
- Prints - plastisol-type prints and expanded foam-type prints.
- Plastics - trims and components for apparel, footwear and accessories, such as sequins, belt buckle, shower curtains and floor tiles, etc.
- All types of toys.
- Packaging.
- Electrical wiring assemblies.
- And it can be found in most homes, in replacement windows, so calleduPVC. The "u" stands for "unplasticised" which means it is rigid.

Why is It a Problem?

- Its manufacture involves chlorine gas and vinyl chloride monomer, both extremely toxic.
- It needs to be stabilised, and restricted substances such as cadmium, lead, mercury and organotin compounds are used for this purpose.
- It can be plasticised with phthalates, which are restricted in use.
- At end-of life disposal, it releases hazardous chemicals when incinerated or put in landfill.

Is There Legislation?

Currently there is no EU legislation, but the use of PVC has been a subject of discussion by the EU for many years and some restrictions are likely in the future. Many governments are encouraging a voluntary phase-out of PVC usage. A number of retail store groups also have phase-out policies in place.
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