ISO/TS 29761
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摘要:ISO/TS 29761 Fire safety engineering - Selection of design occupant behavioural scenarios 联系我们:info@tecert.com 安排测试 / Contact us for testing.
标准编号 Standard/Code 标准名称 Standard Title
ISO/TS 29761 Fire safety engineering - Selection of design occupant behavioural scenarios

ISO/TS 29761:2015 describes a methodology for the selection of design occupant behavioural scenarios that are severe but credible for use in deterministic fire safety engineering analyses of any built environment including buildings, structures, or transportation vehicles.

Occupant behavioural scenarios are linked to design fire scenarios. Guidance on the selection of design fire scenarios and design fires is covered in ISO 16733‑1. The steps in ISO 16733‑1 are followed in this Technical Specification with life safety of the occupants as the single fire safety objective under consideration.

ISO/TR 16738 provides information on methods for the quantification of the different aspects of human evacuation behaviour in a design context. One part of that process involves the selection of occupant behavioural scenarios. This Technical Specification provides guidance for that aspect of the evaluation of an egress design.

ISO/TS 29761:2015 addresses behaviours that occur after fire ignition and does not deal with behaviours that influence fire ignition.


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