GB/T 33223
作者:TECERT    发布于:2016-12-27 07:53:27    检测认证一站式服务    收藏:Ctrl+D
摘要:GB/T 33223-2016 轧制设备 术语 联系我们:info@tecert.com 安排测试 / Contact us for testing.
国家标准编号 国家标准名称 实施日期
GB/T 33223-2016 轧制设备 术语 2017/7/01


This standard defines the basic and common terminologies of various rolling mills and their auxiliaries used for plastic working of steel and nonferrous metal,and deep processing facilities used for processing of the rolled materials. This standard is applicable to the general technical terminologies,and the terminologies & definitions,and/or interpretations of heating furnace,names of rolling mills,mill stands and roll drives,main mill components & parts,shearing equipment,leveling equipment,conveyors and guides & guards,heat treatment and finishing equipment,surface processing equipment,collecting and banding equipment,cooling & lubricating units,deep processing equipment of rolled materials,inspection & measurement,control and automation systems,and so on.



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